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Smoke and Mirrors Issue 1 - Credits/Copyright information

Credits/Copyright information
The contents of Smoke and Mirrors are copyrighted property of Lucia B. Chambers and Michael R. Hahn, and/or the respective authors.
The contents may be distributed freely only as a whole package containing the complete file package as listed in the CONTENT.DOC file enclosed with this package.
No other changes, additions or deletions are allowed.
Editors: Lucia B. Chambers and Michael R. Hahn
Thank You for reading Smoke and Mirrors!
Ruby's Pearls
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(no, this isn't a hypnotic suggestion)
It's a call to writers everywhere--
(a Pen and Brush production)
computer tips and reviews short stories
gardening and cooking hints poetry
local events humor
book and movie reviews art
Submit all stories, recipes, cartoons, poems, and articles to:
SMOKE AND MIRRORS, c/o Lucia Chambers or Michael Hahn. ASCII text
preferred, but we'll accept WordPerfect format. Art may be in any
electronic format.
Upload submissions to Pen and Brush BBS at:
703/644-5196 (2400-14400 baud)
703/644-6730 (300-2400 baud)
or mail the submission to:
"Smoke and Mirrors"
114 N. Cameron Street
Sterling, VA 20164-1908
Your work will be published on a one-time, showcase basis. All
rights are retained by the author/artist.
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≥∞∞∞∞±±≤≤≤≤≤≤≤±±∞∞€±±€(go have a green beer€±±€∞∞±±≤≤≤≤≤≤≤±±∞∞∞∞≥
≥∞∞∞∞±≤≤≤≤±≤≤≤≤±∞∞€±±€€€€at Kent's Place)€€€±±€∞∞±≤≤≤≤±≤≤≤≤±∞∞∞∞≥