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Electric Dreams Volume 07 Issue 02

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Electric Dreams
 · 1 Jan 2021


Dream Memes: Infectious Ideas About Dreaming

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Volume 7 Issue #2

February 2000

ISSN# 1089 4284

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++ Editor's Notes

++ Announcement: Now, *Two* DreamWheels!

++ Notes to the Editor/Dream Airing

++ Article: An Excerpt From The Lucid Dream Exchange
By Lucy Gillis

++ Event: Mutual Dream Target for February 15: Giza Pyramids
Scott Hughes

++ Articles :Dream Memes: Persistence Dreaming Viruses
Richard Wilkerson

++ Dream Meme: All Dreams are in Black and White
Richard Wilkerson

++ Dream Meme: Sickness in a dream means you are about to get sick
Richard Wilkerson

++ Article: Microanalysis of Visual Dream Content
Rod Smith

++ Article: Dreams and Astrology for February.
Madame Aionia

G L O B A L D R E A M I N G N E W S - Peggy Coats

* DREAM CALENDAR for February 2000* ASD News Update!

D R E A M S S E C T I O N :
dream-flow.v001.n213 - dream-flow.v001.n231

D E A D L I N E :
February 16, deadline for February submissions


Send Dreams and Comments on Dreams to:
Richard Wilkerson <>

Send Dreaming News and Calendar Events to:
Peggy Coats <>

Send Articles and Subscription concerns to:
Richard Wilkerson: <>

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Editor's Notes

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The Dream Movement is in a new and exciting age. Over the past two decades we have shifted from isolated experiments by separated groups and individuals to a group highly networked organizations that freely exchange ideas and information, providing international forums for the topic of dreams and dreaming. But dream awareness is still not part of our cultural main-stream and remains pretty much in the realm of psycho-spiritual concerns and sleep research. Just how to re-vision the educational project to include the culture as a whole is one of the themes of the Electric Dreams community.

In this issue, I have suggested that one area is to find the ideas about dreaming that continue to spread like gossip and offer a wider access to more intelligent answers. I am suggesting that we can do this by looking at these infectious ideas, what I am calling dream memes, and then develop informational distribution strategies that will get people talking about dreams. My feeling is that since parents don't discuss dreams, the young children are left to make up stories of their own, many of which persist through adulthood.

Be sure to send in your own dream memes and myths about dreaming.

Lucy Gillis, in "An Excerpt From The Lucid Dream Exchange" explores how she had to cope with learning about lucid dreaming on her own and the issues that surround this isolation.

I have included a short introduction to Dream Memes in last month's issue (ED 7(1)) and give a few examples, including dreams predicating illness and black and white dreams. My point is not so much to come up with answers, but to get all our opinions out and begin developing public dialogues that children and interested adults can tap into via the Internet.

Also in this issue is a reference article by Rod Smith about his new research "Microanalysis of Visual Dream Content"
Rod has developed an empirical method for classifying and analyzing dream content from drawings.

Madame Aionia returns! If you have ever wondered how to combine your dreamwork with astrology, Madame Aionia has a creative, yet soulful way of looking at the elements in your dreams from the viewpoint of astrological houses. Be sure to see her suggestions for February and the Second House.

If you would like to join us in dreamland for a mutual dreaming event, see Scott Hughes invitation to meet in Giza on February 16th.

Peggy Coats, from, has been gathering the news about dreaming from all around the Net and has the latest conferences, the best workshops, the finest dream events and all the updates on the latest and best web sites. Be sure to look over the Global Dreaming News for the events in your area.

Heads Up! There are now TWO dream groups available via Electric Dreams. See the DreamWheel Update by Kathy Turner.

Our Dreams this month come from all around the Net and have been organized by the software developed by Harry Bosma. Be sure to look through the dreams and see what on the mind and soul of dreamers in Cyberspace.

-Richard Wilkerson

NEXT MONTH: Gayle Delaney and All About Dreams. If you have articles on the Dream Interview Method, please send those in by February 16.

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Electric Dreams DreamWheel Update
Kathy Turner

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There are now TWO DreamWheels spinning in cyberspace near you.

Are you interested in doing group dreamwork online? Yes! Then join one of the DreamWheels. We both follow Montague Ullman's technique (not slavishly and modified by Richard Wilkerson and others for online dreamwork). Each of the dreamwheelers asks questions about the particular dream we are working on in order to clarify what it was "really" like, then (after listening to all the responses from the dreamer) we make a comment on what the dream would mean to us if it were our own. This technique allows us to honour the mystery and intelligence of the dream and to recognise that each dream "interpretation" is as much about the interpreter as it is about the dreamer. It generates insightful comments for the dreamer and for the interpreter.
The first DreamWheel has a fast turn around. We deal with one dream per week - this means that if you are going to participate you need to be able to email the wheel twice each week. It is particularly good for those who would like to try out online dreamwork. You'll get lots of support and we will build into it a connection to Richard's History of Dreaming classes - so you'll have a chance to try out and think about various ways of approaching dreams. If you'd like to join or to find out more just e-mail
Kathy Turner (

The second DreamWheel is *new*.

It is the eDreams group, with a longer spin time than DreamWheel (a fortnight or even two weeks), and will give 'dedicated' dreamers the opportunity to spend a bit longer with each dream. We'll be starting up the first week of the new millennium - WOW!" If you'd like to join this DreamWheel or find out more, email Phyllis Howling ( and say "Hi, I'm interested in the new dream group and would like to learn more!"

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Dream Airing:
News, Notes and Events

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If you would like to get more information about the monthly class, the History of Dreams, send and e-mail to the autoresponder at


The Dream are In! The Alchera Planetary Dream Event for 1999 has been posted:

Now, start getting ready for the final event in July 2000:

Rêve planétaire /Planetary dream 2000
Au commencement... /In the beginning...


Hey, did you know that the Lucidity Institute has a regular newsletter called LUCIDITY*FLASHES

To SUBSCRIBE.....Send a blank email message to


Request for Online Volunteers:
If you are a member of the Association for the Study of Dreams, I would like to invite you to become an online volunteer. Our volunteers keep the online dream program for ASD moving along smoothly, provide support for the office and conference and keep the ASD web site looking really spiffy.

If you would like to join, drop me a line: Richard Wilkerson

If you would like to Become a member of the Association for the Study of Dreams, stop by and sign up today!
Microanalysis of Dream Content

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Event: Mutual Dream
Target for February 16th : Giza Pyramids

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Picture at:

How would you like to meet with the Electric Dreams Community in Dreamspace? We will be meeting in our dreams on Saturday night, the 16th of February.

Party at the Great Pyramid, Wednesday night, the 15th of January, 2000. The Great Pyramid is the mutual dream target for February. Located on the Giza plateau, right outside of Cairo, Egypt, this is the only remaining wonder of the "Seven Wonders of the Ancient World." This pyramid has many passages and several chambers. The main chamber, the so called the King's Chamber contains an empty coffer. The main party will be in this room, but we will be running all over this pyramid looking for hidden passages and treasure.

If you must, take a dream boat up the Nile river to get here. Keep an eye out for Osiris, Napoleon, or Cleopatra who all played a role in the mythology and history of this great structure. A pyramid builder, myself (I usually build my pyramids out of ideas), you may see me lifting a dream stone or two into place. For the larger stones, I will be assembling a crew...

Scott Hughes

Procedure: Just before going to bed, make the intention to join the Electric Dreams community in your dreams and to recall and remember that dream in the morning. Keep and pen and pad by your bed and send in any dreams you have that night. Be sure to title and date the dream, and note what the target was.

Don't worry about what time zone you are in and if everyone will be asleep at the same time. Consider this dream-time asynchronous. That is, you may dream about the target days before or after the event and we will still include it in as a mutual dream.

Post your dreams at

For more information on Mutual Dreaming, Visit Linda Magallon's site at:

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An Excerpt From The Lucid Dream Exchange

By Lucy Gillis

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This month I would like to share one of my own lucid dreams. In fact, I consider it to be my first lucid dreaming experience. Although I didn't know the term "lucid dreaming" at the time that I had this dream, I had recently begun reading the Seth books by Jane Roberts, and was learning that you could become "awake and aware in your dreams."

This information triggered the following dream, which at the time I called a "conscious dream." This marks the first time I recall knowing that I was dreaming and could control my environment while still asleep and in the dream state (even though that recognition was brief at the end of the dream).

December 14, 1987

I dream that a group of us at Saint Mary's University campus are going to a lecture on Edgar Cayce. On our way, some young woman and I fall behind and become late. The SMU football field is huge, and we have to cross it to get to the lecture. The scene changes and we are then in a dorm room getting ready when all of a sudden the young woman looks different. She has become sinister looking. She is dressed in tight black leather and either she has her black hair piled on top of her head, or she wears an elaborate headpiece of some kind. She holds up a sword, and is now standing about two metres above me. I am tangled among thick ropes against a wall, holding tightly to keep from dropping. There is no floor below me, only a dark void. I know that with one slash of her sword the ropes will break and I will fall into the void. She begins to chant something Satanic; one word over and over. I look down into the bottomless pit and think "Shelf. I need a shelf." I release my grip and know that a shelf will materialize for me to land on. It does. When I land, I look back up at her, with a slow triumphant smile. She begins to vanish as I open my eyes to end the dream.

I was not purposely trying to have such a dream; but in reading that it could be possible to become consciously aware in your dreams while still asleep was a fascinating and exciting idea. I believe it was my excitement and desire that brought about the above dream. After this experience, I continued to have several "conscious dreams," for a few years. Then I found books about lucid dreaming and discovered that my "conscious dreams" were called "lucid dreams" and that numerous studies had been and were being done on the subject. I began corresponding with other lucid dreamers, and my own lucid dreaming took off like a rocket! I was incorporating new ideas and techniques for inducing lucidity. My lucid dreams were undergoing an accelerated evolution; becoming longer, more rich, more meaningful and more adventurous. Ideas triggered ideas which triggered experience which triggered more ideas....and the cycle continued (and continues!). (If a meme can be described as an "infectious idea" then dream memes must certainly exist!) My lucid skills were showing up in my non lucid dreams. For instance, I dreamed one night that milk had spilled over a shelf. There was no dish cloth or paper towel nearby to wipe it up. I decided to make wiping motions with my hand until a cloth manifested itself in my hand. Which it did. But I was not aware that I was dreaming.

When I awakened I was disappointed to note that I had "failed" to become lucid when I began thinking of making things manifest (something that I thought should have triggered me to become lucid). But a friend (and fellow lucid dreamer) suggested that I hadn't "failed," but that I was now incorporating lucid skills into non lucid dreams. And with that (infectious!) idea sitting nicely in my mind, my non lucid dreams took on a new evolution as well. I was doing things in my non lucid dreams that would suggest lucidity, but I would continue to interact in the dream, unaware that I was asleep and dreaming. These lucid skills gave my non lucid dreams a new dimension of meaning. Problems were solved more easily now that I had additional tools. (i.e. I could fly over barriers instead of trying to climb over them, or instead of giving up). The "can-do attitude" that came with these experiences spilled over into my waking life as well. It was subtle, but enough that I could notice a change over a period of time. Since my dreams were "easier" and more free, I would awaken more often with pleasant dream memories. (I am the type of person who can have a lousy day at the office if I've had a disturbing dream the night before; the emotions of the dreams tend to linger if they are particularly strong.) Even problem solving while awake was improved, perhaps because I had learned to expand my limits in the dream state and this belief, or attitude filtered down to my waking state.

Keeping in touch with fellow dreamers and learning about what they are doing in their dreams and about their ideas and questions about dreaming continues to inspire new learning for me. This is one of the reasons that it is such a joy to be involved with The Lucid Dream Exchange.

The Lucid Dream Exchange is a quarterly issue of lucid dream experiences, articles, and announcements submitted by individual readers. If you'd like more information about The Lucid Dream Exchange contact Lucy Gillis at

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Dream Memes: Persistence Dreaming Viruses

Richard Wilkerson

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How often have you heard people ask "Will I die if I die in my dream?" or "All dreams are in black and white." Or "A dream of hours takes place in a few seconds."?

These might be viewed as dream memes.

A "meme," is an idea that works in a mind the same way a gene or virus works in the body. These infectious ideas or viral memes can jump from mind to mind, much as viruses leap from body to body. While the theories involving memes and the cultural transmissions they effect are complex [see Dream Memes, Richard Wilkerson, Electric Dreams 7(1) 2000] the notion of an infectious idea is very easy to grasp and something we might explore in notions of dreams and dreaming.

I would like to call on the Electric Dreams community to look through some of the dream memes you have heard and send them in. I will add a couple each month myself. Also, we might start to speculate on why these particular memes are so virulent and continue across generations of dreamers.

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Dream Meme: All Dreams are in Black and White

This surely must be one of the first questions we pondered as kids and debated about. In a way its very confusing how this ideas is so popular. One only has to observe one's own dreams for awhile. Perhaps children have learned to be very careful about what inner realities they can share.

There is no experimental proof I have seen of this, but researchers agree that most dreams are in color. However, because the dream fades so quickly after we awake, our memories of the dream are often recalled in gray tones. Studies show that those who are in tune with color in waking life tend to remember more color in dreams as well. It has also been noticed that those of us who grew up with black & white TV have more black and white dreams.

When I was a kid, I heard someone talking about black & white vs color dreams. I felt bad because I recalled most of my dreams in b&w. That night I dreamt of thousands of iridescence lizards running along by my room. I was really delighted and tried to collect as many a possible, commenting the whole time about the color. This dream indicates satisfactorily to me that there is color *in* the dream and its not just added afterwards, since I was commenting on the colors in the dream itself.

Try the following exercise: During the day, notice at least once an hour the color of something, anything. My guess is that you will start recalling more dreams in your sleep.

Dreamworkers will often use black and white dreams to explore whether this situation is black and white in the metaphorical sense of "You feel this is a black and white situation?" Used in this way, it allows us to explore that we perhaps are feeling a loss of options or the situation is very clear.

What are some other approaches to black and white dreams?

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Dream Meme: Sickness in a dream means you are about to get sick

Dreams were used in the ancient dream sanctuaries to heal a variety of illnesses, but sank into disuse in the Dark Ages. Psychoanalysis revived the dream to address psychological and emotional illnesses. Contemporary dreamwork furthers the work of psychology, including the realm of the spiritual and human potential. Can dreams be fully revived to the status of healing the body of illness and wounds as in ancient Greece?

Research has confirmed that illnesses can sometimes be found in dreams before the symptoms actually appear. However, the hard science of dream prognosis is new. With the advent of MRI brain scans, this research is beginning to show reproducible results.

Vasily Kasatkin, a psychiatrist at the Leningrad Neurosurgical Institute, studied the content of dreams over a forty year period. His finding corroborate the American content analysis studies of Calvin Hall and go further. Calvin Hall found that the recalled surface of dreams tend to reflect the general life condition of the dreamer. When one is ill, there tend to be ill dreams, nightmares, struggle and often violence. Kasatkin?s findings further found that these violent dreams often precede an illness.

How to avoid running to the family physician every time we have an uncomfortable dream becomes a problem for the dream watcher who scans for illness. Kasatkin has some observations that may help. The first is that these dreams are often longer than regular distress dreams.

Patricia Garfield has been a pioneer in this field of prognostic dreaming as well and collected the accounts of thousands of dreamers in her research. Dr. Garfield suggests a simple measure as a way to distinguish regular distress dreams from those we might wish to further explore. If it really hurts, it may indicate a problem. If it is just scary, it may be better taken as symbolic or metaphorical.

Garfield suggest using the metaphor to locate the troubled area. If you have objects or other people in a dream that are broken or damaged, an analogy can be made. Thus a broken refrigerator my have something to do with the stomach, or an acquaintance who you think of as a headache may indicate trouble with your head. Note that these metaphors are used in conjunction with real pain being experienced in the dream, not simple the occurrence of a friend or refrigerator in a dream.

Kasatkin observed that the part of the body in distress is often portrayed literally, though not necessary happening to oneself. In one case translated by Van de Castle, a doctor saw a patient in a dream being mugged in the street. The patient?s kidney was lying detached from the body. It turned out that the doctor himself had a seriously infected kidney.

The work of these two researchers has been reflected in many other sample cases reported by other researchers, but has not been fully studied in any kind of laboratory condition. New studies are finding parts of these theories true.

Mark Solms investigates the world of brain disorders. For several years he has investigated and compared dream reports with neurological information. Lately, this has included MRI brain scans. Though his conclusions offer little specific advice, they do indicate that general types of dreaming anomalies occur in tandem with specific problems with the brain and the area warrants further research.

Health related dreams may be different in men and women. Robert Smith studied about 100 patients at Michigan State Universty College of Human Medicine and looked for ?Death Scores? and ?Separation Scenes.? Death scores had references to graveyards, funerals, wills and physical body failures. Separation had to do with social disruptions i relationship. For men who came in the hospital, it was the death score dreams that indicated a deterioration in health. But for women, it was separation dreams. Just a caution. These studies were done with patients who were all already identified as cardiac problem patients. Just having a death dream or separation dream is no indication in itself of problems. Jung noted, for example, that patients who did die suddenly rarely had dreams about it, as if the dream maker wasn?t particularly concerned by such events.

Robert Haskell, a cognitive psychologist, offers a viewpoint on dreams & health that may be helpful. He feels that dreams offer us a ?cognitive monitoring system?. His research into dreams and health include hundreds of studies in psychotherapy as well as somatic medicine. He found that dreams do seem to reflect internal somatic conditions, often predicting them and even more, are a good way to explore how the patient is coping with these conditions.

o Dream and Health Practices

There are many case histories of people using dreams to find cures. One of the most historically famous being a dream of Alexander the Great, who dreamt of a dragon with a plant in his mouth. He send soldiers out to find the plant, which was located where the dream indicated and it cured Alexander?s sick friend, Ptomemaus.

Locating healing cures in dreams is usually the providence of Shamans, specially trained individuals who travel in various states of ecstasy to find cures for their community. But modern dreamers often find cures as well. Van de Castle relates a story of a woman who had been on antibiotics after an operation and was suffering from a chronic vaginal yeast infections. Failing traditional treatment, she tried the advice of a friend and took folic acid. She had a dream with two parts, one of moving bowls of acid around her kitchen and another of her kitten gobbling up brown yeast and strawberries. She stopped taking the folic acid and tried the yeast tablets, which produced remarkable results for her.

Patricia Garfield has also documented many dreams that have healed people. In one case a woman had suffered for years with severe migraine headaches. In a dream she was taking care of an old woman. The dreamer wanted to leave to take care of her own family, but decided to stay and help the old woman. The old woman finally died. The old woman?s husband and son came to visit the dreamer and indicated they would help the woman with her headaches as she had been so kind to the old woman. They laid their hands on the dreamer and when she awoke, she stopped having headaches. This was a condition that had lasted for nearly 40 years and was spontaneously relieved by a dream.

It is interesting to note that many of the spontaneous healing dreams involve a person or animal that touches or interacts with the dreamer?s body in the dream, much like the ancient Asklepion dream sanctuary practices. However, there is little evidence outside of anecdotes that is available. What does seem clear is that dreams can pick up clues from the body and do so often long before the dreamer is consciously aware of them.

o Conclusion

While much research is still needed, it seems clear that persistent and painful dreams about the body are worth exploring, if not for their predictive value, then for the opportunity they offer in exploring our own experience of our life condition. Attention to dreams brings a wide variety of benefits, ranging from insight and understanding to healing and wholeness. They are a gift that naturally occurs every night and need only a little attention to be one of our best friends in our journey of heath.

o Recommended Readings

Achterberg, Jeanne (1985). Imagery in Healing. New York, NY: New Science Library.

Garfield, Partricia (1991). The Healing Power of Dreams. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Jung, C. G. (1964). _Man and His Symbols_. New York, NY: Doubleday.

Taylor, Jeremy (1992). _Where People Fly and Water Runs Uphill: Using Dreams to tap the Wisdom of the Unconscious._ New York, NY: Warner Books, Inc.

Van De Castle, R. L. (1994). Our Dreaming Mind. New York: Ballantine Books
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Microanalysis of Visual Dream Content
Rod Smith

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Detailed drawings of dream content are made during dream recollection
These are classified according to their atomic visual features (colours, curvature, linearity, etc.)
They are then compared with photographs of recently-sighted and other physical objects

To identify the sources, or derivation, of visual dream content.

Drawings can provide a better record of visual dream content than written or spoken descriptions for a number of reasons. Drawing is faster than describing, it doesn't entail intercession of the linguistic system, and some elements of dream content can only be accurately recorded in drawings (for example, particular shapes).

I've developed an empirical method, which I call Microanalysis, for classifying and analysing dream content from drawings. Only visual content is analysed. Microanalysis reduces drawings of dream content to their atomic visual characters such as curvatures, colours, lustre, positions and elemental movements. These features are compared to similarly-reduced photographs (or in their absence, drawings) of physical objects sighted during the prior-day and earlier. The results suggest new facts about dreams. They provide empirical evidence for the existence of Freudian entities and processes including day residues, condensation and displacement.

Other Empirical, Quantitative Methods
Various other quantitative methods of dream content analysis have been in use for some time. These typically entail classifying visual dream content according to holistic content objects; for example, according to types of food, or types of transport (cars, ships, planes, ...). Microanalysis classifies visual dream content not by holistic object, but by the atomic visual characters which compose holistic objects.


Madame Aionia's Astrological Dreaming Series:
Dreaming Through the Houses,
Second House


Have you ever wondered how dreams and astrology are connected?

There are many ways we can connect dreams to astrology, and many don't require that you know all about your Natal Chart. In this column we will be exploring the symbolic rather than predictive aspects of astrology. Symbolic astrology attempts to use the images of astrological to give meaning to one's life and empower choices rather than predict paths. We do this by imaginal overlay. In this process we impleach, (poetically interweave) dream, image, feeling, life and symbol in a way to evoke a felt sense of the dream's imagery and its position in our life.

This year I am focusing each month on a different House. The inner circle of the Natal or Birth Chart is divided into 12 distinct regions know as Houses. They relate to everyday activates. One will be about physical appearances and temperament, while another relates to possessions, for example. Planets and signs fall within these Houses and influence the areas of focus. We will be watching for images of planets, signs and other celestial events and hopefully begin to see the emergence of an astrological chart that dips into birth charts, dreams, and our waking life.

The Second House.

The Second House is about acquisitions and possessions. From here one may assess capacities to earn a livelihood, and examine attitudes towards things we define as security. Also of concern here is how we make a living. Thus it is more about the desire that underlies our possessions than the things themselves. The possessions will be the outcome of our attempt to satisfy these desires. There is a collective need in humans to own something outside of ourselves. Since many people are hip to the fact that things change, there is often a shift of desire from objects to values and relationships, things more eternal. Thus the key to this house is our definition of that nebulous term "value".

In dreams, when examined from the viewpoint of the second house, we search for objects, people relationships and our attachment to these.

Here is an example of what I might call a Second House Dream:

Martha's Dream: 'Off to Tea'

"In my dream I am on my way to a tea party. There is a new person who is coming and the whole group is excited. I think to myself that I'm going to make this person my friend and this pleases me. It is kind of hot as I walk along to my car as I'm wearing furs. I'm taking three little dogs with me on leashes. I seen to have just gotten back from shopping as the driver is carrying several packages which I know to be mine. He is having trouble with them, like they are hard to balance."

I think the main issues possessions and attachments are quite obvious, but let's look at this dream a little more closely. Notice that there is an aquisitional attitude towards the new person coming to tea as well. This might be a new part of the dreamer's psyche emerging and the typical Second house response to the situation, aquisition. It is also noticeable here that the packages or other collected psychic items are beginning to pile up and cause problems.

Astral Aerobics: Keep an eye on your dreams this month for Second House influences. Note where there are possessions, but even more, the dreamers relationship with these possessions.
Also note if they occur at night, or in the day. Are there other celestial clues, stars, moons, and/or symbols of astrological planets and sign? Allow these side symbols to add to your interpretations.

If you are interested in the whole year, stop by the full collection at
Madame Aionia



January-February 2000


If you have news you'd like to share, contact Peggy Coats, Visit Global Dreaming News online at

This Month's Features:


Call for Entries, ASD Millennial Dream Art
Millennial Dreaming
Register now for ASD Conference 2000
Join the Lucid Dream Exchange

Skilled Lucid Dreamers Needed for Scientific Research

Fern's Dream Page
Moss Dreams Expanding
Dream Quest
Choose Your Dreams - Learn Lucid Dreaming
Pegasus Dreaming Online
Dream Time Live

DREAM CALENDAR for February 2000




>>> Call for Entries, ASD Millennial Dream Art Exhibition
"Dream Journeys" will be a juried multimedia slide show presented at the 17th Annual International Conference of the Association for the Study of Dreams, July 4 - 8, 2000, at the Loews L'Enfant Plaza Hotel in Washington, D.C. All artists are invited to submit slides of dream-related work for possible inclusion in the show. ASD is a non-profit, international, multidisciplinary organization dedicated to the pure and applied study of dreams and dreaming. Entry fees are used to fund ASD arts programs. Original work in any medium about or inspired by dreams is eligible. Since no actual pieces will be displayed, choose works that hold up well in slide format. Each artist whose work is accepted will be represented by one to five images. A gallery book of artists' statements, with thumbnails of the images and information about how to contact the artist, will be available for viewers to browse. Detailed information about how to submit work, along with a copy of the entry form, is available online at the ASD website
or from Dr. Deborah Hickey, National University, 2022 University Drive, Vista, CA 92083. Dr. Hickey can be reached by email at <>. Slides and paperwork must be received by March 31, 2000

>>> Millennial Dreaming
Jane Anderson has written an article on "Millennial Dreaming" as a special Millennial gift with a surprising opening for you. Start here then follow the links:

>>> Register Now for the ASD Millennial Conference
The ASD's millennial conference, Dreaming in the New Millennium, will be held July 4-8, 2000, in Washington, DC.. See the
spectacular fireworks and stay with ASD at the lovely conference site, the Loews L'Enfant Plaza Hotel on the Mall near the Smithsonian, the Capitol and many museums. View or Download the registration form and conference poster at the following URL:
You can register online with a credit card or print the registration form and mail it. Please assist ASD by E-mailing the poster and registration form to a number of friends or colleagues to encourage a high level attendance! Make your hotel reservations at the Loews L'Enfant Plaza Hotel 1-800-635-5065. To volunteer for the ASD 2000 DC conference July 4-8, 2000, contact program host Robert Gongloff at:

>>> Join the Lucid Dream Exchange
Lucid dreaming is a unique and distinct state of consciousness - in many ways, a totally magical one. Where else do you clearly see the intangible forces of your inner 'intent' and 'will' immediately acting upon your (dream) reality? Where else do you feel that special rush of excitement, as you realize that you have transcended the ordinary relation to your environment and now have new possibilities of interaction? Where else can you fly?

The Lucid Dream Exchange hopes to expand your dreaming horizons and expectations of the possible by sharing lucid dreams from a wide group of lucid dreamers. Reading others' lucid dreams should result in significant new insights and new activities in your own lucid dreaming. And lastly, the Lucid Dream Exchange hopes to keep the lucid dream conversation growing with questions, discussions and musings on the vast (and relatively unexplored) territory of Lucid Dreaming.

The Lucid Dream Exchange (LDE) is a quarterly issue of lucid dreams, and lucid dream related articles and poetry submitted by readers who enjoy sharing their lucid experiences and learning from those of others. Sometimes common themes will be evident, and so several dreams may be grouped together, (for example, flying lucid dreams), or certain themes may be suggested for future issues. The themes that are indicated in LDE 13 are not set in stone and may not appear in future issues, so please don't feel that you must send only dreams that "fit" a theme. A variety of lucid dreams are always welcome and encouraged as they demonstrate the vast richness of the lucid dream world and the special uniqueness of each lucid dreamer's experience.

Lucid dreams can be submitted from any time in your personal history; you needn't have to send in dreams that are recent. All contributions remain the copyright of the author's. You may use your name or a pseudonym if you prefer. It is not necessary to title your dreams, though many dreamers do so.

Correspondence Between Dreamers
Some dreamers may wish to contact one another, so for that reason, we'd like to include in future issues a list of names and addresses for those who are interested. When you submit your lucid dream, just include your mailing address and/or e-mail address.

Comments, questions, etc. are always welcome and suggestions for lucid dream experiments or themes, (for example, in this issue Arthur Gillard invites us to share our first remembered lucid dream) are invited as well. Please email Lucy:, or write Robert: PO Box 11, Ames IA 50010. Also, if you have lucid dream related information, like websites or general announcements, we would be pleased to publish them as well.

Submission deadline for the next issue is February 15, 2000; mailing date is March 1, 2000. Please send your submissions to Lucy Gillis at or to Robert Waggoner at PO Box 11 Ames, IA 50010.


R E S E A R C H & R E Q U E S T S


>>> Skilled Lucid Dreamers Wanted
What is happening in your brain when you realize you are dreaming? Dr. LaBerge is currently seeking volunteers to help answer this question in research at Stanford University. To qualify you should live in or visit the San Francisco bay area and be fairly confident that you could have a lucid dream in the laboratory. Call or email for details (+1-650-321-9969 or


W E B S I T E & O N L I N E U P D A T E S


Do you know of interesting new websites you'd like to share with others? Or do you have updates to existing pages? Help spread the word by using the Electric Dreams DREAM-LINK page This is really a public projects board and requires that everyone keep up his or her own link URLs and information. Make a point to send changes to the links page to us.

>>> Fern's Dream Page:
Personal dream web page of a Bay Area Dreamworker's Group member.

>>> MossDreams Expanding
Robert Moss's website is shapeshifting and expanding very fast. He's launched a "Dream Exchange" feature in which he comments on experiences and questions that are sent in, and have posted lots more goodies, including articles and suggestions for using dreamwork to help the dying, bringing dream education into schools, healing through dream imagery, his"home precognition experiment", new research projects and annotated dream bibliographies.

>>> Dream Quest
Henry Reed now has information on dream quests at

>>> Choose Your Dreams -- Learn Lucid Dreaming
The site offers an ebook "The Dreamquest Portfolio" and Lucidity coaching, including an approach called "Dream Alchemy" which tackles the challenge of being consistent in doing daily dreamwork.

>>> Pegasus Dreaming Online
Interested in dream poetry? Then check out Patricia Kelley's new website, Pegasus Dreaming.

>>> Dream Time Live
Join the Association for the Study of Dreams online each month for DREAM TIME LIVE, a monthly internet chat room. You can join in the dialogue. Upcoming guests and dates are as follows:

G. William Domhoff, Ph.D., on Interpreting a Dream Series: February 2, 2000, 7 PM PST

Patricia Garfield, Ph.D., on Universal Dreams: March 8, 2000, 7 PM PST

Alan Siegel, Ph.D., on Children's and Childhood Dreams and Nightmares: April 5, 2000, 7 PM PST

For information on joining the Dream Time Live chats, come to the ASD website within one week of the chat. or send an e-mail to
or visit the Chat Center at
or in case of the site being down



February 2000


Feb 3, 10, 17, 24 in Benicia, CA
4-week group with Jeremy Taylor. Contact Jackie at 707.745.4459

Feb 5 in New York City. The Healing Power of the Dream Animals. One-day intensive with shamanic dream explorer Robert Moss. Call (212) 753-3835 or email

Feb 8 in Oakland, CA
University of Creation Spirituality "Theory Class" Open to all. 7-10pm. Call 510.835.4827 or visit the website at

Feb 9 in Oakland, CA
University of Creation Spirituality "Dreams Class" Open to all. 7-10pm. Call 510.835.4827, or visit the website at

Feb 12 in Saratoga, NY area. Dreaming at Midwinter: Learning from Native American Dreaming Traditions. One-day retreat with Robert Moss. Call (518) 587-4967 or email

Feb 12-13 in Stockton, CA
All day workshop with Jeremy Taylor, 9:30-4:30, Saturday and Sunday morning service. Call Darcy
at 209.466.7743 for more information.

Feb. 16 in Morwalk, CT
Workshop, "Working with Your Nighttime Dreams" 7:00-9:30pm. $30. Total Life Care Center, Norwalk, CT. Nancy Weston and Isobel McGrath, 203-744-6823

Feb 18-20 in Ventura, CA
Weekend Workshop with Jeremy Taylor. Contact: Dick Weston-Jones at 805.379.4523

Feb 25-27 in Bermuda. Dreaming Your Dream in Bermuda. A weekend of dream adventures with Robert Moss. Contact Barbara Bluck (441) 297-2554, email

Feb 26 in Kensington, CA
All day workshop with Jeremy Taylor. Contact Martha at 510.528.3417 for more information.

Feb 26 in Lafayette, CA
Dialoging with Dream Characters, 2p.m. -6p.m., BADG Potluck with Rahima Warren. RSVP to Rahima for directions: (925) 295-1224 or email to:

Feb 26 in Ridgefield, CT
"Understanding Your Nighttime Dreams", 12:30-1:15 Free. Dreamwork Mini-Sessions starting 1:30 , $20. Nancy Weston and Isobel McGrath.
Touch of Sedona, Ridgefield, CT 203-438-7146

Feb 27 in Danbury, CT
"Understanding Your Nighttime Dreams", a workshop, 1:00-4:00 pm, $30. Nancy Weston and Isobel McGrath. 203-744-6823

February 25-27 in Bermuda
"Bermuda Dreaming" A superb mid-winter getaway, with loads of fun, adventures in a Sea Cave, and the chance to hone practical skills for bringing through creative innovation and personal growth.
For more information, contact: Barbara Bluck, tel: (441) 295-2554,e-mail




dream-flow.v001.n213 - dream-flow.v001.n231

Hello and welcome to the DREAM SECTION of Electric Dreams.

This section is edited by the DreamEditor, a software creation
of Harry Bosma, author of the Dream interpretation and journaling software Alchera

The Electric Dreams DREAM SECTION includes dreams and comments
from the DREAM FLOW, a project to circulate dreams in cyberspace.
Many mail lists participate, including
The Dream Sack http//

If you would like to send in single dreams for the flow, you can

leave them at

If you have a mail list or would like to contribute dreams and
comments on a regular basis, you can subscribe to the dream-flow
by sending an E-mail to
In the body of the E-mail put only

subscribe your-email

please substitute your real email address with "your-email"
You may get a note back to verify the subscription. Simply hit
the return or reply key, change REJECT to ACCEPT in the subject
field and send the note back.

-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n213 --------------

001 - Anonymous - old boyfriend
002 - Heratheta - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n212,211,210,209,208,

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n213.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: old boyfriend
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1999 00:00:09 -0800

Dream Title old boyfriend by me
Date of Dream 12.21.99 1:12 pm Dream I had a dream just before I woke up this morning. It had to do with a guy I used to date. He had a girlfriend at the time, but we fooled around anyway. It didn't work out for us in the end. The dream goes like this: He and I both were in this kind of school for people from age 2 to his age (20). We were watching a movie and he and I were about two seats down from one another, ignoring one another. He got a call on his cell phone and had to leave during the movie. As he was leaving, I tried to wave to him. He pretended not to see me, except his face became somewhat annoyed looking, and he left. Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n213.2 ---------------
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n212,211,210,209,208,
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1999 23:25:41 EST

#212 who is this drm-peace had lain to the right of joey if you had avoided becoming "distinct' #211 julie drm-peace had lain to the right of where you used to live if you had avoided becoming "known" wolves drm-peace had lain to the right of the sky if you had avoided becoming surrounded by "your own light" #210 leg sore drm-peace had lain to the right of the legs if you had avoided becoming "covering" #209 confused drm-peace had lain to the right of the roses if you had avoided becoming "lots" kissing drm-peace had lain to the right of the lollipop if you had avoided becoming what you "didn't want" lotto drm-peace had lain to the right of the train if you had avoided becoming "just" #208 hare drm-peace had lain to the right of the path if you had avoided becoming "seemed" chased drm-peace had lain to the right of the dream locations if you had avoided becoming "really" and "trying" help drm-peace had lain to the right of the mountain if you had avoided becoming "confronting"

more at

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n213 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n214 --------------

001 - Anonymous - chas

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n214.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: chas
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 11:20:31 -0800

Dream Title chas
Date of Dream 12/23/99 Dream First of all you must know that i am 23 years old , therefore have not been in jr high school for a long time. However in my dream, i was back in jr high, but at my current age. Anyway, I waas part of an elaborate band of terrorists among the school and we were planning an attack. There were several bombs planted around the school and set to go off at any minute, when all of a sudden i was taken over by a huge wave of guilt by doing wrong. Although I knew everyone in the group would kill me,(literaly) if i told anyone, I went to my principle and told him what was about to happen, and that he should have everyone evacuate. But he didn't believe me, then I woke up. Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n214 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n215 --------------

001 - Heratheta - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n213,214

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n215.1 ---------------
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n213,214
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 1999 21:29:16 EST

#213 old boyfriend drm-peace had lain to the right of the school if you had avoided becoming "kind of" #214 chas drm-peace had lain to the right of the school if you had avoided becoming "elaborate" more at

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n215 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n216 --------------

001 - Anonymous - The Grave
002 - Anonymous - saving children?
003 - Anonymous - haunting-lll

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n216.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: The Grave
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 09:30:27 -0800

Dream Title By Izabelle
Date of Dream december 1999 Dream I'm standing on the ground with my two feets, when I realize I'm standing on a grave I havent seen before, and I can see the contours of it under the mud and then I also realize that underneath is the grave of my long lost(and dead) cat, I dont feel any fear, but are slightly confused when I realize all this and the ground feels a bit "swinging" under me. Comments by Dreamer An odd dream Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n216.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: saving children?
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 08:32:29 -0800

Dream Title saving children?
Date of Dream 12/27/99, early morning Dream I had a dream that I was standing a the base of a bridge going over a creek and there was a little girl, couldn't be more than 1-2 years old, who was playfully running away from her father who was chasing after her. She was heading towards the creek very fast and I was worried so I was going to try to catch her. I remember, in the dream, she stopped right before the creek and looked directly at me with a determined strange look on her face, her blonde hair all messy, then dove into the creek and swam amazingly fast away from me. I ran in after her, (I was already barefoot) but was slow because I was worried about stepping on glass. The water was not deep, it didn't even come up to my knees. I think her father did end up getting her but I don't remember. Comments by Dreamer This is the second time I've dreamt of being worried about a child I don't know while they were playing with a parent. Last time it was a mother playing too roughly with her baby in a lake. Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n216.3 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: haunting-lll
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1999 18:48:18 -0800

Dream Title haunting-lll Date of Dream Dream Every once in a while i have a dream about a place or a thing in my dream that is haunted. One me & friends were checking out a place that was haunted but not because it was haunted. And the last one I was sitting at a picnic table with two people sitting across from me and we were outside a white house that has shelves on the outside wall facing us and on each little shelf was an antique item. Three shelves had antique cameras. As i was sitting there talking to my friends one of the cameras took a picture. My friends said "woah that was weird!" and I said "yeah it does that sometimes" because I knew it had done that earlier when they werent there. We were leaving the tablw when out of the corner of my eye I saw the photo float to the ground near the picnic table like a leaf falling from a tree and I caught the image of the three of us. Unfortuneatly I woke up after that but i was a little scared but not very, as in all my dreams about hauntings.! ! It's like i know that there are spirits present and because they are something mysterious and unknown that is the root of my fear but I've never been really afraid they were going to hurt me.

Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n216 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n217 --------------

001 - Anonymous - Friend with family
002 - Anonymous - A Strange Morning
003 - Anonymous - Can't penetrate!
004 - Anonymous - Forbidden Kiss
005 - Anonymous - The Grave and the ugly man
006 - Anonymous - what could it mean?
007 - Anonymous - South American Quest - the Shared Dream
008 - Anonymous - Abandoned House/ Raynedaz3

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n217.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Friend with family
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1999 12:27:55 -0800

Dream Title Friend with family -Seema
Date of Dream 12/30/99 around 4am Dream I dreamt about my old college mate who is now married.( In reality-We live in different parts of the world and have not contacts after college) She and her family were there. She had 2 little girls. I was surpised to see her having 2 kids.She seemed to be happy. But after talking to her she complined that her husband does not help her in anything at home.That she is a stay at home mom for now and that she'll go back to work after a while to the same job 'coz her boss is a very nice person and has let her go back to same job whenever she is ready Comments by Dreamer I don't know what it means. I was pretty upset that night and went to bed thinking why am I in this world, for what purpose etc Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n217.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: A Strange Morning
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1999 17:36:19 -0800

Dream Title A Strange Morning Tom
Date of Dream 31/12/99 01:50 Dream It begins with a small crowd of us waiting on the intersection of Sukhumvit 55, a very busy three-way intersection in downtown Bangkok, not far from where I work. There is a small crowd of us waiting to cross the street, the cars moving so thickly and quickly that we cannot jaywalk our way across. No red lights, so people, one by one, make it across on their own, each one just missing being hit by cars. Finally, I am standing alone, the streets are deserted, no cars, no people. Everything is greasy black; the sidewalks, sides of buildings, streets, what few trees there are scattered here and there on the meridian, all black and resinous. A woman appears besides me, pushing a stroller. I assume a baby is in this traditional black stroller with a little hood/flap thing over the end. Wordlessly I offer to push the stroller, and wordlessly she accepts. We make our way across the now ever-so deserted street. She begins to tell me that she is running errands. She has to walk all the way down to Sukhumvit 4, about two miles from here, and has over 120 things to do before the afternoon is over. I have to keep jumping over and maneuvering the carriage past these huge potholes in the road that are filled with greasy, black, roiling water. Her first stop is at a paint shop. She recites the address to me. I have never heard the address before, but I know of a paint shop nearby, and assume that it's the one she wants. Since it's on the way to my work, I offer to show her the way. I continue pushing the stroller. I haven't yet looked into the stroller, but assume that her child is in there. We pass a series of furniture shops, all filled in the fronts with fashionable wooden lawn furniture. Each shop is deserted of people except in the front of each shop there is the same obese, blonde-haired young girl of about 8, who is wearing a red and yellow party dress. At some shops she is looking and smiling at us, at others her head is turned away, still in others she is sleeping. The woman laughs whenever she sees the girl, thinks that it's funny. I'm creeped out. It's not the paint shop she wanted, the one I am thinking of and have led her to. Besides, this one is closed anyway, boarded up and covered with slimy black greasy dirt. Everything around us is closed now, nothing open at all. I show her which road she needs to go down to look for her paint shop, the first task on her list, and she takes the carriage from me, heading off down the street. A man follows behind her, a large mop in his hand. The end of the mop has been dipped in white paint, which is dripping all over the greasy black ground. As he follows closely behind her, he leaves a white drippy trail of paint behind them, starkly contrasting against the oily black and gray ground. I get to work. It's actually not work, but a large room filled with tables and couches. People are sitting here and there, about 10 of them. They are all doing semi-erotic or taboo things, I know. Whenever I try to ask what they are doing, they shyly look away or try to hide what they are doing. I dance with one woman. She is dressed in a red dress. We tango a moment. I then sit down next to a large man, who is probably about 25 years old. He has sunglasses on, even though it's quite dark in the room. I put some sunglasses on too. He's reading a small comic, filled with very soft cartoon porn. It's in German. He only lets me see selected pages, the rest of the book he hides from my sight, looking very embarrassed. I see these strange comics of televisions flying through the air, of bizarre barbecues, of funny cats. The pages he hides from my sight (thinking I cannot see them) are usually of woman fellating men. "Have you ever been to San Diego?" he asks. He ! ! opens a page and the black and white cartoon book changes to color, frame by frame. It becomes fields of rolling grassy hills, stone markers scattered here and there, old trees swaying in the soft wind. It becomes a graveyard. I am in San Diego, in the gravelly parking lot of the graveyard, sitting in the front seat of the car with the man and a friend of his. "There's a body up there," he says, pointing to a small slope in front of the car, about twenty feet away. I can just see the edge of a recently discovered and dug up unmarked grave, and inside the grave I can see the tattered folds of a rough thick plastic bag which holds something red and green and sickly- rotten. Though I have not taken a close look (I am still in the car) I assume that it is a woman and that these men have killed her and are going back to see the body. The man and his friend leave the car to look, cameras around their necks. Two police who are milling around close by see them but

don't stop them. The man and his friend are happy and excited, looking in the grave and taking pictures. Dennis and Pam are sitting in a car to my left. Dennis is excited and wants to see too. He gets out of his car and runs over to the s! ! ide of the grave and peers in. His face goes ashen, and he turns, walks a few steps, doubles over and starts heaving up bucketfulls of thick black sticky vomit. Seeing it makes me almost get sick too. Pam gives him an ironic look of 'I told you so'. Dennis makes his way back to the car, where Pam is waiting. He is still vomiting at the side of the car, when I wake up. Comments by Dreamer Dennis is my brother, Pam his wife Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n217.3 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Can't penetrate!
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 1999 05:38:21 -0800

Dream Title Can't penetrate!
Date of Dream 12/29/99 2:00am-10:00am Dream I have this reoccuring dream in which I am with a stranger and we are about to have intercourse but he can never penetrate me, no matter how hard he tries. In a current dream I was with my boyfriend in a park, laying on the grass, and we were about to have sex. He too, could not penetrate me. I remember telling him "sorry" and looking up at the starry sky. After struggling a little more, my boyfriend actually penetrated me; then we continued to have sex. Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n217.4 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Forbidden Kiss
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 1999 05:38:54 -0800

Dream Title Forbidden Kiss
Date of Dream 12/10/99-Night Dream I was in the kitchen talking to a guy that I have lusted after for a long time. We appeared to be roommates in a large white house. With a stern look on his face, the guy told me to kiss him. I had a bottle of brown alcohol in my hand, I drank some, and then kissed him. We were both very passionately kissing each other. We kissed a second time and then he rushed out of the house mumbling something to the extent of "I am going to my girlfriends." He got into his car and drove off just as my boyfriend pulled up to the house. Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n217.5 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: The Grave and the ugly man
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 1999 09:36:22 -0800

Dream Title The Grave and the ugly man
Date of Dream December99 Dream 1. I'm standing on the ground with my two feets, when I realize I'm standing on a grave I havent seen before, and I can see the contours of it under the mud and then I also realize that underneath is the grave of my long lost(and dead) cat (one of them), I dont feel any fear, but are slightly confused when I realize all this, and the ground feels a bit "swinging" under me. 2. Then I was dreaming about my oldest son..I was in a public bathroom somewere,when he was "storming in" chased by the uglyest and biggest man I ever saw, trying to beat my son up and I was thinking" were can I find something to hit this man dowm with"and I was looking around me for a weapon of some kind. and before this dream, I had a short one were I was trapped in the wildersness in a cabin somewere with some people and there was a couple that hold us prison inthere. Wish you a happy new millenium Karin.

Comments by Dreamer There are some problems concerning my son and grandson circumstances right now Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments I would be happy for other peoples opinions about this

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n217.6 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: what could it mean?
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 1999 09:35:35 -0800

Dream Title what could it mean? -Sapphire
Date of Dream 12/31, 4 AM Dream I had a dream last night that my sister and I were visiting my first love at his parents house. Within the dream there are 3 times where I walk in on him sitting on the toilet and all I see are his legs and plaid pajama pants and I say I'm sorry I didn't know he was in there and close the door. I can feel my face turning red even though I'm asleep. And then throughout the dream, we are doing stuff like we used to do,(we never really dated we were just really close and loved each other, we lived very far apart) going out and hanging out bowling and playing pool and driving in the mountains and riding his horses and just sparatically he would kiss me throughout the dream and I kept feeling this tremendous feeling of love. I am married now and so is he, but do I still "love" him? I know I love him, he is one of my best friends, but am I "in love" with him? and what's the deal with walking in on him in the bathroom, but not really seeing anything? Comments by Dreamer If anyone can figure out this dream they must be a genious, because I have looked through so many websites and books for an interpretation! Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n217.7 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: South American Quest - the Shared Dream
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 1999 11:12:46 -0800

Dream Title South American Quest - the Shared Dream
Date of Dream 1998/1999 Dream I and my partner have shared dreams about a certain area of South America for the last year. We have few details, no names or places other than that. There is an airport, a area of deep forest being cleared. I have been a researcher or archeologist there and experienced my own murder by armed guards. I saw them steal the money from my dead body and my blood flow over a heap of loose (foreign and unexchangeable) change on the ground, low demoninations of all countries, evidence of serial murders in the same location. We are both convinced something is trying to reveal itself deep in the forest. Has anyone else had similar reccurring dreams? Comments by Dreamer Only shared experience please - we have had enough of critics - email us info: Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n217.8 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Abandoned House/ Raynedaz3
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 1999 12:23:06 -0800

Dream Title Abandoned House/ Raynedaz3
Date of Dream 12/27/99 Dream My friend and I approached an abandoned building that was the size of a large factory and castle mix. It didn't have any windows and it was made of cement blocks and mortar. We found a garage door and my friend excitedly encouraged me to investigate this deserted house/ mansion. I was hesitant. Upon entering we encountered a kitchen that appeared to be lived in a short time ago, but recently abandoned. The occupant seemed to have died a sudden death, as there was signs of everyday living strewn about...dirty dishes, mail on the table, etc. Upon further investigation, we walked up a narrow flight of steps to an attic that was full of old clothing and memorabilia. We just dabbled in the things for a moment and I became increasingly uncomfortable. The we decided to continue our investigation and exploration of the rest of the house. Some of the rooms were decorated elaborately, like that of a queen and then we approached rooms, through narrow hallways, that were unfinished and the walls were bare, exposing partical board. Before finishing our tour of this queer and unusual house, I got very nervous and insisted we turn back. When we did, I went outside, walked down a road and found my sister and a few other people looking through photographs. They were photographs of my childhood and most of them showed me crying and my face blotchy red (meaning I was crying for a while). Some showed my mother, who in reality died in a car accident when I was eight. Then these treasures of photos got wet with water on the table and I tried desperately to dry them off so they wouldn't get no avail. I was bitter towards my sister because she kept all the pictures that were of my mother in a pile that she intended on not sharing with me. Eventually I went back to that abandoned house. This time, there was a woman in there that apparently knew the history of the house. She said that it was a house that had many parties in it, usually of obsene natures. I grew increasingly uncomfortable, but the people insisted that I continue on with the tour. The final stop was in a gigantic room that was full of people. There was a bar, dance floor and tables. I sat at a table and observed all the people, some having a good time, others obviously distressed with emotional baggage. I don't remember how the dream ended, but the house itself remains etched in my mind. Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n217.9 ---------------

001 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - Travelling to Missouri, 002 - "Wilkerson, Richard" <rcw - Why did I go to the wedding?

Electric Dreams: Dream Flow A fountain of dreams in Cyberspace

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n218.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Travelling to Missouri,
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 1999 15:56:39 -0800

Dream Title Travelling to Missouri, kbh32
Date of Dream 12/30/99, early AM Dream Travel mostly to other states in my dreams. Dreamt that I went to Missouri, have never actually been there, can't remember anything else about dream. Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n218.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Why did I go to the wedding?
Date: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 14:47:32 -0800

Dream Title Why did I go to the wedding? by PG
Date of Dream 01/01/00, early morning

I meet N's 3 year old, dark-haired and dark-eyed son for the first time. He is bright and charming, and looks a lot like N. Her small dark dachshund dog comes up to me, apparently remembering me from before, and delighted to be patted and held gently. I am relieved she's OK, remembering how roughly N handles her dogs. These meetings take place in an entrance-room area with dark wood panelling. Her son is on one side of a small round wood table, and I and the dog on the other.

Then I realize I really should move on, as I have been invited to N's wedding. I walk to another area, like the open spaces in ritzy hotels outside of banquet rooms. I feel really out of place, out-classed, and even more socially inept than usual. A woman gets up from a sofa and walks toward the room the wedding is in. She's dressed in a way that indicates wealth and class. I watch her walk away. I get up, determined to get on with it. I am worried about how I look walking away, not really very happy with the only nice outfit I had to wear. I am surprised and relieved to see I really look OK, even nice. I am carrying an old tunic top, a favorite of mine because it is so comfortable and easy to care for and wear, though not at all stylish. In the dream I clearly see its colors of light brown, with slashes of red/orange and turquoise (this is an actual tunic I have). I don't want to carry it around the wedding area so choose an easy chair and leave it stuffed under th! ! e seat. I am sure to take careful note of where I leave it so I can retrieve it later.

Then I enter the wedding room/suite, very anxious about having to socialize with total strangers. Thinking I'd just hang out on the edges alone if I wouldn't then feel I'd stand out as awkward and ungracious. I'm also concerned about how N will respond to seeing me. I'd ended our friendship years ago and it was a surprise to receive the invitation. I have a moment of panic: maybe the invitation was a mistake! Maybe someone just mailed to every address in her book. There are some women around as N enters from another room. My eyes meet N's. She gives no response whatsoever, either of recognition, or surprise, or welcome, nothing. She looks quite beautiful, slimmer than when we'd been friends. She is dressed in two flattering shades of lavender (in waking life, my favorite color, and the color of the wall paper on my new web site), which I clearly see in the dream. I watch her and the other women for a little bit. I imagine what my friend G would say: "Why did you ev! ! en go!?" I decide I want to leave. There seems no reason for me to put myself through this anxiety. I don't want to disturb N by leaving at a point when she'd notice. I wait until she's looking elsewhere and involved in a conversation, and I walk quietly out, into the space with sofas and chairs. I pass through into the area where I'd been with N's son and dog, when I remember the favorite old tunic that I left in the chair. I turn around to retrieve it as I don't want to lose it.

Comments by Dreamer N was an actual friend, & I did end the friendship; she was rough with her dog (not a dachshund); but had no son at that time. I do think of myself as inept in large gatherings like weddings. I've spent the last several years very withdrawn (partly menopause and party other factors),from all but work contacts and a few very close friends(this is changing). All of the anxious feelings expressed in the dream I have waking. There's a strong association with the dachshund in the dream to an old dream I had when I was a teenager (I'm turning 56 on Jan 4): I was 16 and had this intense dream that I was pregnant. I could actually feel the weight of my belly and the warmth of extra blood pulsing in it. It was a good feeling (as are all pregnancy dreams I have, even post-hysterectomy... though they are fewer in these years). I woke up suddenly to find that I was on my back and that the family dog, Isolde, was sleeping curled up on my belly.
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--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n218 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n219 --------------

001 - Anonymous - wewwewewew
002 - Anonymous - Unloved at my wedding
003 - Anonymous - Too Many Nightmares
004 - Anonymous - Roxie
005 - Anonymous - shot/lucid dreamer
006 - Anonymous - Dragon Chase
007 - Anonymous - Old Dogs

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n219.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: wewwewewew
Date: Sun, 02 Jan 2000 09:35:44 -0800

Dream Title wewwewewew Date of Dream Dream r5rtrtrtrtrtrtrtr Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n219.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Unloved at my wedding
Date: Sun, 02 Jan 2000 16:05:03 -0800

Dream Title Unloved at my wedding --Brandy
Date of Dream January 2,2000 8am-12:30am

I was doing some kind of work with my friend (in real life, i no longer speak to this person) on an island. We were working with the island natives. I saw one man, and thought he was very attractive. I later dismissed the thought, thinking he would have no interest in me. Hours later when playing with the children he and a group of friends surprised me. They had all blown bubbles, and the bubbles were now surrounding me and the children. when I turned around, he was there.

The romance flashed by, lasting only a few weeks. We ended up engaged, and had come back to the U.S. to celebrate the marriage.

When we were in the church, we were kneeling in front of the alter. My father had never met the man, and so he came to the alter to speak to us. (My father has been deceases for 3 years)He told us he was happy about the union, but I got the impression that he was unhappy for me, and was unsure.

After he left, I turned to look at my friend and mouthed the words "I have to talk to you." I got up and went to the bathroom where she followed. In the bathroom, I had a breakdown, wondering if I really loved this person. If he really loved me. I wanted her to go ask him if he was serious about the marriage. she left the bathroom.

when I exited shortly after her, she was standing there, saying she couldn't do it.

I went to one of the confessional booths in the church, and found a sweet looking black priest. I asked him if I could take confession.

He ushered me to a small table in the back of a room, where I proceded to tell him all about the bridegroom, and myself. About our whirlwind romance, and how I was unsure about my feelings toward him. My friend stepped in here, and said it was "just as well, since he didn't like me the first time he saw me anyway." With this I became even more depressed, and asked the priest if he would ask the groom about his feelings.

The priest left me to ask, and when he returnes he said that the grom was no longer at the alter.

The best man had returned with the priest, and told us that he had just gone, but he would be back shortly. Then the best man pointed toward the back of the room, and the groom was standing there, looking surprised.

I stood and decided to take matters into my own hands. I asked him if he really loved me. His response was "No"

sobbing by this time, I asked him if he ever had, again he responded the same way. I asked him why we was going to marry me. (I am still unsure of this answer it was never clear. It may have included something about healthy children, or because I wanted to marry him)

With these reponses I got very mad, and threw back at him everything he ever gave me, cursing at him, and calling him names.

After he left the room, I was left crying, and I saw my two best friends (in real life) as my bridesmaids, playing with the flower girls.

Then I woke up.

Comments by Dreamer I was very upset after I woke up. A very vivid dream.
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--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n219.3 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Too Many Nightmares
Date: Sun, 02 Jan 2000 23:30:46 -0800

Dream Title Too Many Nightmares Date of Dream Dream I have nightmares-alot. Every since I was little. Latly, within the past 5 years or so, i've been dreaming alot about death. Others dieing while i'm around, once in a while I am somehow responsable for the deaths. A friend of mine has suggested hypnosis in order to find the reason for my nightmares. Is there any reason why I could be having these dreams for so long? Something obvious? Anyone? Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n219.4 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Roxie
Date: Sun, 02 Jan 2000 23:57:09 -0800

Dream Title Roxie
Date of Dream 12/30/99 Dream I am driving around in kids are in the back a drive in movie theatre first i meet up with my friend...she tells me i am going to be ok...i keep driving and pass my husband but drive faster i continue to drive in circles...and pass myfriend again and my husband again and then i come up to this guy i know...and stop for him...i roll down my window....but this is where i wake up..

Comments by Dreamer what does this mean??? Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n219.5 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: shot/lucid dreamer
Date: Mon, 03 Jan 2000 01:33:42 -0800

Dream Title shot/lucid dreamer
Date of Dream 12-28-99/4:00am Dream for three nights in a row I have been shot three times with a small handgun, I know I have been shot but really do not feel any pain, just a bit scared. I am a mystical figure though, able to fly and use some mental powers. Comments by Dreamer The feeling in the dream is one of importance at being able with a few other people to fly and move around at will, I can't ever remember who it is that shoots me or why. Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments If you would like please send my dream to the Electric Dreams community and publish with comments I would be interested!

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n219.6 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Dragon Chase
Date: Mon, 03 Jan 2000 01:32:42 -0800

Dream Title Dragon Chase Dream Queen
Date of Dream a couple years ago Dream Giant BLACK Kimodo Dragon chases me and my son while I'm driving my 1978 Mercury Grand Marquis. The dragon starts out small and grows to towering heights. It eats cars in front of me but its beady red eyes are locking onto me. I drive helter skelter and head for 7-11 for safety. I rush in, yell at the counter help and race to the phone. I call 9-1-1 and yell THERE'S A GIANT BLACK KIMODO DRAGON ATTACKING THE CITY. 9-1-1 HANGS UP on me. I rush to the back cooler and lock my son and I in and there is a SHOTGUN leaning in the corner. I pick up the weapon and look to the window where I see a GIANT RED EYE peering in trying to find me.

Comments by Dreamer I have always had strange nightmarish dreams. I dream usually in technicolor. Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n219.7 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Old Dogs
Date: Mon, 03 Jan 2000 09:19:19 -0800

Dream Title Old Dogs/Jean
Date of Dream 1/1/2000. 3a.m.

I see myself standing in a room like a laboratory with at least two dogs, my dogs, in it. The room looks spotless, bright and clean. The dogs have changed colors! They look beautifully groomed.

I awake, dusting my mental hands together, thinking to myself, "Well, I guess you *can* teach an old dog new tricks!"

Hope for the Millennium from an old dog.

Comments by Dreamer Thanks for the opportunity to do this, Richard. Only you would think of it. Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments Feel free to post this with my name attached, and interpret all you want.

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n219 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n220 --------------

001 - Anonymous - angel
002 - Anonymous - Toilet Overflow
003 - Anonymous - Jail and the ex girlfriend

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n220.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: angel
Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2000 09:48:42 -0800

Dream Title angel
Date of Dream 1-5-2000 Dream no one listening to me; ignoring me..everyone is sitting at large tables eating but i am unable to get anything to eat. I stand on a table and tell them i feel hurt and upset by their behaviour and then start crying and crying. I cant stop weeping. I am weeping and screaming and the sound blocks out everything else. I wake up... Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n220.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Toilet Overflow
Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2000 15:46:09 -0800

Dream Title Toilet Overflow by -c
Date of Dream 01/4/2000 4:00 am

I dreamt that I was getting ready to take a shower and I notice the floor was wet. I instantly thought it must of been coming from the shower, but I realized that the toilet was overflowing. So I turned off the water and open the toilet. The toilet was filled with human feces. I grabbed the plunger and tried various ways to unplug the toilet, but was unsuccessful.

Comments by Dreamer What does this dream mean? It just sort of caught me off guard and I'm not quite sure how to analyze it. Thanks.
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--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n220.3 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Jail and the ex girlfriend
Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2000 15:33:42 -0800

Dream Title Jail and the ex girlfriend by miyagi
Date of Dream Jan. 5/2000 Dream Well, last night, i had this dream where i went to jail. The reason why, I don't know. But when I was there, I got really sick and had to be released for care. The only thing is, is that when I was released, i was sent to my ex-girlfreinds house. My ex and I kinda keft everything on bad terms, so she wouldn't talk to me in the dream at all. However, her family was very nice to me as they were when I was with her. Anyhow, because of my ex's lack of talking to me, I left the house feeling very weak. I got into a car and began to drive around a city, but kept on getting lost. Comments by Dreamer i was just wondering if you could help me find the meaning of this dream. it would be very helpful Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments please email me back and let me know.

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n220 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n221 --------------

001 - Anonymous - The Girl in the Corner
002 - Heratheta - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n220
003 - Anonymous - Flood Spell- broom soaked witch
004 - Anonymous - squirrels
005 - Anonymous - Norwood
006 - Anonymous - Tiger Dream
007 - Heratheta - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n219
008 - Heratheta - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n218
009 - Heratheta - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n217
010 - Heratheta - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n216

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n221.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: The Girl in the Corner
Date: Thu, 06 Jan 2000 19:04:20 -0800

Dream Title The Girl in the Corner by Joe
Date of Dream January 4, 2000 and January 5, 2000 Midnight to Morning Dream I'm laying in my bed, only my bed isn't in my room, but it is in my basement. On the other side of the room there is a party. A lot of people are dancing and drinking but they are all kind of molded together into one with many faces and appendices. Everybody is dancing except for one girl. She is standing in the corner looking at me. I don't recognize this girl but in the dream I get the feeling that I know her and she is hiding her identity from me. She'll walk up to my bed and appear as if she is going to tell me something. But then she fades away into the background. She reappears in the same corner and approches the bed again. Once again, she fades away into the background. In the dream I feel as if she wants to tell me she likes me and has a crush on me. She never tells me anything though. Comments by Dreamer Its a recurring dream. I feel as if the girl in the corner is a past relationship that I still have feelings for. I believe she still has feelings for me but can't tell me or isn't permitted to. I deducted that she still likes me from conversations and time spent with her following the end of our relationship of six months. I feels as if the party represents my current life and that I've been so busy partying lately that I haven't been around for her to tell me she still likes me. Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments I want an interpretation and I do not mind what any has to say to. I also don't mind if the send it to someone else for interpretation.

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n221.2 ---------------
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n220
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2000 22:06:18 EST

angel drm-peace had lain to the right of the tables if you had avoided becoming "not listening" toilet drm-peace had lain to the right of the shower if you had avoided becoming "instantly" jail drm-peace had lain to the right of the jail if you had avoided becoming "had to"

more at

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n221.3 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Flood Spell- broom soaked witch
Date: Fri, 07 Jan 2000 09:42:02 -0800

Dream Title Flood Spell- broom soaked witch
Date of Dream 12-20-99 before I woke up. Dream Flood Spell

Hi, I'm a teenager who is getting into witch stuff and a friend and I did a rain spell on a Saturday, and on a Sunday, while I was slepping I dreamed that it flooded while I was at school, we were trapped in there, and we were all going to die, and I felt guilty knowing it was because of me. That morning it started snoing @ school and I looked outside from the view I looked in my dream, and I started getting shaky; it was just snow instead. I woke up crying. Any reason for this dream? Is it a warning to stay away from this stuff? Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n221.4 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: squirrels
Date: Fri, 07 Jan 2000 09:44:09 -0800

Dream Title squirrels
Date of Dream Nov 2/2-4am Dream Very vivid. Dreamed that squirrels were coming in my windows and then the squirels turned into cats, but then I realized it wasn't that the squirrels were turning into cats, but that the squirrels were coming in because bloody cat heads were in the corners of the windows. But then the cat heads turned into dead little mice. Then my family was walking to a grave sight of my Dad's wife who died last month. We were walking along a very narrow sidewalk and we crossed a bridge and my sister dropeed a large half dollar into the pond and it made a big plop into the water. Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments I would like it interpreted

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n221.5 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Norwood
Date: Fri, 07 Jan 2000 09:42:35 -0800

Dream Title Norwood
Date of Dream November 22 Dream I had a dream that I think I murdered someone in my house (it was and wasn't my house- parts of my house yet with differnt carpets adn things.) , But I am not sure. I didn't actulalt see myself murdering someone, but I had the knife in my hand and the person was infront of me with "stab wounds" that were invisible. I knew they were there but tehy weren't visible. Some people came in from teh hallway and looked at me like I had murdered. What does this mean? when I woke up i was not necesarily disturbed but i wasn;t happy, just confused. Help! Comments by Dreamer I am not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing but I would like to know what is going on. I always have weird dreams. Thank you. Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n221.6 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Tiger Dream
Date: Fri, 07 Jan 2000 09:43:11 -0800

Dream Title Tiger Dream
Date of Dream 12/14/99 6:30 am Dream In my dream, I am driving down a highway in the country with many cars behind me. There are people (age 18-26) sitting along the side - there are thousands of them. They are reaching out to each car as it passes, trying to get someone to stop and take them along - as if the world were coming to an end and they had to get out of town. I kept driving, swerving as they threw themselves into my lane. There was a guy on the roof of my car, and I hit the brakes quickly, and he was thrown in front of my car, as I ran over him. In my side view mirror, I watched as each car behind me continued to run over him. Then, the people on the side of the road disappeared, but I was still driving. I noticed that there was a little child (age 5) clinging to my leg. I knew that the child's parents had hidden him/her in my car in hopes of getting him/her out of the area. (Because the world was ending.) I stopped on the side of the road, and took the child - who I think was ! ! Japanese and I remember having greasy hair - and put the child on his/her feet on the side of the road. The child toppled over, as if frozen and stiff, unable to stand alone. I shoved the child into an upright position, threw myself into my car, slammed the door, and sped away. As I drove away, I felt something grabbing my arm, and I realized that I had slammed the child head and arm in the door as I was trying to get away. I stopped again, and left the child by the side of the road. I remember that there was yellow/green bile seeping from it's head. I also remember fearing that one of the cars behind me would turn me into the police. I was not concerned for the child, but thought that I should be. The road came to a culdesac and I turned around, fearing that I would run into the young adults I had seen earlier by the side of the road. Suddenly, I was on another road and there was this tiger in the middle of the road. This was not a normal-sized tiger, as it took up the whole ! ! road. There was blood on the tiger, left from the victims the tiger had eaten. There was also a cloth-like banner that had been hanging above the road that was torn, waving in the road, and it was blood-soaked as well. The tiger saw me, and started running toward my car. I knew he was going to eat me if he caught me, so I sped up, and right before I hit the tiger head-on, I swerved and went around him. In my rear-view mirror, I saw the tiger wheel around angrily and begin to chase my car. I sped up, and saw that there was a stoplight in front of me, and about 5 cars stopped at the light. I knew I was going to hit the truck in front of me as I got closer and closer to the light, and as I got closer the light turned green, but the truck hadn't moved yet. In the instant before I hit the truck, I woke up. Comments by Dreamer both of the roads are in the city that I live in, and I am familiar with both. I cannot remember the sex of the child in my dream. The world was coming to an end because it was close to January 1, 2000. Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n221.7 ---------------
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n219
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 20:54:25 EST

we drm-peace had lain to the right of your drm if you had avoided becoming like it unloved drm-peace had lain to the right of the island if you had avoided becoming 'some" too many drn-peace had lain to the right of the dying if you had avoided becoming "once" roxie drm-peace had lain to the right of the car if you had avoided becoming "but" shotlucid drm-peace had lain to the right of the gun if you had avoided becoming "really" dragon drm-peace had lain to the right of the dragon if you had avoided becoming "giant" old dog drm-peace had lain to the right of the lab if you had avoided becoming "like"

more at

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n221.8 ---------------
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n218
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 20:58:24 EST

traveling drm-peace had lain to the right of missouri if you had avoided becoming unmemorable why drm-peace had lain to the right of the n if you had avoided becoming "like"

more at

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n221.9 ---------------
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n217
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 21:12:35 EST

friend drm-peace had lain to the right of the friend if you had avoided becoming 'surprising' strange drm-peace had lain to the right of the intersection if you had avoided becoming"very" can't drm-peace had lain to the right of the stranger if you had avoided becoming "never" forbidden drm-peace had lain to the right of the house if you had avoided becoming "stern" grave drm=peace had lain to the right of the grave if you had avoided becoming "haven't seen becfore" what could it drm-peace had lain to the right of the lover if you had avoided becoming pitied s america drm-peace had lain to the right of the forest ifd you had avoided becoming "cleared" abandoned drm-peace had lain to the right of the house if you had avoided becoming 'large"

more at

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n221.10 ---------------
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n216
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 21:18:50 EST

saving drm-peace had lain to the right of the bridge if you had avoided becoming 'worried' haunting drm-peace had lain to the right of the house if you had avoided becoming "checked out" picnic drm-peace had lain to the right of the tables if you had avoided becoming"antique"

more at

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n221 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n222 --------------

001 - Anonymous - Lions
002 - Anonymous - "Witness"
003 - Heratheta - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n221

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n222.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Lions
Date: Sat, 08 Jan 2000 10:03:56 -0800

Dream Title Lions
Date of Dream 7th Jan 2000 Dream Basically am being chased by lions - my self & loads of other people find a shelter but must lower these levels down so as to escape from the lions levels r very small but manage 2 escape can remember having this dream before & knowing that the level I'm on doesn't hold out & everyone on it dies as a result. Scenery changes & am in a library type place try to climb on to a bookcase to escape the lions but bookcase keeps falling down on me but I keep going up to it finally reach the top but again keep falling off it one lion can reach my leg as it is dangling down. Thats all I can remember.Think I woke up then. Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n222.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: "Witness"
Date: Sat, 08 Jan 2000 12:56:06 -0800

Dream Title "Witness" from Velcrow
Date of Dream 01/08/00 Between 2:00am - 10:30am Dream In the beginning of my rememberences of the dream, I am in a familiar place which seems to be a large house with an outside, but enclosed, patio. I am with familiar people, but I feel isolated; even from my boyfriend, who happened to be there. Everyone was mingling, but I felt drawn to a cage of birds who, despite all the noise of the human guests, were quite hushed. There were two, separate cages; one with two dark birds, the other with one dark bird and white, dove-like bird. I was watching the brilliantly white bird when it turned to me and flared what I can only describe as a crest which bloomed like a flower. On the head of this bird after the blooming was a brilliant circle with red and green opposing sections. This I only glimpsed for a second before becoming totally blind and numb, and hearing a beautiful voice, female, talk to me. I don't remember what she said to me the first couple of times she had the telepathic link. I was filled with a ha! ! ppiness I can't even describe, and I felt a need to bring my boyfriend into such joy. He also had the telepathic link, and from the view of someone looking on, it looked like the body was paralyzed completely in whatever position was taken by the subject before the link. An escaping moan of pain bust from him, but neither he nor I remember any pain. Afer his link, she linked with me to tell me that it was time. Soon after both me and my boyfriend witnessed a mating between the bird and its mate, which we were compelled to witness. This concludes my rememberences of the dream. Comments by Dreamer I feel that this dream is of some importance to me. I feel almost obsessed to find the meaning of this dream. Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n222.3 ---------------
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n221
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 11:53:28 EST

girl drm-peace had lain to the right of the basement if you had avoided becoming "only" flood drm-peace had lain to the right of school if you had avoided becoming "trapping" squirrel drm-peace had lain to the right of the window if you had avoided becoming "very" norwood drm-peace had lain to the right of the house if you had avoided becoming "yet' tiger drm-peace had lain to the right of the highway if you had avoided becoming "as if"

more at

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n222 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n223 --------------

001 - Anonymous - "Victoria Falls" by Grace
002 - Anonymous - subway...
003 - Anonymous - "Movie"

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n223.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: "Victoria Falls" by Grace
Date: Sun, 09 Jan 2000 13:52:35 -0800

Dream Title "Victoria Falls" by Grace
Date of Dream 01/01/00 - early morning Dream I am a teacher and my classroom is right outside of Victoria Falls (which I have never visited in waking consciousness). I want to go outside and see what it looks like, so I do. All of a sudden, two ladies crawl up on either side. One of them has brought her son with her. She tells me that she needs to leave her son with me for a little while and asks if I will watch him for me. I agree to. I am wondering how these two ladies made it up the side of such a steep waterfall - they only have on regular clothes and sneakers. I go to the edge to get a better look and see the landscape - also that there is no water, but there are wooden steps going down. I feel that the steps are not sturdy enough to support me and when I do I start to get that "scared of heights" feeling and another teacher pulls me back into the classroom. I was lucid (conscious) for this entire dream and was dissapointed that I didn't tell myself to just fly down the waterfull an! ! d explore that way. I woke up shortly after this. Comments by Dreamer The moon was in Scorpio that night - is that a night when lots of psychic impressions can be picked up? Any relevance? Also, in the dream I had the next night, I spoke to my mother and Grandmother about this dream. Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n223.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: subway...
Date: Sun, 09 Jan 2000 13:53:16 -0800

Dream Title subway...
Date of Dream i dont remember Dream im in the subway with my friend sabrina and i was getting something out of my backpack so i asked her to hold my wallet and metrocard. she said allright and i asked her to put it away for me. she did and then handed it back to me. but instead of putting it in a slot or something, she rolled it up into a little ball and shoved it into a compartment fit for a pen or something. i got kind of angry and said now it might not work anymore. so i went to the tester machine (it was for some reason like a double machine, and there was someone testing theirs on the other side) and i swiped it a few times. at first it didnt work, but after a couple of tries it started flashing "jackpot" like in a casino. then from the change slot (which shouldnt be on the testing machine anyway...) came out 2 bottles of hershey's chocolate syrup and some other weird things. i asked sabrina if i should take them or not, and i think she said no but i took them anyway. (who wouldnt want free chocolate syrup? ...well that was my thought in the dream) then later in another "scene" we were still in the subway except instead of a ceiling there was kind of a grating thing and someone was spraying water down into the subway. we tried to run away from getting wet but it didnt help. Comments by Dreamer thats all i remember but im sure there was more to that. its very strange... if it means something that would be sorta cool. thanks. and my email is "" Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments sure.

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n223.3 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: "Movie"
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 05:07:12 -0800

Dream Title "Movie" Date of Dream Dream I have a reoccuring dream that as I watch a scary movie, it starts comming true. The only way I can stop the events from happening is if I personally turn the movie off, but nobody will let me. Therefore I am stuck watching my friends and family getting killed. Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n223 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n224 --------------

001 - Heratheta - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n222 &223
002 - Anonymous - Reality
003 - Anonymous - Taking over Spider power
004 - Anonymous - Meeting Famous Persons on the Beaach
005 - Anonymous - Homemaker

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n224.1 ---------------
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n222 &223
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 21:57:39 EST

#222 lions drm-peace had lain to the right of the shelter if you had avoided becoming "must" witness drm-peace had lain to the right of the house if you had avoided becoming "seems" #223 victoria drm-peace had lain to the right of the falls if you had avoided becoming "Wanted" subway drm-peace had lain to the right of the subwqay if you had avoided making anyone "angry' including yourself movie drm-peace had lain to the right of the movie if you had avoided becoming "nobody"

more at

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n224.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Reality
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 10:38:56 -0800

Dream Title Reality
Date of Dream 11pm to 5am Dream why sometime the dream will become reality ..example like the things and words...I haven't hear and see before..what is it all about ??? Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n224.3 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Taking over Spider power
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 09:58:01 -0800

Dream Title Taking over Spider power
Date of Dream 5.12.99 Dream My house was a hotel with an indoor swimming pool. I was bathing naked with a lot of other people. When I got into the pool, some of them embraced and kissed me, but I could not identify anyone because I did not wear my contact lenses. I got out and met my friend Karin. She told me that she was allergic to insects and showed me little spiders in her legs. She asked me: What does this mean? I meant she should imagine the spiders as big spiders ­ and then she knew it! She had to take over her spider power! She was very happy now.

Comments by Dreamer I would like to read other spider dreams. PLease mail to: Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n224.4 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Meeting Famous Persons on the Beaach
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 10:39:50 -0800

Dream Title Meeting Famous Persons on the Beaach Submitted by: Sweet Pea
Date of Dream January 10, 1999 12:00 Dream Well, I was at the beach and i was swimming in the watrer with a few of my friends. When i turned around, there was Britttany Spears, she was my best friend in this dream. She came up to me and told me that she had seen this really fine guy and i really needed to meet him because she thought that me and him would be the perfect match. So, I got out of the water and went to my room and changed into some clothes. We we walking down the strip to the place where he told her to meet him with me. AS we were walking up i recognized the guy as being Jeff Timmons of off 98 Degrees. I was wigging out! To my surprise we went right up to him. She intoduced us. Then the next thing I knew we were going out!!!! Comments by Dreamer If anyone knows what this dreams means please feel free to e-mail me at Thank you very meuch! Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n224.5 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Homemaker
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 13:00:22 -0800

Dream Title Homemaker by Susie Homemaker
Date of Dream 12/6/99 Dream In this dream and in reality, I am a stay at home mom of two kids and I go to a PTO meeting with another mom. She is a very tall beautiful blonde.( This is a real mom , whose daughter goes to school with my kids) After the meeting we get in her car and she puts her hand between my legs and we start to kiss. I feel a little uncomfortable but I also love how soft her mouth feels against mine. So we continue kissing and fondling each other and then she takes off her clothes. She has these beautiful round breasts and dark nipples. She asks me to fondle them and to suck on them. I just love this womans breasts and I feel like I can't get enough of them. Then we go to our own houses and go on with our lives like nothing happened.

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n224 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n225 --------------

001 - Anonymous - Death by the hand of love
002 - Anonymous - Recurring Sex Change

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n225.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Death by the hand of love
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 19:34:22 -0800

Dream Title Death by the hand of love ~~Cassandra
Date of Dream 1/10/2000 Dream Hello. My name is Cassandra and I am 14 years old. I feel that I should provide you with a bit of background information on myself before I tell you about my rather ominous dream. I am a freshman in highschool, and I am heavily involved in school functions. It was in Drama club that I met the love of my life. I know that you think this is childish, I know you think I suffer from nothing more than a bout of puppy love, but think what you wish, I love him more than life itself. He is sweet, sensitive, adorably funny and cute, not to mention. Anyways, he's a senior. That right there blows my chances, but none the less, he consumes my thoughts night and day. We've grown closer and closer, we talk everyday, we've been out together a few times but only as friends. He thinks I'm too young. And he's going to college in July. The college he is going to is in Florida. I tell you this because I think that perhaps it has some pertienence to my dream. Here is what ! ! a dreamt.

We stood silently together on an empty stretch of beach. The ocean churned tumultuously and a breeze gently touseled our hair, yet all was completely silent. The sky was strangely colorless, a flat, slate grey, yet a brilliant sunset adorned the horizon. The sun blazed a radiant orange as it dipped beneath the sea, yet its color did not extend to the rest of the sky. It seemed completely devoid of color or light. I stood next to him, and we didn't speak, yet the air was permeated with an undeniable air of sadness. I felt as if my soul were being torn from my body, felt as if I were plunging into a well of torment and despair. I turned to him, and a tear glistened in the corner of my eye.

"Why must you go?" I asked, finally breaking the silence. I don't know how I knew this, but I knew, in my dream that he planned to walk into the sea, becoming a victim of the oceans rage.

He didn't respond, rather, he took my hand. My emotions raged, pleasure, excitement, pain. Gently, he pulled me close to him and enfolded me in his arms. I leaned heavily against him and sobbed silently into his chest. He spoke not a word, but stroked my hair gently, conveying a sense of comfort and serenity, without speaking. I languished in his arms. He was so warm, so comforting (I'm sure in real life it was merely my warm, sweetly yielding pillow, but in my dream it was indescribable). I was overpowered by the feelings of love, and peace and belonging, when suddenly, I gasped. A sharp, searing pain stabbed through my back, and I felt the cold bite of steel against flesh.

My love had stabbed a knife into my back.

Amazingly, I didn't feel betrayed, or even frightened. I sank slowly to the warm cushiony sand, being stained a sad crimson by the blood that flowed from my wound, troubled only by the fact that I was no longer encircled by his loving arms.

My eyes never left his, as I laid there bleeding, dying. He knelt beside me, kissed my forehead, then unceremoniously plunged the knife deep into my heart. Even at my moment of death, I felt no fear.

Then I woke up. It was so strange. I had tears in my eyes, I was utterly overwhelmed by the amount of emotion. I know its a metaphor for something. I just don't know what. Any comments? Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n225.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Recurring Sex Change
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 09:15:47 -0800

Dream Title Recurring Sex Change by The Turtle
Date of Dream 6 Jan 2000 2 Jan 2000 22 Dec 99 10 nov 99 Dream I am standing in a field, it is cold. The day is cloudy and grey. I feel apprehension but do not know why. I begin to walk towards a small town that is nearby. As I am walking, I notice that my shoes are small and tight. When I look down at my shoes, I discover that I am now female. I'm always wearing a fairly puffy dress with a tight corset making my breasts look quite large. At this point, I always stop for a bit to let this information sink in. I reach under the skirt of my dress to verify that 'it' is missing. I'm shocked and confused now and a little bit embarrassed. I eventually continue walking towards the town I saw earlier. I'm worried... I think of what my friends would say, how people will react to me. I notice that the skirt of my dress has crusty mud on it and always take the time to break it off and clean it up. This cleans up amazingly well. When I near the town, my corset begins to loosen and I cannot seem to tie up correctly. The corset eventually sags too low and my new found breasts are exposed. I cover up with my hands but continue to walk towards the town for some reason. When I near the town, I notice that it looks like something from Little House on the Prairie. Mid-1800's architecture everywhere, women wearing similar clothing to my own with aprons on them and bonnets. I reach up to touch my hair for a bonnet and, for the first time, notice that it is long and a much lighter shade than normal. This momentary lapse has caused my breasts to become visible again. A few of the people look but do not say anything untowards. I walk up to a woman I see very near me and ask her for help. she doesn't even seem to notice that my top has come undone so I remove my arms from their defensive posture. She points towards a house up on a hill. I thank her and she nods. I leave the woman feeling much more confident but st! ! ill apprehension is there. I stride towards the house on the hill and pass several people who wave to me as I go by. They are all smiling and nice. As I approach the house, I notice my 'real life' cat sitting on a woodpile. He seems happy. I get a 'sense' that I've been here before. I step into the house and a man is inside who greets me in a hug. He tells me I must be cold and builds a fire. When he does this he turns around and comes closer. I'm not feeling apprehensive though in the back of my mind I think I should be. He removes my sagging corset and my skirts. I'm now standing naked, as a woman, in front of this man though I still feel no apprehension. He lifts me up and bends me over a chair. I 'feel' penetration but not in a bad light. It 'feels' nice every time the dream reaches this point. I am really enjoying it. After what feels like a few moments of this I always wake up. Comments by Dreamer The dream is recurring and happens basically the same way every time. I'm female, my dress takes different shapes but always tight shoes and long hair. I Always expose my breasts walking through the town. I always end it with penetrative sex. In 'real life' I'm a 29 year old male, engaged and happy. I have no idea what the dream sybolises but it is odd. I always wake feeling tingly. There is no nocturnal emmission or the like and sometimes I wake with an erection and others not. The dream has been occurring on average of once per month for two years but has grown in frequency of late. I will appreciate comments on it's significance. Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n225 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n226 --------------

001 - Anonymous - BOYFRIENDS DREAM

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n226.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 09:51:13 -0800


--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n226 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n227 --------------

001 - <conan - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n226
002 - Heratheta - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n224
003 - Heratheta - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n225&226
004 - Anonymous - dan wise, My Hands
005 - Anonymous - Murder

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n227.1 ---------------
From: <conan
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n226
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 15:39:34 -0700

<< Dream title boyfriend's dream << Date of dream 01-12-00 << Dream my boyfriend had a dream last night after we had an argument that I have been having sex with one of his co-workers what is behind this when he woke up it was so real that he started questioning me on it. >>

He was stressed, and may have sensed you felt an attraction for his coworker. If you did have those feelings, take comfort in knowing it's just monkey-DNA talking, but being sentient creatures, we don't always act on those old, hard-wired instincts. If you didn't have those feelings, then your boyfriend was just worried, "Gosh, we had an argument, and what if she leaves me?" Good luck and take care.

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n227.2 ---------------
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n224
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2000 13:05:25 EST

reality drm-it's all real only some's thicker and farther ahead spider drm-peace had lain to the right of the house if you had avoided becoming"in" famous drm-peace had lain to the right of the drm if you had avoided becoming "surprising" homemaker drm-peace had lain to the right of the other mom if you had avoided becoming "very"

more at

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n227.3 ---------------
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n225&226
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2000 13:12:40 EST

#225 death drm-peace had lain to the right of the beach if you had avoided becoming "silent" recurring drm-peace had lain to the right of the field if you had avoided becoming "cold" #226 boyfriend's drm-peace had lain to the right of the coworker if he had avoided becoming "had been"

more at

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n227.4 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: dan wise, My Hands
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2000 10:55:35 -0800

Dream Title dan wise, My Hands
Date of Dream January 12, 2000 While sleeping Dream My hands have a rash all over them. As I look at this rash they begin to split open on the insides of every finger. I begin to squeeze them and a black caviar like substance comes from the wounds. I then clean out all of the substance and they then seal back up. Only to begin again in a few moments, as if the substance is growing inside my hands. The rash is constant, it never goes away. Comments by Dreamer this dream was troublesome to me I am very interested to know more about it. Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n227.5 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Murder
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2000 12:44:47 -0800

Dream Title Murder , Nikla
Date of Dream 1/14/00 /4:30 am Dream In my dream my boyfriend and i have killed two young children, who are at my house for some reason, i do not know who they are or why i killed them but my boyfriend shot one and i slashed the throat of the other. I do not know hwat happened to thier bodies but after we have killed them i am running all around the house trying to dispose of any evidence. I wipe the finger prints from his gun, and try to figure what to do with a sleeping bag which had blood on it. While i'm cleaning one of the boys mother come to the house looking for her son. I am extremmly paranoid and tell her that her son never arrived at my house. I do not know who hse is. She tells me she is worried. I tell her i will let her know if i find anything out. After that I am looking for my ski pants because I am taking my boyfiend sking as an alibi. But I can't find them and i am very paranoid that the cops are going to come to the house. Comments by Dreamer I am a young college girl who would never murder someone,and this dream disturbed me quite a bit, please comment and tell me what you think it means. In the dream i fel not arger toward the children and i really dont know why we killed them, only that we did. the strongets emotion i felt was paranoia Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n227 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n228 --------------

001 - Anonymous - The house
002 - Anonymous - Cats
003 - Anonymous - dreams during alien abductions are electric and vivid
004 - Heratheta - Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n227

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n228.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: The house
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2000 16:10:55 -0800

Dream Title The house Date of Dream Dream I been having this dream for many of years. I going though this huge old house looking for my grandmother. I run into so many problems trying to get to her. My grandmother isn't dead so why am I'm looking for her. Please help.

Shannon Myers Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments Please if any comments, E-mail me. At

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n228.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Cats
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2000 00:31:30 -0800

Dream Title
Date of Dream oct. Dream I am soundly asleep, dreaming. I dream that I am in a trailor, I do not recognize where I am or who is with me. There is a black cat which is chasing after me, I keep throwing it outside, but somehow, the cat keeps coming inside, at the 3rd or 4th time of throwing the cat outside, there is a knock on the front door, it is raining and very dark out, so I was anxiuos to find out who would be coming there in this weather. I open the door, and there stands the cat, only it is the size of a grizzly bear, and at that moment, I froze and woke up. Comments by Dreamer I have had a lot of dreams of cats, and it has made me wander the meaning, can someone help me? Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments Anyone can comment on my dream.

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n228.3 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: dreams during alien abductions are electric and vivid
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2000 00:29:32 -0800

by M 1:15:2000 He is flying high over lush green tree landscape, over rolling tree lined hills. He knows that it is night but the fields and countryside below are lit up as though it were day but he knows it's night because he is dreaming. For a few brief seconds he sees the green granular nature of the trees below and a visual exhilaration of flying combined with a sense of peace and happiness. He marvels at the texture and color and his movement above it. He is dreaming but he is awake. He is told by a tourguide, who is always just out of sight, that he is to wait on line for a tour of the insides of a country estate. He is numb and is dreaming. But he feels that he is awake. He is moving forward, people in front and in back of him, all adults on a narrow path

surrounded by flat, English gardens. It is hot and humid with the rank smell of soil. People clutch what looks like brochures and move slowly in a single line, towards the country estate. He feels bored, but he is mildly interested. A ticket taker sits at the entrance way, on a stool behind a lectern; He is a slim teenager but as he looks, he turns into a kindly old man. Everyone is awake but dreaming. Inside is a waiting room; a dull, white room with no adornments and a black floor. Inside, a dozen or so middle aged men pace nervously. Some speak in brief low voiced non-sequitors and look worried. Some of the men move towards a buffet table, strangely empty of food or drink. An unhappy, slight, balding man peeks up at him from the paper cup he is holding in hand and makes furtive eye contact. The tour guide, who always remains out of view, now tells him that it is a cocktail party. He senses an uncomfortable corporate uneasiness in each face that repels him from the room. He thinks to himself: I'd like to find the hosts of this party and give them a piece of my mind; no food no drink! What kind of party is this? As he starts off to look for the host with that thought in mind, he is slapped with an emotional wave of terror and remorse. It is the tour guide again who tells him it would not be a good idea to insult the host. In the dream, he asks himself , why would it scare me to insult the host if I have no idea who the host is? But he has the feeling of having averted jeopardy, he quickly dismissed the idea. He went back into the party. Everyone stared at his nakedness. He blinks and looks again; many hold and drink from invisible cups and are half dressed. Each man is in an unhappy jittery dream. He is quickly overwhelmed with the feeling of not belonging in that room. Although the tour guide is watching, he sneaks out into another less crowded smaller room. Free-ego-child-wild and mischievous glee overcomes him. He drops and darts under a table whose tablecloth drops to a few inches above the floor. He is underneath. He is hiding. No one knows. Again he is suddenly gripped with a joyful childishness that forces his eyes and mouth into contorted joy. He can hear voices of the people talking in the room but he feels safe, hidden, draped on all sides by white cloth. Someone is about to pull the tablecloth up and find him; the tips of black shoes intrude under the cloth's edge. He reverts, atavistically; growling electrified, animal like and launches himself, snarling, forward. It is a dream within a dream. A bright light and he is dreaming, but he knows he is awake; He is not awake but moving, climbing up a steep stairway ladder pathbridge in a very large room , still in line with people in a guided tour, dreaming awake. The tour guide, always just out of view, tells him to keep climbing up a ladder towards a small room at the top of the stairs. Someone in front of him dreams, wakes up dreaming. He looks to his right as he climbs by an enormous domed -curved window which makes up the whole upper wall. He is slowly climbing, feeling very numb. He pauses, stopping the line of climbing people and places his arms on a curved railing where the staircase meets the bottom of the window. Cupping his chin on his hands, he tried to understand what he was seeing but he was so numbed that what he saw didn't affect him, emotionally. Outside is blackness. The Earth and the Moon are far to the right portion of the glass, the Earth swimming in blue-white haze, except for a large red area which he saw as the desert of North Africa, or the Arabian peninsula. Far away, violet splashes of nebulae and points of red pinpoint starlight intersperse with millions of white stars. Chin in hands, he leaned over and said in a sad, wistful, admiring tone, "These people who live at this estate have some view; "wow what a view!"

The tour guide, always just out of view, was startled and quickly changed the scene to that of a unidimentional English garden landscape. Chin in hands, still looking out of the window, he said again, but this time looking at the garden landscape, They do have a nice view."

The tour guide was startled to hear him repeat, and not realizing that the scene of the garden had already worked to distract him, over reacted. He was thrown into a vivid emotional ecstasy. The ladder path transformed into a delicately patterned, dazzlingly ornate inlaid wood design cryptic and deep in beauty and complexity. He was forced to kneel and examine it, and turned away from the window. Powerful awe, love, admiration and godlike reverence flashed through his mind and body, at the wood-inlay staircase, suspended in air, lushly constructed in multi-colored wood. An awe, tingling through his skin, thrilled him. He felt a powerful, spiritual deep love for the construction, the unknown artist, the wood pattern, and became so absorbed, that he forgot what he had seen outside the window. The sleeping line of climbing people was stopped by his fawning and repeated examination of the simple metal staircase. He repeatedly retraced his steps to further examine it.

The tour guide, always just out of sight, had had enough. A paternal, parental impatient voice said in his head, "just keep going; it will be there for you to see when you get back." But things change in dreams he tells himself and does not trust that it will be there again for him when he returns. The guide had made the staircase the unrightful recipient of the awe, rather then the scene outside the window, so that he would not remember; but when he woke he did remember. He awoke exhausted, with a dull headache and a nose bleed; more tired getting up then he had been going to bed. He opened the door, slowly and peeked down the hall; there was no one in evidence. He threw on his red-striped, tattered bathrobe, full of holes, and barefoot, stole out into the hallway, leaving his door barely ajar. He went to the stairwell; chose the second floor, and peeked up and down the hallway from his vantage point behind a hinge of the stairway door. It was five fifteen a.m. He bolted quickly down the hall and turning quickly in reverse, in three swift movements, picked up, first, from one doormat, a bottle of fresh milk, from a second, a small bag of bakery delivered fresh rolls, and finally scooped up a morning; paper, under his arm, from a third. His heart pounding, lest he be detected, he ran up, breathless, to the fourth floor his stolen breakfast in hand. He locked the door. He heard, in his head a voice and a buzz. It was a slight ring in his left ear. that odd inner ear ringing tone, one hears sometimes for no apparent reason. Concentrate on it, it gets louder; pay no attention, it dissipates. The ringing in his ear got louder and he shook his head to stop it. It was, he thought, clanging loud enough for the neighbors to hear it coming from his head. He wildly moved his head to stop it. It grew louder. The sound moved deeper into his head and melted into a humming vibration. The whole left side of his head was humming. He heard a voice which began quietly, but he couldn't understand anything, not a single word. He began to pray silently to St. Jude, as he stood there alone with a voice grinding out sounds in his head. His heart pounded and his jaw fell slightly open as the stolen groceries fell from his grasp to the floor. He held his hands to his ears, supporting his head, and tried not to scream and run. He thought people in insane asylums who heard voices could be like him or him like them. He was climbing to the small room at the top of the ladder. He was dreaming awake. The high school basketball game was in the last quarter; the crowd's howl and the tattoo of the drums from the drill team seemed miles away. He and she had left the game and now sat on the sweet smelling lawn of the school, in the night listening to the sounds of the game behind them. He was cloaked in blackness; dreaming a memory: she was in his arms; soft, dark., long brown hair brushed his face; coquettish liquid dark eyes looked deeply into his. He returned her gaze with a passionate, loving sensuality. She held his hand; it was cool and slender. A mysterious and provocative incense coursed through his blood and made him dizzy with desire for her. He moaned and leaned closer. She pressed her slim body close to his and he lowered his eyes closing his lids, flushed with lust. She suddenly stiffened and withdrew, and he sensed a wave of disgust and disdain from her wash over him; he was crushed; why had the sweetness of the dream soured? She withdrew, backwards into the blackness. The girl in his dream stared at him; in her hands was a funnel-shaped cup, attached to a tube receptacle. He was hurt and puzzled and said "Is that all, Is that all you want?"

Before the darkness came and swallowed him he realized that her coldness was the coldness of one running an experiment; caring more about the outcome then the methods used. Even though he was dreaming he knew he was awake and he struggled with a feeling if hopelessness in the dawning realization of his experience. Cold, dispassionate, unblinking eyes recorded both psychic and anatomical responses; they registered his emotional responses, categorizing, summarizing, analyzing and judging him. The alien administered a progressive personality assessment, a standard psychological measurement exam which had more subtle discernment and calibration of the soul than any earthbound measurement. The creature stared directly into the priest's eyes and induced a delusional thought system; a gauntlet of nightmares, a funhouse of terrors. A series of three-dimensional scenarios in crystal clear virtual reality were projected into the priest's mind. His reactions, nuances of feelings to the projected visions, were carefully registered and recorded. The aliens had already found a genetic site for dysocial psychopaths and for people of moral goodness. First he was pushed into a small room with white walls and a red. bloody, gory floor. In the center of the room, back to the viewer were two butchers, white coats splashed with blood, busily chopping infants into butcher cuts. He was urged to enter the room but his mind rebelled in horror and fear and he refused. The horror of the chopped infants saddened him, tightened his stomach and filled him deeply with fear. He trembled in terror. "Who in God's name could bring himself to do such an evil thing?"

He was thrust into another scene; a rubble-strewn street with burnt shells of vehicles, some upside down surrounded by shells of fragmented buildings which were precariously perched. In the background smoke and flame issued all around. At his feet, injured, partly buried in the rubble was a frail old woman with a kerchief covering her head. She weakly jestered for help. He knelt beside her, but his eyes were on the building above him which began to weaken and shift. Fear of death overcomes him and in agony he runs from the scene, leaving her behind. He is stricken with grief and guilt over the decision, but he feels grateful for having escaped unscathed. All of this is carefully registered and recorded. Again he is thrust into another scene, the small, dark creature staring fixedly into his eyes. He hears the repeated cracking sound of a whip on flesh overlaid with screaming pleas of mercy. It is just around the corner.

Shrieks and howls in loud, deep agony accompany satanic laughter. Fear crawls down his arms and legs. He is psychically prodded to look within. A tall, muscular, athletic young man with black hair is writhing in pain, chained by arms and legs to a wall-mounted wood cross. A black-hooded inquisitor, demonically laughing delivers loud, whip-snapping cracks onto the screaming man' s back who pleads for mercy in fervent agony. Blood and tissue, noisily splatter the walls at each stroke. The priest's mind shrank back in mortal terror, disgust and raw horror. Next, a thick-bodied, squat, gangster-type sat at a table playing solitaire. With a growl rich and deep with menace he picked up a hand gun and told the priest that he was going to kill him. The priest nodded in silent placation and tacit agreement. The gangster, never taking his eyes from his cards placed the gun at the far end of the table close to the priest. The killer assured the priest that no matter what the priest did, he would definitely murder him. He was urged to go for the gun. The priest's mind eye measured the distance between the gangster's hand and the gun and his own relative distance from the gun; he decided it was probably a trap and did not go for the gun. The next scenario - a beautiful woman, a Hollywood femme fatale with short skirt, long white gloves, very long legs and dark hair told him that she was in danger and needed him to go with her to help her. He patently refused, smelling danger, seeing through the disguise. She promised him her body if he would help her. He abjectly refused. The alien introduced a promissory image of her long limbs lasciviously intertwined with his. He still refused. The next psychic measurement was for honesty and guilt; he was left in a room with money piled high on a table. He was urged to fill his cassock pockets and he did. He as made to feel the slow burn of shame. At the end of the exam, bereft of strength, disheartened, deeply depressed, he sat in the spacecraft drained and exhausted. At this point the alien applied an artistic touch to the delusion. It gave closure and diverted the priest's mind, but it also mercifully alleviated his soul's suffering. Each main character from each scenario filed in one by one with knowing smiles and sat at a table in front of him. He was at the center of a "Mission Impossible" scenario. With the dawning realization that these people were simply players, conspiring to fool him, two things happened; surprise at the complexity of the dream, and awe, at the enormity of the staging, by seeming strangers. This revelation replaced the angst this series of visions had provoked. It also underlined the alien's total duplicity; when the alien saw the priest's slow smile and lightening of spirit he brought him out of the delusion and back into blackness. When his alarm rang, he swung his feet onto the floor. "Dreadful dream," he thought "My god, what a dreadful dream; someone was butchering babies; horrible dream

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n228.4 ---------------
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: Digest dream-flow.v001.n227
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2000 09:57:40 EST

dan drm-peace had lain to the right of the substance if you had avoided being "like" murder drm-peace had lain to the right of the house if you had avoided becoming "some"

more at

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n228 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n229 --------------

001 - Anonymous - zooming fixture
002 - Anonymous - men every night
003 - Anonymous - the island

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n229.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: zooming fixture
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 12:08:35 -0800

Dream Title zooming fixture by Tracy
Date of Dream Jan 15/00

Jan 15/00 2:45am

in this dream,which has haunted me for 25 years,Im a small child trying to go to sleep.The light fixture in my bedroom is located near the door and accross the room(small room) than the head of my bed.I have this horrible dream that the fixture is zooming close and than zooming far away from me...I always can tell as IM falling asleep if Im going to have this terrible dream.

Comments by Dreamer Please help.....
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments please email me back...please


This dream is part of the Dream Flow, a grassroots flow of dreams in cyberspace that includes many groups, including : DreamGate, The Dream Tree, the Electric Dreams community, DreamaLittle Dream, DreaminWorld and many other dream sharing communities.

If you would like your comments to these dreams to get back to the dreamers, please remember to cc: to or even better, to put your comment in the dream flow form at

If you would like your own group to be part of the dream flow, contact Richard Wilkerson at


--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n229.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: men every night
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2000 10:26:32 -0800

Date of Dream every night Dream every night i have a dream that i'm with other men. i am a married women! Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments please e mail your interpretations to

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n229.3 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: the island
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2000 10:56:38 -0800

Note: Stan requests that his email be kept with the dream text stan kulikowski ii <>

DATE : 17 jan 2000 05:37 DREAM : the island =( last night, a monday, i spent the evening in the garage reassembling my camaro. i had started by finally getting the exhaust manifolds in place and torqued. i spent a long time trying various placements of that heat shield my father had left over when he helped me do this job in 1992. i can understand its function, but, like him, i can not figure out where this piece goes and it is not pictured in any of the three shop manuals. it almost fits several places, but the emission control pipes block it everywhere. eventually i had to give up on it. by 23:00 i got the new set of distributor wires into the latch cap, but without any solid feel of metal to metal snap in connection. my hands ached with all the hard metal bumps and scrapes of the day. i went to bed shortly after midnight too tired for my usual all night computer work. the program i am writing on nonzero sum games will have to wait. i went right to sleep hoping for a good dream at least if i was not going to use the night for real work. )=

the studebaker farm outside new carlisle ohio was always a quaint, well kept place. today the extended clan has gathered for a wedding, and i have been brought into the edge of the proceedings by joe studebaker, a devilish handsome man, cousin to janet, my former wife. we are both dressed in black tuxedos with stiff white collars and tiny black ties. the wedding and its formal reception are over, now the distant relations are departing back to their distance and the local family is preparing the spend the rest of the afternoon at a picnic in a place called, 'the island'. this is a traditional summer activity added on to the nuptials as everyone has gathered in one place. it promises to be quite an afternoon. in the second floor of the farmhouse the cousins have all assembled to await the official termination of the reception from there to depart to the island. i have never been to this place before, although i have heard the many fond remembrances of former afternoons there from just about everyone in the family. somhow i do not think it is really an island, just a natural glade in the woods surrounded by streams, so small children call it an island because you must cross water to get there. joe and i settle on folding chairs at the end of a line of young men similarly disposed to wait. with some commotion in the next room a scaled group of bride's maids come chattering by. they have all cut a strand of their hair, about a 20 centimeter hunk, to be bound together in some talisman for the bride. a particular yellow blonde strand catches my eye among the usual reds and browns of the studebaker girls. "that blonde piece comes from morgan." joe explains to me, seeing my puzzlement. "have you ever met her?" i shake my head. i have just heard of this girl. the gaggle of girls makes a convolution so i can just see the one blonde in their midst. morgan is incredibly beautiful, just seventeen and somewhat self conscious being dressed in a formal for the first time. she does have a little of janet's thin model look about her. then, unexpectedly, janet comes down upon the girls like a border collie keeping its flock in order. she is taller and more mature than any of the other bride's maids. it hurts my eyes just to look at her, she is so good and wholesome in appearance. janet quickly organizes the other girls and sends them down the stairs for the presentation of the hair pieces in a bundle, apparently the start of the final ritual of the day as the bride and groom depart for their honeymoon. once the chattering of the departing girls has receded down the stairs, janet returns and walks before the line of male cousins waiting here. i avoid making eye contact with her gaze, closing my eyes and pretending to be sleeping. my chin is tucked down to my collar so i suspect she will not recognize me for the moment. "well, finally we can go off to the island." she says to no one in particular. "i am just glad that no one told stan about this today. he never bled like i did." i feel joe squirm a bit as he has invited me here in hopes that she can reconcile somehow with me. we have both struggled over this separation for so long, maybe now it can be mended. janet also notices joe's discomfort. "what's this?" she says looking at him then me closely. "oh no. what are you doing here?" janet demands, finally recognizing me. "just waiting." i say to her. the next move, if any progress is to made must be hers. "no. no. get out of here. you have no right to be with us." she is right, of course. it was a long shot and we tried. "ok, i did not mean to offend you." i tell her as i head to the stairway downwards. "but you are wrong about me never bleeding. i can not take a breath without remembering you." this is an overstatement, but not much. the others look at each other in disappointment. janet remains stung like ice as i leave. i avoid the collections of relatives downstairs and make my way through the doors toward the outside. i think i catch a glimpse of lester, janet's father, carving a roast, but i make sure to avoid distracting him. in the mud room just off the kitchen i go for the door to let myself out and find that the door has been removed. i reach for where the door handle should be and find only bare wall. puzzled, i repeat the empty gesture toward the door knob no longer there. off to the side, where the garage should be there is a remodeled sun room. i go through there to find a new glass door leading outside. finally out of the house, i begin to hurriedly walk toward the road just beyond the red barn. she was perfectly in her rights to reject me. it was joe and a few of the other relatives who had hoped this would finally fix things for us. i tried. the walk back to town will be a long one, but i will appreciate the effort. the sunlight of the afternoon is a perfect golden color, beautiful late summer day. the perfection of the countryside belies my sorrow and drab colored soul. instead of walking, i spread my arms to swim into the air. it takes more effort to fly, but the distance directly across the fields will be shorter than following the roads. with about three heavy strokes into the air i gain an altitude of maybe five meters and start out over the fences toward the distant town. "stan. wait." i hear a voice behind me. i turn about in the air to look back. it is janet, hurriedly dressed in tight jeans and a plain white tee shirt, wedding dress abandoned. her thin lines are plainly elegant in the too tight jeans and too loose shirt. she is standing to the barn by the last fence that i just flew over. "i know you did not mean to hurt me here today." she says, looking down at nothing on the ground. "it was just so sudden and i had long given up on ever seeing you again. they are right. we do need each other." my eyes suddenly choke with tears as i just hover there in the air. my resolve to leave keeping me aloft, but slowly i gain control and turn back toward her with increasing effort. i can hardly breathe and have some trouble coming down beside her. just far enough away not to touch. the earth feels heavy and solid as i finally get one foot then the other down upon it. i wait for a breath. then two. she finally looks up into my eyes and i can hardly see her for the tears running out, but i make no effort to wipe any of them away. there is a time to just let feelings wash out unhindered and this is it. she reaches up to put her arms around my neck. "i have missed you more than i can say." i tell her. i doubt that my body can hold up to the gentleness of her touch. she slowly kisses me and the world seems to dissolve. when i finally come back to conscious awareness, i see that joe and a few of the others have gathered around us. they are smiling at each other, trying not to stare. "so," joe says with a grin, "are we finally ready to go to the island now?" =( i wake at 05:05 feeling rather rested with no tendency to go back to sleep. this dream was rather vivid and clear in my mind. i have no difficulty remembering the details, except the name of the seventeen year old girl upstairs. she is not a person from real time. the name i settled on for her, 'morgan', was not the name i heard but it has the right feel of a boy's name that could be used for a girl. the name i recalled was 'howard' but it did not have the right feel, not being a name that could be used for a female. except for that one detail, everything else was crystal clear in recall. joe studebaker was a cousin of janet's, the same age in our high school class. we were never friends, i suspect he knew my name and little else. )=

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n229 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n230 --------------

001 - Anonymous - What would you call this dream?
002 - Anonymous - cats
003 - Anonymous - Boss's Office
004 - Anonymous - Dream Question

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n230.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: What would you call this dream?
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 15:34:17 -0800

Dream Title What would you call this dream?
Date of Dream Early 90's Dream I had just woken up,and a bald mannequin was lying on my floor. I got up to reach the door,and the manequin grabbed my foot. I conked her out with my phone. Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n230.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: cats
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 19:14:25 -0800

Dream Title cats
Date of Dream 1-19-2000 Dream This dream is really weird because my two cats were chasing after a bird and it was a parrot. I was running after the cats to stop them. When they finnally had eaten almost all of the bird it turned into a little person. Comments by Dreamer I really think the dream is weird and i feel like it has a meaning to it, but i do not know what it is.Please help. Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n230.3 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Boss's Office
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 22:01:29 -0800

jan 20, 2000 Boss's Office by dreambat

I am at a new job as a graphic artist for a large company and am suppose to be reading two articles. My boss comes up while I am not reading and talking to a co-worker. She tells me she wants to talk to me about the article in her office. I feel like she has already judged that I haven't read them and is going to test me. I realize that while I have read the articles, I don't have them memorized and have already forgotten the material. I work fast to read, I have a half an hour or so before I have to meet with her. The first article is technical stuff about how to use a particular piece of drawing software, something like Adobe Illustrator. I particularly focus on a technique for drawing perfect circle and squares and look at a complex diagram with illustrated the technique. The other article is more general. [I now have forgotten it again in waking life, perhaps something about the company project itself or graphic arts in general.] I see its getting time to meet with the boss and go. First I get in a elevator, but when the door opens, its the board of directors room. I see them look up from the tables at me. I figure it happens all the time as its a private elevator and hit the down button. I get off in the cafeteria. While going up the steps from the cafeteria, I see my boss's name written in graffiti on one of the steps, or the rise for the step. Its "Buttifucolevel" and obviously someone has made a play on the words to emphasize that she is a real bitch and a butt fucker. I am not pulsed by this and head off to her office. end

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n230.4 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Dream Question
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 08:31:51 -0800

Dream Title laura
Date of Dream 21 jan 2000 Dream i jsut wanted to know if many people are able to remember their dreams for weeks afterwards. i can easily recall dreams for a long time. and i have also recently been able to recount dreams from what seems like years ago, it happens when i go to bed and as soon as i put my head on teh pillow i immediately start to think about dreams i have had in te hpast - i have no control over it when it starts, but i can stop it. Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments


This dream is part of the Dream Flow, a grassroots flow of dreams in cyberspace that includes many groups, including : DreamGate, The Dream Tree, the Electric Dreams community, DreamaLittle Dream, DreaminWorld and many other dream sharing communities.

If you would like your comments to these dreams to get back to the dreamers, please remember to cc: to or even better, to put your comment in the dream flow form at

If you would like your own group to be part of the dream flow, contact Richard Wilkerson at


--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n230 ---------------
-------------- BEGIN dream-flow.v001.n231 --------------

001 - Anonymous - knock, knock
002 - Anonymous - "What The..."
003 - Anonymous - GET A CLUE...
004 - Anonymous - Marsh's dream classes!
005 - Anonymous - bigdreamer

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n231.1 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: knock, knock
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 16:21:33 -0800

Dream Title knock, knock
Date of Dream reaccuring Dream Ex-husband is knocking on the front door (it's is either painted dark green or dark blue), I can see him thru the peephole as I tiptoe and remain quiet not knowing wheteher to open the door or not. It is also dark outside. Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments please reply , welcome all comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n231.2 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: "What The..."
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 21:15:05 -0800

Dream Title "What The..." -Layc
Date of Dream Dec, 28,99 Dream Okay, I had this dream about my boyfriend. I went to his town because my family had to go to this house to talk to some guy. As we were walking up to the door, I see him(boyfriend). I go to talk to him and we hug and kiss but then he walks away, so I followed, but then he walked away again. This happened like 4 more times. So then I just walked away and went inside. Then, he came in and sat down besides me and we talked for a few minutes. Then he said, "I'll be back." So then he walked over to the other side of the room and talked to his "friends". Then he came back. We talked and then this girl came and sat by him and put her hand on his leg. He yelled at her and told her to stop touching him and get away. So she left. Then I introduced him to my parents and after that, he left again. But he never came back. Then I had to leave and never got to say good-bye. As we were leaving town, we stopped uptown and I asked these guys if the knew them and they sa! ! id yes. Then I woke up. Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n231.3 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: GET A CLUE...
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 21:14:26 -0800

Dream Title GET A CLUE...
Date of Dream 01.20.00.....DON'T KNOW TIME...EARLY AM 2-5A Dream >I had this dream last night, which was Thursday, Jan friend >brought to my attention the lunar eclipse occurred. >I was running out of a nice rambler style house (daytime, nice day)lots >of windows facing the pool & ocean >(hilltop house with pool then deck then grass then ocean seemingly off a >cliff.......not beachfront) >I was fully clothed with a black leather jacket... >I dove into the pool on top part of the water quickly reached the other >side of pool, from the dive alone >pulled myself up to deck with my arms, ran into the >grass.........suddenly stopped.........and I came out of my body very >quickly >rising up into the sky........was frightened at the same time amazed at >the view....vast ocean..... >see the house & pool getting small......very quickly.......I wanted to be >back in my body.....I remember >, no, no......I wanna go back in my body. I was rising >sooooooo high, so fast. >Next segment: I am dead.......I'm walking around a house....don't know >if it's the same one. Very >calmly I walk into a room ask one of my friends (who was looking at >something, maybe reading)if they could see me......(friend is >sitting, I think on a bed) they look up and say yes........I say: You >know I'm dead - they say: I know......they have a brilliant >light around you.........I go look at myself in the mirror and see > I look now.........with a bright light around me..... >darker close to my body......getting brighter and whiter at the >edge..........I'm sure of the color, but maybe greyish or bluish >darker.......then lighter.....and I thought: Wow..............that is >soooooooo cool... I woke up not afraid, but wondering >what this is about........message?

Comments by Dreamer This dream was extremely vivid. I tend to forget a lot of my dreams. This was like I was watching a movie. I could feel myself actually rising rapidly and feeling like I was on an amusement park ride. I feel this is an important dream for me. A wake up call of sorts... Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments Yes, go ahead and publish without my email address, but I am very interested in reading feedback. Please notify me by email when published so that I may review. Thank you so much.

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n231.4 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: Marsh's dream classes!
Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2000 10:18:34 -0800

Dream Title Marsh's dream classes!
Date of Dream January 22, 2000 Dream For about the last 4 weeks, I have had dreams where I am talking to people I know about ?. As hard as I try, I never quite remember when I awake. It all makes sense in my dreams and when I first wake up, but the details disappear immediately. The only thing that remains is the knowledge it is all knowing and right. The dream is like a spiritual learning and sharing. In my dream is my ex, sometimes my mother, my guide, and most of my friends. The first few were my finding a round charm in various places. I spent a fair bit of the dream trying to find a safe place for the charm. Then the dreams developed into a class of sorts. I am often with the ex in these classes. The ex and I, his daughter and I, my son and I; have often experienced shared dreaming. The most recent dream was last night. Throughout the dream, I kept repeating I must remember. This I remember *laughing* Little else do I remember other than if I remember it will work. It ! ! is most frustrating. HELP! I take B6 for inhancement! Comments by Dreamer A fairly good friend is a healer. She is often in these classes with me. She remembers being there, but seldom is comfortable telling me much about the dreams. Permission to Comment yes_share_comments

--------------- DREAM dream-flow.v001.n231.5 ---------------
From: Anonymous
Subject: bigdreamer
Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2000 14:16:52 -0800

Dream Title bigdreamer
Date of Dream 1/22/00 Dream my boyfriend and i were going out for dinner and when we got to the restaurant it was a huge motel with a restaurant on the east wing and one on the west. we walked in thru the lobby which was in the middle of the hotel. my boyfriend suddenly disappeared! I looked all over this huge hotel for him crying, sobbing, but not talking to anyone, for there were people everywhere. I ended up sleeping on a couch in the lobby and breaking into someones room the next morning to shower and find clean clothes. I never found my boyfriend nor a phone to get someone to pick me up and i couldnt find doors to get outside. somehow i eventually found myself at my uncles house which was like a big BBQ with all my family. In the next dream i was in bed sleeping and my boyfriend came up the steps and said "those stripers were really good last night" we then argued and he got up and started to walk away. I said to his back"You loved me once". he then turned and sai! ! d "@%#! you!" Comments by Dreamer I woke up after that dream in a wet mess of drinched blankets and tears. I was crying hysterically and sweating profusely. Today, all i can think about is this dream and its content. Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments anyone can comment...i would appreciate it.

--------------- END dream-flow.v001.n231 ---------------

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The dreams we receive are all circulated anonymously on the mail and discussion list. The archives for DREAM-FLOW are at

You can subscribe to dream-flow by sending an email
and in the body of the email put only

subscribe your-email

SUBMITTING ARTICLES, projects and letters-to-the-editor.
Electric Dreams is responsive and experimental. If you have articles or suggestions on dreams, dreaming or dreamers - including book reviews, movie suggestions or conferences and meetings, we will publish them. I'm especially interested in creative interpretive approaches to dreams, including verbal, dramatization, and mixed media approaches. Send to:
Richard Wilkerson <>

SUBMITTING NEWS and Calendar events related to dreaming. We usually have a deadline at the 15th of each month. Send all events and news to Peggy Coats <>

SENDING IN QUESTIONS, Replies and Concerns about dreams and dreaming. We don't pretend to be the final authority on dreams, but we will submit you questions to our network and other Internet networks. Also, you are free to post special interest requests. Send those to Richard Wilkerson at

JOINING DREAM GROUPS sponsored by Electric Dreams. If you are interested in joining a group to discuss your dream with peers, contact richard Wilkerson,

JOINING DISCUSSIONS ON DREAMING. Electric Dreams supports the Intuition Network and recommends their discussion list
Subscription information can be found on


NEED A COVER for your issues of Electric Dreams? We now provide them and you can download them at
or, if you have a black&White printer, you can in Netscape choose the "Print..." option while on the page you wish and get B&W copy that is adjusted to your paper size.
1994-1997 Backissue covers are also available at:



Some Illustrated PDF Electric Dreams

Last month?s Issue Illustrated

Also available AOL

America On Line:

Alternative Medicine Forum

(KeyWord: AltMed > Therapies > Dreamwork)
or KeyWord: aol://4344:1679.ALTdrem.13664900.588132320

Also at the Writer?s Club Libraries
Keyword: writer
\writers club library
\writers club e-zines

Thanks to John Labovitz for putting us on his e-zine list:

Thanks to Todd Kuiper for listing us on his e-zine list:

Thanks for the listing in The eZines Database Collection:

Thanks to the Dream Network Journal for mentioning the Electric Dreams project.

Thanks to low bandwith for listing electric dreams

Thanks to the Usenet newsgroups for mentioning us in the FAQ files at alt.dreams and alt.dreams.lucid and for other Usenet Newsgroups for allowing us to continually post messages.

Thanks to Matthew Parry for his work with the original Electric Dreams Web site!

Thanks to our many web links! See

The Electric Dreams Staff (Current)

Peggy Coats - News & Calender Events Director

Kathy Turner - Dream Wheel Moderator (DreamWheel list)
"Kathy Turner" <>

Phyllis Howling - Dream Wheel Moderator (eDreams list)

Victoria Quinton- Friends of Electric Dreams
Electric Dreams Archives & Reporter
mermaid 8*)

Lars Spivock - Research and Development Director

Richard Wilkerson - General Editor, Articles & Subscriptions & Publication

Also thanks to

+ The generous authors of our articles
+ Our many years of Dream Section Categories by Bob Krumhansl
+ The delightful dreamers and commentators
+ Our many supporters and contributors
+ The watchful eye of
+The several illustrated versions by Dane Pestano
+Thanks to Bryan Smith for
many of our Web page Illustrations.
+Jesse Reklaw - Cover Art Gallery 1994- 1997
+ Thanks to Molly - Illustrated ED Archive Host
+ Thanks to Jay Vinton for being a guardian angel for EDreams.

All dream and article text and art are considered (C)opyright by the writers, artists and dreamers themselves. Anyone other than the authors may use or reprint the text for non-commercial use, but all other use by anyone other than the author must be with the permission of either the author or the current Electric Dreams dream editor.



Electric Dreams is an independent electronic publication not affiliated with any other organization. The views of our commentators are personal views and not intended as professional advice or psychotherapy.

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