HIR Issue 9: Hacker Newz

Well, the HiR Crew did it once again... We've compiled yet another information-packed issue of Hackers Information Report, and we picked up another writer along the way! Axon says this probably one of the funnest issues he's been involved with since the whole thing began. Classes are winding down for most of the writers, and everything is turning out pretty good so far. Despite our slow-down in information divulging, HiR is STILL healthy and alive, looking for more information and constantly thinking up bizarre technologically-focused stuff to give to you, the reader.
Ixl is the newest writer in the HiR Crew. He joined up with us about a month ago, expressing an interest in both gaining information and taking what he knows and learns in the future, to share it with those who will read it (this means you). Ixl joins us from Canada, and has recently taken interest in Linux & FreeBSD after the typical hacker phase of realizing "Windows just doesn't cut it all the time".
Great Newz: Axon finally got into the UNIX Administration class for the fall semester, so in a few months, you could expect to see some Solaris articles (and hopefully they don't decide to switch to Linux for the class. Right now, it looks like Solaris is going to be the platform used, and we'll see if they'll let students play with a Sun Ultra 1 or if they'll force us to use the Intel Edition of Solaris...)
Also, as things build up before the Ultimate Gathering of Hackers in Vegas (AKA DefCon 7), Some of the HiR Crew is again preparing for the sacred outing. There's no stopping us. Rooms are reserved, and hardware has been purchased... It looks like all three of the attending HiR Crew Members (Frogman, Axon, Asmodian) are going to be armed with an arsenal of one laptop and one palmtop per person. Teehee... It looks like Frogman got a sweet deal on a decent palmtop (in addition to the 486 laptop he's always had), and Axon finally picked up a full-size laptop replacement, but still uses his palmtop where a full-size laptop isn't practical. Asmo's got the laptop and was the HiR Member to start us on the palmtop action as well, and a lot of our equipment is gonna be network-ready on arrival. For those of you who make it there, try to find us... We'll probably be handing out printed copies of the mag all the way back from issue #1. For those of you who aren't gonna make it: maybe next year. Save your nickels and dimes, cuz DAMN it's worth it! Rest assured, the entire HiR crew is good at notetaking (and most of us are damn fast typers, too), so there's bound to be some info in HiR 10 or HiR 11 about defcon... hopefully we'll squeeze out #10 before defcon, though...
As we were saying earlier: HiR is alive and well, and it looks like HiR 10 will have some interesting things to offer as well. The Crew won't ruin it for you, but we've got some articles already in draft form, just screaming to be expanded on, touched up, and released. It even looks like we'll have another writer, and maybe even a truly bizarre article ("hacking your car" ?! That will cover simple "hacks" that give you more Horsepower/Acceleration and stuff) but that article isn't written yet, and may or may not show up in HiR. I guess it falls under "ethical hacking".
Shout outs to: Palmtop computers with real QWERTY keyboards, Mountain Dew, Barq's, Surge, Dr. Pepper, Payphones everywhere you go (for easy online access!), and the Number 42.
This issue took a lot of pulling together from all members, and it's probably one of the most informative issues we've released to date in terms of the "cool stuff" department (between technical/philosophical explanations, taking a closer look at some things, and hands on projects.)
--HiR Crew, Signing off (06/01/1999) -- Yah, We're Y2K Compliant & Stuff.