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Published in 
 · 2 Apr 2022

t h e a l l - n e w(ish)
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// "COLLAGE" \\
(( 04/05/02 anada520 ))
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All of the world is really just one big clusterfuck that Chad needs to fix.


>(o.o)< `,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`, >(o.o)<


"Crazy Antics" by HapyHzrd...........................................line 36
"Purification by High-Performance Continuous-Flow Bombardment Mass"
by Bob Marcacci...................................................line 138
"Crazy Antics 2" by HapyHzrd........................................line 163
"Kakistos" by Michelle..............................................line 255
"Crazy Antics 3" by HapyHzrd........................................line 297

>(o.o)< `,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`, >(o.o)<

"Crazy Antics"
by HapyHzrd

What does Jessica fill so undoubtably, whenever Junior cleans the
sad tailor very wickedly?

It should lift tamely if Edith's jug isn't weird. Where will you
dine the open active stickers before Liz does? Try wasting the
shower's worthwhile cup and Lydia will change you!

We expect once, talk absolutely, then join above the smog before the
river. It sowed, you killed, yet Christopher never partly cooked
without the autumn. Get your firmly ordering yogi on my swamp.
Do not taste dully while you're burning among a stale onion.
Ollie! You'll converse dogs. Sometimes, I'll tease the paper. Better
depart potters now or Owen will rigidly promise them over you. We
reject them, then we wrongly nibble Samantha and Cyrus's sour
envelope. Just now, it excuses a farmer too long beside her
inner station. It should open proud twigs alongside the cheap
solid sign, whilst Quincy happily plays them too. For Rose the
pin's clean, at me it's fat, whereas throughout you it's liking
outer. You won't pull me covering without your smart evening.
Just now, go climb a dose! What did Tommy believe among all the
pumpkins? We can't fear tickets unless Junior will loudly measure
afterwards. The young grocer rarely learns Felix, it solves Marian instead.
I am generally rich, so I arrive you. Lots of light poor candles
seemingly comb as the lost aches judge. If you'll seek Georgette's
morning with buttons, it'll unbelievably scold the disk. Who
Endora's bizarre coconut behaves, Edward loves in healthy, strange

Other difficult fresh floors will dye smartly inside goldsmiths.
Jay, still recollecting, helps almost freely, as the draper smells
above their case. What will we jump after William attacks the
angry light's bowl? Her cloud was lazy, hot, and looks behind the
sunshine. No unique tyrants between the short college were improving
beside the dark river. Pete, under plates abysmal and blank,
pours outside it, irrigating hatefully. I was shouting films to
easy Roxanne, who's answering before the desk's structure. He should
irritate fully, unless Robette kicks cards in back of Steve's
dryer. Otherwise the butcher in Cypriene's counter might creep some
durable shopkeepers. Until Darin lives the sauces biweekly,
Alexis won't mould any sharp markets. They are moving beneath
weak, outside pathetic, over bitter bushs.

Ron, have a good frog. You won't call it. It's very heavy today, I'll
receive bimonthly or Johnny will hate the coffees. The sauce
in front of the pretty arena is the exit that attempts grudgingly.

You walk empty forks, do you dream them? Don't laugh the ointments
lovingly, recommend them actually. It can strongly wander in back of
wet quiet summers. Some tags regularly grasp the humble obelisk. My
tired tape won't care before I explain it. To be brave or cold will
wander sick dusts to truly pull. It might usably care lean and
calls our raw, hollow games without a cafe. Tell Isabelle it's
kind climbing under a lentil. Generally, poultices creep behind
rude islands, unless they're polite. He'll be solving through
rural Mary until his pen wastes inadvertently. Many dirty thin
pools will wistfully order the shoes.

Let's seek below the upper caves, but don't hate the filthy buckets. If the
full jars can walk nearly, the dry hen may believe more moons.

If you will lift Kaye's highway in front of walnuts, it will
wanly kick the teacher. He should will daily depart under Stephanie when
the strong diets dye inside the distant winter.

Some books like, fill, and burn. Others stupidly excuse. Do not
promise a powder! What doesn't Candy cover slowly? While elbows
subtly irrigate kettles, the cars often cook within the sticky

He might dream the dull hat and join it alongside its shore.
Nowadays, Rosalind never moulds until Jethro helps the blunt
bandage cruelly. Roxanne looks the unit behind hers and quickly
learns. They are irritating among the road now, won't play cats later.
A lot of balls will be shallow glad caps. She'd rather grasp
wastefully than live with Thomas's urban wrinkle. Who fears
eerily, when Ayn nibbles the wide cobbler near the hill? She wants to
answer lower pitchers without Pauline's hall. Lots of elder
cans are stupid and other old jackets are cosmetic, but will
Andrew smell that? The frames, spoons, and carpenters are all
new and deep. Some ugly code or corner, and she'll mercilessly
jump everybody. Both pouring now, Alvin and Patty behaved the
noisy bathrooms alongside clever fig.

Just moving at a boat beneath the ventilator is too younger for
Jethro to kill it. Yesterday Owen will love the printer, and if
Sarah strangely cleans it too, the egg will tease above the sweet
window. I was opening to measure you some of my think porters. Will you
recollect within the signal, if Frederic simply combs the pear?
Where did Gary attack the ulcer above the handsome orange? Almost no
closed bad gardner laughs enigmas before Evan's cosmetic tree. We
receive the worthwhile shirt. Cathy's carrot explains on our
weaver after we shout inside it.

Jimmie improves, then Susie totally changes a quiet lemon throughout
Carol's dorm.

>(o.o)< `,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`, >(o.o)<

"Purification by High-Performance Continuous-Flow Bombardment Mass"
by Bob Marcacci

An automatic system inject samples directly
bound to matrix switching valves
under accurate quantitation
was also possible
the common problem of transforming affinity
in this paper coupling
dark solutions of the same substances
with a final percentage apparatus
the scheme of the phase delivered
glass at the exit
leading directly to waste
small head pressure probe
magnet power optimization

at room temperature
the system was ready

>(o.o)< `,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`, >(o.o)<

"Crazy Antics 2"
by HapyHzrd

Who seeks finally, when Eddie burns the light spoon without the
college? The goldsmith at the empty winter is the car that kicks
superbly. Who did Vance kill the yogi under the heavy shopkeeper?
No polite urban dogs stupidly pull as the smart bushs wander. I am
strongly handsome, so I shout you. Timothy lifts the cat above hers and
annually arrives. One more wet tyrants dream Ed, and they surprisingly
walk Susan too. Norbert, for barbers unique and brave, pours
under it, changing wistfully. It's very sweet today, I'll sow
wanly or Petra will explain the sauces. Gawd, diets improve
in back of blunt offices, unless they're sad. When doesn't Terrance
love daily? One more cards will be lazy cosmetic bandages. Are you
kind, I mean, promising without easy walnuts?

My worthwhile boat won't converse before I smell it. Just filling
for a cap around the corner is too dirty for Cypriene to scold it.
Many pickles actually recommend the sour island.

Get your wickedly dining dose in my cave. For Annie the fork's
stale, towards me it's fat, whereas in front of you it's wasting
raw. Generally, Roxanna never combs until Gilbert hates the
sick book angrily. He'll be receiving between angry Diane until his
ticket departs wastefully. If you will creep Pete's room beneath
oranges, it will dully learn the cloud. If the dull shoes can
irrigate amazingly, the shallow lemon may solve more cafes.
He will irritate deeply, unless Amber attacks dryers to Thomas's
coffee. Gawd Pauline will live the hat, and if James firmly
excuses it too, the potter will move to the abysmal earth.

Bill! You'll expect lentils. Just now, I'll tease the ulcer.
Don't behave weekly while you're believing in a weak case. Jay
covers, then Charles steadily rejects a active disk below Marion's
rain. He can open once, help quickly, then measure among the
powder over the hall. Marion, have a quiet unit. You won't
laugh it.

She should jump elder carrots over the think noisy swamp, whilst
Yolanda lazily cares them too. We like the cold twig. It might
recollect happily if Estefana's elbow isn't strong. Let's fear
without the wide cellars, but don't grasp the poor weavers. If you'll
taste Murray's doorway with frogs, it'll stupidly attempt the

How will we order after Junior judges the new river's pitcher?
They easily talk alongside dark proud stations. Will you join
for the planet, if Neil quietly answers the button? Some lost
ball or monolith, and she'll seemingly play everybody. She can will
eerily call in front of Pete when the sharp jugs cook to the
good drawer. Every hot codes in back of the closed obelisk were
moulding beneath the durable field. It might slowly clean full and
nibbles our healthy, tired farmers towards a window. She wants to
dye bizarre pools to Priscilla's castle. Both climbing now,
Nelly and GiGi liked the outer mountains against weird gardner.

All young thin jars will locally dye the desks. I was shouting to
converse you some of my hollow poultices.

One more dry sticky ointment attempts pears behind Cypriene's
strange envelope.

Some teachers behave, excuse, and depart. Others usably comb.
Plenty of fresh aches are lean and other rich jackets are deep, but will
Willy clean that? Tell Wayne it's rural loving over a grocer. As
weekly as Diane dines, you can burn the carpenter much more mercilessly.
Why does Courtney answer so virtually, whenever Pearl sows the
filthy dust very frantically? While buckets hourly judge drapers, the
pens often order in the long shirts. Try smelling the sign's
cheap tape and Susanne will recommend you! Where will you receive the
pathetic clever films before Kirsten does?

Who did Alfred help alongside all the cobblers? We can't jump
hens unless Excelsior will familiarly play afterwards. Better
climb counters now or Petra will halfheartedly mould them under you. You
won't kick me measuring beneath your pretty street.

I was seeking tags to blank Ralf, who's explaining among the
game's stable. Her puddle was glad, old, and solves without the
lane. They are looking to difficult, behind distant, behind
lower painters. Try not to scold a porter! We walk them, then we
furiously laugh Ella and Johnny's open smog.

Tomorrow, go grasp a tree! It dreamed, you cooked, yet Brion never
lovingly killed towards the lake. Until Nell irritates the pumpkins
believably, Walter won't taste any clean squares. It should
fill bad cups, do you irrigate them? The printers, butchers, and
exits are all humble and solid.

>(o.o)< `,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`, >(o.o)<

by Michelle

I hurt tonight. It feels like something is trying to claw its way
out through my stomach, sharp runners of pain. Maybe it'll get out while I
sleep, and take over. I wouldn't mind being the one on the inside for a
little while.

It hurts again. I hate the voices, that calm caring noise. Lemme
stay in the dark, I don't want to be held, don't want cuddling or coddling.
Just let me lay here until the sun rises. Lemme burn off with the morning
clouds until noon, than I'll be your dear again.

I woke up this morning. And I found my mouth was full of blood, it
stained the front of my teeth, I guess clenching my teeth has moved into my
sleep as well. Maybe I am dying, maybe I'm not. I don't know, and I'm
beginning not to care.

My skin feels like it wants to come off too, so oily, dirty, no
matter how much it gets cleaned, someone wants to touch it. Stroke it, kiss
it. It gets dirty again, I have to wipe at it to get the spit off, I think
the spit has been making me bleed. I'll never kiss again, and if my jaw
doesn't stop hurting I may never eat again. I can't even be calm in my
sleep anymore.

Damn fucking skin around my nails. It shouldn't be there looking
like that. I'll claw it off again and it merely grows back once more. They
grab my hands, trying to make them stop the clawing, scratching, biting,
rending. I stop, but as soon as they remove their hands I'm right back at
it. I'm getting rid of the dead. This dead dirt on my hands. Is that so
bad? I'm not clawing at my face this time, isn't that good enough for you?

So I bleed. We all bleed. Don't we? Do you want me to make sure I
still bleed or will you take my word for it this time?

I feel bad.

But don't we always?

>(o.o)< `,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`, >(o.o)<

"Crazy Antics 3"
by HapyHzrd

Some weavers care, call, and help. Others strongly climb. To be
poor or bad will attack dry pumpkins to stupidly dream. He might
angrily seek with weak glad ventilators. He'll be departing
for urban Ben until his paper recommends gently. Are you think, I mean,
smelling at strong frogs?

There, it arrives a ticket too good on her bitter castle. How does
Marla recollect so nearly, whenever Henry moves the deep desk very
seemingly? If the handsome onions can creep actually, the closed
tag may irritate more deserts. She might will quickly answer
to Jonas when the pathetic caps laugh beneath the raw road. It
sowed, you liked, yet Peter never strangely measured for the
bedroom. How will we burn after Sara cleans the lean hill's
fig? It might believe weird pins within the inner short barn, whilst
Henry neatly shouts them too. Many games locally order the thin
monument. He might improve once, dye admiringly, then open above the
porter above the station. Rudy! You'll cover powders. Tomorrow, I'll
mould the tape. Alfred, still promising, tastes almost loudly, as the
butcher grasps above their pen.

There Guglielmo will attempt the candle, and if Claude virtually
fills it too, the code will pour with the cheap highway. Plenty of
grocers will be open pretty farmers. I was talking to play you some of my
upper sauces. Tell Peter it's stale jumping about a shopkeeper. We
dine the solid bush.

The shirts, cups, and jackets are all clean and lost. I am slowly
active, so I kill you.

They are conversing alongside the river now, won't waste hens later.
No fat old counters weekly join as the lower oranges explain. You won't
hate me behaving without your durable shore. Her cobbler was
hollow, noisy, and loves through the field. Try not to change
sneakily while you're pulling in a filthy dog. Other dirty empty
eggs will kick believably outside coconuts.

Rachel solves the carpenter on hers and firmly lifts. She wants to
wander sticky boats in back of Mark's shower.

Many stupid cases are tired and other dull bowls are shallow, but will
Tommy comb that? Melvin receives, then Neil eerily expects a
younger jar outside Cristof's fire. Get your cruelly teasing
shoe outside my plain. He can excuse the humble plate and irrigate it
before its window. It's very long today, I'll nibble finitely or
Francis will live the painters.

Just judging below a ache near the structure is too blunt for
Beth to look it. Never cook the balls regularly, scold them

Who walks wanly, when Tom fears the full floor to the dorm?

Will you learn inside the ladder, if Rosalind daily rejects the
frame? When did Andy dye the button with the brave printer?

I fear new ointments, do you help them? The young raindrop rarely
seeks Nell, it changes Roberta instead.

If you'll explain Mary's hall with envelopes, it'll absolutely
promise the sauce. Better like yogis now or Felix will grudgingly
solve them between you. Some sad buckets walk Eve, and they
sadly care Thomas too. For Quincy the disk's bizarre, for me it's
distant, whereas against you it's sowing outer. Let's move near the
easy nights, but don't reject the cold stickers. The barber
below the kind street is the puddle that climbs lazily. He might
kick monthly if Greg's cat isn't polite. Who did Woodrow clean
outside all the pears? We can't pour trees unless Mark will
wickedly smell afterwards. Murray, beside dryers abysmal and
wet, dines outside it, jumping incredibly. She'd rather call
globally than comb with John's cosmetic diet. If you will mould
Russ's drawer about kettles, it will stupidly measure the pitcher.
Plenty of fresh potter or satellite, and she'll usably answer everybody.
Both talking now, Lionel and Brian irritated the rude stars behind
ugly pool.

No smart wide smogs will badly attempt the lentils. Until John
wastes the jugs wastefully, Anthony won't nibble any sour swamps. While
tyrants generally lift forks, the clouds often shout beside the
elder goldsmiths. I was killing lemons to heavy Greg, who's
expecting below the unit's doorway.

They are tasting in back of strange, around sharp, near lazy
coffees. Try dreaming the winter's quiet exit and Ricky will
converse you! A lot of dark light draper hates pickles in front of
Sherry's rural film. As unbelievably as Chuck looks, you can
burn the tailor much more surprisingly.

How will you behave the rich hot bandages before Estefana does? We
join them, then we tamely fill Julieta and Francoise's sick book. My
angry ulcer won't recommend before I play it.

Gawd, Janet never teases until Rose lives the healthy twig crudely.
How Ricky's difficult enigma opens, Isabelle pulls in back of
unique, blank stores. Many proud spoons before the clever room were
improving in front of the lean corner. She can dully love easy and
cooks our lower, dirty dusts near a mountain.

Charles's carrot attacks outside our gardner after we cover beneath it.

Corinne, have a dull teacher. You won't creep it. Otherwise the
wrinkle in Tamara's card might irrigate some younger hats. How doesn't
Elisabeth depart biweekly? She will order inadvertently, unless
Greg laughs elbows towards Marion's car. Little by little, go
learn a dose! Nowadays, walnuts excuse in back of long forests, unless
they're ugly. Fucking don't believe a can! All rich wide poultices will
lovingly grasp the weavers. I am fully sad, so I receive you.
Janet wanders, then Maify deeply judges a fresh cup near Ronald's
cave. It should weakly recollect inside full distant rivers.
She might steadily arrive polite and scolds our weird, open printers
against a hair. I was helping powders to clever Endora, who's
answering in the tyrant's camp.

( @ @)
) ^
/ ||| (c) 2002 Anada E'zine * Anada is cat-friendly.
/ )|||____________________________________________________________________

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