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Black Lodge - Revista Digital No. 11

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Black Lodge
 · 15 Sep 2022


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Revista Digital No. 11

Sitio Oficial de Descarga:

Distribuidores y Sitios de Promocion:


---LA FALSEDAD DEL "GOODTIMES"--- Articulo de "El Lado Oscuro"
---LETRAS DE EL GRUPO "THE OUTFIELD"--- Voices of Babylon y Diamond Days
---CARLOTADA--- (un postre muy rico ;))


Aqui estamos de nuevo con esta edicion que presenta otro articulo mas de
El Lado Oscuro, esta vez acerca de un virus falso, del cual se corrio el
rumor de su existencia por E-Mail. Las letras del tercer y cuarto disco
de The Outifield. Una guia rapida de Perl, en la que se profundiza un poco
mas. Para aquellos que tengan hambre, les presento la manera de preparar
un postre exquisito y facil de hacer. Por ultimo, unos comentarios acerca
de la pelicula "Sword Fish" que estuvo fatal, pero bueno, asi es Hollywood.


El enga~o de los virus por correo electronico.
por Hector Ugalde Corral (UCH)
Articulo publicado en la Revista "Personal Computing Mexico"
Octubre 1996

De la falsedad de los "Buenos Tiempos"
El enga~o de los virus por correo electronico.

Usuario: Oigan! Me avisaron que aguas con un nuevo virus que destruye
el disco duro cuando lees un mensaje de correo que dice
"Good Times" porque alli esta escondido el virus!
Cracker: Y no te dijeron que ya se iba a acabar el mundo?
Hacker: Y que ya salimos de la crisis?
Amigo (usuario Avanzado): O que Elvis Presley se va a reunir
con Los Beatles?
U: Creo que me estan cotorreando!...
C: Creo que crees ser incredulo...
H: Creo que debes de descreer de todo lo que te digan,
incluyendo esto que te estoy diciendo...
A: Creo que el que te esta cotorreando es el que te mando el aviso.
U: Crees?
H: No creo. El del cotorreo fue el que inicio el chisme...
U: Y quien fue?
H: Nadie sabe. Nadie supo.
C: Algunos sabemos, pero no lo queremos decir...
A: No nos cotorrees!
C: No es cotorreo, es secreto de confesion...
H: Mas bien de confusion!
U: Orden! orden! Expliquenme Por que es cotorreo lo del virus ese?
H: Bueno, comencemos analizando lo que dice el mensaje.
Hay varios textos, pero uno de los mas difundidos es el siguiente:
"La Comision Federal de Comunicaciones FCC emitio un aviso el pasado
miercoles con respecto a un tema de mayor importancia para cualquier
usuario regular de Internet. Aparentemente, un nuevo virus de computadora
ha sido creado por un usuario de American Online que no tiene paralelo en
su capacidad destructora. Otros virus mejor conocidos, como el Stoned,
Airwolf y el Michaelangelo palidecen en comparacion de las posibilidades
de esta nueva creacion de una mente perversa. Lo que hace a este virus
tan terrorifico, dijo la FCC, es el hecho de que ningun programa necesita
ser intercambiado para que una nueva computadora sea infectada.
Puede esparcirse a traves de los sistemas existentes de correo electronico
de la Internet. Una vez que alguna computadora es infectada, uno de varios
da~os puede ocurrir. Si la computadora contiene un disco duro, este sera
muy probablemente destruido. Si el programa no es detenido, el procesador
de la computadora entrara en un ciclo (loop) binario infinito de
complejidad enesima, el cual puede da~ar gravemente el procesador si se
deja corriendo demasiado tiempo.
Desafortunadamente, la mayoria de usuarios de computadora novatos no se
dan cuenta de lo que esta ocurriendo hasta que es demasiado tarde".
Luego indica que si se recibe un mensaje de correo electronico con el
tema del mensaje (subject) diciendo "Good Times" que no se lea y que se
borre inmediatamente. Por ultimo dice que se corra la voz mandando copia
del mensaje de aviso a otras personas.
U: Yo no le veo ningun problema!
H: El aviso es exagerado para espantar a la gente y esta inflado de
palabreria seudotecnica para que quien lo lea se vaya con la finta y se
lo crea.
A: Igual que los abogados!
C: Del diablo...
H: Por otro lado, desde que inicio el alboroto en Noviembre de 1994
NO se ha encontrado ninguna copia del "famoso" virus, ni se ha
comprobado ningun caso de destruccion de disco duro o de procesador
causado por ese virus "fantasma".
C: Ay mis hijos!
H: Es mas: no existe, ni existira ningun virus que cause da~o fisico
a la computadora o uno de sus componentes.
C: No apuestes tus antivirus nuevos!
U: Pero Que tiene de malo el aviso? No es bueno estar atentos sobre
los virus y ser mas cuidadosos?
H: En general es bueno estar consciente del problema, pero sin exagerar.
El llegar a tener miedo de usar el correo electronico es malo.
De por si muchos usuarios de Internet se la pasan navegando en
el Web sin usar para nada el E-Mail. Y pierden de vista el potencial
de comunicacion y contacto personal que tiene este servicio de Internet.
A: Con lo padre que es cartearse electronicamente!
H: Ademas, el rumor en si mismo es un virus. Se propaga. Quien recibe
el mensaje de aviso sobre el falso virus le avisa a sus conocidos
y se hace una cadena! El "virus" se esparce y se difunde informacion
falsa. Para que quede claro:

U: Y por que no contrarrestan el rumor del virus Good Times con "cadenas" de
mensajes avisando que ese virus no existe?
H: Se intento, pero curiosamente la gente tiende a propagar rumores
escandalosos y no mensajes con informacion seria y razonable.
A: Y lo que dices no es amarillismo? "EXTRA! EXTRA! La gente
tiende a propagar rumores escandalosos!"
C: Pero es que la gente adora el embrollo, la confusion y el caos.
Y por eso los crackers somos adorados pues somos agentes del caos...
U: Esperate! No hables por mi!
C: Es que todo tiende al caos: el trafico, la economia...
H: Las conversaciones...
A: Hasta la tercera ley de termodinamica tiende al desorden!
C: Es que el Sistema Operativo del Universo es el caOS.
U: Pero estabamos hablando del virus Good Times, no?
H: Pues parte del caos provocado por este "virus" fue debido a que
efectivamente habia un virus que se llamaba "Good Times",
el cual era un virus "normal" y que por supuesto no tenia nada
que ver con el correo electronico. Por lo que las empresas antivirus
decidieron cambiarle el nombre para evitar confusiones.
C: Como a~oro los buenos tiempos!
H: Ademas, para hacer mayor el embrollo, comenzaron a aparecer mensajes
con el subject de "Good Times", produciendo panico entre muchos
usuarios que inmediatamente borraban el mensaje y creian haberse
salvado del nuevo virus. Por lo que se convencian de su existencia.
A: El que inicio el rumor creo un buen enredo!
H: O mas bien un mal enredo!
C: En red ando enredando!...
H: Ningun virus puede infectar un simple texto de un mensaje de correo.
Y ningun virus puede infectarnos simplemente por leer un mensaje de
correo. Para infectarse es necesario que se ejecuten las instrucciones
del virus. Las unicas posibilidades de infeccion son la de recibir
un programa infectado como un anexo o archivo pegado (attachment),
el cual tendriamos que separar y posteriormente ejecutar, o recibir
un documento del procesador de palabras Word infectado por un virus
de macros, y aun asi, solo nos infectariamos cuando ejecutemos Word
para ver el documento. A menos que tenga configurado el lector de
correo para que automaticamente lance el programa Word, lo cual
no es conveniente. Lo que se recomienda es utilizar un programa
A: Pero eso ya se explico en "el lado oscuro" del mes de Julio.
H: Puede encontrar mas informacion en el "Good Times Virus Hoax FAQ"
(Preguntas mas comunes y sus respuestas sobre el enga~o del
virus Good Times) en la direccion: en el Web.
A: Y como dice al principio de este documento:
"El virus Good Times de correo electronico es un enga~o!
Si alguien repite el rumor, por favor muestrenle el FAQ".
H: O mejor: muestrenle este articulo!...
U: Pues fijense que a mi me dijo la vecina, quien es pariente lejana
de una amiga del chofer del presidente que pueden escribirle al autor,
pero sin virus...


Voices OF Babylon
The Outfield
1989 CBS Records, Inc.

Voices of Babylon
J. Spinks

Hit the message I can hear you calling
No one's going anywhere tonight
We conceived a modern generation
It was free but now we pay the price
We're the victims of our own creation
Chasing rainbows that are painted black or white
Watch the struggle of our temptation
Instincts barely keeping us alive

Back to the rhythm that we all came from
Voices of Babylon streets of London
Back to the people that we know so well
A space in time removed too soon to tell

Just a product of imagination
Patiently we wait for out turn to come
A small collection of the population
By the time our numbers up we could be gone

Back to the rhythm that we all came from
Voices of Babylon streets of London - Town

My Paradise
J. Spinks

Think I might get lucky tonight
Let my hair down get a little crazy, yeah
My reflection's doing alright
It don't take nothing to introduce suggestion
Everbody's got one thing on their mind
A set of wheels and a cranked up radio
In this town there might be nowhere to hide
In this town there might be nowhere to go but

On my left - to my right
This is my paradise
You can call it what you like - I know
This is my paradise

I might get lucky again
I got a deal I know won't break me yeah
If I can afford what money can't buy
There's nothing better than a small town lady
I'm no different to the boy next door
A good time's the same for everyone
I don't need another chance to be sure
Since the day I was born I've always felt secure 'cos


Reputation's got a price of its own
But not too many people want to pay for it
Everybody needs a place to come from
Everybody needs a place where they belong

Everybody - this is my paradise


Part of Your Life
J. Spinks

You're taking this hard - and I still don't know
If we've got a price - I'll let you go
I don't wanna be just a part of your life
I can't complain if I'm not sure
I'll only remain if you're still pure
I'm not gonna be just a part of your life
You know I won't share you with another man
So don't expect me to try and understand
I don't wanna be just a part of your life

There's another choice
There's another dream
There's another place
Another reason for living
There's another face
There's another mind
There's another soul
Another heart I could find
I don't wanna be just a part of your life

I don't wanna know what might be wrong
Start looking for something that might be gone
I'm not gonna be just a part of your life
Making up for lost time won't ease the pain
Or start looking for something - just to ease the strain
I don't wanna be just a part of your life


I don't want a friend just to turn to
I don't need a hand that can only pull me through
I'm not gonna be just a part of your life
I don't wanna be just a part of your life

Shelter Me
J. Spinks

I wonder how I'd feel
If we made love together
I wonder how I'd feel
Everytime we trembled
In each others arms

I wonder how I'd feel
If we could spend this night together
I wonder how I'd feel
With your body held against me
All through the night

Shelter me
I need you to shelter me

I wonder how I'd feel
If our emotions came together
I wonder how I'd feel
If the future was forever
And not just tonight


This time it's not so easy to take
A broken heart can't be replaced
Don't wanna play a waiting game
From the moment we part
I'll be counting the days

I wonder how I'd feel
If we made love together
I wonder how I'd feel
Everytime we trembled
In each others arms

The Night Ain't Over
J. Spinks

Staying up all night - this could be a party
I've got some friends outside - looking for a good time
You better head my way - this is where it's starting
No rules - no laws - tonight you're gonna stay

Hey girl hold me tight - the night ain't over
Hey girl hit that light- the night ain't over

I'm staying up all night - this could a showdown
I've got this thing inside - telling me don't run and hide
And there's so many roads - only you can go down
Don't close - your eyes - there just might be another way


Ooh I might be losing my soul
But life's only fun when it's dangerous
And I don't wanna be told
I won't play safe and start growing old

It's five in the morning
And I can feel the beads of sweat
Running down the back of my neck
It's so good to be with you again

Someday - wait and see
This will be just a memory
And I'll look back with no regrets
Good times like this I can't forget


No Point
J. Spinks

This ain't working out
It's not worth the time I spent on it
When I've been next to you
It's not the way you want it
And all I wanna do
Is get away and as far away from it

There's no point 'cos I'm not winning
There's no point going back to the beginning
There's no point to keep on waiting
There's no point in talking it over
There's no point in getting any closer

If it was up to you
We'd go around in circles forever
There's nothing left to do
I go around - around in you
I've tried to see it through
All I've seen is the stormy weather

There's no point in still pretending
There's no point 'cos this is never ending
There's no point in keep on trying
There's no point to carry on lying
There's no point acting like children
There's no point 'cos this time I'm gone

There's no point in talking it over
There's no point in getting any close
There's no point in still pretending
There's no point 'cos this is never ending
There's no point in keep on trying
There's no point to carry on lying
There's no point in talking it over
There's no point in getting any closer
There's no point 'cos I'm not winning
There's no point going back to the beginning
There's no point in hesitating
There's no point tonight
There's no point at all

Taken By Surprise
J. Spinks, T. Lewis

She wakes me up in the middle of the night
When I'm rolling over - rolling over
She keeps on asking is there something on my mind - I know
She's getting close just a little too closer - and yet
Secrets are hard form me to hide
'Cos I never know what she might find
Telling her lies
Taken by surprise - taken by surprise yeah

She calls me up every minute of the day
It's like she's checking me over - always over my should and then
We talk and talk until there's nothing left to say
But she won't leave me alone every night
She never says what's on her mind
And the way it looks - well I know she ain't blind
Telling her lies
Taken by surprise - taken by surprise yeah

You know this game is the same
All the world over
But no one laughs when they're taking the blame
Over your should - taken by surprise

Can't close my eyes in case I talk in my sleep
Ooh I gotta lotta secrets that I know I wanna keep yeah
And she might even know what's going on
And it's all just an act when she says nothing's wrong
Like a disguise
Taken by surprise - taken by surprise

Reach Out
J. Spinks

Never been afraid to learn - at the speed I've been living
Never tried to run away - when my luck's been sinking
Looking back doesn't seem that long
I was too blind to see waht was going on

Tried to reach out and touch you but you were gone - Oh I
Sometimes I wonder If I was wrong - so wrong

Never been afraid to say - anything I been thinking
Never tried to run away - even from the beginning
Looking back doesn't seem that long
The way I feel now don't care if I carry on


Tried to reach out - tried to touch you
Tried to reach out - tried to touch you


Makin' Up

Hey you - what's your problem - I been mystified
You might come from a different city - your body talks just like mine
Some things get misunderstood - and we can't stop the fight
But there's one thing that we don't disagree on putting right

Makin' up - makin' up by makin' love
Makin' up - makin' up by makin' love

Hey I don't need to be teased - I'm no suicide
You might think I'm on the edge - just about to dive
Don't look back or turn around - when you say you've gone for sure
'Cos every night when talk gets cheap - you still come back for more


Hey little dream maker - you can stick the cream
I've abused so many times - I don't believe in me
It's the best if I suggest - and you just try to please
There's one thing we both agree - can end hostility


Inside Your Skin

Inside your skin - there's a girl I want to know
Inside your skin - you could let my feelings grow
Where do I begin - to tell you that I want you so

Doesn't matter what color you are
Doesn't matter if you're so far away

Inside your arms - I would always feel secure
Inside your arms - I would always be so sure
Tearing us apart - would only make me want you more


Think about a world - free of pain
Think about a world - where nothing changed
Always the same

Inside your heart - no one's ever been before
Inside your heart - someone who remained so pure
Knowing where to stop or to start
Telling you I want you more


Diamond Days
The Outfield
1990 CBS Inc.

Take It All
J. Spinks

If your hands are tied
Don't be afraid
A chance in a lifetime
Is on its way

If you're out tonight
In shoes of glass
Make it by midnight
The future might pass

The facts of life ain't changing
They don't care about you
The hands of time ain't waiting
They'll go on without you
Baby - take it all
Baby - take it all

For once in your life
You got it made
A sign of the times
The past is paid

So leave it behind
Don't be ashamed
Innocent girl
In a man's world


Get it all - do it do it

Eye To Eye
J. Spinks ,T. Lewis

I wanna get close
Wanna spend my time with you
We gotta sit down and talk
Got to see things eye to eye

I tried to tell her but I couldn't begin
It's not a thing that takes a moment
I'm coming over better let me come in


You'll understand me
A lot better when the picture's all clear
I'm yours and anyway you want me
Move over 'cos it's lonely over here


You've got no choice
You've got no say when it comes round
I'm gonna jump down don't walk away
We've got to see things eye to eye

There was something when I met you
There was something in the words we didn't say
It was something that we both knew
It was something that don't happen every day

You've got no choice
You've got no say when it comes round
I'm gonna jump down don't walk away
We've got to see things eye to eye

For You
J. Spinks

I'm so sad - feeling blue
Since you left - I've been missing you
Need your love - oh so bad
Realize - everything we had

All day - all night
You can have it anyway you want it
One love - so right
Don't you know that I live my life for you

I was wrong - my mistake
I regret - look at the price I paid
Take these words - understand
Try forgiving - I'm a broken man

I'm so sad - feeling blue
Since you left - I've been missing you
Take these words - understand
Try forgiving - I'm a broken man


For you - for you
You can have it anyway you want it
For you - for you
Doesn't matter if the sun don't shine

John Lennon
J. Spinks

A soul full of anger - but nothing to show
A world wrapped in cotton - but nowhere to go
Obsessed by a woman that you didn't know
Don't turn around - don't turn around

Torn between lovers - both mothers as well
A mind a prison - a heart in a cell
If only the screams could be heard from this hell
Don't turn around - don't turn around

You were surprised by a girl in the sky
who changed everyone
And as your life became so mystified
There was a lonely heart - left by the side

Tomorrow could never be just one more day
Confused by an image - refusing to stay
The child in your mind always wanted its way
Don't turn around - don't turn around

Then on a day in your life
still remembered by everyone
There was a man with a gun at his side
You and your monkey had nowhere to hide

He was the man that was sent from the rye
Don't turn around - don't turn around

So many things on his mind
I'm not sure if he knew
Why he blew you away
I can't decide if it's true
What he thought on that day

Don't be afraid when the day turns to night
Don't be ashamed when I turn out the lights
Call out my name and I'd hold you so tight
Don't turn around - don't turn around

Magic Seed
J. Spinks

Yellowman - dealing in a back street
Sinnerman - he's telling you it's never enough
Nobody there - inside the mind he wasted

In a city where it's all gone wrong
Too many people and they don't belong
Suffocating on the air they breathe
Selling their souls for the magic seed

Pretty girl - standing in a doorway
At a price - offering a bed for the night
Nobody cares - a sign of the life she's wasted


So afraid - nowhere else to go now
Far far away - there's a place
that you once called home - but


Yellowman - you can't buy me
Sinnerman - pretty girl
Selling their souls for the magic seed

J. Spinks

She no lady
One bad girl
She go crazy
Private world
I can hear the people talkin'
From a million miles away
I don't care what they been thinkin'
I don't care what they say
She's unrespectable

She's so easy
Got no class
Good time baby
Love don't last
I wake up in the morning
Don't believe the things I said
I never walk the streets with you girl
I wouldn't kick you outta bed
She's so unrespectable
So unrespectable

She still shake me
Night and day
Never learnt her lesson
I'm still treating her the same
Like any Mona Lisa
She ain't never gonna change
She's so unrespectable
So unacceptable

Burning Blue

I don't wanna have to shout while the day is long
Repeating all the things that I've said and done
Only words you know so well

And if I could explain what you want from me
Satisfy your insecurity
Something that you've failed to see

Oh my love for you - well it's still as new
And it's burning blue

I should a known better
Why can't I forget her
She's an operator

I don't wanna have to shout from a mountain top
So try to realize all the things we got
How come you don't understand

There'll never be a future we can trust
Tomorrow's all we need in front of us
One day at a time's enough

And my love for you - well it's still as new
And it's burning blue

I should a known better
Why can't I forget her
She's an operator

An' my love for you - it still feels as new
An' it's burning blue

All across the nation
Open invitation
No exaggeration
I should a known better
Why can't I forget her
She's an operator

An' my love for you - it's still burning blue

Raintown Boys
J. Spinks

The raintown boys are leaving today
Heading on out to the shoreline
The greytown boys are tired of this place
They're not coming back anymore

They're gonna find a new life in the city
Don't wanna live in black and white
'Cos nothing's gonna change the talkin's over
Too many wasted years gone by

The raintown boys ain't coming back to town no more
They've had enough of living in the past for sure

The sadtown girls are crying inside
Thoughts are out there in the darkness
They'd given their hearts to the boys in the past
Now it's so lonely without them

It's late at night but downtown in the city
They walk the streets - the lights turn red
A broken voice in their imagination
They can't believe the things she said

I can give you more than anyone can
Perfect strangers living in a new land

The raintown boys are so far away
Been living it up on the shore
No doubt in their minds they're gonna stay
There's nothing left to go home for

They've found a better life inside this city
Their fears are gone - their fortunes changed
Just like they were made for one another
The boy's won't ever be the same

The raintown boys ain't coming back to town no more
They've had enough of living in the past for sure

No more - no more - no more
No more - no more - no more

One Night In Heaven
J. Spinks

I know you look real nice little girl
I better not catch a surprise little girl hey -yea
I'm taking a chance on your love
I know what's on your mind little girl
You better got nothing to hide little girl hey - yea
I'm taking a chance on your love

An' if it's over and done
I know I spent one night in heaven

Stimulate my mind little girl
Talk ain't gonna be cheap tonight hey - yea
I'm taking a chance on you love
You've always done me right little girl
A pack a' lies between the sheets tonight
I'm taking a chance on your love


Somebody's daughter - dangerous game
I'm just a late night caller

She just cost me more than all
The money in my pocket but
I don't regret a single coin I paid
It hit me with her final touch
I've never beat the moon so much
An' everything I did she did again


After the Storm

Open hearts
Open eyes
Open scars that are left upon
Open minds
Sacred words
Storytellers exaggerate
Shallow lies

After the hurt has gone away
Oh' will we feel the pain
After the storm begins to turn
Oh' will we ever learn

Open doors
Open books
Tragic stories repeated still
Chase the wind
Catch a breath
Watch a child when it falls


It's never too late to say a prayer
It might be all we got to share
There's always a hope that someone's there

Don't confirm unless it's sure
Don't pretend to know a cure
Don't convince the world you're right
Don't deny you've never lied



Escribir en Perl es una extra~a mezcla entre el codigo de C y Shell Script.
Existe mas libertad en su sintaxis, y tan solo se sigue lo siguiente:

- Despues de una signo de "#", se considera un comentario.
- Al finalizar una instruccion se debe indicar con ";".
- NO importa si existen lineas intermedias, puedes dejar lineas para
crear una mayor claridad en el codigo (se recomienda no exagerar).
- El espacio entre literales no importa, asi que puedes separarlas entre si.


Si has programado en C, sabes que para usar una variable, la debes declarar
anteriormente. En Perl, eso no sucede, porque solo tienes un solo tipo de
variable para manejar cadenas o cualquier tipo de numero. Se representan
con el signo de "$" (dolar). Aunque realmente son 3 los tipos de variables:
escalares, arrays y hashes. En los arrays se encierran varias escalares, es
decir, son como los famosos vectores que se manejan por indices. Las
variables hashes o Associative Arrays (Arrays Asociados) las veremos mas
adelante en este articulo.

Bien, tenemos una sola variable para numeros enteros, con signo, flotantes,
cadenas, caracteres, etc. Entonces... Como manejarlos?.
La distinsion la hace el programador y es su decision manejarlo como
numero o como cadena. Por ejemplo, para un numero se suma con el signo "+"
y para una cadena se concatena con el punto ("."). (Checa los ejemplos
de los numeros de Black Lodge anteriores).

Una coleccion de variables escalares es un Array, que se representa por
una arroba ("@").

@variado=("hola",10,"A",3.1416,"jeje, jeje");

Donde podemos sacar los valores por medio de una variable escalar individual
de la siguiente manera:

print "$variado[0] soy un programador de Perl !";

Incluso, podemos tener un array que contenga otros arrays.
El primer indice como ya sabes (o deberias saber) es el numero cero, que
contiene la palabra "hola", la cual se imprime en la linea anterior y se le
agrega un texto adicional, lo cual significa que podemos intercalar variables
dentro de cualquier texto.

Igual que en C, existen secuencias de escape como "\n" para saltar a una
linea nueva (retorno de carro).

Ahora vamos a explicar lo de los Arrays Asociativos:

Existe cierta elegancia en este tipo de variables que hace que el lenguaje
tenga un grado de funcionalidad sobre Bases de Datos. Muchas tareas que
requieren programacion muy compleja se reducen a unas instrucciones con
las variables de arrays asociativas. Se representan por el signo "%".

%sabores=("limon", "agrio", "naranja", "dulce", "pepino", "natural");

Se puede identificar las parejas, donde el primer miembro es la clave,
la cual representa mejor el valor que un numero.
Veamos un ejemplo con Tablas en Bases de Datos Relacionales, donde podemos
usar la misma clave para manejar informacion.

%Nombre = ("jp", "Jhon",
"mp", "Mike",
"jl", "James",
"jm", "Jhon",
"jr", "jordan");

%Apellido = ("jp", "Petrucci",
"mp", "Portnoy",
"jl", "LaBrie",
"jm", "Myung",
"jr", "Roudess");

%Instrumento = ("jp", "Guitarrista",
"mp", "Baterista",
"jl", "Vocalista",
"jm", "Bajista",
"jr", "Tecladista");

Donde podremos hacer lo siguiente:

foreach $dreamer ("jp", "mp", "jl", "jm", "jr") {
print "Mi nombre es $Nombre{$dreamer} $Apellido{$dreamer}\n",
print "y soy el $Instrumento{$dreamer} de Dream Theater\n\n";

- Cuida que cuando hagas la referencia de $Nombre con $dreamer, esta
ultima variable vaya encerrada entre llaves (no parentesis) y que no
exista ningun espacio entre ellas.

Las claves y los valores pueden ser tratados como arrays separados. Por
ejemplo, puedes hacer lo siguiente:

print keys %nombre;
print values % nombre;

Existe una array asociativa especial llamada %ENV, la cual guarda el
contenido de todas las variables de entorno, indexadas por el nombre
de la variable, por ejemplo: $ENV( 'PATH') nos regresa la ruta actual.

foreach $var (sort keys %ENV){
print "$var: \"$ENV($var)\". \n";

Ese codigo sirve para conocer las variables de entorno de nuestro sistema.


Este es un articulo de cocina, mejor dicho, de reposteria. Imagina que estas
en tu casa solo. En la cocina no hay gran cosa de comer y a ti se te antoja
algo diferente. Es la hora en que un hueco en el estomago aparece y quieres
darle fin a ese martirio. Es momento de conocer la receta de un postre que
sorprendera a cualquiera y es de lo mas facil.


- 1 paquete de galletas marias
- 1 lata de leche nestle (Lechera)
- 1 limon
- 1/2 Taza de Leche

Modo de Preparar:

Abre la lata de Lechera, toma una cuchara y disfruta de su sabor (solo una o
dos cucharadas por favor !). Eso lo hicimos de manera opcional para que
puedas vaciar el jugo del limon en ella. Revuelves con la cuchara (no
importa que la hayas chupado, al fin tu te vas a comer el postre, no?).
Pruebas el sabor de la lechera con el limon y si te parece agradable
continuas, pero si te parece simple, echale mas jugo a tu gusto.

En un refractario (recipiente de vidrio), untas lechera hasta que cubra la
base y no se vea el fondo. Ahora saca las galletas. Comete una si ya estas
urgido de hambre. Toma otra galleta y la remojas en la taza con leche, pero
OJO, no es para ti !, acomodala en una esquina y ve formando con las demas
galletas (remojadas con leche) otra capa. Cuando este lleno de una capa
untas mas lechera (con el limon) hasta que casi no se vea la capa anterior.
Asi te la llevas hasta que se acabe el material (ingredientes) y lo metes
al refrigerador (unos 15 a 30 minutos como minimo, ni modo). Se sirve hasta
que la lechera endurezca lo suficiente que parezca un rico pastel.

El sabor es incomparable, se sirve como un pastel. Acompa~alo con un cafe
y disfruta una nueva experiencia con Black Lodge.


Vamos a comentar un poco del hacking en la pantalla grande. Basicamente
me voy a basar en el churro de "Sword-Fish". Lamento haber llevado a mi
esposa a ver esa porqueria de pelicula, salimos con cara de "sin
comentarios". Pense que iba a ser mas real y menos sensacionalista, si
ya viste la pelicula y te gusto... que estas haciendo leyendo esto?.

Creo que hasta los poco cultos en esto no se tragaron muchas cosas que
ahi aparecen, especialmente alguien que "adivina" una clave de acceso
mientras le hacen un "blow-job".

Debo aceptar que la parte que me gusto fue cuando empezo. Donde perseguian
a un tipo que si parecia Hacker. El si que tenia la cara de paranoico
y astuto. Los demas estuvieron pesimos, mas aun que un chico de 13 a~os
jugando en IRC. Eso me hace pensar que el creador del filme se la vive ahi.

En fin, si quieren ser unos fracasados, sigan los pasos de esa pelicula,
ya que dudo que alguien este lo bastante estupido para hacerlo.

No recuerdo la pelicula de "Juegos de Guerra", estaba muy peque~o y solo
la vi esa vez, pero en ese tiempo habia otras pretenciones. La gente lo
veia como ciencia ficcion, ahora si se la creen por lo que dicen en los
medios. Creo que hay mejores cosas que hacer o peliculas que ver en lugar
de eso. Si tienes el dilema de verla o escojer Harry Potter, elije la ultima.


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