DnA 3-1: Index and Monthly Update

Index to DnA Volume I, Issue #3 - (in)Dependence Day, 1993
File Description Author
------------ -------------------------------------------- -------------------
ARTICLE.001 Monthly Update, Announcements, Etc. Pazuzu
ARTICLE.002 Gun Control, Criminals, and DEATH Pazuzu
ARTICLE.003 Justification For Being a "Hypocrite" Pazuzu
ARTICLE.004 Internet Series Part I Pazuzu
ARTICLE.005 Essay by "Tao" (Term Paper) On Hackers
ARTICLE.006 Sixth Column Update Lestat de Lioncourt
ARTICLE.007 The Media Conspiracy Lestat de Lioncourt
ARTICLE.008 Agency Atrocities Issue I Lestat de Lioncourt
ARTICLE.009 Congressional Facts Mach5
ARTICLE.010 Home Explosives Workshop Part III Arclight
ARTICLE.011 Los Angeles: Holocaust 1993 Arclight
Extra Files
DISCLAIM Our Disclaimer
DNA.NFO Info on DnA Electronic Magazine - How to Submit Articles, Etc
REQUEST.DNA Things We Need...
* Next Issue: Sometime in Early-to-Mid August, 1993
Monthly Update
Written by Pazuzu for DnA
Started May 24, 1993
Well, here we are back again with Issue #3.
DnA / Sixth Column Meetings
For the past four weeks, DnA / Sixth Column has been holding meetings for the purpose of disucssing our goals and simply exchanging information. The first meetings were all "core group" meetings, but this last one (June 26) was our first "open attendance" meeting.
In attendance were myself, Lestat de Lioncourt, Arclight and his brother, Mach5, Corwin, Chaos Bit, Phax, Vandal, Renegage, and Highlander. The meeting was a resounding success, and much important information was exchanged, and plans layed out for future Column Operations.
These meetings are not in any way elitist - ANYONE MAY COME! We are based in the South Orange County, California area, so if you are near us, or want to drive on down, feel free to come to one. We welcome anyone who supports our cause, or just wants more information so they can decide for themselves whether or not to support the Cause. We can promise you will not be disappointed.
The meetings (currently) are held at the Round Table Pizza located on the northeast corner of Warner & Euclid in Fountain Valley, CA in the private meeting room on Saturdays from 7pm until whenever we feel like leaving. If you plan to attend, please call DnA Systems to check if the location has changed, and to let us know you're coming.
Quote of the month:
"Know your rights, or else you won't have any."
Many people have heard stories of the coming Revolution and most consider it a pipe-dream of the extreme Left Wing. I was one of them, about a year ago. When my friend Chaos first mentioned the Revolution to me I said "Yeah, sure, what a bunch of bullshit. It'll never happen". Then I noticed that an EXTREEEEEMMEEE **RIGHT** WING magazine, National Review, mentioned the Revolution in practically every issue! Then I thought "Wait a second, if BOTH the Left and the Right are in agreement on the Revolution, it WILL happen". Now, with the HUGE let-down of the Clinton administration, even the common, everyday, non-political working-class dude is starting to think that SERIOUS, RADICAL (and yes, very likely violent) change must happen soon.
Why am I mentioning this? Well, for one, I whole-heartedly support the Revolution, and cannot wait for it to come. And for another, I want everyone to be aware that it's not just the Left that's talking about this. The Right agrees also. Of course, both sides are expecting to get different things from the Revolution, but that's fine - there's plenty of room for both sides. I want everyone out there in the hacker underground to be aware that it's coming, and prepare for it. Computers may be the only communication method available during the fighting, the only way for information to flow. Practice your hacking skills. Being able to hack into Government (read: THE ENEMY) computers will be an extremely useful skill. Also, be ready to fight! If you can't get guns, get swords, baseball bats, knives, crossbows, whatever you can use to kill or seriously injure someone. "Be Prepared" should be every Revolutionary's motto.
So, you're a normal hacker dude, not at all interested in politics. "Why should I care about the Revolution?" you ask. Well, there are several reasons that [1] you should care about it and [2] you should support it!
[1] You should be aware of it because one day, widespread rioting is going to break out. You will be shot at and attacked with fists and weapons. You must be prepared for this. And don't think that this is going to be restricted to the USA - NOT TRUE! I predict that the Revolution will sweep the globe, transforming what were once enemy countries into one huge global community. Prepare now. Even if you don't support it, or even if you don't believe it will happen, at least get a gun and know how to use it.
[2] The reasons for supporting a Revolution are many and you don't have a big enough hard drive to store all the info. However, let's start with a very simple and mild example:
The whole idea of paying for water is absurd. I mean, God (or Nature, or WHATEVER you believe in), put the water here. No one "makes" it. It just EXISTS. Why the hell should we PAY for it? "Well, we gotta pay for the pipes and all that shit!" you say. I say "bullshit!". All that shit has been in place for years now, and has been paid for 100,000,000 times over. Also, the Los Angeles Dept. of Water and Power has been saying for years "Oh, there's NO water, so we have to triple your rates again. We're soooo sorry!" - FUCKING BULLSHIT! Look around you. Do you not see water everywhere? I do. Shortage my ass! Water is fucking everywhere, and more falls all the time. The stupid bureaucratic water companies just want to make more and more and more and more money at your expense - and they're bribing the Government to make it easier to rape us! This whole concept applies to phone service, electrical service, gas, what-have-you - they're all NATURAL resources (phone service is just electric wires!) - and should be almost, if not totally FREE.
This is a very simple and very mild example. But, this combined with the 100,000 other little ones makes for very pissed off people. Pissed off people will eventually do something about it. In the USA, there's the issue of taxes. We pay around 33% of all our incomes to taxes. We're told this is so that we can pay our police to protect us, our teachers to teach our young, and our Government to protect us from other countries and make our economy strong. Well, I have NEWS for them - CRIME is EVERYWHERE, 75% of school kids can't even find their own state on a fucking map (let alone READ!), and our Government is just lining their pockets, and are more concerned with what we're doing then watching what other countries are doing and worrying about the (fucked) economy. Yes, that's right - THE GOVERNMENT IS SPYING ON YOU! Somehow, in some small way, they are watching you. They know more about you than your girlfriend (or boyfriend, or whatever). And you're paying for the stuff they're using to gather all this info. Makes you feel REAL proud of the US government, doesn't it? The Government knows that information is power, and so must you.
So, you're probably wondering how you, an insignificant hacker in a huge world can do about such a big thing. Well, you can prepare yourself. Gather info. KNOW what the Government is up to. KNOW where their main computer centers are located. KNOW how to break into systems. KNOW how to bring them crashing down without warning. BE READY to do this, at a moment's notice, with nothing more than a dumb terminal, a modem, and phone service. KNOW how to fight. If you can't get guns, or don't like them, learn other ways to fight. Swords, knives, bats, sticks, etc, will probably be common weapons during the Revolution. Even if you are a gun freak (as I am), you should STILL learn other ways, because the DAMNED government KNOWS where all the guns are. They tell us that they want all guns registered for our protection, but is that really the case? I don't think so! Read every single anarchy file you can find. Know how to blow things up using common household (or easily obtainable) stuff. DO NOT be afraid to kill. It will become a "kill or be killed" world for a while. Be ready. Don't stand alone. Find a group of like minded individuals (they're everywhere, trust me) and hang out with them. There is safety and victory in numbers. Five dudes with baseball bats should be able to easily wipe out two cops with guns - they can't kill you all, and plus - they'll be scared shitless. Get (or make) some kind of armor. Kevlar is nice - let them shoot you - your Kevlar will save you. If you can't get Kevlar, make metal arm and leg guards, and get some type of helmet. With the right helmet, someone can nail you on the head with a bat, and you'll still be conscious, not in too much pain, and able to strike back.
Just remember, whether or not you believe the Revolution is coming, it will. And sooner than you might think. People are sick and tired of the world the way it is, and it's got to change - radically. The only way is through Revolution, and once people realize that (and MANY MANY of them are already starting to), it will happen. BE READY!
The Scam-of-the-Month Club
This month's scam involves obtaining free AC power service and free telephone service. This may not work in other states, as other states may not have the items you're going to use to get this service, but I KNOW it's "do-able" in California.
There are a few things you will need:
- [a] BALLS - This involves, in some cases, serious danger of personal injury, even DEATH if you fuck up.
- [b] A portable computer that you don't mind lugging around - preferably a laptop or notebook that can run on batteries - the free AC power may not always be obtainable.
- [c] A modem for said computer - make a "dataBeige Box" for the modem - this is simply a modular cord plugged into the modem, and instead of a mod plug on the other end, it has alligator clips just like a regular Beige Box.
- [d] Some electronic knowledge - you may have to cut the AC line and splice in to get the power - THIS IS DANGEROUS - BE CAREFUL
Ok, with that out of the way, on with the scam. Ever notice those electronic freeway signs? Yeah, the ones with the "dot matrix" text on them that change every day or so... Ever wonder how they change that text? Through the phone. Ever wonder how it gets power? Through regular 110VAC current, just like your house.
What you do is find one that's on a section of freeway near lots of trees. Go on the side of the freeway, into the bushes near where the sign would be if it weren't hanging out over the freeway. You should find a phone line and an AC power line. Splice into the phone line with your dataBeige Box, and try your modem out. It should work, and you should now be able to dial anywhere in the world for free. Well, not exactly free... YOU (or your parents if you're a kid and don't work) are paying for that phone line through taxes. Anyway, it's free phone service.
As for the AC part, some of them will have a regular AC wall socket just like your house, and you can plug in and use it. If not, you'll have to splice in with a tap and use it that way. This is very dangerous, and if you don't know how to do it, don't try because you could DIE if you fuck up.
I know a group of homeless CyberPunks living in a camp near one such location, and they call out all over the world for free, and have free AC power to run whatever they want.
Also, some of them don't have the lines running down to the side of the freeway, they're run down through the pole right into the ground. In this case, the only thing to do would be to climb out onto the sign itself and do it from there. This is exceptionally dangerous, since if you DO fall, and even if you survive that sudden stop at the end, you will be ON THE FREEWAY and will most likely get run over by several cars moving at very high speeds before the coroner comes to hose you off the pavement. I would recommend finding another sign. I've only found 2 that don't have the lines run to the side of the freeway.
Last Minute Update: CitiBank Revisited
I know the CitiBank rips are probably getting quite old for some of you, but my god, they make it so easy, and their abuses are so heinous.
Well, ShittyBank's done it again - a new commercial. This is the one where they talk to all these Happy Loyal CitiBank Customers (i.e., paid actors) and they say how great CitiBank is...
"CitiBank Customer Service Employees are so nice!" - Yeah, and for 21% interest, they damn well better be!
"Their anti-fraud program makes me feel really safe - I know they're interested in protecting me." - No they're not, they're interested in protecting themselves, because you're not liable anyway if someone uses your card. They're only acting in their own best interest.
"And they even put my picture on the card!" Yeah? So fucking what? And for this you pay 21% interest?
I really can not believe how scummish ShittyBank is. Actually, all credit card companies are scum, so if you MUST have a credit card, get the NRA Visa Card - at least then 8% of your money is going to a good cause.