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The origins of the biblical genesis in relation to david icke's version

the origins of the biblical genesis in relation to david icke's version as given in the biggest secret

by Ivan Fraser

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Published in 
ancient world
 · 15 Jun 2021

The purpose of this critique is to shed a bit more light on the reptile-Aryan thesis, as contained in The Biggest Secret. I hope to show that there is yet more information to be taken into account before conclusions may be drawn as to the existence of a reptilian/human hybrid line, and how the evidence is being misconstrued, thus leading to false conclusions.

The following page from The Biggest Secret was provided as a ‘taster’ in an advert for the updated version of the book which is now on sale, and was given on David’s website recently.

In truth, the quoted page brings up so many points that several chapters would be needed to fully explore the various threads of history and meaning which they develop from. However, it is not my place nor desire to re-write The Biggest Secret . I simply feel that I needed to illustrate the sheer complexity of information which is needed to properly and thoroughly fathom such issues, and trace them back to their source. So I have kept to the salient points which I think the reader would be most interested in, and hopefully find revelatory. Therefore, not all points raised in the quoted page are covered.

This article also sheds substantial light on the events and characters described in the Old
Testament Book of Genesis. The subject of which will be expanded in far greater detail in my forthcoming book Let There Be Light.

Excerpt from Chapter 7

"Knights of the Sun" (quoted here in bold – relevant points in italics ))

The Sicambrian Franks later lived in an area west of the River Danube and settled in Germania (named by the Romans after the Scythian 'genuine ones') and their centre was Cologne. It was from the time of King Meroveus, who was named Guardian of the Franks in 338, that this line became known as the Merovingians. These were the sorcerer kings who were noted for their esoteric knowledge and magical powers which they inherited from the underground bloodline streams of secret groups and initiations. Francio, the founder of the Franks, claimed to be a descendant of Noah and his ancestors once resided in ancient Troy .

The Merovingians were of an ancient lineage – yes. Ultimately, the foundation of the lineage goes back a long way, in its most remarkable era – to c 3335 BC, to the Aryan kingship of Sumer. These Europeans came down to Northern Mesopotamia and Sumer and from Troy and Cappadocia. Most of our most ancient myths and histories are derived from this short-lived event, encompassing a mere handful of generations. This tale became the prototype for all of our major religions and within a few hundred years of it the actual history had begun to be spun into myth and legend; each stage of development outdoing the previous in its scale and fantastical nature.

What we are left with are legends of Troy, Greek myths, Egyptian myths, the Norse and British Edda and the Indian Vedas (note Edda and Veda are similar – both Indo-Aryan meaning basically ‘body of knowledge’).

To appreciate the historical origins of the characters and events referred to in Icke’s book, we must go back to the beginning, to the foundation of the Aryan kingship in Sumer and access records not taken into account by Icke, nor the majority of historical researchers in this field. Therefore, I quote from the introduction to British Edda by LA Waddell LL.D., C.B., C.I.E., a Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Linnean and Folk-Lore Societies, Hon. Correspondt. Indian Archeological Survey, Ex-Professor of Tibetan, London University. The passage is a brief summary of the historical elements portrayed within the 11th and 12th century British manuscripts which Waddell had discovered and translated through masses of expert historical research. These manuscripts Waddell found to have been written in Runic, or Gothic, type old English, which was greatly derived from ancient Sumerian, as are the Indo-European languages and alphabet, despite the flawed conclusions of scholars today who have ignored the truly ancient origins in favour of the later Roman and Semitic influences which they define as origins . The quoted commentary describes information discovered using historical methods gained after many years of painstaking research, whilst his book British Edda concentrates on the Edda itself, drawing parallels between its contents and the history which Waddell recorded in several other prior books (see reference section at end); only one of which - The Phoenician Origins of Britons, Scots and Anglo-Saxons – was referenced by Icke for The Biggest Secret .

Waddell discovered that, despite the well known translations of the likes of Snorri Sturluson of the Edda, manuscripts which later surfaced in Iceland, the Edda was actually written in Britain and Snorri clearly did not understand many of the British and non-Icelandic words when he put his fantastical version together. Waddell’s expertise in Sumerian and the history of the period enabled him to produce a new translation which differs considerably in many key aspects from the later Norse version. Although the reader may be familiar with the Norse tales, it will be seen that the more accurate translation contains startling insights, such as the clear fact that Wodan was an entirely separate character from Odin, and that many of the diverse Nordic characters were derived purely from titles and poetic descriptions of the same few British Edda characters, thus reducing the ‘pantheon’ considerably and simplifying the entire tale considerably.

For a full appreciation of the scenes, characters and events, it is necessary to read his other works, especially The Makers of Civilisation in Race and History .

Scene I, which follows the Prologue, introducing the Sibyl songstress to the audience of Gothic (Briton) nobles and laity of the Homedale assembled at their great festival holiday, opens with a glimpse into the pre-Adamite World. That old world is graphically pictured, steeped in primitive savagery and internecine atrocities, foully stained by the widespread maiming and human sacrifice, and debasing orgies and necromantic superstitions of the Mother-Son cult of the Serpent-Dragon and Wolf. It discloses the Matriarch Chaldee weird El in her "paradise" in "The Garden of Eden" (at Carchemish or Jerablus on the Euphrates in Upper Mesopotamia), along with her sacred serpents and wolves and her paramour Wodan and her only "established" son Baldr in their hellish cellar or hall of Valhall, and The Three Fate weirds, with their magic bowl or "cauldron," at the Well of Urd under their "Tree of Knowledge." The graphic Eddic descriptions of this scene, as also of all the subsequent scenes, are vividly illustrated and fully confirmed in their details by the concrete evidence of more or less contemporary and later Sumerian and Hittite sculptures and engraved seals, as well as by the traditional pictures of that primitive demonist Mother cult preserved by the Egyptians and Indian branch of the Aryans. The remarkable technical excellence in the drawing and engraving of these ancient seals, dating from about 3300 B.C. to 2000 B.C., will be appreciated when it is remembered that these drawings and gravings are each contained within the minute space of little more than one square inch, so that they have had to be often magnified in the illustrations by half or one diameter for more easy reference.

Scene II discloses the sudden meteoric advent into the grievously stricken riotous old world of the greatest of all reformers and culture heroes, "the tall, fair, red bearded" Thor or Eindri, with his sturdy, industrious, law-abiding men of Gothic breed. A Sun-worshipper, he reflects the shining brilliance of that luminary and be comes himself a fixed star in the firmament of Civilization, and was afterwards deified as Indra or Jupiter as the humanized type of God. Thor or Ad, the first historical king in the ancient world, who, as I have demonstrated by concrete, historical proofs in my previous works, and as now fully established in the present pages, was the historical original of "Adam-the-son-God" of the New Testament (where, however, as well as in Genesis, his true history as the reformer of Eden is spitefully mutilated), regenerates and transforms the riotous old world into a civilised, settled, law-abiding, industrial and habitable land, by his great uplifting crusade, under his banner of the Red Cross of his Sun-worship and establishes civilization, and thus effects "The Rise of Man." The historical Adam is now disclosed to have been not "the first created man," but the first man who made men of men. He is the protagonist of the Edda epic. His noble, forceful and resourceful and inspiring personality, with his traditional personal appearance of the tall, fair Nordic racial type, majestic, with a happy combination of brawn and brain, are vividly described in keeping with the more or less contemporary Sumerian and Hittite sculptures, engraved seals and historical records. His building of the first town, establishment of agriculture, metal forges, and other industries and town-life, his creation of free institutions and of the first Parliament, his message of brotherly love and the brotherhood of man, and abhorrence of the Serpent and its Mother-weird cult and blood sacrifices, are graphically and dramatically narrated.

First Aryan-Sumerian king depicted on King Khamu-Rabi's Law Code Stela, c.2000 BC
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First Aryan-Sumerian king depicted on King Khamu-Rabi's Law Code Stela, c.2000 BC

The place of his first appearance is located at Troy in the Troad district of Mount Ida, bordering the Dardanelles in North-western Asia Minor, and a tradition in a later scene refers to his having come from the Danube Valley in Middle Europe, an immemorial home of the Goths. This point of his advent and establishment of the first civilized state at Troy, discloses him as the historical original of the first traditional king of the Greek Dar Danos , after whom the Dardanelles are named. For Thor or King Dar of the Sumerian records bears in the Edda, as well as in the Sumerian, the title of Dan, though Homer’s tradition has placed him about two millenniums later than his real date. He is also identified through his Eddic title of Bur-Mioth ( Pur-Mit of Sumerian), and identical achievements with the historical original of the far-famed Pro-Metheus of the Greek legend, who first brought fire to the domestic hearth of primitive men, and gave them the blessings of knowledge and civilization, and so evoked the anger of the jealous old "gods" ; and he, too, with his wife, Asia, was located by the Greek tradition in Asia Minor.

This Eddic account of the coming of King Thor, Dar or Ad (or "Adam"), and his establishment of civilization, is profusely illustrated in these pages by Early Sumerian and Hittite sculptures and engraved seals, and is further confirmed by the ancient Sumerian, Egyptian, Greek and Indian traditional records... And it is of especial Gothic significance that the Sumerian and Hittite portraits of the first king and his men and women-folk represent them usually in Gothic dress and wearing the horned hat of the Goths, Early Britons, Anglo-Saxons and Norsemen of the Viking period.

The succeeding scenes, arranged in chronological sequence, disclose Thor civilizing the aboriginal tribes, not only of the Troad, but many also from Middle and Eastern Asia Minor, as far as Lake Van in Armenia, and even from Eden itself, who had flocked to his Sun-Cross standard ; he appoints them head-men or chiefs from their own ranks, and he enfranchises and admits those tribal chiefs into his Gothic Parliament and common wealth ; he even sanctions the intermarriage of a regenerate chief with a Gothic maid ; he establishes weaving workshops at Troy ; he has an adventure on a fishing excursion in the Troad with his adversary,

King Thor taming Phrygian Lions (emblematic of indigenous tribes)
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King Thor taming Phrygian Lions (emblematic of indigenous tribes)

Wodan the Edenite and Serpent-Wolf chief who, with his hordes, raids Troy and its factories.
The repeated raids on Troy by Wodan and his men force Thor to conquer and annex Phrygia, or "The Land of Lions," on the east to the borders of Cappadocia. In this expedition, and supported by his aboriginal allies, he encounters Amazonian warrioresses from Eden, who wore skin-coats (an Edenite fashion that has again come into vogue since the war), as distinguished from the cloth tailor-made garments of the Goths. And under his title of Meide-the-Asa , bearing his Sun-Cross wooden standard, he vanquishes Wodan in a notable scene described in "Wodan’s Lament at his defeat by the Nine Woods of Meide-the-Asa," which thus explains for the first time the Nine St George’s Crosses on the prehistoric rock carving on the Midas monument in the heart of Phrygia, and it also explains the contemporary portrait of King Thor, with his five-horned head-dress, taming (civilizing) the Phrygian lions (totems) on the archaic ivory carving...

The next scenes disclose Thor’s conquest of Cappadocia (east of Phrygia) up to the Euphrates and down through the Taurus to the seaboard of Cilicia ; his establishing his new chief capital at Vidara or Pteria (at Boghaz Koi), in the heart of Cappadocia, as "George of the Red Cross," the historical original of "St George of Cappadocia and England" ; his building and fortifying Ins capital there, which he calls Himin or " Heaven" ; his judgement-hall, his Rowan-apple "Tree of Life," Ygg-Drasill, as a symbol of the Sun ; his establishing of Baptism as the initiating rite into his Sun-cult. There, having concluded a treaty with the Edenites, whose central Mother Weird’s Serpent shrine and garden on the Euphrates was now only a few days’ journey to the south of his borders, he is visited in his mountain capital by a party of weird vestals from Eden, including Eve, to spy out his capital, and most of the episodes in these scenes also, from III onwards, are confirmed by the Sumerian and Hittite sculptures and seals, and Phrygian and Cappadocian monuments.

The courtship and marriage of Thor or Her-Thor (Ar-Thur) with Eve or Gunn-Ifa (Guin-Evere) the Eden vestal of the Serpent-cult, after her conversion by Thor to his Sun-cult, is dramatically described in the next scene ; and significantly the Edda account is in full agreement down to the most minute detail with the great prehistoric bas-relief rock-sculptures of that ceremony near Pteria or Boghaz Koi, which the Edda now interprets for the first time, and also in agreement with the Sumerian, Greek and Indian records of that ceremony. Then follow scenes with Eve at home in Thor’s mountain capital of "Heaven" as queen-consort of the Goths, and as custodian of the life-giving Rowan apples of the sacred tree ; the birth and boyhood of Thor-Adam and Eve’s son, the crown-prince Gunn or Kon (Cain or Gawain) ; the young prince Cain being treacherously wounded by the elderly Baldr or Epli (Abel), the son of Wodan and the Edenite Matriarch ; Cain’s succour by his mother Eve, who warns him against the treachery of the Edenites, and imparts to him on his initiation as a young solar Red Cross Knight the Ten Commandments of his father Adam-Thor.

Thor/Andvara being upset by Loki (the Lion-Wolf) on Elamite seal, c.3000 BC. The Sumerian word s
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Thor/Andvara being upset by Loki (the Lion-Wolf) on Elamite seal, c.3000 BC. The Sumerian word signs read Bur (an Eddic and Sumer title of Thor/In-Dara), and Lukh , or Loki.

Other scenes follow, with an attack on Thor’s burg by Baldr (Abel) and his men from the
Van district of Eden, and their repulse and having to pay an indemnity ; Thor’s defence of his Cappadocian frontier on the Euphrates up to "The Garden of Eden" ; the almost fatal wounding of Adam-Thor by "the murderous" stone-missile of Baldr (an incident seized on by the later Mother-cult Greek bards and magnified into the binding and wounding of Pro-Metheus for rejecting the old "gods") ; Thor’s succour and extraction of the missile by his son Cain ; his being capsized in his ship off the Cilician coast by Baldr or Sutt ("Seth"-Abel), and punishment of latter as the source of the Babylonian legend of "Adamu-the-son-of-God capsized by Sutu and his revenge."

Fragments of the famed Grail the Stone Bowl, buried by Thor's great-grandson c. 3247 BC, bearing
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Fragments of the famed Grail the Stone Bowl, buried by Thor's great-grandson c. 3247 BC, bearing his original Sumerian inscription. Unearthed at Nippur in 1900.
Hittite stele showing Ar-Thor/Ar-Tur with winged sun-disc emblem carrying away the Grail as desc
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Hittite stele showing Ar-Thor/Ar-Tur with winged sun-disc emblem carrying away the Grail as described in the Edda, on his head as a hat.

On a peace being again patched up, Adam-Thor visits the old Matriarch Weird El at Eden, who recites to him his ancestry from the Western Hers, or Aryans of the Oedl (or Ethel) and Dan clans (of Europe) ; also Eve’s ancestry from the same Gothic clan stock ; and taunts him with wishing to capture her central fetish magic stone-cauldron or "Holy Grail." During this peace, Baldr or Loki (Lucifer) of the Serpent-Dragon cult, visits King Thor’s banqueting-hall at Vidara (Pteria) or "Heaven," and riotously quarrelling there with his Gothic hosts and foully insulting Queen Eve, he is cast out of that "Heaven" by Gunn or Cain or Miok (Michael), disclosing the real traditional, historical source of the casting-out from heaven of the great dragon Lucifer or Apollyon (Abel) by St Michael the Archangel of the later New Testament legend, and also the earlier and truer version of the expulsion of the Green Man from King Arthur’s banqueting-hall by the young knight, Sir Gawain, in the Arthurian legend.

Subsequent scenes disclose the binding of Baldr Loki by Miok (Michael) or Cain, owing to his continued destructive raids on the Gothic territory ; Baldr s escape from his fetters ; his kidnapping in revenge Eve, whom he carries off to Eden ; King Thor’s fury at this dastardly outrage and rape by Baldr ; his hurried crusade against Eden (frequently called in the Edda "Hell") ; his entry there, bearing along with his invincible stone mace the sacred epiphytic Rowan-tree branch of his Sun-cult, now disclosed as the real origin of The Golden Bough legend of Virgil (and not the mistletoe), and also as the source of the old British and Scottish adage :

Rowan-tree and red threid,
Gar the witches tak their speid.

Thor’s rescue of Eve, with the aid of Cain, from the clutches of the Edenite Baldr, here called in the Edda Epli , i.e., Abel ; Thor’s physical punishment of the latter ; and his seizure and carrying off of the central fetish stone magic bowl or witches’ cauldron of Eden which he then consecrates to his Sun-cult as "The Holy Grail of King Arthur" (which still exists with the Sumerian inscription of his great-grandson) ; and the wounding of Gunn or Cain, during their victorious retreat, by the stone missile of the pursuing Baldr form other scenes.

The great Battle of Eden, the most momentous and epoch-making battle of the old world, forms the next scene. Furious at the loss of their central fetish bowl, Baldr and his Mother Weird El, muster all their Edenite swarms of hordes, by river, sea, and land, for a great battle against Thor, who, on hearing of it, musters along with Cain all their force of well-disciplined Gothic yeo men cultivators and their allies for the fray. Eden was, according to the Edda, defended by skin-clad and "wolf tailed" men, armed with "flaming switches" (cherubims with flaming swords). The battle, which proved catastrophic for the Edenites, is described in lurid colours in the Edda as in the Sumerian and Babylonian records. In the battle, Miok or Mikli (Michael) or Cain, slays Baldr, Sutt or Abel, the Dragon-cult chief, in single combat and avenges his father for the rape of Eve. Thus the Edda recovers at last the true history of the event which has been so falsely misrepresented by the later Chaldee literature, and reveals the historical source of the New Testament legend of St Michael slaying Apollyon the Dragon, the Egyptian Horus of the Sun-cult slaying Set (Sutt or Seth), and Sir Gawain slaying the Green Man. It discloses the Sumerian origin of the title Tubal for Cain as "The Slayer of Bal," and confirms his identity with Cain through the Hebrew tradition of his being "the instructor of every artificer in brass (bronze) and iron," and his traditional inventorship of the Plough.

It also discloses the real historical source of the "Lamentations of the Chaldees," which modern writers mistakenly call "The Killing of the God." Notwithstanding the villainy of Baldr, Thor and his son and nobles, sinking all animosities, gave his body a decent funeral, "worthily, without vengeance, as if their own brother." Then follows the lament of the Chaldees for the death of Abel, whilst other Chaldees rejoice, saying, "Thanks only maun I greet, dry tears only ; let Hell hold what it has !"

Adam/Thor as Andara slaying the Dragon from Hittite seal, c. 2500 BC. <br>Note the sun cross on
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Adam/Thor as Andara slaying the Dragon from Hittite seal, c. 2500 BC.
Note the sun cross on his head. Christianity would later refashion its own 'god' figure into St Andrew and St George, the famed dragon-slayers, both of whom are also known by their cross emblem.

The next scene (XXVIII) is the pursuit and capture of El, the old Serpent-Dragon Matriarch, who had mean while escaped on the River Euphrates by boat. She was captured and slain by Thor or Goer (George), and in this scene she is represented allegorically as the Serpent Dragon itself, of which she was the arch-priestess ; and she and her conqueror are similarly represented in full agreement with all the Edda details in the Egyptian version of the scene engraved on the alabaster sarcophagus of Seti I, the father of Rameses II, in the Soane Museum in London, and figured in the text, and also as with the other scenes, in agreement with the Sumerian and Babylonian and Hittite versions in sculptured seals and records, and in the Indian literary versions. This recovers for us the historical originals of the scene and the personalities of the actors in "St George slaying the Dragon" figured on the royal insignia of England and on British coins ; and in Mid-Europe, Syria and Asia Minor.

The next scene is the Enthronement of Her-Thor (or Ar-Thur), or Adam on the Hill of Eden (Carchemish, Jerablus or Jorovelli of the Edda), or Arthur’s Seat, to signalize his victory over Eden with the speech he made on that occasion. This Edda record is in agreement not only with the Sumerian versions, but also with the ancient Hittite sculpture actually found on this Hill of Eden, at Carchemish, which represents King Dar, Tur, or Thor enthroned there as represented in the photograph in the text (Pl. XXVII).

And the Anglo-Saxon bard Caedmon still retained the genuine old tradition that Adam was enthroned in Eden on "the firm set throne" formerly occupied there by Lucifer or Satan.

The Reformation and regeneration of Eden by Adam Thor, and the conversion of that Serpent-cult abode into a Utopian "City of God," forms the next scene. The regenerate Edenites were freely admitted on equal terms into the Aryan fellowship and commonwealth of that transformed city-state. And it was from this advance post of King Adam-Thor’s Cappadocian empire, at the head or northern end of the Euphrates plain, that King Thor’s son "Cain" descended in the twelfth year of his reign (c. 3336 B.C.) into Mesopotamia of the Chaldees, and annexed and civilized it down to the seaboard of the Persian Gulf, building as his chief Mesopotamian capital the city of Enoch (Unuk or Erech) on the Euphrates, and so named after his son and successor, the third Aryan or Sumerian king. And his epoch-making advent into Mesopotamia is now disclosed to be what Assyriologists have called "The Coming of the Sumerians," though who the Sumerians were, what was their race, where they came from, and what their date, have hitherto been all alike unknown until now disclosed.

The Edda ends here with this Utopia or Golden Age of early civilization, established by King Adam-Thor about 3350 B.C. But one additional pregnant stanza has been added, presumably by a later hand. Human nature being what it is, progress is not always forward, but sometimes :

Forward, forward, ay and backward,
Downward, too, into the abysm.

There was some time after King Adam-Thor’s death, presumably several generations later, a reactionary revival of the aboriginal Mother-Son cult of matriarchy, with its blood-sacrifices, fetish worship and superstition of Hell, thus resulting in a real "Fall of Man" in the post-Adamite period. The Chaldean Semites in their reactionary religion, whilst discarding the Adamist worship of the One God in Heaven, represented by the benign Sun or the God of the Sun and Light of the World as the Universal Power of Nature, on reverting to their old Mother-Son cult and its sanguinary demons, now deified their Moon of Darkness and converted their demons, personified as the Mother-Matriarch and her Son and Serpent-Wolf totems, into "gods" and "goddesses" by borrowing the idea of "god," as well as the god-name, from their Aryan civilizer and great benefactor, Adam-Thor. They then vilified and cursed the audacious King Adam-Thor, "The Friend of Man," with his cult of Heaven, along with his noble, heroic son, Prince Cain -the former for his great offence and "sin" of uplifting man by knowledge and disobeying the jealous pre-Adamite Serpent-demon and its oracular priestess ; and the latter for slaying the Serpent-cult necromantic priest and sacrificer, the "only" son of the Weird, and abolishing their sanguinary sacrifices. And this spiteful vilification has been actively and mechanically propagated down through the ages to the present day in Semitic creeds.

British Edda LA Waddell (plxii-lxxii)

Of the most famous hymns to Thor/Adam the ‘Asa’ is actually to be found in the Bible. Psalm 82 mirrors precisely the earliest records of the greatness of the first and fairest of all kings, who set the benchmark for all future sovereign institutions - a just and righteous king, lord of a counsel of righteous men who in true chivalric fashion swear fealty to the people:

A Psalm of Asaph.

God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods.
How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah.

Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.
Deliver the poor and needy: rid [them] out of the hand of the wicked.
They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course.
I have said, Ye [are] gods; and all of you [are] children of the most High.
But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.
Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations.

This royal court of Ar-Tur is called in the ancient Sumerian parlance ‘The Council of the Anunnaki’, and later in Hebrew, ‘The Council of the Elohim’. Both the ‘El’ and ‘An’ prefix denote Thor as the ‘One’ lord, and so our later Indo-Aryan and Mediterranean words for ‘One’ or ‘singular’ are variously el, la, an, one, un... etc. By this time the demon-worshipping matriarch El of Eden had been confused into the misogynist patriarchal Hebrew system which was emerging at the time, and came to be synonymous with Yahweh, a convoluted and confused derivative of Ia/Jah/Thor. The word Anunnaki is the Sumerian phrase AN-UNNA-KI, meaning An (Asa/Thor –also translated by some scholars as ‘Heaven’) came to Earth (Ki), or ‘those who came from An to Earth’, which in Sumerian times referred to the ‘Plains of Shinar’, or Sumer.

Later, the historical language and scenario would be used in various spiritual philosophies to describe the institution of Godhead, surrounded by a pantheon of angels (or ‘gods’), who administrate God’s laws and desires to the humans on Earth.

How similar is the above psalm to the verse in the British Edda?:

I see a hall stands
Fair in the sun,
Thatch’d with gold
At Gimli hame. (original word from which derives Camylot, or Camelot)
There shall the worthy ones
As righteous lords abide,
And more than in olden days
Enjoy endless bliss.
There comes in the Riki (king)
At the judgements of the rulers.
The Over-flying (Lord)
Counsels them all,
He balances the judgments
He allays scathes,
And sets up sacred Laws
That shelter forever.

Now compare this Eddic verse with the poetry of Aeschylus, a Greek poet of c.500 BC, whose work ‘Prometheus Bound’ (tr. AS Blackie - quoted in WBE) provides a eulogy to the great king, whose name here, as Pro-metheus, is derived from Adam/Thor’s title of Bur-Mioth , meaning ‘The Friend of Man’, gained through his deeds of raising up the lower civilisation of the Edenites and from his influence came the civilisation of the wider world:

" Of human kind,
My great offence in aiding them, in teaching
The infantile fancy and rousing torpid mind
To take grasp of itself-of this I'll talk ;
Meaning to mortal men no blame, but only
The true recital of mine own deserts.
For, soothly, having eyes to see they saw not,
And hearing heard not ; but like dreamy phantoms,
A random life they led from year to year,
All blindly floundering on. No Craft they knew
With woven brick or jointed beam to pile
The sunward porch ; but in the dark earth burrowed,
And housed, like tiny ants in sunless Caves.
No signs they knew to mark the wintry Year :
The flower-strewed Spring, and the fruit-laden Summer,
Uncalendared, unregistered, returned-
Till I the difficult art of the Stars revealed,
Their risings and their settings. Numbers, too,
I taught them and Writing - how
By marshalled Signs to fix their shifting thoughts,
That Memory, mother of Muses might achieve
her wondrous works. I first slaved to the yoke
Both ox and ass. I, the rein-loving steeds
Joined to the Car ; and bade them ease the toils
Of labouring men vicarious, I the first
Upon the canvas-winged car of Mariner
Was launched wave wandering. Such wise arts I found
To soothe the ills of man's ephemeral life.
Nor healing Food nor Drink
Nor Unguent knew they, but did slowly wither
And waste away for lack of pharmacy,
Till taught by me to mix the soothing drug,
And check corruption's march.
Yet more : I probed the Earth ,
To yield its hidden wealth to help man's weakness
Iron, Copper, Silver, Gold....
And thus with one short word to sum the tale,
Pro-Metheus taught all arts to mortal men."

Here we see the most accurate representation of the so-called ‘alien’ Anunnaki and their leader.

This is not symbolic. It is a history – as recorded in the very earliest texts and seals – which has been mistranslated time and time again into religious and New Age scenarios by Assyriologists and modern researchers like Sitchin (whom Icke - like so many other researchers and New Age devotees - relies on entirely in The Biggest Secret for his translations of Sumerian texts), Alford, and any number of authors who have relied greatly on the later texts – those already much manipulated into fantasy, even in the second and third millennium BC – and have simply MISSED THE ENTIRE POINT of the exercise. They have mistaken poetic and pictorial symbolism – the main form of written communication at a time when writing was in its infancy – and assumed that these are depictions of supernatural and superhuman people/aliens and events.

There are, however, elements of this saga not recognised by historians – even those as thorough and insightful as Waddell. That is the degree of actual occult knowledge held by the ancients.

It is this culture which was responsible for the ‘mysterious’ megalithic structures, temples and stone circles dotted around the world, which include the famous stone circles of Britain, such as Stonehenge; as well as the little known stone circles at Mt. Sinai and near Tabriz, to the east of Lake Van – the very region of the true location of Eden. Furthermore, recently an archaeologist named Anati has discovered stone circles upon the mount Karkom (which translates from Hebrew as ‘Mountain of God’), which is North West of Sinai. He has also found there a monument of 12 pillars – which the Bible says Moses erected to represent the 12 tribes of Israel - as well as a rock carving of what appears to be a representation of a tablet divided into 10 portions, which could represent the Ten Commandments given to Moses by ‘God’ – but which we have seen are also indicated in the Edda as having been given to Cain/Mikli by his father Adam/Ar-Tur via his mother Eve/Gunn-effer. This tale of handing ‘tablets’ by the Mother is also echoed in the Babylonian Enuma Elis (a clear forerunner of many elements within Genesis) wherein Tiamat, the Mother Goddess chooses Quingu to receive the Tablet of Destinies. And perhaps, not surprisingly the name Quin is also a recorded variation of Cain (another variation being Quayin), as well as being an ancient root of the words ‘king’, ‘queen’, and ‘kin’.

It is a little recognised fact that Sumerian inscriptions were found on the altar stones of both Castlerigg in Keswick and Stonehenge. These inscriptions were aligned with the sunrise and basically translate as 'seeing the sunrise' and are in a script identified by Waddell as being similar to script used between 3100 BC and 2400 BC. Most historians simply define these sites as places of ‘pagan’ worship which were deliberately aligned with astronomical points. Which, of course they are. However, many researchers have also shown that these circles are intrinsically connected to the Earth’s natural energy system of ley lines, or telluric energies – usually associated with underground streams, springs or geological faults.

Since time immemorial such sites and energy systems have been associated with ‘dragons’ and ‘serpents’ due to their serpentine way of ‘snaking’ across the landscape. In fact, in many poetical texts, such as the Edda and Norse texts, virtually anything which flowed or was of a wave-form or fiery – such as waves, water, light, shadow, lighting, comet’s tails etc. – could be given a poetical allegory involving a serpent. Even ships (fiord serpents) and thrusting weapons such as swords (sheath-eel), or lances (e.g. forest dragon [snake] of the board [shield]) were described in snake symbolism due to the way snakes strike their enemy with a stinging blow. However, certainly the most common serpent-association is that of earth-energies – known in Chinese culture as ‘dragon-lines’ and the symbol of the dragon has been used throughout Europe since ancient times in domestic settings and churches as a symbol of protection from harmful forces. I recommend an excellent book by Nigel Pennick called Earth Harmony for details of the use of ancient esoteric knowledge of earth energy and associated symbols.

By far the most informative sources of information on earth energies which I have yet seen are the books Safe as Houses, and Ancient Energies of the Earth, by David Cowan, a Scottish dowser and investigator into geopathic phenomena. Cowan has clearly identified links between earth energies and psychic/supernatural phenomena, and has shown how the ancients used natural energies of the earth to harmonise their environment. This is clearly what the ancients were deliberately and expertly doing with stone circles, cup and ring marks etc., which are seen throughout the areas in which they dwelt.

One of the most interesting discoveries made by Cowan is the intimate association between unhealthy energy spirals and demonic and poltergeist activity. As well as finding that a vast array of physical disorders such as cancers and ME etc. are found in people living around or on unhealthy energies in the home, even more definite is the discovery of dark spirals of energy to be found in homes and sites in which people experience malevolent entities.

My own investigation into satanic activity at certain sacred sites (see Lifting The Veil) has shown me that black magic – going on today - is intimately associated with the knowledge and manipulation of the Earth’s energy system. Such activities include human and animal sacrifice and can seriously affect the nature of earth energies, which in turn affect the minds of those who live near to such sources of dark energy. A great deal of power and control can be gained by those with this knowledge, as the earth-energy system is directly connected with the brain and psyche of us all. Control the energy system and you can control the minds of people.

So powerful is this knowledge, that it is possible to kill, or seriously imbalance a person to the point of suicide, or violent crime such as murder. The phenomenon of demonic possession is also very real, though little understood outside of occult circles, though recognition of it is growing. Much of this kind of ‘supernatural’ phenomena has a very real scientific basis in that electromagnetic energies (such as those of the earth energies) are known to affect the brain in various ways and can induce all manner of electrical, chemical, and physical effects. However, the same knowledge which is used by a minority of unscrupulous folk, can also be used to generate healing effects and protection around the living environment against the effects of the ‘evil dragons’ by generating protective shields of ‘good dragons’ to coil around one’s home and ward off ‘evil’. This knowledge can be used to design cities to the most beneficial effect, to enhance health and wellbeing, agricultural yield, and spiritual awareness. And it is this very knowledge which was passed down through the ancient secret orders of Greece, Egypt, Sumer etc. to eventually pass into a pool of knowledge known as Freemasonry. This is why Freemasons have been intimately associated with architecture and sacred geometry. Although, in recent centuries, Freemasonry and the knowledge it contains has been abused by the power- hungry who have infiltrated the orders for personal, political and religious reasons.

Although Waddell never specifies the actual nature of the ‘serpent worship’ of the demonist cult which Ar-Tur/Adam and his Goth Aryans encountered, considering the heritage which has been passed down to us and the mass of serpent-symbolism which is intimately associated with magic based around earth energies, I am fairly certain that the indigenous cult were using black magic and human sacrifice in a manner which the incoming kingship found abhorrent. It is clear that they found this so and abolished this practise. In its place they instituted a movement which was based on the positive use of magic, the enhancement of nature through earth energies, and the devotion to learning and spirituality which would later emerge in Egyptian, Vedic, Greek and Celtic philosophies and religions; although at various stages in history the knowledge was withdrawn into the inner initiate societies, whilst the exoteric philosophies suffered and became debased – such as we have seen quite clearly in Judeo-Christianity which has all but lost its most profound and ancient wisdom.

Cain/Mikal as the Egyptian god Horus slaying the dragon - Set. This was yet another variation on
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Cain/Mikal as the Egyptian god Horus slaying the dragon - Set. This was yet another variation on St Michael and St George/ St Andrew. Note the hawk features to denote the family heritage, though this time without the sun symbol, or wings.

By Egyptian times, The Asa (Lord) of the Sumerians – Ar-Tur/Adam/Zax – had become ‘Asar’ – more commonly known in the Greek translation of this Egyptian word as Osiris. His lady – his Asi – was known in Egyptian as As’zu/As’tu/Isi/Aset – better known as Isis. And his son the first ‘hero’ for his killing of Sett/Baldr became known as Haru/Hor, but better known as Horus. Given his solar archangel depiction elsewhere, perhaps it is easy to see the derivation of the name from Sumerian as Hu-Ru/Ra – Son of the Sun. By this time the heroic epic had become THE archetypal tale of the original Hero (notice similarity to Haru). Osiris and Isis (similarly Adam and Eve, Arthur and Guinevere etc.) were responsible for the land, healing, the sun etc. and in a mighty battle Horus avenges his father and kills Sett/Set/Seth.

By then, the history had become an archetypal tale of creation which developed for many centuries to include new and original gods and goddesses, whose names were often created from the titles of the same few characters, but whose archetypal essence was used to describe spiritual forces and powers of nature which exist on the subtle planes. After such great lengths of time spent devoted to such gods and goddesses, this combined devotional energy would accumulate to form very real energy states in the collective unconscious of mankind, which was used for magical purposes.

In short: Godhead created the Universe, and in turn created man; Man became godlike and later men forgot the godlike men and created gods in their image; consequently Man forgot God and replaced God with myths and legends and powerful archetypes which have shaped the minds and collective Mind of Man ever since.
The Hebrew Bible has been largely responsible for most of the erroneous material and research leaning towards supernatural gods and ETs, whilst very real spiritual powers and exalted states of being exist within the Mind of Man which in the majority of cases is yet to be reawakened and remembered. The Old Testament inverts the nature of Adam/Thor the famed and loved Aryan/Gutti king via the steps of derivation including Ia and Jove or Jah, to Yahweh/Jehovah the vengeful and bloodthirsty Semitic metaphysical tyrant.

And yet, even within the original Hebrew accounts we have it plainly stated.

What is recorded roughly in the Bible as ‘And God created the heavens and the earth’, is actually equally valid as translating to ‘the gods (Gots) CLEARED THE HIGHLANDS AND THE LOWLANDS’. Nothing supernatural or relating to ETs.
For example, in their book ‘Genius of the Few’, Christian and Barbara O’Brien show that what originally stood for what was later recorded (in bold) in Gen. 2:4-5 as ‘...When Yahweh Elohim made heaven and earth – no plant of the field being yet in the earth and no grains having yet sprouted’, was ‘...Shemim ares – kol shem’. The Hebrew root of the plural ‘shemim’ is SHM, meaning ‘plant’. The Akkadian equivalent was ‘shammu’, whilst the Akkadian for ‘heaven’ was ‘shamu’.

As we have seen, the Sumerians called their ‘high place’ of rule – ‘himin’ or ‘heaven’. This mountain capital was located at Eden. A ‘high place’ where ‘plants’ were grown.
The word ‘ares’ is translated as ‘Earth’, but is in fact ‘ground’.

In the Book of Enoch, there are a multitude of passages clearly describing an agricultural exercise taking place in the mountain kingdom of Eden, the descriptions of which parallel Waddell’s historical and the Edda’s poetical descriptions, that it is clear to me that the Book of Enoch – though written many centuries after the events described – can be considered a sequel to the Edda, taking over where the former ends. It even goes on to describe that ‘Downward’ descent ‘into the abysm’ which is indicated at the end of the work.

Enoch describes the mountain kingdom and its ‘seven heavens’ – a seven-fold complex of agriculture and irrigation tended by the ‘Angels’. It describes the hall of ‘God’s’ council. This mountain stronghold is then described as having been destroyed in a deluge which swept the Lowland plains as a punishment for the ‘angels’ teaching the peoples of the plains how to make weapons of war, and for having sexual relations with them.
One of the most remarkable findings I have made concerning Eden and its kingship is the striking parallel between the Eddic, Enochian and Waddell’s historical accounts when compared to Plato’s description of Atlantis. This has led me to conclude that the legend of the ‘lost continent of Atlantis’ is merely another rehashing of the story of the early advent of the Aryan kingship into Sumer. What has been taken to be a tale of the downfall of an entire continent, in Plato’s words ‘an island greater in extent than Libya and Asia’ is in fact the legend of a very real kingship which at one time ruled an area ‘greater in extent than Libya and Asia’, in fact ruled that same very area as well as branching out to include the Indus Valley, Egypt and even coming as far as Britain.

I have also good reason to believe that the ‘mysterious’ cultures of the Mayans, Aztecs and other indigenous ‘Indian’ tribes of North, South and Central America also received visits from the seafaring Sumer-Aryans and were in receipt of their beliefs. The startling similarity between the names and attributes of many of the mythological ‘gods’ of these peoples, their astronomy, building methods, measurements and histories etc, is very convincing and supports this theory. For instance, the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl’s name incorporates the name of the ‘god’ Atl, which is derivative of the Atl/Atlas/Aedl/Aethl name of Thor/Adam, and when Cortez landed upon their shores, the Aztecs greeted him as the returning god, whom their legend promised would return one day. And Cortez was a seafaring white man, sporting a beard, just like Thor/Adam had been. Another similarity is the myth of the Anasazi Indians (a word meaning ‘ancient ones’ – who are thought to be the ancestors of the Pueblo Indians) in which a maid is abducted to spend time in a tower and is visited by the sun-god; which bears remarkable similarity to the abduction of Eve and her rescue by the sun-worshipping king Thor/Adam. And this sea-faring nature of the early Sumer-Aryans would explain what scholars such as Sitchin have interpreted as evidence for the ET Gods in other countries and why their technologies and beliefs were spread throughout the globe. I will cover this subject in far greater detail in Let There Be Light.

Early depiction of the 'Archangel Michael' on Phoenician coin from 5th century BC, found at
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Early depiction of the 'Archangel Michael' on Phoenician coin from 5th century BC, found at Cilicia.
Note the sun disc is not portrayed as a 'halo', although the wings are attached, as in more familiar depictions of the figure in Christian art. Earlier depictions show the wings and sun disc entirely separate from the figure, as an heraldic emblem of the earliest Sumer-Aryan 'royal family'.

The so-called ‘alien’ ‘Anunnaki’ are nothing more than a more advanced culture from Europe coming into the Van region of Armenia, bringing technologies, as yet not known in the region to the indigenous population, such as agriculture, irrigation, metallurgy, medicine, writing, geomancy etc. They transformed the lives of the indigenous people and were literally deified for this. The tale of the first few kings of the Gotti in Mesopotamia became the first Epic of all time.

It was the first popular tale of heroes, good vs. evil, abducted maiden in a tower and a dragon- slaying nobleman, the origin of the tale of the ‘rebellion of Satan’ – i.e. the rebellion of a faction of indigenous people and the slaying of the leader Set/Seth/Baldr by the son of the first king.

This second king would later be depicted as a sun-archangel – the tall Aryan figure Archangel Michael – poetically depicted as standing in front of his family’s heraldic emblem of the winged sun disc. Just as Horus was symbolised by the hawk in Egypt, so was Mikal symbolised this way; often depicted as having wings, though not always with the solar disc behind his head, but sometimes carrying the disc, or even depicted simply as a bird beside the solar symbol.

In later Babylonian texts, Anu is portrayed as having two sons – Enki and Enlil – who were later to become sources for the figures of Cain and Abel in Genesis. However, despite early confusion of these characters, all three terms were actually names derived from titles for Adam/Thor, which were inherited by Mikal/Cain. A complex series of pantheons of gods and variations of the one early tale would emerge in Mesopotamian religions, leading to modern scholars seeing the same few ‘royal’ characters as a host of separate ‘gods’, which would be further embellished by the likes of Sitchin, and therefore accepted by Icke, to become evidence of ancient ETs from space who arrived to lord over the world. Sitchin decodes in his own way that Enki was a scientist responsible for the cloning of man as workers for the gods, assisted by his half-sister Ninharsag. This form of amalgamation and diversification of religious ideas is called syncretism.

In the same way as the New Age/Theosophical ideas of Atlantis, an ancient legendary place ruled by superhuman ‘gods’ bears little resemblance to the truth, so the winged sun disc has nothing to do with ETs or planets or spaceships. It is simply an emblem created from two symbols closely associated with this ancient noble family of sun-worshipers. The sun was the recognised giver of life to the early Aryans and the first king was known as Ukhusi of ‘sun-hawk city’. His homeland is still renowned for its hawks. Hence the origin of both the winged disc and the heraldic symbol of the eagle.

The son of the second king – variously known as Mikal, Can/Cain, etc. was Enoch.

Enoch, would appear to be the real origin of Noah. Indeed, the Book of Enoch, is said to derive from an earlier text called the Book of Noah. One name for Enoch in the Vedic texts is Nahusha. The biblical claim that ‘Enoch walked with God’, is then quite possibly a confused memory of the fact that he ‘walked with’ his grandfather, the deified Ia, or Jah - the origin of Jehovah. The Bible likewise claims that Noah ‘walked with God’. However, the commonly translated word for ‘God’ in the Bible is elohim which is actually a plural word meaning ‘gods’. As Enoch was one of the Got/Gods, then this line makes absolutely perfect sense in its original, rather than common mistranslated form in the popular Bible.

This also makes perfect sense in context with the Sumerian king list, which places Udu, the son of Enu (Enoch) as the fourth king. Udu was the inscriber of the Serpent-Bowl. Udu describes himself as ‘Patesi of the Lord Sagga’ - meaning ‘Devotee of the Lord Sakh/Adam/Ia’. The same phrase is written Ia-patesi, latterly meaning ‘priest-king’. Waddell draws our attention to the fact that Iapatesi could easily be drawn into Iapat, the Hebrew for ‘Japhet’, the son of Noah - and which in Hebrew is properly spelled I-P-T, or Y-P-T (as the vowel sound ‘a’ is a phonetic insertion into the Hebrew when spoken aloud and which later became the norm to include in the written translations).

So the true lineage of the Biblical ‘antediluvian’ patriarchs should read genealogically:

to Noah/Enoch to Japhet

Echoes remain of the identity of Enoch within Scottish Freemasonry. Although he is still seen in the biblical sense as Noah’s great grandfather, he is accredited as being one of the legendary founders of Freemasonry and the figure who gave mankind the knowledge of books and writing as well as the art of building.

In fact there are so many parallels between Enoch and the Egyptian ‘god’ Thoth to be sheer coincidence. Both of whom share an exalted status in the Freemasonry and its various roots in ancient philosophy.

The non-biblical Book of Enoch is considered to have been written in the first half of the second century BC which is said to be derived from, and contain, passages from a much earlier Hebrew text called the Book of Noah. However, the themes portrayed within the text show it has a far earlier origin, and the Dead Sea Scrolls reveal that these scripts were passed on by word of mouth for thousands of years before the Essene community at Qumran wrote them down.

The Book of Enoch states:

And after some days my son, Methuselah, took a wife for his son Lamech, and she became pregnant by him and bore him a son. And his body was white as snow and red as a rose; the hair of his head as white as wool and his demdema (‘long curly hair’) beautiful; and as for his eyes, when he opened them the whole house glowed like the sun...And his father, Lamech, was afraid of him and fled and went to Methuselah his father; and he said to him, ‘I have begotten a strange son. He is not like an (ordinary) human being, but he looks like the children of the angels of heaven to me, his form is different, and he is not like us...It does not seem to me that he is of me, but of angels...’

This passage, written up to approx. 3000 years after the death of the true Enoch retains some profound insights into the nature of how the Sumer-Aryans were regarded as ‘angels’, and how they were seen as quite different to the indigenous population. Lamech reacts with horror to see that his new wife has given birth to one who is racially not of his own and who resembles the ‘the children of the angels of heaven’, which is a phrase derived from the bloodline of Zag/Adamu/Ar-Thor, and who called themselves ‘sons of god’, or ‘sons of An’, and who are also known in Sumerian as the Anunnaki - ‘those who came to earth from heaven/An/Adam’ - or in other words, perhaps simply: ‘those descended from Adam’.

Enlil and Ninkharsag (Ninlil). <br>Note the Gothic head-dress and the goatee beard - similar to his
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Enlil and Ninkharsag (Ninlil).
Note the Gothic head-dress and the goatee beard - similar to his father Adam/Thor. Also note the hooves of the deer/goat, which was a symbol of the Aryan/Goths.
The goatee beard is also found in stylised form on many depictions of Egyptian pharaohs, who were also of the lineage of the Aryan kingship descended from the Sumer-Aryans.

Priesthoods would incorporate pre-existing philosophies and histories of their own culture, combine them with those of others and further embellish them to provide theological allegory. Before too long, the original historical elements would be lost to the emerging religious interpretation, subject to the political biases of the current priesthood and kingship, often to strengthen the priesthood’s power as spokespeople for the gods. Every culture wants their gods to be the biggest and best; every religion has the God or gods who created the universe and mankind, as the supreme boast of their superiority over other religions. Syncretism is a well-known factor in researching religious development, but thanks to modern ‘alternative’ researchers like Sitchin, syncretism is still alive and well and helping to muddy the waters as much as clarifying them for those seeking the origins of religions and the historical foundations of civilisation. Later Mesopotamian and Egyptian cultures may have believed in the reality of these various pantheons of gods, but this does not mean that these gods actually existed in the form they were remembered – and Sitchin’s approach is clearly to extend his theory from the basic premise that what was recorded in early religious mythology should be taken as literal, and then to further re-interpret these texts as though the ‘gods’ possessed modern technology and technology not as yet available. Thus, Sitchin appeals immensely to our generation, which has been raised on decades of science fiction. I have seen any number of examples of New Age lectures (often by New Age gurus claiming to have ‘channelled’ the information directly from the ‘space brethren’), articles, pseudo-historical tv programmes, videos, books and websites using the texts of Mesopotamia as evidence of ET interaction with mankind in pre-Biblical times. Interestingly, in 99% of the cases, the only sources used are those dubious interpretations of Zechariah Sitchin. And in the majority of cases Sitchin is not cited as a source, which makes one suspicious that the originators of this material may not even be aware that there are other, far less sensational, interpretations of Sumerian literature and history, such as Waddell’s, which are actually far more enlightening and in keeping with reality and provable history. It has come to such a point that it would appear that many of those quoting Sitchin do not even know they are quoting Sitchin, and genuinely believe that the ancient texts speak clearly about ETs and spaceships etc.

The identification of Enoch/Noah as a son of Lamech and as an angel is highly revealing and yet further confirmation of him as a member of the Aryan nobility. In the early Sumerian texts, one term for both Thor and his inheritor Cain was Enlil - commonly translated as Lord of the Wind, but its root is from the word en-ge-li which became the Babylonian en-lil-li, and the li was ignored by scholars as an irrelevant augmentation to the word Enlil. The Sumerian ge is synonymous with ki, th word for Earth or ‘the earth’, as in ‘the ground’. The Sumerian pictograph for li is actually a vase of plants turned on its side and thus indicates ‘cultivation’ or ‘agriculture’, which is what made Cain famous in all the ancient texts as the ‘Nimirud’ - ‘the Increaser of plants’. The Bible describes Cain as ‘a tiller of the ground’. So a modern translation of Cain as En-lil-li would be ‘the Lord of Cultivation of the Ground’. Therefore, the class of the en-ge-li, are properly called ‘The Lords of Cultivation’. This defines the first ‘engelis’ as the originators of cultivation. The term ‘engeli’ comes from the word NGL (as the original Sumerian does not have vowels, just like the Hebrew and depends upon interpolated vowels for the oral pronunciation). NGL is therefore the original spelling of the Indo-Aryan word ‘angel’.
This can be now seen as the origin of the word Angle, as in Anglo-Saxon, and the words English and England, the very place where these Aryan peoples settled as the early Britons, or the Barat branch of the Sumer-Aryans. Saxon is a word derived from the word Sax/Zax - one of the earliest titles of Thor/Adam and was later mythologised into the form of the Greek mountain god Zeus. The term Anglo-Saxon therefore can be translated as the ‘Angel sons of Sax’, many of whose kings in early England were named with the prefix of Aethl (Aethlfrith, Aethlberg etc.), which is synonymous with the British Eddic title of Thor/Odin Oedl or Aedl. Other British Dark Age kings bore a title synonymous with Odin, such as Aedan MacGabran, Eadwulf, Edwin etc. (which I will deal with in the second half of Let There Be Light)
(As a matter of interest, at this point, I draw your attention to the name of that legendary ‘lost continent’ Atl-an-tis – the ‘Atl’ being very closely related to the Eddic terms Aethl and Oedl.)

Ar-Tur/Adam depicted as EA. Emblematic of the sun, as the 'sun-fish'. The Sumer-Aryans v
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Ar-Tur/Adam depicted as EA. Emblematic of the sun, as the 'sun-fish'. The Sumer-Aryans viewed the sun as a fish swimming in space and Ar-Tur was designated the very incarnation of the sun. When the Goth emblem of the goat is added, this figure becomes the astrological sign for Capricorn.
Again, a sun-fish Ar-Tur dispensing the sacred mead. This time the fish is depicted as a crown and w
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Again, a sun-fish Ar-Tur dispensing the sacred mead. This time the fish is depicted as a crown and would later become immortalised as the pope's mitre. Cain would also be immortalised as a solar archangel, and this is probably the earliest origin of the 'son' figure - Cain, Mikal, Horus, Jesus etc. - of the various versions of the 'Holy Trinity' being associated with a fish.
Later depiction of the same symbol from 5th Century BC Greece. This time the figure is Poseidon (or
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Later depiction of the same symbol from 5th Century BC Greece. This time the figure is Poseidon (or pis) - 'god of the sea' - given here to highlight the ancient origin of this symbol and how it developed in other Aryan-derived cultures. Poseidon is stated by Plato (the original recorder of the Atlantis tale) to be the god of Atlantis. He is designated the son of atlas. Another Eddic name for Thor is Atl, and the Greeks also turned Thor/Zax into Zeus, the king of the gods. In reality, these are nothing more than titles for the same Sumerian king. I fear that endless searches for sunken continents will never reveal the mythical Atlantis, as it never was a sunken continent. However, many landmasses have been discovered which did indeed sink beneath the oceans, to which the legend of Atlantis will, no doubt, be associated.

It is also clear where the concept of Poseidon's staff, and his Roman counterpart Neptune's staff - - derived their origin. Odin (Thor/Adam) is associated with a staff also, derived from the cross symbol - - which was also drawn as Adad's staff in Babylon as - . The Roman's too used this symbol as the symbol of Jupiter - . Adad, Adam, Odin, Thor, Jupiter, Poseidon, Neptune, Atlas, Atl, Inra, Indara, Zeus, Yahweh, Iah, Ea, etc. etc. are all merely regional names for the original 'Father God/Goth' figure of Adam/Thor, the first King of the Sumerian King List found at Kish, and synonymous with inscriptions on the lost sacred bowl, or Grail, and also the Vedic king list, which is further confirmed as Aryan and Goth by the accurate telling of this, the first heroic tale to be recorded in the earliest writings, which was passed down through the British bards and written down as the British Edda - later to be inaccurately translated by the Norse scholars, such as Snorri Sturluson.

Note - Another variation on the sun-fish 'god' is the Vedic Vishnu - which is but one of many pieces of evidence which show that the Vedas and the Hindu religion were derived from the Sumer-Aryan and did not precede it, as is believed by many Vedic scholars and followers, some of whom also use the Vedas as proof of the ancient astronaut theory. However, the early priesthoods in India were originally colonists from the very Babylonian culture whose priests had already falsely extended the lineage of the 'pre-flood' kings by many thousands of years; the consequence of which is the totally misleading idea that Vedic texts and culture extend from tens of thousands of years BC. However, as Waddell shows in his work, Sanskrit (the written form of the Vedas) and the Vedic gods, princes and kings of the various epics bare both equivalent names and attributes of the kings recorded on the early Sumerian king lists, and are, again, romanticised versions of the early Sumer-Aryan kingship.

The imposition of Lamech as the father of Enoch is but one of many biblical errors which interprets titles of ancient ‘heroes’ as names of actual characters and then places them in entirely the wrong chronological section within the various and often conflicting genealogies.

The Hebrew ‘Lamech’ is clearly derived from the Sumerian Lamma title of Cain. In both the Sumerian and Vedic records Cain/Mikal is given the title of Ama - the ‘wild bull’. Lammech is also stated to have ‘killed a man’; just like Cain who slew Abel.

Another legend in the Bible concerns a character called ‘Tubal-Cain’ who was ‘the instructor of every artificer in brass and iron’. In fact, Tubal is not a name at all, but a descriptive title. The prefix Tu is a Sumerian word meaning ‘to destroy, make die’, and Bal is actually the British Eddic name for Baldr, otherwise known as Epli, or Abel. Tubal therefore means ‘the slayer of Abel’ and is clearly an accurate description of Cain. Cain, the very king who was responsible for some of the greatest industrial reforms in the ancient world.

Confirmation for this also comes from the Aramaic Book of Enoch, in which it states

And Azaz-el taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields and breastplates, and made known to them the metals, and the art of working them, and the bracelets and ornaments.
(Enoch 7:1)

Apart from the suffix ‘el’ which means ‘Lord’, Azazel is not a Hebrew word but is synonymous with the Sumerian title Azag for Cain in the Kish king list, and the Ayus name in the Indian king list. Therefore, Tubal-Cain is Cain, the Lord Azag, the attributed inventor of metallurgy in ancient Sumer.

The Bible fills the rest of the picture of Cain the ‘angel’ in the following extract:

And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,

That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they [were] fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also [is] flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare [children] to them, the same [became] mighty men which [were] of old, men of renown.
Genesis 6:1-4

The above phrase, ‘the sons of god’, is in the Hebrew bene elohim, literally ‘sons of the gods’. This is a very strange word to be found in a Hebrew Bible which professes that there is only One god. But when we understand the derivation that the ‘gods’ were in fact the Goths – the Gutti - who came to rule over the ancient kinsfolk of the biblical scribes, then this reference to the plural ‘gods’ makes a great deal of sense. In the Greek Septuagint, the term ‘sons of god’ is written angelos. In the second century AD, Rabbi Simeon ben Jochai had cursed those who believed that the ‘sons of god’ were angels, and yet conversely, the Catholic Church gradually eradicated the concept that angels were once deemed to have been flesh and blood and mated with women.

It would appear that the biblical and non-biblical references to these great ‘heavenly’ men are in accordance with what we know about the Aryan kingship which was ‘lowered from heaven/An’ from the mountainous region to the North of Mesopotamia to the plains of Shinar/Sumer in around 3335 BC. Patently, there was interbreeding between these Aryans and the indigenous peoples, resulting in race-mixing and white children being born to indigenous Semitic women at some time in the history that followed. Whether or not the first great kings such as Adam and Cain were wont to indulge in the practise of taking indigenous women is not clear. Certainly, the British Edda states that although Adam chose Eve from the matriarchal serpent cult in Eden, she was also of the same race as Adam.

The tendency of myth-writers to impose their own prejudices upon entire races of people and making sweeping generalisations about them obscures the truth. What difference is it to an ancient storyteller if his parents’ generation were the first to be subdued by tyrants or not? To him, the tyrants are his enemy and so his history of them will be replete with biased information about them. In the same way, events of the previous thousand years, to a first millennium BC historian, would have been fairly well merged with those of the preceding thousand years and by then almost indistinguishable, unless the passing down of such tales was the primary focus of religious scholarship -–just as it was with the Druids and certain other ancient initiatory traditions. Anything older than living memory would soon seem as ancient history and would easily pass into the realm of mythology which had been laid down by previous generations. Those who were the current enemy would fairly soon have always been the enemy and their history painted in a less than favourable light, both deliberately as propaganda and non-deliberately through ignorance and the lack of accurate recording. Who were once the ‘gods’ could quite easily have become the ‘devils’ depending upon which ‘side’ you were on and which religious, racial or familial lineage you belonged to. In the case of the ‘sons of God’ and the ‘Nephilim’, it would seem that both these scenarios existed alongside each other as far as Jewish mythology was concerned. This is one reason for the mass of confused information which interweaves like strands of spaghetti throughout the Bible.

By the time the Bible was written, race-mixing was a taboo subject and abhorred by the Judahites. The Book of Ezra describes how the Jews, having just returned from exile in Babylon were forced to become more strictly adherent to the Law of Yahweh to prevent further divine retribution for their sins. One of the things Ezra instituted was that the Judahite men should send their Gentile wives and children away and out of Jerusalem in order to purify the stock of Zion. Therefore, it is understandable that the birth of a white Aryan baby with blue (shining) eyes and blond hair would be considered a terrible event at the time this tale was written. One way the story is made acceptable is by elevating the character of Enoch to the status of their own mystical concept of ‘angelic’ and therefore removing the shame of being of mixed human race, and instead of casting aspersions on the purity of the ‘Jewish’ patriarch, this actually is used to give the Jews a sense that their ancestors were godly and ‘walked with God’. They also invented a separate lineage for Enoch which has him as a descendant of Seth, creating the false idea that he was Eve’s ‘third son’, and his father is named Lamech, whereas in the other list within the Bible, he is rightfully documented as the son of Cain.

The Book of Enoch relates how Lamech concludes that his wife has been unfaithful, which preserves the earlier non-mythological reality that the ‘angels’ were once recognised as being of flesh and blood, and not the more familiar winged incorporeal shining messenger of today’s religious symbolism, which we have seen is derived from the early pictorial representation of Cain the second Sumerian king of the Kish list - Mikal Bakkus otherwise known as Archangel Michael - as the man standing in front of the winged sun disc - the family’s heraldic emblem.

Author and historian Andrew Collins, in his book From The Ashes of Angels, describes how the early Judahites borrowed aspects of their own history from religious philosophies and texts of Babylon. He traces the origins of the Book of Enoch back to the very region identified by Waddell as the place from whence the earliest Sumerian kings Azag and Mikal descended into Mesopotamia. Numerous pre-biblical, pseudepigraphical and apocryphal texts including earlier versions of Genesis - such as the Genesis Apocryphon found as part of the Dead Sea Scrolls - and other early Enochian texts are found to have truly ancient origins in Sumerian history. In these texts are found numerous references to beings called ‘Watchers’ (in Hebrew irin)whose offspring are known in Hebrew as the Nephilim - or fallen ones. The identification of the Watchers with the Sumer-Aryans is supported by the Book of Enoch, which ascribes the introduction of metallurgy, meteorology, astronomy and most revealingly, writing, to them. When translated into Greek, irin becomes gigantes or ‘giants’. This is the root of the later biblical assertion (see quote above) that ‘there were giants in the earth in those days’; originally this read that there were ‘Nephilim’. These Watchers are obviously equivalent to the Sumer-Aryans and are considered to be Holy, as the Genesis Apocryphon shows.

Here the text is written from Lamech’s point of view, in which he challenges his wife Bathenosh- also referred to as his sister - on matters of infidelity Behold, I thought then within my heart that conception was (due) to the Watchers and the Holy Ones...and to the Nephilim...and my heart was troubled within me because of this child.

Bathenosh is forced by Lamech to swear ‘by the Holy Great One, the king of (the heavens)’ that no ‘stranger or Watcher or Son of Heaven’ planted ‘this seed’.

However, that ‘seeds’ were certainly planted by the Nephilim is obvious from constant reference to the fact in these early works. The Book of Enoch even gives this race-mixing as the very reason for the Flood; to wash away the ‘corruption’ of such a transgression of the ‘law of heaven’, which is thereby inferred to be that the races should not interbreed:

For in the generation of Jared, my father, the (angels) transgressed the word of the Lord, (that is) the law of heaven. And behold, they commit sin and transgress the commandment; they have united themselves with women and commit sin together with them; and they have married (wives) from among them, and begotten children by them...And upon the earth they shall give birth to giants, not of the spirit but of the flesh. There shall be a great plague...and the earth shall be washed clean (by ‘a deluge’) from all the corruption. Now make known to your son Lamech that the son who has been born is indeed righteous, and call his name Noah, for he shall be a remnant for you; and he and his sons shall be saved from the corruption which shall come upon the earth...

Whether or not the taking of wives from amongst the indigenous people was taboo for the Aryans is a matter of conjecture. Did these ‘Nephilim’ really transgress the law of ‘heaven’, or has this simply been the much later Judahite interpretation of events, written as propaganda to close embarrassing loopholes in the ‘Holy’ history of the so-called ‘chosen people’?

Collins speculates:

...accepting Genesis 6:1-4 as the product of far older Middle Eastern myths allows for the possibility that, sometime during a bygone age of mankind, there existed on earth, presumably in the bible lands themselves, an elite and probably superior race of human beings. These people presumably achieved a state of high civilisation before degenerating into a corruption and wickedness that included taking the wives from among the less civilised races and the creation of monstrous offspring of disproportionate size to their immediate family.

It is clear that Collins is not in receipt of the full picture as painted in stunning detail around seventy years previously by Waddell, and yet comes to very similar conclusions by looking at direct textual and historical evidence unavailable to Waddell in his time. The fact that Waddell had proven the above to be true and provided detailed cross-referenced documentation to support his work, and the fact that researchers of the high quality of Collins should need to speculate as to the existence of such a higher culture in early Mesopotamia, is a great shame.

It is clear that in most cases, the higher culture of the early Aryans did eventually decay and succumb to the baser elements in both Mesopotamia and Egypt, as all empires finally do. Babylon finally returned to the situation of priests gaining power and instituting human sacrifice around 2200 BC. The Phoenicians, ‘the great and able Panch’ who were once ruled by the Aryan kings also decayed into the practise of human sacrifice under their power-hungry priests. As the ruling and indigenous classes merged over the centuries and the philosophies, cultures and languages merged, the standards did fall and the once great Aryan world empire became fragmented. What we are left with are mythologies of a ‘Golden Age’ which ‘went bad’ as the kings submitted to their lusts and their kingdoms fell into ruin.

The Book of Enoch goes on to describe the descent of the Nephilim into barbarism:

And they (mortal women) became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: who consumed all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, and to devour one another’s flesh, and drink the blood. Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones.

The Judahites would go on to found the religion of Judaism, which holds as its central elements the strict adherence to the Law of God and the purity of race, which led to the frequent self-ghettoisation of Jews wherever they would wander in the world following the dispersion in 70 AD. This is quite possibly a hang-over from the days when race-mixing was seen as the cause of the downfall of humanity and which was punished by God time and again, from the Great Flood, and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, to the eventual Exile of the Jews in Babylon, following which Ezra instituted strict adherence to the Deuteronomic Law which made racial separation and subjugation of other Gentile nations a Divine duty, non-adherence to which would be punishable by death, misfortune and exile.

O my God, I am ashamed and blush to lift up my face to you, my God; for our iniquities have risen higher than our heads, and our trespasses have mounted up to the heavens. Since the days of our fathers to this day we have been exceedingly guilty; and for our iniquities we, our kings, and our priests, have been delivered into the hand of the kings of the lands, to the sword, to captivity, and to plunder, and to utter shame, as it is this day...Which you commanded by your servants the prophets, saying, The land which you are entering to take possession of it, is a land unclean because of the uncleanness of the people of the lands, who, with their abominations, have filled it from one end to another with their uncleanness. And now do not give your daughters to their sons, nor take their daughters for your sons, nor seek their peace or their welfare for ever; that you may be strong, and eat the good of the land, and leave it for an inheritance to your children for ever...And after all that has come upon us for our evil deeds, and for our great guilt, seeing that you our God have punished us less than our iniquities deserve, and have given us such deliverance as this; Should we again break your commandments, and intermarry with the people of these abominations? Would you not be angry with us till you would consume us, so that there should be no remnant nor any to escape?...O Lord God of Israel, you are righteous; for we are left a remnant that has escaped, as it is this day; behold, we are before you in our guilt, for we cannot stand before you because of this...We have trespassed against our God, and have taken alien wives from the peoples of the land; yet now there is hope in Israel concerning this matter...And now let us make a covenant with our God to put away all such women, and those born of them, according to the counsel of my lord, and of those who tremble at the commandment of our God; and let it be done according to the Torah.
Ezra 9:6-10:3

Even today, marriage outside of the religion is seriously frowned upon by orthodox Jews, as it is by definition of the Torah, a grievous sin.

We are left wondering then about the true origin of the early biblical patriarchs following Enoch/Noah. Has the Jewish version of history accurately recorded their own racial descent from Adam, albeit in a highly fantastical and convoluted manner, or has the history been re-written to obliterate the memory of the Aryans by absorbing their ancient line into the official Jewish history? One can only imagine the shame for a people so fiercely insular and racially separatist as the post-Exilic Judahites of Jerusalem if only they knew that their lineage was seeded by their ancient enemy who have been defined in their own literature as ‘abominable’ sinners.

In one fell swoop, through design or through ignorance the Judahite scribes had managed to hijack the history of the Aryan kings of Sumer as their own; which is facilitated by turning Adam/Zax the first Sumer-Aryan king into Adam the first man to spawn the Jewish lineage - as well of course as placing him in the role of Supreme Being. And these early Aryan racial features of white skin and blue eyes, tall and blond-haired, became the features not of the Gothic people who once subdued the early Semitic peoples and their cults to institute advanced civilisation, but instead became synonymous with the Jewish pantheon of supernatural angels, the messengers of Yahweh, who made the occasional physical incarnation as early Jewish patriarchs such as Enoch. In fact, it would be nearly 3000 years after Enoch that anyone discernibly ‘Jewish’, or the religion of the Judahites, would appear. This fact did not prevent the wholesale absorption of the history of these ancient Sumerian kings as their own by the early Judahite Levitical scribes; neither does it prevent many people today mistakenly refer to the early biblical figures from Adam, through Abraham, to Solomon and David, as ‘Jewish’.

Interestingly, whilst we are familiar with Adam, Eve and their sons Cain and Abel, it is not from Cain or Abel that the Judahite bloodline claims descent, but from a ‘third son’ named Seth.

In fact, as we have seen, Abel was not the son of Eve at all, but the son of El, the matriarch of the human and animal sacrificing aboriginal Chaldean cult in Eden! Thus making Abel actually of the shorter (some sources indicate dwarfish) aboriginal Chaldean race variously described in ancient texts as ‘sooty’ or the ‘black-headed ones’, as opposed to the Aryan race of both Eve, Adam and Cain.

Seth is in fact merely another name for Abel. The archetypal battle of Cain slaying Abel is presented down through the ages in Babylonian, Hittite, Greek and Egyptian seals and myths. It is Michael slaying the dragon, it is Horus slaying Set, Michael binding Satan etc.

In light of the abhorrence of race mixing within the minds of the Judahites who wrote the Bible, it seems that they have distorted out of all shape the original history and have created a single proto-female figure out of Eve and El. For, Eve was by all accounts the first woman to have carried the seed of the gods, in fact she carried the seed of the original god-figure, known as Jehovah in his deified sense and Adam in his earthly sense. She had begotten ‘God’s’ first son. Thus, in the religious sense she was ‘holy’. But through the gross manipulation of the facts, Eve actually comes away from it all as the original sinner, rather than being accepted as the goddess to the god. Whereas, if the Jews claim descent from Seth, as we shall see, they are actually descendants of the Semitic Chaldean Edenites over whom Adam and his queen ruled.

Of course, Judaism by the time it was cemented as the official religion of the Judahites, had rejected all references to the ‘goddess’, except in the defamatory form of Eve as the original sinner. They had even rejected their own Israelite kin - the ten tribes - for following a polytheistic form of religion which included worship of the Mother Goddess - known as Asherah - a word which incorporates the early Sumerian word ash which means ‘Lord or God’. It would therefore be impossible, in a purely monotheistic and patriarchal religion such as this, for such a concept as God having a wife to be even contemplated. God was the Supreme Being, he was male and he was theirs and theirs alone.

But Adam was not a Semite, nor was ‘Jehovah’ the ‘god’ of the ‘Jews’. He was one and the same man - a king - an Asa of the Goth/Aryan race and culture from Europe who had cast down the Semitic serpent-worshipping cult of sacrifice in Eden.

Therefore, Seth is clearly an invention somewhere down the line used to close the loopholes in the Adam and Eve origin story of Genesis which is clearly nonsensical in many ways. It creates a diversion from Cain’s Aryan kingship and places the focus on the Semitic lineage through a fraudulent tactic of making Seth a son of Eve, thereby giving him ‘royal’ or ‘holy’ status; just as the biblical scribes had assigned Abel as a son of Eve - just to make doubly sure. Seth is then given two different false lineages in the biblical texts, one of which removes Cain from the lineage of Enoch entirely!

One cannot be sure of the accuracy of any of the biblical texts as far as the bloodline lineages are concerned. They are so provably false in many ways that it would be a gross error to use these lists of generations as evidence to support the accuracy of the biblical bloodlines or history.

The biblical records of the various offspring of these characters, some of whom are attributed enormously inhuman life-spans, makes a confusing, internally-conflicting and distorted tale even more so. Furthermore, the fact that the figure of Noah is placed during the Flood, confuses things even more, as these characters were born long after any flood of appreciable proportions, sufficient to be recorded in the Bible as The Flood. And no such worldwide deluge is related in the historical Sumerian documents, but is a later insertion by Babylonian priests who had, by then, already turned their historical ‘Goths/Gots’ into mythological ‘Gods’.

I think myself that the story of Noah is symbolic of the reptilian crossbreed bloodlines which survived the flood and afterwards returned the dove and the olive branch (Semiramis-Nimrod) to power. Descendents (sic) of Noah = human-reptilian crossbreeds, or at least those who have interbred enough to maintain that genetic structure. The French city of Troyes, where the Templars were officially formed, was named by the Sicambrian Franks after their former home. The City of Paris was established by them in the 6 th century after they became known as the Merovingians and it was named after Prince Paris, the son of King Priam of Troy. It was the relationship between Prince Paris and Helen of Sparta which supposedly caused the Trojan War in which the Trojan Horse infiltration assured victory for the Spartans. Both the Trojans and the Spartans were offshoots of the same Aryan and reptile-Aryan peoples.

By now it should be clear that David has grasped almost entirely the wrong end of the stick by relying on those authors who have taken the speculative approach over the historical and have bought into the later mythologies derived from the history, rather than the history itself. Even the conventional historians still rely on a king list proved by Waddell to be a fake. This was concocted from the previous – accurate - Sumerian king list found at Kish, which is dated to around 3000 BC, and turned into a double list in which the ‘early’ kings are given supernaturally huge lifespans. Waddell, though, proved that this list, created by Babylonian priests at Isin c 2000 BC was THE SAME LIST, written in a different phonetic spelling, prefixed to itself and made to look as though a supernatural kingly lineage existed prior to the Sumer-Aryan one.

Conventional historians still use this list as their primary source rather than the contemporary 1000 year older and accurate Kish list!

Noah is not symbolic of reptilians except that he was of a lineage of kings founded by Ar-Tur/Adam and his wife Ivi/Effer who had been a serpent priestess and was pictorially represented as such in the oldest poetic/pictorial engravings as being associated with serpents as a mark of identification. One needs to understand the highly symbolic and poetic nature of early writing and indeed thought to appreciate how the various motifs were employed to identify the characters in the earliest times. Ivi became depicted as the Mother Goddess also, and later would develop into archetypes of the same, such as Tiamat, Nin-Kharsag, Isis, Artemis, Inanna, Diana, the Virgin Mary etc. Here we can see how many attributes and legends associated with Mary and Jesus are codes for Ivi and Mikal/Cain.

One huge and confusing element of The Biggest Secret is the constant association between Semiramis and Nimrod. I cannot see how these two figures can be seriously connected. Nor can I find any source for this information within TBS other than the articles of Brian Desborough, who states in his article ‘WHO WERE THE ISRAELITES?’:

‘At the shrine were the remains of a tabernacle very similar to the one described in the Old Testament. Also found at the shrine was a gold-decorated brass serpent, the symbol of the Mother- Goddess Astarte, who was identified with Queen Semiramis of Babylon, according to Athenagoras.’


St. Bernard of Clairvaux was the financial driving force behind the creation of the Templars. Bernard had a lifelong
fascination with the Black Madonna cult created by the corrupt Babylonian priesthood. in deification of Queen
Semiramis. The personal icon of the present Pope is the Black Madonna.’

As I have already shown, this symbolism goes back to around 3000 BC and long predates Queen Semiramis. It is clear that, just as kings and pharaohs were deemed to be of the lineage of the gods Osiris and Horus (the Gots Adam and Cain/Ar-tur and Mikal), so too were the queens deemed of the lineage of Isis (the Asir Ivi/Effer/Eve). Just because a queen is depicted pictorially in the motif of a goddess, does not mean that she was that goddess; just as Cleopatra and her snake association is not there to tell you she was Astarte. Such misunderstandings are what religions are made of, not history.

Semiramis was a 9th Century BC Babylonian queen. Her legendary attributes are accepted by many scholars to be fanciful concoctions of Diodorus Siculus, who was writing something akin to an historical novel, weaving fantasy with myth and history.

To equate Semiramis with Nimrod, then may appear to be nonsense. However, when one realises that the figure of Semiramis is used to portray elements of Isis/Ivi, then things begin to make sense. The biblical Nimrod is a ruler who built the Tower of Babel, a totally separate and later figure than Ivi’s son Cain/Mikal.

However, when it is realised that the name Nimrod is derived from the Sumerian ‘Nimirud’, which means ‘increaser of plants’, we find we are back to the old deified agricultural reformers again. As the Bible states ‘Cain was a tiller of the ground’, so the similar phrase - ‘increaser of plants’ - was not a name of a biblical figure, but a TITLE. This cross-confirms the fact that Cain was Nimrod, as Cain – the second king of the Sumer-Aryans – is identified in the old texts as the first to go down to the Mesopotamian plains (in the Bible – ‘the plains of Shinar’) and to build the very first sun temple at Nippur – the real Tower of Babel. The Bible records that Cain went to the plains via Nod, and this is an extant town on the route from Van, the ‘garden of Eden’, the ‘abode of the gods/Goths’ from where his father ruled the council of the ‘Anunnaki/Elohim’ into what was Sumer.

The ancient symbol of the cross – the emblem of Ar-Tur/Adam/Goer/Eindi/Andvara, and the origin of the St George cross and St Andrews cross to be found on the British Union flag - was also made into the swastika, which is readily seen as a spinning cross, thereby representing the knowledge of the nature of light from the sun which crosses at the ‘crossing’. The (sun) cross is also one of the earliest Sumerian sacred symbols and one of their earliest temples dedicated to the sun by King Azag Bakus/Cain/Mikal – in the Edda also Mikli - (who was later deified as the solar Archangel Michael) was at Nibruki - meaning ‘the crossing place on earth’, otherwise known as Nippur. It was also known to the Sumerians as the Duranki , meaning ‘the bond of heaven and earth’.
And this in fact is exactly what a religious temple is. This early ‘church’, the temple at Nippur, erected by Azag/Cain was the first sun temple - the place where heaven (An - deified as the sun) and earth meet. In much later Celtic tradition which drew on the ancient Sumerian, the place where the energy from the sun crossed the energy of the earth was revered as a sacred site. It represented the union of the Earth Mother with the Sun Father.

Today, many sacred sites and churches have been examined and found to be on points of natural energy vortices created by underground streams converging. The energy field created by the underground streams - the so-called telluric energies - are also called ley lines. Perhaps unsurprisingly then, the majority of churches and ancient sacred sites which have been found to align with the crossing of telluric energies in England are dedicated to Archangel Michael; the most famous being the ‘Michael-line’ which is traceable from St Michael’s mount in Cornwall (the ancient Phoenician tin port) across the Southern counties to Hopton-on-Sea in Norfolk (see The Sun and the Serpent by Miller and Broadhurst). Such sacred sites are indeed placed for ‘ascension’.
They are the places where earth energies and solar energies cross to create vortices of energy and were used for healing and for rituals involving the astral ascension of the mind through the vorticular portal to the higher dimensions. They have nothing to do with ancient astronauts, however.

Furthermore, for millennia, all around the globe, burial of the dead has been closely associated with sacred sites. Many belief systems of Europe and China, for example, placed great emphasis on the place of burial in order that the soul could continue to protect the sacred energies of the earth energy system. And it is not a great leap to speculate that the pyramids and tombs of Egypt were also built with this consideration, considering the beliefs of the Egyptians that the pharaoh-god would continue on after death. Burial mounds and natural rock formations do indeed radiate earth energies to their surroundings and intersect with other energies which have been found by David Cowan to have been deliberately channelled for environmental enhancement and personal wellbeing of inhabitants. Here is proof that there is far more to the concept of Osiris, in the person of the deceased pharaoh, being responsible for the welfare of agriculture and the dead, than a mere religious and mythical concept devised by ancient and ‘ignorant’ peoples. The pharaoh’s very essence was probably deliberately buried in a place and structure designed to take his soul-essence into the energy grid for the purpose of guardianship, until his son, the next Horus to die and ascend to become Osiris, should take over the role from his father.

After a thorough investigation into the parallel Egyptian myths of gods and pharaohs spiritually ascending to the ‘afterlife’, Alford, once a devotee of the works of Zechariah Sitchin, later rejected Sitchin’s ancient astronaut theory and concluded that: ‘we must surely dismiss the idea of rockets and spacecraft, and treat all ascents as metaphysical.’

Having once been inclined towards Sitchin’s theory that the Sumerian texts depict rockets and ETs, I can appreciate exactly why David Icke would formulate the theory he has about ETs in the ancient world by accessing only Sitchin’s interpretations of the Mesopotamian texts. It is a very encompassing theory which seems to explain many historical anomalies. However, having looked at the Sumerians in a much broader perspective and having studied the phenomenal works of LA Waddell, I now support the theory of a lost knowledge of Earthly origin, rather than the ancient astronaut theory.
That there may be a Babylonian cult using the symbolism of Semiramis and Nimrod operating amongst the Illuminati, I cannot say. Nor does David provide any real proof of this. And yet Semiramis and Nimrod are depicted in The Biggest Secret as contemporary figures (despite being separated by 2000 years) and used to provide ‘evidence’ of links between alleged conspirators and their symbolism.

Allegedly Semiramis’ symbol was the dove. I can find no confirmation of this as yet. But I can directly link the dove with Tiamat (the Babylonian goddess of ‘the waters’ – the primal void of space), the Babylonian equivalent of Isis. A figure which represents the cosmic void prior to Creation, in the esoteric sense of the myth, as portrayed in the Enuma Elis. Doves were sacrificed in Babylon and split down the middle to represent the concept of the void – Tiamat – being split by the god Marduk to create heaven and earth. The dove is symbolic of the ‘holy spirit’ in many Aryan-derived religions, such as the Minoan (the legendary King Minos, from whom the Minoan civilisation derives its name, being synonymous with Menes, the first dynastic pharaoh of Egypt), Babylonian, Christian etc. The dove has no sinister meaning as far as I can find; however, as a symbol of the Mother Goddess, it certainly is yet another symbol which would be a likely target for Judeo-Christian demonisation, or reinterpretation to hide the original meaning, just as has been done with the symbols of the cross, the fish, the goat etc.

Considering Semiramis’ obvious legendary close association with the Mother Goddess figure Tiamat/Eve/Isis, and that her original counterpart was the mother of Cain, the great temple builder, and son of the great agricultural reformer Ar-Tur/Adam, this could explain why she has been associated with the building of the ‘Hanging Gardens of Babylon’, and why they have never been found, despite references in ancient texts. Could it be that this legend is an artefact, a memory carried down in legend to the Babylonians of the great agricultural exercise upon a great hill in the Van region, carried out by Adam, Eve and Cain at what is also called the Garden of Eden – the shemim (himin or heaven) – a ‘high place’ where ‘plants’ were grown?

The Merovingians established the city of Paris on a major vortex point and used an underground chamber there for their rituals, including human sacrifice to the goddess Diana. Here, kings in dispute over property would settle the issue in combat. Meroveus, the founder of the Merovingian dynasty, followed the Pagan goddess cult of Diana, another symbol for Isis/Semiramis. This is not surprising because the centre for Diana worship was at Ephesus in Asia Minor, not far from the alleged site of Troy.

The location of the ancient underground chamber in Paris where the Merovingians worshipped and sacrificed to the goddess Diana is now called the Pont and Place de L'Alma and it is still, by design, an underground chamber. On the site today is a road tunnel and it was here that the car of Diana, Princess of Wales, crashed in the early morning of Sunday, August 31st 1997. Another offshoot of the Scythian-Sicambrian Franks-Merovingian bloodline emigrated from northern France and Belgium in the 12th century to become the famous 'Scottish' families and some of these were the ancestors of Diana, Princess of Wales.

Is it not just possible that what with David that the symbolism and use codes. What possible the message which David has portrayed here is that they are
we are seeing in the Diana saga is victimisation of those of the old Aryan bloodline? Yes, I agree abounds in this case. But as he points out many times, these Illuminati occultists are wont to gloat message do we gain from the sacrifice of a quintessential Aryan woman? To me, it is certainly not seen, and goes against all logic as far as I can tell. Surely the more obvious message being killing an ancient Aryan lineage not implementing it!

As I have hopefully shown, David has misunderstood the nature of the early Aryan kingship. That this was evil, or alien or reptilian. In fact quite the opposite is the case. They were renowned for their fairness, their altruism, their introduction of world-transforming arts, parliament, sciences, cities, medicine and most importantly agriculture. They were praised in text after text all around the world as ‘gods’. They outlawed human sacrifice! They were renowned for doing this, and their form of votive offering was flowers and fruit.

David has obviously entirely missed this fact and used the documentation which arrived much later on the scene which stems from Babylon c 2000 BC in which the Aryan kingship began to be portrayed as nasty and angry gods. Eventually this Semitic/Babylonian thread culminated in the Old Testament god Yahweh, who is repeatedly extolled for his harsh judgements, desire for war and destruction and sacrifice. This ‘god’ was the creation of priests who performed human and animal sacrifice. It is not the historical Goth of ancient legend, whose memory and history still are used as archetypes of a ‘golden age’, of chivalry, wisdom and the fight of good against evil.
The Merovingian king, Clovis, had the iris , or fleur-de-lis, as his royal emblem, a flower which grows wild in the Middle East. It is also known as a three-pronged lily and it was used to symbolise Nimrod or rather the reptilian bloodline of Nimrod. In Latin it means small sword and it became the symbol of the royal bloodline of what is now France and this was because in ancient Sumer the reptilian bloodline, as passed on through the female, was symbolised by a lily. Hence the main reptilian gene carriers were given names like Lilith, Lili, Lilutu and Lillette. Another version is Lilibet or Elizabeth and this is why the present British Queen is called Elizabeth (El-lizard-birth) and was known to her family circle as Lilibet. She is a major reptilian gene carrier who produced a major reptilian full-blood called Prince Charles. Both are shape-shifting reptilians, a fact that will be supported by later evidence. So is the Queen Mother, formerly Elizabeth (El- lizard-birth) Bowes-Lyon. The fleur-de-lis is an ancient symbol and also represents the twin phallic pillars of 'lilywork', as described in Kings 7:22.

Today you will see the fleur-de-lis used around them, and in churches. It is, appropriately, on a public gate to the White House in Washington, another home of the bloodlines. The three-leafed shamrock in Ireland is likewise an ancient symbol of the bloodline and the word shamrock comes from the North African term: shamrukh. All these symbols relate to the three horned depiction of Nimrod in Babylon and to other esoteric principles.
Firstly, Elizabeth does not mean (El-lizard-birth), as beth is a Hebrew word for house and the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

Lilith/Eve, shown in Gothic head-dress subduing the lions - symbolic of the indigenous tribes, j
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Lilith/Eve, shown in Gothic head-dress subduing the lions - symbolic of the indigenous tribes, just as her counterpart Adam/Thor is in endless ancient depictions.

In The Biggest Secret, David also draws parallels between the ‘reptile-Aryans’ and their sacrifices to a demon called Moloch, who he also associates with demons such as Lilith and the owl. I have not been able to find any firm evidence that Moloch was a demon or was seen originally as a god that demanded blood sacrifice, nor that it was represented by the owl. The references to ‘passing children through the fire to Moloch’, are defined in the Talmud as passing one’s children to what the Jews defined as ‘pagan’ religion. David also relays from a book on mythology that the Owl was an ancient symbol of Lilith, who was a Judaic demonic figure said to have been the consort of Adam. But the relevance here is inferred and not explored in any detail. If the elite are into worshipping the owl as the symbol of Lilith, then they are worshipping a Jewish figure. Again, this lends support to my contention that the Illuminati have their core in Judaism as both Lilith and Moloch/Molech are specifically Jewish.

Lilith would seem to be the Judaic inversion/demonisation of the Mother Goddess
Tiamat/Isis/Eve, as she is said to have been shut up ‘beneath the sea’, and is portrayed with a head-dress similar to that of Thor and is given the wings of the hawk which was used to identify the family lineage of ‘god’ – the Goth Adam-Thor. The Zohar relates that she walked ‘like a serpent’ and dwells in the cities by the sea. She was known as the ‘night monster’ or ‘screech owl’ and said to be a vampire, visiting men in their dreams and intent on destroying the children of her rival Eve. However, it would appear that Lilith was originally a later title for Eve, turned into a separate figure to further demonise the first renowned human mother-goddess figure, and to perhaps close loopholes in ancient remembered tales. Both Eve and Lilith have been demonised in Judaism, which is and was a misogynist and patristic religion which zealously sought to eradicate the feminine element from the concept of Godhead.

Lilith may have gained her association with Molech through her fame amongst the Jews as ‘the strangler of children.’

The general perception of Moloch is that he was a god of human sacrifice, which has been deduced from the 8 Biblical references in 3 Old Testament Books, but which appears to be more of a popular myth than a reality - more of an oft-repeated assumption than fact. I have seen texts record that the Carthaginians sacrificed to Moloch, but elsewhere that this is a mistaken translation and should read that they sacrificed to Baal - which merely means ‘Lord’. The word Moloch, or Molech, derives from MLK, the Hebrew for ‘king’ (‘Molech is connected with the idea of kingship.’ - Talmud, Mas. Sanhedrin 64a) and it was the Aryan king/pharaoh caste and their priests whom the early Jews defined as ‘Baal worshipers’ and therefore heavily demonised as ‘worshipers after other gods’. The Jews rejected kingship (an ancient Aryan institution from Sumerian times) and instituted a priestly ruling class, who were the founders of the Bible. The Talmud also makes it clear that the act of passing one’s seed was to pass your child to the priests (presumably of the Israelite kings - in reality the successors to the Sumer-Aryan-descended pharaohs) who would construct a fire, with bricks in the middle to walk on, and the child would then pass through (‘This too proves that the victim was not burnt in passing through the fire to Molech.’ - Talmud, Mas. Sanhedrin 64b). Therefore, to pass a child ‘through the fire’ to Moloch would imply a pagan dedication/initiation ritual. Such fire rituals, involving initiates passing through the flames, were common amongst the Aryan religions and were a central part of Egyptian, Hindu, Brahman and Celtic religion. ‘Sacrifice’ in this sense meaning to ‘dedicate’ or ‘give offering’. If the passing of children through the fire to Molech was indeed child sacrifice through burning to a rival pagan god we can be sure that the Talmud and Jewish Encyclopaedia would have made a great deal of the fact. In fact, the only people who would have suffered from being killed in relation to the Biblical Molech would be the parents of the children ‘passed through the fire’ by the edict of Yahweh.

Leviticus calls Molech ‘the abomination of the children of Ammon’. These ‘children of Ammon’ are clearly the children of Amon, also known as Amun and Amen (just variations of spelling for the same word). Amun was the creator god of Egypt and the Israelites were the descendants of Egyptian pharaohs, from the time of Akhenaten/Moses. The Egyptian creator-god is still referred to in the psalms as Amen, and Christians still speak His name at the end of prayers, mostly without having any idea why, or what Amen means. Amun also equates with Aten, represented by the Sun disc of the ancient Aryan sun-worshipers. Thus, again, the Jews have demonised their Aryan lineage and all it stands for and inverted the Light (Amun/Aten) god for the material god Yahweh. Thus the clear difference between the God of the Old Testament (Jewish Yahweh) and the God of the New (Jesus’ Father) is the former is truly Satan, the Liar, and the latter is in reality Amun/Aten, of his Israelite and Egyptian ancestors. Aten is commonly interpreted as the image of the sun disc, which was also the first Sumer-Aryan royal family’s emblem, combined with the eagle’s/hawk’s wings to make the classic winged sun-disc. It is from this that halos came into being behind the sun-king to mark his position as son of the sun. It is also the origin of the image of the winged, haloed blond-blue-eyed Aryan figure - the classic representation of the Archangel. The name Aten became transformed into Adon, the Hebrew word for ‘Lord’, and is best remembered as Adonai - ‘my lord’ - and the origin of Adonai as the sun-god, and its original Aryan followers, have been removed from Jewish religion. Judaism is an impostor religion, having borrowed and distorted virtually every aspect from the earlier ‘pagan’ religions and philosophies it so despises and demonises in its own holy texts.

Therefore passing one’s seed unto Molech would mean dedicating one’s child to the old priest-king religion (the most famous priest-king of Israelite/Pharohnic/Aryan lineage was of course Jesus), and could even hark back to the times when Semitic women were taken as wives by the Aryan kings, resulting in children of mixed race, which was patently so abhorrent to the early Levitical priests. Today, Jews who convert to Christianity could be said to be sacrificing themselves to Molech (not necessarily a sin according to Talmudism), and such people as ‘pass their seed’ unto Molech - i.e. baptise their children into Christianity - are defined in the Talmud as sinners and liable to the death penalty. It is permissible to become a Christian to deceive Christians in Talmudic lore - thereby maintaining one’s Judaism - but it is a sin to make one’s offspring Christian.

It is certain that human and child sacrifices were carried out by the Carthaginians and many of the cultures David identifies in his book. And it may be being very pedantic on my part to quibble about the accuracy of naming deities when sacrifices are being carried out - some would say, ‘does it really matter what they called them?’ And I see the point. But inaccuracies in chains of deductions can alter the entire thread if one is not careful; in this case it could be responsible for the entirely wrong stream of people being blamed for the greater part of the terrible manipulation of the world. To demonise the early Aryans as child sacrificers simply because the Carthaginians were classed as Phoenicians and the early Phoenician kings were Aryans is yet another sweeping assumption. The fact is that the early Aryan Phoenician kings ruled the Semitic indigenous peoples from very early times (approx. 3000 BC) - when they were renowned for suppressing demon-worship and for instituting a ‘golden age’ of culture and human relations - and it was not until the later Phoenician period over 2,000 years later that Carthage was founded and the human sacrifice is recorded. It seems that the age around 2000 BC was a time when human sacrifices and the power of corrupt priesthoods began to really take hold in many cultures such as Babylon. However, such massively sweeping generalisations mixed in with the facts make Icke’s book unreliable. It’s like someone in 2500 years time recording that the Vikings and Norse were ‘women sacrificers’ because the Europeans used to execute witches in Europe in the Middle Ages, and then use that to denounce leading Europeans of their own time as probably part of a global conspiracy of age-old secret women sacrificers. And this is the kind of thing he alludes to in interviews and talks as ‘endless evidence’, of his most tentative theories! He also uses this ‘evidence’ to pin the idea of the ‘reptilian bloodline’ on a single race of people.

The Templars, according to conventional history, were an order of ‘Christian’ knights who had gained vast amounts of wealth during the Crusades, enough to challenge the power of the Pope and the French monarchy. They were the single wealthiest order in history and had begun a banking system as repositories of royal wealth.

Using their extreme wealth and ancient esoteric knowledge, they had overseen the building of the great Notre Dame cathedrals - such as Chartres - which were dedicated to Mary Magdalene; therefore by default, they were dedicated to Isis/Sophia, the true Creator - the female principle. The Church had responded by rededicating many existing churches to Mary Mother of Jesus. They also decreed that this Mary could only be depicted wearing blue and white - signifying no recognised priestly status. Whereas, Magdalene was always shown wearing either the red garb of a cardinal, or the black robe of a Nazarite priestess. The Church decreed this form of depiction heretical and likewise banned Grail law and symbolism.

The Templars obviously utilised Essene symbolism in their formation as the Order of the Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon. ‘The Poor’ is a title which the Essenes bestowed upon themselves and from which the Ebionites (from ‘ebionim’ meaning ‘the poor’), the successors to the early Jerusalem Church, derived their name. Just like the Essenes, the Templars also took vows of chastity, obedience, dressed in white and handed over all personal wealth to the order.

As the Church effectively controlled education and literature, the Grail message went underground into secret societies via symbolism such as in the Tarot pack. One such secret society later gained great recognition as the Royal Society - a collection of occultists, Hermeticists, Rosicrucians and alchemists. It spawned some of the greatest scientists and innovators of the modern age, such as Newton, Boyle, Wren etc., but their occult backgrounds have always been suppressed in conventional history. Newton, the alchemist and founder of the Law of Gravity theory, admitted that his inspiration was Pythagoras, who was also strongly associated with the Druids and Essenes.

The Templars were widely persecuted and ordered to be arrested and tried for heresy. To escape persecution at the hands of the Church and French monarchy the Templars took their wealth and sailed from Rochelle to Scotland. Also in their possession, were papers detailing the Messianic bloodline and the truth about the early Church; information which was powerful enough to challenge the entire foundation of Christianity.

The charges of heresy levelled at the Templars included worshipping a severed head, rejecting the divinity of Jesus by spitting on the cross, and worshipping a demonic figure known as ‘Baphomet’. The figure they supposedly called Baphomet was actually the Egyptian Goat of Mendes which the Christians then falsely associated with the Devil. In fact, the goat is an ancient Mesopotamian symbol linked with the figure of Enki and is further remembered in the astrological symbol for Capricorn as the goat fish which combines two powerful symbols associated with Enki/Ea, all of which trace back to legends of Adam/Ar-Tur. Using the Essene Atbash cipher, the name Baphomet is converted to ‘Sophia’, the Greek word for Wisdom. Plutarch states that Isis was sometimes called Sophia. To the Gnostics, Sophia means the primal void out of which life was created and equates with the idea of Ennoia (the First Thought) of God. This state of being is symbolised as pure blackness and is represented by the Black Madonna figures that were so popular in the French gothic churches, which as we know refers to Magdalene/Isis and not to the mother of Jesus, except that she has also represents the Mother of the Son/sun which goes back to Tiamat and beyond. A Gnostic hymn elaborates that:

She passed from body to body, Always suffering disgrace from it; Last of all

She was manifest in a prostitute...

The true meaning relates to the belief that the Creator was feminine and from her the male Logos brought the Invisible Light into being which was identified with the mind of man, i.e. created in the image of God. The Light degraded itself (hence the reference to the ‘prostitute’) to become visible and the imperfection was ultimately symbolised by man’s need to take on the physical form. The pure Spirit therefore was the principle of Sophia expressed through the impure ‘Son’ (man) via the Father (the sun). First was created the invisible Light (Spirit), and then the visible, in the form of the Sun. Because Sophia was prepared to debase herself with the male principle so, she became associated with prostitution. This mirrors the legend of Inanna, the Babylonian goddess who descended to the lower world and was mistreated at its seven gates. From this basis the Church had an ideal opportunity to cultivate the myth that Magdalene was a prostitute. Again, the manipulation of history relies more on both direct reversal of truth and on taking true information but applying a liberal does of spin so as to confuse the truth-seeker with more effectively than he would be if given blatant falsehoods, for complete fabrications are far easier to detect than reinterpreted reality.

The Inquisition did find a silver head amongst the Templar possessions, a reliquary which contained two head bones wrapped in a white linen cloth which was, in turn, wrapped in a red cloth (the Templar colours worn as a white robe with a red cross symbolising the sacred blood). The colour red was the colour of the priestly vestments of Magdalene as a cardinal which had helped the Church create the myth of the ‘scarlet woman’, and white was the colour of an Essene initiate. The silver head was marked ‘Caput LVIIIM’, meaning ‘head 58 M’. The ‘M’ has been read by some researchers as the r , the astrological sign for Virgo which has long been associated with the Virgin Mary. The pictorial symbol for Virgo is a woman holding a sheaf or stem of corn and therefore represents Isis, the female counterpart to Osiris, the corn/fertility god. As we know, the Virgin Mary is an archetype based upon Isis/Diana and is used to obscure the true figure of Mary Magdalene. Moreover, ‘M’ has been used by many initiates such as Leonardo da Vinci to indicate Magdalene in their works of art. In the Hebrew tradition, the number 40 is the value of the letter M.

Furthermore, if we look at the sign r turned 90 degrees to its left side, we can see that it also incorporates the symbol of the fish (possibly denoting ‘of the waters’), which is also very similar to the agricultural rune of Cain. The symbol on its side can also be seen as the letter ‘E’ (see below).

In Egyptian art, Isis is often represented with the symbol for Taurus - the disc with horns - on her head and the bull was considered sacred to Isis. This powerful symbol represents the male sun within the female womb, the duality of energy (positive and negative - defined by the horns) and its balanced state (the sun - Atum/Aten - defined by the disc). The ruling planet of Taurus in astrology is Venus, the planet associated strongly with Isis and Magdalene, whose pictorial symbol is the circle with a cross below it - the symbol of the female. The orbit of Venus in relation to its alignment with the sun as seen from the Earth describes an exact five-pointed star exactly every eight years - the only planet to describe a perfect regular geometric shape in relation to the sun and the Earth. To occultists, this figure is represented by the pentagram - the five pointed star surrounded by a circle - which has also been demonised by the Church to mean a Satanic symbol (when it is really the distorted inverted pentagram which holds satanic significance as in the hidden symbol within the Great Seal - see later). Hence, the numbers 5 and 8 are given cryptically in the encoded mark ‘Caput LVIIIM’. 5 multiplied by 8 is 40, yet another number often associated with Magdalene. In Greek symbolism, the goddess Venus came from the sea, which again corresponds to Magdalene as coming ‘from the sea’, or ‘de la mer’, as in Merovingian, and also ‘of the waters’, or ‘del Acqs’.

Venus is also the 8th planet in our solar system counting inwards from Pluto, making Earth’s number in this regard 7, Mercury is 9, whilst the Sun occupies the most exalted position at the heart of the system, represented by the number 10.

The numbers 5 and 8 in themselves have feminine esoteric meaning. 5 is often represented as the pentagram, symbolising the head, legs and arms of a woman - the Great Goddess - standing with arms and legs outstretched (whilst the six-pointed star - the Jewish Magen David - was used to represent the male on account of the extra appendage). 5 is also the number assigned to the Hebrew equivalent of the letter ‘E’ or heh, which derives from the sound of the out-breath and symbolises the breath of life from the void. The original symbol for heh was the Proto-Sinaitic glyph of a person standing with arms outstretched as though in praise. Over time, the legs were lost and the sign shortened to an ‘E’ on its back. It was later turned to become the E we are familiar with today.

8 was the number of towers in the temples of the Great Goddess in Babylon. Inanna was associated with 7 gates of the underworld, therefore bringing the 7 plus 1 idea into play.

If we turn 8 on its side we have the symbol for infinity - perhaps the very definition of God. The pentagram also corresponds with the infinity/8 glyph in that it is drawn without a break and returns to the same point, and for this reason is also said to represent infinity. Thus, Venus gains even more significance as a symbol of the Mother Goddess as described above.

If we then also add the 5 and 8, we see that this is the number 13, or the 12 plus 1. This number is very significant in occult lore as it both represents the twelve houses of the Zodiac plus the Sun. This is also the sacred number of the 12 disciples and Jesus. It has a transcendent meaning in that it is all twelve unified into one - the number of Godhead itself. 13 is also the number of lunar months in a year, which is intimately associated with the female menstrual cycle.

One can take the numerological significance of 58 further by stating that 8 minus 5 is 3. This is the number of the Great Goddess in her aspects as the virgin, mother and crone - a concept known as the ‘Triple Goddess’. This also equate with the moon phases of waxing, full and waning. Again, 8 can be seen as a profound Mother Goddess symbol in that it incorporates both 5 and 3 added together.

Three is also sacred to the Mother in that, multiplied by itself, it gives us the number of months of pregnancy. Any multiple of the number 9 will produce a number which will always add up 9 if the individual digits are added together. It will always be divisible by 3. It is often seen as the ‘perfect’ number for this reason and appears time after time in ancient mathematics, architecture (such as the 360 degrees of the circle) and certain natural cosmic cycles.

Nine is also the original number of members of the Templar organisation, and was also a number intimately associated with Odin/Ar-Thor/Adam.

In Grail lore, the red rose is emblematic of the Grail bloodline carried in the womb of the Mother. The rose is depicted with 5 petals. The Biblical Song of Solomon describes the female as saying, ‘I am the Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valleys’. The lily is classically represented as a three-pointed glyph like its derivative symbol, the Fleur-de-Lis. Again, we have the three and five.

The fleur-de-lis can be seen on ancient engravings and was a symbol of ‘life’. This ‘lily’, or in other ancient art-forms, especially Indian it is represented by the lotus, was a symbol of the sun, as it is the plant (like the sun with rays) that arises from the waters (symbolic of the waters of space). This also closely resembles the tale of the ‘waters’, Tiamat, creating the sun god.

If the two outer arms of the cross are drawn upwards we have a trident which resembles a broomstick. This symbol is recognised for its association with witchcraft, as witches are often depicted flying on broomsticks. The symbol corresponds with the feminine principle again because it symbolises the female pubic region. Here again we have the 3 and the stem counts as the 1 - the Trinity as One, which later Christianity popularised, but which goes back to the earlier Egyptian trinity of Osiris, Isis and Horus, where Isis was recognised as the transcendent One - the Mother Goddess.

The non-initiate into occult symbolism often fails to appreciate the multiple levels of significance attached to many archetypal and numerological images and is therefore at a disadvantage when trying to decode such things in history. All images have what are known as ‘correspondences’, other symbols, ideas and philosophies which are intrinsically connected. This is the basis of occult magic.

The Mother Goddess symbolism is also to be found on Templar insignia. The British Templar seal from 1303 AD shows a crescent and star (i.e. the crescent moon, the womb symbol of Diana), as a boat with a cross pattée (Templar cross) on a pole, which is very similar to the male/female union of sun and Earth. Beneath the boat is the Lion of Judah, to the left and right of which are single five pointed stars.

Therefore the conclusion must be drawn that the head known as Baphomet, which was equated with the devil by the Christian Inquisitors, actually represents Magdalene and therefore the feminine Mother Goddess principle.

The Templars, as recipients of the ancient Egyptian/Essene Grail knowledge were therefore spiritual kin of the Celtic Church in Scotland. This made them the enemy of the power of the Christian Church. Unlike their Essene forebears, however, they were far from a purely spiritual order and were directly involved in fighting in the Crusades. Because of their reputation as fierce warriors they were known as the ‘warrior monks’.

The Templars had aligned with their other Israelite/Gnostic kin, the Cathars in France, fought alongside them, and provided a haven for their refugees. They were tracked down, tortured and many executed throughout Europe. But some found a safe haven amongst the Celtic peoples of Scotland, where there had been no papal authority since the excommunication of Robert the Bruce and therefore all Scots.

The Templars and the various Grail families of Scotland later unified into a secret society known as Freemasonry. This institution would be virtually the sole guardians of the ancient knowledge of the esoteric mysteries, which included sacred geometry, alchemy, astrology etc., and the true history of Christianity. Their roots are claimed to be reflected in the building of Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem and their rituals (known as degrees) echo this and other biblical themes.

Between 1440 and 1490, a member of the Grail family and descendant of the eponymous Templar knight, William St Clair (later Sinclair), built a Templar/Celtic temple called Rosslyn Chapel at Roslin, near Edinburgh. The Temple includes the Masonic pillars, Jachin and Boaz, amongst other ancient Egyptian and later pagan symbols. It is the building of Rosslyn Chapel that is described in Freemasonic rituals and philosophies (specifically the third degree), which is itself based upon Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem. It is said that beneath the floor in Rosslyn chapel, is concealed parchments containing the true history of the Grail which the Templars came upon in the Temple at Jerusalem during their excavations beneath the Temple Mount during their sojourn in the Holy Land, or perhaps inherited from the Gnostic Cathars, who are also said to have held sacred documents.

The name Rosslyn is derived from the Gaelic meaning ‘ancient knowledge of the generations’. ‘Ros’, which means ‘ancient knowledge’ could also be derived from the esoteric symbol of the ‘rose’. The rose is used by such orders as the Rosicrucians (meaning ‘of the rosy cross’) and the Satanic ‘Order of the Rose’, as well as being prevalent in the occult philosophies of the likes of Aleister Crowley. In the combination of the symbol of the rose and the cross, we have a clear reference to ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian knowledge. The ‘Rosy Cross’ is similar to the red cross on a white background of the Templars.

It is because the Templars were so steeped in ancient esoteric knowledge, that they were such an obvious target for the mediaeval Church in their purge of occultism.
In the Catholic Church’s great tradition of satanic reversal, the Church has accused its enemies time and time again of being Satanists and so-called ‘black-witches’. In reality, true Christianity in its purest form - i.e. the religion of the Essenes and the Celtic Church - is almost identical to the ‘Old Religion’ - also known variously as ‘witchcraft’, ‘Druidry’ and ‘paganism’. Although witchcraft is popularly associated with evil crones and satanic ritual, it is nothing more than a pure respect for Nature, and an active participation in activities which preserve, harness and utilise the forces of Nature and the power of the human mind. Nearly two thousand years of Jewish and Christian anti-nature, anti-female and anti-occult propaganda has created the mass illusion that the occult is always evil and that the Church is always good.

The word ‘occult’ merely means ‘hidden’. And it is essentially because of the activities of the Church that such information became hidden and demonised. The Church has promoted the idea of ‘Satanism’ in reference to all occult ritual and practise. But the truth is that Satan is almost exclusively an Essene term of reference for the force of opposition and is the summation of the consciousness which opposes Truth and the Essene religion. This word is therefore a perfect description of the Judeo-Christian Church. The majority of witches have never believed in the Christian Devil, or Satan, and therefore cannot be rightly accused of being Satanists in the popular sense of the word. Again, it is the propaganda of Christianity which has filled the heads of the ignorant masses with images of widespread practise of the Black Mass and diverse evil perversities within occult circles.

Just like any form of information, occult knowledge can be used for evil or for good. ‘Black Magic’, or ‘Satanism’, is the abuse of ancient esoteric knowledge - it is not necessarily the misguided worship of the Fallen Angel called Lucifer or Satan. It is essentially, the inversion of the intent behind the use of such powerful knowledge which makes it Satanic. When this information is used for the good of all and is love-based, such as in healing, it is popularly referred to as ‘White Magic’. However, when this same knowledge is used with the consciousness of greed, control, hatred, etc. it is given its darker appellation. It is this intent to control and deceive the masses which has perpetuated a culture of Satanism within the Church and elite families of the world. The powerful ancient knowledge which was once used openly for the good of all in Egypt, and by the Essenes and Celts, as well as many other cultures around the world, is now used to deceive the masses into conforming to the desires of the few.

The demonisation of all things feminine by the Church has resulted in all kinds of nonsense which has filtered down through the ages: from the myth that Baphomet was the Goat of Mendes and therefore a symbol of the Devil, therefore the Templars were Satanists, therefore the Freemasons were Satanists, therefore the Freemasonic symbols are Satanic, therefore the Egyptian origins of Freemasonry are Satanic; that the pentagram is Satanic, that Magdalene was a whore; that Grail lore is heresy...etc. Many of these ideas have passed into common acceptance especially through modern ‘alternative’ historians and conspiracy researchers who are keen to wrap their theories up with an ancient movement working down through the ages. It is far more conventionally acceptable and politically correct to follow the path which has been laid by the Judeo-Christian hierarchy, than to have the courage to stand for the truth of the fact that the Jewish Work Of Ages is an ancient and ongoing political aim to fulfil Yahweh/Satan’s aim of world enslavement of all gentiles as laid down quite graphically and eminently clearly in the Book of Deuteronomy. The Templars, Cathars, Celts and early Freemasons should be applauded for their monumental efforts to preserve the ancient wisdom in the face of the diabolical opposition from the Jewish and Christian hierarchies, rather than condemn them as the perpetrators of a global conspiracy. As usual, contrary to popular beliefs, in this matter, the inverse is the truth.

There are probably more Satanists today in the Christian Church and its associated secret societies than have ever existed outside of it, despite the apparent contradiction in terms. This contradiction has been deliberately perpetuated and nurtured to obscure the fact. The Holy Inquisition’s express task since its inception has been to obliterate those with ‘occult’ knowledge in order to ensure that it remains within elite hands. They have caused havoc throughout history and have been responsible for the torture and death of millions of innocent men, women and children during the witch-hunts of the Middle-Ages. Officially, the Inquisition has never been dissolved and exists to this day. Since 1965, the Inquisition has gone under the name of the ‘Sacred Congregation’, with its headquarters at the ‘Holy Office’. How totally perverse!

It is this war of attrition, waged against the final remnants of the Nasorean heritage which forced the Celts/Templars and their powerful occult knowledge underground. The ancient wisdom was then encoded into symbolism and ritual within Freemasonry.

Weishaupt entered Freemasonry in 1777, a year after the official formation of the Illuminati. Despite profoundly despising Freemasonry and Catholicism, Weishaupt used both systems for his purposes. He constructed the Order on the lines of the Jesuit Order and inserted the Illuminati Order into the Freemasonic Order. He devised a system of the pyramidal structure of a honeycomb, wherein each operative of the agenda would operate within his own information ‘cell’; so should he be discovered, he would be unable to reveal the secrets of anyone else operating in their own cell. These compartmentalised agents would apparently operate in isolation, whilst others higher in the chain of hierarchy would be able to observe and guide those below them by having an overall picture of the unfolding agenda. The very few have managed to control the very many with this simple power structure for aeons. This way, Weishaupt infiltrated Freemasonry and Illuminism took over the order from within. He soon began remoulding the structure of Freemasonry and inventing degrees of initiation which were, according to him, really only smokescreens and tools for the agenda. Through becoming the architect of modern Freemasonry, Weishaupt was able to recruit the keenest minds of his time into Illuminati level Freemasonry, whilst using the existing Freemasonic structure as a smokescreen, through which he could influence the spectrum of European aristocracy, royalty and all the levels of European social hierarchy over which Freemasonry dominated as the common element. Through the control of schools and centres of higher learning, new initiates of the highest intellect and moral predisposition were drawn to work for the agenda, either knowingly or unknowingly.

The fact that Freemasonry has been so corrupted by Illuminism since Weishaupt should not be the logical basis to extrapolate the roots of Freemasonry backwards nearly 5000 years and thereby imply guilt upon the originators of the order. All evidence I have seen points to the fact that Freemasonry was initially created to preserve what the Church and secret orders related to Judaic and corrupt Babylonian beliefs had been attempting to wipe out and manipulate for millennia.

Other Merovingian symbols were the fish (Nimrod again), the lion (Leo, the Sun, authority), and the bee. Three hundred golden bees were found on the burial cloak of King Childeric I, the son of Meroveus, who died in the 5th century. Bees are an ancient symbol of the Love Goddess (Semiramis) and symbolised royalty in Egypt. They also focus on the Queen Bee, symbolic of Isis/Semiramis.

Sumerian agricultural rune - Norse Odal Rune - associated with both Adam/Odin and Cain as the tr
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Sumerian agricultural rune - Norse Odal Rune - associated with both Adam/Odin and Cain as the traditional inventor of the plough.

In fact, the symbol of the fish is as ancient as any of the texts and engravings of the early Sumer-Aryans. In pictorial depictions of Ar-Tur being thrown into the sea – see the British Edda – he is portrayed as a fish. The symbol of the goat-fish – the sign for Capricorn – is derived from this as the goat is the symbol of the Goths, both words sharing a common origin. Jesus’ sign is also said to be the fish. Interestingly, if we look at Odin’s sign – the agricultural rune (translated, no doubt, by Sitchin as a spaceship!) - then we can see that this placed on its side is almost the same sign as that of the fish. It is therefore quite possible, over 3000 years of development that such symbols have undergone change and be confused with each other, as both the fish and the agricultural plough are emblematic of the ancient Sumer-Aryan kingship instituted by Adam/Thor and his son Cain, and were handed down by initiates who knew that Jesus was of this very lineage. Hence the reason why the attributes of the mythological version of Jesus in the New Testament bear such a close resemblance to the ‘son’ Horus, ‘risen’ on the third day to become Osiris ‘the Father’.

The symbol of the bee has been much maligned in conspiracy literature since Weishaupt’s Illuminati documents were found to reveal that he structured the Illuminati throughout

Freemasonry on the bee-hive principle, of cells within cells. Again such demonisation of early figures arises from the backwards extrapolation of current symbolism to earlier times and then the current interpretation is imposed upon the earlier in a purely speculative manner.

If bees are a symbol of the Love Goddess (NOT necessarily Semiramis, who was a Babylonian queen, not an Egyptian goddess), then are we not able to derive the opposite message from the symbol, rather than David’s backwards, forwards, speculative theories? The operative word here being ‘Love’. The bee is also highly representative of a matriarchal structure, which many early Sumer-Aryan-derived cultures incorporated, by way of the fact that the hive revolved around the queen bee who is the mother of all bees, just as Eve/Isis/Nin-Kharsag etc. was eventually seen as the Mother Goddess in ancient times.

The lion is one of the very oldest symbols used in Mesopotamian/Hittite artwork to represent the Semitic Chaldean peoples, followers of Set. The lion is also the heraldic emblem of the biblical ‘tribe of Judah’, who claim lineage from Seth, the falsely attributed ‘3rd son of Adam and Eve’. The tall king Tur is often depicted subduing smaller lions in seals and statues from Mesopotamia and Cappadocia.

Samson, is reported to have killed the lion and eaten honey from the carcass. Again, we have a symbolic representation of the sun-king subduing the savage cult and yet transforming the experience into something from which goodness - represented by the honey - comes.

The number 300 – the number of bees found on the burial cloak of Childeric – is possibly highly significant in relation to the Merovingian heritage from the early Sumer-Aryan kingship. The Enuma Elis states that the god Marduk (a later mythological title for Cain) divided the gods up into 2 sets of 300 gods – one set to rule ‘above’ and one set to rule ‘below’. The significance of the symbolism further supporting the theory that the bees were symbolic of those working to support the icon of the ‘queen bee’ - the ‘Queen of Heaven’ who was seen as the primal void Tiamat/Isis/Eve etc.

Persian sculpture from c. 600 BC, showing Thor/Andara as the sun hero Ahura Mazda - 'the sag
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Persian sculpture from c. 600 BC, showing Thor/Andara as the sun hero Ahura Mazda - 'the sage of the sun' - subduing the Dragon enemy as Ahriman (called in the British Edda Hrimni)

So there is far more to the story – and this is but the tip of the iceberg – than it first appears on reading The Biggest Secret. Many factors and much evidence has not been taken into account. Many assumptions and speculations have been introduced to fit the basic paradigms. And many false trails have been followed. But essentially the major error is the demonisation of the early Aryan kingship, for which there is barely any evidence and goes against the majority of solid evidence available from the earliest sources, despite Icke’s repeated claims that there is ‘endless evidence’ to support his claims. The mass of evidence portrays these early culture bearers as almost globally embraced and appreciated for their altruistic sharing of knowledge and revolutionary technology with the indigenous peoples with whom they settled and became leaders of. They seem to have been accepted with open arms by the majority and later recorded as magnificent gods; which is a great testament to their popularity.

Later, rival priestly factions throughout the world would develop as the old kingship waned. And it is from these times that human sacrifice re-emerged in Babylon, India, Carthage etc. A system where kings became priests, became a system where priests became kings and vied for power. One way to gain power was to invent attributes for one’s own gods which could out-do the rival gods of other nations. Priests exalted themselves this way and began to rule by fear and might, whereas once fellowship and chivalry was held in the highest regard.

It is from the writings of this period that most researchers looking at supernatural and ET gods are deriving their conclusions. From already much-corrupted and fantastical tales, based upon very real history.

Gods and demons are created by man and reside in the energy battery which is the astral plane, where they are real thought- forms. They did not come from space in spaceships to Sumer, nor were they supernatural beings, later recorded as angels etc. These are all later priestly inventions, derived out of ignorance and used to control the ignorant masses, to persuade them to hand over their power and wealth to the tyrannical churches and priesthoods of their day.

And that process has not stopped. It is still going on today. Truth is dropped in favour of myth, and myth is passed off as truth. Black is painted white, and white black until no one really knows which way is up anymore.

I recommend that as a first port of call for anyone interested in Sumerian history, or any ancient history for that matter, that they read every single book they can find by LA Waddell. Then take it from there.

It is my opinion that there has been a deliberate manipulation of the ancient history of the Sumer-Aryans and the knowledge they possessed since at least Babylonian times. This has resulted in profound information being lost from the majority to secret societies and occult orders, whilst the masses have been misled by priests, tyrants and politicians into handing over their minds and power to false truths in order that the few self-appointed elite can wield tremendous power over us all.

This manipulation has led to the most powerful form of control ever devised – namely religion.

All religions hold grains of truth, some more than others, but rarely do they provide anywhere near the absolute truth or the profundity of knowledge which is available outside of conventional religious parameters.

Conventional historians, and alternative historians and scientists have also suffered through the lack of knowledge which is available but suppressed, or often ridiculed to the point that no academic will even consider it for fear of being branded a heretic amongst the community of his particular field.

There is compelling evidence, such as that gathered by the likes of Clive Prince and Lynn Picknett, in their book The Stargate Conspiracy, to support my opinion that we are entering a new age of religious spin and mass mind control. This time a vastly updated re-manipulation of ancient history which is drawing together elements of all religion to show a common source, combined with modern science and popular belief-systems, resulting in a new all-encompassing world view. That world view is that the ancient ‘gods’ were aliens from other worlds and/or dimensions, who came and deposited advanced knowledge, beyond the wit of mankind, and to whom we are still basically subservient.

Icke, like many others has brought to the fore a large corpus of information to show beyond a shadow of a doubt that the masses are being conspired against and controlled like puppets. However, in the case of The Biggest Secret’s central theme of ancient ‘gods’ who were reptilian shapeshifters who are using the ancient Aryan lineage to perpetuate themselves to control the planet, there is very little evidence to bear this out, if any at all. In fact, quite the opposite seems to be the case. That it is the ancient Aryan lineage which is being deliberately demonised and whose history has been distorted, despite it being the very root of most of our religions and belief systems.

I think David Icke, like many others, have fallen for a deliberate ploy to re-invent the ancient myths, which had derived from real history and profound wisdom, in order to update their interpretations to deliberately mislead people into a belief-system which could easily become a new world religion and replace the old religions, which have lost considerable power over recent centuries. Ideally, this new religion would seem to be the ‘missing link’ between the world religions, science and the ‘supernatural’, in order that it will satisfy most of the people. Of course, as we have seen, there is a ‘missing link’, a profound history from which all religions and myths have been derived, but this is just about the only thing which is being proposed as the truth, by and large. And yet, it answers so many enigmas which unanswered lead many people to conclude that ancient supernatural or extra-terrestrial beings walked the Earth and became the masters and gods of ancient man – reptilian or otherwise.

What we have in historical documents is like a picture with the main theme removed, so that we can only speculate on what the main theme may actually be, by looking at the surrounding scene. Very few researchers have ever answered as many questions with solid and massively cross-referenced evidence as Waddell. And yet Waddell is today largely unrecognised and a rare find in book suppliers. And given the discoveries made in history and archaeology in the 60 or so years since his death, I have found time and time again support for the accuracy of his research, but which conventional and alternative researchers have massively misinterpreted due to being unaware of his work – due to having the main theme in the jigsaw missing. They have continued to deliberately fuse and reform the evidence to fit paradigms in academia which Waddell completely redefined or destroyed with his research, but whose insights seem to bear no relevance today. And this is only because the pyramidal system of historical academia has built its base upon a swamp – the swamp of religion. It started with the assumption that the Bible was true and is only lately gradually realising that it most certainly is not. However, most of the groundwork and paradigms set in historical research was done when the verity of the Bible was accepted; and with the stateliness of geology, these ideas are gradually eroding. But the main corpus of knowledge is still fundamentally flawed as an artefact of the earlier age, when historical research was still in its infancy.

When the people are in ignorance of the truth, they are vulnerable to manipulation by those who hold it. It is up to all of us to constantly evaluate our beliefs and paradigms in order that we don’t continue to hand over our minds and power to those who would gladly take it. And we should never assume that just because someone belongs to an academic agency, or because someone holds a position of authority in a certain field that they are automatically correct. We must check their data for ourselves. Check their sources. Because often our interpretation of the exact same information can be fundamentally different.


Alford, Alan; Gods of the New Millennium, (Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1997)
The Book of Enoch – (
Collins, Andrew; From the Ashes of Angels, (Michael Joseph Ltd., London, 1996)
Collins, Andrew; Gods of Eden: Egypt’s Lost legacy and the Genesis of Civilisation, (Headline Book Publishing, London, 1998)
Cowan, David and Rodney Girdlestone; Safe as Houses: Ill-Health and Electro-stress in the Home, (Gateway Books, Bath, 1997)
Cowan, David and Anne Silk; Ancient Energies of the Earth: An Extraordinary Journey into the Earth’s Natural Energy System, (Thorsons, London, 1999)
Deavin, Mark; Aryans: Culture Bearers to China: New Evidence Of Ancient European Migration to the Orient, (Article, National Vanguard Magazine, Number 117, March-April 1997)
Encyclopaedia Judaica, CD-Rom Edition (Judaica Multimedia, Israel, 1997)
Enuma Elish – Translated by NK Sandars.
Enuma Elis – Translated by LW King (
Frazer, Sir James George; The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion, (Papermac, London, 1994 [1st ed. 1922])
Gardner, Laurence; Bloodline of the Holy Grail: The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed, (Element Books Ltd, Dorset, 1996)
Gardner, Laurence; Genesis of the Grail Kings: the Pendragon Legacy of Adam and Eve, (Bantam Press, London, 1999)
Harris, Anthony; The Sacred Virgin and the Holy Whore: the Book that Encodes the Secrets of Religion, (Sphere Books Ltd, London, 1988) HME Media; Symbols ’98 Encyclopaedia Pro (, 1997)
Holy Bible - Authorised King James Version
Icke, David; The Biggest Secret: the Book that will Change the World, (Bridge of Love, Arizona, 1999)
Leadbeater, CW; Freemasonry and its Ancient Mystic Rites, (Gramercy Books, New York, 1998)
Lincoln, Henry; The Holy Place: the Mystery of Rennes-leChateau - Discovering the Eighth Wonder of the Ancient World, (Corgi, London, 1992 [1st ed. Jonathan Cape, 1991])

McBeath, Alastair; Tiamat’s Brood: An Investigation into the Dragons of Ancient Mesopotamia, (Dragon’s Head Press, London, 1999)
Miller, Hamish and Paul Broadhurst; The Sun and the Serpent: An Investigation into Earth Energies, (Pendragon Press, Cornwall, 1994, [1st ed., 1989]).
O’Brien, Christian and Barbara Joy; The Genius of the Few: the Story of Those who Founded the Garden of Eden, (Dianthus Publishing Ltd., Cirencester, 1999)
Oppenheimer, Stephen; Eden in the East: the Drowned Continent of Southeast Asia, (Weidenfeld & Nicholson, London, 1998) Ouaknin, Marc-Alain; Mysteries of the Alphabet, (Abbeville Press Publishers, London, 1999)
Prince, Clive and Lynn Picknett; The Stargate Conspiracy, (Little Brown and Company, London, 1999)
Pagels, Elaine; The Gnostic Gospels, (George Weidenfield and Nicholson Ltd, London, 1980)
Pennick, Nigel; Earth Harmony: Places of Power, Holiness and Healing, ((Capall Bann Publishing, Berks, 1997 [2nd Edition])
Reed, Douglas; The Controversy of Zion, (Veritas Publishing Company Pty., Ltd., Bullsbrook, W. Australia, 1978)
Rohl, David; Legend: the Genesis of Civilisation – A Test of Time Volume Two, (Century, London, 1998)
Schonfield, Hugh; The Essene Odyssey: The Mystery of the True Teacher and the Essene Impact on the Shaping of Human Destiny, (Element Books Ltd, 1984)
Soncino Talmud, with Tanach, CD Rom Edition, (Davka Corporation, Chicago)
Soncino Zohar, with Tanach, CD Rom Edition, (Davka Corporation, Chicago)
Sturluson, Snorri; Edda: New Complete Translation by Anthony Faulkes, (JM Dent & Sons Ltd, London, 1987)
Vermes, Geza; The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls In English, (Penguin books, London, 1998 [1st ed. Pelican Books, 1962])
Waddell, LA; The Aryan Origin of the Alphabet, (Christian Book Club of America, California, 1998)
Waddell, LA; British Edda, (Christian Book Club, California, 1930)
Waddell, LA; Egyptian Civilisation – it’s Sumerian Origin and Real Chronology: and Sumerian Origin of Egyptian Hieroglyphs, (Christian Book Club, California, date not stated – though after British Edda)
Waddell, LA; The Indo-Sumerian Seals Deciphered: Discovering Sumerians of Indus Valley as Phoenicians, Barats, Goths & Famous Vedic Aryans 3100-2300 BC, ((Omni Publications, California, 1980)
Waddell, LA; The Makers of Civilisation in Race and History, (Angriff Press, California, 1929)
Waddell, LA; The Phoenician Origins of Britons Scots & Anglo-Saxons, (The Christian Book Club of America, California, 1924) Webster, Nesta H: Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, (1924, Christian Book Club of America)
Article: Big Brother’s Recipe for ‘Revolution in Military Affairs’ by Glenn Krawczyk (The Truth Campaign magazine, issue 17) Article: Semiramis: Legendary Mysterious Great Queen of Assyria by G. Edward Foryan
Article: Who Were the Israelites? By Brian Desborough (David Icke E Magazine,
TV Programme; Who Was Moses, (A BBC Production for Discovery Channel, JYP Programs L. L. C.)

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