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Top Curry Group 3
Top.Curry.Group.3-TCG - 31 July 2004

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Welcome to the third edition of Top Curry Group
This mag will give you every week the details of some gpwk around to show you
the best 0day trading groups.
$$ $$ $$ $$
$$ $$ RULES $$ $$
$$ $$ $$ $$
*A first place rank on a site gets a group 10 points & that amount is multiplied
by the rank factor of the site it achieved their score.
#1) 10 points #6) 5 points
#2) 9 points #7) 4 points
#3) 8 points #8) 3 points
#4) 7 points #9) 2 points
#5) 6 points #10) 1 point
*Release groups won't be counted, only curry interrest us, but if people
clearly known as trader for a curry group have their stats added under
a release group, their megs will be moved to curry stats.
*There won't be 3 sites from the same country listed.
*Stats are collected at 11pm GMT as there are usually not many releases coming
in the evening.
*Sites selected are listed below :
3x : N*
2.5x : A*S - T*S - T*H#
2x : N*D
1.5x : R*N
1x : A* - V*R
0.5x : L* - T* - *
*A # after a site means that it was down when i wanted to collect the stats.
*Total : .nl : 2
.pl : 1
.cz : 3
.hu : 1
.at : 1
.no : 1
.it : 1
.si : 1
$$ $$ $$ $$
$$ $$ NEWS $$ $$
$$ $$ $$ $$
* Been quite a while since our last report, in fact we've been on vacation for
2 years, was kinda great, we back be and it seems that all is even more
fucked up than before. 0day groups now need to recruit some faggets from
mp3 scene to look eliter (some jew fuck?). It seems that beside that gay
biased JEWS ranks nothing really worth it is to be read around here. That's
why we're back, enjoy.
* Of course, you won't see in that mag gay new sites that poped up out of
nowhere (you may think of a .nl site eMpiRe Of tHe dRugS whowhoWHo elite
name) and also no gay polish sites (i said gay). You will not see high ranks
for sites that are almost not supported (even if they've been around for years)
$$ $$ $$ $$
$$ $$ GPWK $$ $$
$$ $$ $$ $$
[n*]: . 01 . AOD ANGELS ON DRUGS 1,733 5,567MB 14
[n*]: . 02 . LT LEGEND OF TRINE 757 1,898MB 6
[n*]: . 03 . MSN MONSHINE 323 1,015MB 4
[n*]: . 05 . AMN AMNESiA 133 401MB 7
[n*]: . 08 . RTS Request To Send 22 91MB 1
[a*s]: [01] AOD AOD 834 2,962MB 18
[a*s]: [02] LT Legend of Trine 520 1,500MB 22
[a*s]: [03] MSN MSN 351 1,304MB 18
[a*s]: [04] AMN AMN 156 426MB 16
[a*s]: [05] RTS Request To Send 82 378MB 8
[t*s]: (01) AOD ANGEL ON DRUGS 4,836MB 24
[t*s]: (02) LT LEGEND OF TRINE 1,611MB 11
[t*s]: (04) AMN AMNESIA 590MB 15
[t*s]: (06) MSN MOONSHINE 227MB 9
[t*s]: (07) RTS Request To Send 170MB 1
No ranks
[n*d]: | (01) ( AOD ) ( Angels On Drugs ) ( 1,138 / 3,957MB ) ( 17 ) |
[n*d]: | (02) ( LT ) ( Legends of Trin ) ( 753 / 2,068MB ) ( 31 ) |
[n*d]: | (03) ( MSN ) ( MoonShine Trade ) ( 345 / 1,024MB ) ( 12 ) |
[n*d]: | (04) ( RTS ) ( Ministry Of Cri ) ( 137 / 421MB ) ( 3 ) |
[n*d]: | (05) ( AMN ) ( AMNESiA ) ( 94 / 259MB ) ( 11 ) |
[r*n]: [01] AOD Angels on Drugs 684 2,048MB -
[r*n]: [02] LT Legend of Trine 433 1,211MB -
[r*n]: [03] AMN Amnesia 210 468MB -
[r*n]: [04] MSN Moonshine 56 151MB -
[r*n]: [05] RTS Request to Send 48 141MB -
[a*]: [01] AOD ANGELS OF DRUGS 1,033 3,559MB 18
[a*]: [02] LT LEGEND OF TRiNE 929 2,910MB 24
[a*]: [03] MSN MOONSHiNE 596 1,709MB 19
[a*]: [04] RTS Request To Send 140 473MB 2
[a*]: [06] AMN AMNESiA 2 5MB 15
[v*r]: | 01 | AOD | Angels on Drugs | 1017 | 3738MB | 35 |
[v*r]: | 02 | LT | Legend of Trine | 1118 | 3380MB | 24 |
[v*r]: | 03 | MSN | Moonshine | 355 | 1184MB | 11 |
[v*r]: | 04 | AMN | Amnesia | 250 | 634MB | 39 |
[v*r]: | 05 | RTS | Request to Send | 43 | 137MB | 3 |
[l*]: [01] AOD 467 1,716MB 4
[l*]: [02] LT 566 1,560MB 14
[l*]: [03] MSN 477 1,150MB 4
[l*]: [06] RTS 59 158MB 4
[l*]: [09] AMN 14 61MB 4
[t*]: [01] AOD Angels on Drugs 722 2,372MB 7
[t*]: [02] LT Legend of Trine 717 2,210MB 13
[t*]: [03] MSN Moonshine 724 1,968MB 15
[t*]: [04] AMN Amnesia 249 653MB 9
[t*]: [06] RTS Request to Send 13 42MB 2
[*]: [01] AOD Angels on Drugs 1,024 3,443MB 11
[*]: [02] LT Legend of Trine 829 2,487MB 11
[*]: [03] MSN MoonShine 603 2,051MB 4
[*]: [04] RTS Request To Send 330 1,123MB 4
[*]: [05] AMN Amnesia 105 317MB 5
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$$ $$ $$ $$
$$ $$ [WEEKLY] RESULTS $$ $$
$$ $$ $$ $$
| AOD | AMN | LT | RTS | MSN | M8 | EQL | REZ | DEV | TIL | EPT
3x N* | 10 6 9 3 8
3x * | 10 7 9 6 8
2.5x A*S | 10 7 9 4 5
2.5x T*S | 10 7 9 7 8
2.5x T*H# |
2x N*D | 10 6 9 7 8
1.5x R*N | 10 8 9 6 7
1x A* | 10 5 9 7 8
1x V*R | 10 7 9 6 8
0.5x L* | 10 2 9 5 8
0.5x T* | 10 7 9 5 8
0.5x * | 10 6 9 7 8
Total 110 68 99 63 84
$$ $$ $$ $$
$$ $$ $$ $$
Rank Name Full Name Points
03 AOD Angels On Drugs 110
01 LT Legend Of Trine 99
05 MSN Moonshine 84
02 AMN Amnesia 68
09 RTS Request To Send 63
06 EPT Esprit 0
07 TIL Trading Is Life 0
08 REZ Rezurection 0
09 DEV Devotion 0
10 M8 Motiv8 0
$$ $$ $$ $$
$$ $$ $$ $$
Rank Name Full Name Points
01 LT Legend Of Trine 675.5
02 AOD Angels On Drugs 641
03 AMN Amnesia 607
04 DEV Devotion 379
05 MSN Moonshine 295
06 EPT Esprit 115
07 RTS Request To Send 7
08 TIL Trading Is Life 48
09 REZ Rezurection 8
10 EQL Equality 4.5
11 M8 Motiv8 4
$$ $$ $$ $$
$$ $$ REVIEW $$ $$
$$ $$ $$ $$
#1 AOD : Pure domination from AOD this week, toping on all sites even non ranked
ones and especially being number one on sites where premegs are banned.
#2 LT : Good week from LT boys, reaching #2 spot only few points behind teh
angels. Kitt being around 24/7 didn't help that much espacially cause
he wasn't around for the preflood of SHOCK of saturday, sad, sad, sad.
Keep it up cause u know #1 will be back to you soon.
#3 MSN : Place #3 for MSN who could problemless be #1 if they only had all the
ressources they used to have back on time (including peoples like
deuce, boring, gamezz? (hm, no, not gamezz, they got a new jew anyway).
#4 AMN : Few megs dropped by here and there by the amnesic who prolly forgot
everything even that they need to trade to get a better place. Oh
well, they're still in front of RTS, so you're still safe.
#5 RTS : I am pretty sure that if they had another leader and had another name
they wouldn't be number 5 each weak. Think about it mates, maybe time
to drop some stuff you got to build some brand new working group.
That's it for this week, see you on next saturday or sunday for the #4
*Special thanks to all the people sending me the gpwk stats each week!
You know who you are :)