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 · 6 Feb 2021


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#04, Mayo de 1996


Hola! a todos nuestros colegas metaleros, aqu¡ volvi¢ la explosi¢n
met lica para saciarles el hambre de info sobre el heavy. Sinceramen-
te, vamos a confesarles que no cre¡amos llegar al n£mero 4 ni en pedo,
porque justo comenzamos a escribir esto cuando tambi‚n comenzaron
todas las obligaciones. Ustedes saben, el colegio, el laburo en serio.
Pero bueh, el metal vive a costa de todo eso y siempre hay tiempo pa-
ra ‚l.

Seguimos con las secciones de siempre, los comentarios de recitales,
las letras de discos, las tablaturas, los reportajes, etc.
Esperemos que todos los lectores violeros hayan sacado algo del
n£mero pasado, los riffs nacionales; y los que tengan alguno de otros
temas ya saben, dejen mensajes.

Esta vez hay un reportaje a Lethal, que sali¢ publicado en la £ltima
Madhouse, est  bastante copado, y les va a sacar la duda de porqu‚
los qu¡as sacaron un disco con 3 temas nuevos nada m s.

Tablaturas hay tambi‚n, esta vez de unos temitas cl sicos de
Metallica, AC/DC y Led Zeppelin.

Letras? Bueno, en el n£mero anterior tiramos un par de letras de
Judas, pero si no les alcanzaron, ac  estan el 99% de las letras
de los primeros 5 discos de Judas Priest.
Tambi‚n las letras del primer disco de Logos "La Industria del
Poder", y las de la 2da producci¢n independiente de Nepal


Parte 1. Informate sobre la banda que viene: ACCEPT.

Como hacen las bandas cl sicas para seguir con su esencia pero visitar
nuevos caminos?
Incontables bandas se rompen el cerebro para encontrar la respuesta, y ni
siquiera las que la saben pueden explicar la soluci¢n.

Y Accept, quienes han sido uno de los grupos m s innovativos de la escena
met lica desde su fundaci¢n en 1977, no son la excepci¢n.
El cantante Udo Dirkschneider, el guitarrista Wolf Hoffman y el bajista
Peter Baltes son los mentores de esta m quina met lica y bien alemana.

Cuando Udo, Wolf, Pete y Stefan (el primer baterista), formaron Accept,
ten¡an 17 a¤os. Estaban muy entusiasmados para mostrar a la escena
met lica internacional su primer lanzamiento, llamado "Accept", en el '79.
Un a¤o m s tarde "Im a Rebel" fue bien recibido en todos lados, y fue
n£mero 6 en los charts ingleses.
Los  lbumes que le siguen, "Breaker" ('81) y "Restless and Wild" ('82),
siguen siendo discos indispensables para cualquier metalero, son parte
de la historia del gran metal. El tema "Fast as a shark" de "Restless
and Wild", era uno de los 3 temas metaleros m s o¡dos en Argentina en su
tiempo, junto con "Run to the hills" de Iron Maiden y "Freewheel burning"
de Judas Priest. Su velocidad y potencia era espectacular, e influenci¢
a miles de bandas que formaran parte del movimiento trash.
Los albumes "Balls to the wall" y "Metal Heart" establecieron nuevamente
el lugar de Accept como metaleros de primera clase. Con el  lbum "Russian
roulette" ('86) y "Eat the heat" ('89), Accept continu¢ con su ‚xito, pero
el grupo se separ¢ por razones internas ajenas a la m£sica.

Pero el lanzamiento del  lbum doble en vivo "Staying A Life", y la demanda
de una reuni¢n por parte de sus fans logr¢ que las cosas vuelvan a la
normalidad. Incluso Udo acept¢ la reuni¢n, abandonando su carrera solista
porque "Accept era divertirse de nuevo".

En el '93 lanzaron el impresionante "Objection Overruled", con temas que
son ya cl sicos, como "Slaves to metal".
El grupo hizo dos giras mundiales presentando su album, y por primera vez
las hicieron sin un segundo guitarrista. En restrospectiva, admitieron
que sonaban mejor de esa manera, y la calidad de las actuaciones lo demos-
Y si alguno duda del sonido que la banda tiene con un solo guitarrista,
solo tiene que escuchar "Death row" o "Predator", los £ltimos discos de la
banda (del '94 y '96 respectivamente).

Debido a razones que no conocemos, Accept se separa y realiza una gira
mundial como despedida. Pasar n por Argentina por segunda vez (la primera
hab¡a sido en la gira de "Objection Overruled", en V‚lez), ahora lo
har n en Cemento y con el soporte de Logos. No se lo pierdan, ver a
Accept por £ltima vez ser  algo que nunca podr n olvidar.

Discograf¡a oficial:

1978 - "Accept"
1979 - "I'm a rebel"
1981 - "Breaker"
1982 - "Restless and wild"
1983 - "Balls to the wall"
1985 - "Metal heart"
1985 - "Kaizoku-ban" (Mini-LP en vivo)
1986 - "Russian roulette"
1989 - "Eat the heat"
1990 - "Staying a life" (Doble en vivo)
1993 - "Objection overruled"
1994 - "Death row"
1996 - "Predator"


Parte 2. Comentario de Recitales.

En este n£mero lamentablemente no comentamos ningun recital, ya que desde
el £ltimo hasta ahora no fuimos a ver ningun recital met lico, ya que
debido a la escases de plata, s¢lo podemos hacerle el aguante a las bandas
m s grandes, llamense Logos, Almafuerte, y sus pares.
En el pr¢ximo n£mero seguro van a poder leer los comentarios de varios
recitales, ya que Mayo viene cargadito:

17 de Mayo: Almafuerte en Cemento - Invitado: Psicomuerte

24/25 de Mayo: Metal Rock Festival - Fin de la gira; Logos, Horcas y Rata
Blanca; Invitado: Vibri¢n.

31 de Mayo: Accept en Cemento - Invitado: Logos


Parte 3. Novedades de la escena metalera.

* Existen los fuertes rumores de que Iron Maiden y Deep Purple sean
los grupos principales del festival Monsters of Rock '96,
imploremos para que as¡ sea!

* Accept se separa, y antes de ello realiza una gira mundial,
que terminar  en Jap¢n. Pasar n por la Argentina, y ser n
teloneados por Logos, el viernes 31 de Mayo en Cemento.
Las anticipadas est n en venta en Metal Mania, Lavalle 663 Loc 9.

* Parece que Ricardo Iorio y otros m£sicos argentinos como por ej.
Flavio de los Fabulosos Cadillacs, van a grabar un disco juntos.


Parte 4. Reportaje a Lethal.

MH: Madhouse
YA: El yanqui
LU: Luis
TI: Tito

MH: ¨Por qu‚ "Efecto Tequila" tiene tres temas nuevos y dos covers
nada m s?

YA: Ten¡amos el material listo para el disco en junio del a¤o pasado.
Pero hubo problemas financieros en Iguana-BMG, lo cual hizo que
se fuera pateando para adelante la fecha. Despu‚s de mucho insis-
tir accedieron a que grab ramos un maxi de cinco temas.

LU: Accedieron porque no paramos de insistir. Como a principio de
a¤o habiamos arreglado para grabar en Junio dejamos de tocar y
nos centramos en los temas nuevos para poder grabar bien.
Lleg¢ Agosto, no pasaba nada y nos mandamos a hablar con la com-
pa¤¡a, no pod¡amos seguir laburando con "Maza".

TI: Ten¡amos temas como para hacer un disco y m s, el drama fue que
con Iguana el £nico arreglo al que pudimos llegar fue grabar un
EP. Despu‚s de grabar vino el tema de editarlo, cosa que en defi-
nitiva Iguana no hizo. Finalmente el sello fue; nos quedamos con
la cinta, lleg¢ la propuesta de Roadrunner, nos pareci¢ intere-
sante y aceptamos la edici¢n por este sello. Entre todas idas y
vueltas pas¢ un a¤o.

YA: Roadrunner quer¡a un  lbum completo ya, no hab¡a tiempo para
grabar m s temas y decidimos remezclar material viejo.

LU: Dif¡cil que una compa¤¡a para la que reci‚n firmas lance un ma-
xi. Al necesitar m s temas y las circunstancias en las que est -
bamos, decidimos meter un par de temas de "Bienvenidos a mi rei-
no" del cual todav¡a ten¡amos el DAT y pod¡amos remasterizarlo
como para que quede un poco mejor. Todo esto teniendo en cuenta
que en su momento tuvo una edici¢n muy limitada y que la gente
nos manda cartas y nos habla para ver si se puede conseguir ese
disco. Sentimos que es una forma de cumplir con los m s fans de
la banda.

MH: Dejando de lado el homenaje a Sumo, esta era la primera vez que
se met¡an al estudio con una sola guitarra. ¨Eso te hizo cambiar
en algo tu forma de tocar, Yanqui?

YA: Nos dio m s libertad a todos. Laburamos diferente. Tradicional-
mente en las bandas que tienen dos guitarras, las dos guitarras
y el bajo van haciendo lo mismo, van trabajando sobre la misma
base todos juntos. Ahora con Eddie nos damos el lujo de jugar
un poco m s. A veces yo me pongo a hacer base con Luis y Eddie
hace m s quilombo.

LU: Inclusive estamos componiendo diferente.

MH: ¨Sentiste mucha presi¢n al tener que bancarte todo el tema de
las guitarras solo?

YA: Para nada. Es diferente. Ahora tenemos una crudeza que antes no
ten¡amos. Antes por ah¡ sonaba m s poderoso. Le prestamos mucha
atenci¢n a las armonizaciones, cosa que odio. Ahora me permito
experimentar con otras cosas como diferentes afinaciones, cosa
que antes se hacia cuesta arriba.

LU: Esta es otra etapa de Lethal. La que hicimos con Charly fue muy
buena y estamos muy contentos, pero hoy estamos en otra historia.
Hoy hay que darle m s para adelante que nunca, escuchamos que
muchos se quejan, pero no hay que bajar los brazos.

MH: ¨Como vivieron la enfermedad, partida de la banda y posterior
muerte de Charly?

LU: El mismo, cuando not¢ que f¡sicamente no pod¡a, nos dijo que se
iba para no frenar a la banda. Siempre asumi¢ su problema muy
de frente, como un hombre. Para nosotros es una persona irrem-
plazable, por eso Lethal de aqu¡ en m s siempre va a seguir co-
mo cuarteto.

MH: En los tres temas se ve una b£squeda por ampliar un poco los
horizontes musicales. ¨Es algo que charlaron y decidieron hacer-
lo o surgi¢ naturalmente?

YA: En la mayor¡a de los casos las cosas salen naturalmente. Antes
generalmente compon¡amos Charly y yo. Ahora aprovechamos mucho
m s el tema de zapar en los ensayos. A veces descartamos temas
enteros porque no nos convencen; opinamos todos y resolvemos
seg£n lo que diga cada uno.

MH: Con respecto a las letras, hay una mayor preocupaci¢n por el te-
ma social, ¨no les preocup¢ caer en los dos o tres chich‚s que
est n dando vueltas hoy en d¡a?

YA: El tema de los indios no lo vamos a tocar ni ah¡. Una canci¢n de
amor a la cerveza ya tuvimos, pero ahora no har¡amos algo simi-

TI: Tenemos cosas m s importantes que decir. Se trata de hablar acer-
ca de lo que pasa todos los d¡as.

LU: Tratamos de dar una idea de lo que pasa en la realidad para que
con el tiempo sirva. Hay que comprometerse con un mont¢n de
gente que por ah¡ no puede enterarse de ciertas cosas, nosotros
llegamos con un cassette a su pieza y le podemos tirar un par de

MH: Antes no parec¡an tan esencialmente interesados en el tema...

TI: Siempre fuimos as¡. Por ah¡ como los temas antes eran en ingl‚s
a todo el mundo no le lleg¢ ese mensaje. Y s¡, tratamos de esca-
par a -como dec¡s vos- esos clich‚s; por ejemplo lo de los indios
me parece bien, pero tampoco es como para que todos se cuelguen
de eso porque est  de moda.

LU: Lo que pasa es que justo los tres temas nuevos fueron as¡, tam-
poco nos queremos restringir totalmente a eso. Como en los otros
discos, seguimos teniendo temas sobre diferentes asuntos.

MH: ¨C¢mo eligieron los covers?

YA: Siempre estamos jodiendo con covers. "Baby please don't go", que
toca AC/DC, surgi¢ de comun acuerdo y lo piola es que qued¢ muy

TI: "Salgan al sol" es como un homenaje. Billy Bond era una especie
de agitador social en su ‚poca, por La Pesada pasaron grandes
m£sicos: Pappo, Daniel Martinez, de hecho el tema es de ‚l.
Era lo que uno quer¡a ser de chico. Estaban todo con la paz y el
amor y el gritaba "hippies revienten"

MH: Como banda de metal, ¨no creen que el g‚nero a nivel art¡stico
est  un poco quedado?

LU: Yo conozco muchas bandas subtes que andan muy bien. Faltan instru-
mentos, que cuestan much¡sima plata, y las cosas ser¡an distintas.
Vos le das a esas bandas los equipamientos que tienen los de afue-
ra y te rompen la cabeza.

YA: A m¡ me parece que se est  llegando a un techo. Se est n acabando
ciertas f¢rmulas. A veces me pasa que est s ensayando en la sala
y te salen unas cuantas cosas, que dec¡s "­Uy, otra vez esto!".
Hay que intentar eludir esas cosas y por ah¡ muchas bandas se
quedan en la f cil.

TI: Tratamos de tener creatividad al componer y salir de las normas
estructuradas. Se supone que somos una banda trash y tenemos que
hacer "chucu, chucu, chucu", pero no, intentamos tener alg£n
vuelo un poco m s extra¤o, sin perder la esencia de lo que es

YA: Estos tres temas que est n en Efecto Tequila, son diferentes a
los que ven¡amos haciendo, pero los que estamos componiendo lo
son mucho m s.

MH: ¨Qu‚ tienen planeado para este 1996?

LU: Hay un video en marcha aunque todav¡a no decidimos de qu‚ tema.
Y la idea es tocar y tocar. Por todos lados, hay planeadas un
par de giras por el interior y si se puede nos gustar¡a salir de
gira por Latinoam‚rica.


Parte 5. Letras de discos.

Rocka Rolla - Judas Priest

One For The Road

Where would you be without music
You would be nowhere at all
We wouldn't be here doing this now
If you weren't having a ball

One for the road, sharing our load, show us the way

Can you imagine the silence
Not even the pink or white noise
Well thankfully we've got the license
To have us some fun with the boys

One for the road, sharing our load, show us the way

The melody line's fascinating
The rhythm is something divine
It sends our adrenaline racing
To see you all moving so fine

One for the road, sharing our load, show us the way
One for the road...

Rocka Rolla

Man eatin momma, steam driven hammer
Sorts the men out from the boys
Takes no messin', all in wrestlin'
Is one of her pride and joys

She a classy, flashy lassy
Imitation sapphire shine
Two faced liar, full of fire
But I know the flame is mine

Rocka rolla woman for a rocka rolla man
You can take her if you want her
If you think you can
Rocka rolla woman for a rocka rolla man
You can take her if you want her you can

She's a grip and choke ya
Heavy smoker
Wrong side of the law

Midnight shady
Good time lady
Heavy, ready show you what for

Barroom fighter
Ten pint a nighter
Definite ninety-nine

Diamond cluster
Knuckle duster
Feline on the borderline

Rocka rolla woman for a rocka rolla man
You can take her if you want her
If you think you can
Rocka rolla woman for a rocka rolla man
You can take her if you want her you can


Got no silver in my pockets
Got no pillow for my head
And the winter it gets stronger
Got to ease my aching head

In the morning when I wake up
Get this feeling deep inside
And I wonder if I'll die young
Or I'll go out of my mind

I still get this awful feeling
When the snow falls to the ground
It still sends my senses reeling
Knowing winter's come to town

Winter Retreat

Now, winter wind fades from my face
My heart will no longer race
Sun smiling down from the sky
Melts away ice from my eye
Warmth, eases back to my soul
Bitterness shrugs then it goes...


I got home late this evening, stumbled up the stair
I couldn't believe my eyes when I looked in the bedroom there
My woman with a man was lyin' fast asleep
I felt a rage inside me, control I couldn't keep

She was a cheater

I reached the dressing table, kicked away the door
I gripped the cold black metal, a loaded .44
By this time they're awake and they don't know what to do
I scream you cheatin' bitch here's what I think of you

You are a cheater

They both pleaded for mercy, I said no way
When you do this upon me, you have no say
I treated you so real good, and this is what you do
Oh no I've finished with you, your time is through

You are a cheater

If you need a cheater there's nobody sweeter than this one
There's no neater, come on here and meet her
Cheater, cheater, cheater, come on and meet her...

Never Satisified

Where do we go from here
There must be something near
Changing you, changing me forever

Places changes, faces change
Life is so very strange
Changing time, changing rhyme together

There's no where else to go
This could be our last show
Changing dreams, changing schemes never

We are never satisfied

Love is gone, along with fun
Now we're reaching for the gun
Changing cast, changing fast, no more tether

We are never satisfied

Run Of The Mill

What have you achieved now you're old
Did you fulfill ambition, do as you were told
Or are you still doing the same this year
Should I give sorrow, or turn 'round and sneer

I know that the prospects weren't all that good
But they improved, and I'd have thought that you could
Have strived for that something we all have deep inside
Not let it vanish, along with your pride

Now with the aid of your new walking stick
You hobble along through society thick
And look mesmerized by the face of it all
You keep to the gutter in case you fall

I can't go on

Dying To Meet You

Came in this morning high on a bird's wing
Quite open minded but still quite aware
Followed the sunrise right through from dawning
Picking out landmarks that said I was there
Led to positions by stern faced leaders
Who never let one smile depart from their face

Then with an arm raise the slaughter is started
One or two crack up and start to cry
Selfishness breeds in this cesspool of sorrow
Every few moments I see I friend die
Synchronized watches flash in the sunlight
As into the battle we are all led

Killer, killer, keep your thoughts at bay
Maiming, destroying, every single day
Is this the way that you get your fun
Slaying, waylaying, in the heat of the midday sun

Get out, get out, go and do your job
Rape and pillage, squander all and rob
You make me sick, getting paid for murder
You wouldn't lay a finger on your mother, oh no
You never ever dream to hurt her

Hero, hero, you have done so well
So sit back and lick your wounds, cause you won't go to hell
Take your medal, wear it now with pride
Consolation for the pain and sin you feel inside

Sad Wings of Destiny - Judas Priest

Victim of Changes

Whiskey woman
Don't you know that you
Are drivin' me insane
The liquor you give
Stems your will to live
And gets right to my brain

You're tryin' to find your way thro' life
You're tryin' to get some new direction
Another woman got her man
But she won't find no new connection
Takes another drink or two
Things look better when she's thro'

Takes another look around
You're not goin' anywhere
You've realized you're gettin' old
And no one seems to care

You're tryin' to find your way again
You're tryin' to find some new
Another woman got her man
But she won't find no new
Takes another drink or two
Things look better when she's thro'.

You've been foolin' with some hot guy
I want to know why is it why
Get up get out you know you really blew it
I've had enough I've had enough
Good God pluck me

Once she was wonderful
Once she was fine
Once she was beautiful
Once she was mine

Now change has come over her body
She doesn't see me anymore
Change has come over her body
She doesn't see me anymore

Victim of changes

The Ripper

You're in for surprise
You're in for a shock
In London town streets
When there's darkness and fog
When you least expect me
And you turn your back
I'll attack

I smile when I'm sneaking
Through shadows by the wall
I laugh when I'm creeping
But you won't hear me at all

Oh hear my warning
Never turn your back
On the ripper

You'll soon shake with fear
Never knowing if I'm near
I'm sly and I'm shameless
Nocturnal and nameless
Except for "The Ripper"
Or if you like "Jack The Knife"

Any back alley street
Is where we'll probably meet
Underneath a gas lamp
Where the air's cold and damp
I'm a nasty surprise
I'm a devil in disguise
I'm a footstep at night
I'm a scream out with fright

Oh hear my warning
Never turn your back
On the ripper...the ripper....the ripper

Dreamer Deceiver

Standing by my window, breathing summer breeze
Saw a figure floating, 'neath the willow tree
Asked us if we were happy, we said we didn't know
Took us by the hands and up we go

We followed the dreamer through the purple hazy clouds
He could control our sense of time
We thought we were lost but no matter how we tried
Everyone was in peace of mind

We felt the sensations drift inside our frames
Finding complete contentment there
And all the tensions that hurt us in the past
Just seemed to vanish in thin air

He said in the cosmos is a single sonic sound
That is vibrating constantly
And if we could grip and hold on to the note
We would see our minds were free...oh they're free

We are lost above
Floating way up high
If you think you can find a way
You can surely try


Solar winds are blowing
Neutron star controlling
All is lost, doomed and tossed, at what cost forever

Meteors fly around me
Comets die, and then they
And then they, you wanna see how they try to surround me
I can say, here today, we shall stay forever

If you want to find us in a hurry
Oh let me tell you don't you worry
I can't say, here today, we shall stay forever


Behold 'tis the commander
Whose grip controls you all
Resist me not surrender
I'll no compassion call

(Tyrant) Capture of humanity
(Tyrant) Conqueror of all
(Tyrant) Hedious destructor
(Tyrant) Every man shall fall

Your very lives are held within my fingers
I snap them and you cower down in fear
You spineless things who belly down
to slither to the end of the world
You follow to be near

Mour of us oppressed in fear
Chained and shackled we are bound
Freedom choked in dread we live
Since Tyrant was enthroned

I listen not to sympathy
Whilst ruler of this land
Withdraw your feeble aches and moans
Or suffer smite from this my hand

My legions faithful into death
I'll summon to my court
And as you perish each of you
Shall scream as you are sort


Mercenary batalions
Are poised to strike us down
Terminations conquest
Upon us now full grown

Save me, my heart's open wide
Help me, no question of pride
Save me, my people have died
Total genocide

Devastation hungers
She waits to leap to earth
Imminent liquidation
Before the ground rebirth

Sin after sin I have endured
Yet the wounds I bear are the wounds of love

Frantic mindless zombies
Grab at fleeting time
Lost in cold perplexion
Waitin' for the sign

Generations tremble
Clinin' face to face
Helpless situation
To end the perfect race

Slashin' senseless sabers
Cut as to the ground
Eager for the life blood
Of all who can be found

Slice to the left, slice to the right
None of the retaliate, none will fight
Chopping at the hearts, snuffin' out lives
Race depart no one will survive
Heads to the feet, feet to the air
Soul in the soil, heavy in despair
End of all ends, body into dust,

To greet death, extinction is a must.

Island of domination

Beware of their coming
Take heed our time is near
Fatality relinguish not
Brutality in arms doth seek to destroy.

They smashed through the clouds into the light of the moon
Their steeds were full charging, called destruction and doom
Twas as if all it was a terrible sight.
Now we are taken into the Island of Domination

We gotta get, we gotta get, we gotta get out of this place
There is a man with a needle who's pleading to get at my face
Hide me and hold me control free the best as you can

It's all becoming too much, I can't cope, for one man.
Skyrider supersonic flyer
Nightdriver demon of desire
Spinesnapper tried your best to break us

Throatchocker thought that you could take us
The fright of your life, the fright of your life,
The fright of your life is here guaranteed
This is no illusion confessing confusion your freed

Lashings of strappings with beatings competing to win
Oh what a mess I am blessed, dominations set in.

Sin after Sin - Judas Priest


See the rider,
Rides in with the storm
And you were right beside him
But never lived a scout yet have been born
Do you, do you hear it, do ya
Hear the thunder
Deafening the devil in his abode
Can you, can you see it, can you
See the mountains darken yonder
Black and running time is running out.

Sacrifice to vice, all die by the hand of the

His steed fury,
Eys of fire and rain abaze
Demandin' valtures stulkin'
Drawn by the smell of warm and pain
He roams the starways
Searching for the caucuses of war
But it is only that his
Very presence
Disrupts the calling to the storm

Curse and damn you, all you fall by the hand of the

Part of the Devil, part of the Devil
OK, have you brain
Part of the Devil, part of the Devil
You better run away
Can't you hear their souls calling out in their pain
Can't you see their bodies wanting searching for their light

Can't you hear their souls weeping
Some chant
Or is it insane
And it's only a rant
The Sinner is near
Sensing the fear
And the beast will start movin' around...

Can't you see their souls calling out in their pain
Can't you hear their bodies wanting searching for the light

Sacrifice to vice, all die by the hand of the
Curse and damn you, all you fall by the hand of the

Diamonds and Rust

I'll be damned, here comes your ghost again
but that's not unusual
it's just that the moon is full
and you decided to come

And here I sit, hand on the telephone
hearing the voice I'd known
a couple of light years ago
headed straight for a fall

But we both know what memories can bringh
They bring Diamonds and Rust
Yes we both know what memories can bring
They bring Diamonds and Rust

Now I see you standing with brown leaves all around and snow in your hair
Now we're smiling out the window of the crummy hotel over Washington Square
and then comes that white clouds, mingles and hangs in the air
Speaking strictly for me we both could've died then and there

Now you're telling me you're not nostalgic
Then give me another word for it
You were so good with words
And at keeping things paid

Cause I need some of that vagueness now
It's all come back too clearly, yes, I love you dearly
And if you're offering me diamonds and rust, I've already paid

But we both know what memories can bring
They bring Diamonds and Rust
Yes we both know what memories can bring
They bring Diamonds and Rust

Diamonds, Diamonds and Rust
Diamonds, Diamonds and Rust
Diamonds, Diamonds and Rust
Diamonds, Diamonds and Rust


Look out, it's Starbreaker
Cruisin' into town
Set his mind to steelin'
Every little heart around

Step out on the sidewalks
If you're feeling game
Because when falls the nighttime
Never seen again

Rides in from the skies
Takes you up so high

Everybody's waiting
For the chosen few
Let's hope maybe this time
He picks me and you

Star goin' to a new world
Light-year miles away
Cross your fingers, here he is,
Take us now this day

Starbreaker, take my hand
Starbreaker, understand
Starbreaker, you're the one
Starbreaker, lead us on, right now!

Call for the priest

Well, the presure's too much, you know, I peaked last night.
I gotta get me some a quick release.
City is standing on my shoulders, my body's going piece by piece.

Yes, I know what I want, and I know where to get it,
And I'm going there right away.
This is one priest that I don't have to fall on
down to my knees and pray.

When your back's to the wall come along and all,
We'll fight all the slander that's penned.
It's us we shall choose let the bigoted loose
For our triumph's the means to their end.

With you by my side, I shall ride every storm.

Let the cynics drop dead in their critical head,
They're wristmer chants as we all can see.
Bunch of deafers with their columnized fears,
What a shame, what a shame. Oh dear me! Oh sim!

Here Come The Tears

All alone, no-one cares.
So much to give, to you all out there.
Take me now, in your arms.
Let me rest, safe from harm.

Ohhh.... I want to be loved...
I need to be loved...
Wont somebody love me....

Here they come, here come the tears...

Here come the tears...

Dissident Aggressor

Grand canyons of space and time universal
My mind is subjected to all

Stab! Bawl! Punch! Crawl!
Hooks to my brain are well in
Stab! Bawl! Punch! Crawl!
I know what I am, I'm Berlin

Through cracked, blackened memories of unit dispersal
I face the impregnable wall

Stab! Bawl! Punch! Crawl!
Hooks to my brain are well in
Stab! Bawl! Punch! Crawl!
I know what I am, I'm Berlin

Exploding, reloading, this quest never ending
Until I give out my last breath

I'm stabbing and bawling, I'm punching and crawling
Hooks to my brain are well in
I'm stabbing and bawling, I'm punching and crawling
I know what I am, I'm Berlin

Stained Class - Judas Priest


Racing' cross the heavens
Straight into the dawn
Looking like a comet
Slicing through the morn
Scorching the horizon
Blazing to the land
Now he's here amongst us
The age of fire's at hand

Stand by for Exciter
Salvation is his task
Stand by for Exciter
Salvation bids to ask

Everything he touches
Fries into a crisp,
Let him get close to you
So you're in his trip,
First you'll smoke and smoulder
Blister up and singe
When ignition hits you
the very soul of your being will cringe.

Stand by for Exciter
Salvation is his task
Stand by for Exciter
Here he comes now
Fall to your knees and repent if you please

Who is this man?
Where is he from?
Exciter comes
For everyone.
You'll never see him
But you will taste the fire upon your tongue

He's come to make you snap out
Of the state that you are in
Looks around and make you
See the light again
So much self-indulgence
Results in shattered eyes
Predominant complacency
Leads to beguiling lies.

When he leaps amidst us
With combustive dance
All shall bear the branding
Of his thermal lance,
Cauterizing masses
Melting into one
Only when there's order
Will his job be done.

Stand by for Exciter
Stand by for Exciter
Stand by for Exciter
Stand by for Exciter

White Heat, Red Hot

The father's son, thy kingdom come, electric ecstasy,
Deliver us from all the fuss and give us sanctuary.
Lead us all into arena, magnificent in death.
Well let us serenade the sinner, we'll follow in his step.

White heat, red hot burns deep, white heat red hot.

The fury songs, venomous wrongs so rich in tragedy,
An overture forever more to senseless victories.
Give to us this day of glory the power and the kill
So we avoid the wrath and all the almighty fire of

White heat, red hot burns deep, white heat red hot.
The heat's hot burns a lot.
Who are not cut out to fight this day will surely fall.
The few who stand to take command forever and ever are men.

Prepare to fight, unsheathe your scythe a ghastly beam of ill
To slice the life with blinding light and seventh dimensional skill.
The centuries of dedication inherited till at last
From years of solar gladiation can only end in

White heat, red hot burns deep, white heat red hot.
The heat's hot burns a lot.
Who are not cut out to fight this day will surely fall.
The few who stand to take command forever and ever are men.

White heat
Red hot
White heat
Red hot

Better by you better than me

You could find a way to ease my passion
You listen to the blood flow in my veins
You hear the teaching of the wind
Tell her why I'm alive within
I can't find the words
My mind is dead
It's better by you better than me

Guess you'll have to tell her how I tried
To speak up thoughts I've held so inside
Tell her now I got to go
Out in the streets and down the shore
Tell her the world's not much living for
It's better by you better than me

Everybody knows
Everybody knows
Better by you better than me

You can tell what I want it to be
You can say what I only can see
It's better by you better than me

Guess I'll have to change my way of living
Don't wanna really know the way I feel
Guess I'll learn to fight and kill
Tell her not to wait until
They'll find my blood upon her windowsill
It's better by you better than me

Everybody knows
Everybody knows
Better by you better than me

You can say what I only can see
You can tell what I want it to be

It's better by you better than me

Better by you better than me

You can tell what I want it to be
You can say way all they can see

Better by you better than me

Stained Class

Wild-eyed and tight fisted, I'm fused to the bone
I stand contemplating, reacting alone
Impaled with betrayal
The tourniquet turns
Society's creation
Pole-axed out and burnt

Long ago when man was king, his heart was clean now he's stained class
Time has slashed each untouched thing, so now he's just a stained class king

Transfixed at deliverance, is this all there is
Faithless continuum, into the abyss
Fierce is my conviction, absolute my belief
I spit at you apathy, and seducer deceit

Long ago when man was king, his heart was clean now he's stained class
Time has slashed each untouched thing, so now he's just a stained class king

Lethal, deadly, hung, drawn and quartered
He slaughtered and faltered and altered the world
But by doing so smashed all his hopes and utopian dreams
Whipping, stripping, peeling the flesh off, relentless and senseless
His lust snapped like vipers whose fangs sank in deep
To infest and decay from the core

Impaled with betrayal, the tourniquet turns
Society's creation, pole-axed out and burnt

Long ago when man was king, his heart was clean now he's stained class
Time has slashed each untouched thing, so now he's just a stained class king

Stained class king


I came across a smoking field pulsating after glow
I saw a searing flash of light erupt and skywar go.
I stagered back in dazed surprise what was it I had seen?
Then as I stood there mesmerized I hear my spirit scream:

Invader! Invader near by!
Invader is nigh! Is this the nigh!

I first of more to come in careful planned attacks?
If it is so we must prepare defences to fight back.
The call is out trought out the world, united we must stand.
To build a linned strategic force they will not take command.

When they come to take control,
Every man must play his role.
They won't take our world away
For the children we leave
Will have to believe in today

I warn you now, you things up there, whatever you may send.
We won't give in without a fight, a fight until the end.
With vigilance by day an night our scanners trace the sky,
A shield is sealed up on this earth, a shield you won't get by.


Who gives you the right to come here and tell me
I have to leave this place my home
To you it's a jungle, to me it's a kingdom
Where (my) people are free there to roam
Born with the stars we are happy and peaceful
'Til now we were left undisturbed
But you rupture the forests our gardens
And fill them with filth from your cities unheard

Savage, who is savage
Leave your morals, stake your claim
Savage, you are savage
Modern man can take the blame

You poisoned my tribe with civilized progress
Baptizing our blood with disease
You christened our bodies with sadness and suffering
Saying then that your god is well-pleased
What have we done to deserve such injustice
Explain to us please if you can
But you can't, no you can't, we can see it in your eyes
Of us both who's the primitive man

Savage, who is savage
Leave your morals, stake your claim
Savage, you are savage
Modern man can take the blame

You poisoned my tribe with civilized progress
Baptizing our blood with disease
You christened our bodies with sadness and suffering
Saying then that your god is well-pleased
What have we done to deserve such injustice
Explain to us please if you can
But you can't, no you can't, we can see it in your eyes
Of us both who's the primitive man

Savage, savage
Savage, savage
Who's the savage
Modern man
Who's the savage
Modern man

Beyond the realms of death

He had enough
He couldn't take anymore
He found a place
And his mind has slammed the door
No matter how they tried
They couldn't understand
They washed and dressed him
Fed him by hand

Yeah! I've left the world behind
I'm safe here in my mind
Free to speak with my own kind
This is my life, this is my life
I'll decide not you

Withdrawn he'd sit there
Stare blank into space
No sign of life
Would flicker on his face
Until one day he smiled
It seemed as though with pride
The wind kissed him
Goodbye - and then he died

Yeah! I've left the world behind
I'm safe here in my mind
Free to speak with my own kind
This is my life, this is my life
I'll decide not you

Keep the world with all its sin
It's not fit for livin' in
Yeah! I will start again
It can take forever, and ever, and ever
And ever, but I'll still win.

How many like him,
Are there still
But to us, all
Seem to have lost the will
They lie in thousands
Plagued and lost
Is nothing worth this bitter cost

Yeah! I've left the world behind
I'm safe here in my mind
Free to speak with my own kind
This is my life, this is my life
I'll decide not you

Keep the world with all its sin
It's not fit for livin' in

Beoynd the realms of death.

Heroes End

I heard a human voice who sang like no one else
I heard a proud lady singing loud
Lived her life as she liked, didn't give damn
But soon she found she was underground and wasted

I watched her hitting notes as she strutted stage
Her body shook oh, she did her stuff
She screamed and quake, give and take, maybe took too much
If you take the smooth you gotta take the rough

Why do you have to die to be a hero
It's a shame a legend begins at its end
Why do you have to be a hero
When there's still so many things to say unsaid

If you gaze across timeless years you'll find them always there
And many gods will join the list compiled with dying care
Hungry mouths are waiting to bite the hand that feeds
And so the living dead carry on immortal deeds

I saw on silver screen an actor's rise to fame
But fast car user lose
That legend's born from death and that is such a shame
'cos ev'ry year new ones appear

Why do you have to die to be a hero
It's a shame a legend begins at its end
Why do you have to be a hero
When there's still so many things to say unsaid.

I heard a man's guitar electrify a crowd
I felt the sound shower 'round
And he would take you with him where no music's been before
As you merged with power surge to gether

His music knew no limits if you were in it's wake
You had no choice, no, but hear its voice
And you would listen hypnotized, unreal in dream
But one so strong long becomes weak

Why do you have to die to be a hero
It's a shame a legend begins at its end
Why do you have to be a hero
When there's still so many things to say unsaid

Hell Bent For Leather/Killing Machine - Judas Priest

Delivering the goods

Feeling like we're, we're ready to kick tonight
No hesitating, bodies aching
Looking for some action, satisfaction all right
Charging, vein grace, as active as one-hundred side of proof
Megaton, Leviathan, we're ready to hit the roof

You better watch out and hold on tight
We're heading your way like dynamite
Delivering the goods
Delivering the goods

Shake down, rocking boys, crack that whip strap me
Pulse raid, airwaves, vitalize another place witin
Stealing your hearts all across the land
Hot blood doing good, we're gonna burn you with our brand

You better watch out and hold on tight
We're heading your way like dynamite
Delivering the goods
Delivering the goods

Heading your way, stand your way
Oh, we don't pull no punches, we aim where the crunch is
Bound to do most damage to your brain
If you're looking for it mellow, you're nothing more than yellow
Gonna do it again and again
We'll beat you to submission so you might as well surrender
You've gotta learn your lesson, 'cause there ain't nobody here to defend ya

Faster, higher, 'til it seems that we're gonna break
Shootin' further, giving more than you're ever gonna take
Leaving with your heads crushed out on the floor
Begging for mercy, be careful or I'll do it some more

You better watch out and hold on tight
We're heading your way like dynamite
Delivering the goods
Delivering the goods

Rock forever

When the day is over,
I like to ease my mind
By jucin' up my system,
With the beat of a heavy kind
I smack a bottle open,
I crank the hi-fi high
I'm in-a seventh heaven
Ooh I can touch the sky

I'm in love, so in love
And I can't stop talking 'bout my rock forever

It's got the movin' to me,
just that I can't explain,
It's like a brilliant sunshine,
After standing in the pouring rain
My skin begins to tingle,
Ooh right on down my back.
It's really got me fevered,
Pounding my senses flat.

I'm in love, so in love
And I can't stop talking 'bout my rock forever

Rock - rock - rock forever (I love my)
Rock - rock - rock forever (my fever)
Rock - rock - rock forever (always gonna) Rock - rock - rock forever
I can't stop talkin' about...rock...
Now get it right, boys...

So when you get those blue days,
Here's just what to do
Switch into this lifeline
And feel it rushing through
Before you know it, blue days
Are better left behind
By juicin' up your system
With this beat of a heavy kind

I'm in love, so in love
And I can't stop talking 'bout my rock forever Rock forever
I'm gonna rock forever.

Evening Star

I traveled to a distant shore
I felt I had to go
An inner voice had called me there
But why I did not know
I saw the evening star rise up
Shining out to sea
And now I understand at last what it means
What it all means

Evening star I can see the light
Evening star guiding me so bright

I used to tempt fate
I couldn't see straight
I faltered through my younger days
Never knowing where I was going
Then something helped me penetrate the haze

Evening star I can see the light
Evening star guiding me so bright

Now I am stronger
The haze no longer
Ruins my future destiny
Such inspirations and new sensations
Though nothing strange has changed in me

Evening star I can see the light
Evening star guiding me so bright

I'm home once more, much better for
The things that I have found
Much wiser now, so simple how
Each time I turn around
I see the evening star rise up
Shining out on me
And now I understand at last what it means
What it all means

Evening star I can see the light
Evening star guiding me so bright

Hell bent for leather

Seek him here, seek him on the highway, never knowing when he'll appear
Hell await, engines ticking over, hear the roar, as they sense the fear
Wheels! A glint of steel and a flash of light
Screams! From a streak of fire as he strikes!

Hell bent, hell bent for leather
Hell bent, hell bent for leather

Black as night, faster than a shadow, crimson flare from a raging sun
An exhibition, sheer precision, yet no one knows from where he comes
Fools! Self-destruct cannot take that crown
Dreams! Crashed one by one to the ground!

Hell bent, hell bent for leather
Hell bent, hell bent for leather

There's many who tried to prove that they're faster
But they didn't last and they died as they tried

There's many who tried to prove that they're faster
But they didn't last and they died as they tried

Hell bent, hell bent for leather
Hell bent, hell bent for leather
Hell bent, hell bent for leather
Hell bent, hell bent for leather

Take On The World

You got to leave your seat, you gotta get up upon your feet,
You're gonna move ya to the rhythm till you never can stop.
We got the power, we got the music, and you bet that you can use it,
We're gonna take rock-bottom, we're gonna take it to the top.

Put yourself in our hands, so our voices can be heard,
And together we will take on all the world.
Put yourself in our hands, so our voices can be heard,
And together we will take on all the world.

Move a little nearer, you know you gotta follow your leaders,
As we need you, like you need us for sure.
We're gonna drive you, we're gonna ride you, we're gonna get right inside
And if you wanna keep going, just shout out for more!

Put yourself in our hands, so our voices can be heard,
And together we will take on all the world.
Put yourself in our hands, so our voices can be heard,
And together we will take on all the world.

Sing your song, we'll listen to you.
Sing your song, the spotlights are you.

Put yourself in our hands, so our voices can be heard,
And together we will take on all the world.
Put yourself in our hands, so our voices can be heard,
And together we will take on all the world.

Put yourself in our hands, so our voices can be heard,
And together we will take on all the world.
Put yourself in our hands, so our voices can be heard,
And together we will take on all the world.

The Green Manalishi (With The Two-Pronged Crown)

Now when the day goes to sleep and the full moon looks
And the night is so black that the darkness cooks
And you come creeping around, making me do things I don't want to do

Can't believe that she needs my love so bad
Come sneaking around, trying to drive me mad
Busting in all my dreams, making me see things I don't want to see

'Cause you're the Green Manalishi with the two-pronged crown
All night dragging us up, or you're bringing us down
Just taking my love, and slip away
Leaving me here, trying to keep from following you

Killing machine

I never give true answers, but never tell no lies,
I never ask no questions, I never speak my mind,
I never walk a straight line, so never get surprised.
I've always found that silence helps to keep me and my kind alive.

I don't ask no favours, so don't get abused,
I take care of business, it takes care of me,
I learned to win when I was young and so I'm never gonna loose.
I look after myself and do it well 'cos somebody's always look for me.

Ya pay me the money and I do the job! I got a contract on you.
What manner of man am I? A gun, lump sun and then I move on.
What manner of man are you? You stab a friend's back to jump the queue.

I do what I do 'cos I can't do nothing better.
You do what you do, just defend yourself.
And you got nothing better to do.

I got no place, no name. I'm just a killing machine.
I cut the population down if you know what I mean.
I never stop in one place, I move about the cities,
Got expensive taste,
But I hasten to add that I'm the best there is.

Ya pay me the money and I do the job! I got a contract on you.

Running Wild

I move as fast as I can
I like to get around
I'm crazy like a madman
My feet don't touch the ground
I move amongst the night life
And they just step aside
Cause when they see me coming
They know I'm running wild

Dead or alive there's nothing
That bothers me at all
I take on all comers
They back off or they fall
They raise their hands to stop me
I laugh and I defy
Cause what's the point in living
Unless you're living wild

No chains can hold me down
I always break away
I never hear society
Tell me what to do or say
I taste the life that pleases me
And raise a storm for all the world to see I never stumble, never fall
Never stop for rest
I rebell but I walk tall
And I demand respect

I move amongst the nightlife
And they just step aside
Cause when they see me coming
They know I'm running wild

I'm running wild
I'm running wild
Get outta my way
I'm running wild
I'm running wild
You better believe it

Before The Dawn

Before the dawn, I hear you whisper
In your sleep "Don't let the morning take him"
Outside the birds begin to call
As if to summon up my leaving

It's been a lifetime since I found someone
Since I found someone who would stay
I've waited too long, and now you're leaving
Oh please don't take it all away

It's been a lifetime since I found someone
Since I found someone who would stay
I've waited too long, and now you're leaving
Oh please don't take it all away

Before the dawn, I hear you whisper
In your sleep "Don't let the morning take him"

La Industria del Poder - Logos


Cae la noche, una vez m s.
Luces te ciegan y no te dejan mirar.
Ya vas camino a la seccional,
Sue¤os de espadas y serpientes te atormentan.

Todos te quieren ver muerto,
Por la polic¡a local,
Nada comprende tus ideas ni tu manera de pensar.

Hoy los valores tergiversados,
Confunden todo lo que encuentran a su paso,
Y te condenan, por la esencia de lo que sos
No lo refleja tu apariencia

Prototipos de la moral,
Transgresores de su propia ley,
Si no est s de su lado ser s,
Marginado por ellos y la sociedad.

Marginado, despreciado...
Marginado, condenado...

Cuando te sientas cansado,
Y nadie escuche tu voz,
Dios estar  a tu lado,
Para sentir tu dolor.

Como rel mpago en la oscuridad

Avanza siempre sin cesar y nunca llega,
Errante en la oscuridad.
Buscando restos del amor que se ha perdido,
Camina hoy la humanidad.
Sin saber ad¢nde va, buscando paz,
A espaldas de su Dios.

A pesar que viejos muros fueron derribados,
Hay un mundo lleno de maldad.
Que al impulso de su propio v‚rtigo ha ca¡do,
En esta ci‚naga infernal.
Presa de su propio mal, buscando paz,
A espaldas de su Dios.

Miles de hombres se han cerrado a la verdad,
Diciendo que Dios nunca volver .
Por buscaron en el cielo una se¤al,
Sin antes ver su propio coraz¢n.

Como rel mpago en la oscuridad,
Como rel mpago en la noche vendr ,
Buscando a los que prometi¢ la eternidad,
Quienes creyeron en su nombre.

Como rel mpago en la oscuridad,
Como rel mpago en medio de este mar,
Donde naufragan los que prefieren andar
En la vanidad de sus mentes.

La £ltima batalla

No dejes que el odio encadene a tus pies
Tu sed de justicia y libertad.
Ni pierdas el tiempo creyendo que en ‚l
Se encuentran las respuestas que busc s.
Porque la verdad, va junto al amor,
Y ellos te abrir n camino.

El odio en la gente, causa divisi¢n.
Porque solo piensa en la maldad.
Y nuestro enemigo se oculta en ‚l,
Buscando a qui‚n devorar...

Pero la verdad, va junto al amor,
Y ellos te abrir n camino,
En la £ltima batalla.

No te rindas

Vientos ni mares quisieran jam s
Con su poder a£n en la tempestad,
Esparcir ni una l grima de los vencidos.
Aunque el desierto pueda mutilar,
Con su silencio el grito mortal
De aqu‚llos que en ‚l
Derramaron su sangre.

Disparos cruzados,
En las calles gobierna el temor,
Y en la oscuridad de este abismo,
Te quiero gritar:
No te rindas!

No te rindas,
Aunque te sientas morir.
No te rindas,
Debes luchar hasta el fin.
No dejes vencer,
El mal en tu propio ser
Porque en su esclavo te convertir s.

Toda la creaci¢n,
Clama por su redenci¢n,
Y pronto los cielos se conmover n.

Ven a la eternidad

S‚ que est s harto de sentirte,
S¢lo entre tanta gente,
Y de andar por mil caminos,
Que confunden tu mente.

S‚ que ya a nadie le interesa
Saber como te sientes,
Porque el mundo est  perdido,
En su propia oscuridad,
Pero pod‚s confiar en m¡,
Adonde vayas yo estar‚...
Esper ndote.

Ven a la eternidad,
Si puedes creer que yo soy la vida.
No morir s jam s, porque yo venc¡
En la cruz la muerte.

Conozco el hambre y la sed,
La injusticia y el dolor.
S‚ qui‚n sos, c¢mo est s...
Aqu¡ estoy...

En la ciudad violenta

En las entra¤as cancerosas,
De esta enorme ciudad,
Camino y trato de escapar
De su violencia latente,
Sintiendo la soledad
De miles de hombres solos
Que mendigan amor
Y nadie los comprende.

Yo estoy aqu¡ y no puedo
Dejar de percibir ese dolor.
De no saber lo que quiero,
Pero en la piel sentirlo.
Viendo la ignorancia crecer,
Como reina en la miseria.
Cultivando un odio,
Que se vuelve contra m¡.

En la ciudad violenta.

La industria del poder

La industria del poder,
Y su m quina del miedo,
Que extermina personas y sue¤os,
No descansar  hasta verte
En la miseria mental.

Haciendo de lo trivial,
Un germen que te alimenta,
Mientras sus due¤os
Sientan su poder en lo corrupto,
En nombre de la libertad.

Por eso muchos viven sin saber
Que est n muriendo.
Y el silencio de los que callan
Pesa m s que una l pida sobre sus mentes.

S‚ muy bien que en las regiones oscuras
De nuestro olvido, a£n navegan la muerte
Y la crueldad, como sombras de una edad,
Que a morir se resiste.

Yo no quiero ser uno m s en esta industria,
Engranaje de una m quina demente,
Que a fuerza de ser £til,
Quiere hacerme in£til.

S‚ muy bien que en las regiones oscuras
De nuestro olvido, a£n navegan la muerte
Y la crueldad, como sombras de una edad,
Que a morir se resiste.

Resiste a morir.
Resiste a morir.

Ideolog¡a - Nepal


Esta es la verdad, sigue esperando
Toda la depresi¢n, toda el tiempo, la miseria
Lo profundo, lo trivial
Se juegan con la misma indiferencia.

La desolaci¢n, premonici¢n
Y realidad de hoy.

C¢mo est s perdedor,
Filtrado por esa conciencia.
Otra vez perder s y ver s es tu condena.
Muere ya sin controlar m s nada,
Por £ltima vez.

Toda la pasi¢n que hoy
Quema por un ideal.
S¢lo, s¢lo para amar
Grita! Es tu soledad.

Lo Que Fue!

Se disfraza la verdad y la fe asesinada
Obedecer, ocupaci¢n y la vida programada.

Se disfraza la verdad y la fe asesinada
Obedecer, jubilaci¢n y tu vida controlada.



Sobre una farsa m s
Y un llanto que se quiebra
Sobre el que pierde hoy
Recuerdos de su historia.

Siempre un castigo m s
Y un pueblo desgarrado
Su pobre condici¢n
Y su agon¡a interna.

La paga imaginaria
Despues de tanto tiempo
Encuentran un ma¤ana
Exhausto y homicida.

Sufriendo densidades
Y al borde de su gloria
Y buscan otra vez
Fatalmente su huella.

Encontrar‚ adelante
Detonando ese viaje discriminante
Esquirlas de un pasado
Y adversidades de una Naci¢n.

La brasa una vez m s
Quemando esta memoria
En la que callar n
Al borde de esta histeria.

Su propia ideolog¡a
Plagada de lamentos
Flagela un ideal
Transformado en tormento.

Esquivos de su suerte
Abrazan esta imagen
Si algun ma¤ana existe
Y en el camino de su ra¡z.

Estas son pasiones
Que desbordaran sin m s
Su marginaci¢n.

Vaciando humanidades
Y al borde de su muerte
Persecuci¢n que ya enquista esta memoria
Que se mantiene viva en la que callar n
Alguna causa que anunciar  justicia real...

Testigos de su suerte arrastran la carro¤a
Aprisionando el alma que apesta!

Antes de tener un tiro en la cabeza
Curtiendo en este suelo
Que vibra amenazante

Si es que alguna vez
Se cruza por tu mente
La idea de traici¢n
Yo voy a asesinarte

Vaciando humanidades
Despojos de su fobia
Persecuci¢n que ya enquista esta memoria
Si algun ma¤ana existe
Y en el camino de su ra¡z.
Esquirlas de un pasado
Y adversidades de una Naci¢n.

Guerra sucia

El ensayo de una vida
En el alma se marc¢
Los farsantes del silencio
En esos d¡as de maquinaci¢n.

Uno-m s-ves-miedo-santos-mienten
Otros-mueres-ves-m s-muchas-guerras

Aunque viva renegado
Aunque viva en lo peor
Como logro entrar en este abismo
Alienado por la realidad.

Los hermanos que se matan
Al servicio del odio mortal
No me hablen de hero¡smo
Ya conozco su debilidad.

Paredes de hierro

De mi celda veo
Las luces de la gran ciudad
Que brillan como estrellas
En la oscuridad de la noche.

Los barrotes que separan
La libertad del pensamiento
A veces pienso que ser ...
Aqu¡ es imposible el tiempo
Tengo que volverte a ver
Al menos no se olvidar n de m¡...

Paredes de hierro
Me separan de la vida.

En esta realidad,
El vac¡o despiadado y nada m s.

Enfriando las heridas

Bajando por la misma sucia calle
Del lado que yo siempre quise ver
Tengo que enfriar toda mi sangre
S¡...para pensar.

Oigo, amo, siento, vibro, para pensar.
Odio, sangro, bebo, para vivir.
Tomo, hago, sigo, vivo, para pensar
Sangro y pego un grito, desde aqu¡.

Bajando por la misma sucia calle
Del lado que yo siempre suelo ir
Tengo que enfriar viejas heridas...
S¡...para vivir

De aqu¡, de aqu¡, de ac .

Tengo que aprender,
Todo lo que me reprime hoy
S¢lo se, podr‚ resistir.
Contener, todo tu dolor.

Bajando por la misma sucia calle,
Del lado que yo siempre suelo ir
Tengo que enfriar viejas heridas
S¡...para vivir.

De aqu¡, de aqu¡, de ac .


Uno de esos d¡as,
Andando por ah¡
Incentivando el riesgo
Hasta el momento final
Bajando todo el tiempo
Quisiera encontrar
A toda esa mentira que relaja la ciudad
Nada se consigue, nada que esperar

Y alg£n idiota de esos
Que nos quieren hacer ver
Si lo ves que todo est  muy bien
Y esperar y esperar todo lo mejor
Que s¡, que no...Golpea!

A veces me parece me quieren confundir
Con toda esa historieta que manejan por ah¡
Dura hipocres¡a y alguna treta m s.
Y alguna esperanza que promete no volver.

Desparecer y descolocar, desarticular
Esta apolog¡a hacia el descontrol
Que s¡, que no...Golpea!

Hoy nada se parece
A todo ese ideal
Qu‚ es toda esta basura que relaja la ciudad?
Una botella y otra que pagar
Y algunas tentaciones
Que nos deja hasta el final
Dici‚ndome que no, dici‚ndome que no,
Que no a este sistema y a la represi¢n
Que voy a hacer, ser o no ser.

Herederos del miedo

Ya no podr n seguir en este encierro
Mil a¤os de luchar de nada sirven
Qui‚n nos conduce hoy a esta violencia
En esta condici¢n, nada es profundo.

Armas, muerte, vida, ser

Convirtiendo el poder
De un pueblo en hambre
Y su oportunidad con esta ley.

Misi¢n de cambiar todas las cosas
El decreto de poder
Represi¢n desde el ayer.
Nuestras mentes ocupadas
Su visi¢n desde el poder
De jugar y no perder
Oprimir con su poder
Miedo de morir y no querer.

Bestias sin razones, matan sin piedad.

D¢nde van con esa hipocres¡a,
Si toman el cetro y roban
D¢nde va la masa adormecida
Si le niegan su necesidad.


La maldad rastrera y polic¡a
Ya nos da su cuota de igualdad.
No tendr s refugio en este infierno
Sin que ellos puedan terminar su misi¢n!

Predicando la mentira


en la tierra,
Como en el cielo
Para aquellos hombres
Faltos de esperanza,
Jerarquizando su verdad
Nada los conmueve.

Aquel cinismo habla de la calle
Ridiculizan toda la esperanza de hoy.
Condicionando a la tortura
De sus fieles consumados.

Ellos faltan a la verdad
Agitando esas almas.

As¡ en la tierra,
Como en el cielo
Suenan las campanas agitando el sue¤o.


Parte 6. Tablaturas.

Enter Sandman - Metallica

Intro: (Play 12 times)


Rhythm Fill 1:




|-------------4x-------------| |--------------8x-------------|

Rhythm Fill 2:



(Repeat Rhythm Fill 2 once)

Rhythm Fill 3:



(Repeat Rhythm Fill 3 once)




Chorus Fill:



(Repeat Rhythm Fill 2 twice)

(Repeat Bridge)

(Repeat Chorus Fill)

















(Repeat Rhythm Fill 2 twice)
(Repeat Bridge)
(Repeat Chorus Fill)
(Repeat Intro 8 times)

(Repeat Bridge, 1st measure only, 6 times)

(Repeat Chorus Fill twice)

(Repeat Rhythm Fill 2 twice)

(Repeat Rhythm Fill 2 4 times)





|------------4x--------------| |------------4x-------------|


|--- Repeat while fading out ---|

Back In Black - AC/DC

Verse 4x



Repeat verse 2x then bridge

1 solo 4 times then bridge again

riff a 4x riff b 2x repeat riff

a 2x then bridge again Then play rythem for the solo again

Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin



Intro end.
Theres a

lady whos glitter buying a heaven When she

gets there stores are ord she can get came for

Oooh oooh and shes buying a heaven Theres

B-----------3-----|---1--1--0 1-------|-1-----1---3-----|-1-1-1-----------|
sign on she wants you know two meanings In a

tree theres a song times all of our mis given


Oooh it makes me wonder
oooh makes me wonder theres a

feeling when look to my spirit leaving in my
whispered all call the tune then the piper will to reason &

thoughts I smoke through voices of looking [goto %]
new day those who forests will laugh - ter


If theres a bust 'edge row dont its just a Queen
Yes there are go by but and theres still your on

and it won der


Your head is wont go the pipers him
Dear lady can blow your stairw whispering wind

wierd time (3/4?)


Ok this is where the solo starts. Am - x02210
I'll include the chords to play over Am7 - x02010
it they sound pretty open I think Fmaj7 - xx3210
its a 12 string.

Am Am7 Fmaj7
Am Am7 Fmaj7
|--8b10---8--5 -----8--10-|-8-----------------------5-------|
Am Am7 Fmaj7

Am Am7
Am Am7

Am Am7 hold bend

* this slide riff is another guitar and
is actually played on the 1st string
Am Am7 /---------\ Fmaj7
Am Am7 Fmaj7 Am Am7
|-19b21--13/12 13/10-|--14b17--14b17-14--12--14--12-12b14------------|
Fmaj7 Am Am7


The two guitars continue into this section. Walloping (a technical term
meaning hit very hard &) the strings using the full barre sounds pretty
good. The lead basically follows the bass. You can do both (like you
can tweak the slide riff with one guitar)

I think i can probably tabascii the bass now, ive listened to it enough.
But ive had it for this song!! unless someone really needs it please dont
ask just yet.. Ive gotten transfixed by a few other zepplin tracks
that where on the album, their slower more melodic stuff like no quarter
down by the seaside etc..

Am G F G Am G F G
And as we wind on down the road Our shadows taller than our soul

Am G F G Am G
there walks a lady we all know who shines w' light and to

F G Am G
show how everything still turns to

Am G F G Am G
gold and if you listen very hard the tune will come to u at

F G Am G F
last when all __ yeah

Am G Fmaj7 Am Am7/G Fmaj7
to be a rock roll__

Am Am7/G Fmaj7 Am Am7/G

Am Am7/G Fmaj7
And shes buying a stairway to heaven


Parte 7. Adi¢s.

Aqu¡ termina el n£mero 4 de esto que se llama Metal Meltdown, espero
que esto les agrade y que todo les vaya bien, en estos tiempos duros.
Como £ltima reflexi¢n, queremos expresar nuestro total desagrado sobre
lo ocurrido en el festival que se realiz¢ en el Parque Rivadavia, pero
bueno, esto proviene de gente que tiene mucho odio en sus mentes,
como pueden ser los punks y los skinhead, cualquiera sea su ideolog¡a.
Ustedes saben que el heavy metal no apoya la muerte en ningun sentido,
excepto en el sentido mental, ser¡a barbaro matar a las ideolog¡as
nazis que los skinhead tienen, pero bueh, no queremos hacerla m s
larga, en el pr¢ximo n£mero vamos a hablar de todo eso.
No se pierdan a Almafuerte en Cemento! Chau...

El metal nunca muere.

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