Smoke and Mirrors Issue 1 - Not Another ElecMag!

Not Another ElecMag!
by Michael Hahn
Copyright (c) 1993
"Not another elecmag!" Yes, I can hear you out there. You've just checked the "Recent Uploads" directory of your favorite BBS and found another interesting file to download. "S&M0393.ZIP," you mumble, "sounds kinky." You hit PageDown, rubbing your sweaty little palms in anticipation. You break open the archive . . . text files? And a reader? "Oh, no--somebody else trying to be RUBY'S PEARLS or ModemNews!"
Well, I'm happy to say we aren't trying to be either. RUBY'S PEARLS was our inspiration, but "Smoke and Mirrors" is going to be a different sort of beast. We'll have fiction, but we'll also feature a bit of poetry. We'll have recipes, computer tips, gardening hints, and maybe even a giggle or two. A lot of the new electronic publications are trying to specialize; we'll be aiming for diversity.
One thing the experiences of the last year have taught me is that there are a lot of shy folks out there with talent in their keyboards. All they need is a healthy shove and a place to try their wings. A little over a year ago, I was one of those people.
Writing seems a little magical to those who don't do it regularly. "Where do you get your ideas?" is a question often heard. Look around--the ideas are everywhere. And "Smoke and Mirrors" will be, I hope, a magical place to put them.