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Money-making Magazine (Vol. 1. No.1)

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 · 23 Feb 2023
Money-making Magazine (Vol. 1. No.1)
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Copyright 1993
Vol. 1. No.1

This electronic Magazine is a series of text files & GRAPHICS which can be read here on your computer screen. If you want to print, any of these chapters however, all you do is hit the 'P' key to print it out on your printer. If you need help, you merely hit the 'F1' key.

Try hitting F1 now, it will also give you a list of other useful commands for moving around and searching through this text. Notice that you can hit any number key from x - 10 for AUTO SCROLL. This is very handy if you just want to SPEED READ or browse the program while eating lunch or sipping coffee or talking on the phone. x is the slowest scrolling and 10 is the fastest.

In this book we are going to teach you the financial techniques that the wealthiest people in America have used to buy homes and yachts and vacation homes, etc. It's no secret. It's just that NO ONE has bothered to put all the best ideas into one book. That is, not until now.

If you haven't yet bought your first home, We're going to show you how easy it is to do with really not much extra effort on your part. If you already have a home, we're going to show you how to PAY OFF THAT MORTGAGE so that you can start using your money to better use.

Yes It's ... TRUE!

IF you already own a home and you have a 30 yr. mortgage, by using just one suggestion in this Magazine, PRE-PAYING YOUR MORTGAGE even by as little as $25/MO, you can save an average of $15,000 in interest on your loan. This is $15,000 you can put to much better use. It's $15,00 you don't have to earn, $20,000 before taxes and it means you will have the mortgage paid off 5 YEARS SOONERY

IMAGINE WHAT COULD HAPPEN IF YOU COULD PUT an extra $100 or $200 per month into your mortgage? Look at the Graphs in Chapter 5 to see how dramatic this can be. These Graphs were made assuming that you only put $100.00 per month EXTRA into the mortgage of $125,000.

We made this assumption because we are confident that after you read this book, you will be able to save at least this amount. The rest is up to your own discipline.

Look at it this way. A savings account is barely earning 3% - 4% for the average account. But money you don't have to re-pay the bank, earns you 10% if you have a 10% mortgage as most of us do. Why? because, It's money save is money saved is money earned.

If you can save $10,000 per year, It's money you didn't have to earn, isn't it?

Why is this the best way to learn about investing?

In America today, the average person has to work 10 to 15 years before he has enough money to buy a house rather than rent.

We can't just go out and find some vacant land and chop down trees and put up a log cabin like our ancestors did. Those days are gone, for better or worse.

This program will show you how to get around this problem of working so hard for a little security. The KEY has to do with how you invest your money and how well you can control spending. All the rest is controlled by your job, your occupation, your personal needs. This can impact how soon you own a home, But how many of us can get a raise that will be enough to pay off our home mortgage, or how many of us can invent a better mousetrap or get lucky in the lottery. very few, indeed. For most of us, the work-a-day world is our only chance. except for the other side of things. even someone with a Minimum wage job can buy a home in the next couple years IF, they know the secret of investing.

In the next couple of chapters We're going to teach you how to save and invest the savings in a place that can build up and work for you so fast that you will have a home in almost no time at all. It's not new. It's been around for a longtime. It may be new to you, But thot sands of smart investors use this method of investing to make their money work as hard as they work every day. We are talking about investing in commodities that you use every day and everyone you know uses every day, But very few of you realize that you can make money investing in them so that you can make $100, $200, $300, $500 per day or even much more. Imagine, working as a kanitor or fast-food cook and earning a total of $25. after taxes each day, But having a small INVESTMENT FUND earning 10 or even 20 times that amount every day.

It's possible, if you know how and you expert a modest amount of study each day for the next several days. After that, It's very simple. No more learning will ever be necessary. Most of you already know the secret to this kind of investing already, you've just never had a way to put that knowledge to use.

WE ARE GOING TO SHOW YOU HOW to do just that.

So, if you want to get rich for any reason. If you want to buy that first home or pay off the mortgage on the one you live in now, or you just want to buy that new business or just to buy a vacation once a year, whatever the reason, study each of these successive chapters. Check with your friends to see what they know about it, and then do whatever else we suggest in these pages so that you give yourself every chance in the world to succeed. It's in your power to be rich, you only have to have the will power and the perseverance. Nothing good happens overnight.

This is not a get rich quick scheme. even THOUGH YOU CAN GET RICH QUICK IF YOU WORD HARD ENOUGH

How much money you make depends to some extent on how much you can start out with, how quick you are to pick up on other information. WE don't KNOW YOU ALL.

But the average student, can succeed and succeed BIGTIMEY Yes, there is an element of risk, But without risk there cannot be any rewards. So, even though the risks are there, don't WORRY. We are going to show you how to minimize those risks and work with them so that you reap THE HIGHEST REWARDS POSSIBLE AND IN A CONSISTENT MANNER.

REMEMBER: The key is to start saving money now, because then you're going to be playing with money you could have thrown away anyhow and this places you in a much better frame of mind. don't borrow from Mom & Dad and PyEASE don't BORROW FROM A BA2. This whole strategy is a combination of wise investing and wise living. The whole experience is a kind of COSMIC THING. We will explain that one in future issues.



Someone once said that money isn't the important thing in life after all. And I'm sure that's true, philosophically. But the problem is in order to have a really good life, you need lots of money. Let's face it, there's no way around it. If you enjoy working at a job and you are absolutely sure that you will never get bored with this job and that you will never be laid off, then you're fine. You don't need this book. But most of us cannot honestly say that we will always want to be doing in ten or twenty months, let alone twenty years what we are doing today.

But most of us just don't know how to break out of this 'Rat Race', the vicious cycle of living from paycheck to paycheck and one terrible boss or job to another. The way out is in understanding completely what money is and what it can do for you. This is not about greed and this is not about accumulating lots of money, just to say that you're rich. It's not about aggregating lots of material things all around you. Things just deteriorate with time, as does everything else and we are looking for something far more important than things. We are looking in life for 'SERENITY', financial freedom, peace and harmony with all things and all people. We want to cut out all stress and replace it with a kind of inner strength and confidence. We want to be able to have time every day to reflect on why we were brought to this planet and how we can leave it better than we found it and other terribly interesting and very difficult philosophical issues. We want to be able to go to a Football game and not worry about the ticket prices. Let's face it, we want MO' MONEY

When you realize that money can work for you as hard as you worked for it, you're on the right path. You're on the 'Way'. The TAO of money is the way of money. If you follow the way money works and what it does, you can set yourself free of it, not worry about getting so much of it, because its getting more and more it on its own. This is the secret of money. Money is merely energy that has been transformed into a piece of paper that we can all agree is re-transformable back into energy, things, goods, services, whatever you want to call them, whenever you want. This is money. Money is not George Washington, Abe Lincoln or Andrew Jackson. These men were Presidents of the United States and they got that way by understanding money better than their contemporaries. This is why we put their pictures ON THE MONEY

Now that you know the TAO of Money, HOW TO FIND THE TAO of MONEY?

The first lesson you must learn if you have not already learned is that you cannot afford to pay rent forever. Paying rent is making your landlord rich and impoverishing you. For a little bit more per month, you can be building a roof over your head that will belong to you in your old age and you want to be free of the mortgage by then so that no one can take it away from you, NO MATTER WHAT!

MOST PEOPLE KNOW THIS or have heard it enough from their parents and friends that it makes them nauseous, however, you have to take the bitter pill now or it gets twice as big and nasty tasting later. So, the FIRST RULE OF ECONOMICS is don't PAY RENT. The problem is the first rule of economics is being broken by more and more Americans because Real Estate prices have gotten so high in many areas. If you move way out in the boonies land is still cheap, But there aren't any jobs, so you still can't afford to live there, unless you're willing to commute 3 or 4 hours a day. Many people do, and I feel very sorry for them, because there's almost nothing worse than being cooped up in a steel coffin rolling along with thousands of other people in their coffins trying to keep out of each other's way for 10 20 hours a week, 40 - 80 hours a month, 500 - 1000 hours a year! Life is too short.

So, what do you do? You start saving money today. Most people live from paycheck to paycheck, so you're probably thinking about closing this book in disgtut! don't do it because this is a book of solutions, we just have to warm you up to them first. We have to make sure that you're aware that there's a problem. Presumably, there is one in your family or you wouldn't have been interested enough in this book to download it and install it in your computer.

If you live from paycheck to paycheck and you have no savings to speak of, START NOW. The best way to do this is cut down on the rent, if you're renting your housing. You can do it. There must be a way. If you're a bachelor, get married. RENT SHOULD NEvER BE MORE THAN 40% OF YOUR GROSS MONTHt EARNINGS. In other words, if you earn a salary of $1500 per month before deductions, your rent should never be any higher than $600/mo. So, if you're married and the rent is still more than 40% of your combined earnings, you're trying to impress your friends and this could be a disaster. Shed the big rent payment, move somewhere cheaper. If you can stand to move in with your parents, do it. If you have friends in the same predicament, share an apartment or a house and cut your rent in half. This is so important because for most people the rent is the biggest part of the monthly budget, and so that's where you can start to generate savings right away.

If you don't rent and you are buying, the same rule applies. If your mortgage payment is more than 40% of Gross earnings for Husband and Wife, re-finance. Many people don't realize that they could go out and get a completely new loan on their home and save $400, $500 even $600 per month in interest. They have the same equity in their home. They have the same term to pay it off they have now. They could have all this and save all this money per month simply because interest rates are at a 20 year low as of the summer of 1993 when this was being composed. If rates are higher when you read this, chances are you could still re-finance and save the interest every month. This can amount to THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS PER YEAR that you could be investing in something instead of throwing at the bank. If you have already re-financed, good for you. You're doing something right. Now think of other ways you can save money, maybe some of you can skip to the next chapter. But for most of us, getting that down payment together is still the major challenge ahead.

The object here is to prove to you that YOU MUST BE SAvING AT LEAST $50/MO, or $100/mo or $200/mo or more to get that down payment together because the roof over your head, when you have a family is your biggest concern. And time flies. Even though you may be young now, you don't want to turn around one day, find out you're fifty years old and still don't have a place to live in for the rest of your life that the bank cannot come and re-possess. Despite, the banks reputation for being a great bank, they will re-possess if you stop making the payments. It's as simple as that. THAT IS, UNLESS THEY'RE PAID OFF AND SENT THE TITLE OF OWNERSHIP TO YOU.

That's when you can honestly say that you're making progress in this life. don't kid yourself. You can have a million dollar income, But if $900,000 is going out and you're living in a mansion But you still don't own your home outright, you're just as poor as someone living on the other side of town who has $100,000 equity in his little hovel. equity is equity and a home is a home, be it ever so humble. But you have to get one first. Then you can start to think about fancy cars, vacations, college for the kids, retirement, hobbies, etc. When the roof over your head is paid for and no one can take it from you, then the only worry you have is food and clothing and you can always find a part time job, if you have to pay for your food and clothing. Hopefully, by the time you finish this book, you will be well on your way to being able to live like a Arabian Sheik and eat Lobster and Steak every night without a care, have the finest wines in your cellar, be able to travel 3 or 4 months out of every year, not have a care in the world. There are people like this in America today, though they are harder and harder to find because the economy is becoming harder and harder to manage thanks to our FINE POLITICIANS in Washington DC. But that's another subject.

We're going to show you, in the next chapter the power of money working for you like a little slave, growing and compounding and getting bigger and bigger every year. This is the most amazing part of this book and if you honestly feel that you're doing everything you can to save that nest-egg, go to the next chapter and have fun with the wonderful rewards ahead. But if you still don't know how you're going to save $50 or $100 per month or more, you want to finish this chapter.

HOW TO start saving?

1. Sit down with the whole family and list all the things you buy every month and put a price tag after them. Then add it all up. This is your current budget. next take a pencil and put a mark beside every item that is not absolutely essential to keeping body and soul together like food, clothing, heat, lights, rent, gasoline, etc.

2. Add all these items with a mark beside them and see what it amounts to.

3. Deduct this amount from the total. What's left is your family's LIVING ALLOWANCE. Be flexible on some items. Your son might feel that new football shoes every month are essential and your wife thinks every two months would suffice, But son Johnny puts up a big fuss. Someone has to decide these things. that's why there's a DESIGNATED BREADWINNER & DECISION-MAKER IN EACH FAMILY. If It's MOM or DAD, it doesn't matter, just make the decision to include these ENTITLEMENTS IN THE LIVING ALLOWANCE OR NOT and move on. Bear in mind, there must be some cushion in this base living allowance for emergencies, toiletries, things that you're likely to forget to include. The amount is variable of course with the family, But there has to be some room to give a little. Let's be realistic.

We never want to tamper with the living allowance. We must ALWAYS earn this amount to keep the family together.

4. Next, figure up how much income there is in this family. Hopefully there's a good deal more coming in than the Base LIVING Allowance. If not, you're doing the math wrong or you're doing your job wrong. One or the other. You can't be living on credit cards every month. If you are, skip ahead right now to the chapter on Credit. You need a lesson in this first. But for most of us, our Minimum LIVING Allowance is not nearly as much as our take home pay. The difference may surprise you. If you've never done one of these budgets in a while, you may not realize that you're spending 2 THOUSAND A MONTH on clothing. Identify the culprit and have a talk with him or her right away.

For most of us, however, We're going to see that there's a difference of several hundred dollars per month in what we take home and what we actually need to spend on the bare necessities every month. What's the difference? Impulse items. Like many Americans, you've gotten into the habit of drinking the finest wines with every dinner when a plain glass of water would do just as well, or you like to wear really nice suits all the time, which means you have to have them all dry-cleaned all the time, and you have to be buying many more of them because they all wear out, don't they? Or you have to drive a new car every 2 years to keep up with the Zones's. Or you are over-insured. Or you travel nearly every weekend and have fun, when you could have stayed home once in a while and had just as much fun jogging or playing with the kids or going for a walk or reading a good book like this one!

The difference is that you've become accustomed to a very high life-style and that's great that you can afford it, But you can't really afford it unless you have a million dollars in a savings account somewhere and own your home outright AND have the whole family's health insurance paid off easily. AND YOU'RE TOTALLY OR ALMOST TOTALLY OUT OF DEBT. When you reach this pinnacle of success, you might be able to afford the really finer things in life, But even then, It's better to have the security of knowing the money is there for any emergency, than to have lots of fine suits and have no emergency money. See what I mean?

Now that you know how to control your spending and where to get the savings. put that amount right now in the bank. Set up a special Investment Savings account with your banker. Make him give you the highest interest rate he can, which is not much today, probably he'll look very embarrassed as he tells you about his fantastic 3.5% plan. don't let it bother you. Take it. This is only a temporary storage place for the money that We're going to put into something far more hard- working than this. But for now, we need a place to count it and watch it grow every month. BECAUSE NOW, our family is co- operating and playing the game with you and they're all looking for ways to SAvE MONEY. If they're still not with you. You need to have another sit-down and make all this clear to them.



You need to know the TAO of Money. Understand this completely and accept it. Money is not your God. It's is your master here on Earth because It's the only way we have of keeping score and knowing where we stand. Money is a good thing. It's not the root of all evil nor is it the solution for every problem. You get more of it by respecting it, knowing where money likes to accumulate and how fast and how far. More on that in later chapters.

Do whatever you have to do to start a savings plan. If you already have a savings plan, double the rate of savings! You must have a roof over your head paid for and the only way is to get a down payment together first, move in to your new home, enjoy it a while and then figure out a way to pay off the bank loan on it. don't WORRY. We're going to show you how to do that later. For now, you have to stop the deficit spending like the government does and learn to be lean and mean like the Fortune 500 of tomorrow.

I don't care if you have to take a second job. I don't care if the wife has to find a way to bring in some bread. I don't care if you have to put the kids to work. I don't care if you find something for the family dog to do, But let's do it. Let's get cracking. Get everyone in the family pulling their weight. You're all in the same boat. Let's all start to row. Let's cut out the fat in our diets. Let's cut out the cigarettes, the boofie, the drugs, the extra gasoline. Yet's car pool to save money. Let's buy some of our clothes at the local Salvation Army. Look at how famous Madonna is and she wears Salvation Army clothes, so don't ever be embarrassed wearing them. Madonna is currently worth over 100 Million dollars. Look it up. It's in all the magazines this month. Oprah Winfrey is worth ten times that much and though she likes to wear designer clothing, she would look just as good, or BAD wearing what Madonna wears.

Take a lesson from Z. Paul Getty, one of the richest men in the world. He was a multi-BILLIONAIRE, But if you went to visit him in his home and you wanted to make a local phone call, you had to use a PAY PHONE. that's right. His guests used pay-phones. He was no fool. And all rich people got there the same way, don't let them fool you!

By doing just a few simple things like bringing your cans and bottles back to the supermarket, using a DISCOUNT LONG DISTANCE SERVICE, repairing household items instead of buying new, putting off that new tie or shirt for another month, anyone can generate AT LEAST $50 PER MONTH.

REALIZE THIS >>>>>>>>>> EVEN $50/MONTH IN SAVINGS CAN GET YOU YOUR FIRST HOME OR PAY OFF THE ONE YOU'VE GOT. And in only a very short period of time. How? We're going to show you in the next few chapters. So READ ON, IF YOU'RE INTERESTED in total FINANCIAL FREEDOM!

Money at work
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Money at work


IF you have not yet studied the graph in the previous chapter please do so now. What it shows is how much money you can have in just a few years if you put as little as $50 aside each month and let it compound at some kind of interest rate or compounding rate. This chart is based on your being able to open a 5% Savings account at your local Bank, S&L or Credit Union.

Most banks are not paying anywhere near 5% at the time of this writing because interest rates are so low in this country. But there will come a time when you can get 5% in a savings account again. Or you could put your money in a Mutual fund that is based on the growth in the Stock Market, much riskier, But some of them have been returning a rate as high as 10% per year ON AVERAGE because the stock market has been pretty good lately.


Not if there's a stock market crash like the one in 1987.

People were lucky to get their money back at all. So, there is an increased amount of risk for increased rates of return. This is a simple law of economics that is never broken. It can be stretched for a while as many people in the stock market lately can testify. There seems to have been very little risk in the last few years and great average returns for Mutual funds. The individual investor probably did not do as well because picking individual stocks that will perform and continue to perform year after year is very tricky.

But then, you could invest in a Certificate of Deposit, just slightly higher rates than your local Bank or S&L, but not much more riskier. Then there's coins, art, even baseball cards, But these require a great deal of special knowledge and lots of time reading up on all the articles in magazines that you would need to know.

It seems like every kind of investing has a built-in problem with it that makes it not very attractive, and I don't know about you, But if I have to wait for anything more than a few weeks or a couple months at the longest, for something to develop, I start feeling real hantsieh. So, I remembered a way of investing I had experimented with when I was young and foolish, the futures Market. I had tried to forget about it all these years because it was so fast and I was not a fast thinker in those days. But now I am, because I have to be. I have a family to support and I want us to have the best. So, I started exploring the futures market once again. With mixed results.

I say 'mixed results', because it was. Not many people know how to trade in the futures Market because it is so volatile that not many people remain with it long enough to tell about it. It's probably the riskiest method of investing there is ... IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!

But the potential rewards are ASTOUNDING if you have a certain kind of personality and willingness to learn. Information is the KEY to the futures Market. Those with the greatest amount of information are making millions of dollars PER DAY, in the futures market. there's no waiting for anything, except for a good run in a market in which you are interested. Once it starts, thousands of dollars can be made on a very small investment IN ONE DAY.

The potential rewards for futures investors can make this ten year projection be compressed into ONE YEAR. that's how fast it is. But that means you can lose real fast too. In fact, when we first started in this crazy investment, we promptly lost almost $3,000 in just inside a week. We got in at just the worst possible time. We were interested in Gold and the Japanese Yen and the day after we got in, the central banks started to buy Dollars and Sell Gold. We were buyers of Gold and the Japanese Yen, and we were again, many times since, But our luck was bad and we lost money because the Government came in and clobbered our positions.

Now, that's the bad news. The good news is that we persevered. We stuked in our pride and all of our emotions and we hung in there for a few more trades. We waited for the hectic activity to die down in a few days and we started buying again. This time, there was no need for the Government to do anything for a while and we promptly retrieved the money we had lost and came back to even. It was this roller coaster ride on this investment vehicle that prompted me to investigate more and come up with some strategies that would prevent this kind of heavy loss while enabling me to make money, a little at a time, with reduced risk.

AND THEN I FOUND IT. It hit me while I was walking along the beach. I started to think about all the thousands of schools of fish in the ocean. All fish congregate in giant schools, the same way Humans congregate in cities. There is safety in numbers, so the fish believe, so they flock together all day and all night in packs of millions of them. Fishermen with nets that are miles long are the way we catch most of our commercial fish these days because schools can be that big. But what I realized that day on the beach is that the futures Market was exactly like the way schools of fish move around in the sea. First there is a bit of news, probably, one of the fish senses a shark nearby and he quickly alerts the others. They all begin to move away from the shark or perhaps toward a food item of their own, and first there are a few fish swimming in the new direction and then they all follow and the entire school, even if miles long, will gradually turn to move in the new direction, either away from danger or toward a reward.

And that's exactly how the futures Market reacts every day. At first one of the schools of traders hears a bit of a news story and so he buys lots of contracts of wheat or gold or silver or soybeans or orange juice or coffee or oil or hog bellies. Then, another fish nearby will see this, get curious and try to find out why this fellow bought his contracts. Since both traders are after the same thing, a profit, It's not hard to understand why they might eventually learn the same bit of information and react in EXACT THE SAME FASHION. It's not like Chess where one person makes a move and the opponent makes a counter-move.

In futures trading, the winners and the losers are all moving the same way. Only one way can make money in each trade. The person betting that a commodity is going to go down in price will make money when that actually takes place. The trader betting that the commodity is going to go up in price will make money ONLY if it eventually does, because in either case the value of your contracts are worth more or worth less depending on how you bet. If you go SHORT, you're betting that prices go down. If you go LONG, you're betting that prices will go higher.

And when I saw the traders of all these commodities as schools of fish, I realized that I could be like the Fisherman. All I had to do was watch the direction of the schools of fish and then move my boat in the same direction. In this way I would catch more fish. And ever since that day, I have consistently earned over 50% on my money every year. It's not as much as some, But It's better than most FUTURES TRADERS EVER REALLY SEE.

They'll talk up a blte streak, But the money they make year in and year out is the only real measure of success. What good is it if I make a Million one year and lose a Million the Next. I'm no better off than where I started, in fact, its a horrible loss just to break even because of the amount of lost time.

So, if you really want to make some money FAST to pay off that mortgage or get enough together for a Down, look into FUTURES TRADING, But HEED THIS WARNING. If you try to trade without expert advice and up-to-the-date information, you will lose alot of money. We provide a CHARTING SERVICE OF Any the mhor commodities for only $35.00 per month. If you are going to do any trading, this service, which will give you all the best recommendations for getting in and getting out of a contract at any given time. There are other services we will tell you about once you become a Subscriber, But AT A MINIMUM, don't TRY TO TRADE without some kind of charting service.


AS FAR AS I KNOW OUR SERVICE IS ... the only one we know of that FAXES YOU, THE BEST CHARTS IN THE MARKET FOR MAKING A PROFIT EVERY NIGHT, for only $35/mo. All you do, once you are a Subscriber, is you wait for our FAX every night and then make a buying or selling decision the next day based on what we show you in the charts.

For more information on making money in the Commodity futures Trading Market, order our Electronic Book, similar to this one, entitled, 'MAKING A LIVING TRADING FUTURES'. It's only $10 and it could be the start of making a Fortune for you. In it we continue to discuss this exciting market and teach you everything you need to know to be successful. My sincere desire is that no one of our readers goes running off now to a broker to try his luck, because you will lose. Take my word for it.

There are several things you need to know and you need to have in your hands before you can hope to make a profit in this investment area. It's not for the faint- hearted and It's not for the inveterate gambler because too often you will make a decision based on emotion. In this market, you have to be like a fisherman watching the schools of fish in his radar. This is the kind of information that you can only get from the charts taken daily of each school of fish, or what most people call - THE MARKET.

Basically what we are trying to teach you is a sense of economics that will get under your skin so that you will be better able to put your priorities in order. In order to be a success in this economy, you need to have each and every dollar paid and/or given to you, working as hard as you do and if you can get your money to work 10 times harder than you do, you're well on your way. Put another way. If you currently $25,000 per year, you should also have a system working for you that earns you at least another $25,000 per year, or you're getting nowhere.

And if you found a way to put your money to work to earn this much, you would do it, wouldn't you? Of course you would. But what if you discovered a way to make your hard-earned money earn another $250,000 per year while you did your current job? You'd be crazy not to do that too, right? Well, that's the potential behind good money management. By doing it right, you could have your home mortgage paid off in a year or two, five tops!

By then, you are still a young man and you have your health and you can lay back and enjoy life a little. Not enough people enjoy life. This is why you see so many nasty people on the freeway, flipping you off, cutting you off, speeding by, trying to get somewhere 2 seconds before you do. This is because too many of us just don't see the forest for the trees. Too many of us understand so little of economics we get stuck in the run and think that the only way to make money is to get into that crazy contraption of the 20th century, the car, and go off to do someone else's dirty work, a job. Financial Freedom means that you never have to put on a tie again. You never have to wake up before dawn if you don't want to and it means that you will probably live 10 to 20 years longer than the guys who are still working the Rat Race. Did you know that on-the-job STRESS is the number one killer of men in this country today? This is the sad truth. More men die of heart attacks and other diseases brought on by stress than any other cause, even smoking!

So, learn to relax. KNOW that there is another way. You're going to need to stay at that job another couple years to get enough money together so that it can earn as much as you and your family needs, But this is a much better prospect than working there the rest of your life and having nothing to show for it except a social security check at the end. When you know that you've placed a time limit on your present job, you'll be surprised at how much more enjoyable it is. You're gonna miC these folks. Think about it.



It's a strange law of nature, But there it is. If you can afford to lose this money, the COSMOS has a habit of making it grow for you, But if you're deadly scared about losing it, the COSMOS will take it away. There are reasons this happens like this. More in FUTURE ISSUES.




In other words, if you will copy all these files and zip them up and UPLOAD THEM TO ALL THE LOCAL Bulletin Boards you can find, this will result in many hundreds of users registering this program. For each one that does, you get a commission of $10. As you can see, this can add up to thousands of dollars per year with only a couple hours of your time because once they're uploaded, they generally stay there for years.

ALSO, IF you're A SYSOP, we'll pay you $1.00 for each REGISTRATION that your members make via your Board. This could also add up to thousands of dollars per year that you make on this one program. That may be enough to buy that new FASTER, BETTER MODEM, or TO INSTALL AN EXTRA COUPLE OF LINES! (A SYSOP CAN EVEB BE A HELPER.)

So, if you're a SYSOP, advertise this program in a NEWS FLASH OR ANNOUNCEMENT ON THE ENTRY SCREEN and you could have lots of extra cash from us. Get your Subscribers to become helpers and the potential income goes up exponentially.


Not only do you want to save money to buy that new house, But you will want to earn as much money as you can to improve your rate of savings. One easy way to make more money is to take advantage of every opportunity to earn a little bit with little or no effort. Then find as many of these opportunities as you can, But always being careful not to waste money on scams. One really good way to earn a few extra hundred dollars THIS YEAR is to help us distribute this program.

FIRST, YOU NEED TO REGISTER YOURSEyF. We have a half-off $10.00 REGISTRATION, that will get you in our Database as a commisionable member, getting other members to subscribe. We then send you back a fresh disk of this program with your serial number on the ORDER FORM. That way, we can tell who to pay the commision to, when the order forms come in. So, REGISTER TODAY, as a HELPER. You can even make a few extra BU)S by paCing around copies of the disk to your friends. But Remember, It's not the disk or the set of programs you have now that will get you your commision. You can circulate these two with our permission, But in order to get your commission, you have to order our HELPER UPLOADER KIT, which is a new disk with your serial number which we cannot do until you send us your Order form with all pertinent information about you along with the $5.00 fee. This includes Shipping & Handling and is only for those who want to help us spread THE WORD OF PROSPERITY and good Fortune to others. So, do yourself a favor and do the rest of your community a favor as well and become an Assistant Uploader to BBS'es in your local community.

And while you're at it, you should also send in the form to sign up for our Long Distance Savings Service. This will immediately get you back the $5.00 investment in our program. You will save many times that much ............ON YOUR OWN PHONE BILL ... SO, IF YOU ALSO switch to our LONG DISTANCE PLAN AND GET SOME COMMISIONS FROM US, you're WELL ON YOUR WAY TO PAYING FOR THAT HOUSEY

AND...the future issues of this Magazine will save you hundreds perhaps thousands more, so It's a wise investment and if you do upload copies of this Magazine to your local Bulletin boards, new members in your area will subscribe too, But their order forms will have your serial number series on them. We will know who you are because you have registered with us. Then we send you checks in the mail.

AND ... WE'LL ALSO SEND YOU A DOZEN MORE PROGRAMS that pay you a commission for helping to spread them around! Now, multiply how much you can make in just a few hours.



THE NEXT CHAPTER HAS A NICE GRAPHIC ON HOW MUCH YOU CAN MAKE HELPING US. On the left hand side is the number of BBS's you can upload this program to in your area. Some people will only have time or be able to find only ten BBS's. Some of you more fortunate will be able to locate 20 or 30. Some might even find the time to UPLOAD us to 90 or perhaps more boards. In this projection, we assume that only x% of the Average BBS clientele will DOWNLOAD OUR PROGRAM each year. AND WE INCLUDE a small 5% increase because we will be getting more and more publicity and more support and more word-of-mouth advertising each year. So, you can see that by the end of the 10th year, flalong the bottom, there is a substantial income being made by our helpers. Bear in mind this is only with ONE PROGRAM. We'll send you many more if you want us to.

The more checks you have in the mail, the smaller your monthly burden. This is one of your goals from now on: To lower your monthly burden. Cancel subscriptions to magazines you don't get anything from. cut up your credit cards and get out of that cycle as fast as you can. Pay off all your debts as fast as you can. don't acquire any new ones and look for ways to earn money. Do what we did in the beginning. We figured up our monthly necessities to the Penny. Rent, Cable TV, (I refuse to do without my Cable TV.), food, transportation, clothing, etc. And we came up with a number. Then we added a couple hundred for emergencies. This was our rock bottom living expense. Next we figured out how much we could count on to come in every month from wages, book sales, etc. Then we looked at how much we needed to feel as though we were making progress toward that new home. Then we simply set our mind on that goal and never varied from it.

Now, We're living in a beautiful home overlooking Monterey Bay, mortgage-free and plenty of money in the bank during a time when most people are afraid of losing their jobs. If you're one of them, you need to follow this program along and begin IMMEDIATELY. Life is not any fun when you're constantly worried about what might happen if .... We know because we've been there. that's why we wrote this book. The opposite feeling of security and stability and non-worry is absolutely Heaven compared to the other.

So, to earn a few extra dollars, find the BBS's in your area. They can probably be located in any computer type of newspaper or Magazine. If not, let us know when you subscribe and we'll find some for you and send them to you. Then, you make sure that all our files are intact and are LOCATED IN ONE SUBDIRECTORY OF YOUR PC. Then ZIP THEM UP USING PKZIP.EXE AND UPLOAD THEM TO EACH BBS. Each one might have hundreds of Subscribers to this Magazine making for potentially thousands of commissions to you from us. So, give it a shot and in future issues of this Magazine, we will have more activities from other companies that can help you earn another few thousand per year. Add it all up and you will soon have your down payment, or you will have paid off your mortgage years earlier.

If you're interested in helping us get uploaded to your local BBS's please check off the box on the subscription form when you send it in. This is how you will be registered to receive any commissions when they come in from your serial number.

BUT WE NEED TO KNOW that you are going to do it so that we can put you in our database of helpers. So, even if you're only slightly interested in earning money in this way, please check off the 'HELPER' box.


P.O. BOX 7885

Graph 4A

Typical bank loan
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Typical bank loan

Graph 4B

Your home working for you
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Your home working for you


We have talked a little bit about playing the futures Game to make money for your nest-egg. We wanted to have another go at it here, so that people who are totally unfamiliar, which is most of us, with Commodities Trading, could get a quick primer so that you are up-to speed and better able to assess the potential of this new Global Economy We're in.

Trading the future price movement of Coffee, Gold, Silver, Currencies, Soybeans, Wheat, Hogs, Cattle, Orange Juice, T-Bills, Stock Market Indexes, is like going to las vegas and putting your money on a crap table.... MOST OF THE TIME. But what if you had a chart of all the winning and losing tables in a casino and you waited until there was a trend developing, you could see a table either losing all the time or winning all the time, sometimes for days or even weeks before the trend vanished and you went back to random winning and losing. Well, in such a condition, you might consider this a good investment vehicle instead of merely gambling, wouldn't you?

This is essentially the nature of Commodities futures Trading. It is a risky game because if you just enter the Casino and put your money down on a number, your odds of winning are 50/50 at best. Whereas, if you watch for trends, listen to the news and are really, really disciplined with a trading strategy, YOU CAN CONSISTENTLY MAKE MONEY. And We're not talking about phony-baloney lottery schemes. This kind of investing has made millionaires of more people than any other kind of investing you can mention, second only to Real Estate. And these days, Real Estate is making paupers out of most of its former Millionaires or even Billionaires, case in point, Donald Trump.

So, what is the best strategy to make money here? It's very simple and we use it to our advantage every day. We wait until the crowd makes a move, then we simply jump on board the bandwagon. Remember the fish story I told earlier? This is how to avoid huge losses and make lots of small profits. We don't get greedy and this is how we reduce the risk, because the longer you stay in any of these very volatile markets, the greater the odds are that you will give back your profits and even get into loss territory. The way to play this game is to take your profits and just cherry pick the best opportunities.

Now, to give you an example of what we mean, we have prepared a chart, that is not a complete representation of what happened, But It's very close to historical, and close enough for our purposes. When you subscribe to our Charting services you get the Open, High yow and Close in each market we're following. HOWEVER, for reasons of simplicity, we've just summarized the price move for the period in question.


What this shows is that you would have to be totally blind, deaf and dumb not to see the trend in Soybeans developing in late July. The price had moved down below Y cents a bushel. (EACH CONTRACT = 5,000 BUSHELS OF BEANS. Therefore, each .10 cents of a move is equal to $500 profit or loss depending on whether you had guessed the correct move, up or down. This is the fun of Trading futures prices.

Now, think back to the summer of 1993. What major even do you remember seeing on the news, night after night? It was the FLOOD OF '93, THE WORST FLOOD IN OVER A CENTURY, many newscasts called it. Now, what happens when the biggest, richest farms in America get flooded right in the middle of growing season? The supply of grains, corn, wheat, soybeans, is reduced by the flood damage, right? And what happens when the supply of any commodity is reduced? The price goes up, right? And that's exactly what did happen and the schools of fish at the Chicago Board of Trade, people we know as Traders, all went in one direction. You can see it on the chart of Zone 21st to July 12th, 1993. For about fifteen straight trading days the price of Soybeans went up and it went up about $1.20 per bushel or from about $6.00 to $7.20. Now, each penny of price increase is worth $50 in profits if you're LONG, or buying Beans.

So, if you had been paying attention to the news from the angle of a Global Economic Price Trader, you would have heard about the flooding in early Zone. You would have then watched the market for a few days. Then you're patience would have been rewarded if you had seen the trend developing to the UPSIDE ON OR BEFORE JUNE 21st WHEN IT STARTED MOVING ABOVE $6.00. And if you have invested $2,000, it would have been worth $7,000.00 just three weeks later, the original $2,000 would have returned a 350% profit in just a few weeks. Remember each penny is worth $50 profit, so a $1.20 is = to $5,000 profit or $50 x $20 pennies. It's simple if you just take a few minutes to do the math on any market you're dealing in.

We sent Faxes to all our customers who are Subscribers to our FAX TRADER'S HOTLINE and they all received this chart with a big arrow pointing at $6.00 beans. Why was this one so easy to predict? The news of the flooding just got worse and worse every night. The price had already fallen to a very attractive level even without a flood. So, it had to go up and sure enough it did and you would have make a fast $7,000 for ever $2,000 you put in. So, if you put in $10,000, you would have seen $35,000 just a few weeks later. Duplicate this great trade a few times a year and you will soon be able to retire and work a few days a week and only for a few hours a day from your home.

But before you quit your regular job, remember this. Most people lose tons of money in Commodities. So, What's the catch? Most people go into it without the adequate fondation of discipline and strategy. We give you both for only $35/mo. If you take our subscription to FAX TRADER'S HOTLINE, you'll get charts like this every night. You just wait for the right one to come along. AND WE'LL LET YOU KNOW, and you can reduce your risks and increase profit potential.

Now, past experience is no predictor of future earnings. However, one thing we can guarantee you is that there will be more weather and there will be more price fluctuations in commodities. An interesting idea to point out is that if something had happened to make for a predictable PRICE DECREASE, we would have advised you to go SHORT. So, you can make just as much money on a price falling as on a price increasing in this game. So, opportunities always present themselves no matter what the economic conditions in the world. There will always be change and there will always be price movements. We want you to make money on these movements. It's really that simple!

As soon as you realize that this is the simplest game around, it becomes part of you. You must be able to go Short too. This means that you sell a commodity at one price hoping that it goes down and if it does, you BUY IT BACK LATER and pocket the DIFFERENCE AS PROFIT. It's really the same as going LONG, But the OPPOSITE.

Now, if this is all perfectly clear to you, you're doing very well and could probably get started saving and making money right away, But if anything I have said and shown to you in the graph is not perfectly clear to you, you're not ready. Re- read this and other sections of this Magazine, if you really and truly want to be successful and free of any financial worries.

that's it! Just Do It! or Just Re-read it!

Graph 5A

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The house, the money and Everything!

THE EQUITY < IN RED > in these two graphs above are extremely useful to visualize everything we have been talking about in this book. You can go ahead and DO NOTHING, and you will live in your home, But unless the equity is continually getting bigger and bigger, the bank can come in and take the house away from you if something catastrophic should happen to you. If you lose your job, or you get sick, the house is HISTORY.


AND THE 2ND ONE IS ACHIEVED BY PAYING AN ADDITIONAL $100 PER MONTH TO REDUCE PRINCIPAL EVERY MONTH. This is over and above the standard payments. Seems tough? It isn't if you've been paying attention.

What you see in the previous CHARTS SHOWS EXACT how much more money you could have in the next few years if you cooperate with this program. This is just a conservative projection, because if you take all the advice in this book, you will not only have this kind of income, But the money we generate for you will continue to work hardest for you in some of the investments we talk about here and we talk about more in future issues.

So, the best thing you can do, IF you're SERIOUS about becoming financially independent is to take these steps.

1. Become a Subscriber and even a Helper to this Magazine.

2. Start saving money every way you can. The object is to save at least $50/mo. Sounds easy, But then why haven't you done it? You want to know why? You have not made it a priority in your life. Now make it a priority and watch the difference in your finances. It will start slow, But soon it will begin to build up to something.

In order to get this investment capital together you can:

              SUGGESTION:                   AVG.  SAVINGS 
saves gas, wear & tear etc.)

or at least slow it down


Print out the Long
Distance Savings Plan
Forms in next chapter


If you owe lots of money in several different areas, like a car loan, Dept. stores. Credit cards, etc. Go to a loan broker or if you're in real deep, a credit counselor. For a very nominal fee, they will consolidate all your loans so that your interest is much less and we've seen many families save over $200/mo this way. This doesn't include Home Refinancing, by the way.


Forget about other RULES OF THUMB you've read on this one. If you bought your home at a higher interest rate than what you can get today, go for it, even if you're savings is only $25/mo. Why throw away $25./mo. You can pay for a weeks worth of food with this. The trick is don't PAY POINTS. There are many banks today who don't charge a fee to take your home mortgage over. These are the ones you want to talk to. If there's no fee to switch, you can save money immediately by Refinancing. I don't care if you plan to move in 2 year or even 2 months. Things change. Take the cash. Invest it.


               GET OUT OF BAD DEALS                $10/MO 

This last technique is something that you build up to. When you want something. Ask yourself if you really NEED IT IMMEDIATELY. If the answer is 'NO' or 'Maybe', then put off the purchase until you see the item on sale and I mean a real sale. Half of what you expected to pay is a REAL BARGAIN. This becomes a habit and my family saves an average of over $100/mo, by simply waiting for things at our price. But needs differ and the average person usually doesn't have our skill that we've built up over decades. Everything takes time. But for every dollar you save, REMEMBER, this represents TWO DOLLARS, you didn't have to earn. because you don't pay taxes on savings. Uncle Sam has not yet figured out how to do this, so benefit from this temporary loophole in the tax yaw.

               START A BUSINESS                    $300/MO

This is the biggest place you can save BIG MON- without any hassle at all. The last tax loophole the government can ever close is the one for Self-Employed because this is 50% of the economy. There will always be preferential tax treatment given to people who run a business, even if out of your home, because the economy grows this way. If you already own a business, start another one. Instead of giving your kids an allowance, if you do a little mail order or you repair TV's or you have a gardening service or you bake for the local supermarket, you are now self-employed and you can Deduct the expenses of paying your kids a SALARY TO HELP YOU, instead of the non-deductible allowance. This saves you about $50/mo in taxes for most households. You can also start deducting clothing, travel, meals & entertainment, (although they've pared back this one to 50% of actual expenses.) and MANY OTHER THINGS. More on this in future issues.

But the total savings from turning a hobby into a small business is as much as $5,000 per year for many people. This represents a huge start in your savings & investment plans. It's money that don't have to be giving the government to throw away on their own pet projects. Throw at your pet projects instead. You don't have to get a license. You don't have to spend any money. You just go about your life the way you do now, But deducting some of the things you spend already. You should even go to your employer's accounting office and change your W-4 by adding deductions to equal what you think you're going to save in taxes. This way, you can be taking home $100, $200, $300 or more every month. Everything we've told you is totally legal, by the way and cannot get you into any trouble with the tax man. They want to encourage people to become entrepreneurs and this is why the tax codes are set up this way. Hopefully, you will become successful at this second occupation and someday it will be profitable, bear in mind, you will have to pay taxes on that profit, But for the first couple years, you will probably have a loss ON YOUR TAO RETURN ONE because of all these new deductions. Therein lies the savings. You don't have to make a profit. The tax laws state that you only 'Have to have the intent to make a profit'. Since many businesses don't get profitable for several years, you're in no hot water.

More on this in future issues of this Magazine.

The above is only a partial list of things you can do to save money in your household. It is meant only to stimulate your thinking. The point we are promoting in this book is that ANYONE can start to save money, and put this money to work for them, sort of like having a slave working for you out there in the job marketplace. We call this investing for profit. It's not an easy game to play. You have to have some common sense so that you don't get snookered into a scam. You have to be patient. You have to be willing to learn alot of new tricks. You have to be sensitive to the economic environment. You have to be sensitive to the changing social patterns. For instance, you wouldn't want to invest today in tobacco because government subsidies to tobacco farmers are on their way out. This means prices of cigarettes will rise. They are also thinking about taxing liquor and tobacco, the so-called sin tax, and though it might not happen this year, eventually they will have to turn to this method of raising revenues. This means people will smoke less. So, buying a tobacco stock or farm would be foolish.

However, if all these things happen and people turn to drinking more coffee to replace tobacco, you might want to buy Coffee futures. This is the kind of investing we use to make more than 50% per year. But We're cautious with our money and we don't do anything unless a chart tells us to do it. (Remember the fish story in the last chapter.) By simply following the crowd, you can get rich too. The trick is not to stay with them for long, because the crowd is fickle and they sense new dangers and listen to new gossip every day, so you want to take a profit and then get out and look for the Next trend. This is smart investing and it works. It will always work and it will just get more and more profitable because the price of everything is very changeable and GLOBAL ECONOMICS demand that things continue to change for the next decade at least.

This is really the best way to get rich today. Trading the future prices of things due to global economic trends. For instance, the Japanese Yen in going up in value and some people foresee a time when the Yen will be equal in value to ONE US DOLLAR. Bear in mind that just a year or two ago, you needed 150 Yen to buy one US dollar. So, this is an incredible change in the world of economics. What does it mean for you? It means that by being sensitive to this kind of trend you can move your money into YEN and have many more DOLLARS by temporarily storing your money in YEN. It's a way of thinking about futures that I wanted to share with you. Although this is not the mechanics of futures Trading at all. But if you truly want to get rich in a short period of time or at least buy that home, or pay off that mortgage, this is something you and I will investigate together in FUTURE ISSUES of this Magazine.

So, by investing in FUTURE ISSUES, you'll learn about the FUTURES and your FUTURE can and will be much brighter.

Thank you for downloading and reading this FIRST ISSUE of Money Making Magazine. If you like what you read and think that this might be something that would lead to much more money in your pocket, please go to the subscription chapter and the subscription form will print out on your printer.

The Publishers.

Graph 6A

Upload income potential
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Upload income potential


This is a QUICK SUMMARY of what we've learned.

1. If you want to be financially Free in this world it takes some kind of sacrifice add you have to save money somewhere unless you're lucky enough to have someone give you a little money.

But even a little money is dot enough these days. So, you have to have a little money word hard in duplicating itself so that it can grow into lots of money. By saving you can get that little pot of money add by investing the savings you can make your money work hard to support you add your family.

2. One of the best things to do with your money is to buy a home add put a roof over your head add stop paying rent. The home is traditionally your best investment because its value goes up by about 5% per year AND your mortgage, if you pay it off early returns 10% for you, if that's your interest rate.

Think of it this way. If you continue to pay your mortgage for the term set in the contract, you are being charged 10% of a lot of money. The average New Mortgage load is about $150,000 today. That comes to about $15,000 per year in INTEREST CHARGES Now, imagine if that was a credit card. Most of us would dot be able to afford that kind of interest every year on a credit card. So, if we pay it off, We're that much better off without all that debt.

The home mortgage is the same thing. Pay it off add you're so much better off, except dow, you have a roof over your head. So, as long as your mortgage doesn't have a pre- payment penalty, this should be your FIRST INVESTMENT AREA. because you're guaranteed a 10% return on your money, if that's your mortgage interest rate.

But what about people who got in at the bottom of the cycle add have low interest rates on their mortgage? Well, very few of us are lucky enough to have a 5% mortgage or better, so even i% is a good return add these people would still be better off pre-paying on the mortgage. But if you have a mortgage rate of 5% or less, usually this is a variable rate, add so It's only a temporary condition of the load. You can still pay off early in ANTICIPATION OF THE FIXED RATE BEING HIGHER. Or you can pay off early only for THE LUXURY of getting rid of the mortgage sooner.

You can see that there's always a better reason to pay off the mortgage early thad in continuing to waste money every month add live a little too high on the hog add thinking in terms of paying forever. things change in this economy add you must be prepared for anything. For better or worse, We're dow living in a Global economy. With dew trade agreements being made each day, we become more add more like a giant country add We're all competing for the same jobs.

3. The solution is to work hard add make your money work hard for you too. Everyone reading this can be financially independent within a few short years by applying the age-old, tried & true techniques of success. saving money, exercising extreme thriftiness AND putting those savings to work. After a roof is secured for our family, food add clothing add other deceCities are secured by making wise investments.

Trading on the price swings in various commodities like Gold, Currencies, Oil, Coffee, Orange Juice, Soybeans, Wheat, Oats, etc., we are putting THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC CHANGES to use for us!

4. There are many ways to save money. Add we give you WHAT SHOULD BE YOUR FIRST MOVE, right here. saving money on your phone bill add other utilities cad, for most families, generate simple moves can pay the mortgage down significantly. (See Chapter 6 - HOW TO BEGIN, to stimulate ideas.)

Please, do it dow, while you're still thinking about these principles add you have our program UP AND RUNNING.

AND NOW... for a limited time, to make it even easier to get you to your financial goal of TOTAL FINANCIAL FREEDOM, we are going to make it even more attractive to start saving money.

1. Remember, our Long Distance savings Plan gives the same great service as MCI, because it is MCI But purchased at wholesale prices. (Never pay retail.) AND THE SAVINGS ARE GUARANTEED. If you don't see at least 10% savings (5% for business) over any Plan you dow have, this company will pay your entire month's Long Distance BillY They will also pay the $5.00 charge your phone company will charge you to switch Long Distance Services. SO, IT COSTS YOU NOTHING TO START SAVING TODAY! (many individuals add many businesses will save even more. The savings are based on a minimum for all Long Distance customers.)

AND even more attractive for our Subscribers. When you send in a completed Long Distance Request Form, we will immediately mail you back a SAVINGS COUPON WORTH $1,000.00 in discounts on major computer UPGRADE hardware add software. Everyone with a computer, will upgrade sooner or later, add this is a way to do it add save $1,000 over the next few years. Another lump sum to use to pay your mortgage early or get that first investment capital together.

Go to the next chapter add print out the APPROPRIATE FORM. If you have a personal phone bill, go to the personal Agreement Form. If you have a small business, go to the business Request Form, PRINT THEM OUT, FILL THEM IN, MAIL THEM IN. It takes a few minutes add you could be saving hundreds per year.

This FIRST ISSUE OF 'MONEY-MAKING MAGAZINE'.... gives you just a small hint of the possibilities of becoming financially independent or truly rich. We in America have almost come to accept this dream of success for Everyone as almost a part of the fabric of everyday life. Add for many decades, it almost seemed tragic add odd that someone would dot make a success of themselves in America. But today, conditions are far different, add even college Ph.D.'s are scrambling around looking for a job.

This magazine is ad attempt to return the FAITH IN AMERICA to as many of us as is possible. We hope that you will be ode add that you will spread this good WORD of hope add optimism to as many people as you cad. We even give you a financial incentive to do so.

(Look at the Graph YA, on how a few uploads of this program can make you money. Red is 10 UPLOADS)

If you upload this magazine to Bulletin Boards in your area, anyone who subscribes to this magazine EARNS YOU a $10.00 commission. If you live in a fairly good sified area with lots of computer users, many hundreds or even thousands could subscribe through you. First, you must register with us add we give you a dew set of files with your Registration number on the SUBSCRIPTION FORM so that we know who to credit.

So, Register with us. If you check off the Helper box on the Subscription Form add send it in with a check for $10, (half the reg. subscription fee) you will be on your way to making lots of moneyY Then, if you invest it wisely add utilize our futures Charting Service, you could win IN A BIGGER WAY. You could soon be on your way to getting very rich.

(See Chapter 6 add the Graph 6A of HOW TO MAKE BIG BUCKS FAST.) But once again, we echo the warning that you should dot attempt the futures game without lots of expert advice, whether It's us or some other advisory service.

Well, that's about all. We hope you enjoyed reading our newest electronic magazine. We have lots of other good reading, so if you enjoyed this ode, add feel you got something out of it, why dot order another title that you'll find on the MAIN MENU.


Thank you and God Bless America!

sending ...
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