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Electric Dreams Volume 09 Issue 06

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Electric Dreams
 · 1 Jan 2021


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Volume #9 Issue #6

June 2002

ISSN# 1089 4284



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++ Editor's Notes

++ The Global Dreaming News
Events - Updates - Reviews - More
From Peggy Coats -

++ Column: An Excerpt From the Lucid Dream Exchange
By Lucy Gillis

++ Article: The Scent of Flying Dreams
by Linda Lane Magallón

++ Article: A New Approach To Interpreting Dreams
by Dan Gollub

D R E A M S S E C T I O N :
This issue includes volume # 447 - # 467

D E A D L I N E :
June 20th deadline for July 2002 submissions

Send Dreams and Comments on Dreams to:
Richard Wilkerson <>

Send Dreaming News and Calendar Events to:
Peggy Coats <>

Send Articles and Subscription concerns to:
Richard Wilkerson: <>


Editor's Notes


Welcome to the June 2002 issue of Electric Dreams, your portal to dreams and dreaming online.

If you are new to dreams and dreaming, please join us on and we will guide you to the resources you need. To join send an e to

Our news directory, Peggy Coats, from, has gathered dreaming news from around the world. In the Global Dreaming News you will find the latest dream and dreamwork events, conferences, and seminars. Also you will find research and research requests for subject, updates on your favorite dream websites, book reviews and more. If you have news items about dreams and dreaming for Peggy, send them to her at

Please pay particular attention to the May 31st Deadline for the ASD International Conference in Boston.

Do you find that it is difficult to talk to dream characters in your lucid dreams? Do they give you answers that seem like nonsense? In this months Excerpts from the Lucid Dream Exchange, Lucy Gillis features a note from Arthur's deceased girlfriend that he found in the pages of a copy of "Exploring the World of Lucid Dreams" by LaBerge and Rheingold which addresses this issue.

By the way, ASD is now involved in producing a new and expanded Dream FAQ for the Internet. If you would like to help ASD with the FAQ project, please stop by the ASD site, become a member and join the lucid dreaming discussion group.

Speaking of ASD, the Association for the Study of Dreams Boston conference registration deadline is May 31! If you have been to an ASD conference before, you already know how that they are the best place for any dreamer to be. If you haven't been, you are really in for a treat. ASD provides forums, lectures, workshops and a wide variety of presentations for all kinds of people interested in dreams. If you are interested in the science of dreaming or dream research, the top dream researchers will be there giving new papers and on the edge research and theory. If you just like to do dreamwork, the top dreamworkers in the world give hands-on workshops. If you are a dream inspired artist, you will enjoy the dream artists and authors at the conference.
Sign up today and make plans to meet at Tufts University June 15-19th.

As long as we are on the topic of ASD, please note that Dream Time Live returns next week with Kelly Bulkeley, Ph.D. You can chat with him in real time at http//
or get more information at

Linda Lane Magallón, author of _Mutual Dreaming_ and long time dream researcher of outer reaches of human potential, takes up the dream researcher tradition of the 19th Century and like D'Hervey de Saint Denys, explores the world of smells and dreams. In this essay, Magallón explores some odors that have been traditionally used to elicit dreams in "The Scent of Flying Dreams."

Thanks also go to Linda for this month's cover of Electric Dreams. We don't send the cover with the e-zine, but you can view, download and print up a copy anytime at:

If you like to try out new dream interpretation theories on your dreams, we have just the article for you. Dan Gollub looks at dreams as representations of our inner self's loves and hates, frustrations and hopes in a love-desire-nondesire-hatred pattern. His method is to overlay the dream across a narrative structure of an emotional-literary plot. He then shows how the dream cooperates to produce this dream-atic structure. Further, the conclusion must be developed to draw significant conclusions. Gollub also explores in this article the ways the complications can obscure the emotional-narrative pattern, and suggests ways in which he method can be used to align one's life with one's inner self. This method may interest clinicians and non-clinicians alike. Be sure to read "A New Approach To Interpreting Dreams."

Our dream-flow Dreams this month come from all around the Net and have been organized by the software developed by Harry Bosma. Be sure to look through the dreams and see what on the mind and soul of dreamers in Cyberspace.

Thanks to all who sent in information for the Dream Resources pages. There is still time to get your site updated. You can look through our collected website links at:

For those of you who are new to dreams and dreaming, be sure to stop by one of the many resources:

Be sure to look over the program for the 2002 Dream Conference from the Association for the Study of Dreams in Boston this June.
see for details.

-Richard Wilkerson




May - June 2002


If you have news you'd like to share, contact Peggy Coats, Visit Global Dreaming News online at

This Month's Features:

- Don't miss the ASD Dream Conference!
- Dream Time Live - May 29th with Kelly Bulkeley, Ph.D.
- Become Certified In Dreamwork at The New England Dreamwork Institute
- Sleepwalkers - a New Book by F.P. Dorchak

- Central Premonitions Registry

DREAM CALENDAR for June 2002




>>>> 19th Annual International Conference for the Association for the Study of Dreams
June 15 - 19, 2002

Tufts University, Medford, (Boston), Massachusetts
ASD hosts its 19th annual international conference this year near Boston. They have chosen the theme Dreams and Cultures for the 2002 Boston Conference in order to address ways in which dreaming is interwoven with culture, including cross-cultural studies of dreaming, effects of dreams on cultures, and effects of culture on dreams and dream content. In addition, we want to recognize the varied "cultures" which exist within the fields of dream study -- for example, dream and sleep research, dreams and the arts, dreams and clinical practice.

For those who have not been to an ASD conference, here is a brief description of what is now 19 years of conferences. A new location is chosen each year for the conference, 2000 was University of California, Santa Cruz, we try to alternate between east and west coasts, and have had two conferences in Europe, at the University of Leiden, and at London University. The conferences now have an attendance of several hundred people from many countries. These include researchers from many academic areas (including psychology, anthropology, history, sociology, film studies), professional psychotherapists and psychoanalysts, artists, dream group leaders and participants, counselors, long-term dream diary keepers, social and community workers, and many other people who also appreciate and are intrigued by their own dreams.
The conferences have 3-4 tracks running at the same time, except for when there is an invited speaker. These include a research paper track, workshop and experiential track, and a discussion panel track. For an idea of the wide variety of approaches and topics addressed in the conference, please see the list of proposals and titles received at the end of this page, a list of accepted proposals will be made known in January. All proposals go through a refereeing process so as to ensure high quality presentations.

The conference will begin on Saturday evening, June 15 with an engaging and lively invited panel reflecting the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary richness of ASD. Speakers representing the Arts, Research, Clinical/psychotherapy, Cross-Cultural Studies and Spiritual/Religious Studies will address the issue of "Why Dreams Matter".

This opening event will be followed by the traditional opening reception that will offer conference attendees an opportunity to greet old friends and meet new attendees, and to continue discussion generated by the panel.

The five themes discussed in the opening panel will be reflected throughout the conference. Each day will feature a theme or special focus in addition to a variety of other presentations.
For more information, and/or to register, visit the website at :

>>>>> Dream Time Live Returns!

The Association for the Study of Dreams presents Kelly Bulkeley, Ph.D., in live chat, Wednesday, May 29th.

DREAM TIME LIVE returns on May 29th from 7-8 PM Pacific Daylight Time with returning featured guest Kelly Bulkeley, Ph.D. on the topic :

NIGHTMARES IN THE POST-SEPTEMBER 11TH ERA: Join Kelly for a preview of his Boston conference presentations and begin the dialogue on the incidence, meaning, and function of 911-related dreams. Kelly's Dream Time Live appearance is the first of many symposia, presentations and workshops on posttraumatic nightmares and 911 which will take place the ASD Boston Conference, June 15-19th.

Kelly Bulkeley, Ph.D., teaches at the Graduate Theological Union and John F. Kennedy University. He is the author of several books on dreams, and most recently edited the anthology "Dreams: A Reader on the Religious, Cultural, and Psychological Dimensions of Dreaming" (Palgrave 2001). His current projects include a book on the spiritual dimensions of dreams during times of collective crisis titled "Dreams of Terror, Visions of Hope" (Paulist, forthcoming), a book on religion and neuroscience titled "The Evolution of Wonder" (Routledge, forthcoming), and content analysis studies of highly memorable dreams (what Jung called "big dreams").


This chat will take place in the Dreaming and Chatting chat room, called dreamtime

You can connect from the Web or IRC


for more information, see

>>>> Become Certified In Dreamwork at The New England Dreamwork Institute

Multi-Level Training Program; 3 Weekend Intensives Per Year in Western Massachusetts ; Introductory to Advanced Courses Available; Distance Learning and Internet Practicums; CEU Credits Are Available

First Trimester Intensive -- September 19 - 22, 2002.
Introduction to Dreamwork, Keynote speaker Jeremy Taylor "Dream Work is a fast growing profession, opening up opportunities for future dream workers. Cody Sisson's Dream Work Leadership program promises to train some of the best." Rev. Dr. Jeremy Taylor Co-founder and past president of the Association for the Study of Dreams. "The unconscious speaks to us through our dreams in a cryptic language. Dreamwork is the practice of using many different tools to decipher the dream language, revealing insight about our health, career, relationships, and our emotional well-being." Cody Sisson, Founder of The New England Dreamwork Institute, Dream Counselor, and Certified Dreamworker.

September Program
· Using Artwork to Introduce Dreamwork
· Basic Principles of Individual and Group Dreamwork

Outline of a Dreamgroup Forum
Group Dynamics
The Sacredness of Dreamwork
· Dreams as a Personal Spiritual Practice
· Assessing Psychological Issues Relevant to Group Leadership
· Ethical and Legal Issues in Working With Dreams
· History of Dreams
· Journaling and Dream Recall

September Practicums

Group Dreamwork:

Students will meet in ongoing dreamgroups and apply what they have learned in the seminars. We will also have the opportunity to work with Jeremy in the group process

Art and Dreamwork:

There will be art supplies for those wishing to create something artistically from there dreams.

First Trimester Distance Learning, (Home Study):
Required reading and Monthly internet dream practicums via Paltalk

How would this Program Benefit You? Therapists, Counselors and Social workers: The integration of Dreamwork can be a beneficial catalyst to the therapeutic and counseling process. Alternative Healing Professionals: Energy Healing, Body Work, Yoga, and Reiki practitioners can all benefit by integrating Dreamwork into their programs. Health Care Professionals: Working with patients' dreams can provide valuable insight in the diagnosis and healing process. Clergy, Lay Leaders and Parishioners: Training in the use of Dreamwork as a regular form of spiritual practice. Teachers: Dreamwork provides tremendous motivational and inspirational tools for all forms of learning. Concept and Design Engineers: "Think Tank Dreamgroups"T for new product development departments of progressive businesses. Business and Community Leaders: Dreamwork can provide leadership skills needed to compete in the new global economy while paying attention to social, cultural and environmental awareness issues.

For a full Course description and more information, you can go to: or contact : Cody Sisson, 330 Old Wendell Road, Northfield, MA 01360, 413-498-5950,

>>>> Sleepwakers -- New Book by Frank Dorchak

You've seen Living with the Dead, The Sixth Sense, and What Dreams May Come. Now, enter the very real world of conscious dreams and multiple realities. Explore how we all dream while we're awake, and how different versions of ourselves actually change our present, our future-our past. F. P. Dorchak presents a novel that transcends mere fiction, to become a new way of looking at life, while attaining a much more useful and functional sense of spirituality. Sleepwalkers: A Roadtrip for the Soul (1st Books Library, Trade, 336 pages, ISBN 0-75963-950-7) delivers a story that both entertains and educates, as we explore:

Readers Will Experience: a distinctively non-traditional, but practical and entertaining way of viewing the world; the immediate and powerful role dreams play in our everyday lives; how to have conscious dreams; that there is no separation between our awake and dream states; that each of us has nonphysical assistance on our roadtrips through life; a very possible reason for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS); easy, playful, but extremely powerful exercises to enhance these objectives. And all this in fiction. With this one book, readers will have no choice but to examine their own lives, and try out the exercises. F. P. Dorchak shows metaphysical fiction can be fascinating, exciting, and gripping!

Rob Butts, facilitator of the channeled Seth material, says: "F. P. Dorchak creates for us a most intriguing, interwoven and provocative account of our lifetime challenges...[and] what challenges he creates in this brilliant journey into those sleeping and awake questions we all have...." Joe Reininger, of the Colorado Springs McKinzey-White Bookshop, says: "If metaphysical fiction ever attains the acceptance and respect of general fiction, it will be because of writers like F. P. Dorchak. He has a gift...Sleepwalkers is gritty and provocative, yet its believable portrayal of the spiritual dynamics behind life situations left me with a feeling of lightness and integration."
F. P. Dorchak has been writing horror and metaphysical fiction for nearly 16 years, and has been published in U.S., Canada, and the Czech Republic. SLEEPWALKERS is his first novel.


W E B S I T E & O N L I N E U P D A T E S


Do you know of interesting new websites you'd like to share with others? Or do you have updates to existing pages? Help spread the word by using the Electric Dreams DREAM-LINK page
This is really a public projects board and requires that everyone keep up his or her own link URLs and information. Make a point to send changes to the links page to us.

>>>> Central Premonitions Registry update
Central Premonitions Registry has a new URL. This site will carries information on Precognition researches, and and offers an online form which allows you to register real-time dreams that you feel might be precognitive. The site is maintained by Yaron Mayer, who is a Psychologist with a background in the area of serious scientific ESP research and a former prominent member of the Israeli Parapsychology Association. The site plans to report interesting findings to the relevant News groups, including pulses of news if a flux of dreams that seem to refer to the same pending event occur.



June 2002


May 29th, online 7-8 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Dream Time Live Presents Kelly Bulkeley, Ph.D.
more information at:

June 1-2, in Parkersburg, WV
"Dream Healing through the Energy Centers", a weekend workshop with Robert Moss. For more information, Visit
or contact Dr. Linda Sandel at (04) 422-7300 or

June 15-19 in Boston, MA
19th Annual International Conference for the Association for the Study of Dreams. For more information, visit

June 22 in New York City, NY
"Dreaming Like an Egyptian - An Adventure in Dream Travel"; a one-day workshop with Robert Moss. For more information, contact the Quest bookstore (212) 758-5521

June 29-30 in Santa Fe, NM
"Dreaming Other Lives and Other Worlds", a weekend workshop with Robert Moss. For more information, Contact Shirley at (505) 982 - 2158 or email

end news ---------------------------------------------------


An Excerpt From the Lucid Dream Exchange

By Lucy Gillis


You gotta love those lucid dream characters. Hardly ever make any sense when you ask them direct questions, right? Or do they? Arthur shares an intriguing dream report that he found inserted among the pages of a copy of "Exploring the World of Lucid Dreams" by LaBerge and Rheingold that belonged to his deceased girlfriend.

Kalindi's Dream 5/6/98
"Nothing Matters!"

[The following is a lucid dream that my girlfriend, Kalindi, had several years ago. She died last summer, and I found this report when I was going through her things. I found it written out on some post-it notes, in between the pages of "Exploring the World of Lucid Dreams" by LaBerge and Rheingold - specifically, in the chapter "Life is a Dream: Intimations of a Wider World." She and I met through our mutual interest in lucid dreams, so it seems very appropriate for me to have found this comforting and fascinating dream report following her death.]

I wake up and I am sitting in a bed in the middle of somewhere that looks similar to the entrance of the library, but everything is decorated in soft shades of pink and purple. I realize that I'm dreaming and I jump out of bed ready to leap out of my body into that blissful expansive feeling. Then I notice this strange little man. He's only about as tall as I am and he has the face of a fool - sort of distorted or deformed. I can tell he knows more than he seems to, his eyes are clear and sparkle like jewels.

"This isn't real!" I tell him. "It's only a dream, we can fly anywhere we want to."

"Are you sure this is a dream?" he asks, unconvinced.

"Of course it's a dream, I did a state test and the letters changed."

"Try it again, I want to see this."

"Sure," I reply, and I look at a sign, and then away, and then back...but it doesn't change. It continues to read, "Nothing is Real". "Umm, it didn't change," I tell him.

"Then why do you think this is a dream?" he says, grinning.

"Because I can fly, see?" And I start to float in the air. You can't fly in real life.

"What is this obsession with 'reality'?"

"I don't know," I say. "I guess it's important for me to know what's real and what is a dream."

He laughs hard. "And how do you define 'reality'?"

"Something that exists?" I say, confused.

"Exists to who? To you? To me? To someone else? To God? Does God exist?"

I sit down on the edge of the bed. "It's hard to think cognitively in a dream."

"There you go again. How do you know this is a dream? Did you create all of this? Did you create me? Am I you? Or are you me? Am I dreaming you? Maybe this is all my dream, and when I wake up, you will cease to exist." I sigh and he laughs again, throwing his head back and closing his mischievous, glittering eyes. I slump my shoulders forward depressed. "Don't worry," he soothes, these are all just different planes of reality."

"So when you die, do all your realities die too?"

"Do you mean like a plane crash?" We both laugh at that one. "No, you just move on to different planes of reality."

"Are you sure we don't just cease to exist?"

"Are you afraid of death?" he asks.


"Then why do you ask?"

"I'm just curious."

"What will you care if I'm right or wrong? If you ceased to exist, then nothing would matter because you wouldn't exist."

"I guess you're right," I respond.

"Nothing matters," he says, grinning. And then he skips away like a child. "Nothing matters! Nothing matters! Nothing matters!"

Arthur can be reached at

The Lucid Dream Exchange is a quarterly newsletter featuring lucid dreams and lucid dream related articles, poetry, and book reviews. To subscribe to The Lucid Dream Exchange send a blank email to:
or join through the Yahoo Groups website at
The LDE can be found under Sciences>Social Sciences>Psychology>Sleep and Dreams.


The Scent of Flying Dreams

(c) 2002 Linda Lane Magallón


At a meeting of my first dream group, a fellow dreamer handed out sprigs of mugwort, a traditional dream pillow-stuffer. It's supposed to produce light sleep, and thus make it more likely that you will remember your dreams. I placed a couple of leaves under my pillow.

But mugwort is a species of the bitter-tasting wormwood, whose cousin is used to produce absinthe liquor. It had such a powerful, and unappealing, smell that I couldn't even fall asleep. After tossing and turning for a while, I finally tossed the leaves out of bed. I didn't recall *any* dreams that night.

When time came to make my own dream pillow, I choose dried lavender and rose petals, both for their bright purple and red colors and for their sweet fragrance. The pillow cover was made from a piece of burgundy cotton-polyester. On it, I sewed the image of a hot air balloon which had been cut from yet another piece of printed cotton. This was to be my "flying dream pillow."

"Rose" is, of course, a pun on the past tense of "to rise" (in the air). When I looked up their meanings, I discovered that a red rose means beauty; a burgundy rose means unconscious beauty. The beauty of the dream? It seemed very appropriate.

However, the traditional meaning of lavender is "distrust"! It comes from the belief that the English viper snake habitually lurked under a lavender plant. (Lavender was a favorite potpourri in Victorian England). So it was advisable to approach such a plant with caution. I could see a relationship between a snake lurking under the lavender plant and a scorpion skulking under a rock, but these images of my astrological sign, Scorpio, aren't as light or air-born as the Dragon and the Eagle.

So I looked further for a more appropriate recipe for my flying dream pillow. And I found some ingredients that incorporated both lucidity and levity. The meanings are right; and they smell good, too.

Jasmine: The Cape Jasmine means "transport of joy."

Larkspur: The meaning of this delphinium is "swiftness, lightness and levity."

Rosemary: Elizabeth, Queen of Hungary, was cured of paralysis by Hungary water, whose chief ingredient was rosemary. The herb was believed to invigorate the nervous system and strengthen the memory. This reviving feature makes it akin to lucid dreaming, and a key to the cure of dream paralysis.

The flowers are easy to obtain where I live. And the rosemary was already growing in my garden.

So, after experimenting, which of the above did I discover produced the most potent dreams? None of them.

The winner was a nasal decongestant! I smear it on my upper lip for relief from a chest cold as but it has the double result of encouraging dream recall. (And it's also produced a flying dream or two.) If you want to stir up your own batch, the active ingredients are menthol, camphor and eucalyptus oil. Or you can go to the store and buy Vic's VapoRub.

Reference: Powell, Claire. *The Meaning of Flowers,* (Boulder, CO: Shambhala Publications, 1979).

Dream Flights


A New Approach To Interpreting Dreams

by Dan Gollub


You may have wondered if dreams contain valuable messages.

Indeed, they do. The insights from the unconscious mind which are conveyed in dreams fulfill all the hope and wonder that people have had about their dreams down through the ages.

What follows is an original method of analyzing dreams which makes it possible to understand their messages. It may help you see the messages in even your most complex dreams.


A new theory about dreams is that they are consecutive depictions of what the inner self loves, desires, finds undesirable, and hates. In other words, the beginning of every dream of yours shows what you inwardly love, the early-middle plot reveals what is desired by your inner self, and so on.

So the location of particular dream content is a key part of its meaning.
A man dreamed this: "I went horseback riding. The horse took me through beautiful countryside. When it was time to go back I chose a different way, became lost, and came to some barbed wire which blocked the path. The horse became restless and tried to throw me."

Following is an analysis of that dream in relation to the love-desire-nondesire-hatred pattern:

The man goes horseback riding at the beginning of his dream, and therefore he loves doing that. Riding through beautiful countryside appears in the early-middle part of his dream, so he desires that scenery. The late-middle plot shows him becoming lost and then finding the way blocked by barbed wire. Those situations are defined by their late-middle location as being undesirable to him. In the ending the horse tries to throw him, and since that is the hatred section he would hate that scenario.

Those are normal, unsurprising emotions and might seem disappointing for that reason. Shouldn't all dreams reflect the soul's mysteries? An answer is that the dreamer said he hadn't gone horseback riding for too long, and dreaming about it was enjoyable.

A woman dreamed this: "I am buying jewels in a jewelry store. I choose a big pendant necklace with emeralds, flashing and beautiful. When I try it on, it hangs down too far. So I give it to my sister. She gives it back. She has nothing green to wear with it. She wants blue."

The emotional pattern messages are as follows. The woman loves buying jewelry. She desires buying an emerald necklace. It would be undesirable if the necklace didn't fit her and she ended up giving it to her sister. She would hate it if her sister rejected her gift because of a petulant demand about the necklace's color.

There's more to the dream interpretation process than just dividing the dream content into the four sections, of course. One also has to draw the correct conclusions, as we see in this next example. A woman reported that as a child she had dreamed this in the last half of a dream: "I was falling and falling. I was terrified. And I wanted to scream but was unable to do so."

It might appear the urge to scream was related to falling. The dreamer had a different explanation, though. "As a child," she said, "I was not permitted to express my feelings. It wasn't until I was 16 that I began speaking out." The assumption is that the wish to scream was a consequence of being forced to suppress her emotions, and that inability to express her true feelings was what the hatred message truly was about.

But do all dreams follow the same love-desire-nondesire-hatred pattern? The answer, initially hard to believe, is yes. Noises can make their way into the dream plot and interfere with its normal progression, and so can other external influences, but in the absence of those distractions dream plots always will contain those four separate parts in that specific sequence.

Some complications which occur in dreams can make the presence of that emotional pattern harder to spot, though.


One of those complications is that a display of sentiment within the dream such as a dream figure laughing or crying can be opposite to emotional reality. For instance, the dreamer might laugh at the end of a dream about something which in real life is painful, and the dream pattern message is that the dreamer's inner self would hate that inappropriate merriment. But on a superficial level the dream seems to end happily.

Here is an example of laughter in a dream ending. A woman who was significantly overweight dreamed this in the last half of a dream:
"I recited
'I like peanut butter and jelly.
I like peanut butter and jam.
I like peanut butter and mustard.
But I like myself just as I am.'
And then I laughed heartily."

Since that dream content appeared in the last half of her dream, nondesire and hatred messages were being conveyed. We shall examine each in turn.

Her words in the nondesire section were a reflection of her conscious self rather than of inner values. Those words depicted her conscious complacency about her incorrect eating habits, and the location of that dream content in her nondesire section shows that such complacency was undesirable to her inner self.

Her laughter at the end of the dream was opposite to her emotional reality. At an inner level she felt much pain about being overweight and therefore would hate consciously feeling merry about that aspect of her life.

Some displays of sentiment in dreams are genuine. Fortunately, it's not hard to distinguish between those which are genuine and those which are opposite to emotional reality. A dream sentiment is genuine if the figure who is displaying it simultaneously uses words which help to express that sentiment. Any sentiment displayed by a dream figure who doesn't simultaneously speak is opposite to reality. If words are involved but precede or follow a sentiment, that sentiment is opposite to reality.

A woman was invited to a party and that night dreamed at the end of her dream that she was crying. Her dream image didn't speak while crying, so this is an example of an opposite-to- reality dream sentiment. She was in a good mood because of the party invitation and for that reason would hate to experience the sadness depicted in her dream.

Here is an example of a genuine sentiment in a dream. A grown woman dreamed about a boy she'd known in grade school and in the dream ending her dream image began crying and said, "They told me to be afraid of you and I believed them." The sadness was genuine and her words in the dream explained why: she'd had unnecessary barriers against that person who could have become a friend.

Opposite-to-reality dream sentiments can be hard for the inexperienced dream interpreter to understand. We shall look at additional examples of it later.


Speech in the dream plot often helps to identify the conscious self's boundaries. Anything spoken by the dreamer's image reflects an aspect of the conscious self, and words spoken by anyone else might instead present a view which the conscious self opposes (although speech by other dream figures than the dreamer can have a number of separate purposes and won't always represent a suppressed perspective).

The following example helps illustrate this rule. A pregnant woman dreamed in the desire section of her dream:

"I was back home from the hospital holding my new baby boy. An unidentified man was looking at my baby. I said something about newborn babies being ugly. The man replied, 'I don't think he's ugly.' I looked down at my infant son and saw that he had a perfectly shaped head, blue or green eyes, and was extremely beautiful."

Her dream image's words indicate that consciously she tended to think of newborn babies as ugly. Her inner self didn't want her to think that way and therefore created another person to express a differing view. The plot after that conversation shows that she wanted a beautiful baby, so her conscious attitude didn't eliminate that inner desire.

Dream pattern analysis can help clarify any abstractness involving the use of speech or language, as can be seen in this next example. This was the first half of a woman's dream (so it shows love and desire scenarios):

"Grandmother and I were walking down a street that turned out to be a dead end. Just as we got to the end we discovered it. A nice man was there and we asked permission to cross by the little pond in his yard and go through to the next street. He said we could and then helped us across. I commented on how clear and clean the pond was. He was pleased. Then he showed us his baby seal. I asked if I could pet it. 'Of course,' he said, and I began petting it and playing with it. Then his wife began talking with me. It wasn't clear what she was saying, but she continued to talk with me. The seal became a baby."

The man's words and accompanying behavior show the dreamer's wish that a property owner would be permissive and kindly while she was going for a walk in a residential area.

That's simple enough, but the wife's verbal behavior might seem confusing. What is the purpose of dream speech which doesn't include specific words? A moment's reflection clears up this puzzle. That social behavior occurs in the desire section and so the conclusion is that in a friendly environment such as the one shown in the dream the dreamer desires being spoken to, and it wouldn't necessarily matter what the conversation is about. Instead, the other person's sociability would be the desired aspect.

The desire section in that dream also shows the dreamer has a wish to play with a cute, cuddly animal such as a seal. But then that seal is transformed into a human baby. The dreamer's wish to interact with a pet animal evidently is a sublimation of a stronger desire to respond maternally to a child. Her inner self saw that maternal desire and constructed the dream partly to help her get in touch with it.

Sometimes unspoken words appear in dreams.

A woman with a seizure disorder had begun experiencing an increase in seizures. Also, she learned from her dentist that her gums were in bad shape and she needed to have several of her teeth pulled. She began feeling emotionally vulnerable to life's misfortunes. Then her boyfriend told her he wanted to start dating other women. One night, after feeling especially sad, she dreamed this in a dream's nondesire section: "A knight (from a chess set) had lost its bottom half, and its head toppled onto the floor. Someone said to it, 'You have violated the fire god.' Suddenly, I saw a page from a bible, and on it were the words, 'Christ comforts.'"

The knight evidently symbolized both her loss of a romantic/sexual relationship and her dental problems, since it was missing its bottom half and its head was shown as being in harmful contact with the floor. The words spoken to that symbol attributed her problems to religious wrath against her. Yet that undesirable message was only a prelude to the dream's constructive solution, expressed by the unspoken words. The implication of those unspoken words in her nondesire section was that it would be undesirable for her not to seek religious solace.

Unspoken words which appear in dreams can be deliberately misspelled, though, and there's a special message involved. The misspelling is, in effect, a warning that the dreamer either should avoid the related situation or at least be cautious about it.

For instance, a man who had spent an evening in a smoke-filled room saw that night in a dream's nondesire section the unspoken word "aer." The meaning was that his inner self wanted him to avoid such polluted air if possible.

Here is an example of a similar message. I had been planning to take my old car on a long mountain journey. Then I dreamed in a dream's nondesire section of a license plate which was similar to the license plate of my car but not identical to it. After awakening, I realized the purpose of that "misspelled" license plate was to inform me I probably shouldn't use my car for that trip.

A difference between dream speech and dream thoughts is important to understand. Dream speech which occurs in a nondesire or hatred section can convey a correct or normal view about a negative situation, but any dream thought in a nondesire or hatred section will not be correct or normal in relation to the dreamer's true reality.

That guideline helps us understand this next example. A woman dreamed in the nondesire section of her dream that some dinner guests failed to compliment her about the food she'd prepared. She then dreamed in that dream's hatred section: "I seemed to say, 'I can't stand it.' But it was unclear if I had said those words or instead had thought them."

What was the reason for that mixture of speech and thought in her dream? It occurred because the woman's inner self had ambivalent feelings about the sentiment her dream image expressed. If being upset because the guests didn't praise her cooking had been fully acceptable to her the dream would have shown her speaking those words but not thinking them; if being upset in that situation had been totally unacceptable her dream self would have thought those words but wouldn't have spoken them. Since she was shown as half-speaking and half-thinking them the implication is that the temperamental nature they depicted was acceptable to her, but only marginally so.

From such examples, we see how the use of speech and language in dreams is consistent enough to be understandable to the interpreter and also is sufficiently flexible for the inner self's varied purposes.


Dreams use symbolism for a variety of reasons, a principal one being to convey an abstract message in the dream's visual medium. Dream pattern analysis reveals the emotional significance of that symbolism, and the recognition of that underlying emotion assists in understanding the symbolism's purpose.

A man reported this about the beginning of a dream of his: "Robert (a talented guitarist) was using my guitar. He was playing in the key of F, which I usually avoid because of its difficulty."

A love message was being conveyed, and with that in mind it becomes clear that Robert was a symbol of the dreamer as he would love to become. The dreamer's inner self would love it if he could play the guitar well, including in the key of F.

Following is an example of an abstract dream message conveyed via a visual symbol. A girl who felt unhappy but wasn't sure why dreamed in the late-middle section that her stepmother said, "Here's your toast," and handed her a plate with a few bread crumbs on it. Dreams typically use images of food or money (which are easy to depict visually) to present messages about amount and/or quality of love, and in this dream the inadequate food in the nondesire location symbolized the insufficient amount of love the dreamer was receiving.


What you dream about won't necessarily happen, but if it does you'll involuntarily feel the accompanying emotion of love, desire, nondesire, or hatred, depending on where in the dream that situation had appeared. In that way your dreams will be attempting to guide your conscious adaptation.

Let's look at examples of that adaptive guidance in dreams.

A woman dreamed this at the beginning of a dream: "There are some refugee children in a run-down, dirty house. I befriend seven or eight of them and take them to my big house. I return to the other house and there are some more children there. They want to sneak into my group."

Even though this dream segment is a fantasy it is influencing the dreamer to love acting motherly toward children who need her help.

A man dreamed at the beginning of a dream of being at a swimming pool with his wife and another couple, and then dreamed this in the early-middle plot: "The other three were sunbathing and I was clowning around while jumping off the high-dive diving board. I was doing can openers and cannonballs, trying to soak them. Finally a guard told me to knock it off, so on my next dive I did a perfect swan dive."

The desire plot displayed the man's playful urge to soak his wife and friends. That playfulness could become excessive, however, so the plot added a desire to be responsive to authority when told to stop those antics. Also, the dreamer's inner self may have seen that if he only performed the graceless dives his self image would suffer; perhaps for that reason the desire section included the wish to dive gracefully after finishing the bellyfloppers.

A man who was a beginning fencing student dreamed in the nondesire section of making love with an attractive female fencer he knew. But why did this appear in his nondesire section? The answer is that the woman had declined to fence with him because he was a beginner and therefore wouldn't be a challenging opponent, and in response his dream was indicating that at an inner level he wasn't impressed with her beauty or her fencing skills and valued more highly the willingness to help a beginner, and found her undesirable for lacking that trait.

If the dreamer had attempted to make love with the woman after having that dream he likely would have been impotent. The involuntary nondesire he felt would have interfered with his sexual arousal.

Three more examples follow of how nondesire sections of dreams define scenarios which could result in psychologically-caused impotence or frigidity.

A woman dreamed this in her desire and nondesire sections: "My children and I were in a barn that was warm and smelled of hay. We went toward the front entrance and found a room off of it where a man was living. He told us we couldn't go out that way and threatened us."

It is unlikely the woman could become sexually aroused if there were some threat either to her children or to her. That threat would be undesirable to her and consequently could prevent her from feeling any sexual desire until she thought her children and she were safe.

A man dreamed in the nondesire section of threatening to hit a smaller, weaker man who was a rival for a woman. In contrast to the previous example there might not be any physical danger involved for the dreamer in that situation, but nevertheless it would be undesirable to his inner self if he were to act in that bullying manner. While feeling that inner nondesire he predictably would be impotent in a lovemaking situation.

A woman dreamed this in a nondesire section: "I saw a snake and at first was afraid that it would bite me, but then I thought, 'Oh, well, if it did bite me and I died then all of my problems would be over.'"

That attitude is undesirable to her inner self, and if she consciously chose to devalue life in that way involuntary frigidity could be a result.

As noted, dreams end with the depiction of what is hated. But inner hatred certainly can be constructive, as the next few examples show.

A gifted teenager dreamed at the end of a dream that he was living in a dull, ordinary environment. By causing him to hate that outcome the dream was motivating him to find gifted companions and stimulating interests.

After dreaming about being on a boat cruise with her family, a woman dreamed this in her hatred section: "I seem to remember Larry (my son) on a deck somewhere, standing and looking at us but unable to get to where we were, even though he wanted to."

The dreamer reported that her son had been emotionally distant from the rest of the family and also had displayed behavioral problems. So his physical separation in the dream was a symbol of his emotional and behavioral separation from the family, and the woman's hatred of those problems would motivate her to help her son overcome them.

At a time when I'd been lazy about working on a manuscript on dream interpretation I dreamed the following alarming conversation within a dream ending: A man said to me, "Do you want arthritis?" "No," I answered. "Then start writing," the man said.

Dreams have that sort of power but they don't misuse it. There were periods after that dream when what I wrote was of such poor quality that it seemed I hadn't made any progress at all. But I had tried to write well, and I haven't gotten arthritis.


A woman reported that as a child she had dreamed at the end of a dream that clowns were crying at a grave. Questioning brought forth the information that during that childhood period her older sister frequently acted like a clown and as a consequence received a lot of attention from others.

This example contains challenging intricacies. How would you interpret it using dream pattern analysis and the knowledge that the crying by the clowns was a sentiment opposite to the dreamer's inner emotional reality?

The clowns at the grave were crying about the death of the "clown" who was the dreamer's sister. The fact that the dreamer dreamed about her sister's death in the dream's hatred section reveals she would have hated for her sister to die. But why did the dream include that potential mourning about her sister's death? Presumably, the dreamer had felt jealous of her sister when that sister received attention from others for her clowning and the dreamer may even have wished at a conscious level that her sister were dead. Her inner self didn't want her to feel that way, of course, and therefore caused her to hate the emotional consequences to others of her sister's death. That crying additionally was opposite to what the dreamer inwardly felt about her sister's playful, extroverted behavior. It was hard for the dreamer to enjoy that behavior consciously, though. That was why clowns cried in the dream rather than her own image.

Most examples of an opposite-to-reality dream sentiment are much easier to interpret than that one.

A woman who was a writer and the mother of a 14 year-old girl reported this: "I dreamed at the beginning of a dream that my cousin Jack came to live with us. He was 14 years old and I was the same age I am now. He was wearing a cap like my daughter's."

She didn't remember any more of that dream but later that night dreamed this:
"I plan to announce that I have won the lottery. Everyone then will assume that what I have won is money. I will not tell them otherwise and will say that I want to share my good fortune. What I have won is Jack. I will give him away. Then I think this is a marvelous idea for a very funny story. I think it is hysterical. I laugh and laugh. I'm not sure which came first: the intention to write the story or the plan to rid myself of Jack. Either way I am pleased with myself. Then I caution myself to make sure I am not plagiarizing this story from anyone. I say to myself, 'Did I read this somewhere?'"

The woman's opposite-to-reality laughter in the second dream indicates that something was bothering her in real life. What might this be? In the dream she laughed about a "marvelously funny story plot," and this implies that as a writer she had been having problems devising humorous plots. But the dream laughter was more specific than that. It was about the "story" of giving away Jack. Why did that theme result in her dream image expressing so much amusement?
Her first dream showed Jack the same age as the dreamer's daughter and wearing a cap like the daughter's. She would love for that child to come live with her (since she dreamed about him doing so in her dream's beginning), and with that information it becomes apparent that Jack in the second dream was a symbol for her daughter. Her intention in that dream to give away Jack was really a disguised wish to give away her daughter. She didn't want to be a mother any longer, and that wish was exceptionally painful to her. That is why she laughed so heartily in the dream.

Here is a dream a woman had during a period of depression in which she occasionally thought about taking a lethal overdose of sleeping pills: "I was riding on top of a stagecoach, and men on horses were chasing it. Were they good guys or robbers? This wasn't clear to me. They drew closer and one of them shot me. Everything went black and I knew I would die."

Her dream revealed disturbances, which may have been major contributors to her depression. It was desirable to her to be uncertain about men's roles and she felt anxiety that a man would hurt her.

We also see that the dream was doing its best to keep her from attempting suicide: the ending was causing her to hate the harm that could come from an overdose of pills. That constructive nature is utterly typical of dreams.

A man dreamed at the beginning of a dream that he was driving along an unfamiliar road to go to a party where he wouldn't know anyone. On the previous evening he had driven on familiar roads to attend a party where only people whom he knew well would be present. That love plot was implying he would love having new places to go to and new people to meet.

A man reported he had dreamed as a child:

"Elves and fairies lived in the cellar of my house, and my brothers and I climbed down the ladder to play with them. Then my brothers went back upstairs and pulled up the ladder with them, and I was there alone. There was a gingerbread man stirring a big pot, and he was going to throw me in it."

I tried to explain the dream to him. "You loved imagining there were actual elves and fairies. You liked playing in the cellar with your brothers, and it would have been nice to play with those imaginary beings as well. You wouldn't have liked being abandoned in the cellar. As for the scary dream ending--

"Was there a man you were afraid of when you were a child?" I asked him. "The gingerbread man may have been a symbol for an actual person, and if so the dream was reflecting a fear involving him."

"My father and I never got along," the dreamer said. "He used to beat me."

A woman dreamed:

"I am in an empty old hotel. I have inherited it from someone famous--maybe Buffalo Bill. I'm standing in the bare room, oak floors, large windows, sunshine, warm breezes. I am in a beautiful, white, floor-length summer gown. I am in the body of an old school friend whom I thought was attractive. Enter a man named Henry--another school chum, but someone I was less fond of, except in the dream he's tall, sensual, appealing. He takes me in his arms and tells me Black Bart has discovered he can lay claim to the hotel if I am not married. I am upset at the idea of losing the hotel. So Henry asks me to marry him, and we go to the justice of the peace and all ends well."

The first half of the dream contains imaginative, pleasant fantasies. It would be undesirable to the dreamer to be upset about the potential loss of something she values dearly. The dream ending has a significant message in relation to what might be a future choice the dreamer can make. That ending shows her marrying, for financial reasons, a man she hasn't liked in the past, and it seems to predict they would live happily ever after. The true message, though, is that she would hate such a forced marriage. The indirect guidance is that she should marry for love rather than money.

Note that the dream presents the character of Henry in the nondesire and hated sections yet also must include him in the desire section for the sake of the plot's continuity. In order for Henry to appear in her desire section, however, he has to change, and so he becomes physically desirable. As this illustrates, any transformations which people undergo in dreams are not random or whimsical but instead occur for essential reasons.

A man lived in a city and had been forced to take his dog to the pound because neighbors complained about its barking. Subsequently he dreamed in the early-middle part of a dream that a dog talked about a house outside of town. What were the implications of that dream content in the desire section?

He desired both having a dog and living in the countryside because the dog wouldn't upset neighbors there. But the fact that the dog rather than his own image spoke about the country house suggests he consciously had repressed that wish. "Unrepressing" that lifestyle change seemed in order.

After her mother had died a woman dreamed this at the beginning of a dream: "My father had died and my mother was still alive. I was with her in the kitchen at the farm. I was attempting to console her. Somehow I was at peace with her."

I offered the following interpretation to the dreamer. "The dream was indicating you'd love the situation in which your father had died instead of your mother and you could console her about his death. You probably have positive memories about being with her in the kitchen at the farm. Overall, though, your relationship with your mother was not serene, although you would have loved for it to be so. The feeling of being at peace with her in the dream is opposite to what you typically felt while she was alive."

It seemed as if a feeling of relief crossed over the woman's face. "Dreams are curious things," she said. "You can't keep any secrets from them."


Q. Is there any way to prove that dreams follow the love- desire-nondesire-hatred pattern?

A. Not by using statistics. But you can try the following test. Make some effort which seems on the right tracks for your future. That could involve exercising, studying, rehearsing a job skill, being friendly, or engaging in some other similarly constructive activity. Involve yourself sufficiently in that endeavor to try to ensure that your efforts will pay off in the long run. Then see if you dream about that constructive life involvement. If it's something your inner self loves, you'll likely find yourself dreaming about it at the beginning of one or more dreams of yours.

Q. Sometimes I'm aware in my dreams that I'm dreaming. Do those plots follow the same emotional sequence as other dreams?

A. Yes, so those lucid dreams (as they are called) are analyzed in the usual way. Two examples follow.

A woman dreamed this in the last half of a dream: "Suddenly I realized I was dreaming. Since it was a dream I could do whatever I wanted. So I began doing a strip-tease dance until I was naked from the waist up. Then I said to the men present, 'Now which of you sorry sons of bitches wants to marry this lovely creature?'"

The strip-tease dance in the nondesire section was not undesirable to the dreamer. What was undesirable was the awareness that she was dreaming and therefore her strip-tease wasn't happening outside of the dream. In other words, she wanted to act in that uninhibited way in real life but felt she couldn't.
Her words in the hatred section reveal a resentment she felt toward men and also show that she wanted to get married in spite of that resentment. We see that her dream, despite her awareness in it that she was dreaming, was about basic, down-to-earth feelings.

A man on a business trip dreamed in a love section that he was back at home. In the hatred section he realized he was dreaming and wasn't at home after all. That lucid dreaming was simply a means of revealing how he felt about being away from home.

Q. I told a psychoanalyst I had dreamed about the death of someone who was alive, and he said I had a death wish toward that person. Is that true?

A. Not necessarily. In fact, such a statement stands an approximately fifty percent chance of being untrue. If one dreams within the first half of a dream about the death of a living person the chances are high the dreamer feels a genuine death wish toward him or her. But dreaming about that death within the last half of a dream instead suggests one doesn't want that outcome to occur.

A woman dreamed this:

"My married cousin living in South Africa was killed along with her husband in some type of bombing. My aunt and uncle were there trying to clean up the mess and arrange to have my cousin's three small children brought back to this country. There was some sort of problem with the government there and they were not able to bring the children home."

The death of the dreamer's cousin and her husband occurred in the love section, so the dreamer evidently wished for their deaths. The remainder of that dream indicates why she had that wish. It would be desirable if her aunt and uncle tried to bring the children back, undesirable if there were government red tape which interfered with that goal, and the dreamer would hate it if the children could not be brought home. It becomes clear the dreamer had hostile feelings toward the children's parents for raising them in a foreign country.

A woman reported she had dreamed as a girl of 11: "It was night and there was a full moon. I was walking in the woods. I came upon some garbage cans. Then I saw my brother's body lying dismembered in one of those garbage cans."

The woman said that a month after she had that dream her brother was stabbed to death. Naturally, she wondered if her inner self had known of that in advance. "When I had that dream, did I know deep down inside that my brother would die?" she asked me.

It was a question I couldn't answer. I could only tell her that her brother's death had occurred in the hatred section and therefore was something she hated.

Q. Is dream interpretation a difficult procedure?

A. It shouldn't be. It's certainly not difficult to analyze dream content in relation to the love-desire-nondesire-hatred pattern, and applying the guidelines you've now learned about interpreting dream plot complications similarly is a straightforward process.

All of the following seems likely to happen. You'll be able to understand the vast majority of your dreams which you analyze. You'll find insights in your dreams which can help you get back on the right tracks if you've consciously been going astray. You'll realize that your dreams reflect qualities such as intelligence, benevolence, and resourcefulness while focusing on personal topics which are important to you.

But don't merely take my word for it. See what messages your dreams have for you tonight.


Dan has a master's degree in psychology and is working in Kansas as a psychologist. He had a science fiction story published in 1994 in Writers Of The Future, Vol. 10. He's briefly been a chess master before sinking back down to lower rating status again. He offers free dream interpretation according to his theories in exchange for the right to use any dream sent him in his future writing. He would use all such dreams anonymously, of course. Contact him at


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Now at the beginning of Electric Dreams!





New Series begins with Digest #1 09/29/2000

This issue includes volume #447 -


Hello and welcome to the DREAM SECTION of Electric Dreams.

This section is edited by Richard Wilkerson and the DreamEditor, a software creation of Harry Bosma, author of the Dream interpretation and journaling software "Alchera".

Please note that we print these dreams as they come to us and that means we do not correct the spelling. Some dreamworkers find these spelling mistakes a great window on the dream and dreamer.

The Electric Dreams DREAM SECTION includes dreams and comments from the DREAM FLOW, a project to circulate dreams in Cyberspace.

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------------------------- BEGIN ---------------------------

447 -

474- 476


There are 4 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Steve's dream situations and events.
From: steve896
2. dream_title: pregnant
From: Anonymous
3. cd rom dream flowage in the works literally as i speak maybe
From: Heratheta
4. I am awake now
From: "Heather Y" <thornyone


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 14:33:08 -0400 (EDT)
From: steve896
Subject: Steve's dream situations and events.

Hello my name is Steve, I just joined dream wheels and also thought I would join this group also and tell of my dreaming.

Transitional change from Wake state to the Dream state "/ "Dreams of the Divine"

( My dream topic for for the group is not so much one dream but a combination of dreaming events.) For over a year now I have had a problem with sleep because of my intense dreaming.These dreams also plaque me during day time attempts at sleep.(naps) As I start to enter the dream over whelming falling feeling comes over comes on very fast....5 mins after I lay down...just as soon as the mind changes over to the first stage of dreaming.. This falling is very fast and intense..I feel it in my stomach...pressure so intense....Traveling very fast...light speed. Then I realize my heart has breath stops...I am dying...I have left my body...silent floating...quite black space... The realization of "I am dying" shoots shock waves through my mind......I can't go now...I have to get back with my wife...and children..then I jump up out of bed gasping and pounding on my chest as if to start my heart....As I sit on the edge of the bed gasping...I am very disoriented.. adrenalin is pumping through me giving the feeling as if I do have some sort of trouble with my heart....This happens over and over of a night....If I lay down to try to sleep 30 times....I die 30 never changes...always the same...I am able to only sleep if I stay up till I just fall over... This went on for over a year night after night.I was exhausted from it all....then a few weeks changed. I now feel the same intense falling feeling...but it is not death is me traveling at light speed...I feel myself turn into light...My body turns into light particles spreading outward through the cosmos....body disappears...or more...all this is left is the mind conciousness...thought.. ..It is still so intense that I awake...but not as much as before....the fear has gone....It is the speed that I travel that awakens me now...not the fear of death...and the loss of being with my family...a few nights ago..I awoke and sat up in I looked down at my arms...I could see that they were still light particles...and slowly changed back to flesh as I sat there...It was if I had awoken but left part of me back in the dream world...I can not express how startling this was for me to sit there partly awake and see my arm as light... Now in the last couple of days I have been able to make the journey past this first part and fully enter into dreams that follow the first intence stage.. One of the first dreams was a very detailed dream where I meet a old african man...a a grass hut...he hands me a box of ancient artifacts....this box had never been given to anyone else in time...never had this shaman let it out of his sight....but he had entrusted it to me....I am then in a dark back alley holding the box..I see myself standing from the other end of the alley..just a silhouette..standing cluching this sacred box...then the scene changes to a very huge church...I meet a priest there and I do not trust him...we stand among the seats of this church...there is nobody else there... it is night time...the church is gothic and very old....The priest asks me to lay the box of ancient artifacts on the bench...and not wanting to hurt the priest's feelings I lay it down....Thinking to myself, I will come back into the church later through a window and take the box back...I do have the feeling the priest wants the box for himself.... I feel bad that I am going to break into the church later but...I see it as not so bad.not a criminal act..I am just taking what has been entrusted to me......then I am higher in the church on a platform building with large wooden beams...some huge structure...there is a round wooden shape above it all...almost as high as the church's ceiling..I turn on this wooden machine I have been working on....the blue sky and clouds form in it then appears in the circle.. Jesus Christ...Golden light...long hair... as seen in so many paintings...I say " WOW...not who I was expecting"...I am freaked because I am not a christian....I then see 4 or 5 other people in the room with me ....none of them I the priest...Jesus talks to each person through mental telepathy...except when he talks to us all at the same time...then it is by word of mouth...Jesus is very laid back and hip. Now that I think about it...I was not expecting Jesus to appear...but another divine image...but Jesus thorough mental telepathy tells me..."What difference does it make what image you see...all divine symbols lead to the same place" He senses my thoughts about coming back into the church to get the box...and lets me know that is all right for me to do this..He looks at the priest and tells him that he has been a very bad example of his teachings and turns him into a young man...and tells him that he will do work for the church over and over till he gets it right....I tell him that I have never bought into his whole bible thing....and he says ..."That is all right....My words have been twisted so much over the years that what I was trying to teach has all but been lost"....I felt very deep sadness for him over this...I told him I was following the Buddha's path and should I change and go with his teachings...He told me " No...stay on the path you are following....I know Buddha and he is a very wise man and his teachings have not been lost through the years"...he smiled to me and I felt he was very proud of me and I felt this feeling of great love going through me.....then I looked out the huge church's stained glass windows and saw a big purple wave of liquid crashing through the town....The purple liquid hit the stained glass window with such force they should have exploded...but they held...Then I thought of my family out there in this liquid...Drowning...I yelled out...."Stop this now!!!!.....Do not harm my family!!!!...The wave crested and fell back...I could see out the stained glass windows that my family was OK....I then awoke.... Every dream I have now has the box of ancient artifacts that is handed to me and I must protect and guard....a few nights ago Buddha came to me and taught to me where in my life I could be more compassionate and mindful in my life.. I awoke with a great inner feeling and smiled and laughed all day long.It turned out little known to me, that the night the Buddha came to me in my dreams was the night of Wesak festival....Full moon in Taurus....I knew nothing of this....the only way I found out about it was in the first email I opened the next morning....I am in several yahoo groups and in this first post I read...a woman at the end of her post told of Wesak Legend...The full moon in Taurus...This blew me away...

The thing is...I am not a religious person...Oh, I have been reading and practicing some Buddhist concepts in my life for 7 years,and I do draw mandalas as my main artistic expression...but never a fanatic about religion.

With Long -kindness Steve

Message: 2
Date: Thu, 02 May 2002 15:04:00 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: dream_title: pregnant

dream_title: pregnant dreamer_name: cute dream_text: My mum was pregnant and she wanted me 2 raise up the child

Message: 3
Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 19:46:04 EDT
From: Heratheta
Subject: cd rom dream flowage in the works literally as i speak maybe

today i finally got an interview started onto cd rom for dream flowage consumption maybe imminent i believe maybe only days away maybe until then see

imagine a place 90 degrees right away from your dream


Message: 4
Date: Fri, 3 May 2002 05:31:24 -0700
From: "Heather Y" <thornyone
Subject: I am awake now

I had a dream...... Heather

[dream-flow] Digest Number 457


There are 4 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. The Mother & Son
From: Anonymous
2. Stolen Money
From: Anonymous
3. Old Houses
From: Anonymous
4. my first post
From: "simon g


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 03 May 2002 08:54:56 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: The Mother & Son

dream_title: The Mother & Son

dream_date: May 2nd/2002

dreamer_name: energydreamer

dream_text: This was abit disturbing. In the wee hours of the morning, just before waking to get my own kids off to school, I dreamed. I saw a child about the age of 5-7. He was wearing clothes from an earlier century, The child was searching for something, Later I find out it was his mother. The mother was afraid of this child in an odd way. Looking at this child I saw this child was dead. He had a very pale face almost blueish white. He was wanting to play for what it seemed. The mother then told me to tie a rope around her neck to what it seemed like to kill her so her child would think she is dead. So I tied the rope and continued on what she had said, then I put a sleeping bag over her. The child came towards this now lifeless body, calling for her in an orderly kind of way, there was no response from the lifeless body, the child got mad for some reason, the child looked at me, to find out where his mother was, I was shocked at what just happened, and then all of a sudden, just when I thought the child was gonna come after me, because already he had this blood dripping from his eyes...the mother was there...pionting to the child telling him to leave me alone, the mother was in this long nightgown, looked like the old time nightgown, it was windy her gown was flowing her hair was being wisped up by the was also dark but accented by red,I also saw large amounts of blood being dripped behind her in a shape of a v....then I woke up!

Message: 2
Date: Fri, 03 May 2002 08:55:27 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Stolen Money

dream_title: Stolen Money

dream_date: 5/1/02

dreamer_name: PrincessX

dream_text: I found myself in my deceased maternal grandmother's neighborhood (we'd been very close when she was alive). No one was currently in the house, but her things were still in the house. I suddenly remembered that I'd forgotten to lock the door when I left her house and I was worried that someone might go in and steal her things. I went back and found my mother and father there in the living room (I think they were actually sleeping in the living room and said they were tired because they just returned from a trip.) My mother suddenly realized that she hadn't locked the door either when they had come in and we were all worried that someone could have come in and taken things. We looked around and everything was ok, except both my mother and father checked their wallets and all their money had been stolen.

dream_comments: Please let me know if you can help me to figure out what any of this means. On a literal level, I am having some financial concerns right now, specifically I'm wondering how I can get enough money to do some things I want to do. I just cashed out some stocks and am wondering if I should re-invest or just use the money for what I want to do now, but then of course I'm worried about having no investments for the future! Just wondering what my grandmother's house and my parents have to do with all this.

Message: 3
Date: Fri, 03 May 2002 09:09:54 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Old Houses

dream_title: Old Houses

dreamer_name: artist

dream_text: I often have dreams of moving into or staying in very old houses. The houses always have narrow dark hallways and steep dim lit stairways. I can never see what is in the hallways or at the top of the stairs. I always have a fear of these houses. They are usually run-down. Sometimes they are furnished with dusty furniture. Sometimes there are lit fireplaces. There are usually worn wooden flooring with long cracks in which I can see the darkness of underneath the floor. I am always sure there is evil presents in each house. Sometimes I run from room to room in fear. Sometimes I will be in a bed and feel something or someone come to the bedside. Sometimes I see a large looming black figure. Once I went into a basement in which I from my grandfather waiting. He has been deceased for 15 years. He wanted to guide me through the dirt basement. We finally began to crawl in the dirt. It became very dark and closed in. I could hear his voice beckoning me to keep following him. He said he knew the way. I saw a lit candle in his hand and he also gave me one. The candle wax dripped and burned my hand, but I was to afraid to let go. As we crawl, we began to go down hill and rusty nails from the flooring scrapped my back. Spider web and dirt was everywhere around me. I could smell the earth. Finally we went upward, but the passage was so narrow, that I lay very flat and squirmed my way up. Finally we got to a small area with a boarded wall. My grandfather told me it wouldn't be long. He pulled away the boards and wiggled out. I followed. He helped me stand and turned me around. There was a beautiful blue sky and a field. I saw a large oak shade tree. A wire fence on post surrounded the beautiful area. My grandfather told me how wonder this place was. He said when the time came he would be there to guide to the other side of the fence. He promised me he would go with me and I would always be safe and happy there. I was so happy to see him and I wanted to stay. But he made me go back through the way we came by myself. I wasn't as afraid, but I did feel dread. By the way I was a grown women in the beginning and when I crawl out I was a child of about 8 years of age. When I went back I was a woman again...

dream_comments: I always dread dreaming about the old houses. They frighten me. I am sure the is a lot of meanings in these dreams. The one with my grandfather happened only once. Is there any common meanings or symbolisms to any part of the dreams I have.

Message: 4
Date: Sat, 04 May 2002 07:03:25 +0300
From: "simon gray"
Subject: my first post

I'm eating dinner with my extended family at some function. Jabal (my father) sits next to me. He keep rearranging the food on my plate, pouring stuff off his plate on to mine and vice versa. I keep strongly insisting that he stops doing it, but he continues. I get really mad, I don't want to eat what he offers and I don't want him to take the food I was enjoying away. I become increasingly mad. I eventually just start shouting in his face that he should stop what he's doing and leave me alone, piss off! He just stares at me dumbly. I'm loud enough that the whole family at the table are looking at us. He continues to rearrange the food, I may even have hit him at this point.

>OK that's the first dream I've remembered since joing this group. It's my >first post too. I already keep a dream journal and I'm not too concerned >what it means, but I like sharing dreams.




There are 2 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. walking with the animals
From: Anonymous
2. The Birds of Death
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 04 May 2002 09:02:23 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: walking with the animals

dream_title: walking with the animals

dream_date: 4-3-02

dreamer_name: whytephish

dream_text: I dreamed that my husband and I were walking our dog along a road, out in the country. We would pass fields and farms and houses. At one of the house an animal ran up to us. It was about waist high. When the animal was beside us we could see that it was a pony and the pony had a ball in its mouth. We decided it wanted to play ball with our dog. We tossed the bal a few times and both animals played ball for awhile. My husband & I walked on,. Later we we were in front of a farmhouse with a field of corn(dried)next to it. I looked up and saw two a double-ended llamas(like in Dr. Doolittle) flying. I saw one land in the cornfield but by the time my husband looked up(from petting our dog) the llama had landed. He saw the other llama flying and then we continued to walk. Then I woke up.

dream_comments: We had seen a pony the week before the dreamand my pony in the dream that was the exact color(b & w spotted)but the real life pony was larger

Message: 2
Date: Sat, 04 May 2002 09:25:59 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: The Birds of Death

dream_title: The Birds of Death

dream_date: March 2001

dreamer_name: funkygranma

dream_text: I had consulted a doctor. While I could not identify his race, there was something about him which made me know he was a 'native'. He told me "the birds of death are already beginning to gather". Behind him I could see some large white birds, slowly flapping their wings.

dream_comments: I had recently had surgery for cancer, and understand my outlook to be very positive. I woke feeling very weepy and scared, though I understand that dreams of death rarely mean literal death.


[dream-flow] Digest Number 459


There is 1 message in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. New Dream
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 04 May 2002 22:13:32 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: New Dream

dream_title: Drowning in a brown muddy river

dream_date: 04 May 2002

dreamer_name: eli

dream_text: The driver in the car intentionaly slams on the brakes to a white car. There is a rushing overflowing brown river and the four individuals are taken into the abyss of the brown murkey river. I try to save myself but realize it is futile. I do not remember who is in the car and I am the passanger side.

dream_comments: I hate the driver. Just before the dream I am telling someone that it is because we love her.

[dream-flow] Digest Number 460


There are 3 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. dream i had this morning
From: "edclaytonuk" <mail
2. Re: dream i had this morning and dream intrprtng cdrom
From: Heratheta
3. (unknown)
From: "Heather Y" <thornyone


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 05 May 2002 22:50:59 -0000
From: "edclaytonuk" <mail
Subject: dream i had this morning

I wake up and the bed is all wet.

(shut up, Freud!)

water is pouring down the walls, through the ceiling. The bed is soaked.

I crawl out of bed, peeling the wet sheets from my body and I see there is also a hole in the matress. Water flows out of it until I plug it with my finger. As I do this, the water sliding down the walls eases and stops.

I didn't even know I had a water bed.


Notes: I think I had this dream, because a week ago 'my' washing- machine broke down and water POURED out of it, all over the floor and into the guy's room downstairs. Even though I wasn;t thinking about it too much, it popped up in my dream. I expect I might see it again.

Ed - writing based on dreams

Message: 2
Date: Mon, 6 May 2002 00:36:19 EDT
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: dream i had this morning and dream intrprtng cdrom

and/or the dream interpetation cdrom which shall be available in a matter of days ( it is in its final stage of production and is soon to be offered for possible viewing through dream-flow)

Message: 3
Date: Mon, 6 May 2002 05:41:38 -0700
From: "Heather Y" <thornyone
Subject: (unknown)

*Cast: my grandmother, myself, snotty sales guy *Place: Antique shop *What Happened? I went into this antique furniture shop where there were lots of really unique and exquisite victorian armchairs and sofas and all sorts of neat stuff. I sat on some of these chairs, just looking around and checking things out. In comes this very rude sales guy, and tells me to get out because I am not going to buy anything. Then I came back with my grandmother, the guy was still there. We looked around at stuff, and the sales guy looked at me the whole time, like I was gonna hold up the place or something. Then my grandma bought something, and we stole some chocolate together, just to make the people mad.

[dream-flow] Digest Number 461


There are 4 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Re: Steve's dream situations and events.
From: Harmony314
2. gone missing in rough seas
From: Anonymous
3. cat
From: Anonymous
4. Re: Steve's dream situations and events.
From: "Denise" <denisem


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 6 May 2002 21:29:53 -0400 (EDT)
From: Harmony314
Subject: Re: Steve's dream situations and events.

What a beautiful experience to share with this dream group. It seems very far from my understanding, but fascinating. I took a mythology class in college that basically told me "all gods or myths are the same...just different images, names, and stories are associated with them" The class used Joseph Campbell as it's main influence. I don't remember if Mr. Campbell himself said this, but I learned that if you make too much of your myth or belief system, you cut yourself off from contact with The Divine. Actually, I learned that I already believed it. I wish I dreamed like you. I have had experiences where I awoke and my eyes seemed to still be seeing part of my dream for a second or two, even though I knew I was awake. Please share more!

Message: 2
Date: Mon, 06 May 2002 23:11:25 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: gone missing in rough seas

dream_title: gone missing in rough seas

dream_date: 03.05.2002

dreamer_name: anglelady

dream_text: I was on a boat with my son and my mother. The weather was starting to get rougher. My son started getting sea sick,so I went to get help for him. My mother was on the side of the boat in the water on one of them nets people swim in, which is attached to the boat.When I came back with help for my son,I couldn't see my mother any where.I was screaming to everyone, to look for her. The boat kept getting further away. I was crying,where are you mum. Some where in the sea/They wouldn't turn back. Then I woke up.

Message: 3
Date: Tue, 07 May 2002 08:07:12 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: cat

dream_title: cat

dream_date: 5 may 02

dreamer_name: curious

dream_text: i don't remember to much of it , all i know is that i was sitting down peacfully and minding my own buisness when out of know where a black cat jumps up at me and attacks me in my face , i as so terrified, i woke up so fast making a short gasp sound, sitting straight up, it seemed so real!

dream_comments: i'm very curious as to what this means, if anything, please help me!

Message: 4
Date: Tue, 7 May 2002 12:24:59 -0500
From: "Denise" <denisem
Subject: Re: Steve's dream situations and events.

Dear Steve,

That course sounds like a really good background for dream exploration! To help yourself get better dream recall, try keeping a notebooke by your bed and scribbling whatever little snatches you remember until eventually you start to remember whole dreams.

Hope this helps, Denise

[dream-flow] Digest Number 462


There are 3 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Steve's Dream
From: steve896
2. RE: Steve's Dream
From: "Heather Y" <thornyone
3. These are the tranquillized two thousands, and I am fourty four
From: "crea8e" <crea8e


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 8 May 2002 23:30:21 -0400 (EDT)
From: steve896
Subject: Steve's Dream

Thank you Denise and Harmony314 for your comments on my dreams....I do keep a journal of my dreams and sometimes I even keep a mico-cassette recorder beside the bed to capture the memory of them as soon as I awake...I will post more as they happen...

With loving-kindess Your friend........Steve

Message: 2
Date: Wed, 8 May 2002 20:32:35 -0700
From: "Heather Y" <thornyone
Subject: RE: Steve's Dream

What fun. Dreams are awsome. ~Lucy


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 09 May 2002 04:06:23 -0000
From: "crea8e" <crea8e
Subject: These are the tranquillized two thousands, and I am fourty four

As a way to get started I thought I'd share a dream and part of a poem by James Merrill. I enjoy the energy of others, yet there is a still place within which requires large amounts of time alone.

Dream 4-13-01

I'm having a conversation with a woman around my age. She's a bit anxious and agitated with me and begins questioning my ability to be in a relationship. I get a little defensive/impassioned and say: " I'm not interested in dominating a woman. I don't need to get anything from a women. My vision of a mature relationship is when two people create a space in which they bring together things of incredible beauty. A space that is decorated with beautiful art, feeling and values. The partners com and go with ease. There is a permeability which allows energy to flow in many directions." As I share these thoughts I'm looking into her eyes and I start crying. I realize just how much these words mean to me and how affirming it is to share them. I'm not just saying these words, I'm feeling and knowing them in my heart. It was like a new knowledge of reality" Wallace Stevens. I see her immense beauty, wavy blonde hair and lovely green eyes and I know that all that I am has come together. end of dream

I could not speak He had seen my soul, He had said what I dreaded to hear. Ending the interview I rose, blindly. I swept To show him to the door, And knelt, when he had left, By my Grand Rapids chair, And wept until I laughed And laughed until I wept.

James M

[dream-flow] Digest Number 463


There are 2 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Need Advice
From: "malorra" <jpaquette
2. Fwd: [Spiritgrowth] God's Great Grace


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 09 May 2002 13:51:58 -0000
From: "malorra" <jpaquette
Subject: Need Advice

My dreams have always been a part of my psychic soul. Lately I have been having long drawn out dreams. Each night they become more intense. The symbols/omens are clear to me. The part that is not clear is that in each dream, there is a soldier present. A very strong presence of safety, yet secrecy. Any thoughts?


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 21:17:49 EDT
Subject: Fwd: [Spiritgrowth] God's Great Grace



There are 8 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Re: hi, glad to be here!
From: "Denise" <denisem
2. Motorcycle Man
From: Anonymous
3. RE: Sleep Paralysis
From: "Israel O"
4. RE: Motorcycle Man
From: "Israel O"
5. Moving away
From: Anonymous
6. dooms day dragon
From: Anonymous
7. Devil in a dark house
From: Anonymous
8. The Jaguar
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 15:53:15 -0500
From: "Denise" <denisem
Subject: Re: hi, glad to be here!


Welcome. I too am an artist. I enjoy receiving all the posts and would enjoy exchanging images with you if you like. My email is

Denise ----- Original Message ----- From: "debsarebel" <> To: <> Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 12:20 AM Subject: [dream-flow] hi, glad to be here!

> Hi everyone, I just joined your club. I am an artist and am exploring > dreams....I'm having some very weird ones these days, too... > > I posted my dream site in bookmarks, and if you would like to try to > interpret one of my images, I'd love it. > > I am disappointed that there aren't any other member sites, though, > and am really hoping that some will be listed soon! > > I look forward to reading the posts. Take care > > Deb > > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > >

Message: 2
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 16:32:24 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Motorcycle Man

dream_title: Motorcycle Man

dream_date: 2-18-02

dreamer_name: anonymous

dream_text: In my dream, me and all the kids in the neighborhood are playing tag in the dark. The kids playing tag were named Brayden, Theresa, Chase, Cara, and Stephanie. We were playing tag in my backyard, and there was just a slight bit of moonlight out. We were interrupted by a roaring noise. I looked up and saw a motorcycle coming. Suddenly everyone ran away, except for Theresa. The man pulled into my driveway, and approached us. It was too dark to see him and I was afraid, but I was stuck, I couldn't move. The man then turned away and went back to the side of my house, where he pulled out a gastank. He started pouring it all around the house. Theresa and I ran over to him. I asked him what he was doing, but he did not answer. I told him to stop, but he wouldnt, he just looked at me and laughed. He then stood up and walked back over to his bike. He then rode off, but before he could stop, he hit something that had been in the road and fell into a crack in the ground. I ran over to see what had happened, but fell in as well, just as i jerked myself awake.

dream_comments: I'm not sure why I had this, nothing in the dream had any connection with what had happened to me that day, but I'm still curious on it.

Message: 3
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 06:16:15 +0200
From: "Israel O"
Subject: RE: Sleep Paralysis

Not much I could advise on this one. However, on a religious note, usually when you are stopped from doing something, it usually means that you are being guarded from harm. That we are restrained does not mean a punishment, but more of a protection from harm, like a mother holding her child's hand when crossing the street. This can manifest itself as policemen arresting you, or being put in jail, or in your case being "paralyzed". Quite the contrary of being "concerned" with this, I should more be thankful that I am being saved from harm's path.

Are others out there experiencing paralysis? What do you think?

Yours sincerely

Israel O

dream_title: Sleep Paralysis

dream_date: 3/27/02

dreamer_name: Boardinchick84

dream_text: I had heard of sleep paralysis from my ex. He used to tell me that when he was younger is father fed him a lot of "Real Life" alien and bigfoot stories, claiming he had really seen them and all, and tat he would have nights where he'd lay in bed and suddenly wake up for no apparent reason, though some say it is caused by a fear of something in the room or something bad thats going to happen. well you wake up to find out to your surprise you cant move. Your eyes are open but you just cant move. Well on 3/27 i had gone to sleep late, I had shared a bed with my mom who i was visiting. All i know is that i felt an urge to get a hold of my mom, by grabbing her arm.I don't know why, I didn't experience any fear until I realized my arm wasn't moving. Then I freaked out trying to yell out, which i was but just my mouth wasn't moving, I tried kicking around violently trying to awake from this. I couldn't move, couldn't speak nothing, yet I could feel the signals from my brain to the body part i wanted to move. I suddenly woke up abruptly. It was all true. It wasn't a dream. The idea that maybe parts of my body had been constricted of blood while i was asleep, by laying on an arm or something. It wasn't true it was asleep when i woke up, no pins and needles, nothing. I was fully functional when i woke up. hmm just weird.


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 06:31:58 +0200
From: "Israel O"
Subject: RE: Motorcycle Man

In your dream there are three basis elements, Theresa, the House, and the Motorcycle Man.

Houses and rooms in dreams usually reflect upon one's "projects" or thoughts. It can also represent work. As an example, if one is starting a new project in school like a new play in drama, then one can dream of "building" a new room or house. Thus if a house is "destroyed", it could mean the end of the project, or abandonment of the said project.

So, as per your dream, if it pertains to work, I would think that you have anxieties about your job being taken over by someone else. Or if in a school project, losing your position in the "Play" to someone else. But because the Motorcycle Man just poured gas and did not light it, it's saying that his threat is just that, a threat, but not substantiated in action.

As for Theresa, she is just your passive side. She doesn't play an important part in this message.

Yours sincerely

Israel O

dream_title: Motorcycle Man

dream_date: 2-18-02

dreamer_name: anonymous

dream_text: In my dream, me and all the kids in the neighborhood are playing tag in the dark. The kids playing tag were named Brayden, Theresa, Chase, Cara, and Stephanie. We were playing tag in my backyard, and there was just a slight bit of moonlight out. We were interrupted by a roaring

noise. I looked up and saw a motorcycle coming. Suddenly everyone ran away, except for Theresa. The man pulled into my driveway, and approached us. It was too dark to see him and I was afraid, but I was stuck, I couldn't move. The man then turned away and went back to the side of my house, where he

pulled out a gastank. He started pouring it all around the house. Theresa and I ran over to him. I asked him what he was doing, but he did not answer. I told him to stop, but he wouldnt, he just looked at me and laughed. He then stood up and walked back over to his bike. He then rode

off, but before he could stop, he hit something that had been in the road and fell into a crack in the ground. I ran over to see what had happened, but fell in as well, just as i jerked myself awake.

dream_comments: I'm not sure why I had this, nothing in the dream had any connection with what had happened to me that day, but I'm still curious on it.


Message: 5
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 08:32:47 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Moving away

dream_title: Moving away

dream_date: Ryan

dreamer_name: Ashley

dream_text: dream: We were at a party whit a bunch of people we didnt' know and some we did all of a sudden i ( Ashley) kiss another girl right in front of him He trys to join in but I tell him to leave us alone he gets upset and storms off up stairs this chick that has been jealous of me for a long time grabs ryans hand and pulls him on stage and gets a another gurl to kiss so no theres 2 girls on him

dream_comments: Umm Im moving to florida in a the next cuppel months and i think hes been thinking about me leaving a lot also he had this dream the night before ware I was dating his best friend and when he called I didnt want to talk to him.... Now do you think me moving has something to do with this because this all started Jut 2 nights ago and he was informd just 3 nights ago about the move. If you could e-mail me back a reply at Please use reall name

Message: 6
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 08:29:50 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: dooms day dragon

dream_title: dooms day dragon

dream_date: nearlly all the time

dreamer_name: anonymous

dream_text: IT starts, as if I"m walking down a road or place and out of no explination of why or what alters me to do so,I start turning into a massive all-powerful dragon that distroys all it comes in contact with.

dream_comments: To be bref, I'm not the tip of person that is distructive or the tip of person that would bring harm or pain apone a person or thing. BUT anyways, I can'T UNDERSTAND the hole point behind this dream.

Message: 7
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 17:03:15 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Devil in a dark house

dream_title: Devil in a dark house

dream_date: 19/04/02

dreamer_name: LC

dream_text: I am in a massive gothic house looking out of a window onto a perfect beach with crystal clear water and white sands. I suddenly realise that the house I am in is less than perfect and become unsettled. I want to get out of the house but a small dark haired child tells me that I can't. I start to run down the stairs which are covered in red carpet. Every time I run down the stairs the next flight of stairs I see goes back up so I cannot escape. I come to a landing where a woman and the devil are hanging from the ceiling as if they have been murdered. I run down the stairs again and can see something moving in the darkness. All of a sudden I have a big sword and I run towards the darkness only to come face to face with the devil and I hit him with the sword and after that I woke up!

dream_comments: This dream really frightened me and I would appreciate someone telling me what they think it means.

Message: 8
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 17:03:52 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: The Jaguar

dream_title: The Jaguar dream_date: January dreamer_name: CelestialStrange dream_text: I am in a frozen form. Perhaps I am dead or just in a deep state of eternal sleep. I lay naked on back in a tomb of a solid gray. The stone is not rough nor too smooth. The walls are quite high. My body lays on a large rectangular stone in the center of the tomb. It is similar to the walls. Around my head there is a halo of glyphs/icons/some sort of ancient, or unhuman writing. They are not of any color but just carved into the stone. Suddenly a large black jaguar appears on my side. Its eyes glisten of that of saphire. My mouth is slightly parted and it enters inside of it. Soon my eyes and mouth glow a brilliant majestic blue. The halo writing that surrounds my head also shines very brightly.

dream_comments: This was my second black jaguar dream.

[dream-flow] Digest Number 451


There are 8 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. RE: Moving away
From: "Israel O"
2. RE: dooms day dragon
From: "Israel O"
3. RE: The Jaguar
From: "Israel O"
4. RE: Devil in a dark house
From: "Israel O"
5. Re: The Jaguar
From: "Denise" <denisem
6. Feeding
From: Anonymous
7. Re: Feeding
From: "Israel O"
8. A Mother's Worst Nightmare
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 10:33:33 +0200
From: "Israel O"
Subject: RE: Moving away

You don't need someone to tell you what your dream means, you just have to read it again. If you have second thoughts about leaving your room mate, well buy a calculator. This is just a reflection of your own suspicions and jealousies. Deal with it. And please, English. You can do better than that!

Yours sincerely

Israel O


dream_title: Moving away

dream_date: Ryan

dreamer_name: Ashley

dream_text: dream: We were at a party whit a bunch of people we didnt' know and some we did all of a sudden i ( Ashley) kiss another girl right in front of him He trys to join in but I tell him to leave us alone he gets

upset and storms off up stairs this chick that has been jealous of me for a long time grabs ryans hand and pulls him on stage and gets a another gurl to kiss so no theres 2 girls on him

dream_comments: Umm Im moving to florida in a the next cuppel months and i think hes been thinking about me leaving a lot also he had this dream the night before ware I was dating his best friend and when he called I didnt want to talk to him.... Now do you think me moving has something to do with this because this all started Jut 2 nights ago and he was informd just 3

nights ago about the move. If you could e-mail me back a reply at Please use reall name

Message: 2
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 10:52:38 +0200
From: "Israel O"
Subject: RE: dooms day dragon

Nearly all dreams reflect some aspect of our "Hidden" thoughts or wants. A thought of being "G-d" or and large destructive "Beast" only reflects on what you aren't but wish to be. So you're a wimp. So what. Everyone has had dreams of grandeur. Not everyone must be great. I definitely am not great. But then I've come to the conclusion that I am not going to be the President of the United States.

In short, this is not a dream that you should worry about. It's very normal for normal people to have this dream.

Yours sincerely

Israel O

[dream-flow] dooms day dragon

dream_title: dooms day dragon

dream_date: nearlly all the time

dreamer_name: anonymous

dream_text: IT starts, as if I"m walking down a road or place and out of no explination of why or what alters me to do so,I start turning into a massive all-powerful dragon that distroys all it comes in contact with.

dream_comments: To be bref, I'm not the tip of person that is distructive or the tip of person that would bring harm or pain apone a person or thing. BUT anyways, I can'T UNDERSTAND the hole point behind this dream.

Message: 3
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 11:03:40 +0200
From: "Israel O"
Subject: RE: The Jaguar

When I was young (G-d I can say that now) I also had a similar dream to this. The Main theme is Lying in a Cathedral, on a slab, and something or someone by my side.

The building or cathedral is your mind, you are looking at your spiritual aspirations, and what is reflected here, is what you think others are thinking about your spirituality. For you this is the Jaguar. For me it was a women angel. So what does the jaguar mean to you? Try answering that. Was it antagonizing, or friendly?

If friendly, than you think others are respecting you for your own particular spirituality. If antagonizing, well.

But do reflect on this, this is your own thought of what people are thinking of you, and does not necessarily mean they do think of you in that way.

Yours sincerely

Israel O


[dream-flow] The Jaguar

dream_title: The Jaguar dream_date: January dreamer_name: CelestialStrange dream_text: I am in a frozen form. Perhaps I am dead or just in a deep state of eternal sleep. I lay naked on back in a tomb of a solid gray. The stone is not rough nor too smooth. The walls are quite high. My body lays on a large rectangular stone in the center of the tomb. It is similar to

the walls. Around my head there is a halo of glyphs/icons/some sort of ancient, or unhuman writing. They are not of any color but just carved into the stone. Suddenly a large black jaguar appears on my side. Its eyes glisten of that of saphire. My mouth is slightly parted and it enters inside of it. Soon my eyes and mouth glow a brilliant majestic blue. The halo writing that surrounds my head also shines very brightly.

dream_comments: This was my second black jaguar dream.


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 11:19:37 +0200
From: "Israel O"
Subject: RE: Devil in a dark house

Very good description.

The house usually represents one's own project or work. The devil in this instance is an authoritive figure. To run "down" is really trying to escape confrontation.

Thus we can start to understand this dream in accordance to your personal situation. For instance, if you are young and living with your parents, it could mean that you do not wish to confront your father on some important issue. The same goes it you're a junior executive not wishing to confront the boss on some important issue.

But in the end, you are thinking that there is really no way to "escape" the confrontation.

I would suggest to reflect upon a way to "confront" your opponent in a more gentile manner that striking him with a sword. Solomon the King said: A kind word alleviates anger. If wishing to confront someone on an important issue, it is best over a nice cup of coffee in a congenial atmosphere.

Yours sincerely

Israel O


[dream-flow] Devil in a dark house

dream_title: Devil in a dark house

dream_date: 19/04/02

dreamer_name: LC

dream_text: I am in a massive gothic house looking out of a window onto a perfect beach with crystal clear water and white sands. I suddenly realise that the house I am in is less than perfect and become unsettled. I want to get out of the house but a small dark haired child tells me that I can't. I start to run down the stairs which are covered in red carpet. Every time I run down the stairs the next flight of stairs I see goes back up so I cannot escape. I come to a landing where a woman and the devil are hanging from the ceiling as if they have been murdered. I run

down the stairs again and can see something moving in the darkness. All of a sudden I have a big sword and I run towards the darkness only to come face to face with the devil and I hit him with the sword and after that I woke up!

dream_comments: This dream really frightened me and I would appreciate someone telling me what they think it means.


Message: 5
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 15:18:55 -0500
From: "Denise" <denisem
Subject: Re: The Jaguar

Dear Celestial Stranger,

You have a powerful way of describing your dream, which suggests you already have a powerful connection to the spirit world that the dream opens into. I would think that the black jaguar is imbuing you with creative power, energy you can use in your creative or professional life. Accept it and use your talents to their fullest!


Message: 6
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 16:43:54 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Feeding

dream_title: Feeding dream_date: April 2002 dreamer_name: anonymous dream_text: I was holding in my arms a new born, not mine baby> I was frustrated because this baby would not feed. I did not actually see the baby feeding. It appear that I was able to feed him as my breast were engorged with milk but this baby would not feed. Next, image was that of me cutting Money with a pair of scissors. dream_comments: Not sure, I have no imediate plans to have a child, nor am I in a relationship with the potential of providing me the security I would need to have a child? The money part, well let's just say I have financial stress, and the idea of cutting money, as to waste is not something I would do? share_dreams: ON

Message: 7
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 06:12:31 +0000
From: "Israel O"
Subject: Re: Feeding

[This message is not in displayable format]

Message: 8
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 21:33:30 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: A Mother's Worst Nightmare

dream_title: A Mother's Worst Nightmare

dream_date: Sunday April 21, 2002

dreamer_name: Kaya

dream_text: My 4 year old daughter and I were out walking. She was very playful and kept walking behind or ahead of me, running and laughing. Somehow, I ended up in the car, driving, but my daughter was still walking. At some point, I realized she was too far behind me so I pulled over and parked. I saw her in the rearview mirror, a few feet away, but on the next block. Before I could get to her, I saw her disappear into a building with another little girl. As I was crossing to get her, a man in a dark colored convertible blocked my path. I walked around his car and made it to the building. Before I went in, I noticed another dark car (small 4-door I think) sitting at the curb. Once inside the building, I saw that it was a bathroom. I thought I saw my daughter's shoes and pants at the bottom of the last stall.

When I got to the stall, it was just her shoes and clothes. The other little girl was face down in the toilet, dead. My daughter was gone. I ran back outside, not knowing what to do first. I ran back to where I'd left the car and a woman came down to the sidewalk from her porch. I told her what happened and she said the little girl was Ms. so and so's daughter from across the street. I told her that my daughter was missing and asked if she'd seen anyone come out of the bathroom with a big bag or a child. She said no. I told her to call the police, then I think I just lost it.

I woke up very upset and agitated. Soon after I woke up, I started a crying jag that lasted several hours. About an hour after I woke up, my mother called from an out of town trip. She said she'd dreamed that I killed myself by shooting myself in the head.

dream_comments: I know that the dream was directly related to an incident that occurred in my daughter's (and my) life when she was 3. I also believe that the dream was giving me insight into the incident and urging me to take further action about an aspect of the situation that has yet to be taken care of.

[dream-flow] Digest Number 452


There are 7 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Re: A Mother's Worst Nightmare
From: "Denise" <denisem
2. infidelity
From: Anonymous
3. Re: infidelity
From: "Denise" <denisem
4. Re: infidelity
From: "Israel O"
5. The Witch
From: Anonymous
6. Re: The Witch
From: "Denise" <denisem
7. Re: The Witch
From: "Israel O"


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 11:02:07 -0500
From: "Denise" <denisem
Subject: Re: A Mother's Worst Nightmare

Dear Kaya,

When a traumatic dream is related to an incident in waking life, it is usually just a rehashing of the terror of the original incident. It takes a long time for the psyche to wash itself clean of these emotions, and dreams are one of the ways this happens. As parents, it seems we must go through a rehashing every time our children reach a new stage of growth and we must face our human vulnerabilities all over again. We also are closely connected with our offspring's emotional state, hence your mother's dream about you. Relax and do something cleansing to help wash away the difficult emotions.

Sincerely, Denise

Message: 2
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 09:06:04 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: infidelity

dream_title: infidelity

dream_date: 24/04/02

dreamer_name: dee

dream_text: I am in a train with a work colleague who I have always thought is a bit sexy....he is trying to kiss me but I am putting him off because I have a long term boyfriend.Eventually I succumb and kiss him turns out he is an awful kisser and I don't feel guilty.

dream_comments: What does this mean about my current relationship???

Message: 3
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 15:58:31 -0500
From: "Denise" <denisem
Subject: Re: infidelity

Dear Dee,

I wouldn't say this dream is saying anything about your current relationship. Our dreams are about us more than about the people we're with, in most cases. I would say this dream gave you an opportunity to have a safe adventure and to find out it probably wouldn't be worth the heartache to be unfaithful in real life. Some people are superficially sexy and we all can enjoy looking at them but do we really want to chase them? Our dreams are a safe place to experiment.

Sincerely, Denise

Message: 4
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 21:23:49 +0000
From: "Israel O"
Subject: Re: infidelity

[This message is not in displayable format]

Message: 5
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 19:31:25 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: The Witch

dream_title: The Witch

dream_date: 24 April 2002

dreamer_name: Willow

dream_text: I woke up at 3:00am, I went back to sleep and then I felt I had just woken up again. And realized I was dreaming at this point. In my dream I looked over at the bed realizing that there were two friends there. Feeling safe, in my dream I went back to sleep. Then there was a spirit around me, female. I tried to ignore it but I could feel her pressing on me. She got up close to my face, I said to her, your a witch! The next thing I knew I remember looking down on my body and realized I was flying up near the cealing. I was awakened, due to making a fire engine noise like a little child would.

dream_comments: I always dream in color. I was afraid right after the dream but when I woke up I felt she was trying to help me to remove myself, not hurt me. I am usually very good at looking at my dreams, but I'm a little confused this time.

Message: 6
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 22:34:33 -0500
From: "Denise" <denisem
Subject: Re: The Witch

Dear Willow,

This is an interesting dream in that it has all the classic features of "out-of-body-experience". Are you involved in spiritual pursuits or studies in your waking life? That may have some influence on the significance of this dream. If I were you, I'd keep a faithful dream journal and enjoy the ride.

Sincerely, Denise

Message: 7
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 06:05:01 +0000
From: "Israel O"
Subject: Re: The Witch

[This message is not in displayable format]
[dream-flow] Digest Number 453

There are 6 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. pregnancy of a twins!
From: Anonymous
2. Cheating
From: Anonymous
3. Re: Cheating
From: "Israel O"
4. Re: pregnancy of a twins!
From: "Israel O"
5. Re: 4/29/02
From: Heratheta
6. Why? Nice, but Why?
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 09:58:07 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: pregnancy of a twins!

dream_title: pregnancy of a twins!

dream_date: April 28th,2002

dreamer_name: anonymous2

dream_text: i am 24 year old and single..i saw that i was pregnant ,but the interesting thing was that my stomach was growing very parents ignored my suffering and i had a very bad feeling...i could see the dark blue marks on my stomach which were caused of pregnancy...i couldn't help the fast growth of it and it hurt ...i had lots of pain and my stomach was as big as a big 4 basketball balls...everybody was telling me that i would have twins. my sister told me that if i wouldn't go and see the doctor i will have one of them dead.. a man told me that he would take one of my children and i cried so hard and said:"i will keep my children all by myself." i could feel my hard breathing and the movement of

my child was so real...everything in my dream was so real as it is in reality...our house,my room and my freinds...i was even seeing i was sleeping in the same place that i was in reality... i went to my parent's room and i felt that my baby is coming...i laid down and started to give them birth...i was all alone while doing this and nobody was helping me ,though i knew there were people in the house... and i saw thati had twins ,but one of them was so fresh and energic and healthy and the other was so thin and was going to die... i was having lots of p[ain of seeing my baby dying and it hurt but the other satyed alive...and then i woke up...

dream_comments: i jus know that it seemed to me as if it was so real....i wantto know hw can i justify it...what has been laid in my mind?

Message: 2
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 10:06:23 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Cheating

dream_title: Cheating dream_date: 4/26/02 dreamer_name: Jorden dream_text: I dreamt that I made love to one of my boyfriend's best friends, I am also friends with him. In the dream I just shouted out that I wanted to have sex with him and he appeared as if from nowhere. Does this mean I have feelings for him?


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 18:24:23 +0000
From: "Israel O"
Subject: Re: Cheating

[This message is not in displayable format]

Message: 4
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 18:44:38 +0000
From: "Israel O"
Subject: Re: pregnancy of a twins!

[This message is not in displayable format]

Message: 5
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 15:14:16 EDT
From: Heratheta
Subject: Re: 4/29/02


Message: 6
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 15:27:28 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Why? Nice, but Why?

dream_title: Why? Nice, but Why?

dream_date: April 26, 2002

dreamer_name: Beatrice

dream_text: Chadwick and Laura (friends from school) and I were in our corner at lunch time. Patrick (my crush) came over to talk with us. Then a bunch of people came over, Darin (a tall nice black guy I know) was one of them. There is a big grassy hill over where we eat luch. Jesse Busso (a long time friend) came on this hill and was piercing some girls butt with a pair of tongs. This other black guy came over and said hi, and started teaching me some dance moves, which were fairly easy. We were having a good time. Darin went away to get himself some lunch. I looked at Jesse on the hill, and he said " What? You try to pierce something in the hot sun." Then I replied, "I love you too Jesse" His mouth hung open, surprised. Darin came back with two burritos, and was giving some pieces to some girls. I just took a bite off of the burrito. He said,"Naw- you didn't just bite it did you?" Then he walked off with the other burrito

dream_comments: this is strange because it seems so real. And these things could actually happen. Put6 my e-mail on there.


There are 16 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. basket of irises and walking and not knowing where I am/getting glasses of water from utility workers
From: Anonymous
2. I See Dead People
From: Anonymous
3. people who were crucified
From: Anonymous
4. Re: basket of irises and walking and not knowing where I am/getting glasses of water from utility workers
From: "Denise" <denisem
5. running thru a house with ghosts
From: Anonymous
6. The Ants In My Throat
From: Anonymous
7. Re: The Ants In My Throat
From: Heratheta
8. Failing
From: Anonymous
9. explosion
From: Anonymous
10. Re: 5/1 dreams
From: Heratheta
11. Is it normal to have these sorts of nightmares.. I really need someone's help
From: "Leonie
12. Re: Is it normal to have these sorts of nightmares.. I really need
From: "Allison 13. Re: Is it normal to have these sorts of nightmares.. I really need someone's help
From: "thornyonelucy" <thornyone
14. Re: Re: Is it normal to have these sorts of nightmares.. I really need someone's help
From: "Leonie
15. Re: Is it normal to have these sorts of nightmares.. I really need someone's help
From: "Denise" <denisem
16. Re: Is it normal to have these sorts of nightmares.. I really need someone's help
From: "Leonie


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 09:04:28 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: basket of irises and walking and not knowing where I am/getting glasses of water from utility workers

dream_title: basket of irises and walking and not knowing where I am/getting glasses of water from utility workers dream_date: 4/26/02 dreamer_name: anonymous0906 dream_text: I am walking and carrying a basket of irises (they are cut and has unopened yellow buds). I come out of yard and am at a street - I look to my left and see a big white institutional looking building adn then look to my right and see a residential area. I do not recognize wehre I am. I cannot tell if I came from the left or the right. I decide to go straight and I end up going throught this older couple's yard that I recognize that I've been there before in other dreams. I hope they don't see me because I am embarrassed to be there again. I go past their garage (which is to my right) and the garage has no roof and light is shining through the roof, into the garage. There is a shelf/ledge with huge geranium plants growing there. They are about 5 feet tall. I am impressed. Switch to my husband Bob , kids, and I are walking down a street and not sure where we are. Two utility workers (men) give us 2 tall glasses of water to drink. We drink them and one of the workers wants the glasses back because they won't be offering this again because they are not supposed to. He gave us something to take care of - something to throw away and we take care of it. dream_comments: It seems that these two pieces have similarities - not knowing where I or we are going. These are very vivid images and my confusion and being lost is very strong in these dreams.

Message: 2
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 09:11:24 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: I See Dead People

dream_title: I See Dead People dream_date: 4/28/2002 dreamer_name: Sophia dream_text: I am in a basement (I believe it to be my brother's basement). I begin floating up the stairs, I felt as if I had control over where I was going. Along the way I began to see ghosts or what appeared to be ghosts. They did not seem to notice me and it was only a brief encounter, as I was floating past. When I say ghosts, I don't mean white images, I mean they looked like people, but in my dream they where dead people. dream_comments: I often dream about death, but usually it is me who is dying. Most of the time I am being chased and gunned down. What is all of this about? Why can't I have normal drams?

Message: 3
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 09:03:43 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: people who were crucified

dream_title: crucifixions

dream_date: 3/01

dreamer_name: anonymous

dream_text: I dreamed that I was running and afraid. All of a sudden I come to a road lined on each side with people who were crucified. As I run down the road, those crucified began to fall into the middle behind me.

dream_comments: I have had this dream twice, but the first was about a year before this one. I have also had dreams, twice in three months, about people parachuting from the sky, and I am terribly afraid. It is usually dark when I see thousands parachuting from the sky.

share_dreams: ON

Message: 4
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 11:49:24 -0500
From: "Denise" <denisem
Subject: Re: basket of irises and walking and not knowing where I am/getting glasses of water from utility workers

These are both very powerful dreams, very vivid. Since you mention revisiting the same place in your dreams, I hope you keep a dream journal so that over time you will understand these locations, their siginficance, more. I think you are being given reassurance by your subconscious that in some perplexing events to come you are being looked after. I think you are being told not to fear anything, that you are carrying life's gifts and you will be given what you need. Hold onto the image of irisses and cool water when events start to overwhelm you.

Message: 5
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 10:09:59 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: running thru a house with ghosts

dream_date: 4-29-02

dreamer_name: heartstopper

dream_text: In my dream my boyfriend and i were running thru a house with ghosts chasing us. Some how i knew if the ghosts caught up to us they would put us thru more pain then we had ever felt. When i reached back to hold my boyfriends hand he wasn't there. I thought the ghosts had gotten him so I went looking for him. I ran into a room and he grabbed me, i looked at him and i could see right thru him, i got really scared, i didn't know what was going on. He led me to a balcony and there was a rope hanging down from the rafters. My boyfriend then rapped the rope around my neck, i looked him in his eyes and begged him not to do it and i was scared. He just looked at me and said dont worrie, you will be dead soon. he pushed me off the balcony and before the rope got tight i woke up.

dream_comments: This really scared me, i lost alot of sleep

Message: 6
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 22:23:47 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: The Ants In My Throat

dream_title: The Ants In My Throat

dream_date: 4/29/02

dreamer_name: S. Cat

dream_text: I had this dream where I was somehow looking into my mouth at the back of my throat. As I look, I see a small balck ant crawl from under my tounge and almost down my throat. I get a little scared, but I brush it out and keep on looking. The I see another. This time I brush it out quicker, only to have another ant appear. This cycle continues for about a minute until I think I have then all out. The whole time i was scared that they would go down my throat and hurt or tickle my throat. The I spot an ant out of the corner of my eye on my pillow beside my head...but there are more then just one. About five. After I brush them away, I wake up.

dream_comments: It was a little scary to me. I have been a little stressed out lately, for many reasons. Could stress be a reason I dreampt this?

Message: 8
Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 10:42:01 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Failing

dream_title: Failing

dreamer_name: Constant Failure?

dream_text: I keep having a dream (has become nightly) that I am back in university and it is exam time but there is one class that I did not attend all term and I have no hope in passing the exam. When I don't pass, I will not graduate. The class changes in the dreams and the last one, I did not attend any of the classes and will fail all my courses. I am currently going through what looks like will be a divorce, after my husband had an affair. I used to have this dream once every few months. Now it is daily.

dream_comments: I believe that the failure in the dream represents the failure of my marriage. I did have a hard time in university, so not passing was not an outrageous thought. Also, the unpreparedness of the reason for failing tells me that I have not done something to ensure the marriage wouldn't fail.

Message: 9
Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 10:42:28 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: explosion

dream_title: explosion dream_date: 4/29/02 dreamer_name: Punchlick dream_text: I was standing outside in my parents front yard and there was a thunderstorm outside. Then lighting hit our neighbors house and it exploded. I grabed my sister and covered her with my body. Then it was like an atomic bomb and heat and debre started hitting me and I woke up. dream_comments: I would like to know what in the world this means. Please use my email:

Message: 11
Date: Thu, 02 May 2002 12:37:52 +1000
From: "Leonie
Subject: Is it normal to have these sorts of nightmares.. I really need someone's help

[This message is not in displayable format]

Message: 12
Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 19:48:47 -0700
From: "Allison F
Subject: Re: Is it normal to have these sorts of nightmares.. I really need


I've recently been having nightmares that have woken me up in the middle of the night crying. I'm also beginning to become emotionally exhausted from them. I don't remember anything about the nightmares the way I usually remember certain dreams, but they have been going on every other night for about a week or so now. And I think it might have something to do with my recent break up with my boyfriend. It came out of the blue. We were very happy being together and he admitted that he was afraid that I might hurt him. Could this have anything to do with my nightmares lately?

Thank You,

Allison -----


Subject: [dream-flow] Is it normal to have these sorts of nightmares.. I really need someone's help

Hi, I've just got a bit of a problem, I'm hoping someone can help me out... I keep having these overly exhausting, emtionally stressing nightmares.. and it's normally at least twice a week. They seem more vivid that actual dreams, they seem too real.. and I never realise I'm in a dream (nightmare) and when I eventually do wake up, my whole body aches especially my neck and shoulders.. and most of the time, I can't stop crying about the dream. It's been happening over the past few months, and it's really beginning to exhaust me emotionally and physically.. does anyone have any ideas? Thank you, Leonie


Message: 13
Date: Thu, 02 May 2002 12:14:50 -0000
From: "thornyonelucy" <thornyone
Subject: Re: Is it normal to have these sorts of nightmares.. I really need someone's help

--- In dream-flow@y..., "Leonie@h...> wrote: > Hey, concerned person here. Have you ever woken yourself up by moving in these night mares? You can see a dream doctor (yes, they have those). They observe you sleeping, get nerve readings, muscle readings. If these dreams are seriously bothering you, perhaps this is needed. Also, has anything (besides this) been stressing you out lately? Try to calm down, relax a little. SEE A DOCTOR. A little advice from a concerned person,


Message: 14
Date: Thu, 02 May 2002 22:23:33 +1000
From: "Leonie
Subject: Re: Re: Is it normal to have these sorts of nightmares.. I really need someone's help

[This message is not in displayable format]

Message: 15
Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 11:03:14 -0500
From: "Denise" <denisem
Subject: Re: Is it normal to have these sorts of nightmares.. I really need someone's help

Dear Ms. Hines,

You have already correctly identified your dreams as being caused by stress. The stress of arguing with your boyfriend, you say, doesn't seem like much. That suggests to me that there is stress in those arguments that you are holding back so completely you do not feel it in the argument, but then you feel it at night. A good counselor could help you with this, to find out if the stress has something to do with buried childhood experiences. You can work out the stress by acknowledging it, perhaps doing some meditation after an argument to see if there are feelings you have buried during the argument. Doing some vigorous exercise might lessen the muscular stress you feel, and also help you to release feelings while awake that are coming out when you sleep. Don't let this continue to deprive you of a good night's rest, because prolonged lack of sleep can cause very serious medical problems.

Yours, Denise


Subject: [dream-flow] Is it normal to have these sorts of nightmares.. I really need someone's help


I've just got a bit of a problem, I'm hoping someone can help me out...

I keep having these overly exhausting, emtionally stressing nightmares.. and it's normally at least twice a week. They seem more vivid that actual dreams, they seem too real.. and I never realise I'm in a dream (nightmare) and when I eventually do wake up, my whole body aches especially my neck and shoulders.. and most of the time, I can't stop crying about the dream. It's been happening over the past few months, and it's really beginning to exhaust me emotionally and physically.. does anyone have any ideas? Thank you,



Message: 16
Date: Fri, 03 May 2002 02:16:56 +1000
From: "Leonie
Subject: Re: Is it normal to have these sorts of nightmares.. I really need someone's help

[This message is not in displayable format]


There are 8 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. RE: contor
From: "bobkatfc" <bobkatfc
2. RE: pregnancy of a twins!
From: "bobkatfc" <bobkatfc
3. RE: Running away from something and can't scream.
From: "bobkatfc" <bobkatfc
4. Re: River Currents
From: "crea8e" <crea8e
5. A Ghostly Confinement
From: Anonymous
6. Re: Need Advice
From: "Denise" <denisem
7. RE: boy friend is a musician
From: "Heather Y" <thornyone
8. Re: Need Advice
From: "Jessie Garrett" <jpaquette


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 11 May 2002 21:17:51 -0600
From: "bobkatfc" <bobkatfc
Subject: RE: contor

Every image in our dreams are symbolic. Death is metaphor for a death of a part of one self so that transformation can occur. A part of your self has been 'killed off' -most likely by somethings you have been doing - active transformation. =K=

Subject: [dream-flow] contor

dream_title: contor

dream_date: 15-march-2002

dreamer_name: anonymous

dream_text: I saw death of a friend, I was teh murderer.

dream_comments: What does this mean?

Message: 2
Date: Sat, 11 May 2002 21:22:29 -0600
From: "bobkatfc" <bobkatfc
Subject: RE: pregnancy of a twins!

Pregnancy is symbolic of potentiality, something in one self is growing/developing - perhaps a project or two that you've been working on and one is flourishing and one may not be. It certainly seems like it's something that you are doing on one's own. Baby/children are symbolic of the future, our plans for the future perhaps. =K=

Subject: [dream-flow] pregnancy of a twins!

dream_title: pregnancy of a twins!

dream_date: April 28th,2002

dreamer_name: anonymous2

dream_text: i am 24 year old and single..i saw that i was pregnant ,but the interesting thing was that my stomach was growing very parents ignored my suffering and i had a very bad feeling...i could see the dark blue marks on my stomach which were caused of pregnancy...i couldn't help the fast growth of it and it hurt ...i had lots of pain and my stomach was as big as a big 4 basketball balls...everybody was telling me that i would have twins. my sister told me that if i wouldn't go and see the doctor i will have one of them dead.. a man told me that he would take one of my children and i cried so hard and said:"i will keep my children all by myself." i could feel my hard breathing and the movement of my child was so real...everything in my dream was so real as it is in reality...our house,my room and my freinds...i was even seeing i was sleeping in the same place that i was in reality... i went to my parent's room and i felt that my baby is coming...i laid down and started to give them birth...i was all alone while doing this and nobody was helping me ,though i knew there were people in the house... and i saw thati had twins ,but one of them was so fresh and energic and healthy and the other was so thin and was going to die... i was having lots of p[ain of seeing my baby dying and it hurt but the other satyed alive...and then i woke up...

dream_comments: i jus know that it seemed to me as if it was so real....i wantto know hw can i justify it...what has been laid in my mind?


Message: 3
Date: Sat, 11 May 2002 21:27:45 -0600
From: "bobkatfc" <bobkatfc
Subject: RE: Running away from something and can't scream.

If this were my dream, I am aware of something 'trying to find me' - it may be a change/ an opportunity to grow and change that I'm trying to avoid, that I am afraid of. I am feeling powerless in some way, in my situation, as I can't yell and scream, perhaps not being able to speak my truth. Perhaps fear of the unknown (since I can only hear footsteps and only see darkness when I look back). When I think of the darkness and footsteps, I think of the unconscious, something we can't see and can't see clearly into. Calling from the unconscious can be scary - since this dream keeps on coming back, I may want to turn around and look and ask what is calling. Nighmarish dreams are 'wake-up calls'.perhaps from living inauthentically in some way. =K=


Subject: [dream-flow] Running away from something and can't scream.

dream_title: Running away from something and can't scream. dreamer_name: *Cellia* dream_text: Ok, i have had this dream like once a week or more. I dream i am running in this cold, dark hall. all i can see is cabnets with vases and flowers on them. over the cabnets are pictures but i can't tell what they are. I am wearing a white gown. I look back but i can only see darkness. I can hear foot steps chasing after me. i try to yell and scream but i can't. I keep running and trying to scream. If anyone knows what this dream means, please tell me. Thanx


Message: 4
Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 03:37:39 -0000
From: "crea8e" <crea8e
Subject: Re: River Currents

Dear Sir or Madam:

The river is a primary symbol in my dreams. Last night I dreamnt of boating ( whitewater canoeing) on a Northwestern river such as the Rogue or Salmon. Both of which I have kayaked many times.

I view the river as a place of intiation or Baptism. How many times have I been "taken to the river" and tossed in the water?

The current of the river has helped me touch death and then when I emerged, walk toward life.

In the May 1994 while whitewater kayaking the Poudre River below Pineview falls I was pinned upside down on a rock. Submerged upside down for over a minute (which seemed like an hour) I saw my whole life flash before me. I touched death and then after I freed (rescued) myself I walked back to my truck.

In my walk back to the truck I felt every bit of pain I'd ever felt all in that moment all in that place. Now as i think of it I cry

But back then I couldn't for many reasons

I should have stopped along side the road walked down among the willows and wept

This was the start of my shamnic journey

Your dream reminds me that i may need to do a little more active imagination with the current and "the rock" to see what they might have to say.

Thanks for the dream

Message: 5
Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 08:19:00 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: A Ghostly Confinement

dream_title: A Ghostly Confinement

dream_date: 4/2?/02

dreamer_name: Klyte

dream_text: I'm not sure how to right this so here it is. It was sort of back during the time period of WWII because of the types of guns I noticed. I was a sniper even at the age of fourteen and came home for the holidays. My family was in it and stuff but like any other dream the world had its flaws and in mine noticeable ones. For example the sky was a deep red color and it as impossible to read anything. Well soon outside a sniper started to shoot at me and of course I hid and used my own rifle to shoot back. After hours of waiting and slowly crawling to where a bunch of logs were with the sniper hiding behind them I jumped over and fired. Unfourtunantly I was shot an a strange empty feeling swept through my body and collapsed and died. Strangely I found myself standing next to my body looking at it. I was a ghost... Soon I left my family and went to a city where I tried desperatly for someone to notice me. Bt sadly I slipped slowly into madness. Well here it is... not much detail either.

dream_comments: Well this was a strange dream filled with even stranger feelings but I still have more!

Message: 6
Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 13:38:44 -0500
From: "Denise" <denisem
Subject: Re: Need Advice

Because you said this soldier appears in many dreams, with other symbols and omens you could understand. The soldier could also be yourself, in a self-protective mode, but that would also be a guardian. It's a matter of choice if you think an angel is a separate being or another aspect of yourself.

-Denise -----

Message: 7
Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 13:17:00 -0700
From: "Heather Y" <thornyone
Subject: RE: boy friend is a musician

You are just paraniod, man. Get a journal to write these dreams down, and talk to your boyfriend. ~Lucy


Message: 8
Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 17:41:02 -0400
From: "Jessie Garrett" <jpaquette
Subject: Re: Need Advice

No, the angel is definately not me or a part of me. The dream is slowly evolving. Each time more of his face is visible. The omens/symbols are good and understandable. In each dream he is by my side, talking to me. I have tried unsuccessfully to retain his words. Someone suggested it was my guardian angel. But that just doesn't fit. I don't know...Jessie


[dream-flow] Digest Number 466


There are 10 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. mental manifested physically
From: Anonymous
2. I see dead people
From: Anonymous
3. Airplane crash and snakes alive!
From: Anonymous
4. blah_18
From: Anonymous
5. going along a time line
From: Anonymous
6. Re: Your Inquiry
From: Delivers <delivers
7. Need to stop searching - HELP
From: "just_having_fun_2000ns" <just_having_fun_2000ns
8. Re: going along a time line
From: "Denise" <denisem
9. RE: Need to stop searching - HELP
From: "bobkatfc" <bobkatfc
10. Re: going along a time line
From: "agentj0" <agentj0


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 09:00:15 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: mental manifested physically

dream_title: mental manifested physically

dream_date: 5/6/02

dreamer_name: a0d

dream_text: Just a short addendum before I describe my dream. I am very interested in psychedelics. I've read some books and articles by Terence McKenna, and they are some of the most fabulous things I've ever read. In his book "True Hallucinations", he talks of a high-pitched frequency that can only be heard under extreme doses of psilocybin mushrooms, and if imitated by the vocal chords, something happens to your cell structure. I cannot adequately describe it; you would have to read the book. I must've read this months ago. Anyway, to my dream which happened last week. I got home from work at around 4:30, took a shower, then laid down to take a nap. Usually I don't completely lose consciousness when I take a nap after work, but occasionally I am out like a light. This was one of those times. I dreamed many things for such a short period of time (30-60 minutes, can't remember exactly), but don't remember specifics until the end. I think I might've slightly regained consciousness, I seem to remember this but I can't be sure. Whatever happened, I fell back into the dream. I was with a girl, I don't even remember her face. We were outside, it was in the daytime. Just ahead of me was a depression in the ground, like an inground pool with no water in it. We were walking forward, and all of a sudden I started laughing. But it wasn't a normal laugh, it was like electric sound. As soon as I started laughing, I knew I was going insane. My head felt out of control, and I knew I couldn't stop myself. My whole body was pulsating with the electric current of my laughter. At once, I knew the sound I was making was that pitch that Terence McKenna had referred to (although my laughter wasn't necessarily high-pitched). I felt that I was changing and would never be the same, that I was insane. I seriously think I was insane for those few moments. I abruptly woke up, and my whole body was tingling like it had in my dream. It was the only time a dream has affected me physically. As I opened my eyes and woke up, I felt like I was insane and sanity was slowly coming back. It took a few seconds till I realized where I was. That's about it. The memory still scares me...

Message: 2
Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 09:01:20 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: I see dead people

dream_title: I see dead people

dream_date: 12 May 2002

dreamer_name: Kerry

dream_text: I dreamt that my husband and I were standing in a passageway. To my left were these big double doors that swung open and inside was a room filled with cadavers on post-mortem benches. Some of the cadavers had these strange expressions on their faces and others looked like they had not died naturally (cuts on the neck, bruises etc). Some of the cadavers were actually moving and talking to me, but I couldn't go inside the room and just stood in the passageway. A friend of mine was inside the room with some other people and they were jumping on the tables and amongst the dead people. I think that one of the dead people had touched me and I was quite freaked out, so I went to a doctor and asked her to clean where I had been touched with a chemical solution of some sort.

Message: 3
Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 09:01:51 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Airplane crash and snakes alive!

dream_title: Airplane crash and snakes alive!

dream_date: 11 May 2002

dreamer_name: Kerry

dream_text: I dreamt that I was flying on an airplane and at some point the plane landed and I got off. I stood on what seemed like a harbour pier and watched as the plane took off again and then crashed into the sea. The crash was on the news and everyone was talking about it. For some reason, it was denied that the plane had crashed into the water, but I had seen it with my own eyes and tried to convince people of the truth but they wouldn't believe me. I was trying to prove what I saw to everyone. This dream also involved the following scene: I was standing at the trunk of a car and there was a man lifting snakes out of the trunk and asking me to hold them. What was strange was that the snakes were like a rope and he was slicing pieces of snake off this long roll like a watering hose and then covering the end in plastic (where the head should have been there was a moving tail, but no head), but the snake seemed to be alive like normal. My father-in-law was standing there as well.

Message: 4
Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 09:02:20 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: blah_18

dreamer_name: blah_18

dream_text: The guy i like,his brother and i were in a Zellers parking lot and the guy`s brother was in a hockey net.I was shooting tennis balls into the net.i hit his brother in the leg and the guy i like started yelling at me.

Message: 5
Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 09:02:51 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: going along a time line

dream_title: going along a time line

dream_date: april 2001

dreamer_name: temperence

dream_text: i was spinning in a giant green spiral and it sent me back in time. i was able to fly. everybody i knew was in the past. i went back to the 1800s and my friends were there in full costume. then i was transported to the medievil period and all my friends were knights and ladies. finally i went into the future and everybody was really old. i woke up due to a fallen sensation as if i had fallen and bounced back onto my bed.

dream_comments: what does this resemble? i have had this dream a couple of times and it puzzles me as i dont know what it exactly means. any feedback would be great

Re: Your Inquiry


There are 4 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Re: Airplane crash and snakes alive!
From: Harmony314
2. Fwd: Fw: Vacation
3. Re: Your Inquiry
From: Delivers <delivers
4. Re: going along a time line
From: mara flynn <maramflynn


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 08:04:36 -0400 (EDT)
From: Harmony314
Subject: Re: Airplane crash and snakes alive!

I would love to read some feedback on your dream of slicing snakes...years ago I had dream about green snakes being everywhere (it's how I realised I dream in color) and in the dream I was eating the snakes....they tasted like frozen green beans. This dream is probably fifteen years old, but I have never forgotten it. Also, are you American? I have been saving plane crash , end of world and disaster dreams that I get online since September 11th...just because I find it fascinating to have a window into the collective unconcious. Isn't the inernet a wondrous invention! Thanks for sharing.

Message: 2
Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 16:11:08 EDT
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Vacation



There are 4 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. (unknown)
From: McGarvey R
2. Re: Your Inquiry
From: Delivers <delivers
3. Looking for missing dream flow digests - got any?
From: Anonymous
4. Sea of waterlike energy
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 18 May 2002 11:44:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: McGarvey R
Subject: (unknown)

Hi. My name is Reagan and my boyfriend wanted me to find out about a dream he had. He had a dream that I smiled at him and my teeth were falling out. Most of them were gone and the others were crumbling out of my mouth. Please write me back and tell me what this means. Thank you. -Reagan-


There are 3 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Re: (unknown)
From: Harmony314
2. comment on the teeth dream
From: "seiniguez21" <tuffcutie
3. Re: Sea of waterlike energy
From: "seiniguez21" <tuffcutie


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 18 May 2002 20:28:44 -0400 (EDT)
From: Harmony314
Subject: Re: (unknown)

I have heard (but I don't remember where) that dreams of teeth falling out can signify a feeling of loss of control, but this usually refers to the dreamers own teeth. Don't know if that helps any, but that's what I know about the subject.

Message: 2
Date: Sun, 19 May 2002 04:02:59 -0000
From: "seiniguez21" <tuffcutie
Subject: comment on the teeth dream

I have had some dreams myself that are like the one your boyfriend had, Reagan, but I always interpreted them as being a simple fear that is being repressed or maybe just isn't being confronted the way it should be. I think that maybe the fact that your teeth fell out in the dream were that maybe your boyfriend is worried about a personal habit of yours that he's afraid might have long term effect on you, like biting your lip or something, and he's afraid to talk to you about it. It could also be something silly. Maybe that day you ate a lot of candy or drank a lot of soda and in the back of his head he was a little nervous but in his conscious mind he didn't think anything of it. Dreams are very strange, and the set meanings to parts in dreams sometimes don't apply. It all depends on the dreamer and what caused the dream.




There are 11 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Yosemite Sam and the demon girl
From: Anonymous
2. Re: Your Inquiry
From: Delivers <delivers
3. Re: Yosemite Sam and the demon girl
From: "Sarah I
4. roaches
From: Anonymous
5. The Collapse
From: Anonymous
6. plane crash and flooding
From: Anonymous
7. senior prom dance
From: Anonymous
8. Bad dream
From: Anonymous
9. Afraid to Fall
From: Anonymous
10. Dying in a collapsing building
From: Anonymous
11. Constantly searching
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 19 May 2002 13:55:08 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Yosemite Sam and the demon girl

dream_title: Yosemite Sam and the demon girl

dream_date: 1998

dreamer_name: braddona

dream_text: I am sleeping in my room during a thunderstorm. A girl breaks through my window with a knife saying I'm going to die. The thing that really scared me was that she was half-girl half-bloody skeleton! All of a sudden Yosemite Sam jumps up from under my bed and scares her away!

dream_comments: I woke up screaming and crying. I was six at the time and I still remember it.


There are 9 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Re: Bad dream
From: "Denise" <denisem
2. Re: Constantly searching
From: "Sarah I
3. Re: senior prom dance
From: "Sarah I
4. Re: Your Inquiry
From: Delivers <delivers
5. Re: Bad dream
From: "Sarah I
6. Re: Afraid to Fall
From: "Sarah I
7. Re: Dying in a collapsing building
From: "Sarah I
8. Re: The Collapse
From: "Sarah I
9. Re: roaches
From: "Sarah I


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 12:53:04 -0500
From: "Denise" <denisem
Subject: Re: Bad dream

Dear Shanice,

This is a wonderful dream because it taught you that you have choices in your dreams. You chose not to go down the hall of the bad dream. It taught you that you have the abillity to protect yourself by making good choices in life.

Subject: [dream-flow] Bad dream

dream_title: Bad dream

dream_date: 5-4-2002

dreamer_name: shanice

dream_text: I was in a school with the girl from Alex Mack adn the black girl who is on her show and they were detectives, but suddenly they disappeared. So then I was a detec. and I started looking through these halls. Then I saw one that had I HAVE SINNED written all over the wall in blood. Than I though to myself that I'm in a dream and if I go down that hall I'll get caught in a bad dream. So I turned around and went to other halls that were painted green, and was peeling. The halls were lined with doors that had a bright shining light coming from within so I couldn't see inside of them. Then I was with my mom at some museum kinda place and it was christmas. Than I was with my brother Anthony fishing on a bridge and I caught a fish and he was helping my reel it in. I remember feeling as if it was still christmas. Than I was with this white woman and this black man cooking ham. Than my mom came to get me and when we got outside we looked up at the sky and it was pink and gray in one place and it was lightning. End of Dream.

dream_comments: I have no idea what this means.

Message: 2
Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 20:34:12 -0500
From: "Sarah I
Subject: Re: Constantly searching

I think that dream sounds very relaxing. It sounds like you're searching for something, maybe a husband or wife perhaps, but at your own pace. It sounds like your dream and those others you mentioned you have mean that you complete all of your most stressful and frustrating tasks at your own pace, which is very healthy, from a psychological point of view. Of course maybe in the back of your head you don't like this, and your dreams are reminding you of this subconscious feeling, a feeling that if you don't do things quickly your life might take a horrible turn and you'll wonder one day where all the time went. But I wouldn't worry about it. Just live life the way you want. You only live once, and there is a solution to every problem if you look hard enough.



Subject: [dream-flow] Constantly searching

dream_title: Constantly searching

dream_date: often over past few years

dreamer_name: peekaboo

dream_text: I've had this dream over and over again.... the only thing that changes is the building i'm in.... I'm in a large building, could be a college or multi story office building... I keep running searching for something... i do not know what i'm looking for but my pace takes me through all sorts of hallways, doorways, cubbie holes, stairways going up and down... when there is an elevator it's the really old type with the sliding mesh door... but i never find what i'm looking for... there are others in the dream - i don't really know them but sense them to be friendly... sometimes i run outside to the exterior of the building but re-enter only to find myself in another maze. I do not find myself to be afraid or even out of breath from my searches... just lost.

dream_comments: I've had this or like dreams, on and off, for the past 3 to 4 years... i've never been able to figure out what it meant.


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 20:40:55 -0500
From: "Sarah I
Subject: Re: senior prom dance

I think that there might be something (or someone) that you have been pursuing for a long time, perhaps a career that may be a longshot, and you could be exhausted from the pursuit alone. Maybe deep inside you feel that you don't want this thing or person anymore, or maybe you're afraid that once you grab hold of it you won't want it. If I'm right, maybe you should reconsider some of your past long-term decisions, because sometimes these dreams involve something as serious as an exclusive relationship or even an engagement that might not work out.


Subject: [dream-flow] senior prom dance

dream_date: 5-20-02

dreamer_name: anonymous

dream_text: I was in my senior prom dance and i went without a date and all my friends were there with their dates. but i was happy and i felt pretty. then this boy who i've liked since junior year comes up to me telling me that he loved me since senior year started. i told him i liked him since junior year. then he told me there was a problem that he had a prom date already and i walked away to tell my friend what happened. then she told me to just wait. then i turned around and he was there. he told me he left the other girl for me and that he loved me. but then i walked away from him.

dream_comments: I'm a junior now.


There are 5 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. The Frame
From: Anonymous
2. Fwd: blessings
3. Re: The Frame
From: "Sarah I
4. Re: Yosemite Sam and the demon girl
From: "simon g
5. Re: Your Inquiry
From: Delivers <delivers


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 13:30:21 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: The Frame

dream_title: The Frame

dream_date: 1989 - present (2002)

dreamer_name: Vox Angelis

dream_text: [1989] - I am standing in almost total damp darkness in either a stadium sized room or outside. there are no sounds. before me theres an old victorian picture frame barely visible. it is about 7 feet tall and its top is tilted away from me. i cant see what is beyond the frame but whatever it is it wants me to go through. i dont even know if there is any ''ground'' on the other side.

[1993] - this is my fifth visit to the ''frame'' and each time its becoming more vivid. attention to detail is an understatement as i have now become aware that im dreaming the moment i see the frame. the ground beneath me has tipped toward the frame like a ''gravity wagon'' and although before i could stop myself from sliding through the frame by grabbing its left side, the frame has become too wide. it is clearly a gold flaked old elegant frame that is chipped all over. i used to be able to wake myself from the dream the moment i saw the frame, but its getting harder and harder to wake.

[2001] - the frame has adapted quite well to my balking its calling. the absence of the bottom of the frame now is only making an easier task for the invisible formless hands to ''pull through'' me to get me to enter the frame. i keep thinking while i fight that this is only a dream and i should go through the damn frame so i can end this nightmare, but the terror i encounter is paralyzing me now from thought based action. i now am scurrying for my life AWAY from the frame while i fight to wake up. my fear is at the same level as a perpetual ''shock value'' of the monsters that make you jump at the theater. imagine feeling that moment of psychotic shock for an ENTIRE dream you fight to control.

dream_comments: people keep telling me that its a tough decision in the waking world that i must make, and by going through the frame somehow birds will sing and i'll find ''the meaning of [my] life.''

i even tell myself that in my dream every time...'here i go. im going through it now... thats what im supposed to do... AAAAAAAAA'' and i still won't go through.

feel free to share my name and my email

Message: 2
Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 21:09:07 EDT
Subject: Fwd: blessings


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 21:26:23 -0500
From: "Sarah I
Subject: Re: The Frame

I think that what's beyond that frame is a memory or unwanted feeling that you have buried so far into your mind that it takes a dream like that to make you face it. You just need to trust yourself and know that if it's been haunting you for this long, obviously it has to be brought to light, no matter how scary or painful it might be. Just know that once you see what it is you'll be able to wake up and come to terms with it on your own turf: Reality.


Subject: [dream-flow] The Frame

dream_title: The Frame

dream_date: 1989 - present (2002)

dreamer_name: Vox Angelis

dream_text: [1989] - I am standing in almost total damp darkness in either a stadium sized room or outside. there are no sounds. before me theres an old victorian picture frame barely visible. it is about 7 feet tall and its top is tilted away from me. i cant see what is beyond the frame but whatever it is it wants me to go through. i dont even know if there is any ''ground'' on the other side.

[1993] - this is my fifth visit to the ''frame'' and each time its becoming more vivid. attention to detail is an understatement as i have now become aware that im dreaming the moment i see the frame. the ground beneath me has tipped toward the frame like a ''gravity wagon'' and although before i could stop myself from sliding through the frame by grabbing its left side, the frame has become too wide. it is clearly a gold flaked old elegant frame that is chipped all over. i used to be able to wake myself from the dream the moment i saw the frame, but its getting harder and harder to wake.

[2001] - the frame has adapted quite well to my balking its calling. the absence of the bottom of the frame now is only making an easier task for the invisible formless hands to ''pull through'' me to get me to enter the frame. i keep thinking while i fight that this is only a dream and i should go through the damn frame so i can end this nightmare, but the terror i encounter is paralyzing me now from thought based action. i now am scurrying for my life AWAY from the frame while i fight to wake up. my fear is at the same level as a perpetual ''shock value'' of the monsters that make you jump at the theater. imagine feeling that moment of psychotic shock for an ENTIRE dream you fight to control.

dream_comments: people keep telling me that its a tough decision in the waking world that i must make, and by going through the frame somehow birds will sing and i'll find ''the meaning of [my] life.''

i even tell myself that in my dream every time...'here i go. im going through it now... thats what im supposed to do... AAAAAAAAA'' and i still won't go through.

feel free to share my name and my email


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 05:27:02 +0300
From: "simon g
Subject: Re: Yosemite Sam and the demon girl

This dream reminded me of a dream I had when I was about 4 where a monster (being 4 it was naturally a big furry muppetty one), came up to me while I was in bed and told me he was going to eat me. I defiantly told him he shouldn't eat me. He looked really shocked and then got sucked into the light globe that hung from my bedroom ceiling. Now that was only the only dream I've ever had that I identify as a nightmare. I woke up all afraid and crying and stuff. I attribute the fact that I defied the scary monster at a very young age to not ever again having something in my dreams really scare me. Bradonna's dream seemed similar so I wonder does Bradonna still have scary dreams? I think that Bradonna needed Yosemite Sam to help scare away the threat is significantly different to my own confrontation.

On to another, unrelated dream, my flatmate dreamt I turned into a wookie and read the EEL Estate section of the news paper, a wetter, fishier type of house market.
ha ha I'm a wookie



There are 6 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. recurring dream about Vampires
From: Anonymous
2. Re: recurring dream about Vampires
From: "Jessie Garrett" <jpaquette
3. (unknown)
From: McGarvey R
4. Re: Your Inquiry
From: Delivers <delivers
5. Re: (unknown)
From: "Sarah I
6. Re: recurring dream about Vampires
From: "Sarah I


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 09:04:07 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: recurring dream about Vampires

dream_title: recurring dream about Vampires

dream_date: NA

dreamer_name: Cameron

dream_text: I have been having a recurring dream about Vampires. I am always the last human and realize that all of my friends and family have been turned into one of them. I have to fight them off. The location of their lair is dark, cold and stormy. It is located on the end of a cliff by the ocean, underground. I have to fight them off, which I do gallantly for a while, doing humanly impossible tricks, like the Matrix. But I feel myself getting tired and weaker because there are so many of them. I feel alone, I know that it will not last, that eventually I will have to give in to them, then I wake up.

3/14/02 I dreamt that I was in a very cold place, where there had been ice glaciers and things. As I am wandering through this place I find very old items, a watch, a few necklaces, little things like that, and a dog chain of someone from 1877 or 1977, can't quite remember but there was a date on it. I realized they were very valuable, because many old ships had sunk out there. The next part of the dream I am trying to help get something very important somewhere, I don't even know what it is. But there were a few of us on one team working together to get this thing across the airport. I remember our teacher/leader or someone had to stay behind, and it was sad, I cried. Then we left and I had to leap over the metal detector so not to get caught, and the others were my decoys, they went through first setting it off so that the security would ignore me and search them. I got through. And made it onto the flight.

5/22/02 All I remember is that I was painting using many different colors, all of the colors in my pallet and I was randomly brushing them over my canvass. All the colors of the rainbow, when I see myself I notice my hair is also all the colors of the rainbow. I have stripes of colors all over my hair. The painting started out as something and then just became a random thoughtless piece of work. I had the feeling that it

dream_comments: I don't really understand the symbols in my dreams I know they mean someting very important or I would not have remembered them so vividly. I have many dreams, I guess you could say I look for answers and ask myself to dream the solution. I do but then I can't seem to figure them out. Can I get some help with the interpretation or is it completely up to me to relate it to my life?

Message: 2
Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 13:16:20 -0400
From: "Jessie Garrett" <jpaquette
Subject: Re: recurring dream about Vampires

Warning dreams (relationships)..2 q's: who is the female in your life invovlved in witchcraft? Can you recall any colors in the last dream? Jewelry is generally a good omen. If you are lacking trust in someone right now>or believe they are ie: backstabbing you. They are...

Rev. Jessie Garrett

"With power, intelligence and strength the world could be your playground"

YahooMsngr: Malorra

Official Model Site: The Order Of Lilith: HermeticOrderoftheGoldenDawn: A New Dawn: The Healing Path Begins Here:


dream_title: recurring dream about Vampires

dream_date: NA

dreamer_name: Cameron

dream_text: I have been having a recurring dream about Vampires. I am always the last human and realize that all of my friends and family have been turned into one of them. I have to fight them off. The location of their lair is dark, cold and stormy. It is located on the end of a cliff by the ocean, underground. I have to fight them off, which I do gallantly for a while, doing humanly impossible tricks, like the Matrix. But I feel myself getting tired and weaker because there are so many of them. I feel alone, I know that it will not last, that eventually I will have to give in to them, then I wake up.

3/14/02 I dreamt that I was in a very cold place, where there had been ice glaciers and things. As I am wandering through this place I find very old items, a watch, a few necklaces, little things like that, and a dog chain of someone from 1877 or 1977, can't quite remember but there was a date on it. I realized they were very valuable, because many old ships had sunk out there. The next part of the dream I am trying to help get something very important somewhere, I don't even know what it is. But there were a few of us on one team working together to get this thing across the airport. I remember our teacher/leader or someone had to stay behind, and it was sad, I cried. Then we left and I had to leap over the metal detector so not to get caught, and the others were my decoys, they went through first setting it off so that the security would ignore me and search them. I got through. And made it onto the flight.

5/22/02 All I remember is that I was painting using many different colors, all of the colors in my pallet and I was randomly brushing them over my canvass. All the colors of the rainbow, when I see myself I notice my hair is also all the colors of the rainbow. I have stripes of colors all over my hair. The painting started out as something and then just became a random thoughtless piece of work. I had the feeling that it

dream_comments: I don't really understand the symbols in my dreams I know they mean someting very important or I would not have remembered them so vividly. I have many dreams, I guess you could say I look for answers and ask myself to dream the solution. I do but then I can't seem to figure them out. Can I get some help with the interpretation or is it completely up to me to relate it to my life?


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 19:41:42 -0700 (PDT)
From: McGarvey R
Subject: (unknown)

Hi. My boyfriend had another weird dream he wanted me to find out about. He had a dream that he was talking to me with his back to me. When he turned around, I was REALLY pregnant. He said that I was huge and we were both smiling. What do you think this means?


There are 7 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Before I was eaten by a Giant
From: Anonymous
2. death
From: Anonymous
3. Dating
From: Anonymous
4. orphan of zirka
From: stan kulikowski ii <>
5. Re: orphan of zirka
From: "christina a
6. Re: orphan of zirka
From: wendy frazetti <wfrazetti
7. my dream

From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 09:04:23 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Before I was eaten by a Giant

dream_title: Before I was eaten by a Giant

dream_date: May.23,02

dreamer_name: anonymous

dream_text: When I was younger I used to have this repetitive dream that I was very small, maybe the size of a tomatoe, and i was in a sandwich. Not just any sandwich a bolony one. The smell was very strong and made me sick to my stomach. Then all of a sudden I saw a huge sweaty giant picked up the sandwich and started to eat the sandwich I was in. I wake up after that every time!!!!!

dream_comments: What does this mean???????

Message: 2
Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 09:03:40 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: death

dream_title: death

dream_date: 5/22/02

dreamer_name: anonymous

dream_text: I was in a medical ward and everyone in there had to be killed kids adults. I was shot 3 times 2 in the hand and once in the heart i immediately wanted to go to my infant and lay with him my daughter was already asleep. I couldn't die.

Message: 3
Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 09:05:19 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Dating

dream_title: Dating

dream_date: 22nd May

dreamer_name: Sexy5

dream_text: i was dating one of my close male friends and i was really happy but one of my other female friend who i havent spoke to for a long time was really jealous and kept being nasty towards me!!!

dream_comments: What does this mean, please help me

Message: 4
Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 09:08:59 -0700
From: stan kulikowski ii <>
Subject: orphan of zirka

Stan requests that his name and e remain with the dream text. - editor

DATE : 22 may 2002 04:36 DREAM : orphan of zirka

=( last night was a tuesday. i got home from teaching early in the afternoon, but could not motivate myself into any productive work that i should be doing. there was an extra long season finale to _buffy the vampire slayer_ which i watched, but i had missed most of the season with a tuesday night course last term. later we watched roger corman's _battle beyond the stars_, the second remake of _seven samurai_ that i know of. the previous night we had run _the magnificent seven_. i went to bed around 00:30 and got right to sleep without my usual reading. )=

i feel the slim cold band of metal circle my forehead and all my nervous activity suddenly calms then stops. in still silence i sit and hear a man's whispered voice from behind me say "remember".

a memory uncoils within me. i see the darkened silhouette of a thin child with a long neck, maybe four years old. a nurse puts her hand on his shoulder and says "this is your father". the boy looks up at the stranger before him. i can see his eyes glitter and move within the bones of his face reflected like an x-ray within his shadowed shape. around his forehead i can feel the cold, slightly moist band of zirkon like the one around mine.

"father?" the boy says. i can feel my lips moving, saying the same thing as his. he is looking at a stranger who is looking at him, hope in both their eyes.

i understand now that they had to rush this imprinting session, not because of my need, but that the father would lose the ability to bond with me if they waited much longer after the birth of his own child four years ago. that child had died and the hospital took the opportunity to substitute myself with it. i am one of the orphans from zirka.

that is why my memories of life before four years have a vague postcard like quality to them. they are not real, but have been told to me in zirkon sessions like this one. people from the planet zirka have a natural susceptibility to the metal zirkon that comes from their planet. zirkon is mildly radioactive and its gamma rays resonate with nerve synaptic activities. the zirkon native to earth only produces a mild reaction like a trembling in my fingers when i touch it, but zirkon from zirka have a quantum spin that matches its native nervous tissue and causes a total paralysis. that is why the shadow government of earth imports these metal bands from zirka to assure total control of the immigrant population. superman must have a similar susceptibility to kryptonite from his own planet.

i can wonder now how the woman i know as my mother must have lied to herself. it is natural to need a baby after the months of pregnancy but how could she not sense that her child was stillborn? perhaps it wasn't and was just put into fosterage so i could be placed here. still, she had to wait years while my infancy in the hospital was required to adapt my body to the air, water and foods of earth. how clear things become when i have contact with the metal of my home world. how muddled they become when it is taken off.

during my twenties, when i was in college, i would some mornings wake up and not remember the night before. we were told that this was due to alcohol consumption at the time, but now i know these incidents to be lengthy zirkon conditioning sessions. the queasy aftermath i felt were because my internal organs had been poorly regulated for hours when the activity of the vagus nerve had been suppressed. even now i can not recall what the government agents did to me when they placed the metal band around my forehead.

usually i would wake up at home after a black out, but sometimes i would be god knows where next to a woman i did not know. part of a breeding program i assume. i certainly remember no pleasure from the activity. i would dress, go outside and wander the streets looking for my car parked somewhere i could not recall then to drive aimlessly searching for landmarks until i could find my way home.

=( i wake around 04:00 and it takes me a while to decide that i am awake enough to type this into my dream log. i have no idea how this content features into my life. my memories of life before age four do have a viewed quality to them, but i assume that is natural. in my waking life i must have missed the breeding program where you wake up with strange women. i do not recall right now if 'zirkon' is a real metal or something that frank zappa made up. the beginning of this dream had a very creepy feel to it like someone was in the room with me while i slept. i can still hear that husky whispered command to 'remember' like it was not part of the dream. it has a musical breathless quality like that 'welcome' in the grand rest at the start of the rock opera _tommy_. )=

Message: 5
Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 13:20:56 -0500
From: "christina anderson" <starwarsfan24
Subject: Re: orphan of zirka

No offence but I dont think it has to do with your life at all, I just think you watch a little too much Buffy. lol but thats ok, if you dont mind having those kinda dreams. :) Anyways, when I read your dream, I rememberd an episode in Buffy when I used to watch it, when Riely was in there, and there was this red dude, that walks around killing poeple,and he had wires attatched to him and stuff, I dont know what he was called, but the only way to destroy him, was the use of a spell, to give Buffy powers. He was also created by some scientist, but not physically created by her. And he called her Mom. Talk to you later, I hope this helps.

Message: 6
Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 11:46:39 -0700 (PDT)
From: wendy frazetti <wfrazetti
Subject: Re: orphan of zirka

they say that at least one of your dreams that you have through the night will be of what happened during the day and what you watched or did before you went to bed. which ever sticks in your subconscious more. I agree with christina it has nothing to do with your life.

hope this helps --- christina

There are 12 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. the accident
From: Anonymous
3. current dream
From: Gail Howatt <growlgirl2001
4. Re: the accident
5. scary
From: Anonymous
6. Re: scary
From: "Sarah I
7. Re: the accident
From: "Sarah I
8. Re: current dream
From: "Sarah I
9. Re: Dating
From: "Sarah I
10. Re: my dream
From: "Sarah I
11. Re: Before I was eaten by a Giant
From: "Sarah I
12. Re: death
From: "Sarah I


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 08:21:07 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: the accident

dream_title: the accident

dream_date: 1996

dreamer_name: whysper

dream_text: When the dream began, I was walking across the road in front of my mother's house, where I grew up. It was dark, and i didn't see the car that was coming. It hit me, and everything went black. Then all I could see were very bright ligths, and i seemed to follow them without walking...down to the highway about a half mile away. There was a terrible accident there, and I was walking around looking at the ambulances that were sey up to treat victims. Many of the bodies were charred, burned beyond recognitiion. One was a child. The vehicles were being pulled away from the scene. A red car was so badly mutilated that I couldn't tell what kind of car it had been. Then, as they raised it to tow away, the door came open; and I recognized the toys that fell out as having belonged to my daughter. Then I heard a police officer telling someone on the scene, "The man and child are dead, and the woman won't last must longer."

dream_comments: This was the dream that left me the most shaken, but I often dream of people I love dying, of car accidents and fires. Although this one didn't, most of my dreams start off happy, and end badly. They are all long and involved with a storyline or even a twist, like this one. Sometimes I actually see credits go up at the end, no joke.


There are 5 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1. Re: Constantly searching
From: "Denise" <denisem
2. Re: The Frame
From: "Denise" <denisem
3. Crazy monkey and the end of the world
From: Anonymous
4. Re: Your Inquiry
From: Delivers <delivers
5. the house
From: Anonymous


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 17:47:21 -0500
From: "Denise" <denisem
Subject: Re: Constantly searching

Dear peekaboo,

I have two reactions to this dream. One is that it is a dream about using one's capacities, or talents, to the fullest. There is something unfulfilled. A dream like this is often an anxiety dram, but you report no feelings of stress with it. It would be useful to consider what has been going on in waking life each time this dream has occurred. Only if you keep both a dream and a regular journal could you do this. My other reaction is that your spirit guides are giving you a tour of your inner world. They stand by ready to help but do not impose themselves on you. They allow you to see through your elevator (the mesh door) so that you can see yourself move through different levels. If you want to contact them, try thinking about this dream and addressing them just as you are falling asleep. They may show themselves more actively when you dream again.

Message: 2
Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 18:04:41 -0500
From: "Denise" <denisem
Subject: Re: The Frame

Dear Vox Angelis,

I also have dreams in which I revisit the same places. I enjoy these dreams and try to gather new information about the place each time I visit. I'm trying to develop a real map of them by numbering and crossreferencing the places in my dream journal.

I'm surprised that your fear increases rather than decreases with repetition. There is something for you to see in the dream that should not frighten you. If it's lack of control that frightens you, try carrying an amulet of some kind. Find an image that resonates with your beliefs and tuck it under your pillow. Think about the dream and about the protection you have as you fall asleep. Perhaps then you may have the dream without the fear and find out what is really there for you.

Yours, Denise

Message: 3
Date: Sat, 25 May 2002 08:27:40 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: Crazy monkey and the end of the world

dream_title: Crazy monkey and the end of the world

dream_date: 9/17/01

dreamer_name: Sammy

dream_text: Once I dreamt that there was a flying monkey in the air, yelling threats to me, and saying that if I didn't comply with them, that he would hurt everyone that I know and everyone around me!! I couldn't do anything about it, but I don't remember exactly why. The world ended, and it was all my fault.

dream_comments: I have no idea what this means. With everyhthing on 9/11 I thought it could haveto do with that, but I still dont know what the monkey had to do with it all. My unlce died the week before... could that have meant something? He died from a monkey attack at a zoo... it wasn't publicized or anything.. it was terrible. Anyway, why did I have that dream, and whats it saying??

Message: 5
Date: Sat, 25 May 2002 22:09:00 -0700
From: Anonymous
Subject: the house

dream_title: the house

dream_date: 05-21-02

dreamer_name: Sinbad

dream_text: I had a dream about a house of a person in my work building. I remembered it very clearly and when I saw her I laughed as I told her about it. She got almost hysterical and said that I had just described her house excactly. I have never been there of course. She wanted to talk to me later as she had to go. This is not the first time I had a dream of that nature. I have had many dreams about situations with coworkers that turned out to have happened. What happens in my dreams is that I see what is or has happened and the people they are about know there is no way I could have known. I am starting a dream diary after many many years of intense dreaming. I am now listening to them

dream_comments: Sorry if I didn't detail a dream. The point is that I dream every night and when I discuss them the people around me tell me that it happened. This is getting a little annoying.

-------------------- END DREAMS -----------------





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