The Anarchists guide to ... Pyrotechnic mischief
ELEKTRIX Issue 1 - Part 2

MDA - (3-4-methylendioxyphenylisopropylamine) takes u higher!
Welcome to this, Issue 1 of Elektrix, and with it Part 1 of the 'anarchists guide to...' This first file will contain basic information on pyrotechnics and other 'bits n pieces' useful for a good laugh.
In this file you will find information on how to make the following:
- Fuse Paper
- Auto-Firelighters
- Low-explosive: Gunpowder
- Hi-explosive : Nitro-Glycerin
- Hot Stuff
Useful for making the fuses for bangers (firecrackers) and other slow-burn fuse applications.
You will need: Sodium Chlorate - Go to your local gardenshop/centre and ask for some Sodium Chlorate weedkiller. You're meant to be 18 by law but if you're not it doesn't usually stop them selling you it.
Newspaper/Tracing Paper
The Sodium Chlorate in the weedkiller is unlikely to be more than about 65% pure - this is not a problem if you're not worried about how quickly it will burn as fuse paper but if you are using the fuses in a lot of wind or are going to through them as part of a firecracker you will have to concentrate the Sodium Chlorate and remove impurities as much as possible beforehand as follows:
Make a saturated solution of the weedkiller (ie.dissolve as much of it as you can in very hot water) then filter off any remaining crystals. Then heat the solution very hot in a dish - then when crystals start forming around the rim heat more gently and then leave to cool - after some time u will have crystals with gunge all over them - wash them and filter off any rubbish.
This is really simple to make but quite effective...Just take the Sodium Chlorate (pure or weedkiller) and then make a solution of it (put in water). Then soak the paper in the water and leave to dry on a radiator.
When the paper is dry it will burn with some loud pops and just as fusepaper so you have made your own fuses. Now to put the fuses to work....(hehe)
Gunpowder is great stuff - though not really as exciting as plastic or high-explosive it can be good fun for fireworks, bangers and not so large explosions.
You will need: Sulphur - Obtain this from your chemist. Yup! Just ask for 'flowers of sulphur' (what a stupid name for it!)
Carbon - Best just to use crushed charcoal for this.
Potassium - Get this from a gardenshop (ask for Saltpetre). Nitrate Can also use Sodium Nitrate in 'Weedol weed- killer' - but not actually as good.
Making gunpowder from this is just too easy.....Just grind each substance until it is a fine powder....then mix them in the following ratio:
Potassium Nitrate : Sulphur : Carbon
1 : 3 : 7
Once mixed well you have made gunpowder - pack it in a confined space - add a fuse with the FUSE PAPER as shown above and you have a 'low-explosive'. It can be great fun. If you want to light the gunpowder with a short delay of about twenty seconds or so without the need for matches or lighters then use a FIRELIGHTER as shown next.
Not really much to this but useful for delayed firelighting with the use of matches or lighting materials.
You will need: Glycerin - Get it from your kitchen/medicine drawer.
Potassium Permanganate - This is now more commonly referred to as potassium (vii) manganate and can be picked up at the chemist. If they ask you what you want it for just say 'water-purification'.
Sugar - If you can't get this; you really are lame!
Ok. Take the stuff separately in the following proportions:
Glycerin : Potassium Permanganate : Sugar
3 : 9 : 1
Crush the sugar and the glycerin up real well (icing sugar works well) then just pour the glycerin on top and watch - change the proportions a bit and you can have some real fun - try putting a bit of Sulphur in! Hehehehe You can also use this as a detonator for a low-explosives such as gunpowder as it doesn't go out easily!!! Also if you get a lot of it and a good ratio it can be used as a good smoke bomb for indoors since you can run off and it's not going then a minute later there's sweet smoke * EVERYWHERE * and phuck it doesn't set most smoke alarm detectors off!
Contrary to what people may have told you:
- It's very easy to make (if you have the fractional distillation gear).
- It doesn't blow up when you drop it - cos homemade isn't usually pure enough.
Ok. You will need: Sulphuric Acid - Go to a garage and ask for some battery acid or crack open a battery (dumper truck batteries are cool - can give 400 amps current output!!! Whew!) You can sometimes get it at harbours.
Sodium Nitrate - Weedkiller - this time get the 'WEEDOL' one with Sodium Nitrate in it or any one with Sodium Nitrate.
Glycerin - From kitchen as before
Now the thing with this is that in order to actually MAKE nitroglycerin you will need Conc.Nitric acid and Conc.sulphuric as well as the glycerin. The sulphuric is easy to do - battery acid is roughly 69% pure - the rest being water. The best way to get conc. sulphuric therefore is to heat the acid to * VERY * hot (400 degrees plus) and then leave it for a long time until its acidity increases a great deal (like well nasty!). Get a litre of Sulphuric acid concentrated and store it in a glass bottle. [Wash yer hands too - its not nice stuff].
Now getting the Nitric acid in any form is well difficult unless you have access to it at college/work etc. The best way I've found is to take Sodium Nitrate weedkiller and do the following:
1) Purify the Sodium Nitrate from the weedkiller by making a saturated soln. and then crystallizing it and washing the crystals and filter off any nasties...Now you have Sodium Nitrate (reasonably pure).
2) Then take the Sodium Nitrate crystals and crush them into a powder or as close as you can get.
3) Now you want to sort of extract the nitrate - for this you will need fair distillation equipment. You are attempting to make Nitric Acid from the Sodium Nitrate by reacting it with some of the Sulpluric acid which was concentrated from before.
i) Pour Sulphuric acid in here
|D2|___ D5 <- Nasty gases will be coming out of
Put the | _ \ ______ || here - Nitrogen Dioxide (toxic!!!)
Sodium | / \ \D3 | ___ \ ||
Nitrate | | \ \___| | _| |_||_
crystals | | \------| | | | || | <----- Clear container with Nitrogen
in here /D1\ /\ |-| |----| Dixode bubbling through the
----> \__/ || |___D4___| water to turn it to Nitric Acid
That is a cooling bracket (yeh I know it looks nothing like one but thats life with TXT files!)...I hope that solves confusion over the following instructions...Bet it doesn't! hah
ii) Right assemble the distillation/fractional distillation equipment or homemade equipment if that's what you've done as shown above.
iii) Put the Sodium Nitrate crystals in the flat bottomed flask (D1) and you may want to put some anti-bumping granules in too (tiny bits of glass).
iv) Don't connect D4 or D5 at this time - just a bowl to get any crap that comes off early.
v) Start pouring in the Sulphuric Acid(D2) and keep the mixture hot so the reaction is real good. When it gets to around 79 degrees (I think) or so then a red sort of mist comes about inside the equipment - don't run like phuck away but be worried all the same since you have to move fast now.....Connect D4 and D5 and make sure you don't breathe in any of the red smoke (Nitrogen Dioxide) [If you wanna intoxicate yerself then read my third Anarchists guide on....chemical weapons (dioxins)]. (It's probably best to make sure you don't breathe the crap in by adding a second D4 thing on the end of D5 to filter off as much vapour as possible).
vi) Once that's all over then you will have a nice concentrated nitric acid in D4.....
[BTW - Remember to keep the cooling bracket D3 real cool with fresh cool running water - or you won't get much at all].
4) Ok so now you have Sulphuric acid conc., Nitric acid conc. and glycerin. Now for the difficult bit! (Haha You thought the worst was over)
5) Right this is a *** VERY *** dangerous bit.........
Get a wooden tray or box and fill it with ICE....make sure there's always ice to stack it up - it * MUST * remain cool. Then get a conical flask (phuck a round-bottomed one)...and a thermometer measuring up to 100 C.
Balance the flask carefully and securely in the ice bath and put the thermometer in.
Get the Sulphuric, Nitric and glycerin in the following proportions:
Glycerin : Conc.Nitric : Conc.Sulphuric
3 : 1 1
I recommend using 1/2 litre quantities of both acids for the first batch.
6) WARNING: You are using conc.acids - they do not like water - they will blow you up if you mistreat them by feeding them water - Make sure all parts inside the equipment are PHUCKING dry.
Put the nitric acid into the flask and then * VERY * slowly pour in the sulphuric acid whilst watching the temperature....(use a dropper).
MAKE SURE: If the temperature ever goes about 30 degrees C then pour the contents of the flask into the ice bath and run like ****** PHUCK ******
As the temperature rises add the glycerin with a pipette (dropper) and don't pour on any more until the temperature drops and is stable.
7) Repeat this until all the ingredients are gone......
8) Take the jar (very carefully - it's never blown up on me - but there's a first for everything!) with the mixture of acids in it and look at the bottom - there will be a layer that isn't quite colourless.....This is the stuff you want. [^^^^^ At the bottom]
9) Carefully take off the top acid layer with a dropper/pipette or whatever and store it for later use.
10) When you get near to the bottom layer (ie. Nitroglyerin) then carefully pour on water to wash away the acids. Then let it settle again - repeat this until you are satisfied that the acids are as gone as you can get them - four or five times.
11) Now collect the nitroglycerin in a dry jar or something and carry it back to your fridge in the ice bath (***** VERY CAREFULLY *****).
12) Now keep your nitroglycerin nice and cold (so it doesn't blow up your house when you're watching TV or on your computer).
You can store Nitroglycerin in Kieselguhr (a type of clay) - then it's easier to handle and store - add a fuse and you have dynamite.
You have now made nitroglycerin - now what to do with it?......
Nitroglycerin is ofcourse a VERY high explosive. Not as high as good old tri-nitro-toluene (TNT) but you'd find it real hard to make TNT - since it most CERTAINLY can't be made with ordinary Sulphuric DO need fuming sulphuric acid (a totally different substance).
So what to do with it?
Well if you want to blow it up you're unlikely to do it without using a lighted fuse/ needs quite a kick to start itself off. You can use gunpowder if you pack in into a tight space (see earlier) but the best detonation cap I've come across is Mercury (ii) Fulminate - see Part3 of 'The Anarchists guide to...' for information on this and other kinds of detonators. But saying that gunpowder still works well.....
An idea (never tried it but worth a go):
Try putting this lot in a jar with a fuse hanging out........
------------| | | -------- Nitroglycerin (not to scale)
Fuse |__|_|
(made with
fuse paper) |
Gunpowder (used as detonation cap)
If you want to know about more stuff to use your Nitroglycerin for then you can contact me on Palm Beach BBS +44(303)-265979 as Deceptor.
Don't really know what to call this other than 'HOT STUFF' - it gets bloody hot and it eats away at Aluminium in seconds (well almost! heh).
- Just go to the supermarket and buy some 'DRAINO' or stuff for unblocking drains.
- Make sure it's the powder one and take out all the bits of metal. Then mix the leftover powder with water to make a hot and steaming liquid.
The mixture will then eat at aluminium, etc and really nicely - It doesn't like bicycles....they tend to disappear after a while.
That's it for this Issue of Elektrix.....Stay in tune for Laser Weaponry.... Detonators.....Rocket Launchers......Grenades......and more in the next!