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Final Fantasy 2 Clone

Part of "The QB Times issue 4 and 5"

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Published in 
The QB Times
 · 2 years ago

TO: Nightwolf
SUBJECT: QB times article on Final Fantasy 2 Clone
FROM: Gza_wu

Remember back to a time long ago. Back to the days of 1991 when Squaresoft were releasing that old chestnut Final Fantasy 2. Come 1999 and we have it again...QB style.

QBprogger has been hard at work on this project call "Final Fantasy 2 Clone". A functional but umimaginative title. I suspect that another name will be used for the final game. This game has been billed as the first game to use RPGEngine (see iss. 1 for preview/review) build 22.

The game, which unfortunately still uses pixel by tile movement, is an almost exact replica of the original game. When you first start up the game, the good old Squaresoft title comes up. (Do you have copyright permission for that, QBprogger?) Of course you press a key to continue. No wait, let me correct myself. You press two keys as the first time the screen only fades out half way?!

The tiles in this game cannot be laughed at. They are of a decent standard which is a relief as this gives the game a better feel than most and makes the game look even more like the original. I must stress though that QBprogger wants me to state that this game will have "director's cuts" and some extra map added just so it isn't EXACTLY the same.

On the engine side of things there are a couple of flaws which tarnish an otherwise good engine. The pixel by tile scrolling I have already mentioned. A bug which catches my eye is that the layered maps are not perfect as going through doorways causes you to temporarily float above the door frame. Also, not all the collision is finished as you can walk on the black parts of the map if you find the right place to use. What i cannot flaw is an as yet perfect events engine which gives some great potential of what to expect from the finished map engine.

The classy menu system is still there in full blender mapped glory. God I love transparency! To end with, I'd like to say that IF this gets finished, and I say IF as not many RPG games ever get finished, then this is sure to be a hit for all you nostalgic gamers with a soft spot for Final Fantasy games or those who wish to give one a go.

FF2C -

Gza_wu (Christopher Neill) - Exposed Dreams '99

Ps. Nightwolf... I'd like your comments on this...again.
Also, the pics orig1/fake1 go together and fake2/orig2 go together...I'm sure b y the filenames you can figure out which is which so i won't insult your intellect.

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