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chronology of the origin of life

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 · 4 Jun 2022

1920s - The primordial soup

Around 1920, the Soviet scientist Alexander Oparin and the English scientist J. B. S. Haldane independently proposed a first hypothesis of some scientific relevance which later became famous under the name of the "primordial soup".

Alexander Oparin
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Alexander Oparin
J. B. S. Haldane
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J. B. S. Haldane

This idea was very successful and thanks to its developments in the early 1950s, the chemist Harold Urey was awarded the Nobel Prize. Let's see this idea schematically: the primordial earth's atmosphere was composed of ammonia, methane, water vapor, hydrogen with virtually no molecular oxygen.

American physical chemist Harold Urey began his studies at the University of Montana and obtains his
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American physical chemist Harold Urey began his studies at the University of Montana and obtains his Ph.D. in physical chemistry in 1923 at the University of California at Berkeley. Soon after, he moved to Copenhagen to do research in atomic physics with Niels Bohr. He became full professor in 1934 at Colombia University. Between 1933 and 1940 he was the editor of the Journal of Chemical Physics. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1934 thanks to his studies on hydrogen which led him to the discovery of Deuterium. During World War II, despite his declared pacifism, he was in charge of isotope separation studies within the Manhattan Project. After the war he was appointed professor at the Institute of Nuclear Studies at the University of Chicago. He was a staunch advocate of the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and actively worked with other scientists to promote worldwide cooperation to prevent further conflict.

Lightning, ultraviolet radiation from the sun and volcanic heat triggered reactions that led to the formation of carbon molecules. These molecules accumulated in the primordial oceans giving them the consistency of a soup diluted at a high temperature. Subsequent changes led to the formation of life.

Criticism to the theory: the aforementioned composition of the earth's primordial atmosphere which subsequent studies have shown to be rich in nitrogen, carbon dioxide and water vapor. Even admitting a composition like the one proposed by Oparin Haldane, the molecules with carbon atoms would not last long in the prebiotic soup and one would return to the starting compounds.

1953 - The Miller and Urey experiment

In 1953 Stanley Miller, a young graduate of the University of Chicago, conceived, under the guidance of Professor Harold Urey, an experiment that captured the imagination of the biological world.

Miller based on Oparin-Haldane's ideas regarding the composition of the primordial earth's atmosphere and created an apparatus to test whether the formation of basic molecules for life could actually be achieved.

Stanley Miller was born in 1930 in Oakland California. He studied at the University of California wh
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Stanley Miller was born in 1930 in Oakland California. He studied at the University of California where he got his degree working with Harold Urey and then at the University of Chicago where in 1954 he finished his doctorate in chemistry. He was a full professor at the University of California at San Diego and a member of the National Academy of Sciences. Thanks to his studies on the origins of life he obtained the Oparin Medal.

The apparatus was a large glass tube bent to form a sort of rounded rectangle. Miller introduced inside the pipe water and a mixture of the gases of the "primordial soup", ammonia, hydrogen and methane. He then connected electrodes to create sparks inside the tube. He left the tube in this situation for a week until he realized the tube was getting a patina. Analyzing this patina he found among its components small quantities of two simple amino acids, alanine and glycine. The scientific world immediately gave great prominence and support to Miller's achievement.

The Miller experiment
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The Miller experiment

Criticisms: again the initial mix was that of Oparin - Haldane, therefore with little or no chance of being realistic.

Furthermore, Miller had not presented any evidence on how the amino acids formed should have replicated. Without auto replication, life could not have existed.

It should be keep in mind that just in those years (1953) Watson and Crick presented their work (subtracting it from Rosemborg) on the structure of DNA.

The replicator RNA

Leslie Orgel, born in 1927, graduated from Oxford in 1949, Phd in 1951, brought the idea of ​​the RNA as a replicator to the attention of the scientific community. According to the scientist, RNA was somehow formed in the prebiotic world.

Leslie Eleazer Orgel was a professor at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego, a po
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Leslie Eleazer Orgel was a professor at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego, a position he has held since 1965. He was born in 1927 in London and graduated in 1949 from the University of Oxford where, two years later, he completed his doctorate in chemistry. In 1955, after several years of research at the University of Chicago and the California Institute of Technologies, he became a lecturer at Cambridge University. During his time in Cambridge Orgel contributed to the development of the transition metal theory TRANSITION METAL CHEMISTRY: LIGAND FIELD THEORY (1960). NASA supports its intense chemistry research that could help unravel the mystery about the origins of life.

RNA can be represented as a long side of a hinge. Orgel had managed to experimentally demonstrate that RNA was self-duplicating, that is, that the other side of the hinge was formed, perfectly mirroring the first. In this way the first stage of duplication was completed.

Criticisms: also in this case the Oparin-Haldane atmosphere is assumed to be the primordial terrestrial atmosphere. Furthermore, the molecules of RNA, and therefore of DNA, are so huge and so complicated, that using them as a starting point for life on earth seems to be risky. Enzymes were needed to get the starting side of the hinge (not the mirror side). Enzymes (biological catalysts) are nothing more than proteins. And the proteins are synthesized thanks to the sequences of information reported by the RNA. So we're at the point where the cat bites its own tail.

1960s - The microspheres

As it was unlikely for Sidney Fox that RNA, and therefore DNA, could be synthesized randomly in the primordial atmosphere, he thought of proteins as precursors of life on earth. He imagined large lagoons filled with bubble-like structures called microspheres. Each microsphere was made up of a substance called a proteinoid.

American biochemist Sidney Fox was born on March 24, 1912 in Los Angeles, California. In 1940 he rec
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American biochemist Sidney Fox was born on March 24, 1912 in Los Angeles, California. In 1940 he received his Ph.D. from the University of California Institute of Technology. He was director of the Florida Oceanographic Institute from 1955 to 1961 and of the Florida Institute of Bioscience until 1964 before moving to Miami to become director and professor of the Institute of Cellular and Molecular Evolution.

In his model, Fox hypothesized that proteinoids were able to catalyze chemical reactions and thus form outermost surfaces that behave like a cell membrane. The amino acid chains could self-duplicate and then evolve up to the formation of DNA and RNA. The microspheres possessed, among other things, the ability for a kind of reproduction. Furthermore, during the fusion of the microspheres, an exchange of internal material took place

Criticism: Several attempts to synthesize proteinoids in the manner described by Fox have led to the formation of amino acid sequences very far from conventional proteins. Attempts to synthesize the microspheres have proved to be only partially effective, as they tend to be very fragile and unstable in the type of environment considered.

1980s - Silica crystals

Graham Cairns-Smith hypothesized in the early 1980s that the first living organisms on earth were not based on a carbon atom structure, but on a sort of clay crystal formed from the mud.

A living specie made from silicon dioxide crystals. Crystals of silicon dioxide (silica) form quartz. Mica is a mineral present in volcanic lava made up of silicon dioxide crystals. Crystals are interesting because they are the result of the natural and spontaneous organization of atoms in very different geometries and designs.

Alexander Graham Cairns-Smith, born in Kilmarnock in Scotland in 1931, finished his PhD in 1957; sub
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Alexander Graham Cairns-Smith, born in Kilmarnock in Scotland in 1931, finished his PhD in 1957; subsequently he was a Fellow of the Institute of Biology and Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Since 1957 he has taught organic chemistry as well as History and Philosophy of Science and Molecular Biology at the University of Glasgow.

We know that mineral crystals have the ability to grow simply by agglomerating around an original crystal. If the structure breaks, the fragments of the crystals can continue to grow independently of each other, in a sort of self-replication process. Some particular types of clays called kaolinites have the property of growing in thin layers. Smith argues that the clay crystals began to grow by adding layers to themselves. The primeval earth proposed by this idea would have been populated by communities of clays competing with each other to grab as much material as possible for growth. At some point these clay beings would have begun to incorporate molecules with a carbonic structure, and subsequently they would have synthesized DNA or RNA.

The positive aspects of this theory lie in not making assumptions about the primordial atmosphere of the earth. It is also based on one of the simplest properties of crystals, the ability to grow and reproduce by fragmentation.

Criticism: the way in which DNA or RNA should have formed from clay is not presented.

Extraterrestrial origins

Swante Arrhenius from Sweden was one of the earliest supporters of the idea that life on earth may have come from some distant planet.

Swante Arrhenius
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Swante Arrhenius

Crick and Orgel also proposed an idea related to the origin of life from other planets: "DIRECTED PANSPERMIA". They thought of a distant civilization that developed outside our solar system. Finding themselves in danger of extinction, they sent primitive life forms in every direction of the universe in the hope that they would reach other planets suitable for life.

Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe also proposed that the first forms of life originated outside our planet.


NASA scientists recently announced (year 2002) the creation of amino acids, necessary for life, in an environment that reproduces the same conditions as deep space. In a laboratory at NASA's Ames research center in California's Silicon Valley, a group of astrobiologists irradiated ultraviolet light onto space "ices", simulating conditions typical of interstellar space.

Space ice is common water ice containing simple molecules. The researchers, after irradiation, verified the presence of amino acids, in particular glycine, alanine and serine. This testifies that amino acids can have formed anywhere in the universe, wherever there are stars and planets. To confirm this, the presence of the same amino acids has been verified in some meteorites that have fallen to earth. The fact that amino acids could have been formed anywhere increases the chances that life could have developed in other parts of the universe as well.

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