Prozac's Personal Gaming Report (April 1999)

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: P R O Z A C ' S \/ P E R S O N A L G A M I N G R E P O R T :
: APRIL 1999 :
It seems after you put your time in the gaming scene you should look into creating a gaming report as a way to kick back, but still be involved in the gaming scene. Many gaming reports have come and gone, and this report is pretty a much a month by month trial basis (but from the positive feedback I've gotten so far, it isn't going to stop soon): When I get bored or too boggled down to handle the report, I just won't do it. This report is not 100% bias-free, as I am currently with the group Class and all attempts to abstain a truly unbiased report can not be fully possible. I had thought of calling this report "Prozac's Slightly Bias Report", but that'd be just a rip off TRC's old bias gaming report. This report is sort of a hybrid cross (no pun intended) of Just the Facts & Mason's Gaming Report in the scoring system and monthly gaming report.
My personal history in the gaming scene
If you're reading this report and you have no clue who I am, I will give a history of gaming warez life. I've actually been in the scene since '92, and was a big-time courier & utility supplier up until about mid-96 where I decided to plunge into game supplying hardcore (before this I had supplied small games to small groups, but nothing significant) by helping startup a group called Illusion. When Illusion died in Oct. 96, I went over to Prestige until they finally disbanded on Dec. 31st 1996. On Jan. 1st, 1997, I joined a newly founded group called Class with ex-members from multiple groups. At this current time I'm still with Class and very active for the group, even through some hard times.
Rules of a release (May be revisions, amended and modified at any given notice of one month. A % will be placed next to the rule if one has been modified or added in comparison to last month):
- This report will uphold to The Faction's rules, including the disk limit of 50 * 2.88M disks. Any release that purposely breaks The Faction rules will have -1.0 points deducted.
- % Trainers and Update Cracks will receive 0.5 points. A trainer that is an exact duplicate with the same functions of another group's trainer will receive 0.0 points. Non-working trainers and uncracked updates will receive -0.3 points. A group that release a duplicate cracked or beta update will receive -0.5 points.
- A game, trainer, patch or addon mispackaged will receive -0.5 points.
- % A game must work 100% to receive all of the points of the game. -1.0 points will be deducted if a game requires a major fix. If one group fixes another group release to make the game functional at the beginning, that group that fixed the release will be transferred the release points and the original release group will receive -1.0 points for the game. If a game requires a minor fix (Uncommon .DLL file, etc.), a group will be deducted -0.5 points. A game infected with a virus will be deducted -1.0. A crack/fix must be released by a major group in order for any points to be deducted.
- Trainers, patches and add-ons for an over-the-limit or ISO release will receive 0.0 points. Any group who releases an add-on that didn't originally release the rip version will get 0.0 points.
- Add-ons for a game: a maximum of 2 are allowed for one game and will receive 0.5 points per add-on. These add-ons must be 100% completely functional with the original release and be under 25 disks, or the add-on will receive -0.5 points.
- % If an official add-on is released as a standalone, it will be treated as a full release. Official add-ons for a game that are not standalone will receive half the points of a full release. Unauthorized or unofficial add-ons will receive 0.0 points.
- If two groups put out one game at the same time, the winning group on the FTP sites will receive the full points, and the losing group will receive 0.0 points. A dupe from a release last month or several months ago will receive -2.0 points.
- If a game is proven to be a beta, and the final is put out that month, the group who releases the final will receive the release points, and the group releasing the beta will be deducted -2.0 points. If a final is put out the next month or several months down the road, the group that released the beta will receive -2.5. The points from the group that released the original beta will have its points deducted from the yearly total. Beta to final patches from a group will receive up to 2.0 points, and the original group releasing the beta will be hit with -2.0 (less than a month old beta) or -2.5 (over a month old beta) points for the infraction.
- Games intended for kids, edutainment or just plain lame (Ex. 3D Maze Man) will receive -1.0 points.
- Any rule found to be broken after the monthly charts have been released will still have it's points removed from the yearly total in the next months charts. The original points will be removed along with points removed depending on the infraction.
Scoring System
The scoring system mixes both JTF & Mason's report with this formula:
- Rating. This is based on how good the game is. This can collect between 1.0-4.0 points depending on the quality of the actual game.
- Company. A release will receive 0.1-0.5 points based on what company the game was published and/or developed by. The more well-known the company, the more points it will accumulate. An example is a game from EA will receive 0.5 points, while a game from Webfoot would receive 0.1 points. The game will not receive any points in this category if it breaks a rule like being a dupe or beta.
- Popularity & Anticipation. This depends on how awaited and how well receive the game is, like Quake 3, or if the game is a surprise smash hit, like Grand Theft Auto. If it's an unknown game by an unknown company, like Rising Star, it'd get 0.0. This can receive 0.0-0.5 points. The game will not receive any points in this category if it breaks a rule like being a dupe or beta.
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Release Name & Company Date |Rating|Comp.|Popu.= Total |
| | | |
Starshot +3 Trainer 04/01| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Jimmy White 2 Cueball (c) Virgin 04/01| +3.0 |+0.5 |+0.3 = +3.8 |
Virtual Deep Sea Fishing (c) Interplay 04/01| +2.9 |+0.5 |+0.2 = +3.6 |
Requiem: Avenging Angel (c) 3DO 04/01| +3.7 |+0.3 |+0.5 = +4.5 |
Requiem: Avenging Angel 3DFX Addon 04/01| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Requiem: Avenging Angel D3D Addon 04/01| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
High Heat Baseball 2000 (c) 3DO 04/01| +3.4 |+0.3 |+0.4 = +4.1 |
V-Rally Trainer -PDM WON 04/01| 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 = 0.0 |
Requiem: Avenging Angel Cheat Codes 04/01| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.5 = +0.5 |
Sci-Fi Pinball (c) Fox Interactive 04/01| +2.8 |+0.3 |+0.2 = +3.3 |
Baseball Edition 2000 (c) Interplay 04/01| +3.0 |+0.5 |+0.3 = +3.8 |
Sci-Fi Pinball Trainer 04/02| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Trophy Buck v1.01 Cracked (c) Sierra 04/02| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Requiem v1.1 D3D Patch Cracked (c) 3DO 04/02| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Hell Copter (c) Ubi Soft 04/03| +3.0 |+0.3 |+0.2 = +3.5 |
Hell Copter Good Reg. -REG FIX 04/03| -1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 = -1.0 |
Hell Copter +9 Trainer 04/04| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Sports Car GT (c) EA 04/06| +3.6 |+0.5 |+0.5 = +4.6 |
Extreme Wintersports (c) Head Games 04/07| +2.3 |+0.2 |+0.1 = +2.5 |
Atari Collection 2 (c) Midway 04/08| +2.5 |+0.2 |+0.2 = +2.9 |
Great Battles Collection v1.1 (c) I-Magic 04/08| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Sports Car GT Save Game & Cheat Codes Cheat 04/08| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
V-Rally Full Cheat (Cheat Codes) 04/11| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Football Mogul (c) Wizworks/I-Monkey 04/11| +2.3 |+0.2 |+0.1 = +2.6 |
Triple Play Fix -FIX BY RZR 04/12| -1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 = -1.0 |
X-Wing Alliance Level Skip 04/13| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Baseball Edition 2000 v1.2 (c) Interplay 04/14| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Yoot Tower (c) Sega PC 04/14| +3.0 |+0.4 |+0.3 = +3.7 |
Sega Puzzle Pack (c) Sega PC 04/14| +2.5 |+0.4 |+0.2 = +3.1 |
Malkari (c) Interactive Magic 04/16| +2.9 |+0.3 |+0.2 = +3.2 |
Golden Tee Golf Golf Addon (c) ITS 04/23| +2.9 |+0.2 |+0.2 = +3.3 |
Championship Manager 3 NT Update (c) Eidos 04/26| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Guardians of Darkness (c) Cryo 04/30| +2.9 |+0.2 |+0.2 = +3.3 |
Operation Art of War 2 (c) Talonsoft 04/30| +3.1 |+0.2 |+0.2 = +3.5 |
Monthly Total Points | +64.3 |
Notes worth mentioning
Welp Class came back on the 1st with a vengence, and never really let go of the month. While PDM made a run for the #1 spot, CLS ended up as #1 for the first time in the month of April. While it wasn't a pretty month for CLS, at least they showed the scene they aren't even close to death.
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Release Name & Company Date |Rating|Comp.|Popu.= Total |
| | | |
Civilization:Call to Power +1 Trainer 04/01| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
North Vs. South v1.2 Cracked (c) I-Magic 04/09| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Hoyle Backgammon & Cribbage (c) Sierra 04/20| +1.7 |+0.5 | 0.0 = +2.2 |
Redline Update v1.1 (c) Accolade 04/30| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Monthly Total Points | +3.7 |
Notes worth mentioning
Another ho-hum month for DVN, putting on one measly title to show they are alive in April. This was not a good month at all, and it shows that DVN is just another idle group.
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Release Name & Company Date |Rating|Comp.|Popu.= Total |
| | | |
SiN v1.04 Cracked (c) Activision 04/04| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Warzone 2100 +2 Trainer 04/05| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Livewire (c) SCi 04/16| +3.0 |+0.3 |+0.2 = +3.5 |
Battle of Britian v1.01 (c) Talonsoft 04/20| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Actua Ice Hockey 2 (c) Gremlin 04/20| +2.9 |+0.3 |+0.2 = +3.4 |
Chess System Tal 2 (c) Oxford 04/21| +2.3 |+0.1 |+0.1 = +2.5 |
Wild Metal Country (c) Gremlin 04/22| +3.0 |+0.3 |+0.3 = +3.6 |
Warzone 2100 v1.01 -Beta Patch 04/24| -0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = -0.5 |
RT2: The Second Century (c) G.O.D. 04/24| +3.6 |+0.4 |+0.4 = +4.4 |
Railroad Tycoon 2 v1.05 Cracked (c) PopTop 04/26| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Worms Armageddon Patch (c) Team 17 04/30| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Monthly Total Points | +19.4 |
Notes worth mentioning
While the UK team came back and dominated in April, the US side has seemingly disappeared. Maybe they should just stick to just the UK side, so they can at least concentrate on what they're good at.
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Release Name & Company Date |Rating|Comp.|Popu.= Total |
| | | |
Grand Theft Auto:London 1969 (c) ASC Games 04/01| +3.8 |+0.3 |+0.5 = +4.6 |
V-Rally (c) Infogrames 04/01| +3.1 |+0.3 |+0.4 = +3.8 |
V-Rally +2 Trainer & Cheat Codes 04/01| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Imperialism 2 v1.02 Cracked (c) SSi 04/02| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Dead Reckoning DX6 Patch Cracked (c) Piranha 04/02| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Hell Copter +7 Trainer 04/02| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Creatures 2 Deluxe (c) Mindscape 04/06| +3.0 |+0.3 |+0.3 = +3.6 |
Beatdown (c) Hot-B 04/09| +2.8 |+0.1 |+0.2 = +3.1 |
Civ 2 Gold v1.3 Cracked (c) Microprose 04/13| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Boss Rally (c) Southpeak 04/13| +2.9 |+0.2 |+0.2 = +3.1 |
Axis & Allies v1.33 Update (c) Hasbro 04/13| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Boss Rally All Tracks & Cars Cheat 04/13| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Microsoft Baseball 2000 (c) Microsoft 04/14| +3.1 |+0.5 |+0.3 = +3.9 |
Microsoft Baseball 2000 PBP Addon 04/14| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Microsoft Baseball 2000 Music Addon 04/14| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Machines (c) Acclaim 04/14| +3.6 |+0.3 |+0.4 = +4.3 |
Yoot Tower Money Trainer 04/15| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Blaze & Blade (c) THQ 04/15| +2.9 |+0.3 |+0.2 = +3.4 |
Machines Money Trainer 04/15| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Cosairs (c) Microids 04/15| +2.9 |+0.2 |+0.2 = +3.3 |
HOMM3 v1.1 Update Cracked (c) 3DO 04/16| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Blaze & Blade FIX -FIX 04/16| -1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 = -1.0 |
Blaze & Blade +6 Trainer 04/16| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Myth: The Fallen Lords v1.3 04/17| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Starsiege v1.002 Update Cracked (c) Sierra 04/20| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Wild Metal Country Trainer 04/22| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Tribond (c) Patch Products 04/23| +2.3 |+0.1 |+0.1 = +2.5 |
Bubble Hero 2 Trainer 04/25| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Gangsters #3 Patch Cracked (c) Eidos 04/26| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Midtown Madnes All Cars & Tracks Patch 04/27| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Resident Evil 2 v1.04 Cracked (c) Capcom 04/28| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Official Formula 1 Racing (c) Eidos 04/29| +3.0 |+0.5 |+0.3 = +3.8 |
Warzone 2100 v1.01 Update Cracked (c) Eidos 04/30| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Monthly Total Points | +48.9 |
Notes worth mentioning
Well Paradigm was at it, and tried very valiantly at the end to make it four in a row, but fell just short of the goal. While it was a decent month for PDM, I'm sure this month was a fluke in losing, and should be rocking it next month.
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Release Name & Company Date |Rating|Comp.|Popu.= Total |
| | | |
Populous: Undiscovered Worlds +6 Trainer 04/08| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Triple Play Fix 2 -FIX FOR CLS REL. 04/12| +1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +1.0 |
Midtown Madness (c) Microsoft 04/23| +3.7 |+0.5 |+0.5 = +4.7 |
Bubble Hero 2 (c) Lonisoft 04/24| +2.5 |+0.1 |+0.1 = +2.7 |
Bubble Hero 2 Trainer +10 + Passwords 04/26| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Starsiege Tribes v1.4 Cracked (c) Dynamix 04/29| +0.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 = +0.5 |
Monthly Total Points | +9.9 |
Notes worth mentioning
Yet again RZR does the 1-big-title-month for the 2nd month in a row. RZR should maybe look into changing their name to RAZOR 1-TITLE-911 (j/k :) . It doesn't seem like nothing will change in the month of May, and we should expect to see them do one or two titles in May also.
This ranking will not be tallied each month, but this column is worth mentioning games from group not considered top groups in the scene. This is where groups like TPC, Backlash, & Fusion would typically fall under.
Release Name & Company Date Group
Speedy Blupi (c) Escitech 04/01 TPC
Karate Fighter (c) Valu-Soft 04/01 TPC
Atlantis (c) Xtreme Games 04/06 TRD
Extreme Board & Blades (c) Head Games 04/06 TBT
Extreme Rodeo (c) Head Games 04/07 TPC
Extreme Watersports (c) Head Games 04/08 TOS
CARnivorus (c) Macmillian 04/10 TBT
3D Pets (c) Neeechez 04/14 TBT
Real Deal 2 (c) Mindscape 04/17 TPC
Sega Worldwide Soccer Championship (c) Sega 04/20 IND
Red Odyessy: Battlezone Addon (c) Macmillian/Team Evolve 04/21 TPC
World Cricket 99 (c) Eurekasoft 04/26 TPC
Instant Airplane Maker (c) Abacus 04/26 TBT
3D Bug Attack (c) Romtech 04/29 TBT
Notes worth mentioning
TPC finally had an excellent month and are really starting to get the recognition that they desire. When the big titles start coming out of TPC, then I'm sure the groups will take notice. TBT had shortly merged with TPC, then split back, and put out just as many titles as TPC.
Ranking of groups for the month
Group Monthly Total Points
1. Class +64.3
2. Paradigm +48.9
3. Origin +19.4
4. Razor +9.9
5. Divine +3.7
Yearly total so far
Group Yearly Total
1. Paradigm +191.5
2. Class +145.4
3. Origin +73.0
4. Razor +26.5
5. Divine +18.9
Feature of the month
Welp, I know most people are expecting my monthly interview, but all the people I approached, something always happened. I was either declined, or we couldn't setup a time to do the interview. So, there will be no interview this month. I'll try again next month.
(c) PPGR: Prozac's Personal Gaming Report
This report may not be reproduced with out talking with me on irc first.
Check out my weekly gaming report in NWR. Most issues in #nwr on EFNET.
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