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Electric Dreams Volume 08 Issue 08

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Volume #8 Issue #8

August 2001

ISSN# 1089 4284



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++ Editor's Notes

++ Notes to the Editor/Dream Airing
History of Dreams Class
Computer Survey

++ Column: An Excerpt From the Lucid Dream Exchange
Charmaine's underwater Adventure
Lucis Gillis, editor

++ Column: The Dream Doctor
By Charles McPhee, Ph.D.

++ Article: How to become a Dream Worker
By Jeremy Taylor

++ Article: Death and Dreams : An examination of dreaming
and death from the standpoint
of Eastern philosophy
By Tony Crisp

++ Article: We are all Psychics in our Dreams
by Robert Moss

G L O B A L * D R E A M I N G * N E W S - Peggy Coats

* DREAM CALENDAR for August and September 2001 * ASD News Update!

D R E A M S S E C T I O N :
This issue includes volume #227 - #242

D E A D L I N E :
August 22, deadline for SEPTEMBER submissions

We are re-focusing on the Mutual Dream Circle, which meets the 21st of each month. See details below.

Send Dreams and Comments on Dreams to:
Richard Wilkerson <>

Send Dreaming News and Calendar Events to:
Peggy Coats <>

Send Articles and Subscription concerns to:
Richard Wilkerson: <>


Editor's Notes


Welcome to the August issue of Electric Dreams, your portal to dreams and dreaming online. If you are new to Electric Dreams, please see our January 2001 issue for an introduction and guide to dreaming online.

First a little about the articles, dreams and news this month, then a little update on the ASD conference:

The excerpt from Lucy Gillis' "Lucid Dream Exchange" this month includes an adventure from Charmaine that delves beneath the sea.

Charles McPhee, author of Stop Sleeping Through Your Dreams and the director of the Dream Doctor is with us this month answering questions about dream content. Charles spoke at the ASD conference this year and said that his website will soon make available thousands of dreams for researchers.
After reading Charles article below, be sure to check out these transcripts and stop by his website

Robert Moss is curious and asks, "How common is the experience of dreaming the future?" Moss feels this goes on all the time, and that we can enter into and actually change the future with attention to dreams and dreamwork. Be sure to read "We Are All Psychics In Our Dreams"

Tony Crisp offers us an article on Dreams and Death this month. It is more an examination of dreaming and death from the standpoint of Eastern philosophy, particularly the Tibetian Book of the Dead.

Our news directory, Peggy Coats, from, has gathered dreaming news from around the world, events, conferences, and seminars. If you have news items about dreams and dreaming for Peggy, send them to her at

Our dream-flow Dreams this month come from all around the Net and have been organized by the software developed by Harry Bosma. Be sure to look through the dreams and see what on the mind and soul of dreamers in Cyberspace.

If you would like a cover for your Electric Dreams, the cover is at

The 18th Annual conference of the Association for the Study of Dreams:

The ASD 2001 conference (July 10- 15 UCSC) was a delight and successful on all fronts. Our host, Veronica Tonay and the ASD conference committee produce a profoundly diverse event that remained at the same time organized, unified and focused on dreams and dreaming.

The UCSC campus we stayed at was beautiful, a redwood retreat on a hill overlooking the ocean. A deer family often accompanied me on my walk to breakfast.

The presentations and workshops had the stars in the field, including Jeremy Taylor, Patricia Garfield, Stephen LaBerge, Stanley Krippner, Robert Van de Castle... the list goes on and on. What I really liked was all the *access* to these individuals after the presentations, at meals, on the steps, at the cafe and the myriad of meetings in the private rooms. Everyone I encountered made time and gave thoughtful considerations to all the questions I asked and projects I suggested.

There were also many venues and events designed just for hanging out and discussion, especially in the evenings. Other community events allowed us to interact on other levels, as with the aesthetic considerations of the gallery of dream inspired artists, the global discussions at the computer cafe and the costume ball which brought out the improvisational dancers.

Due to the press catching wind of some of Kelly Bulkeley's research on political dreams, the conference enjoyed more national attention that usual, with spots on the ABC news with Peter Jennings, Good Morning America and many other media outlets. Film makers and reporters worked their way through the conference events, adding an increased sense of cultural importance to the conference and helping us get the word out about dreams and dreaming.

For me, it was also a networking heaven. I can't begin to go into all the projects and connections that were started and deepened, but I would like to say that the conference was immensely fertile for me in this area. Watch for these projects to emerge online! Also, this conference gave me a chance to meet lots of new dreamers, both from the United States and from countries around the world, including Greece, Japan, Norway, Denmark, England, and many others.

Next year the conference will shift over to the Boston area on the East Coast, and plans are in the works for another European conference. Hope to see you there!

-Richard Wilkerson



Dream Airing:
News, Notes and Events

DreamGate Class on the History of Dreams
Richard Catlett Wilkerson

This six week class is conducted online. Participants will get a full survey of the history of dreams and dreamwork, from ancient Thrace to Cyberspace. All are encouraged to join the Electric Dreams DreamWheel as well. $29.95

Classes start at the first of each month.

Class Syllabus: History of Dreams

Module 1. Introduction and Basic Recall Skills: The Peer-Relations Approach
---- Sign-up for online dream groups.
Module 2. Ancient Dreams: Messages from the Gods
Module 3. Sigmund Freud: The Dream-work of the Unconscious
Module 4. Carl Gustav Jung: Mythic Dreams and Wholeness
---- LAB A: Dream Sharing via Web Message Boards.
Module 5. Other Pre- 1960's Dream Theories (Adler, Boss, Surrealists)
Module 6. Frederick (Fritz) Perls : Gestalt Dream Techniques
---- LAB B: Dream sharing via Chat Rooms. (IRC,Chat rooms)
Module 7. Mindell and Gendlin: The DreamBody
Module 8. From Couch to Culture: Grassroots & Modern Dreamwork Movements
Module 9. Non-Interpretive Dreamwork: Lucid, Mutual, Paranormal & Pro-active Dreaming
Module 10. Dream Science and Dreamwork: Friends or Foes?
----LAB C: Dream sharing via Net-Voice & Networking (paltalk, Netmeeting)
Module 11. Dream Anthropology: How Culture Influences Dreamwork
Module 12. Dreaming In Cyberspace: New Trends in Dream Sharing on the Internet

o Freud's Dream-work - a model of primary process.
o Jung: Me and my shadow, Beyond and through the personal, Jung and dreams.
o Dreams and Health: The Revival of Ancient Dream Healing in Modern Medicine.
o Couch to Culture: Montague Ullman and Walter Bonime.
o Nightmares: New approaches and techniques.
o Dreams and Western Religions: An account of what happened.

Want to chat about dreams?

So you have seen it all and done everything there is to do in dreamwork. For you, Electric Dreams offers the further reaches of dreamwork. On the outer edge, the community explores postmodern dreamwork, transhumanist dreamwork, mutual dreaming, lucid dreaming and psi dreaming. Imagine dreamwork at trans-warp drive speeds. Open a sub-space portal and teledream though. A good place to start here is with the list. Stop by

or subscribe directly by sending an e to


Survey online: Digital Objects

Are you having dreams about computers?

There is a collision that is taking place between technology and humanity. This survey is interested in how the analog human dreams about digital objects, about robots, cyborgs, androids and other beings and scenarios that look at the human-machine interface. Be sure to drop off your computer dreams and fill out the survey at:



Mutual Dream Healing Circle


Dreamshare members ( a moderated, egalitarian on-line group for exploring the life and meanings of the dream-world) have initiated a dream-healing concentration, to be held in the consciousness of participants on the night of the 21st. of each month. Before going to sleep at night, please hold the thought, prayer, or concentration in your consciousness of bringing healing energy to those who have so requested. you may use whatever practices are important or helpful to you in effecting this healing state.

There will be a list of names or circumstances of those who have specifically requested to be included in our thoughts and prayers. Please observe the general decorum of distance healing work in many traditions and do not add anyone to the list without his or her express may wish to hold in your consciousness someone else you know who is in need of healing energy and send them that energy, but please do respect everyone's rights to self-determination and privacy. my feeling is that someone who has asked you for thoughts and prayers can be included here as well.

Feel free to contact Judith, c/o
<> if you would like to be included in the list or for more information.

On awakening, you may wish to pay special attention to recalling your dreams and, if you wish, you may submit them to<> for inclusion on our list.

Anyway, that's about it for now. Take care, Judith



By Lucy Gillis


Many have debated whether lucid dreams really differ from out-of-body experiences. Some believe they are similar aspects of the same phenomena while others feel they are two entirely different experiences. When we put the Lucid Dream Exchange together we don't quibble over this debate. If the dreamers call their experiences Out-of-Body then we place them in our "W.I.L.D.s, OBE's and Sleep Paralysis" section. The reader, as always, can decide for himself whether the OBE's and lucid dreams are the same phenomena or not.

This month's excerpt features a wonderful undersea adventure where Charmaine made many observations about her environment while enjoying the pleasures that her altered state of consciousness brought about.

25 Nov 2000, 0300 EST
Deep Sea Dive

I'd decided a while back that, since I don't SCUBA but would love to see underneath the seas, I wanted to go on a "dive" undersea in my next OOB adventure close to home. At the end of my five-hour sleep cycle, at 3:00 a.m., I awoke after a very enjoyable but only partially lucid diving adventure that blended OOB and dream elements freely. I was with several others familiar from grade school days when preparing for the dive but I was completely alone while actually undersea, until meeting above the surface at the rendezvous point. We used whimsical "props" like silky, deep-sea-blue diaphanous "wetsuit" fabrics coupled with bits of more conventional wetsuit material, masks and fins for fun moving about in the water, and mouthpieces/tanks only intermittently when I wanted them in place.

The "target" was a trench one mile below the surface (! -- considered a relaxed dive by the coordinator, who said 3-mile-deep dives were not uncommon -- I guess not, in the OOB state). The 'starting' landmark was a shelf covered with layers of crusty phyllo-dough-like material through which we had to wade to reach the point at which we were to descend into the trench, marked by two deep parallel grooves in the trench floor made by the underbody of an odd bottom-dwelling creature that was nowhere to be found while we were there. The grooves gradually deepened along their several-meter length and ended in a funny roundish shape where part of the underbody of the creature used to rest. The trench was several meters wide and its bottom was surprisingly pristine and sandy, littered only here and there with interesting objects -- an occasional largish chunk of iridescent cobalt-blue rock (?), and sundry other items.

Relatively few ocean creatures were in evidence in that place, though we were warned to watch out for a large sea predator near the trench entry point. Of the sea creatures I did observe, I did not recognize any -- all were unfamiliar, including blunt dolphin-like shapes, and other long, mostly cylindrical fishlike creatures with two small opposed fins. Everything looked and felt somewhat...primeval. I am not sure that I didn't dive "back" into time as I descended. Because of the OOB-like state I needed no supplementary light -- it was easy to see by energetic ambiance, which translated into light. I spent what seemed to be a couple of hours down there, breathing water now and then as I pleased, leisurely undulating along with my astral foot fins. I'd initially just materialized near the target area, but I swam back up slowly to the surface, mentally overhearing one observer of our party jokingly comparing us to a bunch of shrimp as I did. I found it difficult to separate 'extraneous' dream elements from more sense-vivid OOB experience because of my only intermittent lucidity.

I knew, even without calculating the pressures and temperatures, that the 'one mile' and 'three mile' depths would probably be far beyond any normal physical diving. (A diver friend tells me that "130 feet is considered the max for recreational diving," though some go deeper, and that "the max seafloor depth in the Caribbean is less than 4.5 miles; about 5.7 in the Atlantic. The deepest we're aware of, in the Marianas Trench, is just under 7 miles.") But I didn't know just how shallow the ocean floors are; in my semilucid state, I found myself fretting over whether those depths made sense at all in physical terms. What an irony that I know much more about black holes and other cosmic phenomena than I know about the oceans of my home/host planet!

The logistical nightmare of 'normal' deep sea operation is a reason I wanted to dive OOB, to go where it would be physically difficult, not to mention intimidating, even if I were a physical diver. One factoid I *had* absorbed was that the Marianas Trench is the deepest bit we know of in the oceans (though I didn't know the depth), so I'd made a mental note some months ago that that Trench was a place I wanted to go and have a look-see sometime. To boldly go where not many have gone before, et cetera.

The ocean felt like the Pacific. Definitely not the Atlantic. A sense of temperature is completely absent from my OOB experiences so far (thank goodness!), but I believe the latitude was tropical or nearly so. I don't know if the Marianas is where I was (wouldn't jibe with the depth info, but I felt funny about that even as I was told it, like I wasn't sure whether it was accurate or distorted by my ideas about what was realistic).

Again, my diver friend says: "In 3-D 'reality,' we've got layers of sedimentary and volcanic rock on the oceans' basins - the crust itself is in a migration due to seafloor spreading, initiated by volcanic activity at the oceanic ridges. When the Crust material reaches the Trench areas, it may be 'enfolded' into the Earth's mantle.... Oceanic sediments can be dated up to about 200 million years.... Many species just within the normal 300 ft. limit seem very strange and prehistoric to anyone not familiar with them - unless they happen to be avid researchers of obscure marine biology films and photo archives. The greater the depth, the more sparse, specialized and 'prehistoric' the critters tend to be perceived." Now that makes great sense to me. So even if I stayed within "this" approximate time, as I dove down, I was literally in touch with the past, on the floor. I felt led to say "shelf" for some reason, though I was aware of no other ocean-floor areas nearby *other* than the trench floor that were lower than the "shelf." I did have some confusion over whether I was seeing 'prehistoric' creatures or whether they just looked that way to me. Since I only registered perhaps one or two species of sea creature on the whole dive (!), my sample was not very large. And I do think I've probably seen pictures of the long, narrow, cylindrical, pointy-nosed guys with two tiny opposed fly's-wing-like fins (opposed at the center of the body length) before. The other species I only registered mentally, as it only put in a 'probable' appearance -- I didn't actually observe it in my environment -- and that's the 'large sea predator' I mentioned. Perhaps 'predator' is a misnomer, since it didn't have the feel of, say, a shark -- but just a large creature that could possibly be dangerous in some circumstances, but was not necessarily looking to eat a human. My only impression of that creature is of a large, white body dappled with orangish-brown splotches. Its shape was vaguely like some of the whales -- massive and bulky but hydrodynamically rounded; but I wasn't specifically aware of fins or flippers, though it must have had something. I'm not describing it very well.... I was told to be watchful for it at the entry point of the trench, but that once I was down in the trench I could forget about it because it wouldn't go there.

In fact, I observed not one single solitary creature other than myself the whole time I was in the trench, or on the shelf either, for that matter. I was surprised by the apparent scarcity of large sea life at depth, and it made me somewhat skeptical until hearing from my friend. I had the vague sense that far, far above me, there were the usual types of sea creatures, but that they simply did not go to the depths I was exploring. The floor of the trench seemed pristine, and somewhat sparkly, if littered with grains of richness. Hard to describe...but the odd chunk of iridescent blue rock, or other lumpy fragment littered here and there in the trench, felt like unrecognized treasures of some sort. The place almost had the feel of a treasure trove, where the riches were in a more subtle, unrecognized form than the usual doubloons and sapphires and such. It felt slightly enchanted/enchanting, so I can attest to the interesting energy profile of the place.

My friend said, further: "There are various accounts, channeled and not, with theories about the dimensional beings who inhabit the Earth's core and Oceans basins. I am intimately familiar with the other-worldly nature of the seas just as they are now in their basic 3-D glory.... But, I'm also wondering if the actualized cellular 'blueprints' of many drawing-board or obsolete creatures don't continue to surf the interdimensional boundaries? Perhaps sometimes showing themselves as leviathans, giant squids or rays, Loch Nessies or whatever...Perhaps the 'large sea predator' guardian/test of your Trench Entry Point, too? The Yetis of the Abyss?"

Interesting idea! That would make sense with my fleeting psychic glimpse of the 'large sea predator' -- it swam past my mental eye in probability-form but not the actual senses of my OOB/dreambody, with the cool, sifted light of that place suddenly dappled on its barrel-like shape, then a flick of its body and it was gone again. As if it were swimming in and out of a shaft of 'hereness'.....

Well, this one adventure has made me hungry for more! I certainly will return and now that I've lost my fear of those 'deep dives' I may explore the trench more at length. Maybe I won't worry about watching my virtual gauges or timepiece next 'time.' Interesting also that our pick-up and drop-off was coordinated but that we were then each sort of in our own universe once down below. Initially, I seemed to simply materialize on the shelf and began hiking (wading, traipsing, plodding) through the crusty sedimentary layers toward the trench. It was something of a long hike in flippers, perhaps a quarter mile. And at first I got a little spooked at my sudden realization of how deep I was as my lucidity fluctuated, and I shot myself quickly upward for a bit before I remembered I wasn't 'supposed' to do that, and calmed down and returned to the depth at which I'd appeared. Coming back up, I took my time as I was 'supposed' to do (still acting like a diver), kicking lazily and floating in place now and then, communing with psychic notions of fish and such, until I saw the floating crafts (like jetski-boxes that held three or four people) that were to pick us up and take us back to the (also floating in the middle of the ocean) staging center. Yes, the center even had a gift shop, and a music store across the 'street'....

The Lucid Dream Exchange is a quarterly issue featuring lucid dreams and lucid dream related articles, poetry, and book reviews submitted by readers. To subscribe to The Lucid Dream Exchange, send a blank email to:

Or join through the Yahoo Groups website at
The LDE can be found under Sciences>Social Sciences>Psychology>Sleep and Dreams.


The Dream Doctor

Charles McPhee, Ph.D.



I didn't find anything on the site that related to abduction dreams. But I have had several dreams throughout my life (usually when I am at my parents home) that I wake up and have a feeling of "they're here. " I don't ever see who "they" are, but in my dream I know it is aliens. I usually see bright lights outside the window and I am paralyzed. I can only move my eyes. It's a horribly scary feeling. And then I wake up.

I am wondering what your interpretation of this dream will be. My family teases me that I am really being abducted. But of course I don't want to believe that. I don't recall if any changes are going on in my life at this time. It seems I just have these dreams from time to time, usually when I'm at home at my parents, where I grew up.

-Michelle, Oxford, MI, USA

Hi Michelle-

Welcome to the always perplexing world of sleep paralysis!

I hope I don't disappoint too many abduction devotees, but your recurring dream is an excellent example of things that go "boo! " in the night, that actually have a fairly simple explanation.

Each of us, when we sleep at night, traverses a very regular series of sleep stages. First we fall into deep sleep, then we rise into lighter sleep, and then, after about 80 or 90 minutes, we have our first period of dreaming. All night long, this sequence of sleep stages repeats. First deep sleep, then light sleep, followed by a period of REM (rapid eye movement).

One of the curiosities of sleep learned in the 1950's (when scientists began measuring sleep with EEGs), is that we actually become paralyzed during each and every one of our REM sleep periods. Back then, REM sleep was known as "paradoxical sleep, " because the signals scientists observed during REM seemed to be sending a mixed message. During REM, brain activity was intense. It was so intense, in fact, that it was indistinguishable from the activity of an awake person's brain. The body, on the other hand, was profoundly relaxed. Much more relaxed that deep sleep.

As research into REM progressed, scientists gradually realized that the relaxation of the body-indeed, its paralysis-was necessary to prevent movement during all the hallucinated activity of REM. In 1968, a French research scientist named Michael Jouvet demonstrated that the brain does indeed send commands for movement during REM sleep. The reason why we don't get out of bed and "answer" these signals, is because they are intercepted at the top of our brain stem, in an area called the reticular formation.

When we wake up from a dream, accordingly, two events must occur. We must gain waking consciousness, and our bodies must release us from the grips of REM paralysis-both at the same time. Usually everything works fine, but every once in a while (and most often when we are tired) our brains can wake up before our bodies "are released. " It can be a terrifying experience, because not only are we paralyzed-which prevents our movement, our breathing, and even our ability to call for help-but we also frequently drift in and out of REM, and have dreams that reflect our feelings of vulnerability. So we dream there is an attacker or intruder in the room. Or that someone is standing behind us with a knife. Or that there are bright lights outside... The aliens are here!

The reason why you can move your eyes during these "attacks" is because your eyes are the only part of your body that isn't paralyzed. (Rapid Eye Movement sleep!)

What's the solution for sleep paralysis? Stay calm, and recognize that your body is just tired and taking longer than usual to wake up. The longest sleep paralysis ever lasts is a few minutes (if you are really tired!), and usually it is thirty seconds or less.
In medieval times sleep paralysis was believed to be a temporary possession - by "incubus, " by evil spirits, or by witches. (It was never a "friendly" ghost!) Today we can add UFOs and aliens to the list of possessors, but the real culprit is much closer to home: some tired nerve cells, sitting right up there at the top of the spinal cord-who are trying to get some extra ZZZs!

Charles McPhee, Ph.D.


How to become a Dream Worker

By Jeremy Taylor


Original Title:


There are at least 5 separate, potentially overlapping ways to do this.

(both international and regional), where increasingly training in various techniques and philosophies of dream work and dream exploration are being offered. At some point, it is very likely that these "trainings" will be woven together administratively and turned into some sort of "certificate" program. (It's not fully in place yet, but just recently at the ASD Board sessions at UC Santa Cruz, on 7/12/01, the Board passed the first set of "general guidelines" for establishing such training programs, and the application of those guidelines is already under way.)

Checking out various academic programs oriented to practical dream work skills, rather than professional psychological training and licensure: The ones I am most aware of are:

(A) "The Dream Studies Program", a "track" in the larger "Consciousness Studies Program" at John F. Kennedy University in Orinda, California,(at least for the moment - there is a plan to move JFK University up the road a few miles to Walnut Creek, California, but that is still in planning and fund-raising stage, and will not happen for at least another year or so...) Fariba Bogzaran is the Founder/Director of that program. I believe it is possible to matriculate with "a Masters in Consciousness Studies with a Concentration in Dream Studies" - (or language very close to that.) The program takes 2-3 years, and offers classes that meet once a week, as well as weekend intensives. Geared to the regular academic calendar.

(B) The Doctor of Ministry Program at the University of Creation Spirituality in Oakland, California also offers a concentration in Dream Studies. Founded by the former Dominican, (now nominally Episcopalian), theologian, Matthew Fox, this program stresses "the re-invention of work", and requires that students take a number of expressive arts classes, as well as more traditional classes practical and theoretical dream work training. A handful of people have already received doctorates with a concentration in Dream Studies. The UCS D.MIn. Program meets in a series of week-long intensives, year round. The program takes 2-3 years. You can check this program out on the web at

(C) The Haden Institute, in Charlotte, North Carolina, offers a 2 year program in "Dream Leader Training". It also meets in week-long and week-end intensives. Some of their classes are offered in Charlotte, and others are offered in the Episcopalian retreat center, Kanuga, in the mountains near Hendersonville, NC. Check them out on the web at

(D) Clearly this kind of program is "an idea whose time has come", and there are other new programs springing up in Canada, Mexico, and other parts of the U.S. on an almost seasonal rhythm. Check back in here to keep apprised of developments as they break...

(3) Another "alternative" to the "professional psychology" route is MINISTERIAL/ CHAPLAINCY / SPIRITUAL DIRECTION TRAINING. More and more traditional denominational seminaries and spiritual direction programs are offering courses in practical dream work as part of their regular studies. Check the seminaries of your denomination, and the "interfaith" seminaries in your geographic area. These course offerings vary wildly from semester to semester and year to year.

(A) In the San Francisco Bay Area, there is a new dream work training program being offered by the Chaplaincy Institute for Arts & Interfaith Ministries. This program has a full Dream Worker Certification program, and offers practical dream work training as a regular part of its other "tracks": Ordination as an Interfaith Minister, or Minister of the Arts, Commissioning as an Interfaith Chaplain, Certification as a Dream Worker, and Certification as an Interfaith Spiritual Counsellor/Director. These "tracks" may be taken concurrently, in any combination. As a matter of policy, credit is always granted for past education and experience,

(4) HYPNOTHERAPY TRAINING: although most hypnotherapy training programs do not offer specific training in working with dreams, some of them do. It is the easiest, least expensive, and most quickly accomplished professional "therapy license" granted in California, and many other States and Territories as well. It usually takes about 6 months to complete the training and receive the license. Once a hypnotherapy license has been acquired, it can be used to "cover" work with dreams, particularly if the work includes light trance work, (to say nothing of the job opportunities in the weight-loss and smoke-addiction-recovery industries...)

(5) SIMPLE (LEGAL) ORDINATION: The Church of Universal Life, Modesto, California, founded by the Kirby Hensley, has established the fundamental legality of their "mail order" ordinations. The "practice of religion" is CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED in the U.S., and that means that practicing one-to-one dream work and dream group facilitation under the "umbrella" of a CUL ordination is completely legal. The CUL Minister is limited in what language can be used in promotional materials, (one may not use the word "Therapy" or Therapist" - unless one also has a license, say, as a hypnotherapist - but words like "Consultation", Facilitation", "Coaching", Dream Worker", etc. may all be used freely.)


Respectfully submitted,
Reverend Jeremy Taylor, D.Min.,
S.Th.D. (hon.)

[Author of DREAM WORK, (Paulist Press, Mahwah, 1983), WHERE PEOPLE FLY & WATER RUNS UP HILL, (Warner Books, New York, 1992), and THE LIVING LABYRINTH, (Paulist Press, 1998), co-founder and past president of the international Association for the Study of Dreams]


We Are All Psychics In Our Dreams
by Robert Moss

Reprinted by permission of author

We are psychics in our dreams. As we sleep, we drop our left-brain inhibitions and our natural intuition comes vividly alive. Dreaming, we are released from the limitations of the body and of space-time. We fold time and travel into the future (and into the past and parallel dimensions).

I became fascinated by this subject because I have been dreaming about future events, large and small, before they happened since my early childhood in Australia. I have been keeping dream journals for more than three decades, and I have bookmarked many hundreds of precognitive dreams.
Here are a few examples:

Dream 1: I check into a hotel where they tell me the credit card I use to pay my bill will be my room key.
Follow-up: Three months later, I make last-minute arrangements to stay at a New York hotel. They explain they have a new system; the credit card I will use to pay my bill will be my room key.

Dream 2: 68 people have signed up for one of my workshops.
Follow-up: Thirteen months later, I arrive at a rural retreat to lead a workshop (not even conceived at the time of the dream) and find 68 people are signed up. The rest of my quite complex dream report gave me very helpful guidance in handling things over the weekend.

Dream 3: President Clinton is looking on avidly as a young woman performs oral sex on a man ­ under covers - in front of the U.S. Capitol.
Follow-up: Ten months later, the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke, and eventually found its way to the U.S. Capitol, with the indictment hearings.

How common is the experience of dreaming the future? I think it goes on all the time. We see round the corner; we see events that may lie years or even decades in the future.

If you have ever had the sense of déjà vu, you are already deep inside this territory. That feeling of déjà vu ("already seen") generally comes when you enter a scene in waking life that you have already dreamed. You may have lost the dream, but you recognize a place or a person you encountered inside it.

In modern Western societies ­ unlike traditional dreaming cultures, like those of Aborigines, Native Americans or ancient Celts ­ few of us are given much encouragement or coaching to grow the skills of dreaming true. Many of us are quite unaware that we dream the future (maybe all the time) until a specific dream jolts us awake.

The first time many of us notice that we dream the future is when we are shocked by a dream of death or disaster that subsequently takes place in physical reality. A young woman was horrified by a dream of slaughter in a school library a short time before the mass murders in a school library in Littleton, Colorado. An American radio show host told me he was terrified, as a teenager, by a dream in which he looked down on his mother, apparently dead inside a coffin. A week later, he saw the scene tragically enacted in waking life when the family was out tobogganing in the Rocky Mountains. His mother¹s sled shot off over a precipice and ­ when he got to the foot of the slope ­ the dreamer found himself looking down at her as she lay, with her back broken, inside the coffin-like box .

Dreams of this kind can seem like a curse, when we feel unable to do anything to change an unhappy outcome we have dreamed. But if we pay attention to our dreams, we'll soon notice that our dreams of the future don't only involve death and disaster. Our dream radar scans events large and small, happy and sad, that are coming into our field of experience.

Once we wake up to the fact that we dream the future (maybe all the time) we are ready to play a more creative game: the game of using dream insights into the possible future to change our lives for the better.

To do this, we need to start by catching our dreams, recording them in a dream journal as a daily practice, and learning some simple techniques to clarify our dream messages and take appropriate action to bring the insight and energy of dreams into waking life.

> Step One: Make a date with your dreams. Write down your intention to remember your dreams ­ or better still, to seek healing or guidance or simply have fun in your dreams, and remember. Put some juice into this. Follow the energy of your deepest desires. You can say: "I want to meet my dream lover" or "I want to go to Hawaii" or "I open myself to my creative source". Be sure you are ready to write something down when ever you wake up. If you don't have a dream, write down whatever thoughts and feelings are passing through you. When you do this, you say to the source of your dreams: "I¹m here. I¹m ready to receive."

> Step Two: Keep a dream journal. This is the most important book on dreams you will ever read (including my own books Conscious Dreaming and Dreaming True). Title and date your dreams, and write personal one-liners summarizing the dream content. Log correspondences with waking events that follow the dream. You¹ll find you are creating a marvelous navigational guide as well as a personal dictionary of symbols, while releasing your gift of story.

> Step Three: Run a reality check on your dreams. However bizarre (or humdrum) your dream may seem to be, ask yourself: Is it remotely possible this dream could be played out in waking life?

> Step Four: Go back inside your dreams to get more information. The meaning of a dream is inside the dream experience (as opposed to the often broken or garbled memory of the dream with which we wake up). By learning to re-enter our dreams, we can get the dream message clear and decide whether a dream needs to be taken literally or symbolically. In my workshops, we use monotonous shamanic drumming to accelerate and deepen the experience of traveling inside a dream, which frequently also provides the opportunity to communicate with spiritual guides or departed loved ones (who often introduce themselves through dreams) and to journey into deeper orders of reality.

> Step Five: Take action to honor your dreams ! Dreams require action ­ for example, to avoid an unhappy event, previewed in a dream, or to bring a pleasant scenario into manifestation. Sharing dreams on a regular basis with a trusted friend is a good beginning. Sharing dreams with family members, workmates and others is a wonderful way to deepen and heal relationships.

Copyright Robert Moss 2001

Robert Moss is a world-renowned dream explorer, a best-selling novelist and a former foreign correspondent and professor of ancient history. His many books include Conscious Dreaming, Dreamgates and Dreaming True: How to Dream Your Future and Change Your Life for the Better. He is also the author of the popular Sounds True audio series Dream Gates: A Journey into Active Dreaming. Visit Robert¹s website,

Robert Moss will be leading a high-energy weekend workshop on dream healing,"Dancing With the Bear: Recovering the Arts of Dream Healing" August 11-12 in Santa Fe. Early registration by 7/9 is $180; and $200 thereafter.
Please contact Lydia Mueller (505) 820-7813, e-mail
for information and registration.

Scheduled for the week prior to the workshop are: a book-signing at Page One in Albuquerque on Wed. 8/8 @ 7-8:30 p.m.; and a book-signing at The Ark in Santa Fe on Thursday 8/9 @ 5:30-7 p.m., followed by a talk at Longevity Café @ 7:30-9 p.m.

Email if you would like to suggest further venues or help facilitate programs.

We are also interested in collecting more personal experiences and historical examples of how people of all backgrounds have been able to "dream their dream" for the benefit of the community as well as themselves.



Dreams and Death

An examination of dreaming and death from the standpoint of Eastern philosophy

By Tony Crisp


In most of the great faiths and traditions of the world, there are similar teachings about the relationship of the living with the dead. The Egyptian Book of The Dead, one of the oldest books in the world, explains how the soul of the dead person is brought before the gods to answer their queries. The Tibetan Book of The Dead gives detailed instructions for a living person to read to the dead. The text explains how the soul of the person will face his or her own deeds, thoughts and fears in a new way, and will come face to face with the gods. It explains how each of these can be best dealt with. Even the recent investigation into near-death-experiences echoes this theme of the person facing their deeds when they have died.

As an example of this, Allan Pring, an ex-RAF pilot experienced a near death experience while undergoing what was supposed to be minor surgery. He describes this as follows:

'Then I experienced the review of my life which extended from early childhood and included many occurrences that I had completely forgotten. My life passed before me in a momentary flash but it was entire, even my thoughts were included. Some of the contents caused me to be ashamed but there were one or two I had forgotten about of which I felt quite pleased. All in all, I knew that I could have lived a much better life but it could have been a lot worse. Be that as it may, I knew that it was all over now and there was no going back. There was one most peculiar feature of this life review and it is very difficult to describe, let alone explain. Although it took but a moment to complete, literally a flash, there was still time to stop and wonder over separate incidents. This was the first instance of distortion of time.' (Quoted from The Truth in the Light, by Peter Fenwick and Elizabeth Fenwick. Published by Headline Books.)

Although The Tibetan Book of the Dead arises from a very different cultural standpoint than that of the West, it is more than a strange or superstitious document. It encompasses a profound attempt to look at the subtle side of the human mind and speculate on what we face in death.

In ancient China, the tradition of ancestor worship was of tremendous importance. Here again we see the personal value of relating to the dead. Most aboriginal races have a similar strong feeling of connection with, and remembrance for, their dead. In Catholic Christianity, there are a whole series of sacraments linking one with death or the dead. From the very first, baptism aims at bringing one into a new relationship with God, and making one ready for direct and conscious entrance into Heaven at death. The sacrament of the Mass applies not only to the living but also to the dead - Mass by the living being given for the dead.

This question of what fate we face at death is in fact explored by most past races. Looking at these ideas from the standpoint of what we now know about sleeping and dreaming, can throw new light on these ancient ideas.

Sleep and Death

Two possibilities may exist in sleep, and therefore perhaps in death also. One is that we may penetrate sleep with self-awareness, as happens occasionally in lucid dreams. The other is that we may be carried along by images and emotions, influences and drives, whether we like it or not, as occurs in nightmares. Some of the images and experiences may be beautiful, and some may be terrible. In using this approach to understand ancient texts about death, it is helpful to clarify exactly what it is we experience in a dream. Whether what we experience is beautiful or terrible, are they anything more than tremendous experiences of virtual reality? If they are not, then any horror or beauty we meet are self-created. If this can be accepted, that the apparently real people we meet in dreams are not more real than the experience of colour we have when we look at a rose - considering that we are not seeing the colour, but nervous impulses sent by the eyes to an area of the brain where it is translated into what we apparently see.

The Eastern texts mentioned state that if we lack the ability to stand back from involvement in these swirling impressions and fail to see them for what they are, we will be carried wherever the seeds of thought, emotion and fear move us. This much is not speculation. We need very little examination of our own experience to see how time and again our ability to coolly respond to situations is swept away by unbidden emotional or physical responses. If we can see these powerful feeling reactions, or subtle influences for what they are - our own swirling thoughts, emotions and sense impressions - we enter another level of experience entirely. In this situation our identity is like a small boat swept along in a rushing river. The river in this case is our sense impressions, our emotional responses triggered by glandular secretions such as the adrenals, and our imagination or anxieties.

If you can accept for a moment that when you are totally involved in a dream, you are immersed in experiencing your own largely unconscious attitudes, fears, longings and ideas as external realities, then it gives a starting point to explore these ideas about death. We can begin to understand from our own observable experience rather than from subtle oriental philosophy.

The example of a nightmare you have experienced at some time will be helpful in this. During the nightmare you were almost certainly convinced that it was real. All your actions and feelings also arose directly out of feeling that the nightmare was an external reality, and not a play of internal emotions and fears. Most likely only waking was able to begin dispersing the fear you felt. But supposing you had become aware in your nightmare that what you were facing was not an illusion, but a projection of internal memories, past experience and attitudes. What would that be like?

It is not necessary to speculate too much on this, as many people have been able to become lucid in this way. (See: Buddhism and Dreams for some examples.) What people meet who have done this is a breaking through the apparently real images and events of the dream into direct personal insight. In other words the images of the nightmare give way to direct memoirs of past events that lay the foundation of feelings out of which the nightmare arose. For instance Robert Van de Castle writes that when he has helped people explore nightmares about a ghost, it has always led back to the childhood memory of a parent coming to the bedroom and lifting them or moving them to prevent bed wetting.

Such direct experiences also help us understand what happens when we fail to face the images of a nightmare, or in fact any other troubling fears and anxieties. We know from personal experience that they remain to haunt us. They continue to influence the way we deal with life, with opportunity, with relationships. It is this influence in the present arising out of the past that Eastern peoples call karma.

interaction of past and present

If we create a scheme of the levels of the mind in meeting a nightmare, first of all we meet the dreams images. In most cases this is as far as we go. Our experience of the dream people or creatures is that they are as real as any object or person we meet while awake. Because of this we react to them as if they are real, and can harm us.

So at this first level of interaction we are victims of the virtual reality of the nightmare. Our actions and reactions arise out of acceptance of the reality of the dream characters and situation.

Moving to the next level, from the experience of people who become lucid in their dream, the characters, drama and objects of the dream are experienced as a projection from our own past, from our own fears or imaginations. So the nightmare can be equated with life events. Using the Eastern term of karma, we can say that in the nightmare we are experiencing our karma - outflow of past experience and events.

The doctrine of Karma in Eastern cultures states that our experience of life and its events depends upon the actions, thoughts, desires, longings, that have become built into ourselves from the past - this life and others. When we break through the images or surface life events, we come to the realm of Karmic influences. That is, we discover the pattern of past habits, attitudes, fears, pains, plans and aspirations that have projected into our conscious life and its events.

Therefore this second level of experience is one of penetrating what is at first an apparently external virtual reality, and in penetrating it discovering the influences, the processes or energies that create it. I have summed this up by using the word karma. So we begin to see the karmic influences out of which our life is woven.

Imagine what it would be like to penetrate deeply into your own mind in this way. Again, many people have done it, so it is not a 'What if'? When it happens the events and directions we have taken in life are seen to be the outworking of deeply etched patterns of behaviour; of passionately made decisions, perhaps from the experience or betrayal; out of lessons learned sometimes over generations of our family. Our conscious biases, opinions, abilities, fears, failings and illnesses, are seen to emerge from this matrix of past experience.

If we think of our past deeds as a colour transparency in a projector, and our conscious self as the screen, we gain an idea of this. Hatred, love, fear, built into us in the past, act as images on the transparency, influencing, colouring, the life-giving energies of our being. If we experienced something that has hurt us sexually or emotionally, and we thus deadened parts of ourselves rather than face our pain, then our present sexuality and emotions will be lacking the full outflow to that degree. These blockages are dense areas on the transparency of our Karmic nature, blocking the light. The light itself is all the range of our experience, sensual, sexual, emotion, mental and spiritual. This is not altogether a good analogy, because our Karmic matrix may contain frozen lumps of our life energy.

If we could consciously meet our fears or pains, our passionately felt decisions of the past, we might arrive back to awareness of the 'transparency' or matrix. In the Catholic sense, we would have now 'admitted' to consciousness - to ourselves - our past 'sin' or error. Becoming conscious of such patterns often wipes them away. In modern psychological terms, awareness transforms. If we see some of the ancient teachings in this light they are less esoteric, and more easily understood as amazing expressions of past psychological insight.

healing force

Coming back to the experience of a nightmare, or in fact any dream, while we are alive we can wake up. But what ancient cultures say is that when we die we cannot wake from this world of dreaming, or perhaps of nightmare. This is precisely why masses are said, or why teachings of the East expound ways of helping the dead find their way out of the apparent reality of a strange and perhaps disturbing environment.

In the 'Bardo Thodol' (Tibetan Book of The Dead) the dying or dead person is told to hold himself or herself in the Clear Light, without letting anything such as thoughts or karmic influences claim them. What this means in today's terms is that a living person reads to the dead, telling them not to get lost in their own thoughts and feelings. They are told that underlying the apparent reality of the 'dream' or mental landscapes and environment they find themselves in, is the clear consciousness without form. All the mental images and emotions, terrors and wonders experienced, are things the mind creates. But it is all a moving torrent of experience that is not ultimately satisfying. Only the clear consciousness gives the person an experience of their fundamental nature.

In Christianity this clear light is called Christ the Redeemer.

If we gain some concept or feeling of the power that has grown us from conception onwards; that has unified the millions of body cells; that organises all the functions and organs of our body and mind, we have an understanding of this unifying power. Modern psychology has also shown us how hate, fear, shock, jealousy, interfere with this activity as it attempts to keep us whole and healthy.

If we think of the totality of our past experience as the karmic matrix mentioned, we might see even more clearly how it interferes with the principle behind our own growth and stable existence. The Catholic sacraments look upon the negative influence of this karmic matrix as our 'state of sin' and tell us Christ can redeem us.

When we experience the power of this internal life principle in the way healing or 'redemption' takes place in us during and after illness, our awareness of its power and reality becomes very great. It is the energy that upholds our existence, and which we can either, co-operate with or work against.

The 'Bardo Thodol' calls this the Secondary Clear Light. In experiencing it we are aware of the effect of the Clear Light and its power on and in us. But we are not conscious of the Light itself. The 'Bardo' says that very few people can actually remain fixed in the Clear Light itself. The reason being that it is formless, impersonal, and transcendental.

Again, in the 'Bardo' it says, 'The common people call this the state wherein the consciousness principle (object knowing principle) hath fainted away.' These teachings declare that if we cannot hold onto this condition, we drop into the next level, which is experiencing the effect of the Clear Light. If this is not possible to maintain, we drop into our karmic matrix. If this is not maintained, we become lost in images and 'dreams' arising from the karma we have gathered, i.e. our loves, hates, fears, and aspirations. This means we are back in the nightmare situation.

four levels

Looking at the previous statements, we can see that four levels of experience are defined. These four levels are not difficult to understand if we look at our own experience of waking and sleeping. If we once more look at sleep, we will perhaps understand what the 'Bardo Thodol' is saying. For instance, experiments in sleep laboratories have shown that when we sleep, at first we drop into a deep dreamless state. Then we gradually move to a condition nearing waking consciousness in which we dream.

In dreamless sleep our 'object knowing' self disappears. There is only 'being', pure consciousness, without images, emotions or sense of self. We experience it every night when we sleep. So it is not anything strange or unknown. But because we usually lose any sense of our ego in this 'dreamless sleep' state, we usually say we were unconscious or asleep. Nevertheless, we went into the void of dreamless sleep, and we emerged from it again. Some people even mange to maintain a level of awareness, as in lucid dreaming, and so carry back a memory of the void.

Those people, who have melted into the void and carried back awareness of it, describe it as the basic level of existence, universal, imageless consciousness. Another way of attempting a description is to say it is unchanging and self-existent, as opposed to the ever-changing experience of our senses, emotions and thoughts, all of which are linked with other phenomena, and so not self-existent.

Because few of us can even begin to grasp that this daily experience of dreamless sleep, this seeming absence of being, as a reality - The Reality - we cannot, do not wish to, are frightened of, maintaining it. As the Bardo explains, most of us cannot maintain the Clear Light, so we enter again into the acceptance of the world of sensory experience, of dreams.

Working from outside in, if we break through the experience of our senses and dream images to the karmic matrix, and dare to meet the passions and pains out of which our life is woven, we have now woken up at the dream level. At this point we are no longer completely dominated by, and at the mercy of, the passions and pains that previously moved us unconsciously.

From here we can begin to see why the sacred teachings of many races have said the living can help the dead. In their book 'Dream Telepathy', Krippner and UlIman tell of their years of scientific research into the sensitivity of sleeping persons to the thoughts of others. Their research at the Dream Laboratory of Maimonides Medical Centre in New York has now become world famous.

Many people who were not a part of Krippner and Ullman's research have also noted how the thoughts or prayers of others frequently alter the pattern of their dreams.

We can understand this further if we think of it in the terms used generally in these articles. The state of hell can be thought of as being submerged in the images and experiences of one's own violence, hate, terrors and incohesiveness.

Purgatory is the same as this, but with one main-difference, the personality before death had, through baptism and confirmation (i.e. opening consciousness to and fixing it in) contacted the unifying principle. The expressed power of the Clear Light, God, has the effect of integrating and redeeming the images and energies we become lost in or possessed by, in the sleep or death state.

Free will, for nearly all of us, is missing at that level, as is the ability to stand apart from the images.

Nevertheless, those who have contacted and opened consciousness to the unifying power causing their existence, find the nature of their dreams changing. The integrating power is actually opened to even in dreams, and relates us differently to the images and events being faced. This psychological fact seems to explain a great deal about he theological catholic statements in regard to the power of baptism and the laying on of hands to give a different 'quality' to the soul, and making the difference between being lost in hell, or being capable of direct or indirect entrance into heaven. If we equate baptism and confirmation with the opening of consciousness to the unifying principle, these statements can be understood.

consciously work on a dream

The question of helping the dead is one of the clear will of the living, being used to pierce through the confusing images of the dream state, to aid the central ego of the person to open to the influence of God. We can achieve a very clear impression of what this means when we ourselves consciously work on a dream, or directly face images we ran from during sleep. Consciousness can decide to do things that are not possible during sleep.

It has been said above that if the unifying power has been a conscious experience, the quality of dreams is changed. It is also true that when our conscious understanding of dreams is clarified, another type of change occurs.

A different approach results, which leads to seeing beyond dreams to their causes. This relationship between our own conscious understanding and our sleep experiences also appears to exist between the living and the dead. They complement each other in a very real sense. For waking consciousness limits, defines and decides. In this way it can direct energies through understanding them.

This rational defined and separate consciousness is generally better developed in occidental peoples, and has been the basis of our technological culture. The interior sleep awareness is unlimited, ranging through space and time, possible and impossible, fact and fancy. It is not defined.

Almost any dream one attempts to analyse has a great power of avoiding final analysis. One can only arrive at general understanding. This is more the tone in which the oriental peoples are masters. The one cannot easily go beyond the visible or obvious; the other tends not to be tied down to defining in external abilities or creations their interior life.

help of prayer

If we therefore pray for the dead, in the sense of opening ourselves and them to the unifying principle, this releases a power into the condition they may find themselves in. Such prayer will aid in releasing them from images and psychological difficulties being

experienced. Also, if we have a clear View of the after death state, and talk to our dead as the Tibetans and others do, this brings to them the clarity of our consciousness to aid them. We, in return, through this subtle contact, receive impressions of wider awareness and understanding. If the experiments of non-physical communication between the living were practised and remembered, some idea of how this communion is experienced will be yours.

In Spiritualist 'rescue circles', someone with this type of sensitivity acts as the connecting link between the living and dead. The group then throws the light of their waking consciousness, argument and explanation, into the experience of the dead person being helped. Thus, those trapped by suicidal urges, ignorance of their situation, uncontrollable desires or fears, are aided to find release.

Subud also practise what they call a 'latihan' (spiritual surrender to the unifying power) for the dead. They say that the dead have very intimate contacts with their living family. If one of their family opens to the unifying principle, or life force, and thus becomes themselves more integrated, this influences the condition of the dead. If this surrender to God is done in the name of the dead person, family or not, it has, they say, a tremendous power to help, and 'wake them up' in death.

Although all these methods are very different in outer form, we can see a thread of similar aims and ideas passing through each. Something to be dealt with later on, but not out of place here, is to say that the dead have a similar relationship to us as our own sleep consciousness. This is only an extension of what has already been said, but may easily be overlooked. To put it into a few words: the dead are now parts of our own interior, and often unconscious, being. They are aspects of our own total psyche. The insight, love, prayer, release of healing power, or attempt at understanding we bring to them, influences them in precisely the same way it influences ourselves.

The 'cult of the dead,' as it is sometimes called, if persisted in long enough in an attempt to aid a soul through the miasma of unconscious truth and error to the Clear Light, is also a legal spiritual path. The soul we help to the clear light is a part of our greater being, and its attainment is for us also a consciousness of the highest. If there is a criticism, it is only that most such attempts give up at the level of communicating chit chat and proof of survival.

'When through illusion,' says the Bardo, 'I and others are wandering in the false images, Along the bright light-path of undistracted listening, reflection and meditation, May the Gurus of the Inspired Line lead us:

May the etherical elements not rise up as enemies; May the watery elements not rise up as enemies; May the earthy elements not rise up as enemies; May the fiery elements not rise up as enemies; May the airy elements not rise up as enemies; May the elements of the rainbow colours not rise up as enemies;

May it come that all the sounds in the death state be known as one's own sounds;
May it come that all the Radiances will be known as one's own radiances;
May it come that the Clear Light will be realised in the state of death.'

For more information about dreams and death, or dreams in general, see Tony Crisp's book Dream Dictionary, or New Dream Dictionary. Also visit



August 2001


If you have news you'd like to share, contact Peggy Coats, Visit Global Dreaming News online at

This Month's Features:

- Sleep Paralysis Project
- Van de Castle Workshop
- ASD Conference Aftermath


- Intuitive Connections Network
- Dream Players
- Patricia Garfield offers online chapters
- Strephon Kaplan-Williams Newsletter

DREAM CALENDAR for August 2001




>>> Sleep Paralysis Project

We are seeking participants for a quality documentary we are producing for The Discovery Channel/US about sleep paralysis. We will be examining the cultural/historical and neurological aspects of this phenomenon. Looking at the consistent descriptions of this experience across time and cultures, we will explore the connection between sleep paralysis and supernatural nocturnal assaults and paranormal experiences including incubus/succubus assaults, spirit possessions, old hag attacks, ghostly visitations, out of body experiences and
alien abductions. We will also film in sleep labs and conduct interviews with doctors and sleep paralysis experts to reveal the neurological explanation for this condition. Recognizing the terror and isolation that some people experience due to sleep paralysis, we hope to create greater understanding of and awareness about this phenomenon. If you are willing to share your sleep paralysis experiences and perhaps be interviewed on camera, please email Jason Ciaccia at or Cheryl Houser at

Cheryl Houser and Craig Coffman are producing this one hour documentary. Cheryl was one of the producers of CHILDREN OF DARKNESS, a PBS documentary about children with mental illness that was nominated for an Academy Award. She produced David O. Russell's (director of THE THREE KINGS and FLIRTING WITH DISASTER) debut feature film SPANKING THE MONKEY and worked with Robert Bolt (author of DOCTOR ZHIVAGO, LAWRENCE OF ARABIA and MAN FOR ALL SEASONS) on the script for THE MISSION. She has also been the supervising producer on over 60 hours of documentaries for The Discovery Channel, the Learning Channel, The History Channel, Lifetime and other major US cable stations.

Craig has produced and directed high quality historical, wildlife and current events documentaries for outlets ranging from The Learning Channel, The History Channel, USA Network, CBS-Network, Showtime, Lifetime, National Geographic, Nickelodeon and Children's Television Workshop. He has also created and produced an original comedy series for Comedy Central and an original music series for VH-1. Craig's programs have arnered many awards including a Cine Golden Eagle and the Women in Radio and Television's top award. Cheryl and Craig are making this program with Atlas Media Corp,producers of hundreds of hours of award-winning documentary programming for stations in the US and around the world. Some of Atlas' series include HISTORY'S LOST AND FOUND for the History Channel, EXTREME CUISINE for the Food Network, RITUALS OF THE WORLD for the Learning Channel, MYSTERIOUS PLACES and EXOTIC ISLANDS for The Travel Channel and AUDOBON'S ANIMALS for the Disney Channel.

>>> Van de Castle Workshop
Bob Van de Castle and Justine Owens will be presenting a workshop: Exploring the Transition from Known to Unknown Vibrational Frequencies: A Journey to Identify Personal and Interpersonal Energy Fields, August 3rd to 5th, 2001 at Rio Nido, CA (one hour north of the Golden Gate Bridge). Workshop members will participate in a dream helper ceremony as well as various waking ESP experiences. A voice frequency analysis and color stimulation will be carried out for each attendee and these results will be compared to ESP compatibility among particpants. Further information can be obtained at the New Being Website:

>>>> ASD 2001 Conference Aftermath
The 18th Annual conference for the Association for the Study of Dreams was help at the UCSC Campus in Santa Cruz, California between July 10-15. While the fabulous presentations, art show, dream ball, computer café and other events are now over, you can still read the abstracts, you can stop by the computer café for the results of the telepathy experiment and you can still join ASD and start getting the Dream Time magazine and professional Dreaming journal, as well as joining the many e-study groups that are now available to ASD members.

Sign up now and you will also get a discount on the next conference in the summer of 2002 in Boston, MA, USA.


W E B S I T E & O N L I N E U P D A T E S


Do you know of interesting new websites you'd like to share with others? Or do you have updates to existing pages? Help spread the word by using the Electric Dreams DREAM-LINK page This is really a public projects board and requires that everyone keep up his or her own link URLs and information. Make a point to send changes to the links page to us.

>>> Intuitive Connections Network
Check out the new online "webzine" devoted to your intuition. It is the Intuitive-Connections Network, an online intuitive learning community inspired by the Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies. It is located at and has articles, interviews, book digests and much more. Imagine what your soul would see if it looked in a mirror. How can you nurture children's intuition? What are the ethics of remote viewing? What psychics have been employed by the Edgar Cayce Institute?

>>> Dreamplayers
Sara Ridberg - Director. Dreamplayers visits schools and communities and designs workshops to suit your needs.

>>>> Garfield Online
World renouwned dream pioneer,Patricia Garfield, Ph.D. is now offering TWO free chapters from her past books: Dreams and Children as well as Childbirth/Pregnancy Dreams.

Also, you will find Patricia Garfield's many other books, her public appearance schedule, notes and information about the making of the book The Universal Dreams Key.

>>>> Strephon Kaplan-Williams Newsletter
Strephon Kaplan-Williams , famous director of the Senoi-Dremwork institute in Berkeley and now creator of the Dream Cards, now has a weekly dream related newsletter that looks into issue of spirit and soul. To sign up stop by his site at



August 2001


Aug 3-5, Rio Nido, CA
Exploring the Transition from Known to Unknown Vibrational Frequencies: A Journey to Identify Personal and Interpersonal Energy Fields. Further information can be obtained at the New Being Website:

Aug. 3 in Danbury, CT
Creative Dream "Play Groups" for Adults. For more information, contact 203-744-6823 or

Aug 24-26, CHARLOTTE, NC
Workshop as part of the Two Year Dream Leader Training Program at the Haden Institute. Contact Bob Haden for more information at or email him at or call 704.333.6058.




New Series begins with Digest #1 09/29/2000

This issue includes volume # 226 - #242

Hello and welcome to the DREAM SECTION of Electric Dreams.

This section is edited by Richard Wilkerson and the DreamEditor, a software creation of Harry Bosma, author of the Dream interpretation and journaling software AAlchera@.

Please note that we print these dreams as they come to us and that means we do not correct the spelling. Some dreamworkers find these spelling mistakes a great window on the dream and dreamer.

The Electric Dreams DREAM SECTION includes dreams and comments from the DREAM FLOW, a project to circulate dreams in Cyberspace.

Many mail lists participate, including
The Dream Sack http//
Usenet groups (too many to name, search DREAM)

If you would like to send in single dreams for the flow, you can leave them at

If you have a mail list or would like to contribute dreams and comments on a regular basis, you can subscribe to the dream-flow by sending an E-mail to

You may get a note back to verify the subscription. Simply hit the return or reply key and send the note back.

An Archive of dream-flow is available at:
Pre-November 2000:
Pre-November 1998
Pre-April 1990
Use Electric Dreams Backissues

------------------------- BEGIN ---------------------------

[dream-flow] Digest Number 227


There is 1 message in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Rice, salt
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 11:43:11 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Rice, salt

Dream Title Rice, salt
Date of Dream 6/26 @ 7:30am
Dream I dreamed that someone threw salt on me and then all of a sudden, I was seeing rice everywhere. Comments by Dreamer


There are 2 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. the alligator scroll
From: stan kulikowski ii <>
2. having a baby
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 11:44:19 -0700
From: stan kulikowski ii <>
Subject: the alligator scroll

Editor's Note: Stan requests that his dream and e be kept together. - rcw

DATE : 27 jun 2001 06:07
DREAM : the alligator scroll

=( last night was a tuesday. my mother watched her broadcast television shows and i worked on my item response testing scripts so my course web sites can be more flexible than the classical tests i have been giving as quizzes. we watched an older video with sally fields as a mother who guns down a creepy keith sutherland at the end. i went to bed around 01:00 and read some ho-hum short stories by harlan ellison until 02:30. )=

the sun of ancient egypt shown down upon the undulating dunes of sand with a clarity that we modern peoples can not imagine, accustomed as we are to the accumulated filth of history. the eye can just see things better in the simpler golden time when everything was constructed for the first time, not upon collapsed foundations of previous cities, errors compounded by death, disease, ignorance and disappointment. not everything egyptian is done perfectly, of course, but there is a sense of purity that comes from virgin materials treated with honest respect and ingenuity.

the temple of luxor is a crowded place by design. the majestic fat lotus columns gobbed with paint of primary colors are set close together so even a few people circulating within seem to fill the sacred places. no greek amphitheaters, roman coliseums or gothic cathedrals provided an architecture for massive gatherings and official pronouncements. the gods of egypt were more private, local deities who did not confuse grandeur with adoration squeezed from crowded mobs of sweaty humans packed into public arenas.

i am walking hurriedly along the edges of the temple complex, under white linen awnings where the merchants of caravans have displayed their exotic imports to trade with the artisans for local manufacture and the farmers sell their garden produce. my sandals kick up small clouds of dust as i push past people intent on their transactions. i am late to meet a woman i hardly know.

she comes from a family much better than mine, so i am dressed in my best garments which are merely everyday things to her. at least i hope that i am accepted as commonplace and not some bumpkin overdressing trying to impress.
my clean white tunic has been pressed with fluted pleats that are starting to relax in the heat of the day to a comfortable look rather than that stiff starched look they have when first put on. i have many ornaments of copper and a few of gold.

ah, there she is. i see her ahead in the crowd, waiting beside a wall proclaiming the victory of some honored ancestor. she is quietly scanning the vicinity, probably looking for me. her hair is a honey color shot through with muted gray, not from age but of experience and distinction. her features are plain and honest, only the slightest black line of khol added to the corners of her eyes.

i catch her attention as i hurry up. "i am sorry that i am late." i pant out trying to catch my breath, partly lost from haste and partly from her beauty which makes me feel drab and self conscious in comparison.

"no matter." she tells me with an assumed air of patience. "it has been but a few moments and i have enjoyed the wait." her voice is husky and deep for a woman, probably trained for that effect upon men. it certainly stirs my immediate reflex of care. "we must go inside now."

i follow her through mezzanine just inside the stone portico. there are some tiers of step seats which are about half full of people waiting for the libation to begin. today the waters of the nile will be consecrated.

just before we reach the seats she has selected for the best view of the alters, i see another woman that i know. we greet each other as we approach. this second woman is of my class and status so i feel more comfortable with her.

"let me introduce you." i tell them both. "suzanne, this is suzanne." they look at each other puzzled. i laugh. "actually, 'suzzaine' i would like you to meet 'shuzane'. your names being so similar, they can almost be said alike." i am pleased with my attempt at wit, and they smile and nod to each other.

once i have my noble woman seated next to my friend, i must leave them to see that the priests have found their censors and scepters in the vestibule outside the stage with the alters. i will leave it to shuzane of noble birth to discover that suzzaine, my friend, is an artificial person, constructed of technology and artifice. most people are amazed at the completeness of automatons, there not being that many in existence.

upon returning from the vestibule-- the priests were fine with their equipment-- i see two thieves of my acquaintance trying to depart through a side door without being noticed. they are obviously up to no good and should not be attending a ceremony of this level, so i follow them through a series of doors and passages.

once they are out the building into a vacant side lot between the out buildings of the complex, they see me chasing them down. they know better than to flee, so between them they are trying to hide something and bury it in hopes that i have not seen.

"what's this? what's this?" i say, pushing them apart. from out of the soil i pull up a floppy disk, its sliding metal panel caked with dirt. my heart sinks. it is a component of suzzaine, the disk that holds her bha, the part of her soul that attends the body. without this part, her longterm memory will detach and her personality will be little more than a calculating machine.

"oh, she is only an artificial person." one of the thieves says, trying to make an excuse. "her parts can be replaced while my children starve for want of labor since my injury." he is clearly lying, the artisan villages supporting the temples pension off their disabled. he is a felon by choice, not need.

i leave them stammering and embarrassed in the lot as i go back into the temple, trying to carefully brush away the soil from the disk panel. i am more concerned with restoring her soul than punishing the misguided thieves.

i can not attend the libation as i had hoped, and have to gently take suzzaine off into the inner sanctum where the sorcery of constructing the automatons is done. i will be there for sometime, so i make my apologies to shuzane. my sublimated longing (probably lust if it comes to truth) must be put aside in the urgency of my mechanical companion.

after the brief but dramatic ceremony of summoning and anointing the high priest's erection, shuzane makes her way back to her family estate on the edge of a barley plantation. she normally lives well upriver with her mother and has only recently been called here by the patriarch.

having the blessing of the libation still upon her, she is now allowed to see for the first time one of her family's most treasured properties, the alligator scrolls. one of her cousins has fetched the alabaster container from the storeroom where it has been held for generations. the seals on the containel have held for as long as anyone in the family can remember. it is only through family tradition that the scrolls are believed to be inside, as no one has ever seen the container open.

kneeling near a small wall with a brown tuft of grass along its base, the cousin carefully shows her the alligator cravings in the alabaster cylinder. this is curious because the nile is infested with crocodiles, but this image is clearly of the smaller species.

shuzane is given the container to hold for the first time. when she touches the conical stopper on the end, it silently falls off into her hand. the cousin gasps in amazement. never before has anyone been able to remove the stopper. she runs to tell everyone that the scroll has been opened.

alone now, shuzane carefully shakes the white cylinder and a small roll of papyrus falls out into her hand. she is slightly disappointed that the scroll seems so small at first sight. carefully she starts to unfold the document which is found to be a long series of round-edged pages folded accordion style. the pages are amazing thin and fragile, so there are a lot of them that spread out before her.

carefully, shuzane starts to read the hieroglyphs, several on the top of page.
"it has come upon me to discover-- " she reads aloud somewhat haltingly. the glyphs are archaic and difficult for her to sound out the phonic portions into words that she can recognize. the script is written with lines of rich golden gilt laid lovingly on a tan brown texture. she has to read and reread the glyphs to construct intact the message of the alligator scroll:

"it has come upon me to discover a manner of communicating with the gods, a method so delicately and carefully constructed that its beauty is such to draw forth tears from the eyes and the heart to swell with so much joy and pride that anyone who hears these services will always count themselves among the fortunate few to have truly lived and accomplished the complete meaning of their destiny."

when she has read the top line of the long series of scrolled pages, she sits back and looks at the alligator scroll stretched out in the grass along the base of the wall. she hears excitement stirring in the house behind her. this will probably be her only time alone with this miracle of her ancestors. she can almost hear the notes of her patriarch's lyre playing the music so 'delicately and carefully constructed' that even the gods can not ignore communion with humankind. the message of the scroll is to secure the certainty of heaven and reunite the world with its creation. she smiles, already happy with her true meaning in life.

=( the clock says 05:48 when i first look at it. i sit right up and start typing as much of this dream as i could get in. i started with lengthy quote from the scrolls 'it has come upon me to discover--' as that was fresh in my mind after puzzling out the hieroglyphic writing in order to read it. there was a lot of backing up and going over the glyphs to get the passage intact, so i could recall it easily at the start. once i had the deciphered quote down, i went back to the start to get in the characters and what we did. that feeling of cleanliness and clarity described in the first paragraph was held throughout the whole dream. there may have been open sewers in the villages and unswept debris in the corners of the temple, but these did not give off the feeling of filth and corruption like they do in unnatural times when we feel separated from each other by our long history of disappointments in civilized human affairs. the artificial person i had helped create was as much a golem of sorcery as a construct of anachronistic technology. she could not quite pass as a normal human even before the thieves removed the floppy disk with part of her personality on it. there are a couple parts of the dream that i have lost, concerning the household of her patriarch and his playing the lyre following musical instructions on the bottom half of the scroll pages. wish i could reproduce that melody i heard which can charm the gods right out of heaven. )= ____________________________________________________________

Message: 2
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 14:22:31 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: having a baby

Dream Title having a baby
Date of Dream 7/26/01
Dream went into labor. labor was surprisingly simple. baby popped out--i woke up. didn't get to hold it or see what sex it was.
Comments by Dreamer very strange--too young and not ready for a child


There are 3 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Re: having a baby
From: Heratheta
2. "The Flooded Car"
From: Anonymous
3. the woman without a face
From: Anonymous


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 16:43:20 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: "The Flooded Car"

Dream Title "The Flooded Car" by pushingzer0
Date of Dream June 28th, 2001 - sometime after 4 AM
Dream I had a dream last night that I was riding in the car with my mom (she was driving). We were having a friendly conversation, when suddenly I looked down and noticed that the car was flooded with water up to my waist. For some reason, this didn't bother me. I grabbed a hat (which is odd, because I never wear hats) and began scooping the water up out of my lap and pouring it over my left shoulder, into the backseat. The next thing I knew, I was awake, wondering what this strange dream meant.

Message: 3
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 19:18:31 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: the woman without a face

Dream title the woman without a face, cuttie Date of dream may 29, 1997 Dream once i watch a movie called carmen jones which was movie i had never seen before an the actress in the i was not sure who she was but i found her quite beautiful so that night i went to sleep wondering who is she when i finally got to sleep i started to have a dream that me my dad and my stepmother were on our way to baloucxy beach then all of a sudden i look over to my right and their she was but i could not she her face she on fifties like clothing with the typical scarf they wore but looked just beautiful then somehow i said dorothy where almost there and she turned to look at me and she did not have a face what weird is before i went to sleep i did not know her name or who she is or turned out to be was it was dorothy dandrige and at the time of this dream i had no idea who is or was.


There is 1 message in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. the mall the hall
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 11:55:26 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: the mall the hall

Dream title the mall the hall
by wackoyako Date of dream thursday june 28 Time:3:00 am ~~~woke up Dream it starts in the and my bf walk down past stores to a little side hall and in front of a clear glass window front we wait his turn.inside medical techs in long white coats attend to ppl sitting in like school tables. They are all being injected with what I know to be heroine . A friend of his and his wife walk up . They talk in a low whisper and I struggle to hear but cannot. I have a feeling it is not good. ::::flash to another scene::::: there we are me sitting in a chair across the room from him . It is a large room with bright yellow colors and a gold yellow colored comforter covers his body . He has his arm extended and that friends wife is standing over him with a saringe full of heroine. He looks at me and I nod as if to say "yes baby" and a slight sexual feel comes about with that . He askes for something to drink and I run out of the room and down a long hallway . More like arch ways with barley a room in short segments all along it . At the end an old wooden door . The kind you would see o Comments by dreamer I do not do drugs at all !!! Not even over the counter but my bf has an addiction problem with alcohol and marijuanna. His friends in the dream have always made me nervous and the nieghbor just moved in and she really is disfigured !! I have dreamt of the mall senario more than once . Permission to comment yes_share_comments Permission comments I am looking for feedback !!! I always remember my dreams because I wake up and tell myself aloud or wake bf up and tell him . Then I get up and remember mostly all of it !!!!Some disturb me .please help.


There is 1 message in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. fawndew and tittle Ghostly
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2001 08:02:10 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: fawndew and tittle Ghostly

Dream Title fawndew and tittle Ghostly
Date of Dream 6-29-01
Dream I dreamed I had arrived at my grandparents' house (the grandparents are deceased in waking life) and this was long after the grandparents had passed away. I felt lighter, free, and secure, like a period of darkness lifted from my life. I was alone, as my mother was to arrive later. It was

a beautiful summer day outdoors. The house seemed brighter than usual. I sat near the front window. The closet door opened by itself, and an antique banjo floated from the closet and stood upright. It was the most vividly memorable object of the whole dream, as if it was more real than the the dream itself. In life, my grandfather never owned a banjo, nor had any assocation with bluegrass but in the dream, it was a secret of grandpa's. A ghost was evidently attempting communication. I yelled out I know you're here grandma. Nothing. I tried again. "I know you are here grandpap." The lamp flashed, grandpap's music box went off. This banjo would've cost 3 months salary in the 1800's when it was produced. It would've been the Lexus of banjos in it's time. I know of no one in my family who would've owned a banjo.
Comments by Dreamer The dream feels like a paranormal communication from an unknown ancestor who could've been best identified by his banjo and who is male, at least, that's the inpression I was left with from the dream. I don't have a clue who.

There are 3 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. the day my aunt said she was going home
From: Anonymous
2. Dying Infants
From: Anonymous
3. Re: Dying Infants
From: "socaloca" <socaloca


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2001 08:46:01 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: the day my aunt said she was going home

Dream title the day my aunt said she was going home Date of dream 7/1/2001 Dream i had a dream of my aunt my mother's sister, had given me a photo album with pictures of her husband and all the children in our family and she had given me some jewelery too. All she kept saying was that she was on her way home but never said where home was she always has lived in the bronx. I have been asking her for pictures of my mom since she is no longer living and my children have nere seen her so i thougt it was wierd that she did not give any pictures of my mom in my dream..

Message: 2
Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2001 19:04:50 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Dying Infants

Dream Title Dying Infants
Date of Dream July 1, 2001 at approximately 3 AM
Dream A few nights ago I had a disturbing dream.

I dreamt that I was sitting in a doctor's office and I noticed two small infants lying on a bare table wrapped in just a diaper and blanket. One of the infant's fingers tips were purple as if circulation to them was cut off. I asked a woman why they were just laying there and she said that they were sick and dying and nobody wanted them. I responded by saying that I should hold them before they die so that they feel loved but she stopped me when she said that their disease might be contagious. I have three children of my own and I did not want to pass some disease on to them. However, I felt helpless that I could not do anything to care for the dying infants.

Comments by Dreamer I have been trying to deceiver this dream myself but have been unsuccessful. I figure that I may have been in the doctor's office because I am worried about my health because of constant pain in my ovaries. I am unable to afford a gynecology appointment because my husband and I are experiencing financial difficulties. However, I cannot interpret the remainder of the dream and I am hoping you will respond to this letter.

There are 4 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Beating
From: Anonymous
2. midnight walk ,love???
From: Anonymous
3. ex.....
From: Anonymous
4. lost forever
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2001 15:09:39 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Beating

Dream Title Beating
Date of Dream 6/30/01
Dream I have a reoccuring dream that I beat my girlfriend because she in the dream she is cheating on me with me friends but in reality she does'nt even know them.
Comments by Dreamer I wish that I could stop these dreams because she's a good person what do they mean?

Message: 2
Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2001 15:08:47 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: midnight walk ,love???

Dream Title midnight walk ,love???
Date of Dream 6/28/2001 2:30 am
Dream ok me and this guy i like went to florida. before we went he told me he liked me and then like 3 weeks later he didnt like me. well anyways when we got to florida like th second night we were there we were in the bedroom and everyone else was alseep. i told him i was bored adn he was like i am too. i was like im going for a walk down the beach and he was like can i come?? so i said yeah and we started to walk down the beach. well we sat down on the sand and just sat there. he was like what are you thinking about?? and i told him and he was like ashley i really like you. i dont know why i said i didnt when all along i knew i liked you. i want so much more then a friendship with you. i was like i cant have my heart broken again jeff. he was like ashley i promise once i have you i wont ever let you go and then it ended with us kissing on the beach.
Comments by Dreamer i really want to know what this all means. can you help ?? and i also have had this dream for the past 5 days???

Message: 3
Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2001 15:07:44 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: ex.....

Dream Title ex......krissy
Date of Dream 07/03
Dream i had a dream my ex had sex with his new girl and well in my dream it said it reminded him of me so they broke up and he came back to me saying that he still loved me.......

Message: 4
Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2001 15:09:20 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: lost forever

Dream Title lost forever by darien
Date of Dream july 1 2001
Dream i meet this beautiful dark haird girl while she tries to sell me sumthin or give a donation,i promise her ill be back, when i get smaller bills, then i go to the club and i meet this hot girl there, also darkhaired. she tells me to come back tomorrow when i decide to leave. (she might be a stripper type girl)

at the building i live in, nikki (my gf) and diane (her bestfriend and my ex gf) live in an aprtment in the same building, but in the dream i dont know them, they are merely girls im tryin to impress. my friend meinard gives me sumthin heavy to carry upstairs, its sum weird object maybe a statue. as nikki and diane (both cheerleaders at ME) i use this cheerleading method to carry it, and i want them to know im a cheerleader also. they simply walk past.

i go to the club to see the stripper girl, adn she is happy to see me, but when i go away for a minute, i come back to see her "cheating" on me, feelin rejected sumwhat, i leave. i go outside and see that first girl and i learn her name its rita or sumthin like that. she takes me to her work, and its a really cool fun place, and there is this reddish-orange vortex type thing there. i think after this it moves ahead a few weeks or maybe a couple of months. "rita" and i are involved in a relationship.

at the building, i talk to diane, and i tell her i was a cheerleader, and she insults me, and tells me i was a crappy cheerleader from niles north. after that i forget about nikki and diane. and i also learn "rita" also live in the same building with these 2 males. i visit one day and the 2 males are very over protective of her, like older brother types. they try to kick my ass, but rita stops them. and despite this i love rita even more.

one day i go with meinard to the club, i see that stripper girl again, and we talk, and she asks why i never came back for her, and i tell her i felt like she totally dissedme by goin to another guy, she walks away for a minute, then i find rita right behind me, and hears it all, and tells me that girl was her friend. and runs away. i go after her as i see the stripper sitting on meinards lap. i drive back to the building, and i confront the 2 males, but she isnt there. so i look outside the window and i see her. she enters sum sort of old fashioned cajun pier type area. and as i come back down, i see 2 boy band guys, i think it was 2gether, it was chad and qt. anyways, i ask them to do me a favor, and look for my girl, who appeared to be walkin away with the stripper girl. i ask them when they find her to wait for me, and when i come for them to serenade her with a song. i told them to sing. as we run around the place, at times im really close to finding her, but chad an! ! d qt, tell me they found her, but it was too late, and they point to the ship sailing away, and i see rita over the ledge crying, as the stripper girl is comforting her... i never find her again.


There are 2 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:
1. snake
From: Anonymous
2. baby's
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 05 Jul 2001 08:21:23 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: snake

Dream Title snake
Date of Dream 070301
Dream i can not remember the first part of the dream except i know my sister was there somewhere. what i remember is being in a small room like a one bedroom apartment or small hotel room. my boyfriend and his cousins husband was there. the husband of the cousin has been seen with other girls. okay back to the dream. in the dream it felt like a game, but there was a snake, not very long just its head was big. i would step on the floor and the husband(ariel) and my boyfriend were laughing that i was jumping all over the furniture to get away from the snake. the snake started coming for me and i jumped over to ariel(the cousin's husband)and he put his arm around me and my boyfriend stopped everything and looked like he was jealous about his arm around me. then the snake hit ariel in the leg and i jumped on too a chair and it was in slow motion. i could see my feet as i landed. and i woke up!
Comments by Dreamer no idea. i thought it had something to do with ariel being seen with other girls besides his wife and my boyfriend is one that seen him. i feel uncomfortable around ariel now.
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments i want comments!!!! i want to know what this means

Message: 2
Date: Thu, 05 Jul 2001 08:20:56 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: baby's

Dream Title baby's
Date of Dream 7/3/2001
Dream i keep dreaming about a baby girl i am not pregnant now.. can someone plz tell me what this means i need help

There is 1 message in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. red gloves and death
From: Anonymous

Message: 1
Date: Sat, 07 Jul 2001 16:31:48 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: red gloves and death

Dream title red gloves and death,ladybug Date of dream 6/25/01 6:02 am Dream i was at work and i was working like normal. Then all of a sudden i was in my bed sleeping and my general manager was trying to wake me up to tell my ex-boyfriend was dead. She was wearing red gloves with diamonds on them. She was laughing at me. Comments by dreamer i woke up immediately. It was so real. I wanted to call him to see if he was okay.


There are 3 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Re: [the alligator scroll ]
From: yes wings <yes.wings
2. (no subject)
From: slugbugyellow00
3. Re: [the alligator scroll ]
From: "socaloca" <socaloca



Message: 2
Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2001 14:52:32 EDT
From: slugbugyellow00
Subject: (no subject)



Message: 3
Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2001 12:37:51 -0500
From: "socaloca" <socaloca
Subject: Re: [the alligator scroll ]

This is the only kind of comment you know how to make eh, yeswings?(Perhaps "nowings" would be the more apt screen name.) Poor thing, I wonder what your problem is! ~Carole ----- Original Message ----- From: "yes wings" <> To: <> Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 2:45 AM Subject: Re: [[dream-flow] the alligator scroll ]

There are 2 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. the unforgettable kiss
From: Anonymous
2. Re: Digest Number 236
From: "Cheryl" <kiara01


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2001 22:44:59 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: the unforgettable kiss

Dream Title the unforgettable kiss
Date of Dream night
Dream my parents are having a party and i invited lots of my friends. my crush is fooling around w/ alot of people. he asks my best friend to fool around and she says no then he asks me and i of course say yes. we try to find a private place but none are open so we wait til later. when we finally find a private room , my crush says he is hungry. i let him eat and then we can't find a room again. finally, he has to leave and i finally get a first kiss. after all this time the kiss was worth it.
Comments by Dreamer i really need to know what this could mean!!!
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments


There is 1 message in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. (no subject)
From: slugbugyellow00


There are 20 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Having a Baby
From: Anonymous
2. Breaking teeth
From: Anonymous
3. brig1013
From: Anonymous
4. boyfriends dream-summer
From: Anonymous
5. JCRIG2000
From: Anonymous
6. dusty
From: Anonymous
7. Boyfriend Problems
From: Anonymous
8. Caught by Amelia
From: Anonymous
9. White Laundry/Stick
From: Anonymous
10. Joyce
From: Anonymous
11. Death
From: Anonymous
12. being bombed! ~kymberry
From: Anonymous
13. The New house
From: Anonymous
14. Teeth Falling Out ~Doc
From: Anonymous
15. Too horible to speak of
From: Anonymous
16. White Wolf - Lisa81478
From: Anonymous
17. Pregnancy! Me Step-father trying to pee on me!
From: Anonymous
18. Running away
From: Anonymous
19. Christmas time
From: Anonymous
20. Robespierre!
From: "P Ingerson" <pi


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 11:05:29 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Having a Baby

Dream Title Having a Baby by Sasha
Date of Dream 7/12/01 5 AM
Dream What does it mean if you've never been pregnant or had a baby, and then you dream that you are?

Message: 2
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 11:08:12 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Breaking teeth

Dream Title Breaking teeth
Date of Dream 10th/5/2001 {2.00]
Dream i am a girl,


i often see that my front teeth broken.

i see this many times.
Comments by Dreamer tell me why i am see that

Message: 3
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 11:02:10 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: brig1013

Dream Title brig1013
Date of Dream 7/10/01 at 2:00am
Dream i had a dream my son was killed ina fire. he was in a blue room and the room was full of smoke and i was sreaming his name.
Comments by Dreamer my son is staning with some family and he is pose to be there all week.. Help is my son in danger

Message: 4
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 10:58:48 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: boyfriends dream-summer

Dream Title boyfriends dream-summer
Date of Dream 7/9
Dream My boyfriend had a dream that I finally deciced to sleep with him but I whipped out a 3 by 5 notecard that had a list of rules and when we could do it and how and stuff Comments by Dreamer Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments I just want an accurate interpretations

Message: 5
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 10:59:09 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: JCRIG2000

Dream Title JCRIG2000
Date of Dream
Dream I keep having dreams of being in public places sometimes only knowing a few people there and then i suddenly collapse onto the floor, the weird think is is that when i am lying there on the floor i am concious that i 'faked' the collapse and think to myself "I wonder if anyone will help me?"but to my dismay no one ever does!

Comments by Dreamer I have had this dream for some time....nearly every night for the past month or so.

Message: 6
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 11:07:10 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: dusty

Dream Title dusty
Date of Dream 07-12-01 after 12a
Dream I'm in shallow water but can't get out of it..I'm thinner than I am now & have a different color of hair..lighter, blondish..I fall backwards over a leather couch & have thin snakes coming out of my bra/cleavage & when I tumble off the couch back to the watery floor, square tiled, more snakes going every direction
Comments by Dreamer This is the 2nd or 3rd time I've had this one..I never remember the beginning or end..just middle. I do not like it.

Message: 7
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 11:02:33 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Boyfriend Problems

Dream Title Boyfriend Problems
Date of Dream 07/10/01 3:15 am.
Dream I have reoccuring dreams about my relationship with my boyfriend. Me and my boyfriend have been going through a trail of separation. And the cause of these is a necklace of his that I have. Anyways, the dream is about me and are in this loving relationship but then we break up. Then there is the dream where me and my boyfriend are having sex. But the thing me and him are still virgins. He is a year younger then me. What do these dreams mean? no_print_comments

Message: 8
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 11:06:50 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Caught by Amelia

Dream Title Caught by Amelia
Date of Dream june 2001
Dream I dreamed that I was caught making love to my best friends man in their bed. she was at work and came home crying that she was fired. She never even noticed us naked lying in her bed. He did not care when she clued in she yelled at him and I was forgotten about. I had awaken before I found out if he left her or not.
Comments by Dreamer This could happen in real life because I have been his lover for four years now and then I made good friends with her, I have tried to give him up but it never works. I love him and wish he would leave her. Which is hard because I like her but he means more to me.


Message: 9
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 10:58:25 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: White Laundry/Stick

Dream Title White Laundry/Stick
Date of Dream July 9, 2001/am
Dream Dreamed I was passing through a large house that had scattered piles of clean, white laundrey. The piles were everywhere and it was evident that they were freshly washed because they were so bright and clean looking. As I was passing on out of the house there was a group of three or four non-descript looking women standing by the doorway.
Comments by Dreamer I have found interpretations for clean, white clothing if the dreamer is wearing them or sees others wearing them but nothing have I found for this....

Message: 10
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 11:05:52 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Joyce

Dream Title Joyce
Date of Dream 7/11/01
Dream Hello, I have been dreaming about people cut in half. Specifically, people cut so high up (like only the head or shoulder)

that it is impossible to live.

The thing is, in my dream, they are alive or on life support. Occationally they are

in glass cases. Almost as if on display.

I have NEVER had dreams like this before, and am very curious to know if they mean anything. I hope it's not like a premonition.

I am not supersitious, but wonder if this has any supersitious meaning.

Please reply.


Message: 11
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 10:57:54 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Death

Dream Title Death
Date of Dream 7-4-01 after 2am
Dream I was w/ my ex b/f and at the door was an old teacher of mine dressed in a tuxedo and told us that a friend of ours had died from smoking too much marijuana. I began to cry (I was more upset than my ex bf -even though it was more his friend than mine) and I just stood there in shock crying.
Comments by Dreamer I've always hated pot, but i knew you really cant die from it, it bothered me alot in my dream that my ex friend had died, especially from that though.

Message: 12
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 11:05:04 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: being bombed! ~kymberry

being bombed! ~kymberry Date of Dream july 3-10 Dream since july 3rd, every night i've been having the same dream. different people, and different places, but same idea! im always with some family or friends and were all doing something together, then i look up and i see some things in the sky and they have trails behind them. there always in groups of three, and you can just watch them get closer and closer and then they hit something and blow up. in the first dream, my grandpa said that it was australia doing this, which seemed odd! but were running trying to watch for where they are going to land so we can get away, but there everywhere. none of us (my family or friends im with) get hurt, but every thing around us is blowing up! in the dream, i tell the people in the dream that this is only a dream, that ive been having this dream over and over, but they tell me its not, that i was just wishing it was! then after a while i wake up and im in shock at frist and cant move! and im breathing really fast and my heart is beating like a million miles per hour! it all seems and feels so real!

Comments by Dreamer then after a while i wake up and im in shock at frist and cant move! and im breathing really fast and my heart is beating like a million miles per hour! it all seems and feels so real! i dont know what it means or how to make it stop! and its not the tv or movies either cause ive gone 2 days with out!! Permission to Comment yes_share_comments Permission Comments is it possible you can e-mail what this dream might mean?

Message: 13
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 11:07:37 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: The New house

Dream Title The New house - Autum Sunrise
Date of Dream july 13th
Dream I always have this dream every week at least once. It starts out where i'm standing outside of this house and i go in and discover it's my house. I live in a two story house but in the dream it has an upper story. There is always something there thats white and something always happens to it. Something always gets mud or red juice on it and my mom yells at me to clean it. Then i run upstairs and find myself in this room it looks like my room except there is a door that connects it to the bathroom. Then this guy that i find myself attracted to , but don't know runs in and kisses me. Then he turns into a 9 year old boy and runs out of the room. Then i wake up.
Comments by Dreamer it happens usually on the friday night.

Message: 14
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 11:03:52 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Teeth Falling Out ~Doc

Dream Title Teeth Falling Out ~Doc
Date of Dream July 11, 2001; afternoon nap, about 4pm
Dream This is a reoccurring dream. The circumstances are different, but the main idea is always the same.

This time I was in a jungle that was set up as a maze. I was looking for children but then all of a sudden I noticed that one of my teeth was wiggly. I touched it with my finger and it wiggled right out. As soon as it fell out, I thought to myself, "This is the same dream again!" like a conscious thought. It went on and the next tooth came out with a bit of blood. Then I spat out a filling and another tooth. I ran my tongue along where my teeth used to be and it was smooth, like no teeth were ever there. In all, I lost about 5 teeth. It really didn't seem to bother me that my teeth were falling out...
Comments by Dreamer This is a reoccurring dream and I am very curious about it's meaning.
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments I would love any ideas on the meaning of this dream.

Message: 15
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 11:01:52 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Too horible to speak of

Dream Title Too horible to speak of
Date of Dream 7-17-01 5-6 p.m
Dream I had this dream a couple of nights ago. I dreamt that I was asleep and having a dream (basically a dream in a dream.) What I was dreaming is to horrible to say. My mother than wakes me out of my dream because she was horrified by what I was dreaming so she woke me up. I then go and ask everyone about my dream. My uncle says that if meant nothing my father says it means that I will become a _________. I scream because I don't want to become that. Then I go for a walk with my grandfather and he says my dream ment nothing. I then wake up and realize the whole thing was a dream.
Comments by Dreamer It makes me wonder after my mother woke me up that was the last of her presence after that I was the only female in that dream. The rest of my relatives were all male. Also it makes me wonder If in reality I am a -------.
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments I really hope I am not a --------

Message: 16
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 11:03:24 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: White Wolf - Lisa81478

Dream Title White Wolf - Lisa81478
Date of Dream 7/11/01
Dream Usually when I dream I can't remember them but I had a very vivid one last night. I had a dream that I was outside in what I think was a desert. I was walking around with a white wolf and everything was quiet. Then

a tiger came and picked a fight with the wolf. The tiger wasn't after me but every time I saw the wolf get hurt a little I would try to hit and kick the tiger but I couldn't get to it because they were fighting. I was over whelmed with fear but I was still willing to do what ever I could to help the wolf. When it was all over and the tiger left I was making sure the wolf was ok but I looked up and saw about 3 more tigers surrounded us in the distance. I sat there in disbelief for a minute and just when one of the other tigers started coming towards us I woke up.

Comments by Dreamer For some reason this dream really got to me and I would like to know what it means. Thank you!!
Permission to Comment yes_share_comments
Permission Comments If any one would like to e-mail me please do I don't mind.

Message: 17
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 11:03:01 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Pregnancy! Me Step-father trying to pee on me!

Dream Title Pregnancy! Me Step-father trying to pee on me!
Date of Dream
Dream I've never had a dream like this before. I don't

remember much, but what sticks out most in my mind was the fact that I was pregnant by my friend Brian, who is two years my junior, who I do not see very frequently. It was not a good thing (the pregnancy), it was very distressing, and Brian seemed upset about it too. I had difficulty getting him to talk to me about it,

even though we both knew that if we didn't talk about it soon, we would have to carry it to term.

We never did resolve anything, we never talked. I can remember feeling the baby inside of me, growing, and I knew that I wouldn't be able to control it much longer BUT another part of me WANTED to have the baby. Like I enjoyed having it in my stomach, wanted to let it live.

The other aspect of the dream that I remember most

vividly was that my step-father kept trying to urinate on me. This was obviously distressing too, about the same amount as the pregnancy. He succeeded in peeing on me more than once, and he kept trying, chasing me around this complex type landscape...Isn't that Whacked??? I was also wearing all black, pants and a T-shirt. So. Any ideas on what the hell that was all about?

Message: 18
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 11:06:27 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Running away

Dream Title Running away ~ Punkloser57
Date of Dream morning
Dream In My Dream, i went over my friend mikes house, just to hang out, and we were in his kitchen talking.. standing at his marble island table. Then his mother came in screaming at him, and yelling, and then she turned to me and was yelling at me and telling me to go home and that she didnt want me here. And i just stood there, i didnt know what to do. I felt really bad, and mike seemed like he didnt want me to see that. Then his mother came over to him and took his arms and pulled him over to a wall and like handcuffed him or tied his hands or something and left to somewhere else in the house. I figured now would be a good time to leave. Mike was just looking down at his chest and the floor, and i went over to him and told him that i would be back, and he said sure. I left and walked down a long driveway and then grass front yard. then i went around and went to the back. i jumped over a little fence and went tothe backdoor. im not sure how much time went by, but it wasnt too much and not too little. Then i walked to the back of the house and walked in the back door that opened up to the kitchen. I could see Mike still standing against the wall. He looked so sad, and i wanted to cry, cause i felt really bad. I walked over to him and he looked up and looked extreemly surprized to see me. Like he didnt think i would come back. But i was back. I took a knife and cut whatever was holding his hands together and then we just looked at each other. He told me that he didnt want to stay there and i told him to come with me, and he said, you want me to? and i said of course. he looked surprised. Then we walked out the back sliding glass door and walked/ran through the nicely mowed lawn to the woods. Then i woke up.

Message: 19
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 11:04:24 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Christmas time

Dream Title Christmas time
Date of Dream 7-11-01
Dream It is Christmas time. I am handed a gift. My old friends,Morgan and Amy are sitting next to me. I thought the present was from Morgan but it was really from the Horticulture teacher, Mr. H. The present is in a green rectangular box w/ Christmas trees on it. I open it. Inside there is a pink suitcase that you're supposed to put Barbie's in. It looks like the exact one I had when I was little! Inside it though the box had earrings and other gold Christmas jewelry. There are cards in the box too. One card made me really happy. Inside it had a sticker thing you peel off. So I did. The whole page was full with sentences. The only part I could make out was a sentence that read " At a party, you'll always find the artist in the corridor" it was written in bight gold lettering.

I Then I woke up.

Comments by Dreamer Usually I don't remember exact sentences or conversations, in this dream I remember the whole sentence

I was also very happy and content in this dream.

Message: 20
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 20:59:48 +0100
From: "P Ingerson" <pi
Subject: Robespierre!

I'm not sure if this was a dream or not. I know it wasn't real, but it was more like an image than a dream.

(*sigh*) I'd better start at the beginning. It was one evening last week, and I was sitting at the computer catching up on some unanswered e-mail. I was feeling tired -- although it was over an hour before I'd normally go to bed -- and I closed my eyes, just briefly.

That was when it happened: a sort of dreamlike vision of a building, probably a house, on an old fashioned cobbled street. A man in late 18th-century clothes stands outside the building, talking to someone out of my sight in the doorway.

Everything has a vague, unreal, slightly blurred look, like sometimes happens in dreams. I know that this isn't real; that I'm only picturing or visualising it, so if I look more closely at anything I still won't see more detail. I can't even hear most of what the man is saying. He might even be speaking French, since his last word, "Robespierre," is all that I can make out.

Suddenly, a woman pushes into view close to me. She has not come from the house, but from somewhere off to the side. Like everything else, she seems hazy and out-of-focus, but I can see that she's in period dress too. Her voice, however, is perfectly clear as she stares at me and repeats "Robespierre" in a mocking rasp. I'm not sure if she's accusing me of being Robespierre, or warning me of him. Either way, her voice sounds so real, so vivid, so frightening, that it shocks me back to consciousness.

The first thing I did was check the time. I'd only been asleep, or whatever it was, for a couple of minutes. Not long enough for a dream, surely? But then what was it? And what does it mean? Has anyone else experienced anything like that?

P Ingerson ____

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the part of a fantasy." -- MegaHal ____


There are 11 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. House and Child
From: Anonymous
2. what does this mean!
From: Anonymous
3. a bad kiss
From: Anonymous
4. Child Abuse
From: Anonymous
5. Church of Horrors
From: Anonymous
6. Vampire Wolf Dog?
From: Anonymous
7. Tornado
From: Anonymous
8. Eclectic Freedom and Entrapment
From: Anonymous
9. Re: dream-flow's 7/16
From: Heratheta
10. Re: [dream-flow's 7/16]
From: Heratheta
11. Re: [dream-flow's for 7/17Running away
From: Heratheta


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 18:48:35 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: House and Child

Dream Title House and Child
Date of Dream 7/15/01
Dream I was moving into an old two story house that had been converted into two apartments one above the other. I was in my living room with my front door open to the foyer. I was hearing slight fluttering noises in the kitchen. About that time a man dressed in jeans, tshirt, construction hat and was dusty apparently coming home from work. He seen me through the open door and introduced himself as the tenant upstairs and we shook hands. He then went upstairs. I again heard the fluttering sound from the kitchen and went to investigate. I found a small dove flying around. I said now how did you get in here and went back to the living room to find something to catch the dove in. When I entered the living room the first thing I noticed was some old luggage piled in the middle of the room. I went back to the kitchen and a child of about 8 years old dressed in a yellow gingham dress was there eating a bowl of cereal. I said hi, are you dead. She said yes . I asked her her name, she told me but I can't remember what it was. I asked her why she was here. She said she was waiting for her sister, Mango. I asked here where she was. She said that Mango was also dead but didn't know it yet, that is why she was still here waiting for her. She said her mother had already left. She said that her mom, sister and her had been in a terrible automobile accident. I asked her if this had been her house. She said yes but it looked a lot different back then. There had been 3 bedrooms upstairs, one for her, one for her sister, and one for her parents.

That's where it ended with me sitting there talking with this child at the kitchen table.

Comments by Dreamer All through the dream I felt very comfortable talking with the child. She seemed so grown up for her obvious age. It felt like we sat there and talked and laughed for hours

Message: 2
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 18:51:38 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: what does this mean!

Dream Title what does this mean!
Date of Dream 07/13/01 3:30 pm
Dream Every other day I dream that my ex boyfriend is killed. My first dream was: When I came to work I was giving a memo from my co worker and it sadi " wake up wake up Milo is dead" I t also said something about he died in his sleep, he was stresses out. And I couldn't believe it. But I seemed that it didn't matter to everyone else just me. Then I woke up.

Comments by Dreamer me and my boyfriend broke up about 2 weeks ago and we said we will get back together as soon as we get ourselves together. We both were under stess

Message: 3
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 18:56:28 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: a bad kiss

Dream Title a bad kiss
Date of Dream 7\18\2001
Dream in my dream my boyfriend kissed my best friend right in front of me this has happened 2 times in a row. two nights ago my friend was sitting on my boyfriends stomach and she kissed him when they were lying down and then last night we were at this medieval fair camp thing and he kissed her in front of me im really upset about this please help me
Comments by Dreamer like 2 years ago before me and my boyfriend of 1 1\2 years went out he liked my friend i don't know if that has anything to do with it

Message: 4
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 18:46:49 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Child Abuse

Dream Title Child Abuse
Date of Dream 7/15/01
Dream I have a recurring dream that I am either hurting my oldest son (ie hitting him in the head) or having an abortion. Last night I dreamt that I looked out the window and he was trying to steal my bike from the garage. I grabbed the bike and hit him with it. Then I kept on hitting him in the head with something.
Comments by Dreamer I have never hit my kids!

Message: 5
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 18:54:57 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Church of Horrors

Dream Title Church of Horrors; Mick
Date of Dream June 2001
Dream I was walking with friends looking for a cigarette in the park and found one under the slide when someone came and we all ran away. I found myself in a concert/race track where I found out that my boyfriend was looking around for another girl so I was enraged. Suddenly I was in a restaurant where I argued with the waiter because something was missing on the table. I won the fight. When I abruptly found myself in a church where skulls were engraved in the walls. I was there with my family. There was a chalice of blood flowing down into a saucer in the front of the church. I was looking around feeling uneasy when my boyfriend and his best friend rush in with a mop and bucket dressed up in janitor suits with the other girl and her friends. I was so mad at him that I walked out of the church (which was on a high floor of the building) walked over to the rail, braced myself on it looking down, over the concert and racetrack. I saw him down there and I somehow knew he wasn't looking for the girl for himself; though I don't know how knew that without talking to him. I somehow angered him when we were talking. I leaned away from the rail and noticed that everyone from the church was sitting down by the rail on chairs looking at the scene that was unfolding. They all recoiled and I saw him and his friends climbing up the walls so I kicked him off of the building because I was scared that he could climb such a height and be so furious; I had never seen him that mad. I thought I was safe until I saw him and his friends flying in the air. They had become demons!! John's, my boyfriend's, eyes were so unnatural they were horrifying. When he "pounced" on me I woke up terrified.

Message: 6
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 18:49:09 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Vampire Wolf Dog?

Dream Title Vampire Wolf Dog?? by Grader_Girl
Date of Dream may 2001
Dream I am a vivid dreamer. I have had several weird dreams. I dont know much about dreams and meanings. Here is one of my weird dreams I've had. I was camping with a few people, I brought my vampire/wolf/dog who was my trusty campion who never left my side. My vampire/wolf/dog (That was his name too) could apparate which was pretty cool as I knew he was always there even if I couldn't see him. I fed him garlic pills with his food to keep him under control. It helped him with his vampire instints. In peticular I was telling this guy that I had a vampire/wolf/dog and that he was there and I gave the command for my vampire/wolf/dog to appear. Just so the guy would know that I was not messin around. The guy is someone I personally know.

Message: 7
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 18:52:39 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Tornado

Dream Title Tornado
Date of Dream 07/15/01 about 5:30am
Dream I was standing in a home by a large window (not a home of anyone I knew). I believe it was a very large home, looking out of the window seemed more like a building. I was standing looking out to a field or yard with just a couple of trees when the trees all swayed severely to the right and all of the leaves were blown off. Quickly after a tornado appears and comes right at me as I look out of the window. I cringe waiting for the blow, as it was too fast for me to run or get away. It was close to instantly that it comes through and passes right through the house. I am then standing there unharmed with little damage to the house wondering how this could be. I remember about this time trying to explain what has just happened to someone. (The person is vague and I don't know who it is) But I tried convincing them look at the trees that were completely bare of all of their leaves to proof of the tornado. I remember then being on the outside of the house going around the corner to the back yard to look at the trees. They were kind of ominous looking and bare...

I then woke up...

Message: 8
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 18:53:40 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Eclectic Freedom and Entrapment

Dream Title Eclectic Freedom and Entrapment by Weary
Date of Dream 07/17/01, at about 4:00am
Dream I always have weird dreams. Several times I have had dreams that I am traveling to some destination, it is always dark and quiet, or it is some type of shortcut. I never know why I take it but when I do I always get grabbed and my body feels the response of being grabbed by a stranger off into the woods. However my dream today took me further. Today at first I was having a party or gathering in what appears to have been my house, however I had images of meeting some friends in a mall. Nevertheless I had this party and there was this guy I had no idea how I knew him, but anyway we were talking on the phone and I asked him to come over and he said he would try but he did not have a car so he would do his best. I was so persistent about him coming that I begged and pleaded with him, and eventually he did appear. His name was Caldwell, and his left eye was kind of lazy. I was running crazy around my party, but when he came around he told me to stop and that he just wanted to look at me and be with me for awhile and so I sat down and we talked and I was happy. My dream then shifts to me and my mom sleeping in a mall garage. We wake to the sounds of a man falling down the escalator shouting the garage will cave in. Me and my mother immediately awake and run down the escalator, only to discover that we left our purses and bags where we were sleeping. So we ran and got our things and then we were back down the escalator. We made it to the parking lot, and my mom's car was right there and so she got in and left, my car was across the parking lot and so as I was walking towards it, it was daytime, a man a older Caucasian male approached me. (I am a 23 year old black woman) Anyway he took me in what I believe was my car the driver's side in the rear seat and he raped me and kept me hostage in this car. I did not know how to get out except to trick him sexually, and so I did and as he performed sexually on me I sought the help of the customers coming out of the mail, but no one would help me. Finally with the power of my legs being on top of him, I knocked him out and got out of the car. I ran to my house, a new place, and grabbed five slices of pizza. Then I left and ran to my neighbors house in a loft in NYC where I sat and waited for the cops to come. They went to the car, but they did not come for me. Finally an ambulance arrives and apparently I know the driver who said I would be fine and sat down and started talking, and the last thing I remember is opening a lot of bag of pills.....
Comments by Dreamer ....****I have a lot of dreams that frighten me, and I seem to remember my worst ones. Please help decipher and I have more tales to share...

There is 1 message in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Summer
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 19:27:12 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Summer

Dream Title Summer
Date of Dream pre dawn
Dream I am in an airplane, that is about to crash. I look up and say, ok, if I am going to die, please let it be quick. If I live, let me be useful to others.

the plane crashes, it is sundown. and I break a wrist, but that is all. two seats in front of me the plane splits open as it crashes ina huge green field. also the wheels stick.)there is a fire but no explosion, no noise. many people start running. BUt I throw back a black seatbelt, and stand. I see two men, one tall, blonde with blue eyes, and the other dark hair dark eyes dark complexion, and short. we all without a word nod to each other, the same thought going through..we are going to help people. we pull 10 children and 5 adults off the plane. the men yell, thats enough, we have to go its going to explode.

they run. I however look around once more,as I hear a baby crying. I look through the flames, and there is a dead blood, just her eyes closed..holding a baby that is terrified. I run through the flames ,grab the little gilr, then back out, and the fire doesnt hurt us. I run but know im not going to make it before the plane explodes. I drop to the ground, cover the little girl, and the plane explodes. something hurts me across the back and I go black. 2 weeks later I wake up inthe hospital. there is the media hype, the two men, all around me. they are saying I was a hero, and I died twice on the operating table. I said no, im not a hero, i did what I thought was right. a doctor comes, non descript, just a stehtascope and white jacket, and says sorry you paid a high price, and wont walk again.

I said, we will see.

Two years later, I get out of a chair and walk, smiling, to a podium. there is the sense of a lot of people around.

and the dream ends.

[dream-flow] Digest Number 242


There are 7 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Granny got shot.
From: Anonymous
2. water
From: Anonymous
3. teeth
From: Anonymous
4. Sharks//Sandra
From: Anonymous
5. severed head
From: Anonymous
6. night childres
From: Anonymous
7. Shot but not Dead,
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 13:17:56 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Granny got shot.

Dream Title Granny got shot. byMoongoddess
Date of Dream June 2001
Dream A man came to my front door and through the window of the door, shot my Grandmother right between the eyes. I then went undercover to help catch the guy. I was walking along the street with the guy, wearing a bikini (he did not know who I was). I had become his friend. As we were walking down the street, a pair of giant white rhinosauruses that were harnessed together, started chasing us down the street. As we were running from them, I saw a bush and ducked in behind it, hoping they would keep chasing the man. Instead, they turned on a dime and came straight at me. I began running back down the street the other way. I ran by a softball field where a game was being played and hollered, "Where is the bathroom"? The ball players pointed me to the restroom and I awakened (needing to go to the restroom). Oh, and by the way, my grandmother lived.
Comments by Dreamer I awakened from this dream and was in an unusually good mood all day. I know it doesn't sound like a feel good dream but it was. I enjoy my dreams; all of them. I can count on remembering them every night.

Message: 2
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 13:16:26 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: water

Dream Title water
Date of Dream
Dream I was in a house by a river High winds came thru and my friend and kept reaching until we grab hands and the house blew into the water.Then went back to sleep and dreamed about a house flooding.

Message: 3
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 13:16:43 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: teeth

Dream Title teeth
Date of Dream 7/19/01-5:00 a.m.
Dream what does it mean when you dream that your husband, who wears dentures, tells you that his teeth are growing back under the dentures??

Message: 4
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 13:18:18 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Sharks//Sandra

Dream Title Sharks//Sandra
Date of Dream 07/20/01
Dream First of all, you should be aware that I am currently taking fertily pills....My husband and I have been trying for the last 3 months with no avail...

My dream is short and abrupt!! I am at the bottom of the ocean in the rocks hiding..I am fearful I will drowned because I have been hiding underwater so long...Huge sharks are swimming back and forth above me...BUT, I look down, and I am holding a small boy, no more than 3 or 4 years old....Then I know I have to try to swim upward through the hungry sharks...It was very terrifing...But we made it to the top safely....Then I woke up!!

Message: 5
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 13:15:51 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: severed head

Dream Title severed head - by malamiska
Date of Dream 20th of July, 2001
Dream I had two dreams, one after another, in two nights. In the first one, I was dreaming I was holding a severed head. I remember that it kind of shrunk while I was holding it, not that much visibly, but I knew it was getting smaller. It looked as if it was mumified, it didn't look fresh, but like a few days old. It looked really gruesome, lots of blood, very gruesome where it was cut off... I think it was a decapitated head of a man. I do not remember decapitating it myself, but I had a feeling it was me who did it. Together with me was a woman, I do not know who. She was sticking with me. The colours around us were grey and muddy, I do not know eher exactly we were, in a an old house with a swamp garden perhaps? I remember wondering why I was holding that severed hand in my hands, it felt terrible.

In the second dream, I think I saw the haed again, but I'm not too sure. Here I think the woman was more present, and it was like she was sticking with me. It looks like we killed somebody and cut this person to pieces and hid its parts to various parts of a house, and perhaps garden (or swamp) as well. We cut this body to really small pieces, I don't remember actually cutting it, but I had this knowledge it was us two or at least me. We wanted to hide the pieces of the body, so we must have cut it, and I had this feeling that I did something really, really terrible, that must be hid, namely the body. I don't know what this woman aside me was doing, I just know she was on my side, not on the side of people who were looking for the body. It was kind of rgeysih everything, a bit foggy... I had a feeling there were already people looking for the body and I was very afraid. I wanted to find some solution how to hide this severed body. It seemed terrible to think about this, but at the same time I knew I just had to hide it, because a severed body means crime. I wanted to hide it so that I could save myself from being punished for crime.
Comments by Dreamer It was very intense, looking at the head and this feeling of having to do something with the body parts and the head.

Message: 6
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 13:17:33 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: night childres

Dream Title night childres by Jl
Date of Dream 7/5/01 pm
Dream I dream that I am awakened sometime at night with the sounds of children playing, they are in my front yard - it resembles a playground- at first I'm angry that people are on my property and I tell them to "go home" but they look at me as if I must be joking and continue to play- at some point in the dream I realize their my children "adopted" and I am to be their mother.
Comments by Dreamer I have had these dreams all my life, sometimes the scenery changes but I'm always the mother of a large group 30-50 children

Message: 7
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 21:42:13 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Shot but not Dead,

Dream Shot but not Dead, by Passenger

I have dreams of being shot but this last one really stuck in my mind I was my car in the passenger side waiting for someone to come out of the store when an old friend drove by in his truck and shot me in the left shoulder the thing that stuck out most was the sound of the gun and the windshield shatter it was a busy parking lot but it seemed no one noticed or care as I sat there in my seat he drove by again and shot me again I waited till he left and I got in the driver side and called my fiancee and told him what happened and ill be there in a few he said no don't come over he didn't want me there or see if i was okay so I hung up on him and went straight to my friends house and crawled in calling her she came out and help but wasn't concerned we were trying to figure out why he did this waiting for the cop and paramedics and that all I remember .. Well I also kept wondering why I wasn't dead cuz he shot me where my hearts was .

-------------------- END DREAM SECTION --------------------





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