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Electric Dreams Volume 06 Issue 11

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Published in 
Electric Dreams
 · 4 years ago


The ABZzzzzs of Dreaming

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Volume 6 Issue #11


ISSN# 1089 4284


Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web


Send Dreams and Comments on Dreams to:
Richard Wilkerson <>

Send Dreaming News and Calendar Events to:
Peggy Coats <>

Send Articles and Subscription concerns to:
Richard Wilkerson: <>

For back issues, dream groups, editors addresses
and other access & Staff see
at the end of this issue

DownLoad a Cover for this Issue!

Special Guest Editor! Kathleen Meadows, Ph.D.


++ Editor's Notes
++ Column: Dream Trek: Flying Dreams FAQ
Linda Lane Magall¢n
++ The AB-Zzzzzs of Dreaming - With host Richard Wilkerson
*** Why do we dream? - Send in your reasons!
*** New Dream Science- The Solms-Hobson debate.
*** Shouldn't dreams be handled only by qualified therapists?
*** How do I recall my dreams? With Rick Bouchard.
*** How relevant do you feel dream interpretation is in the work of therapy?
*** How do I develop a career in Dreams and Dreaming?
*** What are the Educational Needs of a Dreamworker?

++ SURVEY: Dream Census for Dream Program Providers.

++ Article: The Origins of the Electric Dreams Community: Part I
Richard Wilkerson

G L O B A L D R E A M I N G N E W S - Peggy Coats

* DREAM CALENDAR for November-December 1999 * ASD Fall Update!

D R E A M S S E C T I O N :
dream-flow.v001.n144 through dream-flow.v001.n178


November 17, deadline for submission
FOR Next Electric Dreams vol 6(12)

Theme: Dreams and Spirituality



Editor's Notes


I just finished a two week conference that took place online and was hosted by the Association for
Transpersonal Psychology. The topic, "Consciousness and the Internet" included some of my
favorite dreamwork folks, such as Jayne Gackenbach, John Suler, Walter Lodgeman and Robert
Bosnak. It was clear to me that dreamworkers have a lot to offer other perspectives on life, I
think due to dreamwork folks being able to move around so easily in virtual realities. Questions
raised included whether the Net is a vehicle for consciousness raising and spirituality, whether the
Net is a new medium or an addictive simulated mistake, whether the Net rips us out of our bodies
or provides new visceral connections, whether the Net is itself become self-conscious or whether
its just another dead technology. Some of the presenters were still quite suspicious and held on to
values that they wanted the Net to amplify. The dreamworkers were more hands-on and ready to
engage the new imaginal landscape. They wanted to engage the Net and connect with its soul.
They wanted to play with the images we have about the Net and see what projections fall out,
what internalization took hold. They were busily engaged in making these reality happen. They
were busy doing research to ferret out just what it is about a life-moment, any life moment, that
makes it special and allows it to achieve presence. Of course, this is all after you can convince a
dreamworker to actually come online. As a group, we seem slow to initially use technology to
mediate our dreamscapes.
One of the issues that I feel the dream community needs to work more on is the notion of
community. Here, other groups were really more developed than we are at this conference.
Though I felt I had a lot to offer the virtual community people in terms of procedures and events,
it was clear they have a great deal to offer us about developing community.

One of the ways I would like for the dream movement online to develop community is to work
together on a single project. This project can be distributed and everyone can maintain their own
parts, but I would like to find a way to have a larger group consciousness as well. I will be
developing this notion over the next year. For now I think a good start is to find out where we
are and if there is a "we" where we are going. Is there room for mutual support online for the
Dream Movement? See the DREAM CENSUS below. Also, I would like to see an
educational component that is shared, and want to suggest the DREAM FAQ project again.

I would like to draw upon all the dreamworkers and dream education programs to join in an
online project to build a Dream FAQ. There are several FAQ projects on dreams right now and
it would be really nice bring these all together. In hopes of eliciting some productivity along
these lines I planning to include each month in Electric Dreams a Frequently Asked Question and
would like as many people as possible to respond to this. I am jump-starting the procedure this
month by including a half a dozen or so questions that get asked all the time.

I would prefer you POST you answers to the ASD bulletin board for discussion:

...but if you prefer, you can also send them to me at If you want more
anonymity you can post your answer at the dream-flow web site dream-entry form.

Linda Magallon is providing an excellent FAQ on Flying Dreams and this is a good model of how
the FAQ might work. Pick your particular topic area and expand, expound, and amaze! As you
can see, this FAQ will become the standard for years to come.

So, let's think about how to distribute and share this information?

It time for the DREAM CENSUS!

This is an annual Electric Dreams information exchange and update survey. It will give you a
chance to tell us and the dream community about your site, updates, additions changes and
projects you have coming up. If you run a dream group online, have a web site related to
dreaming or provide some other dream related service, please fill out the form and return it asap.

Peggy Coats has a ton of dream news for you about all the latest events and happenings. I would
like to particularly note the Chat Room on NOV 3., an online meeting from the ASD Dream Time
Live Series. FREE! EASY! Mark you calendar! November 3, 1999 at 7:00 PM PST
Kelly Bulkeley on Visions of the Night, Dreams Religion and Psychology.
Where? See the Global Dreaming News for details, or mail to

Finally, I wanted to mention that I have two new books in circulation. One is a Book on CD for
PCs that includes the DreamGate History of Dream Class plus tons of resources, called _a Brief
History of DreamSharing: Theory, Techniques and Cyberspace_. The other is a chapter in an
anthology called _Dreamscaping_, put out by Mark Waldman and Stanley Krippner.

NEXT MONTH: Dreams and Spirituality. What is it to you? Send in your essays and answers!



Dream Airing:
News, Notes and Events


Dream Editor Needed!

Electric Dreams is seeking a dream editor. What's that? Someone
who will take all the dreams and comments that come into our
community over the month and format and organize them for our
publication. This is volunteer, public service position.

- Contact Richard Wilkerson, and tell me
why are interested and how many month/issues you can commit to
helping out! Thanks, Richard


Many thanks to Kat, our cover artist for Electric Dreams 6(11)
Be sure to download a cover!

Visit the Art Gallery of Kat Eiswald


From Harry Bosma:

With some pride I can announce you that the new version of the
Alchera Suite has been released.

The Alchera Suite 3 offers a lot of flexibility to structure
your journal entries to your own needs. It also adds a page for
daytime entries. Printing options have been improved and email
capability has been integrated.

If you want to take a closer look at the new features, I suggest
you visit the site. From its main page you can both
visit the online Alchera Tour and go to the page showing screen
pictures of new features:

Alternatively you can also immediately download the demo, though
you really should take a look at the website if you want to get
indication of features. The demo:

To start downloading, (double)click on the above line, that
should do the trick in modern email software. I suggest you
download it to your desktop if possible. After the file has been
fully downloaded you can install the Alchera Suite by
(double)clicking on the downloaded file.

As always, the demo is a limited version, especially in that it
only accepts eight dreams.

Thank you for your time. Have a good weekend!


Dream journaling software:


Coming next month, Dreams and Spirituality. Send in your own

Book on CD by Richard Wilkerson

A Brief History of DreamSharing: Theory, Techniques and
Cyberspace. A History Course in Dreamwork including Freud and the
Unconscious, Jung and Mythic Wholeness, Dreams and Anthropology,
Grassroots Dream Sharing, Dream Science and more. Also includes A
Guide to Cyber-Dreaming. Postmodern Dreamwork, Dream Resources
and more.

A Brief History of Dream Sharing CD $29.95
[For PC or IBM Compatible computers only}
Shipping and Handling (US) $3.00
Tax (CA 8.5%) $2.55

For overseas orders, e-mail
Shipping in 3-4 weeks

Send Check or US money order to:
PMB 171
4644 Geary Blvd
San Francisco, CA 94118

Dreamscaping: New and Creative Ways to Work with your Dreams.

Oliver Sacks * Gayle Delaney * Jeremy Taylor * Robert L. Van de
Castle * Eugene Gendlin * Robert Bosnak * Kathleen Sullivan *
Kelly Bulkeley * Montague Ullman * Ernest Hartmann * Marie-Louise
von Franz * Richard Wilkerson * and others

Mark Solms and Stanley Krippner, Eds

Dreamscaping brings together world-renowned authorities on dreams, providing readers with
innovative methods for working with themselves, their partners, and groups. In this anthology,
you will learn how to better recall your dreams, decipher their hidden meanings, create
imaginative dialogues with dream characters, construct dream diaries, understand recurring
dreams and nightmares, and apply dream messages to your life. You will also learn how dreams
can be used to process the final moments of life.



DreamWheel Quick Start Instructions:
1. Subscribe to dream-on mail list - see below.
2. send a dream you want to work on to the moderator
Currently: "Kathy Turner" <>
3. We work on one dream at a time, first asking clarification
questions, then allowing everyone to comment. See below for more

DreamWheel Information File

To subscribe and unsubscribe from the Electric Dreams DreamWheel
send an email
In the body of the email put only

subscribe your-email

That's it! You may get an email asking you to verify the
subscription. If so, simply hit the reply key, change the REJECT
and send it back.

To unsubscribe do the same thing using unsubscribe. Send an email
In the body of the email put only

unsubscribe your-email

If you would like to recieve the dream email messages from the
DreamWheel individually as they come in instead of all together
in a package once a day, then send your request

In the body of the email put only

subsingle your-email

The Electric Dreams DreamWheels are sponsored by DreamGate and
the Electric Dreams Community.

Instructions come with every phase of the group from a group
moderator. Dreams are send in to the moderator and sorted. (you
can send to Kathy <> who is moderating
this Wheel) We go through the dreams as a group one by one. The
first phase is the question phase, asking non-defensive
clarification questions of the dreamer, who may or may not
respond as they chose. Then in the comment phase each person in
the group takes the dream as if it were their own. The process
is non-defensive, fun and very revealing.

The process is modeled on the work of John Herbert, Richard
Wilkerson and others. Each moderator may add their own style to
the process. For sample sessions of the group see

Sample Session - Herbert

Sample Session - Electric Dreams Dream Wheel (Wilkerson & Hicks)

Sample Session - Electric Dreams Dream Wheel (Wilkerson -Coins of

Sample Session - Electric Dreams DreamWheel (Wilkerson - Dreaming
with Serbia)

To read John Herbert's research work comparing face to face
groups with online groups, go to
Herbert, J.W. (1991) "Human Science Research Methods in Studying
Dreamwork: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Face-to-Face
and Computer Dream Work Groups" Unpublished Manuscript, Saybrook
Institute, San Francisco.

For a quick history and summary of this work, see:
Wilkerson, R. & Herbert, J. (1995). John Herbert and the Internet
Group Dreamwork . Electric Dreams 2(6)


A Short History on the Rise of Dream Sharing in Cyberspace -
Richard Wilkerson
Electric Dreams October 1998 Volume 5 Issue 9

The DreamWheel follows the guideline of ethical conduct set forth
by the Association for the Study of Dreams.

ASD Dreamwork Ethics Statement

ASD celebrates the many benefits of dreamwork, yet recognizes
that there are potential risks. ASD supports an approach to
dreamwork and dream sharing that respects the dreamer's dignity
and integrity, and which recognizes the dreamer as the
decision-maker regarding the significance of the dream. Systems
of dreamwork that assign authority or knowledge of the dream's
meanings to someone other than the dreamer can be misleading,
incorrect, and harmful. Ethical dreamwork helps the dreamer work
with his/her own dream images, feelings, and associations, and
guides the dreamer to more fully experience, appreciate, and
understand the dream. Every dream may have multiple meanings, and
different techniques may be reasonably employed to touch these
multiple layers of significance.

A dreamer's decision to share or discontinue sharing a dream
should always be respected and honored. The dreamer should be
forewarned that unexpected issues or emotions may arise in the
course of the dreamwork. Information and mutual agreement about
the degree of privacy and confidentiality are essential
ingredients in creating a safe atmosphere for dream sharing.

Dreamwork outside a clinical setting is not a substitute for
psychotherapy, or other professional treatment, and should not be
used as such.

ASD recognizes and respects that there are many valid and
time-honored dreamwork traditions. We invite and welcome the
participation of dreamers from all cultures. There are social,
cultural, and transpersonal aspects to dream experience. In this
statement we do not mean to imply that the only valid approach to
dreamwork focuses on the dreamer's personal life. Our purpose is
to honor and respect the person of the dreamer as well as the
dream itself, regardless of how the relationship between the two
may be understood.

Prepared by Carol Warner Association for the Study of Dreams
Spring, 1997



By Linda Lane Magall›n

Flying Dream FAQ
1999 Linda Lane Magall¢n


1. How common are flying dreams?

More than a third of the dreaming population reports having had at least one
flying dream. And, if you have one, you're very likely to have more. Your
chance of having a flying dream doubles if you are a lucid dreamer (you are
able to become awake and aware as you dream).

2. Did flying dreams exist before the invention of airplanes?

You bet! They can be traced back to earliest recorded history (the
Babylonians and Egyptians). They have also been found world-wide: throughout
Europe, Asia and Africa; among the Pacific Islanders and North American
Indians; in Australia and South America.

3. Why do I have them? Am I weird to have them? Or not to have them?

Are you especially creative? Do you have an imaginative personality? People
with these characteristics (poets, writers, musicians, painters, graphic
designers, etc.) are more likely to have flying dreams than the average
population. People who do public speaking are prone to have them, too. Not
surprisingly, folks who fly planes and hang gliders have flying dreams,
although they tend to fly without their vehicles, like Superman.

4. How old do you have to be to have a flying dream?

Flying dreams have been shared by 3, 4 and 5 year olds. At the other end of
the age spectrum, flying dreams are reported by the physically infirm
elderly. Children and young people tend to have more flying dreams than the
older population. But with deliberate dreaming, the numbers increase.

5. What do flying dreams mean? Doesn't flying in dreams mean that I'm not
grounded in physical life? Or have sexual problems? Or am too proud? Or...?

There are many, many interpretations of flying dreams, some contradictory.
They are metaphoric (sign of freedom), prophetic (omen of death), spiritual
(journey to other realms) and cultural (for the Crow Indians: you are sick,
but in Central Africa: you have good health). My favorite is that flying
dreams are symbolic of the out-of-body experience.

6. Will you interpret my dream?

No, I don't do symbolic interpretation for other people. I'm more interested
in what's initiating your dreams (the cause), and only you can track that
down. When you do, you can use that information to vary the quality and
quantity of your flying dreams.

7. So, what causes flying dreams?

Many explanations have been offered. Here's a few examples: psychological
(expression of emotion), physiological (due to breathing), physical (movement
of bed), psychic (precognitive of airplane trip) and astral (consciousness in

8. Why do I have the same flying dream over and over?

A symbolic interpretation: it's an omen that you will lose everything you
A causal explanation: the dream was induced by something in your life that
had a great impact (environmental, bio-chemical, work-related, etc.). Either
the impact hasn't dissipated yet, or the dream is being triggered by a
similar stimulus, again and again.

9. What is it so hard to get off the ground?

A symbolic interpretation: the dream is a pun for being "grounded" in waking
life, that is, restricted or limited in some way.
A causal explanation: you are still dealing with physical, psychic, emotional
or mental fatigue that hasn't yet been processed by a full, deep night's

10. Why would I want to have flying dreams?

Because they're fun! How many enjoyable dreams do you have?

11. How can I have flying dreams?

One technique: develop a phrase (such as "Tonight I fly") and hold it vividly
in your mind as you fall asleep.

12. Can I control or influence my flight?

Yes, using the tools of incubation (before you dream) and lucidity (in the

13. What experiments have been done with flying dreams?

Flying dreams are related to the vestibular system, which regulates body
equilibrium. With this in mind, lab research confirms that certain physical
stimuli that affects balance can induce flying dreams when the subject is
asleep (wearing a blood pressure cuff, rocking in a hammock, raising and
lowering the bed). In the laboratory, lucid dream subjects have more flying
dreams than do nonlucid subjects. As measured by an electrooculogram (record
of eye movement), a lucid dream of flying took the same time as the dreamer's
account related upon waking.

14. What about field research?

Field research experimentation, case studies and statistical analysis of
dreams has found flying to be positively related to nightmare resolution,
superheroic dream feats, lucid dreaming, astral projection, extrasensory
perception and mutual dreaming.

15. How can I use flying dreams to deal with nightmares?

At the very least, you can fly away. View the situation from a wider
perspective or turn and confront your problem backed with a sense of strength
and flexibility. Deliberate incubation of flying dreams promotes a positive
dream experience, overall.

16. What's their link with fantasy?

Flying without technical support is a magical event. Flying dreamers are also
likely to experience similar fantastic feats such as mutability, time travel
and teleportation in their dreams.

17. What's the link with lucid dreams and out-of-body experiences?

Even more than sexual dreams, flying is the favorite activity of lucid
dreamers. Lucid dreams of flying score low on confused thinking and perhaps
this is why some dreamers can use flying as a cue to lucidity. Flying dreams
can induce lucid dreams. They foreshadow, parallel and merge with the
out-of-body experience.

18. What is their link with psychic dreams?

Flying dreamers tend to believe in and experience extrasensory perception.
Flying dreams have been produced in telepathic experiments in which the
sender used a picture target with a flying theme.

19. Are flying dreams just for loners?

No, people like to talk about their flying dreams. Flying dreamers are more
likely than most to call someone on the phone to share their dreams. The
majority of mutual dreamers (those who deliberately dream with other people)
have the ability to fly in their dreams.

20. Where can I find more information?

At *Dream Flights,* the web site for flying dreams.


The AB-Zzzzzs of Dreaming
Richard Wilkerson


I would like to draw upon all the dreamworkers and dream education programs to join in an
online project to build a Dream FAQ. There are several FAQ projects on dreams right now and
it would be really nice bring these all together. In hopes of eliciting some productivity along
these lines I planning to include each month in Electric Dreams a Frequently Asked Question and
would like as many people as possible to respond to this. I am jump-starting the procedure this
month by including a half a dozen or so questions that get asked all the time. There are so many
ways to answer these and so many different levels of answers that can be given. Kids in grade
school are as interested as college students and mothers with children and seniors citizens.
Consider in your answers that you may want to address a particular group, of tier the answer so it
becomes progressively more sophisticated.

I would prefer you POST you answers to the ASD bulletin board for discussion:

...but if you prefer, you can also send them to me at If you want more
anonymity you can post your answer at the dream-flow web site dream-entry form.


*** Why do we dream?
*** New Dream Science
*** Shouldn't dreams be handled only by qualified therapists?
*** How do I recall my dreams?
*** How relevant do you feel dream interpretation is in the work of therapy?
*** How do I develop a career in Dreams and Dreaming?.
*** What are the Educational Needs of a Dreamworker


*** Why do we dream?


I have always felt this question is like "Why do we walk?" The biologists and physiologists can
tell me about the conditions necessary for walking and how walking evolved and how it helps me
survive and adapt. But does that satisfy the question? Hardly. I walk in the forest to travel
through rustling leaves and at other times to dodge cars in the road. Sometimes I walk because I
am angry and sometimes for health. Yet these answers don't fully satisfy me either. So I go on
spiritual quests and begin looking at the legs as a vehicle of enlightenment and liberation. I go on
a existential quest and chose my legs to be the carrier of my becoming.

Somewhere along this journey I begin to realize that why I walk is a great mystery that seems to
transcend any particular inquiry, yet remains intimate and personal. The same journey is true of
why I talk, and eat and meet people, and dream. Yet each of these activities are also unique and
as I get older, I tend to develop the aspects of each which best unfold their potential. That is, I
rarely walk on my hands, nor try to create friends by sleeping. Perhaps this is why so many
people, when left to do what they want in dreams, will go flying. Its a particularity of dreaming
that is best done while dreaming. But notice, its not necessarily a dream-thing. I might eventually
have the equipment to fly while awake and leave dreaming to other activities. And like our legs,
we can't just do what we want with them. They have their own lives and destiny as well. The
same may be true for dreams.

Here are a few popular reasons given for why we dream:

++ To restore our body and mind.
++ To help with learning and memory.
++ To keep the brain at the right level of awareness/rest during sleep.
++ To allow the mind to handle disturbances in the night without waking up.
++ To keep our sense of self and wholeness through sleep.
++ To allow ourselves some time to explore new and unusual areas of ourselves
++. To resolve conflicts that occur during the day
++ To have fun and be recreational
++ To practice actions for the future.
++ To see the future and experience other dimensions.
++ To encounter the Other.
++ To make new connections and integrate feelings and emotions.
++ To have access to spiritual realms.


*** New Dreaming Brain Science


Despite all the psychological and experiential evidence to the contrary, REM was still equated
with dreaming and seen as its sole initiator as late as 1995. The success of Hobson's
Activation-Synthesis theory continued for nearly 20 years. The pontine brain stem structures fired
random neural charges into the forebrain and these random firings were seen as the sole cause of
dreaming. At least, until the late 1990s.

With the rise of PET scans, MRI and other modern brain imaging machines we can now look
directly at the dreaming brain and are just beginning to see where it is active the processes it
moves through. Further, patients with damage to particular brain structures have been studied
and the changes in dreaming researched to the point that a whole new theory of dreaming is

Neurosurgeon Mark Solms noticed some of his patients continued to dream even though they had
damage to their pontine brain stem and REM stopped. He checked the literature on pons damage
and loss of dreaming and found that there were dozens. Oddly, there was only one case of pons
damage where dreaming ceased, and this was the one quoted by Hobson as evidence for the
Activation-Synthesis theory. Solms couldn't believe that the Activation-Synthesis theory rested
on one case that wasn't very clear and contacted Hobson.

But when he reported these cases to Hobson, they were dismissed. Hobson said that there was a
NREM as well as a REM pontine brain activation that could account for these dreams.
Furthermore, if both the REM *and* NREM brainstem was damaged, then the patient could not
be awakened and asked if they could dream. So the theory was untestable. At least directly.

But Solms was not convinced and looked in another direction. The Activation-Synthesis
hypothesis assumes that the forebrain that is activated by the lower brain stem is completely
passive. When the random firings enter it, the forebrain does its best to make sense of them, but
not actively. Once the REM stops, the forebrain activity and dreams do as well.

But this is simply not the case. Even the most conservative research shows that 5%-10% of
NREM dreams are *indistinguishable* from REM dreams. Researcher David Foulkes says its
more like 50%, though what he classifies as a dream may just be short pictures and thoughts.

Hobson dismissed these NREM dreams initially as dreams that occurred during the REM period
and were just remembered afterwards. Awakenings in the NREM state that produced dream
reports were simply left over REM dream memories. But since many of the NREM dreams occur
at sleep onset before REM occurs, how could they be REM recalled dreams? Hobson finally
accepted that there were NREM dreams, but again, said that they were due to NREM pontine
brain stem activity.

Solms reasoned that if the forebrain was so passive and only generally activated, that partial
damage to the forebrain should have little effect on dreaming. That is, to lose dreaming in the
Activation-Synthesis theory, the whole forebrain would have to be destroyed. Again, the theory
would not be directly testable as anyone with that kind of damage would not be conscious and
could not report whether they were dreaming or not.

But Solms did find patients that had only *partial* damage to the forebrain, and lost *all* ability
to dream. Or at least, to recall dreams. And this damage, these brain lesions, were all in the same
place, the parietal/occipital/temporal junction [POT junction] in the forebrain. It is a place on the
cortex where they many parts meet and is a very advanced part of the brain. Damage in areas all
around it could occur, such as in the motor areas or other pre-frontal areas, and this had no effect
on dreaming, just that particular POT junction. Note that all these patients had REM sleep intact,
but could not recall a dream even when awakened from REM sleep and asked. (After about a
year, most recover the ability to dream.). Solms had about 40 cases himself and found fifty or
sixty cases in the literature with the same results.

[Note on the occipital area. This is the part of the brain involved with seeing. It has several levels,
from the lower part that processes incoming visual information, (V1 and V2) to the higher parts
(V3-V5) that seem to be more involved in processing visual information. Damage to higher visual
cortex areas seems to produce very specific dream problems, such as loss of color, inability to see
faces and seeing dreams as still slides rather than moving dynamically. People who are blind and
have deterioration or damage in the lower v1-v2 visual area don't see images in dreams, but do
have dreams via other senses, even complex spacial dreams.]

The POT junction is quite interesting. This is the area where many different modes of perception
come together, seeing, feeling, and spacial sense come together. This heteromodal POT junction
is often thought of as being crucial for our ability to maintain imaginal space.
Of course, this is not completely damaging to the Activation-Synthesis theory. A modified form
could still state that it is this POT junction which is activated by REM and it is still passive and
controlled by the pontine brain structure.

Dreams and lobotomy

Solms had nine patients who lost the ability to dream that had bilateral white matter lesions in the
ventral mesial quadrant of the frontal lobes. The white matter is very dense and serves to connect
things together. Lesions and damage here are very rare, but something about this area sounded
familiar to Solms. What he found was that this was exactly the area intentionally cut in

The lobotomy was as procedure developed to help control severe mental conditions. Initially a
large part of the brain was severed and arrested much of the distress of the patient, but this had
negative side effects. Eventually smaller and smaller areas were targeted, and finally the
prefrontal lobotomy that severed just the white mater in the mesial quadrant was settled upon as
the smallest area that could be cut and still produce some help for psychotics.

One of the side effects was loss of dreaming. Solms found thousands of cases reported and 70%
- 90% lost the ability to recall dreams. They have REM sleep, but never recover the ability to
recall dreams in REM or NREM. Note that these patients memories are intact as well, so its
unlikely that its just an effect of memory loss of the dreams. When awakened from REM, they
cannot even recall dreams that might have been in their short term memory.

The Dopamine System and Dreams

The prefrontal lobotomy procedure fell out of favor as anti-psychotic medications began to come
on the market. These drugs impact dopamine fibers that are of the same area. This dopamine
system is the misial-cortical misial-limbic dopamine system. Anti-psychotic drugs block
dopamine in this system and thus dampen the psychosis. The overall effect is a loss of interest in
the active world, loss of motivation, loss of object oriented behavior. These patients can still
speak and act when asked to, but need to get their direction and motivation from outside

Thus this dopamine system is a seeking system, often referred to as the curiosity, expectancy,
desiring system. It provides us with a motivation system that drives us towards positive
interaction with the world.

Ernest Hartmann had found something similar when L-dopa, a dopamine like drug, was
administered to patients . He found that L-dopa patients had a massive increase in dreams. No
effect on REM.

Here again was evidence that the REM system and the Dreaming system are completely

Another Dream Initiator

Some epileptic patients don't have full grand seizures, but rather localized complex-partial
epilepsy which produces dreamlike seizures. These patients also tend to have repetitive
nightmares. Once the seizure controlled, the nightmares stop. Brain researcher Penfield
electrically stimulated this diseased part of the brain in patients and produced similar nightmares.

Now these seizures are localized to the limbic system. If they continued down into the pontine
brain stem, they could cause general seizures. The interesting thing here is that once the condition
is treated, the nightmares go away. Here then is another case of something creating dreams
which is completely unrelated to the REM system

What in summary can be said about the brain structures and dreams?

The dream state seems to be mediated by forebrain. They follow a particular kind of path which
begins in the limbic/dopamine system, then curls around the brain up and towards the back visual
system and POT junction. The parts of the brain activated seem to be the limbic system, the
dopamine system, the septal nuclei and basal forebrain structures, anterior singular gyrus,
amygdella , hippocampus, hypothalamus, and the POT junction. Interestingly they do not activate
the tip most forward part of the forebrain [where we do math calculations and other
discriminatory thinking] and miss the v1 and v2 visual centers in the back, which are the centers
used when we are directly looking at objects in the outer world.

Psychologically these would mean that dreams are involved with our emotions, our memory, our
motivations, our attentional and visual systems, spacial-cognitive mechanisms. Completely
unrelated to the REM structures which have to do more with general activation systems.

The REM system continues to be one of the activation systems that start the dreaming system
going, but one of many. It is likely that as more studies on the system occur, more initiation keys
for the dream system will be found.


Its true that there is still a huge gap between dream work and dream science. But as shown, this
gap can lead to creative inspiration and cooperation as well as antagonism. The most active group
working in this area in the last decade has been the Association for the Study of Dreams, which
brings together researchers, clinicians and other dream concerned individuals to discuss the
differences and promote cross field understanding. I highly recommend the conferences to those
interested in dream science, dream psychology, dreams and spirituality or dream anthropology, as
well as lay interests in grassroots dreamwork. If you cannot make it to a conference, ASD
publishes a quarterly peer reviewed journal and a more friendly newsletter. See below for details
or visit the web site at:
Or check with your local University Library for the ASD Journal, _Dreaming_.

Recommended Readings.

The new research being done by Mark Solms is rather difficult to read. Its better if you can catch
one of his lectures. Contact the Association for the Study of Dreams for a lecture audio cassette
tape from the Santa Cruz 1999 Conference.

If you are bold, here are a couple of readings:

Solms, M. (1995). New findings on the neurological organization of dreaming: Implications for
psychoanalysis. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 64, 4367.

Solms, Mark (1997). The Neuropsychology of Dreams: A clinicoAnatomical Study. Mahwah,
NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. PUB.


*** Shouldn't dreams be handled only by qualified therapists?


While there are a few who feel this way, the vast majority of dream-concerned professionals
(Ullman & Limmer, 1989, Krippner, 1990, Tylor, 1992) believe that with a few simple
precautions, we can all enjoy the benefits of dreamwork. Dreamwork (or dream sharing) is the
process of recalling, recording, and giving meaning and value to a dream. For some this means
looking at the language of the dream in the form of symbols, while for others the dream inspires
them to paint, sculpt, write stories, enact plays, and try out new forms of social interaction, both
in and out of the dream itself.

Note on the word "dreamwork" and "dream sharing". I will be using both "dream work" and
"dreamwork" to designate the practice of approaching dreams from a particular perspective or
technique. I will use "dream-work" with a hyphen to refer specifically to Freud's ideas on how the
unconscious disguises the dream. I use the words "dream sharing" and "dreamsharing" as a more
general way to refer to the act of telling and sharing dreams.

Clinical vs. Peer Dreamwork & Dream Sharing

Clinical dreamwork is done within the context of psychotherapy and clinical & sleep research and
has different approaches and goals than peer dreamwork. This may be described generally as in
the service of healing, but may include peripheral uses such self-awareness, life enhancement, and
diagnostic uses.

Peer dreamwork may or may not be concerned with healing. It can be as simple as sharing dreams
across the office water-cooler, or as complex as a life-time spiritual journey. The motives may be
simply to work the dream into being as humorous an possible, or as complex altering the
underlying assumptions of reality that imprison us.

Self-help mutual aid programs are made of peers who face a common concern. They provide
emotional and other support by sharing their personal experiences and exchanging resources.
Self-help programs organize to offer peer support, advocacy and a combination of the two. Peer
dream sharing may have moderators, but the basic model is one of equal exchange.
Other kinds of peer dream groups are established for the purpose of having fun with dreams and
in dreams, for exploring and displaying dream inspired art and writing, and for bettering social
communication between individuals and groups. These groups need to spend more time up-front
discussing the purpose, goals and procedures to which everyone in the group needs to agree.
By far, the peer self-help groups are the most numerous and are often equated with the word

Here are some guidelines developed by the very experienced dreamworker Jeremy Taylor (1983)
that will contribute to the safety of a peer self-help approach to dreams:

1. You are always the final authority on what the dream means. Others can offer insight,
suggestions and techniques for exploration and expression, but no one knows what the final
meaning & value of the dream will be for you, except you.

2. Dreams come in the service of wholeness and health. If you find an interpretation that does not
fit this, perhaps you need to change methods of interpretation. Dream interpretations that lead you
toward self- criticism, depression or despair are simply wrong and if these conditions persist, you
may wish to seek help from others.

3. There is no such thing as a dream with one meaning. If you feel stuck on one meaning or feel
another person is pushing one meaning, it is time to reconsider your methods and approach.
I would also recommend reading the Association for the Study of Dream's 1997 Ethics Statement
In general, a grassroots dreamgroup's rules & codes of ethics need to be checked out up front.
Usually you can just ask. Don't let anyone shame you for not knowing the secret rules, because
there aren't any.


*** How do I recall my dreams?


Thought the techniques can get quite elaborate, the basic way to recall dreams is by trying.
Anything that supports your intention to recall a dream will help. I personally find that disciplined
journal keeping is the best technique because it incorporates so many of the suggested paths
including intention, re-direction of waking attention, respect for the dream, and many other skills
and issues.

Here is an Electric Dreams article by Rick Bouchard that will elaborate some more techniques
for you.

Twelve Tips for Improving Dream Recall
by Rick Bouchard-

Bouchard, Rick (1996).Twelve Tips for Improving Dream Recall & A Few Words About
Journaling. Electric Dreams 3(1).
1. Develop a relationship with your "unconscious." When you tell your unconscious ("psyche")
that you want to hear what it has to speaks! Sometimes, a simple interest in the dream
world will stim u late dream recall.
2. Go to bed early. Getting a full night's sleep and having a clear head in the morning will help
with dream recall. 3. Before going to sleep, affirm: "Tonight, I will remember a dream..."
4. Have a paper, a pen, and a subtle light by your bed. This minimizes the obstacles you may ex pe
ri ence upon waking to record, minimizes the movements you must make, and makes the job
easier. A subtle light will not fully wake you.
5. Let yourself wake up in the middle of the night. Drink extra water, the night before, to assure
that you will have to get up in the middle of the night, where you can often catch your self
6. Set aside quiet time between "waking up" and "getting up." Savor the twilight,...that space one
teeters between when they are half awake and half asleep.
7. No alarm clocks. Alarm clocks can decrease recall be cause they allow you no "twilight time."
You are suddenly thrust into an awake state. Instead, try going to bed earlier so you wake up and
savor that quiet time be fore the alarm does go off. Meanwhile, hope ful ly, memories of the
dream images will sur face in your silence.
8. Do not move upon awakening. Dreams are best recalled by lying still and letting the dream
images surface. Ask "psyche" to let what ev er you dreamt come to your conscious mind.
9. Record just a key work or an image. If you can't remember the whole dream, write down a
fragment, a mood, a feeling. You can cer tain ly discover mean ing in dream snip pets and
10. Tell your dream to a trusted other or a dream part ner. Saying them out loud can make them
feel more real and can bring on an "aha!" (that light that goes on when we realize some thing). As
au thor Jeremy Taylor says, this ("aha") is a reliable touch stone of whether or not you are onto an
ac cu rate interpretation. You
are the only one who can say for sure what a dream means for you.
11. Tape recording dreams can help you get closer to the experience and feelings you had when
you actually had the dream. It reflects back to you what you sounded like, and perhaps were
feeling, (in the mid dle of the night) as you re cord ed the dream.
12. Experiment with how you remember, record, analyze, and explore your dreams; try drawing,
poetry, clay, and so on. Weave them into your day. Dreams can be the source of much inspiration,
wisdom, and joy.

A Few Words About Journaling

1. Date your entry. This can help you later make con nec tions between your dreams and the
events in your life.
2. Title your dreams. This can help in cataloging and, later, in locating dreams. Also, "where" you
get the title tends to be from the same creative, inner place that the dream comes from. Pay
attention to this!
3. Write the dream in a journal in the present tense. This allows you to reserve the past tense for
when it really happens in the dream (e.g., I am walking down the street and suddenly recognize a
wom an I once worked with). Writing the dream in the present tense also allows you to
experience more closely and acutely the feelings you were actually having when you had the
4. Lastly, at the bottom of the page, make a few notes about what is going on in your life at the
time. This can help you later see patterns.
5. Choose a journal that meets your needs; this will make journaling a more pleasurable
experience! For example, I find a journal that lies flat, has pages that can be re moved and later
reinserted, has pag es that will not al low ink to bleed through to the other side, and, which has a
hard back for support is most in line with my needs as a dream journaler.


Rick Bouchard, as the director of the Dream Part of Our Journey, attends workshops at the C.G.
Jung Center in Brunswick, the C.G. Jung Institute in Boston, the C.G. Jung Foundation in New
York City; he is also a truth seeker within Unity Church of Greater Portland in Windham, Maine.

According to Bouchard, "My approach is Jungian, feminist, systemic, and homeopathic." He
places a strong emphasis on spirituality in his practice.
E-mail Rick at:


*** How relevant do you feel dream interpretation is in the work of therapy?


For long term therapies, dream work contributes a long list of benefits, including wholeness and
individuation, cohesiveness of self, the development of intuition, insight, self reflection,
heightened associative and analogic and metaphoric skills, the development of the capacity to
confront issues with symbolic & abstract solutions, the ability to tolerate and work with the
irrational in life, developing a creative source of inspiration, developing emotional awareness and
expressive abilities, developing spiritual awareness and inspirational sources, expanding inner
dialogue and teaching people how to explore and have fun in a safe and appropriate environment.

For shorter term therapies and crisis intervention, dreams can be used to get a larger picture of
the issue and provide alternative solutions as well as teach the client or patient new problem
solving resources that are owned by the person themselves. They can also be used to cut to bull
and get right at the issue.

A key to all the above is *who* gets to do the interpreting. If the therapist does too much
interpreting, it creates a dependence on the part of the patient. The real key in dreamwork is
teaching the other person to find the meaning and value of their own dream. This enables the
person to feel empowered in other situations that require the development of meaning and value.


*** How do I develop a career in Dreams and Dreaming?


First the bad news.

There was more money made last weekend by the latest blockbuster movie than for all the
dreamworkers since Freud published _The Interpretation of Dream_ a hundred years ago in

Gayle Delaney, dreamworker extra-ordinaire has said that no one yet has gotten rich just doing
just dreamwork. And having been on Oprah and Donahue, written tons of books and traveled
with her dream show world wide, she should know! Due to the bias of our culture, the mass
appeal of dreamwork is just not here yet.

Without full time professionals, how does the field evolve? Well, people do other things as well.
Here are the most related I am aware of...

1. Psychology. Especially Jungian psychology, which has a heavy dream focus. Most
dreamworkers have lots of mental health training and many are psychotherapists.

2. Publishing and Lecturing and Workshops. Books are the main contact source for the dream
worker and the more successful dreamworkers are also giving seminars, lectures, workshops,
conference presentations and getting as much air time as possible. Most are still neglecting the
Web, but some progress is being made. There are some writers who use dreams as rhetorical
devices in their books and screenplays. There are a few scholars who write about dreams, but not

3. Science and Medicine. Sleep disorder clinics and clinicians are on the rise, though dream
specific research is on the decline. The focus here is on problems with sleep and some work can
then be done with dreams through the backdoor of nightmares and other dream related sleep

4. Religion. As Ron L. Hubbard once said to the editor of Analog Magazine, "heck, all the money
is in religion!" There has yet to be a Church of Dreams, but I suspect we will see them in the
21stCentury. More often, pastors and priests and ministers take up dreamwork as a adjunct to
pastoral counseling. Note for instance the success of Jeremy Taylor, who is a Unitarian minister
and now has a full workshop and dream tours schedule. However, this came after 20 or more
years in the trenches. Non-denominational dreamwork is becoming more popular as self
improvement often includes dreamwork an spirituality. One more note: Taylor also pointed out
to me at the 1999ASD Conference that Spiritual Dreamwork is protected by the constitution of
the United States. This status is not even so high for psychotherapy!

5. Lucid Dreams. This seems to be almost its own category of dreamwork. Stephen Laberge has
done the most to make lucid dream technology, science and psychology a life's profession. The
topic continues to draw lots of attention. See

6. Anthropology. Many people in the dream field are anthropologists. They study not only what
other cultures have to say about dreams and dreaming, but our own as well. They look at how the
dream and dream interpretations function in the culture and what the mean to the individual in this


*** What are the Educational Needs of a Dreamworker


Courses specifically. (Well, some of these you might have to get outside of most institutions):

1. Jungian psychology. Get a lot of this. Read all you can on your own. You might want to start
with Jung's memoirs, Memories, Dreams and Reflections. But I also like the illustrated_Man and
his Symbols_. I don't think there is a richer system of dreamwork on the earth., and most of what
is used today in groups and by individuals stems from the work of the Jungians. (IMHO)

2. Other psychologies: Ask for the the basics and history. Freud, Adler, Jung, Maslow, Sullivan,
Erikson, even Skinner. But also look into Frederich Perls, Mednard Boss, Bonime, Montegue
Ullman, Arnold Mindel, James Hillman. Try to get as close to having a session with them as
possible. Obviously this isn't possible for many as they are dead, but move from the
generalizations about them to finding out what an hour with them was actually like. If you can
afford therapy, try out different kinds of therapy yourself. Very Important to get as close to first
hand experience as possible. If you get deeply into psychotherapy, I find the Object Relations
therapies quite interesting and a way of bringing forward classical psychotherapy. Kohut and
self-psychology forms a bridge between object relations and human potential and wholeness
oriented therapies.
I highly recommend Raymond J. Corsini's Current Psychotherapies for a quick journey into
several types of therapies at the experiencial level.. Fossage and Loew put together a comparison
of dream therapies in Dream Interpretation, A comparitive Study second ed 1987. Its a little dry,
but interesting. A more exciting new comparison is Anthony Shafton's Dream Reader. Also, Gayle
Delaney has a good comparison dream book called New Directions in Dream Interpretation.

3. Anthropology. Much of dreamwork has a cultural component. Exposure to alternative cultures
allows for a wider grasp of individual issues and offers a unique way to find a context for dreams.
On dreams & anthropology, read Barbara Tedlock's (1987). Dreaming: Anthropological and
Psychological Interpretations. Cambridge
University Press.
and Devereux, George (1969). Reality and Dream: Psychotherapy of a Plains Indian. Garden
City, NY: Anchor Books

4. Literature. I feel that getting the sense of what writing and literature is about has helped me
with dreams. Interpreting stories is something the fields share in common, and they enhance one
another. Dreams are often interpreted using literary criticism's techniques, not only the simple
dynamic structures of plot and character, but the more elaborate philosophies of criticism with
investigate the psychological and policitical forces in all narratives. In Dreams, See Jones,
Richard (1979). The Dream Poet. Cambridge, MA: Schenkman Publishing Company and States,
Bert O. (1988). Rhetoric of Dreams. London: Cornell University Press.

5. Religion and Mythology: This could be under anthropology or literature as well. Both religious
studies and mythology look at stories that struggle with the creation or understanding of the
meaning and value of life. Be sure to read Joseph Campbell's The Masks of God. There are
several in the series, all great. I would read Mircea Eliade's The History of Religious Ideas as well,
also a kind of mythologically based text. Push through on religious studies to the esoteric/ mystic
side of the religion. We hear a lot of horror stories about Islam in the West, but we rarely hear
about the fabulous Sufi traditions. Again, be sure to check out Carl Jung on his rendition of
Christianity and Western religions.

6. Philosopy: while philosophy has done very little in its investigation of the world of ideas to
explore dreams, I find it invaluable in the understanding of dream techniques and where they are
coming from. All forms of interpretation are motivated by other ideas and powers. To the degree
that we learn to be conscious and aware of these, we won't as often fall prey to being the victim of
the idea. Also, being able to deeply question the assumptions and catagories we live by is very
similar to a lot of dreamwork which does the same.

7. Science. Understanding the functions of dreaming used to be clearly separated into those who
wanted a clear biological answer and those who wanted a psycho-spiritual answer. Now the fields
mix and blend and having a good background in biology, physiology, chemistry, ect, can help in
sorting out the psychological from the physical. We used to think about schizophrenia, for
example, in moral terms. Something was wrong with the person in that they failed to use their will
power to come up to snuff and therapy involved getting them back on the right road of consensus
reality. Now we know that there are terrible chemical inbalances, many genetically informed.
Therapy may still involve helping the person adapt to reality, but it no longer assumes the person
is *trying* to be weird. In dreamwork, we may make use of a nightmare to investigate some deep
soulful path, but its also important to check out the physiological components and influences.
The more science we have, the better we can refer these clients to appropriate care.
Graduate Programs

I'm not aware of any at this time that offer advanced degrees in Dreaming. The Association for
the Study of Dreams offers Continuing Education Units at its conferences.
and there are several schools with offer advanced training. There is a movement headed by
Jeremy Taylor to have an organizational umbrella for the many schools of dreamwork and suggest
standards that these schools might follow and comply with to obtain ASD Certification.

Watch the ASD Graduate Studies list for more:



1999 Dream Site Owners Survey


Hi to all ~ Dream~ related web site owners, educators and information providers.


Wilkerson here. This is an annual Electric Dreams information exchange and update. It
will give you a chance to tell us and the dream community about your site, updates, additions
changes and projects you have coming up.

Also I want you to check and update your sites for old links that aren't serving the dream

Information Exchange:

If you have updates and changes to your site, please send those in to Peggy Coats at
We will get that information out on the Global Dreaming News and Electric Dreams.

Here are three Cyber-Dream resources that have been supporting your projects and others in
dreams and dreaming. Please add or update these links:

Electric Dreams Community

Global Dreaming News

The Association for the Study of Dreams


If you could take a few minutes to fill out some or all of the material below and give permission
for this material to be published online, we could really move forward in getting some attention to
your projects.

You can check to see what we have for you at this time at two link sites Select ONLINE

Dreaming in Cyberspace
1998 Fall Survey

[X] Yes, I give my permission for the material in this survey to be published.
[ ] No, here is a link to my site, just use this without any summary info. Give Title of site.
[ ] Yes, let's do both Link and Summary, permission to publish given. Link URL below:

Please use my logo (URL here)

All the questions below pertain to ONLINE activity only. This includes the Internet, Usenet, any
intranets, BBS, or other computer mediated communication networks. If you have offline
programs we would love to hear about them as well, but please send via email to
Unanswered questions will be assumed as "no".
Please fill out info on questions as completely as possible so others can access your resources

o Give a brief, (a paragraph), history of your *online* dream activity.

o Give a brief statement about your future goals on the Internet related to dreams and dreaming.
(Online Programs, groups, meetings, irc, web sites, mail lists,,,)

o Do you have a distribution list to keep subscribers up on your activities? (include access info)

o Do you have an online publication related to dreams and dreaming? (include access info)

o Do you have eLists, such as a discussion mail list, listserv or majordomo type e-mail disscussion
or conference list?
(include access & subscription information, as well as a general description of the list and who
you feel the list is most appropriate for)

o Do you have a service on a Commercial ISP, such as AOL, MSM, Prodigy or Compuserve?
(This may include bulletin boards, information, chat rooms, or uploaded texts, ect)

o Do you meet regularly on IRC, ICQ, Powwow, Netmeeting or other chat rooms to discuss
(if open to the public, please give access info, urls. Please indicate whether this is text chat,
voice, video or combinations of these)

o Do you have a Web based Bulletin Board for threaded discussions?
(if open to the public, please give access info, urls, ect)

o Do you offer dream education that takes place online? (describe, access, URLs, prices)

o Are there politics about dreams and dreaming online that concern you? (free speech, anonymity,
children, inappropriateness of dreamwork, ect)?

o Do you have a mission statement or ethics policy concerning dreams and dreamwork?

o Do you have software available for the public? If so, describe and give prices and access.

o Do you do dream related telephone consultation? Please describe and give info and prices.

o Are you a member of ASD, The Association for the Study of Dreams?
(if not, are you interested?)

o Are you interested in participating in a dream conference held entirely in Cyberspace?
1. If so, what do you feel would be a reasonable cost?
2. What kinds of programs would you like to see?

o Are you interested in becoming a volunteer for
1. The Electric Dreams Virtual Dream Sharing Community?
2. The ASD online Web Project?
(includes interests in art, graphics, hosting online events as well as other activities)

o Do you need volunteers for programs of your own? (please include tasks)

o Are you interested in joint dream projects with other web sites and online virtual dream related
communities? (running a dream group, mutual FAQ files, Global Dream Congress 2000, An
online Dream Conference, Dream History site, political actions, ect)?

o Describe any other online dream projects not mentioned above?

o If you offer offline resources, please include what they are and how they are accessed.
If your offline offerings are time limited, please refer to the Global Dreaming News.
Peggy or richard at


Many thanks,



The Origins of the Electric Dreams Community: Part I
Richard Wilkerson


When USENET became popular among the USA University crowd in the late 1980's, the idea of
the Regional Bulletin Board was expanded nationally (and in some cases, internationally) and the
discussion of dreams could be found in various Usenet Newsgroup topic boards. Usenet was
organized like a real bulletin board, where one could post a note and others could read and post
replies. Group discussions may them develop over time. Because of the popularity of BBS's, the
Usenet bulletin boards were called "Newsgroups". By the 1990's all but the most wild of the
Newsgroups were accessible via the Internet, and it was clear that dreams needed their own
Newsgroup. "alt.dreams" was formed.

According to John Herbert, the newsgroup alt.dreams was originally suggested by Jack Campin as
a way to study contemporary culture. He wanted a snapshot of dreams in the late 20th Century
much in the same way that _The Third Reich of Dreams_ gives a snapshot of the society in Nazi
Germany. But it was soon apparent that the real appeal of alt.dreams was to share dreams and
discussions about their significance and meaning.

Although alt.dreams provided a global gathering spot and spawned other related newsgroups like
alt.dreams.lucid and alt.dreams.castaneda, the un-moderated venue lacked something essential for
those used to face-to-face dream sharing. Individuals that did want more formed smaller private
e-mail groups away from the alt.dreams newsgroup.

Electric Dreams

One of these groups distributed a collection of the dreams and comments between the subscribers
and then published the comments and replies in a weekly format. When I found the community in
the fall of 1994 they had grown to about 60 members and the dreams and comments were shared
in a bi-monthly E-zine, (an electronically distributed magazine via E-mail) which they called
Electric Dreams.
There has been much speculation about how "Electric Dreams" got its name. When I first asked
the group, I was told that they decided to take a vote, and that was one of the options. Some
people saw it as meaning dreams that were shared electronically, other felt it was a play on words
from Philp K. Dick's novel _Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?_ which was made into the
famous classic "Bladerunner". Recently, (Fall 1999) Victoria Quinton caught up with one of the
original editors, Chris Beattie, and asked her where the name really came from. Chris felt that it
came from the Movie, "Electrric Dreams" about a computer that learns to love, and learns to
dream about love and being human.

Interest in this format grew and Electric Dreams grew from 60 to 500 subscribers in the following
year and added news, articles and experimental dream events, but remained primarily focused on
dream sharing in cyberspace. Concerns about this free speech forum now include a). the potential
abuse of interpretive authority (anyone can comment and pretend they are someone they are not
and some feel that *any* comment is abusive), b). lack of support for dreamers who submit
dreams (what if a dream interpretation unlocks psychological instability?) and c). context or set &
setting confusion (What if someone thinks this is psychotherapy, what if children joined a group
with adults? ).

Another of the problems faced by the Electric Dreams community was the two week delay in the
dream being presented and the return comments. A solution was found when I met John Herbert
and participated in his ALL SeniorNet Dream Bulletin Board. John Herbert's groups used a
variation of some of the Ullman/Zimmerman techniques, which he had worked out on the WELL
and ALL. A dream was selected, the group asked non-interpretive questions, then each person
took the dream as their own. During the process, the dreamer could respond or reply as he or she

The process was modified for e-mail and the first Electric Dreams Dream Circles were created. A
dream was passed around in round-robin style from one e-mail address with questions and replies
added by each participant. The ED Dream Circle was great for sharing dreams, but an
administrative nightmare. Jay Vinton suggested we use a Mail List style approach and the
problems seemed to disappear. In a Mail List approach, all the members send all comments to
everyone in the group, even if the comment is directed to just one individual. This process creates
a feeling of group identity and cohesion.

These new mail list dream groups, the Dream Wheels (No connection with the Ramsay Raymond
Dreamwheel), have evolved in several new creative directions. Generally the process has been
refined and newer sharing and distribution methods have improved.

These groups have expanded beyond the processing of individual and group psychology to
include larger social issues, such as international dream sharing during the Kosovo Crisis, the
attempt to deal with the media blitz of Princess Diana' tragic death, and other projects that
transcend personal and national boundaries. Up and coming for the year 2000 is a project to tie
the dreamwheel in with various spiritual communities online that are banding together to offer
people a wide variety of paths to meaning and value.

If you are interested in joining an Electric Dreams dream group, send a note to the current
moderator, Kathy Turner."Kathy Turner" <>
You can also find out more about the groups and see sample sessions by sending an e-mail to


Herbert, J.W.(1991) "Human Science Research Methods in Studying Dreamwork: Qualitative and
Quantitative Analysis of Face-to-Face and Computer Dream Work Groups" Unpublished
Manuscript, Saybrook Institute, San Francisco,
<> (25 Nov. 1996)

Herbert, J. W. (1991). "Notes on the creation of alt.dreams." In "Human Science Research
Methods.. (see above) <> (28 Oct. 1996)

Beradt, Charlotte (1966). The Third Reich of Dreams. Translated by Adriane Gottwald. Chicago:
Quadrangle Books

Richards, Sarah (1996, April 22). "RE: Dream Interpretation: The significance of set and setting."
ASD Web Bulletin Board.
=26#373>(25 Nov. 1996)

Wilkerson, Richard C.. (1995). "Dream Circles: A Sample Session of Dream Sharing using
E-mail Round Robin.". Electric Dreams.
<>(28 Nov. 1996)



November 1999


If you have news you'd like to share, contact Peggy Coats, Visit Global
Dreaming News online at

This Month's Features:

- Dream Inspired Music and Art for The New Millennium
- Dream Group Live on the Radio!
- Dreamscaping - a New Anthology
- Sleep and Hypnosis
- Winter Shamanic Dream Circle in California
- Dream Circles Workshop with Heather Valencia
- The Opposites II Concert
- Dream Time Live - Chat with Kelly Bulkeley
- College of Dreams now online

- An Invitation to Join the Lucid Dream Exchange

- A Visit to Dream Flights

DREAM CALENDAR for February-March 1999




Dream Inspired Music and Art for The New Millennium
Created by Jana Hutcheson, THE OPPOSITES-A JOURNEY OF THE SOUL is available in a
Gift Package of Book And CD (or tape) for $35.00. To Order, Phone 415-647-7517 or Send
check or money order to Jana Hutcheson, P.O. Box 31857 San Francisco, CA 94131

Dream Group Live on the Radio!

Tune into "Dreams, Another Way of Knowing", on Wednesday night, November 3rd, to hear a
live, unrehearsed dream group in progress. From 7:00 to 9:00 PM PDT this on-air dream group
can be picked up on the net by typing With Real-audio capabilties, you will hear
Kathleen Sullivan facilitating this group of dreamers to unlock the messages of their dreams.
Hopefully, you will acquire ideas for working with your own dreams. If you live in the Monterey
Bay, CA listening area you can tune-in at 90.3 FM any Wednesday night. You are invited to call
831-375-3082 to have on-air contact with Kathleen and associates.

Dreamscaping: New Techniques for Understanding Yourself and Others

Check out this new book, an anthology of dream wisdom on the cutting edge of dreams and
dreaming, featuring Oliver Sacks - Marie-Louise von Franz - Jeremy Taylor - Robert L. Van de
Castle - Gayle Delaney - Richard Wilkerson - Robert Bosnak - Eugene Gendlin - Kelly Bulkeley -
Montague Ullman - Stanley Krippner - Mark Waldman - Fraser Boa and many, many others!


"We are such stuff as dreams are made of . . ." Since the time of Shakespeare, dreams have
fascinated women and men, shaping the lives of professionals and nonprofessionals alike. But in
the last few years, dreams have re-emerged as a potent grassroots force. Throughout this country
and abroad, thousands of individual groups have formed to creatively experiment with their
dreams: in therapeutic encounters, in cyberspace, in dream appreciation seminars, and in the
literary and visual arts.

Dreamscaping brings together world-renowned authorities on dreams, providing readers with
innovative methods for working with themselves, their partners, and groups. In this anthology,
you will learn how to better recall your dreams, decipher their hidden meanings, create
imaginative dialogues with dream characters, construct dream diaries, understand recurring
dreams and nightmares, and apply dream messages to your life. You will also learn how dreams
can be used to process the final moments of life.

Dreamscaping also explores the most recent developments in research and theory, showing how
dreams can be used to diagnose brain disorders, explore the stages of death, and even provide
scientific evidence of the reality of telepathy and other psychic phenomena. From chaos theory to
the Internet, from spiritual awakenings to psychological insight, Dreamscaping reflects a changing
landscape that is beginning to reshape social consciousness throughout the world.

You can get a copy of Dreamscaping directly from

Sleep and Hypnosis

Sleep and Hypnosis is a multidisciplinary journal, published quarterly by Kure cletisim Grubu
A.S., Siracevizler Cad. 43/3 80260 Istanbul, Turkey. The Journal covers the whole range of sleep,
dreaming, and hypnosis research interests. Clinical, experimental, laboratory, psychological,
epidemiological, and the normative studies relevant to sleep, dreaming, and hypnosis are
welcomed for consideration. Contributors may be from many
disciplines relevant to these fields. All papers are undergo peer review by three or more referees.

The Journal contains the sections Editorials, Original Articles, Review Articles, Case Reports,
Letters to the Editor, and Book Reviews. Announcements and bibliography of recent literature in
these areas may be published.

Months of issue are January/March, April/June, July/September, and October/December. Editorial
correspondence to Mehmed Yucel Agargün, M.D., Yüzüncü Y¹l University School of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry 65300 Van, Turkey. Tel: +90 432 216 47 06; Fax: + 90 432 216 75 19;

In the first issue:

A new multidisciplinary journal: Sleep and Hypnosis
Mehmed Yücel A"argün

Role of the preoptic area in the interrelationship between thermoregulatory and sleep regulatory
Velayudhan Mohan Kumar

Effects of microinjections of triazolam into medial preoptic area on sleep and brain temperature in
Thythy T. Pham, Wallace B. Mendelson

Adrenergic and Cholinergic modulation of spontaneous and brain stem reticular formation
stimulation induced desynchronization of the cortical EEG in freely moving behaving cats
Stephen Thankachan, Fakhrul Islam, Birendra N. Mallick

Increasing the temporal resolution and stage specifity by Visual Adaptive Scoring (VAS): a
preliminary description
Sari-Leena Himanen, Antti Saastamonien, Joel Hasan

Preliminary encounters of UNIMAS sleep laboratuary
Syed Hassan Almashoor, Abu Bakar, Rojey Berino

REM sleep latency in major depressed patients predicts mood improvement after transdermal
nicotine administration
Rafael J. Salin-Pascual, Lourdes Galicia-Polo

Development and validation of a dream content questionnaire for school age children
Oliviero Bruni, Floriana Lo Reto, Annamaria Recine, Salvatore Ottaviano and Vincenzo Guidetti

Dream recall in patients with primary alcoholism after acute withdrawal
Michael Schredl

Ericksonian hypnosis: a review of the emprical data
William J. Matthews, James Conti, Lorrie Starr

Posthypnotic Suggestion: Attention, Awareness, and Automaticity
Amanda J. Barnier

Hypnotic Relaxation and Insomnia: a Simple Solution?
Harry E. Stanton

In the second issue:

Dream Recall: Research, Clinical implications and future directions
M. Schredl

Implicit Memory and REM Sleep: A Pilot Study
Cecile Colin, Jose Morais, and Myriam Kerkhofs

Prevalence of Naps in the General Population
Maurice M. Ohayon and Jurgen Zulley

Vitamine B12 Promotes Sleep and Modulates the Circadian Rhythm of Sleep and Brain
Temperature in Rats
Shojiro Inoue and Kazuki Honda

Dissociated Neurocognitive Processes in Dreaming Sleep
J. Antrobus and Deidre Conroy

An Enriched Conception of Dream Metaphor
D. Kuiken

Event-related Potential Correlates of Suggested Hypnotic Amnesia
Stephen LaBerge and Philip G. Zimbardo

The Virtues of Our Fault: A Key Concept of Ericksonian Therapy
Jeffrey K. Zeig

You can also visit the web page:

Subscription rates for Volume 1, 1999: Personal subscription $30.00, outside Turkey $ 45.00,
Institutional $75.00, outside Turkey $90.00. Single copies of the Journal or supplements are
$15.50 (including postage and handling); prepayment is requested.


"We dream to awaken to life."
- Strephon Kaplan-Williams

"Dreams are a way to Spirit."
- Ramiro, Achuar shaman

Interested in exploring your dreams as a healing and spiritual path? Then come join us in a unique,
powerful Winter Dreaming Circle. Meets one Saturday per month and includes:
* a dreamwork workshop, teaching you specific tools;
* shamanic journeying to meet your spirit guides;
* live shamanic drumming;
* a dream sharing circle, in the indigenous tradition; and
* a potluck dinner to build community.

All-Night Dream Circle
In addition, some Dreaming Circles will also feature an All-Night Dream Circle in which
participants will enjoy the benefits of group dreaming and a shamanic dreaming circle Sunday
morning to start the day, as indigenous peoples do worldwide.

Dates: Oct. 16, Nov. 20, Dec. 11, Jan 15, Feb. 17, Mar. 24
Location: Emeryville, CA
Cost: $30-60 sliding scale per circle. No one turned away for lack of funds.

Please mark your calendar now. Call to RSVP and hold a spot.

Facilitated by Taylor Kingsley, CTC, dream researcher and author of the upcoming book,
Dreamjourneys. Taylor is a shamanic healer and teaches meditation at Kaiser Permanente.
(510) 653-7293

Dream Circle Workshop with Heather Valencia
Heather Valencia, author of "Queen of Dreams: The Story of a Yaqui Dreaming Woman" and an
exceptional artist, dreamwalker and teacher, will be leading an all-day dream circle workshop in
the ancient tradition of the Yaqui dreamers. If you are interested in attending or would like
further information, please email Megan at or telephone at 718-768-8703.
You can also visit her website at

The Opposites II Concert

You are invited to A concert of the Opposites II on Saturday, November 27, 1999 at 9p.m. at
BAOBAB, Senegalese Cuisine, 3388 19th Street, San Francisco, California. 415-643-3558.
Jana Hutcheson, singing; Ted Davis, lead guitar; Dianne Heitman, keyboard.

ASD Dream Time Live
November 3, 1999 at 7:00 PM PST
Kelly Bulkeley on Visions of the Night, Dreams Religion and Psychology

The Association for the Study of Dreams is offering a series of monthly
online chats with writers, researchers, dreamworkers and other guests who
study and work with dreams. This exciting opportunity to speak directly
with these individuals takes place via the ASD Web Chat Room. [See below
for instructions.] Participants can ask Kelly Bulkeley questions in real
time. Additional information about the topic will be made available before
and after the chat time

Be sure to come a few minutes early to sign on to the chat room:

1. How to get there:
Use your favorite browser and type in the URL

2. How to sign on: Easy!
Click on the "Kelly Bulkeley Discussion" link on the page and follow the
instructions. (see above for more hints)

Mark you calendar today!

The Association for the Study of Dreams

For updates, send an email to

College of Dreams

College of Dreams is a school without walls open to all people of all ages who are interested in
dreams and dreamwork. It aims to share information, encourage questions and to contribute to
the vast dreaming knowledge pool.

What's in a name ?

The sites' name "College of Dreams" was chosen as a way of reflecting the directors view that
dreams themselves are a much higher place of learning than the traditional day to day learning
establishments and methods that we usually pursue. It was chosen as a name which embodies its
mission to invite people to learn about dreams and dreamwork.

College of Dreams (COD) primary philosophy is respect for the inner wisdom and needs of
individuals. While the diversity of dream practices and dream beliefs is recognised and reflected
in its information and services, COD also believes that our night time and sleeping visions provide
people with unique opportunities for greater understanding and unity with each other.


Committment to research and developing and providing a forum for dreamwork knowledge is
also of central importance to COD.

Volunteers are sought to participate in two major research projects - The Australia Dreaming
Project and the " Dreams and SETI project." With all eyes on Australia for the olympics next
year - The Australia Dreaming Project is exploring the prevelance of Dreams of Australian Flora
and Fauna or Aboriginal artefacts and symbolism, in non indiginous populations both
within and outside of Australia. In the "Dreams and SETI project" the impact of dreams of extra
terrestrial intelligence on peoples waking philosophies is being examined.


College of Dreams is somewhat unique in that it provides both a professional approach and also a
more popularist and generalist approach through providing a dream interpretation service. COD
is interested in accessability, and remains committed to a diverse and eclectic approach to
dreamwork. For instance even if people want to explore dreams for simply entertainment
purposes than this should be seen as no less valid than those exploring them for scientific or other

However COD Practitioners have a policy of always making it clear that any interpretations are as
a GUIDE only and limited by the practitioners own understandings They also endeavour as part
of the interpretation to give tools and techniques to the person so that they can gain greater
awareness and independence. Through this people asking for what seems a simple
dream interpretation are being gently invited to expand their awareness and develop their own
trust and autonomy to ultimately explore their own meanings more.


The website provides free information on dreams and health, symbolism, dreams and creativity,
as well as nightmares. In addition CODS own audio tapes such as Dream to Heal, Transforming
Nightmares & Recurrent Dreams and Understanding Dream Symbolism are able to be purchased
on line. There have been some teething problems with submitting forms but it is hoped that
secure forms can be provided for this purpose shortly. Also planned for early next year are
dream groups on line.

Professional Support and development

After numerous discussions with her colleagues , the director, Carolyn, saw a real need to provide
counsellors, health workers or others interested in working with peoples dreams, some basic
training and support specifically in dreamwork. As well as specific groups and workshops, COD
also aims to run a Diploma in Dreamwork course by the beginning of 2001.
About the Director

Carolyn Groth is based in Sydney Australia and is a qualified Social Worker and Clinical
Hypnotherapist. In addition she is a freelance documentary producer and writer. (Producer of
"Sacred Dream " on Encounter for - ABC Radio National as well as the award winning "The
Buddhism of Backpacking" also on ABC Radio National.) She most recently completed a
Diploma of Dreamwork Analysis through the British School of Yoga and is a Member of
the Association for the Study of Dreams.
Carolyn can be contacted at


R E S E A R C H & R E Q U E S T S



Are you interested in lucid dreaming? (A lucid dream is a dream in which you
know you are dreaming, while you are dreaming.) Would you like to share your
lucid experiences and read about those of others? If so, then *The Lucid
Dream Exchange* is for you! We are a group of lucid dreamers who enjoy
sharing our lucid dreams with others and we welcome your input!

How it works: Readers send their lucid dreams via email to
or via snail mail to Robert Waggoner at PO Box 11, Ames, IA 50010. The
dreams are compiled and copies are then sent out to subscribers. You do not
have to be a lucid dreamer to receive *The Lucid Dream Exchange* (LDE), and
you do not have to send any dreams if you don't want to. Also, if you want
to send dreams, but wish to remain anonymous, you may do so, or use a

Sometimes there is a theme to each issue, for instance, lucid flying dreams
may be the current topic, but always a variety of lucid dreams are welcome.
Remember, it must be a lucid dream (or Out-of-Body Experience) and you should
indicate at what point you became lucid and what triggered your lucidity.
Lucid dream related poetry and articles are welcome too, as well as
suggestions for experiments. The present topic is simply "any of your
interesting lucid dreams of the past year." (In other words, whatever lucid
dreams [or Out-of-Body Experiences] you'd like to contribute.)

For now, *The Lucid Dream Exchange* is operating on a donation basis.
Monetary contributions as well as postage stamps are encouraged for
assistance with printing and mailing costs.

Submission deadline is November 15, 1999, and the mailing date for LDE is
December 1, 1999.

Please join us, as we explore the fascinating worlds of lucid dreams and
expand our awareness of consciousness.

Sweet dreams,
Lucy Gillis (


W E B S I T E & O N L I N E U P D A T E S


Do you know of interesting new websites you'd like to share with others? Or do you have updates
to existing pages? Help spread the word by using the Electric Dreams DREAM-LINK page This is really a public projects board and
requires that everyone keep up his or her own link URLs and information. Make a point to send
changes to the links page to us.

A Visit to DREAM FLIGHTS, the Flying Dream Web Site

You can explore the world of flying in your sleep at the new web site, *Dream
Flights.* Just posted is the first FAQ (frequently asked questions) on
flying dreams and more facts besides. In progress is a web page on the
meanings of flying dreams. At *Dream Flights,* you'll already find examples of mutual and lucid
flying dreams and the beginning of a web page on the astral aspects of dream flight. Want to
know how to fly? Check out the page on the incubation of flying dreams. The site is filled with
dream art and creativity, and plenty of links to other general, lucid, paranormal and flying dream

There is no longer a Fly-By-Night Club web site, although most of the old
FBNC information is now posted at *Dream Flights.* Please note that this is
a brand new URL:



November 1999


Nov 3, Monterey Bay Area, CA
Dream Group Live on the Radio, 7-9 pm, KAZU, 90.3 FM. You are invited to call 831-375-3082
to have on-air contact with Kathleen Sullivan during the show.

Nov 5-7 - Houston, TX
Workshop with Jeremy Taylor sponsored by Jung Society of Houston. Contact: Amber at

Nov 6 in New York City, NY
Dream Circle Workshop with Heather Valencia, in the ancient tradition of the Yaqui dreamers. If
you are interested in attending or would like further information, please email Megan at or telephone at 718-768-8703. You can also visit her website at

Nov 12-14 - Garden Grove, CA
Workshop with Jeremy Taylor. Contact Judy at or call Kathy Taylor at

Nov 19-21 - Lexington, KY
Workshop with Jeremy Taylor. Contact Paula at 606.226.0130 or visit the website at

Nov 13 in Saratoga NY area
"Building a Dream Community" with "Conscious
Dreaming" author Robert Moss. Contact Stillpoint (518) 587-4967 email

Nov 20-21 in Cincinnati OH
"Making Death Your Ally: Shamanic Approaches to
Death and Dying" with Robert Moss. Contact Judy (513) 271-9349, email

Nov 27 in San Francisco, CA
The Opposites II Concert, dream inspired music, 9 pm. at BAOBAB, Senegalese Cuisine, 3388
19th Street, San Francisco, California. 415-643-3558.




dream-flow.v001.n144 through dream-flow.v001.n178

Hello and welcome to the DREAM SECTION of Electric Dreams.

This section is edited by the DreamEditor, a software creation
of Harry Bosma, author of the Dream interpretation and journaling software Alchera

The Electric Dreams DREAM SECTION includes dreams and comments
from the DREAM FLOW, a project to circulate dreams in cyberspace.
Many mail lists participate, including
The Dream Sack http//

If you would like to send in single dreams for the flow, you can
leave them at

If you have a mail list or would like to contribute dreams and
comments on a regular basis, you can subscribe to the dream-flow
by sending an E-mail to
In the body of the E-mail put only

subscribe your-email

please substitute your real email address with "your-email"
You may get a note back to verify the subscription. Simply hit
the return or reply key, change REJECT to ACCEPT in the subject
field and send the note back.

-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n160 --------------

001 - JonDearc - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n154
002 - Heratheta - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n157, and 159

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n160.1 ---------------
From: JonDearc
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n154
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 21:19:57 EDT

In a message dated 9/15/99 20:22:26 PM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:

> MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n154.1 --------------

I wonder if this is so much about HIM. Maybe it is more about you.
Dream Title Unfaithful fiancee. By Lady4life
Date of Dream september 10, 3 or 4am

Dream recently, I had a dream that took place at a
nearby park that I used to play at as a child. The park looked much
different it was cleaned up and looked nice again.>> What do you recall
about yourself at that time in your young life? Are there things hanging on
in you now, that need to be cleaned up? Do you need to revisit this time,
and bring yourself up to date? or is it something you need to let go?

<< A group of friends of
mine were chatting at the park including my fiancee.>> Do you recognize them
as friends of yours now? What can you think of that would connect them to
your time in the park? Is there some 'childish' undercurrent in all this?
Any 'park' is rather temporary.

<< For some unknown
reason I had to leave to go home and I told everyone that I would return in
a short while.>> Was the 'home' you went to the home of your childhood, or
your present home?

<< Upon my return, I noticed my fiancee was talking to an
oriental girl, about my age, who oddly enough had the same first name as
mine. >> do you know any Orientals? What does the term mean to you? Is it
something unknown; foreign?

I thought nothing of it because he is free to talk to whoever he
pleases. >> This is a very adult attitude. It does not fit into the park
theme, does it?

<<... She then asked me if I
thought he was really single, because he was too nice of a guy to be
available. I was shocked when she asked me this because I knew we were
engaged and obviously she didn't. I asked her if he had said he was single.
She said "yes, and I think he was flirting with me." >> Suppose the
"Oriental" is a part of yourself that you are not too much in touch with. Do
you allow yourself to suspect that he, or even you, might not prefer to be

<< I said, "single, is that what
you are? Is that what you want to be? Is that what you tell girls you
are?" he didn't say anything, or even express any emotions.>> Actually, he IS
single, isn't he? And so are you. You have made certain commitments, but
they have not been consecrated nor consummated. Does it seem strange that
you would become so furious, at the report of a stranger? After all, you did
not know WHAT he did, and you gave him no chance to respond. If you had
approached him in real life like that, how would he have behaved? Really, is
flirting that bad?

<> What would he have done at this point, in real life? (If you think about
this, you may see that this Dream is not about him! It may be your

<< a friend of mine who is a couple of years younger than me. >> Do you
suppose your own masculine side is underdeveloped? "young?"

<< I started packing Vance's things into boxes. >> This is very telling. HE
did not show up and claim he wanted to leave! YOU are packing him up!

<< Vance and the oriental girl were at, and to my surprise talking and
laughing and basically flirting. I told Vance that if he didn't get his
things out of my house that !>>
Who is it you want to get rid of? Is a part of yourself uncomfortable, and
looking for any excuse to detach?

Comments by Dreamer when I woke up I was still in a horrible state of
mind, I didn't know if what I drempt was real or not. it felt so real that
I couldn't tell dream from reality. I can't even express how real it felt.>>
This is very important. When you think about it, would you (after the shock
wears off) feel relieved to be alone, with the opportunity to start over?
Perhaps by learning more about who YOU are, and what you really want?

I can only comment according to my own experiences. Take what is worth
keeping, and blow the rest away.

Blessings. Joan

Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments Please, if there is anyone who can make sence and
or any interpretations, it would be appreciated greatly. This has my mind
so messed up. Thank you.

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n160.2 ---------------
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n157, and 159
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 00:10:03 EDT

frogbark drm-peace had alin to the right of the middle of the farm if you had
avoided becoming "tall" chain drm- peace had lain to the right of the fence if you had avoided
becoming "just' #159 no title drm-peace had lain to the right of the warehouse if you had avoided
"painting" helpless dream-peace had lain to the right of the house if you had avoided
becoming "kept"

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n160 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n161 --------------

002 - Anonymous - Earth Day Connections
003 - Anonymous - grocery store

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n161.2 ---------------

From: Anonymous
Subject: Earth Day Connections
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 10:26:23 -0700

Earth Day Connections: dreambat
Sept 24, 1999

I am walking down a busy street. Its not a main street, but everyone is
going to work. I pass an old supervisor and they sadistically smile at me.
I think about how glad I am I don't work for that organization anymore and
wonder what they would think now about having wasted my talents and resources.

I go to a two or three story garage. Its also a school and car repair
and research and other things kind-of-place. I talk with people at a kind
of meeting-yet-party and eventually they leave. I used to work here as well
and need to access the computers. I try for sometime to bring up my
account on one computer but have to go into another part of the building to
turn on another computer before they can connect. I go and find the room,
its like a typical lab room in a research facility, though also like a
school and a warehouse or car repair office. That is, messy, full of
papers, not very clean.

I turn this computer on and then go upstairs to another computer I need
connected. I see someone working in the evening light, a guy at a table
full of machines he is working on, like old radios, computer equipment, and
other technologies.

I turn the computer on and connect with the systems operator who is on a
computer in some other part of the building. I tell them I need to have
access to my account and need these various computers networked. We fiddle
for awhile and he asks me what room the other computer I needed connection
to was in. I tell him. He asks me if I realize what day it is? "No," I say
"What day is it?" He says its Earth Day. I look through a long window at
a building across the way, and notice again the late evening sun. I also
notice how quite it is and think that everyone must be off for Earth
Day. I worry that they systems operator will now say that nothing can be
done because everyone is off. But instead he says "Since its so quiet, I
guess I can just come down look at the computer myself." I tell him I
will meet him in the room and head off.


--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n161.3 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: grocery store
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 10:30:38 -0700

Dream Title grocery store by Nellie
Date of Dream Septemer 2 1999--night
Dream I lived in a grocery storw with my boyfriend and his family and all
of a suddn i got pregnant. I went into labor and my boyfriends mom had to
so a c-section on me but she didi it with her real life favorite butcher
knife. She cut a circle into my stomach and pulled the skin out and then
pulled the baby out and put the piece of skin back in and put a stitch in
the corner of my stomach. It was really fun and i had a great time while
she did it. My baby was extremely ugly. It had huge monster eyebrows that
connected and two differsnt sized and colored eyes and really fat ugly
lips. And everyone thought it was beautiful. I went home and showed my
boyfriend the ugly baby and my really cool stitches and he said cool.
Comments by Dreamer It was weird
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n161 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n162 --------------

001 - Heratheta - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n161

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n162.1 ---------------
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n161
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 1999 09:04:23 EDT

earth day drm-peace had lain to the right of the street if you had avoided
becoming "busy".
grocery drm-peace had lain to the right of the store if you had avoided
becoming "all".

more at

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n162 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n164 --------------

001 - Anonymous - Lonely--Deiria quit

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n164.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Lonely--Deiria quit
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 19:01:01 -0700

On Monday, September 27, 1999 at 18:25:38, the following data was submitted

Dream Title Lonely--Deiria quit
Date of Dream 08/06/99 ?
Dream ok, for starters, i'm only 19 so this is going to be a future dream. i don't have a boy friend.
i'm going to my wedding. i know it's my wedding day. we get in a black car(like the one the
royals ride in) and we are on the way to my favorite church. it's stone like a castle. the bells are
ringing none stop. i'm so happy. i'm wereing my wedding dress already. the guests are already
there as i walk in the front door. the groom is there too. but i can't see his face. it's blurry, or i see
it it but i don't. he's tall and has dark hair. i walk down the aisle. it's dark and woody in side.
smells like stone and flowers. i get top the end, i'm bursting with joy. the preacher starts, and then
the doors open. stephen the guy that works for my parents at their buisness, walks in, leaving the
doors wide open. i turn around and see him. i'm not happy anymore. i'm sad. confused. i don't
know why. i turn and look at the groom again, he's smiling down at me. i smile back. the
preacher goes on. he gets to the part where he asks if my husband-to-be if he does. he says yes.
all of the sudden steve gets up and leaves. i watch him go. my turn. my god i can't do it. i look at
him(the groom) smile, and run out the still open doors. i look around for steve. i can't see him, i
run toward his house( which happens to be near the church) i'm just running, i need to find him.
my dress is pulling at me. i tear off my gloves. kick off my shoes. i see his house. i run faster. but
i stop short. he's on the portch, with amy, a girl who also works for us. i'm sad. depressed. they
go inside. i look out at the pond.(there is a small in-town lake outside their house) i walk toward
it slowly. suddenly a man comes up behind me and drags me out to the middle. i'm underwater,
but i can still breathe. i look toward the suface. my skirt gets in my way. i'm crying. i wake up.

Comments by Dreamer i'm not exactly sure what it means. i don't see myself
in love with steve.
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n164 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n165 --------------

001 - Anonymous - Driving with Mom, Jalen Webber

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n165.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Driving with Mom, Jalen Webber
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 14:42:31 -0700

Dream Title Driving with Mom, Jalen Webber
Date of Dream 9/20/99
Dream I am driving down a long, dark winding road. My mother is along in the
passenger seat. I dont know our exact destination. But we are driving for a long time. There
comes a point in our journey where we have to take a turn. I read the directions and say to take a
left. My mother doesnt agree, but i take a left turn anyway. We keep driving, and come to a
bridge. I start driving over the bridge and my mother tells me to pull over and look at the map. I
pull the car over to the side, and get out of the car to look at the map. My mother then gets into
the drivers seat and tells me to get in. She then proceeds to take a wide right turn. She then
drives over the gurad rail of the bridge. We are only hanging by the left rear tire of the car. I am
scared and dont know what to do. I call out my mothers name several times, and then i wake up.

Comments by Dreamer Its weird, i dont know what to think.
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments Help me, I wanna know what other people think

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n165 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n166 --------------

001 - Anonymous - Good Water/Bad Water
002 - Anonymous - auntiebrina
003 - Heratheta - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n163,164,165

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n166.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Good Water/Bad Water
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 20:04:13 -0700

Dream Title Good Water/Bad Water
Date of Dream 09/28/99
1-3:00 a.m.
Dream my dream began in a tropical setting. swimming in beautiful warm clear water with a
white sand bottom. i was swimming nude with another person who was faceless. this dream was
one of the most sensuous dreams i have ever had. we were swimming intertwined when all of the
sudden the person disappeared and i was suddenly fully clothed with heavy boots and heavy
jeans on. the water was no longer the ocean and turned suddenly into a dark and murky lake with
a deep muddy bottom that was making me sink. there were old rusted out junk objects in the
lake, cars and washers and dryers. i had to trudge to the dock and very slowly pull my self up
onto the dock. once off the dock, in order to get to land, i had to crawl through a very long
twisty and curvy tunnel that was very small. throughout the course of the tunnel i had to open all
kinds of chutes that were stuck and it took me several times of trying to open them per chute. i
finally saw sunlight and was so relieved to see the sunlight and be out of the tunnell. this was the
end of the dream.

Comments by Dreamer due to a long term verbally abusive relationship, i have great fear of one
on one relationships, dating, etc. i have recently begun extensive therapy to be able to let bad
memories go and start trusting and dating again. i'm a little apprehensive about the order of the
dream. it seems to me that i should have had the bad part first, and the good part last. maybe i'm
looking at this in the wrong context.
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments yes, i would love to have any interpretations on my dream.

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n166.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: auntiebrina
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 12:54:22 -0700

Dream Title auntiebrina
Date of Dream 9/29 5-6am
Dream On a cement walk way, about 2 stories up, between two buildings with my neighbor. We
were lying down, as if taking a nap. One building was a Color Tile shop (don't know what the
other one was). A gal kept coming out with an orange tile to compare the color to the other
orange tiles on the side of her building - as if trying to match it up. My neighbor and I were just
lying there watching when suddenly I sat up and told her I had to go. I sat up and ran to the
stairway - which just suddenly appeared. Then a big flat-bed truck loaded with antiques and other
miscellaneous furniture was in front of our homes. (We just suddenly were there - but the houses
were different than where we live.) We divided up the items and I went into my house where my
first husband (a real jerk) appeared. Then I was at an airport interviewing baggage handlers, none
of whom could speak English! They were all Japanese. I finally got ahold of one guy who could
get it across to me that he was very happy to be here and have a good job. Then I was in a large
parking lot full of mud looking for my car. There were acres and acres of cars and weeds and
mud. I was slipping down a hill toward where I thought I was parked. I stood up and looked
back. Suddenly large heads (of people I don't know) were popping out of the ground telling me
that my car was gone! I wouldn't ever find it. At this point I woke up very frightened.
Comments by Dreamer This is too strange!
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n166.3 ---------------
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n163,164,165
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1999 20:51:59 EDT

#163 agent drm-peace had lain to the right of the mall if you had avoided
"making yourself or others feel vivid"
#164 lonely drm- peace had lain to the right of the car if you had avoided
becoming "like"
#165 driving drm-peace had lain to the right of the road if you avoided
becoming 'long"
more at

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n166 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n167 --------------

001 - Anonymous - Can Never Go Home Again
002 - Anonymous - deadly disease
003 - Heratheta - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n166
004 - <JEV - if 'good water/bad water' were my dream...

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n167.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Can Never Go Home Again
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 21:39:34 -0700

Dream Title Can Never Go Home Again....Lips
Date of Dream September 30, 1999
Dream I have been having a recurring dream for a week. My mode of travel is always different
but the nature of the dream stays the same. I am always trying to go back to my homestate to see
my parents. Either by car, foot or plane. The trip is always difficult and when I finally make it
there, I am either dead or die shortly after arriving. During my travels I come into contact with a
man that tells me he loves me and yet he scares me and I try to flee from him. I finally get away
from him but the fear lingers on. Comments by Dreamer I just recently remarried and moved from
my home state to a new one. I don't know if this is playing a part in the dreams or not.
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n167.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: deadly disease
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 22:31:25 -0700

My dream was this:
My husband was informed that he had a deadly disease. The Dr. was unsure of how long he
would live. Could be for years or just a week. My husband was concerned that I would not be left
with enough money to take care of myself once he was gone. We went to see a lawyer and the
lawyer couldn't tell us anything helpful. A few days later the lawyer called the house to speak to
my husband. The lawyer said that he would like to marry me. That way I would be taken care of
when my husband was gone. We could be married soon, all I would have to do was sign a piece
of paper, a certificate, and whenever my husband died, the lawyer would become my husband. My
husband was a little upset by the idea but said that the decision was up to me. At first I was very
upset with the idea, but as time went on, I got used to the idea. For some reason however, I could
not bring myself to sign this certificate. I just remember staring at the certificate in front of me on
the desk with pen in hand, and then I woke up.

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n167.3 ---------------
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n166
Date: Sat, 2 Oct 1999 17:45:04 EDT

water drm-peace had alin to the right of the water if you had avoided
becoming "beautiful"
auntiebriana drm-peace had lain to the right of the walk way if you had avoided becoming

may i add a word here to say if your dream were up from where you dreameed it or below and
you followed the peaceful way to the right you would travel any where horizontally and i believe
these are the most peaceful days one could have. furthermore, i believe these days might be best
for lottery play though i have just thought of this yesterday and cannot verify this personally
although i am eager to try.
right on! you all, more at

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n167.4 ---------------
From: <JEV
Subject: if 'good water/bad water' were my dream...
Date: Sat, 2 Oct 1999 21:41:20 -0400 (EDT)

if 'good water/bad water' were my dream...

i wouldn't be too concerned about the sequence of events in my dream, because i see my dream
this way:

first i imagine how nice things might be, but then my old ways of
thinking kick in, and i imagine how bad things could be. then however, with great effort on my
part, i successfully struggle back
to a better place.

> Dream Title Good Water/Bad Water
> Spiral7
> Date of Dream 09/28/99
> 1-3:00 a.m.
> Dream my dream began in a tropical setting. swimming in beautiful
> warm clear water with a white sand bottom. i was swimming nude
> with another person who was faceless. this dream was one of the
> most sensuous dreams i have ever had. we were swimming intertwined
> when all of the sudden the person disappeared and i was suddenly
> fully clothed with heavy boots and heavy jeans on. the water was
> no longer the ocean and turned suddenly into a dark and murky lake
> with a deep muddy bottom that was making me sink. there were old
> rusted out junk objects in the lake, cars and washers and dryers.
> i had to trudge to the dock and very slowly pull my self up onto
> the dock. once off the dock, in order to get to land, i had to
> crawl through a very long twisty and curvy tunnel that was very
> small. throughout the course of the tunnel i had to open all kinds
> of chutes that were stuck and it took me several times of trying to
> open them per chute. i finally saw sunlight and w! ! as so
> relieved to see the sunlight and be out of the tunnell. this was
> the end of the dream. Comments by Dreamer due to a long term
> verbally abusive relationship, i have great fear of one on one
> relationships, dating, etc. i have recently begun extensive
> therapy to be able to let bad memories go and start trusting and
> dating again. i'm a little apprehensive about the order of the
> dream. it seems to me that i should have had the bad part first,
> and the good part last. maybe i'm looking at this in the wrong
> context.
> Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
> Permission Comments yes, i would love to have any interpretations
> on my dream.


--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n167 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n168 --------------

001 - Heratheta - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n167
002 - Anonymous - "Airport Morning"

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n168.1 ---------------
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n167
Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 11:48:22 EDT

home again drm-peace had lain to the right of the trip if you had avoided becoming"difficult"(i
would also like to say i am encouraged this dreamer tries to take different ways each day for this
is how we can ameliorate recurring dreams, as long as the ways are 90 degrees to the right of the
dream location. however,going to work every day makes this almost impossible except that i try
to spend time after work away from my dream and even at work when possible to be seated in
the direction away from my dream. i am sure that if my small efforts were not continued my
dreams would be more stressful and my life equally so. right on ! )
disease drm-peace had lain to the right of the doctor if you had avoided becoming "unsure"
(i have been trying a high magnesium diet which includes fish like cod mackeral whitefish bananas
fresh squeezed citrus juice hazelnuts and others (upon request). mind you, these foods are also
low in iron (which i believe in excess attracts dreams, the reality of death).
more at

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n168.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: "Airport Morning"
Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 22:15:25 -0700

Dream Title Dream: "Airport Morning"
Pen Name:
Liberty Davis
Date of Dream 9-21-99
Dream My aunt just picked me up from the airport in NY. However, the dream begins in her
drive way where I get out of a jeep and see Dex (we'll call him Dex for privacy reasons)waiting
for me with a small, white bag in one hand and a cup of (coffee?) in the other. We sat on the
front steps of my aunt's house and ate what he brought me. He was wearing a hat ans was sitting
to my left. So I asked him to turn his hat around. He asked, "why?" I said, "because I want to
kiss you." He turned it around and we kissed. I really felt the warmth and softness of the kiss.
Then his face filled all the space in my dream. I no longer saw the trees, house, cars nothing just
his face.
Comments by Dreamer This is the first time I am trying this site...Does
this mean MY comments? If so here is what I came up with: Dex is a guy (my
cousins good friend) i met in NY this summer and I like him. We talk on occassion and I will be
going to NY next week. The dream seems pretty obvious to me, but sometimes the interpretation
is deeper than the obvious. Also this is the first time I have dreamt of him in other clothing.
Usually, if/when I dream about him, he is wearing the outfit I met him in. The kiss and the change
of clothes I think mean my sexual feelings and motivations for him have changed. Before I would
be able to "love it and leave it" so to speak, but now I feel as though there are MORE feelings
there thus changing his clothes and feeling the KISS the way I did. If this were your dream....?
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments I am trying this site out for my dream psychology
class. I would love to get all the feed back possible.

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n168 ---------------

-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n169 --------------

001 - anonymous - Death of a girlfriend

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n169.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Death of a girlfriend
Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 09:08:13 -0700

Dream Title Death of a girlfriend. by Josephine
Date of Dream Oct. 4, 99 at about 6am
Dream This is my first attempt to share a dream so please bear with me. My son had the dream
and I am at a loss to interpret it. He has had a very tumultous week, his girlfriend found out that
she was pregnant, then she ended the pregnancy, which upset him. He also had to move back
home with us and is almost 200 miles away from his girlfriend. He is very, very much in love
with her. I believe this is significant to the dream.

In the dream, he and his girlfriend were walking to school (they did not attend school together in
real life) and it started to rain, they were happy that it was raining. They arrived there and saw
some friends and everything was normal except that everyone had blankets, which did not seem
unusual. Then they went to an end of school year party at my daughter's, and another man
wanted to have a menage-a-trios with them, explaining very specifically what he wanted the
girlfriend to do. They agreed and began, then the girlfriend indicated that she was no longer
interested and my son threw him out. My son went home and was awakened the next morning by
a policeman telling him that the girlfriend was killed and that he was the main suspect. My son
followed the officer to a store in a van and could hear the officer explaining to other officers that
the girlfriend had been beaten to death by the rejected

man. He also heard that her best friend had
survived. My son tried to get in the officer's car, but was told that he could not go with him on the
investigation. So my son returned to the van, which his step-father (whom he does not like) was
now driving, in hopes of following the officer. But they didn't follow and then they argued about
music. The drive was fast with skidding around corners (safely) and they ended up at home. The
house he described was large and very nice, like his girlfriend's parent's house. He told me and
his step-dad about the murder and we were not upset about it. He wanted to make some food to
take over there so he could talk to his girlfriend's best friend and I told him to make some chicken
soup. (He and his girlfiend had made chicken soup here last week during a visit, the day she
found out that she was pregnant).

The dream changed then. Another police officer (the one from the Simpsons cartoon) came and
he and my son got into a car with several other people and drove along the edge of a canyon. The
cartoon cop and a woman fell out. As they were falling into the canyon, the woman ripped her
hair out and flung it up, holding onto one end. The other end of her hair attached itself to a man's
head and she reached for his legs with one hand and reached for the cop with the other hand. She
reached the cop just after he hit the water, his face went under water but the rest of his body had
landed on a turtle shell. Both of them were saved. (My son described this as if he was holding the
camera filming the descent)

Suddenly back at our house, my son heard thumping outside (the noise teenagers' cars make
when playing loud music) and looked out. He saw his girlfriend's car and another car, a red one
with two young women sitting in it. Then he woke up. He was sobbing and shaking. I have
seldom seen him this upset.

Comments by Dreamer My son also described the movements of the cartoon cop
as surrealistic, squeezing and stretching in a cartoonlike manner.
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments You have my permission to publish and interpret this
information as you see fit.

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n169 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n170 --------------

001 - Anonymous - troubled
002 - AngstRidn - comments on Death of a Girlfriend

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n170.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: troubled
Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 22:47:24 -0700

Dream Title troubled
Date of Dream 10/5/99
Dream boyfriend having sex with a sexy,perfect body,exotic older lady.later
on her face is revealed and is his grandmothers face
Comments by Dreamer
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n170.2 ---------------
From: AngstRidn
Subject: comments on Death of a Girlfriend
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 03:25:44 EDT

Dream Title: Death of a girlfriend by Josephine

Date of Dream: Oct. 4, 99 at about 6am

Comments: This is my first attempt to share a dream so please bear with me. My son had the
dream and I am at a loss to interpret it. He has had a very tumultous week, his girlfriend found
out that she was pregnant, then she ended the pregnancy, which upset him. He also had to move
back home with us and is almost 200 miles away from his girlfriend. He is very, very much in
love with her. I believe this is significant to the dream.

Dream: In the dream, he and his girlfriend were walking to school (they did not attend school
together in real life) and it started to rain, they were happy that it was raining. They arrived there
and saw some friends and everything was normal except that everyone had blankets, which did
not seem unusual. Then they went to an end of school year party at my daughter's, and another
man wanted to have a menage-a-trios with them, explaining very specifically what he wanted the
girlfriend to do. They agreed and began, then the girlfriend indicated that she was no longer
interested and my son threw him out. My son went home and was awakened the next morning
by a policeman telling him that the girlfriend was killed and that he was the main suspect. My
son followed the officer to a store in a van and could hear the officer explaining to other officers
that the girlfriend had been beaten to death by the rejected man. He also heard that her best
friend had survived. My son tried to get in the officer's car, but was told that he could not go
with him on the investigation. So my son returned to the van, which his step-father (whom he
does not like) was now driving, in hopes of following the officer. But they didn't follow and
then they argued about music. The drive was fast with skidding around corners (safely) and they
ended up at home. The house he described was large and very nice, like his girlfriend's parent's

He told me and his step-dad about the murder and we were not upset about it. He wanted to
make some food to take over there so he could talk to his girlfriend's best friend and I told him
to make some chicken soup. (He and his girlfiend had made chicken soup here last week during
a visit, the day she found out that she was pregnant).

The dream changed then. Another police officer (the one from the Simpsons cartoon) came
and he and my son got into a car with several other people and drove along the edge of a
canyon. The cartoon cop and a woman fell out. As they were falling into the canyon, the
woman ripped her hair out and flung it up, holding onto one end. The other end of her hair
attached itself to a man's head and she reached for his legs with one hand and reached for the
cop with the other hand. She reached the cop just after he hit the water, his face went under
water but the rest of his body had landed on a turtle shell. Both of them were saved. (My son
described this as if he was holding the camera filming the descent)

Suddenly back at our house, my son heard thumping outside (the noise teenagers' cars make
when playing loud music) and looked out. He saw his girlfriend's car and another car, a red one
with two young women sitting in it.

Then he woke up. He was sobbing and shaking. I have seldom seen him this upset.

Comments: My son also described the movements of the cartoon cop as surrealistic, squeezing
and stretching in a cartoonlike manner.

Permission to Comment: yes share comments

Permission Comments: You have my permission to publish and interpret this
information as you see fit. >> >>

Josephine: I posted your son's dream to one of my other dream newsgroups and this was the

Comments From: Dee

Hi: I know people hate it when a dream interpretation is negative or blunt, but how else could
one interpet this one. The guy is scared to death that his relationship is over.

#1 - the school represents life's lessons.

#2 - Part of the dream might be prophetic, but I don't want to go there, since I don't know these

#3 - The rain could be emotions - like a release from a problem, perhaps. Rain is also refreshing,
the nourishing of the body and soul from above.

#4 - The blankets are protection. A cloaking from being involved in his situation though other
people are all around him.

#5 - The part about the other man might be a fear that being so far away, his girlfriend will find
someone else and still say she wants to be with him, and because he loves her, he can't resist.
And then the relationship will end because she will like the other guy better. (Killing their

#6 - The cop is the authority figure. Could be his higher self.

#7 - The step-father image is typical. The step-father (driving) is in control of what he ultimately
does and is not the same as what he wants. The argument about the music could be about
music, but also about the difference in what is harmonious to the step-father, vs what is
harmonious to the young man.

#8 - The chicken soup is 'food for thought', and chicken soup is a healing food. That was wise
advice from the mother.

#9 - The cartoonish part is again his fears being looked at as he was heading towards waking up.
The canyon is a big hole which he feels he has fallen into. Falling is also what it feels like as we
are waking up sometimes. His face went into the water (the emotions) and the turtle shell
(where his body landed) is a protective shell which he pulls around him, so others don't see the
real emotional self which he protects from others.

#10 - The girls hair is her thoughts which she ultimately attaches to someone elses head - listens
to others, the authority figures..

#11 - The girlfriend's red car is her sexuality. She has a girlfriend with her, so must be someone
close to her.

#12 - The mother doesn't say whether this dream happened while the radio was playing. . . some
radio alarms play music upon wakeup, and the music could have come from that. Otherwise, I
would assume the 'noise' is disharmonious feelings about the girl and the situation.

His feelings upon awaking would be normal considering the events of the dream.

Hope that helps. It was a bad situation, but the going to school part is part of the lesson plan he
chose when he came to earth, and the girl was a partner in the lesson.
Sounds like he has a great mother.

Love, Light, and Joy


-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n171 --------------

001 - Heratheta - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n168,169
002 - Anonymous - dream interpretation sites?
003 - Anonymous - "Ultimate Loss"
004 - Anonymous - Jealousy

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n171.1 ---------------
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n168,169
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 20:27:32 EDT

#168 airport drm-peace had lain to the right of the driveway if you had avoided
#169death drm-peace had lain to the right of the walk if you had avoided making yourself or
others happy.
#170troubled drm-peace had lain to the irhgt of the sex if you had avoided becoming had.
more at

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n171.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: dream interpretation sites?
Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 17:15:57 -0700

Dream If anyone can send me good web pages or info or dream, mostly interpetering
please send it to
Comments by Dreamer
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n171.3 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: "Ultimate Loss"
Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 09:48:55 -0700

Dream Title "Ultimate Loss" Capt'n
Date of Dream Oct. 8 1999/4:30am
Dream Hardly an unusual dream, I suspect. My wife was terminally ill. Doctors could do nothing
else, so I broke her out of the hostpital. The Dr. was chasing me in obvious dislike for what I was
doing. Suddenly I looked up and my wife was about to drive off without me in our white car
(actually, I think it was my Dad's Jeep Cherokee). My thought was that she didn't want to be a
burden anymore. I ran along side the car and punched the window out with my fist and dived into
the car. She then stopped and moved to the back seat, and I took over driving. We were driving
home, so she could say bye to and hug the kids one more time. We didn't make it home. She
called to me at a red light and I went back to the back seat where she was and held her. We had
one last kiss then she died in my arms. I couldn't wake up. . . When I finally woke up, to a wet
pillow in a fit of somewhat violent sobbing, I woke her up and she held me. Interesting
change. I never have vivid dreams like this. I usually don't remember details from dreams. I've
never had a dream affect me the way this one has. I can't shake the images. Eventhough she's ok,
I can't get the images, or the pain in my heart to go away. I have to know what it means.
Comments by Dreamer I'm still in shock from the dream. I don't think I've
left out any details.
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n171.4 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Jealousy
Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 10:31:30 -0700

Dream Title Jealousy
Date of Dream 10/7/99, woke at 5am
Dream My boyfriend, myself and a bunch of other people (some look framiliar) are outside the
farm house I grew up in. When we move inside, we are all sitting on a slightly sloping floor with
sheets and pillows for comfort. I am getting jealous b/c my boyfriend is flirting and spending NO
time with me. I almost seem to be following him around. Then I am in my parents' room, I had
been in there hearing some kind of noise that was pissing me off. He comes in sweaty and
glowing and mostly naked. Hes ready for sex and wants to grab me for some thundering sex. I
ask him if he was just making love to Merav (a friend of ours) He said yes. I am very angry but
for some reason I think its ok for him to do this to me. Very dissapointed.
Comments by Dreamer When I woke I wanted to cry but couldnt, too sleepy. I felt so bad like I
had been lied to and dumped. I feel like he is cheating on me now. What gives? I dontlike those
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n171 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n172 --------------

001 - Anonymous - House Renovation
002 - Anonymous - sharifa
003 - Heratheta - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n171

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n172.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: House Renovation
Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 20:29:00 -0700

Dream Title House Renovation
Date of Dream Oct.8th
6 - 12 noon
Dream I'm in my street level basement where a renovation is taking place. New applicances are
being rolled past and in my very large yard there are new 6 foot section of fencing to be installed
after the house is renovated. Comments by Dreamer I have been dreaming of houses in one form
or another for the past year. What does it mean?
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n172.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: sharifa
Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 20:28:21 -0700

Dream Title sharifa
Date of Dream Aug 4-5th, 4to5am.
Dream I see a quilt with some fancy corners. I am on the verandah of the main house- I have
been away and have come back again. I pick up what I think is my quilt, it has writing all over it
and around the edges. One edge has a lot of writing, I am trying to decipher it as someone I
know has been killed. There is a man with me , he stops in the same place, he is some kind of
leader. We are checking out some pills I have found , one is white on one side and has a picture
on the other . The man says "thank goodness you found them, they are explosive." The writing
on the quilt keeps changing. I go to see my dead friend for just a minute while she is lying in
state- I cannot stay longer , we have to find the danger and fix it before people are hurt. I feel bad
leaving so quickly.
Comments by Dreamer I do not know anyone one who has recently died, and no-one seriously ill.
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n172.3 ---------------
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n171
Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 09:16:48 EDT

ultimate drm-peace had lain to the right of the hospital if you had avoided
becoming "could do nothing"
jealousy drm-peace had lain to the right of the house if you had avoided becoming "slightly"
more at

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n172 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n173 --------------

001 - Heratheta - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n172
002 - Anonymous - Message from father who passed away.
003 - jskd - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n172
004 - Anonymous - Heaven and Hell

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n173.1 ---------------
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n172
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 09:49:17 EDT

house drm-peace had lain to the right of the yard if you had avoided becoming "very"
sharita drm-peace had alin to the irght of the quilt if you had avoided
becoming "as" more at

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n173.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Message from father who passed away.
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 10:24:56 -0700

Dream Title Message from father who passed away.
Date of Dream 10th October, early hours of the morning. Dream I dreamt that I seen my father.
He has been dead for about 18 years now. I dream about him from time to time but I can't pin
point if it is at any specific time in my life.
He was standing in a cold dark place, something like underground. Maybe with pipes. He was
familiar with his surroundings. He was tall and skinny and he hugged me. He looked into my
eyes. "What's wrong?" was his question. I told him what was wrong but I can't remember what
was wrong. There was lots of crying from me, although I can't recall seeing tears. I just
remember feeling crying.

Whenever I dream of him, I always say to him "You're supposed to be dead?" He's reply is "No,
I'm alive." I'm not sure if I actually asked him this or he read my mind, so I didn't have to say
anything. There was a sense of comfort. His appearance was very much the same as I
Comments by Dreamer
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--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n173.3 ---------------
From: jskd
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n172
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 01:12:57 -0600

On Sat, 9 Oct 1999 21:10:49 -0700 (PDT)
.>Dream Title House Renovation
>Date of Dream Oct.8th
>dream I'm in my street level basement where a renovation is taking
>New applicances are being rolled past and in my very large yard there
>new 6 foot section of fencing to be installed after the house is
>Comments by Dreamer I have been dreaming of houses in one form or
>for the past year. What does it mean?
>Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

>--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n172.2

>From: "anonymous"
>Subject: sharifa
>Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 20:28:21 -0700
>Dream Title sharifa
>Date of Dream Aug 4-5th, 4to5am.
>Dream I see a quilt with some fancy corners. I am on the verandah of the main house- I have
been away and have come back again. I pick up what I think is my quilt, it has writing all over it
and around the edges.
>One edge has a lot of writing, I am trying to decipher it as someone I know has been killed.
>There is a man with me , he stops in the same place, he is some kind of leader. We are checking
out some pills I have found , one is white on one side and has a picture on the other . The man
says "thank goodness you found them, they are explosive."
>The writing on the quilt keeps changing. I go to see my dead friend for just a minute while she is
lying in state- I cannot stay longer , we have to find the danger and fix it before people are hurt. I
feel bad leaving so
>Comments by Dreamer I do not know anyone one who has recently died, and
no-one seriously ill.
>Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n172.3

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n173.4 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Heaven and Hell
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 19:25:41 -0700

Dream Title Heaven and Hell
Date of Dream October, 10, 1999/3:30am-1:30pm
Dream I died. And I went to Heaven. The colors were white. It was a very soft colored
environment. Heaven was a very busy place. It was like a business everyone was working hard
for God to get souls on his side. To save souls from Lucifer. The only person that walked by that
I recognized from the previous life was Adam, he had been a guy I had, had a crush on all
through High school. He was wearing a dark suit and I noticed him just walk bye. All of the
sudden I saw myself in hell. I asked God, "Why, why did you send me to Hell?" Hell was exactly
the same as Heaven, except the color was red instead of white. The colors were more bold and
dark in this environment. Everyone there was trying to get souls for Lucifer. They were just as
busy and in a business type mode as well. It was like Buger King verses McDonald's. Both
businesses were trying to bring the same crowd and working against each other for the same
clients. Only this time it was Go!
d verses Satan and they were both trying to win souls. Satan sent his demons and God sent his
angels to do their work. I found myself trying to save a soul of a child of God from Satan. When,
it finally hit me that God had not abadoned me and I was sent there to do his work as an
"undercover angel" I found myself back in Heaven. I wanted to ask God, himself if that was his
plan for me. But, instead of talking to the Almighty, everyone that had questions had to wait in
line at this huge to ask this woman who happened to be the "interpreter" of God. I then woke up.
Comments by Dreamer
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--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n173 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n174 --------------

001 - Anonymous - BABY DREAM
002 - Anonymous - in the Kroger warehouse

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n174.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 16:54:01 -0700

Dream Title BABY DREAM by SeattleGuy
Date of Dream 10/12/99//3:00am
Dream I hope someone can help me with this dream....

Quick background: We are reading Jung's biography in class and this may have had an affect on
inciting the dream.

Here goes...

I am with a woman of 20 years old or so; someone I know but cannot recall
who now. We are sitting on the carpet in a small room (a nursery).

I am spending time with this person but am not yet aware of the baby in the room.

That is until the baby (an especially young infant whose gender is not apparent) tips backward
from a sitting upright position. It was dressed in a seafoam green one piece baby outfit. The
infant had been sat underneath one of those activity center things that are supposed to stimulate
the baby. With my attention drawn to the baby now, I say, "Wow, that baby is quite young to to
be sitting up like that." (In other words: the baby is doing something that normal infants at that
age ususally cannot.)

Because the infant tipped backward, it hit the back of it's head on the carpet. Out of concern I say
to the woman, "I hope it's head doesn't get messed up, maybe you should massage it?"

So the woman moves over to the baby and lifts it up. She then starts to vigorously massage the
baby's head. Just then, I notice how unnaturally small and wrinkled the baby's head is (about the
size of a plum). And on the back of the head is an area where the round part of the skull shows a
fold. (The baby's head has little hair.)

Then I awaken.
Comments by Dreamer Please Note- We are reading Jung's biography in class and this may have
had an affect on inciting the dream.

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n174.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: in the Kroger warehouse
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 09:39:57 -0700

Dream Title in the Kroger warehouse
Date of Dream 10/9
Dream There was no more deli meat in the fridge (in the waking state)so I went to get some (into
the dream now). There along the back wall of this more like a Sam's Club than a Kroger, but
knowing that it IS a Kroger, where the deli is there is a long wall of high shelves, like you might
see in a welding shop, strong and industrial. I met up with some friends there, friends from
another state, who I haven't seen in probably a year. I don't recall having been in the store with
anyone, and there wasn't an initial "hey!" just one minute they were there. I remember wondeing
if I had actually gone there with them. But back to the shelves.. the bottom maybe 4 1/2 feet was
caged in and on the top stacked up were enormous doge, the size of deer, all a dark brown with
short hair. These dogs were stacked with their backs facing out, one of these dogs was breathing,
and not just panting, but almost a frantic anxiety driven breath. This dog was in the middle of an
stack. There were more of these dogs in the caged in section of the shelves, I could see the eyes
of these dogs, empty. Then I was at the cash register.. I don't think I ended up getting that deli
meat, come to think of it.
Comments by Dreamer Jeez, I just don't know about this one. My dreams keep
getting stranger and stranger...
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--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n174 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n175 --------------

001 - Anonymous - time to kill the horses

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n175.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: time to kill the horses
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 1999 18:01:10 -0700

Dream Title time to kill the horses
Date of Dream 10/17/99 4:00 a.m.
Dream I was standing in a room with walls, but no floor. It was more like a huge tent. There
were about 100 people there and each person was standing next to a horse.

We were instructed to kill the horses with an axe by whacking them as hard as we could across
the neck to rupture a major artery. They said we had no choice- even if we didn't kill it on the
first try, the horses had to be killed. So, when they announced it was time to kill the horses, I
swung back the axe and struck the horse. But, I couldn't bring myself to do it with any force.
However, I did it hard enough to make a cut across the horses neck. It went mad.

I started crying and hugging the horse, feeling the greatest regret. I rushed over to the pharmacy
area with the horse. I begged them not to hurt it, but to give it medicine to heal the cuts, and they
did. They said it would be fine, but if I had only struck it an inch higher with the axe, I would
have killed it successfully.

Comments by Dreamer
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--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n175 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n176 --------------

001 - Heratheta - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n173,174,175
002 - Anonymous - dead & dead again

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n176.1 ---------------
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n173,174,175
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 20:46:32 EDT

message drm-peace had lain to the right of the father if you had avoided becoming 'familiar"
heaven drm-peace had lain to the right of heaven if you had avoided becoming 'very'
baby drm-peace had lain to the right of the carpet if you hAd avoided being hit upon kroger
drm-peace had lain to the right of the fridge if you had avoided becoming "no"
horse drm-peace had lain to the right of the room if you had avoided had avoide becoming "no"
more at

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n176.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: dead & dead again
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 12:23:43 -0700

Dream Title dead & dead again- Sara
Date of Dream 10/17/99
Dream I had a really freaky dream the other night night that i was wondering if someone could
help me out with. In it, i was dead- kind of. Everyone knew i was dead and they were all sad and
there was a corpse but i was still around. I also remember seeing the corpse (me) in the clear
body bag and everyone was trying to move it around so i didn't see the face (it was my face)
People could talk to me and see me but they were still sad, as if i were really dead. The part of
me that was still alive was only going to be around for a few more days before it/i was completely
removed as well. I remember talking to my mom in the dream telling her i was really scared and
knowing i was going to miss her. I do not remember how i died. Basically there was one me but
when i died another one was created to hang around for a few more days.
Comments by Dreamer This dream really freaked me out and i am very curious to find out the
meaning.... Thanks
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--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n176 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n177 --------------

001 - Anonymous - Cab and Son
002 - Heratheta - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n176
003 - Anonymous - The Bed Dream by Vera

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n177.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Cab and Son
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 01:17:45 -0700

Dream Title Kimbelina
Date of Dream 10/22/99 5:30 a.m.
Dream I had this dream right before I awoke to go to work this morning. All day the dream
disturbed me.

I dreamnt that I was observing a couple and their toddler son rushing by to catch the taxi that
was waiting just ahead. As they made their mad rush to the taxi they left their son behind who
was afraid to proceed because of the vicious dog nearby. Not wanting this toddler to be left
behind I left my husband & children to help this boy & went & held his hand while trying to lead
him past the menacing dog who kept snapping at the toddler, making him cry more

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n177.2 ---------------
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n176
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 10:41:00 EDT

dead drm-peace had lain to the right of the bag if you had avoided becoming
"really" more at

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n177.3 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: The Bed Dream by Vera
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 14:06:56 -0700

Dream Title The Bed Dream by Vera
Date of Dream 10/22/99
Dream The guy I like is over at my house for some reason or another...there was a reason but I
don't remember it. Anyways, I walked into someone's room (my parents? my brother? sister? i
dunno...i think it was my parents) and he was making the bed. I said some thing sarcastic like
"geez, you're good at making beds" or something dumb like that and he said (equally sarcastic)
"ooh yeah i know i am, have any other beds that need to be made?" and I'm like "yeah, follow
me..I don't think my bed is made yet." So we walk down the hall to my room, but when we get
there, my romm is like all rearranged and messed up. My bed was on the opposite wall and the
mural that is normally on my wall was torn down! I was all upset and I asked my mom like what
the hell happened to my mural and she said she tore it down or something like that and I was
really pissed and upset but I didn't want to cry cuz he was there and I thought I'd look stupid
crying over my stupid little wall thing. Also, now that I think about it, the walls in my room were
white instead of the jungle green color they are now.
Comments by Dreamer
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-------------- END dream-flow.v001.n177 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n178 --------------

001 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - The Refrigerator
002 - - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n177

Electric Dreams: Dream Flow
A fountain of dreams in Cyberspace

--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n178.1 ---------------

From: "Anonymous"
Subject: The Refrigerator
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 11:02:45 -0700

I just stumbled onto this site, and I'd like more information as I believe dreams are very

I had this dream, I don't recall it all but I wrote down some immediately upon waking.

I was at my home and my landlord came in my kitchen (I walked in the kitchen and he was just
there--I was surprised but not anxious, just sort of out of the blue surprised he was in my house)
and with a dolly was removing my refrigerator. I said "why are you doing that?" He said "you are
getting a new one." I said, "why?" He said because this one doesn't freeze right." I said, "well,
that only happened once." I was shocked because my refrigerator is rusty and unsightly but
works well--and it has only failed to work right once. (The landlord in my dream was a man I
knew in the dream, but not actually anyone I know-not my landlord).

I was still in my home. I wrote down: "I was concerned about locking my doors and safety. I told
Jeff (my son) to change his socks." In the dream I was naked and it mattered to no one. I did go
put clothes on (as I was clothed after realizing I was naked each time; but I never went a picked
out clothes and put them on, they just came on me with the realization that I wanted to be

For some reason I was scared and I wasn't at home so I ran into a house with the person that was
with me, perhaps my lifelong buddy Dawn. I wasn't fearful for my children. I suppose they were
in my home. I worried about N. (my god-daughter, who is 16 months old; who, in the dream said
lonely-y "where's J.". Really she only calls me Mamma or Mommy and when asked to say Joyce
she seems to clam up; and she will walk away...I guess that name is like telling a one year old to
sit down and tie your shoes). The house I ran into I had thought was unoccupied. I rationalized
with a friend that since no one would be home, and since we wouldn't touch or disturb anything,
and we were only seeking safety, that it was alright to go in. As we walked in a blonde woman,
who was evidently in bed got up--and being glad to see us, said hello. I said, "oh, we didn't think
anyone was here and we were just trying to find someplace to be safe. She walked away and
disappeared. I then entered the bedroom she left, and Mr. O. was in there with a blanket
covering him all except one leg and an entire left buttocks.

He didn't care. Again I was naked. I realized my naked-ity didn't matter again. (Mr. O. is a math
teacher at my community college, whom I don't really know. He is thin, with a beard, and seems
cold; but has a relative kindness about him--really. I would have thought him stoic, insensitive,
and mean; except, well, I guess I do know him personally, sort of. I worked in the counseling
department 3 times in my 4 years there and his wife was the secretary and I was her assistant so I
saw that he was simply droll with much really inside him. He is unphased by much, and would be
pretty much unphased if he found me in his house--knowing I was seeking safety. I don't really
know him, though.) Anyway, he pretty much lay there and was undaunted by our presence. It
may have been him, or he directed me to the "advisor" in my dream. This advisor, whom
definitely doesn't seem like it was him, said "get to know your children." That is they key to their
happiness. Then a whole courtroom of people (not really a courtroom--a group; mockers--people
who were so advanced from me looked upon me as if they knew it all. They knew what I was
going to say and they smugly smiled as I approached saying it and laughed--not at me, but at the
cuteness of my ignorance when they told me--don't be afraid of telling them what to do. It was
then that I said, "didn't I tell my son to change his socks?! I tell my children what to do." Then
they became more understanding and agreeable. I understood that they were saying "it is okay to
be on your kids bad side--they are not going to hurt you, and in fact they need it....but wasn't I
getting there!" But the advise remained and was stated again, "Get to know your children. Really
really know your children." It was as if this was they key to everything I needed. I woke up
feeling damn good! I couldn't wait for my 4 kids to wake up so I could see them.

I cannot remember in the dream much about a man with a missing leg. Since my dream took
place hither and yon I don't recall where he was even at. But I recall "that man doesn't have a leg
to stand on." In the dream I laughed inwardly thinking "yeah, metaphorically too."

My last notes on this page was the lingering knowledge: N. misses me. (The woman above who
left Mr. O.'s bedroom was not his wife. She was a tall pretty blonde with long hair--it didn't seem
like they were relation-oriented. Mr. O's wife is a well shaped, beautiful, delightful British
woman who is black with short hair). (Mr. O also has a beard, in real life. When I saw him I
thought about his beard though it was as though in the dream he didn't have one. I remembered
looking for it, and I thought oh yeah it is there, I think. He is a very light white man with dark
black beard).

About the refrigerator, it didn't matter to me that it was being taken away, even with the food in
it. I didn't feel like I was missing much and I much preferred the new one, as I've always wanted a
nicer refrigerator (which door opened the other way...and even if the door continued to open the
wrong way it looked better-this is true, but wasn't a thought in the dream), and it felt like a
present from someone who cared-this landlord.

--------------- MESSAGE dream-flow.v001.n178.2 ---------------

Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n177
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 19:14:07 EDT

cab drm-peace had lain to the right of the dog if you had avoided becoming
"mad" bed drm-peace had lain to the right of the house if you had avoided
more at

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n178 ---------------







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