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SLAM3.036: Thankz & Greetz

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Member's for =>
Virtual Daemon
- Editorials
- DOS viewer
- The "Beavis" Virus
- Direct COM Infection Tutorial
- Debug Script Dumper - Pascal source code
- The ˜Paranoid˜ Virus
- The S˙k˙y˙W˙a˙l˙k˙e˙r Virus
- The smallest asm Virus #2
- Simple Tutorial to Stealth Virii - Size Stealth
- How to make your own virus capture files Article
Nightmare Joker
- Editorials
- Windows 95 viewer
- Description of the WM.AntiAv's Virus
- How to encrypt wordbasic and vba code Article
- Anti Heuristic Excel Virus *DON*
- Description of the WM.AntiAv's Virus
- WordMacro Virus Cheat
- Word97 Appder Virus Analysis
- WordMacro Virus Moss
- WordMacro ShareFun Virus Analysis
- Around the Wazzu's World Article
- Debug Script Data Maker (C++)
- Word 6/95 and 97 Tips 'n Tricks Article
- Lunar Word Macro Virus
Stealth Warrior
- Combo Virus Tutorial
- EXE Appending Virus Tutorial
Dark Chakal
- Resident semi-stealth EXE/COM Infector ] DaMNeD [
- SKaNK Virus v1.0 ~·eta Version~
- MBR/BS Infector ]GrOx[
Lord of nAvAn
- INVASION GENERATOR LoNIG - source code + faq
- LoNIG example Viruses
- The WordMacro Vicissator Virus
Outsider's for =>
- WordMacro97.RatSMagic Virus
- Encrypted vxd exe infector *Drazil*
- The Xavier Virus
- How a boot virus can hook dos interrupts
Dream Player
- ARJ - Batch file infector
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- Vecna: Still alive?
- The Underground Prophet: Are you dead or what?
- Dream Player: Show us more!
- Dark Night: Hey, come back, lazy bastard ;]
- God@rky: Move your ass back to ILF. ;)
- B0z0: Xine #3?
- Cicatrix: Your VDAT is really damn good! :)
- Methyl: Great tutorials!
- Lord of Entropy: And again thanx for the place on ILF!
- liquiz: Will we see SOK #4?
- Almighty: Never close your #virus site!
- grampa: Show us more australian F/WIN Killer. ;)
- Casio: Resident Asic virus?
- The Unforgiven: Create a web site. :)
- lithron: Wazzup man.
- Marc: Do you have a keyboard? ;]
and VD greets still Quantum, Pockets, Yosha, ORIC, MrSandman, and MGL.
----- SLAM VIRUS TEAM -----