DnA 4-1: Index and Monthly Update

Index to DnA Volume I, Issue #4 - Labor Day, 1993
File Description Author
------------ -------------------------------------------- -------------------
ARTICLE.001 Monthly Update, Announcements, Etc. Pazuzu
ARTICLE.002 The Sixth Column Update Lestat de Lioncourt
ARTICLE.003 Agency Atrocities #2 Lestat de Lioncourt
ARTICLE.004 Fun with ANSI Bombs Vandal
ARTICLE.005 Making OC Gas Arclight
ARTICLE.006 Explosives Workshop IV: Thermite Arclight
ARTICLE.007 Personal (LEGAL!) Weaponry Lord Patch
ARTICLE.008 Modifying Fireworks Crime Lord
ARTICLE.009 CCITT Phreaking ZNote (Scotland)
ARTICLE.010 History of the Underground Crime Lord
ARTICLE.011 Internet Series Part II Pazuzu
ARTICLE.012 Assembler Tutorial Part I Horsepowr
ARTICLE.013 An Interview With Aristotle of NuKE Jackel
ARTICLE.014 Commentary on Enclosed .GIFs Lestat de Lioncourt
ARTICLE.015 Other Governments Part I: South Africa Shezz (S. Africa)
ARTICLE.016 The Infamous "Dupe Letter" Pazuzu
ARTICLE.017 Irwin Schiff's Inquisition: Court Transcript Lestat de Lioncourt
Extra Files:
FOIA-01.GIF FOIA Request Response proving you DON'T OWE any taxes, ever.
FOIA-02.GIF FOIA Request Response admitting IRS has no power out of D.C.
* Next Issue: All Hallow's Eve (October 31, 1993)
Monthly Update
Written by Pazuzu for DnA
Started July 6, 1993
Issue #4! And where are all the fools that said we wouldn't last to Issue 2?
New Stuff & Continuing Series This Issue
In this issue's "Agency Atrocities", Lestat reports on a KILLING by an off-duty IRS agent - a KILLING that was UNWARRANTED - a KILLING that has gone UNPUNISHED. Be sure not to miss Agency Atrocities #2.
Also this issue:
- The Definitive Guide to ANSI Bombs the the 90's by Vandal
- CCITT Phreaking by ZNote
- A Beginning Assembler Tutorial by Horsepowr
- Personal (Legal!) Weaponry by Lord Patch
- Part II of my Internet Series - This time focusing on Entertainment
- A Complete History of The Computer Underground by Crime Lord
- Plus all the regular stuff you've come to expect...
DnA Magazine Goes to PRINT Starting With Issue V!
Due to overwhelming requests and our driving desire to bring this information to EVERYONE regardless of whether or not they modem, DnA Magazine will go to print beginning (tentatively) with Issue V. DnA will still be available over normal cyberspace channels, but for those that can't get online, or just want it in print, it will be available, for $15 a year. Check on DnA Systems for subscription information.
Also, a limited (to 20 copies) edition of our first hardcopy issue, signed by all the authors will be available for $15. This may not sound like much, but just think... Don't you wish you had a signed copy of 2600 #1????
The Demise of CyberCrime & The Future of Real Underground Nets
Well, Midnight Sorrow did it AGAIN! Just dropped the net with no warning, nothing. Just one day up and sold his computer, and that's it. The net still exists thanks to the work of Net Distortion and Cavalier, and everything looks good so far, but who knows what will become of all the power struggles going on? Therefore, I have started DnANeT. For info on this new and very different network, download the file DNANET.NFO from DnA Systems.
Rebuttal to all the "Drop the Political Crap" People
I've received tons of mail lately from people saying "Hey - I thought you were a Hacker magazine! Drop the political stuff." I have 3 things to say to them:
- We aren't a hacker magazaine per se, we're a "Cyberpunk" magazine, and that encompasses MANY things.
- Between my Beginner's Guide to the Underground and all the info in DnA #1, I've divulged everything I'm willing to give out - We need more authors to write stuff for the "hacker" part of the Magazine.
- (THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT!) - I have chosen to have all the political stuff in here because being a hacker has always been about "beating the system". Also, if you don't KNOW the laws, how do you expect to be able to get away with BREAKING them? You NEED to be able to just say "fuck off, get lost" when the feds come to your door with a CrackerJack Box search warrant (Lestat will go into great detail on this one). Another thing: (this one's for you warez guys) - 90% of the warez busts I've researched (I've looked into about 10) are prosecuted as "license violations". Now, I really don't see how they think they can get away with that bullshit, seeing how I don't know of any warez guys that actually BUY the warez on their boards - they simply get uploaded. In case you didn't know, you can't violate a license agreement you never even SAW, so the case is TOTALLY BOGUS! NOTE: The other 10% of the cases I looked into (1 case) was actually legit, but only because THE IDIOT SYSOP WAS CHARGING FOR ACCESS TO HIS WAREZ SECTION - THAT IS TOTALLY ILLEGAL. DON'T *EVER* CHARGE FOR ACCESS TO YOUR WAREZ! So this is another big reason we have a lot of political and legal stuff in here. BTW, Lestat and I have determined that the Government and Law Enforcement operate 98% on strictly BLUFFING! They commit all these atrocities with the assumption that no one will question their actions, and the second someone does it's always "Sorry, charges dropped, you're free to go... Don't call the media!" ...
Someone on Digital Decay (he will remain nameless; those on DD know who I mean...) posted something to the effect of "Let's face it, phreaking and hacking are illegal, and if you get caught, you're totally fucked." Well, that's only partially true. Phreaking and hacking are illegal, of that there's no question. But so are murder, rape, child molestation, robbery, drug dealing, prostitution, etc. When anyone committing any of those crimes gets busted, the first thing they do is hire a lawyer. So would any hacker that gets busted. But, if you're "totally fucked" anyway, why not go one step further and avoid court in the first place? Why not use the legal system and the fact that these "Law" Enforcement Agencies either [a] don't know the law or [b] assume you don't and therefore lie, to you to your advantage? Why not fight them every step of the way, starting with their arrival at your door? You're "totally fucked" anyway, so what's to lose? You might be surprised when they run away, and beg you not to call the media.
This "I'm totally fucked, so I'll just accept what happens." attitude is 90% responsible for the shape of this country today. Did the fathers of this country think "We're fucked, there's nothing we can do, so let's just stay here in England."? No! They didn't. They FOUGHT, and they WON. Did all the Communist haters of the world just say "Communism is here, there's nothing we can do, so we'll just ignore it."? No! They FOUGHT Communism, and now Communism is DEAD (basically). Somewhere along the line, the people of this country lost their fighting spirit, their will to change what's wrong and make it right. I agree it's not easy. The government has lots and lots of resources and brainwashed cronies to help them. It WILL NOT be easy. But, things that are easy are usually not worth achieving. Since when have you ever felt good about breaking into a computer that has no passwords? Yeah, pretty lame. Easy. You feel better, prouder, stronger, more powerful, more satisfied when the system has tons of security, 64 bit binary passwords, etc., and you finally get in. So it is with anything. Think about the girl at your school (if you're a guy of course, girls can't really relate to this analogy... sorry gals...) who sleeps with every guy she dates. Imagine you go out with her, and fuck her. Not a great feeling is it? She fucks everyone. You'd feel much better if you slept with some girl you liked for a long time, went out with her a bunch of times, etc, then finally she says yes, and you sleep with her. Much better. So it will be with this uphill battle against corrupt, power-hungry, greedy, downright DESTRUCTIVE and MURDEROUS government. It will take years of fighting by lots of people working together against this common foe, but when we finally succeed (and we will), it'll be great. The country will finally be free again.
"Well, if there's no law that says taxes are mandatory, and that wages are taxable, won't they just change the law?"
"Well, wouldn't that be admitting they've been fucking us all this time?"
"Uh, ummm... I see your point."
Quote of the month: "Don't EVEN try to plead any of your Constitutional Rights, or I'll toss your ass in the slammer!" - Anonymous ATF agent during Idaho bust
The Scam-of-the-Month Club
This month's scam doesn't involve getting anything for free, at least not directly anyway. What it will allow you to do is obtain another complete, separate identity, and the wise will immediately see the value in this.
There are several ways of doing this, and while I've never done any real research on the legality of this, I'm sure it's illegal, so don't get caught, and if you do, it's your own fault.
The first way is not a way I would recommend, but it is known to work. What you do is take on the identity of a dead dude. That's right - you search the obituaries for some dead dude and then take on his identity. This is rather dangerous considering some people get dead for a reason, and you don't want Mr. Genovise the mob Concigliari (who offed this guy) thinking he's still alive, and then having him (who is now YOU!) offed again.
By far the best way is to just make up some name. To get all the paperwork you need - birth certificate, social security card, and driver's license - can be a huge Catch-22: You can't get a DL without an SS card and/or Birth Certificate, you can't get a Social Security Card without a Birth Certificate, and you can't get a copy of a Birth Certificate without a Social Security Card and/or DL to prove who you are. I've found a way around all this! I've taken my technique from the good ol' Government - It's called "BLUFFING"!
This is what you do: Go to a small hospital - BUT, make SURE they have a Labor & Delivery room (and that the hospital was around on the date you're using as your birthdate!), else this will fail - and go to the Records Department and say "Hi, I'm Louis Cypher. I was born here at 7:06PM on June 6, 1966, and I'd like a copy of my Birth Certificate." (NOTE: Use the bogus name you came up with, NOT Louis Cypher, unless you WANT to be arrested - insert your bogus name anywhere "Louis Cypher" appears in this article!)
<stupid records hose-beast will search records> "We've no record of your existence, Mr. Cypher."
"Why don't you look again?"
<bitch checks again> "No, sir. You were never born."
"Listen, cunt, I'm telling you I WAS BORN HERE AND I WANT MY FUCKING BIRTH CERTIFICATE RIGHT THE HELL NOW!" (NOTE: You might not want to get this hostile just yet)
At this point, the snatch will probably go get some management-type object. DO NOT be alarmed - this is a bluff, you must not back down! Remember, you're smarter than them.
<Management Flunkie> "Can I help you sir?"
<You> "I doubt it. Are you the supervisor?"
<Management Flunkie> "Why yes, I am."
<You> "Good. This incompetant witch over here says I was never born."
<Management Flunkie> "Well, what is your name and date of birth?"
<You> "My name is Louis Cypher, I was born at 7:06PM on June 6, 1966."
<Management Flunkie> "Well sir, my underpaid wage-slave was right, you don't exist."
<You> "Well, listen, bitch, I DID say 1966, you PROBABLY DIDN'T HAVE A FUCKING COMPUTER BACK THEN! Maybe my info never got entered when the hospital went computer."
<Management Flunkie> "That's true... Wageslave, type up a manual birth certificate for this man."
<wageslave types birth certificate>
You may have to go through a few more rounds before you get your certificate, but it WILL work.
Now that you have a bogus birth certificate, you can go to your local Social (in)Security Office and get a Tributepayer Identification Number (commonly known as a "Social (in)Security Number"). With that you can get a Driver's License (even though you're not a "Driver", neither am I), and you're on your way.
With all this bogus ID, I'm sure you can figure out things to do. I'm not going to tell you what they are, because it's all illegal and I never break the law. :)