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Electric Dreams Volume 08 Issue 03

I have no theory about dreams.
Carl Gustav Jung
E.l.e.c.t.r.i.c D.r.e.a.m.s
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E.l.e.c.t.r.i.c D.r.e.a.m.s
Volume #8 Issue #3
March 2001
ISSN# 1089 4284
Download a Cover for this Issue!
Artist : Richard Wilkerson
++ Editor's Notes
++ Event: Mutual Dream Destination for March 17, 2001
New Grange, Ireland.
++ Notes to the Editor/Dream Airing
++ Column: An Excerpt From the Lucid Dream Exchange
By Lucy Gillis
++ Column: The Dream Doctor
By Charles McPhee, Ph.D.
++ Column: The DreamSpinner Column
Working Dreams With The Power Of Computers
By Bjo Ashwill
++ Column: Exploring Dreaming through the I Ching
By Hilary Barrett, Clarity
++ Article: Jung the Great Dreamer
but Where Are His Little Dreams?
By Strephon Kaplan-William
++ Article: How to Interpret Your Own Dreams
[With reference to Jungian Psychology]
By Stephen Flynn
++ Article: Jung, Personality and Dreamwork:
The Persona, the Ego and the Four Functions
By Richard Wilkerson
++ Article: Jung, the Shadow and Dreamwork
By Richard Wilkerson
++ Article: Jung, the Desired and Dreamwork :
Working with the Anima/Animus
By Richard Wilkerson
++ Article: Jung, the Self, and Dreamwork
By Richard Wilkerson
G L O B A L D R E A M I N G N E W S - Peggy Coats
* DREAM CALENDAR for March & April 2001 * ASD News Update!
D R E A M S S E C T I O N :
This issue includes volume #88 - #118
D E A D L I N E :
March 14, deadline for APRIL submissions
New Grange, Ireland :: March 17, 2001
Send Dreams and Comments on Dreams to:
Richard Wilkerson <>
Send Dreaming News and Calendar Events to:
Peggy Coats <>
Send Articles and Subscription concerns to:
Richard Wilkerson: <>
Editor's Notes
Welcome to the March issue of Electric Dreams, your portal
to dreams and dreaming. If you are new to Electric Dreams,
please see our January 2001 issue for an introduction and
guide to dreaming online.
This month we have a special focus on the Swiss psychologist
Carl Gustav Jung. If all the Jungian jargon confuses you,
use this web address to look up the terms:
There aren't many approaches to dreams used these days that
can't be traced back to Jung, whether we see the dream
subjectively as being parts of our self, whether we engage
in dialogues with dream characters, whether we use topical
association to the dream image or whether we see the dream
as revealing to us special spiritual information about
health and wholeness, about our future, about our deepest
most self. There are times when all the modern dreamwork
seems to be just an elaboration of Jung's techniques. Jung
himself was willing to try esoteric and ancient techniques,
skillfully combining them with modern psychology to produce
a wide variety of approached to dream imagery. However, he
always said that through the dreamworker should learn as
much about theory as possible, once the dream image shared,
all these theories need to be set aside.
Many Jungians are concerned that there are too many people
calling themselves Jungians. They feel the whole process
gets diluted when someone learns a technique and then calls
themselves a Jungian. But the genii seems to be out of the
bottle. Jung had some hand in this himself in strongly
valuing individuals and being suspicious of groups. His
therapies were all directed towards the analysand being able
to eventually interpret their own dreams outside of a
clinical setting.
In this issue of Electric Dreams we are not so concerned
with what is or isn't valid Jungian therapy, but rather with
its deep influence on the Dream Movement. To do this I want
to move in two directions a once. One will be back into the
theories of Jung, to mark a depth that perhaps requires a
therapeutic setting, the other will be to turn around and
look at what we as individuals working alone or in peer
dream groups can gather and use from Carl Jung's theories
without diluting them so much they lose all their soul and
The first article I would like to call your attention to is
by Strephon Kaplan-Williams. Strephon's life marks a balance
between someone who has spent decades studying Jungian
therapy, and yet has also gone beyond the Jungian fold and
deeply influenced the Dreamwork movement. Be sure to read,
"Jung the Great Dreamer but Where Are His Little Dreams?"
In the second article on Jung, the Irish psychoanalyst
Stephen Flynn takes Jung's dramatic development technique to
show you how to look for dreams within various stages of
presentation in his "How to Interpret Your Own Dreams."
I am also including four essays of my own on Jung. I want to
provide a core model of Jung's by which one can gauge the
depth of the dream encounter, as well as providing tools for
shifting levels as needed. If we are to learn to be our own
authorities on the meaning and value of dreams, then we need
to develop measures to guide us along the way. I will be
looking first at the Persona, or face to the outer world,
then the Shadow, our evil other. Then we will turn to the
face inward, the deeper desires found in the Anima and
Animus. Finally, to bring the whole thing together, we will
look at the great Self in dreams.
In a later issue this year, I will return to Jung and focus
on mythology and archetypes.
Other articles in this issue:
Bjo Ashwill has been showing us how to use the computer's
power to store, group, analyze and retrieve information from
our dreams about archetypes. Whether you are on the hunt for
the Shadow or the Divine Child, her software can help your
journey. Also, please note that Bjo is looking for
nightmares that she can use in her research. See the
DreamSpinner column for all this and more.
Charles McPhee, author of Stop Sleeping Through Your Dreams
and the director of the Dream Doctor website returns to
comment on dreams.
The excerpt from Lucy Gillis's "Lucid Dream Exchange"
focuses on the lucid dreams of one of the people in Marc
Barach's _Healing Dreams_ who share's their lucid
experiences. Marc book is a wonderful reading of Jung and
beyond in the world of self healing. Be sure to read how
lucidity and healing come together in this month's column.
Jung said in CW 8: The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche.
P. 502
"It is only in exceptional cases that somatic stimuli are
the determining factor. Usually they coalesce completely
with the symbolical expression of the unconscious dream
content; in other words, they are used as a means of
expression. Not infrequently the dreams show that there is a
remarkable inner symbolical connection between an undoubted
physical illness and a definite psychic problem, so that the
physical disorder appears as a direct mimetic expression of
the psychic situation. "
Tired of that same old dream bus or train? Hilary Barrett
uses the I Ching on a train dream with interesting results.
Make your next station stop a place for enlightenment with
"Exploring Dreams through the I Ching"
Our news directory, Peggy Coats, from, has
gathered dreaming news from around the world, events,
conferences, seminars..... be sure to read what is both
online and offline has allowed us this month to include the
ASD E-news in place of the usual Global Dreaming News.
If you have news items about dreams and dreaming for Peggy,
send them to her at
Our Dreams this month come from all around the Net and have
been organized by the software developed by Harry Bosma. Be
sure to look through the dreams and see what on the mind and
soul of dreamers in Cyberspace.
If you would like a cover for your Electric Dreams, the
cover is at
Be sure to visit with us in live Chat on Wednesday March
28th at 7pm pacific time. The Dream Time Live guest will be
John Herbert, Ph.D, a pioneer well know to our Electric
Dreams community, as our dream groups are based on the
techniques he developed for dream sharing on computer
mediated communication networks.
Send an e to for details an stop by the
chat room at:
More on this below in the Dream Airing section. See you
-Richard Wilkerson
"No amount of skepticism and criticism has yet enabled me to
regard dreams as negligible occurrences. Often enough they
appear senseless, but it is obviously we who lack the sense
and ingenuity to read the enigmatic message from the
nocturnal realm of the psyche. Seeing that at least half our
psychic existence is passed in that realm, and that
consciousness acts upon our nightly life just as much as the
unconscious overshadows our daily life, it would seem all
the more incumbent on medical psychology to sharpen its
senses by a systematic study of dreams. Nobody doubts the
importance of conscious experience; why then should we doubt
the significance of unconscious happenings? They also are
part of our life, and sometimes more truly a part of it for
weal or woe than any happenings of the day."
"The Practical Use of Dream Analysis" (1934). In CW 16: The
Practice of Psychotherapy. P.325
Dream Airing:
News, Notes and Events
Want to chat about dreams?
So you have seen it all and done everything there is to do
in dreamwork. For you, Electric Dreams offers the further
reaches of dreamwork. On the outer edge, the community
explores postmodern dreamwork, transhumanist dreamwork,
mutual dreaming, lucid dreaming and psi dreaming. Imagine
dreamwork at trans-warp drive speeds. Open a sub-space
portal and teledream though. A good place to start here is
with the list. Stop by for more
I wanted to first mention that we are re-structuring the
dream groups sponsored by Electric Dreams. We will still
have the same great in-depth dream exploration, but we are
adding some educational components to some and allowing for
more personal group formation on others. Keep and eye out in
early February for full scoop, we will send out information
along the Electric Dreams channel as well as the DreamGate
"History of Dreams" channel. If you are already a member of
one of these groups, you will hear about the changes from
your group moderators.
The Association for the Study of Dreams
On February 28, 2001, 7 PM Pacific Time, our Dream Time Live
guest will be John Herbert, Ph.D., pioneer researcher in
group dreamwork in computer mediated communication.
Dr. Herbert's studies of group dreamwork via computer
mediated communications have spanned two decades. His early
studies at Compuserve, the Well, AOL Seniornet expanded in
the mid 1990's to include larger group venues such as the
Dream Show on AOL with Jeremy Taylor. His methods have been
a model for online dreamwork and his research has provided
empirical evidence of how dreamwork may be conducted
productively online.
To read John Herbert's dissertation "Group Dreamwork
Utilizing Computer Mediated Communication" comparing face to
face groups with online groups,
go to
Herbert, J.W. (2000) "Group Dreamwork Utilizing Computer
Mediated Communication" Saybrook Institute, San Francisco.
You can also view a Sample Online Dreamwork Session at:
Are you having dreams about computers?
I have expanded the Computer Dreams survey to include not
just digital dreams, but also dreams about robots, cyborgs,
androids and other beings and scenarios that look at the
human-machine interface. Be sure to drop off your computer
dreams and fill out the survey at:
"Night Eyes: Revealing the Spiritual Side of Dreams"
Each night we embark on a journey both strange and
fantastic. From the beginning of human history, dreams have
been a source of creative inspiration and spiritual renewal,
emotional and psychological insight, and scientific and
cultural innovation. How can your dreams become keys to a
deeper sense of self-understanding and creativity? Renowned
author and dream counselor Jeremy Taylor shares his insights
on how dreamwork can enhance spiritual practice.
Jeremy Taylor, Unitarian Minister, Author, and Past-
President, The Association for the Study of Dreams.
Sunday, February 25, 2001
9:30 - 10:30 am (pacific time)
Gresham Hall at Grace Cathedral
1100 California Street at Taylor
San Francisco, California
This program is FREE and open to the public.
Questions will be taken from both our live and internet
Rev. Taylor will sign copies of his books following the
This program will also be available on our site as an on-
demand RealAudio file by Tuesday, February 27.
Lee Gilmore, Associate Forum Producer
GraceCom Media Ministry of Grace Cathedral
415.749.6351 *
Dear Dreamer,
Here's a short quiz:
What do the following people have in common?
Isabelle Allende, Albert Einstein, Paul McCartney, George
Frederick Handel, Richard Wagner, Robert Louis Stevenson,
Charlotte and Emily Bronte, Renes Descartes, Orson Welles,
Ingmar Bergman, Elias Howe, James Watt, Billy Joel, D.H.
Lawrence, Dmitri Mendelev, and Jack Nicklaus.
These are just a few of the scientists, musicians, artists,
writers, inventors and athletes who have said their work was
deeply enriched and often, completely inspired by their
Dreams are one of the primary sources of human creativity
and problem solving. Indeed, virtually all cultures
throughout time have honored the wisdom and guidance
available from dreams. Yet, in our own society, few of us
realize the numerous discoveries, inventions and works of
art that are dream-inspired and which have shaped our
That's why the Association for the Study of Dreams (ASD) is
unique: We study dreams and not just the dreams of famous
people. We know that dreams can be a profound source of
problem solving, guidance, as well as healing in the daily
lives of each and every one of us.
On a personal note, I am writing to let you know the real
treasure I have found learning from this richly diverse
group of teachers, anthropologists, counselors, researchers,
clergy and artists, not to mention the many simply
interested in dreams for their own personal study and
spiritual nourishment.
I attended my first ASD conference fifteen years ago on a
lackluster whim: " Sounds interesting. Guess I'll go. Why
not?" Now fifteen years later, I want you to know the
immense impact that learning the language of my dreams and
becoming part of an international dream community has had on
my life. I know when you choose to join ASD, you will find
as I have that your life is enormously enriched by the
people you meet and the understanding you gain about dreams.
So, whether your interest is personal or professional, a
vast array of experts from different disciplines, countries
and cultures will offer you an abundant choice of workshops
and programs.
Here are some recent offerings:
Find out how dreams can help you at critical turning
points in your life.
Learn how as parents we can help our children benefit
from their dreams and overcome nightmares.
Hear why brain researchers no longer view dreams as
random and meaningless.
Discover the role dreams play in literature and
philosophy and how they stimulate the artistic and creative
Chat with Tibetan monks about the Yoga of dreaming and
explore the fascinating functions dreams play in many
indigenous and shamanic cultures.
Join a dreamsharing group and discover new techniques
for working with your dreams
Each year I look forward with excitement to these meetings,
always knowing that I will be welcomed into what feels as
much like a warm extended family as an international
organization whose mission is to explore the leading edge of
consciousness about the nature of dreams.
However, the embrace of community and like-minded friends is
only one of the special benefits of joining ASD. As an ASD
member, you'll receive our:
Quarterly magazine DreamTime
Quarterly multi-disciplinary professional journal
For cyberspace dreamers, you can check us out at our very
cool web site where you'll have the
opportunity to:
Create your own Personal Member Web Page
Log on to bulletin boards
Join E-Study groups on dream-related studies you find
most intriguing
Receive ASD E- News at your email doorstep every month
Hear about regional conferences and speak monthly with
dream experts via our DreamTime Live Internet
Finally, don't forget about our now world famous Dream Ball
that caps off every annual conference- a fabulous dream-
inspired costume party!
So having shared with you some of the unique and wonderful
benefits I have personally enjoyed as a member of ASD, I am
inviting you to join us now. Take advantage of this
extraordinary educational opportunity and be a part of the
festivities at our upcoming 18th International conference:
2001: A Dream Odyssey in Santa Cruz, CA from July 10-15,
2001. You can also learn more about us and sign up at our
web site
~ ~.
Until then
May your dreams guide you swiftly and well along your path.
David Gordon, Ph.D.
Membership Chair
Association for the Study of Dreams
The dream has for the primitive an incomparably higher value
than it has for civilized man. Not only does he talk a great
deal about his dreams, he also attributes an extraordinary
importance to them, so that it often seems as though he were
unable to distinguish between them and reality. To the
civilized man dreams as a rule appear valueless, though
there are some people who attach great significance to
certain dreams on account of their weird and impressive
character. This peculiarity lends plausibility to the view
that dreams are inspirations.
"The Psychological Foundations of Belief in Spirits" (1920).
In CW 8: The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche. P.574
Mutual Dream Destination, New Grange, Ireland
Our meeting place for this month in dreamland is New Grange,
Ireland on St. Patrick's Day, March 17. New Grange is a
Neolithic site that pre-dates the Christian stories of St.
Patrick, but its located just a few miles above Dublin and
is no-doubt the source of many such stories and myths.
See the photos online for a target focus.
See you there!
Can this really happen? What about different time zones?
OK, don't get overload by consensus reality. First, yes,
people often have dreams where upon awakening they find out
that someone else had the dream too. We just boost this
process by lending a conscious intention to the game. It
doesn't really matter if you dream of Florida tonight after
reading this, or on the specific date set out. We don't put
that kind of linear time requirement on this game. We are
not trying to determine if we "really had the same dream" or
"really were there together". Let's just say that to some
degree, imaginal, psychic, cosmic, or comic, if we dream
about similar things, we do share those images and in a
sense, we were both there.
You can share them on Dreamchatters or Dreamshare, two discussion lists, or you can send to
<> and indicate whether you are
comfortable posting them to the Dreamshare conference.
About Mutual Dreaming: See Linda Magallon's Mutual Dreaming
Where would *you* like to meet in the future?
Contact Judith
E-mail :
"Another dream-determinant that deserves mention is
telepathy. The authenticity of this phenomenon can no longer
be disputed today. It is, of course, very simple to deny its
existence without examining the evidence, but that is an
unscientific procedure which is unworthy of notice. I have
found by experience that telepathy does in fact influence
dreams, as has been asserted since ancient times. Certain
people are particularly sensitive in this respect and often
have telepathically influenced dreams. But in acknowledging
the phenomenon of telepathy I am not giving unqualified
assent to the popular theory of action at a distance. The
phenomenon undoubtedly exists, but the theory of it does not
seem to me so simple."
"The Practical Use of Dream Analysis" (1934). In CW 16: The
Practice of Psychotherapy. P.503
An Excerpt From the Lucid Dream Exchange
By Lucy Gillis
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-
By Lucy Gillis
This month I'd like to share with you a book review by Karl,
one of our readers. Shortly after he began reading this book
he had a lucid dream, which is included below. Karl wanted
me to let you know that the author interviewed him for this
book so he feels his opinions may be somewhat biased. But in
*my* opinion, if a book can inspire you to have lucid
dreams, it's great no matter what!!
By Karl
LIFE - By Marc Ian Barasch
Marc Ian Barasch's new book, Healing Dreams: Exploring the
Dreams that can Transform Your Life, is an ambitious,
sweeping work. Barasch focuses on "big dreams," those dreams
that seem different somehow, larger, more vivid, more
urgent. In exploring this subject, he looks at many
different kinds of dreams: lucid, precognitive, mutual,
prodomal.... An author could easily lose perspective in
writing about a topic this large. What holds this book
together is Barasch's personal stake in these dreams. From
the beginning, he makes it clear why he has written this
book. Barasch is alive today because he paid attention to
big dreams that were telling him something was wrong with
his throat. His persistence in the face of medical
scepticism finally led to the discovery of thyroid cancer,
and early treatment.
Barasch's predicament, his need to heal, runs through every
page and gives the reader a continual example of the impact
of healing dreams on waking life.
But what makes this book refreshing is its perspective on
dream work. Many authors have outlined various useful
methods to analyze dreams. But while dream analysis can
provide many benefits, it becomes easy to slip into a mode
of thought in which the dream becomes a lifeless artifact
dredged up from the depths of the subconscious, an inert
thing to be pulled apart and examined. Barasch makes the
case that the dream - and especially, the big or healing
dream - is a living, breathing entity in its own right, a
powerful, active force that is larger than the sum of its
parts. He reminds us that for all our cleverness and
insight, we are not masters of our dreams. Rather, we would
be better off to nurture a healthy awe for the vital forces
that flow into our lives through our dream life.
Here's a recent lucid dream, which I had the first night
after I began reading Healing Dreams: Exploring the Dreams
That Can Transform Your Life, by Marc Barasch.
November 2000
In my dream, I was living in an apartment and was in the
kitchen, when I felt something pull me backwards and upwards
out of my body. At that point, I didn't realize I was
dreaming - I thought I was having a waking OBE. The pull I
recognized as guidance. I tried to visit a former co-worker;
then I returned from the OBE.
I was back in the apartment, and a young blond woman was
there. She'd known, psychically, that I'd had an OBE and was
very excited. She lived in a nearby apartment and said that
now that I'd been out, I'd have more of these experiences,
especially since she lived so close by. Then I went into the
main room of the apartment and tried turning on some lights.
They didn't work right, and that's when I realized I was
dreaming, and that this woman was a guide.
Then I found myself in the basement of my parents' home,
with two people I knew were my parents, but who were not my
waking parents. One was the dark-haired woman I've dreamed
of all my life, a guide who helped raise me as a child. The
father, I didn't recognize. I was 18 again. The mother
scolded me in a protective, motherly way about something - a
spot on my clothes, or something trivial like that - and I
felt such love for her and realized she was trying to help
me - it was great. I was lucid and knew who she was, and I
hugged her and thanked her for everything.
Then, I was outside the house, walking down the street with
yet another guide, another 18-year-old, a guy. In the dream,
we were good friends. As we walked down the street, I asked
him questions about dreaming, and he answered them. At one
point, a stray thought entered my mind - for some reason, I
thought about a cat - and suddenly, this gigantic house-
sized cat materialized and began trying to play with us as
if we were dust balls. It was funny, and it made me realize
the power of thought.
I asked the guide if I could use lucid dreams to access past
lives. He was cautious about this. He told me that of course
that's possible, but he asked me why I wanted to. In waking
life, I'd have been able to give him a good reason, but
here, I said simply that I was curious, and he shook his
head and said that was not a good reason, that I had to have
a serious purpose in mind.
Then, I was at a banquet with many other people. It was
nearly time to go in and sit down and eat. We all decided we
should wash up, so we all scrambled for a bathroom. The
building was like the home of one of my aunts and uncles,
and I knew of a bathroom the others didn't, so I went in. I
looked in the mirror and saw the face of a pretty young
woman. I had long hair, and I needed a band to put it in a
pony tail and get it out of my face. I couldn't find one, so
I thought this would be a good time to try to practice
materialization. I tried to imagine a blue band in the
medicine cabinet. I'd open the cabinet and look, and each
time, I'd see a blue thing that hadn't been there before,
but never a band. I realized that it was difficult to
control this, and I would need lots of practice.
Then I went into the banquet and sat at one of the tables. A
woman I know from the Internet was there. She hadn't been
served, so I helped serve her.
The Lucid Dream Exchange is a quarterly issue featuring
lucid dreams and lucid dream related articles, poetry, and
book reviews submitted by readers. For further information
contact Lucy Gillis at
"A dream, like every element in the psychic structure, is a
product of the total psyche. Hence we may expect to find in
dreams everything that has ever been of significance in the
life of humanity. Just as human life is not limited to this
or that fundamental instinct, but builds itself up from a
multiplicity of instincts, needs, desires, and physical and
psychic conditions, etc., so the dream cannot be explained
by this or that element in it, however beguilingly simple
such an explanation may appear to be. We can be certain that
it is incorrect, because no simple theory of instinct will
ever be capable of grasping the human psyche, that mighty
and mysterious thing, nor, consequently, its exponent, the
dream. In order to do anything like justice to dreams, we
need an interpretive equipment that must be laboriously
fitted together from all branches of the humane sciences."
"General Aspects of Dream Psychology" (1916). In CW 8: The
Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche. P. 527
The Dream Doctor
Charles McPhee, Ph.D.
"Secret Room"
Dear Dream Doctor-
I've been having a recurring dream for many years now that I
can't figure out.
It starts out with a few people following me into this old
abandoned house in the middle of the woods. I'm telling them
to follow me to this particular room in the house that can
be somewhat difficult to get to. We end up crawling through
narrow crawlspaces, squeezing through very skinny hallways,
and even braving a cement ledge around half of the house
(which can end up miles high), just to get to this room.
When I reach it, I realize that no one has been able to
complete the journey except me.
I look around at this tattered, dark empty room with no
light (yet light exists because I can see), and realize that
I am utterly alone--for miles. I know there is no one in the
forest surrounding me, let alone the house. In real life, I
would have been terrified, but for some strange reason, I am
completely content. In fact, I have never felt this much at
peace except in this room in a dream.
I'm not depressed, or upset, and haven't been. I can't
figure out what this dream means. The only thing I can think
is that it might relate to my spiritual quest in life. I've
taken a liberal stance towards religion and am "freelancing"
it. In other words, I pick what I need and apply it to my
faith and relationship with God. I'm wondering if this could
possibly be related to my conversations with people about
spirituality, and trying to get them to understand me. Hope
you can help.
Lisa, USA
P.S. I'm an artist and decided to create it on computer. To
see what the house in my dream looks like, visit
Hi Lisa
You may have left your friends behind, but I think you
brought us with you on your journey. Your quest to reach a
private, "secret room" is one that all spiritual adventurers
You lead your friends to a deserted house in the middle of
the woods (thanks for sending us the picture you drew on
your computer!), and soon begin a fantastic climb. You
squeeze through narrow hallways, slide through skinny
crawlspaces, and even wind up outside the house, on a ledge
that, when you look down, you realize is several miles above
the ground. This is no ordinary room, and it is no ordinary
Climbing in dreams is a familiar metaphor for attempts to
reach a goal or destination in our lives. The narrower the
path, and the higher it leads into the sky, the more likely
it is that our dream concerns lofty aspirations. Will we
reach fabulous new heights in our career? Will our spiritual
quest lead us to new levels of empowerment, and
wisdom?Feelings are the truest indicator of a dream's
meaning. Once you reach your secret room, you realize you
are utterly alone, yet a tranquil feeling of peace and
contentment fills you nevertheless. The feeling is so
powerful that is unequaled in your waking life.
You associate this dream with your personal growth and
relationship with God. Your dream shows us that you find
this journey toward spiritual atonement (at-one-ment)
challenging, private, exciting and rewarding. As for your
friends, who were unable to join you in your private room is
it possible they discovered their own secret rooms along the
Charles McPhee, Ph.D.
The dream is often occupied with apparently very silly
details, thus producing an impression of absurdity, or else
it is on the surface so unintelligible as to leave us
thoroughly bewildered. Hence we always have to overcome a
certain resistance before we can seriously set about
disentangling the intricate web through patient work. But
when at last we penetrate to its real meaning, we find
ourselves deep in the dreamer's secrets and discover with
astonishment that an apparently quite senseless dream is in
the highest degree significant, and that in reality it
speaks only of important and serious matters. This discovery
compels rather more respect for the so-called superstition
that dreams have a meaning, to which the rationalistic
temper of our age has hitherto given short shrift.
"On the Psychology of the Unconscious" (1953). In CW 7: Two
Essays on Analytical Psychology. P.24
The DreamSpinner Column
Working Dreams With The Power Of Computers
8th Column: Finding Jungian Archetypes With The Computer
By Bjo Ashwill
Hi, Electric Dreamers. I am Bjo Ashwill and am writing a
monthly column on my experiences of creating a computer
software program that does very detailed analysis of dream
narratives. You are welcome to visit my web site and check
out DreamSpinner, the software program I will be describing. The site was recently revised
and is full of exciting interactive things you can do. Check
us out!
In this column I shall describe, over time, how to use the
computer's power to store, group, analyze and retrieve
information from our dreams.
DreamSpinner's greatest power is working with long "over
time" dream series, although it can work with individual
dreams as well. How do metaphor patterns change over time?
That is the question that began my journey toward creating
This month, in keeping with the Jungian theme of this issue,
I will discuss finding Jungian Archetypes in dreams using
The most obvious method is to create Categories and sub-
categories. You could create a category called "Archetypes".
Under that category would be the sub-categories that are
each archetype you wish to follow. The Divine Child, The
Wise Old Woman, The Wise Old Man, The Hero, The Heroine, The
Journey, The Great Mother, The Shadow, The Self, and so on.
I would put this in the already created "Nuance" category.
The reason I would do that is that specific words do not
always mean there is an Archetype image connected to it. Not
all older women are necessarily an example of The Wise Old
Woman archetype. So hooking the word "woman" or the word
"old" will not give you an accurate picture. It is possible
to create a separate definition for the root word "woman" as
"The Wise old Woman." When you feel you have encountered
that archetype in a dream either linking the word "woman"
with the definition "The Wise Old Woman" will count that
archetype; or clicking the "Nuance" button" and putting the
link to the "Wise Old Woman" sub-category will also work.
It will be important to set up these categories or separate
definitions of words that link to the archetypes you wish to
examine at the beginning when you first start working with
DreamSpinner. You can always add a category later, but all
dreams you had linked before you added the category will not
be included in the count for that archetype.
In addition, I've noticed that the more of these indirect
things you are looking for that are not linked to a specific
word takes a great deal of concentration. You have to be
alert to all the things you are looking for in each dream as
you are linking it. I began my dream database with the
archetypes in the nuance category but soon could see I was
not remembering to look for those archetypes. I took them
out. So, I use the indirect search method I will describe
below. In Column #5, I discussed various search methods and
used an example of searching for "The Shadow" to demonstrate
the indirect method of searching for something that isn't
written in the narrative. Here is that excerpt from
DreamSpinner Column #5:
"Another search method is to look for indirect evidence of a
Archetypes are a good example of that. I rarely, if ever,
write in my dream narrative that the archetype "Shadow" is
there. I must infer its presence.
DreamSpinner can do this easily. You decide what criteria
would define that archetype and do multiple searches for
only those dreams that include those criteria. For the
archetype "Shadow", I will use the following searches:
a. A female stranger (Category: "Characters," "Stranger",
b. Emotions of aggression (Assuming we are looking for the
negative Dark Side of the "Shadow".)
c. Incongruities.
d. Dark Haired female.
e. Animals (perhaps specifically coyotes, wolves, ravens, or
whatever trickster animals you consider a "Shadow" element.)
f. Negative social roles (female.)
One can come up with other criteria, depending on what your
sense of the 'Shadow" in your dreams. You would run this
series of searches until the dream set contains only dreams
with these criteria. Then you would examine the word
frequency counts for any elevated or lower patterns."
The archetype "The Divine Child" search would start with:
a. The babies. (Category "character's age", sub category,
"Baby")(Animal babies are also included in that category.)
b. The sense of newness. (Category: "Time" sub category "Age
c. Creativity. (Category: "Movement", sub category
"Transformation", sub category,"Creativity")
d. A sense of numiousness. (Category: "Appearance",
subcategory "Light")(Category: "Nuances" subcategory
The "Wise Old Man" archetype search might be:
a. The male gender. (Category: "Character's Sex", sub
category "Male General")(The "Male General" sub category has
words in it like man, guy, fellow, men, guys, boy, boys, and
so on. I think the archetype is generally seen in strangers
rather than people we know in our waking lives. However, if
a particular character in the known category feel archetypal
to you, be sure and add them to the search criteria.)Another
category, "Character's Identity", subcategory "Stranger",
sub category "Stranger/Man" will also be helpful.)
b. The sense of oldness. (Category: "Time", sub category
"Age Older")
c. The sense of authority. (Category: "Character's Identity"
sub category "Occupation", choose those occupations that
would suggest that wise sense of authority. Priest, pastor,
lawyer, judge, doctor, leader, wizard and so on.)
d. Friendly actions toward dreamer. (Category: "Social
Interactions" sub category "Friendly" sub category "F4,
Helping") as well as (Category: "Social Interaction
Direction" sub category "Others Toward Dreamer" sub category
"F4" Helping".)
e. (Optional for after you run the above search.) The word
"say". (All verb tense endings are included in the search
for that one word.) Often the wise old man (or woman) is
making statements well worth hearing. (Category: "Movement"
sub category "Communication sub category "SI Friendly"
(Social Interaction Friendly Communication)
These same categories work in finding the "Wise Old Woman"
with the obvious change of gender search, Female General,
Stranger/Female, and Occupations like priestess, doctor
nurse, lawyer and so on. (In my dream database, I created
different definitions of the same root word so that I would
click on lawyer, male, or lawyer female so I could keep
track of the gender in those areas. Heaven forbid we would
be sexist and assume the occupation "Lawyer" is only male.)
It might be that the wisdom from the Old Woman is from the
"feminine side, right brained, spiritual, nurturing and
"Lawyer" weather by female or by male is a left brain
activity. The choices of what occupations to include would
be yours and your sense of what that archetype represents. I
would add the Category: "Character Identity" "crone" and
"witch" as well.
The Journey archetype is very simple to create.
a. Any dreams containing travel from point A to someplace
else. (Warning that's most of your dreams!!) (category:
"Movement", subcategory "Journey" sub categories "Under Own
Power", "With Assistance (a vehicle), and "Unknown", meaning
the dream wasn't clear how the traveling occurred.) (Another
possible search is the preposition To, as in moving Toward a
b. Of course, I was just kidding about the "simple" to
create part. There's more than simply traveling to
someplace. I would add the setting of Outdoors. (Category:
"Setting" sub category "Outdoors"). That will eliminate
portions of "Under Own Power" where characters are walking
c. Now it is possible to assume that all Journey archetypes
are embodied in all travel dreams. When Is a "cigar" simply
a "cigar", as Freud would ask.
Is there more one can do to narrow the search for the actual
archetype? Yes, of course there is. Most archetypal journeys
involve barriers and difficulties as the character is on
that "life's" journey. You could check the blockage of flow.
(Category: "Movement" sub category "Flow" sub category "Not
d. Looking for Difficult Situations is helpful. (Category:
"Evaluation", sub category "Difficult situations")
e. Misfortunes would be a good category to check out. Is the
environment stopping you, creating barriers?(Category:
"Chance" sub category "Misfortune". Choose any or all of the
6 levels of misfortune you feel would represent the kind of
barriers found on a "Journey".)
f. Social Interactions is another category to explore.
Especially Aggression or Friendly. What type of social
Interactions cause a barrier to progressing on down your
path? (Category: "Social Interaction" sub category
"Aggression" and sub category "friendly" Each of those sub
categories have up to 8 different levels of that activity.
Choose how much or how little to look at.
In fact with all the searches on Archetypes, exploration and
experimentation is a cool way to define your search more
closely. It doesn't take long to pull up the word frequency
form and you can explore if unnecessary items are entering
into the picture. You can simply change the search criteria
by deleting a category or adding another category until you
have the mix right. (Like cooking.) Also, every time I peek
into dreams with the word frequency counts I learn something
new about my dreams. It is exciting.
You can see by these examples that Jung can indeed enter the
computer age.
While I have your attention, hopefully, I would like to
request any nightmare dreams you would be willing to share
that I could use in a research project I am involved in. I
will be doing a presentation on "Counting The Things That Go
Bump In The Night" for the ASD conference in July of this
year. I am using the Barbara Sanders long dream series. I
would like to gather other people's nightmares and dreams as
a comparison. In addition, I am creating a base line
database for DreamSpinner to measure dreams against. If you
are willing, there are two ways you can get the dreams to
1. You can go to my Website and
enter a dream.
I would also need you to fill out the optional registration
form and the Informed Consent form giving me permission to
use your dreams. I will not use any personal identifying
information about the dreamer. The dreams will be anonymous.
If fact most of the dreams will be presented as patterns and
percentages. Perhaps a few snippets from dreams may be used
as examples. It would help if you changed the names of known
characters and places so you can protect the privacy of
anyone in your dreams.
2. Send your dream to me directly with my email I will then send the registration form
and the Informed Consent form. I thank you and hope you will
want to participate in this experience.
Come on up to my and leave some
nightmare dreams. Or any kind of dreams you wish. Leave a
comment on others dreams. List the metaphors in your dream
and comment on how that metaphor seems to mean to you. Check
out what others think that same metaphor means to you. It's
yet another dream group online.
See you next month.
As in our waking state, real people and things enter our
field of vision, so the dream-images enter like another kind
of reality into the field of consciousness of the dream-ego.
We do not feel as if we were producing the dreams, it is
rather as if the dreams came to us. They are not subject to
our control but obey their own laws. They are obviously
autonomous psychic complexes which form themselves out of
their own material. We do not know the source of their
motives, and we therefore say that dreams come from the
unconscious. In saying this, we assume that there are
independent psychic complexes which elude our conscious
control and come and go according to their own laws. "The
Psychological Foundations of Belief in Spirits" (1920). In
CW 8: The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche. P.580
Exploring Dreams through the I Ching
Hilary Barrett, Clarity
The Dream
The Wedding (Anon)
Nothing went right. The groom wasn't who I thought or wanted
it to be. My bridesmaids were my cousins and the groomsmen
was my ex boyfriend of two years, and all of his friends.
They were all sitting among the pews with the family instead
of up at the altar where they were supposed to be. My
girlfriend was wearing a wedding dress too. I hated my hair
but loved hers. I couldn't walk down the aisle because
everybody else was. I was just really frustrated. I dreamed
this twice. The first time I was up at the altar the groom
and I blew out some candles at the altar, and
in the second dream, just himself blew out the candles.
The interpretation
Your wedding is supposed to be 'your big day': you look your
best, you are 'radiant' and the centre of attention. You are
united not just with a man but with a whole new way of
living - before women had the option of living
independently, marriage meant graduating to adulthood. So
when you dream that your wedding day goes completely wrong,
this reflects basic discord within you, and probably with
your present way of life.
I asked the I Ching what was going on in this dream,
and it replied with Hexagram 23, Stripping Away, moving to
Hexagram 35, Prospering. The second hexagram represents the
broader context - I think it accounts for the wedding
imagery; the first one, Stripping Away, explains what
happens to the wedding.
'Prospering, Lord Kang is given a gift of horses, uses
them to increase the herd. He mates them three times a day.'
The horses were a sign that Kang was in favour with the
ruler - it was definitely his day. And rather than simply
sitting on the gift, he made it fertile and multiplied it.
This is like a strong, earthy version of the parable of the
talents: when you have God-given gifts, go out and use them,
and they will grow. It may be hard work ('Difficulty' is the
nuclear hexagram at the heart of Prospering), but it will
pay off.
The word for 'mating' also suggests 'receiving and
reflecting onward': Kang was receiving the full light of
good fortune, and he multiplied it and passed it on.
Hexagram 35 shows the sun rising over the earth, and the
growing plants responding to its light. This is what
weddings are supposed to be about: full of vigour, advancing
triumphantly into the light, positively shining with good
fortune. Everything about this hexagram is brightness: it is
'daylight indeed', and the ideal person 'radiates her own
natural light, clear bright virtue.' ('Virtue', by the way,
doesn't mean 'being good' so much as 'being what you
personally are meant to be'.)
All this is near enough the opposite of what happened in the
dream. Instead of shining, you find yourself outshone and
sidelined - and in the end, instead of reflecting light
onward, you are blowing the candles out. What has happened?
Like you say, 'nothing goes right' in the dream - but surely
the biggest problem is that you're marrying the wrong man!
In a way, it's just as well that everything else goes wrong
after that...
You are in the process of Stripping Away: things that no
longer belong in your life are being cleared out to make
space for something new. This can be an acutely painful
process, as people, things and ideas that you have been
attached to are cut away - the I Ching represents it as
being skinned. Before the process of transformation can
begin, you need to understand that it is no longer the time
to concentrate on appearances: the time for Stripping Away
comes when Adorning (Hexagram 22) is exhausted. You are
dressed like a successful bride in the dream - but it's no
use, your friend is, too (and her hair is better!). The
dress can't make the wedding happen. As pretence and
illusion are peeled away, the real you is exposed.
It is not the time for a purposeful advance to the altar:
you are obliged simply to let things happen. As you felt in
the dream, being so unexpectedly and completely disempowered
can be very frustrating. In the I Ching, this hexagram is
the opposite of 'Deciding', an active process of driving out
what does not belong. At a time of Stripping Away, there may
be many layers of old, inessential things to be removed, and
all you can do is let them go. Dreaming of a failed wedding
is part of this process of separation. 'The ideal person
honours the dissolving pause, filling and emptiness. Heaven
acts.' Allow time and space, and what is right for you will
return. But first leave the wedding: don't try to be united
with a past that's wrong for you. Blowing out the candles
that illuminate the altar is the best thing you can do - you
need a change of focus.
At heart, this situation is about becoming fertile ground
for new growth, like the open, nourishing earth. You can't
know yet what will grow in the new space, but you can make
sure that it is clear and prepared before you try to begin
to build again. The earth is humble, easy to overlook, but
it is also the foundation for life - this hexagram shows how
mountains rest on it. 'Generosity from above creates
peaceful dwellings below.' Now is the time to give your
attention generously to your own foundations, creating a
sense of peace.
The imagery of the one moving line of your answer
indicates that the process of Stripping Away has reached the
critical, painful point. 'Stripping away the bed, at the
flesh. Misfortune. Cutting close to disaster.' Your 'bed' is
gone - the ideas and expectations you rest on, your sense of
security, has all been cut away. Now the knife cuts into
you, your confidence and identity, separating you from them
right at the altar. It comes perilously close to cutting
into some vital part of the psyche. The 'bed' here also
suggests dreaming - how it can strip away the comfort of
sleep and cut 'close to the bone'.
Stripping Away marks the beginning of an essential
transformation - and so, I think, does this dream. Once
you've gone through with this process, and you are freed
from the old ideas and attachments, the bright light,
vitality and gifts of Prospering can become a reality for
The I Ching is the ancient Chinese oracle of change. For a
hundred generations, it has been answering people's
questions, from dream interpretation to career decisions,
across the whole spectrum of human experience. I have been
learning from the I Ching for many years, and founded
Clarity, a dedicated I Ching consultation service, to make
the oracle's help readily and simply available to all who
need it.
Hilary Barrett.
Please send comments or questions to
The I Ching has deep connections with Carl Jung. Many of the
translations of the I Ching available in European languages
today are usually reinterpretations of Richard Wilhelm's
1923 German translation and the later 1950 English
translation. Jung wrote the forward to Wilhelm's book and
has stated there and elsewhere that he was aware of and had
used the divining side of the I Ching prior to 1923. The
question is, how deeply was Jung's development of his
theories influenced by these works?
See Wilhelm, Richard (1931/1962). The Secret of the Golden
Flower, A Chinese Book of Life. Commentary by C.G. Jung.
"It is obvious that in handling "big" dreams intuitive
guesswork will lead nowhere. Wide knowledge is required,
such as a specialist ought to possess.' But no dream can be
interpreted with knowledge alone. This knowledge,
futhermore, should not be dead material that has been
memorized; it must possess a living quality, and be infused
with the experience of the person who uses it. Of what use
is philosophical knowledge in the head, if one is not also a
philosopher at heart?"
"The Meaning of Psychology for Modern Man" (1933). In CW 10:
Civilization in Transition. P.324
Jung the Great Dreamer but Where Are His Little Dreams?
by Strephon Kaplan-Williams, author, the Jungian-Senoi
Dreamwork Manual, Elements of Dreamwork and the Dream Cards
We start with an observation. Jung himself was not a
dreamer. He was a great dreamer. Jung originated the term,
Great Dream, by which he meant any dream that like drama,
had a beginning, middle and an end, was complete in itself
and whole. In his _Memories, Dreams, Reflections_, published
after his death, he gives us his great dreams and tells us
how they directly influenced and guided his life. They are
indeed major dreams and show the Jungian dreamwork process.
Jung's childhood dream was of going down a tunnel
underground and coming face to face with an erect penis on a
throne. The Jungians call this a phallos to indicate an
archetype, not a human. So we get the impression that Jung
was a great dreamer, a version for some of a Jungian saint.
I once had in my year long dreamwork training a man who
presented dreams of flying from earth to mars and so on. He
really impressed us and so I named him the cosmic dreamer.
However, his wife told me privately that he only remembered
and wrote down his great dreams. He never bothered with all
the ordinary dreams, what one analyst of mine called the
skunk dreams where we are shitting in the living room and
not the bathroom, or where I had to stack hundreds and
hundreds of pieces of wood.
This raises an issue. Certainly when we remember or only
present our great dreams, those with major archetypal and
mythic imagery, then we are going to believe in the Jungian
collective unconscious and that everyone out there is having
great dreams of the archetypes. To illustrate, an older lady
in a dream group complained that she only had ordinary
dreams compared to some of the other members of the group.
She would dream repeatedly of a simple farm with a fence
around it and in that fenced in area would be a cow.
Certainly she could not be classified as a great dreamer.
But I did suggest one thing to her. If she wanted to dream
of mythic creatures she should read a book about dragons
before bedtime. She replied that she would do just that and
bring the results in the following week. Well, in fact she
came to group beaming, for she now had her first mythic or
archetypal dream. She dreamed of the same simple farm with
its fence around the pasture. But this time instead of there
being a cow in there she now had a dragon fenced in! She
could now earn the title of Dragon Lady, a more exciting
title of course than Cow Lady.
So this incident illustrates the difficulty of interpreting
dream content. I call it dream context. What is the dream
landscape you habitually dream in? So, as some have said, if
you go to a Freudian you have Freudian dreams and if you go
to a Jungian you have Jungian dreams and if you go to a
Lucidian you have lucid dreams. This last part I have added
of course.
What is key with any dream is the context within which it is
dreamed. This does not mean necessarily the context of the
dreamer's life but of the dreamer herself. I once counseled
a young woman dreamer. Her father wanted her to stay in
college because he was an academic himself. But she kept
dreaming of trees, forests, streams, mountains. So I
suggested that she could simply follow in life what her
dreams were dreaming for her. She quit college and went full
time into the ecology movement. I am almost sure that was
the right choice for her.
Thus we have the issue, do we lead the dream or does the
dream lead us? Are we dreaming certain a symbolic context
because we are creating our context, like a Jungian who has
to be a Jungian because he identifies with being a Jungian?
To rephrase the paradox, might it not be better that for
some Freudian patients who are having Jungian dreams that
they be referred instead to a Jungian, and that the Jungians
then reciprocate by sending their clients who have a lot of
sex dreams to Freudian analysts?
In my own trainings and practice I will work with anyone's
dreams and usually go along with their context.
Some are
always dreaming about their personal relationships while
others mostly journey alone in their dreams. I don't
intervene and suggest other kinds of dreaming but if
anything, enhance with the dreamer the context they are
dreaming in. One woman years ago who had never had any
interest in animals except her house cat started dreaming of
dolphins. What were we to do? Suggest that the dolphin is
symbolic of a mammal who regressed to the sea, or is a
mythic animal the ancients revered and so she was having a
spiritual experience or that dolphins represent relating
across species and therefore she should improve her
relationships with the other sex, or all the variations
thereof? No doubt you can look up in Jung's collected works
what dolphins mean for him. However, what this dreamer
wanted to do since she kept dreaming of her dolphins is that
she took her vacations to Australia to visit people who
visited the dolphins in the sea. This became a major
advocation for her. This also raises dreamwork issues.
One danger of the Jungian approach to dreams is when it
remains interpretive. The orthodox Jungian turns symbol into
concept. They create interpretations based on their
knowledge of other dreams, on mythology, on symbols and
artifacts of culture. In fact, one of the major Jungian
books on dreams is all about interpreting dream symbols and
nothing at all about using Jung's active imagination
techniques with dreams.
When I began the Jungian-Senoi Institute in 1978 in
Berkeley, California, no one I knew of was doing dream
reentry. Jung had already stated in his writings that
sometimes he had his patients carry the dream forward. Jung
stated you do not interfere with the dream itself, you do
not change it in anyway since it is a direct product of the
unconscious. But he did say that amazing things could happen
when you began at the end of where your remembered dream
left off and did active imagination of letting new images
come to you as you continued your dream journey. Jung said
he learned about imagery techniques from Ignacius Lyola, the
founder of the Jesuit order who had his monks do guided
imagery with the Christian dogma.
What I did was entirely new and it took a lot of courage on
my part since I had been trained as a Jungian for ten years
with Dr. Elizabeth Howes of the Guild for Psychological
Studies. Don't change the dream! said Dr. Jung in effect, or
this is ego inflation by the archetype!
But a woman dreamer, herself a therapist, in my dreamwork
training for a year kept having repeat dreams of dark male
figures. Now I could have interpreted these in Jungian
fashion for her as negative animus symbols, but in fact I
wanted to get to the emotional level with her. Turning _
image into concept_ simply would not do since it was
interpretive and thinking. I needed to turn _symbol into
function_, the functional approach. Jung had indicated that
powerful things happen when you reenter the deeper psyche
through active imagination which I also call the meditative
state. So I got this dreamer's permission to take her back
into her dream of the dark mysterious man with her eyes
closed and my eyes closed.
What happened lasted an hour and a half. Other spontaneous
imagery came up for her and it quickly turned into a man who
had years earlier raped her. So then we had to go through
that. I learned also that simply taking a person back into
their psyche via the imagery could in fact be dangerous. I
had the Senoi concept from Kilton Stuart that you could
intervene in the dream situation while in the dream state.
The Senoi trained their children to let themselves fall all
the way when they had a falling dream instead of waking
themselves up as if the dream was a nightmare. So here in
this dream reentry I did not tell this dreamer what do to
but suggested she simply stay present to this man, who was
the image of her rapist, and encounter him however it came
to her. My guidance was supportive and not directive,
following the Jungian principle of let the deeper psyche
produce its images spontaneously.
The amazing result was that for this dreamer a lot was
healed for her at the feeling level because now she could
confront her attacker. She had been having these negative
male figure dreams because of a past traumatic experience. I
subsequently used dream reentry with other dreamers who have
been raped and also with other trauma victims and in each
case with amazing and healing success. Their repeat dreams
never repeated themselves after going through guided reentry
with me. And their emotional life changed dramatically.
I hasten to add that many people now who have not been
professionally trained in psychology or dreamwork at a
highly skilled and supervised level are using active
imagination and a form of guided dream reentry. One recent
case in point from the Netherlands is of a priest who goes
around telling his groups to close their eyes, see a forest
and see their wild animals in the forest.
To the classically trained Jungian this is rape of the
unconscious. It is a rational approach used to evoke imagery
from the unconscious. Some people will immerse in the
suggested images but what gets evoked can be more than they
can emotionally handle.
So it is not simply Jungian to do dream reentry, active
imagination or creative visualization, a misnomer for what
is not always creative when you have people close their eyes
and suggest things to them to visualize.
I strongly advocate that people who use active imagination
on others and dream reentry with others be supervised and
trained in handling ethically and professionally this
technique. Having said this I know that there are many out
there who will not go along with this statement. But I can
tell you from personal experience that active imagination
and dream reentry are powerful techniques. You can unbalance
a person's psyche if you are not really knowing what you are
But for those of you who will go ahead anyway I urge that as
a guide you stay supportive and neutral as much as possible.
You do not direct what the person you are guiding should do.
You do not say when someone is at the door of a dream house,
would you enter the house now and report what you see there?
Better you say, You are at the door of this house. What are
you experiencing right now? Then after experiencing the
situation you can as guide ask, what choices do you have
here? If finally the choice is to enter and explore the
house, still keep it neutral. The guide can say, please
start slowly. Just open the door and proceed at your own
pace. Describe what you see. It will be amazing and
unpredictable what is seen or experienced there. The guide
supports possibilities. He or she does not direct the show
with an exaggerated sense of his or her self importance at
using such a powerful technique.
The reason I still consider myself Jungian is that through
the dream and dreamwork channels the archetypes, or energy
structures, have become very real for people at a feeling
and imagery level. I use my Ego and the Seven Basic
Archetypes model to help balance situations. If there is too
much adversity I may search with the dreamer for a little
more heroic, but without suggesting the images themselves.
Thus in a dream reentry and the dreamer is before her dream
cave and it is dark in there, should you suggest that she
summon a helper or light a torch? Aha! Guiding again by
telling someone else what to do or what you would do. What
if the choice is not to enter the cave in the dark. Again,
stay present but don't suggest what to do. You are at the
entrance to this cave. Can you just describe what you are
experiencing there? And above all, never ask a person how
they feel! Feelings are rational reactions. I feel fine. I
feel bad. These are evaluative statements. It seems to pull
the dreamer out of their trance state where they are open to
their unconscious. How are they supposed to know what they
feel? They are experiencing without immediate evaluation.
That is the point.
I will just say that amazing things often happen out of a
dream reentry. There may even be physical changes. Stephen
LaBerge at one point stated he hoped to fine lucid dreaming
techniques that would bring about physical healing. Well, I
have taken a few dreamers through a dream experience and
after they did have a change of symptoms. One dreamer was
diagnosed as having breast cancer. She had a dream in which
she was in the hospital hall and afraid to open the door to
a ward room for what she would find there. I suggested she
meditate in front of that door in her daily meditations
until it occurred to her what to do. When she finally after
many days opened the door she was not a cancer victim in bed
there. And her breasts had no sign of cancer in her next
diagnosis. The same happened for a dreamer with a diagnosis
of cervical cancer. Dream reentry with a huge woman made of
earth that the dreamer was helped to experience also meant
somehow that her next pap smear was negative.
Not enough to go on statistically but it would not be hard
to do clinical tests with the skilled and professional
application of dream reentry to the right dreams of persons
diagnosed with cancer. Another of my year long dreamwork
students was scheduled the next day for an operation on her
knee which was lame in part. She dreamed of being in the
hospital and healing her knee right there with a method and
statement that she knew what was wrong and could heal
herself and did not need the doctors. Well, the next day she
declared her knee was indeed healed and cancelled the
operation and never had trouble with her knee since. Talk
about Jesus doing healing's! Maybe it is possible with the
right interventions?
What I am suggesting here with the Jungian dreamwork is that
you must show results to prove that your methods and
personality theory works. Any appeal to "Jung says," simply
will not do. Can you produce results? Can you back up your
ideas? Of course I have many more examples along these
What is still Jungian about my approach is that the
fundamental assumption that dreams reflect archetypal
patterns still holds. I have also had extensive experience
with psychotic teenagers in the former glory days of St.
George Homes, Inc, in Berkeley, California. There also
strong interventions through the dream state into the
unconscious seemed to be a contributing factor in real
shifts out of psychosis into healing. But of course with the
mentally ill you have to often put a lot of energy into
evoking the unconscious in the right way.
I have had a number of letters now from therapists who used
my Jungian-Senoi Dreamwork Manual with effective and healing
results with their clients and patients. Sadly it is out of
print now but may be gotten as a used book. Also my
rewritten edition, Dreamworking is available as a used book.
We are looking for a re-publisher and any grounded
suggestions would be helpful.
Currently I live in the Netherlands and have a three to five
year course for dreamwork professionals that meet every
other Saturday throughout the year and work in small groups
in between. This is training at the highest of professional
levels and graduates must have had over one hundred dreams
worked with at a core level. We are Jungian in the sense of
Jung's key concepts of wholeness and individuation at work
in the deeper psyche and revealing themselves as major
energy principles in dreams and their dreamwork. We train
professionals of integrity who have done the thorough work
on themselves even before working with others and their
dreams. Amazing changes in life and dreams have come about
with these committed students.
Our professional ethics are based on students having direct
experiences of their own dream journeys and life changes
brought about through their own dreamwork. This cannot
happen without going through the basic three year course,
the one hundred dreams worked with, and an enormous shift
away from dream control and egocentricity to truly following
the guidance of ones own dreams and dream source. In
addition students are professionally supervised and trained
in using the dreamwork methodology on others as well. My own
Jungian training lasted ten year. We try and do the
professional level in five to seven years by concentrating
mostly on the dream and its dreamwork itself. For my Jungian
training I had to read all of Jung's twenty-two volumns,
know them practically by heart, and be current with almost
all the other Jungian writers as well. Fascinating stuff but
for our professional dreamwork training we focus mostly on
the dream and its dreamwork. This is the original book of
the unconscious and far more powerful than reading even
I also give a week long summer intensive, this year from
June 30 to July 6, 2001 in a forest in the Netherlands. Both
my advanced Norwegian and Netherlands students will be there
to participate and help lead. You can of course join us if
you would like to work intensively for a week with your own
dreams. This year our web site should be offering its first
comprehensive dreamwork course for work at home on ones
Strephon Kaplan-Williams has his web site, going for a year now with around 500
visitors a week. Of special note is his _Dream Cards_
Interactive page where visitors can pick by synchronicity an
unknown Dream Card on a dream or life issue and receive the
_Dream Card_ images and inspirational wisdom message which
may give personal insight to what they are dealing with.
Many have testified that this tool works for them. Also of
note is that the _Dream Cards_ in revised edition with new
recipes is out for the first time in a German language
edition. The _Dream Cards_ have sold over 100,000 copies by
now in eight languages. Please also note and pass on to
others interested that Strephon is a weekly contributor to
analyzing issues in dreams that people share at the
Consciousness Forum page of Here you can
see how he works with people's dreams without making highly
personal interpretations. Strephon calls his approach the
functional approach to dreams in which dreams are analyzed
for key issues in dreams and life and for life principles
for dealing with those issues. If we do the work on the
dream itself, how to deal with life becomes more obvious. We
dream to wake to life!
-Strephon. Strephon Kaplan-Williams may be reached at through his web site.
"Never apply any theory, but always ask the patient how he
feels about his dream images. For dreams are always about a
particular problem of the individual about which he has a
wrong conscious judgment. The dreams are the reaction to our
conscious attitude in the same way that the body reacts when
we overeat or do not eat enough or when we ill-treat it in
some other way. Dreams are the natural reaction of the self-
regulating psychic system."
Analytical Psychology: Its Theory and Practice: The
Tavistock Lectures. (1935). In CW 18: (re-titled) The
Tavistock Lectures. P. 123
How to Interpret Your Own Dreams
[With reference to Jungian Psychology]
by Stephen Flynn
Trying to paint such a broad canvas as the title suggests is
difficult enough without having to write a book on it.
Instead, I hope to offer some encouragement and some
essential tips, and if I enthuse you with the desire to read
up some more, then I have indeed done well. If you become
serious about yourself, then you might get some of your own
power back and be less dependent on others, and sure ,
that's no bad thing.
Jung himself used the dreams his patients had to gain
insight as it helped him understand what was going on for
the patient in the unconscious. He studied his own dream
world too. Most of my understanding comes from C.G. Jung's
psychology. However he is not easy to read so I would advise
a newcomer to start by reading either _Dreams and
Reflections_ or _Man and his Symbols._ It makes quite
exciting reading anyway.
What are dreams and where do dreams come from?
The dream acts as the interplay between the unconscious and
the conscious. It's a kind of video, who's language relies
on symbol and metaphor.
As Jung said 'Where and when does anything take place to
remind us even remotely of phenomena like angels, miraculous
feelings, beatitudes and resurrection of the dead etc,?
..... during the unconscious state of sleep, intervals
occur, called 'dreams,' which contain scenes (of) the motifs
of mythology. For myths are miracle tales ...'*1a.
The conscious is that part of you that is aware, a constant
knowing . Consciousness is the unique quality of the Ego and
seems to distinguish us from other animals. The Ego simply
means 'that part of you (which is reading this line now,) or
looking now, or listening now' and don't let anyone tell you
differently. The Ego is 'the story writer' in you, and not
the story itself, that's history. Sure, we all have our own
story, and very real it is too. The Ego is the story teller,
the one who experienced the happenings and is still here to
tell the tale. Things can go on unnoticed by the Ego, for
instance, while you are reading this, your heart is beating
away and your little toe is either hot or cold or just
right. If heart and toe and everything else for that matter,
are all as they should be, nice and comfortable, then you
will soon 'just forget about them.' There are numerous
things going on about us that we take no notice of either
unless they reach our attention.
This being so, it doesn't take long to realise that there
are some 'memories' outside the Ego's knowledge, that is,
things recently and long forgotten. These are personal
memories now forgotten. Sometimes they come back via a piece
of music or some smell. These can also return via dreams.
This is referred to as the 'personal unconscious.' What lies
beyond the personal unconscious is also the stuff dreams are
made of.
So far everything is fairly straightforward. Now this is
the interesting bit, it seems the further away one gets from
the conscious Ego the less we can know about what goes on.
From what we do know, it seems that in spite of the unique
differences between each person we are much alike. Like one
of my children stated when quite young, 'Underneath we are
all blood and food.'
Behind our differing personalities we share similar patterns
of thinking and experience and value the same things.
It seems the further away we travel from that conscious part
of us, the 'bigger' become the images that come up from the
deep to haunt us in our dreams. We are quite sure that some
of these big images like, say, the jester, or the 'wicked
witch' actually have no separate existence outside of us. We
think they are, as it were, only imaginings of dreams and
story. We seem to have more doubt about such 'spiritual'
beings such as Jesus and all the Saints. Lots of us people
see them as 'separate beings from ourselves' capable of
revisiting us in visions.
I have my own answer for this one and you must find yours.
It is up to you to determine which figures in the dreams
(and visions) come from inside or from outside of yourself,
say, from somewhere in space, or you may decide they come
from deep inside, but come they do, and that is a
psychological fact.
Jung calls the place where all destructive and creative
forces come from the 'Collective Unconscious' as it seems we
are all common or have a sameness when it comes to this type
of image. He calls them archetypes. My attitude to
Archetypes is simple, I don't care if they come from the
inside of us or if they come from the out side of us, I
respect the 'presence' they bring with them.
I don't mess about foolishly here!
Now we hit a second problem. From where do dreams come ?
I argue from the standpoint of facts ,. what do we know. The
fact that all these images come from either the personal
unconscious or further away from awareness where things
become less conscious and 'more common,' or as Jung called
it, from the 'collective unconscious.' (As we all know some
images mean much the same for everyone.)
Jung argues that both the Ego and the dream rest on a sea of
If we accept this statement as fact, then the whole dream
happens in the head. This helps us to interpret the dream as
either a personal one emerging from our distant or recently
forgotten past, or one emerging from deep within, The point
I am making is that In any event the whole dream comes from
within the dreamer!
The third thing to grasp is that dreams are an actual
message from one part of you to another. If you
misunderstand this then the dream will remain of limited
use. We all have had bad dreams or nightmares. Some people
even think dreams are dangerous, and yet if you think about
it, people are most dangerous when they are awake! But
consider the idea that some of the images and people in our
dreams are actual creations within our own head. That cannot
be true, you might say, as you dreamed about such and such a
person the other night, and they are real people out there.
My reply to you is that the person you refer to is your
impression of that person, not mine, or anybody else's. The
same people or person will be someone else daughter or son,
brother, sister, lover, father or mother. So your impression
of them is unique to you. Own that impression of the
person/s in your dreams and what they mean to you. This way
we can move onto the content of the dream and its
interpretation in a personal and more useful way.
Consider the dream as a message from something huge inside
you wanting to tell you something. We all know if this were
true then whatever it is or whoever it is giving the
messages doesn't seem to do a very good job when it comes to
dreams, because the messages, comes in a kind of Video
containing symbols and metaphor or some code not easy to
break. The biggest problem today, it seems, is that we need
first to appreciate that dreams offer the Ego balance. The
dream tries to help the Ego understand that we may have
taken a wrong turn or are heading for trouble if we continue
to follow a certain way . I am suggesting dreams also offer
Developing the right attitude to the unconscious is very
important. I also suggest you don't 'play' with it. This
would be like playing Water polo in mid Atlantic. Neither
can you 'ignore' the unconscious because it will come back
on you in a less helpful way, a bit like trying to block up
a stream without letting any water out. It will just come
over the top, round the sides or find its way underneath.
As I have said, the more sensible way is to acknowledge the
unconscious is there and respect its presence.. It is worth
lingering on this idea of respecting the unconscious as it
is key to making further progress within oneself.
If you consider the word 'respect' it implies giving someone
or something its full value. Not overinflating it, not
disregarding it either, but to give it full weight and have
regard. Dreams are no less and no more important than the
awake state.
You are left to choose either to ignore or to follow its
There are three ways of interpreting the dream
The old way of superstition.
There is the old wives tales or superstition as way of
gaining knowledge. 'If you dream of water, that means
feelings, if you dream of a fish that means a quality, if it
talks to you, that means you have been given a gift, and so
This method of interpreting a dream is limited and does not
allow for the personal unconscious part of ourselves to have
any room in the dream. There is no choice as it is all done
for you, this means this and that means that. There is an
element of truth in this approach too.. I'm not sure what
the 'old wife ' would make of me dreaming about my big toe
nail. Before the old wife tells me that dreaming of a big
toe nail means I will meet an old friend or something, I
want to state that my toe nail is the ingrowing type and
gives me a lot of pain at times, and that I thought I would
have to go into hospital at one point. So my big toe nail
might have significance to me that others cannot know about.
Superstition does not take account of the personal
unconscious in the awake state or via dreams.
The second way is called 'The Theory method.'
This type of dream interpretation starts with a belief,
system or theory. The theory method is employed by
Freudians, among others, where the dream fits the belief. So
if the theory has a sexual base, then there is bound to be
some truth in it, isn't there! This approach will touch on
the collective unconsciousness of sexuality and also on the
personal unconsciousness level too. Such an approach can
raise personal anxieties that are not in the dream.
I suggest the theory method raises anxieties not in the
dream. But sure, you don't need dreams to raise anxieties,
they can easily be found. No! A general theory misses the
specific point of the dream and can at best be like looking
through binoculars and seeing all the issues through the
same lenses, you miss the overall picture and things are too
close will be 'out of focus.'
The third way'The Dreamers Own Interpretation.'
I think Jung would argue from the facts. For instance, is
there any deep meaning in the dream for the dreamer? What is
going on in the life of the dreamer? What is the
significance of the dream for the dreamer. *2.
You could say the first dream interpretation is based upon
superstition., and yet has some truth to it. The second
method demands fitting a dream into a fixed theory no matter
what is dreamed. The third method is Jungian and he advises
that it is not what is dreamed but what the dreamer makes of
these deep impulses that matters.
Jung gives us a bit more information saying that the main
reasons for dreams are to balance or counter balance the
dreamers life when awake. In other words they are messages
asking you to cop - on! They compensate, as it were, or try
to remedy what is going wrong through the day time , or the
dream might even try to prepare you for a gentle let-down if
things are going real well. So dreams can also tell you what
is going to happen. It seems the dream can borrow from
future events things that might help you now! Why not? The
day time 'I' can borrow from the past (experience) to help
sort out the present, why can't the 'I' of the dream go to
future events to do the same thing? There is certainly
enough evidence of this around, prophetic as it were, and
there is enough evidence of warning dreams in the Bible. I
myself have had 'warning' dreams, which I respect too!
Dreams self regulate. This point is so crucial to the
understanding of dream interpretation. It seems that if we
'our Ego' becomes 'one sided' in what we chose to do, hear
and listen to, then the unconscious part of us builds up an
equal 'other' or opposite stance. There is always the
exception, but normally the compensation coming up from the
unconscious does not go against consciousness. *2 I have
found both through my work and in myself, that harmony
between the unconscious and conscious parts leads to good
mental health. So developing a respect for the unconscious
is good for us!
How to develop a more healthy attitude to the unconscious.
The first point
Accept the fact that the whole of the dream belongs to you.
Its all in your head, even if its someone you know, it is
your impression of them not the person themselves!
The Second Point
Developing the right attitude is important which means be a
little more serious about yourselves. Write down or record
(dreams) as soon as possible in a special book kept for that
purpose. The dream is about transformation, and overcoming,
a moving towards a state of being more integrated and
content within yourself. This is about healing yourself too,
if you think about it.
The Third Point
Once you have recorded your dream there is a powerful method
called 'active imagination.' It works like this
Sit quietly and go back into the dream using your
If there were another person in the dream, then become the
other person, and as if you were them , say why you are
If there is some significant 'thing' in the dream become
this and state what your purpose is as if you were the thing
in the dream .
Then return to yourself and reflect on what was said, and
push it a bit further by asking questions and return to the
role of the other, and answer the questions. Thus you can
switch back and forth until you are sufficiently satisfied
you cannot get any more from whatever appeared in the dream.
So you amplify or exaggerate what came up in the dream, and
begin to understand. *2
The fourth point
Is there any mythical background either in fairy tale,
legends or even religion, to the things or people who came
up in the dream. Think about it and see it there is anything
that could help you connected to the deeper collective part
of you.
The fifth point
Also look at your dream in a dead simple way too! Was there
anything 'stupid' in it and what might this show you.
Other tips on dreams are
1. There are 'little' dreams and 'big' dreams.
Big dreams you remember longer and they continue to be
important as long as you continue to remember them. Some
stay with you for life.
2. Within the average dream itself, there is generally a
As follows
The first stage concerns the STATEMENT OF PLACE .
(a street or a hotel etc,.)
The statements of TIME are rarer.
The statement of the PROTAGONIST (dream Ego) 'I was walking
The second phase is the development of the PLOT
The third phase is the CULMINATION where something decisive
happens or something changes completely.
The fourth and last is the SOLUTION OR RESULT. *1d.
This structure of four phases generally indicates that
dreams are dramatic, story like and unfolding.
An example using the 'The Dreamers Own Interpretation.' way.
I had a 'big' dream myself some years ago. I will use the
above stages to help you see the dreams structure and how to
use the points of interpretation.
Phase 1. STATEMENT OF PLACE. I was in in the basement of a
bus depot or station where the road spiralled down into what
looked like a dark car park.. The only sense of TIME was
that it was daylight above. THE PROTAGONIST statement:
I was surrounded by young black Afro' warriors all dressed
in war paint with spears, clubs etc,. I was taller than any
one else there , white and older, and dressed in a whit e
robe. I could see my three sons, The two younger were in
among the black tribe. They had oiled their skin and looked
every bit as black as the others who were Negro. My oldest
son stood half way up the winding road. He half wanted to
join me.
The development of the PLOT
I tried to make contact with my younger sons, but some
irritating youth kept jumping up and down in front of me,
distracting my attention.
I took his club off him and 'bopped' him on the head. Not
too hard, but just to express my frustration and annoyance
at his rather childish antiques.
The third phase of CULMINATION
While I was doing this the whole lot of them suddenly surged
forward and ran passed me up the spiraling road and out into
the world, leaving me alone in the dark, now silent space.
The fourth phase of SOLUTION OR RESULT
I knew I could not follow. These were young men doing their
thing, something like some hunting party. I was too old and
past it. Wrong kind of energy, kind of thing.
I woke up to the empty house, alone, and wept bitterly at my
loss. My wife was away in England at the time too.
The dream had brought home to me what I hadn't noticed
before, my pain, my loss. The boys were doing their own
thing over in England and I was happy for them. It was a
time when my youngest had reached manhood. My role as a
father had 'officially' come to an end., and I hadn't
acknowledged it before. I had been too delighted for them as
they were all at college in England or doing their own
thing. I remember thinking at the time-
'No one had warned me it would be painful to let them go!'
Some observations I made to interpret my dream
The feelings in the dream began to emerge as I thought about
what had occurred.
This was a 'big' dream as I still remember it as if it were
last night, so it is still important to me.
The self is often represented as the city in ancient myth
This pre Christian Celtic symbol above is also the sign of
the city divided into for quarters and having a wall round
it, and like all symbols it has other meanings too. It is
the symbol of the 'self' too. This is a collective
unconscious symbol, which still has meaning today and, as in
every modern City there is the 'bus depot' a terminus. (The
End of the growing family.)
The underground of the bus depot, in my city , (in my self)
I could see meant the unconscious part, the lower part, like
the underworld of early Christianity below in Rome. It was
the birth of a new way of life in that city, perhaps this
might be so for me. It was the part of the city involving
'transport.' the part I chose to ignore with the conscious
ego. So this 'place' is very important. It was the going
away from me, I had up 'till the dream, failed to notice.
Taking the line that everything in the dream is part of my
own nature, these youths were black, in a gang and in a
hunting party consistent with African jungle surroundings,
but we are smack in the middle of a modern city. This is the
'stupid' bit, there is a source of serious conflict here.
This unconscious part of me was still undeveloped, as one
would expect, it had not caught up with modern times. I
hadn't thought about it, therefore, these youths who
represented my attitude to my children remained undeveloped.
My whole primitive nature was being observed by the 'dream
ego' which needed to act in a collective mindless group who
ran up and out to the light to work out their primitive
This emerging 'in the light,' into my own awareness, will
update their activities and change their behaviour even as
modern young people do now-a-days, acting out their basic
desires in pop music , parties, gigs and the buzz of campus
life. Seeing that it is all me anyway, some of my own base
nature will be released from past ignorance, and thereby, my
attitude will be transform to accepting my loss and moving
on to what I want to do in life. (There was more, but you
get the general idea.)
When you think about it, the ideas of African style natives
going hunting for wild animals with spears from a bus depot,
in a large city through the city streets is stupid. I
myself, was naive in my relationship with the annoying
youthful vigor of youth, so as to 'forget' to communicate or
catch up with the times.
The implications for me, the awake ego, shocked me . I also
realized I couldn't understand my sons, because of my own
A final word
When all is said and done about learning to interpret your
own dreams, sometimes you need the help of another, as
things are so close to you they cannot be recognized for
what they are. It is like facing a tree three inches away,
it is impossible to know if you are in a forest or what!
So remember to treat your unconscious with respect and be
more serious about your dreams, they are your friends, but
they are never more important than your awake state. Your
own experience in life is your main teacher., not the dream,
or worse still, someone else's experiences!
*1a. C.G.Jung The Collected Works. Vol' ' 9. pt 11. Aion'
81. paragraph 67.
*1b. ibid, paragraphs 315. to 320.
*1c. ibid paragraph 350/1.
*2 C.G.Jung Vol' '6 pt XI. Psychological Types '71 paragraph
693 to 694.
*2a P.W. Martin Experiment in Depth '1956 pp38/42.
Dr. Carl Gustav Jung was the son of a Minister, born in
Switzerland in 1897 and died in 1961. He was a well known
Psychiatrist and philosopher. His writings were put together
to form 'The Collected Works ' comprising of eighteen
volumes. Terms like 'complex' 'psychological types' and
'introvert and extrovert,' have become part of everyday
speech resulting from his work..
He founded the school of analytical psychotherapy using the
concept of the unconscious to instruct his psychiatric
I was fortunate enough to have 3/4 years analytical therapy
from a man taught by Hillman in Zurich. And having read most
of Jung's collective works for the past 16 years I now focus
all my energy into my practice as (it appears) the only
state employed, permanent and full time psychotherapist in
How come I am the only one?
'Cause I'm b**** good!
Well......there should be more employed as well, to be sure!
Stephen Flynn
Thanks to Stephen Flynn for allowing Electric Dreams to re-
publish this article. Some font and emphasis marks changed
to fit the Electric Dreams format.
Though dreams contribute to the self-regulation of the
psyche by automatically bringing up everything that is
repressed or neglected or unknown, their compensatory
significance is often not immediately apparent because we
still have only a very incomplete knowledge of the nature
and the needs of the human psyche. There are psychological
compensations that seem to be very remote from the problem
on hand. In these cases one must always remember that every
man, in a sense, represents the whole of humanity and its
history. What was possible in the history of mankind at
large is also possible on a small scale in every individual.
What mankind has needed may eventually be needed by the
individual too. It is therefore not surprising that
religious compensations play a great role in dreams. That
this is increasingly so in our time is a natural consequence
of the prevailing materialism of our outlook.
"General Aspects of Dream Psychology" (1916). In CW 8: The
Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche. P. 483
Jung, Personality and Dreamwork:
The Persona, the Ego and the Four Functions
By Richard Wilkerson
Persona. ("actor's mask" in Latin). From James Hall: "One's
social role, derived from the expectations of society and
early training. A strong ego relates to the outside world
through a flexible persona; identification with a specific
personal (doctor, scholar, artist, etc) inhibits
psychological development." (Hall p. 121)
Jung felt that our ego identity, who we feel and thing we
are, rises as children from a vast unconscious sea, first in
little islands and soon with a feeling of individuality. As
the Jungians say, we rise from the Great Mother. Now this
little new identity thinks and feels that it is separate and
unique from the mother, but is in fact, quite dependent upon
others for its survival. The haughtiness carries on, even
through adolescence when individuality asserts itself more
forcefully, but again, is usually still very dependent.
One way of looking at who we are is to look at the role we
take in the world, our persona. At first it might be good
child, bad child, son who is clean, daughter who helps
mother, brother, sister, friend and so on. We come to know
ourselves and others through these roles. But we also know
there is more than just these roles and understand there is
a difference between our persona roles and our self. When
someone forgets this difference , we feel treated by them as
less than human, like we are part of a inhuman act or play.
Anyway, this little ego not only has roles, but begins to
develop and favor certain patterns of attitude, style and
behavior, while neglecting others. Jung liked to look at
this development in two basic attitudes, introversion and
extroversion. The extrovert, like the rabbit in nature,
survives through mating and multiplication and manipulation.
The attention of the extrovert is on how they are affecting
the world. The introvert survives in nature like the
tortoise, though turning inward, changing itself rather than
the environment. The attention of the introvert is on how
the world is affecting them.
Jung also like to see the ego as favoring certain ways of
functioning and used a binary opposite four system topology,
Intuition vs. Sensation, and Thinking vs. Feeling. He
originally felt that if one favored one style of perception
and judgment, the opposite would be undeveloped, and hence
some people get by in life by being thoughtful and others by
using emotional means, others by just staying busy. These
functions are now very popular in mainstream culture and
lots of books have been written recently on using the system
which becomes quite complex when you consider that each
function has two attitudes. Thus one may favor Introverted
Intuitive styles while another may favor Extroverted
Thinking styles making for eight different basic types. If
you are interested in what type you are, you can take a
quick test by searching online for the most popular of the
Jungian types personality indicators, the Meyers-Briggs.
There is also the Singer-Loomis personality test which is a
more fair test of all the functions, but less well known.
Note that the tests online or scoring tests yourself may be
inaccurate. Analysts and specialists spend some time
learning to interpret these tests.
For our purposes here of looking quickly into how dreams and
personality connect in Jungian theory, I just want to
generally lay out the role of personality in the process of
individuation as the Jungians see, and how its important in
finding the doorway inward through the least used parts of
our personality. The least used function is called the
"inferior function" and is usually not under the conscious
control of the individual. Thus a thinking person may very
easily have hurt feelings, but feeling will always seem like
its something to a thinking person that *happens* to them. A
feeling type *uses* feelings achieve what they desire. If
you are an intuitive in an airport and someone comes up and
speaks to you in an foreign language, you will probably try
to understand what the person is saying. Any sensate type
would immediately get someone to translate, not spending a
second trying to make meaning out of something they don't
understand. Difference in styles.
For our purpose here in dream work land, we are going to
turn this whole game around an use it to look at the persona
(masks) personalities in our dreams rather than seeking to
find our waking personality types. We are going to assume
that there is almost *always* a persona level to a dream and
we can approach this level by choice and read the dream for
insight into our own masks.
EXERCISE: Persona. Read a dream *for* persona issues. When a
dream is about clothes and problems with appearance, its
easy to see the persona issues, but I want to suggest that
*all* dreams have a persona level and can be read as such.
Pretend the dream is a play. Note the way the curtain opens,
(how the dream starts) what kind of drama is unfolded
(Comedy, Tragedy, Mystery, Horror, Sit-Com) and the way
characters enter and exit the dream stage. Note what
everyone is wearing and what this indicates about them. Are
they wearing leisure clothes, business clothes, sports
clothes? Or is your awareness of what's being worn missing
altogether? How "into" the roles are the dream characters?
In other words, is the policeman in the dream somewhat aware
that he *has* a policeman's job or is he completely absorbed
in this job & role and there is no chance of relating to him
as a person? What are the dream characters up to on a
surface level? Are people going to work, are they just
hanging out, are they looking for fun, are they unaware of
what they are after? Are the people in the dream everyday
friends and family, unknown people or famous personages?
What are your dream character=s personality strengths and
weaknesses? Who favors their rational intellect, which
characters favor feeling? Which characters just do things
without thinking, which characters seem to have an
instantaneous intuitive grasp of the moment?
These persona and masks and roles are a wonderful and
complex network and gauge of our relationship to the world,
to the family and even to ourselves. They form the bright
side we offer to others that they can count on. The are the
vehicles that allow us to travel and move around without
constantly crashing into others. True, if we confuse our
roles with who we really are there can some real stagnation
and problems. (note the Eichmann trial where in Nazi Germany
he was "just doing his job"). But its also a disaster is our
persona is not developed. Its very difficult to move around
in our world when other's can't readily recognize the roles
you offer. If you have ever been a job interview in an area
where you have little development, this lack of persona
development can quickly and anxiously be felt.
Because the persona takes time to develop, one must make
choices. When we are young we choose to develop the good
girl instead of the bad girl. Perhaps we get rewarded for a
talent we have in fixing things and begin to develop this
ability. We might find we can cope better in our home by
shutting the emotions of the parents away and being creative
in our own world. Each of these choices leaves behind them a
What type are you?
Psychological Types, CW 6, esp chap. 11, "Definitions,"
under "Ego," p 425. Aion, CW 9, II, esp. chap 1"The Ego"
pp. 3-7
"On the Nture of the Psyche," CW 8, pp. 159?234.
"Child Development and Education," CW 17, pp. 49?62.
_Ego & Archetype_ by Edward Edinger. 1972, Baltimore:Penguin
Neumann, Erich (1954) The _Origins and History of
onsciousness_. Princeton :Princeton University Press.
Psychological Types, CW 6, chap 6, Chap 10, "General
Description of the Types" pp. 330?407.
Keirsey, David & Bates, Marilyn (1984), Please Understand
Me_ Character Tempermaent and Types. Del Mar, CA:
Gnosology Books, ltd.
Sharp, Daryl, (1987). personality Types: Jung's model of
Typology. Toronto: Innter City Books, 1987. Shadow:
Psychological Types, CW 6, esp, chapter 11, "Definitions,"
under "Soul (psyche, personality, persona, anima)" pp. 463-
"To interpret the dream-process as compensatory is in my
view entirely consistent with the nature of the biological
process in general. Freud's view tends in the same
direction, since he too ascribes a compensatory role to
dreams in so far as they preserve sleep. . . . As against
this, we should not overlook the fact that the very dreams
which disturb sleep most-and these are not uncommon-have a
dramatic structure which aims logically at creating a highly
affective situation, and builds it up so efficiently that it
unquestionably wakes the dreamer. Freud explains these
dreams by saying that the censor was no longer able to
suppress the painful affect. It seems to me that this
explanation fails to do justice to the facts. Dreams which
concern themselves in a very disagreeable manner with the
painful experiences and activities of daily life and expose
just the most disturbing thoughts with the most painful
distinctness are known to everyone. It would, in my opinion,
be unjustified to speak here of the dream's sleep-
preserving, affect-disguising function. One would have to
stand reality on its head to see in these dreams a
confirmation of Freud's view. "
"General Aspects of Dream Psychology" (1916). In CW 8: The
Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche. P. 485
Jung, the Shadow and Dreamwork
By Richard Wilkerson
Jung CW 16 para 470
For Freud, the unconscious was about content that was
socially unacceptable. Jung agreed with Freud and called
this the personal unconscious, or the personal Shadow.
However, there are some differences. Jungians will often
refer to any material that is unconscious as "In Shadow" and
there are depths to the Shadow that become collective rather
than personal, such the Devil Archetype, or the dynamics
that Shadowed Nazi Germany. That is, at some point, our
personal Shadow becomes so large it is more accurate to
call it a Collective Shadow. Positive characteristics may be
in Shadow as well. But the most common way to refer to
Shadow material is anything we once were but then pushed
away. Jung felt the Shadow would often appear in dreams as
an unknown but same sex person. But not *all* unknown same
sex persons in dreams are Shadows. All that is unacceptable
is, as they say, "in Shadow" to the degree that is us, or
was us, and we deny it.
We would usually consider a Shadow figure as morally
inferior. They slink around our dreamworld and we would
rather die than have someone say we are like them. But
denying the Shadow robs us of strength and that's why it's
so useful to take a look at the Shadow when one is frozen or
loses the ability to move or walk or is paralyzed in some
other manner. Also, as mentioned, when its time for a person
to begin to deal with the Shadow, it may begin to stalk the
dreamer, which is that part of the psyche's way of saying,
"Hey, you've neglected me too long and we need to talk."
Exercise: Make a list of the people you know that when they
are in the room, they really get under your skin, they
really bug you, and you can't say why. (Except, of course,
that you consider them morally wretched creatures). And
include in the list a few statements "I really hate it when
they [fill in blank]." Like, "I really hate those people who
suck up to the boss" or "It really bugs me every time that
guy gets angry everyone whimps away and lets him have his
way." OK this is the gist of an aspect of *your* Shadow. For
the most part, we would rather die than admit to being or
having that Shadow. But if you ask around, others may
clearly see this in you, though in perhaps another form or
If you can locate these figures in your dreams, all the
better. The point, according to Jung, is not to become or
accept these figures nor to reject them, but to find your
own unique and creative way to be with them or relate to
them. Jung felt the dream not only *revealed* the Shadow
problem, but always offered a *solution* that the ego might
creatively consider, thereby carrying the dream forward. The
general idea being that this is an undeveloped aspect of
your personality and by coming into playful and even serious
relationship with it, something special and unexpected
Here is an exercise I use in my class to teach students how
to begin working with their own Shadow.
Lets do a variation that Ann Wiseman uses with children.
Draw a picture of a part of your dream where there is
someone or something bugging, stalking, chasing or
threatening you. Now draw something that would make it safe
for you. Kids today too often draw guns killing the problem,
but showing them how to use a prison or magic circle is
useful. Now you can "talk" with the thing that has been
neutralized. Have a pretend conversation with it like you
were one of Ann Wiseman's school children. "Bad monster, I
want you to leave me alone!" Then allow the dream image to
speak back. What might does it tell you? With the kids, the
monsters often said they just wanted to play. One wonders
with Jung's idea that the Shadow need attention and asks for
it how these wonderful little minds came up with the same
solution as Jung.
Of course, adult responses may be more complex than a
child. Israel is said to have wrestled all night with the
angel and the thing broke his leg in the struggle. But the
point here is to move forward with the dream image, to
attend to it, to respond, to listen.... to begin to play.
And it is surprising how things really begin to change for a
person once they learn in the *dream* to begin confronting
the evil threats and pursuers. One note of guidance. Jung
was once doing some active imagination with a woman on a
dream and she was being confronted by a lion. Jung asked her
continue the dream in her imagination, go back to the image
and play. She did so and said the lion turned into a flower.
Jung asked her to immediately bring the lion back.... The
point of image confrontation is not to gloss over the threat
but come into a better relationship with it. True, we may
have to cast spells and turn enemies into flowers
momentarily to protect ourselves from the threat, but this
is not the same as staying with the image and the tension
until something new and creative happens.
Exercise: Stick with the Image: Pick a really annoying or
uncomfortable dream image after awakening and choose to keep
it with you during the day. Try to stay as close as possible
to the feeling tone, the icky , uncomfortable part of the
dream. What parts of your body does the image linger most
strongly? You don't want to analyze it too much, just attend
to it as if it were a sick child you are attending. Imagine
that you are going to carry this image around with you in
your pocket during the day. Try to bring the image out
whenever possible: coffee breaks, walking to the car, on the
bus, in the bathroom, while cooking dinner. Watch your own
reactions and feelings and thoughts to the image, but again,
don't over analyze it, just stay with it, and notice what
comes up for you. At the end of the day make some notes
about your feelings about the image, how your day was or
wasn't different, if anything new came up for you. end
For most people, the changes are very slow and subtle in
this exercise. But many feel a movement from an all-out
desire to just get rid of the feelings (or complaints about
how boring the exercise is ? an interesting 20th century
emotional fear defense) to an unexplainable empathy and
affection for the image, even though it basically remains an
icky image.
Shadow work is the work of a lifetime. We don't get rid of
our Shadow by doing Shadow work (though it will shift and
change). Develop one side and another will slip into being
unused and underdeveloped. To accept and value one thing
means another will seem unappealing. What can we do? If Jung
is correct about our dreams balancing our ego, and our path
is one of wholeness and individuation, we watch our dreams,
that's what we do. The dream itself forms a Shadow for our
society. Notice how in popular culture the dream and the
Shadow are both considered something morally inferior (rare
is it that the ethics of a dream are taken by people as
superior to dayworld judgements). Both are something we want
to be rid of (as a culture, our parents tell us it was "just
a dream" and we should focus on the daytime tasks at hand).
Both are intrusive ? they happen *to* us. It's only recently
that lucid dreaming has come into the public consciousness.
For the most part, we are the passive recipients of dreams
(and inferior parts of our self ? we don't *choose* to have
people get under our skin!).
Besides the personal Shadow, there is the collective
Shadow, who shows up in stories as Evil Itself, the Devil,
and the Enemy. Although mythic heroes engage and take on
these monsters and exemplify various historical paths we can
take as individuals, we cannot take on the Collective Shadow
by our own. We do our part by dealing with our personal
Shadows, but its an egotistic and inflated person that
thinks they can take on a Collective Shadow. It would be
like an individual trying to solve the problem on his/her
own of atomic weapons. And we see what happens to these
individuals in mythic characters like Captain Nemo in
_Twenty thousand Leagues under the Sea_ or Ahab in _Moby
Dick_. Because the approach to the personal Shadow can led
us into "deeper waters", its often advised to have a
personal therapist or be part of a larger community when
doing this kind of work. Its still in question whether or
not non-professional or peer groups can provide the kind of
container to do deep shadow work. The Electric Dreams
community has been exploring this since 1994 and the general
feeling is that it can provide a container for the insight
aspects of Shadow work, though it often lags on the
emotional side. John Herbert's work on group dreamwork and
computer mediated communications has provided some
encouraging statistics and guidelines. Whether this work is
really Jungian is a question beyond the scope of this essay.
I am bringing it up just to say that at some point we *do*
need to move our personal Shadowork to group Shadowork, and
all forms of communication can be instrumental in this
project. Note for example the work done by the Electric
Dreams community during the Kosovo Crisis when we had
Serbian members in the online dreamgroup. Some people left
the group in protest, while others stayed and continued
doing dreamwork with the "enemy" to the benefit of both
I would like to advise that anyone taking the path of self
development and self discovery might examine the support
system that is available to you. Grass root dream support
groups and other support groups are now available all over
the Americas and Europe. Ask the leaders about the ethics of
the group. For a guide, I recommend using the Association
for the Study of Dreams ethics guide for dreamwork:
While we might work with our personal and collective Shadows
all our lives, we aren't *always* encountering the Shadow in
dreams. Once we have a productive relationship with the
Shadow and the unacceptable, a new guide emerges, that which
we most desire. This area is even more dangerous than what
we despise, yet can lead us to live a life of completeness
and wholeness. However, this journey begins by not turning
away from the unacceptable, by not tossing our dreams aside
in the morning, by not averting our gaze from what our
dreams present to us, from
learning to look at what we can absolutely not look at.
Bibliography & Special Bibliographies
(CW) = Jung, C. G. (1953) The Collected Works. Translated by
R. C. F. Hull. Bollingen Series XX, vol.s 1?20, Princeton:
Princeton University Press.
(MDR) = Jung, C. G. (1965). _Memories, Dreams and
Reflections NewYork, NY: Vintage Books.
Campbell, Joseph (1959). _The Masks of God_. Vol 1?4, New
York: Viking Press
Eliade, Mircea_A History of Religious Ideas_ Vol1?3,
Chicago, IL: Universtiy of Chicago Press.
Guggenbuhl-Craig, Adolf. _(1978) Power in the helping
Professions._ Zurich: Spring Publications.
Hall, James, A. (1983). Jungian Dream Interpretation: A
handbook of Theory and Practice. Inner city Books: Toronto,
Jung , C. G. _ Aion_, CW 9, II, chap. 2 pp. 8?10.
________ . "Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious," CW 9,
I pp. 3-41.
________. "The Problems of Modern psychotherapy," CW 16, pp.
Von Franz, marie-Louise. (1971). "The Inferior Function".
In von Franz, marie-Louise, and Hillman, James, Jung's
topology. New York: Spring Publication.
von Franz, M?L. (1964) "The Realization of the Shadow" in C.
G. Jung's _man and His Symbols_ . p 166-176. New York, NY:
Whitmont, Edward, C. (1969). "The Shadow: Chapter 9 in _The
Symbolic Quest_. Princeton, NJ :Princeton University Press.
Psychological Types, CW 6, esp, chapter 11, "Definitions,"
under "Soul (psyche, personality, persona, anima)" pp.
Jung , C. G. _ Aion_, CW 9, II, chap. 2 pp. 8?10.
________ . "Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious," CW 9,
I pp. 3-41.
--------. "The Problems of Modern psychotherapy," CW 16, pp.
Guggenbuhl-Craig, Adolf. _(1978) Power in the helping
Professions._ Zurich: Spring Publications.
Von Franz, marie-Louise. (1971). "The Inferior Function".
In von Franz, marie-Louise, and Hillman, James, Jung's
topology. New York: Spring Publication.
von Franz, M-L. (1964) "The Realization of the Shadow" in C.
G. Jung's _man and His Symbols_ . p 166-176. New York, NY:
Whitmont, Edward, C. (1969). "The Shadow: Chapter 9 in _The
Symbolic Quest_. Princeton, NJ :Princeton University Press.
For the Latest Links collected on this subject in relation
to dreaming, go to the DreamGate Links page
"The view that dreams are merely the imaginary fulfillments
of repressed wishes is hopelessly out of date. There are, it
is true, dreams which
manifestly represent wishes or fears,
but what about all the other things? Dreams may contain
ineluctable truths, philosophical pronouncements, illusions,
wild fantasies, memories, plans, anticipations, irrational
experiences, even telepathic visions, and heaven knows what
"The Practical Use of Dream Analysis" (1934). In CW 16: The
Practice of Psychotherapy. P.317
Jung, the Desired and Dreamwork :
Working with the Anima/Animus
By Richard Wilkerson
"If the encounter with the shadow is the 'apprentice-piece'
in the individual's development, then that with the anima is
the 'master-piece.'" Jung CW 9 I, Para 61.
Originally the idea was that a man has an unconscious &
undeveloped feminine side and a woman has an unconscious and
undeveloped masculine side. Late 20th Century capitalist
society has shown that men may also show undeveloped
masculine as well as feminine traits, as can a woman show
underdeveloped feminine traits. And that the issue of
masculine and feminine is not the gender issue it once was.
Men may exhibit high degrees of emotional development and
women high degrees of intellectual achievement. The whole
notion of what is masculine and what is feminine has come
under deep scrutiny and is generally problematic. However,
if we look at the masculine and feminine as traits separate
from gender, we may still gleem some gems from a kind of
dreamwork that goes beyond the adaptation of the ego to the
outer world and the shadow this creates.
Classical Analysis:
Anima. The inner feminine side of a man.
Animus. The inner masculine side of a woman.
In classical Jungian analysis, the individual would begin
to develop these unconscious areas once the analysand had
caught on to the idea of the Shadow. But the Anima/Animus
pair go beyond mere underdeveloped functions.
With the Shadow, we said that it was part of us that got
repressed or pushed away. With the Anima/Animus we say that
it was *never* part of us, but infinitely attracts us. When
a man says about a woman "It's Her" or a woman says, "That's
Him" we are getting close to what Jung meant by the strength
of the pull of these Archetypes. When we are in love, its
seems the most intimate and personal event we have ever
experienced, but when our friends and family are possessed
by fascinations and loves, we are aware that they are not
completely themselves and are acting out patterns that seem
to occur over and over in life, myth and fairy tales.
In dreams the Anima/Animus are said to show up as opposite
sex characters. But they really are more like myths than
real people. (And myths in both senses of the word) For a
man, the anima can be said to be the collection of all the
experiences man has ever had with women. And for the woman,
the animus is said to be the collection of all the
experiences women have had with men. But Jung was quite
aware that we all have both. So lets just look at this
level of psyche as what we see as "Totally Other", in that
it can be felt out a bit, but never fully understood.
Exercise: a. Write down the sentence: "All men are [blank]"
and fill in the first ten things that come to mind. b. Write
down the sentence "All women are [blank]" and fill in the
blank with the first ten things that come to mind. Can you
recall dreams where you were attracted to someone with these
From Whitmont:
"Anima and animus tend to operate like partial or separate
personalities made up of different composite patterns. In
man, the (anima) behaves like a different individual "other"
personality with whom he is "stuck" or to whom he is
"married". For the sake of individuation it is necessary for
him to find out what this other personality is like, how it
feels, thinks and tends to act. In a given situation one has
to consider not only one's own reaction but also how the
anima reacts, what she desires, likes or dislikes. Like a
problematic partner, the anima has to be treated with
attention and consideration but also with discipline and
experimental interplay and challenge. " ( p185)
We can only relate to this other by giving them some means
of expression and showing a willingness to learn from them
as well.
In dreams, they classically appear as unknown figures of
the opposite sex. But are all opposite sex characters
Anima/Animus characters? There are some good reasons for
saying "No", especially when the opposite sex characters are
mother or father like. The Pair not only present themselves
to us as guides to parts our ourselves that need
development, but also as fascinations with things and people
that lead us into destruction. Thus its better to say that
the Pair are mediators of the unknown, with one foot in our
world and one foot in the beyond.
I'm going to suggest 3 dual levels of depth that
Anima/Animus characters present to us in our dreams,
Projection/Desire , Identity/Acting out and
The first level is an accumulation of our opinions, personal
and cultural of the opposite sex , but also an accumulation
of what we *don't* know, but need to move towards wholeness.
In our dreams they may appear as our lovers or unknown
others we are attracted too. What we desire is carried by
them, and so they not only appear as the girl and boy next
door, but as the "Him who It" or "She" for whom we would
sacrifice ourselves. In psychological parlance, its said
that our desire is "projected" into another person. To the
degree that we *have* to have the love object. This call of
the other can be very strong. It's said to call the child
away from the parents to be an adult. It calls us away from
our secure routines to something new and untried. It calls
us from partial participation in life to risking our whole
selves in the world.
There seem to be three main tasks associated with this,
(1) the development of parts of our self we hardly
understand, (2) finding in ourselves what we seek in others,
and (3) learning to recognize when the desires and
attractions are larger and more powerful than we are.
Exercise: Recall a dream with some interaction with a person
you are strongly attracted. a. Describe what they might be
like. What type of person are they? Are they a feeling
person, a thinking type, a person of action, a spiritual
person? b. How can you bring to yourself a little of what
they offer? If what they offer is something destructive, ask
yourself what alternatives you might try that aren't as
destructive but still address the desire. c. Where does the
person or relationship with that dream person seem to be
leading you? Is the offer one that seems attractive but will
harm you in the long run, or is it leading you into some new
territory or avenues in life?
Finally on projection/desire, this whole thing may reverse
and like in any love relationship also be seen in intense
Identity/Acting out
This is the level of Anima/Animus relationship were we
become possessed and act in compulsive ways. Instead of real
feelings , we offer sentimental quips and fall into brooding
withdrawals or fits of passion. Instead of real
consideration we offer opinions and prejudices, become
dogmatic, argumentative and over generalize. Perhaps it is
the unconscious awareness that the Anima/Animus carry what
we most desire that we often try to just grab it and imitate
it. Sometimes it is easier to pretend to be it instead of
really coming to terms with it.
EXERCISE: a. Anima: Where in the dream do you find
exaggerations, distortions and falsifications. When are the
romantic scenes just too romantic, too many candles, too
loud of music? b.Animus: Where in a dream do you find
priests and politician types that are spewing out opinions
that are old, borrowed and over generalized?
At the deepest levels of Anima/Animus we must let go the
idea that they are something or someone we can control. We
can develop our own relationships, but there is always a
part of ourselves that will forever elude us and be outside
our will. The Anima/Animus has the ability to completely
enchant us and make us believe we are far more wonderful and
great than we are. Actual and potential become confused in a
person whose ego is inflated and puffed up by the
Anima/Animus. In Greek mythology there are like the sirens.
They sing so beautifully that a man hearing the song will
abandon all reason and leap into the sea or crash his boat
against the rock to be near them. How often does this happen
in real life?
And conversely, we may believe that we are much more awful
and bad than we really are. A powerful inner negative
Anima/Animus may continually whisper exaggerated and false
truths to us.
The answer of how to deal with such powerful attractions
is eternal. Note the anima?like figure that Oedipus
encountered, and even after getting by this tricky anima
figure, he ended in ruin. An example of our cultural failure
to come to terms with anima is in the substance abuse
(including TV, movies, food and other bridges of desire)
that is rampant. And the failure on a culture level of
animus may be seen in the large groups that hold unexamined
opinions and force them on others. The Jungian view on all
this would be that we address these issues first by removing
the board in our own eyes. To the degree that we can
accomplish this, the Anima/Animus become our guides to the
unknown, the mediators of the deep unconscious. Since they
lurk around our undeveloped parts, they are our guides to
what we don't know about ourselves and lead us along the
path of wholeness. Since they are connected to deeper layers
of the unconscious, they can also be the mediators of our
journey towards the Self.
A few comments on Anima/Animus in dreams. While we are
looking from a distance at this deep part of the psyche, a
close encounter is something quite different. Some
encounters with the Anima/Animus leave us changed for life,
just as do our love and hate relationships. In a way its
quite silly to give an exercise, as this implies that the
entity is something *we* control and evoke at will. But I
feel justified in that we already recognize this double
feature in dreams, that the dream figures are somehow ours
and yet are autonomous and have their own wills too. By
coming to experiment and play and interact with these dream
figures, we can perhaps steer our course better through
stormy waters.
Jung: _Aion_, CW 9, II esp. chap 3, "The Syzygy: Anima and
Animus," pp. 11?22.
________. psychological Types, SW 6, esp, chapter 11
"Definitions," under "Soul [psyche, personality, personal,
anima]," pp. 463?470, and under "Soul?Image," pp. 470?472.
________ "The Relation between the Ego and the Unconscious"
CW 7,
esp part 2, chapter 2, "Anima and Animus," pp. 188?211.
Jung, Emma (1957) _Animus and Anima_. New York: Spring
Hillman, James (1985) _Anima: The Anatomy of a Personified
Notion_ Dallas: Spring Publications.
Sanford, John A. (1980). _The Invisable Partners_. New York:
Paulist Press.
Whitmont, Edward C. (1969)._The Symbolic Quest_. see both
chapters on "Male and Female" pp. 170?184 and chapter 12
Anima" pp 185?200 and chapter 13 "The Animus" pp 201?215.
SELF: =======================================
Jung: _Psychological Types_ CW 6, esp, chapter 11,
"Definitions," under "Self," pp. 460?461.
________. _Aion_ CW 9, esp, chapter. 4 "The Self," pp. 223-
and chapter 5 "Christ, a Symbol of the Self." pp. 36?71.
________. (1957) _The Undiscovered Self_, New York: Mentor
Books. (also as cw 10, p. 247?305)
Edinger, Edwin (1972) Ego And Archetype. Baltimore: Penguin
Whitmont, Edward C. (1969)._The Symbolic Quest_. see both
chapters on "The Self" pp. 216-230 and chapter 16 "The Ego-
Estrangement" pp. 250-264.
"One would do well to treat every dream as though it were a
totally unknown object. Look at it from all sides, take it
in your hand, carry it about with you, let your imagination
play round it, and talk about it with other people.
Primitives tell each other impressive dreams, in a public
palaver if possible, and this custom is also attested in
late antiquity, for all the ancient peoples attributed great
significance to dreams ' Treated in this way, the dream
suggests all manner of ideas and associations which lead us
closer to its meaning. The ascertainment of the meaning is,
I need hardly point out, an entirely arbitrary affair, and
this is where the hazards begin. Narrower or wider limits
will be set to the meaning, according to one's experience,
temperament, and taste. Some people will be satisfied with
little, for others much is still not enough. Also the
meaning of the dream, or our interpretation of it, is
largely dependent on the intentions of the interpreter, on
what he expects the meaning to be or requires it to do. In
eliciting the meaning he will involuntarily be guided by
certain presuppositions, and it depends very much on the
scrupulousness and honesty of the investigator whether he
gains something by his interpretation or perhaps only
becomes still more deeply entangled in his mistakes."
"The Meaning of Psychology for Modern Man" (1933). In CW 10:
Civilization in Transition. P.320
Jung, the Self, and Dreamwork
Richard Wilkerson
"Those who are willing, the Fates will lead, the rest shall
be dragged"
The guiding assumption in most all of Jung's ideas is that
there is a something behind all psychological events that
guides and directs us in the path of wholeness. We develop
the persona, we fight with the shadow, we get into fits
around the Anima/Animus, but really behind all this is a
much larger complete sense of human wholeness. This entity
is called the "Self" , spelled with a capital "S". This
entity is both always transcendent and yet still subjective.
It is the center of * both* the conscious and the
unconscious. The Self brings together and integrates the
many layers of psyche, and yet is considered to be beyond
the psyche.
The Jungian Self is a large and profound topic
encompassing all layers of psyche and human development, and
at the same time a small and initiate relationship in which
the person finds his or her own uniqueness. Here I want to
look at two aspects of the Self that are most often
mentioned by Jung; 1. The Guiding Center and 2. The
Transcendent Function.
1. The Guiding Center
"Imagine a circle whose center is everywhere and whose
periphery is nowhere"
"The (S)elf is not only the centre, but also the whole
circumference which embraces both conscious and unconscious;
it is the centre of this totality, just as the ego is the
centre of the conscious mind" Jung CW 12 para 444
"Inasmuch as the ego is only the centrum of my field of
consciousness, it is not identical with the totality of my
psyche, being merely a complex among other complexes. Hence
I discriminate between the ego and the Self, since the ego
is only the subject of my consciousness, while the Self is
the subject of my totality; hence it also includes the
unconscious psyche. In this sense the Self would be an
(ideal) factor which embraces and includes the ego. In
unconscious fantasy the Self often appears as a
superordinated or ideal personality." Jung _Psychological
Types_, pg 540
The Self may manifest in a single dream as a divine
child, a mandala, an image of Fourness, or in mystic and
ecstatic identification. But for most of us the Self is seen
as an ideal personality, a Wise Man or Woman or is seen over
a series of dreams and over a lifetime of attention. At a
distance these manifestations may be seen as moving us
around an unseen center, but a close encounter will seem
more like divine intervention. Robert Johnson mentions in
the book _He_, that most men experience the Self in mystic
identification once or more in childhood. Many women I've
talked to say they have experienced the same event. It's
that perfect moment that just occurs to us where all of a
sudden everything is as it should be. Though everything is
not perfect, it is, as Alan Watts says, "perfectly
imperfect". But that moment of perfection leaves and the
longing, the wound, that lasts a lifetime. And this is often
how experiences of the Self leave the unprepared ego;
wounded, depressed, longing again for a moment of wholeness.
Handled properly, this wound may guide the individual to a
wider and larger life, handled improperly the wound can lead
to the person seeking to bridge the wound or gap with
substance abuse or neurotic and destructive behavior. Thus
early Self manifestations are both a blessing and a curse.
Close encounters with the Self are rarely appreciated in
the moment. While we like to talk about coming into
relationship with the Higher Self, an actual close encounter
leaves a person dramatically changed and his/her life
altered forever. We might say later or from a distance that
the change was for the better, but at the time it feels like
a complete defeat for the individual. The exception to this
are planned ceremonies like primitive initiation rights, or
events where one's life is so wretched that death seems
attractive. My feeling is that the transformative power in
Near Death experiences is that it activates the centering
power of the Self and thus leaves the person fundamentally
altered. Thus there is a kind of Dark Side to the Self .
While the Self restructures, it also de-structures.
EXERCISE: A. The Light Side of the Self: Recall a dream
where there was a mystical experience or one where
everything seemed quite perfect. What happened in the dream?
What might you do in your dayworld to bring about a
connection with the feelings of centeredness and oneness
with the universe? If possible, bring a piece of the dream
into your life. If the dream was something abstract like
"The afternoon sky was dark and full of beautiful stars"
maybe you can draw this and carry the picture with you for a
day. If the dream was a visit from a Wise person, who do you
know that you might visit and talk to who is like this? B.
The Dark Side of the Self: Recall a dream or nightmare where
you were offered two horrible choices and not choosing was
just as ugly. If you can't do this, perhaps you can recall a
movie where this happened. I often think of the moment in
_Sophie's Choice_ where the Nazi officer made her choose to
give up her son or daughter, threatening to take both if she
didn't choose. Now shift your attention to the feeling of
the internal struggle, tying not to choose one option or the
other but knowing you must choose something. This may
somewhat capture the image of the dark ambiguities of the
Self and what it promises to eventually bring together and
solve in a way that we as individuals cannot. Our role, it
seems, is to stay conscious and participatory as possible
through the process.
How then, do we participate in this Self project and our
own individuation? As mentioned, for Jung, it is always
trying to happen on its own. By consciously trying to pick
up the clues and move with these clues, we help ourselves to
walk down the path. Otherwise the Self is going to *drag*
us. Its often said that the Self *compensates* the ego. When
the ego goes too far in one direction the Self begins to
pull it back across the center in the opposite direction.
But be careful here not to be logical and literal about
Center. If I'm very active in life, my compensation may not
turn out to be the literal opposite inactivity - , but
perhaps valuing my feelings more. Each individual has his
and her own relationship to the Self and it is unique,
undeterminable by anyone else.
EXERCISE: What happens to the dream when we read it for
compensatory moves?
a. Look at the dream as if it were suggesting a route of
action in life that is just the opposite of what you would
normally do. Or ask yourself about a dream, "If this dream
is suggesting a particular direction in life, how is that
different than what I now am following?"
Note: Determining how the Self is speaking in dream and
acting on this is *not* just literally following what the
dream might be suggesting. This requires the careful
consideration of *several * parts of oneself, a mix of
common sense, a high degree of self-reflection and
recognition of the risks involved. The Self can sometimes
appear as quite childish and as of us things we cannot
possibly do. When this happens, it's often best to put out
clearly to oneself why this course of action would not be
prudent and ask for other options, perhaps via new dreams.
b. Look at a dream and try to determine the center. Not the
literal center, but were the center of meaning is held.
Sometimes this is the literal center, like a building around
which activity takes place or a sacred fountain in the
center of a courtyard. But for the most dreams, the center
is the indescribable thread that keeps us saying its one
dream and not several. What holds the dream together? What
produces the structure in the dream, the plot, the feelings
of the dream ego, an odd building or city? Then look at how
the action and plots build around this center. What is
everyone's relationship to the center? Do people seem to
harp on the center, or continually wander off? Is the center
a peaceful outing to the beach or is the center a storm or
boat in trouble? In what directions is the dream ego (you)
pulled by the action and events?
Note: What we are looking at here might better be described
as a "complex" than a manifestation of the Self. A Complex
is a group of images and ideas clustered around a center
with a similar feeling tone. But at the center of every
complex is an organizing principle that may be explored in
terms of Self organization. In other worlds, the dream may
be coming from my mother complex and be all about nurturance
issues, being loved and abandoned and taboo eroticism. But
the Self will be behind the core guiding the mother complex
itself. Thus in experimenting with how various complexes in
dream organize the dream, we can begin to get a sense of
more subtle Self organizational moves.
2. The Transcendent Function
While direct encounters with the Self can't be planned, we
participate in this process by becoming aware of our parts;
persona, ego, shadow, animus/anima. Each of these creates a
polar tension. For example, I can neither become my Shadow,
nor deny it. Both paths would give me some immediate
satisfaction, but cause either staleness or destruction over
time. I can't solve the problem that I want to live forever
and yet can't live forever. Instead, we can come to know the
tension created by these unreconcilable opposites and learn
how to bear the tension. Eventually a third and unexpected
solution will arise from the unconscious. Jung called this
the Transcendent Function of the Self. It is the ability of
the Self to unite opposites in a new form, and to unite them
in ways that we as individuals cannot consciously do
ourselves. While the Self can be said to be doing this all
the time without our help, by consciously holding the
tension we get to participate in the process and become co-
creators in the process. We'll look at this again when we
talk later about symbols and archetypes.
Exercise: (1) Locate in one or more dreams an irresolvable
dilemma, and the feeling tone associated with it. This might
be being lost, bored, frightened, exhausted, or something
more subtle.
Example: "I'm dreaming that I want to go home and am lost in
a maze of twisty streets, all alike." There is a feeling
tone of frustration.
(2) Now imagine that you have a fine bowl or cup in your
hands that was especially made to carry the tension created
by the dream. You have to bear the weight of the bowl, but
you know that if you hold it long enough, some good will
come out of it, as its a magic bowl. It may help if you
actually hold your hands out or even use a bowl.
(3) Imagine that this tension in the cup is created by
opposing elements that can't be brought together. Find the
imaginary balance point and try to hold this feeling tone in
the bowl. Example: I want to be home, but I'm not home.
(4) Say or think what one side of the tension is like, then
the other. Don't worry about what its about, just describe
the contradiction.
Example: Its like the side that wants to be home is pulling
me, the side that isn't home is afraid.
(5) Now look in the bowl and imagine something arising from
the dark interior. Anything, the first thing that comes to
mind. What is it? Does it in some unexplainable way
represent the issue at hand or not? If not, just keep in the
back of your mind for awhile and see it anything changes. I
suggest taking the first image that arises and sticking with
if for a few days, not going into how it might represent the
solution, but rather just remembering that it carries this
The point here is not to imagine that we are conjuring the
Self, but rather just seeing what the process or the
reconciliation of the opposites might look like on a small
scale. The process is not entirely rational, but seems to be
quickened by conscious participation.
At one level the Self as the Transcendent Function brings
together smaller opposites, but at the deepest levels, the
Self brings together our experience of the Good and Evil.
The Self is often confused with God, an the difference may
seem subtle, but its important. The notion of Self deals
with our experience of a larger transcendent being and
reality. Notice the word "experience". The Self is more our
collective and personal *experience* of the transcendent,
not the transcendent Him/Her/Itself. Yet the Self does go
beyond our usual use the word "experience" also and includes
the mystic personification of the One and represents the
totality of psychological being, the guiding sum of ego,
self, Shadow, Anima/Animus and more. From a developmental
analogy, the acorn all the way to the tall oak (and the oak
forest) is a metaphor of the Self. We come into relationship
with the Self via participation and awareness of and co-
participation in this hidden plan, the larger creative
force, this coming together towards wholeness and
How does the dream fit into all of this? Here's a quote from
"The dream is a little hidden door in the innermost and most
secret recesses of the psyche, opening into that cosmic
night which was psyche long before there was any ego-
consciousness, and which will remain psyche no matter how
far our ego-consciousness may extend ... All consciousness
separates; but in dreams we put on the likeness of that more
universal, truer, more eternal man dwelling in the darkness
of primordial night. There he is still the whole, and the
whole is in him, indistinguishable from nature and bare of
all egohood. Out of these all-uniting depths arises the
dream, be it ever so childish, grotesque, and immoral."
Jung CW 10 pars 304 f.
The Self is not perfection, but completion. At first we are
nagged and chased by the enemy, our own Shadow. To the
degree we begin to develop a continual relationship with our
neglected and repressed side, we gain new strength and
vitality, and our enemy becomes our ally. This opens the
door to a deeper experience of ourselves, parts we can never
fully claim as ourselves in their alien and different ways.
Yet making room for these strange incompatible and
establishing a relationship with the manifestations of the
Anima/Animus sets the stage for a larger play, the bringing
into being of our most dynamic and unique self with the
cooperation with The Self.
More on the Jungian Self:
Jung: _Psychological Types_ CW 6, esp, chapter 11,
"Definitions," under "Self," pp. 460?461.
________. _Aion_ CW 9, esp, chapter. 4 "The Self," pp. 223-
and chapter 5 "Christ, a Symbol of the Self." pp. 36?71.
________. (1957) _The Undiscovered Self_, New York: Mentor
Books. (also as cw 10, p. 247-305)
Edinger, Edwin (1972) Ego And Archetype. Baltimore: Penguin
Whitmont, Edward C. (1969)._The Symbolic Quest_. see both
chapters on "The Self" pp. 216?230 and chapter 16 "The Ego-
Estrangement" pp. 250?264.
"I call every interpretation which equates the dream images
with real objects an interpretation on the objective level.
In contrast to this is the interpretation which refers every
part of the dream and all the actors in it back to the
dreamer himself. This I call interpretation on the
subjective level. Interpretation on the objective level is
analytic, because it breaks down the dream content into
memory complexes that refer to external situations.
Interpretation on the subjective level is synthetic, because
it detaches the underlying memory-complexes from their
external causes, regards them as tendencies or components of
the subject, and reunites them with that subject.... In this
case, therefore, all the contents of the dream are treated
as symbols for subjective contents."
"On the Psychology of the Unconscious" (1953). In CW 7: Two
Essays on Analytical Psychology. P.130
March 2001
If you have news you'd like to share, contact Peggy Coats, Visit Global Dreaming News online at
This Month's Features:
Shamanic Dreaming Workshop
Spielberg's Dreams on the Web
Creative Ways to Understand your Nighttime Dreams
Dreaming in Paradise
Upcoming Events: Bay Area Dreamworkers Group
> Applications of Lucid Dreaming Wanted
In the Works at Dreamworks 2000
Check out the New Dream Tree
The Dream Page
More Watercolor Dream Mandalas
New Dream Art Gallery
Online Dreamwork with Spinner-Soft
DREAM CALENDAR for March 2001
>>> Shamanic Dreamwork
East Bay Shamanic Training a six month training in the
foundational practices and techniques of shamanism.
Participants will learn the shamanic journey to meet and
work with their spiritual teachers in order to gain
knowledge, health and personal guidance. Learn the healing
gifts and practice of shamanic dreaming. Open to
individuals, professionals and healers who wish to enhance
their spiritual or private practice. ReUnion Center in
Pleasant Hill. Series of One-day weekend workshops
Februrary 18, March 17, April 21, May 5, June 2, July 7
Time: 10:00am-4:. Ongoing Enrollments. Please call 925-945-
8242 for more information.
>>> Spielberg's Dreams on Web
by Andy Patrizio
He's helped to create E.T., the Animaniacs, Jaws and
Gremlins, and now Steven Spielberg is using his own dreams
as the basis for his first Web animation.
Spielberg and fellow director Ron Howard have turned their
dreams into Flash animations that debuted on Feb. 5 at
The three-minute films will star animated versions of the
directors; each will introduce their film and provide
commentary about the direction.
"Fans will be getting a different look at these directors,"
said Phillip Nakov, co-founder of "In a
film, the director is telling a story. In this instance,
they are telling a story that happened to them, which is a
very personal look, and hopefully the fans will get to know
the directors a little better." declined to give details about the subject
matter, and the directors' representatives declined to
comment on the shorts.
Although this is the inaugural Web project for each, both
have worked with animations before. Spielberg has served as
executive producer of the live-action/animation feature Who
Framed Roger Rabbit? as well as several Warner Brothers
cartoons including Pinky and the Brain.
Howard's most recent movie is a live action adaptation of
the classic short How The Grinch Stole Christmas.
PDI DreamWorks, which is best known for its feature film
Antz, created the animations.
The animations were originally, which fizzled before
it ever got started. was backed by DreamWorks SKG (which Spielberg is a
partner in), Howard's Imagine Entertainment, plus some cash
from Paul Allen's Vulcan Ventures.
Before it went pop, acquired, a
movie fan site that hosts the countdown to major movie
releases, has a message board, and posts rumors about
upcoming movies. Even though went bust, lives on. Recently the site set up the
BagelCam, a Webcam aimed at the snack area on the set of the
new Spielberg movie A.I.
This is the first of what expects will be a
series of short films created by big-name entertainers. In
the coming months, two short films, which are also
reenactments of dreams, will feature comedian Steve Martin
and model Claudia Schiffer.
>>> Creative Ways to Understand Your Nighttime Dreams
A Special Weekend Workshop Retreat, Sat. March 31, 2001,
9:00 am to Sun. April 1, 1:00pm - Wisdom House, Litchfield,
CT Creative Dream Explorations - Guided by Dreamcatchers
Nancy Weston, M.A., and Isobel McGrath, BSc, CHt, with
special crafts assistance from Sue Tarshis Welcome to a
special weekend where Nancy and Isobel will help you to
understand this secret language of the night with creative
ways to work with your dreams. The weekend program includes:
dream group work, dream interpretation, journaling,
movement, dream re-entry, art/craft projects with dreams
*dream incubation * visual work with archetypes and symbols,
childhood dreams and nightmares
contemplative environment located in Litchfield, CT, with
meadows, woods, brooks, a labyrinth, meditation garden and
sanctuary areas. $225, Fee includes overnight and 4 meals.
Limited enrollment, expected to fill fast. Save your spot
with a $50 non-refundable deposit. Mail to Nancy Weston, 19
Purcell Dr., Danbury, CT 06810. Include address, phone #,
and e-mail.
>>> Dreaming & Awakening in Paradise
Seven Days of Lucid Dreaming in Maui with Stephen LaBerge
and Friends
May 1-7, 2001
This seven day retreat will be held at the lushly tropical
Mana Le'a Gardens retreat center on the island of Maui.
"Mana" is the spiritual power of life and "Le'a" means joy.
We believe these qualities represent not only the attraction
of this locale but also the essence of lucid dreaming. The
Mana Le'a is located on the north shore of Maui, away from
the developed resort areas. Beautiful tropical gardens, with
soothing waterfalls and pools, meditation sites and hiking
trails, a swimming pool, hot tub, and on-site massage
therapists will enfold us in an atmosphere of complete
relaxation, soothing our spirits so we can leave our daily
hassles behind and awaken the mindfulness that is necessary
for lucid dreaming and lucid living.
The retreat will focus on methods of developing the mental
skills that foster lucid dreaming and on directing your
consciousness in the dream state towards fulfillment of your
personal goals. We will reflect on the value of
consciousness in waking as well as dreaming, exploring the
nature of "reality" and how our perceptions and assumptions
influence our experience of life. The stunning environment
of Mana Le'a Gardens will be naturally conducive to lifting
our minds out of limiting habits of thought and action.
More information on this workshop is available at
>>> Bay Area Dreamworkers Group Upcoming Events
The Landscape of Dreams- Terrain and Voyage.
Saturday, March 3, 2001
2 p.m. to 5 p.m., potluck
1899 Harmon St., Berkeley
Ellen Lewis explores with us how dreams are more than
characters and dialogue. They take place in locations both
familiar and unknown, ordinary and fantastic. Mapping out
the names and associations of our dream locations adds
another dimension to our dreamwork. The focus of the meeting
will be exploring this theme in the context of our dream
Directions: From 80 take Ashby exit and get on Ashby going
east (towards the hills). Turn right on Martin Luther King.
Martin Luther King becomes Adeline. After about 3 blocks
turn left on Harmon.
(If you get to Alcatraz you've gone a block too far) 1899
Harmon is the 4th house on the left. It's blue with a white
Dream Library Tour
Saturday, May 19, 2001
2 p.m.-5 p.m., potluck
29 Truman Drive, Novato
Enjoy the afternoon exploring the expansive Novato Dream
Library and Archives. Jill Gregory will share with us the
hundreds of volumes, manuscripts, and theses she has
collected. Don t miss this rare opportunity to learn about
this unique and valuable collection.
Directions: Take Highway 101 to Novato. Exit at Rowland
Blvd. Head west toward the hills. Turn right on Washington.
Turn left on Brown. Turn right on Truman Drive.
Summer Solstice Celebration & Workshop
Sun. June 24, 1-4pm
In Motion Studio, 813 San Pablo @ Solano, Albany.
$10 fee for art materials
Join Ellie Fidler for a Summer Solstice celebration &
workshop with myths, folktales, dreams and art. Meet lions &
leopards, lion goddesses, scarab beetles, eagle, raven,
phoenix & more. Special slide show & painting in gold! Bring
dreams. Advance reservations please. Call Ellie at 510-649-
Directions: From 80 or 580 take Buchanan/Albany exit to San
Pablo. Turn left (north) on San Pablo. One half block north
of Solano turn right into parking lot. In Motion Studio, 813
San Pablo Ave. is the red door behind Royal Caf (The door
doesn't face the street)
R E S E A R C H & R E Q U E S T S
>>Applications of Lucid Dreaming Wanted
What do you value about lucid dreams? Why do you care
about having lucid dreams? There are a wide range of
answers given to this question including inner adventure,
fantasy fulfillment, creativity, rehearsal for living,
overcoming nightmares, personal development, and spiritual
practice. We would like to hear what you value about lucid
dreaming, what you have done with the lucid dreams you have
had, and what you would do with them if you could have them
every night. In preparation for upcoming experiments, we
are especially seeking examples in several areas: creative
problem solving, rehearsal/ dream practice (e.g., sports,
dance, martial arts, public speaking, etc.), and
experiences of deep meaning or transcendence. Please email
your accounts to
>> Skilled Lucid Dreamers Wanted to Participate in
Scientific Research
Is it possible to attend to and consciously perceive sounds
from the environment while in a lucid dream? Given that
sleep is often defined as a reversible state of
unconsciousness with respect to the environment, this
result makes lucid dreaming and REM sleep even more
paradoxical than previously thought. Johannes Strelen, a
medical student visiting from Germany, is currently
conducting research on this fascinating topic with Dr.
LaBerge at Stanford University. Volunteers interested in
participating in this research are invited to contact
Johannes. To qualify you should live in the San Francisco
bay area (or plan to visit) and be fairly confident that
you could have a lucid dream in the laboratory. Call or
email for details (+1-650-321-9969 or
W E B S I T E & O N L I N E U P D A T E S
>>> In the Works at Dreamwork 2000
Strephon Kaplan-Williams has his web site, going for a year now with around 500
visitors a week. Of special note is his Dream Cards
Interactive page where visitors can pick by synchronicity an
unknown Dream Card on a dream or life issue and receive the
Dream Card images and inspirational wisdom message which may
give personal insight to what they are dealing with. Many
have testified that this tool works for them. Also of note
is that the Dream Cards in revised edition with new recipes
is out for the first time in a German language edition. The
Dream Cards have sold over 100,000 copies by now in eight
languages. Please also note and pass on to others interested
that Strephon is a weekly contributor to analyzing issues in
dreams that people share at the Consciousness Forum page of Here you can see how he works with
people's dreams without making highly personal
interpretations. Strephon calls his approach the functional
approach to dreams in which dreams are analyzed for key
issues in dreams and life and for life principles for
dealing with those issues. If we do the work on the dream
itself, how to deal with life becomes more obvious.
>>> Check out the New Dream Tree
The Dream Tree, an online resource center for dreamers, has
been completely redesigned, and now features even more
opportunities for interactivity and community, with easier
to navigate pages. Come by and take the latest poll, join a
regional discussion group, enter a dream forum, or search
the website.
>>>The Dream Page
From R. Kalisvaart, the author of the site: "This page was
"born" with the fact that I had been having a lot of
strange and wonderful dreams. Now, I've created a place
where everybody can chat about their dreams and post their
dreams on the messageboard for all the world to read. For
some variation, I've also created a poetry section and an
art section. I'm always willing to put poems or art from
visitors on the site. The first two visitor contributions
are from Madeline. She has submitted the two pencil
drawings in the art section. There's also a "secret-
section". But you'll have to find that yourself "
>>>More Watercolor Dream Mandalas
Henry Reed has more of his dream quest mandalas on view at
that portion of his website devoted to his mentored dream
quest program.
>> New Dream Art Gallery Now Up
Discover new insight about yourself, your life and dreams by
checking out the new Dream Gallery images: 'Path' and
'Barbed Wire & Plant'. Look at the images then answer the
questions and see what comes up for you. The Dream Gallery
helps you to get more in touch with the art of interpreting
your dreams and each image is chosen to reveal something
unique to each person. If you haven't tried this before,
give it a go now! The Dream Gallery is changed every two
months, and all previous exhibitions get moved into the
Members' archives for Dream Network members to access.
Currently there are 34 images with their individual texts
and questions.
>>>Online Dreamwork with Spinner-Soft
The Spinner-Soft website now functions as an online
dreamwork group that is totally open to your timing
convience. You can enter a dream at any time, comment on
your own dream and or comment on others dreams. We use the
respectful "If it were my dream approach and welcome all
forms of dreamwork. You can also receive email notification
that someone has commented on your dream so you only have
to check back should their be a comment. In addition, you
may link your dream to any number of metaphors and themes
and give and receive comments on hose metaphors in general
or the use of the metaphor in your dream. A library of
dreams linked to specific metaphors and or themes can be
built, allowing you tolearn much about the wonderful
diversity of usages of metaphors in dreams. There is also a
message board for dream discussions.
March 2001
Mar 2-4 in Edmunds, WA
Weekend Workshop with Jeremy Taylor. Contact Ed Brock at or call Kathy at 415.454.2793
Mar 3 in Corte Madera, CA
Talk and book signing for Patricia Garfield's new Book. At
Book Passage Bookstore. for more
Mar 3 in Berkeley, CA
The Landscape of Dreams- Terrain and Voyage; a BADG
Workshop. 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., potluck
Call 510-450-0370 for more information.
Mar 9-10 in Lennox, MA
Shamanic Dreaming, a weekend workshop with Robert Moss.
Learn the ancient art of dream travel the most rewarding
of all forms of travel during this adventure-filled
workshop. LearnWorkshop location: Kripalu Center for Yoga
and Health, a beautiful and supportive retreat center in the
Berkshires. Reservations: Please contact Kripalu (800) 741-
7353 or (413) 448-3152,
Mar 10 in Tucson, AZ
Professional astrologer and author Barry D. Cowger will be
presenting a at the Tucson Astrologer's Guild on Dreams and
Astrology. For more information go to their web site at
Mar 14 in Mountain View, CA
Talk and book signing for Patricia Garfield's new Book. At
East West Bookstore. for more
Mar 16-18 in Indianapolis, IN
Weekend workshop with Jeremy Taylor. Contact Becky Elliott
at 317/295.1137
Mar 23-25 in Lexington, KY
Weekend workshop with Jeremy Taylor. Contact Paula Raines at
Mar 30-Apr 1 in Ventura, CA
Weekend workshop with Jeremy Taylor. Contact Ken Ellenberger
at 805/659.1253 or
Mar 31 in Litchfield, CT
Creative Ways to Understand Your Nighttime Dreams; A Special
Weekend Workshop Retreat, Sat. March 31, 2001, 9:00 am to
Sun. April 1, 1:00pm - Wisdom House, Litchfield, CT Contact
Nancy Weston, 19 Purcell Dr., Danbury, CT 06810 for more
"But when, you may rightly ask, is one sure of the
interpretation? Is there anything approaching a reliable
criterion for the correctness of an interpretation ? This
question, happily, can be answered in the affirmative. If we
have made a wrong interpretation, or if it is somehow
incomplete, we may be able to see it from the next dream.
Thus, for example, the earlier motif will be repeated in
clearer I form, or our interpretation may be deflated by
some ironic paraphrase, or it may meet with straightforward
violent opposition. Now supposing that these interpretations
also go astray, the general inconclusiveness and futility of
our procedure will make itself felt soon enough in the
bleakness, sterility, and pointlessness of the undertaking,
so that doctor and patient alike will be suffocated either
by boredom or by doubt. Just as the reward of a correct
interpretation is an uprush of life, so an incorrect one
dooms them to deadlock, resistance, doubt, and mutual
"On the Psychology of the Unconscious" (1953). In CW 7: Two
Essays on Analytical Psychology. P.189
New Series begins with Digest #1
This issue includes volume #88 volume #118
Hello and welcome to the DREAM SECTION of Electric Dreams.
This section is edited by Richard Wilkerson and the
DreamEditor, a software creation of Harry Bosma, author of
the Dream interpretation and journaling software "Alchera".
Please note that we print these dreams as they come to us
and that means we do not correct the spelling. Some
dreamworkers find these spelling mistakes a great window on
the dream and dreamer.
The Electric Dreams DREAM SECTION includes dreams and
comments from the DREAM FLOW, a project to circulate dreams
in Cyberspace.
Many mail lists participate, including
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Usenet groups (too many to name, search DREAM)
If you would like to send in single dreams for the flow, you
can leave them at
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An Archive of dream-flow is available at:
Pre-November 2000:
Pre-November 1998
Pre-April 1990
Use Electric Dreams Backissues
------------------------- BEGIN ---------------------------
[dream-flow] Digest Number 88
There are 6 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Re: My nightmare
From: Heratheta
2. Re: my kids badly hurt almost to the point of
death by me
From: Heratheta
3. Re: javaid
From: Heratheta
4. Re: Water and death,
From: Heratheta
5. having a baby
From: Anonymous
6. with Friends
From: Anonymous
Message: 1
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2001 12:43:19 EST
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: My nightmare
a free answer at .
Message: 5
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2001 11:50:42 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: having a baby
Dream Title having a baby
Date of Dream
Dream having a baby and someone taking it
from me that person was a friend Comments by Dreamer
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Message: 6
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 16:16:40 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: with Friends
Dream Title with Friends
Date of Dream 12/15/00 6:00AM
Dream I am with Friends Matt, Jeff and
someone else in a room, on a bed,
watching TV.They piss me off about something and keep going
on about it, and I get so mad, that I get my shoes and I
take off, because I can't handle it anymore. I am on the
verge of screaming. So, I leave and all I can remember is
crossing a bridge with water on one side, looking into the
water, thinking I should jump into it, but I don't and I
the bridge. Next, I'm running with someone who is my friend,
but he isn't one of my friends that I know in real life,
although I don't know this in the dream. We are chasing
another one of our friends, but he isn't one that I know in
real life, once again. This friend that I'm
running with has a shot gun, and we're frantically chasing
this guy who's not in sight on an open dirt field. I shout
to my friend that if we find him, that I get to shoot him. I
do not know why we're mad at him. We run by this building,
and the guy's hiding in a corner, by a window, standing very
still. My friend runs right by him and I spot him. I don't
want to make any noise, so I just grab his arm and point to
him. My friend with the gun runs over
there, and sticks the gun up to his waist. The friend that
we're chasing turns out to be some guy I knew from
high school in geometry class, nick diaz. So nick's
gesturing to my friend that they're near a window, and
people will he keeps the gun low as people are
walking by.
Nick ends up getting out of the grasps of my friend because
someone sees him, so he runs. I feel a sense of urgency to
kill this guy, so I pull out a revolver and I know it only
has 3 shots, so I shoot once, and I realize my aim was way
off. I shoot again, this time aiming, but I still miss. And
the third time as well. So I start running running
around the corner of the building after my friend. Then,
nick comes around and I try to hit him with the butt of my
gun, but it doesn't do much. He pulls out a shotgun, so I
run to him and try to wrestle it out of his hands. He shoots
into the air while I'm grappling with the gun. Then, I get a
good grip on the gun and yank it out of his hands. I put it
up to him and start to shoot. I know I hit him in the head,
but I can't see any blood. I shoot him again, but I still
don't see any blood. Then, I shoot him one last time, and I
see a small blue dart on
his neck. He's still not dead. I gave up shooting him and
I'm not mad
anymore. 2 of my friends come running out, and nick pulls
the dart out of his neck and kinda laughs. My
friends were shocked, because they said that they didn't
think I'd
actually do it, but they just wanted to see how mad I was. I
just laughed, and I woke up chuckling, because I was so
pissed about nothing.
I am by a pool, and I see CJ (an old friend's step-dad that
I haven't talked to in a while) lying there. There are a
bunch of people out there swimming, laying out, or walking
about. I'm getting ready to swim and CJ's like "hey, rEw!!"
I was
shocked to see that he was happy to see me, given I was
considered a "bad" person in our church arena. I kinda
turned my head to hide my eyebrow, which is pierced,
but I think he saw it anyway. I said hi to him and mentioned
I was going to go swimming, but I didn't want
to take off my shirt, cause I didn't want people to see the
hair on my
chest. I couldn't get my shirt off completely, so I jumped
in the water with my shirt on. While under water,
I wasn't sure how deep it was or where it ended, so I kept
feeling my way, and I eventually found the wall of the pool.
I felt it as I resurfaced and then removed my
shirt. That's all I can remember.
[dream-flow] Digest Number 89
There are 5 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. The spirit of a dream
From: Anonymous
2. awake
From: Anonymous
3. Re: the color in dream
From: "chelapepper " <jane
4. Re: Re: the color in dream
From: Wisdomofdreams
5. discovered
From: Anonymous
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 00:36:52 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: The spirit of a dream
Dream Title The spirit of a dream
Date of Dream 1996
Dream I dreamed that I was flying, not in
a human form but I knew I was flying I could see children
playing beneath me at a playground I was swooping down
around them but they couldn't see me.
I could soar and go anywhere....
Message: 2
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 09:36:08 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: awake
Dream Title awake
Date of Dream now
Dream i dremt i was awake
Comments by Dreamer
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments astavakra samhita
Message: 3
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 23:09:17 -0000
From: "chelapepper " <jane
Subject: Re: the color in dream
Dear Roxanne,
I am usually not aware of whether my dreams are in color or
not, but recently I had a dream in which I was interested in
the fact that various different items in the dream were the
same shade of color exactly, magenta maybe? a sort of bluish
deep pink. So I think I do dream in color, or at least I
can if it's relevant in some symbolic way to what I'm
supposed to get out of the dream.
Perhaps you will get a good response to your question from
this group -- I hope you will. Maybe someone can suggest an
author who has some good insights on color in dreams, or a
good web site. Good luck!
This is my first post to this group.
Best wishes,
--- In, "Roxanne Yang" <roxanny@s...>
wrote: > i am interesting of the color in dreamworld... > i
need some suggestions about how to research this topic.....
> please give me some feedback...thank you..
Message: 4
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 18:45:14 EST
From: Wisdomofdreams
Subject: Re: Re: the color in dream
Bob Hoss, the current Chairman of the Board of the
Association for the Study of Dreams has done research on
color in dreams. He has a book and a good website. You
might want to check it out.
Betty A. Hollin, M.A. The Wisdom of Dreams P.O. Box 90087
Indianapolis, IN 46290-0087 317-713-7106
"An uninterpreted dream is like an unopened letter from
God." The Talmud
[This message contained attachments]
Message: 5
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 14:08:34 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: discovered
Dream Title discovered
Date of Dream
Dream as far back as I can remember I
have several different kinds of dreams of being
discovered,(some hidden talent)or when I was younger they
were where I was taken away to live a different life, (like
by indians)
Comments by Dreamer can you tell me what this is
suppose to mean to me in my life.
[dream-flow] Digest Number 90
There are 9 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. An Important Message
From: Anonymous
2. New Dream
From: Anonymous
3. my wedding
From: Anonymous
4. mysterious building
From: Anonymous
From: Anonymous
6. Ouch
From: Anonymous
7. Ex-husband
From: Anonymous
8. ICE by APO
From: Anonymous
9. smpitche's dream of playing?
From: Anonymous
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 18:07:07 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: An Important Message
Dream Title An Important Message istar
Date of Dream 10/22/2000
Dream My computer monitor won't stay on,
and I have an important message to read that someone has
sent me. The important message has information about
myself, about some way in which I'm special or about to play
an important role in something.
Someone else in my life also has a similar message for me,
but I'm supposed to go to his house to be told in person. I
think he's a voice teacher. My voice teacher.
Message: 2
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 18:07:34 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: New Dream
Dream Title Babeegurl
Date of Dream 01/22/01
Dream I was at my grandmother's house and
the guy that i love was supposed to meet me there. i was
waiting for him and heard some people outside.i was sneaky
in seeing who it was some guys with guns and i could
also see some people had been stabbed. somehow i knew that
these people wanted to kill me.(in real life my grandmother
has an entrance to the attic outside and inside the house)
and that's how it was in the dream. the guys used the
outside entrance to come in the house through the attic. i
told my grandmother to come with me so she wouldn't get hurt
but they were now in the house so she told me to hurry.i
started to run and then it's like my dream backed up cuz i
had to start running all over again. then my dreamed skipped
to me at home which is in a different state.(and the guy i
love lives in the state that my grandmother does.) and my
guy called me and said he was in prison and it would be a
very long time before he got out. we got off the p! ! hone
and my step mother asked me if i wanted to check my email
and i told her that i didn't care about my email. and i just
cried for the rest of the dream Comments by Dreamer
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission
Comments please email me at with
the interpretation of this dream. thank you
Message: 3
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 18:08:23 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: my wedding
Dream Title my wedding
Date of Dream jan 16/01
Dream nothing went right. the groom
wasn't who i thought or wanted it to be. my bridesmaids were
my cousins and the groomsmen was my ex boyfriend of two
years, and all of his friends. they were all sitting among
the pews with the family instead of up at the alter where
they were supposed to be. my girlfrind was wearing a wedding
dress too. i hated my hair but loved hers. i couldn't walk
down the aisle because everybody else was. i was just really
frustrated. i dreamed this twice. the first time i was up at
the alter the groom and i blew out some candles at the
alter, and in the second dream, just himself blew out the
Message: 4
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 23:36:48 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: mysterious building
Dream Title mysterious building pebbles
Date of Dream jan 22 01
Dream i was in this building and i went
use the bathrooms cause i had to go so bad and on the first
level there was a combined bathroom for both man an women as
i was walking in i saw a man walk out pulling up his zipper
then i thouht oh it the mens room when i saw a woman walk
out next relizing it was shared for both sexes then i went
upstairs to the other bathrooms they were labeled mens room
and on he other side was the ladys room weird it was like
privae upstairs WEIRD
Message: 5
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 09:28:27 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: boyfriend cheated
Dream title boyfriend cheated
Date of dream 1-24-01
Dream we were on vacation and i found out
my boyfriend had cheated there with another girl.
Message: 6
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 09:27:54 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Ouch
Dream Title Ouch by Weltschmerz
Date of Dream jan 23rd 01,
Dream I am in a store,like a corner store
and this young lady wants to buy a pack of cigs and wine. I
ask for ID, she doesn't have it, so I can't sell either to
her. she gets mad and hits me on the head with the bottle,
breaking it. I realize it's a dream (within the dream)and
wake up to find myself wounded with glass bits and cuts all
over (big pieces and cuts). They're bleeding a little and
hurt but not too much. I look across the room at the other 2
beds, they're empty but, i see the sheets and covers thrown
to one side and blood splotches on them. I get up and walk
to another room to see my mom and someone else standing
there (I don't remember who), but they had been in the beds
and and were also wounded. I talk to her, i think they were
trying who had done this, because it had been done while we
were asleep. I dont remember what we said,meanwhile im
remove some of the glass in my legs and body. i wake up at
that point.
Comments by Dreamer I am a cashier, but i work in a
supermarket. Also, I have had 2 other dreams where I cut my
feet on glass.
Message: 7
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 09:26:50 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Ex-husband
Dream Title Ex-husband
Date of Dream 01/24/01
Dream I had a dream that my ex-husband
asked me to meet him in a large house that had one part set
up as a restaurant. When I got there, his current
girlfriend was sitting with him. When she saw me, she left.
I sat down with him and he told me he was going to kill me
because I divorced him. I started running through the house
and he was shooting at me. I ran down a dark hallway full
of people. He was running behind me shooting at me and the
people in the hallway. I got far enough ahead of him to
sneak into a dark room without being seen. The room was
full of little girls crying. I got the girls to hide with
me behind a sheer curtain. A few minutes later a policeman
came to the window in the room and told me that he was gone,
but they had not found him yet. The policeman told me that
this was all my fault. It was my fault that all of these
people had been killed. That's when I woke up.
Message: 8
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 14:08:55 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: ICE by APO
Dream Title ICE by APO
Date of Dream 12/20/00 night
Dream I am driving down an icy, icy steep
and winding hill, talking via cellular telephone to my boss.
There is a lot of snow on the ground and while it is not
snowing hard, there are flurries. It is very cold outside.
I am driving too fast because I am late for work. I am very
short of breath. My two children are in the back seat and I
am wearing a parka that restricts my ability to move and a
baseball hat. The hat keeps slipping into my eyes and I
can't see, I know that my daughter could remove the hat from
my head, but I am afraid it will put her into a dangerous
Comments by Dreamer What does this mean?
Message: 9
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 18:16:40 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: smpitche's dream of playing?
Dream Title smpitche's dream of playing?
Date of Dream january 17, approximately 9 am
Dream i was hanging out with a group of
people that i supposedly knew and i was having trouble
walking. i really wanted to be by myself, so finally i left
the group. i went towards a community park where i saw a
swimming pool with lots of kids in it and parents around. i
thought that i should leave because maybe my ex-boyfriend
and his daughter might be there. i began to but my parents
were all of the sudden there and my dad was talking with my
ex. i left anyways hoping no one saw me. i went to the
swings and sat down where i saw next to me on the other
swing my ex-boyfriend's daughter. she kept insisting on me
playing with her. in fact, she took my hand at some point to
play in another area. i went with her, making sure she
could be seen by her dad, my ex, but hoping he wouldn't see
me with her. then i woke up.
Comments by Dreamer i have never met my ex's daughter.
she lives in germany and in the dream she didn't know who i
was either. she just wanted to play with me.
[dream-flow] Digest Number 91
There is 1 message in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. hopefully this isn't bad as it sounds
From: Amy
Message: 1
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 18:27:06 -0000
From: "Amy
Subject: hopefully this isn't bad as it sounds
My Boyfriend and I have become accustomed to sleeping next
to each other. The Other night when he was asleep before I
got home, he had a very strange dream that confused us both.
In his dream, he woke up in my bed and he reached out to put
his arm around me but I wasn't there and he was sad till he
looked up and saw me above him. Then without a word, I put
my knee to his chest. Not in a kicking manner I think.
Just placed it on his chest and leaned in towards him. He
could feel my knee cruching his chest and he convulsed, then
woke up. I know that dreams are often backward in meaning
and that mood overlies action in dreams most of the time
and he didn't seem upset by this dream at all. Just kind of
curious to it's meaning, as am I. So any theories of what
it could mean would be greatly appreaciated. Thanks
[dream-flow] Digest Number 92
There are 2 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Hooked Up
From: Anonymous
2. tables
From: Naomi
Message: 1
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 14:11:19 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Hooked Up
Dream Title Hooked Up
Date of Dream 24/01/01
Dream It started in a bright sunny place
next to a river. Lots and Lots of people there doing
different activities. I was with a couple of girl friends.
There were like these huge yellow lego pieces that people
were fishing off, and they were all huddled together doing
their own thing with their swimming suits on. We all
decided to swin across to the other side to see what was
going on over there. I was swimming along when there was a
teenager boy walking through the water holding his fishing
rod in one hand and the line was flowing behind him. All of
a sudden his line started to get caught up on me and tangled
round my body, I was still able to swim so he came with me
to the edge of the river and I went to get out. I felt this
really sharp pain in my left thigh, I looked down and his
tiny fishing hook was stuck in my leg I pulled it out
carefully and this huge boil like thing came up and puss,
blood and other stuff started erupting out of it. I rested
on the river bank as I was shocked and thought it was just
something from the river. Later on I looked down at my leg
and there was a right angle cut on the whole of my thigh and
the skin was flapping back and forth so I just held it down
and the skin kind of wedged together. I later found that
part of the hook was still stuck in my leg.
Comments by Dreamer I would love to know what this
dream is trying to get at as usually I can look them up in
my book, but this one has me baffled.
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Message: 2
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 13:52:42 -0700
From: "Naomi_
Subject: tables
Dream title: Tables Dream Date: Jan. 23, 2001 Dream: In my
dream, I drempt that I was 9 months pregnant, however I am
not currently pregnant. I was living with some of my
friends who had 3 kids of their own at the time and my
mother too, also part of the dream. In the dream I went into
labor and my friends would not take me to the hospital to
deliver. Instead my girl friend went inside of the house
and cleaned the table. Her husband/boyfriend then tried to
make me get on the table to deliver the baby. I kept
refusing. After a short time had passed, I found that no
matter what I did they were not going to take me to the
hospital and I was forced to deliver the baby on the kitchen
table. After 3 pushes, I delivered a baby boy. The color of
his eyes was a true cobalt blue, very white skin, and ebony
black hair. Everything about him was fine. My girl friend
then grabbed a Bible and told me that it was time for me to
pick out his name, as she flipped through the pages. His
umbilical cord hadnt even been cut yet! I then sat up and
picked him up, that was when he let out his first cry. As I
picked him up...I called out his name, Xavier. My friend
was not too happy, I think. The next thing I knew, in the
dream, was that he was about two and I was headed back to
school, Back to college. I am currently a sophmore in
college. I was leaving my son with my friends and my mother
and I was feeling aprehansive about it. Any ideas????
There is 1 message in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Introduction
From: scaste6226
Message: 1
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2001 02:40:34 EST
From: scaste6226
Subject: Introduction
Hello everyone, My name is Stacy, I am 27 years old and
stumbled upon this group tonight. I dream everynight and am
anxious to share with everyone to help understand them
better. I am very glad to have found this group and look
forward to meeting everyone.
[dream-flow] Digest Number 94
There is 1 message in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. This dream was true
From: jenner_n
Message: 1
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2001 21:26:53 -0000
From: jenner_n
Subject: This dream was true
I dreamt about a lady that I worked with over a year ago.
Her two daughters were pregnant. The older one, in college,
was sad. I wiped her tears away (i swear i could feel
them). The younger one, in high school, (she has the same
name and same color hair as mine in the dream and awake),
was happy.
A couple days later when I told the lady about the dream she
said that one of them really was pregnant. The younger one.
How and why would I have this connection with them? I was
never really close to the lady and only met her older
daughter once, never the younger one. I am looking
everywhere for some kind of link.
Please reply if you have any knowledge of such links.
[dream-flow] Digest Number 95
There are 2 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Re:
From: archive
2. Tables
From: "Naomi
Message: 1
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 01:53:26 +0700
From: archive
Subject: Re:
Are you looking for some free email account ??
Try this :
and you will love it....^_^
Message: 2
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 10:17:17 -0700
From: "Naomi
Subject: Tables
Dream title: Tables Dream Date: Jan. 23, 2001 Dream: In my
dream, I dreamt that I was 9 months pregnant, however I am
not currently pregnant. I was living with some of my
friends who had 3 kids of their own at the time and my
mother too, also part of the dream. In the dream I went into
labor and my friends would not take me to the hospital to
deliver. Instead my girl friend went inside of the house
and cleaned the table. Her husband/boyfriend then tried to
make me get on the table to deliver the baby. I kept
refusing. After a short time had passed, I found that no
matter what I did they were not going to take me to the
hospital and I was forced to deliver the baby on the kitchen
table. After 3 pushes, I delivered a baby boy. The color of
his eyes was a true cobalt blue, very white skin, and ebony
black hair. Everything about him was fine. My girl friend
then grabbed a Bible and told me that it was time for me to
pick out his name, as she flipped through the pages. His
umbilical cord hadn't even been cut yet! I then sat up and
picked him up, that was when he let out his first cry. As I
picked him up...I called out his name, Xavier. My friend
was not too happy, I think. The next thing I knew, in the
dream, was that he was about two and I was headed back to
school, Back to college. I am currently a sophomore in
college. I was leaving my son with my friends and my mother
and I was feeling apprehensive about it.
Please share if you have any ideas.
There are 4 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Dreamed i was praying
From: takmais
2. Re: This dream was true
From: "A me
3. Re: Tables
From: "Ron
4. Re: Tables
From: "Ron
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 00:58:55 -0000
From: takmais
Subject: Dreamed i was praying
Last night i dreamt that i was saying a prayer to God. I
think it was a made up prayer and therefor from the heart
like i used to do as a kid every night. In reality, i no
longer consider myself to be a religious person and i cant
logicly believe in a god but in the dream it felt so good to
be praying and i was asking myself if i should or shouldnt
go back to my old beliefs. It was sorta like there were two
sides of me, (the religious/spiritual vs the
Message: 2
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 11:25:55 -0500
From: "A me
Subject: Re: This dream was true
Hi My name is Amy and I am really new to the group but I
just wanted to tell you that I have had something like that
happen to me before. When I used to have these dreams with
a young australian guy in them. He was a musician and he
played his songs for me every night in my sleep. The songs
haunted me so I wrote them down when I awoke and about a
year later, a band formed in australia with and a couple of
the songs from my dreams were on their first cd, and a
couple more on their second years later. Furthermore, their
singer, was the young guy from my dream. I live in the US,
I have never been to australia and I had these dreams before
the band had even really formed. I have no explanation for
this so if you do find any links or info on the subject,
please let me know. Thanks, Amy Ps good luck
There are 25 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
From: Anonymous
2. Amonia Babies
From: Anonymous
3. being told got six weeks to live
From: Anonymous
4. eggs
From: Anonymous
5. Driving With No Brakes
From: Anonymous
6. Being chased Efrain Banuelos
From: Anonymous
7. Death
From: Anonymous
8. My friend...
From: Anonymous
9. spider
From: Anonymous
10. The darkroom
From: Anonymous
11. yin-yang
From: Anonymous
12. fat lady in a tank
From: Anonymous
13. Me and Lizz
From: Anonymous
14. terrorists
From: Anonymous
15. Love in Paris
From: Anonymous
16. .m ougblomj
From: Anonymous
17. The Bus
From: Anonymous
18. Tables
From: Anonymous
19. AJ- Ali
From: Anonymous
20. The File Stealing Game
From: Anonymous
21. 5 1/2 minute closets
From: "A me
22. Weird slu
From: Anonymous
23. Re: Death
From: "A me
24. Re: The darkroom
From: "A me
25. Re: The darkroom
From: jenner_n
Message: 1
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 08:32:35 -0800
From: Anonymous
Date of Dream RECURRENT
Message: 2
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 08:25:09 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Amonia Babies
Dream Title Amonia Babies
Date of Dream January 27, 2001 12:00 a.m.
Dream I dreamed that I was stuck in a
hospital with a guy i like and two doctors and all the
lights and electricity was off. And we were all in this room
and started smelling amonia and one doctor said it was the
smell of "ankles" and then little baby feet print would walk
out of the room and someone would die. I ended up being the
only one left.
Comments by Dreamer What the HECK is it supposed to
Message: 3
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 08:27:00 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: being told got six weeks to live
Dream Title being told got six weeks to live
Date of Dream sunday 28th jan
Dream i went to the doctors in my dream
and there was something wrong the doctor said i had six
weeks to live, i was shocked and i had to tell my mates and
all i could think of was who will look after my daughter
when i died and the message i got was some who cant have
children will look after her can any one help me with this
Comments by Dreamer would like some help with this one
Message: 4
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 08:32:09 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: eggs
Dream Title eggs
Date of Dream Jan 23 after midnight
Dream I was baking, and had a large bowl
of ingredients in front of me. I broke one egg open into
the bowl. As I broke the second egg into the bowl, I
noticed something wrong. It was different from the first
egg. The yolk was much lighter in color, and the white of
the egg was more solid. I thought it was just a bad egg,
but it had no odor. Then I realized this egg was an omen.
I became very frightened as I realized that this was the
first of many bad things to come. I woke feeling very
unsettled, and a little frightened.
Message: 5
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 08:31:49 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Driving With No Brakes
Dream Title Driving With No Brakes
Date of Dream 1/30/01
Dream I had a dream that i was driving
last night and that both pedals were the gas pedals. I
couldnt stop.
I dont know where I was going or Where I was , but the
streets in my dreams were the same as the main street
outside of my apartment.
Message: 6
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 08:27:38 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Being chased Efrain Banuelos
Dream Title Being chased Efrain Banuelos
Date of Dream 1/29/01
Dream I had a dream that I was being
chased by some people. I also dreamed my mom and my
children. I was running fast to get away from the people
chasing me.
Comments by Dreamer Can you tell me what my dream might
Message: 7
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 08:21:16 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Death
Dream Title Death
Date of Dream
Dream I keep having the same dream over
and over again but changed around alittle. I keep having
dreams about my friends dying. What does this mean?? Its
kind of scary! Comments by Dreamer
Message: 8
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 08:22:36 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: My friend...
Dream Title My friend...
Date of Dream 1/22,23,24/01
Dream I had a dream that i was running
with my freiend <<like we always do>> and somebody in a car
came by and started shooting at us.. then i quickly told my
friend <<shes my bast friend>> to get down. I then huddled
over her untill it was safe.. when we got up, we were both
crying. I had this dream like 3 times in this past week
Message: 9
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 08:23:32 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: spider
Dream Title spider
Date of Dream 1-20-01
Dream I have dreamed about spiders, and
living in a big house, one time it was dark.I have dreamed
that my teeth where lose and when it fell, I would pick it
up and put back in.I also dreamed that I was flying in outer
space trying to put something together, and I did, then I
got back on the spaceship.
Comments by Dreamer I have dreamed alot about spiders.
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments tell me what this means
Message: 10
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 08:25:31 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: The darkroom
Dream Title The darkroom
Date of Dream 1998
Dream I'm on my knees in a veary large
room. The room is completly dark except for some kind of
light that is coming from above me.The light is shinning
down on me and a man that is standing infront of me. My head
is bowed but I know that the man is pointing a gun at my
head. I am not afraid. In a deep voice the man askes, "Do
you want to die?" "Yes",I repley. I look up and see a flash
of light. I fall to the ground. I know that I am finally
died and I feel relief. Comments by Dreamer Permission to
Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments I
want everyone to tell me what they think.
Message: 11
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 08:21:43 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: yin-yang
Dream Title yin-yang
Date of Dream 12/1999
Dream I looked out my bedroom window and
half of my back yard was black and the other was daylight.
So I wake my husband up and tell him "GET UP LEE its almost
dark look! we are half way there! Lets play ball with
bryanna!!!!. [our daughter]HURRY !! THEN I woke up.
Comments by Dreamer Its like I didnt understand but now
I see ! THE yin-YANG is half dark and half light .ANd I
wanted to play ball with bryanna. AND the yin-yang has balls
or circles in it ! weird HUH?
Message: 12
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 08:28:19 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: fat lady in a tank
Dream Title fat lady in a tank
Date of Dream 1994
Dream one time i dreamed, while i was in
junior high school, that all the boys but me were gone from
school, and all the girls were naked. But they were all
chasing me and i was naked too. When i was running from all
the girls i went down one hall and this teacher, Miss Snow,
a 400 lb. lady, broke through the wall in a tank and she was
chasing me too. i don't remember anything else but after
all that i was sitting in the water fountain trying to take
a bath
Comments by Dreamer Miss Snow was the best teacher i
had in junior high
Message: 13
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 08:22:06 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Me and Lizz
Dream Title Me and Lizz
Date of Dream 01/18/01
Dream I had this dream one night that me
and my friend Lizz, A really cute petite girl that i've
known for about 9 months. were making love. we were at my
house on the verry edge of my bed. if we got any closer to
the edge of the bed we would have fallen off. I remember
this because I remember thinking it in the dream. Nothing in
my room seemed out of place. But there was 1 thing that
really stuck out that was the baby blue sheets.they were a
really light blue. Another thing is that in the dream it
seemed like it was really early in the morning, like about
3:30 a.m. I woke up in the middle of the dream, and it was
about 3:30. Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment
yes_share_comments Permission Comments you can do
anything you want with my dream. It's just bugging the hell
out of me triing to figure it out
Message: 14
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 08:26:35 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: terrorists
Dream Title terrorists jenner_n
Date of Dream Dec. 2000 PM
Dream there were terrorists shooting at
people in the city. I was hiding behind a building and
trying to save a small child. one of the shooters came
around the side of the building and the child ran across the
street. The kid was shot and rolled into the gutter. I
started to run and was shot in the back several times by the
machine gun. The dream transitioned into another. I had a
knife as did two other people. We were cutting and slicing
eachother. no pain and no death.
Comments by Dreamer I was having an emotional affair
with someone who was not my husband. I was also having
other dreams about someone else being hacked up with an ax,
murder unknown.
Message: 15
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 08:23:03 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Love in Paris
Dream Title Love in Paris
Date of Dream During the night after Jan. 26th.
Dream Ok, last night I dreamed about that
our school held a trip to Paris. and selcted students went
and among them was myself and this other guy who I have the
extreme hots for... Tom. And there was this hallway which
almost seemed like an entrance to an opera, but actually it
held 4 luxurious beds, one was going to be vacant, Tom was
going to in one, me in one, and some other guy whom I
couldn't make out who he was. And in the middle of the night
I got out of my bed and went to wake Tom up for something.
He got out of bed and we walked around. Then he embraced me
and started kissing me because I had done something that I
guess had meant alot to him. We got back in his bed, we
didn't have sex, but he just held me and kissed me all
night. I have to say that that was the best dream I have
ever had in my whole life, but it seemed so real. The weird
part is that I am going on a trip in March to D.C. with the
school, and Tom IS going, but of course as all school! ! s
do, separate sleeping quarters. But it was soo.... weird
because there was other stuff going on besides ourselves
because I think there was a terrorist, and he was trying to
kill a girl, because she went to get her paycheck. And
everybody was wearing my clothes. And cameras, but they
weren't real because yesterday I saw an infomercial on these
fake cameras to scare robbers away. And in the dream I knew
they were those kind.
Message: 16
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 08:31:27 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: .m ougblomj
Dream Title .m ougblomj
Date of Dream octobre 17
Dream mytxr;lkhmg,
'nkmnjl;,kmz'jlgkm,lgf[d'pohkgkhof.......estoada enoycha
Comments by Dreamer kloiuy,hoboyste, omene
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments soiltwey
Message: 17
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 08:31:00 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: The Bus
Dream Title The Bus
Date of Dream 01/28/01
Dream The really strange part is I don't
remember getting on a bus.
The bus had about a dozen or so people on it and were going
somewhere (dont know where) It got dark and thats when
things didnt feel right. People became different people, not
physically, but mentally. They still looked the same, just
thought they were someone else. When it got dark, the
windows on the bus were black, couldnt see out of them.
We went on for quite sometime then it happened again, the
whole thing. Its like a corbon copy except with different
people. (i think) Kind of confusing to me. At that point I
was on a bus going down a road that i couldnt see because of
the black windows. The only reason I knew it was a road is
because of what happened next. It was the usual bus ride
except this time I remembered that this all had happened
before and this time I went to this man sitting there and I
said "Hey, You married? Got kids? That whole deal there?"
and he said "Yes I do" Then I said something to the affect
that something was wrong here and that we need to do
something. I was talking about that to him and everyone
started looking at me in confusion. Even the woman bus
driver looked at me through that big mirror they have in the
front to look back at all the people. I said that people are
hanging...etc...They started laughing and thought I was
crazy or something so I jumped up and said stop the bus.
Took awhile but I talked the driver into stopping. I went to
the back of the bus and asked this guy that I knew his name
was Bill (cant remember the name that he was in the dream) I
asked "Hey bill, whats up?" He looked at me in confusion and
said that he was Richard not Bill. I know (and a few others
knew that his name was really Bill from the start of the
trip) I said to come outside for a sec and we went out of
the front door of the bus with a couple others. It was dark
outside, but I could see that it was a city. I asked what
Bills name was and to everyones astonishment, he said
Richard. Then they looked at me like ok what do we do? I
told them to all get back on the bus. I looked around for a
minute and noticed that there were no cars on the streets,
just a few of the same kind of buses that I was in. There
were three of them coming up the road, but they didnt have
any headlights. There windows were all black. A few of the
others seen them too before they got back on the bus. There
were no people around either outside. None. The streets
looked wet too, as if a rain just came through. From there
its kinda blurry. Jumping around to different things in the
dream, but still keeping the same experience with the us.
Something happened where we end up in this town. We all got
off the bus and were so happy that the ride was over. There
were people running out and sliding on the wet pavement. Not
sure where we were. We were still in the same place it
The sound of nothing, the wet pavement. The dream goes on
from there, I'm not sure if I was waking up or what but it
was daylight and it involved me and this guy liberating a
bus and picking up some woman because we found out that she
wanted to get out too. We started going back the way we came
and the windows went black again but it was glitchy or
something. The woman disapeared and came back through the
side door of the bus, but she looked different each time,
older, bigger one time, younger skinny the next. Wierd.
Message: 18
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 08:26:12 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Tables
Dream Title Tables...Emily Bourge
Date of Dream 23.1.01
Dream Dream title: Tables Dream Date:
Jan. 23, 2001 Dream: In my dream, I drempt that I was 9
months pregnant, however I am not currently pregnant. I was
living with some of my friends who had 3 kids of their own
at the time and my mother too, also part of the dream. In
the dream I went into labor and my friends would not take me
to the hospital to deliver. Instead my girl friend went
inside of the house and cleaned the table. Her
husband/boyfriend then tried to make me get on the table to
deliver the baby. I kept refusing. After a short time had
passed, I found that no matter what I did they were not
going to take me to the hospital and I was forced to deliver
the baby on the kitchen table. After 3 pushes, I delivered a
baby boy. The color of his eyes was a true cobalt blue,
very white skin, and ebony black hair. Everything about him
was fine. My girl friend then grabbed a Bible and told me
that it was time for me to pick out his name, as she flipped
through the pages. His umbilical cord hadnt even been cut
yet! I then sat up and picked him up, that was when he let
out his first cry. As I picked him up...I called out his
name, Xavier. My friend was not too happy, I think. The
next thing I knew, in the dream, was that he was about two
and I was headed back to school, Back to college. I am
currently a sophmore in college. I was leaving my son with
my friends and my mother and I was feeling aprehansive about
it. Any ideas????
Message: 19
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 08:24:04 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: AJ- Ali
Dream Title AJ- Ali
Date of Dream 26/01/01
Dream I went to my great nans house(which
happened to be the dolls she gave me before she died)to see
if I could find her(although she died 2 and a bit years
ago). I walked up the stairs and there she was floating on
the top step like a ghost. I was the only one who could see
her and I came to visit every day after school in my
Grandma's(who is still alive)old garden. Then she came to my
school which instead of being A.L.N.S. happened to be the
Titanic(which I watched about 3 months ago). The rest of my
dream was a blur but it's the second dream I've had about
her this week! Why?
Message: 20
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 08:24:37 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: The File Stealing Game
ream Title The File Stealing Game, by Racer X
Date of Dream 1-28-8:30 AM Eastern Dream
In my dream, I must play over and over again the
same "Capture the Flag" style espionage game. I must sneak
into a nuclear sub and steal the launch codes or some
document that looks like an eye chart in a manilla envelope.
almost every other time, i make a break across the deck, and
their spotlight catches me, forcing me to the ground. The
captain kind of looks like the guy from Coach and he's
always the one who catches me. In reality he is not a
captain, but one of my counsellors on some kind of trip we
are on, and he really enjoys playing the role of hunter.
Comments by Dreamer In the dream, i half knew it was a
dream and felt like it was a reoccuring dream... when i
woke, i found that this was totally untrue, and odd.
Message: 21
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 13:41:26 -0500
From: "A me
Subject: 5 1/2 minute closets
Last night in my dream, I woke up (still in sleep) with an
uneasy feeling. My whole apartment was grey, dull and empty.
I saw my little black kitten, Neko run into the closet that
has our washer and dryer in it and it worried me. (Now mind
you in reality, this closet is VERY small. Not even big
enough for an adult to walk inside completely. Just a cubby
hole more or less) When I peeked inside the closet, it ws
huge. It extended to an area far to big to exist in my
entire apartment building. I heard Neko's mews echo through
the corridors but besides that it was like I could HEAR the
darkness. I don't know if that makes any sense. There were
circles of candle light hanging from the grey walls in some
places but there were no candles to be seen. Then Neko came
running back from the shadows but when he returned, he was
at least 4 times larger, covered in a grey powdrey dirt of
sorts to the point and he looked more like my parents toy
poodle. Though he looked like a dirty, matted dog, I knew
my kitten was hidden inside so I tried my best to wipe away
as much of the dirt as possible but it wouldn't move, it
just sttarted to cover my hand. I remember pausing to look
at my hand covered in this grey powder, it seemed so
significant at the time... I held Neko in my arms and
proceeded into the corridors, convinced some answers would
lie further within. I reached a point in the space that I
somehow knew was on the other side of my bedroom wall and
there were blankets, cups and more candle light as if some
one had been camping out on the other side of my wall. This
really scared me and it felt like the dark was closing in so
I ran back to the entrance. When I got to the door, I came
out in a different part of my apartment across from my
bedroom door. I could see the silhouette of someone tall,
slender and all in black, with a floor length fitted trench
coat (like the ones in DArk city) and a big hat (like
Vampire hunter d's). I didn't know whether to be scared or
not. It was like everything just paused and I reached out
towards the person, knowing I was safe because we were in
between moments in time. Before I could reach him, I was at
a demolition derby, spinning with color and sound for the
first time in this dream, with someone who claimed to have
known me since I was a child. We saw my little sister in
the middle of all the cars as a roller waitress but she was
only throwing drinks at people. I asked if I was ever that
young and the girl handed me a peice of art I had done as a
child. It was all black and white of a nude girl standing
sideways and above her head, a face emerged from the was my boyfirend's face. I remember a slight bit
of confusion but then calm as I looked at his face in this
drawing and slowly everything faded but his face and that
remained til I awoke for real.
sorry this dream was so long but it seemed so unusual and
real to me. I sound see everything so clearly, feel and
smell the grey dirt on my hand, hear the monster trucks and
cars zoom by and feel their rumble in the pit of my stomach.
I really hope someone can shed some light on this dream or
at least give some sort of opinions. hope to hear from you
guys soon. Bye!
There is 1 message in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Scary Dream
From: Anonymous
Message: 1
Date: Fri, 02 Feb 2001 10:18:17 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Scary Dream
Dream Title Scary Dream- Ann
Date of Dream JAn 28 2001
Dream this afternoon i dreamt i was in a
marble building with Greek architecture, and i started
kissing my "brother" and we fell asleep in each others arms
and while i was dreaming i dreamt that we were having sex,
and their was this feeling that i was drugged. And then he
came and in my dream i woke up and was annoyed and was
worried that i might be pregnant, and as the sun was
starting to rise he left and my real brother climbed through
the window and started making fun of me and had seen the
whole thing, and i went to change my clothes, frustrated and
annoyed and that frustration grew when i looked out in this
courtyard and saw a wedding being prepared for there was a
beautiful bride and groom and their parents and everything
was in cream and peach. And this scary gaunt girl with wild
dark hair runs out and halfway severs the head of the bride
and blood is everywhere and she escapes following a trail
of knives. My "brother" and i chase after her in a suburban
trying to run her down, but she grabs onto the back of the
car shrieking horribly, and then becomes transparent and
appears right in our faces with two sharp knives dripping of
blood, and i grab the blade of the knife to wrestle it away
from her, and cut myself and in my pain and anger i grab her
hand and bite of half of her pinky
[dream-flow] Digest Number 99
There are 4 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Snakes angel
From: Anonymous
2. Huge Disaster
From: Anonymous
3. Re: Re: The darkroom
From: ronald
4. Fear
From: "Tatjana
Message: 1
Date: Fri, 02 Feb 2001 15:14:18 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Snakes angel
Dream Title Snakes angel
Date of Dream 2/1/01 12:00 am
Dream Had a Dream that my husband and i
were in our living room and all of sudden these tiny snakes
started crawling from every where. My husband was asleep on
the couch and as my screaming awakened him these middle
sized snakes started crawling toward him and snapping that
is when i suddenly woke up scared to death. Never have had a
dream of this nature before Comments by Dreamer Permission
to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments
Please let me know what this means
Message: 2
Date: Fri, 02 Feb 2001 16:15:46 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Huge Disaster
Dream Title Huge Disaster Crystalheart88
Date of Dream January 31
Dream I am on a vacation, and I am
staying in a hotel on the upper floor. I hear a loud crack,
like a bolt of thunder and it is the beginning of a huge
earthquake. The shaking begins and the walls and floor are
moving and breaking up. I decide not to be afraid, and to
just go with the flow.
I am with some others and we are able to find our way to
where the stairs were, we can see portions of them, but we
pray for safety and protection and proceed down the steps
(Actually more like float down the steps). There is a large
amount of damage and distruction all around. A man comes up
to us and tells us that sixty women died.
The aftershocks are beginning.
(Brief awakening, then back to sleep)
I am thinking that I have just had a precognitive dream, I
think I am awake (but I am really asleep). I feel a tremor
shaking the ground, I am telling the people there that I had
a precognitive dream about this disaster. The people I am
talking to don't feel the tremor, but I do.
Comments by Dreamer Upon awakening I felt feelings of
concern, wonder and foreboding.
Associations: What is shaking? I am overcoming. It also is
very similar to the feelings and dream I had shortly before
my mother's death. (5 years ago)
Prior to this dream, there was in fact a very devastating
earthquake in India.
Message: 3
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2001 16:50:03 -0800 (PST)
From: ronald
Subject: Re: Re: The darkroom
If this were my dream I would be expecting that some part of
me mind that was troubling me/causing me a lot of pain had
been killed by the action of someone else. Have you notice
something painful missing in your life since you were brave
enough to stick with the dream to its conclusion?
There are 2 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Re: Fear
From: Heratheta
2. Attacked by wolfs trying to get home
From: Anonymous
Message: 1
Date: Sat, 3 Feb 2001 11:19:54 EST
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: Fear
peace had lain to the right of the place if dreamer had
avoided becoming known
Message: 2
Date: Sat, 03 Feb 2001 08:51:30 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Attacked by wolfs trying to get home
Dream Title Attacked by wolfs trying to get
home, Trink
Date of Dream sat Feb 2, 2001, about 6am
Dream I dont really remember thr
beginning of my dream. i left my boyfriend and a friend to
go to a restaurant, ended up having to go to the kitchen
(the kitchen was in my old elementary school), and when i
walked out of the kitchen i was in a different restaurant.
There were a bunch of guys in the restaurant playing guitars
and singing. All this has happened once before, a while
ago, in another dream. I was confused, had no idea how i
ended up at the other restaurant. I used a payphone to call
my boyfriend, to tell him id be late, but had to go cuz i
saw a wolf walking down the road, toward me. it took a
while to make the phonecall because there were a bunch of
people around playing music (the same ones from the
restaurant), i kept misdialing the phone, and a cop came by
to make sure everything was okay. i was on a dirt road, in
the mountains, but there were lots of houses. I started
down the road to walk home, and decide to catch up with a
man in fr! ! ont of me, and a wolf appeared in front of me.
The man had a bunch of things in his hands and at his feet
(for the purpose of fending off wolves, making me thing he
was expecting it) which he threw at the wolf, which i
thought was trying to attack me, but seemed more interested
in the man. The man grabbed the wolf, and as i ran past it
bit my arm, but i was able to free myself.
Comments by Dreamer Sorry its long...but its really
wierd and disturbing. id appreciate any insight. For some
reason, the fact that i drempt the first part before (from
the first restaurant, to leaving the 2nd) seems significant,
although i dont kno why. I woke up just after the wolf bit
me...and was wide awake...and scared. If you can help me
figure this one out, it be great. I havent been able to
find anything on wolfs in dream dictionaries online.
[dream-flow] Digest Number 101
There are 12 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. jstone
From: Anonymous
2. My Teeth
From: Anonymous
3. Confused and Toothless
From: Anonymous
4. pink bubble gum pooka
From: Anonymous
5. boy named Adam
From: Anonymous
6. Death
From: Anonymous
7. Kids
From: Anonymous
8. this one's just kinda weird...
From: "A
9. weird
From: gitoffmyfoot
10. skinny
From: Anonymous
11. Laundry Man
From: Anonymous
12. MikkiL
From: Anonymous
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 2001 08:18:26 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: jstone
Dream Title jstone
Date of Dream 2/1/01
Dream i had a dream about my upper teeth
all falling out. What does that mean
Message: 2
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 2001 08:17:57 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: My Teeth
Dream Title My Teeth
Date of Dream
Dream Okay, I always have dreams that my
teeth fall out. Sometimes I see blood, and other times I
dont. They don't fall out one by one, they fall out in
groups, like 10 at a time. I dont know what this means.
But I hate having these dreams!!
Message: 3
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 2001 08:17:05 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Confused and Toothless
Dream Title Confused and Toothless
Date of Dream
Dream I have been having a reoccuring
event in my dreams for about the past four months. The
dreams are never the same situation but I end up losing my
teeth in the dream. They just fall out of my mouth with the
oush of my tounge. Any thoughts as to why this event
singles itself out in my drams...?
Message: 4
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 2001 08:16:44 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: pink bubble gum pooka
Dream Title pink bubble gum pooka
Date of Dream reacuring jan28-feb3.5:30 a.m.
Dream I am floating suspended in the air
or flying? It is black. I have pink bubble gum in my mouth.
I am deperatly trying to remove it from my mouth. The more I
pull and yank it from my mouth the more I have in my mouth.
I hear a voice tell me that I need to get a book to interpet
this dream.
Comments by Dreamer I have had this dream three times
in the past week
Message: 5
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 2001 08:16:11 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: boy named Adam
Dream Title boy named Adam
Date of Dream 2-4-01
Dream A 10 year old boy named Adam, and
possibly another ten year old are trapped in a crack in the
mountain somewhere near sweet river? He needs a 12 foot rope
to climb out. There is snow on the ground and he can see his
gloves at the top of the crack. Where he is, there is one
lone tree with no leaves on it. It is flat by the crack, but
pinetrees up on the mountain. Daylight, and he is not cold.
Is this dream important? Comments by Dreamer
Message: 6
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 2001 08:17:34 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Death
Dream Title Death Dreamed by Amanda
Date of Dream Feb.2,200112:00
Dream In my dream last night it was the
scariest thing i ever had dreamed about before.Here is my
In my dream my mom had died. my sisters, my mom and I had
just gone to bed. Then the next morning we all had just got
up and we went to check on her and she was dead. She had
died in her sleep.
Comments by Dreamer Please help me it was really
scary and it is making me really sad. It is bugging me and I
hope you can help me and tell me what this means to me or
what it means at all.
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments please write me back and tell me
what my dream meant at
Message: 7
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 2001 08:18:57 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Kids
Dream Title Kids
Date of Dream 01/08/01 3:00 pm
Dream I walk thru a door into a house
that seems familiar, like deep down I know this is my home
in this dream , yet I hope this is not true. As I'm looking
into the house I'm seeing the living-room, and in it are at
least five babies, all the same age, about four months
old.None of them look at all alike, yet I know that they are
all brothers and sisters. I also realize with horror that
these are my children.They are playing with toys, but there
is no furniture, the walls aren't painted either. It
appeares to me to be a newly bought house. I quickley walk
by the children in the living room to search the house. I
find a small bedroom beside the livingroom, and it too has
at least three children in it. They also look nothing alike,
and are the same age as the rest. I also feel with mild
nausea that they are mine. That room is in the same state as
the last.There was also toys in the room that the babies
were playing with. Anyways, I run from that room, to find! !
myself face to face with Ted Danson, he's dressed in a lab
coat with a breif-case in hand. I realize, with another wave
of nausea, that he is my husband, yet he's not an actor,
he's a doctor. I notice that he's by the back door, and he's
about to leave for work. I look away from him, and my gaze
falls on the sliding glass door, when I look out it I see a
baby, one of mine, the same age as the others and
yada, and the baby, it's a him, is lying face down on the
back porch steps, it looks as though he's fallen. I also
notice that his hair looks strange. I start screaming and
pointing out the door at the baby and yelling at Ted to
help. The next instant I turn around to look at Ted, and he
is crouched down holding that same baby that was on the
steps. I look back out the window, and see that the baby
isn't there.i look back at Ted and he is still crouched down
holding the baby, looking up at me and smiling. It is then
that I notice with shock, the baby's hair, only I c! ! an
see it clearer this time. It is long(for a baby's hair) and
thich and dark grayish auburn, with a long, thick streak of
silvery gray on the top. I was like, WEIRD, but what was
even weirder was that when I looked at Ted, his hair-color
was exactly the same as the baby's, even the streak of
silver. Then,(now this event gives nauseated a new meaning)
Ted pursed up his lips for a good-bye kiss. I winced, and
stooped down, and he gave me the most awful, stomach-
churning pop kisses you could ever imagin!!And then, thank-
God, the dream was over!
omments by Dreamer I don't know why I felt so utterly
repulsed by Ted Danson, I've never even given him a
thought.I can't imagine why I would dream I was married to
him.Another weird thing is, is that before I took that nap,
I had been talking about how I would never have children. i
also had another dream that I was married to Ted Danson! I
wish they would stop.
Message: 8
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 2001 14:37:29 -0500
From: "A l
Subject: this one's just kinda weird...
Ok this one is just really short and weird...I dreamt last
night that DAnny DeVito was a terroist with Melanie Griffith
and they kidnapped the statue of liberty and were breaking
off the spikes on her crown and shoving them up her butt..
weird huh? Let me know what you think if you want.
There are 4 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Re: weird
From: "A me
2. old home visit
From: Anonymous
3. Elevator Swimming/Damagentz80
From: Anonymous
4. What Went Wrong?
From: Anonymous
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2001 08:49:36 -0500
From: "A me
Subject: Re: weird
Yeah, actually that weird dream seems to make a lot more
sense. Thanks.
>From: >Reply-To: dream- >To:
>Subject: [dream-flow] weird >Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2001 00:44:37
EST > > Yea,thats weird.Do you feel as if your gettin
shafted in some >way,relationship or job wise?Possibly
affectin your personal freedom.
There is 1 message in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. My tongue
From: Anonymous
Message: 1
Date: Wed, 07 Feb 2001 20:14:08 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: My tongue
Dream Title My tongue Rach
Date of Dream 07/02/2001
Dream I dreamt that I was moving out of
the flat where I moved away from in real life about a week
ago. The circumstances were very similar to real life except
that while a few people were visiting amongst all of my
boxes I started to cough. And twice I coughed up my tongue
into a bucket.
Comments by Dreamer About a week ago I moved out of the
block of flats where I had a lot of friends. I was very
glad to get out there because they were not real friends.
But there I had a gossiping problem which got me into
trouble with my neighbors too many times. I am very glad to
have moved away from there and I have made a firm resolve to
keep my mouth shut when it comes to other people. I don't
know if my dream meant that I am having a guilty conscience
about my gossiping or if I am missing it.
[dream-flow] Digest Number 104
There are 3 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. unknown
From: Anonymous
2. my boyfreind
From: Anonymous
3. Horror of horrors!!
From: Anonymous
Message: 1
Date: Thu, 08 Feb 2001 18:34:24 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: unknown
Dream Title unknown
Date of Dream Dec./ Jan
Dream my ex boyfriend got in a fight with
some guys and a friend of ours was on their side. My ex
boyfriends brother try to keep me in the house so i couldnt
see the fight. but i got outside and seen my ex boyfriend
who was really weak and cuoldnt defend himself, so I walked
up to the heaviest guy and told him to leave and if he didnt
he would have to deal with me, but he left. Then my ex
boyfriend and my freind like throw a log on him. I went
over to his side and got on the ground telling him that I
loved him and not to dye. When the ambulance got there I
refused to leave his side and i ride with him to the
hospital and he was in it for a long time and I didnt ever
leave his side'
Message: 2
Date: Thu, 08 Feb 2001 19:17:38 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: my boyfreind
Dream Title my boyfreind mrb Dream
i was at work and there is a guy that i work with
that is kinda cute and i kinda like him, and we were going
out and then after we were going out for a while he finally
told me that he had gone out with my freind before going out
with me, and i got really upset. and the next day i saw him
and felt really weird
Message: 3
Date: Thu, 08 Feb 2001 19:38:10 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Horror of horrors!!
Dream Title Horror of horrors!!
Date of Dream 01/24/01
Dream Before I tell you this dream, I
should probably tell you that I am 100% female, and proud of
it. I'm also very much attracted to the ooposite sex. Okay,
I was sitting in this weird looking living room, with this
wrap around couch. I was on one side lying on my back, I
guess watching television. My mothers husband was sitting on
the other side of the wrap-around couch. My mothers husband
is only six years older than me, and ten yrs. younger than
my mother, I'm 17 he's 23, so it's really weird because he
tries to boss me around and I'm like, what the hell are you
on, I've had boy-friends your age! I don't look at him as
anything, I mean, I'd feel weird calling him my step-dad,
and I can't look at him as a brother. And he's cute I
suppose, but HELL NO!!! Which is why this dream strikes me
as odd, along with a few other things. So Anyways, back to
the couch thing, so were just sittin there, and all of the
sudden I sprout this penis, and I'm like,"WHAT THE
HECCCCCC"? And then, before I knew what was happening, I was
masturbating. Matt(my mom's husband) had gotten up to get
something.The whole time I was, ya know, masturbating. I was
feeling shame, and disgust, but, as much as I wanted to, I
could'nt stop!And then ( now this will really make your
stomach churn)I came, and everywhere!! All over the couch ,
and I was trying to clean it up(I was so upset)and it
would'nt clean up. Then Matt walked around to sit back down,
he saw everything and he said," I can help you with that
next time," and smiled!!!!! I was like " Oh my God, this is
not happening!" So I ran into this bedroom, I guess it was
mine, and I noticed that the penis had gone away after I had
masturbated. For some reason I wanted to do it again. So I
thought really hard, and I watched this penis grow, yet I
still had my feminine parts, fully functioning. What was
really weird was that my girl parts wanted my guy parts and
vise-versa. So I started to have sex with myself, so to
speak. And I could feel all the sensations a guy feels, and
all the sensations a girl feels, at the same time. The whole
time I didn't want to do this, but my body was just taking
over.That was the end, thank-God!!! Now, I would like to
know how many people have dreams that sick!
Comments by Dreamer I have no clue as to why I would
dream a night-mare like that. I consider myself to be a
normal 17 yr. old. I like guys, and shopping.Ya, know, all
the normal things as far as society's concerned. But now,
I'm not so sure!I feel mind-raped, and by my own self, no
less. To think that I could have dreamed something so horrid
and perverse makes me nauseated. I really would like some
sort of an interpretation. I feel like I have the absolute
sickest mind, even though I know you can't help what you
dream. Have you ever heard the saying,"Dreams are a key to
your future."? Oh dear God, I hope that's not true!!!!!!
[dream-flow] Digest Number 105
There are 3 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. I Drowned
From: Anonymous
2. My first out of body experience!! ( dream ing)
from: nikki arringtons <nikki69302642001
3. My first out of body experience!! ( dream ing)
from: nikki arringtons <nikki69302642001
Message: 1
Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2001 12:30:52 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: I Drowned
Dream Title I Drowned
Date of Dream 2-7-2001
Dream It was Wednesday night, I was
sleeping. I had a dream I was in some sort of car swirving
all over, a log truck forced me and my mom and my cousin out
of the car. Me and my cousin and my mom ran across a bridge.
They got over it, it opened on me and I fell through. I
could feel the pressure and pain. I sank to the bottom and
tried breathing and began to choke. I could hear my parents
getting ready. I could hear my heart beat fading out. My mom
came in my room, my alarm was going off I was literally
dying and could not reach over to grab the alarm. I could
hear a voice saying, "come on Stephanie, come on." My mom
hit me and I woke up. When I woke up my heart beat was very
shallow and far apart, and I couldn't breathe. I have had
problems breathing since then. What is this dream trying to
tell me?
Message: 2
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2001 23:25:11 -0800 (PST)
From: nikki arringtons <nikki69302642001
Subject: my first out of body experience!! ( dream ing)
This all happened in less than 5 minutes of laying down in
bed. Icould really feel my eyes rolling back into a deep
state of dreaming. I tried to stop and wake up but i
couldn't! I was walking down a hallway where i passed a
waiting room and desk area . I seen a man get up when i
passed by.isaw the handcuffs on the back of his sleeves but
no police uniform. I then passed by a stairway where there
was a trashcan ,i tossed my dope into it and walked to
elevator,and pussed the down button. There were other people
waiting along with me and the guy with cuffs. They all
started telling me how good i smelled and carrying on about
the fragrance and all of a sudden i fell straight back on
the floor. Then i was above my body floating around. Then i
heard the elevator door open and go ding- ding , really loud
and i woke up . And told my dream to my husband. All in 5
There is 1 message in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. dreamed i was urinating blood
From: takmais
Message: 1
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2001 20:23:53 -0000
From: takmais
Subject: dreamed i was urinating blood
hello. obviously i didnt have a good dream last night. I
am a male, and i dreamt that i urinated and it was full of
blood. The whole dream i was scared to death and i just
knew that i had some form of cancer. I told my mother about
it and that i thought i needed to have some tests done to
see what was wrong (to confirm my fears.) It was a horrible
feeling like my body was seriously "broken." Sorta the same
feeling i've gotten in dreams where my car breaks down. I
usually have some inkling of an idea that when i'm having a
really bad dream thats just what it is, a dream. but not
this one. when woke up i was SOOOOO greatfull i cannot
explain. i may even have said "thank god." I'd really like
to hear some comments or suggestions on wether or not this
dream concept has any "collective" meaning or is generally
related to any particular state of mind. thanks.
[dream-flow] Digest Number 107
There are 6 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. becalmed on the sea of dreams
From: Anonymous
2. Amy
From: Anonymous
3. SNAKES <Gissy>
From: Anonymous
4. peaceful waterfall & stream
From: Anonymous
5. aggression
From: Anonymous
From: Anonymous
Message: 1
Note from editor: Stan requests his name be kept with the
dream text. Rcw.
stan kulikowski ii <>
DATE : 11 feb 2001 10:52
DREAM : becalmed on the sea of dreams
=( last night, saturday, mom and i watched our weekend
videos. nothing very good was available at blockbuster.
the tornado at the end of _dr t and the women_ was the best
thing in an otherwise dull movie. i was unable to get much
work done on my computers as we watched, so i gave up and
just vegged. everything has been going pretty well with my
classes, but every project that needed to be done was too
large for the evening. next week i start two more courses
with the navy classes so i will be booked solid every day
for the entire month. )=
purdue university is an unfocused campus. apparently the
school grew in spurts and so did the surrounding
neighborhoods, probably in unplanned response to the size of
the university. whatever the cause, university buildings
exist in clumps with streets of residential housing
interspersed. today i am driving my black camaro, coming
into the campus for work, but all the usual parking spaces
are filled. usually this means some sort of conference or
special function has attracted enough visitors to
temporarily swamp available parking. i have to park my car
several blocks away on a residential street and walk into
the campus.
i go into the classroom where i work with the students from
the navy. today is one of the days that they wear their
uniforms. i sit in my desk along the wall and start up the
computer on the desktop. it takes sometime to arrange all
of the hardcopy files and books i am working with. the
other students are busy at their seats, i am not to lecture
today, but just be available for office hours while i work
on my class projects.
no sooner do i get started than a couple of heavy set ladies
in overdressed wool and tweeds suits come over and take my
keyboard off the desktop. the keyboard i normally use is a
special recessed fingering model from kenesis. in its place
they give me a tiny flat keyboard made of clear colored
plastic. mine is the red strawberry color. "what is this?"
i ask them.
"we are setting up new equipment for the LAN in this room.
all new macintoshes. we have scheduled this room for our
tests." one of them tells me.
"but will any of our courseware run on a mac?" i ask. "and
this keyboard is too small for finger reach with touch
typing and i am a dvorak typer, not qwerty. i need to have
my real keyboard back." she just shrugs and walks on to the
next desk.
the navy students are also leaving the room, apparently none
of them can work on the new equipment either. i pack up my
materials and decide to go over to my department across
campus to see when the schedule will allow me to get some
work done again.
it is a long walk across purdue. long blocks of giant red
brick buildings set in the middle of empty lawns, then a few
streets of crowded ranch houses. i assume most of these are
owned by faculty but have never been invited into any of
them. then more blocks of department buildings and a few
storefronts and fast food franchises catering to the student
finally i arrive at the small building on the edge of campus
that houses the small education department where i work.
but going inside, i find all strangers. i am told that my
department has been moved to another building a few blocks
back the way i came.
i retrace my steps back. i find the new building is a large
brick and concrete structure housing many educational
departments. upstairs on the second floor i find a few of
the secretaries that i am accustomed to but none of the
going back down the stairs, i see bill griffen in a side
room. he is on the other side of a dutch door, open on top
but closed and locked on the bottom.
"hey, bill." i call through to him. "i could not work with
the navy project today because of some change in scheduling.
why was i not give notice of this?"
he shrugs, unconcerned. "i have cancelled your contract.
it was about to expire anyway and we do not need that
project anymore." what? i do not get paid much for doing
this work, but it seems markedly unfriendly just to
terminate like this. "perhaps i can get you some work on a
demonstration grant."
i do not say anything and turn to leave the building. being
a journeyman teacher at universities is never a respected
occupation. too much of the resources have to be reserved
for the tenured faculty who basically do the same labor but
are given incommensurate benefits. it does not matter what
kind of teaching you do for contracts, only the tenured
teachers are considered full time employees.
rather than walk back toward my car, i get aboard the small
open bus that serves as the campus shuttle. i am too tired
to want to walk back all the way.
in the back of the bus, i find two regular students that i
know. they are both working on laptops as the bus starts
out from the curb. it is really crowded inside, every seat
taken so i stand in the isle. the two students are
comparing their progress using REXX commands for the
one of them looks up to me. "this new operating system you
told us about is really cool." it is new only to him. dumb
terminals to a mainframe is really old technology, but his
generation of student grew up with microcomputers and find
it difficult to realize that ancient monolithic computers
had some features better designed than the microsoft
software pushes off the public market it controls.
"if you like that, you will really like the slider
programs." i tell him.
"that is one way of looking at it." another student who is
apparently sitting with them speaks up.
"why is it that you give us such good information that the
other teachers that teach our classes do not know?" the
second laptop using student asks. i smirk but do not
answer. tenure benefits lock in knowledge on a twenty to
thirty year timeframe-- the career expectancy of new
faculty-- but in a technology that turns over on a five year
cycle this guarantees obsolescence even before a new hire
reaches middle years of teacher productivity. the result is
burnout once the teachers realize the constant task of
retooling compared to commerce where knowledge is relatively
stable. i do not try to explain any of this to the
students. even if they are aware of the situation and voice
it in their academic departments, it will only mean faster
fires and greater turnover for the journeymen who practice
the new technology continually.
suddenly the students slam their laptops closed and jump out
of the bus. end of the line. i start to gather up my
things which have settled around me, but the now empty bus
begins to depart. "wait. i am not off yet." i call up to
the driver.
he pulls over again to the curb. "but i gave the hand wave
that we had come to the end."
"i could not see the wave and would not have known what it
meant." i finally get all my stuff together and get off the
i am in an unfamiliar end of town now. abegail jane lives
in an apartment somewhere up here i think. i wonder why i
do not see her more often, at least on the streets, but
since she dumped me i have heard nothing and expect less.
also, i am having trouble keeping all my gear together and
decide to stop and rearrange it. i am trying to carry my
jacket with the computer bag and book sack. if i put on the
jacket i will be too warm but it will make walking easier.
my arm gets stuck in my leather vest as i try to put on the
=(i awake 10:50. i am depressed and disappointed by this
dream which just seems to focus on frustration and
pointlessness. this dream was a mixture of actual
experiences i have had at purdue and here in west florida
with a little of amherst massachusetts thrown in. the
campus and buildings were from west lafayette, bill griffen
was from here in pensacola, and abegail jane was from
amherst. during the last two or three weeks i have had
several other dreams with different content but these same
feelings which i did not want to write in my dream log. my
waking life has not been disappointing nor frustrating. my
teaching is going well, full of technical challenges that i
have been accomplishing on a regular basis and that feels
good. i am getting paid again, so things should be solid.
but instead, this sequence of dreams keeps bringing up these
themes of getting nowhere and being sad about lost loves
which i do not want affecting my waking life. that is
probably why i had not written any of them into the dream
log. but, since nothing else but doledrums has been coming
out of my subconscious, i decided to force myself to write
this one. i have the feeling that i will be stuck in stasis
with these frustrating, get-nothing-done dreams until i
acknowledge them and so move on. i hope so. i want to get
back to enjoyable dreams with a sense of wonder in them. )=
Message: 2
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 17:56:10 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Amy
Dream Title Amy
Date of Dream Feb. 3
Dream I was in the car with a guy i kno
and he put his hand om my stomach. So then i distincly
remember pushing in my stomach. What does this mean?
Message: 3
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 17:57:31 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: SNAKES <Gissy>
Dream Title SNAKES <Gissy>
Date of Dream jan-2001/
Dream I dreamt of a snake attacking me it
bit me a few times but It didn't kill me...
Comments by Dreamer what might this mean?
Message: 4
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 17:57:52 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: peaceful waterfall & stream
Dream Title peaceful waterfall & stream
Date of Dream feb-2001
Dream I dreamt I was at with my online
honey I haven't met him in person yet we've met like a year
and a half ago well back to my dream... we were sitting on
this bench behind us was a beautiful waterfall and a strong
stream running down but the weird thing is him and I didnt
speak at all we we're just sitting there ....
Message: 5
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 17:58:38 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: aggression
Dream Title aggression
Date of Dream started at age 7 in 1988
Dream My parents were divorced at a
very young age, that is why i think these dreams keep
happening! It was a violent marriage. OK the DREAM....
It starts off that my older sister and i are at my
grandmother's house and then or father comes in the room and
tells us to get our chairs.( we had these little orange
chairs that had or names engraved on them.) Then he would
pull down the stairs from the celling, to the attic. We
would then follow him up the stairs and sit in our chairs on
the attic floor. Our father would then pull our mother out
of the corner, by her hair. She would just lay there
helpless on the cold floor. Then he would strike her in the
head with the part of the hammer that takes the nails out.
This is a dream that has trouble me for over 10 years now.
It's reoccurring and just as scary as the 1st time i ever
saw it.
Comments by Dreamer I would like to better understand
why i am having these night terrors. It has bothered me for
quite some time now. thank you!
Message: 6
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 17:57:02 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: New Dream: EXTREMELY WEIRD!!
Date of Dream
Dream i had a dream that i was at the guy
i like's soccer game..after it was over, i got into my car
and waited for him. He got into the car and we drove around.
i had heard about a place kind of like a "Lover's Lane"
where it overlooked the city lights. Cars would park there
and the couples would make out. well, i went there and
parked the car. me and this guy just sat there and talked. i
leaned in to kiss after a while and when i stopped and sat
back, i noticed that part of his mouth was hanging off..i
screamed and he jumped back knocking more of his "face" off.
he peeled it off, and i noticed it was a disguise..he was
really this guy that i had a previous "obsession" with for a
whole year last year. i was TOTALLY over him now and he
personally repulsed me. I screamed and started gagging..i
asked him what he was doing and he said nothing...i took him
back to the soccer fields, and by now the game was
over..there was only one person still there..the REAL guy i
like! he saw keith and said what are you doing? and i told
him all about what happened..and he was just like dude,
you're sick. i got back into the car a little shooken up.
jacob (the guy i like's name) told me everything was gonna
be alright and that keith was just a pyscho...i told him i
was okay, and then he leaned into kiss me...when we were
through, he said, "now, how was that? better than keith?"
and, i just nodded and smiled, and kissed him agian..that
was the end of the dream.
Comments by Dreamer This dream was really weird..please
interpret it!
[dream-flow] Digest Number 108
There are 3 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Re: dreamed i was urinating blood
From: ronald seward <ronseward
2. Rocking The Dead
From: Anonymous
3. RAT is following me
From: Anonymous
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 15:09:16 -0800 (PST)
From: ronald seward <ronseward
Subject: Re: dreamed i was urinating blood
Yourdream is meaningful to me in more ways than one. If
itwere my dream I would see it at several levels.
-an attention getting dream - the broken down cars and the
feelings attached to it are stuck at a level offear.Watch
out for another car (way of getting travelling through life
without expending yourenergy yet completelycontrolled by
you) dream and ask the car why it breaks down.
-a warningdream to get you ready to face some major life
flow problem in the future (blood is symbolically life flow)
-archetypally,to me urinating is a cleansing experience.
Theimpurities inthebody are removed. Cleansing by water
(baptism by Johnthe Babtist). Cleansing by blood would bring
in the whole death-rebirth thing. If you have a Christian
background thiswill have immediateimplications. If you do
not the death-rebirth thing is the theme of many religions.
Hope this helps. If thedream repeats notice the positive
feelings that have replaced the fear.
--- wrote: > hello. obviously i didnt
have a good dream last > night. I am a male, > and i dreamt
that i urinated and it was full of > blood. The whole >
dream i was scared to death and i just knew that i > had
some form of > cancer. I told my mother about it and that i
> thought i needed to > have some tests done to see what was
wrong (to > confirm my fears.) It > was a horrible feeling
like my body was seriously > "broken." Sorta > the same
feeling i've gotten in dreams where my car > breaks down. I
> usually have some inkling of an idea that when i'm >
having a really > bad dream thats just what it is, a dream.
but not > this one. when > woke up i was SOOOOO greatfull i
cannot explain. i > may even have > said "thank god." I'd
really like to hear some > comments or > suggestions on
wether or not this dream concept has > any "collective" >
meaning or is generally related to any particular > state of
mind. > thanks. > >
There are 3 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. chief
From: Anonymous
2. just left me feeling weird...
From: "A me
3. Bathroom
From: Anonymous
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 11:03:28 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: chief
Dream Title chief
Date of Dream
Dream as a kid a had a dream that i was
running at my elemtery school in this big field that was
inside of the schools fences and there is a crowd of people
chasing me sometimes i recognize faces other times i dont
know any one in the crowd i dont know why there chasing me
but i run and run but they begin to catch up and right when
there are about to grab me i leap into the air and begin to
fly and i just fly around in the air look and the people and
at that moment im the happiest person alive most of the time
the dream ends there but other times i fly to differnt
places like once i flow to germany to see my father who i
havent seen since i was two years old
Comments by Dreamer im a perfectly average person this
dream dosent affect me in any noticable way i would just
like to know what it means
Message: 2
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 18:00:56 -0500
From: "A me
Subject: just left me feeling weird...
The other night, I dreamt that my boyfriend, I and a few of
my coworkers were running throuhg this labrynth parking
garage, all aware of an immediate danger without knowing
what it was. We ran from level to level till we finally
made it to the roof and we could see the sun rising. My
boyfriend (Mike), my 7months pregnant boss, her husband,
myself and maybe 3 others that i didn't know were the only
people to make it out alive. The sunrise was the most
beautiful thing I had ever seen and I remember thinking that
everything would be ok because beautiful moments such as
this still existed. When I looked down, I discovered I was
pregnant. Everyone else seemed to know about it before me
too. My boyfriend was talking to my boss telling her we
were going to name him Michael Daeclan if it was a boy and
he was sure it was. I just watched him talking for the
remainder of the dream with a broad smile across my face.
ok. Back to real life...I'm not pregnant (well as far as I
know) I'm just wondering the signifigance of this dream if
any because I haven't really had dreams like this one since
right before I had found out I was pregnant for the first
time. Or is there some other kind of meaning? Any insight
PLEASE!!!! PLEASE someone tell me something. ok thanks buh
There are 2 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. tortilla witch
From: Anonymous
2. ivory
From: Anonymous
Note from editor: Stan requests his name be kept with the
dream text. Rcw.
Message: 1
stan kulikowski ii <>
DATE : 14 feb 2001 00:26
DREAM : tortilla witch
=( last night i mainly prepared for starting new coursework
at the university. they have me scheduled for an ungodly
long day of teaching. i try to get to bed early, around
01:00 and i do get to sleep, but i wake again 02:00 and lay
there unable to sleep. around 03:30 i give up on sleep and
do some course prep for about an hour. finally around 04:30
i get back to sleep. )=
my sister has driven my father's brown jeep through the
woods up to the small grey house. i am standing off in the
bushes watching where she has parked. the house is really a
slightly run down cabin, plain wooden siding with a porch
that runs around the nearest two sides of the building.
this porch ends at the far end with a door that leads
she sits inside the jeep, one with a square hard top-- not
the fabric convertible roof. i just now notice that a man
has stood up in front of the vehicle where he had been
crouching down doing something to the car. ah, now i see
that he has removed the pair of moose antlers that my father
used as ornament on the bumper. i never really liked the
effect, but it does not seem to be the proper business of
this stranger to unbolt them. i see that he reaches over on
the ground and picks up a smaller pair of antlers, probably
from a deer, and proceeds to place them in position to
replace the set he has taken.
i start to move forward through the bushes where i have been
watching. the man, startled by me, suddenly vanishes with a
slight flash. the small antler set he has been holding
drops to the ground. what's this? how does he just vanish
like that? certainly this confirms my suspicion that he was
doing something unsanctioned on the jeep.
i go over and pick up the fallen deer antlers. they are
connected in the middle by a short metal tube with holes
drilled in for the retaining bolts. i put my dad's moose
antlers back on the bumper and tighten the bolts with my
fingers. have to find a wrench somewhere later. i am
surprised that my sister has not moved or seemed to notice
the actions of the strange man in front of her.
once the moose antlers are replaced i go around the side of
the cabin, the one with the porch, to see if the
disappearing man has shown up again. behind the building,
on the far side from the jeep, i find a young boy standing
in the bushes just looking at me with nervous eyes.
something is not right here , but i start to go back the way
i came. i do not see any reason to disturb the child.
but as i start to go, i get an intuition about the wrongness
i am feeling from the boy. as i abruptly turn to go quickly
to this child, i see that his image shimmers a little as i
approach. when i get close enough to touch him, his small
shape quickly enlarges and resolves into the strange man i
was looking for. he has used some kind of glamour in
attempt to avoid me. "how did you see through me?" he asks
as he vanishes again like before. going back to the cabin,
i open the side door at the end of the porch. just inside i
do not find the stranger, but a woman, a girl and a young
boy sitting at a table in the dismal kitchen. they are just
sitting there staring straight ahead with a glazed look in
their eyes, unresponsive to my entry. the boy has the same
look as the image the mysterious stranger was hiding behind,
but when i touch him, i discover that this one is solid and
"what is happening here?" i ask the woman, shaking her
shoulder a bit. her eyes do not quite focus, but she seems
to notice me at last. she mutters something i can not
ah, on the table i see a small lazy susan, the kind used for
condiments, but now empty. on the chair next to the young
girl, there is a small doll fashioned from knitting thick
yarn as a body under a plastic head. if i can not talk
directly to this mesmerized family (i assume they are
related), then i know a form of divination which might
provide me some answers. i have a feeling that magic is
being used here by the stranger which i may be able to
unravel with my meager skills in this vocation.
i take the knit doll and place it on the lazy susan.
spinning and spinning the doll faster, i ask a question of
it. "are there magic forces being used here against these
people?" the doll on the spinning platter suddenly
accelerates with a force greater than i had applied to it.
the woman again mutters, clears her throat but speaks with
difficulty. "hard-- say-- rhyme easier--"
of course, i had forgotten a part of the spell. have to ask
in rhyme. i spin up the doll again.
"dolly, dolly, tell me if you can,
what forces are used by that man."
the young girl speaks up with a drugged voice, her eyes not
breaking their stare.
"magic he does use,
but his deeds not excuse."
hm. the doll winds down after the answer and i think up the
next question
that i want to rhyme as i spin up the doll to the point
where it speeds up again on it own.
"dolly, dolly, tell me true
just what is it he did do."
the young boy's voice answers this time, still in his
"kidnap, kidnap is so sad.
that man is not their dad.
careful action you must take,
steal your soul is at stake."
good advice. before i can crank up the doll again for
another question, the stranger pops up out of nowhere in the
room. "what's this? what's this?" he cries coming up
behind the boy. "you are just making them say whatever you
his appearance has freed a little the three sitting at the
table. their eyes slowly move over to look at me, pleading
but still glazed.
"ok. this time do not any of you speak." i tell the them.
the woman and her two children nod slightly in assent as i
start the doll spinning again.
"dolly, dolly, don't forsake
what we do his spells to break."
this time when the doll torques up on its own, the three
keep silent as per our agreement. the man suddenly chokes
and grabs his own throat. nevertheless, the words tumble out
of his own mouth.
"everything that they do own,
get from here and take them home."
still clutching his throat and struggling with his own body,
he reaches out
to knock the doll off the table. he should have known that
a physical assault on a divinatory apparatus has the effect
of damaging his own spells. the eyes of the woman and her
children clear immediately and they jump up from the table
as the man convulses on the side.
"quickly now while we have the chance." i tell them. "get
everything here that is yours and let us leave. anything
left behind can be used to bring you back here." the
children run into he next room and soon come back with small
leather suitcases. the woman picks up a few things from the
kitchen. it seems that none of them have many possessions
i hurry them outside and into the jeep. i tell my sister to
start up and drive out of here while we have the chance.
we do not get very far.
trying to drive through the bushes on the side of the house
opposite the porch, there is an old derelict automobile
sitting there rusting. as we approach it, the sky suddenly
goes dark in an unnatural blackness. the stranger is coming
after us. the rusted car also glows with a threatening life
of its own. it feels like we can not get past it. as we
try, the jeep slows down and seems to veer over to the
glowing headlights of the stationary car up on concrete
blocks. we can not escape.
thinking a moment what must be the problem, i crawl over
into the back seat with the family. i tear open the
suitcase the boy had brought in. sure enough, i find an
empty cardboard box with his name written on it. something
the sorcerer had given him. although it did belong to the
child, it serves as a bond to the captor.
i throw the box out the back window of the jeep. as soon as
it departs, the blackness dispels, the jeep lurches forward
on its own power. the evil car returns to being a rusting
as we start up the small hill away from the cabin, i feel a
lurch and see the stranger has run after us and has leaped
upon the rear bumper. he is reaching in through the rear
window, howling in wordless rage. the woman and children are
starting to go back in their trancelike condition.
something is still wrong. he should not still have this
power over them. as my sister finally drives us out of the
wood lot and onto the country highway, i pull open the other
suitcase and look into it.
i find a few articles of clothing and a paperback book.
over in the corner i find a stack of old dry tortillas.
white flour tortillas. these certainly seem out of place.
i take up the tortillas and hold them up in my hand as we
gain speed down the empty highway. the man hanging on the
back of the jeep, starts to howl again when he sees what i
have, but this time in fear rather than threat.
the wind starts to blow the tortillas, one by one, off my
hand and out the back window. the stranger tries to catch
them as they go by, but is unable to catch even one.
as the last dried tortilla blows off my hand and out the
back of the jeep, a giant hairy hand, maybe eight or nine
meters tall, rises up out of the highway to catch that last
tortilla. it hits the center of the giant palm like a
period on a page. the strange man now really howls in
genuine terror, clinging to back of our jeep, but now
looking back.
as we continue to speed away, a giant arm follows up the
hand, then horned head and torso rise up to the waist. a
demon, covered in light brown fur, reaches toward us to
snatch the squealing man off the back of our jeep. cries of
terror reach ever higher pitch before they are muffled out
by the closing of the giant fist around him.
=( the alarm wakes me 07:30. i immediately feel a 'wow'
sensation from this dream, but i quickly realize that i will
not have time to type it into my dream log file. i have to
start teaching at the university promptly at 09:30 and have
about seven hours straight of lecture and classwork
scheduled today, starting up an internet course of the
latest group of navy sailors. i find a clipboard and paper
to quickly jot down a series of phrases to help me remember
the dream sequence for later in the day to write it up
proper. while shaving and in the shower i keep rehearsing
the dream memory. on my motorcycle on the way to school, i
kept repeating the dolly dolly rhymes to help me recall them
later. i do believe that i pretty well got the dream
written the way it happened, even though most the day has
intervened and i did not get back to my bedside computer
until just after midnight. my father never owned a jeep
like the one here. my sister appeared to be in her
midtwenties rather than the age she is now. )=
Message: 2
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 13:47:15 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: ivory
Dream Title ivory
Date of Dream Feb 14th 5:00 AmDreami had a dream
that i participated in some kind of a spiritual cult
meeting.i was at an outdoor event with my roommate and they
had a gathering and iwas curious so i took a seat to watch.
in the seat next to mine was somekind of symbol and we were
supposed to take the symbol and make a wish andbury it in
the ground in front of us.. when i took the symbol the
womannext to me said that it belonged to her and that i
tried stealing it. iapologized and told her i truly didn't
know it belonged to her, it was justsitting in the seat next
to mine and i didn't know we had to purchasethem. I told
her I would buy her another symbol. i gave hers back,and
went to purchase a symbol for her but it wasn't the same as
the one itook from the seat and she accussed me of stealing
again. She began torummage through her belongings to make
sure i didnt't take anything else,called me a typical new
yorker. finally i got up and went to sit inanother seat.
All of the spiritual members h!!ad their own symbols, a
silver butterfly, i remember some type of ladybugor beetle,
etc. one of the girls came up to me and said i should
receive aspecial symbol, and all the members were to keep
theirs, not burythem. she asked me to look on the floor at
my feet. i saw a square ivoryboard. she said my symbol was
'ivory' and that it was extremely specialand i was very
lucky. i picked it up, and we began dancing, together,
withall the other members of the spiritual cult...then i
woke up.Comments by Dreamer I know it was a nice day
out and the event tookplace outside.i know 'ivory' was
significantalthough my roommmate eric was in my dream he was
never with me during anyofthe events thattook place..i only
saw him when i was with the group dancing.i felt positive
vibes when i woke up but i was really confused and curious
[dream-flow] Digest Number 111
There are 2 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Big Boxing Gloves
From: Anonymous
2. Parasailing
From: jenner_n
Message: 1
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2001 13:45:56 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Big Boxing Gloves
Dream Title Big Boxing Gloves - Midge
Date of Dream 3/15/2001 - 5:30 AM
Dream A boy i know and another older,
larger boy were wearing oversized boxing gloves a battling
with blue foam squares in the cafeteria. A girl comes up to
me and places a small bet on the smaller boy and i bet $1
against her on the larger boy.
Comments by Dreamer What can this mean?
Message: 2
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2001 23:38:35 -0000
From: jenner_n
Subject: Parasailing
I am going to write this dream exactly as I recorded it,
half asleep.
Parasailing w/ 2 people, no rope in a swimming pool w/
several people suddenly everyone is gone, i think i have a
knife in my hand
What is up with that??
[dream-flow] Digest Number 112
There are 4 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Crocodile Richelle
From: Anonymous
2. party of the year
From: Anonymous
3. Tongue massage
From: Anonymous
4. laying on side
From: Anonymous
Message: 1
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 08:58:04 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Crocodile Richelle
Dream Title Crocodile Richelle
Date of Dream 2/15/01 3:00am
Dream I had this dream that a crocodile
was chasing two friends of mine and me. It was really scary
and I woke up crying. It was in this crekek/river that we
were canoeing through. Suddenly, it attacked us but we got
away and it was chasing up and we finally shut it in this
house(my friend's house where I'm at every weekend)and ran
away. I woke up after I slammed him in the house and started
Comments by Dreamer I dunno what it means
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments you can comment about it; it doesnt
matter to me. I just wanna know what it means
Message: 2
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 08:57:33 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: party of the year
Dream Title party of the year
Date of Dream 12/02/00
Dream i was at a club and this guy was
hanging all over me an aacting all lovey-dovey.he wanted me
to dance with him.
Message: 3
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 08:58:36 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Tongue massage
Dream Title Tongue massage,Crys
Date of Dream 9/27/00
Dream This happened a while ago, but I
thought it was really weird, and I want to know what it
It all started with my boyfriend and I walking to my house
together. When we got there, we went into my room and he
wanted me to fix his bracelet, he said it was "too fruity",
and that I absolutely had to fix it. So I spent a lot of
time in my room with him, talking and trying to fix the
braclet, and eventually we fell asleep on the floor. When we
woke up, my dad had barely came home, so we walked outside
of my room and into the livingroom to say hi to my dad. Out
of nowhere, my dad asks me, so how was it?" I waslike,
"what?!"Thats when I realized my hair was very messy(he
thought we had sex)so I said,"how could you think that?!"
Then we walked into the dining room. My mom & sister were
walking by, so we said hi to them as they passed by. The I
said, "I'm soooo tired!", so then my boyfriend says,"come
here". So I went closer to him, put my head on his chest and
looked up at him.
Then he told me to close my eyes, so I did. I thought he was
going to kiss me, but instead, he starts massaging my
eyelids with his tongue. I then said, "Oh my gosh, that
feels so good!"
Then my mom and sister walked in adnd looked at us funny,
and said,"what are you guys doing?". I said, "it feels so
good, its so relaxing!" Then my boyfriend said, "it looks
worse than it really is." I said, "yeah, it feels really
please interpret!
Message: 4
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 12:20:12 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: laying on side
Dream Title laying on side
Date of Dream 2/16/01 7:00 a.m.
Dream man i will leave un-named laying on
his side in bed, (or a made up couch).
he is naked. could only see upper half of frontal body.
looked thinner than usual. he had broken skin- peeling up in
one area. then a close up- zoomed in- i think on neck
area,to see a circular slice of peeling skin. hair may have
been longer than usual.
Comments by Dreamer please someone help me figure this
out, thank you.
[dream-flow] Digest Number 113
There are 7 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. your other cheating on you,
From: Anonymous
2. Fat
From: Anonymous
3. speech
From: Anonymous
4. belly was exposed
From: Anonymous
5. A Psychopomp, Rag Dolls, A Boy, and a Sphere
From: Anonymous
6. Outside English class
From: Anonymous
7. if 'psychopomp' were my dream...
From: "Jay
Message: 1
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 16:19:05 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: your other cheating on you,
Dream Title your other cheating on you,does
this mean something?
Date of Dream 04/16/01 10:30am
Dream what does it mean if you have
dreams almost every night about your sidnificate other
cheating on you. i have had problems with him cheating
before, but he has sworn not to any more, but these dreams i
have what do they mean?
Message: 2
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 16:29:07 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Fat
Dream Title
Date of Dream feb 15th
Dream I was really fat (260lbs)and I was
the same size I am now (4'11) I ate full cakes as snacks and
had trouble going down small stairs without having trouble
Message: 3
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 16:28:45 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: speech
Dream Title speech
Date of Dream feb 16th
Dream I was saying my speech in front of
my class on homeless people in Asia when my classroom turned
into Asia I could mostly see the color brown and a lot of
crying children then a couple of soldiers walked up some
stairs and knocked on this ladies door a couple of people
asked what was going on and the soldiers replied this ladie
is catholic she's in big trouble the ladie had a son who was
crying, my teacher then took over he explained what happened
to her while me and my friend Pam ran to hide so we didnt
see but as I neared a corner I saw, they told her to wash
her face and then electricuted her all this white foam was
coming from wher she was then I was back in my classroom and
reading what had happened to that lady.
Message: 4
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 16:43:00 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: belly was exposed
Dream Title
Date of Dream monday wee hours of the morning
Dream I dreamt that I was standing with
another woman and my belly was exposed, in reality I have a
flat stomach so when I saw that my belly looked strange like
sort of bloated I put both my hands on either side if my
belly button to feel it to make sure every thing was O.K
because it looked different, then as I applied a slight
pressure, puss started comming out of my belly button and I
pressed on both sides of it till it all came out and it was
a lot (it was white in colour), also the lady had long hair
and it was as if she was trying to stop me from getting it
out, but I did it anyway until it ran clear. Could you help
me to understand what my dream means?
Message: 5
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 16:38:11 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: A Psychopomp, Rag Dolls, A Boy, and a Sphere
Dream Title A Psychopomp, Rag Dolls, A Boy, and
a Sphere
Date of Dream August 18, 1999
Dream I was standing in the middle of a
brilliant painted desert at dusk. Everywhere around was
sand, and the sky above streaked with cirrostratus clouds,
all aflame by the light of the setting sun. Golds, oranges,
reds, purples, yellows radiated like fire all over the land.
In the southwest were cliffs and walking along them were
people, but they were not flesh and blood. They were made of
cloth, stuffed, like giant rag dolls, with no clothes and no
features. There were not many, perhaps eight or so, but I
didn't count. They seemed antagonistic towards one another,
and unaware of me. I watched curiously as one of the doll
people picked up another and tossed it over the cliff.
With me, mostly behind me, was someone who seemed to
resemble my favorite guitarist (Neal Schon), or at least an
invisible presence that I perceived would have looked like
Schon if I could see a body. This presence was definitely
male, and was acting like a mentor or a guide, a psychopomp
who was showing me the images of my soul and my life. This
presence was quietly supportive but never said anything. He
remained, as far as I remember, behind me, as if in the
background and less important than myself.
A few feet in front of me was a couch, yellowish-tan, with
stripes. On it was a 17-year-old Zachary Ty Bryan, the actor
from Home Improvement. With him was a blonde girl about his
age, but I couldn't see her face. She may have been the girl
who plays Zachary's girlfriend in Home Improvement but I
don't know for sure. He was trying to keep people from
knowing she was there, to keep her hidden from sight.
Back southwest, in the same general area of the rag dolls,
were three, three-dimensional geometric figures: a blue
sphere, a yellow triangle pyramid and a red cube. The
pyramid was between the sphere and the cube. They hovered
several feet above the sand. The rag dolls ignored them.
Comments by Dreamer First of all, I am a woman in my
late 30's.
I've thought a lot about this dream since that time. This
desert place seems comforting to me, as does the supportive
male presence. I later had a "dialogue" with him in a
journal (as "active imagination") and came to a fair
understanding of much of the symbolism. The rag dolls were
pieces of myself that were beating themselves up. Zachary's
character represented an immature male aspect of me that has
tried to keep the feminine part of me hidden (something I
have attempted to do most of my life).
Because of my love of music and the electric guitar, and
because both speak to me of Universal Spirit, my psychopomp
appearing in the body of a favorite guitarist was of little
surprise. In the dialogue I wrote out later, "he" told me
offhandedly, "this is your inner universe." My "spirit
guide" (whom I had never once turned around to face) was
simultaneously aloof and distant, yet supportive and caring.
It was months later before I came to think perhaps the
geometric symbols were the "trinity." The blue sphere had
meant "God" right from the beginning. The yellow pyramid
made me think of "air," or the Spirit. Months later, the red
square made me think of blood and mandalas--a human
wholeness. That which is both human and divine.
Message: 6
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 17:11:34 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Outside English class
Dream Title Outside English class
Date of Dream 2/15/01
Dream My crush,more like my love and I
were on our way to english class.He stopped me outside our
classroom and closed the door.He asked me to sit with him
and we lay holding each other.He kept trying to kiss me but
instead we had
sex and then he ran his hands through my
Comments by Dreamer this boy i have loved since i was
twelve and we are really close I need this interpreted
because we are beginning to call each other and discuss
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments Please interpert this!
Message: 7
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 22:58:13 -0500 (EST)
From: "Jay
Subject: if 'psychopomp' were my dream...
if this were my dream, i would want to try to free the girl
and draw her and the dolls attention to the trinity images.
> Dream Title: A Psychopomp, Rag Dolls, A Boy, and a Sphere
> > Date of Dream: August 18, 1999 > > Dream: I was
standing in the middle of a brilliant painted desert > at
dusk. Everywhere around was sand, and the sky above
streaked > with cirrostratus clouds, all aflame by the light
of the setting > sun. Golds, oranges, reds, purples,
yellows radiated like fire > all over the land. In the
southwest were cliffs and walking along > them were people,
but they were not flesh and blood. They were > made of
cloth, stuffed, like giant rag dolls, with no clothes and >
no features. There were not many, perhaps eight or so, but
I > didn't count. They seemed antagonistic towards one
another, and > unaware of me. I watched curiously as one of
the doll people > picked up another and tossed it over the
cliff. > > > > With me, mostly behind me, was
someone who seemed to > resemble my favorite guitarist (Neal
Schon), or at least an > invisible presence that I perceived
would have looked like Schon > if I could see a body. This
presence was definitely male, and was > acting like a mentor
or a guide, a psychopomp who was showing me > the images of
my soul and my life. This presence was quietly > supportive
but never said anything. He remained, as far as I >
remember, behind me, as if in the background and less
important > than myself. > > > > A few feet in front
of me was a couch, yellowish-tan, with > stripes. On it was
a 17-year-old Zachary Ty Bryan, the actor from > Home
Improvement. With him was a blonde girl about his age, but
I > couldn't see her face. She may have been the girl who
plays > Zachary's girlfriend in Home Improvement but I don't
know for > sure. He was trying to keep people from knowing
she was there, to > keep her hidden from sight. > > > >
Back southwest, in the same general area of the rag dolls,
> were three, three-dimensional geometric figures: a blue
sphere, a > yellow triangle pyramid and a red cube. The
pyramid was between > the sphere and the cube. They hovered
several feet above the > sand. The rag dolls ignored them.
> > > Comments by Dreamer: First of all, I am a woman in my
late 30's. > > I've thought a lot about this dream since
that time. This desert > place seems comforting to me, as
does the supportive male > presence. I later had a
"dialogue" with him in a journal (as > "active imagination")
and came to a fair understanding of much of > the symbolism.
The rag dolls were pieces of myself that were > beating
themselves up. Zachary's character represented an >
immature male aspect of me that has tried to keep the
feminine > part of me hidden (something I have attempted to
do most of my > life). > > Because of my love of music and
the electric guitar, and because > both speak to me of
Universal Spirit, my psychopomp appearing in > the body of a
favorite guitarist was of little surprise. In the >
dialogue I wrote out later, "he" told me offhandedly, "this
is > your inner universe." My "spirit guide" (whom I had
never once > turned around to face) was simultaneously aloof
and distant, yet > supportive and caring. > > It was months
later before I came to think perhaps the geometric > symbols
were the "trinity." The blue sphere had meant "God" right >
from the beginning. The yellow pyramid made me think of
"air," or > the Spirit. Months later, the red square made
me think of blood > and mandalas--a human wholeness. That
which is both human and > divine.
Jay E. Vinton Center for Information Technology National
Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland 20892-5628 301 402
[dream-flow] Digest Number 114
There are 5 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Urinating
From: Anonymous
2. quickly by Sambo
From: Anonymous
3. babies babies babies
From: Anonymous
4. one last phone call
From: Anonymous
5. Thieves
From: Anonymous
Message: 1
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 14:32:49 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Urinating
Dream Title Urinating
Date of Dream 2/15/01
Dream always urinating different places
and ways
Comments by Dreamer why always dreaming about this
Message: 2
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 14:31:24 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: quickly by Sambo
Dream Title quickly by Sambo
Date of Dream 16/2/01
Dream I am going on a holiday soon but I
am not very excited yet in my dreams the days tend to be
'What does this mean?'
Comments by Dreamer In my dreams the days are going too
Message: 3
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 14:30:51 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: babies babies babies
Dream Title babies babies babies....malyssa
Date of Dream feb11-feb14
Dream ok so for the past 4 nites i have
had dreams involving babies....2 of the dreams dealt with
myself and 2 other people finding a baby and the other 2
people not letting me take care of it but in the end they
leave the baby and i take care of it....the other 2 dreams
deal with someone telling me they are pregnant and im the
last one to find out....every one else in the family and
friends already knew but me...... what do all these baby
dreams mean?
Message: 4
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 14:32:20 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: one last phone call
Dream title one last phone call Date of dream
nov 1997 Dream i was @ home when
the phone rang.... I looking @ the caller realized it was my
biological mother... With whom i speak once in awhile so as
i do in life i did not answer the phone... Later in my dream
my sister in law phoned me to tell me that my maternal
grandfather had just died....
In my waking hours.... Real life... I received a call from
my sister in law telling me to answer the phone if my mom
called... We had just found out the very next day after my
dream that my grandfather had cancer... He died three days
later... Needless to say i answered the phone when i saw
that it was my mom.... Comments by dreamer this is the
third time i have had a preminition in a dream... I do not
consider psychic so this freaked me out... Any thoughts?
Message: 5
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 14:33:24 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Thieves
Dream Title Thieves...submitted by april
Date of Dream dream occurred on 2/10 around 5 in
the morning
Dream Two of my good friends and I broke
into the house of one of my little sister's friend, whom I
do not at all like. We had no reason to break in, so
instead of stealing anything, all we did was take pizza from
the refrigerator. The the fmaily came home and the three of
us hid in different parts of the house. The little sister
of my sister's friend found me and I went and told her mom
that I was sorry and all I had taken was pizza. One of my
other friends came out of hiding and backed me up and said
she was also sorry. The mom looked disappointed, but said
it was ok. We called for our other friend, but she was no
where to be found. Then we just left, and even though the
mom had said she'd forgive us, I felt absolutely terrible,
but relieved at the same time.
[dream-flow] Digest Number 115
There are 6 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Being Chased
From: Anonymous
2. storm
From: Anonymous
3. Re: if 'psychopomp' were my dream...
From: Heratheta
4. Coma Dream
From: Anonymous
5. Re: babies babies babies
From: "A me
6. drowing/chased by demons
From: Anonymous
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 10:45:40 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Being Chased
Dream Title Being Chased
Date of Dream 02/18 - AM
Dream I'm a runner, who has been running
now for 6 years, and in the past couple of years, I've had
dreams that I being chased, either by people I know, or have
no relation to. Sometimes it's so extensive they want to
kill me. These are very pericular dreams and I have them
quite often, so it would be great, if I knew why I've been
having them.
Message: 2
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 10:46:02 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: storm
Dream Title storm
Date of Dream 2/15/01
Dream i was at school and were the gym
was supposed to be there was an ocean. all my friends and i
were sitting in my wellness class when on the news came a
report about a hurricane comeing our way. they said the
only way for us to survie it was to sit in a desk. the only
people who had desks were my friends Leslie, Sara, Visheena,
Jessica, and Erick. for some reason we all left the room
for one second. i came back first and sat in Leslie's desk,
she came back and sat in Virsheena's desk. Virsheena came
back and sat inSara' desk, she came back and sat in
Jessica's desk, and jessica came back and sat in Erick's
desk. once jessica sat down we look out the window and saw
two pink huricane's coming our way. everyone who didn't
have a desk died.
Comments by Dreamer the day before i had this dream i
got a furtune cookie and it said that i will have to make
two important decisions soon in my life.
Message: 3
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 17:21:58 EST
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: if 'psychopomp' were my dream...
peace had lain to the right of the desert if you had avoided
becoming "brilliant"
Message: 4
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 19:03:17 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Coma Dream
Dream Title Coma Dream
Date of Dream 2/19/01
Dream Recently, while I was out of town
on business, I had a dream in which I had gone out to my
local bar with a friend of mine, and had way too much to
drink, after which, we went next door to a Chinese
restaurant, where I passed out, and fell into a coma due to
the amount of alcohol I had consumed. I awoke 18 years
later, not knowing how much time had gone by, and looked in
the mirror, astonished and horrified at how much older I had
become, and how much of my life was gone. My families house
had completely changed, the world had completely changed,
and life in general was completely different. I was greeted
by members of my family, who could not believe that I was
alive (they thought for sure that I would never come out of
my coma). They immediately started calling everyone that I
had known throughout my life, and organized a huge get
together to celebrate my return. I picked up my pager (which
somehow was still working after 18 years), and started
going! ! through the pages (all 834 of them) to see if my
ex-girlfriend had paged me in the time that I was gone,
which she had not. I then went out to the main section of
the house, and started talking to my family and friends. I
tried to use the phone to call someone, but I could not
figure out how to use it, as the phones had changed from
what I remembered. I then went out into the back yard, to
meet other people who had come to see me, most of which I
did not even recognize, as they had grown so much older, the
whole time wondering where my ex-girlfriend was and why she
was not there to see me. I went through the large crowd,
trying to see everyone, and looking in amazement at how
attractive all of the girls in the future were, and how much
attention they paid to me. Even though I didn't know who
they were, they all knew who I was, and had heard stories
about me their whole life. I stayed for hours, asking
questions about how the world had changed, and what I could
expect. After t! ! he party was over, I decided that instead
of going out with everybody else, that I would go out by
myself to a strip bar, and that's when I was awakened. This
dream was very realistic, and I did not realize that it was
not real for about 10 minutes after I woke up, at which
point I was actually disappointed that it was not real. I
did not view the dream as a nightmare. As a matter of fact,
I tried to go back to sleep and re-enter the dream. I felt
very good, and the dream that followed this one was me
telling my friend about the dream that I had. This is one of
the most complex and realistic dreams I have ever had, and
any help you can give me to understand it would be
P.S. The ex-girlfriend that I refer to in the dream is
someone who has been a major part of my life, and who has
caused me a great deal of grief as well. I have not spoken
with her in over a year, but recently she tried to contact
me. I was also thinking about her before I went to sleep
that night.
Comments by Dreamer If anyone has any information as to
what this dream may represent, please contact me at
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments Please print my email address which
I have included in the Dream Comments sections of this form.
Message: 5
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 10:26:11 -0500
From: "A me
Subject: Re: babies babies babies
[This message is not in displayable format]
Message: 6
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 09:32:35 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: drowing/chased by demons
Dream Title drowing/chased by demons
Date of Dream February 20, 4:00 am
Dream Dreamed that my whole family was
drowning including myself and there was no where to go to
get away from the water(the water covered everything)!
also, at the end of the same dream, there were demons
chasing me. I went astray from my home (safety zone) and
found a convent. There were very tall male religious
figures (don't understand what they were) that were wearing
robes. One of them took my hand to try and help me find my
way back home immediately because he knew the demons were
coming. he was so tall (10 feet or taller) that I couldn't
run fast enough so he tried to carry me on his back, but
couldn't run fast enough and then continued to hold my hand
and ran fast that way. SUddenly, the demons were behind me
(the demon was in a female orginal form and disguised as
male form). I was close to home where I would be safe and
the demon remained close behind me. The dream ended
Comments by Dreamer I would like to know what the
interpretations of this dream or combination of dreams mean
[dream-flow] Digest Number 116
There are 3 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. title:Torn, penname:bigrox
From: Anonymous
2. dolfin
From: Anonymous
3. title:Borderline Power
From: Anonymous
Message: 1
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 09:55:24 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: title:Torn, penname:bigrox
Dream Title title:Torn, penname:bigrox
Date of Dream 6 Feb 2001
Dream I dreamt I was looking at an
adoption certificate my adoptive mum was typing at the
surgery where she works. It showed all the reasons why I was
taken away from my natural mother - and I also saw
photographs of my abused body which were taken by the NSPCC.
The adoption slip read "Body showed sacrring, weight 1kg"
etc. Just before this dream I dreamt of my very recent ex
Message: 2
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 09:58:45 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: dolfin
Dream Title dolfin
Date of Dream 7:00 Am 2/21/01
Dream I had a dream that i won the
lottery and could not find anywhere to cash in my tickets
then i lost one at the end of my dream then i was awakened
Comments by Dreamer Can anyone tell me what this means?
Message: 3
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 09:54:56 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: title:Borderline Power
Dream Title title:Borderline Power, pen
Date of Dream 8 Feb 2001
Dream I dreamt that I'd just committed
suicide and I'd reached the other side, or the Druid
Heaven.I remember walking along a rocky mountain path, in
the distance I could see armoured soldiers guarding the
Otherworld, and also there were huge reflected rainbows in
the sky, which flew to a sword in my hand, giving me psychic
powers, but it suddenly disappeared again.
There are 8 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Smelly Ceiling
From: Anonymous
2. deloris
From: Anonymous
3. Killing Frogs
From: Anonymous
4. Confused
From: Anonymous
5. the moth
From: Anonymous
6. Crush in Yellow
From: Anonymous
7. Fear
From: "Tatjana Saks" <natasha7
8. LionGirl
From: Anonymous
Message: 1
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 15:37:21 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Smelly Ceiling
Dream Title Smelly Ceiling
by Kerala
Date of Dream Feb. 20-21, at night
Dream The dream starts out in my office.
People I don't know very well are in the room with me. They
suddenly catch a whiff of something foul, as do I. It
smells like vomit. We discover faded traces of a substance
on the computer desk and file cabinets. The scene then
switches to my kitchen, a small yellow room. The ceiling is
bulging in various places and it is clear that something is
leaking. Again, the primary smell is bile or vomit. I am
trying to make my lunch and am assidiously avoiding any
areas where the ceiling is leaking. I am cooking ridiculous
things - like making a glaze out of apricot jam and oranges,
when all the while I am desperate to leave. The ceiling
starts to come down in earnest, big flakes of paint and then
the top of a cabinet come unglued. Instead of a vile
substance, all I see is white powder. The dream ends with
me frantically trying to locate the number for the
maintenance people (i live in a condo). I finally wake up,
! ! agitated and not at all rested (!)
Comments by Dreamer I really don't know what to make of
this dream. It was very disturbing. There has been an
incident in my office building of a street person (male)
going in and using all of the female washrooms in the
building and leaving, uh, evidence. I know, could anything
BE more gross? This happened on Monday and then on Tuesday
night, bam, this dream.
Message: 2
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 23:31:12 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: deloris
Dream Title deloris
Date of Dream 2/21/01-9:30pm
Dream I had a dream of 2 gray poodles and
a man an women sitting out side.
Comments by Dreamer send me a reply on what this means
Message: 3
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 23:32:19 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Killing Frogs
Dream Title Killing Frogs
Date of Dream 2/20/01
Dream I dreamt that I was sitting at a
desk and there were frogs coming on the desk. I kept
stabbing with a knife them one by one as they came. As many
as I would stab, more and more would come.
Message: 4
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 23:31:37 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Confused
Dream Title Confused
Date of Dream February 17, 2001
Dream I had this dream that I was with my
friends and this guy whom I am no longer suppose to like,
and don't think that I like him. He was holding my hands and
tried to kiss me,like we secretly had a while ago. I pushed
back and looked over at the guy that I was seeing. he walked
away and I was left with the one that was forbidden. The
sorse part was that I wanted to kiss the one, even thoughI
was suppose to go after the other guy.
Message: 5
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 23:32:39 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: the moth
Dream Title the moth
Date of Dream 2/21/01
Dream it was in the summer season and i
went out to my backyard to go swimming in the pool with my
sister. When i walked outside and got closer to the pool i
saw my sister and our neighbor(her boyfriend, who is reallly
not such a good guy) kissing. Only this boyfriend was not in
the form of a human, he was a moth. When they saw me coming,
they quickly stopped kissing.My sister and i then decided to
go swimming in the pool, howerver it was cloudy. We went
anyway though.
Message: 6
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 23:32:01 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Crush in Yellow
Dream Title Crush in Yellow
Date of Dream 2-19 6:42
Dream I recently had a dream about a guy
I have a crush on. He was walking down the hall in front of
me, and he was wearing a bright yellow shirt. It may have
had stripes on it, but I'm not sure. I walked up next to him
and put my arm aroun his waist. I don't remember if it was
me that kissed him on the cheek or the other way around, but
one of us did. I remember fealing his "prickly" hairs on his
cheek rub against my cheek, then we started to really kiss,
french kiss. It was really good too.
The thing is I think this guy knows I like him, but I don't
know if he really likes me. He's nice to me, but he dosen't
really treat me any different or show any signs of liking me
for more than just a friend, except for the fact that he
walks with me every day after the last class of the day, but
any of my friends would do that. Peple have told me he can
be shy when it comes to things like this, but I'm the same
way sometimes. I'm not sure what to think about this dream
or what to do about it.
Message: 7
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 19:11:44 +0200
From: "Tatjana
Subject: Fear
I'm a new in your group. I decided to write dream of my
boyfriend. Dream he had was the next: he dreamt that he was
in unknown place near the house. It was night and he could
not see anything except the house. It was very big, strange
triangular building. There was a light in one window. He
felt terror watching on it. He came up to this building and
in that moment the door began opening. He could not see
anything else but the door. And it was like something very
strong and terrible flew out. He felt fear even when he woke
up. And sometimes he had dream that he killed somebody. Can
you tell me what these dreams might mean? Nataly.
[This message contained attachments]
Message: 8
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 10:23:13 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: LionGirl
Dream Title LionGirl
Date of Dream February right before the alarm
goes off
Dream I have had a dream four times now
about lions. Each dream brings me closer and closer to
being harmed by the lions. What do lions represent in
dreams? I am a Leo, could it be me? I am recently engaged,
performing in two shows, and I have a wonderful job. I am
very content and happy in life for the first time in a long
time... why am I tortured in my sleep?
[dream-flow] Digest Number 118
There are 5 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. (unknown)
From: "A me
2. Re: Crush in Yellow
From: "A me
3. psychiatric home
From: Anonymous
4. Unknown face
From: Anonymous
5. Demie runs
From: Anonymous
Message: 1
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 14:02:27 -0500
From: "A me
Subject: (unknown)
[This message is not in displayable format]
Message: 2
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 14:07:02 -0500
From: "A me
Subject: Re: Crush in Yellow
well, if you know him well enough, and you want to do it,
give him a kiss on his cheek and see what happens :) good
>From: "Wilkerson, Richard" <> >Reply-
To: >To: dream-,,
>, >Subject:
[dream-flow] Crush in Yellow >Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001
23:32:01 -0800 > >Dream Title Crush in Yellow
>Date of Dream 2-19 6:42 >Dream
I recently had a dream about a guy I have a crush >on. He
was walking down the hall in front of me, and he was wearing
a >bright yellow shirt. It may have had stripes on it, but
I'm not sure. I >walked up next to him and put my arm aroun
his waist. I don't remember if >it was me that kissed him on
the cheek or the other way around, but one of >us did. I
remember fealing his "prickly" hairs on his cheek rub
against my >cheek, then we started to really kiss, french
kiss. It was really good too. > >The thing is I think this
guy knows I like him, but I don't know if he >really likes
me. He's nice to me, but he dosen't really treat me any
>different or show any signs of liking me for more than just
a friend, >except for the fact that he walks with me every
day after the last class of >the day, but any of my friends
would do that. Peple have told me he can be >shy when it
comes to things like this, but I'm the same way sometimes.
I'm >not sure what to think about this dream or what to do
about it. > > > >To unsubscribe from this group, send an
email to: > > > > >Your
use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > >
Message: 3
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 12:04:24 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: psychiatric home
Dream Title psychiatric home
Date of Dream
Dream I was in locked in a psychiatric
home and couldn'd get out. A man with a needle was chasing
me and trying to rape me.
Message: 4
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 14:35:13 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Unknown face
Dream Title Unknown face
Date of Dream 2/21/013:34 am
Dream I was living down in Maryland and I
was in my apartment with my friend; and she was asleep in
her bed; then all of a sudden there was a fire and the fire
alarm woke me up but not her, so I picked her up and carried
her outside to safety and when I looked at her to see if she
was alright, her face was covered in shadows.
Comments by Dreamer I have no idea what it could mean.
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments Try to interpret as best as
Message: 5
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 22:42:26 -0800
From: Anonymous
Subject: Demie runs
Dream Title Demie runs
Date of Dream repeated
Dream A repeated dream of being
stalked... I have always associated it with past incest and
to many scary movies, but as my life and emotional state has
not changed the over all theme of these dreams. Comments by
Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments all tactful opinions or questions
-------------------- END DREAM SECTION --------------------
"A dream is nothing but a lucky idea that comes to us from
the dark, all-unifying world of the psyche. What would be
more natural, when we have lost ourselves amid the endless
particulars and isolated details of the world's surface,
than to knock at the door of dreams and inquire of them the
bearings which would bring us closer to the basic facts of
human existence? Here we encounter the obstinate prejudice
that dreams are so much froth, they are not real, they lie,
they are mere wish-fulfillments. All this is but an excuse
not to take dreams seriously, for that would be
uncomfortable. Our intellectual hubris of consciousness
loves isolation despite all its inconveniences, and for this
reason people will do anything rather than admit that dreams
are real and speak the truth. There are some saints who had
very rude dreams. Where would their saintliness be, the very
thing that exalts them above the vulgar rabble, if the
obscenity of a dream were a real truth? But it is just the
most squalid dreams that emphasize our blood-kinship with
the rest of mankind, and most effectively damp down the
arrogance born of an atrophy of the instincts. Even if the
whole world were to fall to pieces, the unity of the psyche
would never be shattered. And the wider and more numerous
the fissures on the surface, the more this unity is
strengthened in the depths. "
"The Meaning of Psychology for Modern Man" (1933). In CW 10:
Civilization in Transition. P.305
The Electric Dreams E-zine (issn 1089 4284)is *free* and
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including book reviews, movie suggestions or conferences and
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creative interpretive approaches to dreams, including
verbal, dramatization, and mixed media approaches. Send to:
Richard Wilkerson <>
SUBMITTING NEWS and Calendar events related to dreaming. We
usually have a deadline at the 15th of each month. Send all
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SENDING IN QUESTIONS, Replies and Concerns about dreams and
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JOINING DREAM GROUPS sponsored by Electric Dreams. If you
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or, if you have a black&White printer, you can in Netscape
choose the "Print..." option while on the page you wish and
get B&W copy that is adjusted to your paper size.
1994 - 1997 Backissue covers are also available at:
Also available AOL
America On Line:
Alternative Medicine Forum
(KeyWord: AltMed > Therapies > Dreamwork)
or KeyWord: aol://4344:1679.ALTdrem.13664900.588132320
Also at the Writer's Club Libraries
Keyword: writer
\writers club library
\writers club e-zines
Thanks to John Labovitz for putting us on his e-zine list:
Thanks to Todd Kuiper for listing us on his e-zine list:
Thanks for the listing in The eZines Database Collection:
Thanks to the Dream Network Journal for mentioning the
Electric Dreams project.
Thanks to low bandwith for listing electric dreams
Thanks to the Usenet newsgroups for mentioning us in the FAQ
files at alt.dreams and alt.dreams.lucid and for other
Usenet Newsgroups for allowing us to continually post
Thanks to Matthew Parry for his work with the original
Electric Dreams Web site!
Thanks to our many web links! See
The Electric Dreams Staff (Current)
Peggy Coats Global Dreaming News & Calendar Events
Jenn Fraser - Chief Archive Editor
E-mail :
Kathy Turner Dreamworker List Moderator
Phyllis Howling - Dream Wheel Moderator (eDreams list)
Victoria Quinton-Friends of Electric Dreams
Electric Dreams Archives & Reporter
DreamChatters Host
mermaid 8*)
Lars Spivock - Research and Development Director
Marc Vandekeere - Awards and Lucid Dreams
Richard Wilkerson - General Editor, Articles & Subscriptions
& Publication
Also thanks to
+ The generous authors of our articles
+ Our many years of Dream Section Categories by Bob
+ The delightful dreamers and commentators
+ Our many supporters and contributors
+The several illustrated versions by Dane Pestano
+Thanks to Bryan Smith for
many of our Web page Illustrations.
+Jesse Reklaw - Cover Art Gallery 1994- 1997
+ Thanks to Jay Vinton for being a guardian angel for
All dream and article text and art are considered
(C)opyright by the writers, artists and dreamers themselves.
Anyone other than the authors may use or reprint the text
for non-commercial use, but all other use by anyone other
than the author must be with the permission of either the
author or the current Electric Dreams dream editor.
"The art of interpreting dreams cannot be learnt from books.
Methods and rules are good only when we can get along
without them. Only the man who can do it anyway has real
skill, only the man of understanding really understands. "
CW 10: Civilization in Transition. P.327
DISCLAIMER Electric Dreams is an independent electronic
publication not affiliated with any other organization. The
views of our commentators are personal views and not
intended as professional advice or psychotherapy.