HIR Issue 8: The First HiR Issue of the last year of the Millenium!
March 01, 1999

We're sorry for taking so long getting our issues out lately. We're all bogged down with a lot of other work right now, and we at least have some stuff to show for it. Our main website (http://axon.jccc.net/hir) is where to get HiR. our old url (hir.home.ml.org) is down for good, as ml.org is kind of broken (out of business), and we have www.hir.cx registered. It may work in the future. It should be a lot like our ml.org address, being on the same machine as axon.jccc.net.
Speaking of webpages, Asmodian and Axon did a MAJOR revamp on the HiR Distro site since the last Issue. Content is almost identical, but the navigation is a lot better. We're adding more and more files (but still a fairly selective blend). We've separated files into Windows and UNIX/Linux, and ... well, just check out the site <REPETITION>the URL is http://axon.jccc.net/hir</REPETITION>. heh.
We're really going to let the Zine come out whenever it's ready now (sort of like phrack, etc). We'll post how the next Issue is coming along in the very front page of the Distro site, but never be bashful if things haven't changed... you never know what lurks around on the site, as it gets updates quite often...
HiR is an electronic publication that is written by real hackers and phone phreaks that have the desire to share information. We only publish articles related to hacking and phreaking. We don't cover viruses, stealing, carding, or blowing things up.
As a general rule, we don't do many walk-thru's; occasionally we might, but we almost always focus more on explaining a given aspect in enough depth to help the reader understand why things happen. With that information, they may learn for themselves and discover many other things related to the article.
We are always looking for new writers. If you are (or were) in the H/P scene, and consider yourself a decent writer, send us some of your work. Our e-mail is h_i_r@hotmail.com or hir@axon.jccc.net.
Current Staff for HiR:
* Axon (Editor, Official Site Webmaster, Writer) Axon@compfind.com
* Asmodian X (Writer, Editorials, Linux Psycho) asmodianx@hotmail.com
* Frogman (Writer, Amiga Feind) Frogman@compfind.com
* The Man in Black (Mirror site webmaster) The.Man.in.Black@compfind.com
You can find us at the following places (that we know of):
Official HiR Distro Site: http://axon.jccc.net/hir
Official HiR Distro Site Virtual Domain URL: http://hir.home.ml.org
Official Southwestern U.S. Mirror site: http://azure.rcn.nmt.edu:2007/HiR
HiR 8 Article list
Num Article Title Writer
---- ------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
1 Introduction/Table of Contentz HiR Crew
2 HiR 7 Informative Resources HiR Crew
3 Asmodian's Workbench: Windows CE - Linux Connections Asmodian X
4 CD-Recordable tips and tricks Asmodian X
5 Data Externalization in the Eyes of a Hacker Frogman
6 Defcon 7 Pre-planning (We should be there!) Asmodian X
7 Advanced Disks of Death: CD-Roms and Linux Floppies Axon
8 How To Make a "Hard Drive Clock" Axon
9 Packet Sniffing For The Novice User Axon
10 HiR Hacker Newz HiR Crew