Rev. Daniel Waugh's Fiji Newsletter 7/1993

Christian Leadership College
Fiji Islands
Address in USA
Rev. Daniel L. Waugh
213 S. Liberty Ave.
Endicott, NY 13760
Phone: 1-607-748-2227
July 27, 1993
Dear Modem Friends:
In Jesus blessed name, greetings. I prayed for His richest blessings to be on you; I can only trust that my prayers have been answered.
Regarding our deputation and plans to return to Fiji I can say an unqualified--Wow!! Has this month been an eye-opener...We've as many as 18 meetings, so our itinerary is filling nicely. How many of these will turn into supporters is a matter of prayer. In getting this many meetings we've had to call a great number of pastors, hence our phone bill is $312.00 which is about 5 1/2 times larger than normal.
Please pray for the wherewithal to keep on top of this important necessity.
We were blessed in our evening services on Sunday the 27th. We had Jim Glemboski and his family in our services, they are missionaries to Greenland. Then too, we had Todd and Mary Steltz, missionaries to Bolivia, and Jonathan and Amy Fabian, missionaries to Papua New Guinea, and us. It was like a vast unscheduled, spontaneous, missions conference. The whole evening was a real blessing and the fellowship, sweet.
We are going to the Montrose Bible Conference this July 26th as their morning speaker. I hope that it will bring a good number of opportunities to present our work in Fiji. Please pray to this end.
Pray for our brochure, it's been submitted to Warner Advertising to be printed. We hope it will be ready soon. I wish to thank Brian Warner for his desire to help us return to Fiji and his gracious efforts in printing our brochure. Certainly, the fruit from our work there will abound to his account as well as to the accounts of all who pray and give toward this ministry.
God is instilling in my heart a vision for the work in Fiji and a great longing to return there. May God grant you a wonderful vision for His work through you. May He help you to catch a glimpse of our vision for Fiji and the Christian Leadership College. Vision is all the more wonderful when shared by friends, and you are our friends. George Barna offers the following quote as one definition of vision, he observes,
"Vision is an informed bridge from the present to the future."
May God grant every servant of His a true vision of their ministry.
In The Service of The King,
The Waughs