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Shrimps lentis with coconut and mango - suman

AniphaeS's profile picture
Published in 
Esperimenti culinari
 · 11 Sep 2022
Shrimps lentis with coconut and mango - suman
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  • Shrimps
  • Ground oil
  • Salt
  • Ginger
  • Mango
  • Coconut milk
  • Coconut disysdated
  • Cardamom
  • Lemongrass
  • Coriander
  • Onion

Tried to add also crushed peanuts but didn't like it, so no

#suman #sumancuisine #limehouse #Bangladesh #bangladeshcuisine

Shrimps lentis with coconut and mango - suman
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I bolted the shimps in simple hot water for a few minutes

Shrimps lentis with coconut and mango - suman
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Then I decided to clock the red lentils in the same water as the shrimps in order to not loose the flavor. So i had filtered the water for eliminating all shells.

Shrimps lentis with coconut and mango - suman
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Then I cleaned up the shimps shells and the shimps head cleaned in the water for v

Shrimps lentis with coconut and mango - suman
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So at the end you should have this red water with the shrimps flavour

Shrimps lentis with coconut and mango - suman
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And the shrimps

Shrimps lentis with coconut and mango - suman
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Minced a onion

Shrimps lentis with coconut and mango - suman
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And start cooking the lentis, the spices and the onions

Shrimps lentis with coconut and mango - suman
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When it is almost over, add the just of a lime

Shrimps lentis with coconut and mango - suman
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Adjust the flavour

Shrimps lentis with coconut and mango - suman
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Add the shrimps

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Francesco's profile picture
Francesco Arca (@Francesco)

I've never tried it, but it looks delicious :)

11 Sep 2022
AniphaeS's profile picture

It was too sweet, next time I need to try with the raw green mango instead of the mango pulp

12 Sep 2022
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