HIR Issue 6: In the flesh

HiR is an electronic publication that is written by real hackers and phone phreaks that have the desire to share information. We only publish articles related to hacking and phreaking. We don't cover viruses, stealing, carding, or blowing things up.
As a general rule, we don't do many walk-thru's; occasionally we might, but we almost always focus more on explaining a given aspect in enough depth to help the reader understand why things happen. With that information, they may learn for themselves and discover many other things related to the article.
We are always looking for new writers. If you are (or were) in the H/P
scene, and consider yourself a decent writer, send us some of your work.
Our e-mail is h_i_r@hotmail.com.
Current Staff for HiR:
* Axon (Editor, Official Site Webmaster, Writer) Axon@compfind.com
* Asmodian X (Writer, Editorials, Linux Psycho) asmodianx@hotmail.com
* Kminor (Writer, Ascii g0d) pairsnarfer@hotmail.com
* Dr. Freeze (Writer, Product reviews) (Currently Computerless)
* Frogman (Writer, Amiga Feind) Frogman@compfind.com
* The Man in Black (Mirror site webmaster) The.Man.in.Black@compfind.com
HIR now has a much easier to remember URL, thanks to Monolith Internet. It's just an http redirect, (so the old URL still works) but if we end up shifting the mag to another server ever again, this virtual domain name will redirect you to the new site (since we have the power to modify the target URL). The shorter url is: http://hir.home.ml.org. Note that you will be redirected to the old address transparently. This is not abnormal.
Along with the new site, we also have added a links and files page. If we mention any good sites in the mag, you'll probably find a link on the links and files page. There is a subtle link on our main page, but if you like to have URLs, it's at http://hir.home.ml.org/hirlinks.html.
We will also put some useful shareware and freeware files on the page. Also we add just plain cool sites, which may be overt hacking related sites, or sites that are related to the general hacking subculture (Jolt Cola, etc.)
You can find us at the following places (that we know of):
Official HiR Distro Site Virtual Domain URL: http://hir.home.ml.org
Official Southwestern U.S. Mirror site: http://azure.rcn.nmt.edu:2007/HiR
HiR 6 Article list
Num Article Title Writer
---- ------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
1 Introduction/Table of Contentz HiR Crew
2 HiR 6 Informative Resources Axon/Asmodian X
3 Using FTPSearch for gathering host information Asmodian X
4 Motorola Cellular fun Axon
5 Mobile Hacking: Part Deux Asmodian X
6 Tools of the trade: The Disk o' Death Axon
7 Windows: User Friendly means Hacker Friendly Axon
8 HiR Hacker Newz Axon