The underwater city of Dwarka, India is 9,500 years old
geometric shapes of considerable proportions in the Gulf of Cambay, at a depth of 36 meters, within an area 5 miles long by 2 and a half wide revealed by the sonar scan

In the year 2001 an ancient city have been identified by underwater archaeologists off the India's coast. The discovery occurred with the aid of sonar scanning equipment which detected non-natural geometric shapes of considerable proportions.
The city covers an area five miles long by two and a half miles wide.
The end of the ice age
The mysterious remains lie under the waters of the Gulf of Cambay, on the western coast of India.

The city is estimated to be about 9,500 years old.
According to some theories, the end of the great ice age would have shaped the planet we live in today. When the ice caps melted and the sea level rose 400 feet, an enormous amount of water poured into the seas. As a result the floods engulfed the coastal regions of the world and all traces of the humans who lived in those areas disappeared beneath the water.
This could then be the drastic event at the root of the many myths about the flood present in several cultures around the world. And many could be, for this reason, the cities and archaeological evidence hidden under the waters of our planet.
Geometric structures at 36 meters depth
The settlement is very extensive and is located 25 miles from the coast at a depth of about 36 meters. More and more scientific evidence is emerging to support the theory that the city found under the ocean in India is particularly ancient. If confirmed, would contribute to revolutionizing all official knowledge on the origin of civilizations and would force archaeologists to revise all the theories elaborated so far.
In that oceanic site there would be gigantic walls and squares and the carbon analyses, performed on the remains and the artifacts found, establish that these are ancient ruins approximately 9,500 years old! about 5 thousand years older than the Egypt's Pyramids and the first cities built by man.
In short, a city that disappeared at the end of the ice age, probably belonging to a civilization swept away by a flood. A discovery of enormous historical importance on which obviously not everyone agrees.
Pros and cons
Tests have been carried out on different materials like ceramics, parts of walls, beads, sculptures and human bones, but the conclusions reached are controversial. The materials examined have been recovered with dredging operations, and some scholars argue that the artifacts cannot be connected with certainty to the place of discovery, as they could have been brought there by rivers flowing into the Gulf. On the basis of these objections, for example, the result of the analysis on a piece of wood recovered at the site and dated to about 7,500 BC has been rejected by the archaeologists.
Two scientific institutes have analyzed the samples: the examination performed by the National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI) set the date to 7,190 BC; the Birbal Sahni Institute of Paleobotany (BSIP) provides as date 7545-7490 BC.
In the video above we can see the real images captured by the sonar, unfortunately in low resolution.
Revolutionary discovery
Certainly further insights and analyzes will be needed. If everything will be confirmed, however, it would be a truly revolutionary discovery. It would confirm the existence of civilizations that predated the Flood, or at least a great natural upheaval that occurred in the ancient world. After all, some Indian researchers, analyzing the Rig Veda - the sacred texts of the Hindu religion - had previously spoken of the existence in that place (in a very distant past) of two large disappeared cities located at the mouth of two big rivers.
Regular and anomalous structures
It is very significant that in the circumscribed area the sonar tracing has revealed extremely regular and anomalous structures with respect to the remaining natural environment. Structures that have rightly attracted the attention of numerous scholars.
There is therefore the possibility that under the ocean waters there are buildings that belonged to a pre-Harappan civilization (this civilization is dated between 2,600 and 1,900 BC), which would justify the high technological and architectural level of the Harappan civilization. The origin of the Harappan civilization are still today unknown. The existence of a much earlier civilization would in fact solve the mystery: there has been an evolution over time that has led to the next level of civilization. Surely, the identification of this site is shaking many of the dogmas so far established by official archaeology.
Evidence is emerging that human civilization could be much older than we think. All that remains is to wait for the results of additional tests in order to have additional info.