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Sabotage Issue 03

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Published in 
 · 21 Feb 2021


" S A B O T A G E " pack by Horizontal Lamerz
__________\ `--.__
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_|_____ _______ _____ ___|_ _
__| /___\ __ |_| |____ _|
| |____ __ | __ /_ ___
| |/ __ \| |/ | |/
|_________\|_____|____________________ _
| |
| - A R T i C L E P A R T - |
| (some nice articles) |
_ __|__ _______ ________ _____|_
|___\ __ |_\ |_ __\ ____7_
___| __ \ ___|/___ _| /___
\| _ \| | | \| |
_ _______|_____|_______ |_________|
hhs'| ((-|________|-)) |'lot
| |
| + s A B O T A G e + _|

choose what you want:

INTRODUCTION ...................................... page 3

SPLATTERHEAD/EX-SCOOPEX STORY ..................... page 5

... or continue with paging for sequential reading

a few little words (by lahve/reason+horizontal lamerz)

welcome to this little section for all swappers and other freaks who is
obliging to write some nice words about anything. this pack won`t be
regular diskmag, so i await only some nice experiences with swap, some
partyreports, funny stories... in short it would be good to fill this space
by one to three little articles to be written here. of course, main thing
is news, adverts etc, but this section is here only for variegating this
pack, i still prefer news section, but anyway, no problem to send me some
good/worse experiences with some swapper, any recommending about swappers,
some feelings about new swapper on the scene etc, you know.

please help us a little and don`t let this lines be only mine forever.
don`t be afraid to write some worse about someone, some critics or what, but
please don`t make unnecessary flamewars or big raging here. this mag is
dark and spooky, but please keep friendshipping here as much as you are
already doin` in your snails.

if someone has any new idea to use it here, no problem to realize it,
because this engine was done like full-valuable diskmag and i`m using only
little part of it. but i still want to let this pack in the simple form, we
have many good diskmags which need your help more than sabotage. this pack
could be only little bulletin-board for all swappers in whole amiga world.
keep this infos fresh with your news, memberlists, tunes, introscreens and
moral support and keep this pack spreading only via swapping, no inet
spreading please! thanx for it.

splatterhead's (amiga) scene history + more - evolution version 0.666beta

rape rip spread or use lose booze choose this text freely for any


i want remember (now march 2000) sum old things, (good old times :) what
happened in my life in past. and when now time after time i have time to
write about scene and everything, i just do it just for fun. i was asked
during my swapping time to write something to diskmags, but i was so lazy
and quite busy with swapping so i never wrote to diskmags etc. anyway those
years i haven't got much to say, and may then there was so less time to

nonscener probably don't understand magic of scene and maybe i don't even
try to explain, so this is to them probably boring. i hope you like my
(un)perfect english (blame my english teachers if there's errors, i have
learned words from movies and tv series and during swapping time so there
probably lotsa errors = wrong words). anyway i'm just thinking animal, very
unperfecto. i hope this text give something to somebody, something to

somebody could say, why to hell dig old things? maybe just because i want
get them off my mind...heart... ok i agree that, it's nice rewind nostalgia
tape what's in my head and play again (again, again and again), when
chatting with old amiga friend, but this time, i do it by writing.

i know that there's (or was) also c64 scener with same handle (i heard about
that in year 1997?), but i have been only in amiga scene and i'm from

just early warning about this text, it is really chaotic... like my mind...
no order except disorder...

like a virgin - 1st touch

beginning... i was born 1974...
ok i skip...

computers have been big part of my life since 1984.

first touch to computers was probably in beginning of eighties and it was
spectrum zx, when dude from same house give sum minutes play time. my and
brother akiro almost got spectrum zx for 1st computer to us, but it broke,
:( before we bought that.

before that i was wondering about aquarium computer what was in supermarket
called eka (now as euromarket how stupid name ;). and i also saw sum
pictures of sharp computer in papers, but them was extremely expensive.

msx - 1st computer

so it take sum time and it was 1983 christmas and we (me and brother akiro
got msx canon v-20. msx was kewl computer and me and brother played quite
much. even there was not so much games for msx, and we don't have so much
money for games. but in same street was niementö brothers they owned msx
spectravideo 738 and we got sum module games from them. i remember that
very good when tomi came to visit, it was friday and he give us nemesis game
for weeks at least, what a kewl game.

module games was nice, no loading time and quality was better too, all of
them was under label konami. probably best game/games was that nemesis and
later brother bought nemesis 3 with amazing 1-2mb of data in module and we
player hard (lotsa quickshot joysticks braked and i tried to fix them), and
finally we saw congratulations animation in end what was really great.
others games what i remember was hypersports series 1-3 and we have even
special joystick for that. brother was very good in yier kung fu game, that
was very nice game too. sometimes at least me was dreaming a bit about c64,
but never bought that anyway, because no money. but once (maybe for few
weeks) brother's friend give c64 for us to play, when we give msx for him to
play. i remember that california games was very nice c64 game and it was
fun to play only in c64. other versions like msx was terrible, also amiga
version misses sum feeling about that magic.

with msx i even wrote ("coded") basic code. hmm... just copied them from
books ( how lame :). i just learned use only "print" command. :)

1985 came also 1st vcr to apartment called fisher. i was computer freak and
then i became also vidiot.

later when i thought that time 1984-1985 life changed quite heavily because
i spend so much time with computer. i lost two friends probably because of
msx and vcr, or was they friends? they was jealous because of i have and
they don't, i'm not sure maybe there was something else wrong too, different
chemicals in heads. i agree that i'm bitter about it went like this, i
didn't even realise that so much except years later. sometimes i was lonely
because of dead friendships. but anyway i got much time to think. maybe
that's why i'm now thinker person but not social animal. ok enough about
childhood's traumas. ;)

commodore amiga 500

time was running fast. it was 1987 and mikrobitti review of amiga 500 was
in issue 6/7 1987. and i was dreaming about it. big but was that it cost
so much. in that same time there was also atari st and it cost almost same
and specs was also same kind of.

when dreams come true...

so then came year 1990 and it was march, when a500 arrived to apartment with
1084 monitor (mono speaker version) and 0,5mb fast memory. later i bought
also star lc-10 colour printer for it. a500 was better choice than atari st
because here and there was more amiga users than atari st users. and there
was less st software than amiga.

of course amiga was amazing with 1mb memory and disk drive short loading
time. games came with better graphics, sound, playability and there was
more choices. but not just only games, there was text editors (cygnus ed
great!) and paint programs (deluxe paint great!) etc. (with msx i wrote
(from book) paint program, but there was not save option ;) probably our 1st
game was kick off. we was playing much defender of the crown and i have to
soon buy new mouse called golden image and it was brilliant long life time
over 8 years and still working. in beginning we played also much tv sports
basketball, we have tournaments with local amigists. brother played also
kick off, superstar ice-hockey and nhl hockey and football manager games.

in beginning i tried to draw something with deluxepaint and them was quite
ok for me then (now i awful grafician), but i stopped that soon. and tried
to make music too (=noise) with soundfx and oktalyzer. i even bought
soundperfect sampler what was almost useless later for me, because i wasn't
really musician. i was thinking also to buy gray handyscanner but never
bought that.

i played games much more with msx. with amiga i almost totally stopped
playing games. in beginning i played amiga games, but then i lost interest.
i did mostly something else like making packs, swapped and watched demos
etc. for scene use. only sometimes i played pinball games, chess or
multitasking tetris called zetris.

early "scene" time

it was very nice when here local town was so much amiga users. i got lotsa
contacts (that was nice) because of amiga and that's why phone was ringing
quite often, i remember saturdays best. beginning '90; kimmo, tommi, zax,
tomi, jani, perttu (olhoseco later darkfire), gary steel, paperboy, dave,
jack slader, mac(=g-sus, later cheesus), petshopboy(=the hooligan),
claustro, gmb, dr.poop, bootlegger visited my place, lotsa others too but
just cannot remember their names. later regular visitors were bootlegger,
darkfire, cheesus and the hooligan what was of course fucking great.
incognito was my 1st mail contact in finland.

first touch to scene product was in spring '90, when i got scoopex demodisk
from school friend, there was cool demos and i watched them again and again.
one of those demos used nice shadow of the beast game routines.

1st group - ghosteam

it was '91 (?) when i start to build some kind of group. and it was called
ghosteam (how clever name ;) and in beginning i made huge pile of gamepacks.
somewhere in time i bought perfectsound sampler. and akiro brother, wizard,
sykero and dr.death (even he was not interesting about joining) joined to
group. we made sum demos = or digipacks. sum digisounddisks with sum
digitized sound and sum gfx and sum demostuff made with avesoft demomaker
(lame ;). prods was two disk digidemo star trek next generation and sum
other like bat&ryyd's lentÄvÄ puliukko and sum other where was juice's sum
song and sum disk where was stone's songs. them was spread to only few
dudes. (lucky them ;) my handle was then hercules (i was bodybuilder in
that time) or yamyam (i think i was ate too much jacky-makupala yoghurts
when i used that handle).

about case of atari st a bit, we was living 3rd floor and owned amiga and
also 2nd floor there was dr.death who owened amiga, but in 4th floor there
was atari st user (who was later wizard of ghosteam). we read wizzcat's
crazy comics (perverse slides was also great ;) and laughed to ataris
user(s). later wizard also bought amiga and tried to be elite. but we
found his true lameness, when we saw another kefrens demo. ghosteam had
made demo and there was "wizard's" module, exact same song was also in
kefrens demo. wizard explained that he didn't remember that he wasn't
composer of module. ;) lameness took him! anyway in beginning probably
almost everyone is lame. ;)

ghosteam never actually died, it just vanished, when i or/and we lost

beginning of mailswap

after that ('91?) if i remember right came time when swapping started a bit.
dr.poop send sum contact letters to foreign countries and got even one
contact from norway called nirvana. and we, me and dr.poop later rent for swap purpose. about nirvana, it was funny because we never
didn't know was nirvana group or person, because he or them didn't
understand so much english. and sensible conversation in letters was quite
impossible with them. was anyway quite useless thing for us,
because we have only three contacts incognito, nirvana and slag from
finland. later we chance nirvana to another contact from norway called
stranger of affix because nirvana dude or dudes was quite lame, disks was
total trash when we got them and they didn't understand english. and quite
soon after that we dropped because we got troubles by toll office.
they think we are going to do sum business. and it was quite impossible to
explain that we was swapping freeware, public domain, shareware stuff, stuff
what didn't cost anything, but they (toll office) didn't understand it, or
didn't care, and i wasn't interesting to go every fucking time to toll
office to explain. trouble was because stupid norwegian swapper put green
ticket to envelope and didn't write to there how much that things=disks
cost. and i think it was quite impossible explain to that swapper that
write that toll ticket perfectly because they don't care or understand
english so we drop him. same problem came also three times later because
stupidity of sum swappers and it was driving me crazy. that's enough about

2nd group - black jack

our was named to black jack and nirvana think that it was our group
name and so on we didn't tried to explain anything again, we just kept name
black jack to us group name. so like that we got name black jack. if i
really remember right we was founder members dr.poop and me (my handle was
hercules or yamyam then). when year changed to '92 i change also my handle
to splatterhead. about my handle, i take it from band called accused which
made song called return of the martha splatterhead. perttu (darkfire) gave
that cassette for me, he was supporting me with his death metal, grind core,
doom metal etc. tapes. music listening was going to be less of part of my
life when i found amiga's true wonderful magic power ('90) and it took me.
and it became main hobby for me.

we got more members one of 1sts was brother akiro as swapper, gary steel as
musician, grand master b = gmb as musician, mac (g-sus later cheesus) as
coder. me and dr.poop was only swappers. if i remember right 1st
productions was musicdisks with ascii menu called steelsongs 1 and 2, i
compiled them october 1992. there was mainly gary steel's songs but also
sum perttu's (olho seco later darkfire) megalomaniac songs like patareni.

and later we got more and more members like domain from denmark as editor
and swapper, mare from finland as coder, pow from norway as musician, stevie
from sweden as grafician and janitor, light, mice, yab, danny kane, claustro
?, stimpy, blitzer, barf ?, incognito, danny kane, digitizer ?, grapic,
raivo and maybe sum others but i just cannot remember anymore. in "best"
time we have 17 members. and one day i got pissed and kick most of foreign
members, seven members in one day. and later i kicked more foreigners and
dr.poop, mare, light ? and yab! ?. foreigners was so lazy and made ugly
stuff and was quite useless. dr.poop made sum business and i didn't like
it, so kicked. mare made ugly asm code so i kicked him, he was beginner in
coding, few years later he made good code and he joined to zenon.

anyway it was nice time with black jack group, we made lotsa products. i
was compiling black jack demolibdisks, 250 was last number of them i think
maybe there was even more of them (them was not spread so much, just copied
for few dudes). g-sus (cheesus) made (coded with amos) lotsa prods for
black jack like: we hate your intros, very nice pasi intro with cool song,
steelsongs, wormswar game etc. i probably made more or less than 500
packdisks (madness) during '90 - '95. i stopped pack making after '95?
because i have no time to make them (or interest) and anyway i got harddrive
and vbs, so disks (free diskspace) was not so important anymore.

me and akiro and domain was also responsible about blaggy #1 diskmag, where
was amazing 500 swapperadverts, akiro wrote swapper normal day article and
compiled news section etc. domain wrote articles and finally blaggy #1 was
ready to spread. blaggy was made with diskmag creator called magnum and
magnum was coded with amos. but who cares inside of mag should be main

1st parties

in beginning of 1994 there was gurulandia bbs party in nuorisokeskus, there
was me, akiro, dr.poop and gmb and lotsa people who i don't know. there i
meet also 1st time tweeter and frank. akiro and dr.poop got sum friends
from pc users because of party. and i think that's why also in year 1994
spring/summer was black jack's and pc group's party in nuorisokeskus /
8-sali sammonkatu in lahti city. that party was called ladojen kokoontumis
ajot. dr.poop spread quite well invitation with his us robotics sportster
14.4k. he got quite nice reputation as trader. and there in party was
visitors about 100 or more. party place was free for us and we don't charge
any entrance fee. even well known sceners came to place like from complex,
cncd, damones, accession, exotic men etc. party was not so well organised
(who cares ;) but anyway party animals liked?) and competitions was not
going so well, but graphics competition we managed to do, winner was reward
of complex. now years after party it felt nice experience. but there was
problems because i was only official guard what was in party area, others
just vanish or didn't come to place. booze was not allow at 8-sali, but it
was impossible to check everybody. but anyway no bigger chaos, just only
one broken window and trashy toilet room. :) black jack made also party
slideshow. later 8-sali saw also motorola inside ('97 and '98) parties what
were amiga only parties. there was too scenario parties ('95 - '97?) in
lahti, but there was also pc computers allowed.

party time again. assembly party august 1994 in helsinki, finland. best
memory from there was amiga winner intro called g-force by pygmy projects,
it was amazing. that was aga time, aga chipset show its power. amiga demos
were best. there i met my swap contacts janitor, maniac, hunter etc. there
also have been built thing = group called spedes, if i understand/remember
right. i wasn't never member of spedes. ;) spedes, yes i like/liked that
group because their prods was for fun and funny, not so much hard quality.

1993 - 1994 real swapping and amiga demoscene took me

earlier i told about beginning of swapping, when we (me and dr.poop) owned

later, it was probably beginning of 1993 when i got my 1st foreign mail
contact. incognito send to me sum kind of diskmag and i took few swappers
addresses from it and send sum stuff to them. lucky me i even got answer
from octon / midway who was from sweden and he send few disks and swapping
started. it was quite difficult because he was my only real swap contact
and it was quite impossible me to get 0-7 days stuff to send to him and soon
he dropped me (he owned modem). g-sus give me raw diskmag or i got it from
incognito and i saw more possible contacts in swapper advert section of mag.
i contacted few swappers; jam raddox from finland (he just send letter only
two times to me :( ), kopara / mad elks from poland and rod / polaris from
croatia and probably sum others too and got answers.

1993 autumn, i got analog's packmag called nevermind preview and there was
lotsa swap ads and i contacted more swappers, because i want to be something
(amiga freak, respected swapper). i want to be part of scene, i want be
belong something. and then i do it 100%. and i got more and more contacts,
that's really started autumn 1993. in winter 1994 i have got about 80
contacts all over europe. most of my contacts was from foreign countries
from europe, only 0,1% was from finland. i was mainly swapping 0-7 days old
demos, intros, slides, diskmags, musicdisks etc. demoscene stuff.

yeah... swapping was cool... i got elite feeling, when i got stuff from
foreign countries. it feel good when foreign dudes want swap with me. :) i
was very glad when i got envelopes from foreign countries and open them and
check what i got. it was very cool to get new demos. maybe i can say
excitement, when getting envelopes (like christmas, when opening presents in
childhood). and many times i wake up like this, when i heard postman's
noises and when envelopes mashed to my floor. then i run like mad to front
door, i took envelopes from floor and run back to my room and gave sum power
to my lovely amy and watch what i have got (new cool demos) and kewl
letters. :) and of course i was happy.

one of my real 1st swapmates was:
rod / polaris from croatia, it was really nice surprise when i got 6 months
later his envelope for me. why so late? because there was war in croatia.
he wrote always nice and long letters.
kopara / mad elks from poland, kewl dude with long letters
chaos / desire from germany, i remember antinazi swap advert, there was in
this time also antinazi demos in scene. i remember his quality letters with
design and his ascii logos.
wiza / diffusion from finland, short great crazy letters with attitude, what
gave laughs, once he send to me peanuts, i send to him toys. he making joke
about our black jack group, because it was condom label. ;)

end of 1994 or beginning of 1995 i leave black jack and joined to analog.
why i joined to analog, it was probably because it was well known and better
at least i think so then. good points in black jack was productivity.
anyway "reputation" of black jack was not so good because our prods was
coded with amos. black jack died quite soon after that if i remember right.
g-sus (=cheesus) and weirdo was in innocence group after that and g-sus also
made spedes prods.

commodore also died year 1994, that was shock. i was very angry when seller
from local computer store said that there never come a1200 computers anymore
to shop because commodore went bankrupt. i believed very long time that
some company continues commodore's work, but lost that faith totally 1999,
when i got notice that there's not coming new amiga again.


beginning of 1995. dr.poop was modemscener. akiro dropped his swap
activities too, he was traded earlier a bit with 2400bps modem approx.
10mb. akiro and dr.poop got "offer" about bbs running. phone line rented
and our apartment got elite bulletin board system with one node. board was
running in start with a1200, but later a4000 software was amiexpress later
sigmaexpress. akiro & dr.poop was sysops. i still swapped like hell. i
leave analog because of bad organising and joined to triflex + addonic, what
was bad choice too, when they was so inactive. i leave t + a and joined to
polish flying cows inc. fci was quite productive group. zibi / fci was not
happy in phone, when i said that i have joined to scoopex. but when scoopex
let me join, that was like dreams come true. of course legendary reputation
of mental hangover demo was one of reasons and scoopex was respected group
and older than many other scene group (found 1988). and of course slogan
generations ahead was cool. i lost sum motivation for swapping, because i
got almost every demoscene productions from board. 2nd reason for
motivation lost was because i was quite lovesick. akiro's and dr.poop's
board went down in autumn 1995 because of phonebillys. :( btw! in
beginning of 1995 i rent, and spring 1995 i bought second hand


year 1996, i was getting lazier for swapping too because of lovesick. in
beginning of 1996 bbs was running for a while but i put phone line off when
i think it cost so much and there was not coming enough stuff to board,
reason why not, was that because there was no change to dial with modem even
local calls. summer 1996 olho seco (=darkfire) bought modem and i help him
to start trading and soon he traded like hell. that summer we also built
his bbs with daydream bbs soft. sad that his hd crashed and bbs was gone
forever (i was deleted backups too from my hd of course. anyway bbs was not
so much online, just mainly for test purposes because phone line was used
also for voice chats. then when i got most of demos from olho seco (and
faster), i was getting more lazy to swap.

i leave scoopex because they did not make so much prods. i joined to
fanatic. i leave fanatic when it was going to die and i joined to
intruders. them was not productive and i joined to freezers. somehow i got
pissed to them too, i just cannot remember what was reason, when i leave
them too. i joined to eltech what was friendly group. then i leave eltech.
i joined back to scoopex and said that i want only to be in scoopex and i
don't want to change anymore group. i think that was year 1997 when i
rejoined to scoopex.


year 1997, i was lazy also then when i got stuff from olho seco. beginning
of 1997 i bought hp cd-r for a1200 and start to collect amycds. surprise
was that i got better and better positions in eurocharts and ram jam charts
as swapper even that i was so slow swapper. this year's summer i built
home-made tower case for a1200 from pc tower, using drill and metal saw.

about swapping

"swap or die" like there was in budbrain's megademo. i must agree that best
swapping time was '93 - '94, after that i got so much contacts that sensible
letter write to everybody was impossible, because no time. those early
years '93 - '94 most of swappers and me wrote paper letters and that was i
think so much more personal. but it came impossible lately because i got so
much contacts so i have to write/save letters to disks. in best time i got
everyday at least one envelope, normally 1-10 envelopes in day, in week i
got about 25 envelopes. best day was when i got 13 envelopes. best years i
got about 1-3 new contacts in week, because i spread my adverts quite well
to diskmags and i was enough crazy to answer everybody because i want more
and more contacts. in beginning i answered to contacts soon as possible.
time was flying when days went writing letters and copying disks. if i have
about month delay, i got huge pile of envelopes. i remember that many
times, when i have plastic bag where was about 90 envelopes and filled
yellow post-box with them. and there was some day when i wrote letters
about nine hours without any brakes. probably after that kind of sessions i
give up and write standard letter and short or long personal part depends on
time and energy. and before end times i made that ugly thing what i hated,
i just wrote only standard letter without personal part. i just was tired
to swapping, but not wanted to stop it.

everyone (modemtraders) didn't "respect" so much swappers or maybe i just
felt like that. example group would be like: coder, musician, grafician,
swapper. all of them are "working" for group when it "produce" intros,
demos, slideshows, musicdisks etc. example coder got idea and start to code
demo, musician compose song for it, grafician drawn graphics for it, and
last link is swapper who spread demo using post. swapper copy lotsa disks,
buy stamps, envelopes, lick stamps and write letters and send group's new
demo soon as possible to his (10- 100) mailswapcontacts. group "system" is
quite good for swapper, anyway i have been sometimes independent, that's
possible but i liked to belong something. there was years ago "do we need
swappers?" articles in diskmags, someone wrote that it's easy swap be a
swapper. but really it's not, it's hard "job". of course own group don't
produce so often demos so "have to" swap other group demos for a while.
charts was quite nice thing too for swappers, it's of course nice to see if
get nice position in ram jam's charts or eurocharts or some other charts.
my personal records if i remember right was in ram jam's charts hmm... 4th
or something and in eurocharts 2nd i'm not really sure about those. anyway
i never was 1st. someone could ask, is competition important? of course
it's not main point, but anyway it's nice to see own name in charts.
competition is primitive habit.

about demos
demo = demonstration: a product which contains sound, moving graphics etc.
somebody who is not in scene maybe can say that them are "multimedia
artworks" if i remember right 1st trackdemo=demo what i saw was fashion's
fashionating. 1st demodisk was scoopex demodisk 90?. i remember best those
old demos from early '90 like red sector's megademo, budrain megademo,
alcatraz's odyssey (45min long), anarchy's digital innovation, mad elks'
technological death (i think this is best demo ever), spaceballs' state of
the art, silents' global trash, hardwired etc. what was working with a500.
about aga demos; i can't remember so much names of them, but i remember
which groups made good demos, virtual dreams, pygmy projects, tbl, tle,
artwork and from later years '97-'99? floppy, venus arts, polish groups
made best demos (very strong scene always) just few what i mention. maybe i
can a bit compare watching demo to watching music-video, of course there are
different aspects. maybe if someone nonscener see demo she/he don't respect
it/like it, but so what, demos are for sceners.

something about scene

best years of swapping was '93 - '95 or something (some older scene farts
maybe can say that those days was before '90 but this is my opinion).
swapping was easy then because there was lotsa releases in every week, so i
have more choices what i can send to my contacts. later maybe it was '96
situation changed. more and more scene products, demos was released only in
party time. the party in denmark, gathering in norway, assembly in finland,
saturne in france, intel outside in poland and much more computer parties.
of course it was nice that there came so much parties like sceners met in
parties, but while there was not parties, it was difficult swap, because
groups didn't release demos. in party there was competitions series was
like demo, intro, graphics, music and maybe some else like wild demo compo,
raytrace compo etc. competition, is it good thing? i'm not sure about
that. of course it bring better and better demos, more quality, hard
coding, cpu/chipset is pushed to limits. about money, i think it's bad
thing, but when we live in planet earth, sad but true, we need it, when we
go to local shop if we like to buy milk and bread for hunger. money = greed
= jealous = and many more bad things. and when basically that fucking money
is just only paper and metal. i don't know maybe it's some kind of progress
when groups release most of demos in parties. party competition prizes
(money) have been risen all a time and entrance fee too and parties have
been bigger and bigger (bigger party place and more visitors. parties came
more and more commercial, organisers and party staff was not anymore sceners
and all of visitors have not been anymore sceners (doom/quake playing
idiots, who don't know anything about scene or didn't care about it).
intros and demos was probably for nonsceners just multimedia artworks
(stupid name, i hate word multimedia or word computer nerd), or they didn't
even watched them when they came to play quake in net. personally i have
never been liked big parties assembly '94 was my only big party, i got
better feeling when i go to smaller meeting here in local town. the
hooligan kept meetings (about 5 - 10 sceners and still there is sometimes
meetings) and liked to go there instead of paying 200fim assembly ticket and
seeing stupid nazi guards, organisers who robbed money, commercial adverts,
quake playing idiots etc. so is better (at least for me) use money for
couple of beers (3 litres) and go to the hooligan meeting and met cheesus,
weirdo and maybe some o'moses members and feel freedom to drink beer and
(assembly) nazi guard don't steal it.

back to main point again. so why groups started release their demos only in
party time? reasons are maybe: group members (coders) getting older and
bolder so exams and works (maybe job from software house) to do not so much
time for scene or party demos got more publicity than non party demos or
worst reason could be that party compo (competition) prices was quite good
(my opinion is that money kills fun) and then i came to question why to hell
groups (coders) code/make demos? just for fun, for money or both? what was
original reason of making demos? i have heard story that it went like this;
before crack there was intro (introduction) (group made it to show that they
did crack and there was some messages too). and later some groups start to
make only intros and/or demos to show their talents to others. scene some
kind of "split" to two parts, demoscene ("mailswap") and crackscene
("modemtrade") both of course was in amiga scene (some groups even have
different sections in other platforms (c64, pc) some amiga groups was c64
groups earlier. and some of groups crack groups have also demosection.
many reasons to make demos, birthday party intro (member / group), party
invitation intro (example. assembly), anti nazi demo, story demo
(alcatraz's odyssey), music demos, joke demos, message demos (long scroll
texts, old demos have long scroll texts), "talent" demos (hard coding,
remember old bob record demos) etc. so much reasons. so what was my point?
my opinion: demos was made just for fun, to give sum pleasure to sceners,
to show group (coder probably got pleasure when he do it something better,
faster or 1st [like motion blur, torus, courads, doom effects] than other
coders) talents (like making new effects or do it them faster, better,
cooler) etc. hmm... i showed to girl how visited my place (many years ago)
virtual dreams assembly '94 demo and comment was like this "why somebody
waste time to do this kind of stuff?". yep it's hard to explain nonscener.
explain could be like this: why to hell someone paint pictures? (picasso,
leonardo da vinci) and why to hell someone paint pictures when they can take
a photo with camera? hmm2... there was damage's damage report diskmag
(finnish) and story that some scene dude's girlfriend said after seeing
demos "yes them are nice, but what you can do with them?" ;)

so (back to roots) what is amiga scene (demoscene / crack scene) this
computer scene? hard to explain, it's some kind of anarchistic "community",
without written rules and that's ok for everybody. and it's "members" are
most of (99%) in some group (groups have their own unwritten rules too,
group founder or organiser ["dictator"] can give kick without reason if he
want). following is ripped from thg's homepage "demoscene consists of
people forming groups who then work together to release a so called demo,
intro or similar". scene is just for fun and free.


year 1998, i was lazy too. spring 1998 i bought ppc 603e+ 166mhz/040 for my
own made tower a1200. darkfire stopped trading before summer 1998 and he
sold his a1200t with 060/cybervision and bought psx or was it pc, anyway
later he sold psx and bought pc. i took phone line again in summer 1998 and
56k modem and took also internet access. i got internet access quite easily
to work when darkfire have owned internet access too. i started to dial
telnet boards. there was sum of my old swapcontacts in internet and i
chatted with them too, but it was not anymore same feeling like in letters,
i didn't start to write emails to old mailswap contacts. i just don't know
why there was different kind of feeling in internet maybe normal letter
write communication was for my taste only. my swapping activities was going
totally down because of internet access, normal delays was about 6 months,
if them wasn't already that kind of in last year. when i now think that
trading time (competition was impossible in trading because there was one
italian girl probably 25h a day in internet ready to trade) it feels boring,
but then it sucked my in deep dungeons and i got some kind of pleasure from
it. i was something again, when i was quite well known in those boards and
i tried my best. my opinion trading is better hobby than golf or watching


year 1999. lazy swapping, 6 months delays. my active swap contacts was
gone to lower than 20. my trading activities was also going down in spring
and i just sucked stuff anyway uploading was quite impossible because
competition was so impossible and there was not so much releases. i sold
ppc card away, because i think not enough software, there was not really
much ppc demos. swapping was dying and dying because old contacts got
enough about swapping too and more and more contacts got internet access.

time of hard decisions august-september 1999

i stop trading and give away phone line and internet access and sold modem
away. i stop also swapping. i send 14 envelopes last time, them was left
from over 300 contacts. anyway i give notice to my contacts that i stopped
swapping and i didn't steal their disks. and i leave scoopex too and i left
scene. and i sold amiga hardware and software away.

splatterhead, old pc hater

i hated pc (=puucee=pece) years and pc users and hated windows and
everything in it. ok i hate still windows because it's crap comparing to
amiga workbench. yep i remember song called pc is crap, that was feeling
then years ago. amiga forever, amiga back to future, amiga rules, amiga is
best fuck the rest... but but but...

empty promises

of course i got pissed about those empty promises about new amigas. naked
truth just was, no new amiga after 1992, a1200 and a4000 with aga chipset
was last products. commodore when bankrupt 1994. :( and buyers of
commodore wasn't even shadows and amiga technology sold and sold again and
nothing happened. lucky that phase 5 and sum others companies was selling
turbocards and fastest was 060/50mhz, it was released hmm? and of course
gfx cards (phase5's cybervision and villagetronic's picasso) was need of and
we got them too. sad that most of amiga owners have a1200 and it wasn't so
easy to expand. and a4000 was so expensive. :( phase 5 give sum hope year
1995 with telling about powerpc cards for amiga. and at last them was
available beginning (spring) of 1998. i bought ppc card asap and i got it
for a1200 april 1998. ppc was good because it bring more cpu power. phase
5 also bring 1st quite powerful gfx cards bvision for a1200 and cybervision
ppc for a4000. sad that everything came so late, because most of amiga
users had left and almost every amiga software developers had left.
problems were too that ppc and new gfx card didn't bring anything new
(comparing time 1985-1987 and a1000 or a500) to computer market and there
was not so much ppc software and there was not coming that too. so no
reason change pc or playstation or mac to ppc amiga what was expensive,
that's why no new amiga users.

nice anyway that there's internet so amiga get more lifetime. i have read
bad news this year (2000) when amiga lost "supporters" (2000), but i don't
like to write about them. of course i understand it's impossible to make
amiga magazine because no new software or hardware to review. anyway it is
not amiga users fault that everything went down or is going. it's just
because after c= bankrupt "nothing" progress happened.

many years ago there was complains about piracy killed amiga. i agree that
it was not good for amiga, but that was not only reason. what killed, it
was there was no coming new amigas after aga chipset and cpus (=central
processing unit) didn't bring enough mips power. aga amiga wasn't asskicker
like comparing to existing pc or mac hardware or software. yes i have heard
rumours about aaa chipset and it was ready even 1994? but c= didn't release
it. then c= went down and situation of amiga was unstable very long time
(and still is 2000) and software/hardware companies left. sad but true.
now later we can be wiser and i say also that commodore's bankrupt problems
probably was that management spent much money for aeroplanes and their
payroll was higher than what's enough. commodore's product line c64, c128,
a1000, a500, a2000, a3000, a600, a1200, a4000, cdtv, cd32... if i can drop
something away a500+, a600, a600hd, cdtv, cd32, c64 console version. about
a1200, it was so hard to expand, bad things in it pcmcia port (slow, almost
useless, expensive equipments for it), 3,5" dd drive (why not hd?), 2,5" hd
interface (99% pc hard drives used cheaper 3,5", so we all have to buy 2,5
to 3,5" cable) and no zorro ports so impossible to connect gfx cards (if you
don't want to buy tower case and zorro ports and keyboard interface which
cost really much). a4000 was better in every ways than a1200 but it was so
expensive. :(

amiga power

amiga users were loyal to amiga, but of course there's limits, nothing
forever. amiga was not just a computer maybe i can say it was life style.
amiga spirit, amiga community, amiga scene, amiga is best - fuck the rest.
it was not just stupid computer like "normal" people think. it was state of
mind. ok i have written in past form like "was" sorry, but it's probably
because i don't have anymore amiga on my desk.

so what! if no more new or old amigas after 1992 and not so much (no more)
commercial software. there's always scene? of course scene was always
getting smaller and smaller, but it's still there even sum old farts leave
scene. there's still c64 scene alive, so amiga scene is alive probably too
for very very long time, maybe forever... amiga forever...

my amiga was time-bomb so i decide buy cheap pc

pc's good sides: cheap hardware, software. so those are reasons why i
turned to pc hardware. amiga hardware is so expensive and lack of software
is problem too (no support for scanner, damn!).

i start to sold a1200 equipment because i wasn't anymore interesting to put
more money for a1200. there was fear that a1200 is going to crash totally,
it was real time bomb. i hated my system, own made tower case was total
crap and unstable, keyboard was crap, df0 not worked, there was problems
with ide-cable sometimes hd not booted, 1084 monitor crashed a bit so
quality was like i was using tv-modulator (i have to use a1200's integrated
modulator), was it fun to surf in internet when using interlaced screen and
using tv-modulator quality monitor? not! what was my choices: buy
multisync monitor, buy new tower case with zorro2 slots, or buy ppc card
with bvision (betavision) gfx card so i don't have to buy zorro2 slots. and
buy also new 100% working ide-cable. and also my 20x cd-rom was not working
100% anymore so buy new cd-rom. buy, buy and buy, use more money no way!
so i sold all equipment what was in a1200 and bought cheap second hand pc
with that money and i even spare money. and i sold also scanner (i was also
pissed about scanner thing because i never got scanner software for amiga so
i have to use brother's pc) and i sold ide cd-r away. i got tired to burn
cds for me and others, it was just waste of money when i was collecting
them. i sold also 99% of my cds away (i want to sell everything but no
managed to do it), about 85% of them was amy cds, others was pics and music
cds almost 200 cds. i sold also 200 disks away what was left from 2800
disks. yes there was in some day 2800 disks in my room. :) and there was
also lotsa vbs tapes where was 7000 disks stored. i agree that i was crazy
collector, i collected everything what i got in my hands since 1987-1999
autumn. collecting was crazy too because i only checked 0,1% of stuff what
i got. and i sell all away in end. :)

about collecting: that was some kind of primitive habit and i enjoyed it.
somebody collect stamps, i collected amiga stuff. somebody collected money,
anyway collecting is crazy when you think that with sense. because anyway
when we die, we cannot took collected stuff to grave with us. hmm...
brains collect memories... even we don't like it every time, weirdness.

sum summary

i sold amiga and also all collected amiga stuff. i stopped swapping,
trading. i left group scoopex and amiga scene. that was my hole life 1990
- 1999. it was quite big decision. years ago i think that how somebody can
stop swapping and left scene and then i was doing it. life changed quietly,
like end of 1997 i start to write short stories. 1998 summer i started to
write poems etc. year 1999 i found lovely girlfriend too. :) so there was
no emptiness in life what i earlier scared if i stop hassle with amiga.
just simply, changes; love = girlfriend instead of amiga. and hobby =
writing instead of swapping/trading. and computer = pc pentium 133mhz
instead of amiga 1200/030/50mhz. anyway even everything about amiga is
away, i still have golden memories and them are important of course.

i have universal amiga emulator for pc, but so what it don't have same kind
of feeling, original is best. i understand those golden old days are gone
and i cannot probably never get that elite feeling with computer.
directoryopus and cygnused and sum other progs are far better than pc ones
still. :)

yep few amiga dudes call me and voice chat, when they saw my a1200 sold
advertisement and said like "are you mad?" "you traitor" ;) and when i sold
a1200 dude ask "do you really want sell this?" yes there was sum amiga magic
in air. but i just thought that this computer is just plastic and metal,
material thing. and i have used enough time for it. i agree still this
year have been feelings that i have lost something and i lost, but times
change (don't live in past someone could say).

1+1=?! - deep thoughts or not so...

maybe somebody count what he/she (gain/gained with his/her hobby, so i count
too. ;) maybe there no sense to count hobby's good sides but anyway:

1. my records (for guinness book), here's destroy list: 2 external drives
(at least), 5 internal drives (at least), seagate 428mb and quantum 2,5gb
hard drives, pc power supply, a500 power supply, a1200 power supply, a500,
a1200 computers, a1200 memory card, hp cd-r, 1084 monitor and probably
hundreds of disks and more... why so many broken disks and broken
diskdrives?, i have probably copied at least 30 000 disks, i spent quite
much time front of amiga using superduper (multitasking) copy program ;) and
dcopy, i didn't use xcopy like others.
2. learned write english better (i hope ;) )
3. learned to speak english better (thanks contacts who called me) (i hope ;) )
3. learned to communicate through letters
4. learned to write faster using keyboard
5. learned to lick stamps faster
6. learned to run faster to post
7. swapmates give sum new views (opinions)
8. liver is in better shape (no booze), because all money went to disks and
stamps ;)
9. i got smarter and philosophical mind, because i didn't spoke some much
with so called "normal people". that means: i have time think = use my own
brains, imagination got better etc.
10. and more...more...

i'm not cheating myself, i agree that scene, amiga was my hole life. there
was time when i was bitter, angry, suicidal or what kind of words i can get
to my mind about when i thought that i was wasted my life with amiga (1990 -
1999.) someone could say that it was wasting of time, but he/she really
don't know me, anyway it was my life and everyone create his/her own world.
easily i can say that jogging everyday 10 kilometers, bodybuilding everyday,
watching tv (or porn movies and masturbating all night long ;), playing with
playstation, working 8- hours for getting payroll, doing business, boozing,
reading books, listening music, making music, playing monopoly, studying in
university (example nuclear physics), praying god/reading bible etc,
thinking something deeply like who am i and where i came to this reality?
(from arses to ashes, dust to lust) or is reincarnation possible? or who or
what created planet earth/universum? is waste of time. instead of doing
those (wasting time), what you think about these: making love with
girlfriend, eating ice-cream, fucking good chat with soul-mate... etc.
hmm... taste of life is so different... thanks "creator"... we are not
clones (robots)... at least not yet...

hobbies, when think about them deeply, probably every feels senseless. my
hobby have been bodybuilding about three years during '88 - '90 and '95-'96,
do you i really need massive muscles? not, just quite good body shape for
feeling good. i lost motivation after '90 and started again '95 and again
lost motivation '96. other hobbies have been skateboarding few years, judo
over 1 year and boxing few months. and of course watching tv. when
comparing tv and amiga scene time, i must really say that scene have been
much better bobby than watching just movies. about movies anyway them have
been probably too useful, i just cannot say/write what are good points of
them, but anyway i think so that i have got from them sum inspiration,
views, opinions, and a bit learn about life, solving problems etc. ok i
agree movies are entertainment, but there's sometimes "hidden messages", if
them are not just total crap. when think about this my "new" hobby writing,
is it just madness? wasting time? (when i can instead of it, example watch
tv) maybe but so what! it is my hobby and i like it enjoy it, it give about
it something, it clear mind, it give (elite) feeling, this is some kind of
communication. i have thought that too, is there anybody who read my texts
(this text)? maybe and probably not much (maybe only one), but anyway i
wrote these just for fun (even this take quite much energy and it's not so
easy to finish this "job"), when so much to write and hard to organise
thinks (like you can see).

one of pleasures is that i write texts just for fun. this is not my job.
maybe writing for getting payroll, kill the fun and probably it kills. and
of course i'm not workaholic. that sucks, when every time someone "have to"
(few people have asked about my writing "do you get money from your critic
articles what are released in newspapers?" nope and i don't care) convert
hobby to job, why everything have try turn to money, money sucks. money
kills fun mostly.

this life is mine, there's many lives but this one is mine and my life is my
friend. :)

about life, creating own world = life style, opinions about life: i hope
you use too positive logic, humour. i have been in years ago quite
suicidal, but life changed. when thinking so fucking deeply going to
basics, like you are flesh, bones and brains are main unit. so who am i?
memories made us, solutions, choices, bliss, sadness, losses, glory, years
after years we are growing and going wiser (i hope so ;) ). yep life is
(tragi)comedy, we die in end show.

someone meditates 24h in day or pray god, someone watches soap-opera from tv
5 hours a day, someone is training sports everyday, someone booze every day
or/and use drugs, someone surf every in internet, someone play everyday with
his playstation...

someone could say that why i judging someone's life and doings. remember
these are just my opinions, not absolute truths (just my own truths),
everyone have their own truths (truth is out there ;) maybe between
lines?!). i'm doing this just for fun and it's free for you, rip my
thoughts freely. don't read if you don't like, it's your choice. maybe
someone think that i'm arrogant fuckhead who is trying to be wiser than
readers, some kind of guru or teacher and trying to get fame. then you are
totally wrong (stupid mothafucker ;), sorry i was evil. hmm... i tell you
now my darkest secret... remember don't spread this... i'm a
firestarter...twisted firestarter... ;)

yes i know that there's easier to make damage by writing than something
good, and there's also easily come misunderstandings.

about teachers (they tried to put sum mathematical functions (x+y) in my
mind; "never learned, never used ;) ), books (give some war propaganda, but
there always to sides in "coin", newspapers (i just read comics and tv
programs), radio, internet, tv

drink and drive smoke and fly, i prefer think but of course i drink
sometimes booze of course, not milk.

ok i hope my "jokes" haven't been dryer than vodka on the rocks...

probably at least police forces think that it have been better that i have
been in front of my miggy than kicking old women in streets & robbing

hmm... i hope you find your happy thoughts too... watch peter pan and wait
for sun...shine...then you can your mind...

you probably now think where's the catch? ok, you haven't found yet secret
part...try ctrl+amiga+amiga...

writing is my main hobby and this fun for me "play" with thoughts. i
probably come crazy if i don't get thoughts off my mind like writing or
chatting. yep of course i'm a bit proud of my writing skills. ok many many
years ago i dreamed about writing a book, and later last year i wrote some
kind of. it was not so hard, everybody can learn to write. many years ago
problems was just that what i write, no idea, so why to write?! ;)

definitely now after so many years i understand that i learn something while
swapping and i have learn something also in school, i just didn't realised
that earlier.

there was sometimes in letters and diskmags these words "real life" and
"scene life" hmm... i don't like much about categorising life. is "scene
life" less life? than "real life"? i understand that "scene life" is "real
life" too. or is it "scene life" in another dimension? somebody also talk
about job life, school life and free-time, that's piss me off too, why
categorise it sucks because if there is that thing in background like: job
and school is boring and crap, free- time only is good and fun. years ago
think too that in "scene life" i'm fucking elite and in "real life" i just
another worm in darkness. and i think i was just another mothefucka of
dirty dozen. anyway social life was total crap then, anyway i'm not so much
social person that i need much friends, so i didn't care about so much about
"social life", where i wasn't so elite. i have been alone but i have not
been so lonely of course sometimes. when "scene life" was gone, i have to
of course fill emptiness and so on i find this hobby = writing. yes and now
i'm fucking genius, fucking god, guru, master of words. ok anyway less
thinking and more humour, so you don't get headache.

maybe somebody think that i keep amiga as dead, but i see it is still alive.
irc channels, aminet, scene, demos, parties, even commercial stuff is still,
and even coming new amigaos or/and even new amigas...

end of 1999 i hated quite much computers too because i have used so much of
my life to them. anyway now later when i think that, there's weirder
hobbies in world than computers, like playing golf etc. urgh! boring...
at least to watch from tv that.

everything dies like venus art said in their demo. hmm... they came back
with ppc demos. ;) maybe i come back to scene (reincarnation), who knows?!

life is complex, thoughts are not simplex, so that's why there is in text
sum paradox and anarchy, but anyway i'm still have my (in)sanity.

i have written these texts in night time and when i have been crazy (every
time), so there was probably something weird.

i start to write this text wednesday 15th march 2000 and it's ready (enough)
now saturday 1st april 2000) during writing this text; my mind have turned
again to use english language, :) because i wrote so much letters in past,
thousands of letters ('90 - '99) using english language. hooray now it's
"ready" (maybe there's something to write but...), there's probably many
errors to fix but i fix them later "maybe". ;)


splade - splatterhead / ex.scoopex (amiga)
lahti, finland

greetings to: (very old greets list, groups are really not updated in ages)
sorry if i forgot someone... thanks mates about everything!

ace / session
ace / trance inc.
acen / compact
action / anadune
adder / subject
adn / honoo^steroids
adonis / passion
angeldust / phuture 303
ant / three little elks
apeman / mobile
arcane / squash
atomic / iris
avenger / giants
backfire / applause
bad_boy / why
barf / salamander
barman / necropolis
bart / isch crew
base / phuture 303 & avocado
bass 41 / pagan
bauer / cadaver
benjo / nightfall
bigman / vision software
blaster / eremation
blaze / phuture 303^fractal generators^stage diving club
blitzer / iris
blockhead / unlimited
bodzio / the edge
bon / neo
boobba / sector 5^venal
booger / abstract
braindead / ex.scoopex
bubba / clan
bytebreaker / skulls
chode / dec
captain bo / orbital
captain planet / zymosis
carbon / passive
carp / strobe^phuture 303
case78 / scoopex^c-lous
caus / legacy
cavit / diffusion
celtic / mellow
chaos! / desire
chaser / flying cows inc.
chewie / xtrade^depth
chmiel / neoplasia
chris / gods
chriz / element
chrombacher / obscene
chronic / zenon
clever / phuture 303
clone i.d.
colorbird / razor 1911
cook / erotic ^ define
coolio / grasshopper developments
coyote / ex.kronical
crazyd / c-lous
c-tank / exile
curse / cyberdreams
curt cool / depth
cuz / moment 22
cyclone / phuture 303
cyryx / dylem
dalamar / ex.bombsquad
damien / phuture 303
danny kane / flying cows inc.^kinky
darkhawk / iris
dave / freezers
dave / simplex
d-code / delite
d-coy / giants
decoy / scoopex
delora / whelpz
denis / excess
dennis sno
devastator / salamander
device / parallax
devistator / eltech^twisted
dialer / dvt
digger / iris
digital zone
digitizer / supernova
dire / the dark demon^eremation
doc / depth
domain / saints
dominator / alchemy
doomsday / bizarre arts
dosadi / spasm
double r / bronx
drac / ambrosia^limited edition^phuture 303
dr. anal freser
dr.avalanche / illusion
dr.death / eltech^astra syntex
dr.matrix / procyon
dr.poop / dcs^vanity
dwangi / strange
dvize / devious dezigns
eagle / syndrome^honoo^agoa
easy / focus design
electron / citron
el guapo
enzyme / neo
ernie / tmt
evapor8er / ex.freezers
excel / balance^crux
exolon / old bulls
exon / riot
fashion / ram jam
fate / outlaws
felix / msv
fiction / intense
firestarter / instinct
fisherking / massive
flapjack / convex^erotic^fg
fly / depth
flynn / outlaws
frame / c-lous
fred / afc
fugazi / giants
gad / trance inc.
gart / bronx
gaza.r / nebula
general lee / suprise productions
gerdy / royal & funland farrow
ghandy / gods
giz / desire
gizmoduck / depth
godfather / fun
gold dragon / act
gone / void
grand master b
grapic / rgb
greippi / limbo
growl / atp^als^p303
grunf / gillette
gunman / mystic
hardfire / intense^ngc
hawk / why
haze / apathy
heatwave / depth
hellfire / ex.bitchsuckers
hellraiser / fun
hellrazor / fun^ems^apathy
hijack / retire
hiro / liquid
hogan / ladybird design
hotstepper / rektum
hr.flicker / technology
hunter / boom design
immortal / freezers
incognito / jack
inssomniak / redline design
iro / rno^depth
iron / mad elks
jack slader
jam raddox
janitor / zenon
jesta / eltech
jim / sector 5
jummen / massive
maka.b / fresh
k!m / kinky
kaneda / grasshopper developments
kaosmaster / ram jam
karpow / scoopex
kazz / ex.freezers
keldon / jewels
kestrel / syndrome
klaf / old bulls
knight / majic 12
kopara / mad elks
korball / amnesty
krusen / metro
kurczak / ozone free
lfo / phuture 303
light / jack
lithium / gods
loonie / depth
lord / absolute
lovely / old bulls
madel / fire
madsen / suspiria^the lowlifes
mag / illusion
magellan / royal pc
malakai / sardonyx
maly / ladybird design
maniac / fanatic
marc panther
mare / zenon
mars / mystic
masque / fanatic
matrix / ngc
maverick / grasshopper developments
maxime / proline
maze / eltech^massive
mccoy / scoopex
mcdon / intruders
mcr / mawi
mc spicy / savior
mcwilsh / gods
melfis / cider
melvin / rebels
mentor / neo
mephisto / supreme
mic / slope
mice / erotic design
mindphaser /

mike / delight
miko63 / iris
mj / iris
mogul / ram jam
mohd zaman
mop / essence
morino / thefect
mr.king / trsi
mr.noname / inforadio
mr.uhu / phuture 303
mr.vain / secretly!
msw / effect
mute / trance inc.
nicholas / intruders
noodle / facet's pussy/desire^mellow
nop / saints
nork / network^massive^osmose
norman / anadune
nuno / ex.quadriga
octon / midway
opel / lsd
orvaskersa / ex.virtual zone
overdose / trsi
oxstone / spasm
paperboy / mobile
payday / ram jam
peace / iris
pinup / ex.sardonyx
poseidon from norway
poseidon / unlimited from germany
p.o.w / iris
prince / x-tension
pseudonym / ex.ram jam
punisher / absurd + apathy + mantra + rno
qba / trsi
qix / gods
quaid / mad elks
rag / imagine
rahiem / us
ranz / megaunit
rapsu / accession
raptor / sector5!
ravana / centolos
raven / fanatic
rave / lsd^sad
raze / tomato dreams
realitor / eltech
rebb / mantra
receiver / led
reval / infect
ripper / diffusion
risk / animators
rod / banana design
rogue / darkness
romeo / apollo 13
rooster / giants
roover / decree
royal'69 / energy^wartec
sascha / mirage
saurian / maniacs
schizo / ex.kinky
sci / strobe
scraby / picco
sear / dylem
seb / etilik
seduce / status o.k.
sharp / megapoint
shatterhand / savior
shocker / ex.virtual design
signed / paragon
silky / enemy
sinister / maniacs
siracon / defiance^maniacs
skull / eremation
skyclad / compact
slam / trance inc.
sleepwalker / ex.psycho
slurry / intense^black fishy
soldier / waveriders
splash / illusion
starkiller / savior
steel / eternal
speedy / jewels
stevie / disorder
stimpy / suprise productions
sting / abyss
stranger / affix
strife / apathy
stujay / the dark demon
styles / s2
subtopia / limited edition^planet core
swoop / rebels
sylicon / intense
taxman / diffusion
terminator / dusk
tetsuo / saturne
the black mage / factory
the collector / the magic guild
the finnish fist
the founder / scum
the hooligan / dcs
the king / erotic design
the ripper / rom-team
the sm / status o.k.
the specialist
the trendy dealer / ram jam
thrym / neo
thunder / scoopex
tiger / slope
timi / saf
toff / bros in arms
tornado / chrome
toto glez
tracky / apollo^hmr^apathy
trasher / sanity^artwork^bomb
trickster / edge
trooper / lego
tsi / avantgarde
tsk / sardonyx
tweeter / mobile
ufo / iris^heretia
u-man / ex.dual 4mat
wade / eltech
vader / tribe
vadium / neo
warhawk / illusion^obsession
waterhead / ozone free
watts / neo
vega / ram jam
victory / saints
wildcat / visage
virus / arise
wiseguy / apathy^astra syntex
wiza / diffusion
volcryn / iris
von broom / the dark demon
vostok / ex.h2o
xman / passion
x-poole / nuance
yab! / jack
yak / saints
yoyo / fifth generation
zapotek / black code design
zax / the public enemies
zibi / flying cows inc.
zinko / polka brothers

" S A B O T A G E " pack by Horizontal Lamerz
__________\ `--.__
| `-.__
_|_____ _______ _____ ___|_ _
__| /___\ __ |_| |____ _|
| |____ __ | __ /_ ___
| |/ __ \| |/ | |/
|_________\|_____|____________________ _
| |
| - A D V E R T S P A R T - |
| (full of advertisements) |
_ __|__ _______ ________ _____|_
|___\ __ |_\ |_ __\ ____7_
___| __ \ ___|/___ _| /___
\| _ \| | | \| |
_ _______|_____|_______ |_________|
hhs'| ((-|________|-)) |'lot
| |
| + s A B O T A G e + _|

____ ____
/ / / /
/ / / /
/ / _____/ /_______ __________
/ / / / / / / / _ /
/ /__/_ / / \/ / ___/__
/ / _ / / / \ / /%lhv
/ /_______/____/___/___\___/_________/__ _ _ _ _
/_______________________________________ ___ __ _
| friendly swap/join/offworld+sabotage support:
| L A H V E \ R E A S O N
| r a d e k h r d l i c k a
| k r a l u p s k a 1 7 1 3
| b r a n d y s n / l a b .
|__ 2 5 0 0 1
/ c z e c h r e p u b l i c
/______________________________________ _ _ _

.­­­­ ­­ ­­­­­> ADONIS <­­­­ ­­ -­­­. --------------------
! | Get the latest
¦ Henrik Kyster ! IRIS
. Poste Restante ¦ stuff directly
· 6100 Haderslev from the WHQ.
: Denmark ·
.. . Write to:
:: Contact me if you want some ::
¦:: nice and old fashion :: (Darkhawk/IRIS)
¡:::.. swapping ..::! Christian Hviid
`­­­­­­­­­­­ ­­ ­ ­ ­­ ­­­­ ­­­­­' Læssøegade 78 I
5230 Odense M

letters required!

______ ______ __ __ ________ __ __ _____
\____+\T _ +Y +Y +Y _ _ +Y +Y +Y ___\
T T__T T__j ! !__T T__j ! !___ +T
! __j! ! : : : ! ! : : : T !
: T : : : j : : : : j : j :
A____/A__j A_____A A__A A_____A_____A
\ /ß
\ ® BruTUs ® /®
\ ® ® PioTr kAczMaREk ® ® /ù
\ ® ul.PniEwsKa 22 ® /t
\ 64-310 LwÓWeK /µ
\)))))) P o L a N d ((((((/$
don't hesitate write now
\ answer guaranted /

_ ________ ________ ________ _
___\· _____/__)\ _____/(__\_ ·\_____
---' \__ _____ \ _/ against frustration!!!
___________________//________\_____\_____ _________
®e/sea_ \ __ __ / zito / apathy
if ya wanna swap with me, write a letta \\_|_// pf 100522
and send here:........fAr/sativemea+warp0 \ _ / 04005 leipzig
..........................tommy stefanski \_/ germany
..........................ul.szopena 48/5 `99
.........................41-4oo myslowice do the real swap!

.____ _______ ._____ _._______
_| | ·|_l ___|_ _| ·|
| __ __ | ·Y l___| __ .
l__T T kac#? l _______| | /·|
| OkAzJa · LeTnIa OfErTa WaKaCyJnA |
|W oKrEsIe o1 LiPcA-31 SiErPnIa ZaPeWnIaM 100% AnSwEr|
| |
| McR/MaWi^aPpEnDiX |
|WoJtEk NoWak·CzErW. KlOnOw 5/2·33-101 TaRnOw·PoLaNd|
| z DoPiSkIeM "LeTnIa PrOmOcJa" |
| |
|NiE CzEkAj·NaPiSz JuZ dZiS·CzAs PrOmOcJi OgRaNiCzoNy|

- -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -
f or friendly swapp fast write to juen of harvester+breathe+l ay o
_________ ________
_____|_____ /_ ______ ________ _\ /_____
| |/ |__| /-\ |__| ___ _|
: :: :::|_ ___| |__ \ ___| /|__ | / |::: :: :
: :: ::::/ j u e n |__ |/ _T_ \| |__|_ |::: :: :
: :: :::/___________|:/_________\:|___ |:::/_______|::: :: :

u t+ beret.squad!: pawel nowak, ul.szpitalna 7/13, 31-024 kra ko w
p ol and, 100% answer but no lamerz pleaz! support ascii pack !! !
- -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -

-----------------[ m a d b a r t .o. a p p e n d i x ]----------------
. ______ ______ . . ______ ______ . . ______ . ______ ______ .
|/ T T \| |/ T T ___ \| |/ T |/ T T \|
_| |_ _|_____ |_ _| ____ |_ _| \] |_ _|_____ |_ _| ___ |_ _| |_
. | Y ____ Y \| Y ____ Y ____ Y [/__| Y
|____| _ \] _ | _ [/ _ \] _ __ _ ____

-----------------[ m a d b a r t .o. a p p e n d i x ]----------------

a.p.p.e.n.d.i.x world head quarters
for appendix joinin', other reasons write to

-----------------[ m a d b a r t .o. a p p e n d i x ]----------------

__ __
__/\\/____ ____\//\__
. _) \/ (_ _) \/ (_ .
o | ._____ | ____| ____. | o
_\_|_| / |____ _____ _____ _____ ) _|___ ) _|_|_/_
_\ |_ /____|\_ /_\ /_______\ /____\_ /_\ \_ /_\ \_ /_
\ _/ _ __/ _ /| _ \ _ / _ / _ / /
«---| |------------------------------------| -dKS|---»
| | [÷] .H.A.U.J.O.B.B. [÷] | |
¯)__/\ __(¯ - ------------------------- - ¯)__ /\__(¯
/\\/ darkus/haujobb & skid row \//\
¯¯ 30 farrier close ¯¯
fatfield, washington
tyne and wear,ne38 8rw
.. ..


\ _ /
¼ ¼¼ ¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼¼¼\\/
____ ________ _______ \ ________ ____
| ¬/_______________\___ ¬/__.--!_/ /____\ /_\ ¬l________
| __ ¬_ __ __ ____ \____ ¬ __ ¬|
l___\l_ .°_|\_____\| .°__l_ \/ °. ¬\ l_°. \/____l_ |/ °.|
`------' `-----' `-/--------'\ `-------' `--/________|
· h · a · k · o · n · fAr/s3a 1oo22k
//\¼¼¼¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼¼ ¼¼¼ ¼¼ ¼
· w · h · e · l · p · z · /___\
¯ ¯
krzysztof kurzawski herdera 8/23 1o693 olsztyn poland
write for latest scene warez swapping, whelpz joining
and frozen-speed-overtime-beret supporting
no faked stamps & lowpaid sendings!

___ ___ .:._________________ _.:.
· · · \---\\ |½½| //---/ · · · ·| _ 7 __7 _ 7 7 j 7·
| | | :¯ |¾¾| ¯: | | | ·:|./ |._/_./_j_._j. |:·
.---. .------.------._.----._.----. .| | | | | || | |.
_| |¯¯¯¯l .. l _ _ l .. l | l_ ·:l___l___l__j l_jl_l_j:·
\\_ ____ . || _ | | _ || _ l . _// .for lazy swap in 2ooo.
|_| | |____|_|_| | |____|____| | : curt cool/depth :
`----`---\ .`--`--' `----' . frank e. larsen .
km!/k0 :_ |¾¾| _: feb'2k . roersvej 17b, st. .
. . . /---//__|½½|__\\---\ . . . . 5ooo odense c. .
---------------------------------------- denmark
»·» KEMPY / MNS + VZY + K0 «·« . .
---------------------------------------- : 1oo% answer :
· przemek kowalczyk · kopernika 13/14 · ::.....................::
· 34100 wadowice · poland ·
! - mailtrading - ascii - articles - !

inside the sCENe universe... feb'2000
___ ____ / ____ _/
__\\ ,)_ _____\\ _,)_ _\_, )_ __ /
_ /_ ,\ | /_\ _, _ \| //_ | /__( //_ __
_\\__\_| l___ \| /_ ` _,___| _ \_, /__//_
`--- \_ ` _\----' l___/__ l _\
`----' _,__ `----'
.[ mOons ]. _/ n7v! l_/ /

- lothar -   - kempy - - raider -

marek kozakowski przemek kowalczyk grzegorz frydrych
hetmanska 18/10 kopernika 13/14 wroclawska 18d/13
· 58-316 walbrzych 34-100 wadowice 45-707 opole ·
: poland poland poland :
¦ ¦
+ -- mailtrading ----- join / mailtrading ------ coders only -- +
: :
¦ ! we're looking for productive ASMONE and MUSIC spacemans ! ¦
· ·

:4 cracktros ^ protracker mods swap!:
_____ ______ _______._ ______ .æ@æ
_|_ _|__/ | \____ | Y _ |. æ@@@
.-\__ __/\_7 |___(__ | / |- @@@ -.
|::| |:::| | _/ | / |: @@.::|
`--|_____|---|_____:________.__/ |- @ ---'
: `¤' lm!
:... guffaw/t13n!^giants^rno ...:
: magnus henriksen :
: stationsg. 2 :
: s-511 54 kinna :
: sweden :
: :
<----( disk/letter= 100% )---->

a · p · a · t · h · y .____. .___.
_______________ _______ _l l__l l___ ______
_\___ \_\___ \\ _/ \__/_ /
/ ) ) ) ( /
\_________ __________________________( ____ /
l___l c&r./_____//_____/k0!

Angeldust of Apathy ^ Absurd ^ Rno

Markus Nimtz
Noellestr. 22
29646 Bispingen
- Germany -

For fast & friendly mailswapping

<- Contact now & get excited ->

_) (_
| . V . . O . . I . . D . |
¯______ ______ ____ _____ ¯
_\ /_________\_ /_\__/____\_ /___
\dKS!/| _ / _ _ / /
_ _
|. [÷] POWERSLAVE / VOID [÷] .|
_| o · NICK HALL · o |_
/\_\_\/_/\__ 37 HAYFELL AVENUE __/\_\/_/_/\
\/_/ /\ Oo / HERON HILL \ oO /\ \_\/
| · /· - \ KENDAL, CUMBRIA / - ·\ · |
_ |_ ¯¯\/¯¯ LA9 7JH ¯¯\/¯¯ _| _
\\\/ ENGLAND \///
| |
: «-----------------------------» :
. (C) Darkus Advert Design :) .

__¦________ _____ ____ _____ ____ ___
| _ |__\___ \_/ _ \_/ (___/ __/_______| |
| \_ |/ \_ ___/ \__ |_____ |
| /________|-------/______\`-------'/___|____/--'
`---/--------------------------------------------- -
/ . a p a t h y -®ev¿/l124!
_ /_______________________________________________ _
I Would Only Like To Say One Thing: 'Give Me Life
And Happiness!'. Please Write Me For A Good Time:

Punisher Of Apathy WHQ
Jonas O'Brien
Huvikveien 32B
N-3222 Sandefjord

Mailtrading Domination In The New Millenium!

________ . . . . . . . . . . . . . _________._
.\ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______¦
:__\___ /___\___ /___\___ /___\___ /___\___ /:
|° \__/ ¬|°_____ ¬|° ¬ /__|°_____ ¬|° ¬ /__|
|____ _._________________________|
· Are you looking for friendly ctx?
· Do you think that scene and friendship dies?
· Do you want to see, what's the true friendship?
· Do you want to support Overtime or Sabotage?

If yes, don't hesitate to contact at this addy:


Maciek Nowicki·Slonecznikowa 5/7·15-669 Bialystok

. ___
· evanomatomania · . /_ :
________________| /___._______ _/\ | ___
__\ __ /\ / __|____ // \l \
\ /____/ /l _\ j/ \\ |
-×ßL\ . | \\ | \\ |s3a~
::::::::/______|_________|_____\ |/________|\ _|::::::::
- e v a n . d u a l ( r e w - s h i n i n g + n a h + m a w i -
Martin Szmidtke \/ stalowawola7 \/ box23 \/ 3745o \/ poland
----------------------- -¦ \ - ------------------------

___ _______
km! _________ /___________________ ______ _
_____\ __ \__/ ____________ /__ ___ _ ______\ _________
/ \ \ _________/ __ ___\___ / _/___ _____\ __ \__/
/___________\ __ \ _______\ \ /__\ -_/_____ / \ \
_ ____ /_____________\ ____ \______\_/ /___ /___________\
/_________ _ /_______________ /___________\ __ _
/__________________\ .k0

g r a s s a t m o s p h e r e s w a p p p r e f f e r e d

r o o v e r . d e c r e e + a p a t h y

j a r e k j e z o w s k i

m i e l e c k i e g o 3 6 / 7

4 1 5 0 0 c h o r z o w

p o l a n d

_____ _____ _____ _____ ______ ______
_____\_ /_____\_ (______\_ (_______\_ /_____\_ /_____\_ /_
\ __/ _ ____/ _ ____/ _ __/ _ _/ / _ / /

Seems like I've been here before. Azzaro/Madwizards+Embassy
Seems so familiar. Tomasz Slawomir Wisniewski
Seems like I'm slipping ul. Szeroka 35/8
into a dream within a dream. 75-814 Koszalin
It's the way you whisper. Poland
It drags me under
and takes me home. gsm: +48-606-36-64-69

visual oriented creator. art direction offers. quality of itself.
for supporting "save da vinyl, excess, zosia" - madwizards` tribunes

= total magic one more time =

b|z'sea . ....... .. .... ... . ___________ . .... . . ....
...... . . . . .. .... . . .. _\ /_ .. . . . narko
_________ _______ .. _____\_ / ___ . radko.
_\ __ \._( ___ /_ _) ___/__ __/___|___|______
| \______| \__/ \|_______ \. ./ \.
|_____| |___________|___________| |___________________|
_____ _ _ ____ _________________ \ / __ __ ___________
__________________________ _ _ _ _) \_/ (_________ _ __ __

| ___ /---| t h e
| aC!d _ \ _\ | ___ o f f i c i a l
| .dGs \----\/ \ | _ \ _\ ___
| _______\ _____/__ | \---|\/ \ /_ / _ ___
| / ____/ \ | _\ | /__ / \/----/ _ \ _\
/ o o o \\ \ _/ | \ _\_____ \_ \----\/ \
/_____________________X ' \ _/ // __/ _\ ___ /__
. /________________X _ \ _/ // . \
_______ _ ____ _______ /------/________X . . \
| \| |______\| ______\| | \| |___ /________________\
| | | | | |_ _____| | b y d e p t h
|\______| |\ | |\______| |\ \ |\______|
. .
| s u p p o r t i t | [cytron] [curt cool]
|_____________________| Rune Stampe Nielsen Frank E. Larsen
12, Rue du Roveray - 306 Roersvej 17b, st.
1207 Geneve 5000 Odense C.
Switzerland Denmark

| /_________________
| `---.___
| very friendy swapp... |
__|____ ___________ _________ _____|__ ________
____| /___| |__ __ |___ _\ |_ ____| /______
| |___ | __ /_ __ /_ \ ___|/_|_ __ |
| |/ | \| | \| | \| | |/ |
|______________|______|_____|____|______|____ |______________|
| ((-|________|-)) hhs'lot
| jARGo/oXYGEN |
| Olek Ivo Lacek |
| ul.Szlak 19/7 |
| 31-161 Kraków |
| |
| if u want call: (0-12)632-30-93 |
|_____________ 2.99/min + VAT |

.------------------. .- .- .----.--------.----. .-. .- . . scene
| | | | | | | | | | | | .-| related
| o | | | | | | | | | | | | | magazine
| | ·- ·- | | | | | | | | | | made in
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | the
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | apathy
| | | | | · · | | | | | | | and
| | | | | | | | | | | | reason
| | | | | | | | | | | | cooperation
·------------------· · · ·------------------· ·-· · ·- ·-·
s u p p o r t u s with articles/mods/graphic/clips etc - try this:

zito/rsn+dkg+lo! - marc oberst - pf100522 - 04005 leipzig - germany
lahve/rsn+hla - radek hrdlicka - kralupska1713 - 25001 brandys n/l - czech

more official spreaders/writers needed everytime, contact one of us!


_\ `-.__
| ____ ____ ______ ____|____
______ __\ '_ .-' |____ _.-' ___'_ __.-' // //___
.-' ___.' \/ `.| ( `._| ____7 )__( \ \ `-.
|hHS | | || | || \| || \_.-' sOC|
`--- `-.____\\.-'`-._____\\.'`-._____\\-'`-.\\__\ ------'
. .
| juen'harvester+taski+soc+garbage |
| |
| swapp.. pawel nowak |
| ul.szpitalna 7/13 |
| (..) 31-024 krakow |
| poland |
| ..swapp |
| ____________ |
| .-' / |
|_ | sOC/2oooy / __|

._ _.
| .::::::::::::. |
: ::::MalmiS:::: :
· ::::::of:::::: ·
. :::::::::::::: .
: ::::box:69:::: :
| 545o2::algaras |
| ::::sweden:::: |
' `

| /| ________. bD!/L±24
.___|___ | ____ \ ___| ____ ____ _______ ___
._l__ / |_/ _/___. \ \ _____\_ \_._\_ _)_._\ _ /_./ _l__
| /___/ | \ l \ \ _/ | | \ | ___/__
|_____| |_________| .____\ \ ___\|____|_______|_____\___|___\l /_
|_ | |_________\ · · ' \____\
|/_____| ._____ _______ _____ ._______
· | |____\ _ /_____\ \__l__ /
| ' \ l\ /___/

[ . p i c s a i n t l o u p . ]

If You want to join (only musicians) or want any music for Your production
write e-mail to Adamsoft:
call/write SMS:
Tel/SMS: +48 601 774648
Tel/SMS: +48 501 031747
Tel: (091)4875130 ask Adam

Appendix & Pic Saint Loup homepage:
(C)2000 by PIC SAINT LOUP Magic Music Factory SCENE SINCE 1991

_______ ________________________ /\ \ ____________
. /______/\ /____________|___________| /-=\__\\ __________\..
..::| -=\ \ / -=/ -=\\-=/ // -=\::.
..:::| -=\ \ / -=/ -=\\/__// -=\::.
..:::| -=\ \/ _-=/ __ -=\ ( / ______-=):.
.:::| -=\/ -=| | -=|__\ -=) ( -=( .::::.
.:::| -=| | -=|__/ -=/ \_ MaRshalS=-- _::.
.::| -=| | -=/_________--=online! \:.
.::| -=\ -=/ -=| | -=(_____\_______) -=).
.::| -=\ -=/ -=| | __ -=/ -=/:.
.::| -=\ -=/ -=| | -=| \ -=/ -=/:.
.:|_______-=\-=/_______-=| |_____-=| \______-=/_____________-=/::.
. \/ .:JuPiTeR Y2K:. .

we are looking for coders (0010101110001)!

look at our homepage for more info

- [ N /\ H - K 0 L 0 R ] -

\........ ...... ........ . ...... .
.....\ : ..........: : : : ..:......:...: : ....:............
: \ · :.:.. : ..:.. : : .: ..:.. :. :....: ..:.. :. :
: · \... ...: . :...: : :..: :. :...: .: : :. :...: .: :...:
:.......\ :........:....: : :......:...:...:..... :...:...:...:
\ :....: : :....: : kem/k0

q i x / n a h - k o l o r + p s l b u m c y k c y k
p . o . b o x 1 2 8 t r a l a l a !
7 5 - 2 0 2 k o s z a l i n 4 h o p s i u p b ë c
p o l a n d . . . z u p a

_______________ /
\ //
\ ________ ____ ::::: p · e · s · t · i
\ / / / _/____ .:::: ___________
_____________/ /___\__ ....::::.::::: (___________)
____\_______ / ) .::::::::::::: ________________.
\ ____ / ::: l
\_________\ / )____/ __________ ::: :::::: _______________l
\___________/ c&r. ::::..:::::: .k0
pesti/monar.radekslomnicki ··:::::·· _________
starzynskiego8/31.42227czestochowa ___________________//
nofakedstamps __________// hqmoduleswapping.50%reply

cosmikk .-----.___ .-------. ___,-----._.-----. \---. swappa
___ _l____, l ... l ,____| | |¯l¯¯¯¯¯¯\_ |_ ___
»·»·»· \_ \\_ ______ ||| ______ _ `-----' _ ... _// _/ ·«·«·«
|_ ` _|_ _|_ ' _|_ _| ||| _|km!k0
girlie.. `-------' `-------' `-------' `-------'`--------' ..impulse

__ __
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__|__. | .______ .__|__ |
) _|____ | ______ ____| / ______ ____| _ ( __|__
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| | [÷] .B.O.H.E.M.A. [÷] | |
¯)__/\ __(¯ - ----------------------- - ¯)__ /\__(¯
¯¯ ¯¯
one and only official distro site for all snail-brOthaz
evan'bOhema - p.o. bOx 23 - 37450 stalOwa wOla 7 - pOland
write here to get all tha latest bOhema recordz releases

½½½½½ _____
½½½½½½ ____Y __\ ____
½½ _\) | /_____ | ___/
½½ | _l______ Y|_) \
½½ |____( /__!_____/
½½½½½ _
½½½½½----[c/-\se]------ - --- -·

For demo swapping write to:

Peyrassi Bruna
corso Agnelli 103
10134 Torino

" S A B O T A G E " pack by Horizontal Lamerz
__________\ `--.__
| `-.__
_|_____ _______ _____ ___|_ _
__| /___\ __ |_| |____ _|
| |____ __ | __ /_ ___
| |/ __ \| |/ | |/
|_________\|_____|____________________ _
| |
| - N E W S S E C T i O N - |
| (group-news and memberlists) |
_ __|__ _______ ________ _____|_
|___\ __ |_\ |_ __\ ____7_
___| __ \ ___|/___ _| /___
\| _ \| | | \| |
_ _______|_____|_______ |_________|
hhs'| ((-|________|-)) |'lot
| |
| + s A B O T A G e + _|

(all news & memberlists collected personally, not stealed from other packs!)

please send your memberlists and group-news to some of our official
spreaders and collectors to keep this section fresh!

"@" sign next to the group name means changes in group (actual status)


- COMA left
- ABSURD is closed down until reborn

[actual memberlist]

angeldust ............................................ graphician [germany]
aztec ................................................... swapper [norway]
budgie ............................................... graphician [poland]
bta/popcorn ............................................... coder [poland]
kobat ............................................... 3d-modeller [?]
ubik ..................................................... member [poland]
weirdo ................................................. musician [finland]


[actual memberlist]

action ......................................... musician/webmaster [?]
andy .................................................... webmaster [poland]
cortez ........................................... public relations [?]
crusoe ................................................... musician [?]
dr.greg ..................................................... v.i.p [?]
dzordan ................................................ graphician [poland]
kazik ........................................ graphician/organizer [poland]
mr.acryl .......................................... coder/organizer [poland]
norman .................................................... swapper [poland]
revisq ................................................... musician [poland]
sharp .................................................. graphician [?]
sol ..................................... coder/musician/graphician [?]
tonid .................................................... musician [?]
ytok ....................................................... tracer [?]
zeebi ....................................................... v.i.p [?]

A P A T H Y @

- HAZE joined as swapper and trader in Norway
- TOMBA and WIZZBALL were asked to leave due to lack of contact
- THUNG is no longer a member
- ZITO left for Darkage and Reason (Good luck mate!)
- TIGER left the scene

[actual memberlist]

accede .................................................... coder [norway]
angeldust ........................... graphician/musician/swapper [germany]
ash ............................................... coder/swapper [poland]
axl ...................................................... trader [england]
budgie ............................................... graphician [poland]
case ..................................................... trader [italy]
chriz .......................................... musician/swapper [norway]
coma ........................................... musician/swapper [sweden]
cope ................................................... musician [norway]
dirtie ................................................. musician [germany]
dissident ................................................. coder [portugal]
enigmus hammer ......................................... musician [norway]
haze ............................................. swapper/trader [norway]
leia ..................................................... editor [norway]
malmis ....................................... graphician/swapper [sweden]
maze ................................................... musician [norway]
point ..................................................... coder [norway]
punisher ......................................... packer/swapper [norway]
rage ................................................. graphician [norway]
rebel ........................................ graphician/swapper [poland]
stilgar .................................................. tracer [poland]
strife .................................................... coder [norway]
tentacle .................................... graphician/musician [norway]
terrix .................................................... coder [poland]
terry .................................................. musician [poland]
voicer ......................................... musician/swapper [poland]
whizz ............................................. coder/swapper [sweden]
zeeball ................................................... coder [poland]

A P P E N D I X @

- PSYCHO left the scene
- BUDGIE joined as gfx-man

[actual memberlist]

bta (popcorn) ...................................... coder/musician [poland]
budgie ................................................. graphician [poland]
cody ....................................................... tracer [poland]
cosh ................................................... graphician [poland]
dante ...................................................... tracer [poland]
emers ....................................................... coder [poland]
enter ....................................................... coder [poland]
flapjack ....................................... musician/packmaker [poland]
informer .................................................... coder [poland]
juma ......................................... graphician/webmaster [poland]
kierownik ................................................... coder [poland]
lothar .................................................... swapper [poland]
madbart .................................... sysop/tracer/organizer [poland]
madman ...................................................... sysop [poland]
maq ......................................................... coder [poland]
mcr ....................................................... swapper [poland]
neuromancer ............................................ graphician [?]
prefix ..................................................... trader [poland]
sachy ....................................................... coder [poland]
scout ....................................................... coder [sweden]
slayer ....................................... graphician/organizer [poland]
sobol ..................................................... swapper [poland]
ubik ....................................................... tracer [poland]
voice .................................................... musician [poland]

A T T I C @

- new amiga group has been activated

[actual memberlist]

debol'97 .................................................... coder [poland]
embeat ...................................................... coder [poland]
jargo ..................................................... swapper [poland]
juen ........................................................ coder [poland]
robin .................................................... musician [poland]
snow ..................................................... musician [poland]
sqlim ..................................................... swapper [poland]
terrix ...................................................... coder [poland]


- group has been dissolved


- nothing new, except great private Millennium gala we had. =)

[actual memberlist]

hirvih ........................................ coder/musician [finland]
naks ..................................... musician/graphician [finland]
pekka pou ..................................... coder/musician [finland]
piirakkamunalla .......................... musician/graphician [finland]
raatomestari .................................. coder/musician [finland]
ruuvvi .......................................... ware support [finland]
tÖÖhi ............................................... partying [finland]
the pipos ........................................... partying [finland]
vesuri ........................................ coder/musician [finland]

second wave:

c00l pappi .......................................... musician [finland]
kippu ............................................... musician [switzerland]
ritari jointti ................................ dns admin etc. [finland]
viron tullimies ..................................... musician [finland]

rather inactive m8s:

elviskenpikkuveli ................................... musician [finland]
jolkoti ............................................. musician [finland]
kari karhu .......................................... partying [finland]
kloaakki .......................................... graphician [finland]
pillu-pappa ......................................... partying [finland]
raivvokoirrah ....................................... musician [finland]
sergio ............................................ graphician [finland]
tupuhupuna ........................................ graphician [finland]
zetor ............................................... musician [finland]

D A R K A G E @

- CUPID left for Iris

[actual memberlist]

bridgeclaw ............................................ graphician [norway]
dip ........................................................ coder [italy]
ghandy .................................................... editor [germany]
modem ............................................ coder/organizer [italy]
mr.tickle .................................................. coder [england]
nork .................................................... musician [spain]
punisher ................................................. swapper [norway]
racoon .................................................. musician [sweden]
rio ................................................... graphician [italy]
sniper ..................................................... coder [germany]
woober .................................................... editor [norway]
yure ...................................................... editor [italy]
zack .................................................. graphician [norway]

D E C R E E & W E E D S

- DEADMAN [swapper] joined
- SPECTRA [musician] joined
- XBALL left
- YANS [musician] joined
- PASSENGER [swapper/asciimaker] joined WEEDS
- ARAGORN [swapper/writer] left scene
- ROOVER [swapper] left for NAH-KOLOR

[actual memberlist of decree]

deadman ................................................... swapper [poland]
dzez ........................................................ coder [poland]
gorzyga ......................................... organizer/swapper [poland]
rork ....................................... graphician/3d modeller [poland]
spectra .................................................. musician [poland]
spider ................................................. graphician [poland]
yans ..................................................... musician [poland]

[actual memberlist of weeds]

anubis .......................................... editor/graphician [poland]
ash ............................................... organizer/coder [poland]
bear ........................................................ coder [poland]
crisp ....................................................... coder [poland]
darklight ...................................... graphician/swapper [poland]
jonah sand ...................................... editor/translator [poland]
passenger ...................................... swapper/asciimaker [poland]
sarin .................................................. graphician [poland]
stazi ............................................ musician/swapper [poland]


- THE OFFICIAL EUROCHART is now a Depth and IRIS production
- All releases are available on the old homepage WWW.IMAGE.DK/~KASPERH/DEPTH
- WWW.DEPTH.ORG is up - check it as often as possible to see the development
- RASTAMAN (music) and FLY (graphics) disappeared
- SOLO (music) and THE GLOW (music, graphics) joined the Depth Legends
honorary member division
- CYTRON went to switzerland to study
- IB went to the usa for three months and will thus be inactive
- CHRONIC changed handle to FRANK BLACK and closed his board

[actual memberlist]

allanon ......................................... organizer/design [norway]
bakerman ............................................... webmaster [denmark]
brainstorm .............................................. musician [sweden]
bucko ............................................. editor/swapper [england]
curt cool ...................... musician/swapper/organizer/editor [sweden]
cope .................................................... musician [norway]
cytron ........................... coder/editor/musician/stripping [denmark]
folcka ................................................ graphician [denmark]
frank black ................................................ coder [finland]
gizmoduck .............................................. webmaster [denmark]
heatwave .............................. swapper/organizer/musician [finland]
hund. ................................. graphician/tracer/animatoe [denmark]
ib .................................................... graphician [denmark]
jaffa ...................................................... coder [norway]
kollaps ........................................... coder/musician [denmark]
labbe ................................................... musician [norway]
nightsight ............................................ graphician [denmark]
paithan .................................................... coder [norway]
presence ................................................... coder [denmark]
quedax ..................................................... coder [denmark]
rolex ................................................... musician [norway]
sido ....................................................... sysop [norway]
sprocket .................................... graphician/organizer [norway]
trip .................................................... musician [denmark]

[DEPTH LEGENDS] - Honorary members:

solo .................................................... musician [norway]
the glow ..................................... musician/graphician [finland]

D E P U T Y @

- new group has been founded

[actual memberlist]

angus ................................................... musician [poland]
climber ................................................. musician [poland]
debol'97 ................................................ musician [poland]
degrysin ................................................... tracer [poland]
embeat ................................... coder/swapper/azkeemaker [poland]
hazh ................................. organizer/swapper/azkeemaker [poland]
hypnotic ................................. tracer/webmaster/swapper [poland]
jargo ..................................................... swapper [poland]
kaos ............................................. swapper/musician [poland]
qkeez ............................................ swapper/musician [poland]
mrtas ............................................... coder/swapper [poland]
mumin .............................................. tracer/swapper [poland]
reemer ......................................... swapper/azkeemaker [poland]
q3ntin ............................ co-organizer/swapper/azkeemaker [poland]
teddybeer .............................................. graphician [poland]
werbung ............................................ tracer/swapper [poland]


- HAZH changed his handle to QKY
- KIEROWNIK left for Appendix
- HAZH [swapper] joined
- QUBEK [swapper] joined

[actual memberlist]

borys ..................................... swapper/coder/organizer [poland]
lala ................................................... graphician [poland]
prevent .................................................... tracer [poland]
qky ....................................................... swapper [poland]
qubek ..................................................... swapper [poland]
scatter ................................................... swapper [poland]
zomo .............................................. musician/tracer [poland]

D U A L C R E W - S H I N I N G

- major reorganizing took place, several inactive members were kicked
- we went to denmark to booze. And won couple of competitions too.
Including first place in Amiga intro compo with an 40k intro called
- LEMMING joined from orange
- SIXPACK/HAUJOBB joined as an editor
- GILLIGAN/EX-CAPITAL joined as a console coder and dcs console division was
- SCREEM joined as a PSX-coder in denmark
MINOR THREAT [TNT] joined and formed a new backbone of of our BBS'
- big and top secret demo project got started
- ILLUSION got out from the finnish army and is back on tracking

[actual memberlist]

13 ................................................ graphician [finland]
adam .................................... graphician/organizer [finland]
b ....................................... graphician/organizer [finland]
bonzaj ........................................... 3d modeller [poland]
carebear ............................................ musician [finland]
deetsay ....................................... coder/musician [finland]
dejko .................................................. coder [yugoslavia]
digiman ................................................ sysop [germany]
dual ................................................ musician [finland]
evan ................................................. swapper [poland]
fluffy .............................................. musician [finland]
fthr .............................................. graphician [finland]
gilligan ...................................... gbc+snes coder [germany]
haka ............................................ sysop/trader [finland]
illusion ............................................ musician [finland]
iridon ............................................ graphician [sweden]
jamon ............................................. graphician [yugoslavia]
kidlove ........................................... graphician [finland]
lemming .............................................. homeboy [finland]
metal maniac ........................................... coder [sweden]
mike ................................................. swapper [sweden]
minor threat ........................................... sysop [netherlands]
mortimer tee ........................................ musician [sweden]
muffler ............................................. musician [finland]
optic ............................................. graphician [norway]
renton ............................................... swapper [poland]
sal-one ................................................ sysop [netherlands]
screem ............................................. psx coder [denmark]
shape .................................................. coder [finland]
sixpack ............................................... editor [norway]
snuskis ......................................... sysop/trader [sweden]
speedo ................................................. coder [finland]
style ................................................ cracker [germany]
substance ........................................... musician [finland]
the hooligan ................................ musician/swapper [finland]
tommy ............................................... musician [sweden]
truxton ............................................... trader [finland]
wotw ................................................ musician [germany]
wrec ............................................ sysop/trader [finland]
xhale ............................................... musician [norway]
zaz .................................................... coder [sweden]
zoltrix ................................................ sysop [england]


- AJATOLLAH [coder] joined
- JOHN DOE [graphician] joined [kretki operator]
- DAÎN joined as a...
- FLUFFY kicked out due to inactivity
- BLIZZARD is still in army. we`re waiting for ya!
- KENNY go out for poligon in army
- PATYK renamed as KOOPA

[actual memberlist]

ajatollah ................................................... coder [poland]
blizzard ............... vodka lover/laugh maker/PSX player/ideator [poland]
ciemniak .................................. vodka+kapucha supporter [poland]
daÎn ................................................ member/worker [poland]
john doe ............................... graphician/image processer [poland]
ka'o'smoke ............... whq/music/image processing/ganja user... [poland]
kenny .................................. alko&ganja user/idea maker [poland]
koopa .......................... cohq/ganja user/scanner/idea maker [poland]


- AZZARO left
- After several months of idling we are finally back on track
- Group members were splitted to inner ring (active and productive ones)
and outer ring (unactive but still important ones and mascots =)
- ODER & XYBORG are outside the group now
- Expect some nice releases from us soon

[actual memberlist]

inner ring members:

bass-cadet .............................. coder/tracer/musician [finland]
humanoid ............................... coder/tracer/organizer [finland]
ilke ............................................... graphician [yugoslavia]
neure ................................................... coder [finland]
oakgroove .......................................... graphician [finland]
sly ..................................................... coder [finland]
temen ................................................ musician [finland]
tolkien ................................................. coder [france]
zuulkuul ........................................ utility coder [finland]

outter ring members:

artache ................................................... tracer [finland]
artie ................................................. graphician [czech]
dinanz ................................................ graphician [finland]
duet ....................................................... coder [finland]
fidelio ................................................. musician [canada]
mexx ........................................................... ? [?]
netzed .................................................... tracer [finland]
pirat ............................................. musician/sysop [germany]
plasm .............................................. tracer/mascot [finland]
tin ..................................................... musician [finland]
why j ............................................... coder/tracer [finland]


- we won distance 99 4k intro compo with the intro BIG!
- we won tp99 with the demo concrete.
- LOADERROR/EPH nearly killed FREQUENT/EPH when winning tp ;)
- released bug fixed version of concrete.. timing should be fixed..
includes secret part.. try right mousebutton people :D
- see you at mekka symposium.
- loadys under construction web:

[actual memberlist]

cheetah ................................................ graphician [norway]
cyberstarr .................................................. coder [norway]
frequent .................................................

musician [norway]
loaderror ........................................... coder/swapper [norway]
stoney ................................................. graphician [norway]
zixaq .................................................... musician [norway]


- Whole group name changed from FLOPPY to FLOPI
- AZZARO [swapper/designer] joined as doublemember of MADWIZARDS
- PILL and RENTON asked for leaving due unactivity
- FAME changes his handle to LILFAME
- "FEE" - 4k intro released at Mekka&Symposium`2k [4th plce]
- "MURDEROUS" - dentro released at Mekka&Symposium`2k [8th place]

[actual memberlist]

azzaro ........................................... swapper/designer [poland]
def ............................... organizer/3d-modeller/webmaster [poland]
lilfame ................................................ graphician [poland]
maq ......................................................... coder [poland]
pickpoke ............................................... graphician [poland]
revisq ................................................... musician [poland]
x-ceed ................................................... musician [poland]
zig ......................................................... coder [poland]


- KIEROWNIK [coder] joined
- B0B changed nick to BQB

[actual memberlist]

amifan ....................................... swaper/bajzelek_edit [poland]
bqb ........................................................ trader [poland]
cyrnox .................................................. raytracer [poland]
daria .............................................. female swapper [poland]
estrogen ............................................. musician/whq [poland]
exor ...................................................... swapper [poland]
fighter for future .............................. asciimaker/editor [poland]
kia .................................................... graphician [poland]
kierownik ................................................... coder [poland]
korbol ...................................................... coder [poland]
luka ........................................................ coder [poland]
oxygene ................................................ graphician [poland]
pnx ................................................ swapper/editor [poland]
twister .................................. asciimaker/support/co-hq [poland]
vincent vega ............................................... trader [poland]
zero ..................................................... designer [poland]


- MR.X left to become a Mantra only member
- APOLLON joined as a musician
- HAWK is looking for a new job :(
- WIZARD bought a new guitar :)
- GUFFAW joined RNO as a double member
- We are working on a musicpack (Oh no! Not another one of those)
- We released the second issue of Phoenix

[actual memberlist]

aln .................................................... graphician [?]
apollon .................................................. musician [?]
guffaw ....................................... spreader/mag support [sweden]
hawk ................................................ whq/organizer [?]
hellrazor ................................................... coder [norway]
leia ....................................................... editor [norway]
magicsn ..................................................... coder [?]
maze ..................................................... musician [?]
matarazzo .............................................. graphician [sweden]
nobrain ............................................... sysop/coder [?]
orhan .................................................. graphician [?]
oystein .................................................. musician [?]
paddywack ..................................... graphician/musician [?]
robotronik .................................................. coder [?]
rustybrain .......................................... phoenix co'ed [norway]
spin dizzy ............................................... musician [norway]
stan ............................................. coder/graphician [norway]
trump .............................................. musician/coder [sweden]
wiseguy ..................................... sysop/phoenix main'ed [norway]
wizard .................................. coder/musician/graphician [sweden]
zwetdrug ............................................... graphician [?]


- HARVESTER - 1.06.1999 -1.06.2000 - 1st year on Amiga Scene
- our intro (code: JUEN) has 3rd on Apocalypse 2000 (Intro Compo)
- X-TYPE has 1st on Apocalypse 2000 (MChannel Music Compo)
- SPEEDY & MOT - 11 place (ex) on Apocalypse 2000 (2D Gfx Compo)
- SAJKO joined as coder

[actual memberlist]

agaslayer ................................ organizer/editor/swapper [czech]
arnee .................................................. graphician [poland]
explora ...................................... graphician/webmaster [poland]
far ............................................ asciimaker/swapper [poland]
holdys ................................................... musician [poland]
juen ........................................................ coder [poland]
lightman ....................................... 3d modeller/tracer [poland]
mot .................................................... graphician [czech]
neami ...................................................... editor [poland]
rain ....................................................... tracer [poland]
redrose ......................................... graphician/editor [czech]
sajko ....................................................... coder [poland]
speedy ................................................. graphician [czech]
tommygun .......................................... editor/musician [czech]
uhu ................................................ editor/swapper [poland]
x-type ......................................... organizer/musician [poland]


- new scotland group was born
- McLOUD created himself
- McLOUD created in his brain new wicked world
- McLOUD created 'highlanders' for being a best demo group ever
- McMAX created himself
- McMAX [ass-kicker] joined
- McGREGOR created himself
- McGREGOR [graffix dezignator] joined
- McOWIEC created himself
- McOWIEC [mental-palpitator] joined
- McDONALD created himself
- McDONALD [ufo catcher] joined

[actual memberlist]

mcloud ....................................... mussix annihilator [scotland]
mcmax ................................................ ass-kicker [scotland]
mcowiec ....................................... mental-palpitator [scotland]
mcgregor ..................................... graffix dezignator [scotland]
mcdonald ............................................ ufo catcher [scotland]

H O R I Z O N T A L L A M E R Z @

- SABOTAGE#3 released
- AMIGA POSITIVE#13 (diskmag) released
- BROOCH asked to leave due inactivity

[actual memberlist]

bolda ....................................... leader/editor/coder [czech]
deli hc ................................................ musician [czech]
dizzy ................................................ graphician [czech]
enif ...................................................... coder [czech]
flegy .................................................... editor [czech]
jimi pow ............................................... musician [czech]
lahve ........................... editor/swapper/webmaster/packer [czech]
pixie ................................................ graphician [slovakia]
sobol ................................ graphician/tracer/musician [czech]
tdm .................................................... musician [czech]
thierry ................................................... coder [czech]
thorgal ................................. coder/graphician/tracer [czech]
vir ................................................... webmaster [czech]
wendy .................................................... editor [czech]


- ZAYKA left scene

[actual memberlist]

kure .................................................... musician [finland]
mim ..................................................... musician [poland]
noxis ...................................................... coder [poland]
opi ............................... organizer/swapper/trader/coder [poland]
thung ...................... organizer/asciimaker/swapper/designer [poland]

I R I S @

- Cupid joined from DarkAge&Unique as a coder&musician

[actual memberlist]

adonis ............................................ swapper/packer [denmark]
bandy ................................................. graphician [denmark]
cupid ............................................. coder/musician [denmark]
darkhawk ................................ organizer/editor/swapper [denmark]
digger ............................................. swapper/coder [poland]
flower .................................................. musician [denmark]
judas ................................................. graphician [spain]
matarazzo ............................................. graphician [sweden]
mj ........................................................ editor [norway]
nutman .................................................. musician [denmark]
ransom .................................................... tracer [denmark]
shadow ..................................................... coder [denmark]
talpa ...................................................... coder [denmark]
thrym ..................................................... tracer [norway]
tricktrax ......................................... coder/musician [denmark]
yogi .................................................... musician [denmark]
yon ................................................... graphician [poland]

I Q 2 0 0 0

- ZORK is back as only iq2000 member :)
- CX8X joined Reason as doublemember
- Q PLUNG joined Reason as doublemember
- ZORK joined Reason as doublemember
- GODJR/I2K and SUBWORK/HLA formed REASON demogroup and joined as

[actual memberlist]

aaron ................................................ musician [yugoslavia]
cx8x ........................ graphician/tracer/webmaster/coder [yugoslavia]
dj km ................................................ musician [yugoslavia]
dr agan ..................................... tracer/graphician [yugoslavia]
faktor x ......................................... music/tracer [yugoslavia]
gaga .............................. organizer/webmaster (girl!) [yugoslavia]
gerald .......................................... swapper/coder [yugoslavia]
gizzy ................................................ musician [yugoslavia]
godjr ...................... coder/musician/organizer/webmaster [yugoslavia]
ibis ............................ coder/music/webmaster (girl!) [yugoslavia]
ing van der tila ..................................... musician [yugoslavia]
jelena ............................ graphician/musician (girl!) [yugoslavia]
mozes ..................................... graphician/musician [yugoslavia]
q plung .......................................... tracer/coder [yugoslavia]
t-anna ............................. musician/webmaster (girl!) [yugoslavia]
zork ............................... tracer/graphician/musician [yugoslavia]

K 0 R E (ascii)

- FITZROY is out!

[actual memberlist]

acid .............................................. whq, asciimaker [poland]
kempy .................................... co-hq/asciimaker/swapper [poland]
passenger ...................................... asciimaker/swapper [poland]
thung .......................................... asciimaker/swapper [poland]

K A N G A R O O @

- NEMECHEK (coder) joined from Whelpz

[actual memberlist]

eft ........................................................ coder [?]
nemechek ................................................... coder [hungary]
unreal ................................................. graphican [?]
beast .................................................. graphican [?]
lord ............................................ organizer/trader [?]
soldier ................................................... tracer [?]
mezon ..................................................... tracer [?]
teo ........................................................ music [hungary]

L A Y O U T (ascii)

- Layout release a new co-ascii-collection by Zito & Kempy/kore. more
members wanted
- EMBEAT left

[actual memberlist]

aztec .............................. organizer/asciimaker/swapper [norway]
dissident ............................................... swapper [portugal]
juen ......................................... asciimaker/swapper [poland]
muck .................................................... swapper [poland]
nemechek ................................................ swapper [hungary]
punisher .............................. asciimaker/swapper/editor [norway]
zito .................................. asciimaker/swapper/editor [germany]

L I N K 1 2 4 (ascii)


[actual memberlist]

azzaro ..................................... whq/asciimaker/swapper [poland]
bull ................................................... asciimaker [poland]
covenant ............................................... asciimaker [poland]
krs .................................................... asciimaker [poland]
luk .................................................... ascii/swap [poland]
noches ................................................. asciimaker [poland]
qentin ......................................... asciimaker/swapper [poland]


- FASIX [graphician] joined

[actual memberlist]

bifrost ............................................... graphician [denmark]
booster ........................................... coder/musician [denmark]
blueberry .................................................. coder [denmark]
dran ..................................... (currently in the army) [denmark]
farfar ....................................... graphician/musician [denmark]
fasix ................................................. graphician [?]
laika .......................................... tracer/graphician [denmark]
psycho ........................................... coder/organizer [denmark]
tarmslyng ...................................... musician/designer [denmark]

M A D W I Z A R D S @

- AZZARO joined FLOPI as doublemember after he left EMBASSY
- "OVERVIEW #02" fullfilled by photos from Mekka & Symposium`2k released
- Check this url: for upgraded versions
of "MUTE12" and "ECLIPSE"
- "SAVE DA VINYL #26" released
- FAME changed his handle to LILFAME

[actual memberlist]

aln! ....................................................... coder [poland]
azzaro ............................................ swapper/editor [poland]
belos ..................................................... editor [poland]
bonzaj ........................................... tracer/modeller [poland]
evan .............................................. swapper/editor [poland]
fusko ................................................. graphician [norway]
grass ........................................ musician/graphician [poland]
itb ........................................................ coder [poland]
lilfame ............................................... graphician [poland]
mcr ............................................... swapper/editor [poland]
noxis ...................................................... coder [poland]
oopure ................................................ graphician [poland]
orbital ............................................... graphician [poland]
protas .................................................. musician [poland]
spectra ................................................. musician [poland]
starlight .................................................. coder [poland]
substance ............................................... musician [finland]
teis .................................................... musician [germany]
zoltan ........................................... tracer/modeller [poland]


- WOID and ANDREW joined

[actual memberlist]

ander .................................................. musician [slovakia]
andrew .................................................... coder [czech]
bomber ......................................... leader/organizer [czech]
bumper ............................................... graphician [czech]
drd .................................................. graphician [czech]
havl ................................................. graphician [czech]
jupiter .............................................. graphician [czech]
max .................................................. graphician [czech]
mip ....................................................... coder [czech]
oweron ............................................... graphician [slovakia]
pep .................................................... musician [czech]
piper .................................................. musician [slovakia]
slik ..................................... graphician/webdesigner [czech]
tragic .................................................... coder [czech]
webster ................................................... coder [czech]
woid ...................................................... coder [czech]

M O O N S @

- GLUTEN [coder] joined

[actual memberlist]

climber .................................................. musician [poland]
dzordan ..................................... graphician/3d-modeler [poland]
gluten ...................................................... coder [poland]
lothar .......................................... swapper/packmaker [poland]
makak ..................................................... swapper [poland]
mim ...................................................... musician [poland]
raider ............................................ coder/organizer [poland]
slider .......................................... graphician/tracer [poland]


- SLIDER left

[actual memberlist]

czar .................................................. graphician [sweden]
geezer ..................................................... coder [sweden]
jamsam ....................................... graphician/musician [sweden]
mss ........................................................ coder [poland]
quartz ............................................. main hq/sysop [finland]
xtd ..................................................... musician [poland]

N A H - K O L O R

- UBIK (3d-modeller/tracer) rejoined
- NOP (coder) was asked to leave due to inactivity
- We're lookin' for another coder; contact us if you dare
- SOLO [coder] joined
- XBALL [musician] joined; he's in bOhema records too
- Check our brand new HOMEPAGE at:
- VIRGILL [musician] joined as a triplememeber from HAUJOBB and SCOOPEX

[actual memberlist]

alvin ...................................... editor/graphician [use]
caro .................................. 3d modeller/graphician [poland]
case .............................. mailtrader/phreaker/trader [italy]
daze ................................... pc organizer/musician [poland]
dreamer ..................................... founder/musician [poland]
evan .................................... mailtrader/packmaker [poland]
fame .............................................. graphician [poland]
hate .............................................. mailtrader [poland]
hedgehog ............................................... coder [italy]
khamoon ................................................ coder [poland]
klod ................................................... coder [poland]
mag666 ........................................... 3d modeller [poland]
magic ............................... editor/founder/organizer [netherlands]
ooopure ........................................... graphician [poland]
orbital ................................... 3d modeller/tracer [poland]
pesti ...................................... editor/mailtrader [poland]
protas .............................................. musician [poland]
qix ............................................... mailtrader [poland]
revisq .............................................. musician [poland]
ripper ................................................. coder [poland]
roover ............................................ mailtrader [poland]
sleve .................................................. coder [poland]
solo ................................................... coder [poland]
spark ................................. 3d modeller/graphician [poland]
spectra ............................................. musician [poland]
ubik ...................................... 3d-modeller/tracer [poland]
virgill ............................................. musician [germany]
weed ............................... coder/graphician/musician [finland]
xball ............................................... musician [poland]


- CUEDER left tracking and the scene temporaly
- we won the 64kb intro competition at euskal party7 with our 49kb intro
- LENTIUM won the 3rd prize at euskal 7 graphics competition
- TRASHCAN issue 6 with a new look is in progress
- two demo projects are in progress

[actual memberlist]

lentium .............................................. graphician [spain]
leunam ................. graphician/organizer/editor/ascii/swapper [spain]
nork .................................................... musician [spain]
phornee ......................................... coder/graphician [spain]
scout ................................................ coder/llama [sweden]
the lawnmover man ................................. editor/swapper [spain]
the ripper ................................................ editor [italy]
wasi ....................................................... coder [spain]
weirdo .......................................... swapper/musician [finland]
wind ....................................................... coder [spain]
xele ....................................................... coder [spain]


[actual memberlist]

andy .................................................. musician [germany]
axon ..................................................... coder [australia]
big-rat ............................................ coorganizer [germany]
bisnoid ............................................. asciimaker [spain]
deepblur ................................................. coder [germany]
evrimsson ............................................. musician [germany]
fireball ............................................ graphician [germany]
grace .................................................... coder [germany]
kill'o'byte .............................................. coder [germany]
logix ................................................... tracer [germany]
merlinm! .............................................. musician [germany]
miao .................................................. musician [germany]
nightmare ............................................. musician [germany]
odin ......................................... graphician/tracer [germany]
r.a.y .................................................... coder [germany]
raven ..................................... organizer/graphician [germany]
sniper ................................................... coder [germany]
snow ................................................ graphician [germany]
spider .................................................. tracer [germany]
sunny ................................................... editor [germany]
switch ................................................... coder [germany]
trifox ................................................... coder [?]

O P T I : E V E X

- REVISQ [musician] joined
- OOOPURE and SPECTRA left for MONAR_records but after one week they`re
- and now we`ve renamed to: opti:EVEX for sure
- we`ve changed our e-mail, now account of ooopure, spektra and otton is:
- SPECTRA joined DECREE as x-member
- PROTAS [musician] joined
- SPEKTRA have formed his own musikke_label, it`s called: FUCK.MY_FACE

[actual memberlist]

e`lane ..................................................... maskot [poland]
evan ................................................... mailtrader [poland]
fame ................................................... graphician [poland]
oopure ..................................... 2d animator/graphician [poland]
otton .................................................... musician [poland]
protas ................................................... musician [poland]
revisq ................................................... musician [poland]
spektra .................................................. musician [poland]
zoee ........................................... inspiration person [poland]


- EMBEAT change handle to ENERGIZER
- FRANC left group no contact
- MRRAT left group no contact
- We're looking for new members

[actual memberlist]

angus .................................................... musician [poland]
energizer ................... co-organizer/coder/swapper/asciimaker [poland]
hazh .............................. hq organizer/swapper/asciimaker [poland]
jargo ........................................ co-organizer/swapper [poland]
kaos ..................................................... musician [poland]
qubek ..................................................... swapper [poland]
werbung ......................................... raytracer/swapper [poland]

P I C S A I N T L O U P @

- MAXYM joined

[actual memberlist]

adamsoft ....................................... musician/organizer [poland]
cloo ..................................................... musician [poland]
grogon ................................................... musician [poland]
jazzcat ........................................ musician/organizer [poland]
maxym .................................................... musician [poland]
qix ....................................................... swapper [poland]
revisq ................................................... musician [poland]
spektra .................................................. musician [poland]
superfml ................................................. musician [poland]
tracker .................................................. musician [poland]


- SATOR left for "emerytura"
- KONUS and TOMBA were asked to leave due no contact

[actual memberlist]

konus ...................................................... tracer [poland]
math ........................................................ coder [poland]
mavey .................................................... coder/hq [poland]
nelson ................................................. graphician [poland]
randy ...................................................... tracer [poland]
renton .......................................... swapper/packmaker [poland]
skip ..................................................... musician [poland]
tomba ....................................................... coder [poland]
tzx ...................................................... musician [poland]


- a demo "uREA" was got the 7th place at the Mekka&Symposium2000,
unfortunately only KURE and CRAID attended this -great- party
- MATRIXX (music) joined some time ago :)
- a 64k intro "PAKARAT" got the 2nd place at TRSAC'00
- we got a new group email:
- ACIDHEAD and TLS were kicked due to inactivity
- CHOSEN left the scene
- CENCE/PYGMY PROJECTS (music, dj) joined
- PENGU/WHELPZ (sysop, raytrace) joined with his ftp-site "Freeside"

- new members & ftp-sites and boards wanted! Contact Kure for
joining and TFT for supporting our music-label.

[actual memberlist]

angeldust ..................................... graphician/swapper [germany]
cence ................................................... musician [finland]
cie ..................................................... musician [germany]
craid ............................................ co-leader/coder [germany]
kure .................................. leader/musician, webmaster [finland]
matrixx ................................................. musician [U.S.A.]
pengu ............................................... sysop/tracer [sweden]
romeo ...................................................... coder [norway]
roz ..................................................... musician [finland]
tang .................................................... musician [finland]
tft .................................................... co-leader [norway]
tmu ........................................................ sysop [finland]
tool ....................................................... sysop [finland]
tundrah .................................................... coder [finland]
zubspace ................................................ musician [norway]

R E A S O N @

- some members are on their vacation due GODJR`s hardware problems
- OFFWORLD (diskmag) is now only Reason`s project with Apathy`s help

[actual memberlist]

asarhad ............................................ graphician [yugoslavia]
cx8x ............................................... graphician [yugoslavia]
deff bro ............................................. musician [germany]
factor6 .............................................. musician [czech]
fob ................................................ graphician [czech]
genetix .............................................. musician [england]
god jr ......................................... coder/musician [yugoslavia]
hypnotic .......................................... 3d-modeller [poland]
lahve .......................................... swapper/editor [czech]
makak ................................................. swapper [poland]
malmis ............................................. graphician [sweden]
q plung ................................................. coder [yugoslavia]
zito ........................................... editor/swapper [germany]

S A T I V E M E A (ascii) @

- TWISTER was kicked

[actual memberlist]

far ................................................ whq/asciimaker [poland]
renton ................................................. asciimaker [poland]
revi ........................................... asciimaker/swapper [poland]
xball ..................................... whq/asciimaker/musician [poland]
zabora ................................................. asciimaker [poland]


- rumours 'bout SCOOPEX' death were only a lies! uff...

[actual memberlist]

acryl ................................................. graphician [germany]
antibyte ............................................... whq/coder [austria]
darklon .................................................... coder [hungary]
deck .................................................... musician [finland]
decoy ......................................... swapper/packmaster [denmark]
fishwave .................................................. editor [germany]
karpow ................................................... swapper [finland]
kidlove ............................................... graphician [finland]
laxical ................................................. musician [germany]
mermaid ............................................... graphician [?]
metal designer ............................................. coder [italy]
muffler ................................................. musician [finland]
ninja ...................................................... coder [germany]
nomad .................................................. raytracer [france]
noogman ............................................... graphician [germany]
soda ...................................................... editor [norway]
syntax ..................................................... coder [germany]
thunder .................................................. swapper [france]
virgill ................................................. musician [germany]


[actual memberlist]

dandee ................................................ graphician [germany]
dc.clark .......................................... musician/coder [germany]
mr.vain ....................................... whq/musician/coder [germany]
scicco ........................................... coder/webmaster [germany]
stingray ........................................ coder (unactive) [germany]


- MYSERY [Staff] quited his scenelife due to personal problems
- THG left the team for personal reasons as well
- SACHY quited for Origin
- UN3XIST joined as main apps / tool cracker
- DIGIMAN joined our forces along with ACID SLAM BBS. Acid Slam is the new

[actual memberlist]

case ..................................................... trading [?]
digiman .................................................... sysop [?]
darkus ....................................... musician/asciimaker [england]
monkus ................................................... trading [?]
montrovant ....................................... music/organizer [?]
sfc ...................................................... cracker [?]
speedy .......................................... public relations [?]
un3xist ............................................ cracker/coder [?]
weirdo ................................................. webmaster [?]
zack .................................................. graphician [?]
zinko ...................................................... sysop [?]


- R.KELLY [musician] joined
- our first production, "R" is out
- DUFFY joined as coder

[actual memberlist]

anonymous ............................................... anonymous [norway]
chauple ..................................................... coder [norway]
duffy ....................................................... coder [norway]
leia ............................................ organizer (girl!) [norway]
marcella ........................................ organizer (girl!) [norway]
pix .................................................... graphician [norway]
psycho ................................................. graphician [norway]
r.kelly ......................................................... ? [norway]
rolex .................................................... musician [norway]

S U P R A P H O N E @

- ZEBOOL was kicked out

[actual memberlist]

cosmic ....................... hq/trader/musician (minimall/house) [poland]
revi ............ whq/asciimaker/coder/musician (detroit/minimall) [poland]
trzezwy .................. musician (experimentalle/trance/psykko) [poland]

T E R R O R 1 3

- MAKAK left for REASON
- CITOZ [editor/writer] joined

[actual memberlist]

amifan ................................ organizer/mailtrader/writer [poland]
citoz ............................................... editor/writer [poland]
trabant ................................................ fun member [poland]


- PUNISHER joined as 4x member from Apathy, Darkage and Void

[actual memberlist]

cupid .................................................. coder [denmark]
nimitz ............................................ graphician [denmark]
punisher ............................................. swapper [norway]
puryx ............................................... musician [denmark]
rvo ................................... 3d designer/graphician [netherlands]

V E E Z Y A @

- PUNISHER joined as x-member
- HASH has been asked to leave

[actual memberlist]

clever ...................................................... coder [poland]
darklight ...................................... graphician/swapper [poland]
embeat ...................................................... coder [poland]
kempy ............................ whq/swapper/asciimaker/packmaker [poland]
mumin ...................................................... tracer [poland]
otton .................................................... musician [poland]
punisher .................................................. swapper [norway]
rebel .................................................. graphician [poland]
stilgar .................................................... tracer [poland]


- vertical syndicate zoned out at the apocalypse party
yo to - lahve dizzy evan werich sante max johny boris flow azzaro
bolda fax
- the chief vertical coder LAZY JONES sucks and is in the state of mental
paralysis / retire or not to?
- the grand MIPsummer holiday dream purty draws closer the date was set to
the end of July
- the hunt for a wicked musician hasn't faded yet! the style - our only
- the fifth issue of the infamous brainsmiting diskmag the MIP Report is 99%
finished (again!), check it!
- the old monitor of Id's has finally got fucked up the line in the upper
half of the screen fuxit allup

[actual memberlist]

hologram ................................................. editor [czech]
id ................................................... graphician [czech]
lazy jones ................................................ coder [czech]
sante ..................................................... coder [slovakia]
titt ..................................................... tracer [czech]
ttl ....................................................... coder [czech]
wincle ......................................... coder/graphician [czech]


- Intro called SALT is released
- X-TENDER changed his handle to SUNBLOCK

[actual memberlist]

gone .............................................. hq/swapper [netherlands]
powerslave ....................................... whq/swapper [england]
punisher ............................................. swapper [norway]
malmis .................................... graphician/swapper [sweden]
sunblock ............................................... coder [norway]
voicer ...................................... musician/swapper [poland]

V O R T E X @

- MAGIC TEAPOT changes his handle to DRDATA
- NEZZ [graphician] joined

[actual memberlist]

4-0 ............................................... graphician [england]
alpha .................................................. coder [germany]
amihedgehog ................................ graphician/trader [hong kong]
beasley ........................................... graphician [netherlands]
bphantom ............................................... coder [malta]
bradman .......................................... sysop/coder [england]
bonzo .................................................. coder [england]
bucko ................................................ trader [england]
case .................................. coder/tracer/organizer [england]
colin.w ................................................ sysop [england]
dave ................................................... coder [england]
drdata ................................................. sysop [england]
falcon ................................................. sysop [sweden]
fast ................................................... sysop [england]
gribbet ..................................... asciimaker/sysop [england]
gribbly ............................................... trader [england]
hunger ................................................ trader [italy]
hybrid ................................................ trader [sweden]
infiltator ............................................. sysop [england]
jadefalcon ................ trader/tracer/organizer/graphician [england]
kaos ............................................ trader/sysop [england]
marconi ............................................... trader [england]
minuteman ................................... coder/graphician [germany]
morgoth ...................................... musician/trader [norway]
mrgee ..................................... alround freelancer [england]
nezz .............................................. graphician [england]
niki murkett .................................. trader/advisor [england]
paris ............................................... musician [england]
saint .................................................. sysop [germany]
shutty ..................................... trader/graphician [england]
skitzo ............................................ graphician [england]
starfury ..................................... sysop/organizer [england]
stelf ................................ trader/tracer/organizer [england]
steve.c ................................................ sysop [england]
stonecold .............................................. sysop [england]
stunner ................................... organizer/musician [germany]
subbass ........................................... graphician [?]
tinbin .......................................... trader/coder [england]
visuatrox ......................................... graphician [sweden]
warpig ................................................. sysop [england]
zaner .................................................. sysop [germany]

W H E L P Z @

- FROZEN issue#33 released
- FROZEN issue#32 released

[actual memberlist]

alan .................................................. graphician [u.s.a.]
cahir ...................................................... coder [poland]
case ...................................... trader/swapper (girl!) [italy]
droczkins .................................................. coder [poland]
hakon ...................... organizer/swapper/packmaker/webmaster [poland]
khax ............................................ tracer/webmaster [poland]
konus ..................................................... tracer [poland]
kure .................................................... musician [finland]
lunix ...................................... graphician/asciimaker [sweden]
m.s.druid ............................................. graphician [poland]
nemechek ............................... coder/graphician/musician [hungary]
pengu ..................................................... tracer [sweden]
revi ............................ co-organizer/asciimaker/musician [poland]
rork .................................................. graphician [poland]
snail ......................................................tracer [poland]
trzezwy ................................................. musician [poland]
ubik...................................................3d modeller [poland]
vital ................................................... musician [sweden]


- mice's CHIPPACK will be released soon
- CHRONIC changed his handle to FRANK BLACK

[actual memberlist]

broom ................................................... musician [finland]
buzzer .................................................. musician [finland]
dominator .................................................. sysop [finland]
frank black ......................................... coder/trader [finland]
mare ....................................................... coder [finland]
mice .................................................... musician [finland]
nemesis ........................................... swapper/trader [finland]
randy ................................................. graphician [finland]
tohe ............................................ graphician/coder [finland]
woodpecker ............................................ graphician [finland]


BIG thanx to Kempy/Veezya+Moons for many news used here! Respect!

this news was collected by:

____ ____
/ / / /
/ / / /
/ / _______/ /_______ __________
/ / / / / \/ / _ /
/ /__/_ / / / _/__
/ / _ / / \ / /%lhv
/ /_________/____/___/___\___/_________/__ _ _ _
/_______________________________________ ___ __ _
| friendly swap/join/offworld+sabotage support:
| L A H V E \ R E A S O N
| r a d e k h r d l i c k a
| k r a l u p s k a 1 7 1 3
| b r a n d y s n / l a b .
|__ 2 5 0 0 1
/ c z e c h r e p u b l i c
/______________________________________ _ _ _

a n d

______ _______ __ ______ ___ ___
_) __/__( _(__ / /_( _ ) | (_
| _ \ (/ \/ (/ | |
|_) __ ______ _ \_________ _|
/____( )____( /___\/_()__\ /___(

KEMPY / veezya + moons + k0re.

przemek kowalczyk - kopernika 13/14 - 34100 wadowice

p o l a n d

swapping bytes - ascii requests - dwa razy frytki

a n d

o t h e r s (thanx for your support!)
intro credits: packmag credits:

code ... godjr/rsn+iq2k packer ....... lahve/rsn+hla
clips ... lahve/rsn+hla code .............. enif/hla
music .... teis/mwi+spb main gfx ............ id/vrt
introscreen ......... id/vrt
outroscreen ... comanche/amn
music .............. teo/kng
azkee ............. juen/hvr

controlling guide:

click into left border of screen ................... next page
press left arrow (+shift) ............. next page (first page)
press up arrow (+shift) ............... next page (first page)
click intro right border ....................... previous page
press right arrow (+shift) ......... previous page (last page)
press down arrow (+shift) .......... previous page (last page)
right mouse button .......................... previous section
press "?" sign ..................................... this page
press "note" sign ......................... stop/play the tune

there is two ways to choose article or some part of news:
try to click on the title or use paging to reach your choice

" S A B O T A G E " pack by Horizontal Lamerz
__________\ `--.__
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_|_____ _______ _____ ___|_ _
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| - M E S S A G E S - |
| (delaylists, invites, info) |
_ __|__ _______ ________ _____|_
|___\ __ |_\ |_ __\ ____7_
___| __ \ ___|/___ _| /___
\| _ \| | | \| |
_ _______|_____|_______ |_________|
hhs'| ((-|________|-)) |'lot
| |
| + s A B O T A G e + _|

choose what you want:

@{l "CAFE`2k INVITATION [29.-3o.o7.2ooo] .............. page o3" ".messages" 3}

@{l "RESULTS FROM REMEDY`2k [29.o6.-o2.o7.2ooo] ....... page o7" ".messages" 7}
@{l "PRERESULTS FROM SCENEMEETING`2k [14.-16.7.2ooo] .. page 13" ".messages" 13}

@{l "MESSAGES FROM MAKAK/RSN+MNS [27.o5.2ooo] ......... page 16" ".messages" 16}
@{l "MESSAGES FROM SOBOL/APX [february 2ooo] .......... page 31" ".messages" 31}

@{l "DELAYLIST FROM DARKLIGHT/VZY+WDS [18.o6.2ooo] .... page 7o" ".messages" 70}
@{l "DELAYLIST FROM KEMPY/VZY+K0 [o4.o7.2ooo] ......... page 73" ".messages" 73}

@{l "DEAD&BURRIED FROM ANGELDUST/APT+RNO .............. page 77" ".messages" 77}

@{l "SABOTAGE CHART OF THE BEST SWAPPER! .............. page 79" ".messages" 79}

... or continue with paging for sequential reading

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. \ ___/____ \ / /
: \ \ / \ / /
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: .
:..... .....:

demoparty computer art festival 2000
kazan, russia, 29-30 july, 2000

o f f i c i a l i n v i t a t i o n

official party sites:
f.a.s.t. bbs (+7-8432-private). sysop: vitaly/excess^pavit
www service available at:

in short

- party date: july 29-30th, 2000

- party place: kazan, russia, mayakovsky's palace

- works upload:

e-mail: (max 300-400 kb.)
ftp: login:cafeguest password:123456
fido: 2:5049/96.15
snail: pavel "pasha" vladimiroff, p.o. box 190, 420066 kazan, russia

- deadline for sending anything is thursday, july 27th, 2000

- computers:

1. amiga - aga, m68k
2. pc - standart (no accelerators support)
3. bk - bk 0011m + 64k extend memory (altpro smk64)
4. zx spectrum - pentagon 128k

- competitions available:

1. demo competitions:
- amiga/pc demo compo
- bk 0011m demo compo
- zx spectrum demo compo

2. intro competitions:
- amiga/pc 64k-intro compo
- amiga/pc 4k-intro compo
- bk 0011m 4k-intro compo
- zx spectrum 4k-intro compo

3. music competitions:
- 4 channel module music compo
- multichannel module music compo
- mp3 music compo

4. graphic competitions:
- hand-drawn graphics compo
- render graphics compo
- ascii compo
- ansi compo
- animation compo

5. others:
- 64k web page compo
- wild compo

6. funny competitions:
- funny compo

- for more details read official invitation file

offcial results from remedy`2k
solnahallen, stockholm, sweden

Amiga - Demo

01. (200) - Camella Thea by RNO
02. (192) - Summer by Tulou

PC Demo Accelerated

01. (144) - Absolute Vodka by FLT
02. (119) - CNF Style by Confine
03. (102) - Datademo by Plastik

PC Demo

01. (168) - Automatic mind control by AMC
02. (97) - R2K Demo by TPOLM
03. (93) - 2WMAOINAPE by Replay
04. (62) - Eskil by Hypercube
05. (36) - I will not by Euphorbia
06. (30) - Gather by Green Dragon
07. (28) - First step by Netilium


01. (201) - Ben empire by Traktor
02. (185) - Evil mirror by Bitblaster

PC Intro

01. (174) - Voidspace by Woorlic
02. (100) - Blurred dreams by Confine
03. (58) - Laski Peten Paluv by finnarna
04. (53) - Heart by Squirrelz
05. (52) - Bitwise by Array
06. (45) - FLT Rox by FLT
07. (31) - Junky Text intro by Tech

Graphics - Drawn

01. (165) - Lions by Neurodruid / Psikorp
02. (50) - Staderska by Wide
03. (43) - Cryobirth by Graffik / FLT
03. (43) - Mjolk Smakar Ko by Memetic / TMD
04. (41) - Personal Happyplace by Uma
05. (37) - The Girl Next Door by Mindscope / NeXoR
06. (31) - Psykiskt Sliten Babe by Primal Rage
07. (26) - Aquaria by Guinnie
08. (22) - Boingclimber by Mrs Carrot
08. (22) - Paketet by Gazman / HyperCube
08. (22) - Meet My Friend Josef by Frank / Orange
09. (17) - Untitled-1 by Matte
10. (15) - Help by Alv
11. (14) - Super3 by Ionizer / Untomb
12. (13) - Venom by Zthee
13. (12) - Monument by SolarC / Haujobb
14. (11) - Enjoy The Silence by Hux
15. (10) - Badboy by Babybasik / Inflicted
16. (9) - Old Mcdonald had a farm... by Kthulu / Nextempire
17. (8) - From Sketches to Fashion to Weddings by baloo / Replay

Graphics - Trace

01. (97) - Skrotnisse
02. (54) - Båge by Arre
03. (50) - Prinsessan Elaka by Primal Rage
04. (48) - Flyhigh by Eka
05. (32) - Gumpamobil by Pellefant / TGB
06. (31) - Gladiator by Uma
07. (30) - Kumori by Luminous / Nexor
08. (29) - Japanik by Forge / Dsekt
09. (28) - Headshot! by Typec / TMD
09. (28) - Tempel by Kunta / HyperCube
10. (26) - Cow by Joel / HyperCube
11. (15) - Ökenhus by Mindscope / Nexor
12. (15) - Everyday Psycho by Glazer
13. (12) - Sierpinky Tetraeder by Error

Music - Chip

01. (69) - MacGyver är min vän by Phlow / XMP
02. (60) - Spinex Låt by Candybag / Smeuch
03. (47) - Kicked by Chuck Norris by Zantac / Smeuch + Euphorbia
04. (44) - Le Boat Ride by Silke
05. (41) - The wonderful coke by Silencer
06. (37) - Sopbil 4 by Sunsquid
07. (34) - I Still Remember You by PaleDeth / Chemical Reaction
08. (33) - I hope by Norfair
09. (32) - Rillo the riddler by Dj.strash / Nope
10. (28) - Flower by Flow / Array
11. (18) - Lonly by Rieha / Array

Music - Multi Channel

01. (66) - Mars Canyon by Candybag / Smeuch
02. (52) - Svampkalas 3000 by Phlow / XMP
03. (40) - Borning Ranger by Gazman / HyperCube
04. (39) - Colour Me by Chavez / Funktion
05. (39) - The Hidden Valley by Zantac / Smeuch + Euphorbia
06. (38) - Chillzone by Norfair
07. (36) - Way I feel by Zipp
08. (31) - Sex On the Beach by Andromeda / FLT + Noice + Kosmic
09. (29) - Inner Clown by Silencer
10. (24) - Dmental by Arre
11. (22) - Tomat by Sunsquid
12. (18) - Räksvett by Rekan
13. (14) - Remembering Birth by Serafeth / SE
14. (12) - Moon shine by Rieha / Array
14. (12) - The Final Battle by Flow / Array

Music - Wild/MP3

01. (49) - Remedy Rocks The Body by Silke
02. (45) - Stuffed Groove by Norfair
03. (38) - Rectal Projection by Candybag / Smeuch
04. (37) - Remedy Trancer by Silencer feat. Jimmy Floe
05. (33) - Butterflies by Zipp
06. (31) - Breakdown by Zantac / Smeuch + Euphorbia
07. (28) - Jag er i Ztv by Bejrutt / Ste83
08. (27) - Purkwafe by ???
09. (26) - Depart by Luminous / Nexor
09. (26) - We are Sceners Against Gamers (with big speakers) by Kung
10. (24) - Folköl Freestyle by Dj Pflow
11. (23) - Chas - Mindflow
12. (20) - PC to Macintosh by Tech
13. (19) - PungBas by Man Whore
14. (16) - king k-line - kommersbice
15. (15) - blaupunkt - Dietmeyer junqueman slar
16. (10) - There Where Light by Domino / FartAttaqq
17. (9) - Zeus Anthology by Kenshi / Nextempire
18. (5) - HomeTraveller by Arre


01. (106) - Tajta puckar by Industri Ljus och Magi
02. (93) - Gumpa bubelen by Gumpa Brothers
03. (48) - Wild WAP by d-sier
04. (41) - DH98 by Himu
05. (37) - Test by TMD Crew
06. (31) - Respect by Amber Light
07. (27) - No meaning by Stop
official preresults from scene meeting`2k
huset college, odense, denmark


ranking title group entry points
1 Arla Loonies 2 N/A
2 WWROOO(M) Iris 1 N/A


ranking title group entry points
1 Pickles Deque 1 xx

4channel Music

ranking title handle entry points
1 Posessed Nutman/Iris 4 31
2 Latino Lameness CurtCool/Depth 2 24
3 Sonicomet Tricktrax/Iris 5 17
4 K.One Rebb 1 6
5 Frank.T Cytron/Depth 3 4

Mchannel Music

ranking title handle entry points
1 Seconds Puryx 4 36
2 Wao64 nannou.vae Spektra/Bohema 2 15
3 Miss smoked soul Xball/Existence 1 12
4 do[o]mage_l2 ? 3 6


ranking title handle entry points
1 Sleeping Fasix/Loonies 1 39
2 Gladiator Laika/Loonies 3 23
3 Crazy Elk Bandy/Iris 7 17
4 Laser Lasse Presence/Depth 4 9
5 Frank Neger Cytron/Depth 2 6
6 NoCopyNoAGANoArt Zerox/Gods 5 4
7 Xorez Zerox/Gods 6 2

- | | MAKAK / MOONS+REASON is going to tell you something | | -

o'k pals... __ ·\---/---------/· ...just shut up
___\ /___ |¯ / \ » ¯| ______ ___ _
.-----. \ \/ · ¯¯ \ .-----. ·\ \ \
_ : M | _\ .-----. \ | S | ______\ .-----.
· : | E | ¯¯¯ : · | S |
.---------. : · .____.----. : :
_l _ _ l_ .---------. _l ,____|_ .____.----.
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km! : : `-----' · : : `-------' .k0
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`-----' \ | G | \ `-----' \ | S |
_ ___ _____\ \ \· `-----' \ __ . ___ /\ __\ `-----'
|_ « \ / _| /
and start to read! ·/---------/---\· ¯¯ 27 / May / 2K

·» from: Makak/Moons+Reason
·» to: all

I'm still looking for new friendly contacts from all over the scene. So
if you are interested in swapping with a Polish freak, don't hesitate to
write. Foreigners are welcome 'coz I need more contacts outside the
Poland. But friendly Poles also should write to me. For now I guarantee
100% answer to all!

·» from: Makak/Moons+Reason
·» to: Amifan/Garbage+Terror13

Odszedlem z grupy w najmniej odpowiednim momencie. Ale stalo sie i nie ma
co rozpaczac. Zycze wam szczescia z nowa produkcja, mam nadzieje, ze
terror13 zawojuje scene. List do ciebie popedzi doslownie na dniach, wiec
nie bede sie tu za dlugo rozwodzil. Czekaj na list, tam ci wszystko
dokladnie napisze. Do zobaczenia w Bialymstoku w wakacje oraz na jakims
party, bo mam nadzieje, ze w koncu zmienisz swoje podejscie do takich

·» from: Makak/Moons+Reason
·» to: Ash!/Weeds

No to juz po maturach i mozna by wrocic do swappu jak wczesniej
zapowiadales. Zobaczymy co wyjdzie z twoich zapowiedzi =) Wogole jakos o
tobie nie slychac, czyzbys (odpukac) dal sobie spokoj ze scena?

Nie, to
niemozliwe... Mamusiu, powiedz mi, ze to nieprawda! Ale jakos fakty mowia
same za siebie - o Weedsach jakos nie slychac za duzo.

·» from: Makak/Moons+Reason
·» to: Azzaro/Mawi+Embassy

RR Meeting rulez. Mam po party wspaniale wrazenia, miales racje, ze warto
bylo przyjechac, chocby dla samego potrzodzenia i wypicia z wami po
browarku. Zaluje tylko ze nie zostalem do konca i nie bylo mi dane spotkac
sie z jehowymi. To musial byc dopiero klimat =) List do ciebie poszedl juz
dobry kawalek czasu temu, a ja czekam z coraz wieksza niecierpliwoscia na
odpowiedz. Mam nadzieje, ze poczta nie zajebala senda... Cos juz chyba
zaczynaja podejrzewac, ze dla mnie znaczki nie sa przedmiotami
jednorazowego uzytku =) Gdybys nie dostal ode mnie listu to daj jakos znac.

·» from: Makak/Moons+Reason
·» to: Belos/Mawi

Czas sie brac na powaznie za Excessa. Ja tam jestem gotowy, zeby byc
precyzyjnym do z twojej strony cos szwankuje. Czekam na teksty i jestem
gotowy je pokolorowac w kazdej chwili. Licze na to, ze wkrotce juz je
dostane, bo jak na razie praca nad nowym wydaniem chyba lezy... Nie
marudz, tylko pisz!

·» from: Makak/Moons+Reason
·» to: Coach/Twilight

No, ja juz naprawde nie wiem... Przed RR Meetingiem kontaktowalismy sie
przez mejla. Obiecales odpisac. Na RR tez obiecywales, a potem w skrzynce
pustki. W koncu w kolejnym mejlu pisales, ze list juz leci, a ja nadal nie
widze nic w skrzynce... Ale nie wybrzydzam, w koncu to twoja strata =) Mam
nadzieje, ze support do Strefy przypadl ci do gustu i jakos przeszedl
selekcje (o ile takowa byla). Czyzby Strefa juz niedlugo miala nam
przypomniec o swoim istnieniu? RR Meeting byl jak dla mnie zajebisty, moze
dlatego, ze nie bardzo mam punkt odniesienia =) W kazdym razie bawilem sie
niezle, a chyba to sie liczy najbardziej. Ty mi tu nie marudz, bo ja za
rok nastawiam sie na nastepny RR.

·» from: Makak/Moons+Reason
·» to: Deadman/Alkoscena

No, przed panem to chyle czolo. fajnie, ze zaczelismy swappic, a jeszcze
lepiej, ze moj slabiutki styl listow przypadl ci do gustu. Jak pewnie
widziales, do Overtime'a nie wszedl advert alkosceny, na przyszlosc polecam
zrobic mniejszy, bo ten byk nie zmiesci sie chyba do zadnego packa. Co do
listow to nie ma sprawy, moge cie zawsze informaowac e-mailem, czy doszedl.
Dochrapalem sie modemu, to czemu nie robiec z niego uzytku. Wspolpraca
przy produkcji winka na dzialce raczej w moim wypadku odpada. To torche za
daleko i dojazdy wyszly by mnie za drogo. Juz taniej by bylo kupic w
sklepie jakies sredniej klasy wino (albo wiecej gorszego, w koncu tylko
ilosc sie liczy =) Trzymaj sie i do nastepnego listu!

·» from: Makak/Moons+Reason
·» to: Far/SativeMea

Powoli zbliza sie czas, abym ujrzal list od ciebie w mej skrzyneczce.
Obiecywales, ze po matutrach bedzie, to trzymam za slowo. Czekam tez na
zamowione logoski! A moze to chuje na poczcie wjebaly list? Wszystko
mozliwe... Jakbys cos wysylal i nie mial odzewu najpozniej w ciagu
miesiaca, to pisz mejla, bo cos musialo sie powalic z poczta.

·» from: Makak/Moons+Reason
·» to: Hakon/Whelpz

Jak tam po RR? Jak dla mnie super... Czekam teraz na list, bo podeslalem
ci zrabana czesc na mejla. Zabawe na RR wspominam nadal bardzo dobrze, mam
nadzieje, ze spotkamy sie jeszcze na jakims party. Eee, to znaczy jestem
tego pewien, zastanawiam sie tylko kiedy. Z niecierpliwoscia wygladam
wiesci od ciebie w skrzynce.

·» from: Makak/Moons+Reason
·» to: Hazh/Oxygen+Dione+Soc

Pana list czeka sobie spokojnie w kolejce na odpisanie. Nie ma co sie
denerwowac, kazdy zdazy, kazdy sie dopcha. Klimaty amigowych lokalnych
imprezek bezapelacyjnie rulez, szkoda, ze w mojej okolicy cos takiego sie
nie dzieje. Niby cos tam Emers probuje i chwala mu za to, ale nic z tego
nie wychodzi. Ot, kultura ircowa i tyle...

·» from: Makak/Moons+Reason
·» to: Jargo/Oxygen

Wlasnie patrze sobie na przygotowany list do ciebie i zastanawiam sie, czy
wyslac od razu, czy poczekac i dorzucic ci te message. Chyba wysle, bo i
tak sporo czekasz na odpowiedz. Hehe, nie wiesz jakie byly w domu jaja z
tym zarzyganym kocem. Przynosze go do domu, klade na podlodze, a stara
zaraz bierze i pyta sie, czym on tak dziwnie smierdzi, plul ktos na niego?
Jakos jej wytlumaczylem, ze duzo osob na nim spalo itd. Aha! Oczekuje, ze
na nastepnym party postawisz mi piwko za wlasnoreczne zmycie twego fraktala
=) Albo najlepiej ty zmyjesz mojego. Kurwa, tak smierdzial, ze ja puscilem
wtedty malego pawia obok =) Heh, szczegoly w liscie, ktory przeczytasz
pewnie szybciej niz te message.

·» from: Makak/Moons+Reason
·» to: Juen/Harvester

Dzisiaj przechwycilem list od ciebie. No nareszcie, ile mozna bylo
czekac. Naleze raczej do ludzi niecierpliwych i odpowiedzi wyczekuje juz
niemal odrazu. Fajnie nam sie gadalo na party i wydaje mi sie, ze nie
tyljko ja to tak odbieram. No to zaczynamy swapp na calego! Postaram sie
odpowiedziec w miare szybko, aby cie tym nieco zawstydzic. Koduj dalej i
rozwijaj swe umiejetnosci - czekam na porzadne dema spod twojej reki. Ale
najbadziej oczywiscie czekam na sprawny kod do Overtime. Aha, jak chesz,
to nie ma sprawy, moge byc oficjalnym spreaderem AsciiPacka.

·» from: Makak/Moons+Reason
·» to: Kaos/Oxygen+Radiator

CO JEST KURWA? zyjesz? Zwlekasz mi z odpowiedzia juz kawalek czasu. Nie
bylo by w tym nic zlego, gdyby nie to, ze zarazem wisisz mi 30 zî =) Ja
chce pieniedzy! Normalnie bym sie tak nie goraczkowal, ale w swietle
nadchodzacego upgrade'u mojej amisi kazdy grosz jest dla mnie cenny.
Czekam tez na normalny list, bo swapp z toba uklada (ukladal?) mi sie
bardzo fajnie. Mam nadzieje, ze niedlugo dostane jakis znak zycia, chocby
mejl lub telefon. Pamietaj, ja czekam!

·» from: Makak/Moons+Reason
·» to: Kempy/Veezya+k0re.

Co z Embrionem? I jak tam z moim malym supportem do niego. Ogolnie to
nie mam ci tu za duzo do powiedzenia, w koncu kilka dni temu poszedl do
ciebie list. Tam masz wysztsie szczegoly i aktualne sprawy. Aha, co do
music dysku, to mi go nie ôlij! Sorry za nie najdluzszy list, ale sam
wiesz, ze roznie w zyciu swappera bywa. Raz jest czas i dlugie listy, raz
tego nie ma. Zreszta po co ja to ci mowie, sam dobrze wiesz.

·» from: Makak/Moons+Reason
·» to: Kylo/Cefalon

Wiem, wiem, bije sie po jajach w gescie unizenia. Odwalam ci calkiem
sporego dilejka, mam nadzieje jednak, ze mi go wybaczysz. W miedzyczasie
pisales jednak mature, wiec mam zawsze jakas wymowke, dobre i to. Dzieki
za logo terror13, ale jak juz pewnie wiesz, odszedlem z grupy. Nie boj sie
jednak, ze pojdzie ono na zmarnowanie - wsyztskie materialy zebrane przeze
mnie (ascii, logo itp.) powedruja do Amifana, ktory juz z nimi zrobi co
trzeba. List powinienes niedlugo dostac, bo chce sie dowiedziec, jak tam
ci poszedl egzamin dojrzalosci.

·» from: Makak/Moons+Reason
·» to: Lahve/Reason+Horizontal Lamers

Too bad that you weren't on RR Meeting. Next time I'll try to attend
Apocalypse, of course if there will be the next time... Anyway I'm waiting
for next issues of Sabotage and for OffWorld. You will get that messages
in next letter, so there will be some support from my side. I'm waiting
for your letter! I hope I'll revieve it soon.

·» from: Makak/Moons+Reason
·» to: Lothar/Appendix+Moons

Witka moj kolego! Widze, ze w tym wydaniu Overtime'a jestem jeszcze tylko
supporterem, ale w porzadku, rob jak chcesz. Oczywiscie mam ambicje na
wiecej, ale sam wiesz jak to z nimi jest. Message pisze glownie dla
ciebie, zebys mogl je zapodac do Overtime'a. Chyba bede je pisal w miare
regularnie, tzn. nowe do kazdego wydania Overtime'a. O packu nic ci tu
wiecej nie pisze, wszystko bedzie w liscie. Z taka oprawa graficzna bedzie
dobrze. Kurcze, az by sie chcialo za nia uscisnac Dzordanowi reke =)

·» from: Makak/Moons+Reason
·» to: Mcr/Mawi+Appendix

Polska, bialo czerwoni!!! Jestem calym sercem za Jagiellonia, wiec jak
mowiles bardzo sie lubimy =) W zasadzie to pilka mnie specjalnie nie
interesuje, a Jaga oraz nasza reprezentacja sa dwoma wyjatkami. Nowa Zosia
rulez, oprocz tego denewujacego bugu w messagach. Ale mozna to jakos
przebolec, bo poziom artykolow rozpierdala. Miales racje piszac w issue 1,
ze publikujesz majacych cos do powiedzenia, a nie tylko piszacych bzdury.
Co do Excessa, to naprawde chcialbym cos robic, ale nadal (!) nie mam
zadnych materialow, a nie jestem magikiem, zeby zrobic cos z niczego...

·» from: Makak/Moons+Reason
·» to: Mornaug/RetroActive

I jak tam poszedl test kompetencji? Mam nadzieje ze dobrze. W zasadzie
to co za roznica, skoro pisales, ze i tak idzesz do dowolnie wybranego
liceum. Dzieki za pobudzajacy do dyskusji list. W sumie troszke mi
brakuje ostrej wymiany zdan, a taka sie szykuje miedzy nami. Nie zgadzam
sie z twoim zdaniem w kazdej poruszanej przez ciebie sprawie, jzu my tu
pogadamy. Ojoj, biedny bedziesz, jak wysmaruje liscik =) Ale w koncu tego
chciales, wiec nie ma sie co martwic. Niestety pewnie juz wiesz, ale na
support dla Cognomena z mojej strony nie ma co za bardzo liczyc.

·» from: Makak/Moons+Reason
·» to: Opi/hybrid

Hej, co z toba! Od AmigaMeetingu czekam na list i jakos nie moge sie
doczekac... Jestem jednak cierpliwy, wiec nie panikuje. Jakbys pisal, to
dorzuc jakies zrodlowki do Blitza. Co prawda nie zajmuje sie juz tym tak
namietnie jak kiedys, ale i tak czasem lubie po prostu wlaczyc Blitz Basica
i zaczac cos tam sobie klepac. Wygladam juz, czy listonosz nie idzie i nie
niesie sendu do ciebie...

·» from: Makak/Moons+Reason
·» to: Raider/Moons

No, jestem juz w Moons =) Licze na jakis odzew, chocby e-mail, bo jednak
chcialbym miec z toba jakis kontakt. W koncu dobra komunikacja w grupie to
podstawa. Czekam na e-maila. A gdybym jeszcze dostal normalny list, to
bylbym juz w siodmym niebie.

·» from: Makak/Moons+Reason
·» to: Roover/Nah-Kolor

Godzina piata, minut trzydziesci... Troche ci wspolczuje, ze twoj rozklad
dnia bedzie przez rok wygladal wlasnie tak. Dobrze, ze nie rzucasz na ten
czas swappu i bedziesz walil masslettery. Szkoda by bylo absolutnie tracic
z toba kontakt na te 12 miechow. Dzieki za wszystkie slowa uznania, oraz
rady dotyczace mojej osoby. Jak widzisz staram sie je powoli wprowadzac w
zycie. Jak pisales RR Meeting jeszcze w pamieci, spox ze sie spotkalismy
na party. Mam nadzieje, ze po wyjscu z woja pojawisz sie szybko na jakiejs
imprezie. Bo ja bede sie staral byc na kazdym party, jakie bedzie
organizowane. Powodzenia w wojsku, ciekawe czy bedziesz dobrym kapralem =)

·» from: Makak/Moons+Reason
·» to: Selector/Independent

I od ostatnich messagy nic sie nie zmienilo, nadal cisza z twojej strony.
uz stracilem nadzieje, ze wogole odpiszesz. Jakbys ci sie jednak kiedys
cos odkrecilo to ja zawsze czekam na listy...

·» from: Makak/Moons+Reason
·» to: Sezam/Independent

Oficjalnie przepraszam za to, ze robie ci takiego chamskiego dileja, ale
chyba sama wiesz, ze skompletowanie takiego stuffu troche potrwa =) Spox,
ze bylas na RR, troche glupio wyszlo, ze nie mielismy okazji dluzej
pogadac. Mialem tez wrazenie, ze jakos sie nie za dobrze czulas na party.
Czyzby rozczarowanie atmosfera? A moze brak turnieju Sensibla? Jezeli to,
ze nikogo nei znalas to sie nie martw - jeszcze jedno-dwa parties i bedzie
spox. Takl bylo ze mna na Amiga Meetingu. Na RR bylem juz prawie w swoim
zywiole, a na nastepnym party dopiero bedzie klimat =)

·» from: Makak/Moons+Reason
·» to: Sobol/Appendix

Co tam u pana? Juz dosyc dlugo czekam na list, czyzbys znowy rzucil sie w
wir nauki? Hehe, rozumiem cie doskonale - teraz to dopadlo takze i mnie.
A jak tam po RR? Pamietasz rzutki do Billa Gatesa? Plakat byl
zdecydowanie za maly, nastepnym razem powinni dac wiekszy =) A moze to nas
tak nosilo na boki, ze rzutki mialy taki rozrzut? W koncu wino robi
swoje... Krashan w koncu trafil, jak on to zrobil? Pewnie dlatego, ze to
abstynent. Czekam na list i wogole =)

·» from: Makak/Moons+Reason
·» to: Stilgar/Veezya

Pozdrowionka! Dobrze ze zadzwoniles, teraz przynajmiej nie bede sie
glowil co sie dzieje. Szczere wyrazy wspolczucia, zagrozenie z trzech
przedmiotow to troche duzo. Ja na szczescie nie mam takich atrakcji i
miedzy innymi dlatego moge teraz usiasc i napisac te message. Mam
nadziejel, ze jakos sie z tej wytuacji wygrzebiesz i osiagniesz swoj cel, o
ktorym mowiles na party. Cos mi sie jednak wydaje, ze wtedy byles tak
mocno ujebany, ze nie wiedziales co gadasz.

·» from: Makak/Moons+Reason
·» to: Thrael/Independent

Nastepny etatowy dilejarz bez szans na poprawe. Kurwa pisz! Ile mozna
tak sciemniac? Jezeli do mnie nie napiszesz i choc nie wyjasnisz co sie
dzieje, to masz przejebane - okropna krosta wyskoczy ci na palcu serdecznym
lewej reki...

/\ /\
_ .---\---:_______:---/---. _
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`---' ¼ `------' _ `-----' _`------' ¼ `-----'
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Slonecznikowa 5/7
15-669 Bialystok

try my sweet, but only polish voice at:
(0-85) 661 24 01

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february'2K / . s . o . b . o . l .
/_______________________________ _ ___ __ ______ _ ____

«[· for touching with apppppppendix and supppppppport "taboo" zine ·]»

«[· christopher sobolewski · armii krajowej 55/16 · pl-58302 walbrzych ·]»


from: sobol'appendix
to: acid'k0re.

heja. fajnie ze sie w koncu spotkalismy! na rr
meetingu bylo po prostu super, co tu duzo gadac. w ogole
okazales sie spox, na luzie. jednym slowem gerappa.
tia, teraz czekam na answa, i na jakies ascii. jak
widzisz w tych messagach uzylem twoj logosik, a tak w ogole
nie mialbys ochoty zrobienia ascii do instatna? ale to
gdzies do numerka 4-5, zreszta szczegoly w letku. moze
wpadniesz do wroclawia na "niebieskiego" horizona? jak
juz wiadomo jedzie sporo amigowcow, rzecz biorac cala
smietanka, moze wpadniesz. zapowiada sie calkiem fajna
zabawa, co jeszcze? hmm? raczej nic, pozdrawiam i
czekam na literki od ciebie. pa =)

from: sobol'appendix
to: agaslayer'harvester

witam pana. jakos nie mozesz sie zlozyc do tego letka,
ale po rozmowie na meetingu w raciborzu wiem przynajmniej ze
dostales przesylke, fajnie. teraz przydalo by sie mi
jeszcze odpisac i czad. jakie wrazenia po party? jak
dla mnie bomba. szkoda ze to juz byla ostatnia edycja rr
meetingu. mam nadzieje ze coach jednak zmieni decyzje,
przynajmniej ja sie do tego jakos przyczynie. dobra bede
lecial. greetsy etc of coz!

from: sobol'appendix
to: amifan'garbage+terror13

no czesc. widze ze jednak jakos na idzie, szkoda jednak,
wielka szkoda ze nie jezdzisz na amigowe zloty. jednym
slowem nie wiesz co tracisz, no ale jak chcesz? ale na
party do szczecina jednak chyba juz przyjedziesz. stary
impreza bedzie wyjebana w kosmos. po za tym kupa ludzi z
zagranicy, chyba warto jechac. zreszta biorac pod uwage
ze masz w sumie "rzut beretem" do szczecina. no tak
czekam na tego waszego maga, majac jedynie nadzieje ze nie
bedzie to nie wypal jak z cognomenem, hehe. w sumie
lamezin jest fajny, a zwlaszcza artki o a.wneku - czad i
balanga. cu.

from: sobol'appendix
to: aragorn'x-scener

heh nie wiem co dociebie napisac. pewnie jesli pzeczytasz
te messagi to tylko i wylacznie jak dostaniesz je od beara.
ale kto wie... twoja decyzje jak najbardziej zrozumialem
i postapil bym dokladnie tak samo, scena jest fajna ale
tylko do pewnego momentu, nie mozna np. miec rodzinki i
zarazem snenowac. dobra na ra.

from: sobol'appendix
to: azzaro'mad wizards+embassy

witaj tomku. jak tam leci. zreszta spotkamy sie juz
niebawem na horizonie we wroclawiu wiec nie ma co tu za duzo
sie rozpisywac. wszystko co chcialem przekazalem ci w
liscie. acha, moze nawet zobaczysz jakas wersje bta
mojego packa instatna. zobaczymy jak to bedzie.
widziales juz nasze plakaty satellite, hehe. jakie
klimaty? tylko sie nie obraz na mnie! papa, i do

from: sobol'appendix
to: booshman'retroactive

wow, jakiego ty mi dileja juz robisz, ale wiem ze zyjesz bo
lothar od ciebie dostal senda. slyszalem ze robicie z
kylem fajna impreze, jednak jak juz wiesz nie mozemy
przyechac, z przynajmniej dwoch powodow. po pierwsze to
to ze jest to jednak nie tak blisko jak do wrocka, i wiaza
sie z tym jednak jakies koszta, a po drugie zdaje sie ze
bede jechac w wasze okolice z rodzinka wiec moze sie
spotkamy, dokladnie nie wiem kiedy to bedzie, ale jakby co
bede dzwonil. a teraz to juz koniec, i pisz do mnie w
koncu bo ci nakopie do dupy ;).

from: sobol'appendix
to: brutus'harvester

hi! a z toba to urwal mi sie kontakt w dosc glupi sposob.
napisales do mnie, ale dysk z listem byl totalnie rozwalony
i zaden program do ratowania takiego ustrojostwa nawet se
nie chcial poradzic. potem prosilem lothara zeby ci o tym
powiedzial, no i w koncu sam nie wiem czy dowiedziales sie
ze czekam na listek od ciebie, czy nie? mam nadzieje ze
przeczytasz sobie te message, i podeslesz cos? acha
szukam demka 'power of inspiration" jesli je masz to bylbym
bardzo wdzieczny. pa.

from: sobol'appendix
to: budgie'appendix

witaj kamilku! dzieki za letta forma, jednak nie stety
nie skorzystam z niego. nie wiem, moze jestem za bardzo
wymagajacy, ale nie podobal mi sie. moze inaczej, nie to
ze mi sie nie podobal, co byl zdecydowanie za krotki!
tak, jesli ci jeszcze nad tym zalezy przyloz sie do tego, i
zmontuj cos dluzszego, a w tedy bedzie ok. jak widzisz
jestesmy razem w grupce, slyszalem ze narysowales juz
pierwsze obrazki. spox. szkoda ze jednak nie chccesz
poswappic, wydaje mi sie ze byloby fajnie, moze chociaz na
wakacje? co ty na to? napisz co i jak, i wyslij mi
maila na moje konto: czekam,
i pozdrawiam.

from: sobol'appendix
to: chaos'radiator+debuty

ja pierdole! jestes jedyna osoba z jakoa wymieniam sie
dyskietkami "na odleglosc" a ciagle jak nie ginie mi list od
ciebie, to nie wiem czy ci jeszcze nie odpisalem czy juz to
zrobilem. dziwne rzeczy, nie? nawet nie wiem w tej
chili, wiec pliz jak jednak ja mam ci odpisac, to spobuj mi
wyslac maila i po krzyku. a tak w ogole to czekam na
jakies dluzsze listy od ciebie. no to pa.

from: sobol'appendix
to: climber'debuty+moons

o moj olubiony muzyk! szkoda tylko ze robi mi takiego
dileja, ale zdazylem sie juz przyzwyczaic, zreszta slyszalem
tez zyciles swapp na rzecz muzykowania? i bardzo dobrze,
szkoda zevy taki dobry muzyk jak ty, zmarnowal sie przez to
ze nie ma czasu, na dwie rzeczy na raz. nie twierdze ze
swapp jes chujowy, wrecz przeciwnie jest zajebisty, ale
pochlania od zajebania czasu. czekam w koncu na jakies
modki od ciebie, moze nawet do instanta? kto wie, tylko
pamietaj ze musza byc to chipy. caluski itd.

from: sobol'appendix
to: coach'twilight

o kurwa, pierwsze co mi sie nasowa na mysl to oczywiscie,
meeting. heh, co tu duzo gadac, bylo zajebiscie i wielkie
brawa za to dla ciebie. drugie co mi sie na mysl nasowa
to to ze juz nie odpisujesz mi dosc dlugo, a to boli,
powaga. wiec lap w tej chwili za ceda i pisz do mnie
natychmiast. bo jak nie to... no wlasnie. jutro
odbieram zdjecia z meetingu, wiec naprawde pospiesz sie z
odpisywaniem to co je podesle, moze wykorzystasz je do
jakiegos crazy demka, to nawet nie jest zle. o
szczegolach na osobnosci.

from: sobol'appendix
to: darklight'veezya+weeds

o jezu, ala, o nie. czemu taki dilej mi robisz, zreszta
lotharowi tez wiec sie nie obrazam hehe. juen mi mowil ze
juz za niedlugo wyjdzie nowy ascii pack i rozjebie
wszystkich,kodem i grafika. jesli chodzi o grafe, to
maczales w tym palce, wiem. mam nadzieje ze juen to
wykorzysta bo by sie zmarnowolo kawal badz co badz dobrej
roboty. czekam wiec na sendinga od ciebie, a teraz

from: sobol'appendix
to: def'floppy

gerappa! o ty nie dobry misiaku. wyslalem do ciebie
maila, juz dawno temu i co? nic =(. fajnie ze jedziesz
na horizona, znowu sie spotkamy i bedzie fajna zabawa. w
sumie jestes troche tajemniczy, ale co tam. na horizonie
musze z toba pogadac, bo mam pare pytan do ciebie. tym
czasem bede lecial na bajke. pozdrowienia od rodzicow =).

from: sobol'appendix
to: dekruz'independent

czesc! oj co sie dzieje z dekruzem, czyzby wyjechal na
wakacje, czy moze co jest bardziej prawdopodobne dostal
zajebiscie zajebistego lenia? hehe. i nie moze nawet
wlaczyc amigi, aby napisac do mnie w 5 minut letka i w
drygie 5 wlozyc dyszla do koperty? hmm? jak nie
dostane nic od ciebie do 15 licpa, lapie za telefon i
dzownie do bosni aby ci wyslali rakiete w prezencie ;).
przekaz qentinowi ze ma odemnie kopa w brzuch za
niemoralnego dileja. zreszta zaraz mu to napisze. co
jeszcze, fajnie bylo na meetingu, nie ma to jak dekruz, acha
pozrow teddy beera, ode mnie - fajny gostek! pa.

from: sobol'appendix
to: delora'whelpz

juz chyba nici ze swappem z toba zlotko, do tej pory zaluje
ze za pozno do ciebie napisalem ale co zrobic. moze
jednak cos sie da jeszcze zrobic a jak nie to mowi sie
trudno, teraz sa wakacje wiec czemu nie? pozdrwaiam!

from: sobol'appendix
to: digger'iris

hej! no nie wiem ile tu napisze, ale wydaje mi sie ze
malo. nie znamy sie jeszcze dobrze i takie bzdury, ale w
listu wszystko co chcielem ci przekazac na pierwszy raz
chyba sie znalazlo. fajnie ze se poswappimy. dobra jak
mowilem bedzie malo, ale wiesz oco chodzi.

from: sobol'appendix
to: embeat'veezya+debuty

ostatnio spotkalem sie na ircu z juenem. tzn. lothar
sie spotkal, a ja siedzialem kolo niego. i powiedzial
juenowi ze robisz nam dileja. heh troche jest to dziwne
bo zawsze dostawalem od ciebie regularnie przesylki, moze
cos w szole ci sie nie ulozylo. pewnie ci juen z jargiem
opowiedzieli co sie dzialo w raciborzu niec ci zal dupe
sciska hehe. fajnie ze wzioles na powaznie kodowanie no
nic, pisz cos nie dlugo i 3maj sie.

from: sobol'appendix
to: enter'appendix

hi. kurcze ale kwasy powychodzily... sorry wielkie
sorry ze tak wyszlo. ale jak mi powiedziales przez
telefon ze zakodujesz packa dopiero za 3-4 tygodnie to
troche mi sie niedobrze zrobilo. jesli pragniesz
szczegolowych wyjasnien wyslij mi maila. jeszcze raz
wielkie sorry, pamietaj ze z tego powodu jest mi troche
glupio, naprwde! buziaczki!

from: sobol'appendix
to: estrogen'garbage

na ciebie to tez chyba nie ma co liczyc? po rozmowie na
satellite'99, dostalem od ciebie letek, ale co z tego bo
minelo chyba z 4 miesiace jak do ciebie wyslalem list i nic.
przykre to troche, ale prawdziwe. pozdrow twistera. na

from: sobol'appendix
to: evan'dual crew+mawi+nah-kolor

witaj! heh, na meetingu byles zdecydowanie "dziwny".
nie wiem czym bylo to spowodowane, ale to nie wazne.
mysle ze twoja decyzja bylo zbyt pochopna, oczywiscie ja sie
o nic nie bede prosil, ale jesli masz znow ochote na
swapping, to napisz to lotharowi lub w swoich messagach.
no i co, no i nic, wrzuc luz...

from: sobol'appendix
to: equal'x-scener

o fuck! ja jestem chyba chory po co ja tu wpisalem ciebie
to ja nie wiem?

from: sobol'appendix
to: explora'harvester

nastepny pacjent ktory nie zachowal sie fair? jesli nie
masz ochote na pisanie listow to odeslij juenowi moje
dyskietki. smieszne to moze ale ostatnio chronicznie mi
ich brak, wiec nie zapomnij o tym. jednak nadal uwazam ze
grafike robisz zajebista, szkoda tylko ze na klonie. ale
jesli supportujesz scene amigowa to nie mam nic przeciwko
temu. w ogole nie bywasz na ircu, co sie dzieje. chyba
nie zrezygnowales ze sceny? jednak przegladajac
najnowzsze newsy w harvesterze jenak jestes, dziwne rzeczy.

from: sobol'appendix
to: fiedor'debuty

a ty to jeszcze zyjesz? chyba nie?

from: sobol'appendix
to: gluten'ptruce+mns

hi! gratulacje joinu do moonsow! jakos nie moge cie
zlapac na ircu, co sie dzieje. mam nadzieje ze w szkole
wszystko ok? tak w ogole te czekam na jakies demko. a
kto nie? hehe. moze wpadniesz na slc, albo gravity?
fajnie by bylo, heh albo nie bowisze ci dwa browary -
zartuje of coz. dobra bede strybial. papa.

from: sobol'appendix
to: grogon'psl

gerappa! no w koncu mielismy okazje sie porzadnie poznac,
a teraz jak juz pewnie zostales poinformowany przyjedziemy z
lotharem do was dwa dni przed horizonem wiec sie pewnie
kurcze spotkamy. i jak tam zmontowales jakies chipy do
instanta, mam nadzieje ze tak. acha grogon nie zapomnij
zabrac maki na horizona hehe.

from: sobol'appendix
to: hakon'whelpz

oj nie dobrze sie dzieje? szkoda wielka szkoda a moze
nie? pamietasz jak gadalismy na meetingu ze mi robisz
dileja od listopada? a ty na to ze nie dostales zadnego
senda ode mnie? pewnie pamietasz, wiec ja po przyjezdzie
z meetingu zaraz do ciebie napisalem i nic? nie wiem co
sie dzieje, jak bede na sieci to wysle ci maila. no chyba
ze wystarczy ten mess? mam nadzieje ze tak, jeli jednak
nie dostales kolejnego senda tez czeba to wyjasnic. wiec

from: sobol'appendix
to: hypnotic'cefalon+debuty

a z toba co sie dzieje, jesli chodzi o to ze sie troche
poklucilismy to pamietaj ze to twoja wina. jesli jednak
chodzi olenistwo to lepiej odeslij mi dyski i sprawa
zalatwiona. a jesli ci sie nawet nie chce odsylac dyszli
to daj je muminowi i bedziemy mieli do swappu. wiec
lepiej sie jeszcze raz dobrze zastanow?

from: sobol'appendix
to: igor'retroactive

igor, ty jestes naprawde dziwny, odpisujesz raz na dwa
miesiace, niby wszystko ok. ja ci odpisuje a ty mi z nowy
odpisujesz po dwoch miesiacach. jak dla mnie jest to
tylko strata mojego cennego czasu. jesli masz nadal
ochote na taki rodzaj swappu, to wybacz ale ja nie gustuje w
takich kilmatach.

from: sobol'appendix
to: jargo'8bit+debuty

hehehehehe. ale sie najebales na meetingu? az mi sie
smiac chce. ale spoko, zapowiadasz sie na zajebistego
chlora, tylko tak dalej. my jeszcze jakos utrzymujemy w
miare szybki kontakt. zeby zadzialac na crazy scenie,
czeba napisac jakis dobry scenarisz. tak w ogole chyba za
niedlugo bede musial odejsc z 8bs, chociaz to nic pewnego?
jeszcze zobacze, reszta w liscie. czekam na odpowiedz.

from: sobol'appendix
to: jonson'symthon of czarnobyl

veetam. jak tam leci, jakos nie moge sie doczekac koperty
od ciebie w mojej skrzynce, dziwne. bo tak ladnie nam sie
ukladalo do pewnego momentu. no ale trudno sie mowi.

from: sobol'appendix
to: juen'hvr+taski+grb

o juen w koncu jestes? listek do ciebie nie dawno
poszedl, ale co tam. na ircu ostatnio byles, fajnie.
tylko ze nie milismy okazjii pogadac. ale w tedy nie
mialem kasy, tylko lothar dzialal. widzialem te ascii do
overtime sa w pozadku. kiedy instant? juz niebawem,
mysle ze zaraz po brzybiaskim horizonie. bedzie dobrze.
do do przyjazdu do krakowa, to nadal nic pewnego? mam
full wydatkow, ze nawet nie wiem czy kupie turbola na waxy.
chociaz chcialbym, ale nie wiem. lothar mi mowil ze nie
chcesz przyjechac na horizona, czemu. fakt jest to
pecetowe party, ale amigowcy beda i to spora grupka zapitych
mord, wiec czemu nie chcesz przyechac. nie pierdol tylko
bierz tam ludzi i jedz do wroclawia, w koncu tez tak daleko
znowu nie masz.

from: sobol'appendix
to: kempy'veezya+k0re.

a ty co? jakos senda od ciebie nie widac? ale z
wlasnej autopsjii wiem ze nie robisz wiekszego dileja niz
gora 3 tygodnie, ale teraz kto wie. no chyba ze znowu ci
cos odbilo i sie na mnie wkurwiles, chociaz po tym ostatnim
liscie nie wiedzialbym za co. dobra to tyle. na ra...
wrzuc luz!

from: sobol'appendix
to: qkeez'debuty

darowales sobie juz ze scena, szkoda, bo spoko z ciebie
gostek. moze w te wakacje uda sie nam spotkac, moze nawet
wpadniesz do strzegomia tak jak rok temu, co ty na to?
jak na lato, hehe. 3m sie tak i nie daj niebieskim!

from: sobol'appendix
to: kylo'cefalon

heja, ty moj dobry, stary kumplu. pewnie juz wiesz ze nie
przyjade, ale nic juz nie moge poradzic. przeczytaj sobie
message do booshmena tam napisale co i jak. czekam na
reszte prochu, acha jak tam towar? mam nadzieje ze
wszystko ok? teraz dbaj o to bo mam zamiar w wakacje
sobie troche pobakac =). a jak tam maturka, zdales
pewnie, a gdzie do budy? szczecin? jak tam plany na
wakacje, moze wpadniesz do walbrzycha na kilka dni,
pojechalibysmy dodekruza, co ty na to? papa, i smola tez

from: sobol'appendix
to: lothar'appendix+moons

ciekawe czy ty do mnie napisales message? no ale chuj z
tym i tak widzimy sie 5 razy dziennie ;).

from: sobol'appendix
to: madbart'appendix

bartek! jak fajnie, heh plakaty sa the best, ciekawe jak
na nie azzaro zareaguje [? =)]. czekam na ten support
do packa, chcociaz czuje cos ze dzisiaj wlasnie znajde
koperte w skrzynce ze szczecina. acha, fajnie bedzie jak
wpadniesz do wroclawwia - wiesz po co. ale na slc to
musisz byc musowo, stary jaki namiot biore to sie w glowie
nie miesci. cala scena by sie w nim zmiescila, bedzie
zajebiscie. powymyslaj juz jakies haselka i wydrukuj je,
np. "hotel appendix****" hehe. i takie tam inne.
albo "slc tutaj". dobra o szczegolach pozniej.

from: sobol'appendix
to: makak'moons+reason

o makak. jak to dobrze ze cie widze, fajnie bylo na
meetingu? pewnie na horizona nie przyjedziesz, no pewnie
tez bym tak zrobil. po co jechac na pecetowe parties.
chociaz my jestesmy pojebani i jezdzimy na kazdne cos, co
jest zwane party etc. musi byc fajnie, a po za tym jade
tam tez z zupelnie innych powodow, jakich? to jest
wlasnie ta tajemnica i nie spodzianka =). moze sie
domyslasz co to jest, a moze nie. co jeszcze chcialem co
ci powiedziec? a tylko to ze czekam na lista od ciebie i
wgole ze mam juz wywolane te zdjecia z meetingu, wiec ty
bardziej sie pospiesz z odpisywaniem.

from: mavey'potion
to: sobol'appendix

zajebiscie! a przedewszystkim witaj! fajosko ze mi
odpisales, bardzo sie ciesze. o reszcie i szczegolach w
liscie. mam nadzieje ze wszystko sie oczywiscie dobrze
ulozy i kazdy bedzie jak najbardziej zadowolony. jako ze
wymienilismy dopiero pierwszy list swapp zapowiada sie
bajkowo. wiec 3m sie tam i do nastepnego! papa!

from: sobol'appendix
to: maq'appendix+floppy

o ty moj wspanialu koderze! juz nie bawem sie spotkamy, a
instatn ma juz na mnie czekac hehe. szykuje sie fajna
zabawa, kupa znajomych i w ogole, zreszta u andyego tez
bedzie fajnie. sluchaj musisz jechac na slc, uzbieraj
sobie tylko na paciag a o reszte sie nie martw. spanie
tez jest itd. zreszta co ja ci tu bede teraz pierniczyl,
jak przyjade to obgadamy wszystko i luz.

from: sobol'appendix
to: maxsoft'x-scener

acha ma kazdego przychodzi pora. ale to smutnie brzmi =).
fajnie sie pisalo listy, nie powiem nie raz czekalem po pare
miesiecy ale bylo spox. zycze ci oczywiscie samego
szczescia z rodzinkom itd. jak sam mowiles moze kupisz
a4000 kiedys, wiec kupuj oczywiscie. i wpadnij jeszcze
kiedys na jakies party, preferuje satellite'2k. bedzie
bardzo fajnie, obiecuje ci to. no dobra bede spadal, 3maj
sie tam cieplutko i pozdrow rodzinke =).

from: sobol'appendix
to: mcr'mad wizards+apx

mycyr czy mecyr? hmm? nie wazne, przy najblizszej
okazjii mi powiesz. fajosko ze podoba ci sie taboo.
jak dla mnie power! teraz czeba zaczac brac sie juz za
issue 3. wakacje sa to tego bardzo wskazane. instant?
zrozumialem ze ci sie podoba =). tez dobrze, a na co moge
na ciecie liczyc? przedewszystkim na votki, z tym jak
wiesz jest bardzo chujowo. a co do reszty, to poradze
sobie. w koncu znam tylu ludzi hehe. dobra jakos nie
moge dostrzec koperty z tarnowa w mojej skrzynce, moze
jestem slepy? kto wie, ale tak na powaznie to rusz tylek
i skrobnij do mnie cosik. zebym wiedzial czy zyjesz =).
zosia mi sie podoba i ogolnie jest spoko, widze ze tworzysz
tez cos dla zachodniej sceny. no i dobrze niech te buraki
sobie troche polske wyobraza. okej spadam i czekam na

from: sobol'appendix
to: mr.acryl'anadune

acryl pokaz ze masz jaja? hehe, to bylo zajebiste.
czemu mi jeszcze nie odpisales, nie chszan ze ci sie stacja
zjebala. czy to taki duzy wydatek? idziesz na pierwsza
lepsza gielde komputerowa i kupujesz za 5 zl. albo
pozyczasz od kumpla na jeden dzien i gotowe. wiec
postaraj sie naprawde, bo zajebiscie by bylo cos w koncu od
ciebie poczytac =). a jak nadal nie masz zamiaru to
odeslij mi dyskietki, ok? papa!

from: sobol'appendix
to: mumin'vzy+debuty

mumin czemy ty mi nic nie odpisujesz? na meetingu
gadalismy i bylo w pozadku, napisz cos w koncu bo zwarjuje?
powaznie mowie, mam juz photosy z meetingu, wiec jak
pospiesz sie to je dostaniesz, tylko mysze jeszcze je
seskanowac i luz. dobra bede konczyl, 3m sie tam
cieplutko. slyszalem ze masz juz lightwavea? kurwa ale
mi glupio, ale madbart mial ci wyslac? hmm?

from: sobol'appendix
to: nelson'potion

dobry dobry... jakos malo sie udzielasz ostatnio? nie
wiem moze przez ta pogode? hmm? wpadaj musowo na slc,
bo jak nie to udusze. o listku do sobola totez juz chyba
zapomniales, co? kiedy to bylo, jeszcze breathe
zasilalem, i wlasnie grafa miala isc do brth. teraz juz
nie ma brth, a ja jestem w apx, fajnie nie? a kontaktu z
toba dalej nie mam. dziwne troche nie sadzisz. jak
przyjedziesz do mielna to obczaimy sprawe. pa.

from: sobol'appendix
to: neuromancer'apx+skulls

witam pana. no juz teraz mozna w sumie liczyc na palcach
kiedy wyjdzie nasz pack. ale nie zapeszajmy, jak go
ludzie przyjma? napewno dobrze, jestem tego pewien.
praktycznie to juz sie za pare dni, a dokladnie tydzien
spotykamy we wroclawiu, w koncu! no to szykuj juz tam
kasiore na chlanie! bedzie czad, noto na razie i do

from: sobol'appendix
to: nop'nah-kolor

wkoncu sie spotkalismy, pewnie dobrze sie bawiles na
meetingu? zeszta kto sie dobrze nie bawil? chyba
wszystcy? tabaka power! jedynym slowem. czad i
balanga. teraz musimy sie jeszcze gdzies spotkac i
poszalec. co tam cekawego porabiasz? szkoda ze nie
chce ci sie poswappic, bo pewnie bysmy sie lepiej poznali,
ale i tak jest dobrze. teraz pewnie zobaczymy sie na slc,
jak bedziesz. bo ja raczej tak. wiec coz, do
najblizszego spotkania.

from: sobol'appendix
to: noxis'mawi

o! dzieki, jeszcze raz dzienki za telefon. tylko ze od
twojego telefonu mija 3 tydzien, a letka jak nie widac tak
nie widac. co sie stalo? mialo byc zaraz po telefonie,
a do tej pory nic. adres ci podalem, hmm? dziwna
sprawa... chetnie bym do ciebie zadzwonil, ale nie mam
niestety twojego numeru telefonu =(. moglem jednak wtedy
go spisac. wiec jak czytasz te messy to suminie cie ruszy
i dostane letka. mam nadzieje ze nie skonczylo sie
jedynie na obiecywaniach? co? ale po rozwmowie z toba
domyslam sie ze jednak dostane cos. ok? nie bede sie
powtarzal, czekam na senda! pa.

from: sobol'appendix
to: oldtad'x-scener

huhu... od pana to raczej sie juz chyba nie moge
spodziewac niczego. ale moze? prosze jednak pamietac
ze domnie zawsze warto cos napisac, a moze wpadniesz do mnie
w te wakacje. po tamtym spotkaniu chyba warto, wpadniemy
gdzies na browara. i luz. dobra koncze juz. i

from: sobol'appendix
to: pnx'grdu+garbage

kupiles grzyba - troche smierdzi. ale twoj wybor, i twoja
decyzja. dzieki za maila, ale nie mam teraz okazjii i
czasu nawet aby ci odpisac. pewnie kiedys to zrobie. w
ogole to inet - suxx. mailtrading power. nie ma to jak
nagrywanie, adresowanie itd. to na razie...

from: sobol'appendix
to: polo'x-scener

kiedys jeszcze swappalismy, ale teraz chyba nie masz juz w
ogole amisi. a moze? jesli chcesz cos ode mnie, to nie
ma sprawy.

from: sobol'appendix
to: qentin'debuty+link124

co sie z toba dzieje? pamietasz jak wymienialismy snaile
3-4 razy w miesiacu. to byly czasy, a od juz dosc
dlugiego czasu nic. gdyby nie telefon, to nawet bym nie
wiedzial czy zyjesz. i chyba jestes mi dluzny beera na
party za linka? zycze ci oczywiscie wszystkiego
najlepszego w nowej grupce =). i odezwij sie w koncu,
chociaz jak nie masz hadeka to kwas? miales jechac do
wrocka na gielde? no nic, czekam na cos w koncu w koncu
sa wakacje. jedziesz do kyla? ja jak juz pewnie wiesz
nie jade, mam pare innych spraw, a najwazniesza to
oczywiscie instant.

from: sobol'appendix
to: qix'nah-kolor

ostatio sie spotkalismy na ircu, mowiles ze odpiszesz mi juz
nie dlugo. spoko. jakis czas temu spotkalem sie z
x-scenerem z ktorym kiedys swappiles, i podobno do niego
napisales te 120 kilo. pogadalismy sobie troche, on
powspominal dobre czasy i bylo zajebiscie. nie chcial mi
wierzyc ze jeszcze piszesz listy, ale powiedzialem mu ze
jeszcze ci sie to nie znudzilo, extra. wiec czekam na
senda, a po za tym to do zobaczenia na slc, 6 sierpnia.

from: sobol'appendix
to: opi'plastic+hybrid

chyba sie zamedytowales na smierc. pustka, ty zyjesz czy
nie? miales jechac na rr meeting, zabrac gale.
czekalismy z roovikiem, a tu taki wal. szkoda bo zabawa
byla extra, teraz w ogole nie wiem co sie z toba dzieje,
chyba nie masz zamiaru zejsc ze sceny? jak to kiedys
pisales lotharowi. a moze to przez paniene? czekam.

from: sobol'appendix
to: raider'moons

gratulcje, czego? zdania maturki! of coz. podobno
jedziesz na horizona, jeszcze lepiej. a jak tam z moim
odpiskiem? co? poswiecil bys ta godzinke kiedys, bo
letki piszesz wysmienite. jak to lothar mi powiedzial.
dobrze, zobaczymy sie we wroclawiu. papa.

from: sobol'appendix
to: revi'whelpz

nie dobrze sie dzieje. w twoich ostatnich mesagach,
pisales mi ze letek nie bawem, a do tej pory nie dostalem od
ciebie niczego. jesli nie masz czasu, to wyslij choc
jakos karte pocztowa ze slowami wyjasnien. ok? wiec
nie mam zamairu tu sie rozwodzic, a sprawa wpz? hmm?
zdecydowanie raczej nie wchodzi w gre. nie mam czasu na
pozadne dzilanie w dwoch rrupkach. rozumiesz? ale na
swapp zawsze mam ochote, pamietaj...

from: sobol'appendix
to: roover'nah-kolor

jestem ciewak kiedy przeczytasz te messki? moze wcale?
no ale w kazdym badz razie, mysle ze spotkamy sie na
przysiedze. w sumie fajnie by bylo, moj adress chyba
znasz na pamiec. wiec nie ma problemu z skontaktowaniem
sie ze mna. jak bedziesz mial okazje to podeslij
[zadzwon] mi adres swojej jednostki, wysle ci jakies
greetsy. no i czymaj sie tam. ciekawe czy sledzisz, o
moze za ostro powiedziane. ciekawe czy ogladasz tam
jakies mecze, ale final chyba zobaczysz? moze nawet w

from: sobol'appendix
to: sirus'ind

hej! ojojo, co sie narobilo? scena cie nie jara,
smierdzi troche. ale jest to jak zawsze powtarzam,
kazdego decyzja i nic na to nikt raczej nie poradzi. wiec
zycze ci, zreszta jak kazdemu, wszystkiego najlepszego w
zyciu codziennym, byc moze jeszcze sie kiedys spotkamy?

from: skip'potion
to: sobol'appendix

i jak byles zaskoczony jak do ciebie zadzwonilem? wydaje
mi sie ze tak, =). ale chyba bylo dobrze, jak tam z
chipkami do intsanta? od tamtej pory troche minelo, i
jakos jeszcze nic nie dostalem? ale wierze w to ze
napewno cos podeslesz, w koncu uslyszalem jasno i wyraznie.
i co byles na mekkce? przy janblizszej okazjii blizej sie
poznamy... a tym czasem pozdrawiam jak najbardziej

from: sobol'appendix
to: slayer'appendix

taboo jest super, w sumie cza sie zabierac za kolejny
numerek? nie? spreaduje jak moge, nawet marsjanie go
widzieli hehe. "blagam" juz ludzi o wypelnianie votek, no
i luz. instant juz nie bawem. acha maq jak wiesz mial
bardzo goraca z sesja i dlatego nie mogl, zlozyc kissa.
ale praktycznie ma juz koniec wiec porobi co ma zrobic.
dostalem w koncu plakaciki od madbarta sa wyjebane w kosmos.
dobra luz. musimy sie gdzies spotkac? moze slc?

from: sobol'appendix
to: spark'nah-kolor+pht

sorry ze nie napisalem "jeszcze" do ciebie, ale serio nie
mam czasu. powaznie mowie. jesli wpadam juz na siec,
to jedynie po to aby odebrac poczte i zamienic slowko ma
ircu - suxx. jednak teraz sa wakacje wiec nie widze
przeszkow na napisanie do ciebie. na ircu tez cie juz nie
mama. no nic, greetsy i lece dalej.

from: sobol'appendix
to: sqlim'soc

swapp? dziwna sparaw jest z toba, nie wiem czy to wszytko
ma jeszcze sens? jak bedziesz odpierdalal dalej taka
maniane jak do tej pory to ja dzienkuje ci bardzo za taki
rodzaj swappu, nie widze sensu dostawac listy co 3 miesiace
z praktycznie niczym. i jeszcze ci sie cos nie podoba,
zenujace. nawet nie powiedziales mi czesc na meetingu, a
ic... jesli nadal chcesz swappic, to nie ma sprawy moze
wrocimy na wlasnciwy tor. a jak nie to mowi sie trudno...
wiec zastanow sie nad tym i daj jakos znac, moze jeszcze cos

from: sobol'appendix
to: shexbeer'lamers

witaj! fajnie bylo na meetingu. jak widzisz jestem
prawdomowny, postawilem ci browara. fakt faktem ze nie
dwa, ale sorry nie mialem wiecej kasy. next razem ci to
jakos wynagrodze, moze jak bedzie to nawet na slc? bo na
horizona to raczej nie pojedziesz. acha pamietasz jak
zabralem ci twoje okularki? mam w nich zdjecie, hehe.
no nic, pozdrawiam i na razie albo jak kto chce do

from: sobol'appendix
to: thung'k0re.

a jestes. kurwa ale z tymi logosami to sie narobilo.
ale chyba uda sie to zalatwic jak sam mowiles. w takim
wielkie dzienki i do zobaczenia. acha padl ci hadek, to
kwas jak chuj. ale pamietaj "wrzuc luz!" =). i do
zobaczenia na najblizszym party.

from: sobol'appendix
to: twister'garbage+veezya

a ty co? pokazujesz sie na moment i znikasz? czlowiek
zagadka? odpisalem do ciebie tak dawno ze nawet nie
amietam kiedy to bylo? chyba nie mam juz co liczyc na
koperte z dyskietkami od ciebie, co?

from: sobol'appendix
to: ubik'apx+whelpz

cze! pamietasz jak cie obudzilem kiedy ty se smacznie
spales. tylko po to zeby zrobic zdjecie. teraz to
wydaje sie zabawne. a zdjecia juz sa, jak tylko je
zeskanuej podesle. o wlasnie jakos niemozesz sie zlozyc i
mi odpisac. a to juz troche czasu minelo jak ci sendzika
wyslalem, no chyba ze znow go poczta wjebala. ale watpie,
czekam na jakies nowe reye. 3m maj sie tam mocno, no i
gerappa wtzuc luz. =).

from: sobol'appendix
to: voicer'apathy

zyjesz ty jeszcze? nie mam pojecia, juz chyba nic z tego
wszystkiego nie bedzie, nie doczekalem sie rowniesz tych
modkow od ciebie, a szkoda. moj adres masz, wiec nadal
cierpliwi czekam chociaz nie wiem czy warto. na ircu
mowiles mi ze przemogles lenistwo, a tu co? chyba raczej
nie. pstryk...

from: sobol'appendix
to: wierza'x-scener

pan w jakiej sprawie? hehe, i co i nic. maila nie ma,
muzyki nie ma? oj nie dobrze...

from: sobol'appendix
to: xball'bohema

xbl! siema! jak tam leci, na meetingu wipilismy sobie
czrna, hehe. nie zla nie, ale powiekszej ilosci moze
czlwieka zemdlic, ale zmieszana z cococala - zajebioza.
musisz sprobowac, w ogole nie czuc alkocholu, a efekty sa
tak samo szybko zauwazalne, naprawde. oczywiscie
wpadniesz na slc, co? pozdrow tam ode mnie roovera, bo
jak wiadomo nie mam z nim teraz kontaktu. no i do
zobaczyska na jakiejs imprezie. nie chcialbys zmontowac
jakis chipow do instanta? tak pytam...


_____ _____
| /. .__ ______ .\ | _____ _/\_ _____ ____.
____|___ |____| /____\ _/_ | _|___ .\ | \\__// _\ __/_ .\ |____
\ / __ \\ \_| / /_| _|________/ \ \_| | /._
\.psr/_____\/ \___/ / \ _____ \
\__/_ /______\ /__________T \_________ .\ |__ ____________T______
/ / |_____\ | ____)__ køRe.
[darklight/veezya|szymek paluchowski|goralska 30| \ /.34123 chocznia]

[ darkus'NAH .................................. o9.1999 ]
[ gorzyga'DCR ................................. 11.1999 ]
[ zito'APT .................................... 12.1999 ]
[ ash!'WDS .................................... o1.2ooo ]
[ hakon'WPZ ................................... o3.2ooo ]
[ sqlim'SOC ................................... o3.2ooo ]

[ hawk'GIANTS ......................................... ]
[ firefox'AXICON ...................................... ]
[ juhi'IND ............................................ ]
[ marc'HAUJOBB .............................left scene. ]
[ maze'ABSURD ......................................... ]
[ stone'LOC ................................left scene. ]
[ the hooligan'DCS .........................left scene. ]
[ tft'RNO ............................................. ]
[ unbeliever'EXTREME .................................. ]

[ after all, quite many people, huh? i think, it's long ]
[ enough, and why don't you send me some letter, hee? ]

[ 34 - 123 CHOCZNIA ]

[I found my feet sliding outward as though my pussy was giving the orders.]
[Before long, I stood with my feet a yard apart, head bowed, hands gripping]
[the counter, my pelvis grinding on my son's fingers rapidly penetrating]
[me, front and rear. I had never had my asshole touched before. I found the]
[wicked sensation delightful once my sphincter adjusted. I came like a]
[woman possessed with a sex demon and almost sank to the floor.(...) ]

_____ ____ ____ _____ _ _ ____ _____ ___
____\\ _/_ / //__./ /_ ___\\_ \_ \ ____ / //__._\\_ /__ / //____
\ _/ (_ _/ | __/___ / / \\ \ _/ | _/ / \___ /
\ \ / \ | \ \ _ / \\ \ \ | \ \_ _/ /
/_____\ _/______\__|_______/___\____\ _____ _/____\__|___\_____/_______\
«-diP------------------------------------- /__/ ---------------------------»

today is 04.07.2K and kempy'veezya+k0re. unproudly presents hiz

¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

! atrey / nieroby ------------------- [09.09.99] ------- out of business
brutus / ind ---------------------- [11.04.2K] -----------------------
coma / apathy --------------------- [06.02.2K] -----------------------
! debol'97 / breathe ---------------- [24.11.99] ------------- lenistwo?
delora / whelpz ------------------- [04.04.2K] ------------- ? - ? - ?
! delphin / dreamland --------------- [15.08.99] ---------------- czekam
! digger / iris --------------------- [09.09.99] ------- out of business
dipswitch / bad karma ------------- [21.03.2K] --------- w8' 4 nu tac!
estrogen / garbage ---------------- [31.12.2K] -----------------------
fighter_for_future / shock hazard - [03.02.2K] ----------------- exams
! gfh / ind ------------------------- [26.11.99] -----------------------
! gorzyga / decree ------------------ [25.11.99] -- marcinie =) co jest?
! habib / exon ---------------------- [16.11.99] ----------------- pozer
! inikep / ind ---------------------- [08.09.99] ------- out of business
leyzer / esfs --------------------- [21.06.2K] -----------------------
litwin / ind ---------------------- [10.05.2K] -----------------------
mcr / mawi ------------------------ [02.05.2K] -----------------------
otton / veezya -------------------- [24.03.2K] -----left hand rewlz!=)
passenger / weeds ----------------- [07.03.2K] --------------- szkola?
przemk0 / amp --------------------- [03.04.2K] ----------------- exams
! qentin / breathe ------------------ [17.01.2K] --------------- so lazy
! raider / moons -------------------- [10.09.99] ----------------- exams
! simon king / the lo0p ------------- [04.10.99] - no to by bylo na tyle
sqlim / soc ----------------------- [25.04.2K] ------------------ sure
! thunder / ex-scoopex -------------- [16.10.99] ------- out of business
twister / garbage ----------------- [18.01.2K] ------- out of business
! tygrys / ind ---------------------- [01.08.99] ------- out of business
tzx / potion ---------------------- [10.05.2K] -----------------------
zito / darkage -------------------- [10.05.2K] -----------------------
_ _


baderman / bump / cooper / daria / equal / fei / fiedor / lunar / yaneq

who's next?
_ _


beatels / duckhunter / harm / icetray / iglo / melon / lou
sante / sleeper

so stupid stealers or quiters
_ _


if somebody behindhands with any answer more
than 45 days that means a STUPID_DELAY for sure!
so... don't make delays please!

write 4 . snail . ascii . phun

przemek kowalczyk
kopernika 13/14
34-100 wadowice

-[ ]-

a · p · a · t · h · y .____. .___.
_______________ _______ _l l__l l___ ______
_\___ \_\___ \\ _/ \__/_ /
/ ) ) ) ( /
\_________ __________________________( ____ /
l___l c&r./_____//_____/k0!

Angeldust of Apathy ^ Absurd ^ Rno

| |
_____| |_____
| R. I. P. |
| |
|_____ _____|
| |
| |
| |
| |

----------------------------------------------------------------->> >



Carp/ex-Apathy^Whelpz -> September 1999
Sante/ex-Absurd -> Early 1999
Splatterhead/ex-Scoopex -> September 1999
Tiger/ex-Apathy -> December 1999
Thunder/ex-Scoopex -> January 2000


----------------------------------------------------------------->> >

Sum good friendz and comrades have left us... like in a bloody shitty
war they leave us alone on the battlefield... the fighting as the last
remaining defenders of friendship, against the dark army's of business...


" S A B O T A G E " pack by Horizontal Lamerz
__________\ `--.__
| `-.__
_|_____ _______ _____ ___|_ _
__| /___\ __ |_| |____ _|
| |____ __ | __ /_ ___
| |/ __ \| |/ | |/
|_________\|_____|____________________ _
| |
| - B E S T S W A P P E R S - |
| (top ten of the best) |
_ __|__ _______ ________ _____|_
|___\ __ |_\ |_ __\ ____7_
___| __ \ ___|/___ _| /___
\| _ \| | | \| |
_ _______|_____|_______ |_________|
hhs'| ((-|________|-)) |'lot
| |
| + s A B O T A G e + _|

prev now handle/group score
[ 2. ] 1. evan/nah-kolor+dcs+madwizards 9 points
[ 1. ] 2. azzaro/mawi+flopi 8 points
[ 3. ] 2. kempy/veezya+k0re 8 points
[ 4. ] 3. punisher/apathy+darkage+void 5 points
[ 5. ] 3. adonis/iris 5 points
[ 4. ] 4. mcr/madwizards+appendix 4 points
[ 4. ] 5. hakon/whelpz 3 points
[ 4. ] 5. roover/nah-kolor 3 points
[ 6. ] 6. zito/reason+darkage+layout 2 points
[ 6. ] 7. renton/potion+dcs 0 points

c h a r t a d e p t s :

handle proposed by hits
angeldust/apathy+rno zito/rsn+dkg+lo! 1
coach/twilight roover/nah 1
makak/reason+moons amifan/gbg+t13 1
zerox/gods darkhawk/iris 1

(will be added to the chart after 3 hits for the same adept)

l i s t o f v o t e r s :

handle group(s) votes
adamsoft pic saint loop 2
adonis iris 2
angeldust apathy+rno 1
a-v demonic arts 1
azzaro madwizards+flopi 1
bolda horizontal lamerz 3
borys dione 1
caro nah-kolor 1
case apathy+whelpz+nah-kolor 2
curt cool depth 2
darkhawk iris 3
evan dual crew-shining+madwizards+nah-kolor 3
ghandy darkage+gods 1
hakon whelpz 2
id vertical syndicate 1
jargo oxygen 1
jazzcat pic saint loup 1
juen harvester+taski+soc+garbage 1
kalms club llamahz 1
kempy veezya+k0re 2
kfd trinity 1
lothar appendix+moons 1
makak reason+moons 1
punisher apathy+darkage+void 1
ripper nah-kolor 1
roover nah-kolor 2
shape dual crew-shining 1
slayer appendix 1
splatterhead ex scoopex 1
the hooligan dual crew-shining 2
the one søhesten 1
ubik hvl+nah-kolor+whelpz+appendix 1
xball bohema+sative mea 1
zito reason+darkage+layout 2
zomo dione 1

l i s t o f c o l l e c t o r s :

handle group votes collected
azzaro madwizards+flopi 3
evan dual crew shining+madwizards+nah-kolor 3
makak reason+moons 3
roover nah-kolor 3
adonis iris 2
slayer appendix 1
hakon whelpz 0
zito reason+darkage+layout 0

thank you, mates! other votes collected by lahve/reason+horizontal lamerz

" S A B O T A G E " pack by Horizontal Lamerz
__________\ `--.__
| `-.__
_|_____ _______ _____ ___|_ _
__| /___\ __ |_| |____ _|
| |____ __ | __ /_ ___
| |/ __ \| |/ | |/
|_________\|_____|____________________ _
| |
| S A B O T A G E # 3 |
| - i N T R O D U C T i O N - |
_ __|__ _______ ________ _____|_
|___\ __ |_\ |_ __\ ____7_
___| __ \ ___|/___ _| /___
\| _ \| | | \| |
_ _______|_____|_______ |_________|
hhs'| ((-|________|-)) |'lot
| |
| + s A B O T A G e + _|

one... two... three!! third issue of your pack "sabotage" has arrived
to your harddisks, as always full of actual news flavoured by superb tune,
today made by teo/kangaroo (name: "free state"), it is his hip-hop debut
and i very like it! it is the first really thematic tune fits into the
hip-hop style of sabotage.

there is not so much articles in this issue, but i`ve got one really rare
piece: looong history of splatterhead/ex-scoopex who left scene some months
ago and now, with sabotage`s help, you can read it - almost 60 pages of
text! i think it will make you busy for some hours =).

unfortunately, there was only two amiga parties - remedy`2k in germany
and scenemeeting`2k in denmark, but nevermind, many parties have announced
after summertime, assembly`2k for example. as always, thanks to
kempy/veezya+k0re for some news and other collectors for sabotage votes,
nice to see that number of votes is growing up every issue and makes the
chart more objective.

as you might be noticed, there are some nice changes in sabotage engine.
here is the list of the new features:

- screenmode requester appears after the first executing of sabotage
- no need to copy fonts into the system FONTS: drawer
- better doublebuffering
- could be attached more modules in one issue (dunno if we will use it)
- mpress any key or left/right mouse button during intro/outroscreen to
- change the datapack file from "data.pak" to "" (LHA/LZX is not
able to pack any #?.PAK files, this change decrease sabotage lenght!)

okay, that`s all, not so much comments needed, sabotage#4 will be after
holidays. please remind yourself to spread sabotage via swapping only!
enjoy the holidays and don`t let the sun burn your body up, hehe..

lahve, the packer.

for new issue of "sabotage", ask me:

lahve/rsn+hla, radek hrdlicka, kralupska 1713, 25001 brandys n/l, czech rep.

or one of our official spreaders:

evan/dcs+mwi+nah, marcin szmidtke, p.o. box 23, 37450 stalowa wola 7, poland
azzaro/mwi+flp, tomek wisniewski, ul. szeroka 35/8, 75814 koszalin, poland
hakon/wpz, krzysztof kurzawski, herdera 8/23, 10693 olsztyn, poland
makak/rsn+mns, maciek nowicki, slonecznikowa 5/7, 15669 bialystok, poland
roover/nah, jarek jezowski, mieleckiego 36/7, 41500 chorzow, poland
adonis/iris, henrik kyster, poste restante, 6100 haderslev, denmark
darkhawk/iris, christian hviid, laessoegade 78 i, 5230 odense m, denmark
zito/rsn+dkg+lo!, marc oberst, pf 100522, 04005 leipzig, germany
kempy/veezya, przemek kowalczyk, kopernika 13/14, 34100 wadowice, poland

sabotage - gotcha all the time.

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