DnA 7-1: An Index and Arclight's Monthly Update

Index to DnA Volume I, Issue #7 - February 6, 1994
File Description Author
------------ -------------------------------------------- -------------------
DNA107.001 Arclight's Monthly Update Arclight
DNA107.002 Practical UNIX Tutorial Zephyr
DNA107.003 Introduction to PGP M. Theroux
DNA107.004 Car Modifications for Hackers Arclight
DNA107.005 Hacking High School Records Systems Vandal
DNA107.006 Cracking Encrypted PkZip files Killroy
DNA107.007 List of DNA staff Arclight
Other Files
ORDER.FRM Order Form for DNA Subscriptions and Backup Tapes
DECAD.TXT Ad for Digital Decay BBS/DNA-WHQ
DNA.GIF VGA cover for DNA Magazine
* Next Issue: March 1, 1994
Arclight's Monthly Update
Written 1-30-94
by Arclight
Greetings and salutations! The Digital News Associates are back in cyberspace and better than ever. This months features include an extended update with answers to your letters posted on DNA-NET, a UNIX tutorial by Zephyr, a feature by Vandal on hacking certain school-records systems, an article by Arclight (me) about Car Modifications for Hackers, PGP information by Pug Majere & M.Theroux, and Sixth Column News & Updates by Lestat de Lioncourt. Enclosed also is a VGA advert done for us by LYB-X. (uunet!storcon!dorjam!velt777!lyb)
DNA Magazine/DNA-Net
First off, we would like to update our readers on the status of DNA. Pazuzu has left the scene, having got married and moved out of state. Unfortunately, his BBS (DNA systems) is also gone. If you called and got the"No-Longer-In-Service" recording, this is why. Noone has been busted, and we are all back on track. Digital Decay BBS (714.871.2057) is now the official WHQ for DNA Magazine and DNA-Net. Anyone interested in joining DNA-Net should send crashmail to Arclight, 66:714/2, 714.871.2057 . DNA-Net needs your support, and you will find your input from DNA-Net showing up in DNA Magazine each month.
TELCO Warnings
Upon going through the January phone bill for the BBS line, there was an extra page with an item that caught my eye. It was from "Oncor Communications" and said that I was to be charged for a $5.62 COLLECT call to Ft. Lauderdale FL. "What the hell is this?" I asked myself, knowing that, not only did I not authorize that call, but that would have been impossible for ANYONE to have, since that line is data-only. After calling PacBell customer service and informing them that I was not about to pay up, they explained that it was the result of someone calling me with a "stolen calling card." And they asked me if I had "any idea" who it was. Yeah fucking right! After a short discussion, the customer service rep eventually agreed to credit me for the charges. So, this shows a couple of things:
- They think you really ARE that stupid.
- Don't use CC's to call people who won't know what to say if they get the bill.
So watch it with those CC's!
Backup Tapes
We regret to say that the DNA Systems backup tape is no longer available, as DNA Systems is no longer available. Those of you who ordered your tape will receive an immediate refund. However, the Digital Decay BBS backup tape is now available, at the same price of $30.00, postpaid. This tape includes archives of over 3000 LIVE virii, virus source code, every hacking utility available to us, many meg's of textfiles, a very complete "anarchy" files section with thousands of entries, the full collections of Phrack, CuD, and many other E-Zines, and full descriptions of everything in text format. Use the attached order form, or send orders to:
DNA Magazine
P.O. Box 5342
Fullerton, CA 92635
Make cheques/Money orders payable to "DNA Magazine."
Since many of you have asked, we will include a list of sources for information/materials relevant to DNA articles. Loompanics is perhaps the best source anywhere for books, videos, etc covering just about any controversial topic you can name. The other book companies also carry titles related to explosives, drugs, etc but have a smaller selection.
Loompanics Unlimited (Books on just about everything!)
P.O. Box 119
Port Townsend, WA 98368
Paladin Press (Guns/Expolsives/Etc)
P.O. Box 1307
Boulder, CO 80306
Delta Press LTD. (Survivalist/Locksmithing/Etc)
P.O. Box 1625 Dept. 92F
215 S. Washington St.
El Dorado, AR 71731
Butokukai Books (Many titles about explosives/Silencers,
P.O. Box 430, Dept. SW "Advanced Homemade Fireworks is excellent)
Cornville, AZ 86325
Information Unlimited (Plans/Electronics/Surveilance/Lasers)
P.O. Box 716 DEPT PS193
Amhurst, NH 03031
Firing Pin Enterprizes (Full Auto/Silencers)
Box 80696, Rt. ST
Phoenix, AZ 85060-0696
Barricade Books (Publishers of the Anarchist Cookbook)
P.O. Box 1401
Secaucus, N.J. 07096
Quick Tips
The quick tips section is made up of submissions that were too short to be considered as articles. This month's quick tip is a short explanation of the PGP Encryption System.
The SIMPLE introduction to PGP
By Pug Majere
Copyright 1993 Mythical Productions
PGP, Pretty Good Privacy, is probably the most discussed program in years. With increasing government restrictions on freedom of speech, and other constitutionally guaranteed freedoms, unbreakable privacy is considerably more important now than it was even 2 years ago.
PGP gives people involved with the computer world the ability to take any file, encrypt it, and sent it with very few worries to someone they've never met. This is achieved through keys. Conventional cryptography is designed around one key, which both parties must have. One encrypts the file using the key, the other decrypts using the EXACT same key. This is a definite security risk, if one end of the conversation becomes compromised, all mail to the other is then suspect.
PGP uses a system called Public-Key-Encryption. This system takes a key, and converts it into two parts. The secret key is then encrypted use conventional cryptography with a pass-key only know to the key's owner. The public key is extracted, and inserted into the public key ring. This key can then be distributed to the entire world, with the owner confidant that any messages intended for him will be only readable by him.
Other features of PGP include the ability to sign messages to verify that they came from the correct person, to encrypt messages to multiple recipients, and so on.
Questions and comments can be mailed to:
DnA 66:313/0
CCi 69:4313/3 or 69:4810/0 1
Toxic 12:700/34
Pug Majere
Letters to DNA
The following are taken from the "DNA-Letters" section of DNA-Net.
I am not close enough to call your BBS so I am glad this is now here... I have to say that this is about the best mag I have seen on-line... for any who have not seen it and are reading this then get with it and DL them!
We thank you for your support.
I just wanted to compliment DnA6 for having an article on starting a Net! I needed to know some of the information in there, now all I need is The Fidonet Technical Standards(to create a new node list) and I will be all set. Thanks again, good job!
--- Renegade v04-16 Beta
* Origin: Digital Decay BBS 714.871.2057 (66:714/2)
We hope hope it helped you in your FIDO quest. To create a nodelist, however, only requires the use of a mailer with a Node editor. You can export your nodelist after creating it.
MM> In the first phase of the Key Escrow policy, AT&T will market
MM> telephones with the government's Clipper Chip built in. Communication from
MM> one "Clipper" phone to another will be encrypted and will utilize the key
MM> escrow system. This is obviously analogous to the gov't installing a bug
MM> in your home, and promising not to listen in without a court order.
MM> It is made quite obvious that they will be in charge of the keys and "will
MM> not snoop". Then the name "Capstone" is openly plastered about; its
MM> semantical evidence boldly displayed to all who understand the significance
MM> of "The Great Seal" on a dollar bill.
Here Mr. President. You can take my phone and bug it but you can't listen in unless you're ordered by a court, ok? "Yeah sure kid. Gimme the phone."
MasS DestructioN
* Origin: DnA Systems, Inc * 0.3-14.4kbps * p/h * 7146469180 (66:714/0)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This says it all! It is our real hope that this thing dies quietly, and does not become populat and haunt us for the next 40 years.
Send letters/Comments to:
DNA Magazine:
P.O. Box 5342
Fullerton, CA 92635
or E-Mail to:
(Yes, this is an actual Internet address!)
This concludes this month's update. We hope you enjoy DNA magazine, and once again apologize about it's lateness this month. To get the latest DNA sent directly to you via US mail in either hardcopy or IBM disk format, simply print out and mail the attached form along with payment. Enjoy the magazine!
It's a fact: 89 out of 100 Crack Heads would rather NOT read DNA!