Carribean Submarine Pyramids and Giza

The Papyrus of Ani in the Theban Book of the Dead depicts an ankh surmounting a djed pillar. The ankh has hands holding a large reddish sphere. In 1970 Dr. Ray Brown, a naturopathic practitioner and lecturer from Mesa, Arizona, made an extraordinary discovery 135 feet down near the Bari Islands in the Bahamas, 20 miles from the edge of the undersea drop known as the Tongue of the Ocean. He saw a pyramid "shining like a mirror" [Brown], about 120 feet high, though only the top 90 feet was visible above the submarine sands. Like the Giza pyramids once were it was smooth, and the blocks so tightly jointed a knife blade couldn't slot between them. The pyramid had a lapis lazuli coloured capstone. It was surrounded by the buildings of a ruined city which, according to pilots, stretches for about 5 miles. Pyramids, domes and arches have been sighted around the Grand Bahama Banks, near Haiti and San Domingo, while extensive ruins are said to lie off Cuba.
[ref: Charles Berlitz, The Bermuda Triangle, London, 1974, pg. 132]
Swimming down a narrow passage he came upon a rectangular chamber with a pyramidal ceiling. Though Brown had no torch the light was clear enough to see by, even at that depth! In the centre of the room was a stone plinth with a flat top with scrolled ends resembling the capital of an Ionic column. [A slab not unlike this one tops a late Roman altar found in the port of Ostia]. On the pyramid slab was "a crystal held by two metallic hands" [Brown], about 3½ inches in diameter. The hands appeared to have been bronze and were charred. The reason for this burning seems to have been the metallic rod hanging down from the central ceiling. The end had a pointed multi-faceted red gem. Was it a laser? The sphere was four feet below the tip. Did the rod conduct energy from the crystal to the capstone or vice versa?
Having failed to remove the rod, he discovered the gem was an easier prospect. According to Charles Berlitz the crystal was spherical with three pyramidal images inside, one in front of the other. They decrease in size. Could they represent the Giza pyramids and, if so, what is the connection? The left photo shows similar features in a pinkish-purple crystal skull known as ‘Amarih’, which has also a strange dagger-like feature.
The crystal has internal features similar to famous skull discovered in 1927 by F.A. Mitchell-Hedges in a pyramid in the Mayan city of Lubaat’un, Mexico. Being criss-crossed by tiny ‘fractures’ and ’channels’ if the rod passed a beam through it the crystal would’ve glowed.
When the pyramid crystal is held, said Berlitz, a throbbing sensation is experienced, “whether by autosuggestion or some other quality inherent in the object” [Charles Berlitz, Atlantis: The Lost Continent Revealed, London, 1984, pg. 105]. A single eye has been seen gazing benignly out. Could this be the Eye of Ra depicted so frequently in Ancient Egyptian art? The crystal also has magnetic properties and apparent healing powers.
A New York psychic, Elizabeth Bacon, said, during a reading, that Thoth buried his Hall of Records near the Sphinx and pyramids. Intriguingly, the Edfu Texts describe the Hall as being, "a pyramid shaped entrance hall surrounded by 12 cylindrical chambers" [the Chambers of Creation], each containing material from a different branch of knowledge. There may be medical equipment, communications equipment, evidence of air travel. If you translate the Edfu Texts literally there is even mention of "power tools".
[Daily Telegraph, Saturday, May 30, 1998]
According to Edgar Cayce, the famous American psychic [d.1945], the records were retrieved before the final destruction of Atlantis. Robert Bauval, using astronomical calculations, aligned the Giza pyramids to the appearance of Orion, the constellation of Osiris, Lord of Rostau [the ancient name for Giza] in c.10450BC! At this time, Orion was at its lowest point in the heavens. Cayce dated the end of the Atlantis from 10700 BC-10500 BC. From readings 378-14 and 378-16 it appears the capstone of the Great Pyramid was "of metal; that was to be indestructible, being of copper, brass and gold with other alloys ... prepared by those of the period."
In the presence of King Araraaraat [was the mountain named after him or he after it?], Osiris, Isis, Horus, Thoth and others, records of the priests of Atlantis were sealed within the pyramid, the capstone being hammered on with great ceremony. Bauval suggested a Cult of Osiris may haveve laid out the Giza site c.10450, the pyramids being built by Pharaohs Khufu, Khafre and Menkaura, beginning c.2450, when Orion was at its highest point. When the pyramid crystal was held, said Berlitz, a throbbing sensation was experienced, "whether by autosuggestion or some other quality inherent in the object"
[Charles Berlitz, Atlantis: The Lost Continent Revealed, London, 1984, pg. 105].
A single eye was also witnessed gazing benignly out.Could this be the Eye of Ra depicted so frequently in Ancient Egyptian art?
Returning to the Caribbean pyramids, in 1948 Ed Wilson, a mayoral candidate from Orlando, experienced turbulence while flying 250 feet above sea level, 45 miles north-east of Miami. From 50 feet he saw "a slanting building like a huge mountain" [Wilson] gleaming in the sun. He estimated it to be 100-250 feet high. Wilson said the air was "a bright crimson hue". Upon returning to the airport Wilson discovered that his radio had been "shorted out by some high frequency shock, or a mysterious high voltage in the air."
During the 1970s Poseidia expeditions, Dr. David Zink of the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado, a tapering column investigated near the South Bimini shore [discovered by Dr. William Bell in 1957], while off Paradise Point, North Bimini, several stone cylinders were found. Gears and cogs were attached to the former and it had radiation burns ... Karen Getsla, a psychic with the expedition saw "clairvoyantly ... energy of a white colour ... radiating skyward from the column's location. She also saw ... more than one energy source, and ... all of them focused in a ring elevated aboutfifty degrees above the sea."
[Dr. David Zink, The Stones of Atlantis, London, 1978, pg. 155]
To the south, and more seaward, Getsla "saw" something similar, but of the "bright crimson" colour witnessed by Ed Wilson.
On the subject of the white energy, in 1977 a pyramid was sighted off the Cay Sal Bank. In 1978 Ari Marshall, a Greek industrialist, searched for it. He said the apex was "about 150 feet from the surface, with the total depth of about 650 feet." From a side opening Marshall saw flashes of light or "shining white objects ... being swept ... by turbulence." He thought they were either energy or gaseous emissions. At a lower level they re-emerged, where the water was "in this deep area ... green instead of black near the pyramid even at night."
U.S. Marine and British Admiralty charts indicate a feature at 250 fathoms [1 fathom = 6 feet] off Cay Sal [23°26N and 79° 43W], rising to 42 feet below the surface. On the British charts, at 23° 34N and 80° W, and 300 fathoms down, is another rise. This reaches 38 feet below the surface.
[ref: Charles Berlitz, Atlantis: The Lost Continent Revealed, pg 102]