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Format the Playstation 2 hard disk with HDAdvance
Splash Screen
HDAdvance. USA Ver. 1.00 (DVD). Intro screen.
Hardware Errors
/_ HDAdvance could not find HDD hardware, ensure it is connected to the Playstation. _/ (Could not find any console compatible pictures)
/_ The HDD needs formatting before it is operation do you want to format now (ALL DATA WILL BE LOST!) ? _/
/_ Please wait, formatting HDD ... _/
Agreement (Disabled) Main Screen
/_ File list. No files are installed. _/ This is main screen with the games listed on the left side and the controls on the right side. The controls are; /_ Run _/ , /_ Convert _/ , /_ Delete _/ and /_ Relabel _/ .
If you select a game and press SELECT you can enable and disable game compatibility modes. More information below.
/_ Insert Disc. Please insert game disc. _/
/_ Install Problem. Bad disc was inserted. _/
/_ Checking Disc. _/
/_ Select a game name. _/
Copying. Please wait, installing program...
/_ Please wait... Copying to HD. _/ Note that the speed is only 615KB/sec because the laser is reading the inner most part of the disc (less data per track).
/_ Please wait... Copying to HD. _/ As you can see the speed is now 1230KB/sec when the laser is on the outter most part of the disc (more data per track).
/_ Copy has finished. _/
/_ Do you want to delete file: x _/
/_ Removing game.. _/
/_ Game was deleted ok. _/
/_ Enter a game name. _/
/_ Renaming. Relabelling file... _/