HIR Issue 3: HiR NeWZ

So what happened to HiR? Various technical problems, as well as losing track of a writer for about 3 weeks (more on that in a moment), prevented the mag from coming out exactly on time. Axon is trying to get a newer web presence up for HiR for the month-delayed release, which you, the reader, probably didn't know about until you picked this up and read it.
Dr. Freeze disappeared from all online activities on November 11th... No one heard from him until about a month later when he used a computer at school to access our hotmail account and write a message back to it. It seems that somehow his computer got smashed with a baseball bat by some disgruntled person who shall remain nameless. Efforts are underway to repair/replace it.
Well, as most of you read earlier, Axon's laptop went kaput.
Currently, he is attempting to find some way to charge his batteries without buying a new motherboard (which costs $300 more than the original retail value of his laptop when it was brand noo). He's decided to go with one of those cool palmtops like Asmo's got...except a different brand. Will HiR be produced on a palmtop now? Don't look for it any time soon. Axon's already written an article on it (See the article on WinTD this issue), and promises not to do that again, or at least until he can hook his palmtop directly up to a normal computer...
We've finally decided to post all our e-mail addresses so you can all write to us!
Writer E-Mail Address (Subject to change)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Axon Axon@compfind.com
tgsnoop kretro@hotmail.com
Dr. Freeze foodstamp_man@juno.com
Asmodian X asmodianx@hotmail.com