HIR Issue 2: Hacker Newz

This is a new section that we are incorporating, starting this issue.
No, Hacker Newz was not in the first issue, but we hope to continue the newz in future issues. Some obvious news with the HiR crew, is the addition of two new members! Yes, TG SNooP and Dr. Freeze have jumped in to save Axon the task of writing the whole thing himself. <Wild Applause> However, due to some problems, such as a now-formatted hard drive, (no thanks to the powers that be) Dr. Freeze couldn't quite get his articles in, but he's got some good stuff for HiR 3. On a much happier note, TG SNooP just got a brand-new box up and running (replacing his 386, thank god).
Top 10 weird things found in the trash by HiR members since the last issue:
- A List of all vehicles, including price, assigned driver, and VIN that are currently owned by one kansas city SWB office.
- Landscaping plans for 2 Bell offices, one in Kansas City, the other, somewhere in nevada or something.
- Huge list of pager numbers and PINs for some Southwestern Bell people.
- A lawn sprinkler timer schedule.
- Estimating Department Quote Schedule
- December 1997 calendar showing the employee review schedule.
- A paper showing 2 different ways to pull a huge concrete slab out of the ground, and the price differences ($82,000-95,000 ???)
- Standard Crew pay rates for 1997, various positions.
- A quote sheet for a project called "One Fountain Square". Got me.
- A moldy burrito (half eaten...or decayed).
WOW! That's newz! We found some other mundane things in the garbage as well but these were just the weird ones. Check out the HiR Distribution web page at students.johnco.cc.ks.us/~axon2017/hir.html Take a look on Dec. 1st, the planned release date for HiR 3. Hopefully the site will have a few links and extra files just for fun.