DnA 5-1: Index and Monthly Update

Index to DnA Volume I, Issue #5 - November 2, 1993
NOTE: As of December 1, DnA will be strictly monthly, released the first
of every month
File Description Author
------------ -------------------------------------------- -------------------
ARTICLE.001 Monthly Update, Announcements, Etc. Pazuzu
ARTICLE.002 The Sixth Column Update Lestat de Lioncourt
ARTICLE.003 Arclight's Update Arclight
ARTICLE.004 Backstabbing Among Patriots Lestat de Lioncourt
ARTICLE.005 Fun With COCOTS Doc Hench
ARTICLE.006 A GTE Press Release Our Friends at GTE
ARTICLE.007 How to Fight Telephone Fraud Pacific Bell
ARTICLE.008 Agency Atrocities III: FEMA Lestat de Lioncourt
ARTICLE.009 Counterfeiting in the Nineties Pazuzu
ARTICLE.010 Introduction to Sovereign Citizenship Pazuzu
ARTICLE.011 The Canadian Tax Revolt Arclight
ARTICLE.012 Slater C/O Project: Phase I Pazuzu
ARTICLE.013 More Unique Weapons Ideas Lord Patch
ARTICLE.014 Interview With Rock Steady (with .ASM) Jackel
* Next Issue: December 1, 1993
Monthly Update, News, Etc. (and SOTMC!)
Written by Pazuzu - September 7, 1993
(C) Copyright 1993 Digital News Associates
Welp, here's Issue V already... Is there any way we can pull off an encore to Issue IV? I think so.
New News
DnA Magazine is now available via anonymous FTP!!! FTP over to ftp.netcom.com, and go into directory pub/pazuzu ... Under there, you'll find all issues of DnA, as well as some other useful and/or interesting files. I'll be rotating the "other" files on and off, so keep checking, maybe you'll find some really cool stuff you were looking for. BUT, DnA will ALWAYS be on there, probably a few hours (maybe even days!) before it hits the BBS you normally get if from. DO NOT mess with the "pub/dna" directory, it's not ours - some asshole on Netcom has the account name "dna". I'm trying to fix that.
DnA has officially changed its name to Digital News Associates. We will still (of course) be known as "DnA", but our official "full" name is now Digital News Associates. This is to present a more professional image to our newer readers who may not be familiar with how things are done in the Underground, and who could be offended by the old name. You will also notice that all DnA articles are now COPYRIGHTED. This is to HALT all the rampant plagiarism I've seen lately of DnA articles. I've seen at least 20 instances of people taking DnA articles, changing the headers to display their handles, and re-distributing them as if they had written them. This must not continue. DnA is now copyrighted, and any unauthorized re-publishing of DnA articles WILL BE PROSECUTED. DnA is a free magazine (provided you get it digitally), there isn't any reason to pirate it. If you want to quote an article from DnA in an article of your own, just ASK us, and we'll let you. We just want to be asked. You have been warned.
Also, some of you will actually be reading this ON PAPER! IN PRINT! This is our first official "in print" issue! We are selling printed copies at the rate of $1.50 per copy or $15 for a one-year subscription. These are U.S. rates only! For Overseas rates, contact us on DnA Systems [714-646-9180] for information.
The amount of information available via DnA Systems BBS has practically DOUBLED since last issue, especially in the Sixth Column area. We now have a file area for information on Sovereign Citizenship. Sovereign Citizenship status should not be as difficult as it is to attain, as the U.S. Constitution intended EVERYONE to be sovereign, but the good ol' Government has made it fairly difficult - but you can still do it. We have all the info you need to make informed decisions. We also added a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) area, containing info on FOIA, as well as several "FOIA Kits" and text and .GIF files with some FOIA responses. The underground info area has also grown quite a bit recently. I now have complete collections of all the major underground magazines including Phrack, LOD/H, CdC, UxU, and CUD.
In this issue, we report on our first major group projects: The surveillance of the Slater C/O and the Irwin Schiff seminar. The Slater C/O surveillance project has long been a goal of mine, and we finally got down to doing it. It should be a very informative article, as well as provide a model should you wish to do the same at a C/O local to you. The Schiff seminar should prove to be a very enlightening experience for all involved. EVERYONE should read the Schiff article and if you're still in school, PLEASE PRINT IT OUT AND GIVE IT TO YOUR PARENTS!!!!!
Other Features this Issue:
- The Return of "R0d3nt of the Month"!!!
- Lord Patch on Weaponry
- More phun from the NuKE Dudez
+++ all the regular stuffs that make DnA DnA!
Quote of the month:
"If we settle for nothing now, we'll settle for nothing later. If we don't take action now, we'll settle for nothing later."- Rage Against the Machine
TheftyTel Slime Found
TheftyTel, the scum LD provider hated by every hacker in 714, was visited by several DnA authors recently. We found them in the Hyatt building located at Harbor and Chapman in Garbage Grove, CA on the third floor. They have a very small office with very high security. This has been provided as a public service announcement to anyone who was wondering where they were, but were too afraid to call and ask. Good luck to anyone attempting a raid.
Vandal Gets Illegally Searched (AGAIN!)
Well, Vandal, living up to his title of "Cop Magnet" got himself illegally searched - AGAIN! I don't know if all of you heard about the first time, I'm not going to go into it here - it would take 20k alone. Now keep in mind, Vandal doesn't DO ANYTHING to deserve all this bullshit - "Cop Magnet" is just a term I slapped on him when I noticed that cops love him so much... :)
We were all sitting at our core meet (location deleted) - these are the meets we hold every Friday night for "core" members, if you want to get involved, email me, and we'll discuss it but I'm not giving out the location of the core meets here! - just sitting there talking. Next thing we know, this Platt Security car pulls up doing like 40mph, screeches to a halt and two Platt Security d00dz jump out, acting real tough. One of them walks to the front of the car and yells "Hey you! Come over here!". Of course we had no idea who the fuck he was babbling to, since there were like 15 of us. So we just sat there and didn't do anything. Then he yells again (this time pointing at Vandal) "Get your ASS over here!". So Vandal goes over, and this SPAM (SPAM is an artificial pork product...) grabs him and throws him against the car and starts searching him, all the time saying shit like "Ok where's the acid?" "We know you're dealing acid! Where is it?" and other such nonsense. Then he lets Vandal go, after not finding any acid on him, because of course, Vandal isn't an acid dealer.
All of us were very pissed off, of course, and decided we should get the names of these donut eaters so we could report them to their superiors and the P0lice, since security guards ain't allowed to conduct drug busts! So Vandal and I walked over to the putzes (they were at another establishment in the same strip mall) and asked for their names. The Asshole one (the one that actually searched Vandal) says "I don't gotta tell you nothing, punk!" So of course I said "Well, I just want to report this CRIME you just committed to your boss" ...
<SPAM 1> "I didn't commit no crime. Fuck you."
SHIT! REAL professional!
<Me> "Well, if you didn't commit any crime, then just gimme yer name, and I'll be wasting my time filing the complaint."
<SPAM 1> "You better get out of here, before I get REAL pissed off!"
<Me> "Alright, that's it, I'm calling the P0lice!"
<SPAM 2> "We ARE the Police."
<Vandal> "No, you're private security guards"
<SPAM 1> (in Vandal's face) "Listen punk you better shut up before I put your ass in UCI!" NOTE: UCI is a county hospital in our area. This SPAMBoy just threatened Vandal.
<Me> "Ah, sir, that's a serious crime, there. You just threatened someone's life. Bad move. Real bad move."
<SPAM 1> "Fuck off, punk, we're the Police."
<Me> "Fine, let me see your badge, then."
[Right about now, SPAM 2 gets a REAL worried look on his face, realizing that his partner is really stupid]
<SPAM 1> "I don't have to show you my badge." ("We don't need no stinking badges"? What's going ON here folks?!?!?!?!?)
<Me> "Then you're not a P0lice occifer."
[SPAM 2 now pulls out his wallet and hands it to me, showing me his Police ID and Badge. Turns out these Platt Security dudes are mostly all off-duty oinkers!]
<Me> "Ok, fine, it's your duty to arrest this security guard here, you just saw him commit a crime"
<SPAM 2> "But he's a cop too"
<Me> "Show me your badge."
<SPAM 1> "Fuck you."
Vandal and I walked away at this point, realizing that we weren't getting anywhere. Appropriate complaints and reports have been filed, and we'll keep you posted on what happens.
This is the first time I have included the "Letters" section, although I have been planning to since Issue 2. I haven't really received any letters yet, so what I'll do is re-print some emails I have gotten both on my BBS and through the Internet.
I'm just starting out. What files should I download? - This is one I get from practically every new user who logs onto my board. The answer really depends on what you're looking for. However, here is a list of the files I personally think EVERYONE should have (all are available on my BBS):
- BEGELITE.ZIP - This is my Beginner's Guide to the Underground
- DNAV1I1.ZIP - All four previous issues of DnA
- SCHIFF1.ZIP - A VERY good intro to the world of Freedom
- EVERYTHING in my Sovereign Citizenship info directory
Also, any issue of Phrack, CUD, or CdC is good stuff. As well as anything by LOD, CHiNA, UPI, P/HUN, etc. As far as hardcopy stuff, if you haven't read Neuromancer, Count Zero, and Mona Lisa Overdrive (they are a trilogy, read them in order) by William Gibson, and you call yourself a cyberpunk, please kill yourself. Also read 2600 Magazine and Wired.
All these colored boxes confuse me! Which ones should I have? - This is another question I see a lot. I'm going to answer it with a list of what all phreakers should have available. It's a sort of "Phield Phreaking Kit". I'm not including any plans here, as any good BBS will have them.
- A Beige Box - This is one of the most valuable tools any phreak could ever have! EVERYone (even non-phreaks) should have a beige box. They're VERY simple to make, any very inexpensive as well (Radio Crack sells the basic phone you need to make one for $14.95). GET ONE NOW!
- A Red Box - This is another very useful and valuable tool and one every phreak should have. These cost a bit more ($40+), and are harder to make, but the benefit far outweighs this. When building your red box, make sure the plans you're following include directions on how to make the box switchable between "red box mode" and normal "tone dial mode", as a tone dialer is very useful in and of itself as some phreaking methods require tone dialing when some COCOTs have the keypad blocked.
- Tools - I carry the basic "Computer Tool Kit" that everyone on the planet sells for like $20. It has all the basic screwdriver sizes you'll need, plus it comes in its own zippered case. I added a pair of good wire cutters/strippers and a pair of pliers to it, bringing the total to like $25. It's a very wise investment.
- A Microcassette Recorder - This can be used for many things including taping phone conversations. It is also a good idea to click it over to "record" if you get caught - GET EVERYTHING ON TAPE! Make sure you get one that's small enough to carry around at all times, and make sure it's voice activated. This will set you back like $50.
- A Flashlight - Light is always a good thing, and flashlights are cheap enough. I'm not telling you to carry around a 6-cell maglite, just a decent quality flashlight that's not too heavy to be carried around with you. You never know when light will be needed.
- A Weapon - This is left totally up the the reader. Some people prefer different weapons over others, and I'm not going to tell you to carry a certain weapon anyway. If you want to carry a gun, go for it. You're stupid, but go for it anyway. Possibilities include knives, walking sticks (hi Patch), stun guns, pepper spray, whatever. I firmly believe everyone who does any phield phreaking should carry some kind of weapon at all times, especially if you venture onto Bell property now and then. When the Death Nazis catch you, use your weapon and bail. They don't have any legal authority to "stop" you, they can only call the cops. However, they usually won't, and it's in your best interest to be able to defend yourself.
- Something to carry this shit in - You should get something to carry all this stuff in, preferably something black or at least some dark color that will be hard to see at night.
If you have a letter, question, or comment you'd like to see published in DnA, email it to myself, Lestat de Lioncourt, or Vandal on DnA Systems [714-646-9180] or email it to pazuzu@netcom.com (internet). We'll publish it in the very next issue. We do not refuse any submissions, although if you blast us, we WILL fight back with a response.
The R0d3nt of the Month
I haven't included a R0d3nt of the Month for several issues due to pressure from another (nameless) DnA Staff Member (sorry LDL, this HAS to be included this time...), but this issue I could not resist. I include this not to embarass or offend the r0d3nt in question (although that's unavoidable!), but to warn sysops of a potential bad risk and annoyance to their system, kinda fulfulling the purpose TSAN used to serve.
This month's King R0d3nt is a truly deservant little schmuck going by (primarily) Frostbite (or Samurai). Although he probably changes his handle once every hour, you will know him by the fact he always uses the same password - "QWERTY". He first got himself flagged as a potential ROTM victim when Vandal noticed he was using the name of a fairly well-respected SysOp as him real name. Now if this wasn't lame enough, the cl0wn logs onto my board, applies new and in his feedback puts "I hope that dick Vandal isn't on here..." Now, Vandal is one of my remote sysops, so I don't know why this little technopeasant even bothered to call. I validated the fool for the fun of it, expecting to delete him later (which of course I did). Then the poor excuse for a gerbil logs on AGAIN - as "Samurai" - but with the same real name and same password (QWERTY). So I acted like nothing was up and validated the idiot, right as he finished logging on new. He chat-pages me like 5,000 times so I finally say "fuck it" and pull him into chat. He proceeds to blast me for being a "Satanist", because it's well-known I'm into the occult, so naturally that makes me a Satanist (yeah, right.). Anyway, he proceeds to rip on Vandal again, and then threatened to crash my BBS (good luck, pal), I gave him the ol' alt-h, and then deleted his accounts. He called back the next day, applied new and left feedback saying "If you don't let me on and give me no ratios I'll report you to the feds". My point is, this guy's a leech, multiple account holder, and out-and-outright R0D3NT. Don't let him on your board if you know what's good for you.
The Scam-Of-The-Month Club
Well, I had a great scam planned for this month, but the originator of the scam told me not to give it out, and I'm going to respect that request and not give it out. Unfortunately, that leaves me with no scam for this month. I'm still ironing out the details on a few others, and I'll have one ready for next issue.
"NuKE 'em all!" to all the NuKE Guys
"Get a computer!" to Vandal & Red Dwarf
"Peace, love, and ???" to Xiguli & Mig ...
"Fuck off and die!" to Singer; Frostbite, Samurai, or whatever he's using this hour; and anyone else who is a r0d3nt.
"Get a real o/s!" to all the guys from DoS (both of them!)
"I DO NOT USE DRUGS!" to [You all know who you are...]
>> EOF <<