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How to make a backup copy of your Dreamcast games [BBA method]

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 · 2 years ago


This tutorial will explain how to make your copies of official original Dreamcast games, on GD-Rom therefore, with a Broadband Adapter.
This method is relatively expensive because BBAs are generally on sale around 100/150 euros, so it is rather reserved for people who already have the hardware.
Another technique, much less expensive, with SD-Reader will soon be posted on this forum.
The tutorial does not explain how to reduce the total size of a game, for games over 900 MB.

Miscellaneous tips and notes

I strongly recommend not to go through a box (Livebox, Freebox...) or other router for the PC <-> DC connection, in fact the data transfer being very low (1 to 1.5 MB/s), it is reduced very frequently by this type of connection.
The very first copy can take a long time, between installations and various settings, count more than two hours. The following copies will be faster from 15 min to 1 hour depending on your installation, its power and the game to be copied.
Paragraphs A and B are only to be made for the first copy, for the following ones go directly to C.

What you will need in software

What you will need in hardware

  • a Dreamcast released before 2001 connected to a monitor
  • a Broadband Adapter (BBA)
  • a Broadband Passport boot CD

How to make a backup copy of your Dreamcast games [BBA method]
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  • a crossover Ethernet cable (a straight one should also work, but not tested)
  • two blank CDs
  • a PC with Windows OS, I use a PC with Windows Seven 64 Home
  • an original Dreamcast game

A-Settings for the PC <-> Dreamcast connection

For the three IPs below, you will need to enter the values ​​according to your personal network.

  • Connect the Ethernet cable to the console and the PC.
  • Insert the Broadband Passport into the Dreamcast and turn it on.
  • Go to the internet settings menu.
  • Enter an IP for your BBA, for the demonstration I use
  • Enter the gateway IP, for demonstration I use
  • Enter the IP of the mask, for the demonstration I use
  • Validate until the recording on the VMS.
  • Make a bridge between the two connections to allow the recognition of the BBA by Windows.

Your connection is configured.

B-Burning the httpd-ack CD

  • Unzip the archive wherever you want. A .cdi file comes out, delete the other file(s).
  • Launch Discjuggler and open the cdi file extracted earlier.
  • Start burning leaving all settings as they are.

Your httpd-ack CD is created.

C-Dump of game tracks

  • Connect the Ethernet cable to the console and the PC.
  • Insert the httpd-ack CD in the console, turn it on and wait for the total loading. A line with the IP should appear

How to make a backup copy of your Dreamcast games [BBA method]
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  • Replace the httpd-ack 1.0.4 CD with the game to dump.
  • Type in your Windows internet browser software (firefox, Internet Explorer...). The various data and tracks of the game then appear

How to make a backup copy of your Dreamcast games [BBA method]
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  • Click on all the tracks (trackX.bin or trackX.raw) to save them one by one in a folder that you will name Dump. Do the same for the .gdi file.

How to make a backup copy of your Dreamcast games [BBA method]
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  • Launch nullDC_Win32_Release-NoTrace.exe , select the gdi file and check that the game launches well from the emulator. If not, start the paragraph again from the beginning.

D-Merging files

Two cases are possible, the case that I will name Simple where there is no .raw file in your Dump folder and the other that I will name Hard where there are one or more .raw files.
Depending on the case you have, head to one method below.

  • Simple Case:
    Open track3.bin file settings and note the file size. It must imperatively be 1185760800. If this is not the case, you made a mistake somewhere, start over from the beginning.

  • Hard case:

    • Open track3.bin file settings the cleanliness and note the file size, I call it: A.
      For my game A =724519488
      Do the same on the last file, track15.bin in my case I call it: B .
      For my game B = 74012736

How to make a backup copy of your Dreamcast games [BBA method]
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  • Calculate the sum 1185760800 - ( A (+) B ). I call the result: C.
    For my game: C = 1185760800 - ( 724519488 + 74012736 ) = 387228576
  • Navigate to the folder containing the executive dummy.exe via a command prompt (Windows, search for CMD...) and create a white C -sized file named dummy.bat:

dummy dummy.bin C

  • (replace C with its value, for my game 387228576)Once you have your dummy.bin file, copy it to the Dump folder.
  • Head into the Dump folder via a command prompt and create a tracktotal.bin file like this:

copy /b track03.bin + dummy.bin + trackXX.bin tracktotal.bin

(put the real name of trackXX.bin, for my game track15.bin)

How to make a backup copy of your Dreamcast games [BBA method]
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  • Check the size of tracktotal.bin, it must imperatively be 1185760800, if this is not the case you made a mistake somewhere, start again from the beginning of the Hard Case.

E-Modification of the binary

  • Paste isofix.exe in the Dump folder and run it.
  • Indicate tracktotal.bin then the value 45000 then let the utility finish.
  • Rename the bootfile.bin file to ip.bin and extract the fixed.iso file using Winrar in a folder named Extract.
  • Move binhack32.exe to the Extract folder and run it. Indicate 1st_read.bin then ip.bin and finally the value 11702. The utility will patch the two binaries.

How to make a backup copy of your Dreamcast games [BBA method]
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F-Creating the cdi

  • In the Extract folder , remove binhack32.exe.
  • Control the size of the Extract folder . If it's not at least 500MB, create a dummy.bat file the same way as before. A large size facilitates the launch of the game by the console.
  • Place the ip.bin in the Tool folder of Bootmake then launch the utility. Fill in, if necessary, the indications like this:

    • Volume name: put the name you want
    • Source directory: find your Extract folder
    • IP.BIN: leave as is
    • ISO temp: leave as is
    • Destination file: indicate the location and name of the .cdi file

How to make a backup copy of your Dreamcast games [BBA method]
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  • Click on Make, your .cdi file will be created automatically.
  • Launch nullDC_Win32_Release-NoTrace.exe , select the .cdi file and check that the game launches well from the emulator.

Warning: Bootmake does not support spaces and special characters like é, &, è, ! ...

G-Burning of the game

  • Launch Discjuggler and open the cdi file created in the previous paragraph.
  • Start burning leaving all settings as they are.

Once burned, the game is ready to be launched from your console.

How to make a backup copy of your Dreamcast games [BBA method]
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