Average Users Monthly Vol 1 Issue 1 - Readme

Average Users Monthly Sat Mar 20, 1993 Volume 1 : Issue 01
Editor: Todd Clayton
c.1993 Todd Clayton, Except where noted otherwise.
- Read me-- This File
- File 1-- Book Review: The Hacker Crackdown
- File 2-- Introduction To Telephone Lines
- File 3-- Gurps Labour Lost, Bruce Sterling
- File 4-- Software Review: Spaudit v2.8
- File 5-- Glossary Of Terms
- Contact-- How to contact us!
An electronic media magazine dedicated to the support of
the average user. No extensive technical jargon, nothing to
insult the intelligence of someone who obviously has the knowledge to download these files.
DISCLAIMER: The views represented herein do not necessarily represent the views of the moderators. Digest contributors assume all responsibility for ensuring that articles submitted do not violate copyright protections.
NOTE FROM EDITOR : Welcome to the inaugural issue of the Average Users Monthly. This time around we were a little short on articles and ideas, this being fresh and new. I have no specific idea as to where I'm going to take it, so please, get in contact! Write an article! I'd love to hear from each and every one of you.