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Ubiquitous Issue 1 File 3: Zapping Free Fone calls

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 · 3 years ago

This is a file I typed up years ago. It still works and most of you should know about it but I included it for those of you who don't.

Zapping Free Fone calls:

Now I suppose you are all thinking - not another fucking lame text file on getting phree fone calls, well maybe, maybe not. But the method I am to discuss I have never seen mentioned b4. Could be that I have been looking in the wrong places but whatever the reason I decided to type up this text phile in the hope that it will benefit all humankind.....

.....except TeleScum!

To do this all you need is a spark zapper. Something like the gas igniters found in a household gas hot water service. Basically they need to produce a heavy voltage to work. They are available at places like KleenHeat gas.

Ok, so you've got the thing, what now? Well unfortunantly this only works on the old green fones so you gotta keep a sharp eye out for the bastards as they are getting rarer and rarer each day. The best place to find them is in poorer areas, especially industrial areas. Don't waste your time in tourist type places.

Once you have found your green fone open the door and enter closing it behind you as the sound of the zapper can attract attention. Now lift up the reciever and listen for the dial tone. Now these zappers can hurt like fuck if they send a good dosage of current through you so be careful that NO PART of your body is touching anything metal - especially your arse. In fact try to keep as far away from anything metal at all. If you happen to be a fat bastard then I suggest you get someone else to do it or just don't be a wimp and put up with it - fuck man when you eat so much that it is preventing you from phreaking then you've got problems bud.

Right enough of the bullshit what the fuck am I supposed to do with this bloody zapper thing? Well I'm glad you asked. It's a bitch at first and you may not get it the first time but you have to zap the living shit outta the fone, by putting the end of the zapper on the mouth or ear piece and going sicko with the thing. (Be careful holding mouth piece. Don't come into contact with the metal rivet on the other side).

You may hear the fone go clunk if that happens then hang up the phone and start zapping again. Keep zapping until you don't hear the clunk. (Around twenty zaps is required but it varies from fone to fone). Now, holding the fone up to your ear, press the hang up lever, it should NOT do anything. If you still hear the dial or engaged tone and does not make that beeping sound and hang up, then you can congratulate yourself on having defeated the fone's coin system! :-) Just dial your number (Local,STD,ISD) and you will get through no sweat. Whenever you want to hang up dial a number (dosen't matter which one) and release the dialing ring VERY SLOWLY. You should get the dial tone back. When you have finished with the fone, just hang up the fone and about ten seconds later the phone will go clunk and will be back to normal. IT'S THAT EASY!

Some words of warning:

First of all most fones hold a maximum of approximately eighty bucks depending on what coins have been used on that particular fone. It is going to look a bit odd to Telescum when that fone has registered as making hundreds of dollars worth of fone calls. They may first blame it on a computer error, but if it keeps happening they will raise more than a few eyebrows and may have the fone traced or an STD ISD bar put on it. The safest bet is to move from fone to fone. There was one dickhead who was phreaking those blue fones who got a phree ride down to the local pig shop when he used the same fone too often and the feds watched the fone! (To phreak the blue fones stick a piece of metal small enough into the keyhole in the side of it and turn it - the fone should now dish out phree calls!!)

Secondly if you use the same fone often enough the fone will not clunk back to normal and anyone can dial the dialer really slowly and get phree calls further alerting Telescum that something is wrong. Or stupid people might find the fone out of order a report it to Telescum. One way or another it is not a good idea to overuse the fone so these things can even happen.

How it works:

How the phuck can zapping the shit out of a fone get you phree calls I hear you ask. Well that's easily answered. Relays and switches are very sensitive to large currents; what normally happens is the coin falls and the weight of it activates a switch which grants a credit of X dollars. When you induce a huge current it forces the relay switch over at high speed totally by passing the fone's coin system putting the fone at the mercey of the phreaker. Pretty fucking neat eh? (Note this process works with some arcade games as well!)

Well I hope you find the phile of use. Have fun and for fuck sake don't get caught. If you do, don't lag your collegues in. (As a rule of thumb if you aren't under arrest say NOTHING if you are demand legal representation!)


(BigBrother is watching you!)

- End of File -

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