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Electric Dreams Volume 11 Issue 02

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Electric Dreams
 · 1 Jan 2021


E.l.e.c.t.r.i.c D.r.e.a.m.s

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E.l.e.c.t.r.i.c D.r.e.a.m.s

Volume #11 Issue #1

February 2004

ISSN# 1089 4284



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++ Editor's Notes

++ News: ASD International Conference
Research requests, Web updates, and more!

++ Column: An Excerpt From the Lucid Dream Exchange
Lucy Gillis

++ Article: The Form and Motion of Dreaming Flight
Linda Lane Magallón

++ Column: A View from the Bridge
The World Dreams Peace Bridge
Jean Campbell

++ Column: The Waves:
The Waves: Dreaming with the Departed
Overtone Moon. White Spectral Wizard Year
Nick Cumbo

The Waves: Healing Journey to Yellowstone
Rhythmic Moon. White Spectral Wizard Year
Nick Cumbo

++ Dream: Dimensions
Stan Kulikowski II

++ Review: Dream Science Updates:
Dream incubation leads to better problem outcomes
Richard Wilkerson


++ DREAM SECTION: Dreams from January, 2003
Host: Elizabeth Westlake

D E A D L I N E :
February 18th deadline for March 2004 submissions

Post Dreams and Comments on Dreams to:

Send Dreaming News and Calendar Events to:
Peggy Coats <>

Send Articles and Subscription concerns to:
Richard Wilkerson: <>


Editor's Notes


Welcome to the February 2004 issue of Electric Dreams, your portal
to dreams and dreamwork online.

If you are new to dreams and dreamwork, please join us on and we will guide you to the
resources & groups you need. To join send an e to

Lucy Gillis shares an excerpt from the Lucid Dream Exchange. This
month, co-editor, Robert Waggoner, shares his experiences and
thoughts about plural identity that emerged from a lucid dream. Is
We Dreaming? Be sure to read "Are You Awake?"

Linda Lane Magallón, author of _Mutual Dreaming_, tackles the area
of form and content in dreams and waking life. What shapes the
objects of our dreams and who fills them out? Read "The Form and
Motion of Dreaming Flight."

Jean Campbell brings you up to date on the dream activism group,
the World Dreams Peace Bridge. This month she talks about the Aid
for Children Project and the success they are experiencing getting
aid to children in Iraq. Also, there is contact information for
those who would like to join in Candlemas 2004, lighting a candle
for world peace on February 2.

Nick Cumbo newsletter and column reports on the dream explorations
of the Sea Life community. Sea Life, the main web forum at
Dreampeace, aims to bring together a circle of dreamers from
around the globe, collaborating in dreaming adventures, and
'dreaming with and for the earth itself.' This month, two
selections are included:
In the Overtone Moon, the issue of Dreaming with the Departed is
explored. In the Rhythmic Moon mutual dreaming session
participants joined in a 'Healing Journey to Yellowstone', in
which they shared thoughts and dreams, and contributed ideas as to
how to bring a healing change to the Yellowstone National Park, an
area which the indigenous elders are calling for our prayers and
healing to be directed to.

I'm including a review of a recent article in the ASD journal
Dreaming on dream incubation that looks more closely at just what
it is in dream incubation that works so well – the creativity of
the dreaming mind, or the easy in problem solving in relaxed

Our Global Dreaming News will bring you up to date on the events
in dreams and dreaming. Send Peggy news items at

No Dream Section this month, watch for an expanded section next

If you have dreams you want published enter them anonymously in
the form at
Or you can put them in the dream flow directly by subscribing to:


For those of you who are new to dreams and dreaming, be sure to
stop by one of the many resources:
Electric Dreams in PDF: (thanks to Nick Cumbo)


See you all in March,

-Richard Wilkerson




February 2004


If you have news you'd like to share, contact Peggy Coats, Visit Global Dreaming News online at

This Month's Features:

- New CG Jung Page Launched
- Lucid Dreaming Retreat in March
- Stebbins and Taylor at Asilomar
- Dreams and Sleep Positions
- Magikimages




>>> New CG Jung Page Launched – a Message from Don Williams

The new JungPage is now live at! For this, my
thanks go out to Matthew Clapp in southern California for
selecting the "Mambo Open Source" software for the JungPage and
for designing, installing, and crafting the site and to Edwardson
Tan of Manila (The Philippines) who prepared the content for the
new site. We've got a great team, and I look forward to ongoing
work together. I also want to thank all of the people who have
found the JungPage and continued to come back and all of the
authors who have contributed such fine work. My gratitude also
goes to the people who have donated money to the JungPage in the
past and to the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts for
it's support.

The number of articles and book chapters has grown to over 400;
the number includes some new articles that Matthew carried over
from the Nautis Project ( An article/author index
with links will be installed soon but for now you can probably
find what you are looking for by using search engine in the left

When you view the list of articles, notice that you can select the
number you want displayed by using a dropdown menu in the upper
right corner. Also, following an article's brief introduction, you
can see the number of times the article has been viewed--it's
stunning to realize that some of articles have been viewed over 50
times in the 1 week that the site has been online. Finally, when
you click on an article that you want to read or print, notice
that you have a choice in the upper right corner to view the
article in the default or a larger font! Special thanks go to
Matthew for including this feature.

We're inviting some groups to post their scheduled events at the
JungPage. The Event Calendar will grow as more societies
(internationally) take advantage of the ability to announce their
seminars, workshops, and lectures.

Most of the Jungian Resources will be familiar to you from the
former JungPage though now they are better organized and more
easily accessible.

The Photo Gallery is new and will be a great resource. If any of
you have archival photographs you would like to submit, please
send them as e-mail attachments and include the accompanying text
in the body of the e-mail.
If you haven't seen the Forum in awhile, be sure to see its new
look and vitality--I think there have now been over 37,000 posts
to the Forum since it was launched a couple of years ago.

There are some other features you can expect to see soon: a
weblog, the author/title index with a rating system for articles,
site registration with a mailing list subscription, visitor polls,
a module for submitting weblinks, and more.

There's a PayPal donation button in the lower left corner of the
page. While we are grateful for large donations ($50, $100, and
beyond), we hope you'll also consider donating small amounts (50
cents or a dollar, for example) when you find something personally

We hope you enjoy what you find at the JungPage. Send us your
comments and your suggestions about anything you think we need or
may have missed.

Best wishes for 2004!
Don Williams

>>>>> Lucid Dreaming Retreat in March

DREAMING & AWAKENING: Lucid Dreaming, Consciousness, and Dream
Yoga. Ten days of awareness enhancement and fun at the beautiful
Kalani Retreat Center on the Big Island of Hawaii, with Stephen
LaBerge and friends, March 5-13, 2004.

Sunny Secluded Retreat for Body and Mind
Rejuvenate body and mind. Awaken to your inner life. Stop sleeping
through your dreams. Join us in exploring the boundless frontiers
of the dream world in a setting of glorious natural beauty.
Nurtured by the paradisical, dream-like environment on the sunny
secluded Puna Coast of the island of Hawaii, we will cast off our
blinders, drop the shackles of our ordinary routines, and take a
fresh look at what is real and what is dream.

A Dreamer's Dozen Reasons to Come

1. Participants in our past retreats have found it a wonderful
combination of work and play, with 95% evaluating it as "very" or
"extremely satisfying." They have also enjoyed phenomenal success
at lucid dreaming, with most having at least one during the
program. Some sample evaluations included:

. "A miracle..."
. "I had a fantastic time."
. "The whole experience was great."
. "A terrific mix of superb content and exceptional people."
. "The experience was an inspiration."

2. Nine days, eight nights at the 113 acre Kalani Oceanside
Resort, surrounded by tropical forest, edged by rugged lava
coastline, with all amenities close at hand.

3. Instruction by Stephen LaBerge, Ph.D. world renowned expert on
lucid dreaming. Dr. LaBerge is author of Lucid Dreaming, and
Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming, and has had thousands of
lucid dreams.

4. Daily exercises to develop the skills of lucid dreaming and
mindfulness, and application of the principles of lucidity to all
aspects of life.

5. Special sleep schedules tailored to promote lucid dreaming.

6. Opportunities to work with both technological aids and natural
substances to stimulate dream lucidity and mindfulness.

7. Discussions on the nature of dreaming and reality, the
importance of lucidity, the role of control, obstacles to
practice, overcoming nightmares and self-imposed limitations, and

8. For those who wish, a chance to participate in research into
lucid dreaming and the mind.

9. Group outings including an evening session in a hot-spring, a
hike through the Kilauea caldera, and-if Pele wills-a close-up
look at the fiery lava entering the sea (the scene shown above at

10. Free afternoons to explore and group excursions to
inspirational sites on the island: the volcano, beaches, gardens,
ocean, or?

11. Thought provoking conversation and memorable fun with new
friends who share your passion for lucid dream exploration.

12. And ... The heart has reasons of which reason knows nothing

>>>> Stebbins at Asilomar

Unitarian Universalists and friends gather in a Californian
coastal setting in July to learn, grow, rest, be restored, laugh,
play together, worship and reaffirm values. Enjoy the traditional
Stebbins experience plus Jeremy Taylor's dream workshop and tours
of the Monterey Bay Area. For more information or to request a
registration form: 510-234-3524


R E S E A R C H & R E Q U E S T S


>>> Dreams and Sleep Positions
I am beginning to collect data for a research project on dreams
and sleep positions. I'm looking for people who may be interested
in participating. Participants will be given very little
information about the study to limit influence on data collected.
However, you will receive a chart of 21 sleep positions, each

Criteria for participation:
Record your dreams on a fairly regular basis.
Each night when you go to sleep write down the number of the sleep
position that most closely matches your position when you fall
When record your dreams, record the number of the sleep position
that most closely matches the position you were in when you awoke.
Submit your dreams to me in an electronic file.
Submit as many dreams as you are willing to, once a month, for as
long as you are willing. I will likely conclude data collection
after two years.

If you have read anything about the psychology of sleep positions
I will ask that you honestly exclude yourself from this study to
minimize bias. If someone is knowledgeable about the psychology of
sleep positions then they are probably also familiar with the 21
positions as previously published by a researcher from John
Hopkins. I have simply, with his permission, organized them into
an easy to use chart that identifies them by number rather than by
the names he has given them. I am purposely not including the name
of the researcher, the names he gave the positions, or other
details for numerous reasons that I believe could influence or
impact this study.
I am a doctoral student - ABD - though this is not my dissertation
research. Besides having worked as a sleep scientist for a local
sleep wake research institute where I have designed and carried
out various types of research protocols dealing with both medical
and psychological aspects of sleep, I have also designed and
carried out numerous research protocols in fulfillment of academic

As is a common desire for any serious researcher it is my desire
to have research results that are accepted for publication.

Results of the study will be provided to any participant
interested in receiving them.

If you are interested or have any questions please contact me here
or via email - Thank you.
Betty "Anne" Frey (formerly Hollin)


W E B S I T E & O N L I N E U P D A T E S


>>> Magikimages – Dream Paintings by Helene Bied
Helene is a French artist living in Santa Cruz, California. Her
artwork is a lot about dreams and about the unconscious dressed in
colors and emotions painted in all kind of shapes talking back to

>>>Jan 31, Atlanta, GA
Active Dreamwork. Emory University. To reserve a place, register
on-line (secure) after January 2, 2004* at HYPERLINK


An Excerpt From the Lucid Dream Exchange

Lucy Gillis


This month LDE co-editor Robert Waggoner shares a thought
provoking lucid dream experience he had recently while on a
business trip.

(c) 2004 Robert Waggoner

As a small child, did you ever wander into your parent's bedroom,
walk up to the bed and stare intently at them for what seemed like
hours? And then, when something stirred in their sleeping
awareness and their first bleary eye opened to look at you, did
you questioningly ask, "Are you awake?"

That sort of thing happened to me a few weeks ago in a lucid
dream. I was sleeping alone in a hotel in Rancho Cordova, CA on a
business trip. About 3:30 in the morning, I awoke and told myself
that I would have a lucid dream, and then I felt the "feeling" of
being lucid. Roughly an hour later, I experienced the following:

I sense something. Someone is there. I can feel someone there.

Visually, I have only the "gray state" that seems to exist as the
intermediary state between visual dreams. Yet something, some
presence, I sense. At that point, I realize, "I'm dreaming."

Now, I feel with certainty that someone is watching me. I am
momentarily confused, seeing only gray -- but then lucidly, I
decide to simply open my eyes. I open them.

Staring at me intently, less than a foot away, I see a man's eyes
looking soulfully into mine. I sense from him the thought, "Are
you awake?", and then see his realization that I am lucid, awake
in the dream.

I see his full face and expression. He looks familiar somehow, as
he gazes into my eyes -- then, "I" seem to see from his eyes -
wait, his eyes are "my" eyes!! Suddenly, some awareness awakens
within me - I get excited and wake up in physical reality. I ask
myself, "Was that my inner self?" "

Who sees through these eyes?

While, waking we assume that deeper aspects of our self lay
dormant in our psyche. We assume that our anima, our animus, our
archetypal selves - they sleep, while we are "awake". Our wise old
woman, our heroic self, our inner child, our creative genius, our
daemons - do they slumber all the day long until empowered by the
spark of dreaming?

As I head toward my third decade of lucid dreaming, I am beginning
to wonder (by virtue of lucid dreaming) about the nature of
identity. Less and less each year, do "I" seem to be a lone "me."
More and more, do I begin to think that the actual "I"- or the
actual "me" - is a community of aware selves. While I routinely
and unthinkingly group the various aspects of my self under the
designation of "I," it appears that I may be more accurately a
"group self", a psychological construct - in some sense, I am an
"Aware They".

This community of aware Selves may be consigned to "back room"
functions by the ego, or allowed out only at dream recess, or
deeply felt imaginings, or battled into submission by chemical
warfare when deemed "unruly" by the ego or cultural conventions,
but this community of aware selves is here. It is now. It is

If awareness was the sole province of the ego, then there would be
no dreaming. Think about that.

If the "ego" was the only awareness, then when the ego was
finished with the day, exhausted and asleep - "awareness" would
end as well. And then when the ego awakened in the morning,
"awareness" would awaken as well.

The fact is that awareness is apart from the ego. Awareness
continues - the ego sleeps. When we come into dream awareness, as
the ego sleeps, obviously some part(s) of us (some part of this
community of aware selves that seems to be the actual state of our
being) accepts that mantle of awareness, that cloak of perception
and functions quite nicely in the dream state.

In lucid dreams of mirrors, we often consciously see that the
"face" staring back at us is not the physical face laying in the
physical bed -- it may not even be the same race, the same gender,
the same age. As we consciously explore, lucid in our dreams, we
routinely receive notice that the "I" is not one, but many. Though
we may spend our waking hours, unaware of the community of selves
that seems to compose our larger being, the psychological
flexibility of the dream state shows our true situation - we are

While waking, we often fail to be aware of those moments when we
suddenly act "uncharacteristically". Similarly, we rarely consider
the history of our "self", which examined thoughtfully in many
cases, would show distinct changes in thoughts, behaviors, moods,
interests and states of being over the years (if not in one day

Though the ego could be said to captain the ship of Self, the ego
exists with a larger crew - and if nothing else, they influence
the captain, the direction of the ship and the inner workings -
even if the captain remains blissfully unaware of their existence.
In case of multiple personalities, however, one can see evidence
of a mutiny on the Ship of Self -- whereby another powerful aspect
from the community of aware selves takes over perceptually and
appears, topside, in waking reality.

So as you go about your day, and your night, and your life dream
and your night dream, don't only ask yourself, "Who is the
dreamer?", but dig a little deeper and search a little broader,
and ask instead, "Who are the dreamers?"

Are you awake?

The Lucid Dream Exchange is a quarterly newsletter featuring lucid
dreams and lucid dream related articles and interviews. To
subscribe to The Lucid Dream Exchange send a blank email to:

You can also check us out at


The Form and Motion of Dreaming Flight

© 2004 Linda Lane Magallon


Hamlet: Do you see yonder cloud that's almost in shape of a camel?
Polonius: By the mass, and 'tis a camel, indeed.
Hamlet: Methinks it is like a weasel.
Polonius: Is it backed like a weasel.
Hamlet: Or like a whale?
Polonius: Very like a whale.
(Hamlet III.2)

My dreaming self is like a kid with a coloring book. The pictures
that she draws may have their outline in the waking world, but she
"fills in" that mundane framework with detail and concept
available from her world of dream. Only the shape of objects from
the waking state and the bare structure of the physical event are
retained. The rest is creative play. Hidden within that creativity
is her commentary on my life. She has definite opinions, a quick,
puny wit and the uncanny ability to select just the right visual
metaphor to describe the what goes on underneath the surface of
physical reality, like thought, emotion, sensation, intuition and

As a result, she and I live parallel lives, not copy-cat versions.
And why not? Since my dreaming self has learned to go airborne and
discovered that she really likes the sensation of gravity-free
locomotion, she isn't bound by the laws of physical reality.
Whereas I walk, she can fly.

One summer, I packed my family off to a Hawaiian vacation of sun
and surf. We arrived just after a tropical storm had whipped the
ocean into a frothy mass of suspended particles. It took a week
for the ocean to clear completely. During that time I took scuba
diving lessons off the island of Maui. Just before leaving home,
I'd had a dream. I didn't realize that it was precognitive until
after my waking event occurred, because, of course, the dream
wasn't a literal picture of my reality. But, in retrospect, the
parallels are obvious to me.
A missile glides over seas heavy with waves, heading towards the
light. A man is clinging to its side. I fly on the left, keeping
pace. Lifting the man off the missile, I bring him back to shore.
The missile turns and follows us. Gently, safely, I drop the man
on the ground as the missile passes overhead. It comes around and
continues to pursue me. Launching myself toward the ocean, I look
for a clear place to explode the missile. But many large rocks lie
either half submerged, or just below the surface of the now placid
water. Realizing that the missile is gaining on me, I spot an open
space just beyond a large island. I dive into the sea with the
missile right behind me. I pierce the surface and plunge deep into
the dark. The missile hits the water and detonates on impact,
shooting spray high into the air. I explode like a fountain from
the water and arch high into the air, circling back toward the
cliffs that sheer into the sea. The cliffs change into an old
fashioned white fireplace mantle. I can still see the ocean and
rocky shoreline as they begin to dissolve into a homey living room
Missile And Mantle, 6/19/82
It surprised me how reactive people could be when faced with a
shark, even though our scuba diving instructors were careful to
point out that those of the "Jaws" variety usually stayed outside
the boundaries of the coral ridge. It was the smaller, more benign
sorts that frequented the Hawaiian reef.

So when a missile-shaped dogshark swam out of the milky mist,
several student divers quickly rearranged themselves behind our
two instructors. But since the instructors didn't panic, I
thought, why should I? The shark nosed its way slowly around us,
seeming to look for a tasty morsel. Since it wouldn't have cared
where handout left off and hand began, we had brought nothing to
share. I admired its colorful, undulating body and casual
familiarity with the undersea world. The shark appeared mostly
curious about its unusual visitors. When it determined we had
nothing to interest it, it flowed slowly back into the murk.

The warm water off the Maui shore felt as safe a universe as the
one in my dreams. Swimming in underwater passages translated into
further dreams of soaring underneath arched and vaulted buildings.
If I could breath with a face plate in waking life, in dreams I
could breath under water and in the vacuum of outer space. Our air
tanks provided buoyancy in the physical; in a dream I drifted into
the air, then balanced myself atop a balloon.

Scuba diving is very close to the feeling of floating in dreams.
When I dive in tropical waters, I'm peaceful, free and surrounded
by the most beautiful blues imaginable. Likewise, when I dream
that I float inside a house, its walls are usually blue in color.
My body becomes precise and coordinated in its movements, very
slow and relaxed.

Jasques Cousteau said that his flying dreams ceased the first time
he put on scuba tanks and experienced weightlessness. He said he
knew that's what he'd been dreaming about all along. I agree with
this famous diver that diving is great. But it doesn't have to be
a choice of one or the other. Scuba diving actually enriched my
flying dreams. Before, I had flown stretched horizontally in the
air, Superman style. Now I added levitation: floating, hovering,
regulated descent, rising with the currents, stopping to view the
scenery. The sensations would prove to be good practice for astral
projection, although in a medium much more subtle than water.
Epel, Naomi. Writers Dreaming. (NY: Carol Southern Books, 1993). (Dream


The World Dreams Peace Bridge

A View from the Bridge

Jean Campbell


Whatever Happened to the Aid for Children Project?

Many of you are aware that, several months ago, some members of
the World Dreams Peace Bridge began to work on a project in
response to the bombing of Iraq. It was called the Aid for
Children Project. For a variety of reasons, which I'll discuss
later, it has been difficult for us to be able to send packages to
Iraq, but we seem to have attained SUCCESS AT LAST. This post is
a thank you to those of you who have already contributed to the
Aid for Children Project, and an invitation to all to join us now
in sending therapeutic toys to the war-traumatized children of

A Brief History of the Project

Back when we began, at the suggestion of May Tung, we chose to
focus on something we felt that, as a small group of people, we
could do...not send food relief or fix blasted fuel lines, but
give some comfort to the more than seventy percent of Iraq's
population, children under the age of eighteen. We talked on the
Peace Bridge about stuffed toys, and the comfort they had been to
us as children whenever other things went wrong. We talked about
art supplies and other things therapists might use help the
traumatized victims of war.

At first, we thought we would be able to simply buy items from the
stores that UNICEF keeps in Turkey. We talked for several weeks,
via email, with several UNICEF employees, only to discover that,
unless we had at least $4,000, they could not deal with us at all.

Disappointed, we contacted UNICEF in Iraq, and were finally put in
contact with Dr. Karzan Ali, who runs a clinic for children in the
northern Iraq city of Erbil. We hit it off with Dr. Karzan right
way. Again we communicated by e-mail while we tried to find a way
to ship packages to him. He spoke of the possibility of coming to
Turkey with his new bride. But again our attempts were foiled.
Packages that Ilkin sent from Turkey were turned back at the
border, and there was no way for our new friends to easily travel
to Turkey. In fact, there was no mail bigger than letter size
being sent to Iraq at all by private carriers.

Finally, a few weeks before Christmas, two different things
happened. One was that May was able to make contact with a man
from the US, who will be traveling to Iraq late in January. The
other was that Ilkin took particular notice of a post from a woman
in an online discussion group she was in. The woman claimed to
know people who went in an out of Iraq on a regular basis. Thus
was the contact with Kathy Kelly of Voices in the Wilderness
Voices in the Wilderness - Recent Updates established. Suddenly we had more than
one contact who might be traveling to Iraq.

A three-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Kathy Kelly has been
witnessing the situation in Iraq since well before the current
war, and in fact was in Iraq when the war began. She has
graciously given an immediate and helpful response to any mail we
have sent her. She informed us that people from Voices in the
Wilderness travel regularly to Iraq through Amman, Jordan. She
gave us the name of a contact there, who has generously agreed to
keep packages until they can be taken into Iraq. And most
recently, she directed us to the people who operate the Seasons
Art School in Baghdad, who are working directly with orphans and
other children traumatized by the war. An email from them
revealed that, in addition to any other help we might be able to
send, they were very much in need of musical instruments and music
paper. We realized that music is as much a part of healing as the
stuffed animals, paper, pencils and crayons we planned to send.
And now, this week, $700 of the $1,300 so far collected by the Aid
for Traumatized Children Project will go to Iraq in the form of
purchase of toys, paper and a guitar.

A heart warming story

Even though we have not been actively collecting funds for the Aid
for Children Project for a few months, primarily due to all of the
uncertainties, nonetheless money has continued to come in,
something which has kept us going during some difficult times. In
November, the iMAGE Project's PayPal account received an
interesting donation. Generally the message notice gives the name
of the person who has made the donation. This time there was no
name. Further exploration revealed that this was not just an
anonymous donation. Three children, two of them eleven years old,
one of them ten, had donated $300 to the Aid for Traumatized
Children fund. How had three kids come up with all that money?
It turns out that they made "butterfly knots" and sold them,
donating the money to kids less fortunate than they were. Quite
an inspiration, don't you think?

Want to help?

So that's the story so far. Even if you've helped this effort in
the past, you might like to do it again. One hundred percent of
all funds go to the children. We are all volunteers here.

Checks can be sent to:
The iMAGE Project
408 Elmhurst Lane
Portsmouth VA 23701

Donations are tax deductible. Your check is your receipt.

Or you can contact Jean Campbell at for a PayPal
account number to use a credit card.

The world is made from our dreams.

Jean Campbell, Moderator
The World Dreams Peace Bridge


Please join us in Candlemas 2004.

February 2nd 2004

Everyone is to light a candle for peace on the 2nd of February,

It can be at home, or with friends if you wish.

Let us all choose to bring light against the heaviness in every
country in the world.

If you take a photo or portray or write about your candle and your
thoughts at the time and you are happy for those pictures and
thoughts to be added to the 'Candles
for Peace' online photo album at

then please send your pictures and words by post to:

Victoria Quinton
P O Box 3009
Frankston East 3199

or by email to

Thank you.


~~~~~~~ The Waves ~~~~~~~

The Waves: Dreaming with the Departed
Overtone Moon. White Spectral Wizard Year
© Nick Cumbo

The Waves: Healing Journey to Yellowstone
Rhythmic Moon. White Spectral Wizard Year
© Nick Cumbo


The Waves: Dreaming with the Departed
Overtone Moon. White Spectral Wizard Year
© Nick Cumbo

The Waves is a newsletter reporting on the explorations of the Sea
Life community. Sea Life, the main web forum at Dreampeace, aims
to bring together a circle of dreamers from around the globe,
collaborating in mutual dreaming adventures, and 'dreaming with
and for the earth itself'


During the Overtone Moon, we participated in a 'Dreaming with the
Departed' project, in which we shared and discussed our dreaming
experiences with the departed. Discussion focused upon the
question of spiritual existence after physical death, whether or
not it were possible to communicate with the departed in dreams,
and the need for healthy boundaries if such communication were

While we weren't especially successful in our deliberate attempts
to meet the departed in dreams, a small number of dreamers
reported spontaneous experiences of their own. 'The Wizard'
expressed his feeling that life after death seemed "a little too
good to be true", though he also mentioned that if it were he'd
like to communicate with his deceased grandparents. Two nights
later he dreamed of his grandfather who'd died 12 years earlier.
He was a little frustrated afterwards, since he couldn't remember
what they'd said to each other.

'Clarkkent' also had a dream with the departed:


We were at a clifftop - we got to change the past of a relative
who had died. (No, before you ask, Doctor Who was not in the
dream) Then the scene changed. I was at a hospital together with
my parents and a number of relatives, basically because that same
relative had died. I had never seen these strange "relatives". We
sat down to eat on a table. One of them took a cake mum had baked
and tried to throw it on the floor (not at us like some slapstick
comedy). I tried to hit him back.


As 'Clarkkent' later discovered, the next evening, the daughter of
the departed relative turned out to have had a "very similar"
dream. "The cliff top became 'somewhere high'. Somebody tried to
kill the relative with a pillow in her dream, too. She had the
relative's part of the dream too. Very strange." I could only
wonder if combined together, the two dreams may form a piece of a
greater puzzle; an attempt by the departed relative to communicate
their feelings about an element of their past.

Previously, in my own conscious dreams, I'd had a number of
experiences of communicating with the departed. It's my belief
that freed from time and space; the spirits of the departed may
also be able to offer us guidance for the future. As my aunty had
died from the same disease, which a close friend has contracted, I
went into dreaming with the hope that my aunty might be able to
share some advice or suggestions for my friend. My dream was a
valuable lesson, about human nature.


I recover my intention, to meet my Aunty Viv. I sing my intention
out aloud, my voice gradually growing in intensity. I'm hoping to
be pulled to her through flight, but instead I turn to see a young
Asian man of about 18, who I immediately understand is some kind
of spiritual guide, here to help me find my aunty. Before us,
these steps begin to roll out as if they'd always been there. I
get the impression that my guide has kind of melded them into
being, as a link between two distinct places.

We continue walking into the room below, my guide ahead of me. It
seems to be quite a busy place! Slowing down for a moment, he
quickly whispers in my ear "Don't talk to her about the question
you were going to ask her". His tone is firm, and I immediately
understand that my initial intent to ask about health advice would
not be the right thing to do. His words seem to be accompanied
with a mental transfer of knowledge, which tells me that this
might set her back in her spiritual growth, or perhaps that she
will be a little offended. I feel a bit uneasy about having to
'hide' my intentions, but decide that it is probably the best
thing I can do.

As I walk onwards, she arrives from the other direction. She looks
young and healthy, still somewhat similar to her old self, but
with a renewed vigour. I'm happy to see her, and we both share a
warm hug. I get the feeling she is a little surprised to see me,
as though she didn't really expect that I'd be interested in
coming to meet her. Nevertheless, she's pleasantly surprised.

Taking me into the room, she introduces me to these two children
who she's been working with. She tells me that they're seven and
eleven. Though she points them out, I don't really get a clear
look at them. At this point, she shows me what they've been
working on. It's a really colourful map; full of cute little
pictures of houses and the buildings that populate what seems to
be an imaginary town. I get the feeling working with them is a big
part of what she gets up to in the world of spirit, and that it
brings her great satisfaction. I'm happy to see that.


In the words of Robert Moss:

"We meet our departed loved ones in our dreams. Sometimes they
come to offer us guidance or assurance of life beyond death;
sometimes they need help from us because they are lost or
confused, or need forgiveness and closure. Dreams of the departed
help us gain first-hand knowledge of what happens after physical


Stay tuned next month for the results of our 'Healing Journey to
Yellowstone'. We welcome new dreamers to join us in our


The Waves: Healing Journey to Yellowstone
Rhythmic Moon. White Spectral Wizard Year
© Nick Cumbo

The Waves is a newsletter reporting on the explorations of the Sea
Life community. Sea Life, the main web forum at Dreampeace, aims
to bring together a circle of dreamers from around the globe,
collaborating in mutual dreaming adventures, and 'dreaming with
and for the earth itself'


During the Rhythmic Moon, we participated in a 'Healing Journey to
Yellowstone', in which we shared our thoughts and dreams, and
contributed ideas as to how we might bring a healing change to the
Yellowstone National Park, an area which the indigenous elders are
calling for our prayers and healing to be directed to.


Our Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks are calling for our
prayers. Many of you understand the relationship of the energy
grid lines of heaven and earth. They are like the nervous system
of our bodies. Bad vibrations of development, construction, war,
ECT has stressed out Earth Mother and us, as well. The words that
have been given in prophecy by the Hopi, tell us, "We are the
people we have been waiting for."

My name is Bennie LeBeau and I am from the Eastern Shoshone
Nation, in Wyoming, and a member of the Council of The Spiritual
Elders of Mother Earth. The Grand Tetons and the Yellowstone
National Parks are a part of our original homelands. They were
written into our treaty, as a sovereign country, so that we could
utilize these sacred sites and that our cultural traditions would
not be forgotten. Since September 1999, we have been attempting to
gain permission for our most sacred ceremony--the Sundance--and
other ceremonies, to be allowed in the Grand Tetons and
Yellowstone Park. The park officials and the general public are
beginning to see the significance of why it is needed, because of
the seismic volcanic activity in and around the Grand Tetons and
the Yellowstone National Parks. In these sacred site areas, we, as
humans, have helped escalate a disturbance to the web of life on
earth. Remembering the words from the past by a powerful
messenger. Chief Seattle stated, "Whatever befalls the earth,
befalls the sons of earth...the earth does not belong to man, man
belongs to the earth...all things are did not
weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it...whatever he
does to the web, he does to himself.

In July 2003, the Yellowstone Park rangers closed the entire
Norris Geyer Basin because of the deformation of the land and the
excess temperature. There is an area 28 miles long and 7 miles
wide that has bulged upward over five inches, since 1996. This
year the ground temperature on that budge has reached over 200
degrees. Everything in that area is dying. The trees, flowers, and
grasses resemble a dead zone and are spreading outward. The
animals are literally migrating out of the park. The later part of
July, one of the park geologists discovered a huge bulge at the
bottom of Yellowstone Lake. The bulge has already risen over 100
feet from the bottom of the lake. The water temperature at the
surface of the bulge has reached 88 degrees and is still rising.
Keep in mind that Yellowstone Lake is a high mountain lake and
normally has a very cold-water temperature

The Lake was closed to the public. Dead fish were floating
everywhere. The same is true of the Yellowstone River and most of
the steams in the park. The stench of sulfur was very strong.
Yellowstone is what geologists call a super volcano. There are
massive calderas of molten fire beneath Yellowstone National Park.
Geologists are saying that every living thing within six hundred
miles could be affected if these calderas erupt. It could produce
an ash cloud that would cover the entire western U.S. Then, the
cloud could blow east because of the prevailing winds, literally
covering the entire nation with volcanic ash.

I believe this to be of great importance to us all, at this time.
The vision is to pray for balance in this area--with our prayers,
songs, drums and the instruments we were given. No matter what
culture we are, our hearts are what make the difference. If
Yellowstone National Park seismic activity continues, then the
entire earth would be affected. The 100 years of government
management in the Yellowstone and The Grand Tetons have disallowed
our prayers and ceremonies to exist there. It is now time for us
to act as a nation/world within all countries to allow the prayers
and ceremonies into the National Parks of Wyoming. Joseph
(Hinmaton Yalatkit) 1830-1904, Nez Perce Chief, said, whenever the
white man treats the Indian as they treat each other, and then we
will have no more wars. We shall all be alike-brothers of one
father and one mother, with one sky above us and one country
around us, and one government for all.

I send a strong-hearted message to you to awaken and respond now.
These sacred site areas are calling out to her caretakers all over
the world. Together our songs, our drums and our prayers speak
the ancient language that exits in harmony. We can bring balance
and harmony back to the land remembered by our ancestors and
preserve it for future generations. This is a great opportunity
for prayer work in our councils and other groups, helping bring
the indigenous nations together and with all nations of the world.
Now, is the time for coming together and working in harmony, as
remembered in the sacred pictures drawn on the rocks, and in our
sacred instructions of the heartbeat of the land--remembered, too,
from the sacred songs heard in the wind?

Today the spirits are calling for good medicine for us all to
awaken and return to the sacredness for all living things, for the
future of our Mother Earth. Chief Seattle's words, when the last
Redman has vanished from the earth and the memory is only a shadow
of a cloud moving across the prairie, these shores and forests
will still hold the spirits of my people. We have not vanished but
have been reborn to do the work our ancestors did; it is time to
step into the moccasins of our ancestors with the wisdom, strength
and knowledge at hand.

Bennie E. LeBeau

For up to date postings on news, lectures, slide presentations,
location seminars please visit Carolyanna Petersen-Perez:


Given that the focus of Sea Life since it's beginnings has been to
bring greater awareness of the potential of 'dreaming with and for
the earth itself', this project gave us an opportunity to show
heartfelt respect for our mother earth who provides so much for
us. In any case the project succeeded in at least one goal.
Previously many of the participants were unaware of the
environmental problems in the Yellowstone Region.

Most of us also felt that the Native American people should be
allowed to perform their ceremonies for the park. Sunwolf added,
"I think anyone should be allowed to do ritual and ceremonies
there, for the park. This is important, because Nature works in
cooperation, and we are part of the sacred keepers who ought to be
allowed to keep our intentional work of healing going."

An interesting concept to develop out of this project, was an idea
to accompany our month-long dreaming projects, with a bringing
together of the dreamers for a more focused and intensive night or
two of DaFuMu dreaming and meditation. DaFuMu, is a term familiar
to members of the World Dreams Peace Bridge, meaning "a big dream
of good fortune".

I decided to meditate in a tandem with a friend in a neighbouring
state, and similar time zone. Lying upon the earth, beside my
peace tree, I saw someone I thought to be my friend 'Timeless
Soul' kneeling by the earth and praying. As it turned out, this
was the mental image 'Timeless Soul' had been projecting to the
Yellowstone Region.

Later, reaching a deeper state of trance, I found myself conscious
and awake, watching a screen displaying a database I had been
designing for a Philosophy organisation. The meditation gave me an
idea I could put to use in waking life. Through encouraging
awareness of the environmental issues around us, through this
organisation, I might be able to shape some greater positive shift
in the way we live upon the Earth.

Do we believe dreaming communities like ours could make an
important difference to the environmental stability of our world,
through dreaming with each other? I'll leave SunWolf to answer
that for you, "We can bring healing to terrorism, health issues,
economic issue, just about anything where there needs to be a
lifting of consciousness. Usually it all stems around fear, and we
can dream that understanding and reasoning"


Stay tuned next month for the results of 'The Ocean Also Dreams'.
We welcome new dreamers to join us in our adventures.



Dream: Dimensions

Stan Kulikowski II


DATE : 22 jan 2004 08:08
DREAM : dimensions

=( yesterday was wednesday. after my morning class, i rode around
town trying to get some errands done, but most of them were
unsuccessful. after two and half months, the skink has come out
of its hibernation so i wanted to get some new crickets for it,
but three pet stores were all out of them. i wonder why there has
been a local run on this commodity. there are crickets in the
tank, but since these were born and grown there during the
lizard's sleep, they know every cranny and can successfully hide
from it. i thought some dumb crickets might help the creature
comforts of the reptile. i felt tired all evening and did not
much accomplished other than paying out the monthly bills. went
to bed around midnight and got to sleep rather easily. )=

this game starts on a computer monitor but eventually progresses
to some real spacetime performance, something like a combined race
and scavenger hunt. the first moves in the game are taken in
turn between the players who operate the special interface into
the networked multiplayer environment. i am logged in and waiting
to take my first turn. when my time comes, first i specify a few
points which delimit the overall size of my game piece in several

i have chosen thirteen dimensions for my game piece. it will take
me much longer to initially construct this thing, and that will
give me a later start time for the performance part of the game,
but it will be rather difficult for the other players to tamper
with or block its various operations. it becomes increasing
difficult for novice players to envision and anticipate movements
in the higher dimensions, so i will have a tactical advantage over
their simpler pieces.

with each of my opening turns, i can construct the shape of my
game piece in greater detail. after the first set of points to
delimit its overall size, on the next turn i fold in some
additional points to create lines for its edges, then in the next
round i will fold those lines into plane surfaces. then surfaces
to volumes, then volumes into portal rifts, and so on through the
thirteen dimensions, i sculpt the piece carefully. in some of its
rotations it looks like a pipe with three prongs bent into
parallel orientation, but that is seen with only the two
dimensional perspective of our eyes. it is an ambiguous
construction which alters its appearance as i rotate it while
fashioning its shape.

above the fifth dimension i can not depend on just my rational
consistency, so i put the interface on constant systematic
rotation so i can watch the effect while i sculpt it. on several
of my turns, i make mistakes which cause parts of the device to be
malformed. this is often seen as closures so some of the parts no
longer come up in the rotation. other times the mistakes cause
loss of shape-- the entire viewport is filled with infinite mass
when the rotation gets to that aspect. that is the nature of a
singularity in mathematics: either nothing or too much. i fix the
mistakes on my next turn, sometimes taking a short series of fixes
to back out to where i made the error.

finally i have the piece crafted and am ready to begin its
operation. it is beautiful to look at as it silently rotates
through its dimensions, changing shape with perspective. i am by
far the last player to leave the sculpting studio, which usually
bodes well for the performance part of the game. i did not make
that many mistakes to delay my first movement. only a really
experienced player will be able to out maneuver me with a simpler
game piece, and i believe that i know most of them from past play.

from the starting point in the game space, each move in my turn is
begins by simply rolling the game piece onto an adjacent face so
it stands in a new position. when i confine my movements to one
of the three lower dimensions, it looks like i am just rolling a
constant object. but when i make a move in the higher dimensions,
the piece seems to mutate into something new, sometimes monstrous.
once in a while it seems to disappear altogether but comes back in
a new configuration on later turns.

soon i must actually travel in the race part of the game. the
scenario i have chosen through my movements involves a bicycle,
one of those ancient asymmetrical devices with the really large
front wheel and tiny back wheel. it is difficult to get up on the
seat and start pedaling that massive front wheel, but once it gets
started the momentum does a lot to carry me forward. the movement
of the bike is strange at first, but i become quickly accustomed
to how it feels.

my path outward is on old concrete streets that fortunately have
little modern traffic. sand has blown in to fill most of the
worst cracks in the pavement, so i rarely have to countersteer
around potholes. the pace is rather slow and leisurely like i
would expect with nineteenth century technology, but i have to
really increase the speed when i approach an uphill run. momentum
in the large wheel counts a lot for the uphill, but if i lose it
then i must dismount and walk the bike to the top. steep
downhills are also a risk as i have no braking advantage. the
bottoms can be a terror if unexpected traffic appears when the
momentum is beyond control.

fortunately most of my journey is along coastal regions which are
flatlands. i think the game piece is taking me out cape cod
towards provincetown. the territory looks familiar anyway.
occasionally other people pass me riding modern high tech
bicycles. they usually wave as they zoom by on the normal
pavements which now and then run beside the old disused concrete
roads that i must take.

=( awake at 07:54. it does not take me long to start this entry
in the dream files, i feel mostly rested having slept without much
restless discomfort which has been bothering me often of late. i
do not actually feel refreshed, but at least i am not sleepy and
there is sufficient time for me to write this dream before i have
to get off to my morning classes. there seems to have been a bit
more of the dream when i finally got to the destination town-- it
was probably provincetown but i can not be certain now. too much
of that part of the dream has slipped out of my recall. while i
lived in massachusetts, my few journeys out to cape cod were
usually like vacations so this location has a mythical nature to
it rather than real life qualities. i never really understood the
purpose or goal of the game, but i think that discovery of its
geometry was a major part of it. since some of the higher
dimensions seem to involve probabilities (as we understand them),
the game was probably not movement of perfect knowledge. )=


Dream Science Updates:
Dream incubation leads to better problem outcomes

Richard Wilkerson


Dream Incubation is an ancient technique for problem solving.
Ancients would hold the problems in their minds (like incubating
an egg) and sleep on the steps of temples hoping for a dream that
would allow them to enter the temple and access the oracle. In
ancient Greece, Asclepian dream sanctuaries dotted the
Mediterranean and people who had physical, mental and spiritual
issues would go to the sanctuaries and await a dream that would
heal them.

Contemporary dreamwork has borrowed the spirit of these techniques
to allow dreamers to hold a wide variety of intentions in their
minds before going to sleep and then using the resulting dream as
a creative response to the problem. But just what is it that is
so helpful? Some have suggested that any technique that reduces
our anxiety about a problem is helpful in solving the problem, and
that is how dream incubation works, through relaxation. Others say
it's the creativity of the autonomous imagination that offers the
best solutions. Who is right?

Dream Incubation Study: Is it relaxation or the creative dream
mind that helps solve problems?

The White-Taytroe experiment found that incubation was useful in
several situations and a better choice for problem solving than
the relaxation techniques they studied.

The technique was thinking of a question or concern related to a
personal issue, and to repeat that issue question over and over
until falling asleep.

The participants had to keep track of their problems over a ten
day period, and reported on the levels of stress these problems
created as well as the degree that these problems were solved.

Dream incubation was found to increase the likelihood of a
problem being solved.

Interestingly, the study looked at how much the effects of
expectation and relaxation impact problem solving, and conclude
that, in this experiment set, it was something else that was
occurring that makes dream incubation so effective. Some subjects
used the incubation technique AFTERWARDS – in the morning instead
of before going to sleep, to check the impact of the incubation
technique itself. As you might expect, those incubating problems
upon waking instead of for the dreams found they couldn't solve
the problems as well.

So, what is this something? White and Taytroe suggest that it may
be due to counterfactuals. "Counterfactual thinking involves
reconstructions of past events in terms of alternative actions or
conditions that could lead to different outcomes." (207)
That is, the process of holding the problem in mind may set up a
condition where the mind can begin producing alternative
solutions, and there is now empirical evidence of dream content
containing counterfactuals.

I found it interesting that this theory of counterfactuals
corresponds somewhat to Gilles Deleuze concepts of the virtual and
the actual, where the actual is always surrounded by a field of
potentials, and like in Quantum physics, the actual occurs out of
the collapse of the wave, or in Deleuze, the collapse of the
virtual, a fall into the real. Another way to look at this is to
say that all sense is surrounded by fields of non-sense, which
give it support. To the degree one can set up a counter circuit
where the actual also produces in the virtual, the general
sensitivity of system can be raised to include or be more
influenced by its own potentials. In dream incubation, this means
that the focus on a topic will increase the counterfactual field
potentials of the actual dream or dreamer. Why the big increase
in counterfactuals in dreams vs. waking consciousness? Its
tempting to suggest that as the ego-actual enters into dream
zones, there is some relaxation of the factual and the field of
the counterfactual is "closer" to the dreamer. That is, when we
are awake our environment gives us very strict and concrete
feedback, but in the dreaming state, the world we existentially
inhabit is more malleable and the proximity between actual and
counteractual increased.

We must be careful about generalizing from a single experiment. As
White and Taytroe carefully point out, this experiment gives
strength the argument for dream incubation in problem solving and
weakens the arguments that its just about relaxation or focus. But
the study used just one kind of incubation technique and focused
on a narrow band of issues. In the White-Taytroe study, only
"Moderately solvable, moderately distressing" problems were
studied. However, this is an important study in that it suggests
that further research needs to be in areas that address the
special nature of dreaming itself and to focus less on peripheral

Gregory L. White, Laurel Taytroe (2003). Personal Problem-Solving
Using Dream Incubation: Dreaming, Relaxation, or Waking Cognition?
Dreaming Volume 13, Number 4, December 2003. 193 – 209. Kluwer
Academic/Human Sciences Press, Inc., New York City

Gilles Deleuze (1994/68). Difference and Repetition. Trans: Paul
Patton. Columbia University Press : New York City




No Dreams section this month.

-------------------- END ISSUE -----------------





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Thanks to John Labovitz for putting us on his e-zine list:

Thanks to the Dream Network Journal for mentioning the Electric
Dreams project.

Thanks to the Usenet newsgroups for mentioning us in the FAQ files
at alt.dreams and alt.dreams.lucid and for other Usenet Newsgroups
for allowing us to continually post messages.

Thanks to our many web links! See

The Electric Dreams Staff (Current)

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