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Electric Dreams Volume 06 Issue 03

"The terrain of dreams is the interface between what can be known and what is never to be discovered, because it's a mystery transcendent of all human research." Joseph Campbell
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Volume 6 Issue #3
MARCH 1999
ISSN# 1089 4284
Electric Dreams on the World Wide Web
Send Dreams and Comments on Dreams to:
Bob Krumhansl <>
Send Dreaming News and Calendar Events to:
Peggy Coats <>
Send Articles and Subscription concerns to:
Richard Wilkerson: <>
For back issues, editors addresses
and other access & Staff see
at the end of this issue
++ Editor's Notes
++ Dream Airing: Notes, letters to the editor
++ Column: Dream Trek:
by Linda Lane Magall?n
++ Article: The Proliferation of Dream Discussion eLists on the Internet by Richard Wilkerson
++ Article: Exploring the Mystery: History of The DreamNetwork
by Roberta Ossana
++ Article: Mutual Dream FAQ
by Linda Magallon
G L O B A L D R E A M I N G N E W S - Peggy Coats
- ASD Conference Update
- Start your Own Dream eList
- Call for Papers
- Art Exhibit Deadline Extended
- ASD Newsletter Survey
- Bereavement Dreams
- Dreams and Freud
- Dream Mosaic
- Academic Papers
- Dreamers Awaken
DREAM CALENDAR for February-March 1999
Electric Dreams Access Information
MARCH 20, SAT deadline for submission
FOR Next Electric Dreams vol 6(4)
The millennium year begins - send in dreams
Editor?s Notes
If you recall, last month I mentioned the Dream-Flow project, an attempt to get dreams circulating in Cyberspace.
There is an old tradition of telling dreams to only one therapist and holding them in secret journals and undisclosed places. This is a special way to share dreams and I hope to see it continue. But some of this tradition is based on shame. Since the beginning of the Millennium, people have been hounded, drowned and burnt at the stake for sharing dreams. Psychotherapy and the Human Potential movement have made an attempt in the last 100 years to recover the dream. Still, most of this work is done quite privately and secretly behind closed doors.
Is this something natural to the dream and the individual, or a cultural imposition? Both sides have interesting things to say. The private-dream faction points out that dreams begin private and are directly available only to the dreamer, so they are naturally secret. But can?t the same thing be said of the most social of all shared personal elements, feelings? In most primitive tribes dream sharing was a social event. One naturally got up in the morning or the middle of the night and stopped by the village fire and relayed dreams to anyone else there.
How might we experiment with this on the Internet? I mentioned last month the larger projects for seasonal dream incubation by Roger Ripert, and the smaller processes of the IDN introduced to the Electric Dreams DreamWheel eList by Jaye Belbo. Both of these projects continue and I recommend your joining in.
A very exiting development has been the opening up by Internet Service Providers of eLists. For sometime these mail lists were restricted to a few majordomos and other listservers and required special deals with the ISP. Now they are being offered free and dream sharing groups are seizing upon this opportunity to create small eLists focusing on dream sharing, lucid dreaming discussions, dream card discussions and much more. I?ve included a dozen or so summaries and several resources if you want to start your own eList.
I have also been contacting these lists and trying to get a flow of dreams set up with them. The way this works is that dreams sent into dream-flow will be distributed to several other lists. Comments can also be distributed and shared between lists, and eventually the lists can be connected with bulletin boards, newsgroups and other dream venues. Small groups can maintain their individual identities, or open the flood gate and draw in other dreams and dreamers. For more on this, see The Proliferation of Dream Discussion eLists on the Internet.
Speaking of opening up the flow, Linda Magallon offers two special places where dreams, the future and dream sharing collide. In her Dream Trek column, the ancient association of dreams and the future take on new meanings as the singular future opens up into a multidimensional series of parallel planes where we now have the option of choice. If we take it.
Linda furthers our connection and flow of dreams in public spaces in an updated Mutual Dreaming FAQ. Mutual dreaming provides a kind of inner background of dream sharing in Cyberspace. In our mutual dreams, we can begin to restructure our notions of what is and isn?t us, of private and public, of intention and fate.
One of the most influential people in recognizing the community level of dreaming and providing a deeper medium for the flow of dreams in the dream movement is Roberta Ossana. During the summer 1975 she had the following dream ?I find myself in a community center (which in waking life housed the office in which I was working). In every room of this building are people participating in an amazing variety of artistic activities: dancers, singers, musicians, artists...? This personal vision that has now become the vision of a whole generation of dreamers. In this issue she relates her story and how this vision has been unfolding the Dream Network. Be sure to read Exploring the Mystery.
Peggy Coats has been gathering all the latest information on dreams and dreaming from the Net and around the world and offers this fabulous resource in the Global Dreaming News. This service comes to us each month from the Dream Tree
which has recently added forums for dreams sharing and conversations on dreams and dreaming. The Dream Tree also offers the Electric Dreams community updates on dream web sites, the latest events and conference schedules as well as research in dreaming which we encourage you to participate. Be sure to get into the flow of dreams at Dream Tree. Make a point to bookmark this site and stop by on a regular basis.
I would to call your attention this month to the upcoming dream conference in Santa Cruz, California. The Association for the Study of Dreams offers a week long international conference like no other in the world. There is something for everyone interested in dreams, from dream science, to spiritual dreaming, from clinical use of dreams to grassroots dreamwork, from dream anthropology to dream inspired cultural expressions. Be very sure to visit this conference in July and read all about the program in Peggy?s Global Dreaming News.
There are many other dream workshops and events, see the list for the events in your area.
If you have news you?d like to share, contact Peggy Coats, Visit Global Dreaming News online at
Bob Krumhansl has taken the dreams and comments on dreams that have come into the community this last month and organized them in the DREAM SECTION along with an editorial and notes and dream poems.
The flow of dreams continues....
Richard Wilkerson
Dream Airing
Notes, letters to the editor
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Many thanks to low bandwidth for listing electric dreams
Be sure to stop by and check this site out, as well as the full collection of other e-zines which they generously archive!
Lucid Dreams Test on TV
So what every happened to the Dana King TV Channel 5 San Francisco Lucid dreaming challenge? The plan was that anchor Dana King would try out the lucidity institutes Nova Dreamer for a week and report back. Sources from the Institute say that the segment was dropped due to how early Dana has to get up in the morning. If you are interested in experimenting on your own, stop by the Lucidity Institute at
Dreams on ABC
If you missed the show, here is the scoop!
Transcripts Online for:
"What Dreams are Made of "
ABC 20/20 with hosts Charles Gibson and Connie Chung
Monday, February 8, 1999
Intuition Network moves eList to DreamGate
The Intuition Network sponsors and list managed by DreamGate called
The participants on this list share dreams, have weekly dream incubation projects, mutual dreaming projects and occasional psi and telepathy dream projects.
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The Intuition Network
Electric Dreams Illustrated!
The Electric Dreams E-zine (issn 1089 4284)is available in an illustrated format that you can have emailed directly to you. You just unzip the files and read them offline with your own favorite browser.
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If you would like to view the last issue online this way, stop by Dane Pestano?s site where the alchemic transformation takes place:
Ed 6.2 feb 1999 issue now online at usual location:
Last minute site found: James Hillman homepage
Dreams have never been the same since....
What is now known as the school of 'archetypal psychology' was founded by James Hillman with a number of other Jungians in Zurich in the late 1960's and early 1970's. The school arose in reaction against what they regarded as unnecessarily metaphysical assumptions in Jung and the complacent, rote application of Jungian tenets. Hillman prefers to regard archetypal psychology not as a 'school' but as a 'direction' or an 'approach'.
Archetypal psychology is a post-Jungian psychology, a critical elaboration of Jungian theory and practice after Jung. Although there are now many archetypal psychologists, Hillman remains the most prominent among them. contrast to Jung (CW 9.i), who says, "Water is the commonest symbol for the unconscious" (p.18.), Hillman (1975/1979) cautions against the interpretation of "bodies of water in dreams, e.g., bathtubs, swimming pools, oceans, as "'the unconscious'" (p.18). He urges individuals to attend phenomenologically to "the kind of water in a dream" (p.152) - that is, to the specificity of concrete images.
A hermeneutic psychology reduces plural waters, different concrete images (bathtubs, swimming pools, oceans), to a singular "water" and then to an abstract concept, the "unconscious." Imaginal psychology values the particularity of all images over the generality of any concept.... Waters in dreams or in active imagination may be as different as rivers are from puddles. These waters may be deep or shallow; they may be transparent or opaque; they may be clean or dirty; they may flow or stagnate; they may evaporate, condense, precipitate; they may be liquid, solid, or gaseous. The descriptive qualities that they exhibit are so incredibly diverse as to be potentially infinite - as are the metaphorical implications. (Quote from site and Michael Vannoy Adams)
By Linda Lane Magall?n
Future Backward, Future Forward
It?s 1999, end of the millennium and folks are dreaming up prophesies of destruction and disaster. Take your pick: the Apocalypse, Earth Changes, Y2K.
Or maybe, the aliens are coming. If our image of the future is dark and dangerous, we react with fear. We behave as survivors, gathering objects and ideas around us like a blanket, to protect ourselves from the nuclear winter which seems to menace from a dismal tomorrow. When we?re stuck with one imaginal channel, we can think the information that comes through is the true, the only possible future. And that applies to our personal future as well as our public one.
Within the world of dream, myths are born. In the past, we left that job to the masters, the leaders, the gurus, the expert dreamers. And then we had to live our lives according to some dream that the other guy had. And we built our civilizations according to the blueprint that the other person perceived, through his narrow focus. Today, we still have the choice to play follow the leader.
So look around and ask yourself, who?s promoting his version of upcoming events...and profiting from the prediction? Disastrous prophesies fill lecture halls and create new cottage industries. Frightened people will pay big bucks to protect themselves from the unknown.
But even some of the people who follow this or that dream prophet are beginning to rethink the situation. Slowly, a new idea is filtering into the interpretation of dreams. It?s the notion of the probable future. The image of a single-fisted timeline is opening up into a multi-fingered array of possible timelines. Science fiction is fostering the growth of this new idea. Thank goodness for ?Star Trek? and ?Back to the Future,? not to mention ?Sliders.?
If the future is not fated, not a solo timeline, then the future which lights up in the form of a dream is only a probable one. And the question becomes not, did he dream the future? It becomes, why, out of all the possible futures, did he dream about THAT timeline? It becomes, even if he did dream the most probable timeline in the year 52 or 1165 or 1987, is that still the most probable timeline today? Have our past and present free will choices changed the course of events? Can they still?
Now we have the opportunity, like no other time in history, to be visionary dreamers, too. And that means creating the future from the inside out and the outside in. But whether we do the dreaming ourselves or leave it up to the other guy, we need to ask, what selves are predicting or creating the future? The healthy selves? Or the pathological ones?
Psychotherapy already has discovered that dreams respond to our needs, our hopes, our fears, our prejudices. This applies to both yesterday?s residue and tomorrow?s anticipated events. So, if you spontaneously dream up an optimistic future or if you dream up a pessimistic future, ask yourself, what does that dream say...about me? What?s attracting my psyche?s attention? My highest ideal? My greatest threat?
Think about the average content of your personal dreams. Do they specialize in safety and security issues? Duh, what makes you think that the channel?s going to change when you expand to the global level of dreaming?
Before we present ourselves with the task of dreaming up the world?s future, we need to make sure our heads are screwed on right, that we?ve faced our own problems, needs and fears and are long on the march to emotional maturity.
Whether we?re talking deliberate or spontaneous dreaming, only a clean portal can pick up the clear vision through the static of inner conflict or outer chaos.
So, before you come to any conclusions about that future dream you had last night, take a long, hard look at yourself. And, when you think you can perceive a clear picture of reality, ask for a second opinion by someone who isn?t afraid to be honest with you. Then go back to the gurus and ask them some hard questions, too.
Not all futures are being previewed by healthy, mature psyches. When it comes to dreaming the future, we need to do one another the favor of reality checks.
Not just on the future. On ourselves.
Exploring the Mystery
by Roberta Ossana
A talk given on the history of the dream movement, the publication Dream Network and a brief personal history by Roberta Ossana. Reprinted by Permission of Roberta Ossana
Originally Presented at the Association for the Study of Dreams conference, Berkeley, CA. 1996
Transcription from tape by Dawn Hill and Roberta Ossana.
Introduction by Will Phillips
Good evening everybody. I was just thinking today that probably the Olympic torch has reached Atlanta by now. I'm not sure if it's made it. It went through my town just a few days before I left for here. And as each person grabs that torch carries it just a little bit further and passes it onto somebody else, I was just thinking about what has been happening with the Dream Network. The Dream Network truly is a dream network. That's what the whole idea is. This is a grassroots operation, open to anybody, and no one knows better than the past publishers and editors how much work goes into doing a project like this. The current editor I have considered my friend and colleague and co-worker for several years. We have been working together very closely. I consider her a close friend as well, and yet we just met this afternoon for the first time at five o'clock. We've been working together for six years through phone, fax, mail, email, and just finally met in the flesh. So with that, I would like to introduce Roberta Ossana, who came into this whole project with nothing but dedication, knew nothing about computers, had to start completely from scratch, did get help from past editors and so forth, but really came into this thing from scratch, and has been struggling to make this thing a blossoming and growing magazine for six years now. So with that, I would like to introduce Roberta Ossana.
Exploring the Mystery
A talk given on the history of the dream movement, the publication Dream Network and a brief personal history
by Roberta Ossana
It is truly a pleasure and a privilege to be here tonight. This is a very new experience for me, so please be patient as I get adjusted to being up here.
Before I begin, I'd like to thank all of the people who have encouraged me. I'm not going to mention names, but you know who you are. I also want to thank all of the dreamers, writers, artists, poets, previous editors, everybody who has helped to keep the spirit that manifests as the publication Dream Network alive over the past 14 and a half years.
Quite honestly, I'm feeling overwhelmed a bit right now. I have (as has been true with Will) known many of you for so long and yet am just tonight meeting you in person for the first time. Additionally, I've never done anything like this before. This is a first time, initiatory, trial-by-fire experience, and I ask your patience and your good energy. And if you give that to me, you may be in for a little show, because I have a tendency to speak as much with my hands and my body as I do with my voice. So c'mon, I'll provide you with some entertainment!
I want to begin tonight by sharing a piece that was given to me by a poet friend some years ago. It was a piece read at a meeting of the New Latin American Poets in Mexico City some time ago. The author is unknown. But it's a piece that I believe holds the essence of the spirit of the dream movement, and is a credo that we've adopted among those people who are networkers within the context of the Dream Network. I then want to spend the majority of the time introducing those of you who aren't familiar with the publication and its history... to Dream Network by introducing previous editors and sharing a little bit about what we've been doing over the past 14 and a half years. I will conclude by sharing a piece that I've written about dreams and exploring the mystery. So to begin, I will read, if I may,
"A Message to Poets and Dreamers"
"We who are poets and dreamers know that the reason for a poem is not discovered until the poem itself exists. The reason for a living act is realized only in the act itself. This meeting is a spontaneous explosion of hopes. That is why it is a venture in prophetic poverty, supported and financed by no foundation, organized and publicized by no official group, but a living expression of the belief that there are now in our world new
people, new poets, new dreamers, who are not in tutelage to established political systems or cultural structures, but who dare to hope in their own vision of reality and of the future...
"This meeting is united in a flame of hope whose temperature has not yet been taken, and whose effects have not yet been estimated, because it is a ew fire. The reason for the fire cannot be apparent to one who is not warmed by it. The reason for being here will not be found until all have walked together, without afterthought, into contradictions and possibilities...
"We believe our future will be made by love and hope, not by violence or calculation. The Spirit that has brought us together, whether in space or only in agreement, will make our encounter an epiphany of certainties we could not know in isolation...
"The solidarity of poets and dreamers is not planned and
welded together with tactical convictions or matters of policy, since these are affairs of prejudice, cunning, and design. Whatever our failures, the poet and dreamer is not a cunning person. His or her art depends on an ingrained innocence which he or she would lose in business, in politics, or in too
organized a form of academic life. The hope that rests on calculation has lost its innocence. Let us band together to protect our innocence!" (end ?Credo?)
That is called again, "A Message to Poets," author unknown, but very relevant, I believe, to the challenge that stands before us as we create new ways of recognizing that so many of the ways that we've been taught are not working for us any longer.
History of Dream Network/Past Editors
Now I want to talk about what I know of the history of the Dream Network. There are many details that I don't know. I was fortunate to be able to make contact with most of the previous editors and get statements from them and I'll be sharing those. But, in essence, I do know that the publication was started with an intention to bring dreams back to dreamers, to acknowledge the fact that we've learned that we all dream every night, and that we have a right to learn, to understand, the symbolic and metaphoric language of dreams. It was begun in the spirit of being a grassroots publication and it's remained that way over the past 14+ years. And it couldn't have happened without, as Will said, the dedication and effort that so many people have put into it over the years. At this point, if we could have the house lights out, we'd like to show a few slides to show the evolution of the publication over the years.
Dream Network was begun in January 1982 by a very fiery and compassionate young man by the name of Bill Stimson. And I'd like to read... That's his picture there and that's the first issue of Dream Network. And, in that issue he published an article that he wrote called, "Armed with our Dreams." I'd like to read just the last paragraph of that article:
"Armed with our dreams, we have a weapon that can turn this society upside down by turning our lives around. The greatest battles waged throughout history have been within the souls of a few brave men and women. To work with dreams in the deepest sense is to be a leader in the revolution of human consciousness."
Recently, I wrote Bill and asked him if he'd be willing to share a few words and he was aware that I was going to be making this presentation.
Here's what he had to say:
"The Dream Network is not the publication; the enterprise proper isn't a publishing one. To speak the truth of what the Dream Network is about for us is to find our myth -- where else but among our dreams? -- for us to use our dreams in a way that enables us to come together honestly and deeply, for what was broken to be rendered whole again, our community with one another, our connection with our deeper selves, our oneness in purpose, our ability and our resolve to embody the light itself. What makes the Dream Network special is that it's fundamentally different. People sense this somehow and so they've helped the energy and unfoldment move forward."
During Bill's time (and if you'd please show the next two slides, Will)... I don't understand the dynamics that were behind this, but there were different publications coming out in different parts of the country that were called Dream Network affiliate publications. One of them was called Fusion. I believe it came out of Seattle. And there was another called DreamCraft, which came out of somewhere in the northeast. I'm not certain about that, however. There was a big stir of energy happening at that time. One of my advisors and a very, very good friend, who is one that I've not yet had the pleasure of meeting in the flesh, is Barbara Shore. And she was a part of the original New York dream community. I wrote her and asked if she'd share some of her experiences from those early days. I think this might sound familiar to a lot of you because, I know in my own experience, when I first began having these incredible dreams, I didn't have too many places to turn and there wasn't a lot of information available to help me understand what was happening. What Barbara has to say is,
"In my mind's eye is Bill Stimson's small, walk-up flat on a hot summer's night...the beginnings of the New York dream community. We never formed a tight-knit group because the people kept changing too often for that. The room was usually crowded...15 to 20 people. Essentially, we knew nothing about dreams, but Bill's enthusiasm and passion for dreams was contagious. It was a dream whose time had come, like the classic dream of finding yourself in your own home but entering a new room that you've never been in before. We were electrified. This group was the core of the New York dream community and the New York dream community was the core of the early dream movement in the United States. Although we couldn't articulate it at the time, I think we realized that we now had a mission in life. We were converts to dreams. Was it Bill's vision of a global network of dreamers we were envisioning or did it arise spontaneously among us? I don't know, but it was powerful. When Bill got an idea, he didn't rest until he got it out there. He was the prototype of the populist networker, the Trotsky of the dream revolution. It might have happened without him, but it never would have been so fast, so intense, so like a prairie fire in a season of drought. Maybe this was the next step after the revolutionary 60's. That world-changing vision hadn't fully worked, so maybe we had to go back to the inner drawing board, and remake the world from the individual psyche's infrastructure inside out, instead of the other way around."
Bill did the Dream Network; he was at that time putting it out monthly. It was a four to eight page bulletin. And he did that for approximately two years, at which time it came into the hands and heart of Chris Hudson.
Unfortunately, I couldn?t contact...I couldn't locate Chris, so I don't have anything to share with you directly from him. But I did meet him in my early days of work with the Dream Network, and want to share some of that meeting with you a little later on. For this purpose, I'll say that I did get letters from people who have been long-time readers who made a lot of comments about their appreciation of Chris's willingness to share his own process, to share his own dreams during the years that he was editor and publisher. And they also appreciated the very lively Letters to the Editor section that he introduced into the publication.
Chris was in Brooklyn and Henry and Bob Van De Castle are the people who took responsibility for the publication next, in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Once again I don't know any of the dynamics that occurred when the publication was making its moves around the country. But Henry and Bob have shared that even before the Dream Network appeared on the scene, Henry had published several issues of the "Sundance Community Dream Journal," which was the precursor to the Dream Network. It was the first published journal declaring that dreams belong to dreamers. The Sundance Journal and Henry's early efforts have had him dubbed "The Father of the American Dream Movement" in many circles. Henry and his wife, along with Bob Van De Castle, took responsibility for the Dream Network in 1985, and during that time, Bob conducted a very successful dream telepathy experiment through the publication. And Henry did a real interesting study on shoes as symbols in dreams. Articles and his findings were published throughout the time that he and Bob were doing this. I'm a little embarrassed and self-conscious because both Henry and Robert are sitting right here in front of me. And I know that there are probably many things that I'm not saying. Would either of you like to make comments about your time? (Henry and Robert signal ?no.?)
Okay. ... During the period of time that they were co-editing the publication, Bob was also serving as the president of ASD.
From their hands, in approximately 1987, it traveled into the hands and heart of Linda Magellon, here in nearby San Jose. Linda, who I don't believe is here tonight, (she said she had responsibilities elsewhere), had this to say,
"Dream Network Bulletin is a communal project. It couldn't happen without the help of family, friends, and colleagues, without the assistance of volunteer staff, contributors, and subscribers. Under my tutelage, the most important goal was to assure that new voices would be heard, new visions seen, especially those dreamers who'd not been previously published. They were nurtured and encouraged to dare to dream in the public forum."
Linda had a great deal of support as well from Bob Trowbridge and Jill Gregory, whom I know many of you are familiar with. It was during Linda's time that the publication first began to take on color. I think that if the right slide's up there, you're seeing the first issue that appeared with color on the cover.
My Own History with Dream Network, including a brief Dream autobiography
In 1989, literally on summer solstice, I was informed that the Bay Area Dream Workers group had accepted my "bid," so to speak, to take responsibility for the publication. And I'd like to go on kind of a diversionary path here for a moment and share a little with you about my history with dreams and my history with the Dream Network, because I recognize that I'm a stranger to most of you. This is kind of a labyrinthical tale. I hope you'll be able to follow along with me:
It starts back in 1975-76. I was in a very, very busy part of my life, living in the Pacific northwest and working full time, raising my family, in a new marriage. One afternoon on a weekend, I took a nap and had the most extraordinary dream that I'll probably ever have in my life. It is the first dream that I ever recall as an adult. I remember dreams from my childhood but this one was like going to a full-length movie. When I awakened, I went, "My goodness, what on earth was that?" I'd been keeping a journal for several years and I immediately wrote down every detail of that dream. In the dream,
I found myself going into the community center where I was, actually where I actually worked, where my office was located. It was a multi-service community center. And rather than the typical kinds of activities that were taking place there on a day-to-day basis in waking reality, there were... Oh, as I was walking down the hallway... In this room there?d be dancers dancing, and in this room there?d be musicians playing, and in this room there?d be artists drawing... And it was totally full of people who were doing all kinds of creative activities. And as I went to the back of the building, into the area where (in daytime reality) there's a basketball court, there were groups of people working, constructing. I couldn't tell you what they were constructing, but they were using hammer and nails. And every time, they were hammering in unison, and every strike of the hammer was in concert with music that was playing in the background. It was just a lovely sight to see.
That's a part of the dream; that's the tone of the dream.
That particular dream must have carved some new pathways in my psyche, because it was at that point in time that I began dreaming and recalling my dreams prolifically. I didn't know what was happening. I was seeking out everything I could find. That was not long after Patricia Garfield's and Ann Faraday's books had come out, and I found those, and found a Jungian who lived in the community and went and spoke with him, learned a few things from him, continued to dream...
Time went on, and in the fall of 1981, I was reading our local, weekly paper. We had just elected a mayor in our community of Port Townsend who was a jazz pianist, and his wife was a flautist, and they were both very environmentally-conscious. It was a very extraordinary and wonderful era in that community. He wrote a weekly column in the paper, and in August of 1981 his column said, "Is there anyone out there who'd be interested in coordinating an event to honor the 35th anniversary of the United Nations?" For a number of reasons, which I won't go into now, I was compelled to respond to that call.
I called together a group of my colleagues. We had a meeting, literally at the office where I worked in the community center. And as we were brainstorming ideas about what would we do in our small little backwater town to acknowledge the United Nations anniversary, I began getting a full-blown memory of the dream that I'd had back in '75-76, and I said that to the group. I said, "My God, this reminds me of a dream I had five years ago!" And one man said, "Well, we've got to do it then." Thank God! I mean he just picked right up on it. There wasn't a beat that was skipped before he said that. Each of us took a piece of the work away from that meeting and proceeded to coordinate this event, which occurred on October 11, 1981.
The entire event, itself, was like walking through the dream that I'd had five years ago, step by step by step. There were no details missing. I was existing for that time, at that
intersection between the dream reality and this reality, off the ground. It started at noon and continued until two or three o'clock in the morning.
In some of the rooms we had arranged that artists would be there drawing portraits. We had arranged in other rooms that there would be international foods available.
In other rooms, we arranged that there would be information booths sharing news from countries in which there were concerns like apartheid, and so forth. And, in the back room, we had a program later in the evening that went on and on and on. It just did not want to end until it finally did at two or three in the morning with Sufi dancing. It was just an absolutely wonderful and very successful event.
It was at that time that I knew something of extraordinary significance had just taken place and, on some level, a commitment was made in my soul to learn more, to understand more. At the same time, I'm still in this busy part of my life where there wasn't a lot of opportunity to seek out information.... and there wasn't a lot of information available.
Well, not long after that event happened, I had a visit from a friend -- a woman poet -- by the name of Christina Pacosz. She had been published a few times in the publication. And she came to me to ask, to tell me that she had just received a letter from a man in New York City who had just started a publication called the Dream Network Bulletin. And he had asked her to find someone in the northwest area to, what her words were, "to focalize dreamwork." And she said, "You're it." And she gave me the letter and encouraged me to write him. I sat down immediately after she left and wrote Bill Stimson a letter and sent a picture of myself off to him in New York. Fortunately, I kept a copy, I don't know why, but I made a copy of that letter before I sent it off. But I never got a response. It just felt, after two or three, four months went by, like it had gone off into a black hole in space.
So once again back to the, you know, 8 to 5. I'm back to work. This event that I just talked about, the poet coming to me, happened in the fall of '82, and I don't remember much, because I was still in that hurricane of work and family and so forth until the fall of 1987, when the harmonic convergence occurred on August 17. I'd been carrying that date forward in my journal for about 20 years, because I thought it was going to be the magic moment, you know, the ?blink of an eye? that we?re all waiting for. And I was invited to a number of different events that were happening to acknowledge that occurrence, but decided to go to a place nearby Boise, Idaho, to an event that was called, "Dancing the Dream Awake." It was sponsored by Brook Medicine Eagle, and it was an all-night dance/ritual around the fire to acknowledge and celebrate the beginning of this period that we're in the midst of right now.
After returning from that event, I can only say that things began to change very rapidly in my life. It wasn't very long before I decided to let go of a 20-year career as a public servant, in a wide variety of very interesting jobs. I was very fortunate, but it was time to let go. I wasn't certain what I was going to do, but I knew that it had to have to do something with dreams. I needed to learn more. And so what I did was apply to a graduate degree program that I had found that would allow me the opportunity to co-create, with my committee and faculty people, a study plan that met my needs. And I found that program and was accepted.
It was Vermont College, at Norwich University. In the early stages of that program, one of my first responsibilities was to meet with my committee and faculty people for the purpose of designing the study plan. That process took place in California, in the spring of 1989. I went to Southern California and developed the plan. We worked over a period of two or three weeks. I got my study plan approved.
At that time, I had moved back to my home state, Utah. When it was time to leave California, which is a two-day trip, I took a different route than I normally do, and stayed on the west side of Hopi land. I was on a Navajo reservation, that night staying in a Navajo-owned motel. I want to back up just one minute and tell you that, while I was in the process of developing this study plan, I had relocated the Dream Network. I had found out it was being published out of San Jose and subscribed while I was in California. So the night that I'm staying at the motel on Navajo land, west of the Hopi reservation, I had a dream.
In the dream, I saw papers hanging from the branch of a tree, blowing in the wind, and heard a voice say, "If you don't do it, somebody else will." I woke up and wondered, "What on God's green earth could that possibly mean?" I had no idea.
I made my way home to Moab, Utah, which is where I've been off and on for the last 40 years. Shortly after I got there, now with this new project, this new adventure before me, this new challenge of the graduate degree program, I was all ready to launch in it... But not long after I got there, something occurred which is very typical in that part of the country, and it was a period of seven to ten days of absolutely relentless winds, 24 hours a day, just stirring up all of the sand in the desert, and making it virtually impossible to feel like you could complete a task in the way that you normally would, because it was very unnerving.
After two or three days of trying to accomplish something and being unsuccessful, I decided to stop trying and threw a few books and my journal in the day-pack, and walked up a canyon, a very beautiful canyon that I live near, and spend the day in a cave, a beautiful cave...In fact, a cave that I was guided to in a dream some years before.
On my way up the canyon, I stopped at my mailbox and, lo and behold, there was my first issue of the Dream Network Bulletin! It had just arrived and so I put it in my day-pack, headed up the canyon, got about half way up the trail (it was going to be a mile, mile and a half, before I got to the cave)and I heard a voice say, ?You?re going to see a snake.?... then immediately, a snake slithered across the trail. I said thank you to the voice, hello to the snake and went on my way.
When I got to the cave... (it's a beautiful cave. If you ever come to Moab, please look me up. I'll take you there. You won't believe it. It's absolutely gorgeous!) ...and I took everything out of my day-pack.
The first thing I did was grab the new issue of Dream Network, open it at random, and the first thing I saw was the graphic image of an eye with a snake coiled in the pupil, and it
just...goosebumped me! Ah, I'll never forget that moment. I knew something was about to happen, and when I turned just inside the front cover, the words that my eyes fell on were,
"This publication is seeking a new Editor/Publisher."
Well, I threw everything right back in my day-pack, ran back home, called Linda, and began communicating with her -- a communication that took place over a two or three month period of time, both by phone and letter. As I said earlier, on summer solstice 1989, I was called by Linda and told that the Bay Area dreamworker?s group had agreed to pass the responsibility, the torch, and the beauty -- and what an adventure it is! -- on to me.
Not long after Linda informed me, she put out her last issue from San Jose. In it, she introduced me. Shortly after that issue came out, I got a call from Chris Hudson, and here's where I'm going to go back to my story about Chris, because he had just moved from Brooklyn to Bellingham, Washington, very nearby where I was living, and was very excited that the publication was going to be happening so nearby him. At that time, I was again in the northwest doing my graduate degree program.
By the way, I know that part of my tale has got to be confusing because I was literally like a pinball, bouncing back and forth between the northwest and the southwest during this period of time. So don't get too confused. I was on the Olympic Peninsula and back in Utah quite a number of times during that period.
Chris called and wanted to come over and meet me. So we agreed on a weekend, he came, and it was a very beautiful day. I had decided to suggest that we go to a beautiful park in Port Townsend to have our talk. He was agreeable.
So we went to Chetzemoka, got out of the car, began walking into the park, and Chris stopped in his tracks and said, "My God, I've got a picture of you sitting right over there in that flower garden." And I said to him, "How could you have a picture of me sitting over there in that flower garden? We just met 15 minutes ago!" And he proceeded to tell me that when responsibility for the publication was handed to him by Bill Stimson, that there were a good number of unopened pieces of mail. Among them, the letter that I had sent to Bill back in 1982, which contained my picture.
One gets a feeling of a certain amount of destiny when those kinds of things happen.
Evolution of Dream Network in current years
The next few slides are some pictures and images of the issues that have come out over the seven years that I've been doing the publication. During this past several years, we've evolved, naturally, a few new dimensions to the publication. One of the first steps that I took was to develop a Council of Advisors, and I'd like to just name those people. Many of you know some of them, and some of these people may be completely unfamiliar, but I really want to acknowledge them because they've been an incredible help and aid to me on so many occasions: Kelly Hunter, she's from the east coast; Stanley Krippner, most of you know; Marcia Lauck, who is here in San Jose and co-author of "At the Pool of Wonder"; Will Phillips, who you all met a short while ago; Bill Schuman, from Fort Wayne, Indiana; Barbara Shor, from New York City; and Graywolf/Fred Swinney, from southern Oregon. There have been other individuals who have served during my time that include Montague Ullman, Jeremy Taylor, Deborah J. Hillman, and all of whom really taught me a lot and helped a great deal during the period of time that they served in that capacity. We also made a decision to focus each issue around a question or a theme and that seems to have worked very well. It narrows the focus so that we aren't wandering too far over creation.
We've developed a statement of purpose. I'd like to read just an excerpt of that for you:
"Our purpose is to raise individual and cultural appreciation for the value of dreams. We seek to disseminate information that will assist and empower us in taking responsibility for our cultural, emotional and spiritual well-being, with the help of dreams and mythology. Our goals are to unite and serve those who respect dreams, to empower dreamers in demystifying dreamwork, and to assist with the integration of dreamsharing in our culture, in whatever way of integrity is shown and given us."
In the last couple of years, we've activated the title of the publication by encouraging committed and knowledgeable dreamworkers around the country...and in Canada, France, Germany, South Africa... to become listed in each issue as Networkers/Contact Persons. Over 50 individuals are listed in each issue of the Dream Network, and are there to respond to your calls, your questions, your needs, to point you to resources, to point you to existing dream groups or help you form dream groups. So those individuals are listed, and willing to share and make the path a lot smoother for new seekers than it was for us. We've also evolved from what was a 24-page publication to 52 pages.
We've currently developed a presence on the World Wide Web - that's been an incredible experience to say the least.
We've begun just recently accepting advertising.
We created one subject-specific booklet that's composed of articles drawn from our very rich archives. The one that is now published is, "The Art of Dreamsharing and Developing Dream Groups." And we hope to publish a series of booklets bringing forth so many of these beautiful words of wisdom and experience, and articles that have only really been seen by a small handful of people over this last 14 and a half years.
And lastly, we're being distributed nationally on a relatively small basis, but nevertheless, being distributed nationally.
I'd like to close by reading and sharing some of what I've learned over this past seven years, and something else that I believe that we all have in common:
Exploring the Vast Mystery of Dreams
Together we have learned that dreams constitute a field of meaning and purpose as vast and complex as our knowledge of the known universe. We know that, although we're just becoming reacquainted, other cultures and civilizations in the world have valued, cherished, utilized, and manifested dreams and visions for centuries. Many have been persecuted over the past
20 centuries for doing the work we share today. Like mercury, the field of dreams is elusive, a mystery, expansive, ever evading definition, description, categorization, and forever earning our respect...
I believe we all agree that dreams are meaningful and purposeful. We know that we all dream every night, in fact many dreams each night.
Not all of our dreams are recalled, and not all that are recalled can be readily comprehended or shared with another.
We know dreams are essential and vital tools in therapy, still they can be engaged in silence, in our journals, with our spouse, our children, our neighbors, in dream groups, because we know we all dream every night. We have learned that dreams can be incubated to solve problems, answer questions, provide guidance.
Dreams often give timely warnings for ourselves or for another.
Dreams provide insight, bring darkness into light.
Dreams awaken us, frighten us, shake us up, puzzle and perplex us, allow us to waken within them. And, if we're inclined, to control them.
We can meet together in the dreamtime reality, a time and space beyond time-space.
In dreams, we can fly or die, and be reborn.
Dreams show us the future, shed light on the past, even past lives.
In dreams, we're often prepared for the death of a loved-one, and there is provision of ground for contact with them from the other side.
Dreams are known to have been the catalyst for authoring books,
composing music,
creating new inventions,
inspiring poetry,
creating art and sculpture.
Dreams prophetize.
Dreams are spirits' way of speaking to us.
Dreams heal. In one word, dreams reveal.
Joseph Campbell said, "The terrain of dreams is the interface between what can be known and what is never to be discovered, because it's a mystery transcendent of all human research."
I look forward to continuing to explore the mystery with all of you, and thank you again for inviting me to be here tonight. Thank you. H. Roberta Ossana
Dream Network is the in-print and online vehicle for a growing grassroots network of individuals who believe in the value and power of dreams to help us individually -- and collectively, to positively transform ourselves and our world.
Dream Network encourages you to realize that your dreams do have purpose and meaning; and aspire to provide inspiration and education to help you in better understanding the symbolic and metaphoric language of dreams.
Subscribe online or Call (800) 861-3732
Subscription Information: One Year U.S. Regular $22
Canada/Mexico/Add $6; Foreign/ $12 (P&H).
Mutual Dreaming FAQ
1999 Linda Lane Magall?n
1. What is a mutual dream?
The most generic definition is, "Something in my dream corresponds to something in your dream." The two classic mutual dreams are meeting and meshing. In a meeting dream event, I see you and you see me. For meshing dreams, we share themes, emotions or symbols; or the wording of our dream reports is quite similar. You dream of gazing in rapture at the night sky; I dream of being surprised to see the stars after I switch off the light.
2. Where can I find information about mutual dreams?
The most detailed source is *Mutual Dreaming* by Linda Lane Magall?n (New York: PocketBooks, 1997). The book can be ordered at any of the on-line book stores (like Linda spent 15 years researching the field and facilitating intentional co-dreaming projects. The book covers spontaneous and intentional mutual dreaming, and includes lucid and non-lucid examples. An appendix in the back of the book lists references and examples that can be found in other books. Further information can be found at (Fly-By-Night Club)
3. Where can I share my own mutual dream examples or find co-dreaming partners?
There is no bulletin board or mailing list that specializes in mutual dreams, only. You might post your dreams at the alt.dreams and alt.dreams.lucid newsgroups and ask for a response. The two mailing lists that are currently open to discussion and activity are listed below. People join, start talking about the subject and then suggest a dream-together project.
The Intuition Network sponsors a list managed by DreamGate called
The participants on this list share dreams, have weekly dream incubation projects, mutual dreaming projects and occasional psi and telepathy dream projects.
To subscribe, send an email
In the body of the email put only
subscribe your-email
Please substitute your own email address for ?you-email?. You may get an email requesting verification. Simply select your reply button and change the subject header from REJECT to ACCEPT and send this back.
The Intuition Network
Write subscribe sethworks in the body of an email, and send it to
To post/
(Thanks to moderator Jen Beaven/
4. What are group mutual dreaming projects and where can I join them?
Group dreaming projects often have a facilitator who chooses a goal and then requests people to deliberately incubate dreams about the goal.
A meshing goal is an invitation to dream together about a topic or theme. For example, the February 1998 goal of the *Interactive Dreaming* site was Dreams, Teach Me New Depths of My Beloved!
A meeting goal is an invitation to meet in the dreamspace. There is no ongoing place for group meetings, but results from past projects have been posted at the *Fly-By-Night Club* web site. (Fly-By-Night Club)
The Proliferation of Dream Discussion eLists on the Internet
by Richard Wilkerson
Dream Sharing online is just beginning to open up from a few streams of dedicated dreamworkers into an alluvial fan for all dreamers. The explosion of free Internet Mail Lists now provide the resources for small, intimate groups of people wishing to share dreams, as well as communication groups for teenagers, lucid dreamers, psi dreaming and a host of other dream related activities.
Unlike postal mail lists or lists where advertisers get your name, these Net Mail Lists are both useful and available only if you subscribe by sending in an e-mail request.
Electronic Mail Lists (what I will be calling eLists) are a simple way to communicate with a group of people with a common interest through e-mail. On eLists, one subscribes and unsubscribes at will. A special common e-mail address is used by the subscriber and all mail sent to that address will end up in everyones' e-mail box that is subscribed to the group.
An image. Normal e-mail is like a circle of individuals. With e-mail, the message is like a ball that someone makes and tosses to someone else in the circle. Each person in the circle is an Internet e-mail address. Now imagine we add a Magician to the group who duplicates the message balls s/he receives. The Magician is the eList address. In this instance, let's say this person is the list name address for the eList discussion group called "Dreaming in Later Life." Every time you throw this eList Magician a ball, s/he will duplicate the ball and throw it to everyone that is signed up on the "Dreaming in Later Life" discussion list. The overall effect is that a group discussion over days, weeks or months can take place between individuals located all over the globe.
Internet eLists used to be the haunt an eLite few who had special deals with their Internet Service Providers (ISPs). The lists were a nightmare to maintain for the host/owner and required continually changing scripts and parameters though coded messages to the server. These lists still exist and are great for those who like to have a lot of control over the options available to the subscribers, but the new free eLists have made all this very simple and automatic. Just like the new sites that offer free e-mail, the eLists sites allow the list owner to create a discussion list in minutes.
Here are a few places you can start your own free eList:
Netscape WebSite
Now perhaps you don?t have time to start your own dreamgroup, but would like to find people with lists that are doing and discussing topics that interest you. Here is a quick list of some of the older eLists and a quick view on some of the newer ones that have popped up this year.
List Name:
Sponsor: Electric Dreams and DreamGate
The DREAM-FLOW mail list is a way to circulate dreams and their meanings around the Internet. Dreams flow into the list from a variety of sources, including Usenet Newsgroups, Electric Dreams subscribers, dream-flow list subscribers and the Dream Temple, a Web form for sending dreams.
Dream texts coming into dream-flow are considered as freely given, yet anonymous creations that cross the boundaries of sleep and waking, personal and transpersonal, born and unborn, created and found, and many other boundaries.
These dreams are seen as having at least as much status an any literary genre or text, and the comments and interpretations are also seen as having at least the same status as literary criticism, philosophical or metaphysical exegesis.
All dreams and comments are published monthly on Electric Dreams, which is freely distributed throughout the Net.
List name: The DreamWheels
Sponsor: Electric-Dreams and DreamGate
Subscription: send request to Richard Wilkerson email:
or Diane Email:
The Electric Dreams Dream Wheels are dream groups via email. Generally they are 6-12 people who take turns exploring one another's dreams. The basic format of the group involves first asking questions then having each person take the dream as if it were his or her own and commenting. This non-defensive style was developed online by John Herbert and is very easy to learn, yet insightful and delightful for all participants.
Intuition Network offer
This group was formally and focuses on weekly and monthly dream sharing projects. These include regular dream sharing, incubating dreams, mutual dreaming and psi dreaming.
To subscribe to email conferences,
send an email message
In the body of your email put only (without the [ ] brackets):
subscribe [your email address]
The Daily Analyst
This discussion list_ is available via Dutch psychiatrist Willem Linschoten" <>
For subscription information, go to:
The Daily Analyst -
Spiritual and Mythopoetic dream sharing with Dr. Deus.
For subscription information, stop by
Dream-analysis [English] [For People Over 21]
This conference is dedicated to discussions on the interpretation of Dreams and different views on analyzing them. We welcome all discussions and interpretations of what certain dreams my mean to all of us. We welcome dream journals, symbolism and different concepts of interpreting dreams. We will also discuss aspects of OBE (Out of body Experiences), Near Death Experiences, Karma & Reincarnation and how they are inter-related to Dreams. No adult or foul language allowed on this list!
Dream-list [English] [For People Over 13]
Welcome to the Dream Mailing list. This is the place to share you weird and confusing dreams and get some answers as to what they mean and just to share your dreams in hopes of helping others! This a place to share and make friends! =) For more information, mailto:
DreamaLittleDream [English] [Safe for Kids]
You're in Italy, giving a speech on mushrooms, when suddenly Tarzan swings through and kidnaps you and you both go surfing. Sound odd? Well, that's what most dreams usually are like. If you'd like to discuss your dreams and try some amateur interpretations, then this is the list for you. Don't worry, it's a friendly list, we won't try to criticize or over-interpret your dreams, we'll just discuss them. Who knows, maybe through dream interpretation you'll find out something about yourself that you didn't
DreamJourney2 [English] [Safe for Kids]
Sharing dreams and dream journeys (out-of-body experiences). Exploring the reality of dreaming and its importance in ones life. Sharing dreams can be a beneficial experience, and in many cases, clues to future and upcoming events. This list is open to anyone who care to see into reality knowing that there are answers to puzzling situations created in the mind. Topics for the list are: dreams, dream journey, out-of-body experiences, near death experiences, sleep walking (dreams in motion) and astral projection (dream travel).
For more information,
DreamDiscussion [English] [For People Over 17]
Open for any type of dream discussion or dream interpretation using any paradigm. For mature users only please. For more information,
Dreamers [English] [For People Over 10]
For those of us who dream a lot, and who sometimes think out dreamworlds have more substance than this "real" waking world. A chance to share your dreams with others. While we are not looking to censor or edit anyone you are encouraged to relate your dreams in language suitable to readers of all ages and sensibilities.
DreamingWorld [English] [For People Over 13]
Jezanna and LaughingKoala have started this list to help people reach the symbolism and hidden meanings behind their dreams. Everyone dreams, what makes them so important? What are some good tips for remembering your dreams? Making them clearer? More psychic? More restful? What does it mean that you just dreamt of a house full of snakes on your birthday?... We'll endeavor to help you find the answers to all these questions, and any others you care to ask. We're not experts, just learning as we go like everyone else... and we welcome anyone and everyone to the list, experienced or inexperienced and hope that we can have some great discussions going... Bandia duit. Goddess be with you.
Dreams [English] [For People Over 17]
The Dreams list is just what it sounds like. Join the list to share your own dreams, and read others. I believe dreams can be a very helpful tool to use in our waking lives. Dreams reveal things we may not yet know, or understand in a conscious state. Post your dreams here, and ask for interpretations, or help others understand their dreams. If you just want to share some bizarre dreams you've had, that's fine too. It's all in fun, and nobody here claims to be a psychoanalyst, or dream expert. This list is not moderated, and all dreams are acceptable, so long as they are PG in content.
Dreampages [English] [Safe for Kids] [announce]
Dream journal of a dedicated dream writer. I first started writing dreams by hand, then by typewriter, then by computer, and now on the web. It just keeps getting better and better.
For more information,
DreamsofSpirit [English] [For People Over 17] Similar lists
This list is for those seeking clarification on their dreams. Many of us are "waking up" to the fact that we are spiritual beings and that Spirit is nudging us to remember who we really are and what we are suppose to do. This is open to anyone who desires to share as well as interpret dreams. It is also open to loving discussion of Spirits work in one's life. This is a forum where a person must be 18 or older. If you are feeling drawn to this list then we invite you to join and share.
DreamTech [English] [For People Over 17]
How to remember you have a way to recall dreams? you have a technique for lucidity or solving problems? We are interested in these types of things rather than content about your dream. We can help you remember and learn from dreams.
For more information,
DreamWeavers [English] [For People Over 17] [restricted]
Whether you suffer from bizarre troubling dreams, enjoy fanciful happy one's, or somewhere in between, you're a Dream Weaver. This list is for those who wish to share and discuss their dreams with other's.
Dreamwork [English] [For People Over 21] [restricted]
This mailing list will support group dreamwork for all those interested in improving sel-knowledge and seeking a better approach to Life. Why not take a look at your dreams and at other peoples dream with the same dispositions and interest, as you ? Dreams are our most deeply rooted form of expression and that?s a good reason to work on them, in a respectful and seriously way. If you consider yourself an openhearted and open minded person, give it a try. My name is Marcos Fleury de Oliveira and I am a Junguian Psychologist from Sao Paulo, Brazil. Before we start a dream group you will receive all instructions in order to participate and enjoy the work
ListBot Dream Sharing
This is your opportunity to explore what your dreams are to you - treat this list as a dynamic dream diary, record your nocturnal thoughts and get fresh perspectives on what they may mean. This is a great way to improve on your dream memories and share with others.
Group Moderator:
To subscribe, send a message to _on or go the this e-group's home page
This e-group is hosted by
This is a list for people who like to read and make dream cards.
To subscribe, send an empty message to
To unsubscribe, send a message to
List Owner:
This is an e-mail discussion group for those interested in lucid dreaming tips, techniques, and discussion of any topic related to lucid dreaming.
To subscribe, send an empty message to
To unsubscribe, send a message to
Group Moderator:
This e-group is hosted by
This is a mailing list for general discussion about lucid dreaming. This welcome-text will be enhanced very soon!
Group Moderator:
To subscribe, send a message to or go the this e-group's home page
Dream Share
Description: A group practicing dream sharing and following ethical guidelines.
?I hope you learn from and enjoy contributing to this group! If you have any questions or comments e-mail me (Clint) directly at
Group Manager:
To subscribe, send a message to or go to the e-group's home page at
February-March 1999
If you have news you?d like to share, contact Peggy Coats, Visit Global Dreaming News online at
This Month?s Features:
- ASD Conference Update
- Start your Own Dream EList
- Call for Papers
- Art Exhibit Deadline Extended
- ASD Newsletter Survey
- Bereavement Dreams
- Dreams and Freud
- Dream Mosaic
- Academic Papers
- Dreamers Awaken
DREAM CALENDAR for February-March 1999
>>>>> ASD Conference Information
Get the Latest Update at
Travel. Discount air and car rental rates are available for ASD
attendees through Travel Spot, 1-800-869-6265,
Arriving. Registration will take place from 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. on Tues., July 6th, at UCSC's Cowell College. Late arrivals may follow the signs to the Conference Housing Satellite Office at Cowell College. (If you expect to arrive after 5:00, please email, or leave a message at 1-877-DREAMSS as soon as your travel plans are confirmed.) A map to the registration site and a special fare coupon for the Airporter which will take you directly from San Jose or San Francisco
airports to the registration site, are enclosed. A buffet will be served from 5:00-8:00 on July 6th after registration, on a patio overlooking the Pacific Ocean; music for post-travel relaxing will be by the Jazz Lab Quartet, a celebrated local jazz band.
Weather: "It never rains in California..." It rarely rains here
in July! Expect early morning fog and temperatures in the 60s, followed by late morning clearing and highs in the 70s and low 80s during the afternoon, dipping into the 60s and high 50s during the night (low humidity). The ocean is on the cool side, but some dreamers do swim in it!
Clothing: Bring sturdy, comfortable shoes; the campus is hilly and you will be walking. (If you might need transportation assistance during the conference, please contact or leave us a message
at the conference's toll-free line, 1-877-DREAMSS.) Few people wear suits in Santa Cruz.
'Spa facilities': The UCSC sports complex is state-of-the-art,
relatively new, and includes a weight room, dance room, locker room, jacuzzi, olympic-sized pool, and a track with a wonderful view (bring those jogging shoes...). Permits to use the facilities are $5.00/day, purchased at registration.
Commuters. If you're staying on campus, you've already paid for 3
meals a day and a parking permit. If you're commuting, meals can be purchased for $5-$7 each, and parking permits cost $4/day or $12/week. A list of local off-campus lodging options is enclosed for those who are commuting. July is high season in Santa Cruz; reservations should be made as soon as possible.
Program. In addition to over 100 symposia, workshops, and paper
sessions, the conference will feature the Computer Cafe, Dream Art Gallery, daily Dream Expert Lunches (?????????) and Dream-Sharing Breakfasts, and the Dream Masquerade Ball! Check Dream Time for the latest program info., or visit our website: for the latest!
Creative? ASD is holding a contest for the 1999 conference logo
which will appear on conference items. The winning entry receives $50.00. Please send in your entry by March 15. Camera-ready artwork, 8-1/2" x 11", is preferred. Please submit entries to: Bethany Gideon, 322 Rigg St., Santa Cruz, CA 95060.
Dream-Related Products Wanted! If you have products, artwork, or
other dream-oriented items that you would like to sell at the conference, you can rent vendor space for $150 for the week, or place your items with ASD product sales to be sold. Vendor space includes a 6'x 2-1/2' table and two chairs; you are responsible for staffing your own space. Alternatively, ASD product sales will sell your items for you and retain 50% of the sales price. Items must be priced, inventoried, and ready to sell. If you would like your product to be considered, please write
Bethany Gideon, 322 Rigg St., Santa Cruz, CA 95060, or e-mail her at Limited space is available. Deadline: April 15th. (Book sales requests:
Auction. Help raise money for ASD by donating something you no
longer want which might be useful to someone else. The auction will be held during the conference, where attendees will be able to bid on their favorite items. To donate an item, write up a complete description and estimated monetary value and mail it to Chris Ambler, 441 36th Ave., Santa Cruz, CA 95062. Deadline for receipt of items to be auctioned is May 15, 1999! Tel./fax: (831) 477-1764;
The Dream Ball: The conference finale will be the now-traditional
Dream Costume Ball with attendees encouraged to come dressed or disguised as a character from one of their own dreams. This year's theme is "Dreams of the Past Milennium." With costume contests and dancing to a live band, this event is always a favorite. Our band is a Bay Area favorite West Coast Swing band. Free lessons will be available before the ball, but if
you're too shy, you can dance any way you like to West Coast Swing!
Dream-Inspired Art: A juried exhibit of dream-inspired art will
include paintings, sculpture, photography, mixed media, book art, and textile art. Artists may submit up to 10 slides, along with a biographical statement and an artist's statement explaining how the art is dream-related. ASD will not be responsible for shipping or insurance. There is a $10 fee for non-ASD members. For more information, including detailed entry and shipping instructions, please contact Fariba Bogzaran, Ph.D.,
P.O. Box 452, Inverness, CA 94937; Deadline for submissions is March 15th.
Need Help? If your questions aren't answered here or on the
conference website,, please contact conference hostess Veronica Tonay, Ph.D., P.O. Box 568, Santa Cruz, CA 95061;, or leave a message on our toll-free line, 1-877-DREAMSS! The entire conference planning committee look forward to meeting and welcoming you to Santa Cruz in July! Until then...sweet dreams!
>>>>> Start your own Dream Sharing eList!
Many new dream sharing lists have started due to the emergence of free lists being offered by various web sites. If you don't like the lists you find, start one of your own! What used to take special deals with ISPs can now be had in a matter of minutes. Here are a few sites that will host free mail lists:
Here are a few places you can start your own free eList:
Netscape WebSite
The explosion of free Internet Mail Lists now provide the resources for small, intimate groups of people wishing to share dreams, as well as communication groups for teenagers, lucid dreamers, psi dreaming and a host of other dream related activities.
Dreaming is planning a special issue on historical studies of dreams scheduled for publication in early 2000. Contributions are invited for articles that:
(1) Examine the role of dreams in a particular historical setting or cultural milieu;
(2) Analyze what a specific historical figure or text said about dreams;
(3) Compare the place of dreams in different historical eras and, if applicable, track developments from one era to another;
(4) Survey the changing view of dreams and dreaming through the history of religion, philosophy, literature, and/or science;
(5) Examine the historical development of various clinical applications of dreams, including historical literature reviews on the role of dreams in differing diagnostic groups and the use of dreams in specific therapeutic traditions.
Manuscripts will undergo full peer review and should be submitted by 1 March 1999 to: Hendrika Vande Kemp, Ph.D, 180 N. Oakland Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91101-1714, U.S.A. or Kelly Bulkeley, Ph.D., 226 Amherst Avenue, Kensington, CA 94708, U.S.A.
Deadline for submissions has been e-x-t-e-n-d-e-d to March 15, 1999. The conference will include a juried exhibit of DREAM-INSPIRED ART, including paintings, sculpture, photography, mixed media, book art, and textile art. Artists may submit up to 10 slides, along with a biographical statement and an artist's statement explaining how the art is dream-related. ASD will not be responsible for shipping or insurance. There is a $10 fee for non-ASD members. For more information, including detailed entry and shipping instructions, please contact: Fariba Bogzaran, Ph.D., PO Box 452, Inverness, CA 94937 USA. E-mail: The Exhibit will be at Eloise Packard Smith Gallery at Cowell College
Watch for more information at the ASD Conference Web Site
The Association for the Study of Dreams Web site is planning an Online Arts newsletter for the Online Art Gallery. Some of the areas that will be covered include news and updates about ASD art events, general news about dream art, interviews with dream inspired artists, tips on shifting your personal art to professional public collections, updates on the ASD Online
Art Gallery and the annual international ASD art exhibition.
If you would like to be on the list to have this newsletter delivered to you free via e-mail, please send the following note to the editor, Dawn Hill
"Dawn, put me on the subscription list for the arts newsletter!"
You can also participate:
"Dawn, I'm interested in participating in the dream arts newsletter! Contact me with more information."
You can watch for the latest information on the 1999 Santa Cruz Conference at:
R E S E A R C H & R E Q U E S T S
Those who have suffered a tragic loss by death of someone very close and were recording their dreams at the time, are being solicited for a research project on bereavement dreams, transcendence and the healing process. The recorded dream
period should be 6 months or longer following a death that occurred a year or more ago. Research is being conducted by Geri Grubbs, Ph.D., Jungian analyst. She is in special need of dreams had by men. If you think you may be interested in
participating, please contact Geri by telephone at 425-844-8194, or through e-mail at
W E B S I T E & O N L I N E U P D A T E S
Do you know of interesting new websites you?d like to share with others? Or do you have updates to existing pages? Help spread the word by using the Electric Dreams DREAM-LINK page This is really a public projects board and requires that everyone keep up his or her own link URLs and information. Make a point to send changes to the links page to us.
>>>>> Academic Papers on Dreams and Dreaming released Online
From The Laboratory of Neurophysiology ( Alan Hobson )
Department of Psychiatry Harvard Medical School. A few of the titles include "A Neurocognitive Approach to Dreaming" ," New
Paradogm for Dream Research:Mentation Reports Following Spontaneous Arousal from REM and NREM sleep Recorded in a Home Settin g" "Self-Representation and Bizarreness in Children's Dream Reports Collected in the Home Setting" and many others.
>>>>>dreamMosaic Project Moves
One of the earliest and most innovate Internet projects was developed by Dan Cummings using dreams to interface with the Web. DreamMosaic has now moved, please update your lists!
>>>>> Dreams and Freud: Conflict, Freud and Culture
Few figures have had so decisive and fundamental an influence on the course of dreamwork in modern cultural history as Sigmund Freud. Yet few figures also have inspired such sustained controversy and intense debate. How far have we come in 100 years? See the Library of Congress exhibit online at:
>>>>> Dreamers Awaken
This is a short description of the content: The world is about to awaken. The masters of the world are not those who get up a five A.M. to build civilization. They are not those with money or
political clout and they don't drive nice cars or own luxurious homes. This web novel will take you into a world that has existed as long as man. A hidden domain controlled by a few but seen by all of us. A place where man has been enslaved and is carefully controlled to protect the secret. Come along and explore the dreamscape as you have never seen it before. Break out of the "Black Room" of dreamless sleep and open your eyes to the "Turnstiles" which protect the secret. Learn to fly and look through the "Glass Wall" into a coma. As your eyes are opened, you will discover the impenetrable truth which exists to keep you out. You may never sleep the same again.
February - March 1999
February 26-27 in New York City, NY
"The Healing Art of Dream Theatre" workshop with "Conscious Dreaming" author Robert Moss. Call (212) 753-3835.
Feb 26-28 in Ventura, CA
Weekend Workshop with Jeremy Taylor. 805.654.0686 or visit the website at
March 1-3 in Atlanta, GA
Eupsychia Center, 6 Day Intensive, including one day with Jeremy Taylor. 1.800.546.2795 or visit the website at
March 5-7 in Marysville, WA
Weekend Workshop with Jeremy Taylor 415.454.2793 for info or visit the website at
March 6-7 in Washington, DC area
"A Journey into Shamanic Dreaming" weekend workshop with shamanic dream explorer Robert Moss. Call Juanita at (703) 273-5127.
March 6 in San Francisco, CA
Animal Symbols & Dreams Workshop 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
with Neil Russack at the C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco, 2040 Gough St. Between Clay and Washington across from Lafayette Park
March 9 in Charlotte, NC
Haden Institute Course: Introduction to Dreams For those who want to learn more about dreams. It is a prerequisite for all other dream courses. Led byBob Haden, Jungian Pastoral Counselor and 15 Year teacher of the Dream .
March 19 in San Francisco, CA
Concerts of The Opposites. Join Jana Hutcheson, on a spiritual journey while she performs selected pieces
from her CD, The Opposites, based on dream imagery. For more information, call 333-6075.
March 12-14 in Albuquerque, NM
Weekend Workshop with Jeremy Taylor. 505.255.5226 or visit the website at
March 12-13 in New York City, NY
"Journeys of the Magi: Ways of Experiencing the Sacred in Dreams and Visions" workshop with "Dreamgates" author Robert Moss. Call (212) 753-3835.
March 13 in Santa Barbara, CA
?The Wisdom of Mythic Stories?Symbolic Maps of Life Stages?. This seminar presents personal applications of mythology and symbolism. For more information, contact Center for Story and Symbol, 310 W. Quinto Street, Santa Baraba, CA 93105, telephone: 805) 687-7171, email; website
March 20-21 in Lenox, MA
"Conscious Dreaming: The Art of Dream Travel" weekend workshop with Robert Moss. Call Kripalu (800) 741-7353
March 26-28 in Long Beach, CA
Weekend Workshop with Jeremy Taylor. 562.423.3588 or visit the website at
Mar 27 in San Fernando Valley, CA
?The Wisdom of Mythic Stories?Symbolic Maps of Life Stages?. This seminar presents personal applications of mythology and symbolism. For more information, contact Center for Story and Symbol, 310 W. Quinto Street, Santa Baraba, CA 93105, telephone: 805) 687-7171, email; website
== D R E A M S S E C T I O N == ED V6 N3 ==
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Vol. 6 Number 3 - March 1999
Hello dreamers! We have an early edition this month, but still very rich in content! This month we have approximately 48 pages worth of dream enriched material. As usual a cross-section of dreams from the curious and the sharing are included. This month we include more commentary than in the recent past pointing the dreamer in directions of resolution and offering readers alternate visions of explaining the dreams. In a first for the Dreams Section, we are including a series of Poems in the "Dream Series" Section, at the tail end of the issue. Poems traditionally focus on emotions and imagery. These issues overlap with what many dreams present us with - a new way of looking at the world and our relationship to people, places, things, events and times.
Do your dreams ever scare you with the transformation of someone close to you into an enemy of sorts? Check out "My Boyfriend Becomes a Drug Pusher" in the RELATIONSHIPS section, and the commentary for an insight on related issues from a woman's perspective.
Ever have a dream that consists of only a name, an image or a feeling? Check out DEFYING CLASSIFICATION for a list of names one dreamer has had and no answers, but a strategy for revealing their meaning.
The dream experienced Stan K. and Nutcraker share some of their nocturnal adventures while many new dreamers share their concerns. There are many repetitive dream examples in the REPETITIVE DREAMS section.
What does is mean when you only remember a name from a dream experience? Check the DEFYING CLASSIFICATION category. There are several animal dreams and a request for animal dreams. A strange foot appears, as well as fascinating Journeys and explorations from Hotels, to Lakes to Ballrooms at High School reunions to an unexpected Birth. Experience all these voyages and more in this months Dreams Section.
Enjoy this months ED.
Thanks to those who have shared their dreams and commentary with our community.
Enjoy your visit to the pages of Electric Dreams.
Bob Krumhansl
= = = = = = = = = = = ==
== Search: Seeking Animal Dreams for Book by PatK(990203) ==
{None this month]
PRECOGNITIVE/FUTURE DREAMS [Stories from past experiences, or send them in before it happens, if you can]
[None this month]
REPETITIVE DREAMS [Significant by nature]
** Dream: "Exposed" by Stephanie (990209) **
== Commentary by BobK on "Exposed" (990215) ==
** Dream: "Ed The Head" by Ed? (990201)**
== Commentary by Lane McC on "Ed the Head" (990202) ==
== Commentary by BobK on "Ed The Head" (990214) ==
** Dream: 'Murder and Mayhem' by Nutcracker (990210) **
== Commentary by Jay on 'murder and mayhem' (990211) ==
** Dream: "Big Overgrown Tooth Pick" by ? (990210) **
== Commentary by BobK on Big Overgrown Toothpick & Spider ==
** Dream: cheating by why? (990211) **
== Commentary by BobK on Cheating by Why? (990215) ==
DREAM TRACES IN WAKING LIFE [The effects of external stimuli on our dreams or is it the other way around - our dreams leaving a trace on our physical reality?]
{None this month]
DEFYING CLASSIFICATION [Your stumpers may not be so mysterious to others]
** Dream: "Nocturnal Name Dropping" by "H" (990131) **
== Commentary by Bob K. on "Noctural Name Dropping" ==
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BIRTH [Starts]
** Dreams: Babies by ? Date of Dream **
CHILDHOOD [Early development]
ADOLESCENCE [Maturing, testing]
ADULTHOOD [The main event for most]
OLD AGE [Wisdom, Approaching the Journeys end]
DEATH [Endings]
COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD [Beyond our terrestrial limits]
** Dream: Reunion by Orpheus (990211) **
== Commentary by BobK on "Reunion" (990215) ==
AGGRESSION [By us or against us- crossing others paths]
ALIENS [Visitors or visited - creatures from other dimensions]
AMUSEMENT PARK [A place to relax and enjoy, another reality]
ANGELS [Visitors from Spiritual dimensions]
ANIMALS [Basic Instincts]
** Dream: Black dove by Mafalda (990127) **
== Commentary by Lane McC on "Black dove" (990130)==
** Dream: "tiger spider" by mermaid (990202)**
BATHROOMS [Maintenance, Cleansing and Elimination]
BELONGING [What we are associated with or wish we were]
BOOKS (Extensions of our memory and imagination, our permanent records)
BRIDGES [How we get across an obstacle or go from here to there]
CELEBRITIES [The well known - famous and infamous]
CLOTHING [What we wear tells us about ourselves and the events we participate in]
COMEDY [With an accent on puns, funny situations or jokes]
COMMUNICATIONS [From telepathic to devices to signs & symbols]
** Dream: police testing by Stan K (990208) **
COMPUTERS [Extensions of our minds, mind tools, communication]
CULTS [Somewhere out there ...]
DIRECTIONS [Ever stop and ask for directions? North, South,
East, West, up, down, ahead, behind, straight, turn, right, left, make a circle, cross, go through, open, close, mix, add, boil, cook, simmer, but most of all - follow these instructions carefully...and don't be shy about asking someone else down the path, except, of course, for the Big Bad Wolf!!!]
-Check the REPETITIVE DREAMS section if you missed it. ED THE HEAD is a vision of being caught in an endless loop of direction shifting.
== Commentary by Heratheta on various ==
DISCOVERY [New insights and unexpected developments]
DREAMING [Dreams about dreaming]
DRUGS [Healing or Hurting?]
Check out the RELATIONSHIPS section "My Boyfriend Becomes a Drug Pusher" and the commentary an insight on related issues from a woman's perspective.
EATING [Getting nourishment for maintenance, growth and pleasure]
ELEVATORS [Going UP or DOWN - Push the right button or else...]
ESCAPE [Get me outta here!!!]
EVENTS [The activity defines or dominates the story - a convergence of people at a place and time for a special purpose]
EYES [The organs of sight...the window to the soul...]
FEAR [What scares us]
FOOD [The source of our physical nourishment]
FIRE [Flames bring light, heat and destruction/transformation]
FLYING [Confidence, Power, Freedom & Perspective]
GIFTS [Offerings to or from others]
HOBBIES [Our interests and desires]- COLLECTING THINGS
HOLIDAYS [Time off to ...]
HOSPITAL [A place for treatment, healing and repair]
** Dream: "The Foot" by Morales (990203) **
HOUSE [Where our lives take place]
** Dream: A still lake & a troubled house (990126) **
HOTELS [Temporary Dwelling or Special Event location]
JOURNEYS [Missions away from our home base -explorations]
** Dream: "Space and Earth are one" by Sylvia (990212)**
LOST [Disorientation or abandonment]
LOTTERY DREAMS [Sudden Wealth - Randomness favors the dreamer]
LOVE [All around us, yet so hard to find and keep]
LUCID DREAMING [Knowing you are Dreaming when you are Dreaming]
MEMORY [Remembering ...In dreams we often struggle with the issue of memories and remembering a dream which by definition involves the process of recollection.]
MIRRORS [Reflection of Self]
MUSIC [Melodies of the land within]
NUDITY [What you see is what you get]
PERFORMERS [Entertainers]
PROBLEMS [Situations or difficulties sometimes present choices]
POLITICAL SCENE [Public issues through positions of power]
RELATIONSHIPS [Other parts of ourselves including family which constitutes the first and earliest of our relationships, often influencing how we relate to the outside world]
** Dream: Boyfriend becomes a pusher - by Honey (990124)**
== Commentary by Lane McC on "Boyfriend Who Becomes Pusher" (990125) ==
** Dream: "Sex With A Hermaphrodite" by German Herman (981115)**
== Commentary by Lane McC on "Sex with A Hermaphrodite" (990208)==
== Commentary by BobK on "Sex With A Hermaphrodite"(990215) ==
RELIGIOUS RELATED [The Ritual and the Spiritual]
ROMANCE [Thrills and Chills, lost in another]
** Dream: "High School Crush" by Lana (990110) **
SCHOOL THEMES [Learning and learning related trials]
** Dream: "high school reunion" by Stan K. (990209) **
** Dream: "Different Score" by ? (990212) **
SOLUTIONS [The answers to problems or quandaries]
STAIRS [Bridges between levels, between the upper and the lower]
STRANGERS [Who and what we don?t know yet]
TEETH [Ok, losing teeth is one of the top ten dreams people have questions on. Theories on what they mean range all over the spectrum of possibilities.]
TORNADOS [Pretty well defined destructive power of nature]
** Dream: "Lifted Away" by misty (990202) **
TRAPPED [Temporarily helpless- Sometimes we are paralyzed or imprisoned by jobs, relationships or expectations]
** Dream: "From The Ballroom to the Stairs" by ChristiB (990203)**
== Commentary by BK on "From Ballroom to Stairs" (990203)==
** Dream: "Chosen by Sarie" by ? (990202) **
VEHICLES [Means of transportation, reflection of lifestyle]
** Dream: "Train in the Desert" by Mermaid (990207) **
WATER [A magical earthly fluid, nourishment, cleansing]
WORKPLACE [Where we make a living]
WRITING & WRITERS [Communication and creativity]
= = = = = = = = = = = ==
** DREAM INSPIRED POETRY by Ace Boggess (990201) **
[BK- This series is presented in the order submitted by Mr. Boggess, which in typical dream fashion does not necessarily follow a right brain logical numerical sequence. Thanks for sharing a special treat with the Electric Dreams community Ace!]
ACE BOGGESS ( of Huntington, WV, is author of the play Socrates Said (Grimpenmire Press: 1996); two poetry chapbooks, Desire?s Orchestra (Three-Legged Dog Press: 1998) and Compost Heap (Naked Press: 1994);
and several unpublished novels. Mr. Boggess has degrees in journalism (B.A.) and law (J.D.). His work has appeared over 300 times in various publications including The Comstock Review, Owen Wister Review, Cold Mountain Review, The Burning Cloud Review, American Poetry Monthly, Black Bear Review, Satire, Talus and Scree, and many others. His literary novels are represented by Anne Hawkins with John Hawkins & Associates. He has been nominated twice for the
Pushcart Prize.
[From Mr. Boggess:] Hello. I saw your listing and thought I'd try you with a few poems of the same theme. Others from this series have appeared in various publicationssuch as Staplegun Press, Emotions, Apostrophe, Maelstrom, Ink Literary Review, and so on. Hopefully one or more might fit the theme of your journal.
Dreams not dreads,
Ace Boggess
2353 Edgemont Rd.,
Huntington, WV 25701-4748
Farewell for this month.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
== Search: Seeking Animal Dreams for Book by PatK(990203) ==
[Here is a message from Pat she asked me to send, RCW]
I am collecting dreams of fish, worms, wolves, cats and salamanders, and also numinous dreams of any kind.
Series of any of these would be especially interesting. Please tell your dream(s) and then a little about what that symbol means for you. If you wish to show the work you have done, including drawings, to arrive at that meaning(s),that would be great, too, though not necessary.
Several meanings for a particular symbol are OK, since dreams are many-layered. I would also like to know how old you were when you had each dream.
Thanks so much for sharing your dreams. Pat
Patricia Kampmeier
== Commentary by
PRECOGNITIVE/FUTURE DREAMS [Stories from past experiences, or send them in before it happens, if you can]
REPETITIVE DREAMS [Significant by nature]
** Dream: "Exposed" by Stephanie (990209) **
I have had this recurring dream of being naked in public. In the dream, it doesn't seem to be noticed by anyone else, or if it is, no one responds as though I am doing anything inappropriate. Is there a universal significance to this kind of dream?
== Commentary by BobK on "Exposed" (990215) ==
Stephanie - Dreams of being naked in public or in a place where it would be inappropriate in waking reality, are very common. We tend to be surprised by these dreams and are impressed by their "out of place" feeling (incongruity). The context or setting usually gives a clue as to additional issues related to the nakedness.
Usually, this type of dream is a reflection of exposing oneself to a group or place in which the dreamer is in a vulnerable position with no protection other than their own skin. Others can see you as you are without decorations or disguises. This may be good or it may be bad. It could be a warning to be careful about revealing too much in some situation, or it could be an affirmation that your views are very different from the others in some way. How you feel about the situation: embarrassed, exhilarated, imprisoned or free, helps to expand on the meaning of these "exposed" images. Something hidden has come to light - a birth of sorts has taken place. Is it a beginning or is it an end? Only the dreamer knows.
** Dream: "Ed The Head" by Ed? (990201)**
I am having a recurring dream where I am sort of flying over my town in a way I can't control. It seems that I am tumbling in the air trying to grab on to something to take control of myself. When I get to one end of the town, I stop all of a sudden, and then shoot out in a completely different direction going faster and faster every time. I can see downtown and all the lights of the city and the stars of the sky in a blur. And every time I get to the end of the town, I stop and pause for a short while, then shoot off in an opposite direction.
== Commentary by Lane McC on "Ed the Head" (990202) ==
The flying dream is often associated with not being grounded. Like being a little manic (hypomanic), inflated, or any other defense that is used to escape what is there on the ground for you. You said this was your town? Your current town, an old town? Is it day, night, etc.? Flying is a way of getting above something. In your case there is a kind of "out of control" feel to it which adds to the idea that an ego defense (way to avoid an unconscious opinion) was activated.
== Commentary by BobK on "Ed The Head" (990214) ==
If this dream were my dream, I would feel very out of control. In fact, the image that came to my mind was that of the moving object in the early video game called PONG. A ball would bounce against borders until it entered the "goal"
opening on the opponents side. Although there is an indication of an out-of-control situation beyond the dreamers ability to control and influence, it is interesting that the "town" imposes borders beyond which the dreamer can not pass. This reminds me of the esoteric wisdom concept of "The Ring Pass Not" which is in essence a barrier beyond which one enters another reality and which remains unknowable for us in our usual state.
In reacting to this dream as my own, I would think about the borders that exist in my life in the areas of relationships, education and career choices. My dream is telling me that I have a great amount of energy available to me, but it is not being focused at all. What can I do to move beyond my current situation? Do I need help? Who might be able to help me? Where do I really want to go? Can I move any closer than I am now? Thanks for sharing this dream.
** Dream: 'Murder and Mayhem' by Nutcracker (990210) **
I"m at this woman's house. We're upstairs. She's not old, maybe in her late 30's or early 40's. I'm there, as are a brother and sister in their 20's. The kids have another older brother, Bill (30's) who's a psychopath. I've been here, done this all before, so I know where all the hidden dangers lie this time. There's a table covered with a white cloth and a dead young boy lying upon it. I ask the woman, "Why have you called us all here again (Bill made her)? We"ve already been through this, you know what happened the last time (everyone died except me)"
Since I know what happens next, I go around to all the rooms and cut the strings on all the doors and windows that Bill has tied open and shut so that we can't escape from him. That's how he caught them all the last time. They couldn't get the doors shut or the windows open in time to escape his wrath. I use a straight blade utility knife to cut the strings. He's tied one window shut to the bottom of a bed. I have to cut the gold velvet dust ruffle to remove it. I hope the woman can find another one (velvet dust ruffle) when this is all over.
Now I go back into the room with the woman. Bill has removed the boy"s body from the table (just like last time). The woman hands me a book to read. It's a diary. I haphazardly read through the page she tells me to read....something about some woman. The brother and sister have joined us now. The woman tells me to read the passage again. I read it again, slowly, this time. It tells of a similar situation, only performed by the boy's grandmother. The woman points to the next room. I glance around the doorway. The boy's mother is there, sitting at the end of the table. She herself looks more than a tad unbalanced. So, it's a family thing, I muse. (the book, the info about his grandmother and the boy's mother are new to this dream)
The woman then calls to Bill, who's in another (bed)room.
"Bill, come on out," she coaxes. Bill steps out of the shadows. "Everybody grab a weapon," I say. I had earlier grabbed some article, for just this moment, and put it in my's an antique and looks to be made out of whalebone. I think it's an Eskimo (hair) brush. It's very worn and is L shaped.
(This next part is new to the dream) I still have the utility knife in my hand as well. I step past the woman and try to slash Bill with it (I'm not waiting for Bill to make the first move this time around). He puts up his hand and grabs it, unfazed. The knife sticks in his hand as blood runs from his wound. As he and I are still holding unto the knife, I reach behind me and grab a small (approximately 6-7" ) cast iron frying pan (used for decorative purposes) from a nearby desk. I whack Bill over the head with it. He looks me in the eyes, as though he's invincible. I hit him again, and then three more times. He's still standing. I fear that I will be going to jail for his murder, but I'm not going to sit here and watch an instant replay of what happened last time. Bill looks a little dazed, but is still standing. "I need to hit him at the base of his skull," I think to myself. "That will surely kill him." Just as I was about to try that, Bill says," You can't kill me, the women are on their way." No one knew what he meant (there weren't any women the last time). No sooner had he said that, than a group of woman started up the stairs. There was an older man with them, leading the way. The woman who owned the house knew them and told them to go away, to go home, but they kept on ascending. I ran down a few of the stairs to try and stop them, so we could finish our business with Bill. As I put my hand out to hold the first woman back (a plump, older lady in her 60's with white hair), she said,"I'm pregnant." I couldn't very well shove an old, pregnant woman down the stairs, now could I? (2/9/99)
(Comments by Nutcracker: Yesterday I had watched a taped episode of 20/20 from Monday night, which had a segment on recurring dreams and as luck would have it, I had one (day residue), although I'm sure I didn't recall this dream the last time I had it, when I dreamt of it last night, I knew it to be a recurring dream).
== Commentary by Jay on 'murder and mayhem' (990211) ==
if 'murder and mayhem' were my dream...
I am in a long running and deep rooted conflict with the bill part of myself. I'm stuck in a rut with this conflict, so I am particularly interested in the features of my dream that are new and different as they may give me some clues as to how to get out of the rut if I so desire.
the woman is trying very hard to get me to perceive the book's message. the message appears to be that my bill conflict 'is a family thing'. this is a new feature.
my utility knife and frying pan appear to be old and ineffectual weapons. however, the antique whalebone worn L shaped hairbrush sounds new to me. so I am very interested in thinking about it's significance as a tool in shifting out of my old form of conflict. what does it have to offer me?
attacking bill at the base of the brain would be attacking the part of someone where our more primitive feelings reside.
bill is well connected with the older folk, so I need an approach that doesn't put me in direct conflict with them, if I am going to make progress here.
in my 'murder and mayhem' dream.
** Dream: "Big Overgrown Tooth Pick" by ? (990210) **
For the past 15 years!:
This tooth pick would grow to be so big that I could not breath. I chases me for years and years. I was about 6 when I stared having this dream and still have it once in a while. I have been afraid of this one, and the one about a big spider come to get me. Do you have any idea what it is?
== Commentary by BobK on Big Overgrown Toothpick & Spider ==
In dreams, our fears and anxieties take specific shapes. Usually, they take the shape of people who symbolize those fears (like the infamous Freddy Kruger of the Elm Street Horror movie series)or natural forces like Tornados. In this dream an inanimate object - a toothpick - takes on life. What is a toothpicks purpose? It is to clean out leftover food in between ones teeth. What thing have I had (memory? Feeling of guilt? Relationship?) inside of me since I was 6 years old which needs cleaning out? I will not permit any tampering with this older thing. I'm not very clear what it is, but I feel it is more important to run away from it that to deal with it. However, something inside of me needs to get this thing cleaned up and out of the way. Only the dreamer knows.
In my dream, I have a very clear image of the Giant Spider for I have seen it many times. This Spider appeared in an old movie which is one of my all time favorites. Made before I was born the movie is called "The Thief of Bagdad" (1940) and is full of magical imagery from the dangerous spider to the more gigantic genie, from the evil vizier to the beautiful princess in distress, from flying carpets to magic carpets, from a humble price to the Ancients of Ages. The Spider protects the All-Seeing-Eye encrusted in a monument located in a remote snowcapped mountain area of the world. The hero must get past this monster to obtain the eye. In our lives, we must get past the fears and anxieties that are holding us back from accomplishing our goals in life. Some fears and anxieties are helpful in putting things in perspective and knowing where our limitations are.
The spider is usually stationary and weaves a web to trap his prey. Why is the dreamer going into the area the spider lives in? Is it an old abandoned area that has resisted cleaning for a long long time? How did the spider get so big? What have I been feeding it? If I stop being afraid, will it die? What does the spider mean to me?
As our fears get defined and dealt with one way or another, the repetitive fear filled dreams will stop.
** Dream: cheating by why? (990211) **
Date of Dream: 2/6-2/10
i've had the same dream for the past five nights, and I don't know what it means. it starts off with me walking up to school and I see my girlfriend standing there kissing one of my friends. I walk up and ask her what she is doing and she says she likes the guy and I say well I love you and all I want is for you to be happy. I start to turn around and walk away. then I wake up. every night it is with a different guy. it is always one of my close friends. what does it mean. please help! thank you!
Comments by Dreamer: I would like to know what all of this means
== Commentary by BobK on Cheating by Why? (990215) ==
If this were my dream, I think the dreams would be talking about my feelings of uncertainty over my girlfriends faithfulness. I am concerned that my close friends are stealing her affection and it isn't just one of them.
This dream is probably talking more about me than my girlfriend. How serious is this relationship? Am I making it into something much bigger or more important than it really is? What if my girlfriend left me? What will happen to me? What will I do? Will life end for me or will there be other girlfriends?
If I am really concerned about my girlfriends feelings, I would share my dreams with her and ask her what she feels about them. What if she had a dream about me kissing and going off with her best friends? What might it mean to her? What issues should you look at together to erase any doubts and uncertainties. Unfortunately, the nature of life is uncertainty embedded in the routine and we never know for sure how something will turn out until it is over.
I would look at the positives of this relationship and start thinking about strategies for the future in case the worst happens, and my girlfriend really does disappear from my life for whatever the reason may be.
DREAM TRACES IN WAKING LIFE [The effects of external stimuli on our dreams or is it the other way around - our dreams leaving a trace on our physical reality?]
DEFYING CLASSIFICATION [Your stumpers may not be so mysterious to others]
** Dream: "Nocturnal Name Dropping" by "H" (990131) **
I've kept an extensive record of my dreams since the mid-seventies and on several occasions I've had dreams that contain no imagery, but consist simply of gaining an awareness of a person's name. Here are four examples:
1. Godfrey Featherstone
2. Victor Gilliam
3. Crenshaw
4. Helen Blackshear
These could possibly be names my subconscious has given to my general frame of mind at the time of each of the dreams, but I feel that there could be something more. Dickens, I believe, once dreamt of a woman's name and subsequently met her at a reading he gave of one of his books. Perhaps there's someone who can help me make a valid connection or interpretation for these names? Thank you, "H"
== Commentary by Bob K. on "Nocturnal Name Dropping" ==
It is far more common to dream of people in our lives, or famous people we know about, than of people, places, and things we know nothing about. The reason for that is simple. We can only interpret things that come into our lives in terms of that which we already know or have been taught about by the many "teacher" figures in our lives. Parents, brothers, sisters, friends, children, books, radio, television, movies, and people who come into our lives for many purposes - commercial, religious, or educational help make us into who we are and what we know.
Dreams will often include "unknown in waking reality" people, places and things. They usually symbolize some new development in our lives, or some very old resource that is at our disposal, most probably of an internal nature rather than an external nature. Thinking about these new characters, places and things can lead us to explorations of new areas in our life, or awareness of old areas we were not very aware of.
I don't recall that I have had a dream image of just a persons name, but I have had dreams consisting of one word ("Evansville" which is a town in Indiana that I have had no relationship whatsoever with to this day), one image (A "sphere" floating in deep space), or one feeling ("laughing/happiness" or "crying/sadness"). I have also had dreams with peoples names that I have no idea where they came from. I am a voracious reader, however, and some investigator might deduce that somewhere in my many years of reading I came across that name.
I saw a romance/comedy movie several years ago (available on VHS Tape) which deals with the premise of this query by the dreamer. The title was Only You (1994) also known as Him (1994) or Just in Time (1994) according to the Internet Movie Database at . The movie stared Marisa Tomei, Robert Downey Jr., Bonnie Hunt, and Billy Zane. The movie is about a fixation with a strange name by the heroine (a woman about to be married), a series of adventures trying to find this person, and what happens as a result of this search. Without giving away the story, it is another example of the concept that our lives are what we make them to be through our attitudes and choices. Sometimes a meaningless set of words can change our lives forever in ways different from what we anticipated if we give them meaning.
If these were my dreams, I would play with the meanings I can associate with the word consciously. For example:
1. Featherstone - What do I make of the contrast of a linked Feather and a Stone? I see a symbol of flight tied to a solid earthbound presence. How does this relate to me or my life?
2. Victor Gilliam - How many "Victor's" have I known in my life? Who were they and what do the represent to me? What "triumph" or Victory could this name be related to - as in I am a victor over my weaknesses? Gilliam reminds me of the red-haired Gillian Anderson of the X-Files. The truth is out there somewhere!
3. Crenshaw - What does this remind me of? Some business executive or cranky university professor just popped into my mind. What can I apply from these roles in my current life situation? Let your imagination play with the terms and I guarantee that "something" will pop into your mind in a stream of conscious type of way that you might benefit from. Again the focus should not be on "Who is this person?" but rather "How do the images I associate with this name fit into my current life?," and "Can these images or thoughts help me become more aware of or resolve issues in my life?"
4. Helen Blackshear - Do I know any Helen's? What do they mean to me? Helen of Troy is an association I have. A black shear would be a cutting instrument. Cutting off relationships and ties happens to everyone at some point. Wait a second, I just saw this beautiful woman in a black sheer nightgown. Could it be the woman of my dreams? See how your mind can lead you down a path of exploration unique to the dreamer. How you react to it and what you do to change is of far more importance than the name itself if the name is not yet related to your life.
Yes, there have been precognitive dreams where people, places, things or events that materialize later in ones life occur. I have seen a Statue of a man with a winged hat/head in downtown Rochester, New York and an Amusement Park in Rhode Island in my dreams long before I visited them in waking life, but neither changed my life in any dramatic way or were involved in any special type of activity other than visiting new places. I think it's more important to deal with the issues facing one in ones life today than spend too much time searching for the meaning of some elusive mystery. Yet the lure of the mystery calls like the wailing of the sirens in Greek Mythology, I can't help but being attracted to the mystery of dreams. For me, it is an important undertaking. Thanks "H" for helping me think on these things.
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BIRTH [Starts]
** Dreams: Babies by ? Date of Dream **
I had a dream that at the age of 18, I had a beautiful baby girl. She was about 2 years old and really pretty. I remember feeling that I loved her so much. I didn't feel any guilt or remorse for having her at all. My mother was in the dream and she was standing next to my boyfriend, casey. Neither of them held or touched the baby, but they were there among the blur.
Comments by Dreamer: Please tell me what this dreams means because it's so strange that I remember this dream pretty vividly.
== Commentary by BobK on Babies (990215) ==
There is evidence that pregnant women and young mothers dream much more often about babies than other groups of people. It's not surprising that this be the case as important life changing events are underway in the dreamers life.
Many dreams about babies are more symbolic of new people, places, things and events entering into our life. The age of the baby or child may be an indication of the "birth" time frame. In this dream, the baby is born 2 years old! What started in my life or happened about two years ago which I have not acknowledged or realized the importance of until now? How does it make me feel? What will I do now that I know about this? How responsible will I be for its care and development?
Young girls and older women may be freaked out by this type of dream. Taking it literally, they wonder how they could possibly have a child now, who with, and the impact it can have on their lives at this time. If seen in a broader symbolic sense of new beginnings, a light may flash in their minds. In a similar way, death dreams most often refer to symbolic endings rather than real funerals.
CHILDHOOD [Early development]
ADOLESCENCE [Maturing, testing]
ADULTHOOD [The main event for most]
OLD AGE [Wisdom, Approaching the Journeys end]
DEATH [Endings]
COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAD [Beyond our terrestrial limits]
** Dream: Reunion by Orpheus (990211) **
I had a dream about my son who died 2 years ago. He was 22 years old. I was at a show, and when it ended I was walking of to leave when I saw him. His eyes were red and kind of scary looking, and at this time I thought to my self "but he is dead." I yelled to him and he turned around and his eyes were fine, and we ran to each other and hugged. I asked him how he got here and he said that him and some girl (I guess in Heaven) have been experimenting on how to get back and it must have worked this time. I asked if he liked where he was and he said it was just ok, but wasn't thrilled were he was at. We walked off holding hands & talking. (It felt so real.) Next thing I know I was arguing with some guy and my son was not around. I have had dreams about him before, but nothing like this. Was he really trying to come back? Or is it just me wanting him back? Thanks for any help.
== Commentary by BobK on "Reunion" (990215) ==
Our dearly loved ones never really disappear from our lives even if they are no longer physically present. Many people have dreams of their departed loved ones. Many of the more vivid and emotionally impacting of these dreams have a theme of reconciliation or expression of that which was never said in waking reality. They are often a kind of "closure" experience for the dreamers. Traditional psychology states that the dream images are all of our internal generation, and expressions of our desires. Ancient cultures thought otherwise and felt that these images of the departed were visits from some non-physical part of the person who died.
Regardless of who is right or wrong it is the dreamers attitude toward the images which determine their meaning. Can any intensity of wanting my son back bring him back as we knew him? Can I somehow keep the best of him alive in some project or daily gesture? If he could come back, how would I change my life? Is there a part of my son in me (youthfulness or optimism, for example) which I have allowed to die along with my son? Can I bring some of those aspects back into my life? Thanks for sharing.
AGGRESSION [By us or against us- crossing others paths]
ALIENS [Visitors or visited - creatures from other dimensions]
AMUSEMENT PARK [A place to relax and enjoy, another reality]
ANGELS [Visitors from Spiritual dimensions]
ANIMALS [Basic Instincts]
** Dream: Black dove by Mafalda (990127) **
I had to cook a black dove that I found in my kitchen. I was disgusted only thinking that I had to pluck and clean it, imagine you that I don't even eat this kind of meat. Then, always dreaming, I was remembering that my mother in her youthness had a similar experience, but with a rabbit. This conforms to the reality, so I thought to be able to that. My boyfriend tried to help me opening the dove, but in a very strange way, he put his finger in the vent of the animal, and from there he opened it. I plucked the dove, and
suddenly I found a kind of ball of blood inside the poor animal. Then I saw blood almost everywhere in the kitchen and whith a big effort I cleaned it.
Comments by Dreamer: I'm really worried about this dream. Please help me to find a meaning for it. I'm sorry for the possible mistakes, but I'm still learning English, so please excuse me and try to understand that it's a very important thing for me try to understand this dream. I Thank you in advance.
== Commentary by Lane McC on "Black dove" (990130)==
Some very important elements may be needed for the interpretation of this dream. For instance your cultural and religious background could shed a lot of light on the meaning of the black dove. Some other points are missing. I wonder if you feel that you will have to eat this dove? Or do you only have to clean it? I guess it is being prepared for eating or integration.
For a Christian, the dove could be a symbol of Christ or peace in general. Black is not necessarily a negative color. In fact, it is the color of a more complete spiritual integration. The boyfriend has to help in the process by "penetrating" the dove (a masculine task). Inside the dove is a "ball" of blood. I wonder if this ball is very spherical (round) like a ball or only roundish as an inner organ could be. In any case, this could be a symbol of the Self. At this point, I would want more detail about how you felt during this part of the dream. The blood can be "life" or "feeling". There certainly is a lot of chaos depicted by blood everywhere.
Not knowing more of the details, I want to say that this is a dream about the difficulty associated with some important spiritual growth work. It is in the kitchen (another important place) with a powerful symbol of deeper spirituality. You are having to open it up and "reveal" it or pluck it. The blood is like an explosion of feeling associated with this discovery or maybe even an explosion of life or life force.
For what it's worth, Lane
** Dream: "tiger spider" by mermaid (990202)**
I was in a light-filled room, but was uneasy about a huntsman spider on the wall that had bright orange and black stripes, like a tiger's. I stayed where I was - only partially by choice; partially in fear and the spider approached. As it reached me, instead of a web coming from its nether regions; it defaecated horribly into my mouth.
Later, I was flying at low altitude over some lovely hills, then suddenly I came to some stone steps that went down into a dank dark room. With a feeling of being "pushed along" I only just avoided being scraped by the gravel of the steps and stopped before being swallowed up by the big darkness ahead. I needed to feel better prepared before going there.
BATHROOMS [Maintenance, Cleansing and Elimination]
BELONGING [What we are associated with or wish we were]
BOOKS (Extensions of our memory and imagination, our permanent records)
BRIDGES [How we get across an obstacle or go from here to there]
CELEBRITIES [The well known - famous and infamous]
CLOTHING [What we wear tells us about ourselves and the events we participate in]
COMEDY [With an accent on puns, funny situations or jokes]
COMMUNICATIONS [From telepathic to devices to signs & symbols]
** Dream: police testing by Stan K (990208) **
[stan requests that his email & name remain with the dream]
stan kulikowski ii <<>
DREAM : police testing
=( last night was mainly working on curriculum design, this time cascading style sheets. i got the primary powerpoint slides in. the main example of overlapping layered text took some doing as my primary textbooks explained the topic poorly. had to download the W3 example off the web site and test it against my browsers to see which handled the structure correctly. about 02:30 i quit and read a chapter in _an instance of the fingerpost_. when to sleep easily about 03:30. )=
it it a bright day on a long country road in the midwest. farmhouses and tree lots separated by fields and fences. i am not too far from home now when my suzuki sputters and dies with a wheezing noise. concerned, i pull the motorcycle off the road. i try to kick start it several times, but from the sound i can tell that something seriously wrong with the mechanism. inwardly, i groan as i imagine all the effort of tearing into engine to discover what is wrong. i would rather be riding the motorcycle than repairing it. still, there is nothing for it now. i am only a little more than a mile from home, so i put the gears in neutral and start walking the hot bike down the road.
it does not seem to take very long before i turn the final bend to where i live. there is a cluster of pine trees and the ground falls away to where i live at the bottom of the hill. this last bit is easy as i can sit on the now cold bike and glide downhill with the engine off.
on the way down, i pass through the property of the gravel company before i get to my house. i can see that they are up to some new construction with all sorts of men wearing hard hats looking busy. i keep on gliding through their activity. on the edge of it, i come to the small depression where i have my other motorcycle parked. it used to be a gravel road but i have paved it with large concrete slabs. just down the hill is my house.
as i pull the silent suzuki up beside the house, i see a large earth moving robot come through the trees and put the first of its three feet solidly on the concrete paved area near my honda. oh dear, i never paved that gravel road with a notion to support that much weight. the robot-- actually, probably a waldo as there may be a man inside driving the thing-- is taller than the surrounding trees and weighs many tons. it is carrying about 20 concrete pallets which it begins dropping all around its base. each of these hit the ground with a loud thud. it seems to be preparing these pallets to shore up the hillside all around it. i wonder if my thin pavement will help or hinder this operation.
whatever the outcome, u better get up there and pull my other motorcycle back home here, out of the way. i notice that inside there are a number of local people have gathered. i step in to say hello to everybody. i discover that they are having an impromptu town meeting to discuss the goings on at the gravel company. my house was convenient because it borders on the activity which can be seen from my windows. nobody ever bothers to lock their house in this rural area, so i am glad that my friends made the others feel welcome while i was out.
as i am making the rounds, greeting the ones i know, i see my buddy, ron f., go over to the suzuki and sit on it. "i bet this starts up real easy after you rode it all afternoon." before i can tell him of the break down, he kicks the starter lever. i am surprised that the engine does fire up and runs for a few licks before sputtering off again. hm, maybe it was not broken as badly as i thought. it acts mole like it is low on fuel or has a clogged carb line. i am encouraged by that.
i hear a commotion on the edge and turn to see a policeman coming down the lane from uphill. or his shoulder he is carrying the front forks of my honda with the wheel removed. uh oh, what have they done to my motorcycle?
the policeman stops in the yard and the people flow out of the house to surround him. "whose motorcycle is this? we need you to unlock the steering lock."
i indicate that it is my motorcycle. i fiddle through my keys to find the small key which retracts the steering lock tab. as i turn the small tab back, i ask "why have you taken my bike apart? i was just coming to get it out of the way of the construction work."
"i don't know. you have to talk with lyle g. he runs the impound yard." he tells me. lyle george. i will have to remember that name as he is unfamiliar to me. i thought i knew about everybody in town.
"you don't know what we found on your motorcycle, do you?" the policeman tells me with a hint of malice in his voice. "we found the reason you took that first trip to new your city."
i puzzle over this. my initial reaction is that maybe i left a joint back in the toolkit box behind the seat at some time or another. but no one generally smokes pot while riding motorcycles, the helmet face guard gets in the way and it is too windy to keep it lit. that trip to new york when i first got the bike... yes, now i remember. it was a long time ago. i visited a friend in long island on my way to a computer conference in atlantic city. i drove through manhattan and over the verazzano narrows bridge on my way south. what on earth could they care about that?
the policeman departs and i am still puzzled. but at least he did not arrest me. the crowd of people go back into the house and i go along with them. no reason to go back up the hill now as the cops have impounded my bike. i am sure that the foreman of the gravel yard had given me permission to leave my bike there. several people are muttering about the damage to the local environment this construction project will do.
we are not inside very long before there is a knock on the door. in come a team of five policemen. "we have a test of community opinion that we want to give some of you." the leader looks rather much like a gestapo agent as the other four start selecting people and herding them over to one side. almost everyone selected is younger, school kids mostly, except for me. i am not surprised that i am chosen for this test, given what the last cop told me, but why mostly children?
"now, the first question." says the gestapo guy, quieting the test group with a fierce stare. "have you had a good morning?" he points to one of the kids across from me. the boy says "yes". he repeats the question and gets another affirmation. the other cops are writing down names and responses on clipboards. then he turns suddenly to me and points with a crooked finger, "have you had a good morning?"
i think for a moment. the suzuki break down, walking the bike home, my honda impounded. "no, i have had better days." i reply. the gestapo guy narrows his eyes and nods with satisfaction.
"now just a minute here." someone interrupts from the nontest group. it is ed r., our town mayor. "what validity does this test have? what right do you have in coming in here and asking us a lot of fool questions?"
the lead policeman turns quickly. "we have every right to conduct an investigation. we need assess community response to the construction project, and that man" (he points to me.) "has been to new york city."
"that does it." ed shakes his head. "as mayor of this town, i hereby relieve the chief of police from his duties pending a town meeting. all construction and police operations are suspended until we get this matter closed." he bangs a his fist on a table top like a gavel.
=( i awake around 08:30. i feel somewhat anxious and unrested. the original road whete the suzuki broke down reminded me of whaley road near my mother's house in ohio where i grew up. rf was a friend from amherst while er was the chairman of the computer science department when i worked there.
the name lyle george is unknown to me. i did take that trip to atlantic city fifteen years ago, which was the maiden drive of my honda when i bought it. most of the journey had to be at slow speeds to properly break in and condition the engine, hence i took local roads rather than interstates when going south. i lost my wallet before i arrived at the conference. i do not know why i was so tense about the police activity as there was nothing illegal about any of this. )=
COMPUTERS [Extensions of our minds, mind tools, communication]
CULTS [Somewhere out there ...]
DIRECTIONS [Ever stop and ask for directions? North, South,
East, West, up, down, ahead, behind, straight, turn, right, left, make a circle, cross, go through, open, close, mix, add, boil, cook, simmer, but most of all - follow these instructions carefully...and don't be shy about asking someone else down the path, except, of course, for the Big Bad Wolf!!!]
-Check the REPETITIVE DREAMS section if you missed it. ED THE HEAD is a vision of being caught in an endless loop of direction shifting.
== Commentary by Heratheta on various ==
peace had lain to the right of the estate if you had avoided becoming "seems" until the next dream
peace had lain to the right of the apartment with the green walls if you had avoided becoming weird until the next dream
peace had lain to the right of the kitchen if you had avoided becoming something others had to do, until the next dream.
awareness drms-i know part of you knows that becoming aware is occasionally unsafe and unpeaceful moving on.
flying drm-right on, i know a part of you knows there are alternatives to the opposites.
spider dream-right, i know you know twilight is naturally beautiful
misty drm-adventure, you're right to mention, is not known
chosen dream-glad to hear you need to get right out for the unknown
crush dream- right, i agree, some is ok too, off the bus
peace had lain to the right of the train if you had avoided becoming "just" until the next dream
foot dream 1-peace had lain to the right of the foot if you had avoided becoming systematically foot dream2-peace had lain to the right of the fooot if you had avided becoming very
peace had lain to the right of the hermaphrodite if you had avoided being liked until the next dream
what's wrong with you, as they say, is sometimes being liked is unpeaceful.
motorcycle dream-peace had lain to the right of the "midwest" if you had avoided making yourself or others inwardly groan
naked drm-peace had lain to the right of the public if you had avoided "doesn't seem" in yourself or others until the next dream
you'll enjoy the encouragement at
the rest can wait until our next dream
DISCOVERY [New insights and unexpected developments]
DREAMING [Dreams about dreaming]
DRUGS [Healing or Hurting?]
Check out the RELATIONSHIPS section "My Boyfriend Becomes a Drug Pusher" and the commentary an insight on related issues from a woman's perspective.
EATING [Getting nourishment for maintenance, growth and pleasure]
ELEVATORS [Going UP or DOWN - Push the right button or else...]
ESCAPE [Get me outta here!!!]
EVENTS [The activity defines or dominates the story - a convergence of people at a place and time for a special purpose]
EYES [The organs of sight...the window to the soul...]
FEAR [What scares us]
FOOD [The source of our physical nourishment]
FIRE [Flames bring light, heat and destruction/transformation]
FLYING [Confidence, Power, Freedom & Perspective]
GIFTS [Offerings to or from others]
HOBBIES [Our interests and desires]- COLLECTING THINGS
HOLIDAYS [Time off to ...]
HOSPITAL [A place for treatment, healing and repair]
** Dream: "The Foot" by Morales (990203) **
In these two dream, less than on month apart, I dreamt of a foot, the right foot, in the first dream, the foot had two large openings in it, one on the center base of the foot and the other on the inside ankle. The holes where about two inches in diameter and both has automatic operating bi-valves, very similiar to that found in the heart. These two valves would just open and close, systematically.
The second dream, dreamt after the first, was about the same foot, only the holes had no valves, instead, there was a thin tranlucent layer of skin and under the skin was a black jelly like growth that was in the shape of a lotus flower, it had hundreds of tiny pieces the size of a water droplet, each droplet had a small seed, traped in the jelly. In the dream I proceded to cut the layer of skin and extract these objects from the foot, there were two of them, stacked on each other like disc, they were very odd things and only attacked at the center by a small string of flesh. It was very grotesque image in my dream.
HOUSE [Where our lives take place]
** Dream: A still lake & a troubled house (990126) **
The dream centers around an estate that was donated by an elderly man. The house itself seems like the perfect "fixer upper", wainscotting, winding staircase etc.- except the walls are bare and underneath where the fireplace should be there is an incenerator like one found in mortuarys. The house seems to be divided into two sections where the back section has a studio apt. feel with one large room and kitchen that joins into the front room. I never use the front room to access the house and when I go in the room a sense of overwhelming fear and dread pervade my senses.
Sometimes in the dream I find myself thinking "this is going to be a great place to fix up and live", then I am on an old couch in the front room watching tv when a face waxen in pallor with red eyes stares out at the screen over what I am watching which is an old nfl game with greenbay and detroit from the 50's. This part of the dream seems to cycle over and over with me getting up! ! and exploring the rest of the house. I go back into the rear of the house and shut the door but it will not lock and barely closes. When I think about going up the stairs, I immediately become frightened and retreat to the back room I inhabit.
A long winding concrete hallway, like those found in the back of malls, is how I enter and exit the house. This hall leads to a bedroom where the smell of earth, like decompsing leaves and soil, mixed with fresh rain is always prevalent. While exploring, actually with the intent of getting the hell out of the place, I see a visqueen tarp where a wall should be outside the bedroom adjoining the garage(the bedroom has no door, but I keep my keys, a zippo and a pair of oversized tennis shoes there). Pulling back the tarp reveals the ruins of a chapel where I know something (someone) is buried, and, for some reason, the feeling of not being at peace comes to mind.
More of me sitting on the couch with the face(I am just there all of a sudden)! ! This keeps reoccuring until I actually find myself telling the damn thing to cut it out it is scaring the hell out of me. On occasion, it complies by grudginly leaving with the unspoken feeling. It has not gone far. This still fills me with fear. I call up a bishop(why a priest I don't know - it's a dream!)when I suddenly get the inspiration to have an exorcism. I don't remember the conversation, but do remember if I went and got him he would do it. By this time, none of my friends believe the house I live in is "possessed" as I have come to believe in my dream. I grab my keys and shoes, try to tie the laces feeling confident I am going to rid the house of the problem, but also feeling that I cannot believe I waited so long, and any minute that thing is going to be wise to my plans. The laces won't tie and I manage to get one shoe on and decide to forget the other one. I run down the hall with one shoe to the garage.
As I step out, I see a lake in the back with a stuffed deer and doe placed like one is looking up, alert and listening while the other is drinking water. That is when an omniscient voice gives me the history of the estate and owner. The grounds are immaculate with bright green grass and the lake is very dark and still. Next door, I see a woman chase a dog into the yard. She is swearing and she looks unkempt. She begins screaming at 3 small children for them to shut up she just wants to keep warm. I see they are huddling near a fire in front of an open aluminum lean-to the possessions visibly piled up bundles of unidentifiable articles.
I feel sorry for her and suddenly I am back in the damn living room only this time with the women. She tells me her woes and I tell her she can live with me, but I need to do something first. An impending sense of that thing still around is not far from the back of my mind as I speak with her. I notice she has very clear, literaly sparkling blue eyes and very large breasts, heavy petting ensues and she says not to worry about whatever I have to do and start pushing my head toward her crotch where she is already undressed. I realize I am not going to get the bishop but don't care; and wake up.
Comments by Dreamer: For some reason the events in the dream seemed secondary to the setting of the dream, which is why I tried to give as detailed a description as possible. This seemed to be the common thread of the dream that I described, I omitted the incongruent dream frames of george bush and al pacino doing dog day afternoon together; and the cast of SNL playing hockey during bike week in daytona while Madelaine Khan looked on in a low cut blouse. These scenes seemed to cut in and fade just as spontaneosly with the dream above still intact.
HOTELS [Temporary Dwelling or Special Event location]
JOURNEYS [Missions away from our home base -explorations]
** Dream: "Space and Earth are one" by Sylvia (990212)**
Earth and space have merged into one only separated by a port hole. Some earthlings moved to space and the Earth stayers were saddened by this. Wars broke out like races between space and earth cars and knife fights between each other. I went to a space gas station and went to the frozen section, there were Aborigines from Australia selling crocodile meat and accessories. It was a totally different experience. I could smell and taste the crocodile very lucidly in my dream.
2nd dream:
I died and went to a white house with a white flag waving outside of it. Inside I saw many people i knew including my deceased mother: she looked very beautiful. Someone told me to take a spot on the floor or a couch and "scribble the word shame above my place on the wall"
Comments by Dreamer: Very odd feelings and sadness in the death dream. That's the second dream where I have died and had an afterlife.
LOST [Disorientation or abandonment]
LOTTERY DREAMS [Sudden Wealth - Randomness favors the dreamer]
LOVE [All around us, yet so hard to find and keep]
LUCID DREAMING [Knowing you are Dreaming when you are Dreaming]
MEMORY [Remembering ...In dreams we often struggle with the issue of memories and remembering a dream which by definition involves the process of recollection.]
MIRRORS [Reflection of Self]
MUSIC [Melodies of the land within]
NUDITY [What you see is what you get]
PERFORMERS [Entertainers]
PROBLEMS [Situations or difficulties sometimes present choices]
POLITICAL SCENE [Public issues through positions of power]
RELATIONSHIPS [Other parts of ourselves including family which constitutes the first and earliest of our relationships, often influencing how we relate to the outside world]
** Dream: Boyfriend becomes a pusher - by Honey (990124)**
K, here's the dream...
ok, my boyfriend {bf] and i lived in an apartment building.. we had rooms right next to each other... he had a room with his best friend dustin.. and i was supposedly with my family.. but they were never there...anyways, the walls and carpet were this weird moss green.. ok, so i walk out to see josh [my bf], and him and dustin are in the closet doing some drug.. it was this red powder stuff.. in a tube type thing... and they looked at me and laughed.. i was kinda like o..k.. and i went back in my room... the next day i came out of my room and josh was sitting on the floor with this drug.. and he was just laughing.. i mean, hysterically. and he wanted me to do some and i was like no, and he didn't ask again... the next day, i went into their apartment, and josh were doing the drug thing again.. and once again he was laughing hysterically... and he tryed to get me to do it again, and i was like no, but this time he tried to make me take it... and i screamed and left.. THEN the next day i went into their apartment and no one was there.. so i was sitting on josh's bed and a few min later he walked in... and he seemed fine, and he apologized for the past few days.. and i'm like ok, apology accepted.. then we're making out and stuff.. and josh got this thing out of his pocket.. i can't see what it is... but you tell me to close my eyes, and he shoves the drug down my throat.. its this red powder stuff.. and its like sugar.. and i try to spit it out, and he's laughing hysterically.. and for some reason, the drug doesn't effect me... and i leave...
here's the thing.. i was afraid of him, i mean deathly afraid... i don't know why! and this dream scared me.. i mean it really scared me!! what do you think? i'm soo confused! i mean, our relationship is really good, he never cheated on me or anything!! and he doesnt' do drugs... and we've been together 6 months and WE'VE NEVER EVEN HAD A FIGHT!! Please get back to me!!
== Commentary by Lane McC on "Boyfriend Who Becomes Pusher" (990125) ==
I have run into the "man who trys to drug women" many times in my clients dreams. From a strictly archetypal standpoint, (we don't have enough subjective associations to get a good personal feel for this) I see this as a struggle between the woman's ego and the overwhelming influence of the Animus. The animus complex acts somewhat like a drug. It puts the woman to sleep (as in sleeping beauty), or disempowers her. In this case perhaps the dynamic of the relationship is "tempting" this woman to take a drug. In other words, asking her to give herself up. She may not be conscious of the struggle but her unconscious says this is the way it is. You are wrestling to stay conscious in this relationship. An interesting realization at the end of the dream. The drug is "sweet" and doesn't seem to effect her. Not sure what that means. Maybe there isn't anything to worry about after all. Just some thoughts. Certainly to analyze the color red could be helpful. It is always helpful to explore the thoughts and feelings during the dream.
Good luck Lane
** Dream: "Sex With A Hermaphradite" by German Herman (981115)**
I had a dream that I had sex with a hermaphradite and I liked it.
Comments by Dreamer: What's wrong with me?
== Commentary by Lane McC on "Sex with A Hermaphrodite" (990208)==
The hermaphrodite is a symbol of man and woman combined. Absent of any details, it could mean that you are needing (or in the process of) a relationship with this part of yourself. Was the Hermaphrodite familiar or foriegn. Was it like a god and fascinating or revolting? The answer to these will help you interpret the meaning of this symbol. The only time I remember having a hermaphrodite in my dream it was a symbol of a powerful shadow figure. A part of myself that I wanted to deny. In this way it represented my rejected half; both masculine and feminine. Lane
== Commentary by BobK on Sex With A Hermaphrodite(990215) ==
If this were my dream, I would wonder why I feel there is something wrong with me that I enjoyed sex with another. A hermaphrodite has no control over the fact that he/she has characteristics of both sexes. They are in a very small minority of the population that are different from the rest of humanity which is clearly male or female. Unlike most people who are different from the norm, their difference is not as evident as the differences of a blind person, a deaf person or a person missing an arm or a leg. During this past December, the Discovery channel ran a one hour special on twins joined at birth who have survived living the one/two body life in a world used to one person/one body. As much as I have read, I was ignorant of the existence of these people. I guess most shun the stares of "normal" people and keep out of the public eye. They didn't chose to live this way, they were born like this. In a gesture of great courage, they and their parents have chosen life over death, and meet daily struggles we cannot even imagine.
Why do I think there is something wrong with me having sex with this person? Am I upset that I didn't reject the person for being strange or am I upset that I had sex with another person? Am I betraying someone else with this act or am I betraying myself? There are many religious, legal and cultural issues dealing with sexual relations making it a highly charged subject. There are times in a lifetime where sex with another is inappropriate, wrong or immoral for one or both partners. Moving beyond the forbidden and improper however, sexual relations in dreams as in waking life are to a degree the intermingling of two bodies, the bringing into one body the body of another. It is a symbolic incorporation of the qualities of another desired one.
If dreams are reflections of parts of myself, why am I feeling that there is something wrong with masculine or feminine parts of myself? Do I think I will be less of a man if I nurture the culturally female aspects of my life or less of a woman if I nurture culturally masculine parts of myself?
RELIGIOUS RELATED [The Ritual and the Spiritual]
ROMANCE [Thrills and Chills, lost in another]
** Dream: "High School Crush" by Lana (990110) **
Date of Dream: 1/10/99, during the hours of 12am-6am
I dreamed I was on a bus loaded with people all different people, even some friends of mine were there. I didn't see anyone in my family at all in this dream, not even my children. The entire time I was on the bus, I wore a towel, around me, and that was all. I talked to a male friend, of mine and my husbands about politics, and then I sang with a little boy, a new song that I never heard of.
Then the bus stopped, and we all started getting out, and I put on that lace bathrobe that belonged to my mother, when I was a child. Then my friend, "Debbie" asked if I wanted to wear her red slippers, they were so neat. and she said "I know you like them, you can wear them." There were lots of suitcases on the bus, and everyone seemed to be sitting almost on top of each other, instead of in seats, but no one was uncomfortable...I put the slippers on, and got out, and it was very muddy. I had long black socks on, then I remember "Debbie" and I started rummaging through the trunks of cars, like at a yard sale, there were many, many people there, and I found a way cool pair of high heels clogs type, like I used to wear in high school, then there were some other people there, and I was talking to them, and they wanted the purse that I was going to buy, but I told them, no, and showed them where I got it.
Then we started talking to some more people that I didn't know, then "Debbie" was gone, and I was walking around by myself, and my clothes were different, I was dressed normally like in jeans. Then I saw "Sidney", (a boy from high school, that I had a crush on, but never dated, although he wanted me to) And he came up to me, and hugged me, and then said did I want to go out for dinner, and we were walking around, then we were in his apartment, ( I am leaving out explicit parts of this dream, use your imagination), then there was a big bathroom, like in a stadium, and he was there, and i went in there, and more explicit stuff, then we were out in the streets, like at Mardi Gras, and then my ex-sister-in-law was there, juggling in the road, and "Sidney's" little sister ( he doesn't have one, only brothers) came up and started talking to me, and didn't understand the song, "the night they drove old Dixie down" and said it made her I explained that it was about freeing black people(which I have no idea, why I said that) and then I walked with her awhile and then I saw "Sidney" again, (more explicit stuff here) and an old man was staring at us, like we were rude, and then we started taunting my ex-sister-in-law, then, i needed to go to the phone to call my mother, because I remembered that no one knew where I was, and then i was trying to make up a lie about staying with 2 of my old high school girl-friends (female friends, not "girlfriends") but I couldn't think of anything good to lie about, so I didn't call at all. then I woke up...
Comments by Dreamer: I have recurring dreams about "Sidney" alot. This is only one, but by far the most intimate. *Note, I have never dated him, although he wanted me to. Names changed for identity reasons.
SCHOOL THEMES [Learning and learning related trials]
** Dream: "high school reunion" by Stan K. (990209) **
=( last night i was finishing a curriculum lesson on cascading style sheets in web working. i quit early, about 02:30 rather than push the start of the next lesson on perl which will be more difficult to write. i woke with no dream at 08:30 when the alarm went off. i went back to sleep easily, hoping for a dream this time. )=
the gymnasium of our old high school looks just the same after all these years. this surprises me as the campus grounds outside have changed to almost unrecognizable in the 35 years. but the blonde wood floors covered with a thick green canvas do not appear to have been altered in the interval. as i walk in the room is mostly empty, few custodians setting up the last of the folding chairs on the far side.
near the door where i have stepped in, i find karen reel standing by a table with a worried look on her face. she is surprisingly young looking, pretty much as i remember from high school. "is anything wrong?" i ask.
"yes," she replies, looking at me with curious eyes. i can tell she does not recall who i am. probably i have changed enough to be hard to recall. we certainly were not very closely associated in the public schools. "we had $2700 dollars on this table, but the wind has blown it away. i found some of it here on the floor." i volunteer to help search out the missing money.
at first it is fairly easy to scout out the currency in fairly big clumps in the rows near the table. i find a few bills here and few more a couple rows further. but as a continue to move down the line from the door, people start to come in and take seats facing the stage at the end of the room. the green covering on the floor does not help much either when the bills are laying green side up.
when i get to the end of the gym, i take the first bundle back to karen. "how close are you to the $2700?" i ask, but she is too busy to answer as some of the people coming in are making change with her at the money box. i see that sue stanley has joined her and so has linda baines, both looking suitably older, unlike karen. these seem to be the set of organizers for the reunion. i realize that they probably do not go by their maiden names anymore, but i do not know how to refer to them otherwise. i merely put down the recovered bills and leave without disturbing them further.
when i go over to the red wood bleachers that have been pulled out from the wall i see a large bundle of currency, neatly piled instead of wind scattered. this seems odd. when i pick up the stack, i see that there are several sizes of bills. this seems to be foreign money. the french bills are gaudy, irreverent colors with pictures of various artists on them. they do not seem like money for some reason. there is a series of much smaller green and white bills that have no words on them. i especially like the engraved look of one with a white stallion with wind swept clouds streaming behind it. someone going by looks over and says "those are the new series EE bonds." they do not look like any that my mother keeps. i plunk this bundle on the table with the organizers wondering how they count this in the $2700.
the room has filled up with maybe 800 people. since the graduating class was only a quarter of that, i suspect that most of these people are spouses or families. down by the stage end i see a man who looks real familiar. getting closer, i see that his short cut red hair fades unevenly to white on the edges in back. ah, it is john gunning and he has died his white hair red. i say hello.
"i thought i was going to be late." he said. "my motorcycle broke down on the interstate coming down from michigan."
i had not suspected john to be the type who would ride bikes. "you drove a motorcycle here?" i ask needlessly.
"yes, the front axle starting grinding and making noises." it does not sound very good.
"you know, my garage is set up with the tools for maintenance. i have two bikes myself." i tell him, but he is so distracted that i do not think he heard. i am thinking, however, of my father's house a mile away rather than my garage in pensacola, 800 miles distant. i thought john looked better with his naturally white hair than this fake red look.
lou ann rumble comes over and takes my arm to guide me to a series of open chairs to sit with her. i never knew her very well in growing up even though we always rode the same buses, her farm being up the highway from my road. "don't worry about his motorcycle. he will take it to the commercial shops anyway as john never knew anything about mechanics." i wonder how she knows this. i was not interested in automotives until after college and then started repairing my own machines.
"well, the only reliable motorcycle shop in the area is over in yellow springs." i say. lou ann puts an arm around my chair in a rather familiar or inviting manner. she pulls out a single cigarette and waits to see if i will light it for her. fumbling in my pockets, i do find a lighter and flame up the end of her cigarette for her. "do you smoke?" she asks with a smile, exhaling the blue cloud in my direction. it smells rather sweet, not all tobacco.
"well, i try to. but to be honest, i have probably not had any tobacco in several months." i really do lack the interest in tobacco products anymore, but will occasionally light up a cigar when a friend brings some over for after dinner. lou ann does not offer me one, probably assuming that i have quit with the health scare rather than lack of interest.
looking out a door, i see a tall woman walk by. wow, that must be candy hicky, who i always thought the most attractive girl in the school. of course, she never had any time for a chess-playing geek like me. one term she was seated in front of me in alphabetical order for algebra. she was not the math type, unfortunately, and had no interest in my tongue tied numbers. today, she is dressed in light fashion clothing like a model would wear on a runway. the years have been kind to her, refining her face to an elegance that almost hurts to look at directly. i try to think of something that i could say to her more interesting than 'you must be ...' but come up with nothing clever. once again, the easy social graces slip my grasp and she is gone from sight.
=( i wake at 09:52 feeling well rested. all of these people were in my high school, only john gunning was anyone i associated with directly. i think karen reel's last name was spelled differently, but that is how it was pronounced. candy hicky did sit in front of me in 9th grade algebra, which i enjoyed. i heard some dark rumors about her in college, but she was always a target of locker room gossip by the smelly jock strap guys, so i did not trust any of that information. i would rather remember her like this even if i still come off as a befuddled moron. )=
=== true, i talk of dreams,
| | the brain's idle children
--- --mercutio
** Dream: "Different Score" by ? (990212) **
I dreamt that I was again out of town (as I was in reality the day before) where I played basketball. The game in my dream that we won ended completely different than the game in reality. In my dream there was a fight between a player of my team and one of the other team. After the game, the bus broke down.
SOLUTIONS [The answers to problems or quandaries]
STAIRS [Bridges between levels, between the upper and the lower]
STRANGERS [Who and what we don?t know yet]
TEETH [Ok, losing teeth is one of the top ten dreams people have questions on. Theories on what they mean range all over the spectrum of possibilities.]
TORNADOS [Pretty well defined destructive power of nature]
** Dream: "Lifted Away" by misty (990202) **
I frequently have dreams about the Second Coming. Usually I am doing normal activities and all of a sudden I am lifted into the air, and I know exactly what is happening. I can actually feel myself rising. It is terrifying. I also have dreams of demons sometimes and they are very scary. A recurring dream that I have had for the last five years is about a tornado.
TRAPPED [Temporarily helpless- Sometimes we are paralyzed or imprisoned by jobs, relationships or expectations]
** Dream: "From The Ballroom to the Stairs" by ChristiB (990203)**
Bob - I submitted this to Eletric Dreams on January 14, 1999. As of today I have had no response. I was wondering if you could interpretate this or direct me to someone that could. This dream has been reoccurring for the past couple of weeks. I appreciate any guideance that you may be able to give me.
thanks. Christi
: It is not very often, that when I do dream, that I ever remember what I have dreamt. This particular dream has stuck in the back of my mind for weeks and anybody that has any thoughts on it would be appreciated.
: -dream-:
I am walking through this grand arched doorway. As soon as I enter the room I notice that I am dressed in a lavish Ballgown. Then I turn my attention to the rest of the room. There is a long table in the middle of the room that looks like it belongs in a palace. Then I realize that the people that are there are dressed in tails and they are all men. Everyone looks like they are talking, but there is only silence. There is only one person that I recognize. : The next thing I remember, I am walking down this concreted path with a gentleman that is old enough to be my grandfather. We are walking along and I notice in the near distance kids are playing. We walk for a ways like he is leading me somewhere and we come upon some stairs. I stop, but the gentleman continues. I look at the stairs and realize that they proceed downwards and level out for about two feet and then there are more stairs that go up. As soon as he gets to the other side, I proceed down the stairs. Then much to my suprise, with every step I take there is this dome like thing starting to close over head, just the length of the set of stairs. I get to the two foot leveled clearance, but the dome is not stopping. I start to run up the other set of stairs to try beat the closure of the dome.
: This is where I woke up. I distinctly remember not one word was actually said throughout the whole dream. Can any one interpretate this for me? I would really appreciate it.
== Commentary by BK on "From Ballroom to Stairs" (990203)==
Hi Christi - I don't recall seeing this dream before, and do not have it in the archive of dreams sent in during January. I did lose a couple submissions in December when I accidentally wiped out my email directory so accidental loses do happen. Did you email it to this same address? Anyway, I hope the following commentary can help.
I feel that repetitive and very vivid dreams are of greatest value to the dreamer because a message is trying to get through to the dreamer that is of great importance to the inner self. Once the dreamer realizes what it is addressing, the dreams stop. They rarely supply an easy answer to a dilemma, but they do help the dreamer focus on an issue of concern. Anxiety exists when we are unsure of a situation. Awareness and strategies to deal with the situation help reduce or overcome the anxiety. Decisions we make move us clearly in certain directions and away from uncertainty for better or for worse.
You offer no details on your age or circumstances which may have an impact on the message. Clearly children, adolescents, and young adults usually face a whole series of anxiety producing situations as they mature and make choices on where their life is going in terms of career and relationship choices. Seriously sick people with mental or physical ailments face very real anxieties of a different nature.
If your dream were mine, this is how I would see it:
The theme of this dream is EXPLORATION. The exploration starts as that of an inner structure - images of buildings usually reflect our body or life situation - and is taking place in an environment of silence without much interaction except that of an older wiser male figure. Houses and particularly homes we have been in, reflect our family life or personal development, school buldings reflect on education or relationship issues, workplaces relate to workplace issues, hospitals to health issues and so on.
In this case, entrance is through a grand arched doorway of some public event area perhaps a palace. It may be a reception of some kind. I am all dressesed up in a "Ballgown" and the room is filled with elegantly dressed males in "tails" but none seems to want to "play ball" with me! What does this scenario remind me of? Though it looks like they are talking, there is no verbal communication which is an image of the appearance of communication but the lack of any real verbal interchange. Could it be that I am not really listening to the men in my life? Or are the men in my life ignoring me no matter how much I try to grab their attention, even if I am at my most glamorous or lavish? I am a woman in the dream, and I feel somewhat out of place. This could be very positive, as I can make lots of new friends, or intimidating, as I am an odd-person out in this crowd. What might they be gathered for? I don't seem to know. I recognize one person only, but don't seem to relate to him. Could this indicate a type of relationship the dream is talking about? What does or did that person mean to me?
Before anything else happens here, I find myself with an elderly man who seems to be guiding me down a concrete path past playing children and to a set of stairs. Elderly folk usually symbolize a wiser more experience part of myself. I am moving of my own volition and with my own resources walking forward step by step. This path does not seem familiar, but is clearly constructed and easy to follow. It is outdoors which deals with external type relationships. How do I feel about the playing children? Would these be reflections of my childhood, visions of children I know, or anticipation of children coming into my life?
Usually steps going down indicate going into a deeper level of whatever. In house dreams, they are indicative of moving into subconcious type of concern areas. Stairs are types of bridges connecting one level with another. These are in some sort of outdoor area where there is more freedom of movement. The elderly man is way ahead of me (in age, wisdom, and experience for sure, as well as seemingly physically in the dream) and goes down the stairs, passes the level area, and arises on the other side. What's the difference between this side of the stairs and that side of the stairs? What's the meaning of the "two feet" level area? I have had dreams of doorways, bridges, roads, and rivers with similar situations. Suddenly, I see and realize that a "dome" of sorts is coming down on me as I follow him, and my freedom to move around is in danger. Could this be symbolic of a relationship I'm in or considering? Might it be a reflection of life circumstances or conditions which are preventing me from leaving an area I am in, intimidating me from crossing some sort of borderline, and emerging in a different area that I need to make an effort to rise into? The "dome" feels restrictive and dangerous, but I also don't seem to know much about it. I'm paralyzed by fear. Would the dome trap me or take me away?
I end up anxious about an ENTRAPMENT type of situation which some part of me thinks I am moving into. Do I back up? Do I change directions? Do I move forward? Can I move sideways? What are the risks? What are the benefits? Can anyone help me? Where would I go for help? How easy it would be if we knew in advance the relationships that wouldn't hurt us or the career choices that are not dead ends, or the decisions that will complicate our lives in ways we would prefer they not! Lots of questions and only the dreamer can provide the answers for their situation.
Think about these things Christi as they apply to your life situation, and I am sure this repetitive dream will stop, or at least move toward some type of resolution. Thanks for helping me think about many of the issues in my life brought up in your shared dream.
Let me know if you feel this has helped you understand your message from within any better.
Bob Krumhansl
** Dream: "Chosen by Sarie" by ? (990202) **
Date of Dream: years ago
I dreamt that my entire family, grandparents, divorced parents, and half-sisters, brothers, and cousins all lived in the same house. The government was downsizing the population. You knew you were chosen to die if you woke up and your toothbrush was gone. We woke up and ran to the bathroom and to our dismay, my oldest half-sister's toothbrush indeed was gone.
So we went to the place where everyone went to die, which was this huge warehouse. The next thing I knew, I was standing in rows of dead bodies, lined up neatly and tagged under huge black plastic cloths. It seemed one was trying to grab my foot, and then suddenly I was outside. I looked to the street which seemed to be a busy street as in New York City, and there was a yellow Volkswagon Beetle with a black coffin hanging out of a window. It was how we were to take my sister to dispose of.
Comments by Dreamer: I don't have a beetle, and my family is not that close.
VEHICLES [Means of transportation, reflection of lifestyle]
** Dream: "Train in the Desert" by Mermaid (990207) **
4am Sunday 7 feb 1999
I recall meeting a long train with lots of people in dark suits aboard. I waited in a little green patch of grass, next to lots of sand; just knowing that the train was on its snaking way past.
WATER [A magical earthly fluid, nourishment, cleansing]
WORKPLACE [Where we make a living]
WRITING & WRITERS [Communication and creativity]
= = = = = = = = = = = ==
** DREAM INSPIRED POETRY by Ace Boggess (990201) **
[BK- This series is presented in the order submitted by Mr. Boggess, which in typical dream fashion does not necessarily follow a right brain logical numerical sequence. Thanks for sharing a special treat with the Electric Dreams community Ace!]
ACE BOGGESS ( of Huntington, WV, is author of the play Socrates Said (Grimpenmire Press: 1996); two poetry chapbooks, Desire?s Orchestra (Three-Legged Dog Press: 1998) and Compost Heap (Naked Press: 1994);
and several unpublished novels. Mr. Boggess has degrees in journalism (B.A.) and law (J.D.). His work has appeared over 300 times in various publications including The Comstock Review, Owen Wister Review, Cold Mountain Review, The Burning Cloud Review, American Poetry Monthly, Black Bear Review, Satire, Talus and Scree, and many others. His literary novels are represented by Anne Hawkins with John Hawkins & Associates. He has been nominated twice for the
Pushcart Prize.
[From Mr. Boggess:] Hello. I saw your listing and thought I'd try you with a few poems of the same theme. Others from this series have appeared in various publicationssuch as Staplegun Press, Emotions, Apostrophe, Maelstrom, Ink Literary Review, and so on. Hopefully one or more might fit the theme of your journal.
Dreams not dreads,
Ace Boggess
2353 Edgemont Rd.,
Huntington, WV 25701-4748
We awakened the giant resting catatonic
in a muted corner of the law school?s
central office. Was it the noise that displaced
his slumber? Our reckless indifference?
Or perhaps the infectious madness we learned
to portray? He apprehends all that dawdle
near his hands, his two swollen spoons straining
the soup of youth toward his lips.
Society alone escapes him: the many left
to wander this building, Odysseus and his men
unshackled yet trapped within the cave.
When Cyclops hungers, he first dismantles
women in his charge, feasting on broken limbs
as if silver minnows serving the bigger fish.
And what have I to offer but detachment:
subtle war in the way of new America, soft feet
gliding over shadows, fighting on in silence?
by Ace Boggess
First light is blue, which means green.
Accelerate. Car then heartbeat,
rapid yet slow like seconds
in the midst of a good drunk fugue.
The next, not ten feet away, turns amber
then red, decidedly indecisive,
settling on the warm, flushed face
as I brake at the last flash. Officer C.
in his convertible squad car
waves me into the oncoming lane.
I pull over, and the world is against me,
attempting to run me down.
I explain about the first light, but the cop
shakes his head and writes the ticket,
a sneer on his lips so smug
like a serpent?s: illusive, mesmerizing.
He sees himself back in his youth,
his war years, a chopper pilot
dropping burning gas on broken fields
and bodies. They?re all red, he warrants.
They?re always red. Then I?m
driving again, going the wrong way,
fighting to recommence against the crowd.
by Ace Boggess
As I see the kiss consume me,
the scenery shifts:
a tender ripple into a stormy sea.
Aloof to sunlight as if raised up
by disembodied clouds,
I project an astral image,
and I am inside of her.
Not like a lover. More the tickling
spider pursuing a fly,
an errant emotion seeking
the infidelity of her thoughts.
On my knees, I confess
my own bad faith in whispers.
And I am reaching her,
reaching into her,
getting over as well as
getting through, teaching
the door to open like a smile.
by Ace Boggess
My brother flaunts the devil?s grin,
his arctic eyes cocked low
like those of a frazzled gunslinger
awaiting the act and reaction,
the fatal shot. He laughs
in an array of slow, casual groans
as if challenging nature,
raising an invisible fist toward the sky.
We?re playing it cool, talking about
the new Led Zeppelin tape,
though of course there is no new
Led Zeppelin tape, at least, not as such.
To me, it makes sense. I?ve escaped
from a mental institution,
or perhaps drug rehab. I?m free
and better now, but then, aren?t we all?
Let?s go for drinks, he says, a deft test
enticing the plush gray focus
that knows me ever so well. Trembling,
insecure of my own sobriety,
I nod in flaccid acceptance
like a somber statesman, reserved
while mourning this passing, the death
of an old friend, an older enemy.
by Ace Boggess
In the nowhere locomotive: I,
the conductor, or driver
behind the wheel of a sedan
not a steel-bellied worm,
embrace alien melancholy,
guide my train along
a corridor amidst yellow plains
of crabgrass, decay. Lost city
glitters dimly ahead: in Ohio,
just beyond West Virginia?s
oblique border, a place I recall
from scribbled phrases,
quotations in a reporter?s
frayed notebook. The native
children are absent,
their flight a misguided
attempt to salvage youthful
inexperience from age?s
finite understanding. I?m charged
to hunt, to herd them together,
to teach them, choosing
yet another face, a new direction.
In spite of myself,
I know they?ll open their
thoughts like painted lips
toward an eager kiss.
They?ll listen, growing old in each
dying echo of my voice.
And I am proud, full. What more
prestige might a man secure
than to say he lived and taught
more than he learned?
by Ace Boggess
No longer a young man-destitute,
struggling, hungry for acceptance
as for work-I plead with the owner
of a small nightclub in town,
hoping for a job. He hires me
to post fliers in perfect rows
along the building?s outer wall,
shaping a banner of paper signs.
I do the work. At least, part of it.
But when I pause to breathe,
the scene shifts. I?m inside, spinning
in the tavern?s narcotic darkness.
College girls flirt and flitter by,
fairy-like wings caressing my lips
with wind. I laugh: loving mask
in ambivalent face, so perversely at ease.
Outside, night throws shadows:
a dirty lens. A new employee
covers, finishing what escapes me.
Or I?ve escaped. Aloof, I inspect
the leaflets as if to reminisce.
It?s my face on the page. I?m the act
I can?t promote: madcap idealist,
cursed not to succeed but to succumb.
Farewell for this month.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Well, that?s it for this month. See you next time in April1999. Hasta La Vista!
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conferences and meetings, we will publish them. I'm
especially interested in creative interpretive approaches
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SUBMITTING NEWS and Calendar events related to dreaming. We usually have a deadline at the 15th of each month. Send all events and news to Peggy Coats <>
SENDING IN QUESTIONS, Replies and Concerns about dreams and dreaming. We don't pretend to be the final authority on dreams, but we will submit you questions to our network and other Internet networks. Also, you are free to post special interest requests. Send those to Richard Wilkerson at
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Thanks to John Labovitz for putting us on his e-zine list:
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Thanks to the Dream Network Journal for mentioning the Electric Dreams project.
Thanks to low bandwith for listing electric dreams
Thanks to the Usenet newsgroups for mentioning us in the FAQ files at alt.dreams and alt.dreams.lucid and for other Usenet Newsgroups for allowing us to continually post messages.
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The Electric Dreams Staff
Peggy Coats - News & Calender Events Director
Bob Krumhansl - Editor & Dream Editor
Matthew Parry - Web Master
Dane Pestano HTML ED Designer
Victoria Quinton- Friends of Electric Dreams
Electric Dreams Archives & Reporter
mermaid 8*)
Jesse Reklaw - Cover Art Gallery 1994- 1997
Bryan Smith - Cover Artist and Illustrator for
many of our Web pages.
Molly - Illustrated ED Archive Host
Lars Spivock - Research and Development Director
Richard Wilkerson - General Editor, Articles & Subscriptions & Publication
+ The wonderful anonymous Core who respond each issue to your dreams!
+ The generous authors of our articles
+ The
creative genius of Bryan A. Smith
+ The delightful dreamers and commentators
All dream and article text and art are considered (C)opyright by the writers, artists and dreamers themselves. Anyone other than the authors may use or reprint the text for non-commercial use, but all other use by anyone other than the author must be with the permission of either the author or the current Electric Dreams dream editor.
Electric Dreams is an independent electronic publication not affiliated with any other organization. The views of our commentators are personal views and not intended as professional advice or psychotherapy.